4 It No 'i7 ...i t -A IlLi;iGn,v(N.C.) TUUBSDAY, APRIL 19, 1 817. , . Vol: XV J IU THK STAR, JJ AVfA-fiirofiBa 4iU OaxtUe, .- TEitrs. s-twwnfcs, a dnrs-rs. "W wflT W MM S) IlUottt t let ti to i MkTlB advance, its paper ,.ed. bstt lb on Ed. .sJs ? re.hm? Sfttt fw, fcert. d three U - U,oo -t .il d iMv-firr ttnU fcr ec o- Nv Coisi " Omen, l March, 117 Notice ,V -sties, had passed th IIoqm jdistiactlj lK cmr fortn.t Morgan., meat sf astonishment t lUir deliuwtL Win W tale, at tU (w Uwi.nrMlM wpr"aui -na II wu oeueveu i staging a mm corner ol the aauuoi hi ol com ausera turn at Heir rage, and I b WubnflMMaarr, )i. & M Ikt Inl r M'U IIH MM 1M StUtf. : " (throat CBt frDfS Oaf to CAT. kit tttflWt contempt for th BsOtlVe wLscfc prod M &Ac3ietuauovcrnoeotvttab'ttoniMt.aDd Liabowelt badM to Uklcu it. . 1 . ". to despatch a body of troop to quell the back. Sbt aitbtt Mr. Miller to anocil . It U really aaaatrg enough to btbo'J , late diatsrbancesia Texas." - I her affidavit to theaecoad Beaber fllhe tempest ieto winch "thi T.S of a mm. . .J.?llaifc a . . nia ffnnAiiiAH HaaMa Kha hiihaa iimm a ui I-1 mi wtn ikmvr vfcPiaf Lord Et$ki$ 16 General tTrnthimA Mr. M. will orint rerY tVin ahoitlicoald ot thrn?ttpd reverted &isr.i toruTht (ullowinz note wu found them drrtf tcrt Maftoot tod rttl of th Spoilt Kivf4rtt.thittern- . t - life. at a a, m la ft 1IF a a among we paper of utc uta lru xoa an haDj'j. z.u. , , I we eatairopnf i . ? wonorr wbt mej Lrtkine: i . . ... ' . . ,. iflig no uii coaocei w uieir irara. T GtntrdfrathinsUn. 'XUZ.ZZ'VL? r"",:.7.7 Thef matt kaa been atranreU infU- Sia I Uve taken the liberty to io-l 11. ',... ."W,,A .1 ated thaa to draw down vnoa tbeir heads jax acju, aa MImm WM ar w LAND 4 TOAVM LUTS, araa a tacrtof a a.41 atfe U ta on cbareca) fcr ttta Xr ATva. . lurtm wSbp H er. T... ramnnimwrtof lk NaT UI rwn aro .-'uii auiS the Slat tay of July aert, ftir niihwiK la Dak Tbaaer, M to awmltU lkkfc Ua-j J1 iarnua) (brabipa oftke !m, lijate and Uoop af war, aa4 tb proportion of oromtt iuu Lira Ouk. ot to difacaVm. ikat but W rtauirea; 1,000 cat) teal fret fur aca aUip ol taa line, 9,000 , tor oach fripa and t, 000 fcr taeh iloop. The Umer do irwa oro iiva hi aifnatinM ant raorc than S3 milrt from tM, delirMe at tho fi41ing Utilduii k; Hormrmrtli. W. 1L lioAoM. Kw Vm-k, PlaMpliia, Wabmgto awl Norfolk, d nn? tha jroor t IS, I5 and 1 (U0, ay on or be fiT the lit NoTcniber of each year. Pcnona nffernig vBI be pleaasd to ate parti f uUrfy beir tenui per cubical foot, for any one of the (Wurci wKh th pmporlion of promiwuoan wuber, repaired) elan, (ahould they bfl dwpoaed to oHeiMor wore,) Ue wrrai per cuumu iot, n thn framea aollectifelr. (one M each eUwa, hat ia, a r, 4, and aloop,) j ith tlie promia. mou limber, detirnatinv in all rat their priee f ,r the f,me of a thin of the line, of a fritntr, ol' a ulnoii. acd for nromiaouotia tknher. Tlie often i-an be made delireraWte at any one. or either, or all of the tarda aboye mentioned; out the terras rr cubical foot deliverable at each, (na differ nee be made br the bidder.) tnuat be dUUoctly ftitcJ. It U to be understood Oiat the eoramin- lniwp will select laeh offer, and anien to each bidder such portioa of the timber required, (not lesi UiRnone entire fi-aroe.) and desicnate ueh yardi for tlie delhrery at they may judge etpedi ant for the puMie Intereot; and further, tliat no monev will at anT hme. under any cireuioataneei ii. ndviuicoiL aud that none will be paid nntil acttutl delivery of timber; Uiat boadv wnjitwoor more lullicient retiea. for th fiihllful di- rhiuvc of an eontract will be required that the amount of such bond wifl be onehird the estima ted amount el the contract Moreover, that, ai additional and eollateral aeauritr, ten per centum of the avails of each cargo, will be reserved and .withheld, nntil the eontract shallhe fully compli ed with to tlie entire satisfaction of the Commis sioners; and that in all deliveries of timber, a due toronortvnof the most difficult parts of theime stall be Uelivered, otherwise, it shall be at tlie uption of One Commissioners td withhold suck a mount, in addition to the ten per cent, above ifu-n-0Ded, ft they mny juilga expedient for tlie public interest, until such deficient proportion of such i difficult timbei shall be delivered and it is fur ther t be understood, that all payments "will be made at tlie places of delivery. These who may offer to supply any part of this fWAheparo furtlier reoucsted to state liaitieularly their own resiilenee, the names and residence of their sureties Jo forward letter from such persons, atAtinar tlieir willinenes to become sureties, and also to forward evidence of the oinpeteaev of such persons sureties to the amount for which , they may become bound. ; All offers are to be - tented and directed to the Commissioner of the Kavy, and endorsed with the following words, via: "Offer to furnish Lire Oak, wider the ad vertisement of 18th March, 1S7." The timber is to be inspected and measured ac cording to the rules established by the Hoard, co py of which may be obtained on application to the jfavy Agent either at Pensaoola, Savannah, Charleston, 8. C Norfolk,, Washington, Balti more, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or Forts !nouth,N. H. ' ' Any W4 not made m eotiformky to .this adver (isement,or that mar not be rcceive l witliin the time herein limited for receiving bids, cannot be eoasidered.' , ,;f V - t3-t5w Valuable Property for Sale, T: To dose a Trust. a- rso 100 no' rr 0 Irasstrwag SotoaaesJ Jute 7. Garratt Armstraaa, AmaskdW Aabros.tvt Vraoid, Josepa hVaMmwt, Lrra Utoant, Haswah. Itombridge, Sua BatVnum, A ilea lWfaBK,'jrs ' Uatesaaa, MeKav 4CM-S Chrtaow, Aaranai liJ es in IIwsm EH hatter AWraKaia Uaswst JaaUi('IW heir Usrf4WebH bears I bomai Baivkrao fieorr Joaea' heirs TUen jamas Tark esUoa luMuct miwr PHltiMMS Sprail Uriah ChessM rhonk- Walkar- .1 . i ! Z.t 4 Hardy N.SprU 90 SO 829J 0 IliO 163 SO 50 SO SO u ill 60 i70 460 3S 125 ,1S0 SO 50 150 303 6 74 50 1 63 60 79 SO CO 40 50 50 173 65 180 285 150 50 607 50 50 200 50 137 104 r-nti... Harm, Robert B. Oo. f,Jor. PVIprs CWIe PhHpe uo Josliua iMcmu Mai UHver naveanort. Charles MdvaKxas SdtuII jDavMipart, Rvaen (Was. F. Davenport Darcnport, F radii Wm. F. Uaveupost i . f i . . ; 1 1 . 1 1 1 ' Oavenport, WU- j ham, sea, lor son Itrnjamm rartrwK Daenuort, Jordaa iKIias Oliver Krai-iuan, samaet Htepben Naberry propertjhof TIio. it Wm.!A;,Tunier it others, kjj, Quakers the Others not known. ' . ' - A. cUo ctrnnirlv nlnprta tn nnr rnlnni THO. 8 ANDERSON, Sh'ff. tim T" . MV. ." " ., Plymouth, March 86, 1827 l6-7w . a Price adv. $13 , ' f . . On Friday, the 6th day of April nejt, will be ffered at Dublin sale to the highest bidder, at or aear the Court House in Raleigh, a valuable tract of LAND, lying in Chatham county, on both aide of New-Hope ereek, containing (475) four hun dred and seventy-five acre. This land, h. is fciid, "has on jt the most valuable mill scat on the ereek, snd the only one which can, with profit to the owner, be estnblishea Between mat ana uic en trance of the ereek into Haw river; which is a bout one or two miles. Also Kkelyjroaug-NEf ;RO- M A-N, n tolern- Hle meehanjo eituer oricK-iayer or snoe-miuier. The term of sale will be six months' credit, for fiabar. undoubted, negotiable at the office, ef the Bank of Newbern, in Raleigh, bearing inter-eat-from the data, . , -M. C00KE, Trustee. MarehW, 827. - 16-6w rr"r-Fo hirther nartkulars. as respects die land fee , advertisement in the Star, under date 8th POSTPONEMENT. The above' fnles postponed untfl Teesday, the sza oi May, vtf. , Just Heceived, And for Sale of the Slar Office,- SWORD'S POCKET ALMANACK, CBRISTLW'S C.iLEXDEK, AND CCLSIA8T1CAL REGlSl'EB, For the vear 1827; Containing the lunations, eclipses, rising, and settine of the Sun aud Moon, aud. time ol wierb water; together with an accurate notice of all the Festivals and Fast of tlu ChurchList of the Clergy, Societies, ice, ace. -O Price 85 cent. Law School. My Office continues open for the reccptiou oi Students., ( L. HENDERSON. Near Waiiamsborougb, Feb- 10.5t a ruaiy, 1827. , y ... rIV) Printers; " The Bditors of the Star having engaged en Im perial Press, for the purpose of enabling them to publish their paper in an enlarged fonn, are ilesi- IUHI w Uispusing Ol UW Ul'C urej Utff .'-' - " It is an excellent Press, of Super Royal size, and can be had on moderate terms, ,. .v 1 Application., br letter, (post paid) wfll be prmptly attended ta. . ? ., ' - Feb, 1$. Hurdeson, John B. I larrivow, Joseuh ilasseU. T.J. Vf&A liama Lfime. John " King, M. tarbarcb i Ktnr Im(. John utn, t oshua lor b. I'o wcr Lwis. Jesse, senr. iWoodly, Daniel Horace, fc,iy Corpres, George ilollis, inward lnng, D. U. he wife Lonjj, Joshua Lnnir, Joseph B.. Moore, t..-lyJouu B. Jlardeso Marrraer.Jobn orn, riecu ton S. Norman Nornvm, Marr Oxlv. John rtH'lpe, Joseph sen flielpes, josepn l . f Ueluc-s, Ubai'h It. t'uelpes, tnoch I'hels; Caleb i'iielpes, Uaniol rlicliHiSf ueorge Phel pet, Joseph of Issne Phelpes. Uriah Plielpes, Wiloughbv Ithodcs, Mary by & anjoining Siiniil, Willoujchbv Steely, Edmund Suell, Silas for D Snell's heirs. , Swain, Stephen for Swain, Peter S SliaJit. John Esn. Saain, John, for son rarkentcin. As Warrinetuu. Ja. I arkenloit; Zebuion White, William Harrison, Xlixabeth exr. Stewart Si Baker i ,i- r .m ,i.u JametAdama. Martha Turner luae Jones Richard Peacock Benjamin Tarkcnton Hardv N.Spruil Ssm. Chessou's heirs Levi Ambrous i i . & . UP. C OUemj Uiai Ol MISS r HANOKS I aat nl rtan1utuin nffVrerl hw tli lat nr. -.1 - . - i i" i . i . i i J w..-r -aw hight, ,wno I eaiauiikiimg wnai rw f .ntum,n wm flr.fir.twvl. Mi-Mi nn can, -t rominutm-.'' m ine wenerm -nJ-th. blank WM then'fith'd with the uisinctoi ienne,see. on uaicnee n am .,! sh-ril ver, near nicinnrua. ior Uie oenem u Tt.:- ki: .k- (TlKte the W .t.. Ple which theLe a coniunctoV wKen.ereVr honest in a short aantencr, which is to be found to the book I send to jou. I uare a large acquaintance among .a a . tn moat valuable ana enlteu classes of men, but jo are 'he onljr human being, for whom I ever felt an awful reverence. I sincere! r pray Cod to grant a long I .u anu serene evening to a me so gionnus Iv devoted to the universal happiness t in world. T. ERSKINE L iodon. March 15th, 1797. Among the numerous modern socio- AsT w Bonce, "e l- n.. r .v. fs.ti.1 Infl. 4. Itt viciaitv U-li: tv kn i. semMed at the court hoo in this town ITZXZZtrJL i". T r. LU7?: )Tt C I r r . i -1 1' siruiiwiw w ;iuwj icq siiuuis i ma on Sjtartlay Inst. for the Durrjoae cf I rj.:. .r .i.- V:... ti.:. -.-u t.k.n int. cons.Jerar.on the proprietv htTe follected, that even tfcmeeket appointing a committee to correvi, k iK - pond with in, jacktoo committee. In he . ,t J f fa u u seraj .Ute. .pmi the ..bjret of the th weB.wSeeV tfj next Presidential election." The n-. ... r .k-;2 weather w.i i anfavorable. but a conai- doo -rf th , tdhvn V derWe number fpersoni attended. infat01te M to eonBect lheir prp Col. Edward Ward waa appointed .... ,t k,: vA.' ' chairmau, and Nelson Patterson, Esq Seeretarv. f ' . j rate griefs with the public cause. W bat a generous public' spirit could not . L l a - -a . . I a t J. -it. ix l ipnmipi tnem io caect.a petxvseiDHn in t Z PP!P"t introddctor; ,1U indted ,uVt0. drttf marks bv the chairman. : inJ an ani-J srv..t . .i ' . . mong the numerous modern socic :,,..,, .n'd .iul.nt . h. w;i. Vn?u .u,e!" JP"ue,n" " ues which arei o rrequentlv aprinsing h; n.l-.to:ZC t:iiZJii-lZ wq-"i neaa w iworraaiionr. nej .1.. , . i t ..... hiv. loan isa snniui owph Webb's heirs niuais Alien John Freeman I' Nomas Norman William Rhodes David Durdan Abijah SncU Uohn Norman Robert Wmn Ileaekiah Norman George Phelpes trfioch fbelpe I Joshua Exerander Xoah Phelpes . Btuhlt Aaron Davenport Ijenper Pbelpe .tesper Phelpes Benjamin Tarkenton Caleb Pbelpes Doaitioa in Conrrvsa re sisting the mad and mischievous tnea surei of the Administration for the two' laf sessions.- Thej have seen Vote af ter vote taken speech made aftec speech meeting held throughout lh nattoDt and resolutions adopted, to pro- . ,. , - a tunjuiicmrs:, wiicu itt nominauvei v cans tesitooa. , u seems an,i t0At -rtinn ehmitft h mnlwd . . "-"'rk'"" p"- she owns there ncarlr two thousand a ?,l0!t."-,a,, te the election of Gen. Jackaon. All crci of ltnj, which til . ; r. - ' , . I eyea; anu ft Ther snuat have heard.- if , m , s sa af a were held at 'Washington, daring j ...i.i . i . i noaonui uere nominal, among wnom thlt to ike eKrkBt moit cffi. - j 17411 w ihh 1 1 1 1 1 v ti win I H. rn mm. mnn . .. . . - . i iiib wiuiur. , aiicv oiuik aiave Mpr 11 are Gen. Lafayette, the celebrated Mr. " TZI 7 m 'ZZl ever thej tieird at a l, ( UiaCaocusea . " , ft . . ! V as wiMHiuillVV, BIIUUIU. UtJ VISsalliw I skA w Owen, the author of the social sys- t,.A .i.lt, :, k. r..?. a tnal tern. 7 oi hereu. wlucii rirut & a trustee site seems determined toliulil,)and their j a m 1 ww I" i a V I . arov kM Duiiiiftn in a(iuresa to me neonie ol UieisL.'.L... j . j ITnitaaH Stflfawa eliih a at tn a, tV ha. KaBsif si.la . - X ' "-u -- mv sta t svv irvab as- l ..v i A IT mh a , a r . i. oirrpfiHnr. in nltirt ltnvar h.r th-1 . . i . . . - " . ... ui uiv (.uubhwuvi u. vibiv - " 1 1 faeix ai i in nnr tii sin tna frroar a.i'si ar ins. . - . . . a . . ... - - . j , i ;n." -wlin senate, au mese otsrna or m tract of land three of the trustees; M":':.. 'f were exhibited Wfore tliem, but constitute a quorum, manager". 1 here college, in which the taught- lherarp lirinches of median are to reside a 7' rrr A , n.w,,,9P?r oenuaciaiion escape. is to be a school or " V iVw W f'P-' H-WtioB -f tntorgan- negroes .re.lK Lwr aUn Id Iii i iir.'renl . ( . .i 'if , ' l .,' I n""iati vrwrunx iiuue Sim lattii )"- Ml ll li mm mWW IJMMfllifMI frj M , riI iTTIl flmWrm'r'l I - a v' whs. n. White Uriah Phelpes Horace Ely , Abljah SneU's.ueii-s I farm carried on, where tlie negroes afe 1 . .1 w.t to worn a part ol meir nine. , i lie ne groes are thus to learn, anu work, till the nett proceeds ol their labor, will a least nav for them, (lien thev are to U. . . leant i. I.tlkAl'lA Abraham ewbcrry I" w . 10 tills tumiiiunuY an information upon matter er tV Hf oorter trumBOttnlfWda ihe fintwarV wM,n that, knowledge, or power, pro- tide it extract from the National; In. , tlescriplioris perly connected with Ine Dtnest or1 (iiiufincation of Andrew Jackson to fill vw o!fi6e of President of. the: United itntved, Therefore, that John Overton, Abraham Newberry 1 nf m,.nl(. 'are invilpil in fill intn rant!. I it.thJrt ! Prut. W r.mUI BtminTarkenion w'th a promise of being fcupportetl iu William, t .'B.rown; John Cstron, Robert "T'Li.... u .n- ?, .ii ....,.ii.;.... Whvte. Thoma Claiborn. Joah Philioa. .Henjamm taixenton that they work, while tliey are able, pkdomon White. A) prrXy &rQ requcsIt, Brniamin Harrison 13.150 Stewart! Baker Josiah Collui K o- Uier ' 15 LotslnPlvmtouh. HT.1W S Lots m FH mouth, Wo., 100, 101 K 78, tne to carry it with them, out they must take care never to carry any of jf away From fliis we infer her mode of govern ment will be similar to that oi the bha tellijjencer No plot to overthrow thft Governmeni of thtates 'a the EHsr worth Courier pronounce it with " the) Hon.'Martin'.Vtin BurenVSeuator fiooi N. York at the fccad of this Coaspitd' ehiP. The tieool of this nation nr . I ; ihiijci ll-tf . t I . Whyte, Thomas Claiborn, Josiah . Philips, Kept it) profound ignorance bf these ter-T. Daniel i raham, ' William B. '-Lewis, Jesselrible machinations: Not a sie-nal o-oaT Wharton, edwnd wart .Alfred Baich.Fe. ,, fi to waA. them from theirslum.; lix Robenson,' Jotm SJielby, Joseph NichoLI , n .'-. cj ,l ; . y. Wilham White and John M'Nairy be setee. ".?l"',wJ"T T" ted to compose thef Committee. , , f: lre ule " "WsV J iMWgn we 0 icrminaiioD natt uvea arowea , manr . .L . i . w J . . ut .. .. . . from uie tvtsnmona iMiquirer. . t I uiviiiua ucivii i vas vi uiciii, io pus; SIONS OF TJIEIMES, - . ;dovvn the ad mimatration. though it w We have quietly waited .for the fall pure as Angela, tet they had withheld Jevelapemetita tf the National Intelli-lthe portentous declaraUon :fron thait4' gencer. - its first, bssay aeemed to be I readers; and their "daiir t)aDerw-had A Moravian Eifablithimnt.l went to visit a Moravian establishmentin the nwn of Saranta. Opposite the inn for merly istood a house, containing eighty bachelors, and near ijt, tine containing eighty spinsters. ' The hoose of the for mrr has been burnt down; and that of the latter has escaped. The females din yide their own dwelling with the men, (ill theirs is rebuilt;.' When a bachelor is tired of a lite of celibacy,' he goes zation societies, it is apparent that s!e is inimical i nicir UUIIVU9 vi ichj-iuu. iy . r . ii i it , i ..." , ,. . - .l ' i We have also understood tlm thislady rhf P".6 to Wuotly .Volume. Af, been m a daily lie to the eommumtTe ;.'h. n,nr;.tnf f it., uamnhis A.iwn.w perverting the tew sentence! atter-rlhey had set tle down as opposed t6" Jeil by Mr. Van Burcn on the flection of the administration, rirAf or wrong," at rnnter 10 tne aeiiaie, me traitors con-1 tar oaca at.tneaate oi tne ranama Mia- is the proprietor of the Memphis Ailyo cate. uouruana tieraia. .... i -j The low price' of Cotton,; compels V1 'r.P1?110.0 criatioi 1 iot?:rnd .till not word at U th Op- r farmers to look aboutfor some ub JJ""jl w"8! I!...!. .1 I. B. a ..I.I.J I UW ajw?SS Km LU PUUUUll. men jeasaaatawst aj puw , i - a t a ; . .thntM are offered to them-Sur. I hiSh maU . 0 place before their rea Silk, and the State o? extensive nc'xt door, chobses one tout of the eighty I rnt spinsters, and makes lief his wife, fhe , taOQlbs. of good, sugar from pair become inemuers oi tne general Rn a-cre and , qua, ier 0f cowptned pifte 0!Bmo.jnd en..&. bwae for thent- , d We hate a sample of Wa.'Sngar nh.Au 11,. I..A.rf.,n. .M f,llAf ,n Ktl I ..... ....... 1 ... . . t J' . I !- I'll 11 .t .l.......i. ., VV n. ntk. Urmn nf uun iiatsi.n f-' i"t tspvm U OCUSIS Wss . sugar is becoming an article "v" V'lr ! rf L.u'r ir,BJ H 1 . J i4 f.i.n.1 t. iwfsva iVIlBI n hhhhk, i 11 cu, tiuo wi ueciueui ,.a k. 'r.'-t.Jwe hive; waited Ma' trembling mpa-intefest wereieoi hlo fr . his skill and iniluslrV .':. lutlletlgevUttJoumqlt imuU.. he chiltlren.of those wjio had bnce been inmatc of tliese n-ansmns of ; single blessedness.1 lv was highlyfgratified with my visit to this human hive,' Eve rv thin? vras in the neatest order: the sisters, as "they are called, with their Vr.J.L nv wr rl..i An ;tBU'v t he i"Ptieirtly i-watch'ed' for all. their facU Iras dire! start op at bnce before the tdV httlejapsjrid aniform dross, rem was not this single ncident in position on the part of. others, Tfc?er ' iiate,won which' they relied -s discreet politicians. wh are ao'mucn " proofv that they had othef and muchl accustomed to watch the -Signi 'OfVut''.' .1 -.1 i. .r.. iu-i- I tk ; .i... ,.vi. , mn 4 vmss, werw aware tiit raq pnniing oi - not : yet secureai and ; Back until 'the elee- But the mdment their ardized by the result. tience for, their tfemenduous" proofs of and the ballot-boxes had given Mfi Duff" the combinaltoji which has been form-. Green 23 Votesv-their eyesytfre 'Tfirst ed to sacrific the interests of th coun opened to iht jxtent of jthflorn.vKitioiia'':' try to twoltsofs of few. .factious nd their spleen knows no bounds bf leader!; ' We h.ave seen these Editor moderation" or piuduncev Their veB ''' si rting: aftef ; eittingf ; ,and f. elaborating geance then demands its Victims; Theft () column alter column We have'drudg- we have cabals, combinations, conceB- JlaltlfnoH and Ohio Rail Road Cm- tiirpugn all tlieir prctenaeexw r.. " . .....I.. -.i. 'Itions and splenetic effusions We liave without number. : u, Gor?ons & Cbimnw ? 1MIUKB 111 (IICI. i ..,.. .. .. . - . I .. .. . - . , o . -. ; ' ei.t ,i,T ,us,lwi;. ha I ant arguments wua vnnesiiaunEiTimgoiea- tmnginanon. yyv piot la taetm- - a m . . a. - . m. - i I Uiab Ultl 'S 1a.ssa Hvu tws I . wv n . . I . - 1 - . . I S . w a n . . - ine r our. lair' Uuakers. ine lemale - torA 's-v!' .i,;i ,. assert, mat never nave we oeneia o aisciosea, 91 wnose existence Bobomait children were reading and Writing; the . three hundred and eMitrenlbomba,tw n wwto-Wi ,Beg'being had previously Jdreamt. Thea; hbiIsim vatAssn n amaA AnwatAsVl n rt Am AS f t J I 1 ' w . rf 5 "U...CU t,r tp?6 ,w uB..v f(,haies. making. American, Hand three hundred hares, making, withthose previously taken, torty om. tiousana seven utav ' , ; 1.1.1..'.!' !:!'.. . emnlovments. The old maids, for there . . i . .. . . were, a lew, were occupied in Knitting and needle-work. All were busy at the occupation bt st aclapied to their pecu l i l ... I . I ' . . VT ' . 1 .1. uar nanus anu laients. av or were toe brothers idle: here were-shoe' makers, tailoYs; weavers, pin'era,and book -bin ders. -1 was shown a fine collection of the sCrnehts and other reDtilesof South ern Russia. I Saw. also large coHec tion of antiquities found in the neighbor hood, which proves .the : former existence be entited but to MOth or an anc.enL cy on n .pop. ,v. shares for, every ten names, latent from Mexico. respondent at New York rpivpil iti In lowino- inlnrnaation. under I . . , ... r v i .i .P.,,-- ,.A..-a, , ltnousanu siittres-aM., cot, .e tiate oi saunuay iau . s, w i .. .. - .',.'-;."' -".-..r ..... ri.-:.- . .J I rfc.'i i.lf ! A- itZ extraet of a lettet,.ttiiiiramHC'of V Ssc4rtg Shockingt Ari honest good March J t.. which states that, in conse- old lady, a female of undoubted veratfi- ouence of the'reprebentations of Mr. tyf haa fcworB'. Boob betroatb'Before iBsett, our Minister, the Mexican Sguire IV-, hat tHe second night r.iinoro .' re v o n i ilrinir their late tatter the", moon changed as 'she was Ucts laying a prohibitory duty ron tmtj sitting down to milk the,0ld CoVr, she cotton fabrics garly, account of empty boxes.' we .are to b;,warned r against t ftw : We had formerly given the editors of factious and i ambitious Spirits, whoser -.ii-s...' j..i;.':nne national inieuiav-uter turns crcuuiuunoiy comoioauons are IQ oe uenonn( ,TCU UIU CJKM.U Him ilKIIW. IlIVIUBIfCI- . . . . J' . L a I -I J . ... - ' , , . , .i .i.-K.. i n.uf .a..i .!,. wr .sense ana aiscrenon; am never nave ceajjr every, T-neiy ta epiuiet; v.w ? ,. .ui.- .7 .,r n.i.:. ti,. their pretensions beeh sb completely ex-1 are told that it ia a combination ta v uiw i-iwi fcA" V1F ' ' w i . r I 11 X. l 1. i- s i 3 n rtni avawflifttvr rttrnw w nniiKfuin mm - 1 ' v .s ' .- . i - . j v-a,. w -,,,1,,1 Kw'Ala.Jse.W aa-sSlWr....!..!. LA "I . : tors, divided amongst twenty two thou, p-J -"'T7 Tiuu"'? ,-;MS w MNrfasmefc ItVinbe remembered that ifi0 . 'IP M - a . . a aai w v ilia luiiirvwiiBia stair iiiteiiiut r in iiuuw a - - iiiiiir iiiiiiiv. etiri only Wteen thousand shares are aiiouea .: r v -t 7 " 1 7 " r7 iofnairiott v ... . .... - . --j th- trihtinnl with sVTniifiiti.ma ibhirh v un hm.ill would have astounded every bodyi with indiscreet .-gentlemen. ' have," counted without their host. I Never did men so completely rutoalculate the strength of their causei They have raised a Plot without lnatenals-to work it up lheir thundering denunciations are like the mimic representations of Saltnoneus. There is brass enough about ihera; but no lightning. And welay1 duwtf then Dublie 'Utility, faithful servie. smrl aclinoledgeq integrity are to be a v crificed to tbe Moloch of party;" that ' iu mnvi pwijuiai itvcuis . tup. QTCrw ... turning the present ' Administration i not bated. upon' principle but that it is, t on the pan of the leaders, a war for ' office ana for office ony."--Thcn we era ' to oe Uisgnsted wiUi the means which this selfish Combination has adopted for ' i he accomplishment of their' purposes. We are to be amosed with the fanciful picture of a SuU-Caucus,: which ' was ' regularly, held; at ..Washington during J vbe last wibterj thai bj means of this machinery, the printing lthe Senato . was to be transtei red - fraiu the Nat. lntlligencet Wl are, also to ptstac J " f 1. -y- . . . if : r . -. I ' .''Si 1 r : mm 1? i. ' A bill to repeal those! looked oyer her right shoulder and saw imUirJiff4'laborswitkinixs4 lentj-jl ' ' f f ...'.''- .-.bir'' Jtvi - '''w ' '- --' " -' " ' ' 'v-" '' " '. " ' " " i . . ''."J i ,." -K-.i V ' ' ;.' '",:- ' - ' ti?-, 1 . r " : v.. . i. i5' .

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