" w . s 0. V 4 V . -. J; . . V .sssv Ti nin r J- . -- ; hat.tttgii;' tr..G. :.ovsir:-:ri i, ia7. . ' - - -' -, f w - '11! ! RTA II ; e - . a. a a kj av m "a. . . . , e Kl Ml fuf'tVe tlMttSwlppj, . rI.M wwrvr,Vy t .. " i lrad Qtrtrei Were oMiwwL' , . ,,.r M -.',- r.. ,.T'"T . i, n ..J In fir. ij rn r,r I . . J . T. . r r7 !-r,rl 'viT- r! fj fMk conliwn-j ercumst ref'-l in;nirrI J kM r All" !ttc to rt lhr raea k- fixt-1 p-tior, t Xew Ocv" fjr iiMpcclio lud xf r vrnTi. vk. v. trt fat:, f rrfui tW rrwf- ill, an fa-rt .tf yr .Io'n i fit'i-yfim, Muut y:r-'.fv r t- an iii W M V yAr A IW It it. i wn wnown fne, that h vwOht f.rt"irrr oT defion from nvlitta aenTcp. t itliln fietn. Wk'arifnim1 Jit wwith. Unri"? tl vtr i;i3 and lOli,' to h -.aitljf prrinilicial tu tl a'trice, tnj tfrvtrt) tri'ich to.cmbrTsitlie aucetw of the army 4n nuMf. Nfli militia aoUlWr fur mere f?e-l trtioa wan' eapitalTy pitutshed, "vitVm Con. .Viikio eammaiMl dniintf th wTirj thiWn itv prdrfiteeH inauhorilimition to a dtxniilm' Ur extent .aminfcst a rertji'u pottion of the r.iititia iroopi, who hati bertt coerrel intb mp vioe br Jt-aftrand in the end, was a brinr.ipal m oTona 6f the Wnt 'dahirerom mutinies. n a (1etbitmtrt of th aotitfasrit aim, that, nprhapa ha errr bten wiinert tn any de nciiptimi of military force i and which sA to the tr'm'. Conviction eteoutii or' John ll.irrjn and tii five principal asaociaiet. v. The ite.nt and imponin cliaraUer of Ova rmit'uiv,' tith tta atippreion-tlie,TJTe'it flf nli'i-ndera, their trial, envVetiori,VHh t!ie li iiiiaiinventof Hnrrisami Maftve principal a- o -'ite itt the mutiny and desertion, aeem . ir rrcn'iy miaunqrrttood bv maim Deramia :ii a tiiK.ance from the point' where the facts i.i. ? - J nrcurrca: AiTiiiiijniie people w lennc-ssee, wliere tli? offend era resided, H i confldentlv VI eed, but one1' optntna has r ptai1rd vlich MS that an example was indispen.tible, -nnd thnt tho Commanding General could not consistently with hi duy, hare done" other wise, than confirm the judgment 6f the oourt martial. ' ' '' ' ' ' '''' ' . ' Vf In the atimmerof IRJt'detschtnent nfmi litin. from Teniwisiee, wa ordered nt for period of six .months to b comrnttedfrmn the uric thev should rendesvoua ami tw must ere ( nt" ericci this iuppened on the 20th of hine, and of eonserrnence, the expiration ol the time was limited M the 20th of Dec-. 1814, when bvthe tetma of the" 1 agreement, their cerviee would ex Dire, Between the 15th and 'JOth, of September, and before the expiration ! of even three months, a mutiny broke out; 'nny riolent, riotous, nd inauhordinnte acts wok plucc.1 The eommi saury's store house in which were thprftions for the Army, "eol. lected at great trouble and expense, was for cibly entered," anil such articjes, as by the mutineers were deemed necessary for subsist ence, on their return march, wero seixed and taken posspssiori of the. bnke house and ovens necessary to supply! the troop with bread, were broken ui and lemoliihed, sen tinels were assuiled and driven from their posts, and ths tutt'.jonty of ofucers put at a nen. wanton del. -mW; on the morning of the ?0th of September, two hundred ofthose mi li'iadeserted & enit mericed their march hjoipe ward. Sortie ere arrested Sc broupht bacJf others, convinced that they ttaa erred, volnn tavily rrtuEn,ed to tin ir posts St duty fa ) For tlii-i" tnak not a Keinraenta.v 'l arneral C.i.urt Mirtial was convened, with autliorily to investigate the circumstances of their con duct, an! to decide upon their g-uift or inno,- cencc. " ' -. 1 '' '. (n the 21st of NV'cmher. lSli, upon infor mation lodged by Col I'ipkin, tp whpe Re giment the mutinous troops helonjteda or der was issued from the Adjntant General's O'Tiee, of Which the fcllowin is a fcppV: ' 'Adjutant GeneraVt O.ft1. 21, ' f 814, ' H.'ad Qiiartera'tk jtliUvniDuiricti A r.rA'F.UAl. Cm1 M ART I A to consist . of VI Vlt members and two supernumeraries, vv jll convene Jtt Mobile, at such time as T.ieut. Jol. Arbnokle shall direct, for the trial of such militia prisoners, as mav be brought before it Col. P- Perkins is hereby appointed Presi dent of the, Court -j-and Lieut; W I.; Uobe- son of the 3d Wigiment fnfantryf will act a .ludge Advocatfcj Col. Pipkm'pf the first lie .iiient Wililltisr 'UI. detail the mem bers front thtf jnie troops at and near Fort Mentgrjmery.varder on all the witnesses ne cessary forthi trial ef 'the prisoners f his re giment at this placealso fumisji specific charges' nffamst tliem; and lastly, wtlljiotity Lieut. Col. 'Arbnckle'of the firohable time they will reach this point, to enable him to regulate the hour of setting. By command (Signed,') " '. - " . K0BE11T RUTI.EH, Aijh Gen. The Court Martial, in pursuance of the a- hore order from lead Quarters, having been detailed and the Court rendf rod full aud com plete, through Col. I'ipkin, who by ordef of tne commanding vSenerat, ti.idee n directed to do so, on the 5th of December, for the pur pose of proceeding wit U the trial, wasconven w under the1 following order: ' , Okdf.us. ffct lit (our ly abet a p pmmi abvU e oeee aanvwnreH m fim4 oekera at tl-AiW-HtMMbenK-rreparuVMH-diNi Rjoor ably d'nehftr.p.1. ft: J? ' - The aboro hrcroeedintr.'wTIl hoy ni,rc tority, that there Wat's ir.NXTt.L COtRT MAUI IAT, and not aCamsnnor Ueirwnau. UI ooe," H ha beets (ftanre J. ! t consiste4 Of (he requisite and lecJ number tu coestiui'e a couit ami bcUtg eoaiooeil Ijiliua OHW eer unfiling of bins, or ifiuiU tard the ptisinera. cat he Imputed. ' It'see'tu d'.fleull m wntrrc, unw any enc coum iyirenitaKen this tor a Hrrtmcntal or .GvrlOt Coart ilart'lnl,,! when from the face of tie order eua aViliitiu; the court, t i wvident, it eoeld he no other time a tiEN1vAI. COUttT JtAK Tl.VL " V"d-r all the cireumaOntees of the caie the Cnurl found ,tle srwitcr guilt vA wnu. jmigii out notiunt; mtire niaitap prev the proceedings, r in titht-r woisto wunneia uiecHrctscsor the perdaninj po. er, which"fcjr favtf rested witU ... -. QSJaCTtO!IS.O . . ' 1st. Ty sofne, it hat been insisted, that the cturf was incompetent that the number composing it should hare been-thirtreni and as it did not constat of -this number, therefore it is maintained to hay .been illegally con ttituted, and, cousequently that its pnxecd- nr WAra Vol.! i r - CeiirJs mtiat mnconsTst of any number tfce period f vIm-K, a It ' aatlthes; were la et rxioe kaUer U act of 1791. BMSVbtted mf traces ersmat the rrornuti kwa ef pk eoantrr.aaj were l i.-rnWc . VM n ie true, iW those saee eTe eaa. 4 into aerrice. tor thre4 SeatW -TVy H4 wn-ie ajd snMtered fur SIX MOVTIIS, irtnUW end agreeably to la4 a at ! wiUlltab iMaUe SMmfcat by turo- testibte AeeuaienK Wrt Lkwiea, that thev. utewMNVre, vrtv fwWe epeiar4t;t sWi wa the fjcC ; It m correct, as has ktee atatew by ihae wt etjrct le the coadect of Geee- rCJckovttut tav.rtcoay pwwrivwlMca Um iiorrM ef e wt cm exercise, ape, (rem the General OnrensnaMtt, nibtia eae ke eedered to the fleUL aivi detained there. but Rw three tiwflle ret, iit virtee of several sVts of CongnsM,ihf Ut ot which was passed and approved of en tl.e titi oflprll J8I4, the President of the UoiteU States ru mD,o naeite eU iin active eervkn tht saiUtie, (or any lengt not time, t exceeding act xntM. In tMirsttanee of Hies atitttariif, the President, hy Lis proper orgx the Secretary of War, empowered the toerner Tennessee .to art in biseteX")n calling tbe.Ukilitia ietoacte aTsei-rioe," as wil eppear, by the following test ion of the yst of CoiifrestftaJ letters from the o9retry nf Viri " t - "ClIAVTtft 139. ' Jn U fllr 4nkliui tg m act rnMW a tiie PresideM of the Pnirrd SuiiV, U.Jl-) psy Srat Strt-t tafe topT. eav'.bera ir. ey aoorpt a teener pfsersice ef the her rd aa.t beade er.tr-el le ax s 'i it s ea.pot. .' vmabeee("jtmir Watry horn she 3d d- Js tree, that .Wn ruttiov-tHi au r i Lire ' "-" moo, fcr the afwesaid tf r for tSe pwrwr. soared the life .f the ih.fofnt.itt thrwrh r " rrr f gamMM-.ing the eanl Boat, at your epujo gnilty Mj Aide, yet he d 4 nor; for the . T "f H-t..-I. 1. f . I . . 1 , I . . . . 11. 1 ..I - - ..... . . I . . . a . 1 t - ... 1 . - actiaiaittheereeksia furUratire of l!iSnaadcethScr.W-. OotUs aatW4 oft-tt. netra of twmnOTt m that oelHiMT is rivra taeed, o M.t wbo ws a ea itait -i tMe re tohttNMurr war, U,e aB'.rT lu hea lufwtw. M fAiMr.4il tit United &Xi.n Section 8 .hut h if fi&tktr enatuJ, that the KiHiiiOwNee rillei Into the 'service' of Of THE GENERAL Cocht MARTIAL which Colonel Perkins has been appointed President will convene at 11 o'clock on the fifth instant, at such Quarters' "'the Assistant cp. Qr. Master General may asgifn for that purpose. . jr . ' (Signed.) . ' jAti. Cat. Cemmanilin?." "Hte following entry, eopscquent ppon the preceding order, is taktrt ' froth the official nun oriirinal proceedings tf the CouK: " The Court met in mimmnce of the nrc ceding order, present, Lieut. CnL Vprkitis, - kaiajor i vviiiiam v;, , 3ian, iupi. tames Blackmoir", Capt.' Wm McJvyV, and. Lieut. James Uovd,' Membet-s-ieut tiavkl 'cheU and Ensign Jame II. Williams, Sif liernumeraries.?',';V'p v'.-i'jt. :"-..- - 'i'he ergnnlr.ing tins Ctitirt Martial was a tnong the last acts of General Jacknon. at this l'oint for on the day afkf it isshedi ffee SSnd of coUm'iaMimpd officers from- 5 to 13 (see the 64th article of lb Rules and Regulations of War,) and suh cbwrt will be. Jtgal. ll Should, tboujh, enn'sist of thirteen,, iwhere such number of omrs can be had without injury to, the public amice, otherwise any numuer, not l titan nre, win answer such is the laiy tlpon this anbjecri " " ine comniatee-state,' aa an indisputable matter Of fact, that such was the pressure of the moment, and tjjtf scarcity of omcera,that, even, organixd a the court Was, of seven, that number could with difficulty he spared the public sctrite. ' Ihe attack, which in August, hud Uccji piade upon - Mobile Point, by a Uritiali squ lon tle reduction of Peiv-a-icota, and JialoJement of the enemy there iir NoTembcr; together wit,h the prevailing rumors aud opinions, That a dciiceiit was to be expected on tlve southern coast, all pointed to tlie necessity of keening every ollicer at his post aud to tlie neccsnity too. Of having the trials of the prisoners progressed wilb. that their example might not protc 01 per. nicious effect to others. indeciL not a week elapsed, licfor a Hritish fleet anchored off Cat JsioihI; ami m a few days thcrfalter, to wit, on the l'tthcf December, our Cur Boats on L;ike Borne, near .New Orleans, coiisti tuting our only marine defence in tlut quarter, were capturcaanu nci'.oyea. liven to this lime, the troops from East Tennessee and tieorria, had not nrtived. The reirimcht f Colouul Pipkin,, constituted the principal ieliuucu to garrison the .posts and to hold in r.licct the Creek Indiana, who stood ready for revolt on the first appearance of a British lores. These facts and circumstances go clearly to show, that a greater number of Officers could nor have been spared from public service.. Indeed., General Jackson had already departed from .Mobile to New Orleans, so urgent did matters appear to him, and had confided the filling up the court to Colonel I'ipkin. Towards the men com posing his own repiment. Colonel Pipkin could feel no pfcjuclice. nor entertain a wish to deny them an impvtinl .trial; he must have had 'every disposition to afford such a court as would extend to them, equal and impartial justice. i aud Obiectiiui. That1 no person can he sentenced, to dcuih, but by the concurrence of two ibirds cf the court. To this objection, there is but one replythe sentence of the court, as the committee are advised, was .Itogether unanimous." On theirround. then. lltat theVhole a)wa) s includes a part, there mustlinve been a concurrence ot two thirds. 3nl 0!jcci!oiv . That it was a Garrison or negimeiitnl eht.rt' Martial, whicJrby the rules mi -articles ot war, had not the right and power to Itv for capital offences. It was neither the one nor the. other, but as the Lmguage of the order imports a General Court Martial. 4ib dbiedtlon. That peace had been re stored the battle -of the bh of January gained all danger past, and hence, there was no necessity tor exumpies; or lor enforcing rigid and exact roles. Peace' hud not been restored. . It is Hue, the battle of Orleans had been won; .but at what new point the enemy might str.iki, and when, was alto gether uncertain. Indeed, it was only on the 18th of Jail, that the enemy abandoned the Mississippi) l'ort ltoyer was assailed and captured ,oi the litis of February. It was not until the 10th of February, 1815, that rumors of peace were comnmuicated to Gem Jackson at New Orleans, through the mcJiuiu of the 'enemy's neet. For Mime time aTer the ltriiitfh hadt retired fw-tn 'New Orleans, the Coiiinuuulirg General, distrusting the intelligence of peaccy w constrainedto adorn; every precuutiou, lest an attack might be nude, at sonic unguarded point,' and an advantage obtained. (lis anticipations were correct, for "iliortlV afterwards. Mobile Fo'tnt was assailud sud carried. -Surely," 'the,' it was not a tin-, when any thing of mutiny stul desertion, shuuld.. lutve been encouragetl. throtiyli lenity otl tlieptol the Comiuaitd ingGtiieral. ' '' '' ' ' 5ULH)jel;ton. The last objection taken Which wvil be noticed, is, that those tnefl were' in, si.-vvice umler, ami in pursuance of the act oi Cungrere of 1795; and that eonse qtieutlv, they could be detameu Only lor a lour oi iiirce nioni serviccj aim uisi iu jjuii iklMhem. Aum iirinrnner and a'-inst law. ; Tilt argument iserroHeotis ' and untr'nabl Uuougrtont, hs v. ill be k)iown(. but fur a pio mtiit. suppose it to be true1 a Mated, the iuf swer is, that admitting this to have been acltr. ,aly me, cart,, tfiax wicy were inaeiTiee oui T : I 1 t r I I tBe unitea otatirs, iwtnc or tne Derate re-, cited act. easy, If In tbf.uiuoa :f the prtsi. dent of theUuited States the public interest require' & be f impelled tQ aervices for a term not exceeding six m.nrths after their arrival at the place of re ndexrous, m har one vrar. . 'iffar Department, ok. I Its. 181. " Sir.- Yoa are atlhoried to supply by militia drafts, or by volunteers, any deficiency which may arise in the militia divisions ondcr the command of Maj. General Jackson, and without referring on ttiia head, to xhis De partment. ' , . l. l.i ' .It rotv j,e. well, thaf your. excellency con- suit Ucii. fincKney o: aitcn oecasiona, aa be ean oest judge of the whole number necssa . .i . . . . ? i ,. i . i w me Hi'mnmeiu ui ac puoue oojecia. (Signed) . S. ABM9TR0NU " To Governor THount,- ' ' , (COPY.) A ... " If.ir Debarimay Jan. tit? lUk Sir I had the honor to receive' your R. cellencv's letter of th Ah Inst? ' My letter t f 1 , , . t .-..ll i . . : : J . , .- Mil ma i mi win usrc auiiviHi.ru jour cnipii ncs relative to lurtliee detaotiments of milt, tia. The attention of thetPaymaster of vhei. army will be particnlnrlyt directed V ,( payment ot the troops who ave been in ser yice"'from Tenhessce. ' '. I have the honor to be very reapectfully your excellency's most obedient servant. isigncu; ...JOHN AltMSTBON'G " I lis Excellency W, B loo st, GiWerrior of Tennessee. Tlie above two letters are tme eopie from the files in my possession. ' Sept. 20th 187. (Signed) . WILUE BLOUNT. late Gov of Tennessee It wa; impracticable, situated as were the afiVira of this eoimtry, (luring the war, that special and particular orders could be made out and forwarded to the Governors of the respective states, ready, and calculated to meet every particular exigency that mirht ! arise in the progress of the war. Where the enemy might appear, and when; and hence, for what definite period of time, militia ser vice might be required, were matters, so wholly dependent on the movements of the enemy, that the distance at which the Genar al Government was placed, rendered it e nedient. and indeed indispensable, that some thing of enlarged and general powers should Be cor.nuea to me state executives, ann more particularly to the executive Of Tennessee, which was far distant from the seat Of, the General Government. For thi3 reason, doubtless and for none other, did Preaideuti Madison, cause the above order to he issued to Willie Blount, Governor of the Slate 'of Tennessee.', v By this act of congress, and order ofihe Secretary of ,warv there was conferred, '-'an full and ample powers on the Governor as the President himself possessed m ' relation -4o calling out the militia, an order, altogether neceasary, that ill tuture, tne risque, danger, and trouble of distant communications might be avoided In times of certain emergencies and imminent perils. That order, placed within the discretion of the Governor of the state, tt rieht and power of calling into ser- vice so many of the militia of the , state, and tor such length or time as ne might thtnk Droner, cot exceeding sit months. The Governor was authorised f to supply by mi litia drafti any deficiency which piay arisej" suggesting, merely, that reference should be hiad to Gen. Pinclcney, as to the numbet that might be considered necessary. Here, by way pi better understanding, it may be prop er to remark, tliat at this time. General Jack son, bdwh only in the militia, and not in the regular service, if Was' hot for him to enquire. what were the Bowers of Governor Blount. as derived front the depaTtmentof war As an officer under the state, and such n tact be tno ot tnatrtieSMAa rrooi the ear tlcpnirnr l"heae tiwops, w Ul be oownusideA- by a v.tii eer of tlw rank of Colonel, k W.U hv rt-uirv.t torrwdrsvoiaaj Fs)eUe.liot ihr SJ.Uofj Juno neti tttrnce, they win proceed to the a e (aciHioaotl poet omWr youronlrr, if oeb a iudxr.toeaoh, aeyeo aliaM assign. 'It i mnfUot te (he amMie' mefest, that they ahouU be at those poets betwoea too 1st and 10-h of Jnly next, aaaboxtt (aat Une,tbe Itrta ittnct of the Imoisa. now there, onder Cu. Ituocb, win expire, rij at xrhich tot. there i Niuob ptiblie pro.icrty committed to lueir tukargo. .. j i v j . ,. h- . " . yott wdi order Uie imjiier toaster to' at tontl and muster the troop into' eervice )m will call en tt Co XraCtor for proviaKni aM on the abstain ttcrHity quarter master siawwuo jot supplies itt his department. ' -'H'tlXlE tlJOUSfy, To Mai Geo. siMia Jiriyivt 1 , oron4 dlrhrion of Tennesar? mlCtia." Prpta. the (av here stated, these conclu SMHts'oe.-tsxrity rsrhs that Tlit acting as e ft erno uf Yi "tessee, was lyHionVd without vefi h tn te that depaHment, to take such wicsjures fof SHipplyung the deftcicnem in tno anuiia, PS .to bim might appear exue- dient and, necetiary. ; That 4f persitsnce of I una auuwrny. i,one tlipusaud men Ming Wan ted) kit. order was Ustied to tin.J.rkrtt then In the service ot the state, to cauae tliat nuuiDer to oe musieraU trout hiedivja un, in la srrrice, withou 4tUy, which, was aecor. dihiily dooei and the wiw r.V ..Ar the command of Cb.. Pipkiii.. ,. That Ja-Jtaoiwl I I rd, ttiat sating vn.tr the jmite o'vle rt ' ln. UbiMr tost, without trtal of a,r be CauavO a aohbse to be shot Who Was tnkrnj U the act of nVert-dow aadnt Mr.ed to the cain f his Geaerah' that a 'st-'rrprii . , .. . . , , nriiom oj 4 rem i M J t' -.t, f . avae tiitfV ..-r acquainted w- 4 1. . , ' , "1J. V,'. HART. isssiwro-Tsi t wmiMrion,rawtnrntnu t , : . , . .v 1 ,m u. -. tiua wajRwmimane aiHt erowKy , " in 1 ill J , " . Mijt, neither can aoch an impuutiou rest a-. Erfocf f m letui- r -n i L n . r. T 1 ( . v . gainst lien. Jcrsyn iflj B ilU act" d With a t ute.i J't'f i .1- .,, view to the great interees of the country aa ' YrMtor ;' ; -r-lar'a dto. ,v(...'V. sumiair the tvnd. eVwh, ia times nr.. 'M w f"' f "-'"r 11 ?" "'"' tho pstbhcal are.pcclys.wh.p.n , J? I5' IT blej ami ht. 4 ad dms n would bf onl.T in hk a you hive ,,f them. , Jf crmoial -nay nwal trrawnio the te ( the ( Tethelit. Iaaswerth.it I aitL el.m1il , aoaiiTNtwn', to tuduige lu aa excess effect- the JJ res.u t irflnfaninr. attUe te n ' 1,; ..as 1 1 ' ' .ru.!, A h f il. Wt o eftai asJitJ rsri, ,-. xmv. an,W L i-mi.n ,. ot that I rrnMinsd H M A ,c, b'iod, utilil tlx of tl.i . u;itrtr.l, ! t . ! 1 I W at pi-r t a. t'.c .-'. : ' ittX u'ljuJi-ed ta tuur ii ., that faK Oi lit wetitrnrw of l!i? i ' Ocitar the ne half of auaU et a I kr of tin snf. o lrrs to tx t isveH, n I iters t ha tt.uainr.1 mil S eam. arriu4 kite cffict, taiil ill InKpie" t I 1 m ''0- IMl - . III. f-""Vv !i.',..ii.',-tf. ..,',( "'aa.l no n-rdar ! were shot, m-r M "Bix! iuirt'der ffnvl nttncinjila, our Tf 3001' Im 11$, uumnant ti tbf! -i.'i-iire nf s court n feeing fr fe-'J-l tnrlotMwl fv'4ij and ,, M appivJ by Cow J:Hk-jn, the a in NVr-T. Jemnetl for mutiny, dtftnkn,nd,oalrgeio O.-leaos, whn h, ac4My to I. 1 nrdrra, -r-; pnbho property, oowjcould Gen. J.wko "n ?";!, u'""r "T ' : " .V, ,.. LZ. .1..-. 1 1 u 1 1 j 1 presence at alt tlw tr vn thru o1 Intr; f. it M . . h. arm?' sfterwarj,?. The er.ia Was a tfyihi ,omlXint 9t wint n., ' ?, paei 5Merfulittsh H-et and armv were ler G-ewral o.-.!,.r,sn I n t ,a .'A-f beine a Msj, General uf. the militia- ia the state. Could, not oq-iire into the authority and..power of Gov. Bkiunt, as derived from . u . . r : . r ...... .c tKu.niiicut vi war, even UHJ it been imprudently exereisedi ho- was-hound 4o eaecvte in order , not mcoiwistent with law. , . . ... -i U,il ttf ,A...t.J i... ' .. .... " mvniu, ov some, mat II is not m. terialas to the time (V.r. which the sen ices ui uir,i we,r required) uial they were ignorant ot he fact that they believed .themselves in service p , for, three month aim iuh mis ignorrnce, ud Una misconcep eption, shbuld have operated .in their t tvour It ii dllficull to see the fore ofaueh ail artrftmenU of bti any rroiind ivliatiiv.. in justify its introduction. . Everv man nf &n. tuion fensex.iows, ttiat ignorance f the law, jwtunot excusejts tidrastion- Jf aoch a.nile .altirl iil'aieiat ol.&- ' ' a 1 . . m - .rv. .., 4iiij govo nrqerjna-tirst pnn crdes of society. , wojild be enWnged, nd every oHbnder be reade' with an amrte end aufltcient defence, for any outrage, he might ttiink proper lo commit, upon Ahe righta of his neighbour . ' . It is not a fact, )iowever. that those troops were ignorant of tj.e length of, time for which they were engaged; It is a grouad U a assertion, and has arisen, it is presumeit, solely and entirely from .the expression. wutcft was contained tu a . Inter purporting t4 be, written by H.rria, one f tlie prisoners, to Gen.;vjJacks.nj , and , which," as has been shown by tlie public prints is altoirethrr- lorgery. No such letter was ever received ti oro it ams, , no opinion as to the service being resncted to Miree towths was theft entertained Tlie bHVndois knew better. and as evidence of the fact, the proceedings ' i couri are ni-re atraiii ret rrl to. ct;u ku jnrm me 1,01111 .uarnal pracaetUngi. "joiin oillilll ir ilr MaliM't heinr iinni states, that he never heard Ianfiiiaevus.d bv the Capt. to his m n bin to continue in service until the expira ioii of the SIX MONTHS: and that it w hiehly iuiprooer to be break- ing otti ana that they would he punished if mey wrnt soupcr s " David Morro 1 servant in Cant. Strntln 'n company) beinir on. aiaUs, on the march betw en F rt Jackson nd Oeposit, his Cap.- tain asacu mm now lonir lie i xoccted to re main m seiyice? to which he renhed SIX HON I lis as they were . muttered fur that Sergeant John JO. Smilk being wnt tatet " mat Jie tormerly belottu'ed to Captain Smitli.lft'company anil was attached to Capt. iiroTuerecoiripanY at Fort YVi hams: mar, ched sunder his command to Fort Jackson. and nevef heard his Captain say one word on the subject? mentioned in the clisrires. but once, when, at Port Jacksnin when the inu- tiny assumed a pretty high tone,, he observed Doys nusn muimyingstay until I go home which will be at the. expiration of SIX MONTHS." , If these extracts, taken from the proceed ings of the court, did trot exist, it would be in tno wise material; not are they now matcrt av except aa going to show the opinion which then prevailed. The order of Govern or Blount upon this antbieel, requiring that they should be called otit and mustered for SIX MONTHS, isot itself, sufficient to shew the nature and extent of the service fur which those troops were required. Gov.- Blount acted in this business under and by authority from the secretary of wart and General Jackson in cullinir out those then ......ill W.1SIA ;u,.l,i.,h.i...Ml iromisuiviwon,execuxe, as ne was oounu woi until oiiiiw ti w I -- .t .1 ( . ih wt.r tt.-t.irh wm. ;.h n l 'neoraers et governor Hionnt. it na hr hovering- along tu Vhcrti ast, bte UU4,wunar)d where Ity pleased. J Ji such state ot thioi. nuttiny, and de-t-;tion, by all IMiasioiB means wrre to ue guariel a'auut and preteoteL ' By 'what - rule ot reason," or with wliat bprietv,cbeld Gen. Jack sou have punislted am aoltiiet fur amilar oltenees, if ne uaa. extended paroon ana torgiyeivusjto Harris sad hi.swociateii.' ihe eoaiitry. frif rmy, and liiinsulf, must hsvo t'ullen vic.un o examples sd. U-d'geriHiA-i-U wouIJ isve Denmiaiakeiiwecy!f r ; f Better iuif ihat- the ohje'efions repeatedly matte are new aaiisfectonly mt and answer ed Dy avvvtopnieut Ilia luout at,teutlmg the case, the. cuiWlee pilar tlW disclosure u.:.u .1, t .i. 1 1 niiii.uc vniicAc-ii s.iuineiiia 10 me cauivu tonskteraSouiuftlieiihrie'"1' ' i "v K' ;-.iCn4ntaa V'tn Aai. Cwa. ..tws iraji,w-ry, r"ay, ,M uff mm ni Tln-y CVKKil ,J - . " - ! . . - , CEHTinCATB Ul COL, PIPKLV. ' DsAa Si,a I hava been Informed, tiiu iltau Biwkner and Frank Jhhnston, ' late jiienilx.-r of Vongressj hse urouiIy - chargeil ' GcnVrtil Jaokson with lisvio six roihtia men tried amloa ecuted ehliout neiMfswty, and Ibiv.eiwma eoni-H mitten attes thegr time pi service had expired .uicviiij i. men -niiiiiieu w, i crv of my reirtmciit, I deem it a iltity I wa ta Oeh. Jiiekson as wc'la he tommuuitM Jsiu,i ntuau a nut giniemriib oi I no uicia ai)i eutum stanues ennnetted 'wkh- their anest and Vxceu. tion.t lha egiinWit -whwh I comitmnileit u mustered mtaaerviee uwlcr an aet ot ooegressi for a term of six months tluy,"on U18 20tli Ji)ii, mi, nnu ci-nei-eu 10 uuirikon tlie U,llcivnt Posts In the Creek, nation.' : In tlie latter nr of Anguat, r the prstet ljepV dicevered mu. tineus tlisnosltioii .'in tuv recimciit. as. well at Port ,1ackoh, where I had citablishen toy head Quarters, "tsvafother Pontst'liit'l had ho proof that would Justify tn V nrefcrlwr ' thiirireS. "unfit a wildier by t!ie nnjuq iif Hunt, lj'ula a nuLlic do J i..,t:A. A.-i l.a 1.1 ' 1 . . t (Miairrn, tun, uv uultl. moetthit mn tliat wers rkScuU-d l-u-iw .was aoui asinen iiarni , . ; , ,Z t i. Tl rrnmmil tu wtiiiOi tue men luit vrm sliot hil ped, was (hufl.-d ami mind i-ed far SIX. j was Siuhnriitby ' nirT, m iorw una p?rcr whs qnirxi-a oivii eilbutby Alia ' tiAUtincri-s and ilcn.-ru a. knew Uettei-, svtlicy a. tnowlmljuil ,fe f lit was mid wl bcTTevo-d,, thnt H ii-i is anl , One er tw edlers of th six th'it wim-s shot, were ' site snhstitates, inr the tern; w lurh the ret- v nmnt "Vinil bee it dralU-d aud mustered, and tliat est it 'mortths.fi . ih ,-v'iii .. - .-.. fjr. Stand. While the risonera were eTwHncd.H ijr migh have written without th !, i;jui , ! - ' , et'anf one but the s;aard. i Th r ' I ' Qng.i aclievc, never was oenii-l t . 1 , t . -a- SitwMiewi' It v howeveri anl- 1 : i. tVaoy of the others adilrnsscd t. -M. n t,, ,f ifiare hf.il or their lives fur they ili.l 11 1 kmiw," what the result of tlieir trial eas, kefoie te iu-n ' mulisaueapftheseiirffwlneh waoajnnin-: ' , 4 by an ordnr to t carrW sasa -effeet m a lew . layi.uflerwanlBt e rtwt a latter ooulil nnt have j" ' reached Oen. Jaeksoti, fiera . f Iarris.' bci H-e the . - ; Sue appointed for his execution, itul to allow -- at liun-is did write to the general, to have paid ' A (iiy attention te it wauld bat e betrayed a weak . ess and indeeisioa in him, tlmt, in tlie then pnsi tino, ofrailairs, alrht have been productive of la-jj-' till aanxeniunoaai lor wa JumI ma hnm!f.ira mtm j treaty of peace having beaa signed at Ghent till 1" tocfre tliau a month alterths approvid of the sen- , 1 J-neej end fifteen or twenty days after its exeenvJ s fipts i,Atuh a lime tbs luast relaxation of Uis-j sijibno railuhave proved ruintras ta the eonntry. 1 6. Ilari-is was a sort of hreiaher, of thatdeno- n nkiatioa ealled Baptistv " He was in profession,4 '' -. 11 a saint, ana. In reality, (under sucli a garb ot 1 t tanotity, with great pretentions to learning and 4 ' , .llowlede, ) a mlschtevoaa man enough, amongst . . . juora krnorant pwojile than tiimlf, , ' '..' .. -f v ?; Hutinvad desertion are the highest orimta---'""" know toHhe Jlttw, for the governing of thy 0 a, , 1 neevuienee in support ot tb"5 "T", Ijninst the vnilitiaf was poitivhd tiee from 0 tlmdpw of donbt' -Thy seniinilteil the offense . in broad day IMits In th.presjnee of the troopa. i dial remained fiiitliful, the affeota of tlie sontrae-, dr, and every body on the grnuod..-;'- ; ,'.V f ThoV were withont justifloatkm or ex'onse.y IWjugh k long s they hoped twlifw.taayi.lleg-.,' t wo s ait exouse, their pretenued atiiei mat no. , iA existed to hold them 'W service wore than tlu-eo months, la whieh they had been sustained f -.,r. hy the oiiiaioos of om ot their offlwrs. 1I jw yor, before tHcir execution,' they abandoned tbis, excuse, ss tliee knew better and said that those - offioera who eaeonraigeil tliem to the fatal deed T 'j eu)(tit to die as wll they. im""-:-! 10. HVhen the mn tiny and desertion tank placo-. ... kt Fort Jackson. 1 believe that the British force, iro home, at tlie eiui-I laiion ot three Wieniths r dfe In thcattKrtiirt. 1 1 then wretc td Cert. Jackson, at Mobile, no4S-'l, qiiuslea Jinn UiOruV'ra oouit martM lofthutil al'of said llnirt. whieh he did. but the order did. not come to baud until !'ter th mutinous tiar-j ty of y regiment had released bim from under- irunwii wno, w,nn nm. deserted on tne IfeHb beut. 1 8U. A short time, nrcvious to this- tlie same party demolished the' Bake hnUse.-destroy-' ed the oven, and did many Other" disorderly aiid mutinous H-lu, The day prevkras to thew do' , 1 t ss . 1 H wu w numawii, k whutu Mint, ano lI sx ., -w .. . 7' 1 ". "!??W-' P'f'dj ''. m afterward retmUil by the garrison on Mobile- marrhed towanls the fommiMary's stores. . J fetbo 'aak eh that plaae. tiad shewed! . . lUi-msetres tn the then Spanish harbor of Funsa-v ' faJSee 'ApnenaixNo.i2 ' 'l.h.Z. I" the first publication made by the cpm-; ""v, nirougn some error of tfte press, the "jmes oi two of Uie eotirjjto wiV Capt. .? "nd Lieut. Boyd, were omitted: also, Vt. niacktnore, was miscalled, Blackman. ins niuke", hbwever. was afterwards eor- the N-iv,!le 15epuW!ciina!trf Stale toy three nunths It can ip no1 rtt tory the rt.iJcti.in- 4lm niutinouS nets thari'ed oft the prisoners, tools place before he 'HMt of SeTMeniber, and cojieqoemiy,ir)re me ex ptrl;oo 01 xnree, nioinns iro' been objected, and by some ofihe late repre sentatives in congress from sister' Blate in their circular letters, that no such authority nad been given to tiovemor Ulount, and ss a reason lor such opinion, it is alledged, that sucnan order "it not it. ta. Annul uwpuir Alhnd hut little raoin to do fliau vu had.;-It . record of H'asliwgtan Citg," It occurs to llrue that, at my n-qhest, he ohlervd a eourt h'un by Governor BlouBt, and to draw from his division such number of men, . and for such period of service, as the order issued to him should direct, not exceeding six months. A force stilncient for th reduction of the hostile creek Indians, bad been called Jo the held on the 3d of January 18U, and which. about the middle of March, .feave a finish to the; war that bad been waged gainst the Creeksj tint circumstance, rendered It enna- cessary for the Governor to act uppn the or- I r t ..m. I a wwiHanniV SAi.hat.uie vl man uer m urncrai niitivii, eci ivwiv wt wr, . . . , ,. until the 20Ui of May. when in purauanca of " X t c"e.th'ft, I'c d.rctim,ftr,rt General PincknTy,a portion Ulve " of the militia were1 called into service from ieneral Jackson' division. Governor Mount's order to the General, bears date - 20th May J til 4 apd is in the following "AavnnUe, May i.-. .ol4.'r SipIn compliance with the requisition of I duty, and of tlie laws of lite country It sn of Maj. General Thomas Pinckney, that the I peart ton, that they were Jeijally called into posts of Fort tjvilhenis, ort Strotber, Fort I service Tttr MX MONTHS; and that before Armstrong, iortKoss,aqu forts old -ana tne expiration ot even three months, their neW- Uem-sit, sliovU be. kept up, the doing act, of nut liny took place4. AIL therefore. iif which, he -has confided to you, until the j that carl be alledged aguin4 f Icncral Jaekson, Wilccf s of the L-ovtriimeiit in relation to tlie lis, imp!y,.that bavinir in Jiia liands the powet ... . .i. -'.t.u l. 1. 1.- .( 1 ? -., .. VHr vmim no iiumiiw .i f.iuiwiia, .ri.ii.i.i ly .Mu.,r'Uw u.ut twit Miiaiuun, uiw puuixu-iw have been full v cft'tctedi and from tlta TH-ob-1 teres and oiibli Safety would bo Promoted able expiratjonf of the lime of service tif tlw I by its jkaerc'ise.A Thia, alone, eortstifuiea the grvwiu tn wnmrc (atio nun, snu nisi ortiei ed tliem to disperse, tut my order was ei regarded, and they fnieetl the GuarU staUvnad tor tlie protection of the stores. . I lieaainmis , ary snth.-ipstM theif design, closed BiwJ .JoU dl tlx- door; but that did not revtium them, Int one of ike men (who was. jiAerwardi' shot "thy sentenue nf tlie court martiidj lU'Jaeiliutely sittioli ed up a pick axe and euttlie (IporoflTthe hinges. The then entered iheAoune, and took Otit eleven hat-icls of (bur, awf nnule 'pwbl Is proclamation to all who intended going home to, oomo forward-ami die rations, which tliey did. Tkcy Hl'terwai-ds proceeded to the; bullock pen, and shot dewn two beeves, and , Uie balanoe taking fright, broka the pen and run some diatimce, wJiere they killed third. "They then tturno to. the Fort and; completed their aiTaneetnents to lUit , homo at before stated, t the number of about two mmdred, I immeduitely. reuorted te uen. J sex son the situation ol mv eomnuuuf. and the manner of nvy proeeedinir Bh'elly after,' I rvcuiireii tmier iriou iu (jenarai nineennr ana that if J had not already arretted Jhpm, to as eTcrj cxciiKin iu mjr power o uo so, anu asve them brouirht back to trial. . A part of them were aiivsted and a eoort. martkil onlcred to be sniiviinai 1 I'n. (IiaIm 1 1,. fl L.. a.,...LI. tttctmp; under tne orilers o lien. Jackson) at Nlobile, and to consist of five members tud -two snprnumerark.-s, Ijout.- Col. Perkins 6f the njtninpiiiiii.iHiinia, wt appmnieu rresiomc of uie court, ami uieuu 11 one son, juugo Aijvocflre, I was ordered to detail tho biilanve of the Court from tlie militia n-non ol'dia State ef Tannonsffe . ml to. order on the witnesses, for tlie trial of the ..vuii(v ... ji. rii.i;m. vu iHwuii.i piw,.. tu l make out etwrget shd speeificatloaa against tliemj wuii-H i mo. yn iite 4tn 01 1'ee. I received no tice from Coli Pprkiits tliat thesoint martial was oi-gnni.ed. It eomineeccd with the trial of Capt. Biroiueiy ann eontimtun troaa nay to flay, tinti. all theprisoncrs ere tried. ' In this biiricaIr..Chirman,JGn. Ja(:li tlie committee, that this is a very insufficient reason.. The non production of papers from the City of Washimrton. should net be con sidered conclusive evidence that none ouch ever" existed, for it 4 demonstrated conchi- iclr an order was war. If lost or nnstaiu, oe 11 soj put let not JU nonproduction be reued on as conclusive evidence to eatab lisb disputed factstfor that i in opposition to . . . . - -. . - reoM ana rtsru... . ,.,!,-, It appears then, that these men were euil- tyof extiavsgant excesses of violation of t - t. v 1 martial, And appointed the President anil Judge Advoeata, who were both very -raspcctahlc and . mieuieni men nut tlie balaneo ol tho eovrt were detailed -by me. .' Nor was Gen Jackson present, or vcn in Mobile' at the time the pri soners were hied er exeentedt for I nave always understood and believe, tliat be had reached the vnj ofixew urteans, netore the vnurv: was or eanlxed," where to remained until the restora. Uon Ot'peaCa. - : 4L-i-e-" J?': on tlie suta lies, the term Mservueofmf re giment expired, and on tlie 2lst oy 2nd day wa took- -up the line ef march for Tennessee, and, as soon as we. art'trea, were ouusnargad. - - Personally appeared,-Philip Pipkin, before me Sn actintr. Justice of the neacelem uidantintv. and made o.ilh tjiat the foregolne fneta and sir- ciimstuiice,.as set (ottfli are true to the best of hi knowledge and tmnl-m .. y ' t-vft- vruinP! pipkin eserMM!lstt worw.j. 4v .i':. .. ti a 20th of troops, ndw occupytnir those important postal only iunlr. whieUume thev'were nm cred into commamled: by Col. JJunch, iprwr 4o a final lis not a just ground fof censure,', For aull'er service. Even upon this ground, there was guilt Tlieviitrtiny rmt, and insubdrdination eomplained ol, ben g wjth'm the tliiee nionths, " . "V'":r' ' ' ' V i ' 4 1 SpcapiTn4s N1. 5- xcconiprijliment ol the views of government, ing, of permuting the execution, tie baa been' iu relation to th creek tvaf,jroa Will 'with- censured ias a tyrant snd an oppressor, tl oot del.ty, brih-rout bne thouxo(r mililia in: was the taw, not tho commandite general, fantry- ol the 3d division, for the term of six djat copsigpefl tbem to death. '.True, 'he months, uttlcfs soonvr (JwphargeJ by rde I eeula t e grinted pardon to tfc tig, at he to, this tth April, .182. i 5. f u. lis aolni and probably Lt,' Col. Niuhols'had ibsued, Lis gnseouadiag proclamation to thn people of . jUouisiftne and else bete, and at that t;ue vtie re gtibw force In MisslaaippisndLonisimut-ionsi-itedi : 01 ins an, an, tn anu sin iteg. ot inianiry,.iknonoJ. pf them but little more titan half full, and some ' mtt that,) detaehmenta of the Sith and 44th, w ith 1 taw companies of artillery, and the militia onder" PipUinj to whicli tba matineet's belonged. Attho time of the trial, the intended invasion of the courv-. try oonfideil to the care of General Jacksony was ' Known, anu suon mrasitrcs, as the stale ot the nam' tional ieources would allow., bad boon nut in requisition to Oppi'se it: and at thu.tSme 'fhe meu L were snor,th Hrttuh riroes, that had been driven i feflm before Ne Orieans, had taken the Fort en v MohUo P'dnt. hud received raiaforwement ot twelve or fifteen hondied men, under Col. Bell,', i Sr.d had every tiling in readiness to some en. , ni otmng pruvented tliem but adverse winds whieh ' t edntinued until the treaty ef peace was revolved. -, To ! prevent advanuies or surprise a svitem of rigilnnce Wan adopted, suited to the occasion, and we were alias weilpreparefl as wasposiihle whU ' oar Hwin ami means, w oppose tnent-iJi tins uaa ; , ?ie precise 'state of the opposing forces, when larria, end five more of the rinL'-leaders of the' ' mutiny ami nesertion, etui ne regular soldier, 1 fwlio slent en his nonlV vera shnt. Fmm wkai I Saw of tlto, Kritikli, lying en Jhutphin Island and? tne t'ointoi jiointe, wnete I was aent with a flag 1 wt'trnce,UHirtbtwewMmorenitHMi'eusthanoitrs;t ;! - their's consisted of old troops, and eurs iaotly of, BiililttH -from Gebrgfaw Tennessee fc Mississippi , with hut few reeiilar infiintfy and artillery, and 6. , . orT hundred Chlckasaws,ChoctawslindCi'e'ks."' -- -litis and i. At the same time that Hatriis . nd tlie other five principal Offenders were tried -f -. v and found guilty I think' 103 moie were eonvictj. ' , eil Mid from the facts disclosed on the trial, thoso" - were only aonsidered at the followers of the six - i senteneod to sulTer death and wore to be let off' ' by harinj their heada Jialf; shaved, to forfeit that ' pay due them, and be drummed or turned but of ' ' c v the lines, I do not recollect tliat the eourt re- ; eommended that the (ienend bf.culd remit tho- nimishment or not: But .whether or not, he did . . . " n. u .1.... ... r .1 i 1 1 - ... . ' , ivnui M.m 'i .imnmwiicu wiucil IiniloSCU IIIO - ; 1 ate of tlie rsxor, If nothing mora.' " " ' - ; n in tne then state, ot things, at betoro ' described,! Uowghtnoi,.andlen.tteverentertaii' " , any other opinion. . 'I'lio execution of the whole - - potny, aitu)rii paimui 10 jmuoiu, watiiotning ' toOre than du adiainistralioa of iustioe, nor . aid 1 ever hear H douhleil. or quesUaoed, till bv. " ijie sitipmer oi ls-t, wnen tue waolo utlyir wa ; sotiemrtedahrf hxlsiepecenled, that a stranger, it (us bolieVed the tale, must have thought that"' -.1.. fiu 1 ,1 -11 I.U oiA... ,li:i..-.i ., . m. n,m w.i.vi u v.UVIll 111 SIIC- - , ding innocent Wqnd for aia'tsement. I fclt bound '. -to aonect the absurd atovy, when and wherever-' I heai-d a, and nave always continued to do so. t- '' Utb and jCth. In tl'o fummer of 1814, under- , tho .orders of Maj. (wva, Pmckney some uen i cro sliot, or aleejuiig pa, their past, and deser-, -, . tion, One was oardoucd, 'and one more would t ' have been sliot, had he pot died of fever before i tlie dity execution arrived. For this no . . 1 , Mara wt ever east upon Gc'n. Piuckhey, be-' ' e.aase tlie neeesiity or propriety of k, never was " woubted." r" r "?.'; .--'-. t5,4 1NO. IV.l W r--i i. , t j. . i f, 1 - - vtiwoTHKc, itiuu lr. ivr-ii ' j; KoBertW.-IIarV Adjutant General otkjUttmct of a letter from Gemral Reed tJIo-' first Brigade ot Teuueasce Militia, in the late ( Mnsf te Ae lidUort of tbe CwnmerpieJ ' Chrp(- 7t'-l L " .. ' . '"""'''"' . iWe and BatimtwMv&tUer. : '(r) See anpendit No. 3--(f See rpp. No. GxtseuMisri A writer in your papey f thn ' , July, cter the sigijattwe of Washingtom.';