, -1 m 1 A r ''if' : ui-i-i ju- - ...j aye ii'U-'A i jj ' i M '. i -i ull i . i. wagg t . u . . 'RALIUGU, ( C.) TllURSDAY, Al'Ult taSsr.: : ! ; No 18 - - - i..4r 1-.,".- - 1 ; ,; Tim stah .h. i JJ .VjriA.CaroTiii taf Caxcf.'f, T r.UMV P'SiU.'n t l fc w ii aMnm,lM pap , mocO, b at lU oUaa nt ta EdAura, aO iMMbur tOwK Saw,' at4 'Jre tune toro tUtais wm-t4 " far -ant. Ail Jctter U th editor M In ..,' . .. ' V: '" - 'l The following U ih reply of iVt Aus trian OWryer to theremarks, foe of ' wbwVure fcve rtanslate d. of the Krr nth 'tpfr.'on4V'frl T4the Austrian ' Minister to recognize, th? titf tf orpf of lUc PrVrieh, Marhalj-f-Afff, 7nf. , ' Th (firtr..ajKaue pr the Stl January and th Jmnul tin kl-atfrt pnwclies ajafnst the Ambamdor of hh Anitnan Majwtjr; at Paris, becau, i conformitr with the" instructiooi of hit not to recognize certain titleairhicli are ir.rompatible with our actual 'THiliti cal state. The mile ami. anponanea tone which-' nrm lo.nave occoraa a co kI natnrc thee Journal; and vliirH iSpt frf miloved on"" this oc- ca ;6n'." wobld be' aufBcient eicttie hir rot answering1 thVir attact, except oj the silence "of ouf contempt; it we diu not think it useful'tq cive gome'exp' n:iti'on th tlic aubjeel, which occnpiea a present their empoisoned pens. In iaf)6. 1807. Stcponaparte. to re win vi IOUS lUIIIVIUUBiB wu ubu, "- (Vrctl Uiin important service in the Ann v. in the- Administration, r h Court, conferred on thenv the titles of , princes, Dukes. Counts, &c. and ad ded to several ottbero s fiefs of, the Fi fnch Empirerthe names of provinces, town, or domains, situated in J118 countries wbich.be had conquered, Such were the Dukes of-Parma, I'lacentia, IVissano.'iTrevisjU-DalinaUaRagu Istria, FriouU Padua,, larentum Ga meuta, &c. .v. -" During the negotiations wnicn pre Ddwl in 1814. the Peace oi I'ans, im Powers to which the , treaty of peace secured the possession oi the territories to uhicli these titles were auacneu, pry tested against the ontinuance of titles, which must necessarily expire withlhe dominion of the dOnor nuerered countries. 1 nrotest.it was assumed il.nf those which recalled where the, pos mt Ike actual cosseot f U prmott'; C vittl SUttct Sju iwv- Tb U- i;r J Stale fppte latiwoin, Cm. '.Jdlt, wm at ,Mte. Wt .Tkt , (XUtTgatory PrtytrtTh fo!low-i!0(MVu Bup.CDtiiB IlalTioaB. ing preaajWe. and mulitioot were in-dJ oo cruiae. Cajaa. iro-tucrj br Mr. Hat. a roerobef the New Vwk Letlatare, n tbm eqnence of mfe allasions tnl bj the Ke., Mr. Atscam. tin Cbjipuia tt the House of Asteiubt j, ia his prs yer brfort that body fa the mornio j of the COth. lt to thoM who- voted aja'it the Gmk biU. oniderine than , trort Uuxn trefI)trkt,Ltr U was hid on thf .JjWea order ugte the Reverend gecuemaa apportitaitj. ot cxpiaia- " miereas. tlie Rev. llr.MlbarUa. jn jjf phaplainl of this ltoane ha,n-twoocMM, eadeeyored im pnpfTry tstiaufiic f aU3 .f J Cap'uiu Elliott, sailed ljtH Jaoeary Ut raiU4fhu, to touch at LIU Janeiro 'v ; 'Charlatan, MrthS&. ' . tery elesant dinner, prepare! by U r.Stcwart. u hi best st vie was Te terday rjnu to U Uon. UV. IUo. at tho Carolina CoSeo Hbnsef'.by. the officers of the ITtU rceiment. ' Lieut. Coi. Orlell BTstded, assisted by Ma jor Coody, as Vice Preleol.: Messrs. Van liureo ami taobreleBg. .ieiuw of iJitnzress froui 2i tork.and Jlr. Drift too, ami Hamilton, ,Metutri of fnmWrthere. o'prayiosrnr einress reference -o.bject orJeCTslation now irnder dwcossino, andduppJicatuvc Aiminry uon o; maae us vmhidj to sacrifice our libtttTi-eniLwhereai such pr vf rs JiaVf dangerous .tendency, and Jnnt. if tolerated, restrain .the free dttov' debate ttndof ictioo.ua :thU Aowt- rherefore, w . r .,,, a,, . t-. , ewW.TJut'the. Ben-Mfc AJburtia be requc.ud by tho lion, the Speaker, to dtii fxim tht dbruwiofi ' in hi ftrtiyerw, u on of the Cti:iptitof ihm House, of tho 'tpedfio $ubjectbf letvIation thamiu" JHelaricaofu Caintroplui A Mr. Dun can liaise swith hi' nephew. Mil too Howell yout; man of 18 or 0 years of an-e of Minisink. Oransre coaotr. left hiinno for the buroose of hunting; and . . . . . - i being absent longer thatr wae zrvw. thetp friends became alartneu ana mnoe i.arr!i for them. 'when tfleV were found in' the' followinff cnnditioti: "jur.- MulSff was lying on nis ibcc stretched out -in - a canoe, , waich was atnek fast between two txtgS.n the Walkill and his mWy jono. but' with. no tnsikl if fioience any where about him.Arterwardi," the bcxlf ot -wr Howell was. found between the x. F rowt lX Skhmond Cmqtdrtr. - .SIGNSOF THE TIMES. . ."-The ris of (He Nation! letoUixeacer orw ps -ioMdimM' as they are bollnw. TWy bavt nied th cry of a CVmAt nalkm,vf faction "awociated tstethei in Ihe rruit of office; d.rected by a V'J;J"1 central Jt. at W..ington. at the M 377t'?1 Kitioaal Coogrefs ffb" tbis Slate. ili frali". the officers' wiilitliVir cuHijUoy, "., abltf inViUtiooj t j. , I, Xkslxio'if. kci-A the sea son of vegetation approachea, a toiar epon the aTOlication, of Tobacco water ' -.1 !.. ct : ..... in me uefciracuoo. ot lasecva mj "mv ut atom, in tne procein of pre pan n io- batco Tor use, a liquid is fioallrepress- i r ...' Y ' I ea iroiu lu wiiicik is very coeap, inu highly destrvctivo to animal life This, nixed with three to five ouart, wa;er, Ls found to be "an effctujA remedy for the aphm, caterpuUrs auJ siiuiiar ia sects whilr infes fruit irces.' Jlort GeJJvi ieaih ttat a ridi, and, apparently, extensive dcpvit ti Gaul. Iias rerv recently twen ilcoveiea 071 the laiid of James C-pp. about five miles trom UnarJotte, on the ataievuie road. JSvideaces of tho presence ol the precious oieUl were last, season, for toe first time, preceived ,in tlie vicf oily of that place, ami some leious commenced working there; but not be ins verY'&uccessfud, they abandoned,!! a a Drofilles?buines. Kat lV this sea- sou new eiioru were mauiB, me rwunui Ark .ihAiDUtno at tntelliwocer lor their rvft- 4r tfiw arta, br wtivh tht j stuft their alleri- tioosi aod they wiif u l yo eaia ana agaia of . the printing cf tht Sviato -which thev be lost, of the Tw tencea ei air. a iren. ticn iact , . l .tho inrauUnn et - b the t Hce cf Vice " r : i ... . r .t. kOIHlll! IV HUB 7Mt iTSMU NW tM the moke," kijored peepW- .. I nts ttratateriT I p.. WODOCmWMimgaM.XnapOOilC. llk- l ... ! ..nnrinrinlwl rh.rartM- tretnindsctaof tl.e talaevtrf. -n-lidi rTI v r-.-r w rr is,r fauthetVi: tTl'iiJ' thejhavei.wnfroaHh.speechofMr.fC tWmH ttrV." v.. Barea.;vYet their hypothec, sro ' '. iiiihiu, B,;ir uinuiruwiux r. ii .v... .k.. .. IT thai MtabliBhM'mriifnnf ufl it . . . .... : ocf - .. -,.4-1 . . I.ttlew'. " , T some potent spell and 'conjuration flirt, . 2 1! ha compelleJtwenty foer of the ablest sseitobnng thk meo''in htScnale implicity to folio m -But hJt ,etd MIt u in TaVo that thecharaftr. . . . .(.-I ."..I l.t.. .....r titlac i.f h-iitil ' havo btsea- disCOVeftid canoe t..- ;.i.;.U,l in, ha KnrMiil and the shore, lying in a similar posture, g paitf j 4ysec0A,Ury formation of on the bottom of the kill, the water be W ni!in. i.. th(i tngonty or mcne ;ueep. ana tue : . ; i ,.ceh'(j(ij ; blK tUe mucT. uuvc, w w.l. rt .V Zu hwVerty of the sui lace (or toil) ofii.s wis-found with himIt'U tliwightj . s , v a f a aa. ..a o i i:iiiii viciucu aaa 101 so a v - iu caltivation aoroucno.uico.., " 'MSince. howcver, trie once sie.il acres in tne naritv tire canow wS.-w " ,.. 'U.n it ,kv iri ifir h hiiu for hich, w ned cto l.:. '...ni,.tni nanpr -i pndr:iirft to "'"o ' ' . .. j . , . i ma ...... tr.- i.i. m .,,rk lh mine tor a certain nor 5' I .'.A.n .f thoi filKtiiliN: rret UUII1 vith v. . ' - ft , ' c 1 iiu nnttt. inar iiirv uuiii cui vuinota iuiu ... i - j . . .. . over me con- - - - , n. liberal uera ,nave. occrr maue ro justify this rmneacou. hj, UtUa ponsessions; 'all of w as a urluctDle. " V'B T i,. ! he has as vet clecli a i i c a. . .. iiMkr.rian ioirinn i w r , t,on of a certain p ace w.ep"a tWore , --. orWa(U) i.unr ut lie line nau utitiis;uioiK;u i .. . ., ,. .r.... - -t... - rinn ui lucir uim &fby raffil ! o Howell for 8afe,leep.g while nutt- P W W,. W flocking thither from all ' , v - !.A....iiM . ' .... , or previous to Hulso tfeath. - ; JJw diacoVerj of the Jrecirtu fatal teu :conn1heacrior ofl taade."- Mr. C-np. haaWj In. an old convent -in the interior Mexico: "an ' ancient . MS. haa b n irnm frAm two or three nrwnaDeri. . . lalrtiM Is to escspr. hdfrl7r:, .v. .. r ".r ' fro tbe-reaeotmenta of an u" .vr" X ' .T. , t-r iyi imjim- wr it i, : i. l4o.afaletirffiDOse 5T r ' ' '..r.! propagated by vena! presses Republican Party into p f"Msu( "7." ter of the War defic. any such ia- JxvVll w- V rZP ff KinuitionjXhat the incorruptible Macon, intelligent to be imnosed vnon br ru 1 ' . .. ..irA .i ' .i .. - . , f. r r r, , , - anaomiuvoi a mours ann suj is no foundation The N. Intell march of public ro mour s and si motfves and riewa of any Opposition , j J WIBl which itarnp. ftwith its appropriate Q .J, . cnaracw, E,ven mew ftuiiora are ,,.t .aa i !.... -, romnelled to admit.' that wah OoDosi l.p ... i.. . ., "v . .! .. I mierior annua; auu biivzq n puiiauio . tton , VheB founded upon -principle. Ljuceaiec which h baa in reUie ',m .reuwT'lc"m,U(n ir''"" ihinliit. wliicli htf wiehH.and voa am;.J vanish, the moment they ary touched by i of the " treat Maeician." rl ' : ... .1... t - .... t. Ufa ven thee'F.litora arel ,. ......'' , -T ! , d'ww trT" :t T ,i atoncawtdowoas thVsesUfcalum- '. opposed." Why thetb subsequently B,t(rtBat,it U, tkc(ij; raif .V . dehounce'a -eommiib. rf.ae tscribet0,Mr,Van-BuPreab lBaew- E.1"" rVvJr ypS r which hrdoes notponeiV otir The misfmune is, thMlhe parasite ,of :WjKblll,MrjJftWV'iM. vices of their patrons-fit to .deny the Nation,,inteIirgeoee-! U hi. obi, T.T.tU i r'' Wocnt..-TnePP- whnhf contract of hia party withli: sltion ia WUarmiy cried 5nnTUeitttfawt..tba; nnncipieu junio, anu a oespermic uora- Calhoun of coarse to b otnauon, wuicn looaa ro ra owj aggr.nr i yltt Preaident-or indeed V ant tbinj CHiemeoi. iomcbq pi ine puwic ninwu. 0eielrilaT. PresideDUL Cfcttt ITmii tliir1..B ami Vii1rt utnrM ftrfw I . . ' . .1 . . , - ... stribed a the members he hre served; but out exnressinsr such a relation, appear cd to indicate a ngnp 01 msscsiu.. countries, or towiiM situated out of the Vrpnrh territory, ouzht to be consider C .finite th. i.lice .4 prS AS" P'"; " w" - ... , , I u..fpnmtnr. i inn lurruHH r : liik - i a ? : pn-ty of ihis disthictiori, whvwm, . f. . . . m.i. r.nm mil i.i v..- . - o - - . . " 1 I .. ; ...I .. realized Ihil season, from his share ol the findings," a, colisMjerable amount ut uMvwruw.11 up- go that the lattelulays or this aged, 1.. iT.Krt sv tna mArninn1 niui rri prwii:tn i itarv clorv. was directed against areal "OT AKUf his life were ahaddyry Car. I. ahe eyes of, such. satellited finnmn v. una nrevenicu uunn.a. wum- - . ., , . ( - . r- .: . . 1 ' i irinnin oi uie mom naviiiaua-Anminia sions, towhich it might evident y give EKSteSSd IIook be,0S told of emrer-4' tratiimarrally ground if 'without rise. In the same niamier adhere is political, opponent, exclaimed, f I -m reproafh.hey may, exhibit? eve7 an EearlofSt. Vincent, a Marqo.s ol clothing ) f.k Urt glad to hear it." Theudtlenlv ,f f a ramuityof actiim' DouroandTahvera. a Viscount ofTra. f 4 SauctrlrSS adAd with a feeling-of compasate may- indicate alllta measure falgar.a Prince of Waterloo, a Count lfiJeS forgiveness, "'anti-yet I don't see why AemaTJjostifyaints inroad upon the of Nollendorf.aPiinceofWhaUtadt, Iroiit thejf fibre . I should bei poor fellow, he never ;d)d 'tJtL. tf.ev roav defend fall its there m,Kht be a Prince of Kaalihtf TO-JW 11- much' harol," ' ' , 5 mea - rightT or wrongur a.., t . - T .i ..i a mi ..KfotmiiA a vci in:? ;;oKhoDuofLeipsig,brHansu, broa,. lye. of Brienne, of Montmartrc, which would ITT'Tdn not lnipiy in puisun "--j v-. territorial sovereignty. .The contrary wnnUl be the case with tnose winch, at thnnirh the.v mio-ht not be attached to a. nvj-efll nossession. m'Wht be founded on' knprip of feudal nretentionfl The publishers of the; Journal de Dcbats. vLnd of the Cotirtcf.' go so farin their foolisr that the re 'dny wrfw Tvtf insinuM, next, that ht and Mri of aa abandoned Irv.-.A k.M h.ua t.ili.r thnnatL .zA Combinatioft; ' OurJvnronAlaXhibit gHdei.4he eer of the constitution. the same- illitratlbJi.yThe j, ,mpowibU tto divide the Empire be-i ettne wauwonaot me wogwujv. tweeB emand one or.tbem onlyla were denounced for their nepnncipled tQ president Qtice PrfMdenti y co.!)inafion.atd the elder Adatoa wa M -on; w the other pogt may fall to th so far hurried away by Ma mentments. otofN, York." . fn truUt, tlie National 1 as to doom the : UebubUcalv' Party of j;nteitiEencer doei iw seem to ander- Virginia to sackcloth ;nd - ashes. s.an fw owB ptotg, but it is pleased t There were not wanting Editors - then JKrr;hA tn blh of these centlemeO aa m to reprobate the " community of ctm( unbounded ambition, to which they are V by which the Opposition waa'charac- determined to ; sacrifice not only ' the shi. . hip rorcumnrao iiiuoeoaj" interest of their own state, twit toeir, , Id also njure' upMhe WosidTf own pa ftirjsfokfi-Wi:- ts. and circulate the taost absurdl " fh- lniplliveneer for ItaVroofiT TL . -l i ;!.AJ.hfM?A""-'" " ' .". .. .1 ' ' rumours. nev were luyai mrn in xneir ftW fca none to giveAMaft tbf t generation; and their virtues hate not ! witches bfMacbeth they keep the prdt I lmise. to the ear out orean- ;.tO)tnet,-:. thel --norWtinn. VTWtr I tantalise us with' tk Il . 1J - V . . . 1 .( W J (, T I c. .L!l. M.nn..4 ,,: Tl. prOOI WU1VH Oil! UV unWMtJff i ' have promised to exhibit the most con-, clusivtevidencea Iof lf vXah Buren'i . designs But they;never" come."? Tbey'charge him with the planof con- spiring to ; make Mr Duff,Crcen. the, nf ' -Printpri .when th same D. . the hadhnrtlv before oositivel v de . .i . .T.i , i - . .-. ... tnomtni lue oinerpany, oppose direa ,that Mf, ,VW Buren woW not , ten rou plots, 1 ' - ' ' i . .-.I. r 'o n ...I i k .n.ra&niinn.nr nr inR u.n. ua.euK .h...a. inp wnr.r.rv m in unnrinnnien 1 1 ' j ..i v... v. u..., ..I .n . ..Ait . lesuo. ... at Harrisburg, writes. uudec data ol Combination M.iraiaed;''.1indhe; r-nMr..Ca!hett''weald! ot,be abaadbned' UulionalitU April 9th.-" The 'Governor has this pance of the nation is inVoJved rrtin jyW)n findinIv u to." . f huimont sio-neu anu reiuiucu n. in- thmrneaus. . ici oin xnv ijicseui cue. vr,. Pnndnrv nntrniiirtert lv tna Ori Taes-llou-- vjc-"ii"-- o1-""! m twwim,: : vvii.--.-.."" i Aiogny Argus, ooia-mr-crtauoa som-a. v. 7T: '.,t..-.i Peunsvlvania Canal Bill." i advoitlT harped Aipon by all the affiliated 1 S M Clinton, tha Intelliirencet' , oYahrW of Mr. Joha I Thomas Crosby, ot uanonry, won. wiuwi pvrwni-u;M.v - "ryr , y v "inot a wora .irora too, rju uoui uii PMultisinB with a view of beinff' a Clrcuj n- lvd.The sense in which he intended J pre9idencv!" The Argns meets this new recognise lishracn of the inn iu 9nVi and ''dignities' K.endnck only sm viveij lll.ll VUlllll ma - o ! ' "i I . ii . i i . r u..n. l.t.,u nmrnintr. whpn neiilPtl.' cotiierreu oy tne uovernmeiu i "" j -".:, :. T, " . 7 Ji .1 ..- -n......;.u.ir:. nntnnKrfi-nm'.ll that we can '2.ithet. in - reKari -Unfortunate Occurrence day evening tae iwn ins KenuncK, a consraoie i tupnt to the Taor.Yard . i it t . . . i nrai'.iiMin McCoy to seusome jeainer k VWs bead aud urote b n-ck. f0 PtnreM himself,' was poblicl giveri -nionoat Iod and explSittt-aviiWl "thai hati:aken;;-bj 4 b"imlf.: inthe. following & hit ? r .a i . - UtldrfHiflrd to his Company at the Eagle I ;fltl L,i. ifrMmi of bv the Keoub- vetenui' editor ol tbe nos-,1 " ' . . - ' -."- . . - w , f'-v.V --r . eouiltlcieU on Sirtttntiiy Uturt lhsjUinnr ruitv-uuru Tear ui nuw . ... , - nut ' inere 19 n tucciuiK io? . iki -1 nosition. wiiai -mcw- . . 1 .. 1-. . .1.. 1..... .. i..i . ... . . t-.. -"" 1 r . . . .. ... -'""? r .rrr .TT, rtefved thronzh the dart cloud that seems Intel rencer text empipyr vy e oez 1 n.-r.rd.ed bv the iaml .ll their acheasea about ; r ubiuaustt tr iuirieniiilarii)f laim to nower. wnicn tne rresi-ithe ureat , aiaEician.,',- w"nos editer. l be vcsioo jiemiu uvu u- j. i.- mil combination have been h. ran the next President, nor ereti "tWZSX- fPm.ft v,nd . forminirV which will th Vice Preiident. i-No uch Rumour. .... - ' . -i ... v::.; ... ...... ... - isb pretentions as to maintain exeeatibir Alter proceeding to e, lk! c,ue in, jx ,U'0 refusal of Foreign Powers to it appears that ah altercation wok place "jn- BuneUC'dievi French Einnire. is in contradict when trom an uniorrunaie uiow g,. b ly e :k .wf r .Ip nfth' Charter M'CoV to the olbcer, if appears nir, -';iin.tar '"V . i v. I tli cti-Hff was u st vi ill v art i iir" . It appeal s a fundamental law of France, but also to the uiiioriuna;eBairA-t uiS an nW .rntnrv nn all PtrWOr allWtt I Wa .OOIW . Uel:i". 8 . d "? France Although' this doctrine wilV ' tindi go ft te ?tl itivtijtigatiorf; y;; i ti .:'.m-..i..i t itterelv tin'ietore lorneaT . oiaiiins iui uivr in" as wen caiauuiitu j . vi, ' y.iih 9uilm.il lha MiMuamiPIIPf UlllCn i IE f WfS.' wi rvw . ,a . eii- iun a rinH m niiii nttt nm(i.iiifaii:ir-i -t Lujrwi ' -: "Wfi. ''r;a tlJuitv:i: ler du! not. & could confirm the titles r yom -Mome e- which are her-qtJon'tViglit luatiMHiii iiit' raimn uw tiiai'i"--' i ferred during by past ' JeuVsjf arfd .'the clauses vvl.'u hrelata to (heneafe indeed ohliimi.iriT ArfV n HrMi 9 Wei 1 J ' i . I . t . orv offx straDcemr w",, froVAfovtfVul-. W. VV. iailed, Coiiimoaofe'Bfroh wii blockading tlio Braxili Frenchmen; neither hasnyuMsret guavcr-raTieavy tarCV i7 reused, nor will refusfe.- to tecoghie yessi "is ui.iriwuing ociwesw-iv the title of Duke, Count, France, at whatever r But the Charter could not 9ltiiin.il . t ()b I passions out of;Frtjice;,eyWm liinn rvs nt i-v mi wti rnnuni t mil iif'i : airiu mi j j .u uuai ut. , .. imti nmtu -ciau yi3 arO,WJTv " ii - 1 ;$:f:.i! - . j-y..c-jMtf , or Barn, tn Uj'6 f)'rnaenor Ajres, Bevoraiii eriotl ' 'itfv d .af cS Wail been f ooght; bu t1 none , or bas it any consequence. he cbooaer,eaii-Lf-ntiitnl itrCSrif. Odoni. of Baltimorc.'hadi ai b muuve i WreSt tnepOwer iroin mo nuui u i du reacnea irgiuiayuuui n wn ui VM- iuuaev.unS , wwr.u,nwortnT tohold it.becaose it isused tojitted br the N, l'a worthy .colleague. WMlii" '.l.twidMi ther1?htof .the States, and the tho New .York American.'. JBufr rfr.n i?.5?V.f t;h.i i,f th heonle.'- These ' are - no I .rpl v. Virginia oueht to have heard .'of 't.. w.n..n ...ii I .AMitwitta t.r itartnc ruilitirixns. nut the 1 !, r...m Itpnil Oimrtpra." lonar aince Good Gift, Jor his lleuig, aud to many wh 'W' now .!, ana wuo, uuruig- u long period,' hftte bctu y ,pirtMing Oeittrrence. last week, y tnc VT" Miv fihr we?e .uio4nateiy ii-dwfted in combinations of great State who know more particularlra the National lately ii1v. iine' m Mr. itt& knmbioation of the people" themselves,! traordinary conjunctioryot interest ana immeitwteiy anK m toe uoou. m u i"tw. i who are tieterinineu to wm MiiaiinaiK-r i nurDOSe . oeiweeu cerwm pci wu at air. fcireenman who i-.t :ii,' in hnda unri elect a.rresi-i iJ7rhmnni ami rprtain Dersons at Aiua "u:n.b5r P f'LS,.r ,t,.nt for .themaelve. who Willie Arfr y.'--.lt.would have been omcwha wensow tlie itam iuatlowth fcrryita wl cAoiV.and willrcsbect thett tlaim$ liHieular, if some token of tni move- 1 STtAoZ wrtod7- VSil itdoe-spotsuitthe taste:erthe mentbad not been commun.caxfyo in, Mi'conrSo Wid rum-u Wont of the .'ateHtte-s of ,the Administration to fake Masonic brethren to. ; Richmond-fhaa water, betkoaed to lu Ve, off, wuk, th eipressiorf . la this. wafThey' are the Intelligencec etill o muc a grtce Jeff ; Mr,"een kivoeltf beer pleased hi converting the Hm- a, to be ashamedto utter the cuckoof $t$4$$ bin'a(ioVi"info a cant-wbrdja. an oOiett note of the Ukhmand' Partvr) andjet cwBdid-they ehv m they wouidf a fnf heir Coalition and! then ascribing never by .word fw by. ietter,: under the iorv drink Vottieor h.mpa.gifc .i'.!,:. Wrt th .ilpat vipwa of ambition. Siirn Madbal birthe ealot one of tbw me n lore si?, rtrengtuMou ry.--.uflnt,a' Uu0 f-An.mratnr. in thft Senate of the. twnTini back TheEartta I l- f st i 1 ; f 1 'ii.- 1 . " 4 t . v. . . t.I - f ', , ..v,- ; ' ' r ' ..'i;,; vt -i . p; . f " .V- ' "lE '( 7

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