a fcwlrr tW cku f a ....! f AWs!i4. trial of ,n.'H ts k ttrwr-b with ,He l-ri'i Ad aural. E'S "e6) w-, frijttf. ft. Torvtlten, end ,M'li, !ava olrIy'ird fwa the Dtrlaa'rU'.' TVy be ftdtowrd 1 thirty tisethrr f-aar,aid many m6!H.'' - ' " " " ' 1LAIXJQ2, JULY . 1227. trior t-V rfcrt, In this dry's paOT thtlet ,. -j the Jackson CotuoutUw of Hasnvgle, ia aWto'heforjnhwo made byth sonlrre of ,-u,.,,r.au trtnuV ta Crttnl J-ksoo' mm-cc, Jt it eoott refutation of bV (Under which v w,tW ken circulated KAMt that notrio- rl trr attention of the Crirlvn oine 4f ofJtutf. Yesterday Vs jiw nor National anniversary, celebrated by onr ckiten in tj1a worthy th rtorlnu recol- lrrtixn of that dat, and creditable to eratrful. virtnous and enlightened community. It is true there tM exhibited Bottling of the pomp sad fflmlor whk-ti tony hart been witnessed to other arnl lnrrr eitiesj hot that Which ii far more ac ceptable i tlie ht of Heaven, and elally ex rvcinnirr of the high estimation m which ow iln- rt-n-born and blood-bought fxivileges and lin-mnni'.u- are held he gratitude of the heart -wa su'itablvMprrssrd, Thr day wis Ushered in by the discharge of cannon: and 'at ttinrn. th" rHiwns assembled at the Presbyterian Church tor the purpose of prayer there, in the sanctua ry of the Mast lliph, to offer On u the enthusiaa- ti liamr of the heart;" whea the throne of Htaveiiwa tucccsiTely adilrossed by the Rev, Pr. M'PlieMm, the ReT. fp. Blake and Mi. Bowd; a liandwHiie and appropriHte addrett wa lo tk livcred by tho Ke t. Di'. Freeman. Aihalf after0 a'elock, our trolunteer eorapany of infuntry formed m the Capitol aqoare, where they continued on parade until half after 10 o' clock; at which time they marched t the Me thodist Cliurch, whither a lai-ce eooeourse of the citizen also repaired to continue the eel chration. Then and there a prayer vat offer- ed up by the R,' Mr. Blake. The Declara tion of Independence wa read hy Thomni 1, 'Lrnury rfux whjch a taiubie Ode ..waa aang wkhtauoK animation, aceompanted with music Vy the. Boi of the Bluet; and an appropriate eloquent Ditcouraewai then dcHreid by the Rev. Mr. 1Hke, from Colloisiani 1.13. " IVho kadi dethtreAvt from thepatoerof rlarlmena, and ' kuth translated ttt tnto the kingdom of ki$ dear Son." ' ' At 2 o'elockj large and respectahle number of citizens partook of a dinner prepared by Mr. "Wedding, at the Concert Hall; at which hi E-eellenc-y Governor Burton presided, assisted by Col. Wm.- Polk, as Vice President After the cloth was remored, the following toast were drunk:' i 1, The clay we celebrate, the birt'y-clay of our independence its annual return nispi. Te u with love and vermtion for the Pat- hots who planned; and the Heroes who achieved it. ' , 2. The memory of Washington, in the an nals ot modern greatness he stands unnval led. 3. The memory of Thomas Jefferson, the author, and .lolin Adams, the great advocate, ot the Declaration of Independence, who. nfter enjoying the highest offices that' the pennla caiild eive them, and eiDeriencinff t!ie blessinn of a free Government tur half a century, on this day last year, both slept wnn ineir f athers. - . . 4. The Officers and Soldiers of the 'Re volution, and the memory of those who are no more, their services were invaluable, their privations were?: greit, such worth will not cease to be venerated by thf American reopie. , - , , 5 The President of the United States. , 6. The Congress, liepresent&Uves pf"a , free people should possess independence enough to scrutinise into, and pass judgment upon the conduct of those in whom the weal cf the Government i entrusted, without fear w hopn of reward. - ': ' 7s The Armv and Navr. , B The Militia. . 7. - 9. South America and Greece -May all the Revolutionary troubles in which these -countries have been involved, eventuate in tilt; establishment of sound Republican Go vernments, a 10. Agriculture, the foundation of our prosperity, Manufactures, essential to our welfare, and Commerce, the parent of wealth; -nch supporting the other, are best support ed No Legislative favoritism. ' ", . 11. Internal Imirovemeht May out ex ertions to promote these great objects nerer be relaxed, until ll onr prinoipAl Itivers are rendered navigable, all our main Koads made good; and all. our valuable Samp Land drained. ( ' 12. Th University of North Carolina & other institutions . or learning Education engenders good feelings and principles, and liieseare the safeguards of every society, i ; 13. -JSocial InterconrsewMay it harmony lever be interrupted by feeling. illiberal or party VOtCKTEfeltS. . Eyfiov. Burton. EducaUon and a free go vtrnment; twin sisters. The experience of xges has proven, that tho one cannot exist without the Othef. , - . ,, - . By Col. Wm. Polk. fjen. Andrew Jackson A a Military Chieftain, bo stamls proemi .iient: as a civilian; he baa filled the most im pwtant offices in the rift of bis State, and is what yope says ia tho noblest work of God an noncst mnt and worthy the hntt olhce in the rift a fro. nunU I-'' i"-f i: . By Gon. Jjeno'ir, a guest. The V. States of America May their union be so cemented by ke blood of fiatriots and heroes, that.it may be sufficient to withstand all invasion or do .tnestic imnirrectinn bf nartv sniriL - k hy Mr.' D. Clark, a guests Liu Taiw'ell S.19 BTe at fneuliia hav hiiii kitvau!afrfMiitv cxwioed for tiie good of bis eDuntry.jjr vv. ny CoU lluvenport, ' guest, . Our wives, cethearts and friends.. - J?;' ' ; i " . ; ; . By Geo. Wellborn, a guest. The present sammistratlou May i alwaya be, judged by H set. !s .. ..,''-.vMi'V BV Mr. II. VI u-,tL ffka . tTntnn wJt Jt teaWhat the wisdom- of Washington, .-..fciia, cnerson nd the t twt Adams put thrr, hit notnsn put asuiult'r. -s. , r y Mr. Haywood. Oor federal govern- f m, nna tosc tho dmiitster it. ,u.p. a-v-l tHat it - rtr-rv tm ft - B-y-av ' Tm M f.- T. ua puaaJ txaesitJs cot?V4 Msim ast scWtf tu refanciM. TV- rn?U t)l ttKa Vow vittMcftac tW ewrUmB ab almai of Itm Ci.u.IimwI fkriacnSa. Vcrilt Le SMasx oM cUy ht tx I Mr. C Uanlr., Lae4ei Chews Th tcrnUld fvntlrSMA, U abls BfMsua. V? Hi. it VI. Kaywon. 1hai IV la. oativf of Karth-CvrAa a Mcntlit tht Mtios, sad t tb 9Ut tucb is m h-nu. - m - " B Mr. WtxBovlan. lnAar of "v Livir, mm eownewt Wsrye ' abW stalewnuk,al skilful Cehoral. tft Capt. T. V.amrr. The surrWnr oSeen ktd aoim T th iwohitii. E r. J. clc. Th friends of Cbertrtv the world. . - .. -' i n. : : By Doctor T. 1. IlavweM. Uit Cneral (rrngt an ttnWtaA'on all otcaatoM cka ranrntv a propi or tu United States, , By Mai. C ILntuev Tne American kobby. Vhiiro, Peacsj and Frea Trade. By Major rutry, a rueot Tho citizen of Raleigh. .. ' -..! -r By Mr. L Hardin. lav tb decnutrr which sparkle so r (fht on this occaaion, b dramod to the dregs before we leave the table. By Mr. 11. Caaaon Tho United States, By Mr. 1. Peck. jr. Public opinion, when tininflaencei by passion, orthe prejudice, of party bth surest aafegnard of a. republican government. By 13 r. Lehman. Matrimony" Old prosper )png the married State, , ' Aiw give K every bliast May we all kiss the girl we please, And please the gui w kiaa. By Doctor Bond. . De Witt Clinton, disl'irw guished alike for his talents, patriotism and in tegrity. By Mr. VT. F. CUrV. ' Benjamin FranMnf Evr the Mechanic's friend c r , Ily Mr. A Yancey. Washington The Es ther of hi country: ile left the administrat ion, of hi government ty his executors, Jefler. son, Madison k Montoe.' By Mr. A. Boykm. 'The? present Adminis tration.' It out Adams's the elder Adams; and in tho Panama, mission and tho threats a PhIiis!' Georgis, wo see the seeond edition of the alien sedition lawseuUrgid, revised snd corrected. ' ' . ' By Mr. Miller." The "breaent adminfstni. tion Wo of tho South havo' weighed it -in the balance, ana it-1 totrod wanting. By Col. . H. Rceder, P. 11. Rceder. . Prosperity to the V V. . Hv Mntrfln anrt .TiVoa (ha Tav P I . , . . . a V an awatwa . . vwoo wr axis ss-s v.va tne westnnd the savioiirot New Orleans: may no be onr next president. - By Mr. A. wniiams.. John Qnincy Adair in 1823, may ho bo found where h ooor i By Mr. T.Turner, a guest. The Military Academy at West Point: It wiU enable ns, in future wars, to rival the glory of the revolu- tion;' - ' v.. .' T :K. I A dinner wa al htrMM for the-lMtri I n wmm sst . rw.iJtro' nnnnr nv isir nrira vraa'awii. ttt . 0 - a - i which wa attended by several invited guests and cibsens. Capt. Lawrence- presided, assisted by Lieut Marshall.' The following toasts, interspersed with onti mental song and patriotic airs by the Band, were drunk: : -,;' . t, -J : - ' I. The day we celehrate Jlia it ever be a day of national festivity with the .American peo pBj"Wuc, flail Columbia., ' . . j. ; x. i ne tneroory ot wasninwoo. 3. Tli oralis Jefferson' snd John -4daras Their memories will continue as dear to u a our free dom, and as lasting aft tlie republic. - . 4. the tovc?ior ana Heads ot Department ofNorttvMnnWlW Gfbfrm March. 5. 1 he surviving trntriots or the revolution- Jlfar the snb-it which animated them to achieve our, liberty, ever prompt their descendant to I ... 7.. I protect it Song, Had &6ery. - v r x-, & . The Uuiversity of - Nortl Carol ma--the nursery of science. , ; , . v. The state jnr NorOi-Caroltna Tbe first to declare Independence: (he will be the last to submit w oppression. 3 eheert, , ' S, The Constitution of the U. SratesJfay it be to amended aj to secure to the people their nmt nehts. 9 cftwo. . i . . ae rmy ana tvavy ot tre unitea Btates. ' - anp. m mar mmtrtta isamur, 10. . The Militia V"der the present system, worse than useless: properly organized, would be a sate and ftfficient arm of national defence. ' . It.. Greece The banner that waves over her armies, unfurls the emblem of victory:, May the roiico that directed Conitantine to triumph, say to her Conquerby this." ! V ' "' - - lir Our friends and enemies To the former, the contents of our canteen and haversacks: to the latt er, of our cartridge boxes. 9 cAecr , 11 The fair s?. Mime, IvtnU bt a JVVn Sang, men, War and ff'm. . . ' ; Tho following, sentiment was' revived from' Gen- B. Daniel, Adj. Qenerol, an invited guest, whb was prevented by indisposiUonfronj attebd-' ing the dinnerj . v. ; ,.v ; - Harmony and goodfreling between .the people of tho difierent sections of our eooittry, and oprdial support of all measure of the govern. ment, onlculattd to promote the happiness and rforVofAe nation. '-L - :-- ; The eilowing are the. only volnnteera wluch we have leenable tocoUect for tW. day's paper: B, the PresMent-Tbe vicwrie. of Torktown. " .uunmiuam pi7 urn w uie muiiary vasiami who acuiveu xneui,' will be handed down to the latest nosteriw. v. ur tne v ice rresinent unr nati-iotic eeoators in Congress, Nathaniel Macon and John Brandu' 15v Mr. Joseph Rosa, a gnestT-The rnemory of Thomss Jefferson jr-May the liberal exam ples of Saudi-Carolina and Louisiana be follow ed by the other States of the Union. - " . , ' V - By Mr. u.f Limleroao May tlieT freemen Of North-Carolina, at the" ensuing election for Re preaentatives to Congress,' dent such men as are not to be " bought, sold and paid for. ' . j By : Lieut Ward -Gen. Andrew Jackson The pride of America snd the admiration of the" world.- VdP'" By Mr. C. C Babotean John Quiney Adams, a chip of the bid block virtuous, enlightened, and honert --.(; , ',: '.' ?, vy , ' The, festivities of the day closed by brilliant Olumination of the Capitol Squaro in the eveningt attended by th(- Asliion and beauty of the city) who were entertained by an elegant mnsKalper. formanee of the Band, and the bJlnrity fa rustic dance. , -v '"''' '" 't" 4 -V'' ,-aaB-aatailMapWawaRSMaaaMia The following is the Order of .'Ar ransrment oWryetl at the late Com- mencemont t)f four Uoirersitjl, - -rf-nt 'i FORENOON. , '1. rmerbr tlie President. , . A Salutatory Oration in Latin. Richard H.' --Iwi, affecemAft ;' --. .- '. T . n .r . . .' . 1. . . . . . , m ,.1 -, a.-niurwuonon nioueroinTaiurB.vi uomp - soo Byrd, CarweO. .: .--' : V-?-. ' 4, rorewic Disputation, nrho merits of Lord HvroQ M Tren W insltiw, Fayette f4 '.W'fc, John B. Bliamson, Lincoln. ? " ' I. f n Oration on Political Keonosoy, vlfi-ed Jz'ia.-P. Nicholson,' CsfcwtWn. JVh-"--.- . Jbf Orstion m French. C.4i4et 'XlL.of Sweden. Ivn-enio Lea, fieatburr. . ; '7. A Forensic Di(Mitatioa. U is to be regret ' ted that ir twintrvmen have as vet been so r llttlo devoted to viuthoriJiiiK--C. W. " iilet- . - ander, Mecktenburg, Georee Miller, Du . "-on"-''- ;'- ' - - : - -,-.,-,; i- . B. n Orafioa is Greek, lie death of Socri; tes TkomasP. HalL JjieAH - J ?, n ratcrmetuate uration. Un roetrj Jeo sH. Liedy, OreentborngK t 10. J iissw lW. (W.' 1 f mnm l i mm -Is k txi I'tllrarM a4 ka m wi war.1 lUCht. trim 13. 1 W V f1 Orotk.-CVatV, 1. gLtp- 1 v Tu'rVrWwa JiJrm H tV Qrsdalo. I. TVTTCsirf mo. . . . I. Heoortoftao tiiit atiny " . If. tiiyr hf tko rrsworwt. . ' .-' , V . ."" ; Kanvet of th CnltfS ht$iJr$ tkooe wlko took rmrl ia iSe ticbr ofCota snencrment. - Vw -V JUi'tl. rrUtmrtlTaasUl, BsUrt HMOry, ' TVm PratM, ' frrm, Joroaa, li'm. Paodinfi -Jos, Thompson, Lewi SUttratrr. tMsOcsa Brr. V Lam Hrwdersoaw Llotm HaUe. Kraaco Miwitwa. Liofc. fl WIsv, Iboou l. ' ""S- iVfr'Vw A-'- w U ITi!li.m.l.Gri,Att.slw.aiUra.' . Pbilai H.Thatnaa, M. LX Mdio. S. Peter Picott, .fW, Law. - f ... 1 4. John Norwood, .Vrt, Law. , v Jno. M. (furelieait. .fit Lsw. GreemUrw', 6. Itraoineld L Hidky, .fa. Lsw M'JSim- mnut, ten. v . ... , T. lfcvid .M.BnB4ers.tu.Law - ' - , Bonj. Il.wflston, Stud. Law. . Artk. Fairarv, 31. D. ttithnumd M. ' ; 1(X Jolio C. Tykr, wftt. Law, VmtavilU. II. neunmiaSnmnrr.AU. Law. OrAM-(. 14. 8neer O'Brien, jilt. Iw, mikam IS. Rlb. F. If'tllaratontM. U. ftramu 14. Edward tX Suns. - ': .-w' Altxr LiTtnt!.y,'i j escerdiy exsnuoed, a newly mventcT rniprovemeot in mills, by Measr aiurj a. romui nouro, rajpeoaoio urmcraoi Person county, m t1.iStaUt for which they havo a patent,' Wetliiuk R b ingenious and nscfulim-' provemonL The mechaoism k simple, easy and eheap; and tlie power necessary in fripdinj is so reduced, that the same qnautiiy at'gnUi may ,bf grrmnd by k m a given time, 1th a leaat half tl faro required thT.rl the soaiuion mills, ltt caUed the Sagw Loaf Millt" and 1 of th ToU lowins-desorintion-. Tlie fmnrovement oonskti in substituting for the usual bed-at.Sue and run I England" a ha ia CV led, and the advo ner of common mUI a o.in-stoae, consistinf o j tUtt of ,'tho. OCM principle! 5of ' Free two solid pieces of any ston-. nmpertbr grinding 1 grain, each of them holloa-H out from 000 cxtre micy wine ouier in t.ec,i- lortn, and lirrw- ed from top to betlom, dunclly r ' l all rountL These two solid piecoi are .!ifca nut tocether. T'l . o. aut.an awo aaitiin nuiuu Brp snd form the eap-Stone, being da M& together; I mid round Wklt iron band's; in the centre lof wWAktliosiRw Iformedbv the ecmuetnf the tw,. iid-.. Hh.vin- 1 l.i,. m.iw-j-r.K-fc-.- I . .7 r awe wrougu w ..muar.oo. 01 ttBu,' "P9" f iwc.wiaKi waii wca duut miiCD nv w i aa ttiay be necessary to prerve its perpend iu. larity, and to bear the motion of the machinery to which k is attached. . This sol4 runner basses through, snd work in, the hollow of the ca- v a 5 . . . ' i none as apovo oescriDeu: n u aio iurrowed di agonally aU round as the hollo'. ' . , The mill work and geerhig attached to this machine,, niay o in any of the usual forroaj l j tne surantngea .ot the stones as above f disenbed awtnatmuchef tnwai tcicuanioav the same quantity of wort csn be done, with leu power, than is used in sonanoh mills. Gloridui tltw from Man. HammKr 1 i I , . , . . I I''1 l uesuay a. , '. i . . ,i 1 . "1"'" 1 n utinn Wrt. intmiltn.od I atuDte nno KeSOIUtlon were, 'fit and in timet of of the Bepreaen- " R beine st all time thtMsrfd i peculiar exonement tne mug ' t -rt... r ,1,, ai , r-' ."."l present nosturo of our national Affairs t-eTuitin. uie exprosiun ti puva opinion: , . .h j? Jtt tt thfreier Hesotve4bf the Senate and ffutiM 0 RepretaUativee tf A'ewMumpMnf, ' General Court, convened. That, the Legisla ture of this State entertain tlie highest oonftifenae in the talents, integrity snd pubiio serrioe of John Quiocy Adams, PremJentof the United States, and iriven ittiwriiy .nnUilr,. ..I'ik. general .policy adopted, .,a the enlightened measure pursued in the dramUtratkm of the agvernme. A After a lun& and animated deW tte question op the parage f the Pre j n n w' fl" "wiM"i, vi .urv arau.e anq ivesouiH)n, waa xnammwv Ipostpotie, bj a fote of 1S7 to TQ. Th qneauoa on postponement being takep b Teas jand Jj-.'.lr ' -Jf-'Ck . . j : Jf jtvoston Staltiman. ' ' v.'v rrt J. n. .. . vT . ' :-' . The mallet used lately in the. cere 7&-m ioiinuauoB atone oi tneevTomion Vnivewty, wa an object of touch Renejal funoaitj, iniar EICU Wit II ICCIOJt? H, , VenOrBllUn.H. Ill wa no other - than the identical mallet 1 . ' -. .l, ffc . , ' ' 4 . ; ! ." ins uie uiBi.' siviiv . ui out u lay i nv vatnearai. i, .r 1 . great architect,; Masonic Lodge 1 he, was a member. erable irtstrtimentjwa allowed ot thw occasion b- perinioa of .tbriR. MiJheJdsel.- ; ! " -i -. - - . S.-T- Davidson, nd -V,.;Croy,, 'Who, jn conjunction with Gen. 5ut CocAr, 4if Tennessee, have been appointed bj the . State GovernmenUo hold a treaty with the Cherokee Indians, ill order to J effect a DUrch9e from them of tlieir rei maininglarid in thi state and so mbch in fTemiesseo aa will be 4 necessary to n.thl that atat-to . anotlJ.- into" the House of Representative of tr New-Hatnpshirei-by .iMroWiUonof ''e,e "Pfer ' u? 'Tf U KeeneanU WaxTneaiajlO oVlock, eT. f!!"?- ...s.i -a . t: j iLiZr., T ntea r & he Umted, State of f America, Tvas ai(;(jcu lur ilicu tu tween the.Uiwi-see, and Cariasnga rt-1 tbe subject J Mr; 11 . considers it " for vert, met in this town las week andttuuate forJlba interest of fiarigation. held a consultation on the" subtect of that we had reiected th nromHiitinn v swoasa -aw, tvuiiuo fcw- their officiardutie: the rfMilt of wbicb isj? that they hfe fixed pon the ltb day of Auwit;iexC-ii vvvhich.to meet Urn. Cocke ia tba tatioo, and. hold a preHminarjrjMnftniicirlvi the Indi - the comiiHssionera iii awaif, ruther instruction from" tlie Secretary of War, and then proceed to a discussion of the termaoF the proposed treaty but should lhey;be are par withMr I.pds.any conditloos, (and wehaW our fear on j tins r point.bihe. Com- iniSbioner can only make tlieir report ans, to ascertain their dir position on the cry thuiir miiAt have been adjusted by ! t. ,ppi ?BV u,eat'Oion orthe Court, subject of-a, cession, of UieirUands. law, when It could Vet -be-tlWbf .1; Should the Indians be disposed to . ell, Treatysatnostlu Jingty'tq: the War 'l)rpaHroeiit.1bqw wewa tb opeo it? If Mr: It- ccoroingij,viq tne var jwepartioent, una fetora ti-vi BrflAf m alfrBJintrJ lo L grt up tt rk'in Ktrt"-tJ4!Se. Cpw4n uf t wuhqndrrd Wf prr-en'j hot it terp- ed -K, that tho JaxktofNtro t i U ma jority, snj Ce rtlttiMt -wMtk torrt rffi red tw I Ho occosktn, -f volel sown: Mr. Wribl ttepol toJ- ores IL iBeetinK,, but lue-criew M KalU for JacVwaA. r Kitrj'o Jet- . Jtr prevrtted M let beard. Tfco wrflng brr4 op in fllsor Ipf. TWo ; aitd Is another M ttgn of rHyiC ctowot b mists kea. i The-man, caJlir kimsetf noun. t boasiderabta of oo,7 b .eaat ait altered check, hat bee. Evicted ki .n -t t... in N. Jersey on the ckarce of attempt ing to pia aaotber altered check at that place and aeoteaced to five rears hard UW ia tht prnetentiarj aa'd a fna of Bt50.The none found on him, a mountine to betveen 10 and Rll.fjoo. baa beep, fjivf a p to tba Banki of Vir wtnta ml W.inirfnn n ' .'. W V ' , : , y , . - j. ; r -i-y .A.. .'. TH6 COLONIAL TRADE, f . ' What become ' of lkrunou ia t I ' . 1 .T I I A IV St . . IVL . ..to wmh :0teuI5egCerr , mI,; nrnorwet it them of la immraiste liU I juetmeatof tho Colonial QjcUoo with 9. Britain? TKa DebUt in the H. of Commona of the fth Mar oat of th huba reoVejIubited..;,!! came easpoatha motion of Geo.Oascopeof Liverpool, tr appoiof a eoramittea to eiiquira into th ; presept, dUtres'seel tauf'of the. Bru ahirt-owner; -lr. lloakissan. lh Prrsiilent of tho Koard of Trodo. tho first busineu ins n in 1 Trade J Opposed the notlOHl Vlfidtcated the reiaxalipna which had beea tntrodu ced of, the restrictive arstera; and at- tejnpted'to prorajthat t,hej were norj the cauae ot any emuarrasamentt which were' felt br tReshiDDinff interert. -Ve I (hall publish Ilia whole of hi Speech I tim wa U. rf.- r.lra th. rAll.;n. -w. I . ...n.i. it o ' 1 :"v''-r" T " I concernea:;, , , 0 I - M 1" would, 0werer, maintain that 1 tvaurftrii hAiinil ! thA iakA nf th. in- I w w v vmswx m bw a Uresis of Great Britain, fur the aake of the interest of navivarioo-tti do what we had done, in allowing the countriea of the North of Europe W trad in their own sli ippinz with ihose coloniea. If h nniWitmid anv thinw of I hn nrinri. I -t - I mn.W referred to. one ofaheir chief ob- P,c " "v.ignuuiiyown, J,mv. ,wciw pu i jccts next to that of aecuriiig great com powtr tofourseleyes, waa that Df nreeniiuff ;too ffreat, a share of the carrying trade, which we could not our . - A .. . fl 8el ,r? Dinn enjOjrea Dari one loreien country., 1 he waOU ot .h J Wnat India Colon es remlerMl it no. I wH" voion e, renucrrQ i e 1 I 'n ivtllt' tf ade' thu opened wtlh I the United Statea-iwhich be it reonsm- j I ,.' x -.i , . i F" W,WCOUpiU7, Oiemo-C I ?r? Wing' mafltune poweroulhe 1C of J the earthhad already become of ao much ronseauence. that the- amount of tonnage emiifored in it was not; far shorf ot nan ,01 tnorwnoie ui tne untisn ton; 1 najfeP engaged t I rloni.T 'Va1 I WIWU in tratle - with the same ive to such power a Uenmark anU riUsSia. sWhlCtt httfl dot a -war hundred gun Shin, not eyeiV a war'and probabl jnev efwould h,VtTone. thkppottunitj of eWipetiog wifh tVited We of America, wa? Denmark and ther-for. i, ftrtherahca of the oh- jeci of the, navigation law. In adopt ing tnai measure, tt uau not ueen nie wish,- nor that of bis right hurt, friend. (Mr. Canmne.1 to breiudica tho trade ef thsk UiiiteU States, but toldy to put m-J -4.a.Sr.- ;;.t. -.'.i rX. 1 other countrieVon;"the same fooling I with therohelrc. i'Tliev. hovve'ver; were I satisfied with the mearoreVoWt he I thought it wa fcftuiute?roi ths interesta ff riaVllftttlrf tilllt (Id V Wr lllit,i "1'hpw I ..lLlAM i irtM.,aiguc, wio own . vvjmvh.. wua IB uA; c.. :.,f k; 11.1. , k..i pHrticipated in br tl tonnage of Pros S.iaudiurg, a other tnTwer. which 1 : . ', , . . ... t . T I - ;-- them. . In the conduct tif tliia rramirv ,owarda tho WitedJtatea, we bad ac . led oB'iniciplea;- atrictl.;-iconMteit with justice to themand with due r. sard to jhc- interests ol our (Jolonia. ? We shall npt undertake to pronounce, froiu the face of thin extract.- that tho doot; ieotirel' Ht,; against usj vlut there seems V 'na -ery little prospect . ,,f ,. t.-ttlti.. f i. 1 Bit . UI SV 1 a . BLLUIil IttfJUlsVLlllll 111 ol tireaf JlrttbuV For one otfn parti we consider it a moat Unfortunate that our wise; atlmitiistraUoii sliduld liar'tt sacrificed, cur eommereial interest to ' tlieir ruling passion of diplomacy.. JEr- merce secured to us; a valuable market I opened, for our breadstuff and lumburs ndM an amount of tonnage" still cm- ployed ia it which (a Mr, II. atates) was noi far ahort of hrwlmle.CT British toitfi.ge eged ia tde wiU ihssametlonir."--N6w. trie door U shut against tJ & on Mr. UN views r af 'l ficoU sirwvlv; va t yt )0i f.f tf, kn-ssic r r "'. .rn-wot-ci4 nvaJt of Orvot Brjf It L eft tensiMivl to otiJo ko tlU jwij;ri-!j tf Ver ee!britfd Nitstioo) axt. r tee M injssed ate troaot osfsny raJauttot. Yki stUor,H itUil uhonjawvamt of kit fsnncirJe of Fro TroOe! k,f, tbofK te kae rosJI Bnoj;5e4 lKw jet it is not leu tm tkt v Kvt knot ajaail ortnek of war eiporta tod of onr csrrjinj tmle by tko poos iottlscre tio nf tMr ulnjinitntk5 It is do evident that Britiak Mla'ralm art conialiin for tkeir ra tArryn trade and that a Jea'ooi v f tkt troir iRatioo of tho V. S.' it protljr much at the bottom of tkeirrrent poUc?.- Ana aa t notour evKjcnro ol ueir viewt, tJVTl' feK,?? fllS?'" !J dwble doliet wav. aJJ irndea imported aQer the 1st of June, from tba M sea trl isUnViihtt atrikin -area at our indited trtidt with Jamaica.' ' ' :"' Richmond Etvnttrtf."' s ' - i 4 . v r -; to coartR3PONT)EXTs. '. - An Oranr Fanoor" shall appear U ovrncaL Tho Renoi - of tho otaiainatiao of tho rtadrati of VwaM Grove Ar4esBy aanat he pwUitttcd, mews seooiBDasikFO was a repoosttl asrnatoro, and th OMh tur h wt section k befes; cwMoawv to ahargo for all suoh articles at advettssetnenta. i r MARRIKU. ,t -V V At Hlr,f.t.tm th Sith nhlmo. Mr. A ,u. i77. .. . At Kinston, oa tbo 18th oh. Richard Grist, Gsq. of Washington, to Mia Llisn Wash melon, daughter of John Waahiogton, Fir gJJJ.r?. f utetyin Sansbury, Mr iaaiea lUrmonlo Mr. Mary JJelton. ;v t;. y.f ' ' ' DlrvV ... X ' In thUellv; on Tuesdav last ; Mrs. Jlfarv Bell. rA r " 8h. W fr reaav vear a worthv member of tho :aA thodM Episcopal Charah( and bora the long and paivftit Ulaes whioh terminated in hot death wltSon plary fcrtitude and maiwnatlon. . At Newbem, on tho STtb nltimo, Mra, E- lizaboth Master. i. . , Lately, in W'illismocm connty. Tea. Maj. Joseph "ranch, late of this Stat a. Jk .1wawtlBvnKn4a 1; . a; . Ji "jainn lUeeiiniT .. ; For Granville oh-euit.- w31 bo held at Rock Sprtnr Jfeetins- house. In Gnusvttlo eeuntr. 1 yooWof Olbrn,.to Maamsose on frtdayVihe ta. of Jlulv, and aoadono onttt' Wednesday the v"""hWK ' oaoM.i, a. . w .a oreaaber of the Methodist Bniseona) Chnrrk mo reneetrully invited to attend, and also all tho nvrthoititt families who can oonveniently leave their homer, sre requested to attend with their tent, preiamd to encamp on the ground during tho eontinuaneo of tho mectlnB.' Jlothodist triend and brethren, wo invite yon to aonvs an in spir of prayer and of fiutb, that tho treat head of tho Church may meet with us and make knowll pow)plll jj,, detraction of the power ! of darkneii and the Htlvation of nreewjut soulf. Oxford, Juno tl, t82f. ' , 81-1 w. U-U'lrtcina? 'Kchooh v : Mr. ANDEHS0K, of Petersbnrr. Va. tire .W.aflUUUUlt. kents hisMspeet. to tli ws lauies ana gsnuemen of ttajeieh and it vxunitv, r ana sutmuts to tnetr pat. onenins-.' eai-lv in Amruiit "iage ht intention of BM.n.n,iBSrWi neat, a Dancing School; whoreui his particular at tention, shall be devoted to tba pupils cnuniNd to his care, and tlie greatest attention pnid to tlieir deportment. H m j teac, M mort tushkmnblo slept and dance, and no pains. shall be spared by able manners which K so ornamental in aooiety, fe'WfT '"'"'f.S Uul0,fr' mm mi part to scnoiar mote polite ana agree' oaneni .to give entire iMistaetina to those who- mav h dnTge him, ao.it will enable, him ' to.ifitroduc Aw....ut.. i it. i .. : i. . r Uepectuble references will be, givea on Mr. A'sarmalraRsIei. ' . -c . . J vHaisbnra,Juns J,tB4tr.-. fif , Ban away li-om the subserilicron . the - twentieth , of. last month, V'. Juoe,) a nKro woman, by the r. nmno ui a oom twenty. "two years of age She is rather slim built, small bresst, sneaks ana iooks very neree when spo ken to. takes eonsiderabla rains with hes hair, and was somewhat vsllow om- plrcled. It is expected that she is lurking abaut Raleic-h. or in Ruffi.ln Diiitrict. in thia cmin .- a perhap on U'hite Oak or New Hops Creeks, in Chatham, slie or her hunDaod has relation io I those neighborhood. 1 will tive a reward often J J.,.Ur, th nka. to- any bertim who 1 " pprchend and confine her in Raleigh jail, or deliver her at my louse, sutoca miles south west pfHaleighv ; ; - . . July 4,1827. - State of NortlhCarolina, ; - j It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court. toat me ucrcnuant, josiaii vv;rump, is not I ocreo tiiin, pugucjuion pe niaae in the Bur and North Carolina , State Garotte, for s'n weeks Successively,, that unless the said det fendant amar at the nest Court of Pleas u A Quarter Session to bo held for the county of - . .U - .. . ti'tiiiiauiuii, iu uie vr-Juriiiouc in saiu coun ty, on the first" Monday in Benteniber nekr;' and rrplevy, ''he property so attached, 'ot plead, answer or demur, judgmept final will be entered a gui nut him, and tho property le' l"" eondemued, aubje lTSJ- w"ita"t?i I i- L Teste. J. W. II ARl k u uie piauiim's . - - . ... .s . , . v . vr. - Isotfod SOth Jane, 1827vi - i ...28-6W' 4- one Court. 1827. s Jamei Crump - a Oricinal nttochroent levi. V. - " ?.edon Nemw.. Vi., 1 j.i.w vp r j., r, " 1 "': North Carolina state? attc for six week lattocesaivelyi Uiat unless the Wd rWvfrnrint I rPrtl next Court of pieat and QUaf- NLh.m.Z . ,u- "y of rVoJKKr vythopy ot demur, itidffnient fimd ,;u h .. bim, and th promeiyevieoin. C ubJct totho tilaintifl recover)-. - WlSorthampton Coimft). f : : i t Court, of riejt and Quarter feesstons i .'-:i- Jnne Court, trqt. .r 'r.L. : 1 Ffntr i.rNii;T'r;irn., Cecrt af ond Ojm' ?Hkh b , .-.ufaCearMer. r,"l Vmm HrSjt I-rW W In- utt. J Jm. u. if v k o-e, aui,' j r": ' It Sfpcariry t j u,n oattksc!ei of to Court, fW tho trfkdat AOwcr bUth, s of an SB KatMlaM of thU rtatr St is iwforo orcUrrt ttust pstUinaUrMl b tnad M tho tur ot.d North CariUa atst Oaotto. tor Cv wock sot oa ni sty, that onleM tr- swi t dtfr-JA sppoor at tba nest Conrt of pleu on ' tiwacr t siiasi to to oU iwrthe roomy of .W1U. : smptoo, t tho Conrl ltao Mxi eownry, on the in Monday ia &THcniber aH, a A rw plevy lit Bwopcrty so aUachod, w f Wad. an swer or desour, juilracut final W..1 bo enter- ed against tunn. and tho property retumai) in the jramUluneot condtBnocd, ulJcC to lh plouMiaa ttcovoryi - - ' ' ' TtO- 4. HARBI3CU C C. C. Issued 30th Jum, ItiT. - . S8 W . ' . S i:'-Noticer;;;.;. I wish to purchase ais fimt rata horses, am!. sola fart!, Stag 11m aoraeo wun to so f root 4 too ) ear old. Apply onun. . -; - . MtjtKtrr,ciu.iAKu. ,. Rale gK Juno ST, IfiiT. ; . t 38 tf -, RtM9tnig U t?'?at'Offict at J?ofcr.V a "- . , ; ' : ,'"A. " ' :. ,-Morria, Vdha Andrews, I Irury t- More, Edwnrdr , AsiiUy, Wdliua A MonwU, lMri . AiK-n, Solomon alorritt, Joho Atkins, Manuel o , ,-Mmin, Joshua, f . A ilaaa, Drmpsov . .Maody.' Kolosaoot ' .' Allen, WiUiaia Masrs, John Co , '; Alho, Yaonr . - trUen, Fanny ' Aifard,Oreri' '" 4 Mas, W'tlUo , ; AoKin, Grceir V- MoUry, Jolus; T , - -T AUroatln. smith f Marbo, John i j , - B, - t I Moms Charleo , .,. Bkranm, John S -V - MUaravMathMv , -Barbam, Robertson vv,' - X.- V . BuW. T.mli VoWeH. 8: .'- :. Barbara; Mr.' Kiehola, Tlwiona BuffJoe, waiiaos''NasA.Alttnsoo 4 S .- Buffkloe, Bmnt ,' Nanae, tieorgo '" Brown, Iteory f',i r" Kiebols, Win. 9 Brown. James NieUols, Will Brandclbrd, Franco ' NeUoo, WU! an Bnaudefurd, Louisa .- f -Nll, Martiu i V UpumSnlit. IUi-mm - Nlsan. a-trtr Brumftdd, Jareei . ' - - O. J , Barlow, William ff - O-! J 'V BmadwelL Js'reoataa Oiwwl, '.Vr'! art, iienry " " - Brown, .Anthony uauie, jonn - Ilooniyiian-. ; i Burton, vrav It, Beaver, Georrw v nryant, jiesso : uaiue, nancy-;"r i-""! Haucnm, John liaiua. John u " I ' . .. - r ii ('. !... i .1. I fWkiVa.Vv It f ,;; . , ... , , nerk'of Vak Court I'arham, Awry vSi(v Clk. k Master in Konity I'art.u, Pin-kneyf ' Cook, Josei.hFoit Parham, WUlisuttV . i Crawford, J. B- - , Parker, Isaae , ''.V . Collins, Matthow JV roraunTahitha J Copeland, Charles U ' r Cljuitlt. Jamea 1 Rosa. James 11. CroWioe, Heuoerson liagsdaie. a. f, ;." Cotsrt. BonJamia V ' HoijerH Ourrilt ' ; i,;.' V'" Caid. Jolm .- ( ( - i S Rogvr", Anroa- ""N;.'- J, :- , Card, Lucy v- v y . RogorV Allen, Capt,' 5 s r Coin, TempeMmee BobeiWSt -WilUo , . V liC' , Coir, Mark '! ' ;' 5 Robertson, IWmund--v?i ;. Cole, XV m. IIS t v Kotenborry. uni ueoiffe.-' v ? Ilobeit. Jowea - I). '-'V .'': Howok James 3. .; Havia'i 0vW'';?l?f-Rhodes, John; ooa.'i-f i'W uavia, j8nanv'.-j'M.:,',-r itttoan,oua . ,. , . Delasy, John JJeVv 4 kutsnl. ltehceon-, , DauM, Robt .T; r( ' Kiter, J. !!.'.;., '.i Uofld, Kobert'vvf Kowland, LI ,; ? Mod, Ransom f- Royaroft, Joh -. ,-, T'sv r. BulTr, Joha' Head. MiJisna .;; .rs'a. ' Drake, A. 'vv-- . S. ' - J -Bi.' . -i t Ftenhensoa.' Jonathan : i- V " Evan, William S 'r . . e. 1 . . f r . .. v niepiicnionf oiii.v Fowler, GiUv S . 5, StricUand; Yiarmailulfe. r on, nm. iv.. PerreU, Jaitk: n Preeman, Wyatt rttncitianu, svmit si' .Smith, Fmnces SmitlBolin . Kv-t.i e:,k c: ? '' Ct-ady, Dawson , ninclair, Llias-i.'J-' Goocb, Rollinj vv'i J'lShaw, Joseph fjeorge, John t, 8enravei,Johtl tiui, bcra s Gower, Williaal Stevens, Ann. fc'imons, William. Singletorii taml.-",-; Binima, lltirlin , , -Shcppartl, Mnry Uuily, James J - GullJohnlJ ' oinim, iinrrison- ; Howell, Jesse j "J Howell, Sally Hill, James J., Head, James 1 rrp, tviiiuimsoB ; - ntevena, JonahB).j;-.-4V. : Emory Patsey .'Si'-tovoasonv Jane ,''. Ktlington. Kidri!-'1"; Simmon, WHHe 3 i . ' -T.'t7eHri;kland, J. P..ft'i. Fowler. Jamea i y iitrcklaud. Matthew ;;, VWnellinps, WttUsA,:'; 'Sk Sjlain, Nancy '..it:,'- :?'. .-Snlpeaj Alfred i llui-rinj Lestha 9 5 , Mokes, Morfit llarriSj Jcn'W.,.2',l',- Scof-insj Itepp -uiK 'i Hollandi DnvkJ f .,. .. Sm-liine, Curtis ';'i?'' " Hicks, James' '-;. 'Rhatlnn-k, rlr.tsiT-c'--' IloUoman, Nathatf jSar;g, Bcttv i - :';v-v-;.-!;V-; Horton, Moses. H;w' -. -;., 1rV;V,'isi :..'.:'" Hall, Wat. B. Vtocker, PJe!Wrt r Hieh. Alexanders Thompson. Wsl i:t Holder, Aaron r'yraj- 'Thnmaa, iai-.s.KM!Ojy!-.S"'i" - House, Banfoa.-S , aylor; Alien . : S : , Hatch, John vi:f; Th'oiiipsoW,"JSarh2 ;," 'U;';- ! Holloway, John Thorn, Wit,..v;v:, t Horton, James ' ..-v'V Trawiek, Kanet t' vi 'ii Hood, Charles A,, 'j; -Temph BurwrJi S",0 Haywood. York .'-TSinaav tv Harper, Gi,v--.'r'''v-- U. V-i-'v''w " .. . ' "tley, Briaon,f;'C 'V'-:''.:;- Jelks, 'Jnrrett-c w.t,- Jju-, B5ory -v r? V justice, Havidi'-ilJdcy,Luxm4l'v.;fvv.,u JaeksoBi Keubea'"-j-f1A4 TJtley, Jaeob . S'4ft'$,'-- J Jarvis, Joseph v t'tley, Joseph ;?t; J ; ': Joh"son.-WUlio' - -- ; . : ' Jonet. Kiillev 3 vV?, Wrieht. Josei.k' a Jones, WiUiwn i.f J;Aard, Joseph 8 a Jones, Mourninj ' W bituker, Jano JOiifi, Jesse 3 , -w ' Walker, John Jooes, Lewis 7.it i : Jones, Lemuel i--fi Jones, Plheldred ' Whiraker, Wm.. '"'s;',;-.' x Wy nn, Peter IX S , WorreU, Martha,.; Wright, Samuel, j : V . , W4,Ueorg0 v-'.-f'-.f; WUliSa, V. . T. . ' V. Weathers, Jamca ':..'';,;:'' Jones, Uanll. A,' Jones, .:llrdy'':-.';tf,tA.; Jonus, Patieneoi v.f Jones. Samoet &'5 Kention, Mar i Kennon, Eliso ? . , Vri King, Uonry f "i-t -'V- L ' Lewis, Wintlred Ixwry Green Lasliley, WUlam , .lt..UJIU r k rl.. .1. ,. iUiams, Solomoa, , . Whitaker, Jtuto pr ? ' '' Wynn, Allen . rv-; M,Waltrn, Caroline f Woodall, Absaliim Wvatt.Manku.a- . Lockart, David -Lane, narah LaiaKcri Hanoa ' M. -''- VVhUeatm., ItiuhU -, Whkej JCiincy . : - MHSulla fc: Martha t w- tvaia-uis, Jniir M"CuUer H. A. Yates, Mr. M'Calittei-, J sine a Yates, Jurf ntatthews, Uavid Yoonf. F.nfuk.' (O The above Lettetr. if aot taken out kefe; W v of 5,ct-' "t.viU beeuttotho Gun- i ; oral Post Office a- Dead Lottets. va,tWv-? - V Prwn appKmg for thorol ai saw that k they areadvertiked. ' ' - ' ' - ' J'y-"' v I'l i' VC-'e . ..a, ... -.; u-ji

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