'1 i turn- WJ.Ka "I," Wt.f,vs.. ar4. K( . f. I a tt-,o -4 .kik-U. . ft r ' . f 'I x tw U 'Ok.,j .1) v ficiitt . ca I k-l IS .--. 1 t..-s ! tv 11 i ..c 14 1 a I " J ! .a U;, .m t'.ui Jiit'i'I '1., !.- i ll'ir U rt, 1 tu)r l"W u rj . l.iT.1 rj Oe.k -i.i u wo , -I... t . K i4 U--' l "- fr- " . '"m i. of p-. v'yi-ei M " n"-'' tt tLll i ,.- h l UrneJ K l.ir ' ' ' t ' - . !t.rl U -f it. p-V-e brreJ inl.' it &- l . . . f. . . 1 ..1 a L I imU ' (ti U it- f-'-l C f'e.t ctWir pua .. Mat '! ilw crcr ut feds. I tl ; u' mmiUiJ trtry mv UiCruetnO o foul Vtry.uu n -tti ,( 'itf alarg-turVcy r (oof la -riercia, iiv t brmljf v ? L. A.i Mil authenticated 1 . ,. ,.f t!iir HiiKUi',; Ciiild- it ill. ' sxn.rY, icll toa eo.a t- ton k.iOwWJj-e. S ill. 1 ' ... &iKi tf A..M Ai.UrjMui Utana rises S - - Aiiiitjkit.- ut in ' . . "..... r bupwiaa tne wcuiier Cr lttile ixt .- 'jt'rtHB ma linn? ,lllact i,Ue d i.i.niriKJn ctunr" tt mr.rw. ' AJtr ike ". V th ubieci t L H all y k'S - e, r - . Lilt iiWiiil ur)Ui.l uv." Aim Will tc tluKl'M itt Ulnl VOM fJim)l vlcCI tlai.n U N. CnuUuJ, S I. lo" UrmoU ' cb.u 8 lf.ra ientyr :ited.,? " ! vLun U iron Kelutllyi,'.i.i,tauIlle4,' , , -.iu!. iroin L.011U aili ji ramu. 1 a. ', in. from Illinois 7 nnel. 1 tic 1 iU i', " I ! rot ilt. w VetL -. i(,U' I T( onnlVuiiul IV. Uld the A 'ttAvn mure, and I'tuuA k et Ikiih "-f4 Hy . . ' ft:J,';jiii mnj want mora tUn wir u - whu I hve already gruttted yuu. YuU - jnay cet la vo( tmrn N-.Yut you will i' Mii.i tour ii-oaa 'MuryUwid-'yort Vr;li ; aw gc -Ii larttiio iitl wrt irec more' tHsn fbiir , V ! from Uea'ufky- oh will iut gel Loiiumiia- - . . yon wiugelHii! ia--,- iiu,My;i,iinoi "j,.. wp6a 10 give up unw. nf wnerc .mrv J.-.-' Ueu you'-cQuVl no elM your buvu, row 7vu have the true tai uf lhc'Cativastand . (erriv( Auania uii o" iunii lcctuhtl ote Turn mid twiot it ailv way "i"' w pleUae, toMhia cumnletiohit tnuttcotne t at laat " ,T)ie tote inth electoral college oa tirtirly aa pibjc, JackaoA J7i, VJ: ami juUtfiuft iroin preacnt.ap: --i" feara.tcev'we duaU wbihcrvUr.1-. Adiuua j.- Vill iiot loje $ nwny votea l New.- England ' , aa be will iram out ot it. Ho camtot, ,111 any . 'f,'iiVaJf -wr y fcHy ehangV'obtaih tOU elctrl "; .Me 0t lot KIviuV.-,t;-'r'4f;.'r' ,iC fmef1l- lieilntof the U S7 the vadium a tuttcrlt datruB, audVitliout ' the bbaduw &f.foumIalkii.' MV Cai" . '' ". a v I . . ' . ' ' -? , 'the iettefHyhicb 4e JayJjefijre. atar'fem ; ,' ilers; to?; UetiJ anjF aeny whkh, he i reprfeted to; have bad iiVvh aine .i .'. v f hv.trotb of hw atatenvent. Indeed ' ; er-ear. Ima .name bruudtt .iiuto ' Vinvttl ifin. v All lhrt we tinderfitaiHt ua. K thariJlriWcbtitep had ahuwed Mr, AlrLant'avirUt-r corweteu ' d Mr, AtitinV j)eh'iT4n-rktojf iMt bciat ceuVe -which W v a titiBpoaetl t purMe toward the it I ederal .-rartys We bail tUi 'tatetnent pba Wch au Ihciritf ttwt U tvui.impowtble far,ui to ? dibeue,Te itHo wey r, thing $ow; '-f we hayej put' th matter iuto . ' . traittot, iiltetlauou-anu iWwv aliaM H-t submit 1o our reatlei a the result-, efoilr , ' fesesreheft t as" mu i a possible.' . th-re he. no f -untUtion for ihe asoej tion. tt - due Mesar Adama and JiVeb- ; - ,Btter that thtf error ahuuld be cai rettedi V -If heie be, an? truth in . the: atate '4 "miiri it; U'd'ue i to 'the' eountrjr tor have it aUttnderf-tcAii?nf.' j-j.VM5' . -si From the Boston OailyMyertien i,To th ruBub. u :'.., . a nae aeea in toe 4 w 4 yr wcwng Posi of 9th int,s a" iwraictapli ; e. ti aci e4 from the. Pbtladelpliia, palladium at '.l- . II ..'A.j. -.- 01 tne Qin, luiguiz.in espreaa urma. tnat.in the winter wi i-i-j.vpeBainj the Presidential etectioo. I bad eonver tation vith MkVebsier ud Mr: Ad v'T'JNMfcKoo '. -the ', contuJeration which the federal part:, would fcav m the diatrt ,i 1 button of the covernmeiit officta. iii i s Mr. Adama should, he made Presiileat i that a letter, waa written, by ma to . - Mr, Wehater; on the subject, as tin- f. w-a reauit i j:onverauop mna fira; i ams. and on hia authoritr. iv- -"v f Ererf particle' of these ailegatipni ia a gi-rtss lauiicaiion. -uiteriy oesiuuie, oi the Shadow ,iof ;trttth I. never Jiad i ' iitle..of any auch cpnverisation .with r either Mr, A.'or JVlri W not; did any ''iti letter ever pam from or through . me, . Aatin; the most remote resemblance . '''tkeoiinee?;.Hi,i-'--W it ia atated, that tne names or two . . . . J;enilemen, . members of Congresa, are eft with ua the Pailadiem as war- ran lr boe tatement. i lt ia ; ' j not poaaible that this assertion la true. ; 'It cannot be that a single member should iC-i- t'Mnd, ao profligate and base, aa to ffv4?gV hia name a jrencker; for nch uo : V ', .blHni falsehoods.. From the date of ,'tlie publication, three days ixiere tne ar.it. !.. - V. t,.Kf V dV L.e 6C e suImki s i the j uU'ii' f.-'j; , par hi.;, tu liit .u(j. Tlie MU.W.11' are Mi. ; i-iw h.f !.Ti,tMj atnl r Th " r-'pablkin nfltori.il enVnloii ('.rjU'' !ir iliairWi hcl'l ailinioli 1t tfl the l'Kh in- Full d-Wxuinifc K!n tn'l Qieen) alientl-J." With IcJtMM' WfiTiicmtJjr 4t li w.'Jtckwi'r. nil lw nitoM, (M4r. 8c(iUrk i"Ot;i ri'15 ftomirwftu. eleC rttm nt tjlieaiim-J. '-. '-f, '"'. The republican tonventHMi m thf nrnl ; etiafe i!is!ricl 'vW-b? l llit'rirt i cnnpSfl of ttrf counii,bf VVsichHer. rotnin.. Sufliai vtid UmKUftiir' P?rr"'trMfg4? vti-C iiv fat scppt ue.fp,n"'.tK tantj of 0i iny,'(il rverr-tejiprfsen eicVf.V one t T.ir "Oenrral 7!ck'm. M-lertiort w4 lh'Wcer' the cuuntiee '? rVVestcUkMerend I'at'iam, Hch f urh ix-Mrntett one cahillJt. Wih ea!i tin vic-'Uenrmen axi irteniw? tmi. . Potiuta wit decfaretl low T''hU-U in U, anJ Mr TmlJ was ujnatpd." Wn(irfilf in cooforrai'T with the n on rtheltstrtct ire llie r Mr r. lhat.it U not prwbnble a toirmer iioinin itmn will lie mai'f, t ihe.tepttldicarv CurtYehtioft of ile irooi ins counitifir composing .ie third lenite difitricr,.'a toll deleg ' idrt' beihs nrcarnti the irtwlaium in' Urcar of Gen. Jickson "which appear in the firoceedihJ;5 tof llieftneiilionr pnbl mhi'd "4d day; wan adopted tvitb but one diatinj- ride. ;i v?' ' At tlve.ute'republiCBi coQntf enni vnuonHn' iWchess fr the -iioniiDaiioH of df jegute to the 1 district, convcntionV all tlie iuwn except two were reprewp'n iwf.ABil 4. r.-4Jf dek'satea attendpu. Allflt'cot three were ia favour if. Gen. At Ihe Sallieutt ipountf republlcari eonventimr l'or tjie same prpiHe,? Si delegate VatWiled of which 28 were twr. JacKson nu 4 for. Adatna.; rrVVc Sre Informed fi-om a respectable statrce,' says th ttakapaej.(lyiiuisiitf!a neyvl lie. where about one handretl and fifty meh' were present on a ydre being taken for Trrsidcn'', ihe compaiiy. e ice pt three, were, found' to he in layor of Giii Jsckaotu ''I" ne Parishes of Aroyelle and . Catahoula, the' rieople are Xinanimous fwr Ja k-iotv. The followiriir i extracted from an address to the public, on" the, presidential question. recently pdi'ptedat a meeting of- the f Wends of Gen. JackHOii. "m thc'couniy fjofliisen Va,U ynio fcU 'diacloaed.are ehtide) to inainre'coiiHiderationV-and V (as we 'doolit not) tney can ue austumeo, are ueaemnir t mote aenoos treatment than a paasinp news paper coioteut- t'm. Advociitc. - ' v' VVheo .we' stated 4hai ,Mu Adams he'd dected.; money to be Jmid out of tlie publrc 'Jrea-.ury wkliou l 'the author Ity i, ww, wo nau no auuaioit- to tne . ' . I 1 ' ".! . 1-11 I . - trming item oi tue punaiu tauj, jmt n a ;inuVh, krgivr nm. lfX hi9'thage we know U e t'ry, serious Quezon inpuich o6e fijfeiKti and thereiore, ourM not to b"-li3itly 6r tncauliiiusly made. It J certainlt would n0t have .been made, unless! jeer. haVl beeti i;y tdence to aab Mtantiat j'f eidence uicti Mr AdamaJ cannot object to, Jbecaose jt has-been (uuiahcd, by rlttinseir r through v hi directiotiS (i-wnthe Department of States t 'Among lim public dieument sent to pongresa durin r the 'J last , session Jn consequence ot csit4 Ji-ont one or the Oter houset jWas- ohe No- 73 oh Fi"eiri ..Iwsione'.'V B'jpue doeu- OK-fit ufppearstnat. Air.' Adams Dad directed tohe jiaid to John A, Kin 5, son of MfjRufus Kinr, ' laie.JVinister;to London," tho sum of four thousand Jive $un$rtl dollaT$, by way of ,n ' outfit" tohaid JohitiAr'aIiNS who wig left by' his father as Charge tie's Affaire ajl a40Bd,B43 i,tso; it appAifsv was paid for.hja, ef vie, .jisty days, as Charge des ASaires, the,, farther sum - of 75 dollars and 13 cents, making togetner, 5253 idollars and iceisi iN'ow-we say," end will proceed, 'to prove one- (uiycally, that.' both these allowances HHH paymenu ma'ie, by Mr. Adams, were directly contrary 40 law; and firat. as' ti the.oqifit-iWhat Says the law on tli at suhifct? . It shall speak for itself ,fThe PfeVutfottif the United Statea sbait not allor to any Minister Pleni- potentiary a greater auni . than at.the rate oj nine jhonnand dollars per annum a a tempensation lor, all his personal services fti f expenses; uor to . any ; (OhargeJIIes Affaires a great r V, su tha n at the rate id fuur thousand five hundred dollars per' annum fur, all hfc perianal services and exfcnses," &. ;. Provid ed, iUhall he lawful .fr the President UJt4tet to, el P'cmotentiary, or CI 1 13 w! to a Minister harge des ASaires on 'fpiijig frmmhfP. Slat to any for- rign lOuntru, mark tliword.sj sb out fit which shall .: to- hr- ease eiceed one yearV salary of such Minister or Charge oea AUitires.-;. 'iff. . Idea AffiiiT9.vj. members fjieXegislainie aa Iherjspositioo of the rpnsttttititn, IjnViTwion w the Divans and M continued to J seem toJjji ucareidj endurable-)', - ? f-trM .f tli rrare I'.e i rri.if r.f t herrby s lri7ed it mIe',8i ;i -in!iiiB', w!.hH a'ta'l lr nS lr I t d ?r.ie it be tie tt e4'xi iWrfr. fur thnr M.lt ca and crnt k; J tXre Jit jJnrf t, mr Secrkta'rirt Ktrf jynrtitJ at nf minitP htx ait of Majr, llTj tWn, ti; app-ars'that f)t"e law h be ioiafed ia la paricu'r: Oir nne in ywin t Mr,.J.ihB A.. Kinjt'an nv'iehfA ki ac4 i'UinhiK ,aod CotiMrqurtiilr did H t Cr) hmi ihe fj. 8u t SnyejVre'jn ciu. rt the other, tvwa'iae he w-a A ap f'inted Vyine VteMjnt. fither'with or 1 without ihe aiNtce -f iheVnate: 3 l.omment ilion a transaction like this can Do- bf ucciai yj tummnn a -n will iiil.n'ni efry bdy 1 whf tlie-allowance of an iiOifit m i Vfi.iedby t'i'law.toal Wvarjt drs AW'jirea 'going fiom the U. Sta'eatit any T-ret;n, coUMry.' It ia itouwe to enauie oun w mevt.iue eitrjat'dinarj charges aaint hm, jail dairies Inns ami esoeusive luuruet ih1 niider all lite ciri-.aunc; oi tin vet1t , wotth nit be.tery anchirj i-ab'e to uppo.e, that Mr,1!ufua K.ii'x tt-fl England, whea he did, and wlien u wa knwnthai Mr," Bullatin woald ah'uUy take his pi ace", fH- the aide pur jkm? of pla'cing hi ann in cha'ge of the emiwMyj and i thci-uy jrmnst - mm cielor turre kuia;ni bavi btrn aome arfan'gnztni or invltr!aidin& between all-the,fa'ia bet j-etwodj ol getting . ftt! otifii with the salary auatilo dj' the titAtiiMit re pJerinz 1th oiIht apt ice titau merely eepihs; charjjo f me papers oi the e'mbasvy antil Mrl tia'da'in'a arrival. For this ei vke, trivial as it 'wa', Mr AdHma lundeitoiik to par.-, without the authority "ol' law." and- dii-ecllv iu the leeih' of the law,' to John A. KW, the enormoua mum we speak now naculii yators of , the Roil, rtot r as1 pampered Eublic njentsj f five 'thounand nudredand, nity-eighldoHa'rs!w-' two H "From the New Vork "Enquirer. . Tlie followipg declaration has twice anoeHVed -undrr-the-HiOthorii y of the Editors r the 'National ? In'rellij'eitcer -i'A iotfe sectimeht whicb OeneraJ Sounders denies haying espiesmtd to Mr, Kent; we here rejnjat that, .if joe hai) tint nteftaiWd ity he would have been abou t the on y fiiend to the eiefion of Mr. Crawford who did nor about that time." Vnh all "due-mpect, we pto nounce' it who'lyuii1rue, tbat Mr,. Ad-; amn ever was the second choice of the frif itds nf Mr. Crawtirtl. Wk. knio, that the fcnrieen membm of Congress, from- thta -state, were ')ftinirtMfy'dy-. ermint'tf, if the friends M" Mr. 0. ts'ver dmded on voting for another, to give their votes -fo lien. JaeKson." TiifrV wa a time when 'we were disposed ro,ly6n the statenienis of thee tilitori.: u.iiheiV is stunetftiiig- irt. the Adams r.t)Ue whii-h absolutely, change) our hvn-als as1' well "as pi-infi'des.' Riptib li'eauVnevp'r were, ihdicver will be, for Mr., Adams. : ' -'' Sptalw'of. iht ThefAdmiu is'ratiMU' P,Mty, are well drilled by iS'-iine of the first FuU men in the coV rrSr, 'that all thoitnien Vill be upim Ke grotitid on tliii Is lomlay' ii ; Dp or ioimer, prt-pared1 to re-elect Mr. Taylor to'th Chair of the I louse Not a nieinbi'i-; hot an exertion, will be wanting to secure this iniert-sting ap nointtni'ttt. Hut it ill be thov fault tl' the Opposition,' V v Admiriitration and their Speaker 'sUould succeed , in thVir ;"obj -ct, V e have .the; sf reng'h M.tusanpmnt win. 11 w are aeiermin ed to exert it. We sincerely trust. tUeieioie," that every member Will be at his post. . , Ueinembpr.thVt it was tlie absence ef one 'Southern mttnber from his seat which e nsurAt 'the former elef- tioti of Vlr. Taylor: . It is; moreover, to be hopfed, that, by di jwiper concert and co-flperation, the whtile force of.fhe Opposition 1 will be, directed tothe dc' ;cai 01 i aviot .!-4tvi. &xiq . Etvct 'onJlier Jjpm BaUimre.; ',' . wTou hare no doubt foritieU prop er estimate 6f ,tjie dependence Whicnisl tw be placet! on -he -Adama,editors if our .tily. ' Hitherto we have trea ed with tntlilffence ihefr frpeated dedaA rations mat mis otaie. was in.isvorpi the cbahtion,. Rely, hpon it and p'o paye my warrant if yo'u fleas' to make aoy bets, M that Jackson wilt have his old ele 'oral votes , in Marvland That 1 ma r' ho be, considered as J.ma.- king a hasty deplaraltiohtake the fol" lowmz statement irom me Aiiains press.. ea" theih'sfchei and you; will prrceive how the Vletorialoletaud v' Dnltimore Cwinty i 1 '. i.' v," s; ttalliraoi-e.cilv and" Ann Arundel Co. Frederick, Vl'iliigtoa and Allegany-' t do,; tleaH anil Hrfnr.f 'v..j. . :g l-i ;;V 1 aioot ana uuwinw .', : ; s- . A . k I Prolwble ?;--'?. $ '.V V y :? votes' turen Aoa'a and Kent v,.j ; 1. i. WhiH "they lay that jtliere is an Ad aws majority in the !iegislalore.of 16 you must unuewanu tnein -can,' even if true, have no e fleet upon the rirtslden Uial election because the.yjwp'e.chobse uie eii'cront anu- 101s majority may a ritte font tht unewed apportionment of rrptmntation-A s, f or exam pi e, an A dams county of 10.000 inhalwtantft Senis as maii are ww, Jr" .' u Jlt 1 likon Wn Ufore a'tW a-wimalw" frwm t' cifiin of. Grn omi, OUaus. Itrhr. Uia-)aif sad lrs;" are 4l nn t M tr k. 'IVNiYwl Advocate eod tne A aaoticaa (Adaws tu) ritt the Pio- riwof ww-fftss ef Adama jooj ox"t'il JamnanfjUalV on .Saturday Kejn. which ine rf 'we 'at .00(I the ether t liOO.- 1Te Mcming Conner (J4cko) eior-vra lhe,ici- ns t I3i)0,f whit b, ilie grratrpa-i, iraaraeoBHiated of Jackiuna who atteuded tVom.cariijy We, aUould doubt' (II tbewe caicUunv' "''" V . r v - . , -y K-4'. X J!kk.Eq: v u ' . ': l- Vt Jtrsftf,-X have ajcef'aoed, . . 1 says-.uie ireoton, tnie .Amincao m 8i'urlay list, that there art a sasjoritf in fjvor of-the AdintniitratioB in built hojeaof the Irgislature '-Tliert M be a majority, if we are not greatly-mw-Uken, iif IT at Iratt in Joiiit Meeting. . Our election io thia- evunty, hss tt r- mtnsed is the svleetlnn of the Caoea Ticket, by an avrrage pjriJ of from 1 to 000 votes, over ihe -Anti Caucos wilh tfe escrption of the Sheriff. '. Pf - ter Fonnan. Esq. of this city has been elee'ed ,Sheriff by "87 votes-fiver Mr. RockaWJar- : s ' ,J ,-.- Ttt nton Jatkton Emp. I he. lindfretown hiz, (IN.j.)an Adimr print, after observing that the administration ticket had, prevailed in Cumberland county, candidly savs there ws "hme disaffection among the friends ol Jackson, tn consequence l the. ticket not haVinehfen regnla'rTy got op and a local circumstance (which cannot occur neitryear; wnicn nperaieu against tue Jackson ticket. . ' .' from the Augusta Courier, an Administration -We publish today an interesting letter from General Jackson, declihins to dine with a party.celebraling Perry's Victory - 17'e idta of a man, at his stage of .life having to1 " re pose ; for character a?trt a good name more on the past than the future." and, "looking rather to what has bean, than what ma v be," is affecting and beautiful. But no man in una country can rest on nis j -1 . . 1 oust acts with a prouder confidence of future fame, thnn,vcan the Hero of New Orleans; and whether of not he shall njov any farure onnortuntty of increa sing his 'renutation, enough already ex ists to emblazon' the "bage of history win nis name. 1 no "youngv Soulier, with eager'" ambition, may spring for ward to the goal or his hop and natch fresh ladrels in other fields; but thp old Generaf, adorned with the warrior's wreatb, -rests proudly on his oreaent (hnliies. I'he laurels which iL- .Lri.l' L- L! inr jnutmui H?Ml Kliv 8l-rm in ins CIlllH- try's service, that country will award as Ins tieeils my merit: but those which the old patriot hat already Won she will cherish while lie fives, and wi irmi tiiPir sacreu roots - wiin n- r rears, bid them bloom forever oyer hi tomb! . -v ,- '' MR. MADISON'S LETTER. ' - Mantpettitr, jDcl. 0, I8"ir, Sirs I have iust seen in anoihci Gsette the followin par.irranh,. notei as ao eitract irom . tne i,ypcnour virgtnra vws ., - . v- " We 8tn, aa a fact within enr on know- leilpe, that, very recemly, the sage and patriot i Montpellier expressed Via ,deep regret at. the eourte now pursuing hy some ot Uie most eminent politician, o V irgfini t hat he veprabateil it. ijjtppmg thefonn(laticni of her! power and in- Bueneetn the aoiifederacy, whilst, by eourse of moderation and prodenee.-'sho miRiit have Won over mHiorit of her ier45tato to etnbraea nerBi-meiplea l hut he tlefonded the right of the rvaiioRai Vjovernmenl, onOcr Ihe J usMt'.tion, t imnfm a XnrOI' nt ifnt I - ------ v.. "'"' - .". " ' fc rents to other ohjeett than reenue-4ie Srerretl lliat tilth had beea Ihe eoUine punued byeVerjr adnunisti-HiinD in .the ei junti-V.' . hi own at Mi. Jentiton's Sneludedj thiit lo ul all the tatenr resoorees of the V-itmrrV inta atin'n; nd to vire them ieh pi-otetlkm as. eircwmstiinces might s(fst, wiu one of 'the prinoipal rwsoiis forthe abolidimeHt of the anidtalertioft system,- whiih was lounq. inwiennaie tor mat porpose, and the aooption -of tlie Federal ConWrtuUniv and tlirt tte resolution passed by the h".st V-gtJiiUwe in relntionto thia sqbjtet, was estremtlly unwise and iionolitie. Here! then, is man evevlswmrtv inoteU by Hiemsrtexts ofe Cohstitiition inithis lutte. whoassisted to frame this instrument, ami. wne was one or aa earno and ablint ootcm. porsneiuis expounriers, and who, Jn the exercise of hi Cxtjenuv duties, at a later day. m ealled n to eonstrse its provisinns, who SB) s, thnt hfl Is. i-mmetitiiuiF viihi quinen- ana irnit yiiuam 11. .incn, limiting hi ne mungrr, II wi nurrj Id)? tile, . "I. jL . J ! 1 . . . - . . . i ... wjiwreu irgnnB u mm ann eonten.pt.' yv e gam-rppcrat that what we haxe hee sttrted as ol' our own knowledge, and cannot he cuntrsdioted. .'Without hemg aware. f the jsround on. which i the statement is alledseo. to he within the p9rspnaf kphwlcdge of the rators, i iniiiK ifcv)ntier 10 pDserre that, as often' happens irt the report of convcrsauonsj ; yieremusri Jjaye Of en tmuie -. Jr-'i rc M iiiisauwiciicuonJIi, j Ol mister otieclioh. i'4'- X js true that I have Pot approve the proceeding of the Ueneraf .1 Asaerobly pf , the State, which, wdtth-,li!nrt the r tower ( f Congress over trade, to regu atior.s .aving revenue 'alone foi their object that 1 ..nave, "in ccisional con? versations. befn led to obsfene 'that a contrary doctrine had been entertained and acted on. from the commeiicetaent o(he 'Cnitution W the Ui StateSs by lhe",seyerait branches oi eA.ry tad minuttration under it: and thattreirfet ted the course pursued by -the general ssembly, as tending to impair the con-; fidenre .and oidiality of oiher farts of the UnioB, agreeing vyiih ( Viri nia a jrr4 Vt it enVrJ cnV-4 vrrrcoiOT mrrw, a pnery ( .anaa uLjri in (jonn.r Jr tK'ttiiii..0' lan-4ae of d lU.'runl inareaiate. t lr- at" b"!s urrjitjl!e rf, a cocwrjrii-t ewVjcitif iiiih fi-iue jwere r h entire reoetc wf the c'yjr:?',"tl. J ,r?t jiffOin ti.M t?w et;irrijrina hlh frfvr, by ant to the limior of the" Slate," wery not HMaaJ ta b ScruVd to vei bytnj very awre that 1 rvuhl'nr? Jave Im far foncvttrn what I nvred to JDcU. ef.the respect dat to him. .C ..V . " Ills with neh rrlectancf. Sirs, that a - a a v . I ftaye Mil recyorae to meae t-ijuanaiurj remarks withnrawn aa I am irou acejir of political igiiatitMiby any age". lod purauiU more conj-nial ,wiib II. It Is the sioih tnstanc f communkstiao from me to the prea, o- say auUjecJ connrctru -wuti , tue eaiutj . aiaiek oi parlies.- - its repecu "v .. . - - .JAMES MADISON. Ta the Edu.ors af tba lraehhorf Viopi '-a TUitorRA? rEVt , i . . Prom the Ijoadnn Caarier, of Sept 4," i - .The (.orda ('ontmisaionera at . ttie Trea. s'iryheld a tlusrd to day. St the Treae-irv Chambers, at whiea pord.VvIertch, as First l-ord. presiited Mr. Hemes look Ms aeat a the Htard. as ChMicctlor of the Exchequer) and Mr frankhnd Uewra waa irti rndiiced to the Board, an 4 ' appointed 'on of the Joint secretary, inttie room or sir. Metrics-; - , h is not yet decided, who will aucreed Mr C. Grant, aa Vice rrcsident of the Board of .1 he following fr tha new' numsleriat wranrme.nta; t - ; v ' Hrat Lonl of the Treasury, Tord Qottenrh; Chancellor of the Ktchequer. 1r. Herriea. . Recretary, -.f iOate or Poreim . AfTaira. Lord Dudley fcAVard;'4 " - ' ' ' . Seeretaryrof 9tat for the War and CoUk aial 'Dfpai-tmeBV Mr, Huakiawn. Secretary 4r fliate for the Home reparw ment. M'qius oTljiosdowne. - - i - faater -Urneral of the Orddsnce. llaruuta l-ortj Chancellor, Lord Lrndhurat. VT President of the Cooncif, Uoke of Portland, Ird PriVf Seal, Eavl ol Oarl'sh. ' President of the ftuard of .Trade, and Trea surer of the Nivv. Me.. P' Grant - - Preaidenf of the Board of Control. Mr. Secret:u-y at War, Loid PalmeraToo Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. Master of the Mint, Mr. Tierneyv f Surveyor of the Woods and Forests, Mr. S. oourne .. . - . : .'-' ,s'. ' Seeretanea to tlie Treasury. rll. rlanta anil Ml. F'mirtiinatf r i i i". ' .tnnior loi-ds of the Treasury Earl Mortri Charles, Lord FT L. Gower, Lord IJliot,' Mr, M. Fitarefald, Mr! Macnaoehten, Admiralty Council Hoard Sir O Cockhurn. Mr. Demaon, Sir vy.Jlobe..lr. Keith DoOir. las i ' ' ' - .v. '.-'-. .t - '' The Duke of ClaTence and Duke of Wei. Jirtgton, '.he (brmt aa Lorimgh ''Admirs! of the Tleet, and the latter as Commaritkr !n- Chief of all His Majeaty?S ' Foi-ces,: b'p'niff eompicreiy imiepehrtent ot ine Uajjinet, we, ot aoursf-i nave not classed tliem . with the lr.! Jluskisson havlnjr accepted the office of . Secretary "of State of tlwi ..Colonil J)e partmeptj he, as a matter of eon.rsev'vacatea his seuf in tha House of Commons, ak Menv orr tor Liverpool '- . r--V'. .r si' a in. ;r t A rourier estfttordinarv who arrivNed tit Bsvonne on "the eveninsr of the 29th Autrtis'. iahMiitistry"';rV -'";' f"'p'r, i ne apconnta: irom; pain, -in tne j-rencn. journals,' cOnttfltie to, assume evety day morexnireatemriB' tiapert. , inf whole ot f'ulatonia Is i opert. lnstirrectiont and 'the rhrls, nn1er; a self sty led. Captairt-Geiierat enter almst every ;ton.:-and carry "off the arm' of 'those1- wfi: refuse to join or'W'aid tnem - i ne . tiovemnvnt has at length, aemoiea troops t9ontenrt against yje dit fi.rulties nd dantrer which every hour as, amtied a mot serioua character; ""Meanwhile. tlie Colombian privatoeralnsult aHthe coastiT ot spam, oiocaaq almost every: port, ana Seiae upon almost every ship which attempts M make its eacpey '"'' ' &T-i'"S- The list Lisbon dates arw to the )8th Ao ruf, Tlie aflFaira of Pbrtuffal remain nffiich in the same toiaettleHfatote'r A messeneer from JR;o is reported to Tie on hia way to Vienna oeanne a Ot-spatch from the Emperor Don PediVi to his brother Don, MiguelhppCjintliig unuTicifriH, in; rontiai. ; not, precisely known whether this aopointment has taken place tu tonsequenee.of the ttmD'rroT8 ah- prrhehs'uW that Jiis 'sisUt!, whose danyeroiu iflneas had bee n comnjttn'icated to him, would riqtrncoverin which case he would, merely ua, wegent under he Chatter W ,M name of Donna Maria or whether he is wppoiated Ldeuienani ot tne' realm t, rortugai, aa jtn representaii ve of liis brother,' 'ASPECT OF AFFAllia Hi THE EAST. BnisavTs papers eWe letters from t. Pelers burgBi rcspectine our last intcll'rence. that great patWltjr is obsct'ved in ihe dtfpait;menis Mt ine w i maters ot Avar and Foreign Atlatrs. A SW declaration la .a-iokea of. to. he nd. dressed by the Russian Cabinet.ro the other a-reat Poweia of Europe, relative to -tha negotiationa act od foot a Constantinople for adjusting tha hfTaire of Creece, , Jt appears to. be beyond all doubt, that.thc Emperor Nicholas has oiani&ated great discontent at the continhaltergiveraation of the" Port t and that, eimfoi-oiablv la the wi-nhea of tlitr PeonI and Jhe" .Clergy, ho ia firmly reSolrrd'to pu ait , liid to the eflosion .tiC'ridlm-jlii Peloponoesus. It is aflrmediihnt tjie. hut despatches aent by Connt" Ncaselrwuj to- the JJussian Ambassador at Vienna, are drawn on wihi pru. . .-me contents ot the despatchea are .to be commuuicated ip theiourt of Au. ftria,. with an invitation to send fresh ininrue. 1 19ns to Baron Ot'.eiiftts, the fmperial Intel, tiuncio at Constantinoplek to' employ" all hh inBuence to ' niskel tlie Po "enrnnrehend that ita'prevent policy is eaTcuLted to bring On events, the result of winch cannot but be injurious to the empire of the' Crescent, 4 , From Turkey, it is stated, that though tlie result of the conferences at London rellie to the affairs of Ci-eece, had caused soma ooeasmeas to , the Forte, , the fact 'of the Courts of Vienna and Berlin not havintf" taken any part in them, had produced a favorable, prrn ind typr- (nm Fwi wU .Ma m .I k.. - . W- I ,.T V " ia asm hi. luprvaa .Mving Ura kuJZ iblf . It is bow vruMvsl an J od w Lf the if J7r PV ' The paprr fiV h faUow.ug oanaiiv. of tV. ?Z kina at Nanf.ti I.. I "si. " - iV I-" ,r 1""" h rtia,,; 4AU0O Spanisb ilulkia shouMu Ucif?? lor uim, aiKler l! e n.uie of TwJ nwmrf r tL er-orfuwrre,ttSr' , which to tmrxwed fcn Qia uu-l a- -. eeedevt l,i ruAr him, accept, pw,jL"", tU,va d.;awd MrZZZSrS:) " P " " 11 Had aot bor, fn, u- ' e4pit.uaartttir. which was Oeew, Uvt arm J of a courier Mo7Tl ST tli til nowa that tlrlia and ui. 7 7 maatc-ra of the fori neaaof PaUu, moT Jonirer ackimwledm anv aml.. . tU. city was loreateoeo wim t, ITT" arrised here.uh.ua reWie the eveau E av ukea placa-. st .-h .- - V , V- 1 l-tcb; who erria at vi HJ tt, twdi red lliat Palaonda sh.U L rW 0 l aiai, Coieta aod Criva. wh. andedtho,dnwB,led 'the arrean 4I . Iheie ' taoops.- Tbav Goimrni " swer Ibat they bad Ho mosey, u, whaZ reptted that lliey wOukt remain . noaaiZ oi idc in uu uie aeoi su satwhe'i. CkL aided hy the on of "Colocotrotil, 'mi . movement agaiust tbn w hi ch caused tha to fear a aeriona attack, and the sh ueT selves up 1 A the. citadel The 'Gon(m declared them traitors 4o their eoailtf Church, seeing that hi ofiWwwiU bs ' eaa,rquilred Kikjiori the I0io, hd ntwi etJ to his camp at Eginc'V? V T- iweaiume, one ot tne broflierj tt &, took tlie command of palamida, sod tt k. er, thar of th w bastioua wl.ict' ovsnwi . the ssltyi 4heyw?ro. alo masteuofiha pona, -1 ne government retired to fiousa,' a little hUmd situated at ihe enbsncs ot portf and suvmoojwed.bv a outf ftiiup Moras, the commander tf the troop thick remained fafthfut io the General n Chisf.oa. cupied the batteries of the ramparii nd i the tower parts of the chyv OniaulltXtk, firing tiegaai at PaJamicWrand (he larmed, ruabed towards ;tha gatea.( Bt! ss. Rira they could escape thev,sere aUuri alternate ly,- o pay a ransom fo twt.Wa w tie, who were eaciis apposition to fire ajxia. them." GeCfolocotroni, jimthir himscit'ia iwiiwryi iwgi lives, s aoiirea is pj considsn.ble J Soni, From, the ilih u lit ' 5tii, there, were about kun'ireil peoola kiltadln the cut-, and a trreat BUber. wound. ed, "The itnf'irtuoate Inhahitantitaok rHuj 4 tht plain of Areos, where tlie were ailsd op like flifcki; Sod beset by the jiiost drtsdud miierv; s Tho toldiers'who Jhyld the fit ton r Kount a o demanded ranaorn froia tho flyings. But the English 'admiral 8 CcslUtgtoiv enmge.d' at v inui:h UihaaisaitV signified that if the forti'did jjktnf allow tha." boats to pass, which- Were lo Wed with . aon who had already biHiglijj. their liberty, he Would destroy -it, Foe tijis; pnrpase, hs disembarked some men, to jwa'ch ovsr tha safety Of the ugHivea.. Dujfmg the bol of the l4th, 1 3!h, and loth, tide firing hardty ceaaed'. The emigration coiitinnedt snd the fc Sea was covered with boats, Carrying wonw cWli!rn, and .old then,' whiB "sere Jjoing tail Uke refuge -on the other s:lfle.,'t i : I ? tjn-the J7th afd,20th, airier. a tnwrwv of th cbien of the- two parti et, On board the English ship Asia, at which was prestrot, a suspension of Lord! Oochrsi Urm's "took place; St was defiiiiulr birtrt was not yet known wh determined, to nut 'a. itoo t d slirtmefid to the'Greeks,a i their itira,v, i x 'A Y '.-,' teek,,aind to ruinous is Ca?n: CborH sailed ftom f.gin tha M with 3Q0tnen, aiKt 'ia.'gotoej to disembark SV tfie"IthnbtCorirJtf, ..tt JsaupposedtMi fiia project, ia to go and !it the gsniMa of that olace. which" thre-wsaed; by Cuuir lafiai vrir?- ,'Alt-JtR'.iI-y-K' - Byt 'tlie schooner Shawrock; kitivM at Baltimore fropx; Havana, w lean; that : Commodore jborde;s sqnauma wa' lyiag invthajt fiwbofbn; tJi,"! tntnu? This' infiirmtionf rourty esthbliwhf ft th e incorrer tnesa ot jwe .re: port which; ;feachd as iroin aw Orleans relative: 4bi1fuppo,l Kt bet weeil . the ; Spauish 4 ; Tho 'Juputta onstitdvototW iaiiis an accoantof anlattackXmio'f W aa), Alligator ujwn a tiinale , was going into; a swamp wttn: a pasiei " coPtt tipbn hef head; to ed bog, u... a Atriic ir &mm.riiir anil aPRrcir w'- the breast ht this ferochiusf iraiw Whtf attempted t 'deWivy7 hrr M"!?,, her iJesb, anf 'je.totnes n ,nisjsw" She extricated herselfwilh diC"'1;' and fled; pa need by the Al?uiytor,-w Sought shelter upon log,", pe e?0 Vhich rested upon a .tumr"T,'1r 5 brougbt fo her et9tanc se twi "' fr.n mn .Aivrmi flolil. - U)1lO L2lrd AUigatbr and relieved the. 'wonoW 'j herperifbua situation mSM . '.V ' .t. '.-i , t: '' v ,'.. jrafon.-rThe driv?of cat Wt (lis horsev aome'iit, :W TiH f of Lierpoolsomethipj? ktartled. ! "audi i moving lorward tl?f J tW( down-and '(lifled a . child", aged M m'onthsC':- '1ie diiver iT?- P' Z te'nced , to d nir'miPlhs ,hard f Th ChaVioVfesVaje1 f 1 :' i romplains of the, oun.ber.n - ttuct I tne visiter fi ;- i seat of the late M r, Jfr rsorr. j It , thatthenorrMm of his fatuily who rem- I there, jmaofi WTny" ' and imprrtirteRt'urtoi.jr -JWJu'i pb -disiiositibn to refuse entrsnc r. ..-., . ' .1., ulm'arwiroafar liofHHUiuy -S..W. .tiiv..,.-T.j" -: -rr place Atjtfc proper feeling hut . tht modes and f w;.Ma4 Vi'V'

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