...- . ij : . U i I u i i - i L ' 1 vi I , v A t . . A.; - a . ' ' - - - - ' r . V HALindii, Norrhr CAitoiJN'AtTnuiii)AV, .ma ir, ir-.:. NO. rj. Vol. .w:i. TUtf STAN, v., V . i ,...'. r1.. . .7.if ..:-. w A " ( .tkbtli .WMi, threw d-.:irKa. i pa,r " H St SwJ, Ivst i t! ; f M r 4 irv,BW r SfUea, It', n-ti'-dthrw l.un iloroue NsncT Howard?-. . .... . had. v giute uf Nortfi-UKroiina,". ( V. OttAw County. - '. , S Jiwrit Court of Sprioj Tena, 1 tSJT.' aa cy Humphrey . ," ; ' : . t " ' ' Tb. f.5. 4 lUHof F; lt Humphrey. J ! i. .-i, tt pfrrn ilwt Purwit IUteo ad Wi re .r a at tw l;tir n tS-Tcfore that jUnwir L uade ui titu L'arslMia KoatW) knd lU!t iat ra Ctrkv lUat aurf deicttdmu' 4,.ir tf l SMuonr Cowt of l to bo f-r 0-r m llie krart llwne in a rvlrv? r ;1 Jiuu, ' JUivmcM nii boi! n..jiiC m;.;. Att, J. t. DOTY. Ork. , Vtirt .lr. 3 ft-'l. i ' f " '" -T, Stato of jNorth.l'uroliun, : Oiulotn Cotinfy. Superior Court bf Law Sp;ing Term, 1-) --j ,' J-Fctaion for Dirnrcc. !) tfewil. ) , ..- " In I'au it bcnic mile appear lU Ati bciion of 0.C Crvurt, tlwla uI)iumi vul 4lia tub hl R-ftuWlv, iatuidl ilireauJ by lav, totitc dtfcivtJ, oniuamlio); hi nnrice in Cq- .t, to pkewi w wnver to tlte pctkioucr's petilinnf M"l tul a oy5' 4f with foreai4 aubpa-. ' uaMkad Iwen k-H m tii lt plnca cf akou of tn Mid 4cixLmi in tlii StMu ntore tHan ftftxeu Ujti before Qie liny of lit rtura Mch of aaid tu(Hn, lrw ittiiialioo u' Oierufonl made by tho uttriS n'ttie 'Uuor, of tlo CoutvIIouse, for lm sal iltVn(Jant to ijipear and nwet t com tiumrtedby Ue wM tubpauiu Mid (ho said de indaotbcinR o culled ntado tiutfjlti ItU there fwn ordered, Uiat Hi Cki Wut t ic of the acadeney of ttais fctittM . I ,nnbWed, in tlieCaroiinSi;rvUHft and UaWia,.. 5-Ur tur three month, ,tinct W 1 ut aukt turra, an ,uuc b aul iailtcl to a jury to. amci tain ifie, worth of Ike Bultnul fact, ciirecd ia tlicpetipiiri-'t petitioik. Attest , J. i DOTY, CUrk. ; Apria3.lli?., ..-' vl9Sa;y, . ; , Trko rnU. f dnUit. r ; -y- State pf North-Cnroliua,' ; . Haywood jpounty . - - -, Superior Xourt of Law and Elquity Sprinj; .Term, i82r: - , " 1 w.'f,",-"1 Petition Cj liver. Rebeeoa Kilbr. 3 - fcv It apptantig W "e wtis-tion ol mewnuit, mat tc 'T Xurlli-Cut Dlina. 1 L'MkrtfJ (swCf. f- U fyaiij ALrJ Jcrtu. I82T. k !S"et b viU-iLm tW rirt. tkat tu- AJ4 a tu MtC u M a kUI el Uata tu a ia oniuvJ fey lW Cuiart, atwir aa Ur Slat- a4 KdiCantt Sow Ca- aaw. JmI, amlna a naratttttrii Court 1 T"; " tar vm caat t iiiaumom, al W- Cuorvl toaw ia UWotaR, tU ll.ini MuaCaf fur Um, (junk Mowiay SiWr aeft, lliea aoa ttm aa , (jkaad a ilnaw U uim Uiwu' bail.il iU U takati arttooaAiaM aud ix ard u part. - t . . -Tmc t. P. BtKCirCTr, C." H W I liU April, H2T. 19iM . . State of NortlwL'troJina 1 "Anothrr Tnis I tV.-. dereudsu!t U berond Uio limits of this State. t that tlie ordinary "prooct f lavr ennnot be erred on her, on motion of the plaintiff, by hia Attorney, H." M.Ktokes-, Esq. It ii ordered by tiaort, tlittt' pttutieatkm b niade aix wek in nie BMeiv?i Ktetr.lhuttlitfile.bndantappeitrat Uie nexl' Snperior Cottrt nP ruhrf- Eiiiy W be l'eld for th ountr af Havwood, at the Coui-t- Hnnae h Waj'ncv1e,: i tha aqcond Wedne- ilay altenhq'taunh Monilay ot Scptemmr ort, tiienand there ta pkad. anawer o demur to said petiti?Tir,-r the', smue wi'l betaken iro eon fendo and heard e$ wttu 3m decreed sceoi-dinglr. Witnena: JohlB B. Lbf e.' lek of oC id Coni-t. "at offleo Jn'WiewlUe, th9 2wl AVed- eeauay titer e lonitH'Aionntryoi. luansn,- iw , ' '-'iv'v JOHJiTH, LOVB.Clfc n.-8. c ; fly tt; LOVU, W Oepnty f rice tidvj; $S !M 7 " - 19-6w '- ihi i iiiii urn w . 1 ' " 1 "- 11 J 1 StMqONorh-CuroIina, v Court of .Plea and Quarter Sessions HU T"""" V -mv , . ; Brown, dec. , , , , ' '. :n.t. WDliam ' -H'rovni Jobn Brown, t Petition for. John Gam brill and Pollv hin f dower. wife.ScWro. f. M'Kef, AdmV "rV. Gaardian .of Ezekiel Urowo, . deeeaaed.5,-- - t thU ease, H ttppcarinir to tlie aatiafitetien e-f . the Onrt., that . William Hroan. one of tlm de f. frndanU In this case.residea beyond the limit oj, tluaStatei it is therefore ordered by t liouj-t, fr that'. publication, be made' ait eek in tbe Ita- ;leigh Star, that nnVim, the defendaota apprar at ' he aext Gfwct of Pleaa and Quarter Session to ' e keld fc?fhe oantyf Haramod, at the Coerv ir iioaat in Warneariwe, m tne toHrtii m.onnny or UnO oeo, lllfUt WCr17 UI uic-au, .iibtti w wrumw H to Mid petitiim, it .will he taken pro ecnfesVo ' and heard ex Tiarte. , . i-Wltoeai.RoberttjOve. Clerk of our aaalCourt, at offie to YVafncsviUe, the, firt Monday n Aprd, 1327,, , , V 1 f 11 ix)x, at it c.c. i - fwe tdv.'Sl M --, ' m-fiw State of North Cai-oUuu,' Jiulhiijvrd County-"., ... lo fttuitj April TeniiJ ' Vtln Bi-onk jj , Aniruatut Letkct 5 aiakat ' Tt aK-ariii- to the Ltiafetiii of tha Crnirt, t)uttl.e'rieiMlaa(ii lhia.at3ia ant aa k.iiah u oj'tVJa kLa'i t. k tUe Cmrt, Uil ln'.Uiaarkm 1m auadc aat Hwrnnai4xhf aaUic Mar and Xorth-Caroltaa SUte Gatctttr, rfiat, ui lea he aripcar at tae or at CoUit of Equity to he held tor Ui CoHpty-of Uaebcrforlat the OoiMVlIouaa In Uutlierfmltoa, oai th' thtrd Monday aitisr the' fourtk. Monday of Sitr-ni!xT next, fliea aad thrre auaver, plead or drtaur t ihecomplaiuanra' bill aa a-ueftded, tlte taiM vdl k takaa pro eonTf ao tad I ward n iartB. .Teat . T."..W-iCiIETT,C.cM. Apia J3, IKT. , ''. lil-tfW Price aR'$a C3J x '. State of North-Carolina, x Johnston Coiirj-it. ' Court of Pleat anil Quarter Sessions- " ' Febrwarj Terra, Xti.7. Bryaa 8teTn - - .; . I Attachment levied, koi . Keodhaa Sterena.3 . . ' - tt appeat-Mttr to the autkuetwa 01 tbu wwrt, that the defendant in this caae ia not aa inliabit- antif thii State, tor ao conceal hanaaU' that the ordinary proeeaa of lav cannot lis acrvad uioa hiini it ia therefore ordered by the Court Out publication for aix wecka aueeeaaWcly be miade in ff.j. Rb..;lk rttai fri Myl Hi-fiii(lAnt ta anneae at our next Court of Pleaa and Quarter Seaaiooi to be held tor mid county, at the Court Houh ut Sraithfudd, on the fouith .VTinday ia May next, and replevy the property ao attached, ami plead to iaatte. otherwise final iudrnieot will be eiHered arainat him, and the property levied on eondeiJin ltotue plaiuuiil recovery. . " t ' Taat. - RM. fcANDERS Clerk. April l,t2T. "v W-6 . , Price adv. $J SO!". , State of North X'irolin " Johnaion'cmmln.' ? , ' Court of Pleaa ahtl Quarter Session February lerm 1827 . WaihinKton tn Thomson ; . .4. v. Attachment levied, Needham Steven.. .3, Jkc, U anpearme to the tntis&ction of thii Court that the defendant in thiaease la not an Inhabitant of tliia Stata, or u eonceala himself that the ordi nary ni-outs of law cannot be nerved ud him: it H tfierefort) ordered, by the Court that pttblUaf ttor) tor uc ,wkh.-k aneec'sstveiy no matt hi tue Raleigh Star for kaid defundant to appear at : onr next Court of .pieaa and tnartef eaaiona to be held for kakl eounty; at.tW Court House in SmitbnVtd, on tlie fbttrth Monday in May next, and replevy tne property ao attacbed ana pleail to issue; otherwise anal judgment will beentered agmnsthim, And the property levied on condemn ed to the plamtins' recovery-. , j Test. ' . RM. SANDERS, Clerk. April l.iSSJ'." l?-6w , Price advi $3 50 v ' Ctio!r C?art 0 eauj aarterS .,;, Martli Trm. Jaaaci . Tiiak RVan.V.-TaiwiJ trwrt La tr ; t ik..' v kaw.ry t!v m m I K l ia k-V la Iftt V. ludvc. Mitr i-r-kibtliijHiitu '. it r, .. .i. . tX-te. altMkWA ' Way aU. h-( -v.Jvl Joi. Vtod a, c kaarJad)aaaarwVwt. aUat avil t aawt UaU.W taaararxvaof Uaa4. av!UiataTtVt.lii. m..., - 1.. t-. ..11 tUai-V-aara aairat . w,ka Umaal awtW Inlfc. kwttM. UtWa, homna, iraljrt, K. I kf V mtaJartba aT cl UaV44oul k4kai iwrk.tra: Umx I aa.1 Im i-rmrrtr i.'w J) rhc pavaMMi ot l' ImvO, vUm uf mJ aviaara. ' Im " of aai wt ao ll.rly'i MJierw-a, yokr- t b lan.a u(! Tbuua CraataaiJ d ml It aviWar ta lL aMulaatiuai ui Crt. llul Vc d.ranljt m liu. raM hadn a.hJ..'.airt of uc -., at ta th-rs jrr trikwl U.M atW be grrcai at ta KaUt, 6ir, ail eka, tW tha dct-wdaai apavar at ur axM C an wkko tfia tiiM praar4w4 tt lar, ft-yWry a4 phaad a the krtSra, jtorinA.tiaal ill U ran irwd a)raiat tutu, ad lU aruacrty leaieJ ou a ill aoaMMaaaMt ao4 auhle Mtnoat ia ibc pUuu5 i "V . . f a iPv a.." t V a i. at k aij 4wHitfa W JJecf ' ' . . J an a -. . . c . lit aaay ShrriiT' liMf " 1 Hi. ( I Oat ; llcIiKioui Notice.' , . tVlaeraaa, our Uiaarawr fnaahcia kaviar a- au nl trIbm.ei rna ti vulaatv tflvtver a naaWff rulaa tar tha tru-arame of ou CWwh, aad at the rxerwiaa of that authority, luaw aa aauv on taaLaaiaai rgahdanra onriifava a! riWriphUi atd Uara (r taw genand uadaatt) cvaoeti to aa, tnc teociiny ot a jprne-al nfrsMa. tatioa o tbe Local Treacher aH) tayvjiaanbera f our Chorabj aa a aeeuritr tr Uuna rwhla m f ui actuated b tba puravt' priwiplwi. hate formed aaaraelrea bit I aioo !l-eirtataaaj paaagal rraohitionat vutmg which ara (ha lotWw at', paaaed at Witaln'i CUpsa, la tiiaWat tai. t -a,ww 1 t.r Jirtoivrii, tat, TUt in tha aatiraatioa of this .oia-ty.tlw XrieuJ. of Uel'orniatinn ia tha Ma titodiat Epiaeo&J Church in this State, ought to o rrpreseiiiL'tf at tlie convenuon to ne neia in Baltimore, on the Uth of Vovemhcr, I UT. r 2nd. Th-l tha nvtaberaof onrCimrh ia. this Stata favorable to Reform, ba requattod to meet at aoine aoareaieut (dace ia each Ctatnty, em thr. aaeona aionday in June Beat, aad elect two LMecatea for each eoontr. to meet at Bradford's ChaiMsl, ha Halifax ooumy, ou the aecoad Moja a L f . 1 r .1 r i fin m acpicnocr, iur iaa purac 01 cwipaini; IVIej-aU a for the Uenaral Cuureutioa to be held in lUltimorai aa aforesaid. , . , T. 3rd, 'That thesa 'resolutions ba tirned bv (ho President and Secretary bf this Soea ir, and that Oiey b puniisfcra In the aiutual Knrhta la Ualliraora, tha TarboroOxh Free Press, aiul Ruleh Star and in the two last, sit weeks tua- JAMES irUXTETt, Itt.pr. tern. WM. E. BELLAMY. Aoc'if. 17-w Xorik-Varol.A at Saa i. t? M'.a U-rxk of aj- At ..;MHautta W'SMw autd at tW C.ii at K Jwr t'.i 1 .; ti. ; lA.lv,tjc ao tt iK-ti tanr. m p . in, tau-a eae OS u aa. ar a far 1 1.1, tJrrt.'ier WKai OSe a ol v .vru, -ii :i a. . .. ... .- 1 r . " , ! I' ' WWW ( It- 1 tie iU W em ,uw ! . u'ara aii! kuwt lawakt at - ' I J. ilXnrTra-ar. . JuaAatoM cwvQfy, A jh. a, ts. . , ui ' nnfectionarvv r,,. , .Tho Subscriber's lor-Houso wifl be opened on Uw first May next :. Tha Ioe will be sold in quantities to suit purohasen, and on reasonablt terms. Families supplied with )ce-Crearo at a short notice, ' Cream frozen far 'hinilies prefer ing it.. lee-Cttunus, Tuenaouad ami iirtier Con fectionaries furnished Prnties or htdirjduall it any niomcnt, irom 10 A. M.' to 9 P. Al. every Uy Suudaya eiaepted. ) Ladu. hout rWhij estab lisliinotit wdlfiod convenient routi.s fcr their re aeptioti, frea from intrustou. v The .subscriber pledges tuiaaeu to use every exertion to pteate. anu nopea ta uc vicuwa. ; . , , . ... - ' i, , . , a jUrdie.;' Daily expected a supply of flesh ai'tieles, in tae auove uae. " . . .-, , Fusliionuule und-' Cheap" CLOTiitxa stouK - " FREDK.U1CK C-ELUH H tU ausa the wWauxr of irJgruiiiij their t -nda and Us pub twi ftnarcolly, that they have U-vm Uttlocad, frnnt Ota liberal eaeourattfiacul they hava brrwtofarf recaifr, to eaLhi.4 thctuwltwa three Ooora U tow Ot Sokem MaiA, oa FayetherUla atrwel, W the ava of Kaler.-X, Bhcva tliey kavw, aud C-aUto Wp oa haud, a tare aad fanaral aaatat meni at (ooJa ha stwsav law of auiutcaa, matta as tti lataat Bwhiue a-nd aupeAigr atyie of w-wrkauaa slilp, aonaiatiug al'tbefuilow hag aitkiea; , - JpaHJnrbhicaud bLatkDi'vaaCoi, r 'Seoond aoal.ty th.. do. m SujKrfiueUue, elaretaad olive Frock Coats, V . 1)0. Wkia and drab Box Coata. . ; . Du. Uuc elotw Cloaks, - ' . , , Uo. ,1 hlite,hUck and Ua colored Pants loom, ' - . Do. Uae aad Maek -th Veats, ; v Prench, tndaa and Enfliah silk do. f ', . - Taukaet, Vaieacia aaW aait velvet do., . t." ' A areas wrioty of (aawy . ; tlo. , ; CViUoa aad lamhawaal. Drawers, , r, ',;, Lambstrao) Shirts,,., . ' , , 1 , Gentlemaa't firat quality Woodstock iGW, Do. , black buraeakin do, , .(rrmaaaiad fancy Cravata, ; - Webb's pataat Suapouders, " Comraen 1. ' hx r' "' f ' Ivea k Wkke'a first quality beaver Hats, : ' Second quality Z .- . do. v " . Sooerfiha blue aad black Clotha- . i- . .,'v -. All of which will b tlisBoaed of at wlioleeal and retail, at redaeed prices, for cash. ' , -C,.,. (,;tliey-ul keep aijUieir eniployinen a tLiIW of the heat workmen that ean 1m obtain ed from the .North, in order that Muff tuny promptly execute all order with which they py be favoredf and they pJedra ihetnsulvt that Uielr-work, for, durability and -oieganoe,' wt not oe Hiivnor t any. -: r . w , , , ."Movoinner l, .VHl Noticed ;State of- Nortli-Carolina, tlaywoait Countfi , t 4 . Court of Pleas and Qdai'ter.feesslons - ' Annl Twm, 183. 1 i. f John Brown and ,Trhn Oainbiill ?f i, r - and wtfu s , I . . t . i - do, i' v Petition for Wll ista. Bron and William P." . Vparution of r; . MTvee,' Adm'r, and CN I al estate. ; . dnnof the minor licirs of E j t ' -t . rphiel Brown, dt-e, ' J It spTrm! to tho atisfftion of tho Cour, ( bt William, Brown, mm pf the defendants m this ease, is not nn tnlmliilaut' of this Stated k is Hheretort nrdereil br'the'CouH, that publication He made aix 'weeks 'H th Hleitl Star,-4lt ho appear at tho next County Cbm'f of Plea and I ftnarter (Sessions to bejield for the Bounty of Rsfvond, at . tho Onnrt-Hntyo in Waynesvillo, fha fnnrth Mnnrlnv of Junn next, then and there t pleail. aHMrer or demur to said petition; ' ntheri-ise it will ho taken pro eonfesso aud ad Juf" areordwgly. - ' ' j . ; ''"."' Witnea. Hthnt lve. Clerk of our aaid Court t Ofhc Ii W'avewiVille, tho first Monday of A ertnw. -i - U. LOVE, Clk. ti, C.4B. ..' XVice adv. $.1 SO 106 V V AVaxsaCor-rt.'. S8;S:;-, - Caur) of 'Pfeas.an'l Quartet Sessions. . - ,peuruar"' ierm, ttjx. t : IL - ACTip;mai attachment levied, kc. 5 Thit; Parker. J V , It apiwsrins: to the Court that Tbeaplillus Par- t 3r is not an Lnti-.ltit.n nf tiki. Stntn. if I. 't1utti .1 "T ordered that publication be made in the Rav atar tor ant week, that tho aaitl neleni.tant Tna at the next Cmirt of Plena ajrd Quarter Iasionat ho held tor l'amt county, at tlie T'OrtVwiso fa, Wayneslioroiiuii, on the, 3d Moo jy of Ma, A. D. IS47, and replevy or plead to traUO. Or: llld tm.rl ;i k. 'miI-mmI Un -r in.f t- - a vo OV. avca or judgment w , , . Attest, . Pkco adv. J)2 e2k ij-o StjJto of Noi-tlCarplina, ' Penari Qovnlyl Cooot j Court of Pleas ln4 Qu'oi'terSes-sion--March Terni, I827.t 1 WSliaui M'Ki&aok 1 Original" attachment, le vied on one hundred and four acres of land, more less, on tfee waters of IlcnIV'a Mill d'eOK. loin- ins the lands of Thomas Richard N.Tilmoo. J Citaut and others. : , ; It appearing to the s Kjs&etioa o the Court, that the defendant in thiv case is not ao inhabitant of the State; 'it is therefore ordered that notice be given in the Italeigh Srnr, fo. aix -weeks, that art less the defendant appear ut ; our next Court within the time -prescribed, by law, replevy and plead to the issues, judgment final will be ren dered against him, ud the'property levied on will be condemned and made subject to tbe plaintiff's recovery. ' . -f . '. - Prwetdv. g3 50 B0-6w Ran a.way from the, subscriber: on the C5th Lu ttunt, a .;aijad boy to mo, about five feet six or seven Inches hig, a dark tnolntto,? aeventeeo years old, known by the name of RUBEX PE IV 1U-W. t fill give a reward of five dollars to any person who will deliver him td me. 1 i uiiles north of Raleigh. VI will p-y no prison charges, AU persona are fore waniea from liai-borjiij him, ur ciuuiujuir unn tu any way, as i am outer uiiued to enlorce the law in such ea sea. . . 1 . ,. ALSEY JOKES, J Apnl 33, 1827. t ' !9-3tn - Av" NoticK: The hto MARY JEFFREYS, of Franklw county, I. U. havuiir, tn her last will and testa ment, bequeathed certain property to Mary Al- "v n u,..w. , .. ,vw i, ampin. i mnvii. for li, with arenuuader to Win. J. Alston and Mary ti. Alston, Children of tho suid ,Wt hod Alary Alston and tbe said Mary Jeffreys having dietl and appointed thetindersismed hercxeootor. the persons interested in tliia baqueat aro desired to coma lorward anq recurve the same. ,.: ; ' JOHN P. STRICnXAXD.tVr March 31. 1837 . . 15-9m ni Tho State naner of Alabama will nsett the above three months, and: forward hit Stat& of Norili-Carolifia - , ' ' Person' Counti.' '' f . '- County Court of Fleas aad Quarter Ses- i -sions -ivjarcn term, StepltenM. Dickeni J .Original attachment, le- ' ' I T,UJ on ooc aumtred and . I four acres of hind, more tia, ;: ' , or less, on, tho water of IHenlv Siill creek, join mij the land of Th0nw Richard K Tilmon. J Orantand otheri , It tmncarinr to the satiitactioo of the Court. that the defendant hi thia ease ia not an inhabitant of the State;, it is therefore" ortiered tnat notice be (riven id the Raleigh Star, for six. weeks, that unless the defendant atiiear at our next Court withmthe time prescribed by low, replevy and S lead to tlie issu? judgment final will b rrn ered against him', and the property levied on will bo condemned ana maueutject to tne puintilt recovery, l , - ' Price idvi g3 SO " . , SJ0-6w - aueount to the subscriber direeted to Raleigh. : ' -a: rJA0KSON.-- - The andrsirnen beint anoointed CoSnmlssIdh ers to lay off the town oTJACKSO, at North- ampton Uourt House,"!., V. will' offer tor sale the lots therein, oai the premises, on Monday tha kli day ot June next, being the first day ot The CoU. tyCourtr i'-h''-t - A " . :- -' -, -; , r JACKSON is situated iH thetkiiitt of the most fertile land ou tho, Roanoke, and in tlie neighbor hood where lars-e Quantities of all kinds of nro- duee is raised; about 12 miles froiti tho town of Hiding, 23 ti-ora BelHeld, Va. 22 C om Morfreea boro, and it within four or five mile of Bridgers'r iTy on Koanoxe, in wnien plane noau eaa aseesid at almost all aeaao i 1 the year, oxeept when the river is uncommonly lo-ar; and is considered to bo as neaiiny as any: suuation ot ute X'un in uie Rw country. .'Terms of sale w ill be made known, on theaboyo day. ' ,-. ' .. . , v? A.-"'. 'WM.- MOODYAV'i,"l J 'A; . 'VJOIIX PEEUJ3, 'A- J ': v: UOI.US W ilARNES, Com't. JOHN B.'' JORDAN, 'l - " WM. B. LOCKlIARt,' V Stiit oC Nbrth-CaroUhaJ ' T ' '"Person County. S 7-' , Count; Coart of Plea and Quarter Set- biona-i-Marciv i erm, laazi, , - i -JSiAcher Fuller 1- Orisinal attachment, lei viud on one hundred and four acres of laud, more Vii- ltiig, on tho water of Ilculv's Mill creek, join ing the lnnds of Thomas Giant and otliera.'...:, . Il nnpenrMia: to the Btitlsfnution of tbe Court, tliat the defendant in this case is not an inhabitant of the Slide; it fc therefor Ordered that notice be fciveu m tiif Kaiekrli Star, for six weeks, tliat un let the defendant opttaar at .our next Court within the tiinef presented by layr.'rejdevy and plead to the issues, jadgmixit final will be ren dered agninst him, and the property levied On will he tonikmncd and made surest to the plaiotuT 'al 4 i: JESSEE DICKEJC9, Clk. J - JSrvcher Fuller if J , t.5 i j. v v . . Richard K. ,'Tilmon. Price ad. "R3 S9 SO-Cw Fat tale ct this Office, ' UaoMti'l Choir? . Ha.lrS-4iCW' Ct-tl t. tba L'u:..:id . . Jo.h Oraboro Maek UoiKr lorl I art and is.' WOJiam Coderhill t - Capi Elrjah BesaeU '. Lewi DvbaoA ' . Ueoi. Hower V Jaava (l intel . - lwi (iriiuca ,' lletti. C IleriW Jao Jx-ra ' Jaaaoa JaartM ., Marr koroefav JLoroemv. txf. Bryan, KorrV" ' Henry lyontrgay Kami. J. Williasl Uenry AVbitCcM 'Notice. : Will be told, at tho Court House in Plymouth, in WathinKtoacountv,' N. C. on tlie first day ol June -aext, the followinr pieces or tiaroels ol LA IJ and I UV, Mi I S, or so raoh thereof a win satisfy the tax due thereon fpr the year wttn eot acroi. To whom belonging. S3 0. m "90 100 500' 87 2ti,i-5;Cheson," Abraham Armstrona Solomon Armstrong, Aiuaoduj Aamni.iieti ' I A mold, Joseph Hnsemao, Levm s Rlpunt, Hannah' ; : nembrwlge, Silas Batsman Allen Bateman-, ' Jesse1"-' Bateman, Melvin. 138d-3i 13-H 450 .25 111 984 w T, 60 229 SO 400 16'i ' so-" .so so ill Collins. Jesse Dovia. Robert B, Do, for Jor. Phelpesj Do Joshua Bateman Davenport,, Charles Davenport, Susan . Davenpojt, "'Vedt ' uavenport.Chartotte Lhivenport, Vil- -. ; lism, sen. for son DavooDOrt. Jordan Freeman, Samuel ilardeaon, John B. liairison. Josenh Hassel,J.T.J.Wa- liam " - Jones, John King, M. tor&(Rih! tvin- ' Lnmr, 'John Long, Joshua for E. ro,, r iv, Jesse, tenr, John W. Gan-ett Horhoe Ely k Other A Ot ah aw Davennort Josiah Collins' bein Joseph Webb' hirs I noma banuerson Georgo Jones' lielr Benjamin TarkeotOO iwnn uHKrTi a Hilvmon Spruil 'H Uriah Chesamtif V : Thomas' Walked A! VuluauJe - Property for Sale, 'On Friday; the 6th day a." April nexO will be offered at public sale to tho hlghost bidder, at or near the Court House in Raleigh, a valuable tract ui i.rvvi it nig u vnauuun couuey, on ooin atues of New-Hope eruek, containing (75) four hofv dred and aeventy-five acre: , This land; hi sai.', has on it tlie most valuable mill seat on tlie creek, and the only one which cau,- with profit to tlie owtier.be eatablislied between that add the en- tianae of tho creek into flaw, river; which m a bout one or two mile. ' '.'v-, '"".'"V'' Also a likely jrohug NEGRO MAX, tolero hie mecltauie either brivk-iayer or shoe-maker., i no tterws w aoiu will lie six months' rreutt. for fiatx. wtdoubltd. netrotialde at the office of the tfaoK. ot iNewbera, ia itaieigk, .bearing mter eatfroatthedatcv"' .;' .. '.!- ', " trV:t- COOKE Trustee. .March 16, ittf nAMw.i,vl (JCjFor iurtlier particulars, as respects die land, we adrertisnueat in Uie Star, under dale 8th PD3TP0NBM ENT.tA,; '4::k Tlie' nbotw sale is pos1 oned aoiil Tuesday, tbe Tho tubiWrriber who libit rvrcsijed several years in puhlii Sominartas, it deaiioutto napen nttend an At-wdernV In aonie healthv nart of N. Carolina, : Satisfactory testimonial of ehiracter and eompetsner rwn be produced. Letter ( fart paid) dVcctod to Raleigh, will bo promptly ootieod' ?( . i"!-v, -'- Peo,lSrI?57.- ;,? 4 ; -tf, 60 - WooOIy. Daniel r 470- itiotace, Ely r 147 (Conirew, George ,f 460 'Hoin8u EdVardV ' . 38 IxHtg.D. B, (c wife lii : ; Long, ,S6Aw 150 Long, Jeaenh B. vi 50, M oore, E. by John B. lardeson,:y 50' Man-kwr.John ' ?'i UO Norman; Heali fov -. . Norman iW3 JNorthan; !nry : - - t. IO.1t. John 4 & 4 , jPhelpos, Joseph sen , SO . I rtielpea, Joseph I . 100 , Jl'helpes, Chaile D. rut' lPh.!n.. F.iuJ. '5Q Hielpes, Daniel ;) 60. Phelps, .George j '-40 - Phclpet, Joseph of J ir. -jl I . Isaao.. -tu-t? , 0', JPhelD. Uriah. - -! 50 Phelnes.Wiiouchbv 173 . Rhode, Mary by k x' li .'..'diominr -.A-i-f iu lopruu, vvuiougnuy 180 ' Steely,jtilmvad J vo3 , oucix, auas iur U. J,A, - SJnellheat,A 130 : Swaid, Stephen for ;.,,'';: 'aon.'-j-or rt,?; j Swain, Peter 8.. . .Slight. Joho E(. 3 wain John, tor son 1 l.C11VUU,.flK WaiTmrton. ,1a. Tarkenton, Zebtdon White, Wflliam UtuTison, pizabeth Stewart kBakv' 607 I 50 900 50 137 104 lr 13,150 tflMie latulit adjthu 8 il vinous Horuil Wra. F. Davenport Wm. F. Davenport WUliam Freeman. iienjamia I artxiclt r.uatUUver c r-v Stephen Nuherry j' Luke Legctt, de'd JaiucAuant ; Martha Tumor ? " ilaaao Jones V"-' Richard Peacock" " Beojamm Tat'kentod Harlv K.Soruil Sain. Clicisson's heir Ievi Ainbrous ; Tb. Walton k others Joseph Webb's heirs vtuiuun Alien Joho Freeman Thottto Normai ' W illiam Rhodes ,. David'tniHim-V:; Abuah Smsll -v 1 y . . ,-!.: ,:: latVUtl AUI If IHH i Robert Winn, Hesekiah Normia , reieorge Phelpe V bnocn ruelpe Joshua Exerander;. Voah Pbelpe 4.stui : . , ' Aaroa Davenport JJespor Phelie ' f T . .,1 , . . jeaper rneine v. r Benjamin Tai-kentoa Caleb telpe;',f Uriah plielpeiT H tfl ': ' ,., I"i- AbuahSncll'u heir Abraham Newberry if '1, . U 1 li L...IJ J iii ' Cant. .WMjrtfi Ihxtnct. fee.. l9,Vu.U4t, ill 70 , I - , 4M 5 I'ti.ti"!.,' . T..fih,;oOk : ItS- jllcar Niafih. -1 50 1 . . JS HGoshnaV . 14 ' . ji;.'orth-E.i . a 07 Ucrrinz't liistt id. ; ttSI.North-Eastt ftiAi a .. . 1I.U Wl : am , .XJ - V 1 1'CoaW,"., 6 vf XorthEaL:'l ;iu . - 7H . . -., .11 - X It I 70 4 SO is to 6fl 10 VJ U II fa ot) 55 Capt. plision'i District Abraliant G lis tow- Do. tho lands he- longing to the Es tate of B. Uliaacn Danaai Gliason,jr.' inaiDa aaiiasoo Daniel Glitson, 8r. Wtv Uerranr Daniel Herring SU'phen Homnf .962! .-ion - 6H) N'ot Ut-Eaa, 7 SO t V.;1 --y..-j. , - . v, : I 35 1 7t 34 It TO 10 45 71 North-East, S 9 V840I '00 ...'88' 5781 SmUh's District. 3 ;' ct 5 $ 7 05 S 76 7 . it t ,' ' ' 500 Herviiig'a' ' I Mar tha ' 17J . . ' - ' .The abovt laOtli will be sol Jem the lit tlayvf Juoe,:'i ft, si;. AVA'' ::' The following JanJ will be sold on tlie ,i ::e A2ntl day uf June. . . Cabt. mXuHKt District. v Dennis Gliasoo .' Jno. T.Grady Timothy Grady -j Jito. Hunter. . ' -. Alex. Outlaw ,' Capt. Jones Edward Arm strong Jesse Uoyett -Edward llouston " Edward Houaton,jr. Wra. 1L iioustou Hcmy Houston, it Wm. A. Houston, , Guardian ,' . Henry Houston', 8r. Henry W. Houston Stephen M. Houston! Sana. Houston, Br. John Jonet . j, .. Wm. Jilereer -. Ichabod, Quiun ':' Dai-atliy Rhode .,.' Win. H. Rhode Frederick Whorly Wm. Williams - BetitlT Weston.? ' Capt. Uontfs Dmrxct. 1G87 511 .'TOOl 170 1 ins :'800 170 170 1 6001 ; 140 119 '4001 , tool 75 '200 .801 North-East, - V J9 AO 124 2 14 3 i. .7 OS S 77 . . t 7 15 06 "i 77 , fa 77 .8 40 Ut; i - W.IA'..I -7 ' Mlftnh!1 Wlyrfirrj lr(M CjV t.-M,t rafiiwa Xwv, wU Ok iy V"'.'". or awi.tr wt . . . . n Wri f-t ;-, - '.. V ' atal fcwtar;t. . Uht-1 of t,'ir w- . . 1 I'ur k m.J aa. tt.-rt ' f Um qavwav ol llrf n I i.tifrtwl at k df , ts Na-r tar-W U. -, rw rut, nud Nor. "a, lMwaMtMOiIiVue4yUwalao(A hall Ve f tho vrrv (1.1.MT. 1. hoot tkstl or ta.U! f.-os al- t) OUI kaaaocHl, wm4 wvtwag M Ira ihs 4 It, on.!. - SM lbs, A.'t taw b-rs, 1. w--t !S '. aal 14 tha, .. tit awtka at ea. aiiUmti at.' I l slu'(r w4 tho v-t of tlte brv j ty -tt (hwuiiitl out into Jw,t f taa -wu-U ? aach, as artaras mt b. M iW 1 1 ml v olrtva a .11 mak. a h.mH of O lit. n.n riht t Wx-f. Of tk 1WW, hJt NMMt hp oro M aaJ rl Euust, all the alnilla, M vsm) l.lM-t le- hit xe. . shall a aarludwd and the rMnatatier of thr hnv mH.l.nr " "aprw tluta thrr-i hkoul.U i-s 1 fen, larval, ahalt ha oat bit smh t r!,( toitJa eiteh, a nMr aa tr he, 0 that twevtv-nv ,w. wal toakea barrel af )J toe - w.- .t nf l'ork. 11 wholo of tlhj aaid Bf ami l' ik,hU packed wjrhWit he tl&. roarae whit Tiuka ll (aad, oT Mav.or tU LVs salt, a ith fi r oun ceaf lUobeM suit prtreyo each harrrt . . "Th barrrla h whkh tho salt Btrf ami Pork Wt he packd. twast ho made of tho ht-at a-twa '. d what watt, arwUkr wan, li-er ti-ora wn, , I tut- ly tt"pd0rv B-t be hnunk-d, "Nary lioet." orftiaT I'orx," with tho onliwctor'a nantT. aad tho ywar wfir packet). , .-, . . v . 1 It wtMto ot tha asm ttoeTand rorkranat on- . dotgo inapeatioa at lb ,ay Yartla hero ilia rio liVerM ar to 1 niaitc. br soma sworn ui'.rtecti of tho8tsto,to koteloatedby thsCotnioivtioiK-i of tho Kavy; or to awh teat, Inapoetiois aud ex- rf ....Hi-n., vtj mw.9,. w ih 't acmui-f pi'r scribe, fine of expenao to tho t'nite Stales, aaj the barrel aauat ho M perfeat ahlpmug ordrr. ' ' ' Uaabpinoaal Tor ftirniahifigtMaUeef anil (Vrk. ff';ist UU Um plac of reaiiKuwa of the htldrr the uante of two oooipetenl persons a tutxttirat -sod tbplaao of their reaidrnuo and Vn p". boMt,-will c reserved by the Cnnnl State on all ' payiwola until tk eontyacu shall bo ro:npt4nd, hi atiuniuntouie oono, anu au payainil dl Ixj made at the phrac of delivery, - ' ? Tho propaaal most bo eu'tiorted on tlto hark, Offer, to furnish tnlt prtviskaa,n. and nmit State thenrioeaofth lWt"i0rt 1'ni-krr-.riiwlT, deliverable ft the attend Nvy Y.-uni. ...ji-eaaij. : Any bid ot Made In aonf a-uiity to tho wlvor-' tisenxsntj or .not rootdred within the liuia liinhett tliei-ein, will uab eonaidcred.. . ,, ! a..'.t ' . - ,u f..7A.:t4-lw , t - J"' -.. ; Nati Covxtaaiosna Orrtco, r-rvs - .,. H .12th March, 1SJ7.. . Uvt Oak from 04 iwmiV Timber for j A'Vpi ftht JJim, S-itet u"l ,S of ll'ur, J- The Cominissioaeiwuf Uie N y ilf receivo proposals Uijiltho Stat day of July next, for fur nishing Live Oak Thnbt'i-i cut to mould (which the Will turnish) for Mp ol'tlie line, fi iuatr una (looptof war, and the proportion of proiui-' ' eoous Lave Oak, out to diineuaion, that tnny bi -required, say 6,000 cubiil feet for rn- h ship of tlio Iiue,v3jb0t foroach frirt'c, and 1.000 for each Sleop, Th timber nmt lie cut from trees grown in itnntion'not moi-c than '." mile from" tho ea, tdcliveralile at. tint fidlowmr huiJ linii varua, vizi ronsroouiu. 11. lloton, New York, Philadelphia, WashiniouMnd A'rfolk, du ring the yoara 1848, 18S9 and 18,10, say 00 or he- ' HM-wum ia noveinnerot eauli year. . , 3 i " cs Pero offering will bo pleaaei) to stnfe twrtW . a ao l..i-Mi.k:u..u . ...L1....1 ; ' .1 50 l''l 6 '9 04 6 9 75 " 64 3 70 Timothy B: Evan John r.van ., David Evan Do. Ex V. of Samuel Evan',' '- -w Owen Filgaw Joseph Johnson : Timothy Murphy Lewis Non'is , John Powell i.;.t l , 1' , .r.M. itmin 130 1), Too Island week, $2 58 a so 4 88 1501 - . 52 42 ...'J !24 aw : . t .79 85,Vv. ;,r i s it ICiJ - t t 05 , ia V) flfi - - -rr- I..'. - . V" And on the 4th day of Jane, 132 the J j following lantla will be snttls Caft.' lionet s District, (continued.) Kdward Street James Savage : David Sloan, (J. C.) Michael Teach James Whitman , l!' ' a.;...k- -.. I Capt Michael Byrd .rv Blnihard'Noah '- Michael Boyctt i , John Bradley 'V'; ' Benj. Best, t,Ap.") . Jame Bell J; :Vt Benj. Bourden 'vy. Hcmy Bourden V John Conocrly Letiia Connerly ' Henry Joyaer . ; A Michoel Mmthcws Wm. Tucker' ;', ( 609 Island creek, ft t 84 r 9(l . - 40 v 40 H 70 92 .1 83 " 825 : soo S13C Dunn's District. , Apr- ss; isar.' . 713 " 20( 150 'i S7o ; '77u ,650 ASio. 70i PA34Q l 303 3;30 :j. Reedv Branch 17 60 Cow Mnrsh,' '. 4 88 Stewart's creek 3 35 :. v- . . 4 4? W:-!' ' ' ','1 flO 11':' " , 12 3.' - St 49 8 66 PoleyBridg 13 72 p j 19 80 v : 8 8-j Stewai-f creek t SO t 35 ri-- - - " Price a. $13 aoJartythefr tormt per eublcal foot, for any cno oi uie immes with tlie proportion of promlswim timber, rtquae(l aUt (should, tliey he rti osJ wi uiiki-iur nmr.j ineir lenus per cudk r ejjt, for thru liwiives oollectivoly, (onO of aw 1 Uhs, thativ74,n44, ahd (Joop,) with ihw '. in in cuous timber, designating in all tjascsthi ii .i lcra for the frame of ship of tho line, of a fi r te, of a sloop, and forpromi-uous timber. 'The -ortor ean bo mado deli-erlde at any otto, or eithrr, or alt. of tho Tarda above tentioned; hot the terns per cubical foot deliverable at each; (if a dnler- ence bo made by tho bidder.) must be distinctly '. stated, It ia to be ndcrstoKl that Uio oomniia- sioner will select such ofTe; , and assipn to each bidder such portion of the tii.iber rei)iii.'ed, (not les timnono entii-e frame,) and de.ignate u h yartls for tho delivery a they lnf judso extie .li- eut for the public interest; and fu'rtlier, tliat no monfty will at any time, uiidormiy cbvumstaiiee, bo advanced, anil that none wilibe pakl uinil au actual delivery of timbers hid, bond, with two or ...j. . ... 'R : .... ... . c :.i ,. , .wHiutuir. vLH-vuu,,. tor uiw iun.ii!Ui u oharge of any contract will he required i that tho amount of such bond will bo one-third Uie eslima- -ted amount ol the oootravt Moreover, tiiut, o . additiou! d oolluteral security, ten per centum of the avail of each cargo, will' he reserved and withheld, until the contract shall ho fullyvompli ed with to the entire satisfaction of , tho Commis sioners; and that in all deliveries of timber, i Lt proportion of the most difficult para of the frames, ' shall bo delivered, otherwise, it shall be at tho option of the Commissioners to withhold such a mouut, in addition Jjf en per cent above men tioned as they nvavjud; i excellent for the publie. interest, uutil suck dcucient proportion olsvich' difileult timber stud! he deliKneilj and it is fur ther to to understood, that ail payments will be ntade at Uio plaoe of delivery : - ;-- Those who may ofTorto supply any part of fli'' tinfber are further wjoested to state particularly their owa .residence, tbe name and residence of their sureties, tn Cmai-d hMtnra ferun uiw k .... K. IflLL.'Sier-'-iarttirig their willingnos to bceomtt sureties, anil . . , - lILfil , i I .t.n tn .;j.. r . . . i ...m .mi . vi.aw u, v.u KwiutinRiii-T nr such persons as nuretjcs to tha amount fir Uief may becomo bound. ' All oQ'ers aio f be sealed end directed tho Ommiasinhcrt of the Navy,, and endorsed whh thnfcl lowing words, vizi Oiler to furnish I.ivo Oak, under the ad vertisement Of ttitk Manh, 1 827, - , The timber kto ho Innpr-jtod and measured ae oordin;tothentlesrst:ihlHibed by the Hoard, co py ot vtli'wh may he obtuiurd on appliealion to tha Xavy Agent cither ,t Penaoolv Savannah Charleston, 8. C. Norfolk, Wftsltiugton, R. hil tnorsx I'htladtilj.hia-, New kork. Boston, or Ports fnoBh,N U.';i f w ; r! Any hid not tnado In oonlbnnitT to thia advri. tlaeotent,or tliat mat not be rvocive j. within iTm . timo hentin limited for. TecWying hifi cannot be conkidiTod. iij tf 'f-'-.'rt-!. 13rl5w ; Lhralam Newherry simeon swain , Benjamin Tarkenton nenjamm -imoiu BeiilmniiiTarkentou jSolumon Whito , "y'"t-; ..-'., ..'-''- Benjamin FTaTrison;. Josiah Collin k o- ;,W Lots in Plymtouh, Ii. Ely.; 'v,,,; i, S Lot in Plvniouth. No, 100, 101 tt T2, the property of Tho. It' Win, A. Jl'iurnij; otht-ra, the others not known.: ' .' '.A ,;,',:' ? -,'T-J THO. SANDERSON, S&V PlymotrtK,;MarehJ(S.-l8i7 -"-A S-7w ' rPrico adv. $13'.. t', ' T' i f-A I -mt 1'kS'-.' '" .n aiaiiur's. nuiKOt st.ittv .lakemen ana committed to the Jan or Wil-mingtohNorth-Csrolina, a a runaway, a ngro tullow wiio say Li name 1 ucuuut Wli HAMS; he also says that be was tioro and, brought up ra liartKidue; his parents live tliere and lie is fi-ee; but there is no doubt but thxt he is a lav, and holongs to some person ut the South. The taid fellow is about 5 feet Inches oigh, B0 years old,' ha a laro hose, full eyes, aad ery black, - Tho owner ia rooucsted to eo so fiiewant, ptwo property, pay harjes aouuoa awtutvituw wHT " - - - .,.: - CUAKLES B. MOjpXJator. ' rvifv a Stray, ? - ' ,,W'a entereit on the Stray Book of Clmtham county, on the 2ith of Apr J, by William Aven, living' on Cape-Fear river below Havwood, a SORREL HORSE, supposed to. be "ten years oui, lour teet ten incnes nign, with a snip oo the nose and Mar In hia forehead) w itli tlie near hind foot white, and racks well valued to $,'10. 1 -.,. i JOSRl'U HACKNEY, ' Sanger. Y AprB 9k,--Xttl y!- -- L 19-3t.p-, , r:;; .Take N Oticet-O' Jlie Subscriber W oahond between SO and 80 tierce of excellent STONE LIME, which ho will. cU lower for cash than can be got else where In this part of tlie country. 1 will deliver kin thcoity of K-Ucigh ,"if required, for a trifle, ' -V-;- ;X.v ROLLING DUNN.'. Wak eountyi N. 'Carolina, f April 1827. A 5 !M;?f Ml "in'' n ,,' mi i 'i 'iii'-miii,' ir i ,ii- rifip- ii' . Reports of the HaproaiC! Court. Tho reports of eases decided at the last re mi of tho Supreme torn will be published in a few day. ' No attention will he paid to Uie subscrip tion list.,. Those gentlemen who wish (he number, will hit-lose one nt'llar and fifty cent (putitpnld) to J. Wetmore, Esi,, Rulelh; upon theroeeiptot which it will be scot to thetu by nim jif uiaij, K May'2; nsy.y. v.':-;;:;4; vm .A ivHint ATinrl ja .f.1 t.loitr.a. Jit J . .A av wo wiU w..wi.4iihiS rwTTn .H1CI m - ... a - -V . " i " a .1 lving on RicWM iek, in Franklm county, Wd en tno oarst amrveiiow, sumt,tpia, h,;t, tLe lower road leling7rom Raleigh o OxfwU ' "k t"?rfe''nlwy.-.n-,-! g 0I wv.,. Mivit -....vj iiwu-q imts;itfnttii . ana na xweo cars, ono pa tuj cc rrt ' HA fttrov rt " -'l: ' Entered on Od Stwy Booki April 4th, 1857 f . by General John N. l'hifnri one B1YMARF.' , jueavy with foal, no brund te .he een has a star in her forehead and a snip ou her nosn, nearly 15 liands high, supposed to be 0 or 10 veara old. ' ipiui..:u iuunry swoAioiiara. oaia i liiierlivi ' about three miles wttt from Concord, on tlh nam rontl from SaliAurv to Charlotte. " ' -" ' " AlJEX. SCOTT, Banrer. " - 77 ' i W-Slr, 9 ... 'f-i. : ;Tet. Dollars Ileward.N ' Ito awuy from tho subscriber, on the 9th iffiv .' 18'27,a hecro man named GEORGE. feet ten im-hc hih, rhont a middle complexion Wilmington, Apr418,1527. .17-tf will bo either old ou itceomniodiitin? tertua. oC oxclianged for 'western lnm'j: the fuhwiribcr cuncwuiutwiv4iivMf. tu u, . -iw -. .: l-i. i . 7.W -JOal D.BARTt. Raleigh, Jan. lg, 1827i -t . 8. 8U ', :'" T . . r . . - .'V-i: i.j.Jl.JlJ , j-(i.V', ,jji oiice..v,j :,', '. My ; wifc Kaney Baxter ha left fay bad 1mi9 hoard. "Tlii ia therefore to forewarn-all persons from trading with, or harbouring of her, as 1 am Irtxminetjl not to pV any of hereontructs.. , -i A .i ijtfjlVMl, BAXTER; Jun", . - . ,.'';.:; .'. ... .'-..; .,1 .l.l.'n... - . 1 I . t... v.. leg,.noUor en tit top of hisfovrt. Jit v. eaoff. lavemi suit of clothes, among lln;m, r,'. very rtoVUle duep hlualnoud clo'.li eoat f ii (its very loosely, ..J, expect J! n j-.tt mj..; . pastas a free' man. 'f'1' ''v reward v;'i :. given to any roa that ill ifr Jiv e r n , t.-ri 1 KMiwOr oonfino him in pjL 0 tliit i t 'hi.i,. The wihsoriber live I niiij ".bitj-!i,dvi-li, - i tho HiUshorongh road. r v ' 1 v ' V ... i-'J-a IT ft 4 "V ,!''.''-- : 't ; v.:-. .- '... ' - ' - ' ;A. '; 't:..?1 '.-A.-' A'-.A.i. ' . V At" :, '.. 1 '

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