IT 4 ft iUwm Tin-am, tV P' lU Stalc w" .. , H"M 71 t m tto9 171, fl.. U lJt, Jeieh Mal Ilk, Wnv. Gr-yvy 131. tea - . . i i i i . T-1J e.-mmom. w inwji, wumr op- A. Hrfwl, i. W. .W. SideiM Ji. .RMkk, C Fell KewMvllnm-tl IM, uH 167. rueon Slrtlin4l!l, KJUW UmirvaSHt Jacob Ltnnarrl, Jr.l. . gjrmit THomm I , & mh R. LoJo (wl rwamaue rtrituin, C , ( (V- June Barney, &,Cdrb Slivcil vulUkl K. Swrnoni, C. !tortbamgto anil Peruiraant art lUr Cr aaiSrt from hrb we bave n refiml r1?m .Iff. Brweh't 5rr.-Th apravk of .V JaiCB, nd lathe Senate f the L'ollod St ti, "when the MntninMioa ol Mr. Clay, a Seerrtru-v nf Sbtc, came before thut body, Iws rii poind, tirnitbcd, Mwt will by foaxl 'in the pre .-edlnjt e v- taaia. Relative to the earthen of his remark i, ebcre say nothing: that subject has lor;' been die theme f ncwtviorrfr, dinner party and fire t1 diteaUi-ja. But concerning a eireiwutanee wbkh lis jroaTi out of the controversy, wit 21 Bttkca Ia"'J5 rehiark. The" hen. Ih'nry (Jay, in endcavormr, to lay proof belur tbe' rwn. 'alc at Lezingtoei, hs kn late !inttr stieeeli, of hu kinorenee in rrvpe-t to Xe charrcs of corrupt kargia ami intrigue. which are nailed t: him by Ui ' forte of a ponderous weiglit of tlrumtnn tiki evidence, stated, at a tact greatly in his favor, "' that he vriT informed that tohm hit namiiuiHan ao nctcitfn hrfar th Senate, Cot JctcLton mtil (TEKT aArr Senaltr fretfttt vat '; at (a tX imizlnftr'mt naw madfi. an an riucYKa fa tnn'Tioif bib no.Toa ob iTrnonm! Novr, ia (here any thing liketmth nr candour on die face of tVi flert Is it a fact tliut ne of die Sena torn !i t hi-enU die krcatlilcu silence iU as to die imp';tmnn now itiwle. Is it a (act tluit Senator ' Branch JM Jnxtvme, in a cryboll and siiirked iKceli, to qwitian the honor and integrity of jfi: Clayf Is itafaot, that, atter the injunction of secrecy wfts remoreil, this eireumstaoce was known, and became die topio of conversation m Try circle of society in Washington oity r Ami tn it he possihle that this necr n;ache.) Uic ears of the Secretary and his informer? , We could as s'Min stretch our credulity to die capacity of re ceiving the Munchausin tide, of being shot from tfie mouth of a cannon, and carried a great dis- . tance without btOrij even aroused from slcepj and, after fow months rest, starting up from his gen tle sfumbera, 'astonished t n' mysterious change of situation! as to take in this monstrous whale. What, to use the siiftest term, cnuld have indu ced Mr. Clay to act so disingenuously? The Ken tucky elections were close at hand, : He thought, "perhaps, to impose his false ware" on the peo ple, to subserve present purposes) hut we are mrprised that such a clear bended man dM not possess sufficient forecast to see that he would be detected in his tricks. V Mr. J:fferon opinion of Gnu Jach:an.Te opinions of no man, living or det, nre attended to by the American people, with jreater respect, dmn those of Mr. Jefferson. Indeed, his distin guished services, and long experience, give a kind of authority to his sentiments which entitle diem to the, rtrerenee of every man who wishes well to this country. In the Presidential contest, each party (jeeply. impressed with this truth, lias, in turn, laid chum to his opinion as favorable to their candidate. T!ie friends of die AdmimVtra tion liave been quite )anvrous in endeavoring to induce the belief that it was given in favor of Mr. Adams, and greatly to die prejudice of Gen. Jackstfo,.' f This we liave crW thought Unjust; an-1 how rejoice to meet with facts which sustain ns in the opinion, and wc are glad tlmt it is in nnr power to submit tbem to. the candid and boa ct politkransof our Stale, Wc-rcfbr to die let ter of Gov, Rmidolpti, the. son-in-law of Mr. Jcf frrson, whioh we publish to day, from the Virgin- 'Advocate' accompanied with tlie escellent re- murks of the Bilitors of that paper. It puts the matter at rest, ami cives to die friends of General JACS30V die full benefit ol the infiaence of Mr. JcrrgasoH's onsiox."' The reader will find K on the first page.' 'J?'' ,., The National .Iittelligancer, after annonncing tiie resuU.'oOhe Congressional election in this State, observes, ."It will be seen that there-have teen hut fwit changes, jii the Uepresentatioii of this Stxte. W'e can speak of the political effect qf but one of them."' JVr. Culpeper, one of tbe nea; riiembci-s, is a fiinndof the Administration and was the onlyV menihcr from ;tho Slate who . voted for Mr, Adams, The sentiments of the o niertliitc gendemen,-we. do not know with ceP taintv." Qf the sentiments of the other three gentlemen, Ktessrt. Hall, Turner and Shepperd, we "will inform the Editors: They are decidedly opposed to the Administration. " We cannot spok with certainty as to the sentiments of Mr. Cnlpepers' predecessor, (Mr. M'Ncill;) but much doubt whether the;' Administration has sc oured additional strength by the change .' The Intelligencer also claims Mr. Iong as a i friend of (he Administration. v How the Editors ascertained tliis,'appears to us strange; for Mr, L has made no puhlio declaration ot his perfer enee ior either of 1he Presidential eandidtes.-f large majority of his district are in favor of die ' " election cf General Jackson, and he was re-eluct-,.. 1 without any regular q,position, 1 Tha fact it, dial pur;Congressional elections do got alway ttura upon the Presidential question; and insny of the eamlidates are more indebted to dieir personal popularity than to any other cause foMhckV success. ' ' ? , . V , On the subject of tho Presidency, our present Representation to Congress are divided tlius: rcison,aior AUatns,ana HMr. Long) we potasdoiihtfuL """ v ' tThe friemtsof the Administration areyelcome n the advantflees they tan derive from havinir a few of our Members of Congress favorable to neweanaei Wt they may res? assuridihat North uroiuiadileterEr7eberyoUtoMr.Adamv --'-ii 'it in - " .''.. ,. !i,:.v, teetiinja have lately teen held at Darlington, ntottburgh,' and in Sumter distrist. South Car- n'lnai at aliieh resolation were adopted, protest vl araiasttlie nronosed Wooln KilL H-At scve- rtt fh-w meet injri (a Seath CareTma, Iklewtti ke kea Grwav M 2d MfcJy of mi 0 5aarkt Im, wc -t Wt4 ky ' l a a . . " yr. Oa IVirWy as, taa WW ssaaix.j U-rmmt krly im iU aartk i 'Iklia, C' aMraaaiaf tstl 10 aVVhk aa SatanWr, kca W nn riolaa, ' aJ M I- t . ta. - 1 1 r' WJ laowsacs, ThaaUml klhMlMritT WW twuL ! an c-awraaosia tm. ; A tnrat aVal' at grtim attkeUw rrwaada, aaa awept saay bj4 rutard, an4 tratnl aaOls aa4 kraljra carriatl off aak lit Vag crop, af era aori eMtoa wiTtprottme4oh wi4, sad scrbudy dan. Ji di(u'TaIemirrly debtor!, kar I keea iWtcswd Mia Strings kVxctiwra, ckm Wf and um Uoase wrrr Mowa itomt mn,l M a turtW proof of h rlruar of tb stonm, Gulls -w tCm as (arwp as tbif ftci4i1orkiod, soirvc oT Uick hax Wo sjniKbL We learmbrk aose has keen dot to thcjihippiti an owr anaal. No mails ev leerirH ia this iv nn S-m'lav. On Sunday eienirg, lnlr the Jnuilimi Stage w rosHiggW Cmk, bnweet1iispled Faj rnerlllc, ilia bridg- gjvr wavf di Rtny It'll lin-oiUt) ttH-bn'.lnin'af (lie Mi-iiuu. rtyib ttlivo ctertinns nf the I VI in . (lie hr)rcs Wrrv loosril and saved f.nin rtrowni'iariti the ntail so earrd. Tli.Sts-, we vi.lrntKiid. (irtuuately, as aot moth b jurca. There acre gvrs. , ". io paswn- 7Viiarr.'VV'e have not yyt rrreiye com plete returns of the flections hi Tennes-ei Init aihlerotand that Gen. SaxOil Ilorsixi is elect ed Governor, and, the following geiiUeaea presenlatWes to Conpx:tsj I it: Desk. .-. : James R. rollc. .' " . . Joha Bell, by a majority of 1024 orcr Felij Grundy, t ' "'.;'.,'"' Mr, Mitchell, by a majority of 133G over Mr, Sunderer. '; v ' f - Jacob C. Isnaoks willimrt opposition. - John Blair, by a majority of 1U97 over Gen. Tipton. Kentucky. The following are the latest ac counts we bare received of the elections in this State dart 5s the Adamt candidate, and beats 7(J,y for, the Jack'ton candidate in Clny't old district only 70 oteS) while Wiekliffe, the Jack-ton can didate hi the !ouisvi!le district, beats the . candidate l,5tX. . Jsctmttte, another Jackson ean- didate, runs against to others (uuo of hnra n a a Jackson man ) and beats ti--.. .Ucllatton, anop tlier Jackton candidate, has b)t his opponent; Moore, a Jackson man, is elected witliovt opf-iti-tion. Juchner,an.1Uawmtm, is mall prooal'iU- ty beaten. 1 lie Kentucky ittpoitcr, (.Mr. tJlny's per) one day later, the I1lh, siiys it is probable that Dr. ihnry,tiie tdami candiilaie. inbcalen. Tliereare no accounts yet from Frank Johnson' district. As far as the returns Imve reanheil us, there is a majority of Jack-ton man elected to the State Legislature. Baltimore Republican. .The, last MaysviUe (Ky.) liogle says, "We bare just learned that Henry Daniels is elected in the first district by a majority of StK) votes." This district was lately represented by David Trimble. ; . It Is said that Mr. James Colburn. of Dracut,h'a invented a composition which renders shiners incoitibustibli' and much mote durable. Many build ings in his neighborhood have alrcatly ; been covered vith, thent. 'Die price of tnc composition and putting on is only nine cents a yart'; and the shingles have a fane slate' color; If is Ktatetl in the Louisiana Adver tiser of thfl 10th inst. that by order of the Collector of that part,' certain men, who were- about to enter the Mexican Navy, had been arrested arid confined in prison, on a charee of tnisdemeat ur against the. laws of their country. The right to arrest ihtm is doubled by the editor. '4 The . Missouri Intelligencer of July 19 men) ions the return of a party of about twenty persons who had been on a mercantile expedition to Santa Fe They have made a very profitable trip, aim iiitve . u uui'iii wji.ii mem auoui 1 830.00U ju speice, and several hundred I mUles. Ve learn, ! (say , the Patriot) &y a letter received in Baltimore, from an otneer ot tlie u.'a. INayv, dated at Valparaiso, April 23d, that Mr;. Allen, our Minister to Chili, has beert re-call ed, and thatMr.' Learned, his Secre tary, i3 appointed Charge. d?ASjir$: , jMnientahfe ,. Occurrence. -We un ders'and that rJiythal ffriTy.aged about 22 years, rcMflrtij in this county I i '"'' . , l . a t came to nis ueavn on tne tut ii it. in the following tiianntr: he had bei-n un well a few days previous, had taken medicine, and was ad vised to take some salt8-unfortu!iately there happened to be some salt petre in the house also and. his mother through mistake gave In in some ot toe salt pHre, which ter minatcd his existence in a lew hours; 1 Torboro Free Press. V Sickness. AVe 4earn - with regret that in the tower .part of Halifax couri tyi ihe bilious fever is prevailing to a considerable extent, and frequently with ft fatal tevminfjion. The follow ing persona have recently become vici tints to this distressing tfisease.--William- Pope AVilliam Webb, Mr9. Pri: cilia Dukes, arid Mrsi Salty Mangrum, all residents of Scotland Neck. , ftoW.-iiri jonaihan Antliony liv ing 9 miles South of this Tcwn, shewed 9 US some Gold, yesterday, found Oil hi iarm suine,( "i uie pieces wuuiu wign one pennyweight and was very pure. Mr. YAnthony. informs us that he , has dug yery Jittle and that he finds the J precious metal within lw feet of the j surface cfl the wrtlv ? i f I k'i't, Vrtemboro J'atrioL t I -';-i'.;?'."-;r.":r''.'tf . "'!, f.-v-,-v-i-w M IXTEKE3TING NEWS FROM LIBERIA. 0mc0f TBI ColOMIliT10?t SoCIKTT, . .V'f ttatianztotJln, 81,18! '.Intelligence of thii tnwt. gratifvinjf I nature, - baa : iust : reached this office f t ...-, frtrra tie CIm j I LIbrU. O-.rfrua tki-. kSMt Um cowtHrv, U kit br iavio y ai:uiw tafunMUM twi wrrnoj Ui enaijraats by tk Uorit, dl prntM wil kwartfelt pleaar, th fullwwinj curact fnt a iter Crwai Captain Mattkwa. brauew rtate rVte Prayi, Cape IH enla, JaT 19. nr.- . , J, "At Itf. A4im put tot bivt had an oprai(iitf evaaMitinf trith th United ?latr aince aajr dc oertare Irom Mr.arjdu, 1 Late thf booor t ir.furra jm, Ur the iti forma twa of.tha UoartL f Manageft, that wr landed all our pavnra ia etcelfttit iralthat Mrnrad.i. 4J ilay after our eperttire fnm llauiptuo Roada. have lhaMtira.iin also U tate, that at'the tlate ol niv drprture fruta the t:ape. the 21t June, all the cmigraBts by the U0. had tone Uuoui llie Jevrr, ti viiun children only' kdliug virtiois toil, and mont of t tiV tii rre looatfd and working on their Urmt on the Stockton. 1 hive depatchrs on itoanl th Dnritu.fmm Mr. A-limon, f.r the lVuil. ami the ILm. Srcreinrv ' the Navv, which I shall forward 'rntnediatrly mt mj anival in Ualtunore, for 1.uh jlice I Jialt sail in two or It aRiiwliisiie inoch pleasure bi-r JetiniO!;v to the 'sp-roas rondiiio!) nf thriving anil tlie (Jolon'v. I'im emigrau's by ihe Dmi. will) one or two evcejitiona, appar to be lnghlv iieeu vviin i iwir prosper ts. ' i vre v tla only add, as supplementary o tins c lieviins inte UtL'etire. ihiit it it tented iinin-t:int to fit out early in the npricu iun;r autumn, one or iwu exne litions, atitf Ilia t it is hoped the nnblir liberality will promotlv fuiuish the means. ar I ( tub ciir.t:o:;r.Ks antj osages. Extract of -a letter from a gentleman in Terr.tnn , to ihe Kditcrs of the Intell genctr, datc:l "J " "Jjtfe Jock; Juif ?0, 1827. ,' An ' express .imvril t.i-re a da ot two aco from Mm ir Djval. t Iwrokee gt-nt on ! Arkanaas, to the Govei n- or, slannj, thai the ' ClteMkees had lei larrd w;n. B'jramst the 0ac:e. and lir 40t, waiTinn were to start in 'a ew clays lor. the Usage rtHtli'iy, I cannot Fiy what mra-nres thf (J rter imr win tase. .out n is inougui that nothing wilt satisfy the Chemkres but the bhiml 6f Jheir enernii'S. T'in ctti zrns of tlie country arent at all alarm I. T!ie scene ot war (if aoyV will jc lar beyond the while MMtliMnents. JNo new; otcurrenre li:t- taken plate.. I oe'ii've, tojustilv the present move tnent ot the .Chvrokees. It is supposed to be- ait old grudge' which cttiafcs itiem' at thii lime. The Govermnrnt lias heretofore. ?ote.rnoied and M-even ted the ".sheddiug of blood betweeti these two nations; but now the Chero- kees seem determined, to have aatisfac- tlon.A';.fvc"4"v-V''- " The Cherokee? use the rifle in war. and; Ihe Osaire hc bow and arrow al-1 jnost entirely, and alwavi fight on horge- ack.."'. J he iooods,', therefore, would suit the former, much better than the rge prairies, where they will have to meet the latter. ' Imprisonment forDebl.n Phila:- .i i 1 : i w . if. i .1 . v-i ueinivia, ( we are intonnpu uv tne rah Indium) during the, last si? years, there nave not Dep? conuned at any one time, in . vie. s uowors' itiepartment tor debt, . so many as thirty persons. The aver- age number is- about 20. I? rennsyivania, any. lentor rtiay, i' h pleases when "arreste.'l, give a botid. wiih security, to lafci the benefit 'M the insolvent laws. In this wav. the unfortunate, dvbior., ! left at liberty. and has two Or three months time given him to pay his creditor: or if he tanuot. pay, to tube the ber.tnt of the law; while-on lhe'olher. hand,, Ins rn-Jitor has security for his .debt iu caso the debtor does not appear. . of the law is obvious Thehutthitiitv - Richmond, Attgmt totwertcr.VVe under -, tud 'Mt T. F, A r led go (said to be of Norfolk.! was yesterday taken before .the Al nor's f ... : e '. vuuni vii . nuuiL ion in ucins .io ar jonn INewbold,., j.isk- . I' . ...... I T -1 . . rng eounterfeit United tate4i,KSTik notes-oil Mr,John-T. KelliOg of I'rincess Anne bounty,"' V. tfaving purchased'; a- number . of negroes' of Mr. K. he , paid him 1400 dollars, principally in 10f and 20 dollar notes Mr K. i; immediately upon discover ing the fraud, chartered the steamboat Wui tolk,' then at Not folk, and pocee: u t-u in purHuiioi me aieans ooiit lticn inond.Vwhii'h hud bat few, hour be fore, Jefi Norfolk with Newbold. Ar ledge, and the negroes -He succeeded in reaching here' in time'' t6 liavje'Ari ledsc 'arrested, and cet possession: nf nis pi;operiy.--Newbold'g suspiciohsbe. mg excited by the unexpected arrival of the .Norfolk, immediately left his boat, , on board of which- he slept the ni"iiv ur iimc, ami iiriicreiieu ss i nun- posed .towards Fredericksba'rglle is abtiut 45 years of age, ' 5 feet "8 -Air 10 inches high, hair "somewhat grey? hia speech.niild and rather effeminate-rim was travelling "a, a double gigr , with "a n markably nne chesnut sorrel horse, lie is said to be from Richmond county; and appeared Co shaye in his'posseaaion a cnnsioeraote sum oi money, anu no doubt of the other banks, as he offered tl par for thf riegrofs in either Yirgint ia modey of United States' notes. Ar- pilre has been sent oil to f niicess Aone jail T-CanmUeu a - 1 m: - ? Jtuzust 25. The report of the apprehension of NewboUl, published yesterday, was eor rect lie was taken in Fredericksburg ois Wednesdav. eveuinsr last b Cant. PrcetU; and r4Wf iotber pcraons wno rBl ra pcrrmTl cf Hoi. tl arxl yysfty day rarrW hafrt toe Major. c drrw Ities (with JLHedgtr ki ;cam pficr) t Ffinrea Anae-rasintv f r trial. IT hi 4 ia Wit poie tsioo VU) t(Vfijldr ia envaterfrit, Botrt of th United Siatea Bar.!, and t yen! band red daJUr natrs (U Kirmcr' iist ai fh.' t ' . x ' v- k--"w MONUMKNT ATATT.nLOO. r Erraacr vr a larrta. , . Wkd en jspeJ V?An W plaint if Yafef loo, my tltentWin .was oftea) tiracird by a iuist standnai work piirj an, tuea, horse and rat-, a 'great aumbcr, .beinj"T-; btif Crwrn theio'rrest I felt In the dt-. UiN of fht' lutt!?. iud ihe guolr'ad arriptiun, 4t w as M"Bft Irowth) of time U fore I diiuld innaire ; what 'Ihe bud- ling was tntended frf at length the opportunity enrel, ami upon inqtMry) I t io ml it to be a miMiameut whiati die Government of th Netherlands' had ordera-il tube errrted ou the wtiere the Duke of Weltiuirkin. and lhaa who partook with him in th glory if thit iliv.stniKl, an.l where he issued tme ron'.tnjods that rest event. The Dukf's 5ed nUar- "ra. at the f .jmriicc:nerif of the en ;jgement, were between two hills, (in tf rind from linKsels to Cliarlerui, iiehind tlie farm f La Itaye Hainte: iiut the Freneh eettin1' nosaession of that farm, (he Duke then moved his Head quarters nlmut two or three hun dred vurds to the right, on the rising Eioiinu on which tnis monument i now erecting. This monument, as it i called, has a "very Imposing effort even in its tmnnished state, It is an earthen mound or hill ofaconiral fm in resembling the one n the Bath road, near Kennett, but of larger dimenions; jnd more striking annearancV It is I immense si7.e; being tipwanls of seven hunuren h-et diameter at the bie, or two nne bundreJ ami sixiv leer circuinierence. it ii I r. . y . two hundred. feet high, nd one hun dfed. feet in -diameter at the top; there is a double carriage-road wiwlirigrojtnd t," m a spiral form, and Sfitiplving'au easy means aiem, for carriages," to tue very ton: and bv 'this road the materials-ltave heen. and arWoavfyetf,' io colnplete the worje. In the centre is a sh ift of brick work, which haf. iv.'en carried uiifrvn the bottom, and still g'ling on. If is to be sixty feet higher- than- the ton of the earthan n'ound,' innking the' whole height f Vo htiiilred and - sixty feet. It is mrenilctl for a pedestal, to receive; a on (wliirli I unqerstand, is the crcat tr riim ! lii'imum, twenty two feet lotig, and twelve-feet high, tvhirh is ready io le put tip whon the xvork is ;L ' t s . -a a . iinisiien. me nmunti nas oeen etrii- teen mouths : m liand.' and is to be impleted withiti Ax morel and, from what has been already , tloue,". I i tftc oouui reintiuis loiii f oe ao. For the first twelve months 2(J00 wietii 60Q horses, and 'as ihany -curis Sa couhl be kpt at work, were 'niplot d on it, and the niunb. rliss't)nly .beed reduced us the termination ot -this great undertaking ;ippro:u'hes. .As I' before mentioned ir is of a conii at form, wtlh the tP ciit ofi" anil out of it ' the 'shaft, of pedestal for the liort rise' At present, as the Murks are 'going Oh at -foil tt lias a pleasins : nopeiiiiinvc. frolii U;e 4;reat number ol .-horsey, and carts, ami people, ascending and descending by the winding .'rnV . H " ..... K,...kWw. r -i ;' Muilenous Curio$i.Vi;i -have seen atone fonnd n the li(;ce Lake' ne, near this place,' jp.Wjhjr.h ar clear 1 f t'i ,! dtttif!gutlred a ! huinber of nut oiic emblems; ?4 he bei-.hive, pot ot in cetiSCi Uour chisi,' ladder, caiidh slick, brioksun atidpwon swoiu plumb; Ivventv tour men gunge, ana tiitfty oth er 'tjiarc?ters, which have the appt-ar ante oi reguuj uy, but wiucn we nave not yet : heard xjilaitiud; Sottnc .per. sohs; ha ve . thought they 4disCo Vet ered j, - . i i . - - , , , 6 very near resemblance of several He- brew characters as Jo that; we jiannot iudire.4'Tlie stone has some resehihlance of a petriiaction-but what is most uiysi lerious, the facte U fectly 'Sinooilt; the characters of a, different r colour and consistence frpm the rest of the stope, a nd a ppaien Oy e s tend, to bm e tl epi It. t.. .. ...l:.- i.. .L-.i;- : u u wime ui ii un- iciiiri; in iu ap pearance t;of tin inscriptions We, pi e-; tend iut to conject ure the origin of such a singular . productiom. but the-'aWo description is corrj-ct. a 'far as it goes. as we have pot nientiuited one tenth part of tlie- characters it tontainllR :.. It' is a- bout the Vize of a two ounce weiglit, soniethifig 'after .the fotan' of .: key stone. It would beVdifiicult, how ever, tu suppose this io be a work of nafure, where there is so much anpeai auce of de sign? ahd. ret we know , of no art Which i Could;l' 7rSv -'"Novel application of Elutritihi. or ti new vuy io wuy. via ueuiss-a. certain ...... ......un.i.if . w i... rnysician, wno possessed a poweriai FJectficat Machine, discovered a shferifT making rapid strides towards his house, and' suspecting,, front circumstances, 1 j that be had some digqf on his person at.", liberty. th . worth r rM. D. made accorum-iy, w wara pu ui T euutipaieii nuacH. , Attaining 1 Mary, John, tsanetla, David, Jane Bmitl)fcJan tvnductorifrotn hUwlecfcaltftTMsratOil aeaand AruliiUld Claytosi Uuston, are iuiiebi. i.;i . 1 i .ine avur ptv tne ironiaoor, ne Jhfl!: Charged the .machine Uf ferj high r degree, and Waited the result. Ti....i.Miu,l.I.i. .....ji ... .1.- r . -...vis asveuuev. sir mti tioor paa aa elevation Ot tottTteen ieei. Clothed " m ait the Importance f the law,, the "aheriffaacitided,' and with' a firm graws WptL the fatal Knocker, leitiaHy V.' fora) VittV.r at Ut toea of th itrp. ' A''" havir rece Vfrrd. I oms aae arc, front blew givenbr to iaviaibi psrr. and hatif cuntxieu bievratteml amtt mdtit caiiont, togrther with ha catlerd aenspt, he eaaJr a eectmd attrwpt.'woe dttin at (his atrange methixl ojf pariar icb(a. Meanhile, .the Drtr.hat agaia thargrd his faithful conductor. Sooner tiaj t' akeritj agitn dared U loach tSe fatal kootksr, than he foend hseir lwc4y feet nearer tk? centre of tha. earrh a rcoml ttm. Remember in j the old adage, "beware ed" the third timelrha immediately qoit the pre mysee, leavings the lkn tor iaf!l po. aeiin " t4 tha castle" he had h well defended.- . ' " "T , C7"A Camp Meeting witlcotDmnce ssUxMlst Vaaaber, e the land of enj. kjng.fcaaj. about thrva asaVsncitkofUineiu, ear the stage mawt, nasi at the pwlamof ta e suada Iwtuiic, aha aw to f oa-sd Un. Ir tmA tbe arhrr j tha KaUs at Keese, . IhliMh, August Mh . , . - : .MAiuiiEi). K 4 la CumlierlsnU .mty, imi tke ttth hsstaat, Tryata M 'faHnwl, rj. vt Uirliasaa aowaty, w Miss Mjrganrt t. XUitr, iWuUrr of Uiiiaaa Uok-, txj. . . . " ' - In Irak II rmwtr,' on lU 3d Inst Mr. Robert KrT to Mas Soptib Scoit . . t ' " In (.isHtUlu, eoH(y, on tbe lCb instant, by J diii tdaixo, Kq. ;ea-r Keirrll, Lx. tu Mt Kliaaliedi Cswt ll, dmj1ilar ot Mrs. Nuary lioawelU Al,!, ua dp 1 Stn, Mr. Jiikn A. fUtoa to Mi ewK 1 . Ilarwrlli and atso, en tue IGU., Mr. Janiea Tailor tu Miss Mary ii. Eaton, dauetiuji of M Jolr-i U. Eaton, all of said aoinv ly. -- r .- . la (iuilfvrd coimrv, oa the l'b insianf, Mr. Jatnca Ui-ey to Mia ianey A. Kerr. . . t ' , DIKI). . , r At the.residcnaa of his clcy' Guv, Rnrton, in this ity, on the 4d SntvnL Mr. Hutchkis Miulirll, ul Miltou, ia Ck ell aouaty, aged a- oom iw. - . - s( In Uorgia, nn the 8th lost. John Elliott Ei1,:0k!Ui is years of ajre, late a Senator ia Co.iftnss from lift iState. ' la Meoklenburz tnoirtv.on llie Jth Instant, Mrs. Munr IVn.kiue, arcd 74; ami, on the 6th, Mrs. Lucy Abernmliy, in the 21st year yf her afff, relict of tlie late EtvkieT Abprnuthy. ' , In Rowan cwnty, on lh 6U ini'ant, Mrs, f vina lltwardvi-v lirit of the late Capt: John Howard, in iiiejUUi year of Her ajro.. 4 Suddenly, at Favettevillc. inn tbe I7tn instant. Mr.Edwani Mull, a native ol Itiolintond. Va. aired SA. Also, en die same days at an advanced age, .Mrs. mm, wua ol .nr. James i-ant. Attlie residence -of Kov. E, H, Conrie. hOi ange county, nhtihe 0th instant. Miss Jane Wood," dniijjtitor ol Uoj. joint vvooil, ol tunualpli aoun- c At the residenoo'of oah rarti", Esn. In Row an cnimtv, an Uie-lwh instant, Mrs, Uliialiitli tl. .Isinhs, consort of Mr.,Loiiai'U Jacobs, in Uic Slrli if., nf hitr-iiM. ' - V. - - , . ,- ' -' ,( In Caswell eounty, en the 1 5th Want, fat die asm year ol lils age, ticn. Ai-cluncilet Uonobo, of hiliu Oliver, of .six days duration. The do ceased was an officer in. the U. KlabssVariny du. ring the Into war,' amlsfrved "with fidelity' and credit in the south. At tbe close of that t-iotust ha n siiriK'il Ills eoniniisKion, returned home, and Situhtl in this town, ilevotinu; his attention chKtly to nrKiiltiiral' jmrsuits. Society bail ftirmed a IiIkI esttumte Of Id worth and -nierk. In prjvate hlv- ha was distingijishcit. by'twy maiily'and gmif rous virtue, jndite and i-etpeottul hi his dc- iinitment buko in all. lie was nnrur known to wound the feeling or sport-with the sharaeter ef any one. the MUt; leuils aixr eontealions to which otliui s are aultiect, seemed to be beneath him., few men have dk-d so much regretted bf tlit-ir fricods ami .acqimiutartee) and none ever left behind so few enemies, r To mourn over bis l'i!s. he has left a luVonsolate vifuand tonrbilaut cbildivt tngi-ther wnhan.Mced ni.ot)ier,on whom rrovwciice avems io nave jn'eiseij wmi a Heavy nau2j njvinif wan in nine iram man iwo jcai"S, lostsUOaud anutygout ol Uiive sons. . . . '. . ex tuition linietle.h AlRn' In fb Siiin'fi- Itnlliliy 'vnti 4bfl .tth m stunt. Mis. Mi.rtlia uoldcrby,,ooiisort xtt Mrv William l lll l....!... ,. . . . ! . t. - . -. . Iii 8in-ry eounty, on thai t lb Instant, m tile 80 th year ot his-nsre, Coli Joseiih ,W.illiaiua, a liatriot of the Ucvoliuioii; - Hif was a native of, H anevor county, A'a. finiu wlienco he emigrated to this State, anil Anally Setlleil ir auiry aolii.ty, w licit he resided between 50 and AOyeara, , ' In (.uilt'oi-d aountv. on tbe aOta instant, Mrs. Frances O'burn, vile of Kkshtdas Ot;burn, Esq, la Ednrecombe aountv. on the 19th i'Ttt MrSi Snsannidi Franeisl in the 11 5th year ot her aire. . i . i. :.. . . :n.. I .1..!! .... ttie '-'Jtli ultimo, John .M'LelbiiHl, Esq. a patriot pf the Revolution, aged about VT. v In M()iit;(omei7 countyy'e" sun Bin-initant, Mt. I uopuis ijOwiier.aRgiiaoaut.oyeai's.v-i. : - n New I lanMvor eounty. on the 19th inst Mr, Jeremhih Snead. aired aboiit 2i. it ' At I'liUaiK-lptiia, nntn tn insiaai, air. jamcs A'filenu," orjweriy of Caswell eounty, in this State, iv iv y y iry m ' rcoMMvsircAtEpn 31 :; -T..'..j .(".:. v.l if: . ! -l on the 39th of July ImU, about W-Oiinutes after 3 n'olock In the -moMing, Mrs. Sally Allpn,'Vife of Col. Waiter tvre c? trcssinsiiulisnoaiUon k aeh Unw .-Mlen, and asii( liter ol IJol. oounWi tfter a lour and dis. spnsition) ilui'ing whiek time she bore i imocmaiKl christian lontutne. icuv. mK a tender liaubnnd ana two iniimt lamale enu (Irert.WHh a numerous ea-ele ol relatives ami e- quamtHnees, to lament their loss. Mrs. Allen sustained aoliaiswler. by all who knew her, of be big aa afigutinnate wife; a tender itiolhert kind murtress, and. obliging neigtioor, anil,aiose an, m hiclf 4s a great consolation to those of kor a nunbitanccs, ' H is bclifved by all thnsev-wlio uttended her dvinir btd.dialsh was perfcctly re. tX0?d to death vkb that fall assurance ot her simh pemg patxiniieii, ns sue treqoeoiiy expreaseu, rrjoicing that site had met the smiles or a won derful creator and redeemer, with whom ire have rrasoo to hope that sbe now resta, and will even to tlie enillss iiatea ol eternity, jj,.y -, rf wVeN AtXvcv ii aft veiU ; : ft 'Cotillion ' Vitt tv. ' l.Tlie Gentlcmeisot Raleluh and itsvKinity. are respectfully informed Jlbat a CotUlionl,)iity will be farnisbed af the Eaglo Hotel, on WediM-sdar eveniiigj 12th of September, at 7 o'clock, P. i. I iclttot dollar each, to be had at Hie Hotel. ..AS -.'4. P. tl, ll. . I I III .1 it 111 II I. State ofvNortli'.Caraiii.n, , i wewiianover county w H: -.Edward 0. Dudley: 1 w . ... ;u.';;:.c-.--'"' - WilliamJI. Ilalseyj Thomas C. Boston, MarytKeston, John teuton, .Isabella I tteston, David It est on, Jane Smith Kes ton, Jannett Kenton, Archibald Clayton g. Kenton and Duncan Reston, heirs at law I and distributees l' William Keston, de- I ' , ceased.- -' . ,-' '-"! "'r.M'J It appearing to the aatisfaction of thcgpnrt.tluiV : Ifenuot another government. I vic c Scotland. Mlht Kmglom of tireat drluin, fleered Oat publication bernade, for the space ot four weeks the Star an4 North Carolina State Gazette, to said defendants to atmear at ike neat tei-m of this ft, to be held in vVilmington, on the 5th Alon- I day after, die 4th Monday of fteptembef peat. i t"6" d there to answer eomplamabt' bBti 0- I iHBFrww H3 win wmi vv uiarn nrowuiriiwv W1LU-.1 U. MUblJUit, M.; bsi Atassnsaaj S dke U mmJU l aai evef eke MaMirt fa sisal t W.a, at V Winx kart OatU. e iW im 1 k-y U Mtj last, b sm Mt.ivmi. tbat a fwnsue af Ura tktMsar o mm sH Vi-Mtfv a aiaeawWs aaat, lor lb puw-M mt alaasa ! ar iwmiiKim i mtr&i a tionil Csa inun aa a U4 as luit sa ' ifccr ' Tbie ia as r w Uws 4 ta" , sismaasfsuls ad iaUtstj aaret m aal aay( awl 0 m tucwlav and Siwrty prrvmns, IImt 41 be fiU psaw'Uan,. ava, a aaal iaief hoaaae. - - . . IM taeke are ia Cwr efs 'levtmlftr Ckarail lniiwanL ll.Jk oa tliaae i'mc, tkraar ia leaaraa la aaat sw s a ir at, Mimrt BHr Uosrth tx-l ire a ss too U.'r, mr IU ; uns as rsycrj f :a pre-caiarata agursKf' tj. . - . . 2 EXUM LEWIS. Prr-C l.,f K. . av M. J."-S " bUtc of North Caroline, K ; V Aorust CourtA- J). 182T. . ' T , The tVrsiiW and Ui. 'T'" m-m ' f the .State "t war nuwr bed anil fctraimrsk i Saokef M. U abjeata, 1 aeero aaae Avt sra. Jamei fames RkWs, I dc7 tlc ' Jouji Nottall r O Ortx.tud attackment t " ' . . . . .' I loird en atia fcallmr " . " y . " -bed and hu-aiiure, 1 s". . I r mss Amteraoo. ea4 Sane. ' James Ik Bryant Original attachment -I r net oo ooa feutheT ' vs. bel and fnrniliiiv, m trv l gre man Anderson, aavl v' Same. oMtrnrestnT. " .-4- ' 1 "" - 1 - y faints Paltoa Original attachment" ' , li-vkiT en ewe fc-aiher.. ... i r.-.i..- s u ) ri"i man Anderson, and . i - Bame.v other orotierty. . It aneearin'v Bik&rf'mii nfiha CmsrL that James Itichanhi, the (klendanl Is the fonr'-" fbrepomn nsee, b not 1 nn biliuLHinS nf thiar State, aau yiat Hie ordinary nruccss ef law cannot . be served On hani k is ordered that nubliealMW,' K mlA Im ft.- k.-t i v . I. I - I : . w I .., ... UWWN . IMI 1 1 VU t lM ...V t , ette, publlh.l at Italeipb, for ail fn-ki sna r eesive!r. for the ilufeiiilant In rninrir behm tb ' justices of aaid C'"rt to he held 6r the eounty of ' . i.ranvnie; at uie Covin House ia t)xf,ird, ow the: , Bret .Monday as November next, Sad replevy ami plead te these actions, or jtxtgment will be rea dered. on aniast him in eitab ease, and tha perty levied n euudemovd- inbjeet to lie plakk UT.'rebovei-r. ... , . . , r , f Witiiess. Stzfiib KL SrsnJ' fllci-t of a!i . Cenit, at Qfflce, in Ofclord. the first Monday of . "S"1?. a. u. is jr. . , . v. . i. . ' if.rwii Mk. e,"M,i'iif, iic. t Price aoV. RS 2S. - Bft-Cw '. UtiiidttnU? I'vii tiDike . tloiiiii.triv. ; '' , , . jA. . . A , ... ' Public notice is hereby e-iven!tbat tbe firth in' ' talmentatwentyiier eent. on the wliolii amount ' oi hock iioiu ur earn indivHiuni hi tbe ;unof.miie7 - Tarnpike Company will be ilue from Stockhold. " erson ine iirst Monday In October next, agreeably- . In entke heretofore rea; -And notice ie herrby'' ; ' . .-w. i.vti, iihk wiv -will .im Hliuiun-'i inula- oi-wiiiiiaveiy on mat iav (rainat ewry stwkhtler ., a ho is a delanller with ivuranl In ,.iiliii- lif th. in. f vuuinenia wnmji pas ner-iiore tnllen flue, nuvee ;. r Kill. I-I I ... Ill 1 1,. ! 1 1 1 II... I , .IM ... 1 II. urMf.M " ' WM. COLE M AN, Trees Wi I ' rr ' -oiu hi n 1 1 ti y: To tlie jail of Buncombe coohtr. K. C. on tk a ' S4thult runaway negro man,' who-ealla hi name TOM, and says Iw belonrs t Charles M'- uuiiougn, in uncmcr uijinci. a. u. , i ne owner -i Ik ia .nmj IV . . . u .. rl . . a (KHAn.Mrf '. pay charses, and take hinvawav. " ' ' r ,-' ?..-.. v-aym. COLEMAN, JailorAi r incvine, x. j, Aug. IS'r .in-atp f .V. ' ; 't.n ie . "' -ii 1 MT wife Ann Hardin iuarine; led my be. Wd ' bonrd wilhhut any just provocation, this is to give K- antieM IA all hmun nut tn tt'vm a..w. ...w .-a.!;, . V HIV MlWfllllkl. . .rti,, riuluHmliuiir m,U Ia . . debts of her contracting. - i . .. ' ' Mr-, d Jr.ssr. itAnnTv : r August 2D.1 $27. J6r3tJf ; V j , r' , Untvyiuoi' tlie:., r i Union Canal x(ry, Slf Clan, 45, 5i,3l, 33, si t9. 9 10.". $nlmtidtJharice!f if a ' The fol!nwhig aplemud acln Fortune iff '. . ' icmes cf Lotterldt 'i -An., .a l... A a .. .11' A . I . I I.. . ri. , Lwha. are disposed to nil ibeir pickets with ensh mvw w tro ui u w m v imiciw lu iflc DMrjIIC I nuiB i I uu awv terms, are mviliid toenll attlie Manair,-,- nifttp. Ualoii.l. Al. lA.vutfauill.. -...I ... .... b ' i . o . : - - " cnance tor tome ot the toilow jug splendid pi iiesl-'' , ,v t yN'uxt;.Vetncsfiafv Ttit JVoOrarh Cansoluttded Lottery w; i.. ,i... riirMftr-. r. V . f . it, wv n ) in uv JlJ l 41CVr-' a 111 e. Uapital Prize . 1 prize of $7,50 : prne - of 8,000 " v l'inu ef l,ai. 10 prices of - 100 4 ill nlin tllt. w,"WU llllia. ; t prize ;f $4,000 I prise of 1,600 ' 10 oiizes of : 1 oon .' 30 prizes of ' isr - ice. .:.-. -rr:,::...-"'U'- ;' ( cue, v . Mm jm J teicrtt tn mt scheme,. " v ,,4 ... Wlwle tickets $8, Half Quarter f VltVj btttc isOt;ery 1 Tmi trtaa Isfttiant fit Ilia I litmol Sluiama ( a- drawaon AVeduttsdny ISthlsejit 18.V7. v 4 Canttnl 'i'rizft 15.U0U Tlulls.r 4i)00 dollars." 3, 000 Moll art. fi.fW.loW- ' . iuiu Mini fiikiiura. . J. 1 1 .I..1 1.. . -- .; . I II - ...1 i. t. , . . 'imni w ii.i ii .i-m iv. liuiliire- : "t.1 ... m . r.r. --111... . -j. m . ' . ' t r i or x,twu ooiiars-, bi ;50O ViA . 1 ' u dollars,;ithiftW fklots S..1Ia!r do. SHAtk' Quarter 0 l iji - ' ": 7. ' - . '" 1 - -"'' ..A, vJiwon vv 1 Il ' , . - uuiis- it iivct j e : . Sisiiutiil-i'liiiku " ft', '$.,: - WfliirtY & u ajs us uw aA aaar a iiuauci iiiiaim srcriiarBiisv iuiis. - - 4, 0 . i. . tnne .' . -ri --.!' 4 flnwill I'! 17.14 lin.tllWI ln t ' 1 prise ol i25,00O( 1 rize of i$J306 i : ty ( 1 lirize of 3.000 Kl m-iaunf' a ikiC : ' : 4 o ' t t le 01 , : .". S liri.i lit I llim ll l..u. fwv Vv-. , prize ui , j .- iM-tzes 01 -" 1W ?'.fi Tickets $C, Half do. $J, Quarters do: t" 56 ' Sl 'i - ' - 'I! I -I --III )- Grand Consolidated, LotUru i f . v. ... v....-, , M,i..An av waie ct ?-; juousianaa 1 s,-k-v -,- rirsl CIhhs,,, ; ,'. - . T. Im iImm. U WlilitnfM.1!. Q1 r .. " v iiw, IB'i . rnmtii I'l'IVB milllll ll .lt ,. ' - sriiipvir?. ..-'-'-. -..-.: -v- 1 Frise of (30,000 1 prize of U.JOO 1. www aii'iuv . . ( 1 pme of fsflab I prize of J.000 ; t lirrse of 1,080 prizes ol . 600 J prweaof 7 400 80 prizes of 100 44 prise of CO. 4 prizes of B; " 4 W orizesof "t. aa 1 prize 01 i,9uu Iprwesof 1,000 4 prises of 400 10 prices of , 800 4 prise of , 'v 70 44 priaea of " 0 ' M nrizeaof -v90 920 priae of .. ' 13 8.OT0 prize of i V . Whole rtcfceti oollt. vilAir 3 iloUt. Qr. 1 '(Ot nc.uBing um Cm or fnat Tioku 4not mudV tVlll tttaeiva tkA mOaVa nrfslii tvtv tint jiu.u.ti. Jl .': tGnuoas. at idilreuptl tn " t-..- " . . r ' L " - ,taaavvMa bm , -ij i it;. .i - - m aa3 ex. -.m ii i h k. . :r ii " -' T'J'i. i err aiHClffrutuiff. Aitzust 87. 1827. Ml-rr : ire, ' dm just reached '."' ,..? ' .'..v.-.-: --'?::' ft. T . r V'. ysf?".-." 4 t i -i -I"