4 r '. . " - I .'V .c v.. NO; 43: , . :. BALTron; ii. , c, c crpsinx, is, ic27. -r . I" . t LAWRUNLY. h. LliMAY. ft. 'IMS. S-tittriteiami lu"re dolVes ar , .n. V' tw will V ai aMliaal at boat i. n-wf ia arhaar. .! popr 4iana. trt atlae.nrtiaa "' K-hlnrs, aalrv all . . ar paid. , .llrer IkhoKi, rx . . jj t.l'm lortel thtv luuc liar one !lir. nl torwv-ne eor It rcl r.miim.- , AH lettmi to tV edaera ntl teaott- TIIK STAIL V " ; ' ' "wWorsiMt la Mr. Oayj thai Trcriiiwt'aauVrabfacaaJt WU , a. L . Ji U rmJ,,! Kt' ' ,V".U' frww bsieatio. tavot.fo, 1J .N JflVlorBfi'MI Bltilt GCzrfU, rs 1TrU il.U rbe derJ.rUon oi Gtwn) fMaic.r IMM(Ua:ia4Imag PiJk4. weekly, T T , I Jacksno. that kt would apet tar m agl uWt Si IU ttM 4 ail U mK" -Secretary oi MUa. aula aaaa buste; abicfe I have. eujad. wrra girra U happy iaflaeaee oa as. CUy and kt rw!i .?psjSt.r ia. will of th people of (fee Toe object uf w ' Butataii, . in h Lie biatrial tW Cave. aad a-tth a ovtvect uodV-r-atatora1, it to' fused at fur at fmte.bt4 a--l Mwltaf p li part of tiuae vlaa fwrt tlwn, fatM the Wipmwio ifwd Iia v tha bcTr ' lew rieeptxMU. tkat .(frJJH, m qf comi(n propmitUir, tad kmc tb Aa- -rW j wrMa,aiAaMiiv.lr. C'f tinetoi,tiMit a difTerr, fctcnli T tSuttt. Tlte fcefcvrtl I tui'mr Ait- Htc.s aitJihatM n. Jack. ll WiU i1 th-clcd, ITio puafer aiU u:row 1 apanipa a accorrUoce iU tHcir vahc Ta prop!, (or ikr iiiiereat. ia4 wih m way, mmdMr. CUn. fr J i4m vmWm WtuMar.' l"le aiiUami ulcr. nfmr CU)r were preferri to th Ul anl iMfrrat uf tfc ftrople, a mr, Cfay wit ac. coniMi'ly a.xjc srcrrHuT of Sute.C Kat Utr aaruoiia of iic, TrijJa ara noM full uJ eapliCit, ai an apoltg tor ha atcrraMo frutn dtj, in tus f ol fur lur. AUuta. Mr. Tn.uole wHa liia eon ui cola, - w (mr. Tnroble and - inf. Ctay) certaiiietl JliaJ if '. Jafc,iM Wac4oM4, ti waaltl Hot up. ,toit m Cfc.f -ccretn- of State. Wi thoo 1 4d rVatucd aW, aio. mr. Adana sluiuLl b row Tmjt traa. MU. Prril WAN'S" STATEMENT, viince 'h uMitmlionofiheeorreapoiMl'Mtfo hrinWT Iknrra! Jarkmn and Sir. Carter ?V verly, pulilie nfwrla'irm 1 on 'fce '.ipliie to learn llir ititin im, alrhvtjih tNp ita'cnx t romlr by Mr. nurhanan it not a lull Itawl Vtn 4'1'Vipated, it crrtli li,a -inn . to Ix romp!or iiihatautiatiwi of all . tt vnnmn "mad.' Ii v IV n JarVoi. A to h pinrrteH. h'frtnl bf the Al ! o'' KSor rea. jr b 1 acoril that mr. Hueliaoan, to for frn acqUtinr mr. Ular froni rhe ebair 4 bargain, r tprroir efhivr it call rii iiym v lK editor of the Inlel Stain TclrpH i OrloW. lJJS. .to eiptaio the rauara wbirb injuclj'nm 'O lltcconrcr rati."t illtilrl to aUorc with Of v nj Jackvtn, mr. I'.urhanxn. t h rrpr X4 tb f. J tnr of lit 16b Oc'ober fnanif.irtt no riMto fcuxirty lo protent hi iam4 ffon iriBnij ir emv neclio Uh the aubptaml itoiatt jtMost it appearing in.the eolumia. pf ttio l elo IfTHili ot any othep en,s!,T' t ' iUe- trtet the eonrlu ling jrt of Mr, Ilucbanan'i Iff !, nni"i'r:.tnn tn. J. ;icrin tunr opm .m with rrjatil o tfco defree-of ionormet .r gtult of the pny acouoed. 0stel(it t. Lf-'Li'-n ' Irttcr " n lioimg wr. i;i:iv it mo " T'l,rin Rw'''t uiToriling an UoiH rahlr -cquittal,' 0t frif h! oflieiv J rVm,! with murli pl-itiibilily, contend that thi Ift-! .t " ill hr found in eery Htntiitl point to mroborate 'I of len. Jacknon, anil fiarm n- nmonjr '" many link of eirciMtanial i,lence uliiclt mutt atii every refle-iirp mind ihnt the ejection of Mr. Adams wiiilir r,- iU of " corrupt, arrangement with Mr. Since tlie trrminatino ofllie lal Preiden ial election, wliirh eentutl (ia tlic aclefi tioy of John Q. Ad:ir. it h beep believed hnt there ! rfect uiKleratand'nfr V'e f ween (ho friendi of each, that if Mr Ailm eluted rident, Mr. Clay would be Tnri'le hi 5i?errfiii of State The relative mt- iitiou hctwren ticn. Jsiakion and Mr. Clay bci Ii hrallv mid ptlitical'y the conduct rf tlie bitrrtothe General, both before and after I'o bad been ejclucU-d Iron the Houae of He I res'-niatives by the electoral collegia, were ironp ssstiranoes that he U'ottld aupnoit Gen. Jiick-m. They wre not hint less tlian ove r twrnnwde to Gen. Jackson by lr. Clnyln p-ofria persmia.Tit fitr what ptirpote? When ii.. ii''ioii ni the Seniino! war was before the H inse, it is known to the coinmtimty that Mr. Cbn indulged in opprobrioo epithett a- gainst 'he General, for which reason they bad imi been on terms of intimacy. Howe vi", as soon at Mr. Clay difcovered tien. J.-Uson the -most popular in the electoral collets, and consequently with the people, he allays his ttisry feeling, and approaches tlii Oenewl untlei" the rjoa'i of friendship congratulate Jif(n on having, received the jrrea'rst pnsnber of electoral votrt, and tells hi in be dnnbtt not but What he will be the riesident-of th United Ute. At the time Mr Clay thus approached Aen.' .lackson, he ell knew it laid in the power of him and hi fi-iimds to elect the President. Tfl this eon eratnlation. the General did not reply, by av, inp 'lut in that event, you shall be my prime minuter. After tliifcnnirratulatory tneclmsj on the one side, and thank yon. sir, on tho other, we presently find Mr. Buchanan a.pproar.hinjr Gen. Jackson with much caution, introducing i. ....l..'Kt ..1 ftA C.a.iilnnttal lftmn rrl .,l,..ririnWtn nmrum from the General a ' 4t'"' "f hat tlie-object mr. Clay's friends bad 7j.." - ' (n'i.;rta',nn n. in view ui disclosing these overtures.' wa to - Tlie f4C ,t; hemre (1m -1flW.- mm Clay and hi pa-ticilUr frnx)d"l)1'mr' kib am I'rent.Krat, ad WI . Adams iijnili a'ely thereaflee.fnwde mr. txiv Sowotiry of, Srate. Thie peojik; 1H'dra ttitir own infer ences from such 'conduct, au-H fruji, the ri'r rirr(Mik.'f nonneisnr d with it. Ttey'will jidt - It is well knowu tbat mr. slarkley was a firm ami tealou partisan of ror. t'ioj that lie often visited mr. tltlchsnan at h'.s fcoiirjin ho-ise. It is al well k iuwn that Oovtrnur A'.' and mr Cm- boarded at the stne hous with mr Buchanan, tf is moreover el known that Mr. Mjrkley was one of several o ho were operating npou mr. Uiicbuiiaii, to ascertain wli:it would 'be Jone for A'cntuclrj in oase General Jacluon were elected Pri-si dent.- Mr Buchanan beiiijf influenced bf thce reaort, (as wastefore o! rved, tintjl he believed it was necetury and oruper In as certain whetlier Ue (Guneinl Jacksun) would content to pledge hinihelf not to appoint Mr. Adams Secretary of State. That Mr, Buchanan was first satisfied that it was prnpri to obtain this information, and the means w taken to induce him ko to think and so to act, as i fully mads out by his statement, lie "I thought General Jackson owed it to himself.' uu'd to the cause in which his political tiienrt were engaged, to contradict this re port, and declare that be would not appoint to that ufbee fcie man, howeterwortby he migat be, who aiojd at tpe head of die most formi dahlcpaily of his pol ticil enernics." 1st. In renewing mr. Buchanan letter fur ther, ami receiving it a a correct statement. substantiating a it does the averments of Gen eral Jackson, we may safely ilraw tin- curu'lil' siun that he (uir. .llucauaiu was' under tho persuasion that Mr. Clav and friends would vote for Gen. Jackroii, if the totler would sav lie would not continue inn Adams Secretary ot state. 2nd. That tnr Adams' friends had ntready been holding out the. idea in ca.te that be were elected, Mr Clay might probably be ofl'ered the satiation" ot Secretary ot Stwte - 3rd. That these facts carte frmti the friends of mr. "Olavf br W mr. ' Ai.ku' friends' hd made such proitositions to the friends of mr, Olay, it is muiiifust that mr. Clay's frjeutU were the only persons who would disclose tlicut. ah. :i'K.. . ..i,:.r-i n. nL. r.i. I,, oi oiate. . Jure i:ien ism iat;, it nut a tuner ensrf;-" specttic tccuwiiou Oy a raj i:lle accuser, lor, bulb in bitcircu- r-ainl oue uf li,s alcciivuccring ijieecncOie- c:ttge mr. Clay uli nvatnnf a ' aram uh mr. Adams, fur be Ays lit direct terms, that we aaceftaiut'U distinctly. W lio as certained ' JUUtuttff Mr. Cly, mr. Trimble nd the ret of the Ucli fttion from Koniucky vrlio vtMctl tor mr. Allans. , Mr. Clay was c tjuajly a pariiciMtnt-qially fully of bar, gaming away the njflu. ut lu conatituva: w.tU tur. Iruoblc. It UI be rtadily couced- ed ilut, by Uic ibrise, Wo distinctly ascct. amed, ' there ttiuit hive been a conference between the friend uf mr. Clay and mr. Ad ams, oihi-rise it ts repugnant to reason tu iiilri' itnulit bava bceu " mUiict!ii ntcartutn- ed that If Ate. -fJnuM thuw'J tx electe t Ar vnuld afjfxn it Mr. Clay Sacre'try f Stat.' ' - I o mkc up an opinion on this sootect, we iBitt look to fucU, ainl not to liia opimoiu uf mi. Hucbanau , , .4 .1r. .i Lirl. irv't nniUtiientM were fur Jnchnn, it was prudent fur mr.' Markley to vote for the General. Tliourfh he urmicd .tli.t coirc hi" his vote orpuA the Presidential question, no doubt to secure a re-election to Congress, bit subservieucy, nevertheless, turongUouX tun Orttcst 'o mr. Clay nude In coosluuenlt tu- jiecium, ami which is strengthened from the circumstatice-ot mr. MarHlry appointment to lucrative oflice in PhUadt IpJiia. r No man tact stated by tien.' jacitson, was, mat ir. Duchanau infoi-med him that ' he hud been ; informed by the friends of Mr.' Clay, that the friends of MK Adams had made overtures td ' them, taymfr, if Mrt City and hit friends would unite in aid of th election of Mr. Adx ams, Mx.Xlay louid be "Secretary of Statej hat the friends of Mr, Adarps were urging as n reasoti to intluce the friends of Mr. Clay to accede to their proposition, fha? if I wa elect ( ed President Mr. AJutns wotifd. be' continued Secretary of Stale, (i'mendo, thtf would be no room for Kentucky?) that the friends of Mr. Clay stated, the West did riot wish to s parate from the West, and that if 1 would say, pr permit any of my . confidential friends to siv, that in case I was elected President, Mr. Adartis should hot be continued Secretary of State, by a complete union of Mr. Clay nnd Iiis friends, they would put an end to the Pre sidential contest in one hour;" Mr. Buchan an, in his statement, in the Lancaster Journal, says'4' that Mr Clay's friends were warmly at tached to him, and that he thought they would endeavor to act in concert at the election that if they did so, theytu!d elect either Mn Mam or Gen. Jackton, nt tlteir pleaturt; Mil that many af them vow never cgree to vote for the 'utter, if they h-netB lit had predetermined to f-efer anetfier to Mr. Clay for theflnt ojfice in giftf nnd thai tome of the friendt fM? Adam had 'already been Mding mtt the iit, (hit in caS he -mere elected, Mr. Clny might probably be offered the situation of Secretary uf State.", - - - . . Mr. Markley, (one of Mr. Claj 'a frjends,) whilst ponversing witMr. Btfchanan, advert ed io the rumor then In circulariqn," " ths Gcr.. 3ack6ii, should lie" be elected Presi dent, had resolved tol crnifinue Mr". Adams Secretary of State." Mr. Markley urged Mr. Eucbatian to call on General Jackson, and ob ta;t) a Cintradiction of the report,, and ob-sei-red, that the Western member woidd natur ally prefer tnting for a Wentem man, if there vat a probability that th dmmt of Mr. day in 'A tecmd office: i the, Gwtmmeni iiewW 6 ftirty estinmtedj and if they thought proper to vote; for General Jackson, they could soon de, tide the contest in hit fvor!" -.'" r ' ii '; Htm then it is ceMainly admitted, as the t pinion of Mr. Markley and nt. Buchanan, that the western members would flaturally prtfer voting for the viettern, candidate, if there was a probability tbatthe claims of Mr. tlav lotlie State Denartment should be fairly estimatedi and that if Gen7 Jackson should say that MA ' Adam would not be continued beeretarv of State, it trtieht be of'irrtat ad vantage io the election of the . fenerat so to laclare upon hit, authority., Aml w.hy, let mr. Markley answer the incwir?- e aid "jfi thev f Mr. Clav and his fnotKlsl thoiicht pin per to vote for General ' Jackson hcy pould n decide " the contest in -Hit favor ." "Could mak him Pwident in one bour.V Mr. Bucbaivan tell tit hi ressow for, Uiis U upon General Jackson. The rumors h ... had beard, and the .important fact eommum. fcated to hin) b mr, Markley? that the friends 'f mr. Adam. Wad nrnioised tohiake mr. Claf oeetetarv of States if mr. Adam were; elected; d lest thi statement of "facts should cusbot f ie U inference that ht wat tsullTOind-1)y mr. Clay and his friends to make term aaio votefffhe now savs that he wa not to autfiw- rised. New let it bf. borne in mind, that mr.; Buchanan' avowed object, at the time M had bOvlikt fcv tk XL ;Ut Mr. YTctwtcr Tvf lK. IUiley viepPeiaV sc ti n'vt ideUocy tWra aroulj kur beet in ak AUmnts to WT'.W BQCil a Itlur, am J , twitW. 1(4 wi wiHtlJ that seek ttt cwodliate the Ftumf party tr nrotnit tf a M ( V II Ja a. " I", tiiiat iw iiienut t ueurr v-iart PT ..n . i..k . rlM rr' tKe !WlTtrj, ip r- M akii.wl,!.'.rsl f -l,t tUl Mr. VV tWer V ti4t ' witil no frelinjr of A parity 1 via latimi!y aoitaierml wltlt tS kAivt wtnlt ' Mr . Ailatti ft, wry i Lt , a4 'fix twill diJTereit ar tk Wlinwa J tr man aytw. K-ttar li.kpy's, to tm. he wwuUt " t fUHl fatf tl aiaV All. ILavkUVl laaVJMl -tt fit III i W tr.tr, thae't Hue, rdt hu.yt U- ere aeratcbed but. and m,Kb ktrongeV u Utan tlMM stsrd by lUilev uttAn i mtd in fwrkty la wq--i' f '.' t.-r U PiwU(Mrv to tk-e!.'e b'" ha wul fret a tinjt I trtfcr a J tats. . 1 i. 1 pmpr r r, fcjw!oly trmm th mo'ix mJi t: ; i 1 N rbkb ward thecitiient sf Nf iutc.ui bat we speak with the frankaesii winch beenmet th avcasioo. If it b htlrel Irvi that Virtne it the of Reputr l the) m tlie ctunw -wkaVa .Mf.-A-dm i here -chttrge-l wits). (Mirstnif, an worthy of bin coontrj, and aowurthj nf the bi'-h :kict lot w:iiclt ha hat num proinMed' - i - . rv. We will not ft ike-prtttixt, into (be wthor;bjectt 'wliiclif haa traC ttfit wi (!-- ftttritaa of til fMlbhve atteutisi: 'Kvcr tjajr iacraaHsU4 ferest; a on! rhe time U tomto hen tire jpMJ will iieun.l lite nust J Couitleiv intrewttntrnsi at nv -peii iv isu w . ci-et niiit' scene Cj the. toaottr at Wat tlwre that. tf-atlfrr oU, i)iiiweisi Measrs Allans'- alxlv4 Li a that intrigue, a.inaveiuia .tml tmjr gain, but ween the present Pieiileni'H tha Untied States ami hi Secretary of State, which hare been au freueoity aaaerted and rirniftlf - Iha qttealtotiM aatuiugiiw interest, Its new witBua-J esanpaar Oelore the poUlic. vmtai tu AmoKinUlh with anrae curiiiwi. Lt the iVieiitU of Mr.' Cbtr'aljue him much aa the? please," the will cut den to: him the ptxmession ot great nbilitiea; attr will they prejume t dnv tliat he eitjnywl dunosj tUe lat election VrrJtLmJ rmm AoWiW.. Wtbster, a refcmaj t the lette drorwd this to be Ilia caaeL bkI bacvw full aahs&ed Ur (Webster) after rh'V rra th letter to litinri4-a.irtl leaT.-ral atewibef uf Conrrfa. TXn, aAer karinr ft raL bservwvL tlwt if H v ivrrr jhijvlp 10 nr.- auin, that Lvttec iravti foroi an Insuperable otM wba k, fattBit bins tan.periaf with, a part a4 aeokuir t oiitam their aupportby orwm r - . . i i , v u.uoc a couraa nevneuner ciprawi woe would eotntane Wtbatef nrwJ thw letter serwanls tav a rembes hi Coa fsaaa frtsmNi w Vork, whoae eota tf ia be hcfed cmm4 rkat rte far A-tkma, anl af ustJ she edit to a member root Mnrjlaaa., WeV strr may ao hav the . euurage to produce tb'w Wvtr. but tlvat thera ..wa tnch a tetter. "K'tT la-tto uoirov i k H wixl Cu was L!v O-u. tetaon a ruU.iU wub voar . satMBjiiuiif who oir -party io aeotire AOainiM f, elUiriv Atlanta bitasalf wit intetguint; witb tins' o4nr and if tb tederaliata fotttd. by tbe.r"nliienee hao teeured hia election. An Seryebnt was (o ba' been Secretary of StateT mt-CIajr broitvfhf h larjfett force iAto the ftlJ, coas'HOinaied iha tilot aant at i he rreatest booor. - Senreani waa oonaoled bf the Tacubava Uiasion.. -vjj A , - . The name of. two gendemen. Member of i 'n . . ie. -.T.l : r i-uncrei turn -n viui us as a wanaui iwr Hut ftlMidiuUihi... k. 4- .r" - r. f4rdreaaay bo ao". l fnn U liit K k vsatncsul thvximt, aiihmil rrrv I to tbo iatrrrats and wul of tf P'oiav He. ooosit btaotac a eonunt b-t iv. ilrwri r of she esertat re prvbaiiun. ;. i U riewa, bavo beea svirpred at the c'.vi . ' raw and tssr press tivr to your tdT"mJr' rg', or tkat of ywar rVU with Mr AJ . I aas aura, thai ia say ;4 ond ralwc'aiA ot ftorr, I thought I wa prooiotinf lh nler-. , - alh cwmtry by ai.linjr h tfriirelevsi oa, a4 aodef the tirrxirvrtanco haraia r Utr Sff a wilh riff you oo Id b arrrttary of hU'.s, ; IbeitM tavne twaaoo that I waa mart Lv: wUltnjryoi' hould be Pnri.l.BV 'WH theaw. pretiaaiaary rewwks, I shall prooeed to reUta as wCVS-.aanner-1 earaa 14 tba knowlrjye, , aear tbre week before the election, Ibut if, 4 Mr. Aiiam waa made Pretident jrott a ould ba.' Secretary of Stat. ' ',. (: . - .,; . f; -, f Abnt the tOth of January 1S25, a onntV" v detitial friend and orrfioodot of yrmr ht ' ' thl (rtaee, caJtrd a ave.aud totrodueiij 09.. .' subjact af the Presidential election, iiu-pUred " ': a briher I womM aot prefer Mr. Ad.naaa- President with yourself a Secretary of iVs'eyt v i U-U. JacXBOIt TrriiU lU VU yoor - tcis -., on tram the cabinet? Ho tokl ana, that Mr. Adams, If aleeted. Would make row Secretary , of State, and licited me," if I approved uf ' that arrangement, o write to Our meaibcr of Cnnfreaa, irequeatiot; bus to vote, foTfMr. d A laiaa. 4 I aipreaseU snj iiia t . uv Aibuwa. aa Well a tnr prcfewoo tor Ceaa,W . , i . ... 11 W - ' . 4caaon, anu uawrnaa wrtaor.- Fronr tba frankftrt'By. Argus. .1 . v -. .... .- '.r JLaarraft I --.r-' x.'j..' , . to iirvry ci.vT,r.sq Serre-Mrjf of Utat of the Uiutikt State Stat Whvn ymi.,o,)k frtxa the Arena the 1 publieatkm of the -Uiwa of the United States tad it to the Ctmimen ator, I took occar- iiot to evpres the gratiRcatioo I felt at that mark of your pt'Mon A dispK-asure, Although I hid iiever been voir 'debtor In acts of friend ship, yet, such had beert tha relation in which atoMt to your fkmilyvand sticb the1 Eiwdne 1 .1 ft . ... .'m . hhu rccrivm at tueir mnua, mat I necaea ritii, ve.inink,.lt.fjirtjrD'tVriawfNUftiM i af . k i-. I i .. . 1 :.. J . I i.. will .mstrl tbjt ra. CUy wuld uppoin; to of- fi,, iu.i ftl a 'Lu..,.ai i . .irn... nn, larfy one needy iii Ins cycumsta.ices nd pnn.rpol -laeta .lVlf-4irt tins Wtterj hankmpt in his poliiicaV veight, as wa the vix: that " liters wer2 writtetilMiB caae-witbrnr. Mai klev, having been detoated WaslHiijrfuhi 8taliii(thktf it'WM'Untler ; ih Ai CongssiotiaJ eleoiioni ,; But no sooner, jl, if 1r-Alamtvere'eieiteit Prats wuair.i'MiUkirgi .uaaiieu, i Miia. in" ,r'L itiill'ttf " MK1 SwlaV iiay urviiP lui .juuii, uy inr ..iim h.. i..c -.vorth S .vCI0 per annum, a we are tuld , Mr. i.ikik s itirfluni. .or similar onustm. vs. scinir judged too stibsei vient (o'tha. SjiteVest of mr. Ulay, Were Uiscartieuny tbeiecotistuueiiu. t t it eemihey areiohave tbeiraonipensaiion for a Urjje portion vf Mr. Uia' & de e-. Mr.tlay h stwrwdiT Btasptso ted, indeetl," tu have contributed Jmh a little to Ue vervt fiiiw-wfal .pduipnlet Which Mn IC-'tiublisliml-'ftiri th'Q pur f shuwing til - the people i Ot"'1 Uw (V est, ttow inimical w Mr. j Atlaais to their dearest interests Let the friewUH this display of Intolerance and nrpscrlptioiv on of IK Ci lo dwell uptiO' the erMMtlyo" prttto reco 'cile.me to the' altitude In ihtw.iwhirh.Mr.-K.m.re e ve ki tiin very ewf-T ywaaa metbeivfore. aMin im thank Ymi for Vwtf kind: ppuacriptnin, which hat empowerrd tve heart to fiillow Uc dictate of mv inderUnd- ing, without ekoiiing , the painful reflection, that I wound . boenin which rstain the least nendiy feelta toa-aw mvself. " t" ''..nnot thiillri SlllL thlit 'T um bIiai1. Wt rt!Mi.aa :laV Mi aTpoimttUny,ulmm.eUtW towhichthere exiiti his'SecreUry f StareJ-f ;at these 'httjbrweeii nt an obligation Vo aecrecy, c.tpres iters were "wrftien '( induRe.ioinei n otjulpliect There may he toine thing known V4 iv r.'.ftAwl., Irt-tT..ntM, V vt ,k .lai'irt me, me n sciosura ut wnicn womn produce .Hi it iv ttt"T ass aV is v v- a nw aanivi a. ' ' . . . , . " , - . . ..J I iinnlMAill aVfntlnfiM Iti vnatr .iwttaaN,1 IN ntibvfttlintr utSiirt ha tiiiaiiif atlai ti Tilti av 1 1 ... . . . ' . ... r. v ,.V(.v...w... -- foderJwi Mtould'deim tea trrv.s tadiSlevsi'tl the instructloha 6f Ihel ..ki .(.,j.i..i..i:i. r.ftu.. .1...: t.i ...-i. ..-;... a ... 1 -,- - - -tr . ' . . " . wmiumi ..iiwiuaiiim "r? ir iiurara the pment Adin'unstratioo, to. posi of profit aiid diafiuction. But ? jitutder will hut." and such wtteis were written mini wasn ascertain, in te languste of Mr- Johnson, what Gen. Jackson would do for Kentucky. If this was not the design of the overture, pray what was it? . 5th. ThatmK Buchanan, although he came to the deteitniniition to visit General Jackson,' from the knowledge of the events passing a. round him, obtained that knowledge from the Communication of mr.. Clay' friends, who doubtless made the disclosures with a view to operate upon him, 'that he might see General Jackson and obtain the desired information Could Mr" Clay and his friends have obtained ' Gen. tlackson intentions In any oth!r way? Mr. Clay had met General Jacksoii upon the avenue, he. bad complimented him uppu his I vote in tlis electOial colleges, assured .the General he had no doubt of ht election by the j H'mse of Representatives,: he ftdd called W see the Genetal'and spend smer 'time witlt him t'ted-tele, and could Vint tibtaiu in wH tilt (lesired information. To his cotigraiuja tory address he had received only " thank you, tur," How then aa he to obtain it? He then ad'ptefl the only plan that ii wily and ambi tious politician would have done. Hi's friends importuned Buchunani filled Ms frs with the news and intfigut; Of the day, until he was stimulated lo make the. proposition, which drew from tin; incoirupiiblc hero the aiiswc-c that satisfied !nm Uiat ror Clay would not b received mtb hi cabinet. 1 tere we have the. fullest evidence of the ineoi i flptible integrity and sterling invincible honety of the General. He knew Die unit ot the nropositioiV and he knew that, .it a ccrrxjjf one. CotiM Cin cirniatis or Aristides have uipns pr&mp.thf spurn'pdf' Go, says th General, "tell inr, Cla v and his friends, that before 1 would reach thfr Presidentjal chair by ucb means Of bar ! gaiu and corruption,' I would see the earth o. pen and swallow mr. Clay and. his friend sad myself with hcm. tf they have not cwnti dene In me to believe, if I was elected; thai I would ealPto my aid in the'tsbinet, men of the first virtue, talent and integrity in the country, not to vote tor me' ;. I he General further adds, " that o poo the, second day af ter tin communication and reply, jt was an nounced in the newspaper that mf. Cay had eottie 6tK openly and avowedly in- favor of mr." Adams!" -To thi reply of tbo' General, mr. .'..ichaittm say, V I do -not recollect thnt General Jackson told, nie 1 might repeat hi answer to mr. Clay anil ,1ns friends, though I should be sorry to say Itc tlid not. 1 he whole of - tiii conversation being upon' the public itntU jt " flit hwe-rtenped eeseri'ijiioa .f Now. from the nattife of the conversation, and tlie Important tlid to be jiTected by it it is a little remirkab', that'ven though the coiv rbrmitibn hilght bave been "upon the 'public street.' tlut General ' JaQkion's answer, con veyed no ,-doabt with emphasis, and being a prompt lefusal to Mr- Buchtn' enquiry, it is a little straAgc it should.so soon hayt escap ed his memorj p .- '" 1" 7- , UubappiTv, howeverrfor Hit play, the con current testiinons 'of 'for.': Moora and" flr. Trimble, two of hit formct Colleague, pfove mr ' Clay Vguilt.be jond the possibility of eva sion. Mf i Moore, ut a fcirclilur to his constituj ents, sayi; what argument could be preseht- ed me . ntftliorisinir. a clevtaiion troia , your known will? There at but one i wes lAe mA fcVr.Ciav. 1 had upported Utr Clay for President;' m could not prefer hitvill to the wtfi effKe people, And I was astontstiefli I'venture td alTimn that the foregoing circuit!- s'anoes. taken in connection wilh many alrea dy familiar to the political reader, will M bring home iho charge to mr Clay, I'hey lay it at his door, from, wheucc it is not to be ei pelt ed by the desperation and tury ot itis bold le nial." He who Understood human nature better than ever mr:'Clay does, has said, " I .et none presume ami thus td cart? into effect the Hmdnr4my have committed, to fny' eonfidenoe. -.To atandinsr at VVaahigpn--th.eiai'v E'f t0'-'ic?h,"V,Pn(, "T1 To wear an uwlrserveddigcity. (. tliat estates, del-cfes, and Office, Were not derived corruptly! and clear honor Were purchased by the merit of the wearer "" AH UltAINtib VUIr.lt The states aTluded to by Mr. Moore, are l.ouisiaua, Missour. .Ullnuia, Kentucky and Ohio. from the Kichmond Efinuirer. . 77e two Negotiation, Wc. must call the attention of our reaioi-g to two articles ia . this day's papeor'- stateinetit from. (lie PUiladelpiMi ralla- tlium; and the letter , to 11,-ClayV K.q from Amos Kendall, the iiditor of, the Frajtkfort - A rgus. Thev nr both' -ca culated to slied fopie hlit t. putt the i ngtitn; and anxuis; others, tme fmmM t. ii Cnttendert, who bail previous! beeti jthe "uppurtef ot'JaclCson and the oppo iient nt Adams." IIr K,'a lati";ac oh this subject is as pimttive and explicit aa it can be,' " I knevt , here in rranklort, near three, weeks' oelure the electxin took place, thrinttie even? ofMr! Adams s election, yoo werrto be ap- potntetl screltsr?t State.-. I he allegations must be bmlwy met: rhe names bf "llie two cnnhdentul liiemls ' of - Mr- -Clay in ICentuckv must be known? and "Ihey should clrar Mr. C, it' they can.'tif ihe-jmputalioti of writinc these lettefs; tf h diilrtTot write .them.. ;thiirtal. autnor oiilitio t at Ji it i ' J I Hour Mr."U,.oi tuts suspicion or navinit written them with hia knowledtru and - . - V consent, the facta of.the authorsbip of thee letters must be known to, too many irf Kentucky, taube muih 1onJt;ef concealed--nd unless ,it be fairly in vestigated, the publw will Itot be. fajisj the conversation with General JacktoTi, wasi after hi fttn denunciation of mr. Adams, and to obtain th. nUdir. which he bimself belie afteethe edui ie that lint friends. ith bis own ed aroukl operate upon nir. Cby and hi ' encourage mentandappt-obatioiH had purstked wenas that Jlr, Adams' mendt naatenuer i towarua uiat gwnueuvan, w loam mv a uu I 4T pertinaciously kept behind tnita." i' ; v-r'.-' -tf vtttr ii.:fS'i the Vcur r , 1 Frm tht Jfittioaal PaOadinm.,- THE .HON. UASllVvWEBf TEB 'H mean by which the ' .present adruinia- fted.. C. " I - I .... rL- I . . ". 1 ' 1 i - tratton ascenueu to .power..., sue -unci ; i ne rime too nas airtven wnei. Mr poiofi out by wltatj-iuaiis- the Feder.il , Markley ought to be bnjujht forth upon :ft...i : (i ..oft, .1. . :. ' i' Lieuiieiucu in v"'iiiy.' icia-.. ute BiiiKt moeeu, tlie must ttSioniBi)- upon to vote tor ,ov Anams aivi t'te mg part, in tniswiolc transaction, is other by what.tneana the Iriendg of Mr. that the man whose came JiaV'beeff so Vhiy were, au-iiesikti;- -ine uaie.jja I irequently banded about-in tne papers come, when-the . suspicions vf the-peo-ai ; the pnnctpalu'aot"in "this myste pie can noJongcr , be ; lulled to sleep, rious affair, nhoultl havel so lone "and so .l-.....i...l 1.-...I I .. I ..' . 1 .1 ' ..' AO J? " , 'ieiMii;ii-u oi nr naiiu id, the, partteri chiicenjeu. it can wu lonitei' be evaded.-. ! Vhe Baltimore llepubican,tconbrma the statements of the i'hdatlelpliia. f al ladium. . Its7, JbditoT 4veri most post- - ..... at. ' I 1 a uve v mat ne ".nad K'juu tnvse ;tt fur s une months. Atwl had- them from a distiuished meuiber of Cnress" of a neighboring slate.7: .- As 9 all the nitn' atiae , of this . statement,.' jive haye ;di the same pecific inlonudtionj put..1 we have ertouCi.ii to , satisfy qs beyond tlie Dossibility of a doubt, - that a. letter correded 'b;i fr, JjiUtnit'$ :own ptfa a ml tHsjanu. to, uurli out,thi$-.coure;. wbichwutild be pursued towards the Feleral ...party,? (Waa, offered j -b?. Mr. Webster- to iMrf Wcaau, of Uelewire, wh tui nedf.fr urn - jts contents ,-witb scoru and 1 indisjnationv V pretitna thei; fact wilJL not , be tjuestioued-- V e believe it.as certainly, aa an other t. sertion which tjoes Bot.'-i est. tipon the evidence of ,tur pwn . senseshating ree!a ed it Irom three members ,t won eress.'who had it directly ; from- -Mr;' . - VaT -tat. IVIcLiane-vand tne name ot laouts nie. lne .was t Weyer associated ..wiilj thf ijiRputaiion iif UiKhoirar, f. If this faetbs second time, urging npon me tba aime viawa, r biW with th aama result He called a third time, and told me. that if Geo Jackson wtra electeit, he would make Mr. Adame Secretary. ; f State, ahd wrgetl that MrvAlmt President N; . and Mr. Clay ' Secretary would be more ac-' 4 ' Ceptable, to-Kentucky than Gen. Jackaoa Proaklont, i and Mr. , Adama Seretry,' 4 , vbutighltw too, and finally contented to write-tj-', j 1 have endeavoured t procure a "copy of - toy letter, for the oiirnose of laying it before..'. you and the public; but am informed that it is t distance of ftl'unetp repeat its con'en's withi-'T entira. precision. v My impreMslou ia, that. espceaaed a deoided prelerence lor the eleok";. lion of General Jackson and declared rofv? iV eonviction that he was the second choice of . Kentucky;- .But, at the same time, allusion to ) the Information I had reoaived, I (fae it (by opinion, that circumstances' might xu' which would .justify tlie jiving her vote to an. . j ? Other, with the entire approbation of the great, j , -Kiau ot the people." i Jo pot tbink I directly n adviaed the giving of tlte vote to Mr.- Adamsi but I wa clanvSy vf opinkHtj. and intended to . be to understood, that in case Gen. Jackson WMdetenmnedfa;VkMI'. Adams Secretarjr" ' of Rtate, and Mi, Adam' was 'willing to put ,." ' Mr.'CUy Hi fhat,tKcV then, upon a kuow-. ' ledge of thbse facta, .the voa of Kentucky ..'.. ought to be iriveu to Mr.-Adams. . t thea"'" " ' j honed, as did the penplo of Kentucl.y g. ne ' . ' raityvtox tee you, at no distaavday. occupy d fcdtOoAfor.hii conducj ha niade, eiii bft tvaJ tfuci&'tio Wrote a letter to reteittattvej advising him ,to teiv his iCwy dtrtf -fattnc o fteetary:,'' that In relattoti to th subject of thi tetter, yotl aever fields-; ny: coitimuuication ;iih me,' confidentially or otherwtev v.- ,v ;5ii';t-' - ,l . . .... The spirit f 76, the Editor of which hat been deemed ofsUficlent importance by your friends here to supplant the Argot in tlia pat rormge of tho States contain thu followliif Charreta '' fiferift ct: .,.:;'" ' n fvenaaJlwaSj) friend of o City, and uf iitvcnai H appare tmr rapreteittati vote where it reieht wouki be most' JcJfand acknowledged,'! legislativa instruetioas to tha contrary notwItbstanding aNo man in ranfc fort wat more anxious to get Mr. Adams elect ed over General .lackson than Kendall." i Thut I as anxious for the election of 'Mr. Adams over GenersI Jackson, i hot truei that I wrote to oti reurt Mutative in relation to hi. vote for President. Is true. .. I shall proceed to detail tlie circtihistances under which that let ter was written, and if, js'tha sequel, you find yours. If placed in an u'ncmnfortahle attitude, yoti may thank ttjose officious friend - who cannot carry on tbia contest without assailing uus- iiuugmy an aonor ot . au inose wuooa not support tln.a, on of tboir idolatry.-, ii f In your reply (to. General Jackson' letter to Carter' Beverley, yoiisay: ' " All allegations, 'hitimattons or Jnuendoesi that piy vote ion the tleotiot. of President was ottered to be given, or Was in fact given, i in eonsiderafp n- ot- any stipulation or under rtandinf.expresfor implied, direct or indirec written or verbal that I wan, or that any oth er person was not, tq bt appointed Secretary of Stale, of tin was in any. manner to be personally benefitted," are devoid of ail trtuh, awldestiiole jofany .foundatiou whatever." 'oi further. sy,, tlie: letter of; Ganend Jackson , Snsitiuules." rtler ' than, rdirectly mane,- me mriner Cliarge, mat" an arrange mertt was' pidpfised and hiade between Mr. Adams' triisnd and. Biine, by which. ' the ev vent of hit lect-k', 1 aval '.to be appointed 8e- tho Presidential Chairj and . 1 thoufrbt? Hms ? anion of Adams and Jackson would be fittal to all those hopes." At that time, I. have nor i drfttbt that four fiffli of the Tteople of Ken. Vi J V ..ft.Uft.... k. -fttft' .1. j r . .r j ftt Sl '- lutnj', wiin tuo wine iniurmatruu vn u,c suo- . Jeet, would have felt and acted a I djd '.uiT; They.would have preferred Adams President.,, Snd Clay eVoretary of State, to Jackson Press- --'; "" Has af afl tjmisbeen ail irdent and-nniforro Federalist, was strongly oposel to 'the elec tion of Mr. Ailams.'as Preatdent.'a.nd on hk ar.- nnJ at Waahnertoa. in the-winter of hattd Without the lcSst fOondatlOu." Si, assumed a reer and catitwuis demcan-r t read theses-declaration with 'Womler and or. which left many in doubt a to lit real de- aatonishmeatr because I knew, here jit Frsnk' sign. Ha was at oup me in tavor ot cai-i iori, near tnree wecMoetore toe, election jook houn, and wlien he. wis dropped, b war in place, that tn the event ot Mr- Adams' lec . . .. ft" . . , i-.L l. ft .-.ft A- l ft. I ft ! A . .. !... .- .1 ft, . .ft ftft. iavor 01 urawioru? ano. woen is .wamuv,i-;. tul as to hit success, he wasiert to choose be tween Adams and Jacks, fits vpie m tlie House, " iridivldilklh-. emild iot 1 affect1' thi vote bt his 8ute, bnt liis personal inftueVe' in he 'House mjgf it be or much onseqaeijce, vAt thiciiivVebtee,a waited upon Uy iVuiiry, tlivtaioe .y ho, i) wasaatd, iiitenffeq in be .t Vermont -election for :, eator, jutd sounded a to' Kia detetmi'tattort. , In the coui-se of conversation between theth.' Web ster avowed, hi federal predilection, and sm4 no Old not thiidr the . federalists, it they vave their tunoors io Adams. couU calculate npon aiy COh.ideratum in the diitnbtiUOH ot the uovernment othcea. Bailey Hav ing tnus ascertained Webatefs urThcimd obleCtionS't Ailams, left tint, and utit day be dlres.d J a letter to Webster, Waling', that after a eon) leiSiiUon Jvilh Mr.. Adama, 4ie wa,aoiuo. f, sed. to auy.tliat MrV,eber't4oubia jf gardt mjf tna,J:eueratitta were untounued, ana tnai it Mr. Aclann w nide President me C hums dent and Mr. Adams Secretary, of Siatei bar cause tho-, .weight of their State woukHftava1-? - -been lott, and the prospects of yourself ot V -terly ohKured and destroyed-? -.'.' "s . ' V Put it now seems thrt an esaentn.1 'part' pf " , the representations on w hjth actvd,' were! f , . tjUhbut. real, foundation. Although the .'. v mor prevailed also at VV'atliinrton and in lha"''?' ' '.? J jiatertt state,' that Gen. Jackson Wad deter. ' mined.. in casaof bis etecUon, ta make Mss'!' s. Adams Secretary of Stat, it no w appears1 ' ' from the. disclosure of Mr. Buchanan, that ft ' . Sever was countenanced in the least, by any11 ' ' thing which came from the Genera! himself. ,. ' '' lt probably Cjriginated With your friend p , -those 'of , MrAtmH,fo! the purpose ott ?"Sg&. detaching fmu t'W Ganeral all those' who tteV i '! 73 1 ird -loWvI'm,-' flevatioo.' .CcTHain it ja that Ji va jnt whb .effect ac Wasliingtoit ' : C;ty andalsewhere. . ,pJI dld hot' think thatour friend conimitte , ". kuy crime,, moral or political,' in giving me tho't '' bifornUtiou t have ! repeated, t that I comr - :"' mitted ' any Jr writing tr , 1etter. Tbera) , 5 v Were .th:rt!or forty lau'ividuaij t&ebigbett j. V, ttttiidmg in society, and in both c-f our local " , . parties, who wesre induced to write by similar ' V information, and I am sure that most of them. :i, if not all, wttre actuated by nfifojcofivictibn, 4,'.". that in thus fendeavbring to'secure loyoti a proffered elevation, they were promoting the : i iru interesu of Kehtucky, ot,th western , l i V. country laud of jibe Uuiotu But yen will not,:!r4 admit, that this thing could ba innocent lis ' ' ' yourself at your Iriendi. Yen declare, that-. . nu understandiugi eairttd by which y u Wer r ' to receive th iiraee f Secritnry of State, '"'T an4 you say, 'that if tucb wre the" fcciyi v 1 there is ho punihhment which eottld etceed 'Vi'..: the metsuj'e of oflenccf vvelli t oil may ac. , bbf I pfotest ajjainSt tour' attempting lo fi : 1 v cretaryuf Stated pronounce that charge id, USX w r-f 7 lB7 Tl o. as far a I kuow. or believe; to be unmi.l"" . 'rJ" taaa r -i,l ultkni.t tki. i..ift. i;.....a..:.. m . v .; '. ' ion, 011' tpere to bis appointed Secretary of rtate. . :Iairi it, ,J knew It as well and iv certainly ssl coutd know of anv event be- iore.ir flppena,. wmi.n does not; depend-cu-1..1. , , ift .ft .... ( . urvii wimii win Kciwri auaw it uy mm" nmtion wb'ieb did. no. then doubt, and the correctness of which wa Verified, by the a. vent. 1 knew it, because I -wa reratediy applied to for the tmrnute of orbcurine mv id in carrying that understanding Ihto1 effect. anu tpe very letter wi th which vour friends ...-i ...j!.. . ift 1 A'... .Tf.ft'ft'-ft. .-ftft,!! . iiuw lauiK uir. was tne iruu 01 iiioseanniica i.o'ns"J camwic- itberefore, be jinttaken. ,; Sanaot tpittake i to ihe, maimer in ahicb an event wa brought about .which 1 bad some slight agency in producing. f- ta permit me here to remark, that 1 see no- tb)ngof etirriiptioij or impropriety la flh exet wons or a man's tni .ftft'ftft .-t.tLi if ti... s.i-i .i;,l .w '. Auani jinsuesuuiiaoie, iY?vmimy? 1 of that party to bfKce shoold hOH and sv- to tningie . wun Mtoyetnen,! a ery v proper cidertiot. Websnirn election; ,H tie ot. lnu fonni'temperil Ba i?d ins with- part?, antl .seeking to, obtain told, bun lus ktur was w very sautacory i iupporj . byl ptomiifes jioffiie,? P"1 wooldjbavti been (tvore so biU sinworthv of the elevated office had-Mr Adams written it or. Sould; toplirm b, is. iawony)jji ,tne ieaie'oipce , b f ft f h.tWenit,r BltltracV imoti which he nlisr-lhe man, vwnot; woujid Uk urfLr . Ust- Wtis4 .w 1 aMtetv JUtl th': Mr . .. . : ' i. -...I. . ,IT..r r -r,v. ....-s-j -, jpus wp iomier wuii -tniriiwrty, j tiailcy's autnonty.vt4 asaka . them wiu would scarcely reluse to tamper wttn 1 be nemecij and sir. Adam retuts to be ends. bvlt'leu'1limBfftft meiru'iic (p secure him the olfita of Secretary of State ojr uy ftOUjer. ; Jf( the delegation from' Ken Vucki, Jwe fjiat. .their constiiunns Swished you to ba nwde SacreUry of State by the e ketiotvor Mr, Adaiii. there wai no Impropri ety in Tequirinsr. fro.n him a direct pledge to appoint yoty be tore they gave him the vote very aaurfacy ' th State.. ' The compo.uioa of the cabinet is oiven a-mterestinir to tne oeouia aa uie measure of ah administration, and in England it cbri.v.iied the tecurity of liberty, lha' .1... r .1.. .!..: Jli. 1. uiv jrM.i.,....,iM wvuvu vi- mi iiiiiiiiivrii v. Ohbged to govern biioself by public opinioi l here cannot, tberefore, b any invrinan iav the v were mistaken, and that a worse cabinet ir for Hhe peace ani interests of the country, Couui acarceiy uaye been- torment but the ' f . aonest encrts or your .mends to secure you. t , the office of Secietary of StatO beforo tho I , election,, ought not no-jr to visited with) , ? ft Per hup you are conscious that the arrange ' mentol which in Kentucay were to early -. t. informed, was .based on private interest and ' . peraory-T ambition, without the least regard r v to thoiwilt OT'the Jntetsts; of th psoplej? Tbea mdeed waa it etmtipt. ' Then are you-i';- right botdlv to deny lh wholo trsiiaaction, - , nd'fcuit down the gauntlet to, die wholo,'; world, j, A bold face may aaf somq Into j'"1" 4 silenco and convince others of your innocence., ! it is omy py a desperate ieap,tuai a man. uo t, . Stand upon a crumbling precipice, can savo . himself from destructton. . Your ouduxt in ''. '. , this eitair partake ot auch desperation. As , ' If conaeious'of guilt (and impending punish. . ment; you wutly deny that which rn gbt bave . . -a u ft.... -!. . ...ft 1. ucca innuvrmiy cone, ana inn uesrifrate -. -a.ti!ttA.i''-'Wt. 'hrnn Ka w.lt.m rj' . ' reiolutioWjI' iel Jlppn. 'the pica of noj guilty Fu,i".,i".W ""aVyT'.' hiuic taieiy n-s.j pleajlvdtMnA'a''?', i'erbap youtUmk. the tVukncq;4o.f4iotesUorcniii.tbe procured'. wiiu; woo i HWi to your couvicuoii Ho not-dy upon that Every Week bTinft for.U additional: facta,' and Vour own eonduet in- ducemultipheddiscloflures.-vTtie exultatiori ot yoursell and 'friends because Buchanu;v did "not direct!)' prove."i'mir ttiilt, was pre, lastly. that wblth the criminal feels, v in, fronvtbe, Wiqxpectcd aei-knesi of the ' ii. iiiuny, iadituiled... Jli eiuliatiun t bibft a bi ujii ia deep, and lip rejoices, m. Ha:' -ft I,1 IV r ---'-.ft. , '- . ft-r . .V " . JL. 3 ', ? . v-ii.--';iV'v

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