K0 57. ' t 12ALi:iGir,.NOnTII-CAtlOUNA, THUflSDAT, 'JUNK S3. 1827. 1 a.' THE SJAtf. lVfA-roroaM Cateifc, r- L .WHEN UK lliMAi. 4 . ,. -v -- . 1rL mim 4 ik Z-U-v-a, axlvta kll . v r ..thXfinrWi, ts. ... j kltt-r tamtlOm- twocs torte Ml', d '7-J'T rrtrfa fo ear caaUn. ' VU letters to btn Met ; !.SL- . . V Notice," Vi!lW anU tWf Itoaaa in Km. n.. I kaplio eol n 1K! Stu Ur of Jlj Mrtt. Mlowm; IjumIs "' ssw there ail ,;., the UYft thrtwo for the Yr IS -i, to- jiff tt-rfTl'rWTol IV. Willie Carrol -W Monk , -.ton. Vmnn -J Malhewt .T-4, PntloCW Holm Hot Jiv Cirttlf . Yw, Jnhnon ndrew St kcs Oiarle W.luunsoa . Abntr Grady .. jrtpQjiBB .V.l.nNral David Vstiplin jM-ob M'tlliaros Dt1 Hrwik. ;. W ui, W. Chasten Jamr Chamber . ' Jto. for the heirs of J Mkhllcton Benjamin Johnston John Miller Notrn in Major Walierington Kacbarl Hush UuTidWood:nl On htU wJtcrt. KockiUu, 77 3 Lew art v Crc:' 1 im ' 198 Crtim branch 4rsj jiu. ki.u tSO Grove 154 Dockkiu . HOC 100 ' 170! S60 60 s 2X (10 v JlJO t Ounipuddinc Xo. TmH Maple '-i $ -SO - BOO 362 ml v ' 3. Ki HUX, Shff. nitplia eottntr, 2J,18'i7. 24-3 Oror"' . I Stewrt'f CrecV Near I'okiratnan Cohfle Hall's nanih Goshen ' ' 14 TOB TB promotion of Science und Literaturt. BO VHD OF THrt8TfiESt N. j ' His Excellency J09. KENT, GoriRKoa pr tm otatb, iminjiT cx omcir. i' f r.L r , A 11 tam- iu.lcU4, sr rcrr4 ha nAt' in, tktAc acttUaKtL , . M cdicincsylDr i) pi jfrcC J lit Mrnbcr hat f rci7m1or o( tUc UMiaarC I , -a(l cmJuOt4 br Wt-fch ft V4- - : . i j J .1 jUam biinrma ma mwia anq hm aULa cvbanJIr. (Hal -k- ialmll Va'Hnn' aaMaatlT for aalcv' Wf aoil xleaw aie awArtmeat of MedWtnra, I'aittU, UJa, Hat- Wa matmaia, bliOp r itrwiurr, bttrgicai M Mmiawita, Ice. kt. r ri-a-rtn tad Mrrrbanta, 4rJ"2 n abore artsfc. iU Sb4 il U thctrxhaulafO to nil an4 rxam'MM kit as aortmrttf, m h iaAeailt telling lov for CaJ or tpr0v4 rrfUt. - lie ahnrtlj iiceta lua bamnxr upprr, and rciUUllT mAttju altare of mM mirnuat. . . , . - AU'UKD U11X1AMS. . ., Ilirio disposed otroy intctr fit ia fate concern WeV k..WiH'jtma, to Mr. Alfrad Williaroa, t take pleawre im rceo-: mrndiiii; Ufta to the aonfideoea aaid patronage of nit frirnd cxl tlte poblie, aa yttof oan vrU qitalifinl to dUrnargo tkr dntie of an Anolhrca. rjr, (baHi( bct eajajrd villi ae in tbebusiueu for keveral jreara.) t, I hope tW tkat iMra of pulilie faror ll be beU)-c(l on him which I have, realized du ing a (wreeinion ,of Tar m bntineaa, aud ivr hich I fetl deeply indebted. . . -i EAKDOLPn WTVia. Marn,182r. , 21-U- THE STUAXGER OF LOOM LOMOND. In a tleen ravine (hat extendi, from one of tle inlets of Loch Lomond, there is concealed frorrt-.view. an ownin? which leads into an extremely narrow and tortuous passlge, comaiunicattng witU a cave of some considerable ex tent. Thi cave was fur many Tears, . .... . - . occupied dt an mnrvidual. of whom but little wa9 knownand whose resi dence was a secret, even to those that saw him most frequently. He was sel dom' observed " except when accident threw him in the, way of persons who visited tho Lake for the purpose of en- jovmg thc uelighful scenery ' in which raliff lortly fritTim, t tfb'im U to demerit!. bt Mck their tkit. kave Irft tWTr adamsnM tK vetart ka.l rn tame TeriJir---raUrtrT4J.aJaiHtwylfT tan reaJy tmsn. A. fa IM m Utelf. dilRca'ty lep frma fUia(. T TJU'a ' o aoct teJfJ, anJ Near tM apot iaWrrel ttera) and Lk iirr wfr a wrrt t" !'. UtmrtM f tK Caaot plceJ Uva , Udmiatwat Jhe rri, appartatly the anxiety fur Ui recovery of their fri lim reeoeciUaliw. A' few aWtltrackvef a Worae.ane, m tMruclar.a Vorvr B. Tancv, Esq, Jloo. E. F. Clumber. Jlon. Sterenson Archer. Hon. Thcw. H. Uoi scy. Jlon. John. C. Herbert. Han. Jul. Thnmiii. Hon. JohnVclson. Hon. Wm. IL Marriott Hon. ReTcnlr Johnson. Jus. W. McCulloh, esq Col. John E. Howard. Ile..'Ccoive Roberts. Ilcv. J. P. K. Urnsliaw. Solomon Etting,Eq. Nath'l Williams, Esq. WiUiwa Frick, E84. liue McKIm, Esq. Dr. James Steuart. Dr. B. J. Semmes. Dr. Denuis Claude, Awn Dr. Henry WUkins. " COHEN'S CiFFICE 114, Marketlstet, BfilUmore, Ma1th,im. S" (jj Under atithority of Ihe Act of Ihe Gener.il Asuemblf fflec. session, 1826,) we herewith present to the public, tha Fust Class of the Marvuna XJTSRATIJZiS LOTTERY. Tlie whole to be drawn: in )NE DAY, in the ciy, of BiLTntomi, and Oliver the ntArinten 4euce a' the Coninaioiir appointed bylhe Go raor and Council. UIOUtbT I'HIZE, 20,ooo:l)oll6. Brilliant Seheme. 1 prixe $20,000 is 80,000 Dollari. 1. ..10tO0O....lO,0Q0 Dollars. 40 8,000. .. .80,iW0 Dollars. moved, and bv u1bih exertion, aoon (ave nitis nf life. . Th firat wts the unclnvin of her eye Itda aa frois 4 p tl sleep 4ot so aooner had her afr Warkere,eaMwiit the inare f tht Stranger, who wa atandinj beside her, than she tternl a wild terras, and be came again as lifeUaa as before. At tliis moment the Strangrr left Ihe apart mrat.( Iciloubled exertion reatfrtd onco nore fjie-MspeadH animstion- Once a in khe opened her eves apoo sarrt)undinc objects, and ouieilv heard from her attendants a relation of all that had passe!. Morning had now dawned: after pat taking; o tome re freshment, the party left the roof of the humble peasant to retnrn to their own stately dwelling. Jl.i catastrophe af forded another opportunity fr rom mendalion and praise of the person w'i had iven another' proof ol hnmanitv and kindness. Months now passed a' way, and. the stranger was . not seen. Some conjectured that he had becoii.p tired .of his wandering life, and had returned to society. '. Other conclude' that he had perished in bis. seclusion but where tint was no one could tell. On a beautiful morning in June, a small party consisting of two ladies, with as many gentlemen and their attendants, approached the residence ofa peasam which wa situated near the margin of Loch Lomond. It happened that this was a'1ay of recreation for the neigh boring 'peasantry They had met at this spot to' pass the timo in harmony and glee, and were seated in groups when the cavalcade approached. The It abounds: ..Afsuch times fie was usu, XZZ Z?X 8nd 'aUj' ally seen strolling carelessly. along the !afiClSUp"b,J O0let th f,,rmer UP" margin of the water, or pfrhap.". J Jne By cbirr the other on. .jet- anil -hen found, seated on Lm Lni.,. Wck jlfrey. The peasants rose at ... .j that Uey, heeded ot Wgitatii . diys utj Leonora became the Utnhiic tne stranger. Tke attendant had tttrijH.!Taorv It was a jiarney e4 at aorae dittaoci from the 1'rgM; at; to tcoUaa tniJ toon aXler, that th tracteJ by it, U.e haeV jatt socceedetl 'peaaants of fach Loaod were once more in reaching their roenpanioat, Near gladoenej with ifci reappearance of "So by was a cot, to which He body wr-!tranrt;. - - ' I ll i UUj. ' from tne C WWoroo Courier. Description oftKtTWfRtk tf South (VWin, (A Idler fri at gtnileman - t kit fritnJ im thii cUv. OrarwWk. (3. C).Li, IHT. Tk,Hck wowla of Suoth CareUna tKm! to the lover of romantic scenery aome of the jrandest specimens of the work of future. Among; these, the celebrated Table flock stands pro emi nent. I anal I here attempt to rire too m well dr&tjotl, that tne whole impre atooof the fro wti visible. Concerning these nurka, thrr is an imliao tradiiioo accoaatiaf (or. them itr 1h ' foilooing maooert At t period anterior to any whit ettlemeat i this-rrjote comer, the Greet Spirit descenJed to the top of tho rock, moaated oa;t beautiful white horse, aod the tracks were after wards shewn in con Gen alios of the sto ry. . - . Another ennosity which is msch more remarkable,' U tho wheel tcka,,. though it bears 00 resemblaaea to ssy such impreaaton.. It consists of two par allel lines, extending probably' snore than one hundred yards along the ittfiv fry of (he rork, & appears like (he track that you might suppose to be made by some faint Ides of it, althoogh I sm well &t f1,w, tnJ fafa t UrnpiQ sware that any descnpLoa . whateicr beach, except that tho priots ire nearer must fail in impressing you with those together than if that had been tb rate, sublime conceptions which are only to 1 W0M)a menUon the " oioss carpet" be derived from an actual inspection of with mhkh many portions of the surface the object itself. - " ofthe Minm5t i$ wcrtii. , U is com- e . . w?. ' a,"!r:1 ? ,n' t0P posed of a vegeuble substance, so 6rm i iauie mountain, mine rsorinasternjT mk atted together, that several square yard msf be rai d from the rock, with out its falling asunder.," Among other remarkable objects that are shown to the traveller, Granny Hooper's Cars' ranks firat. It would, 10.... .?o, . . . 'JO.... 40. . . . 100. .. . 150. ... 300.... 00OO.,.. ..1,000. ...,00., ....500. ....too. .50.. t0,000 Dollars. 5,000 Dollars. . ...4,000 Dollars. ...i,000 Dollars. .8,000 Dollars. ..20... 8,000 Dollars. : .10. . . .wt,509 Dollars., ...S.... 1,500 Dollars. ...4,,36,00O Dollars. MM prizes,' amt'i to 114,000 Dollars. ai.i'lS nnlv 30.000 Tiuket - .Cj'TbeCA'SU forthe whole of the. Prizes iiibe hail, as usual, at Coasst'a Ontci, the rao- ent ttiey ure drawn. ' Mode o DaAtirco.--The numbers will be pit into one wheel as usual, and in the htUar wili w pnt the prizes tove the denomination of Five Dollars, and the drawing to progress m the Usual nmnner. The 9.000 prizes ot r ouruoiiarsto oe I swardvd to the tickets the numbers of which "id with the terminating bgure of cither ot me nrtt Irt drmtin iiumben of different termiha- lionj. The Five Dollar nrizes to be awarded to he tickets having ho two last fiWes eoitvspond rtg with the two last fipures of such nnmbef of nertorawnot anerent termination. m wwe will permit the whole lottery to dc com Mfited in one dt-awine. and aticket drawinir su- Jtrior priie -mill vet be rettricttol lrom drawing s Ulterior one aWo. Whole Ticket. &5.00 . Quarters, 81.25 Halve. - 2.50 Eighths.' - 0.62 V Orbms from anv part of tlie United States, Sther b mail Cvirtst naidl or nnvate conrerance. 'closing the Cash or Prize Tkkets in any of the uaterius, will meet Mo' same pronnii aim punt' attention as if on personal appUcatiou. LI COHEN, Jr. b BROTHERS, Baltimore. Beitiimkei .May 7 A, Sl-7w 'A toll Cabbage. -The Tuscttmbia. (Mfbama) Patriot. of the 28th.ult. says "ere is a caDuace sia sttowhik u mc Rfden of Mi Cieorze H. Miller, of tav Yillfi.' which has attained the uh .' and iafifill their Approach t do .them homage , bu no sooner had they recogniied th stranger, than a general burst of sur prise sod joy followed the recognition,, j The balance of the cavalcade had by this time approached. After sufficient rest and refreshment, they proceeded to the border of the lake, and during their strolling along its margin, the attention of Leonora was directed, to the con cealed entrance of the caye, which had so long been the unknown retreat of her companion He pointed also to the place where beamed the beacon tire on the awful night in which he bore her senseless to the . shore. Having pert some time in contemplation on the past, and in viewing the scenery around, they returnefl to the dwelling. The joy f the peasants was increased, when they learned that the beautiful female (hat accompanied the stranger, (and was now his bride) was the same that he had rescued from a watery grave. Time passed swiftly, and i became necessary to prepare for a return.- The last horse man had-vanished from view: SIowlv and silently the peasants once more collected into groups and while thev blessed the departed stranger, seemed deeply to regret that this was perhaps his last visit to juocn Liomond. On leaving the cot, as before men tioned, on the night he had rescured Leonora, the stranger returned imme tliately to his cave. The sight of, the countenance, once so familiar to him -the beam of that once fond eye which Ite had long supposed was closed in death, tended to fill his inind with strange surmises, and the passing scene appeared more liKethe , delusion ot a dream than the occurrence of reality. tor some time-he connned himself en- I ffl'omon heiL'ht of 'nine feet!- and is 1 rw . m j I Poking higher, v It i ol the common 1 iiodk iT cabbage, ind no unusual pains I'ereukeo xu reannglt. yuenf. uan I Patriot inform Jaclt tM Bwnl-kitier's Beans won't flourish in fartof lAlabatiKic. . ,v' t rcsiem varounnut ting rork, waiting patiently to seize the finney prey. " Attempts had been made to hold communication with him, but nil en deavors had proved equally fruitless for no sooner did he perceive . the ap proach of footstep, than he would re treat into a thicket, and thus avoid an inter.ourse. ' Some of, the neighboring cottagers being relieved from distress, the Stranger was generally supposed to be the person, to 'whom their grateful thanks were dueYet how could this be, since he had never been seen near any of their dwelligns?-But so it was, that many a fervent prayer ascended for blessings on their supposed benefac tor: ... :" On one of thpse beautiful days, in which nature seems to clothe herself in more than her Usual charms, a rimall party . approached the margin of the Lake; it consisted of only a gentleman, two ladies, and their attendants; , ' Thef set sail upon their intended ex cursion, while the gentle breeze wafted them slowly over the watery mirror. The Stranger, of whom we havtf spoken, was not unacquainted wtth their arri val and. departure hidden from view. le had watched them unobserved. , Al ter;, .landing on the opposite shore, and beguiling the time with various amuse ments, heedless ot the rapidity ot. its flight--wTiat . was . their ar,. :ment, when preparing to return, they beheld the sun . fast sinking. inU the west a dark and dismal clould rising, and threatening soon to spread -with gloom; the scenery that had jti'st appcaed so lovely'. . ' V- "fr --v. -' lJc.ak.tnfr twe.msetvea xa tiaste to their littlo boat, and shaping their course for tha'bnii ('mm ivlipn.. tiv firat ilnart. ed. they were soon hurried on by the! tirely to his retreat.' At length he form- rushing wind :T ror some, moments an was silence, save the roaring of the wind, as ituged them to their destined uort; If was not long ere they wef e enveloped ' in ", darkness. But just as the approach ot night, began to ooscure all sunoundiog; objects,; a sudden light burst tnrtht the entrance ot me cove they wished to- reachi The -wind now seemed fearfully to increase, and the agitation of the water threatened the f llioir IiHIb hart:. ' J Aft the hoat awn? ,v. - - 1 , , . , - - , neared the shore, a wave imore vioieni 1 . "" "" "" "'""'w than any that had preceded) dashed a- father. Fortunately, however, arcura trainst u, ana ovcrturneu--incm in ani vav Vv- v,-t iustant. At this moment me youtn hi o-.-.7 seiied the. female that $at nearest him. unworthy; f.' his. beloved , daughter. and supporting her with one arm. exer tne uiscaruca,on was boon aueriyca- . 0 . . - .1 l !. I. . .iA anil. Ihniin- l uihIiiI-. ted all bra ttrengui to gain mo snore, in, nw iy. nv- u -v.&u.. .!:., f -tho lio-ht- tnrtiinntolv I leonora. Bl tnu time ptvuuBCAt a till UM V, " . . . . - ... extremity of Pendleton District, snd within two ir three miles of the North Carolina line.. It is composed of gran ite and gneiss. It derives it name from the supposed resemblance it has to a ta ble, .have been led to suppose that perUps, command but little attention, it waa a part of the Blue Ridge, but na- Dat fr the ingular itory with" which it ture. as if pleased with her wonderful is connected, snd which possese all the production, ha set in bold rflief, by se- interest of a romance, without its ficti- lecting such spot for its locality, a tious accompaniment The ubstance separate it not only from every other wf tj,e ui. a, related by our guide I mountain, but from all objects which wi briefly record. w..uld draw from it the particular atten- An ob.cure individual, whose name twn of the astonishetl visitant. It is w Hooper, together with hi wife snd bounded on the North by the South.fork children, resided somewhere in the of the Saluda, river, which divide it neiehborhood of the rock, on the bank rom tne Diue inuge; swum oy the Uo- f the Saloda river. ' Uooper wa lenot creek, which separates it from the most determined Whig, but during that Eastatoe Mountains; both these streams period 0f the Revolution, when war had Having their source near tbe northwest hot vet made it way inio the Western extremity ot its -ase. wilifernes. he remained an idle specta iheguiueshewstwoviews one from t0P. patriotic spirit, however the base ol the rock, the other rom the C0U1J not withstand ihe temptatioti of samiuii. ..t visiieu tuo lurmer on 1 uking smore decided part wnea thi Thursday, ascending the mountain s bloody struggle had at, length reached bouramile and a half to the Horse his verv threshold. He espoused his Rack," and, as the remainder of the way country' cause with a degree of ener was inaccessible to a horse, we walked, that soon rendered him consnicuous or rather climbed, and scrambled, until Unfortunately, he did not live to see th terooaitibn of - Trd v. who soared him - we found ourselves at the foot of the trmiiiitian of tho war. He waa aur in eonaiileration nf hi olnd t'-r-oitnJ' ; ed the determination ot once more visiting London, for the purpose of as certaining whether his beloved Leonora was still in the land of the living, for lie could not trace her from the lake On arriving at the metropolis, he went directly to the house of a friend, from whom he ascertained that she had gone on a visit to s near relation in Scotland and vyas expected in town in a few days, and that , 'the story . of her- death had been: used as a guise; for the purpose 1 f nrhi f. I rushed Owanl. - 8,w I) .rrratl Pot-. rer nnnin; ci it- vt. n Mtroo.is tl trriot; the tuoot dotrful tri, t t.lvirj' beeo drapert'ely woti'.Jn! n ruo- k kin forward urva of thr paotoh I a eoges sUbbrd.hini (tho mstr) . . knife th sarstdtr. Spoa wf ki h tomed snd ro1owarltbe csbio fronj which he saw the Captain reme epr reel s few trpi.sm) then fl progrrsto- spoa lh deck. Hi next imp-V was " is follitw Dolrver sod Fetter to rh rross trees. Potter appeared to t dyinjj Ho vs stabbed ia the sbdomeo, bm hii entrails ksd protruded thrsogh the -sperrtire of the wound. Iaimedlafe1y afUr ascendinr fo the cross trees, he w two of the. Spsniard go -t lh , . ' forecastle, oath with 0 tnotket smf call p Ass Bickoell from below. The poor . fnllow came op, tnoaotog pltMUfly, (Cur 4 he' tod. s appeared from a bndae he, had wound around hi middle, had bora , stshboJ.) ami s sooo cs he reached tho deck- ths msrderers- fiwl their tnos kets at hitoj sod 'he fell dead st their" feet. Scarcely had Uhis rerocWiu set ' been perpetrated when he heard s plunge ' . ing ia the water, and after a little white two voice crying out' to those on board, sod imploring them- in uch tone as to huvo penetrated the -hardest-heart. . to, throw over v" a1- barrel s plank; an oar-any. thing to sf ve their U vew. . Their prayers were- unheeded and s with loud snd fervent supplication of mercy - from. Him who is all merciful, " they sunk beneatlv th salt wavs ahd were heard no mors) These are sups 4 posed to .have been Mr Robinson and the American carpenter- ' 4' 1 It ha already, beed stated that tho mate came . down from the .cross trees",, upon an assurance, from Tardy that his I lire would J bo' paVed Tho: villain t knew hi usefulness as a navigator, and1 therefore Jcept hi word. A similar j -assurance -was given ' to Dolliver, but he had no sooner reached 'ths deck: than 4 be was despatched by Courro and Proa - , and thrown overboard..' ;The rook, who a. ' . had ' taken refuge in the fore-top, also - , came down at their bidding, and' was spared for the time, though they intend ed ultimately" to murder him.' Poor Potter expired and Jell from the forctop into the sea. v k., (j(U.;-S f A - Mr. Ginoullnac wa saved from tlift ',' stilettoes of tb Spaniard, by Jhe inV. . ti. '1-. 'Li ' - .1 1;. '" Lovers leap,", torso 1 prised, snd taken at hi own house, hf -1 try man. The prisoners were .each' an lutorpreter, ther they Kd . ay r to the evidence-T A iVmightVo.Juppoae.thefp.rofessf ' led the great perpendicular Jront. ter a desperate resistance, by a party of imerrogated through an msax. the Historian of South laro- Totie. to Whom he wa particularly ob- (Professor Fay.) whether t i. describes it finely in legs than a do- noxiou. After burning his dwelling, thing to ay in reply to t A vast wall strechinaltho barbarous wretches immediately ex- ' : . w s . . ' . . - . i nis immense i tms immense perpen- ecuted the sentence ol death .upon him, led innorenee. and tlirrw aiihfl iruitt' S we could estlihate it 1 hw fnreinn- a bavonet throu?-h hia law. Itiinon lh- mlaerahlo kuirlde 'a Tardw. of the eye, is s quarter of a and. in that shocking manner; he expi-1 One of them said, that he and Vitf t wo-t . , and it height is S.nd to rd in h! vife'S nresftner'.' 4 The horri- le.omnanioha JiaI no other wiew in ,nn .' celebrated called Ramsat ina, zen words, viz; opto Heaven.4 dicular as near bv a glance roue in lenzth be upwards of eleven hundred" ;feet. Iht srpne denriveii thfiiairabl wo- in the vessel than to See th riHei 3" This, and thi vallev adlarnt 6htn a I .ruM..ni !n !.;. fl kim, V..L . Dl.:u,lll.l. -.i J. . . . ' j j i -jiunii ui ncriiu,imy.iu !v!a uisw vis.huh iiuiaviiipus,, sum . iv wiuc uciu iui gruioKiti Bpcciunuuii. I mental decreptuuae, sue tormea tne sin-1 purchase a vessel, ,ior wntcn purposft n. geuwctHAo wur pany, wno exawin- guiar resolution ot secluding oierseu they had takea along witn them ' ed one of the hmre mnasesnf ntrt. with I r il u,i.nn ,i.;.iiJ .AHtin'i, ....L ..,uik''l-.A ;.. ;n ..r - n ' , - - i 11,1111 an imiuuii ubivij,mm i.i.viwiufi i it, pun ic , wvuivii 17 uhi iu viii u n . .1. ! l .L II t . I .1 . 1. ... . . . , 1 .... . - . . - . - v.nitu me vauey omiunus, nnu compar- iy sought an asylum iu tne cave wiucn the American captain, but that he Dad ed it, as to shape, color and kind, with now bears her name. Her she livd made was 'with it. orobablv with'' the a corresponding fissur in the rock s- foryesr. partly supported by the chsri- connivsncs of Tordyj but some di- bove, was of op':r;,n that it had been ties of the neighbor, and partly ty the puto arising between tTardy lind tho p..K,.vw nvm " ("vv. " """" isaie ni pins rotu, aim uiucr incuiciuai i captain, tney coi to bucii nigu .worua this would prove that all the other mass- nlants, which she collected on the side that thev swoke him snd hi comnana i es of rock iu the valley were likewisejof the mountain. The inflrmitieofa5e,ionUnd theyfdund the Ankricaticap i""-'"-u i" " "" " iau- ax tengin compeneu nur m move uowo iiam mreaieninz iaray, wun 3 prace ot , Ins too much to say. In fact, it would I to tho rivet1, amnntr her friends.. where lri!wtn1a nr is dsopr. .thi'wv'ha'' . tu.!e- ' h rliffirlilt lin this hwruittipsia In f .U. .U.ilu ri. AiA IW.n 1 anini Ll.. '.IL. .... v.l.. U.i ( .. f. w ..... ... jnc auviuT wtci uicui- mien iuici i c sarins owot iivui mo kiucriiaii. count for its perpendicular formation. ed the cave, whose blackeried Wall hnrel which Tard v afterwards ah'in noasea. No trace of " the bones of . animals testimooy.to the nuineroiis fires that had j iofr of, murdered his antagonist and wnicn nau incauiiouMy ventureu tool blazed there in other times, I ctrtild not lone or4wo other,' and hef supposed it uear i uniiR,- i were uiscovereu. v ei neip teeitng adegree ot lympainv lor iprooabie the ' rest jumped overboard ' were prevented from making farther ob- the misfortunes of the individual" who with fright. Another said; ho was I n ci vaii.ins ujr a Hendry bnuvvcr ui raiii.i was driven trom ner lire stoe ana ctm-1 asleep under ..the ooat tne wnpie;ime,i $ iron which wo iienreu ourseivea oy uren, ,to tase up ner residence m tnis land Jinew,. nothing ot. what occurred entering a - roc novse,- me general i gloomy cavern. v until, tho next mornine, Snd the third baoie for all rocky cavities. After the rain had abated, we remounted our horses, and rode to our guide's house, passing through a cloud. - ihe next day we set out on a new route to view the summit, to which .an expert horseman may ride; our horses, Yours, J. C. I etnreased his astonishment that 'he. an honest man, going passenger in, a vessel :Ti Thr following particulars relative about hi lawful limMDf Ihould be ftc ,W. ron ; D.ra ...1 Mu.t. I J i Li A . -L: i : .. - , to the recent f Pirscy , and Murder; is I cused of so hbrrid a crimeii 4 V" t ' " or a:- th I iKirinn f Poring RentiWican, of Tday last; saysi ? Ve stop the press to announce that the waters of the Swa- ra have been aactessfully raised.'this ?. by the great water wlieel ana steam "WIIP fi tWo mnnth nf thfi tVClUC JVUI1, to the ' drain of; feeder ' which: is "uni)lv: the summit level .j of the U Canalv llf no accident occurt, "nl we anticipate none, this will the latest triumph that the spirit ofinter W improvement, ha ; icjiiavctl. A 'tates," ' xfaniw he succeeded, and sooti placed his help less sister, beside ihe blazing biuse' wood But, Where svas. Ionoraf ; ,lhe visit to Stotland," and accompanied by her tVo cousin had 'set out opoa a visit to her aunt who resided' ."neari Loch Lo mond... It was" at this period she made the excursion to the lake.nrst mention; eLr llie stranger Jiad hot loni remain ed at the house of his friend, before the lUrkriess was extreme how was it pos sible he couldf save her lrom a watery irrave? ICUiog1 Vain for his sjttent u 1 ' . . . 1 . .. I I 1 I. . -. I .. A wHittt-inmA Mnnrlkinr, the roar ng bf me wind and water ne oojeci vi i - """""" heardW)t even the echo r his" own in aU Jir loveluicss.v rhcodorenthe voicc. hashing eagerly'e water, hero, of our storyas Soon rodaced viv f b j (Ulini,(. to the father of Leonora, He had al rr: , i.. -Umntrnn mnst for2oiteiv- every feature of his K ou? rl'-.r- 4h emrfmnment si dsuirhter's favounte.t She-had, now- "Olic .a Wfv," - VJ27- 4,.Wt t Ki. arrivnl innd r.onld atraoser stood upon me ianar.ueauujuv? '. ' 7 1 - I v i ,'Z ?ur.evl T r.ri. t. -Sl,;iW ffindf retlram .her feelltlSS 1. aaaavHO. . ts JO . D I ITlilHI I CS llll IU Ui- I VI a Via V iiuvw w m , ' T r yr Z B ioA7 char-e W the Side of her now revived Rr Making aoxcuse to leave me room . La ah-. Ku its Hare I she retired tn,hpr .chatnbct with etno taken from the Herald of yesterday: They were all three sent back to the 1 , fourtstnoutt Palladium. Ijail wi,.? they aro hold subiect to the vnue uie cook was prenannz Drcaa- Ketierai antnoritv. in utrcuit uour r hnu.wr wtlirh hA hnan elin.v. jiiiu.lf..l..N ft.. MA,n!riM r 01.. Sf.w I . r .1 I .1 C- a : : 1 - w -;' ' uw.fv.w, .....w.. uvvu J vvM- i lan. vii invi mim v ins uiJiiai inc WOHCU oimcit ' liuwr III Bl'HMi:, . .1 &A . . ... i.i. i i m , i. l. . m.i 71 . . ... lumen m a u tuunu j, isuoreu wi e- laruay maue nimseti very oiocious in js uichmona, ana snoum. me uocunier.U cessively, that we judged it most proper giving him directions, particularly in J touching the case have been forwardVu iu icaic uiriii, , foot, which we being the hrst time 1 had ever reached good part, but told him surlily that he j $0nera w 111 be bo giaay a neignt, a was strucK wun sen-1 wanted , no auvice, anu would tnanx naiiuus vi ureau usiuuibnineni. rromitum to co away, j.aravsiui persever- u:.. ...yi. w . r:. I .. ,,:. V i" mis uwiuv, buiii a vaucij ui iiiusrcBiuiK i eu. nowuver, uu ueu amiuiy siuiui. objects force themselves on, the atten-1 get the conk away from his pos tr which H f inn thnf in a tnirv-f ma iff rno IivM t.sl tolnnU I tw mnLa l.a vs. tkas MnM flf aiV. .VMS sisjs iw i tW n -S.VV lllMlivU W I VII IT DT I V VVB SV lILta .ISISSS UV SSSW W grasp the whole prospect flies inces-jged and detei mined to stick, by it. saotiy irom one opiect 10 another, tn-1 Finding ttiw would not no, laray.tooK stinctively giving vent, in huiried inter, j froftt his '' waistcoat pocket s inuch of ccttons, to the ideas which crowd upon I a - yellowish, powder as be could hold it. rhese impressions can never often 1 between his thumb and two. fingers, be thrown aside: we till behold, in im land sprinkled it over the ears, telling agination, the farrnst the distant falls;! the cook it was a kind of epc, always the craggy steeps? the wavering bctl of I used with egg by , thobe who u nc er grecn: the mountainV feathered aide;! stood, the riEht .Wat " of cookuig mem. i..n.ir..t : i .uJT .it I 'it . i . . .. nrl mo wnuisi icvipivc, uuu, duuil ak,sl HO '.vtHa, uutvctci , fuuik si apuuii bum the vawmnir abvss below. iscraned off tho nowder. whicn cartlv ' Overhancinc the nrecioict. and with-(defeated the'obiect of the wretch, but in one or two feet of its brink, grows a enough remained to" make those, ' who ate ol the em. verv sick, among whom were mo. two Witnesses,, wno were oi enfeebled by it operation aa to be uo-J iVK iv iiv iuj uiiug, at wm completely 'overcome with dtowsuiess. 1 hey .had spread their mattretses on the quarter deck, and laid downf the Captain and Mr.. Robinson were m the couiii, uuiu,vuipiuiuK ui yBi,a.iicaB, Joseph Dolliver wa at ihe helm. They could j;ive tio account how the remain ing persc-ns oil boardAwere disposed of. . About i a O'clock they Were, aroused bj ( ioua tries or distress me mate leann smalt ' cedar tree, which lor years has held its grapple with the rock, and bid dehanco to -the ' winds that are ever whistling, through its branches, and threatening its particir-itiou to the plain below Although this cedar has resist-; ed the power of the elements, it i fast yielding to, the attack of the traveller's knife; it being so invariable practice a- mong pilgrim to the spot, to leive their names carved upon it. Others, desi ring to leave1- a more lastmg record of -Aims' 9uniauos ot ruut varouna, "tRasiBsy'iIiiatorr ef South Crotinl - -V r ?! -s

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