. J IT. i - IIALKIGH, ; ,M)!ITll CA HllLK.,.TIIUi:snY, MIl'TKum i t . 1 h vol xvnr. v a - -v f' l ; li At, t J ,o. Wt-hu Swf-Ved apon lie mi.T.!;if wt Co J fra'Atd , fre tKpW fw tV.r bi-oefao- Uf M,Mlrvirea J Tumlina RIbU Gz'rt'r . bar h t catch tf -""' r'-"'r"r ni r. tn d:mn.i U. tre.rj p it C f if.' r" ViTmf . ' - - L -.i , "7 " b fuoJ o! I Jtcort. hWbv i ' fc J . .- ..... voi i . .m - a.ii-, i.g jor aject r r- frort M.in, '"-. . . " " Foil m S. altmri -LAWnENCV: C LliM AT.; rfi vs. . 'ifcsWrae, fh i rwl i Swl 1Jp1 Ws ihe I'-' 'JUsWr-Zfrae, fhf wnRar 5 . iU fct so about, m ka pane- tiVo- I t-ditrw, air ail 2taf - aavl l'x,r-r crU foe - eoatwi- JTUrefH Ifnkt W iftrf W tit kutf, B7 r i i i'1 - Nor dratK M wrcmni iw cujj Nor l . -TlMMchilmrtkidilibev to M tewr drp in lhel rye t , Imik pnn tbcir Wt v '.'J UTid Sad wh rtrep nbroh rf !., ' Uluk: lllhins toU -11 dtaJi ' t , ghoH 1 Why Vrn Jt to , H . Moi Ur liUrbtrl . , 4 JbnM (4cmc4 ! thrr kac Iom okb woe,. f 1 ThefiunfeUtm fctor. - . ''," 4 fiat their l"TWfl bowern, . ' J ' tWk tHr'tr lone MXMh of elr f ' i- ', .i ,' tt ilhr1y 8Hiit,wolor'Uller, . Anilin tK-jr faieftay,' ' ,". ' : . nwkf tHe iuiirirtMiie wrehth, t -v TU lrifc'lit bower nerrrillm, J . ' . B'l tfU m w!i tW from doatk, Or hitatthtriiidfron) bim " , t P' &mNt Wlr iwakeV" . - " j JVrk yuiooiMM' ourreil ' . - e . ' , .i i .Ai.tA i g1 yet te morn tb blmt ! . ' VJ for Ihtt who Ihronj tlx clai-oil throne, " -Lnafam die tcnn re beil a tK ' TAcw are the Uvin the alone. - ,'--? v sirtrii Oy hk. ion r)rT, ! tr Vrler C'r rv I rl-tmx, . Mr. Pop, flrr t.ite ar J -luaaiy rriaatfc., aiWI, o the Mhjoct of th r, rill a la nQli.mx w w,wt I ha l"n au.i t H vl letyrti(rht or wr? e 0 it wmler the ctrcame'ftnca Uc aitcti hi . " - . t' eWittiMt arvl njiMilaritr jriin fcy ll H ' Koe ut' the ect mrrnicB we coatencMtV Ve gnel ri tlooamoch nlory a4 ebafaderf 41 mhmit t tlti lutiol Blur Indrkted. t'.M la af eatvef , oat far this glory ml cluracre . To mm are-tlie a4trtr uf tUe r inteb(r for llicir p lit!cat rtretijrtU, 'cithtctej with tlut meaaurrl ' To Him rtTYl!ulrr JH, l thr more-fT. Ctialtl nu, iKn Will lit piioM f wv tat the tiwii rw f aacieM or mMcm tuara, vfa vrr in ibe Um aeitry, t 1 i oVreartt hfli wh ini Vith Jura an ! ire- nirt' Ijiva.tt nj "Tlie It ? k Mr(lW, khrr;) aM mitiury)-'4t4 4 anrWa ahould br confrmst na the Mm pf on. I( ViUc, thiak th SoiU ra drcW.',U tnA firtunsteN vi J"!""! bol irt M.itixh!ra ryrfe4.Jn lie rv tdltf rilhra aOvireJ ywCuca i P"1'i1c M kra itp armt d) . 4 W aan.1 pjimlarit. Ut what iLi art i"rT 'm !. It i bevi Irt h a eiriira, he rtakr hrtvtf. for whJV, '! aire. in miMrirchiet, thry yrfeoee coM-littaa) "IFirr prJraa of arm. h tbkAK ttt '.jry, rat . h W. or tws fiin&. la vtuW.' 1'fk mn. ttiArfnr ill a1S h!e. liriuce alioul-i oevrr -irire anv ciril Mf nWwt'i." 1 tuur kItcti tti'i ,rtioh fr that We man, t aiiu the il'lrnw1 av ween hectaiBU or the itiait eii!tjr had frtfrnUwiril l t4 vur rr;tji TW ike prre.rtt'rtrt of i',r p?'t. trprt arnt. d eatreaa tUe pr ef iraeer Wa 1 4 tt arwerr 1 th or: fvrofx-r fer ht f firf.ii, b nri aei'W of Ki ..tr fn n!t, accft .. c. N Jut tatt.nr eevft'y i4k, the tkrr aivi prjcic amior fum W M aeif-rwrrraMtcet ivCc.cJ iLijJtjo' wW,Jr4 br th aWiua Ccioic 'rt l i mV.,-v chHc ia the tjr .tt;'ufK tHt T1 mm uf If. jirrr in. Ok Ml ifti-ry mt r-wcrNftJ br ', aal u ) ciiew i t be m.tr br a tna'i ) U MUtra. V bom tbai,weoa!l the dead. , i net pecianic airAMtnewa. aou tKmai a Uifh onU-r, tn.uM lr coqcctteit to h"n. 'nl it ill he a '(bitted by h'ta frirnji. that, ike YaIJiirton,- he i not as well eenfp in th " Mil.Urr Chieftain In .tcakimf .thai of "w who belong to th atate M.lHHry,-.aiKl OenertL Jacktaa. ir ia ant rfe.n H'.le. " cnirtnJ t t! prnfra'atNi of imii ' tract frojo the merit of otherL'wha perfjrilt J ' Vw wart jfe ilmen, with rtfir to mtwt be ailmiUeH by aU, that, th nattir aiul , oetract itm tinwe oi -le-ma cLirccter nfthe vietorv f New OHiK wat .' n imh, I think. Dow to tn. lack more intercrtinjr, and of more importance thtn any ether eeftUred ditriop Hie last -war. (( nude an imptCMioni a ilerp, r not morr ao, thin the capture . of Corn wail iv Vark rown.'; The (ale f tlie Western 'cotmiry, the ftlor) and cjiaractor of 0te nalion, termeJ to be staked oa the iasue. ' Let ua irtraaiiect our aititation at tint period. ' Drlefratrafrom the New Enand, Stutes had aMrmblot at Hartford, 'nh what k-ig-6 I thai I not atnp to inquires but- thrjr'wned '.at leaat, 1o pre.' aent a furmkUMe aVray againat. (he alminia tratlon uf the peneral government. 'Our pe cuniary resomrea were much exhaiwed.' Thv rreaident 8nt hnt three teoniinianMinen to treat with Great litvain for peace; and after ward two more, drler nincd , if peace could not be ottietwie obtained, to wve the lead ing points in' contelation bet ween-, the Jvro crmntriri at the commencrnient of the war ' The public credit had almost sunk.;' The re crtiitin K-rvice ai Unguishinp, And a pene Ml gloom pervaded out land, i he 8airme Arbiterot .nations, under whose triiuunceaad. care we had achieved freedom and inkpeml ence, a if to mortify our pridef an i, vati'ty; make ua icisible ot .riir-wenkm-ss and d , pcndancfcert hiintfua Jte rrtfdrtot'oply in the Heaven but on the Earthy permitted-it to sink' to theluwe plnt; of de;)oiileiic4'i but determined not to let t hi free and la. or ed people fall aatn inlerthe'' -Rritiali yoke, in that periloul mtmient rw-s5' tip, another Wanhinton, in Andrew J 40k son, to'dclver ns iroin our , enemies. taeR'tott with wnaii firce,1 encamped before New Orlesii. wi. inj the i'rial,bf the enemy, stjile.of hil aida, who had been recainnoitering below the city, discovered that four or five thousand British troop hud landed, returned in : hf e and bruntothe. Genera!, infurmd him bfilie fact, nd inquired what was to he done to-fve the cityf ' Jackwn.as f ininred, jo a .moinen'. eoje, tkey aaiwt be ! to rwrt The tale Hrtercuerer avi U-rired yr th ebnaenl of I've .T.rrf. If bm are iavetAl -h ncf fcw U the f-riw of rhe ee4 , y the a H. Of the ,, gV their rT, t i 1 he d.it f of t!e 'rvpV, Jnrdr to nrVatrte ttutr1 etvw rit -tr th t h.Wtif ,x I 5 ,! , tv lu. th-ir tfi-nfnwbaihia. a Jiie -xMt n an-eiie've givrrwKt Lke rvtHUt tf T chJie oa, itnte the m we. II; vital p-neiple of" "wnreeawimt VT.e wSeui-oJ that Cc-nfc tiavt tSe' tht, irii'o".-. corKW), t-. aike a Preidri o nrh b rcsiilrn that thiemi iilaw-l bvv th". hl)r of lyllan -r hn the B9 er t tppiMUl V h raihixtera. but aw e-milie puKhe ,jiiHnuu ranking t Chuie and re tHo ei iit (1 e eutethr nihlie witli VU wattheoeotie t' Jkr v M ut, faVSic betn pliitcaty. ever to rtvf iin It araeth brleFir rncMxv Vitf fie iHri)raeioe eonanved- t tV rlf'wn n tiake, niji fix-atdent iniiead cf Mr JrlTero.i,,hv4 hcl'evej to be the cSyrce of Uf tianoa. Burr hi- a many vtea fr Prrti.l-iA. W air. )rTeryMt 1 the eUctoraJ' coK je if, the fcotMitiitiat then tiQU t ,irvtf rre ynieilf ntl PreatJeutt the h Rlietpbe trciaent,the eit V,ee Pre dent. Die v.ite emikL'th" election i!e olve m iohgrea: a nt II art "e". ee ovletVrtlet iteeerdmg te)tlM tbrma di of atve e t f'-'r !;,. panel ', aaaroiy, aui a c- J t i .ri a Wa -a-Jr My h.f i rvn nf eed- ne. wch w ! I S i,i.ble f - an i !a cmiimeve. -S.nkng lur fxjeerti. -K i eiteut c jeiteod. 6 ' 4 t COMMI lhe e-l of t?r in'f , J urta n f w aayirnakr the-. f eM.-K i th eata-avr tliif- of ! ,tcrl . , , new V-ntt, w attU aU mix-1 tv he r... irf the pivrrnniiU anj it cl 1 b a. ' a ' kmw btfor w pv oar mkhi, Uc 'ir - r;ai 1 1 Internal late, aciae, d ract i v-e, atttet ttieo ae fulisN t fu!l..w. . He ajeurrd, f-n Umen, that- th Matiiat traury U .nK h:ied by nvrie, but from t -te of the peop'.e Tiie i j uiracii tV United Bta-tf willhe artlcLaof tin t '' ervl bt the eon itutian, CvXiret i rr '' W 4ted fM Ini oiif dutie imi ei(ui( FeUi low citlf n be et t . irea.I.ijf cUarntr4 wilk . ' Al J th WrlT In Vie eld Conrrrm. o'wijf by HUtcV wtrt houMfcf tUe iwtre tieaw of the 1T -aial'ir'a, opott what r-xirtd Ca 't be nie 1, in ! r e tif at K: Jri.liai tleeiicja ij epec'-i! v 1 v i'..oach- intend Ifw I e 'vaerl rigV 4 int-rue Uxt I' U net nn'y apiMorut hi Ikr cemtitati 11 itself . that itlie rrrial clactiwn by the llmi- ftf lie preeaiaiori, it wa intrtvt 4 la t wmj by I've Statr ia the;rere'gQapri bit ll.i. Ofire,irt .o.ii anripo?tr. if th t o iK'ventam on that pin fcrihe Ciinttilu'idn befur it hni iutii lite a.iull State hjeO'i A. that ia the haiea br rlretor, the Ur- bd thnlvan'ae. It ende-t in a cWfirtrrna, by "the brir it aide of the picture prremvrd t fftff lotHeamalt Slate an equal vote u the, JfOM,lh' mar he a.wa'bine; nelmii at wbichi' evi-ot rti (fvre to elrtt in tliC Jtrt leartoe fi woilJ be wtO to take a fe p, b.-fre ymw AeJ the re' ft'' iinmii the Rcpreneiita- pM the Ifibicon. If the 'wh i'e ytrm re 'eev' I'.ThI W the; MeitaMr, the amenta o imMle. i carried into ef'ect, we may f le'S'ate,' nr. tAvtiwT-thrir tiunuirr d be bWvl with exciacme and U1 ptherer. tlA binW prtibd to wlikh the are lect-1 in; eh indance." 'rvkraj vreer vf yoat e4 fn4e IbVnv lee liablv'ttj b tampered Mtil th been -a ef the jFcJeral Court a'V and Igrnidied a. byttwr a.-;ntHy lor tlie,! increase ij all hotinra, .(!ie, power ami m k.u.r...Ma Xil. . l.V u;il f 1 .. I k.illi' d.mitf bM - . I . V. . B. ia Iearmn H",th- kchonl or the ercana f -ttUr' 'o Vitotm. , Wh did tV iMtmpt o THE PAST. V v ' Leanobt hut remetnlier aiicb thing iKere, Ami were mom dear lb me." , ' n It i ttot ffttitt Jh. promiwtl joy of the tutueb, that'.w can, ileriye ouri happineftm... Anttctpatioij may robe them i la her gaotJiert toltw,' and . rra them )a hf brightest t miles, jet tlUiaprwii)! went -will (ctst her Qlwitlt over them sod their bright haei4ill fade . Away like the ,ttnt of the- rainbow wefore; the shallows .of evening." Neither can ;e M'jov the Present the moinentf .'in lovmenl is i f sensual grtillfioitv Ve Vnttt tarn to ,tlie AT!filt kindly Pi evidenrteiV $hat,whitti''.U rceina .t bear swiftly over' the, wceah; of life, uafw ua unconsciously back by n re fluent fide to the scenes of other iay, fcdfi?j4 ;vtf '5.K"5--:'-."H.-t: Ditance lend cnehantateiit.tp. th iJbw! f If tliosetaceneg have been Irjuticeht, ihev iaual be liapnv; every hour . adil1i new tint.' vtrv day ' newdiarm ,to i Z . Lc '1. il.; tcnyr; ,iac,wii, a H, ii mreu,-10 ..nn'i:'.. th. ro;; and every 0ear .. incveaaethetr w4 p:angtie lire and oUre than hum., wia Talue.' .Like objects .to the agftl eye,dom anwereU. He wnr:,wtip them thi as met necotne ,tan: i!iaui,1i.iicj-. my pear more distinct--WMfe we approach the yvintcr itrff age. 'they; flourish, in the verdure ol spring, and whi e age Jilneh-r our locks. they- bloom , ia eteiiial - tike i.bjects placedjtoocar;' the yU itii wej do'not,,ee our icpjtymeBfs fat mht, or.die in the ditch;"? ami ordered the men to he formed.' Tae semiel i well kiiowit At the new ot-i Yictorv the -whole lanu was iUammsjedt' jjojr bea-.ned itr evetv eyei and aU weiv' rirotid tf: their countr iind i't irtorfj 'vThe 'Artiericn KiiKle iee med to an'af aton, rn uijnineu- iruiiniiVTer itic pivaw-aii? Felto.cl,zcnp--tUe; A-alue juf ;thi victory pltxmry, as mny tier, but hi wi'wliia 'nd luoirownt , art; ui me s Moaeaf nracncai khm It is of the erUnT-ort. . It Wercd, hw 4i be indebted, ot t-i nuUticaLTeidera. $! hstions, but tp the affstirwn tf ifrr A nercn people,-' An bohrt 'tvia and a patriot t ih h.-ad f the eovera n-n mn n'tnxk.1 of nrrJ Sna longer than four j eara, aiijiortrd with g" neral eonmlcnce, jmi-I the iia'niii IVaa-mnh to.feari - K -ereif thai heJ electil"1 he people, he will a it to hi fa be bvail nui er ing th gwerniOit forrhe ifenera) joW'lIe wdl coiiie i.ifo power uncommitted to e&, r the yari't.'M Uttle har iea or- uiJ-tH i; claii the country. He wtll cl -d..mo o njeYi.t fill the pnpl c : (fii-e. The people li Kld Sear in mind, ihatttlieir -euri thr a gti'xtad- ni.nstration t much better with a man pU'eed n power by themeclvr; thh-t wUlt one' who receive the1 office from a few "political rn..'- geram Congre.s. d hence. I h've ajjcit, ed a'aiaendnnt ta.ftie cn"'itut,!o gtvin the people the rijfht to 'ote (Jiixjctly tor Pre', aidcft.' '"To defeat' hi elpcllojt, m-ans of the basest sort5 hve been resweit Psing . . 1 . . . . . . i.. 1 over tn torgea tetter wrich late'y appenrea tit the 'ftiblie printn, t "have, not, Uiigaage to espres my indigiiation and khliorrence at the inrarnou attempt matte rawnmatiir.ownc tic nappinrit,aitd pride of this 'dVistintrtlialiel hero. !VXuch an. attack, uijon 3dy,M!b ! tioneeting' pi(r4)ei, has ; no example tn ptir political hiotory, and for ib honor of. the na tion, I Hope it will nm er be repeterl , H is a disgrace to any etvdised xot owwatiaw peiwr, wir. jai'Ksnn -ii:i now:, oeen tne-Tiectionaia)- purtner of Gen. Jackson for hVarfoirty years iMthiOftg the most amiable. lietievolenV awt p jus -f ber uiifniinded susrMCtort, growing oirt of an unfortunate, preytotis mar riage, which her eiemnlary conduct hail long since consigned to oblivion; ia. now dug. from iiKk hint redent create with etv alnrining aeni4ti.it ii the' nation .. fttu li'irrll e l?ei on would have been coturidafed mi out rag npon ill spirit of the governmeo,.Md the feelinr and 'ent't!hent af tHe neoDle.' " . . I .. . . . . . i . l.iofxia the Kentiirk d legation,-then be-1 CphatUtu)M, the sgent uf JO State -10 tiering thot .tlnvr would. mk tire beef I'rei (lent, ltVlff.ri'lteii their owipmon matead of 'Ue wdl of the 8it, and voted .for Mi i tfr, 'iu! I JJ Kcjiot hae been eKeyrHted us" U'lt hfiil erviitf , II -would ' have hen hn; can it be right nQf . 1T6 eelo. ehvwtaacA of the, pithlic will' Htit wh.-tber rue ngnr ro tntmici toiing4 to tne iif.aia, hire, or thee renkllrbn'or derlaratios only to) he-eoii.Uee1 rviji-nce of .tli Witt of tli people, i hot very material -i lh prvurut eintest. Ii liowevcf, uryei!,. tliat Ihe rtprevrntatives, are only rvsponaible to their eiperiiee'tliatrici,' knd are' not rt-prcaeo ta int's bl'tlKf tae.. Thie grovM secmsto me antnahle.i Tuck) ',V ate I t fiaV. J!? and ; Wmjonty of Slate U necetsaary t(a choice. M tiW itt! State, W vote, vmh'-M the member rcprVeerit' the'blalej' td whether thsv ate leaed Jrisinrtsoe g. it ral ticket, Miaatime uf (he States, they are itutic by tli tne nn ' ' rZrJZZZl to, tUe -America,. liaC-mi asp tievc been duly the tnomeni they art tym PfLpp Sppose i J-kXs army nr'Wrsli' Hot 1. kn 0 Wr -Vt1!! ' Jiae. J eat IZed-, I Kv, rfp rPJ, i ,.Ml Keif tirleini taken Slid till ;'itve:bavtitoH tbemi-s aere ; t.ajclte:(T: tJrtiat Britain miRhn uildef some pre trsinaiwt that .blind a n f star v- tltat, 4 nri vei ua "of onsciotis- wg.ofMy outlet ti tlte'deea.t a eparatiort i wsiacy titai, v I'?? t- n 0i from tlte East., ut let t sup. 1 from bur-embracei ;We;atf,;akg as Irom a eid renwred it to it under the treaty' of trapce", ftQ .ivhetvjeil-int.tprliif we ptace'j we'-should have felt whipped '' 'The brh'sld happiness; 'b'trai'- oitahcel il is pride uf Amei-ica wodld ltev4deweiior(tfid . that it ttlancetf OLUie" dark mirror wi niMWieo?3 how nier,,ongTOM,n,. an' T! i.?-iv Hi-f-A't moMiiou.thenstt cairup ftheus e heatt. 1,. people; twpWrjb ft bta. the eiyi h(o of then of the 0!ot till timeluw ealmeitUietuffle.weart,'!:, ii,i"ouutrv: aHmao hb. at the haiafiThf His Are these fond drean.s of Jiappme etewii-- fc fc fW?TOT !KZS'tii The' obje'fcf idp to Geo 'JfcUtoli, that tie Is k .Is UeabV.Wfet km.le wted ra the;wave!l uirM h4iiMii. Alibn.nr ..f, -Ji1)ro1a ho eiriojwin'fc, like that pfijuiamtv'i anfl if wncticined.Uy; pblio,ei). tnenHirn. there is ; no jciicity tine tn ijuneiv: P1s ."? r'"ll'en.eciuP0,f P ft, btlerttbd 6rolhcC tlay.4hat ."Come rioiiospiritra jn.e.Amciioan peoiHe,.! uic . - ;-l -n .1 ,t.i. n-v. character of trtir Covernlucnt, tra.Vitie that OtMoteuwun uiieu. www- tthL,Zten rfi-HWfcSt- idliiueetl .1 . t ,i : . 4 . .i .v;..r..i ..h..-i T f , muse tttMPgt. iut ; w-t v. 'mu- .he etututteuti i -Geti T3Ckou lipa been Vpi ore pieatHiiji vmsiiitiMuc. , , Tv,. . ... . kl, eioiiai, niarvli(eo puuiicaiiiKi. fcivu A lie A8Tltnt;r.rA5T;-iiovir muuij tjoiw, no,or a Ring; time, ai;i urea cnnugw do vve took back upbii itt5 H.owladlj' io Kfi4"MPa,''.8-s ;. .sf$ i1n;?;flir frAinMh fcfiadclTvWc'hl doubt atid pnrStiitS t'iveteeiiJh'oi!f t ft cTUied. He welly W7r ItataotiieiTiWhi.iiiielft-i.oro htm utw-n he future and, the clouds that Mi-.KL-wL.iu-hin-ii h ti- rier.i.j.1 realiy throw around the :9kkt; t ! iiniiti-ty t.btiUnw'j'.f Jtit0! JSsl cafcliontisunny glimpse, on he fAsfl-r UeUti oiWeldietke;if r- bs'4J to refct the eye ?on'! the blight acenea 'hi Estate, awl si nl in-tirocjj-ot.tlj.pjArr, hie m.i ..tlXnn,r'nil nfrrkh thp ' lUiul' at iaiile the fearb of the ciiuieo,. u'il pifi oinbe W-mlgnmajje armor. artbMm?VH tliefountain tf ;,Recollectit! ,rhu tl.e; ..awtTMi (t&Wmkt x .behold. benijhte41raveller turns back Jim wist, j,,, those MhV'ro fo'wbiita-batfle irf the howr lul P-lanre nnon the elimmet ine iancr. lot nerd, ai-e.tu.-tor etHLai ohe, 'cl tf the grave ra, . murder her Tpeace nhd ; harrow' up the .feeling of hee hnhaivt4 Nan -there be one hon'orablci hia,,wtj!ii ffreat republic, solnfura'ed with party spirit,, as to' toleratf ipr a iii'imcn', Tni4,namnaniecottrsen ror me honor of limilaoity, for the honor and tharac tcr of the people,' 1 hope there Is nott 1 '$ht W ttmtttfk JkH lMttor thuii any ik . er,oh tt not to fc-attijcMd q te. wiAon ; tint font ca!'uMty, utile it'thry repeti. and repent rincereJy? (, lt;js propel foriiie to ttate, on tliiti occaiou.4liV-a)t louht-'baii been ,banitihed fromr my mind, byr luliitmatipB received not longaiuce from a very honot-abtr-, and one 01 tbe-ntnt respectable gentlemen in the State; t decided fribnd to 'Mr.'Cky,: and to the' pre sent administration lie vwuiHartly sort with proper"- indignation, '-'jSnd fcefing, .eeor4tt:d (Jut attack Upo Mrs-Jacksoff He if-wtne'l me,- that "tie" refuted at,Invilles when iid wleKlh-difl'eri?nc( ocUiirred'betweetii - Mr snit-Mra, Kobards.ftbe'.iireSt-ntMw.iJ.ieksoit.V was , aequamtetl' t;t ajH -the otrpo.-stce and pales, and must solepmly ji'ud,(7?tU:vfely assured me tiftiio IhiMicenCe-of -ttrs. ja'cksoh. Hi-treasons nd the circumstances he related weytfnttreiy mMM.:vf'vi' r-'Mr cbuiitrymeri, friiibu mutteVS whicIiotor1 Cttrreil btfore he, last Pre -Ittnttal election. are-chhrged ami'mst uoth Vtr.iAdiim atl' Ue Jackson-, to whiclillo dot tt:iopj. i:nt im()trtnce to pive theui, at-thiH ' tt'uea'a 'pW tlciilar toji'dei'.ioni but will pVocie l tb take a itenerai vsw. m nic in iit:a i i-olewd. Hi ttiiM CortlMl. w h?iV.l;L rjm. rvs What, fallow itUetas, is the great "d e?l. lnPi nncstion'tlie oivot if the .CoiHrvveny, on irroh hrtd -wriver to wbotrti I have -referred, reatimr tf. a reiMibhcaa MerntmmU, uv, th o . it w. rtndaioutrmiin lr auch gbv -rumen!, 'hat the peOpIt;: jbouhl chooae their min er-n as J that they re not proper ly MICH tlia- flicj llta. I llttl li 9 cucaa' y ier cotittilvftiee.', Tha tlw people - ttuiy not bivcAp'ihJe W adi-oiinSteriHg tlie iroveriimeny JjiHtVseixes bjiUve hle, to .u.iscern merit it.l -t't iftise p''per ministers "J, And all espcriuiio has -jirot'edj tn e'vet; country whepe TTvr peipl hSH-r the, privilege ot e pr-'siing toeir opniioae ana reeling, nav i w. necessary tt th trstq'tiHity ot tliiev ana tljMB stKttifrvitiit admin isiriitttiii ot, the govern me'It.,, ir Uia'e, "vno Uituge.tie; ptiouc ai fairii Mi-iild cume intb power with Hi public aiiMbuGu'.Mv W ft'Si. i.'t'"J 'i si fha t mvtot be ehari(ed-,Vib tuconsis- tencvarsnth- airvmctpj,,plmou tnorejy 10 find faiil, r Will upw alatf j what i well koovn) to !time ge Ale'men prt-wtiit.'ai when a can didate few veart'agoi rdteclBrettthafif the electiiiii O'-' pre-ident irevwhredion- CongTes i would M for Mr; (JJayii it i people wo foi him, )Vd i should eftin)y hav.o done so, althouKh'he would pot have ieei ftiy clioic,. ft would have beeti no exeinie forme to say, that, irt imy oplniovanoi1er w preferah'e to Mr i ClaVi i In tn'iS'.leetiVe guverniherttV the -people? must be btdolge with their opin on, Ootion. or wliim.if you please Vii3 luwee- wreng.vthey may bejoccasionsiij OH.ee suhjeptn, 11 vote aa provea. tuat tue iuatiy(, in Ihe geit' ral, snake a bettor choice than the fewi because more ' honest and tliinlereted. The tnairvehoseh by thi tnunyi w apt to '-be- more-, fait hfd to Is tbtrifta.ftiMf4the maw. ebosea by the Us.-Srw. it hniieiof PrftKklent. ':The General Asm.-mi.1f ot Ky "cnnimunicaiei iniieir agetl ne win of the' State oji tbiL Pri uial rlelioa. Vf iiea "the; qiiest'-on was ptit, tot whurtl ,doi Kentucky votef How tiniflit , their agents to hif anawered'- Wa It lhtifduty tu haw rtinotrnoe cue nue ot tue sKs.te,-or wie r owntwi auKU rejraret hcnumkv, , at e . the, main .auestiuw, ' ltrmtfliber that,-, bv the Uui.itrl'i'idu, the tlecU'm as made by iai, and uule the vote of Kentucky W given, ' 'l.el if be deeply impressed onymir' mThtl, thatthaf aectirity of the powers intended to or -eiaineu oy uie sta a, mnmm uie constitu tion was- Ipnned' the preerflioit of ytmr libetties, ana, t gooa a ) irtnmuutieo ot the govenvmetiti .ieasentisllyrdepehit Jtpoii tbe reinonsihility of the Pre'ft;iit to the grt-aJ btxly of he people," nd -Hit. dependence on tlie diaiAnt, pn ol'rtiitV etis e Hepubik: for' mpport. f He i the vljrst' officer .in tjit Nitiots ved.wlth great power, patronage , My country men! You hare beard much of late about Intern! Improvement! Domestic Manufactiire, tnl Amerifca System u i'do nof perceiv he necesry 'ronneetrton b ' iwcen ttiuat udjcc' ana tne- rr. iuernt.u e leciun -, VVtielhbtnerat. Jackson or. Mr Adams hail be elected, doe not acetn to nte vcrv niiiuriaiii in retail u m, uiuac, inatjcn. f;rvfjtneiiw luring bit I to do or gt, wilK? 4 ihie'tbe respevt of the penr-le, sink into fciaiSv,.' ,v . n hjaJice, and with a lutle re.unmt of their.-' canitel of power left, their charter, ke .bo ; ,'' t of 'he' I.nleped it Bank, will, by cunmoa t , eient, bare pealed or surrendered Th-"o " rjly'tt point of the pe iple agint usurps. t on and oppre ou jf .ne, h. lbs hfe of Albert , ' eatrc,edu.a will be altort, 4.. . r '. v ' !TU greit roanufactiirmr cotrmanies-of im. Vmh, will be under the jecial protecUn of,. the Federal head, ami their in!' t.;nce klen'V" f ' fiod with U. Ttie nVrmsTc ot o:Bce witl bi -J inultiphnd: t slip!tst-iiiiite estesit, and its 4 , lnfl eo lrrewiiijii,.'Tht: sequel need not !-e - - be antleipnted- This plan jf multip!)ii;T 'he suhjecU bTptional tegiaUtif i, a id ext. -n -iiuji 7,r. It authority tp ordinary ami I conc.-rn. bears so 'U stialogy to the system ta the cs-",'. tended empire of Fraiie,'utider the ttrjpotl;: i ' - ' ruU" of: fho Kitaperor .yonoleon. j'AU tascs) ' collected in every part.ef thr Kmpii-ft, even) ' t.V.'L,. for loelpurpiea.weraatid into fie. ptiblio trei iry, jwid litribiited, fruti the seat 'off K:o'pir,'AII aitih irity exemseij every whrej '.; proceeded IVom' Pari, Al revenue, ami alt '. V powef, wore concent ra led t one point .' No-' - 4 ' : b idy of nafiatracy 'no local aut hority e it ed vT any wnrre, niuna .wnicu, iw people c.H4 -ally, to duturb the eSdn of dt'ipotisitt, v'iiclt. t vgned th.-ouhotit. A Arke could it t lo'-V j repaired ill Holland, without authority friim hej . . ": Pinirl, powfr.- It is now proposed to !iav -. Our-4Mdj "nudt and 'govcrnetf byfcdt-ralv aathoriiyf The money w-to be drawn ft"" tie bow, u.);itHied to .ine Aiitevcaii peopie, a HpVially ' tb the, -cbrlliS 'of Kentuckj'f t acebr.ruiir to lIrI:uale!Strtdil., wlietber the p-ianre arm tlvd .i'.u.t rttni.? ami ' t lie f tihitiwreclc-1 honor of the- Slate'. . Arc tiioae who teRiftitt 'i,t ..r,rirvrindl hark bis ttniiouV evfci iL''.i.ii i' ii,;.;!'. i Letthis do cirioe Dcouce nacu hiiiic jwiiisri. WTOT. wt mind,; ami wh. 'shall we look, to for our ftm: Wtofi&ZA'X?? fctegttutb!pubtcenemyt,'Ta-ala.-ge How bright are the charms ol bygone ding yoouiiaiMled Vby-.iaea viim -dava l.Aur nrbantin(i lh'p ima?eS; the tmde n war.aud wlrobavet lost the feeSiiirS pmacnet US recem Riw," ' l.1Ml4rt Chteltaiun awt when Voo Hve' mid n Ins grastr.their chaNctera .are utotM h-i.rinie lb.eia sol.fiew todeteo their r theo intked, we shttll iU; it av some ambitious llilitiary Cb.icftain," ticnilemen, waven. in tne roemoryt rc w crosr, younc -igoroo .u, v " eitiW but bften sold ei in tinv s of need. tea.ouv.liHelhesmces on in of9,. c0itiitt;vi by each returning; ' tidei' Buf; the 'Wk- ptey to itea of ofAtr dauf, becoth Yubre tfecpiy t the hi we grotir old, and feeble anf.inaninatf.tUljti.'ljecti then and is Happy,' happy til uaton; 10 reconcve usut liouxtff ftcprestmtatives, when the, Sllvitioh Oevjokflil ODontsthat body,; .ought, Ao futaketa choice witd reference the wilLpf the tt i representedi or wit amattwekoloaiyelyVithr in tiicir d'spretiou in. otne r wonw, it tne flttfy of the prtsentatives 6t'UVteVtQ make S Una Je'eH'orf to elett the luahtire ferred by1 their State, or jaueir chbice to be retulntrd tr their own feelings snd ' i'tuig. mcnti. ' It the iieonic abiuita atciue dim tua electing belongs .to, .CbuKrwsSi regardless of tne public Willi tun toe people can uv nu part oTotWthe''rinaterf Wwil we may s uetft! that ht'iieafter the canvass for the pceki- dculjol Oflite, wiH J so manage d, by having aeveral candida'.esi a to tirtvent an election . . . .. . ...!! i.. oy. Hie poopiej ana tne consequence win uc, "3Ve shall uo more receive a President from the pur hands of the people. but he will be placed m lb E secutiv e wuur - py ; intrigue, bbrgaitj uL niaiiageBieiit.'' ,"VV'lirthe, Uie la-st election wars ca.rr.ieu qy ,,ucn mean, I .hall nut now exam net but WiU'V-oiiteht iff-,. slt with eploting the 'principles ana men sures contended for onteprt'oftbe admid- , It has been insisted, again, and ogam, that if die people fail to make choice, tb vthe first inntance. their control over the election tceas." es. and tlve choice belongs! to Congress.. If they have any concern ui the matter; wheri brought betore GoiigVesv t prdpet to .umU-ritaiid how, .and through what chan nel tnei eoiitrolhitg uiflueuce is to be ptert- the feeble heart throb "wildly again with I die 40 them bja heiurt and burse were ever ' ; Every day s experience ami observation I made to Gen, Jacksoivuiere y because the w the decava of asei' that we; thiglit revel again amidst the enchantth'anw ol youth -and more than realize ttietr.irf- nocence 'and their feliJyl. t 'v1; 'CV How nolentlv doi the recollectiona of the nast." like the enchanted lterbl of and ub.-r causes, be was, out, w!l otial.fied, Mdea, restore to ' the autumn bf age h aftUo.,. of .tl f eople JkZJ It L..;Wl,fn.in.".C. tlie OtHcer of Cfoverot. or Kentucky. ! be V".-?WM - -T ,. 1 people know that old Scott's heart overtlow- ntlngniahed, flame of f leeUng-oiakel Jd 'wixtf ltfye bit isounu-y aud fjie old soJ yktory ufjNef Oilcans ia amon tne most splendid suit gloriOus in-xu history! VYod all veinember old 'Charles Scott, one of the brtivest officers of the evohitioo. V lio fought forus, t long s there; was a enemy to meet. At an advanced., age, wnen,irom amirniuy, k The members or yongress trom rwcntucsy, fi hereibve'nberv before it ,was known certainlyr tliat Mr.ClayTMKcluded,f'om rynu-njV-,-.- it- only I : V lf,fe pcoplo to he centre, and ' dintr eiiiecl. intone; .the people through -ut this ette.'m.vei nfllitfu ri.i. lulmuiii url.ir.1, .1.... t..n.f ..Ki.mt',aa .. n . . n..l VI.. n. th. liberties ot the people depend not upon a distribution of Dourer amon"r dfl departihciUs of 'government, but upoit iia divi-iion a nqai Uie "ditJr"tn Stnte ot";tlie) 'V i - V Union '-.There i Wore safety in leaving witli ' " J tlie' StatiesNall Htattrr of internal conrei-n ttrrtf . i Which they are ciimpetcot, and iint.neoiWtry. W the 'execution of the constitutional p.i.n-rl. , , ot tne f euerai government, s inore r ni. -I-KOU -Utill l.nitAM.'. Full .t',,..Vsi-,A..' u.xA dbiationW, the nation.' and fce tettled he4f,w w,,h -h of Kier"ln .... : . Ja ll.iwhlt. case i. and to what eUeni.it ma, ha 1 m si jii j ins i T - . -' - - - tli house".' i Th' lgi.slature,-did -hpt. p their resolutont teqttestmg -oui Members,! viu. Inn- tiebenil Jankon. tintil til J -last. !)' Uecembr wnen tp'7. .ieciareii,, -jacur opiiiiotjmlniost uiinnitptMisly1, that tlie petiplt ot Kebuskv wer fur-GeiieiaT JuclcWd.-i" Tlie tj'iefids'of General A'aeltsonj Mtf Crswf. ird, iud most-;: of MriClaff-s'fiivftilS VttoU- w decUfatioo. bnt 4Ge!erJ aA-ksOiy was ,he.i rthonje rt th '.tt,;l.hestvslut.i.0ns,;.a dlaring fU4 senjUtpcnf, ',jpf. thv ttate.'and 'fa rttrRitiiit'ourr'niemheri7 to' vote Ibr GC'i-eral Jackson, Jre')e t'orwardeS O our, ttplesetita- Uves; an I, flrnislMS tttliem . witn tne neat: deuce jojtIe? to be-. haiVloCthe sttbject. w netner IV Was weir, auty; u ua -rt tsfuyu tlus femiest.or iiistruetion, it will be. ,ny sohvt aiid ehJIglueiicd Si-iitimems ; of . the eomury, '", You a. Hinwaed. with' the project- of a great roadaej-Appinifayfrom jiefe to M iynviiiii aim tuej ipi:nuu,ure tit it; j.uuu dollais ef yoiii'bwn money; a4 yott bave a), ready Hee'b iugineereil on 1 he u'jct. 1 -Do those who' ti;iv.rebj! lied sgsmst tird voice of tbu' Vej wxpect by Uiis to reconcile you ta at iUlalioa4i .lhtflectjve prwciple. No Winch tliii, iectirit J .f -your Jigh dc.peiuW , Will wi, soy Sour', 'birthright JW;' mess of pott'ajyef:' My fellow, CitiS'Os,'' bejnot. sedrf c4" frotu 'yootf. ptlrbbaf. .bj snVtuch 'iritaVd 1 !j-gumiitarf preiHtmba'we are all friend. ly m ttiinal.:mpinieis,iind tht w will eiigagenin theuy wtieii we havefthe !, mean. If ;.the .National Teasory- is .'overflowing,? I bay fto bhjectibtttf reivt'otiV hre,in aid of -'fetai'e' t'u'tidCsiid- nik- imbrovenSentt Uluiigtrt a tias -alresily .ii'ptUiedt ptiniolid of tt it lubjtc ktiid, ia hB new States aud Ti-rntoti t'urfthaupurjiukc', to.-b? tpedeMder .tuYstt; thbriiy of IhelSlatei. -To llr.s.I have no oh .(t'cVtpiK ;ttu' Kbtfthfr Congreiis ItasMie nn- Imiited power to - make' roads and canals 'bnaif'tv the! Btatew at pleasure! erect tollr gajr--ppoiii Mderal ' overseers iof .thest roud-t fiii tt"t the people for 4trtvelitig tut them. -as outeiidid'for. ii a" Question of. st -v-.i.t, ,i i leant,"tjme ooubti'ahd for one, I sin yet iiii. I be bv ' iliPftd b.&iieertb;e4th&.i- ;the power '-or t-tta esnediewroot s exorcise. jmhj I; ' .. V - . . ; . nrooer for thij tl netwl Governinent to a d the State id oikji of great ptiiilic .in tj.ty, it s-uot 1 1 ' raate'iial at this time to consider,, But th'h'l general - propotitioit -jtoNtijiidvdi' for, ibat' tho ', ' uTinBiiui iiucriwi iniprovemciu prop i-iy. belong to) and intil(tet under (be aann.ige ?' iaenVof tb. N itiotial' sutlioistyi l am uofr ' J','-" tioiult)nen, 1 .ra not sulEciently acquainted U, wtutbe s ibiecf of ihe Tariff, joed i-tuclv i f hgUvoiiit. 'luireiieraltevni 1 tuav wtfi'tbatl : believe- we are all in favor bt a tan- and judicia .'if- - ous a-arinVbawd m oatioitfriiictples.f Thurt . rfOhcviesKiiea to excess wrtl.rotu the morjkof tl(e -iiTUjii( pmt of tb", fbdinniniiy. Uct' titev dvines, 'if yery. ttirb' the suitufalcit f an 1 iifake uiore piofit than Uie fair trsder, 'ttake' she. temptation great,' and inaiiy w II e-nga.' ' jU.it, ! A VioiauoH :'ot the Jaws wdl t -aae it! .- odtonai abd the government will be defrati. . .1, pt tu. rvenuttt, ivri.he rxtentof our (Raritnne. . -''.. ; . ? . . . l-...l...k ii.,-.'..-i i --f'f.- tt'iu- '.a " gefteralT-obi tbe.-dtiry'.of a represe ntativetox ...r'-i sna no attemp', at fmsfime," to nsw regard Hie i 11 of h qbnuti' ueiito, even 'vtv ' tfwfqiieatioaj whk refenence tut the -psniculiw Hg slative sutyects, it geutrauy aawtteo, sua rt'vvuntMtJ me uoiipwun, - can umyt that be tVo etpecially Jjotuidto do so in ! bM,e at road making wat atno. g- the ii. ase tif- eleciiou. must br eiideyt fidm uhat I F oi tne peop e or rue auusiM cres ing hare UaHvVdv Jne. di Ivnt .(MiiiteiilditionaH r kiifral Goventilient . ft' does' not seem to Views WiV tend ttr.-nrter tiw ouVstion more cbiur;-: Tliebtter iouriile.rttd ttna Subject, it wiH -be rMrope Xo advert t). several pro- ..' : - . .!.! ' it..;,. ,1 vihivus- -w ie - .iiiaMiuiiiiiii-tMuc wmivii point, sis' the J.egitJatury jr&ay direct; a number of 1 e.eelnrj,'oiiaf ; rtTthe whole "number of Oi Vo be the proper business of the JNatibnal GoveminenUi Mtet Ot internal concerovto kwhicb tiiiiUtetari2ooiAptteut,bd.beterbe be left to liut State, and managed by tgcntS I. i ' ...... i .' i: . ui.tne iieoiiu iiiuie uiiuer niediaUly fcsiidnt'ible to ctiuH(itKiit wita the prmCi eiMitorsnd iertet,fktives to w hich the state I flteiitl'baVtirtther twa4ri mv i,.tMl..i m. ,knr,-u Tiiati. if ii o I tution or its cnt-uiica. tiiliU ratodd rOd ma- beiii ohUni a majority of electoral vote king to be, araong the power delegated, or tne lOUe w itepriseiuaiive snail cme i m w r unij Su,.ii..ii, frotn the threr (iigficat on the listi but id choos.yverjf evident frotri lii 'cbibtnentiiries on the ingtlk-picldt:nt,tUe vpMsshaH be tnken by'ieotis.jtutioii.'wliew' tinder- ;ooi.t.derat:.on fc-tb4 i SeprfKeiftirtivcs irom each I state I ot tne tn.-ncaii pcoiiw , . rainusi iienij, baring one voU and mojonty ot all tnestaies shall be iiccesijy to ) dioice. "'t-'ij' H la wo'rtbV reiiisik that the word1b, is ututoriiil) uftxl in relation to the election ot a Preulciit '1u no tln;r case under the con rtiiuUon, does tit her house of trnigvcss yote by states.; Although each state tiasao: equal representation rti I and land frontier will rentier it im.-ioaiiuL' tt eiuorejtfx (law's ittiuutj t 'sytteni Of fo'ce, ;" ekpenae Jartd -rigourl 'incouipaRb! "with tha- geiihut anaChaliu-e of. our in itutlOhl.' " - ( ti'iiiitleiuen, 'I should iikb,:'to IwaVt wKew'cr' 1 i inUu'iieu to objt tins ty stem sot kph to cut oil ' . all t'otKigii,onverie )iwiit tbe Souther, buus:'V;'-iv -anti tlieiwb'y scetti- a iiiti)ioporyiafahiir trade fo wt:"-. tse .-Northern outtesj . At- wffpeepiu-ea to UiakOU the South; at a UMSmeVeiat uoint:ol ie. Gnlon. v: Lios-.el dwiierUi,'iby-,-lla iiupitHit snoilei. If ex-i tr';; t! eiuileu, iruia,aii coiiiineitti, veatepl . witli th'" , .Northern' Suttos,' hoW it. their eoudiiioii itfiUi fe' .. ' Ipuvto-UMHr trade, d'tTeretit li-oin-tb Gotome of-Cii-em Itiiuun, whoati. ti-adu is unOfcr'ihu cxclumve - f control ol the moiliiii uounli-y j!,, Uel.ire- we eolt-'J'S"' ' i sent to euiUi-k ui iIu'b cruninle agiiinst our south- : .' - ,eio lMhrHwe ouj-lit to reoilett, , llmt froio. ; ' - 1MB auum nufiwtvg ii9i vli vuv; piuuey, allllUAi A Iv broutlit Hito Uie State. The Southern' anil - SotitlipwesMi-h States are the epnstliner of miwt &); a., - . ot otu-iiroiluctitiiurreottou bsggssgy rope,' horslt,- ; ,, .- vneii vicyi sno.ijn-i1"i-'g, l":-i vv u ihcj are gciiitm, A : ;i tHth'lt W mr'?-V fwer y . M ' caugarous to nuke f lrf t selt'lfl lera'VVlrP1'- qusauou.,., I bw suujctt houIit,eexi.a X: j to'of tlw wnWi!i'T-'lfel Hb.s- todgialatcd, upon ,wiUt.,K-r ; i tine tvsaivi wjuaiaii aim uijuiuny, auu mi ieul " -.. a tne ions abaridfnnetl thouenta oi nacany open- no wa opposes ny.uiH. aikh, icixcnva w u;UiUii.u T. rj kriibition ind ilii plow With UD- tlemaa'bf Uie first taleiiUand respectability in lqitciit recurrence to fuodamental principle, 'vnntll i 1 - 1 it t'niiM ibbtaKd in every'reabeot qualified fort V revive .udre-etbbsU them in the public nted uU;e ,ajstt calla up the image w p0pieicccJold Scotr,trt.i.,d.s.ul to prevent the few from Wing oi us younc tdolatrv! "i, '(- t"'- Kujttttel ttka(U Int. hiih. mxul knew h ft loved I 1m sotrek' oor from ih Innd i tUe Iiaitf 4lkirlr eirt.l tikaiAr Ago ' stviiUIil let-l.l-j I ...... 1,1 jlnHOlk i.m 4ulit is.iak I htasiiK. w uuis sv a tbenL and would do nothing to hurt, tht ui, Vii aoM love to! 15 prcapeet ef life, if the lifiht tf memo-1 And wf:o w'dl eoodtmb The nriiiciule ot'sclf rovertimeiit, 'tlii Hglnof the people p gbyern henwlve8t'is mga, iniertf.s, anu- m some J mall degree, tho prejudices ol uie uurerent aeolions ot tlie Union.!' Ao one utaW or jectfon Of the L'uioit. should lm aviriii jed tjr tlte,ui5iu.tu of su-rtlior, ti ail should, V yieldoijttulhiiig I'm, the general weal.-. ,;H , '" : t A, ;teir jsonls,' geutleiuoiit in rclatJon-. to (ho -4- the cluunpiOn ot )lie oppositttm. t't-tue,coin HarVtsburg Convunpob, and t ha'f floiie.', Or.', fir' titulion, uo one' pt In fnighty: tfrolia in,tmr1 mwUti ,bo,li, etusted m eOtaiibes UukWwn to.J vs ' v' Virginia cohventroti.'-wbeii preseiiting to! tbe1.' l'iajatUtjnioKl sa l ssAmg i th'; e.ne i -Ue . T . i ....,.. ' . ii. . t;.i..- ,t u,.,k u r.;i v. ." coiiKiaeiutioti, or 'ill1 tiouxe-iner iiiiroet)oi rv"i"- -'- v..-! ....iramvimj - and laUiming-powers', granted to 'Congrei-Vi fi"'lf'. 'ot U ouih,7 tud public Apuiioo, . a.l th feMtaiired to th-titatav.- eniohati 1 iut be.li!d with jetd nif an. I oontrti.;Ao,l ,igh each 'state ai equat "f !",n ' U.Kide datood,-,yirg6' , blwiWreV the Senate, yet sb. uiwf "?'er1: ' -11e -' .tb and' protes. sgsidst , tb? lueai-v.' ro..rfe.t,l4l , do ftol VoWbv states , Each, benator has tine vote, end' all questions ".''are; decided; by the coptlituuoual jajni ityv Tbe bouse of repre sentatives, in the choice i f 1'resideitt, e- htliut an assemblage or sovereigpuetn a on gr'ess lid under the articles of cotifetleriUi the delegation froib cc; state' i-er.rtst ntajg it soverc-igutyEacli: atalrWthi iold Coo grb had one Vote, In the; artich s of "con tiedetation,' is cbntafned tint "foli'owiii; pro' viioiK. ",In ;dete inning-questions ih 'u United States in Congress assembled, acli state -sludl have' ciif, vote,?,-This,' in Sub-stance.-'Siid alnujst m words, ta like the pro vision tk tbe Federal Cnlittii;in to relation lo the Presidential elrction. J tli tbe ol t Con. gress, a in' the H. of Keprescntative, in thc cs-Viir Pretidchtial eiecuoni toe Relegates represented the states from which itiey wett seiit, to tlieir irporate sovereign cluvrscteii nor ytu the r ght to instruct the delegates in ' tlie ld,Congre . hf the lgtslsfura of the states ever (lenieU or uountea , ' r Thet'tjeitilae'eif pair ana mase nignw), erect opages, vo - ytMC Uariv0,iiCM.uot sadebus one .',: )l never ocourrea to nit tropnct .numvwrw t au mayjbe wrayojbatat.itaer, uid sccinn- ws an.liia jeaiouH) oi mc aoaoroinvr iim -icnu ieii.iijsanu party spun -awaaouiuvouic' -Na- tur r isieriti viovi-rnniivivioai voii ic. iuuiij, jionai vvouiitiiii. , nu. u Mic vv, rtav on atulie the UUlimitea llOWcr and OUSIlie W J oar iiw-i.tuoi igi.iiurc, gguimm repruten- roadt eteitiii Cnl uucr, nov.too -power or po.y : w m...B -.uj miltie bf thaU(ol sus Stulpaareuinnauip m vlol'k of nubile uldltv. . ..... ' .1 ... !m 1, .1 .... 1 1 - . , ; --. r--- - M74w7"fr''!Ht warn w, oil-cr . witU soy surplus mcunt irt dip treasury; cco- md avcietie, airuuig tn eootroi the emisututwl t niulateoViiLthe 'usual course'' of 'the goilern suthoriues, iitid' ib dictate the 'pubHir1 opinio;' : or nt( but I am yef to learn whence the re j sliould adnbidsbl'ya to- hd'stittisiia ul iog r venue, utto pe iiertv.eu ;w maite noa spicu-t vuw yuHr,pi-v ,it 1 pakingrt ll;l(l powe Odiigrcst-Wight 1 wswestwoss Wamtm umbos sm oy weir ao- y , lelo time Oi.war; br -in cat of artb'W.a7'W,V " . r necesiny,' i h nOi'maU-rudowlu tof i'lLT: KLS; ,1 V; din improvements, aooiit wnienf -we tiear ps jjtew Rrtebv.linT) aurnriea to sevneal v--r rouch. 7?. ;.3,'tr'"'v ' 'ftt feu 7f4 au'jjoctsi prescd',iuto, the, ."tVesideiiitaf e4tvaA'r or -revenue: i olieflyrlve W 'S Oraclcinp-rtedji- tV.es. ; Owing to th increase of smuggling , r7vi)etUei. o-epablhsidl wMmv.f,e.-ly ueiei; -onsequent 00 high dut cs, hnd tb inc.ease 3 m tha Ua, W4UeiiMaJ UbUuu?t bhad U.Val':..V.?5:i-, of trtir manufacture; the reveuti from ..that w,0 haverewsM tM vols of the tVast, avmcdf v' 1.otirce-i dniiinWiing, and M ''S 'oonirtiuto- wtth Uie pewerfiateooaM atid iunseuue'ot .the.,:.': . I aetne 1 aim. as :ciiiieHiiHii , wh m ciieisjuw, u Kuovm tot uh mitjaica uhh-jj h .... . 4 lknjMerably reduoad,' y bava a publiei their rw 'Xbui m seosJ wfn-aeit,' f.";.;'-i;.' t ' . ., i. ti V 1 ' '-4 4. -," I -",.. -t '' . '3iV- J? ' S.S ... - -.-.jr (V..iy.- -.,

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