. - J 0. -3 MnTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY." AUGUST ao, S7. VOL X VIII.' u iii.VarlJk-CaroTijia Sttite GaxtiU, IXS Mi. SzUrriHtiw, Ara tUtUr per m Tnrr 3l be rt whbmal M kM 1 , ,w..r- .!. of tl KMrI Bnlca ail na- '"l-rVre iwl Mntruorwemto, M .t.U.UutMr B.ileJG. Jtlnl he had tls 6hro iks'1""'I Owr tin-, lor wt . otinct idrt of the effect which tuat drtla-JjlLrf-, and laentj-fire ewrta f ir ear trnitirm- j ratUm would prodtrce ttpnn Mr. Cjay awl hi I:in Awav m Vmra tUe nWrilirr, on tv Cd mUnl, my nryrd liwn, Miih mI DOlt, W five fat, ww or right rnrbr hi;li,llnn rirf , rbeck M.'it hbh, ainnll rM ' aninrvhat iwlmrd tn he cn T, I ape hetweeB Ihirtr-llm-e nl fire Trarm. II v inwd l,it IIliCt,snd i i'proliWe he will nmkr hi r far W't eomrtj. I booftht hi-a of lo--trr Ciif'irM. I'r nf thia owftT, he h ilr it Cifrt. T. Iluuter', I preune hr I'irkioj; n bnnt tlf iv- 1 Strr 'tllr. rerd on ilulitrry to me at thii lae. . JOIIJf RORKE. n!c ili, Aujurt 15, ISCT SVU - Notice. I wiali to purchate s first rate liorsra, suit able for the Stspe Tlie liorr I wish to be from J to 8 yeava old. Apply aoon. MKitiurr dill i Ann. lUleiffb. June 27. W27 28f To Hire, r.vtlic month, aURlCK MASON" k fLS- TF.IiK.W Mil (iilifieationR, partaxilHrly a to Plnstrn-r, are not uirnasxea or n in the SLite. AlU'lv to JJaieiSh,Jnly 9, JS27. SVILU lVLK. 20-tf 4r. fiuchannn and the Editor of the United Statet'' Ttlepraph. Tlie manner in which we have been assail ed, anil the use which hi been made of the notice which Mr. Buchanan, in hit statement to the Kditor of the Lancaster Journal, has taken of his letter to u, dated 16th of October hist, makes it proper tor us to give an enlarged extract from it. Mr. Buchanan, in that letter, says: '' At this flisiance of time I could not, if I roi:i'l, explain to you all the cause which in duced m 13 hold the only conversation I ever held u iih Gen. Jackson, on the anbieet of the m-asidcntial election. It will be sufficient. however, for your purpose, to know that I had no authority trom jnr. ciay or ins menus io propose any terms to Gen. Jackson ip relation to their votes, nor did t make any such pro position. I trust I would be as incapable of becoming- a messenger upon such an occasion, as it is known Gen. Jackson would be to re ceive such a message. I repeated the substance of this conrerea tion to a few friends at Washington; one of whom must have communicated it to you. That person, whoever he may be, is entirely mistaken in supposing the subject of it to have been what you allege in your letter. I must, therefore, protest against bringing tlwt con versation before the people through the me dium of the Telegraph, or any other news paper. Tbe facts are before the world, that Mr. Clsy and bis particular friends male Mr. Ad.tms President; and that Mr. Adams im mediately thereafter made Mr. Clay Secretary of Stale. The people will draw' their own inference from such conduct, and the circum stances connected with it. They will judge of the cause from the effects." It will be seen (hot Mr. Buchanan's chief anxiety was to prevent at name from ap pearing in connexion with this subject. He jnolentcd against that convenatim being brought before the public, through the me ilium of the Telcgrttph, or any other newspa per. For ourselves, we had no control over :uiy other papef than the Telegraph Mr. lliichanan had not disclosed to us what that conversation was; we had heard it detailed by Oen. Jackson himself, and, like Gen. Jackson, v had formed our opinion from tli conver sation itself. Mr, Buchanan had given his opinion, that the fact that Mr. Clay and his friends had made Mr. Adams President, and that Mr. Adams had, immediately thereafter, made Mr, Clay Secretary of State, being before the world, "the people will draw their own. inferences from, such conduct and from the draimttancet connected vith it " Although we believed that the particular conversation which Mr. Buchanan protested aijainst being made public through the Tele graph, or any other newspaper, formed one of the most important crcttnne connected '.viih the vote of Mf Clay and his friend for Jlr. Adams, and although we rercoromttted as to that particular conversation before we received Mr. Buchanan' letter, we thought it One to him to consult him personally btfore we again referred to it in the Telegraph. We waited the commencement of the session, and then sought an interview with Mr. Buch anan on the subject. His explanation, as we have before fc'.ated, was accidentally inter mpted, and never after renewed. It was cv to ee the reasons for Mr. Buchanan' leluctante that tliat particular conversationd auotUd tie brongni oerore ine ptiuiic.- ji i easy to see that, however pure and patriotic Mr. B "s p'Wpose in conver 4."g with General Jackson mtirht have been, yet it is impossible t prevent imputations against his integrity of purpose from being matte oy some, ii wai conve-aation were puMislei. Under such circumstances, till that remained for us to do, was tn seek for the facts. . We did mke in quiries, and ascertained to our satisfaction, 'hat Mr,. Mai kley Was the agent who was ued by Mr. Clay to aacerta'uf what Gen. Jackson w'mi'd do. Thnt the rumors of the day, and reports ufJ what' Mr. Adams friends had tendered to Mr. Clay's friends, were told to Vr. Buchanan, for "the purpose of exciting bin. to bear them to Gen. Jackson.: Mr. Clay, a we have aaid, had approached the titiieral in person, and failing to get the desired uhinti," be wai compelled to adopt the only artifice left, fl3 to present a rival to the old Hero. aiiia must be done thiough one of Gn.' Jackson' friends through one .in whom Gen. Jackson had confidence, and it wst for that reason that Mr, liucnanan waa "elected. movements, mate friend the House fitm Tennessee, for die same puf - pose.. But it was to Mr. B. that tbe talea of ovetturea, of bargains,' and intrigties, were mm aeaniousiy pi.ed, until be was inaucea to 'ngin thifVenii, to hue been th uti object of Mr.- BuchtiM mt-nw lor. r iraing rr. ... tha r'aims anil nils I". I t.iHr..MIi ttaiwlv m , Mr. siai KH-y iijpiipwic wi inu- f , - D of Gen. JacW. member.of "ff: ib., Z .IVL. " Ti J 7 T.TL ji iT tfortiry or Mate V w fwift-, ! be; bwoedihsi Ge 4 Jetton ioignt,orouM, 77.Z , T- . , -""" i.owiej,r w we ' drtl waa te obUie Ilia' declara- pw k mK tichcu at lite Kiolcd of te friai ' bvoMi fitr lie nt only druitml ilt conTcrMiion of Mr. Mwklrv, but'av h own OfiiMoit tint it vonU oprrxle upon the Xe of Mr. cUr knJ ki fr'.emU The chief object of Mr. Biichtiun rem In liave been t olify Gen Jjckt-m of the intrigue, ami Obtain from him a declaration, tlwt he would not appoint Mr. Aduma Secreuir of State lie certainly Imped Hut on- would folio he mIit, and be'iei-e.l ! the election of Oen fckvMi ironld b a nreeirtnr con-wnueBee. Thi, Mr. Cl.iv aid hii fnrmU clim to be an acpitil:! llow d l Mr. Iluelunan come to theie concbitio .is' II id Mr. r,Uy al his friends atlthor acd Mr. It. to nuir l-rnt a to their votes it would hxv been a corrupt preposition Which Mr. W vvoull not bear, the einL-rof which, -would h:ve implicated him in the intritrue, which his ei lcncc now eon ! demns. What are the facts conftnunicated by Mr lliichanan to Gen. Jackson? We hope we shall be understood when we call the mind of our readers to a very strong point in thus cas; , Mr, Buchanin ad nita that his object in visiting Gen. Jackao.i was to ob tain from him a pledge that he would not it p. point Mr. Adams Secretary of State He tells in that he believes that pledge would have had a happy influence upon the votes of Mr. Ctay and his friends, who wanted the seeond office for Mr. Clay He tells us his reasons for making this call. originated in the rumors he had heard, and the important fact Communicated by Mr. Markley, that the friends of M AJ urn had prmicd to make Mr. Clay Secretary of St. le, if Mr. Adams were elected; atid lest this ttatement of facts should authorize the inference that be was ailthomrd bv Mr. Clay an, I his friends to fuake terms as to votes, he now s:u s that he was not so authorized Now, let it be re membered ,that Mr. Buchanan's avowed ob ject, at the ti ne he had ihe conversation with General Jackson, was to obtain the pledge, which he nimself believed wouhl operate up on Mr Clay and his friends to do this, it was necessary to convince Gen. Jackson of what he himself believed, which was that the state ment of Mr M.irklcy was true That Mr. Adams' friends had tendered the Department of State to Mr. Clay that the West did no' wish to stpaiate from the West, "id that the declaration of Gen. Jackson, that he would not asnoiut Mr. Adams to he Secretary of State, would have a happy i ifliicuce on Mr Clay and hisfiicnds. To convince Gen. Jack son of this, it was necessary for Mr. Buchanan to speak as from authority To suppose that he did not so speak, is to believe that Gen. Jackson would be operated upon by idle ru mor, and implies that Mr B. himself was under the same influence. The object of Mr., Buchanan, in his late statement, is, as far ns possible, to guard against the inference that he would consent to become a messenger, the bearer of a cor rupt proposition, and hence the distinction, without a difference, between his statement I and that of Gen. Jackson, which has been ! seized upon by Mr. Clay and his partisans, as an acquittal. It will readily be seen, that Mr. Buchanan, so far from acquitting Mr. Cla" from the charge of bargain, expressly enforces it He, in hi letter to tue editor of the Telegraph, of the 16th of October last, at tlie same time that he protests against having his name brought before the public, saysi " The facts are before the world, that Mr. Clay and his particular friends made Mr. Ad ams President, and that Mr. Adams, immedi ately thereafter, made Mr. City Secretary of State. The people Will draw their own in ferences from such conduct, and from the ciratmstuncei connected with it. They will judge of the coupe from tlie effect " Take this in connexion with the declaration of Mr Markley, that as early as Dec 30th, Mr. Adams' friends had tendered to Air Clay the Department of State, and think what must be Mr, Clay's situation when he can claim nnch a letter as an acquittal? . What are the circumstances reterreel to? That this verv conversation forms an important 'ink. is obvious;, and that Mr Buchanan's let ter of October, 1826, -was written for the pur pose of prevail ing its being brought before the public through the Telegraph, on his own account, is too manilesl to need an argument. He believed thrit at; Clay and Mr Adams were guilty of the bargain, he saw in the fact of, Mr; Clay's vote, and appointment with the known circumstances, enough to convict them before the public,, and he pratctted against beinir called m s a witness. It is this which Mr. Clay calls an acquittal! " '-r ' 17. S. Telegraph. From the Cliartoltenitte ( V a. ) Advocate. -Mr. Jefferson's opinion of Gen. Jack son. Repeated ail ustona - have been made to this subject by the frieodB of the Administration, and all ,the influ ence of Mr. Jefferson' great name has been en!i'"ted against the object of tbeir nnrelentin" obloqny and persecution. It tsdue to the memory of the dead that their sentiment should be correct ly understood; it is due especially to the living, when those sentiments are employed to alfrct the decision oftm- portant public'questions. The opinion which air. jpnvrson said to have ex pressed to Gov. Coles, has been seized on virh 'nviuity, ana louaiy puuiisned through the country; aar deserving great werzltt, and calculated to have an itn porta nt bearing on the Presidential con troversy. The friends of Mr. Adams have insisted 'with" earne9tne8 and much reason, that great respect is due to the opinion 01 one, who has been just If regarded as the father of the republi can party, and iybo. to a thorough know- ? ledcre of the human character in general. ,l,l,tfl an' intimate-nenn.iint.inr with iihcationsonhecpm idency .atthe late electioni It was in vain t tell tnem that mer'rt ws' buf comparative," and "that Mr. Jfiffer9m'aemar1;J if made at a- on . apptcd to Gen. Jitckson as op riousl prefernni.. to . til .othen , then m nomiati;io adiua-rt, has een alike, unarail - or m tw, JTmr to aikiiew Im t f a & -.T ft I - 1 J 7 It- , "st!' remind, them ef the hiiA lfTmt af - admirstion an J eafeea.. ia which kM- ajm,r.tivv.je.ree,,. which ksoa. and W'rt. principles and roars .f Mr. Adam. rhee were consi.leraUdJU an worth a fL V. -. ..-..u-n..?Uiiin wtm a m bow er. imt aum I if mrnnen 'a attention. It was n4 nnlr irtaittetT that the remark wa ftxrectljr understood, bo r hat it tu deaitMsl tu eiprrM Mr. JeflVxMi'a deliberate rMii ina if the relative qualification 0 Mr. ltn anil Genl, Jackaen for the Pre si ibne T. NeiOir r denial or ernlaa ition would be litrnel t by (he infatuated ptrtiran nf the, a !miiiitrtior. Mr. JrflenutnV opinion! Mr. Je1VroV o- ptnion! wa en'tti H f'K them, and lif ncc ft . . .1 :ner Kept out l new crerr thing cal related to explain U. Kr ourselves, we hare b.-n alwaja aathtn hI, (hat frnin DefQinber, lrli. at lea(. if not from an -arlier peri-nl, XI r. JcTeraoti re atlr pre-f.-rreil Gen. Jick-on to Mr. Ad ain't, .Mid irumusly wislird his'elfrtio i We du not, however, nppne nr cunvirttons a 1 tone to the artiin ol our adrentariea. . Having arcitlfntallr receiveil a. cntifir-1 tnati-in of then fwii (Jiv. II iiidolith. we reiiuestwl th fav.'r nf that vfntlrmin . to permit Ui by the publication or Mr. JclFtTson's real opinion as declared to him, to counteract I he e Tec t which the misapprehension of it, might liave pro duced. In pursuing this course, we were actuated as well bv a desire to do justice to Mr. Jefferson memory, as 'o advance the causi of him whom we sup port. . In reply, he addressed to u the following letter, which we now lay be fore the public, lie stat Mr. JelP-r s in's opinion, not once and i-quivoca'ly but often and delib'-rately expressed, not as compari'is Gen. J.ickvm tooth ers, not now ... 0 -nination, but to Mr. 1 ....... Adams alone. It were needless for us to invoke the attention of the American ncople to the solemnly avowed opinion f Mr. JetT-rsnn. His great talents, and acknowledged public services, his inti mate acquaintance with the principles of our government &ou interests' ot the ountry;'and the relative abilities of tlie opposing candidates to sustain and nlvanee them, and his unsuspected pu rity, all coinbSiung to give assurance f the correctness and disinterestedness of his opinion, sufficiently claim, n ' will doubtless obtain for it, the respect mil deferen e of the nation. T the Editor of tlie Mvocate. Gsmtlxicx In reply toymr. written appli cation for a statement of certain political sen timents titteredby Mr Jefferson some'itnein the year 1825,. 1 must first remark, that I do not now consider myelf at liberty after your request, to withhold it from your paper. My opinion has ever been this, that in a free and equal society, upon public matters ot such ex treme importance, the public are entitled to demand, through any 01 their organs ot com municatiou, the sentimen s ot public charac ters of long and high standing, ftom them selves; and most assuredly o, after their de cease, from persons to whom they have been mvserveilly made known. 1 was induced to relate what I had heard, the first lime ( did relale it, by some 1 liberal expressions applied to General Jackson, conduct which Would have been pvrliaps sulj more revolting to my feeliri 1 in regard to Mr. Adams,- tor both are lully worthy in mv estimation of the high honor they receive from their fellow Citizens at present; but the former I have never yet seen. The occasion of which you speak, when we were all present at the reading of Gen, Jack- sons reply to Mr. Clay, was, 1 candidly think the second time f ever mentioned the fact in question. I am very sure I did hear Mr Jef ferson sav, and I think.it was about tbe last of July or the first of August, 1825, but it might have been in December, that t was lorttiiiale l for the country that Gen. Jackson was likely to bent lor public iitefotir years alter-, tor tn; him seemed to bo the only nope left of avoid ing the dangers manifestly abuut to arise but of the broad construction now again given to the Constitution of the United States, vhich effaced all limitations .of powers, and left the General Government, by theory, altogether unrestrained. That.its.churacter was plainly enough about to be totally -.lunged, and that a revolution which had, been hitherto nidi tmctly contemplated at a very great distance, was now suddenly, and unexpectedly, brought close to our view. ' Of Gen. Jackson, Mr. Jef ferson often said, that he was an honest, sin cere, firm, clear beaded and' strung minded man: of the soundest political principles; which he knew well, from having observed his conduct while' a Senator of the United States, when he wa Vice President himself. He had no doubt, that if Gen. Jackson should be brought into office to correct the alarming tendency towards formidable, and otherwise irremediable evil, beginning to develop itself in the administration of the general .govern ment, he Would be entirely faithful to that ob ject. Thi -conversation took - place either immediately auer me i,onvciiiiuu ui aiauuwu of 1825, or in December following; and it was the last free expression of his sentiments! e ver heard: a calamitous change in the private affairs of both having occurred shortly after, which prevented my being much with mm, by placing him through imperious eireumrtannes, in a situation requiring him to be unfriendly to my greatest interest. '.: J ;r- : i :i , Having been an elector .myself in J824, when Mr. Crawford's personal condition was deemed so very doubtful, I know certainly that Mr-.Jeffer.on did thenprefer Mr. Ad Adams, after hiim Indeed, 1 never beard Mr. Jefferson speak of Mr. Adam, from the year 1792, without acknowledging that he was an able, teamed and honest mao, to which he often added, before the period mentioned, .that lf. Adams would make a safe Chief Magistrate of tbe Union, and was the fit of all the England meni Toward Mr, Clay, a a politician, Mr. Jefferson constantly manifested a yety Strang repugnance, and of ten said that lie was merely a splendid orator, without any valuable knowledge from experi ence oraludv.oraoy determined public prin ciple founded in ound political science, ci ther practical or theoretical. , With this im pression omiiy mind lleft Mr. Clay at Monti cello, when I went to tbe Legislature, three day before the soeeting of the electoral col leges, in December, 1824. I bad heard some little discussion between him and Mr. Jeffer son, of those important points of constitution- J at .3octririe nl wckW - 41Tfl w VHMr,' 1 vratdrr. wsused,' tat Mr, AJct, t ee Mr.j c;wfa U W adtnowtedged laJapuiav CWy erf. Vtua r.krl h b durmH W tht trmm km pmtivr r kal U aver eontemcUtcJ fur him anr tbr eWvatioa I a a tiat be ba-t already rnjoved U tbe IkMaenf Reprrarniaiire. SImmiWI Mr. Clay amoajitrate to the World that Mr. Jafferao nderrated bita, I ahall be aiaonjr the Irat ra ackaew lde a genuine fecliaf at Ciie pride at it; for he ia a Virpnian, aaj ajty atroafeat public attachment ni all, i to the preapcrity and hnor of Virginia. If what I bave aaid almnlil excite rr-e tit went, 1 ahall hofcl Mr. Clay, anl Him only, rraromwhle to tn for B- ny imnmoer expression of that fcebag. kft't.ft. ... . - With great respect,. TH. M. n VXDOLPfl, Sea. TIIR SIX MIUT1A MEV.( Itthertm S?rig, July 25, i82T; n.-ar r -Vour leiie of the tli instant wa handed to me, laie last evening, and I h wten to answer the inquiries a requested, in regi-il to the case of Harris a wl tlie; other five milaia men who weae executed at Mo. bile. ' Tbe regiment to which these unfortunate meo oeloned. was received into the service hP Ml. A-.l.r. nf ih. lMnai.1 v, ..... ......... va Kifiriii'iitiii wa nust red for a six month tour, and was paid accord ngly, for rod service, a will sp pear bv the in ister ami pav roll and by Co'onel Pipkin's report to me. Thtae rolls with Col. Pipkin' report, tbe proceedings and sentence of the court martial detailed for tlie trial, an I all the ircumstances connected with tlie subject, are, or ought, to be on record at Washington City, where I have no amiDt Mr. iluckner ha Bad lull opnortuni ty of examining tbem. I cnnfldentlv assert lhat hey stamp die allegation of Mr Buckner win talseliothl. 'h.- letter which Mr. Buckner now makes use nfin order to injure my character, rs well ascertaineJ to be a forgery. It was first pub- nsnea oy mnns, editor ot the Democratic Pre, purportingto be a letter f ro .11 the unfor tunate larris tn me Nnw this man never wrote but One letter to me, that I ever saw, or neara or oetore mis puoneation, and in that be acknowledged himself o be guilty of tne enormous enme charged against him, and stated hi willingness to meet the just sen tence of the court If Mr. Buckner was as desirous to cull the truth from the archieves of the nation, as he is to pluck from me- mv hard earnel reputation, he would have seen that Gen. Winchester, wlio commanded at Mobile at the time that this Biiuu letter is dated, made several communications to me after that date, and before he had anv know! e Ige that the battle of New Orleans had been fought. Does not thi circumstance shw the impossibility of Mr Harrs havine know! edge at the time stated, and still more that he could have gained it in time to have made it a ground of application- for mercy? The letters of Gen. Winchester to me show that he did not receive intelligence of the victory until the ITth January; this forged lettes gives me intelligence to Mr.' Harris two days oe fore. Strange indeed, that Mr. Harris, close ly confined in jail, should be so much earlier informed than ihe commandant of that post. It would give .tie great pleasure to send you printed copies from the documents, in my possession, properly certified,, proving what I have here asserted, but it is impossible that this can be done within so short a period as that requested I trust, however, that the statement here made will be sufficient, with all honourable men, to counteract the false impressions sought to be forced upon the freemen of Kentucky by Mr Buckner. -As a public or private man, speaking of trans actions which concern the reputation and character of others, every manly feeling should remind him, that he ought to be guided by established facts, not by the heretay of a patv ty: and wnen ne mus produces tacts, of tlie least plausible groun 1 upon which to bottom such charges as those of which you have recited, I pledge myself to be at, all time ready to meet him t the bar of his country. 11 mav oe proper 10 remain :n conclusion that the finding of the court proves conclu sively that those men w re legally in service or, otherwise, that they must hare been- acquitted. I approved of tbeir Condemna tion, because they were the promoter and ringleaders ofthe mutiny and desertion, com mitted at a period, when the safety of our Southern frontier-was threatened at a pe nod, wmch called tor the most energetic measures, and when, every nerve of the cov. ernment was streehed in the .defence of our liberties. When they violated the law in inch an atrocious manner, the public good de manded their sacrifice. Had they bave done their duty a faithful soldiers, their country would nave rewarded mem with its proteo lion ana gratitude. , ,. ';:.. lam, Sir, your most obedient servant, ih ,aif ANDREW JACKSOK WiiitA Owias,; -".v :'' P. 3. It Will be recollected, m the Revo lut'umary war, at a time of gTet trial, General Washington ordered deserter : to' b shot without trial. Capt, Reed, under this order, having arrested three, had one shot without trial, and his bead brought io the General) but he. General Washington,', reprimanded Keed lor not shooting the whole three Gen. Green, near Rudglyrs rnill, South Carolina. says Gordon's history, had eight men hung, on one poie tor aesenwn. jounsoir jitnot Green say live Without court martial T on ly approved of the .proceeding of a court composed of men. who were the friends and neighbors or those to be tried by tliem. t v ' e t Bespecifully, j - v ANDHEW JACKSON. JVathvtllr, Juh If, 1827. V Robert .Wjt Hart, Adjutant General of the first Brigade of Tennessee Militia, in the late Southern, War, do certify that I was at the Eneampment, within three miles of Mo bile, in' 1814, when a Court Martial, of which Col. Peter pipkin was President, was organs zed for the trial of certain Militia men, who deserted from Fort Jackson,, sjntfer the com. mand of Col. Pipkinthat I remained at Mo bile and .the neighborhood until the business of the Court Martial wa completed, and for some time afterwards.. I wa present. at the execay ion of the six ring lender adjudged to suffer tlie sentence of death; but I do certify that nart ef the? sentence of 4he Court" Mar tial ordering the one half of the heads of a large number of the offenders to be shaved, and the offenders to be dimmed out of the Camp, never was carried into effect, said de- unquent having been pardoned by General Ja.kioni in obedience to which pardon each and every one was honorably discharged." ' ' '.Hv'' '' - Jl. W-HABT, ! . -ti ' - Adj.- Sen, in V, 8, Service, ' " .'i TaW ota 'til HniM W T th bubf pnu f tax ,tr, wu.r addressed ty Mr. -ftl - - ts- Bru., mrmn uocrUa k. djtrvar I Oca rl JackM ftm lU kmi m(hc4 by bW twra, ToUt miiwi wU I hsaa have bre resort 4 sr- v., aack a tring the cty( ke, . Akwugb thia, ad tviadrcd ot other UW tons were iai careulatioa, aaxl (abneated by the idle goaarp, and froea wlMMB) Mr. -Skinwith, m doubt, aviat bare had hiaiatforanailAA, vet, I bc&v ery few seep, tite persotiai eaeaMca 01 befa Jack son, ever holiawed the tobe foinde4 m trHihj hut the ktu-r above alludod tv nar led me xranB 10 tbiak that such were the intention of thai General, I deem it a duty owe to tbe Ucaeval and the pubbc, testate a conversatawi which took place at the liaca between Major Ur aad General JscJiton, in wlach 1 acted as interpreter,- ll will prove every candid mind, toe Improbability thai uch were hi intent ion , 1 .''. '. Whva Ueneral Vilieae had eowiplTted the lipe Unes, bw aeaA hat Aid, Major, Villere, o wen. jackn to tntorra ixm at iu ami re quested to know if it was the General's inten. lion t fall hack 'upon Ibem, being much nore lur oKUbie and better calculated to sus tain an attack than those he. then occupied. .enerai Jacksoi tleaiml ins to tell Mator v mere ne oki not oonbt their Wnr so, that lie wa exceediaclv o ilired t tieneral Vil lere for the seal, judgnvtut and expedition. wun wtuoh he bad finished tliem,aiid to re. turn the General hi aincer thanks, with a r quest to continue there himself with the troop then under hi command; but for hii oki part, he wwuld remain where he was, ti. on I me were lUrowj tin by f baud who were determined to defend them or ie in the ditch, and, that, if the enemy crossed them, it would be over hi dvad body! 4 sucn, as nearly a 1 can now 'recollect. were the words er the substance of what past ed at that tune, and I am confident Uie sen timent expressed by Gen. Jackson,' wa the one felt by those brave men. who were then and There hi companions in arms, and for the truth of ibis assertion I appeal to hundreds ol them who are now in this city, manv of whom had wive, mother, sisters, and prop. erty at stake me City, and who, I .might venture to ay, never beanl, until they return, ed to town, the idle story ol firing it. ' For my own part 1 can aifejy say 1 did not, although from my personal' acquaintance with the General himselli and many of those who were nearest hi person, I had a good an op. portunity of knowing a any one 1m. ' MAtJ.NSLL WHITE. Mr. Clay, when he stated in his Lex itig'on limner apeecn, tnutnotnuig was s.ud against him, pending his nomina tion before the benute, was guilty til a palpable and willul' misrepresentation. He knew, that senator Uuakph, ot v. Carolina, spoke agmii the nomination ailed it 8 corrupt one, and comment ed on the, appointment, as a matter ut bar train.' These tacts were known and spoken of in. Washington City after the injunction ol secrecy was removed yet Mr. Clay has had the boldness to assert, iu. the face of the Western people, that no objection teat maue xsi hrs appointment as Secretary of State, As this falsehood . was told, to sustain one previously promulgatedthat a spe- cuio. accusatiuu ; nan never uccu (iiauv . against him by '4 responsible accuser we shall again revert to it, lor tue pur pose of expoiiug more fully the object . which tire gentleman had in view.aod tn satisfy thepublictliat tins assertiou,' like bis plcaot hot guilty," is not eii titled to credit-trrfMi'wite (Kd.V&dv. We hae now before us another ii- stance of the inu isuing character ol Mr. Clay.'iorV. rather, of "one of his friends; for he, "Oott man, Would scorn to "dip his hands jnto dirty water. ; The reader, has not forgotten . the appeal made by Mr. Clay's friends in Kentuc ky, to tW friends of Mr. 'Crawford urging that gentleman to withdraw in favor of Mr. Clayt. . The appeal, it will be recollected, had po effect, fur ther than to create a general belief, that Mr, Clay, had placed his heart'j upon the Presidential thaiir,i,and that tio; incans would be, left untried to eifeu his purpose. Finding hee would not listen to his overtures, we next find his agents trying their ..influence, with the electors. On this' point, we have the 'following t tatemeotironi the Hal -, timore Republican,' edited, we believe, by a Virginian, -who appears to under stand what he is about: j , i ; There I one fact connected with, the late election, which we have never seen bublish- ed, nd which aflord stronggrouiida for inspecting tn purity ot that election, . We have been informed, that at the time the - lectoral college Of Virginia met f Richmond, in! 1 824, Mr.r Trimble, the member of Con. gress from Kentucky, whose preciou confes sions we mentioned the Other day, appeared there, and as wa uppocd at the time, as Mr. Clay's agenC .'lle that, however as it may, he was at Kichmond at tliht critical tune, and persuading the electoral college to give (heir votes for Way. He told that Crawford could not be elected if he wo returned tothe House, and that if ..Virginia gave her vote for mm, iiay would oe excluded from the House, "In which event. I said Mr. Trimble 1 w shall have to Vote for Jackson( for before 1 left Kentucky, there ws a talk about the L gisUture'a instructing u 10 that effect.?? Some of the member of the oolh ge remon- nraiea wun Mr. irimble upon the absurdity of obeying such instruction, and entered into some argument to show that they would not be bound by them.! Right tr"K; (said Mr. I rirauie,) tft? tfa.it Item, w thalt obey tkem. f The legilature of Kentucky did give, the iniructioiis, and by an almoii atttammou vote Mr. Trimble and such of the Kentucky delegation as MrOu could control, dtd din. ooey UieSe instructions. Tbere's ne'er a villain dwelling in all Den. ?,. mart,- .:r, lf iih -j.,- - Out he's an arrant knsve. y:' ",T -'4 wfb yThe Winchester Virginian, in noticing the embassy of Mr, Trimble to the Virgi ma College of Electors, presents tu with the follpwins additieual fact; . ,; above artJ b take fro lb Bal. dmor Urtmaltcii Tbe fat's rated attSU th lriaUe-dtUra4ions at ti tbrl csa . A he exablisawd by a erore ef a rs;rcaS) fn leaac a Bay in Virgin,.' flier is -m' Ut Bakirtrd by She aaiilrr of the RrpwM) wt ta wwrthy ef oarrvaXKM. via. inar MK r Trimble hrpwaM With tun t lUchsno 1 foV lev ft iaAroduction to aaoat of itvr p o-moeat . TVs gesUcmca ie Ibal plto,from Mr. Luj . t . jtCKsof mr.TTxn iv pirruv'i)F.LPUTl.V HLaavaa Itorit., cm atw. 1 4 . IT. 1 til 1 XI M H WW. rWII M HA tll.l. ..I (lu. t-tt.- te.n4tf the 1st, fid. and 34 Conirics-., , .m v- v. IW VIM . , . inai Hiatricis, nietiaa 01, ud, AA'j, jLnci ss 1 nei'i iQi eeuinj, 4 Aieisauer Covk, Kq. was rsUed mi tn v x- Chair, and Richard Pilmtr and PuteT.f uy ppoiui-d secretaries. , . Th call tf . the meeting bavin? been 4 - read by si be Chairman, th..follomgu' reWatiotas were presented to the meet- tng, which were onnnoulv adup'edt ' YVoercaa, h ha kre anaouneed In the public . nrartLMhat Henry Clay SMetid alurtly to v.ut T PhUaiMuliiai and S baa beea rrinite4 to Out " - mroUnc. thai tb Darttaan ot tbo ptwacat sSnax I " iatratam of the general pjremraaul have, wahia " fc dava, beld m r biot srrrc merunrt lor ' U pnfDoae af making urangr laenU tor a tinnier,' :' vnica uwy roooa t give him, waa e view it f V. froouM aa waireaiua b tber sutea, .tliat tb . iUimhoT the metropolis of PeantylrhnMSppnive ' ot th DBdiiet ol Mr. Clv Snd Mr. AiU.bitll ' . birelatioa M tbe means by wbioh they Mlauied , rheir preaeat elevatioo and the policy they Jtavwf '." , MeenurMedi and aberea this laat-unj think it . prnper that aacb a enxmeoas impreaaion ahoal4 ' ' ' oi be siide4 to go abr4 tmeoatradieteti) H . Mmfvtd, 'That a Commit tts be annouited.. , whoa dy h (hall b to aaeertain whether ay t a tempt to misrepresent tlie feelings and opnuon - of thekie of tlui dialrivt by a pultli enier. '" tainmsnt to Jtmry Ciag be eoutewplated: wkh . T full, power,'1 at their discretion, to take ucb net-' ' . ure m my aJforit tbe people an opportunity, a - " a signal mancwr, to aouau t-aot the designed eifrtt y of any meH mtmuMis, and with liberty to evil a - ' meotatg ef tht: friaad of ANDKEW JACKSON for that purpom, whenever they may deem it cx .. ' pedieat..- vv . :. : .j . Tim following named citiaeua were pioinb:.t , ed to carry th aaid reaohition into effect, viy i . ilere follow the name of tOO pron4. ' ' lleahvd, Tliat this meeting view with equal ' " flisgastaud appreliensba, die electioneering jour- nt . ' nie of the beads of lcartuints with tltqult V that they should so fcr forget the respect due to"!. , ' to the people &t the dignity oftbeir high tatio,i ' " s nerionally to toliat aontinunnue m etfioe . . v Ana with apprehentUn, tiist fnilm- in thi mhetne. t ' tosenttnue themselves in ofiiee. their srabilioa " will incite thumte mart own and fatal attack nav i. the right of euffwye and the sovereignty of lh. v people. -r vt-'-v:: ,:i itt national jnteutgencerl t ; mortifying in the extreme to eontem- ' template the fallen condition 'of thi press. f 'It was but the other day thaf, bf u suppressing the .rctnrna of one entiieV j ' Country ,4' thej y eahibited , a 'show of : strength for the only candidate the. I'k Coalition r.niild hrino foi-waiid in Tun.'1 ' Desiee..Convieted ofTthia supprcssiori, they came forward with a lame apolngr To-day, they say that Mr. Bell is elected , 4' S mainrite nf tOfKl tnlM mi., hta etmerit, Felii Qriihdy-a result whoi-"' i; f '. ly unexpected to us, Mr. urundy brin ;' t warm supporter; of Oen. Jackson, and V - : having taken his stand in favor, of thi ; .. Richmond - doctrine concerning ; Stato - t rights. X'l CfiJ', T:' -"t: ' V .'. ft- it is by'such' toisrepresenUtiort the Editor of the lntellmencer would 1 deceive their readers. ;They do'not saV . - Jackson; this they' know to be afalse - hood, that would instantly be contradio-' ' ted; but ther'atafe that Mr; Grundy wail' i the friend of . General Jackson, intendinfi 'j ihov ueir icuuurs buouiu Uraw U10 111'' fcrenc that Mr. Bell waa not. if ' tjienerat; Jacksoir has . no wafmet-, P v friend thai Mr. Dell. leia a native of; -Tennessee, and his circular letter to the ' 1 ? people leaves the Editors of the Intel-1 ' r ligencer without apology for their mis ' V -representation. U & Telegraph.' ' . vvuura 111 wis CAUlilllll OgamSC , at because, we did dot notify Gen. Jackal son of Mr.' Buchanan's letter; Where was theliecessitypf thatJMr. Buchan-.;: an had not desired us to communicate ' his letter Jo; Gen. Jacksoif. 1 He had ? only protested, that we should not brin-' that conversation before the public! through the" Telegraph; and, 'fclthuughj we were committed before the ,publio , upon the subject, we did not (as wts' now rei -)llect bring It tx-fore, the pub- , lie in any notice in the Telegraph af- ter the receipt of Mr, Buchanan letter, up to the time of the publication of the Fayetteville letter VVe knew that the statement In that letter was substantial- Iv true, and we did not hesitate to en- i dorse it; Tlie subsequent introduction? ' of Mr. Buchanan's name, and the pub4 -i licatioa of the conversation, folltrwed a9 a matter of course2. 1 ' ; 'i -' " .".''., ""' 1 "ill' jissi.ai.Mi. i)i par S q,'- 4- ,. ft M.J' We arc informed oi good autWJfr - grams ior laanus lying in uarroll eountj, -beyond the New !;Treaty line. There i3 is some mistake in the matter hich the inore u n at;cou n table: e$ th e f 1 ar on Telegraph,- from whjch we5 took what" we supposed to be the fact, etaCes it pos-I ' , 1 itivelv, and gives the name of M. John-? Vi tpn Ilantoc if Macon, as one, e( thosev 'V . to whom soch grants had been relused. Wa Ia,,: 'fi9 in AvnlAhvlAil'. Sl.i .-v! ' ..-.. - -"-- - V' - . 'j lIC!,-' .Milledgevillepapefsrtftfjtftf CliroflJ 1 . k-CoWW'tiiti: PttHWii 'meaning honey for thi tungi. Is said to bt an tin- ' , porlant discovery as specific loVcorr sumption.' ' It is a compound, .the ef-T' ; -, ' fects of which are said to be toprettnl VC the, fbnrjition of tubercles itt the Jirnge,J or to heal them, -and to remove grndbaU 1 r ly all symptoms of decline.;,: it rtn iyjx2l be taken tu syrups. or ehcolatefc ini may be inhaled en a pleasant perfume. V ' ' ,,1 ' . i-&tim . Glmtaman, ' - ti-t- 1 . 1 'if-' : .i.w.-.jt-