ran crAit.- .v C I -it J Jt. ' " - . 4 . . A ll I . I I 4 , -a IULUUU. AIMLi 5. i:.r. I, BjJ r. v -ij M I,., tor t. . Tbe arts- of tk tMfli I plats reawiar M. MM tW we hanjd iSw the Vy pJ-lr-t'iirT ' pr,'- ,1 b thtj of psttl "mu a, in tHm, wU be "ilkw, ImmJ uf "' ' Agreeably to tbe hum tsi M-nt, Ue nW Uil ImmiiDi blare tverv Moedai, WtJ. c - 1 a 4 . J ffu 4 u. 4 1 baJ.a a pVt-, wf AwJ - -' , waa p tr i : ; a I. V ... - f, tW, - j of Uu ls.a. "Tf" Wat.UM.WB WO p1 V"' " esws r OH W tW UtfWM -4 w wuerw. lk ; mr4ef4fir e- " T?rw.4 fa fi.. On1! bar b4 Mat I tat Mr. fcw lUnMkr, m tat. ppxtfc Ik Ptr, la. llUlllTMltmillllir 1 T 11 1 M M m.. . k I to IUJ Ul t,. h.,.:..-w ... LZ' i v Wlcm to s Ul U t B - riialtJ 1 be IMiM CUM. ' T" ?" m J? W .tW (ef. -Tk IUJ U& MUfj Cr-Stn f No--York thjajj 1 WJ iL-n-L AjrirolMrJ Soefcy, ftK Mr. J.V.fMoL m. uinid, tha turn rkn k troa fa fet ' kiai 1 ui lui J u i -i. j n.i, vTT artUal till oatj, die ttb of J. aw. T Krli r rai la I'aat TlhW. IUnM.... TL. rU,U -"'-"" V. 4Uri . "TT-"-" ' r V T lot Uouri f L'vtnrW Mca for t!n a., ft.. -a4-4:.. Tlk- aUll -f iLtf f-twl ill hfi .1 ... ... ( J i. aart , .4 i. le-w .1 t .!.. ..." Jleijmision 3iHvar.im Uu. j-s" ai be oti a yhaie ol robbing lUc Ult Xuc Cut 14 tKrw.Wa(,tUJW w PrJt Icxtor ot ilut Isuict. Tha dar tu WtmUticto, ?ler Uvmf lei LU toauirj kOa tUe ctf iteptBAoe nfi (lory, k rctirei kad the tunultuoai teenr of poblia, to (he Mia nu ecul etvoyrafnV of r private lite. Nl-y b there . loi ttqaj i-iak revmrd for kk turmoUi and U. ' Vnor, !a the ratMoi horaiga yf hli t6antry inm1 uut ike proiperk of Li eouvtrjt ad by the rauilsrBtioa aad rirtua of kii futare life, dtat tlt notltti of tiboy who 'would rob kit of the Iw4 rul Wiuh Jot putrioUim, vudon aad valpt bare woa, aad- ibow to the vorid wbare duplicity may be charged opoa kiat tVat )pa tnotrra ere pure, LU prufeuiom alaeere,' and the grand ouua ipriof te all hl jueaiuret, Uie good of mankindi AaW pxper hae receatly been eslali'shed i Jirfreeborougft, i this State, enlilWd .the Jrth-CaroBMd Chn w'ct.- The dlterfMr. amoi SJLOijUt cspouet ftotflunj of Ccn. Jack " SSgns of Ut riW.',-p"AoitLepfs, ene) an inpalling one It is to Meura. Adanii, Clny and Vebilcr,U to be found ia iba fitct, that Uie Illiaoii kfrUUture, at wlitch ooily tha affiliated preasei juitci-ted Mr. Adami wa all oiunipotenL hw c, & Utc court tljvursetl aotit Tliur uay tnorninj, wlwru the Jydje charcu theiMry. ' bo clear anil tontluwve tvrra the evj Jencei in favor of the defenJants that the east was aubtnitted tO tl; jury' V W tJiat the work nn1ernJTnperiirte. IV Of Ika kmHit rj a - ri 7,r"T J-' Oao -arfcw ofit "BfUjtit brown eiloi .aadkaiiopiuioa volJ mitkj c,;Hcm qaitknu. , - , The Board afCe-Ata,! ikrikratore noVr tbe Jrtt artido of thTr-a oTUImmI, adjmtrtwd on MaUay creulnir Ut ' tLte. JuaoM it boCTi -nper-,te4 br the late Caw. acwiiow IpKwraa th L'atfed Siatci "and Great Ura U that eultot.-V4il. ... , ? . , WOiiaV Intel) p-rbr ol)icrf i fhii rvat im- Ui rough the O Vitrrn Sutra which ia aeba. tmastwu at the Caaiberland lUad, it fconitroet ta IKc-vV.ViUbj plan. H'e are rtid to tod, by thw fallowing report te the JTT.I- U nartmrM, fcwm the 9aperuitrnr8Qt tjf the Road, tliatthu yuco. of wad-nuikio-. m hfeid" ed, ttaadi thw tet of exnerunenL P without argument bjr tha attorneji, w!it remrDcj a verutct ot nQi guuly wutiuut ra'i the bo? Pionuu U ' ) deney progreaiei rapidly aa oould have Uvea -Ttpvnu- uniwr a new tyitem. - That pai-t of the Rd opnn wniuh the tjvl hat been rturnir the rmtrr, l,n atood betteptliaa It mot Kinuiiie friend ould-kave epeted, wlu n tl.e :at diat r New Ortcahr. FA. 2 i"L. "mfi ? Tbo wliawins resoluurm was ve8ter-n,us'te,eBmPlT. taken tdto view.' ' indeed day. oBcfed in Uie Stnataof this State! tL-JTmin bj Ocu. -acoste, and pasaed yfithout! ti.-t tb. ic-b.V"" " T opposition: v i s By tU Seteand house pf Ue- wkhtllTtb preaeuUUrci, tnencrj Assembly convened,; itnatel on Uie Darby road,'-a on WeUaatdar That the povcniAr of thi State be requeiieil i moraine eontamed by Sre. -1 f , . . to tranemit to Oeneni Andrew Jacksoiv the ' "A hro. bmka.out Aloiular Ual in a boose wiaitof the IpsktuwU the State t)fluji.j djo"ng he new J'rcsbyteriaa Charvh m wia; te tee the Hero f Orlcan participate is Pteon Wh denoy il the house bv. whkb the celebration of the 8Ui of January. ii( the I ..5,"" onfv!ted' tU -d aoaie other city of New, Orleans, ht (Le yeaf f823. btfildisg. ' The parttculara have tot reached at. ff ,i.:!f:, J'Mla4eipifia Vat. A living' rimu)' fmn. I. L- . hibttmj ftt lha .jPAiUuL tyhia Mwum. Another paiwd a reeolBtam, by e wte of 19 to4y recom-1 traid u the CoH ot Commoa rifet of N-YOfk, rented and ru.de by Mr, Trtmktki Pealt, tU in which Mi WUlielmlna Cooper recovered Rnowator lu lojemury and tulcut, u ala atil) a vertucx torute um oi ouu aoiiart, aguist ter W"w ciuuiuqo at ue Vetrayeis MaerCulian Uirtao. an infant.' The counsel tor Uie defendant, ar the Commercial, niaae an earnest anneal in behalf aa m rtiu ' rZU-j-tmwU r, Lrrw WfVT-. -- ! - M prt'xr tin LJl 1L4 v 1 n -7 ai iitaai., 1 ,r d pr ra. I.m'i:. U Kau.-- av 1 i., ' , ,1 ,a 14 W. iWtlvnL kaa Ik. . aa ef MaAMs t4. at h-cmm rut, ai ' - " 1W THE COHNEtt. i,-v-r, t4 r r. . jt Uat LWon The t.vwtiiit-ri- if it.. .. WAKIi rOHKr LQnGE pU uk 4c tier Lo.!r ttito.ta.ai 17 o'tLtk .. n-.i.v eewU liw iii4 iiMtnr- tk Wr.Jia l WCfalUar rrn:lfuJlvi..:t. J i..n.. t ! W. IL , ' A . A u .ae Ali4, .ar -ewj. i.' j AlLu4, Ai v J 4 . ll- rVww, Taouiaa "," J.IW4 , ' ' lr'jnv, vthkj i'in, jori a Hartar, I4PW14 aVwae K-.dowa,J,a 1 itrvMO, Jen e of tko adanrM kaUraHr-kr LHr 1, iJjk 1 prfc.lrc k h4 of j, . ui. H.Am, f,' , U mnm .L. k mp.. " 1 , . nroa a, li itert H, 1 i. tlTa. . .!;u J ?: 1 4 -:rr, ai Jw . ; , : L44.MMV ler , '-rtt,.a . . J . u ' lwreac, kmc 5L" ' '.-- . J, .. .. r 'rtrwrn, niarl t srtt, R .Srw . 4 . rtf-a, s 4, . MarJin, ( rre , rA-arO. ."1 a T M"r of Una tapaxilw e4tu e(tk Lq inm U4ii-, m imaiithmg nuinta -e,slo l ed',Mr4Jfar,'rH ' " j aUimiEl). lltiwv lr Vm , -1 - 1 " " I V 4V1 My ,U Guilford county, te kfiM Catthe-r 'Weather !y, llancea., A. V. It Hutar, bkadrack , ?tvlt.r.lu - - t D 1 l .J ' " lUloa, herwood j - N. wj-e. H..ii j .w,rwdi4' On the 1 uUl.no. Mr. Wm. tmZ .rfIS!J!S-;V Lately, in Halifax twiotr, Mr. Jma 0-nA. V,'m. ? Oaral, Xaibamk Parker to aire. Sarah Dawanit. A'o, in the (Jehad; Tkaa..W. .. p., , " " ame eonftty, Mr. Samuel Tuee to U ERa Willie -" Twrn, '.Vm. l"' Unman. -. . - , v . 0 . jCroder, Thoa. jua.- Wkmi, J.met ft. ' Jt ae ltn UK. Mai. KedJicir Crooa. tf 'i." -."" . jtiih-i, 1 umrr j - . . . auiii . ni4i J. Will 14 .tU-,.V I'arroaa. W m. . . ' P1' ' ' . . T .. Crew, bhubaa ... TnitM. M.ir . Ar MontreaT, en tlto 26:b: reb-oanr. the Coooer. ,'olu ew, mau: Et' . f o4L Ucoinwr Jr. '' , Jfnei epioo, the ean day. Mr. George Siv. J0k to U, puabclh Wie, bo'4, of alu!fC.bo.f ffl, jEwd treat, en tlto 26:b reb-oary, the Cooper, ,olu Mr. FuncoiBleniIlit Jarr. .m.II Cork. Riftaia A7 "" 91 year and 4 month i, to Joaepha Ue Guire1 Canada, ltorra V Die la Woee, aged 43 years! v i Cullm. Utthw .' , la Duplm eouaty on l)e 224 ott Mtvlfnv' Camai-phea, Ure ring V4t0rt. iS Leuo aoouty. to Miu Llua Ho-! ,:?y . bertt.' -- - v - . v . , . 1 Cnttoe, Jaiaee ,rt 'a n . ..-.IVWpaiaa ,u,a.. j-arbam, Uewia, I'rice. Tni-j, Ilumphtr j-rexoou, r.uMta' 'DIED. tnuitW. GrnrM IiPnmV.rin county, on live 15th of Febnia., Taru Simuel ry lart, ia the 7JtU yenr of lur agtt Mr. Mtv., Urew, Enbraim L r. ,. ' . -Fnsore. JoJinai ll'ioarUoa, John, ry Jeffrey, wife of Capt. WilUm icffneyi," Jjebey. Joha U. 4 , ' Whodra, V'm. B f Little River. v' ' ) ; j, , W. '"hn ... ' Iteeeher, Ckartet e. ' I, 1- ' ' Dutton, .Mantt ; Jtoj-ra, Reniaiaw i ,The Bidtimbrean teem to be really In earnest Sijju ot the Cross Key, r v.. . . (Mitai, miiwi , . Dointon, Duneat) ' Dudh-yj Hirj, . Erai,sin7. , J ! Evau, MorrU ; "! Edward, Petwey ' ' EtliHpa, Matthew irili. J.Jtn for a mitigation of damage, on account of hi tender y yart: ItutMr. Price hisUted that though ofbbSSi: .".P- With the 50(X)liarL, TZl$l HWara f h"h" l-W.Vionve.-to 4w Jr h D . an iniii- ha .elou a!t .m,a.h . 1.. UOH. mT; "Cre remain no Umbt ,1.. Z.i, ,r . j ... .v .,. t.. t vne wuote requuwj amount bemsr aubaci-ibed the fiuher of an infantMnd ijiould therefor lie . 1 . . . r v : '1 . . f. 1 . ,r fiteont Mttv-Tbe Oliver EUiworth, A law has n(d. durnitr'the latp'40uinJ the lejSUittiiiv' of MaMaehuaetts. nn lllwlr f .1. ...1 '..L it . .1 : . . . whileonherpafromHartibrdtoNew-Yort XiJSSr "S m exploded he, baiter, .taalditH, or -e mending Andrew Jackaon a the .aueoouar of iota Quittey AiUuuk rAnd a Illuioi bow tiu a general tioktt kiw, Oie whole atute at the nvxt etecuoo, will rauty aad ouim toe i-vswauon, 01 the leKlatdre. ' '' " ... vt. . Auother mgn it, (hat Tsaaa Ilill the veteran editor of the New-1 huupihiie Putriot, who wo lately dismhwed by Mn Chiy, baa been elected to the Senate of tliat Rlate y a ti'him'piuHit' aud overwhelming majority although opposed by g Administration candidntt - , f. 1. ' j w-... .A sothcr U, tliatihe ventrahle donl Praroe, a decided fnead of Andrew Jackson, haa'beea elected,- whbottt cpixMitiou, Governor bf tlio Stuteoi New-Hniptnire, a - 1 ... .' We might continue tq'multiply thete mgn if it were deemed necessary) but Uie above will be luflkietit lor Die pre.unt.- We tiUall giro otliyr l...l- O..4 D.t ' 1 1 trek br a-aeixWmettWefboi.' fWVtZJ? H;;tb . ater.be,l Jack, Jtepttft-eWeM we to publish the' jf the Legislrture. - Amone the guett. were, it wm un. from mere trifle to'tl 000. pa- ot our eonnUTS tavoTHiiic totae eiecuon 01 : ' , Suspicion, being tacked, the rfa6im wbU the Amaw jacawn a rrcuuent .01 uie u. eoue, ' .lcT,n ""I"0":- machine k w torn hnen-!,. j " on w peiore me senate ot rennsvivin 10 ore .1 jT 1 1.- :r ?. ."" enfr the General Wall a Wrd for kit ierrke at.r K. V".' EZF'TriZrVM lne. ?00.rl rlcausL " ' " ' vv uy wiiien uia wucei moved iMrvr. , 1 no mn oujeci 01 aearcn was UiCmaintttriog, r, . ne was iijunij breaking into, his 34 hours. It b added that an American vessel, which arrived, trorn the innie port, having ,'afi article of British West ludj produce o board, ya apt eHowed to enter. , .i.,,,,! The bD Chancellor. linker, which sailed from JJaw-Vnrk on the Wth innt. a ith a cargo oj privw " . - I I'alkner, Sarah D, r-iToi1tVaiiaiK, , ' -.. -V'. Fowler, John " T " ' ' "I ' - t ' , ' '. ' -j Fowler, Lewie 43" - ' ewrera. ana Tiirae 01 run ti.nii.. nnft-At uiuim it Koede.d, f' -.T " ' " -A nre or JuatifiaUe . j ...... . c ' . . T notice that he bad .invented a e'N)BTuo ut.r we nhould have o enlnrre our paper," or omit every thing else, to find room for tliem. lu Pennsylvnnia, where- the friends of the coalition cabinet pretend they have hopes of yet Succeeding, these meetings occur every day, and are moat auroernusly and resyectablv aitended. In our own Btite, tho people, of Cujpeper, Hanover, -F.uses. Prince Ed vtuH, ceo. &e. have ttanyjicd the kcal otcoiutemnatioe on present mej34n powei? at the next ehsothn, and rendered jusjiec tr U man, who hasiiHud the meaxuve of his country't glory. v Wliat taya Messrs. Uulet tt- Svtyoa to these sign of tiic times' 24, . - ji r S f v - ' - . . . 1 New-Orlcaui, " )Pnfnriiiiit at lit Xa..MJUa9. nM..y..M,;M p-The British fehooner Morning Star, which . while the' eonstuUle Were arrived at New York. OB Saturdar eveninfr from t lnuu. and luLn'm i4 n led to Bridewell. DtJELLiKa . ; r ,'ndif among the whites; V -. noble ai 1 grow dullef, 't , I hope to see ome fipht ' Among ma ioiks ot'oolour.n tin hurtdrrd -d ixt pfth Statt J&uiej Kllt,h .f--- mvkann 1I114JAKU tuUojtt aetrntinuance. wLZTi Tkr. mat pau-onaRe and tiberal taipoitwhk-h the Fawlar-Jot. aT'' - 1 iier ih nusuarxl nave o Ion; given to . G. - ' ' establnlonent isuiTOB- ihnm th.t .lm- . . ' will exeit her almost eSorts to render thu hnosc' aZttl .i AXtL what a enndhn.-Hinli..a. a t.. V?0.",oeJ.J"rtdle .1. 1 ."i " l,Uil-wcU. John ... ; A ' iiirnyj t rwtUiiick, . .4 Itoger, Slephea B.e,Peter Rix, Harry- V. j v Y RobertMn,Cdmun Rsy.Diorj.. . Reave, Xaney ; Roberta. Thoa. P. 4 " 'RowJiilrIsBa g ..' rluffln. Thorns ' . Jtooth,Davjd " Safclwavei, ilVaiiai'"" Smith, Jane j - ShmltfofVVali. i. " fwttoon, Samuel Khephard, Mary htephensnn, Jonntti)'-' Stephenson, Stephen ' rJhaw, Joseph. t ' Spain, Freuerlclt-' n iain, AVdlnua-v i bhoit,R. v . i " 4 Shaw, Samuel 1 ' luui-n APr n y lT-3y-r r.eu'l As.muly N. C, Bum-nerville, Jm.U.' ' . , --T- V rT-!CwaU.t-. " 3f'. Bdgg,John , ' ..1,. v - - USrOnclvti , 1 - SmithiTbomat From th iibtriberea tiie lutmrt; a boaud ''i ! ?7V!A1 X M nei-i-o ru-1. nanied K1DI1V I one i li-fj fcka tully, Calvin J. . - tStephenc. Wnmm i u t T Garrett. Thofi.at . .----"", piPW,HiuilMlvilKr i" . ,, ;-- a aialeehili, about eighteen month olch f A Wi' girl it probably lirku.g about Raleigh, as her' r"! mother live in die city. I brewarn aU person ; . 1,V v 1 from barbormg the gi.i, and will give a reward of L'T'i f i v -one dollar for her dtuiverv at mv kTuim. nf W'TeS Jhl J 7 VThompson't nUl, g bi-wght w'ithk tea dart., , i i ol'm2" 'ff-. r.' h;''" iiemloTjameti " - ?. , - 3 j-w j ti..i:a., i i:. il u lllllUIIUIIfUlUM . . ftlmmnni Wlllla Btiicklnnd, MarmsdViaf Seott, ( Juu'le , . , i Simnuins, llenrr. .'. " ,k' Sugg, Osmund -V : bexton. Mnltdlloa ' ' , T. ' ' Tamer, ILramt'' v '. i Ilartis, Lelhc : vTate,Wm.a ; .. . I Ifnrnt, P.tn.t.nrtn. A - ' Agreeamy 10 a aeea ol trttit te me executed, tiartiBenv xi.iiara ' burner, Kutaa " ' to satisfy tundry peraons therein named, I shall Kiuxm, Samuel, .v. TrawH'kj Robert lenV proceed toll to the highest bidder, on the'pfe. i HorHsby, Jcau Turner, Jiaria mises, iotbetownol SmalifieU. dnTn4..1..v. tha Hood. Allen ' . ." Turner. Juisn. i," S9thof Miiy net, it beuiglheteBondday o JoJ)ii Jli:kf Howel T-, . !f " t bompson Rolomo nqtltcr Trust Sale. stun Coumir ( Vint.- fl.ut w..ll V....7,.j ...i.,..i.i.. Itndin: Wm. stand a k TAVERN, cnntau.mi. im l Honon. Iewi J enclosed, wiik a Urge and convenient dwelling Hnwkiu, Woodley eonsiderable nuaatity ot household and kitulien ' Hood, Ch. K."j ' liimiTura. if, h..i.m .i.a 1. 1. e . . . . ; I .i. ,w - ' w "--'P, (K Bin.a 4U1U IUJHW1 lUnMCTIV ' ' ....1 . . . . n .'. vV i IT ITder, Jacob - Unchurch, jBertJ JJtley Thot, .ik j-r .t'tlty, Marr C , -V. Samuel L. KliaMtl reeentlr ot Boston. Is nia tcirjageo euiior or tue national Journal, ahiiftOB Gihr, in Mac ef Mrv Aw. Rrt hns II V, VflKIIWVVr' OU( , I " 1 a-.4 I .La. 1 4 , ----- j We ohii!i.lii that firtniieM vhkli hat resist- " aera jFwr)4aiia wuaci., pw.: "."T""' J-P". eiectwo, ol d lieadance of 4he Coalition, awl hope f""3'-.v V i.Sf.'S-'.' , tl-l that BeiSTiotiotetentiarei.iy tucir mer , xne iateooncron or Tennessee jsexTfecfeif' ,r" " THE MOSS ROSE,' l0r icaucetl i jr tucir OiaiKiit.nmeni,, v ui im wn ui in inugiminimaiianoi f'ni" : v.V- dolhtrs. oc even three milium.: j,,k at Xaihville. . . , TraejUi very TW From tha Offrmtvi JCrtitrnnOchct. Guardian 4rtgc of Uie flower ,w wlioi' in thcSiience of night, sprioklea Jheoi w.itl rc- Coasl yrfcT.Tlie. captain of a Vesstel I Tlie amount of donntiout to the Phfladelnlua ' freshing dew, once, 'tin ea YnrinE day.-wfca i' i. ,-,..i .1. - JftA :. rii ...... . . . i. ? .'! . . whicb errivea at'fiew Oileant on the in ;Creok Fund, is Slfl,670, just from .il:ivna,, inform, t'.-t soon after) n u stated in the PWladelpLU; AuroVthat kaving tljat yrtt brisk cannonading wi : Ccinmodor BainbrKlge, en tfio-fii-st Jun6, wUl licanl in the direction of Key, Wcit, which retira from lii udoa a President of the Navy lasted, fo eoijjeHirnevbut 4h. "combatant . Board, aud itssume the )cowinand"of dieXav, wre at atichtf distance thtyv could tlisco-j a'tation at.hjhelphi,4,;';.;...; rer nothing; the embke and eeveful tail ' TheTT; S. Ship .North CWeiprienced apparfcnly in ctoae cotitact with each oilier. -g trjoieafVaW offCortica, whicbto ttinedand sThe capruit tlid aot rary hisedurat, con. , othiso damaged her, a to render it aecessnry ' 'Kctneatly Itnowa ' nothui( Jof.tlie retiiU,':''.' v(t put lnt-Toulon te repair 4 ne the dc , Preriou to thU Icaviir Havana, if ,wlv-parted egiun in the 15th Jan. all well. wiw roner wa won w V? JW'"UI Tlia Governor bf Ncw.Vo.k WJhw rVk -r---VJj4TH by Com. BalucUe ,wli'ea thy would j jution, "dated die 19tb ult oflerrd, a reward, of , force IjiborKle -W vbctioin t HJU till tWit4Ai 4t .tka b-tl h..tw!k. 4. ..) Mr.. 2l . A 1, J. a - . . , w.. .9 ' uimted-,tltat;ihe battle wnich it abave. o , fy tdm-and lf murdeTed, two tlituiand dcdlar, fHl "T-aternia .nature. t'A .. t.-t.L ..... i V 1 -t: . r .1 a-. .a..j.. .1 " ' '.' . ' V : tfced was bcteen tlieir twoi kqtiadroafc .'-.for the Uiaeuvery ftlie afTenderer oRender. The market t ,4larana ' Jtt !W xlremeiy ' aud a tv prnvB to any accomplice of ec-opent-dull for all kludt of Ameriea, produce.-, tor,- who tludi nuvka a Kul diaeoveryof the of. Bopea wW;e.&rUaed of ah'!mgrornitt;-;;f?r h4 ietore lon, . j(" '-'t ' "V 7 "Hrho receipt of the eorporalion ofNiw-Ve'it, . The D, ,S hip Loinpton, vW..J3.'.Shu .for the two week ertding oa the S6thH. a lnck. comitunder, tailed from Havana on moaeted .t (iS.BU 6-t the etpeaditure tin the. 22d, .and arriveU at Veetacola on jjie the aame pej-iodi 17, 3. : .4UtaRriIwoa.uV.v,v irrMeMr., Carey It Le liave put to preaN S '- , ,' r g ' ,t ' " l-cond edition ot the fin number ni tho Amenr. Orfran, Jtartft 10. "Quarleily Reviews The firrt editioWToiitlsted The bri Alexander Sterns, from "New opwardtof two itheuvmd copies. ( , Vol I, was boaided In lat. 20. 2., lon.n,';,le who it not Itwldaome- twenty, nor frcd. at and hrought to p by "V bn,' of Rtrong at'thuty, nor rich lit forty nor wisest tvur of 24 cull, which tent a boat on bourd . fifty, will never be Jbandwime, nor trans, nor Montrc: with five armed men,- who asked, for . pro rash, aor wise.'V ' . a. UIU I11CIU lllt'V t. VUll4 U4PO ruuio ureau. iner answerca it ne.-wouia. r i 1 1... not let them have what they wanted, they ; poisoned by 'eating a s. , would l&kt Jt:'byV force., They then eenti Juui ten boiled: h..le. Oi i(;bt more ,inen: on' board, took wliut they' the body oj r,;;,.j - .,8Ce.i-tI,e T'hrooaut.and. rrr- ' "J8, ,"T.u,e.CTew: e P-ter-barglm, ;, Wed 4ba CoJombian Bag; bo Capt. Aellburg Co th a t,.e '.hint .1,. m.. .e...' rV'i.v: 15 . ... - llt:u'JUIg pw. ill; tut; : Negrooa, ALarred witlt t t ...i in: ii. ette contain a 'Vint rul being v hit fi a cu'.iliiige "." ? ilie etiidiiuje '.-us ioutid hi it. informed (say i M -:-siTmLH-i f the' KVfuitccn : icr oftlieir mat slumbering in the thade of k rase bush. And whenr be awoke, lie tpoke with friendliett menu Mort lovely "of my children, 1 thank thee fpr thi balaamic odour, and for thy cool inj; hade.'' Wat there any thing left for tliee to desire, how cheerfully would 1 grarit it. Ariovn me, men, who tome tie charm, prayed the spirit of the roe liHtb And the angel adorned Uie beautiful flower' with- simple muss. Huw lovely appear in this modest attire the mota rose, the handsomest ot bar pea. .w? "mw-.t - -f Beautiful Emma! Leave elf thbse gaudy tut nrtiiiciiii mule j jjuuenny. ema, ana tmi bits matirniil luituiv. ' " . ' i . - .,; . !,.,s,- f'- -Itrpm the Xevt-York. Amfvtcon, i ue, rKutJicnuN." :t v Jt porUble fit the Genua f Xntmmaiks?. i When iiaUire had created the lovely roue, tle spirit of the rose hih said to the gutediaa anl Of the flowers, Will yftntuav the. noble plant witliout a tingle defence, td. protect it tgamst rnde aasaulur: Ha not uatui armed veu th hawthorn witb itroiij and shai-p point? The hawthorn, replied tjie angel, belong pof to tha noble, bat to t!8 meuisof the creation. It t bit deatiny to protect tlie tender plant :iint brutes-rl.iv that purpose ti; turo cave him "sharn thorn. , However, thy vTJi be granted I So saiu U(e angei, ami ai mea tne rose-busli with del. irate Ktins. Of whl UMt are such tleader Weap on!? replied the Spirit of die rose, they will not protect 'the beautiful flower But the ancl an. swered biiir, They are Intended to keep bff die untvfteeting hand of eliiJrdren retiju-rra tould offer bur a tron;er incitement te durii ' Wiatever is Kicred.or beautiful, carri- .t n protection with it, sad nature surrounds It villi ult alight defence, which warn but Wouud not for wkh beauty luildsetsalooCwhrOHld be vaiud. Thus to Joaocetrie, Mature rsre modesty and a i-SnOrtS Of tllP VUt: ' Jeffiie, Robert X.' . . , . , ' ... .'oftrluon, Marah '4 ''. !C'r'ab-1 "J)hnvn,lWi.Vu-r ri'A mum of Cock wdl be fmitht m the town of Jone, Tbomi Ilaywood, tliHtham toumy, eomnveneing ok Iter, Nathan uttnaarrittA win met. and continue thiTje liy. Jnncs. mirrr" t 1 April , fUT. ;f - ; --2w 5okntUuf WaVreiX , ' , ' J " :' I Notice. 1 k;uV. Fj&th , '! ' rfin Wf -it ft i Aik I.... -mt. ... 7i - . Keliin. Jesse: WW, ,'m. P. A la. lowest bidder.' On Oie premises, the rebuilding of t yi?i Jt uW . riAMIOLLOVAy,jLcwi. Levr.CeC., W ,llt, John , April S,tSi.7. - - 'flS-flW jjkev, Garland -Writ, Jos. -f. i - - i . i I, Lane. Lunsford :,., Y. - Wnght, Isliam B. M'hJ'aker, John -' Willians, Elizabeth , Wilson, R. U ' Wdkihsftn, Huhbatd ''' ; ooflj Aewtoar- ' i , Wudkius, Jpha liken, Mr..' ..' . - XWI'ird, Josepj ' '; '? Notict.- 1 . ... V-- -rI?. pavVW, , l.nwn-r. Art'lmr. . ? itii. T..tt4 . ' Th .late MARY'JEFFllETS,-'of.TnklmjMle, Gi(lwn,t. .f . Yatea k Mlutire, .;. eounty. K-C. having, in her lasfr wilr a-i. jeata-i. .fxTji llie aliove Lett, if not taken but before meut. bequeathed certain protMsny to Maiy Ai-; theT- of July hoit, wdl be sunt to the General stont her daughttr, and, wite of Natl laniel Alaton. Post Office as Dead Ix-ttms. . tv. for lue, with aromauider to Wm. J. Aliitoa and j Person BDiilyiug lor them, will sav thit they are advertised. ,'"' Mary G, Alston, children of the auid Nat and Mary Alslonj ud the said Mary Jeftivy liavihjt died and appointed tlie uuder.uned her executor, tl.e person interested in this bequest are desired to come forward aud receive the winie. - , : ' - .IWS P. bX'liIC&LA0,Ex'r., March , r -, . ' . 5-3m ' lOjr" ike Sute paper of Alubwna wijl please inseit the ohove three months, and forw ard hip acetiualto the subscribe Lucted to Valeighr Slate cf X'orth-rnrolina, ? , ' " ' Wfa CorTr. .$ ''-.V v Coart of Pleaa ami Quarter Sessions.' "' Fcruarf Term, 1SW. " JohaTajlor, V - ' - f - v f Original atiachmctitltftiea.ew. Theo, Parker. 3 , ,.'. v7 tt appcaruig xo tlie Uouit that 1 beophflu Par kcr is not sn mhubivaiit of tiu fctiitf; itutliere fore ordered that publication be made in the Ra lcij,h 8ur for bu weeks, that the said defendant appear at the nest Court of Pleat and ftOarter SessiousW tc held tor Jfayne aoouty, at the ootirt house id Wynehoi-oKh, en tb ii Man day of Ma ', A. D. 1127, and replevy or ploed to issue, or.judjinenf will be;eutered u aauist him. t ' ' v.. r v t Ate, .p. 1X00X9, Clk.' , DANIEL PECK, jr. P Jf. Notice Agrceahlyto a ietd of trust to me executed by : Josiah baster, to secun- the payment of eerUin debt thereiu pceilied, 1 ukall" expoe to ti'uhli sate, at the reaulcnop of die said Jouah Sasser. ' u . . :...i,..t ... .. ... w unoaiiunHv uie sum oi Jiny next, ins undivided half ol a tract of bind, contaituiig about S50 acres, One other tract St laud, emttuaiaig 5 J acre. - AU ' so f head ot horses and t quantity of corn and foU ' der. But month' eredit will bo given, tho pur- cluiser'girjug bondj and goon1 security, a ' ' Jt . . ItYHKLMii, Tmitee. Jokottoa touivly, April , 187, v U-iw . To Printers. , The.t!itor of the Star having encaged an Imi perial Pre, for the purpose of enablm them t6 puhluh then. yer in an enlarged form aro tIe rousol disponing of the one they now have.iri ue. It w an txeell)U Press, of buper Uoval siltiand can b had d moderate term. ." i , i.v vfc Application, by letter; (poet paid) will be .trimly attended to, ' . ' , . ; ...a ...v mm 4 opn:iujru r y ; v. - . . -'..v . i - v - , ; .- ' - t I : '4. t 4 .WP, 44P. 4 ' . '. ' ' 1pBW - t ' r-v 4r. i . V

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