, t . -av ; - y . - . v ' at . - , - . t ... - . . , , , a v , . - . V 1 ' r r- t -tt f, ii J4 M"rth-Criro!ia 'M; Ciziltf, 'LAW RESCK t!$J AYC I Csatcajai IU, AilKremnktiii --' ' - an - . ... .. . . t I .2 MS. .Mitcr6t,lkr94Xk0frM. SU he 1 I 14 H ' Mnf rvhnK at Vw4 4 a MIIM dllW MchnjE. cH4 tot iiw h tVmocraiiei n lair m4 honnraLltt anav, l wotKy hn rlTrct hik tfecilM, 1 vmJ 0 n trt Ho m a m. 1, f f4 4 ( mmI, If mo (otil. sm kiiobim hrmttara, HU)w a w-AA M fwiiti PMMiniiia fi rytOhr -4 W Jiwurv arty , . ox vnujr .n,'Hy. . ' fnJ (Uat, in tlx of ntcv -f (i tKv iulj bwW wa 1,'ta the b?v. Hit W( ft)Vl.'Jld Wtftft CwOutonal ctrHcr, tk of Mr. 1 Wf W.v'.'ukoiv b-4( 1IU f t niit CUf 4 frwvk. I J b tl nal t vork., V I ha I bt ir? U Ui terrtvff CrcWrc, ikllil tW aw) in. atitknf fnt, r iront. Uf. CUr, it ftnrf n r r4 of tovtfcs I t kill bm Uapw.bU that I akouM ilrf diraetlf r Wkltrwctt raerir ftw tflun4 Uv vhf mf ami Ur. CUr, u frteU, ijr ni'tio kA cci Kl W brrt kwfuL ; IItt" " withtMU knorifrU ipfe aiti tHe oti-i oblnioa tba rrtti aa Under I tnn. mr-jaalf rtlectaU A. 1 will f ir Mnrrr tk.fU!aiaat of Mr, BwcttaM-v f ih MMlntnii kcne'l rrlBi,tWfc wil J r fxr 10 rrtl J"f fcft U aul that atrtf iij I, n Ukar thrt h taJ ao))v 4 Mk, -and that, Uiatt, ttttM tU i e.ire af aar wncmiiM Mr. CUM mriT y eoiw-ttii fctU ketweca Ca-A iC Ctoetad, TMld apTniit MatClk.. fcw bua tar, r ipiaa (Iere. M.n bimAJ jtkoa, ni w ( htra (hoa g tn "2i COtraUpn avb mu; rreot ' of Uia lcl0 of Gra. Jckaon.'Uf. m( me.lrat kiafrienj in Pcnwj -lvattia, ho fi.Hr a k look plct, a the one Mr, U. ! Arista, r atr. CravtorU, k ahauU lattw diaailaii him to hold audi ft mom rtfortnea to in Uii fcu la th pubftc of tlve i k tacraury i Xaia, or tvM f wr fUdiW ta. I aaiio. Ha BOAMutnaa a uwae ia rr 4; 4Ur v.udlisjikd , : Jud Jor: Side ct i k'e Star Office X0HTH-CA.R0UXA C t1i-riMMg,'aFtUnfr, pUaeaand Eelipici of tlSun anl Moooi foon'pliMaai tlte rinif;, acttint atxt timithinf of die moa eonstiouona Plnnetiand fit fi tkart; 9tW nf lh ireaUicr? tlit Jutiraac;' lf i rrraae and leKk of AJ and the fimlvaUof thi I'hurth of f.nclandi together ritfa Miarvllaneotu . :l 1. .Y u: A 1-.- i: -1. oHWi of Kvernmrnt oi tlx Unkcd Ktalea of Xorth-Caroliita' tf 0 MemVn bf AasrmM, tlntea of holding Ue dtfftir.oCourU in tlw Stato, IVief-MO eetWa meh.T cents a doten,' dol lar! fiirWf btom, r dotlart a pun, 8.1 dollar for flv faiuidird, and-aO dollnri for t thoasmid. f (Inter from Country MerchtuU mi, O tlirm will be promntlr attendad to, t ' n t -. Raleigh, Sept 6, 127. v kt aduiatnic tk Corenxma:! otha Uni on: baoauia I had been lfeatad " eonaikj atn)ai aaajnTii a tM Ant a, ta lay daww tw kaa Geaanal JaMtkaoai eWetad, k dt4Mt ara U m,ilH I vas eal)rl apM tt rraJi, emhar-j aaaa anttrrUkro ma -ry. Klatwo, wtw K tawjliT ba tielif r aronf. 1 thirht It tny 8m aa a rrjrcenUtj oftSa People, nvlaa a riiien,atiriil toarait liarr hal woukl be ;he reacrat character of Mr. Adafqa' adminiatialion, ad vbt wuvU be the cpuipleTioo of bW Cabinet. , JTbca 1 aarer Uioed tbat ha kaU takes to hlaid aach able and srterieaeed adviaer a Mr, Clay, tr Riiah, Ur. HcwtkirJ and Vr. Darbvwr, an t- dentifiad Uk (be RepdbrteaH iuatkuaiom' of ur ptxttitrjr, in ,peae anil In wari Bien wno bad rnjuvttl the cqnfitenco of iho Itcrxjblicaa Ailmitiiitrationa of Mr, Jetfrrion, Mr. tadi aon and 'Mr. Xlonnat mert rbo Had long act- cd. and t , incorporated With tht. rreat democratic family of th Vnioo, 1 did ant (eel mraelf at Uberty a doubt wliat a wtid h the character ami policy of Hr. Adua Admmia-tratioii,- t cmiaidt-rrd hit in these appoint ment! a'pil(re u riTtn to' the Nation, that th -policy ' which tuid been puried under former Administration.' would be nunipxi ondcr tbe preaents -! determined, therefore, tttai, at a Representative' of iko People, and aa one of the People. I would not permii my partialitjcivty diaappointroenta, or my preju-J dicra, to get the bette of mf Judgment od palirtiam, but that I would judffe the Admin-i fatratioa Jhy it Taeasiirta. . If it continued to iipporl ar.d austaio those that aun&ifiea t tem which promotea national propriy. A- Oierican maonfacturea, . Internal Improve ment! and commerce: and to cherish peace, and administer thv Goveramtot with, a due reirnrd te economy, 41 should recoie in cot- d)ui andiiearty auppots 't-'i i;-4?1.'. i ne tatter ena w .urcemoer, io, i oc Here, but eannoT with b)Iute 'certainty aar it was'ufl the 150th, my friend Mr. Buchanan fib of Aurnat laat.' It wal a eonreraative of, rathef-a genfral lad,. proiicuoua aUarvoiae. Inwbieb w both pancipteaV .l ia Mfworda of loo yeraiwc tbal aoqveraaliua) took place, and coaiJrriir it of a wfa,t-and (ba Cabinet. FitrdMrj Iaeer havot toanjl on, at anr tiaae. or en anr -ooeawion. rrpm I aented tnrael or wiahed d to b ivtsriood. tbat I wat authorised to frcoiva, or . te nuke eerrea the part of r Cbr.r'bjl coiittitontial -clkaractrr, I made so tuinute of, Iriaod. . 1 thiak. proper te aaaKO I'm fo i k or didl er e i perl it would hart been I a) tad unqU&d dlrtv.tb .Ue irwea to the nubhe.; h i aumaehat yetaravl iruir not km left Vaoo on. ehicii to luntT l aJbk.that two yeara aed ibore ahoukJ bare dwubt,' oa thia aobirct,' I did ot.kaov. eurwed Mtv Ituchaean an4 myaetl Owaauier (Mill ten curs arter ina nwuoa ar. u- with tkeoe of.Mojr t'n, ho labors tat rntat tbinp to ia with,. Ur. P'icKanaa. Tbe ontr . oonerMtion b ,eer had. with General lackaon od the PreaidentiaJ Eloo tion wa e the 3d of fowarr, acoordihjf to Major Eaton's HWifft Mr 'Buch, how. erer,aara,be dd not cat) on bint, betwre bis onnveraatran vitb the General at certain dv. about the ISib of 19ih of Jamiary. , . 11am inncna aome atranre d'nerenancT r i i" i log-ether at' the aame bouae durina; the two lama, rhst Mr. Claf had been" offered the in 'parts of tbe statement of Mr. Ituchanan, but arWout orConereu,durm!r which perkxl nMT f Sccmtary of Statei and ia Mr. UaclU, and Major. Eaton, which ern per we nafl many convcraaueM on we auojecs oi i a wan noown c uiai mot n w i w-v -.... , the Preaideatlal eteetMin, aa well as on pek-j ef ha .neienited tnanvof bit frieodt whether end Jackson Mr. laack thwks that his Reend private matter, yet, nottne-in eJll Wt tnottU or abquU not accept iu .us wiu conseraaiiou wm nr. uw ' . . ' . I i . - . t. l & I . . t , v. l. i - w. alH u..mIi.a. nts, m a conrtrsalion lit aiaaneme wimr w Hum wtJi iw i wr kald with neon the subject, that tite accept an atatet tt to ham been; but he seems quite tanee of k wouU be to Mm not only sacrw wtlbnt; to friet op me own reoonection tor ton of domeatic- btppmeai, smt -n mrw aeoomnaeitaiipn's sake,' and M laketlie time peeunjary loas s V V '-'-V'. rtated by.Mr. BueJukn, agrees thai $ nhnll . . (I ... I. . T -It a 1 . L. . . t. S II A I an tree toacKnowicaee war, at n un? I oe niw w iu; jwih ua aKwinwi, of the conversation' between Mr. nckanan Mtat time.Mid my Ciiend Mr. Bucbanait. ever aIvert to the. coner.loii.- which be, baa recently tfiottgt himself dalled Opoii to give, as hating taken hive Vtweeo .; , ' 't " I camiot- avoid thinVintr if aomewnat ain- crularthat Ur. B-ahoukl have been so rearrr. d towtrds ma,-artiflu)arly at Duff Green had - been , furnished Jt'U .statement an and myself, my impreaaion was, that eenerai Octqber, 13J6, of what had paasod botween. Jackaon' would beeleciad, aviit was pretty General Jackson Slid himaelij "and; that n generally talked ad, as well SJ .ttnderatood, statement had oho been furnished to lint by- among many of his friends, that, in the e rent atatCAMA u. a ...a tin. ntlut Mia. k'.. eWiiun. MrHla wauild havd the oficC - r.t. kA.n KiiMelfad ri.-MtMv mt Rtat. and 1 doubt not but llbad'aaT oonversatlun. from the 30 h of De m 1 w w w-a. - i w . j : .... i Mr. Buchanan. TDat these movements suouiu i may, in- common who wner-a, n mcn..... ii-r,...n. ' 1 1 eaunot pretend to say when Mb Buchan ahcaQel on ' General Jackson; as he never communicated to ma, whom Major Eaton rep resents is the Miratiaio?." any between him -end General. Jaekatw. not recollect that. Mrj, IinUnan and myaeu snToOeo' tt'' I. At oar L II. L t. Win I L . f pnsaiJ n, 'i m ft - joertuU. No.tijC.-n't! i atil.Ot aaf the 4ert; and t--' trf elilt ttinqtetrwi in lka d tjev of nremnwa iociUrnu. petnoeo f trt-wrr 1. f yri of 4nrdt..och as )4cks.rt rt tsotori) the pklin tip, by therrw o(eoe f tbeainpsof rant-, a i. r a stick, which sprrsrril to I ste t-"i ftrred wth an irontlif. "'I ' leaded with r)-berris prr mer : 1 ' at occ Of rentes rhtrh aerrel tf rr'm.' -the tnen to clirerfu'nea v.'.rn t '. -, affrtaJmottgiTeoiiptodr- r. Oa the 10ih ofOctbr, it it uicl -that tbe net loit t!) paM ' "m- pUttttd.nf, tU UntH i ' e Toje. , Colamboienrtirtrard thnt io t! best ssurrer h could, rrprert:tin the rr -tin tbej syere tv c'ure,ml bddiBC.thtt if wot to no n n P"9 t y cntwDltioi having ome to farAtef nlt nothing tf d but. tt cortutJtw to t! e -MvtiU.v wih ibebrTpof our Loi Jf thejohnuy grrive tliereJ Oii th'n pat ttsew 1U trmslatof tnbioiat. the of. renrea., which, on the .aiitiyirity m Ovieiio,, . has keen related in most of the modern sc Counts' of the ditcovery, s imelr, tlikt CNUint f bus found toim'lt so euilarraoo; sn l preav ed by the mutiny ot his crew, who wero . J ... .a m . -1 . I temhe I at tlie imgin oi i;,e rnyage, tnai no !a- if wasebliRed to enter into n afcTement with . .. coiirerution ti,eint tw, in ,c-e land s uulJ not be !-. . a it covered witlun three days, be wouU a'i:mlon. f have taken place, and Utat there auouia Bare I my opinion to mr pomioai inenua. i. j-. T!1 agmable been no concert improperly to dn m into impressions were founded on the beliaf Jhst it 4foe the. whole month, almost immediately I Uot b this business and yet thst, nder-all these (he vyestern interest Vould unite in Gen. preceding the election, wrg me greater j t ciroumsuncea, Mr B. aiuwld hare been ailent Jackson's election, and; that, wt toe w oj part ot wnicU n.no, v m .... , im wv.t. m. .ml tk.t hhuiM think orooet I one or kwo of the States in favor of Mr. Craw-1 dred milet from the scene of action, the Seat I . . the enterprise and return to -pmn,-', Not the slightest lunt .of such a circumstance ia to be found in'B'S tourtvii, nor is tnere any i'n-- 5iv 5TaC::.A"i : U&V '2 i.Krn m JJ-chw?" (ho i mm mil. .iin wuim " - v.m annul, thar be suffleienUf provMed, is altocotKer pew and oi , "2- tbe beat kiiid..The stables: PETE RS B UR G.r ''-' Thestsblment-lw,no:ojHrortho bous,vil haonened o,be alone in-my tin otaOoiDam-. . tHTCted on the site ol fowell's . u .'1 A" - :.i ui. i.k .... . . i iroom -ae auK ua nea Bmracri icik" h i ionn. nnmiuieu tor rHsmniir,- m rani . - . .., . m,, ... .-i. :.. a.i Ai-t i..'. lof limat.iur conversation turned, hrmcinaliy. . T - - - ' ' I . 1 . 1 1 I ....... I l.a.i.m ted, airy at the same time eonvenknt to com. on a men sniBt,ifna.w t it mrrcabntnesvwitunoeonlnpimisijiiiiaingttoir- wmnrenuru inMrnirmite k. the TAVERX HOUSE lisa been I trrest solicitude for the election of Gcti. Jack- ' completed aeeordjn tq the most approved archi. I aoO, end that hie friends should ttse every hon-; teciursi plana, omun" apnciossnesa. comion, unii i arable meant to promote nr. in wdicd ixpu-, beauty! "d nnlahedm style of ele j ed that I heartilv united ith,himn. opinion. i adverted 10 tne raraam whiuh the fhemis ov ir. aaarn. i .V. 1.).. !,- fn'-Vua 1.A MhWtare esculent, J. ."re, ' J.7V '"..TaTX with large ronmv Italia, &.;.. ."7 v . f,,u M17n' ' . 7i" , " r.Vt.roi tfnapit a t.ti . tbe offered the ittuation of Secretary ottate. tiis old friends and- former euatomer. sod best laud that, in ense General fnckson was eleoted. leave, to liiform.tbcm,' s wcU-. t Mis ptiblic in he,w,onld appwntorconjmue sir. jiawn of i),.nmirtlmt liehaaniirted aithliiiTi'U".'ii tlie Irrf-turv of State.. I told . Mr. Buchanan I maninxmem ot tun cjimuimiminii, uu ion iiv- rtnoiiirut aucn arrnnrr was caic.uaici iu JHA8 C POWELL ad tbnulie bnaineawHI kbe General si irrcat dal oflniurj i and if it Kniwwiwovrr;'.", - I f eYe HOI Well fOUnflCXI. OUglll IO OTtoum- y .Sm. J-l bey deem, ft turlyTsupsrflo,ts to K. . , mentioned further, that there was i ii ii a . i nann urn in nsrti wrr n ran mill nn i ' a . . rirr;o;7 tWl. ben taken r4 render thsirbonso in tve. receiving great creim, parueu.anv . rr witneet worth of rtntronatre, and tiler nieiiee reprerai.cvi.ucninj .f.J.i.,..-. kj,n. ao viva a. IteMiirted. if he should Be elected, that, no .. i.rt in .ii wW.n?V'fTnr tni'm with their i would ieootlnue ' Mr. Adams Secretary of eomnnr-S : ' -.W-v-i ;. -.- 'i -'-r v " f TUO. C. POWELL. to introduce to the twblie -e detailed eonver 1 fohl, he would be reeled..' I menuon those satun,in which he makes rue say auana mnv i noaung opinions oi n asy, wi self little or notlnnir a conretaation lotauy i tare no icsei vea. ana mat a i aaua, w , a onnecessary for the purpose of sustain" an I a quite willing should be knowrv. V' 1 . . , .- . ... -1 . .. .... I . f I n7..K.AAB h. H.MM Mn n. ma Hrtaivmuai acimtr, as no protesia nc u,ni , m unnK v..a - i - Trr.v -T . . i &.a h it.,. .nthfiMivAiAai tnm,. Mn I mnrnmw nr ina iiibbt liia oi jia-wrr, iw'i i hit vw . vwi.iuv- . -..i-if. a.i.. I ...j j;j Tn, n.i'.l r.., th, :10th of itamht' ma tddiviilire orivate convertatinn.es- DroOnOiViWMSW.iita piuinw, awm. winwi m ti -y. . , w - . i r . , . ., ..- enacoountableu It rivet me pain JP inma: h me 'mo moniH, ure y , f" v'"''trOT,v -.7. t v r T.i.i. ri.liw ... Vavmir emanafed card had anoeared in the National Intcihgen. or even t political enemy; It may, however, from a person to whoml feel obligations of er.".This absence, at this critical iunctur. be proper V ttnte that, in none of, com. frieftdi.hU foratts'of kmdnetsiand in -t.ose is of Itself .sufficient to vtepel the idet tlt I Verssttons, of which I hve nn, knowledge. friendehitrt reposed th mostUnlimitea on. took any. peculiar interest,-;,, o toe arrange- vi vucre any .h.s..m ,.....,;, .,,8,lv. fidence, v .fltA!WXS t ments; dependent on who- might, or might Jest tendency to Ek put trace either corrup- Thejricceeding morning kfter.tht convesv Aot, be' elected rresidenr. i recoiis aeon- "n ,r or T vra-.. a : a , tl, -.. U.lnknn.n J twaf tmritls MP I MrlAUlM -Wlin nBniCUIaVF incmia VMw Utr 1 aTVa,twllt IV ' v. -'-J- Isacka, ofTennesie, in the'Iatl of theWuse veiled tvhh me in the stsge, on my letuni to Alt that! was able ty&wnmtmfi&i of Ttepresematives. .My recollectUm doeij Pennsylvania. Te Jiijm,Jn the course of lhat -frietdof flie espeotjve. tdrfatev was not enable tnctft state whether 4r was t Inst conversafi ... . .1 I .LL. 4 .1. .. - . nfL . h. I k.wtn ha. "w "",wr,r-J .'""1 rV,.l".r-AT:'i. 7.1.1: V- .kl" I- f It. tM.' 'nmHnieatSon. whleh has bee. .urhi haiui aa vni ra inia ths Odor. -n . n rnu coaversaii win "T.t vwj . . ..,.- - v - - .-- .r e reason' lor-me suppret'imi i o Columbus, bid tt realty '. "; . ases certainly would nt I 1 " V portant an item in makmcr : , ; araa utidnr1v llraWll (ID fmi t of Government.' . '. ,1 ,r r.ninmlnia. arrittaa fpum dav to ih . ;.: II e undertake to detad the eon. 1 f nMrag ected after his" r. no i ' . versaUons held, tJewtmg ttie .rresmentiai 1 s - ,i.5ch , -,;..,,. 0f this sort m t-Ht EkMtion.br thefriemls. of all the candidate, 1 ki m..M,..-,i, .rr-,i f. Neither M.rr. ra . in which I was a party, or which U heanl,ia not 1 uon Fernamlo. Nrbo araVe very minute t Y relations, of the. nccurrenoee.of tbe voyaffe ' make'any meniion, of it, ; kfuoos advertp to tli 4 circumstance, but appears evidently jni 'v clined to disbelieve it ' Uiliertaon has aamiN y : ted the account into lits history, but it seems, t upon the whole, not to he entitled' to credit. , --iB-tnothertvotev page- S-t, thetrant ttfnr atatet s)rrrtff circnmntfnflefi in cr- robortttlon of h opiniotr that I Wi-tttttf;', ' has been prevalent ai to th identity f j : in land first discovered, which are heraV-v regret atjnot fair and Iwnorablaansiety and jstti l"tt I indexed, V?' '" ;d,rtfv' ' ,' The Wand first discovered hat been hi-" : therte generally supposed , to be that. now,. ' ; mft Aft 1 a S rvlat n hv vearret at . c .- f.-. .- i - . . ., .. ,, . . havint? hd an bpnortunity of a free and gen. 1 mot the election pt mew tavome anaime, I.A....J rMm.m.:M Wind ie.althn nr-mvaeir I i .t may riern ee; permuwa toremari., huh jmmy mm rrcui.Biviw V ," .1 -k h,. Wt.1.1 celled Srt, swraaor, or i;ni isi-na, oeiweeta r Mr; lanokt, heingVnve.Montgonyj Ihadamne idea of writing wMnrtn soon as and la just smMiIwm ' 8 bnd 8S aegrees North Utittid?., nut,PoH- tdunty,(P-.Vie'd-.Hct f .represented in lrrWed tt-lSorrwtown. h W-e boihpreesed benasswled..fc.cJirgcd fnof Wewminatitm of the' Journal of Columbus.; CongwheeirtV.onghtTnfaeqntilrt tnaB.lety. that ; Mt, Chy should jote .th patd bj corrupt, t-mcnAj P" It' will appear tin hi general course fromv ; tbt iai.t888 amVei ami lit.!, Pennsylvunia. , i ' 'vvi riV W JlhHTt' thtWsl-ery'of thi first- land wtsVYcs-. tilt conversatioDs wiift m rfpriya-cha1raier,l 1 Exception tist been ttten my icnnX 7-;" I bci anrived- t the Ishtnd of Cuba. 1 find thU , . i A.i..:,.n ia, Kir'AS ;'h -hi-hi tivk anltheveaoliitionof thanks when Mr-Clay was thought I owed it w myself, my friends, Jt my I ..h,.,.. uianftfKt. KaL ZZZ WthT lVlt mflbHUv - end beutearfn.. front .the Bpeakcf. haif in Uotmtr-Al bt etldetvoved twaVoidoflenrive 1 '1 fa tad k' ,"" - , opp''biWnitiee'taitbJuMy' j Such )luta it bad been custori "I'l rlu , '..Vt.. , j.Li.i 1 :. .u J -r . en.AA n (T. a rut ,l,nae -. whirl. 1 havfl tllOUfbt ioUJHDenaible to the Great Bahama Bank woufd bave obstruct'- conviatiweeiessarilv ro4ted--Klntl-J try. at hen4 of Ct)Pyress,,W oiler, and t hosei wmcui I avBjv'oK"Y pp fed' hit' tra or -rvould the coili-s. which Sms which fcaucnth btgTtrLbT-HOu to loW fH on this occa: mlmt rttly kLJ bave steered, have conducted V - - . ' . -v-.. . w . a . a -. r e r. H wan Trash DTlmrnr fll lilt) ITHllI leiH (711. WnDhP. I . , ' . ... , . . -sawal' All tW Indebted fxi. the late firm Sof WEBB & WILLIAMS are bea-eby Miirmed. llmt nntess paynwnt tvniadc ltq- rbe Hi-nof rfiuuiary nest I State, inasmnch as Mr. Adams had been one I f bis ablest defenders arid advocates in hit re- I port sust awing Gen, Jackson against the char ges which Were preferred against him for iAs conduct in rrbition to the Semino1e trtr. ; Itr. TUiehsnsn stated thatlie had written to, er fceeired fetter fromr.-'mirtnat friend of j ours, in Peposytyanwj,. .ub.jectr.of roe; Proci.leHtlnl iMtionx ami tlabinct anivwnt- their sceomitt and notes ai be deKwrcd to offl- ..,. Bnd .t... tw1 determined to call op. MaSra f eolleJstien.r'a"- . I ... U..a k:-,tr ; lt5 V.tnit nH , . - - . o r , . I OH LltC UCIILIdl 11 1 It 1 " . ut. F " . ...IlaLiiirh. November &va. t sj-sw eovr. . . . . JvAnT.ti., aa 4fl,e.iK ' t . . ' ... . . . iriirniiun iu iimi iiic ic imi. - , JJ1B. vJk iW bales of Cotton eu1atinn.'ttnd obtain. If he eould, cootradicy : wsid.for.bkbthebittbestiiripe tion nf temiv - Mr , ft. aJsO hRtl naked if 1 bad 1 good ijowvaiw given, 1 teen Mjr...(:iRy,. amlbctleR Irftad 4 nf' "aaf reonverstation with him tOUClMnff therrewuen- IVont-'trHf lietnciP.rm;AtJl bfecttpn. I repi edtnai i nauseenp.n. .. "s: .irri-TUI" PtlP.T.tC: .i . f the HOHs: tint nJ Dad no ronvcrmamii v. una -.1.!.-. m ...i-va -arif1''ni tor Ea- IJdm otvlhat wbicet.fcii said I wtf anarott to thfi have, thotteht! DroWt to Snnff ' -nVe fire a opportunity, conjrrrsation j low, Tiave tnotignt Pjopet Lr.tn-nii: t-ith hinuia I fck ar crest 'snxirtr thst.Ue neiorotie roQup, y t ".. . . . - : r.T"-!.r a,r-i..t, 4 tccU otHaime -ay corhed. n anattompt ITOZZ: . i . .Ani i - a ay a Maav a rrtvsw m c-r-nniri i n't irui ru, uiai i vi miiw i i-'i v, l inutravencrM..avi. ".r : .-...4.- ik'j:j'lJ..I .' . 1.,ta. i. rertaia annoure- vntroua TTamms, iiihi, h"wm u'm.". I"cur '?!"J"rlJ".V;",.tl :n. A-a Imtu-taO-nWt onWasit rrtvrfdtnne I ... .4' -.1 1L,.IJ .l.trKn '.IMt SI .mm it arntitd bt his duty tii make in ihe e- vent of his eiectidn as PresideW ofthvtjni' ted Btntftj' OneteriueWof th ptiblica. "hftbeii r-rrittelmcn has been, tbat t) have tiven rise to s. lo,rrept rfsbusajid QiJ nminy, i)icn iin.wern mivvh p- 11 is not, hotfevetvfor the purpi?w of avcrtnig this polluted strcamiOt Df Mnticing those who u. inin it their mite.oi lander,"tla I have east into it Ibeir rnitedoi slander, tia .lAutna-M ofc Apt ie of a hieher natnrern flesiitOwniyfelf justleej antl, o Taf as my, hest recollection snd jittlgmerit, eh-M permit, to spresd the truth andtbe, whole trti. be foretny fellow citizen. IdojiotJippe.liy v. m thTnaA't call aavl ..bowevef . .aaUsftcVotjr and conclusire,t04oi''-' "W uiics, personsl or, politicau nor snsu w thai-, ...v tfier numoae.. turn from full of mich nlrts of, the let lersof the gcilemen who have jmpOsed iipwn k; .mitn.nnt dntirJAs relates1 to rrry .tf f ex..w We wiiheiilo have been spared ibis tppeal, fcut it5 no'lonamkuer pf rhoicef i' 1 might hy.e keen persuWd,il per-, mit the errors and inaccuracies oj Mr. Dich. nan and Misacks, arising from a tajantof l ecollectipn, la passs ttnvawiceaf sihh,i"" desire to be at peaceJ miert even havelie-n content to overiook, theiv M.indes but, wKa, r,t -on their sltewldg, lre- . i. J tt m- -";.cot'ia1of., in What ,e rcAresenU'to he'-a corrjipt nl9ivl nm ioirteratively.honpf tq speak, 4i.V.,1V bpeak, )ket whwiado Know o ;"V- the tLame J on(jeoinf w - t -' tihcreit 'it meritedr Jn.uH Vt-.;; tr.iv... ... nni hinuires-aumcicmiK potr- rf..l ..oilier kklr wotrld deter- nmie' me.' : An Effort K$rJi and the those, of trty nR"e, twmKi ie of ouf ehicsrtma jmr jeess of General JTer-ksjit'ls' election,-that Mr. Hhir should rm with Pennsv'lvajjtk. but-oo fic count of Jiijvulteriot poUuc-l roapeirde-j ciaring xnaiJie ixtr. u jl CIsv PrffS'uIetit oftht United. States.' and that was" lnlOlheicson'n'hyhil, abouM lilt to'see him Seeretarw of Slate, mcatavGen. Jadkson was ejected) , and, tbat, it lie was toruintnai Mr; CJax4 views were, favorable to, Gen, Jack arl't t-h'ri inn: Ji would take an dDnortunitv nf tilkitia-td thai General oh tlie' sub ieet;- or Iget Mnj. Eaton todosol that,'hethf-ight; by ; klbing so!, he would confer prt5ilar benw- fttion hwF0ntry,ttd4rsti ho etiid te.o thing trrong in k, Mr. JBuebtnr vrged, me to tise hd tlplaV in seeing Mr, ,;ltold nritv'f 'wnBld;and accordingly called "upon Mf;-Cto M hiirboardHTshwtst'i Itmhk thee;, retilne Cer tliiscorrrerjon,brhe wh riot st hi lolim;vi I Ctlfcd-to tce.Jslm gaui, but hfr.bati some of hU, fjn! Vrih.hin, and I bad no opportunity otCQneivainy ,ii Mni, nor had ) ever any convursasioe with him un til the evening of tWdOth or tlth of Jtnua tvi prior t ny Watting VVshingte(n for Penn sj lvanio, to attend the CowU in Mpfltgortterf ,a.ntv. .. The, conversation h4hen- -hj.d with hin wasof trf ; renrtai .wnjracter, ' o mefition; was made ot camnet nppomniein . l.V ..-i!- nr (I'.n -..,,1;'. , t n,n nnr . ki . tr i Kin . 1 1 Li u ui iiiw mmvv n,.v. . ..... -- - - n ',' V V , dates MrCfjiy: would. auppo.it. fjisre,r,o reflection.: anyjlhi us together ehd even rnto Aid habttv l lrett, friendly, end untrtervecj converaatiota, r ennversatign wbtch, Jie repreaenis ion,v taken'l'pe bet ween us is tncmirctly reiort- edi .ir asfuredly misapprehended or ' itttch m sreoreaetits tne.. rom tnt'trcneras'-ieitoT of bis sttncnt, tttitv boweer,oaotap penr singular. ?s He tecis froni hi narrative, to have nskl jnore teearcl; to omit relative S.-.' r. ...2 ' i t.VK l. nosituia.ai uie Bcvciainrcuuiiiia i-v w.i.v.. nas-reterence, xnsn roeveniie auuaiantc v. what Dossed between its. reiyin j "Upon the ree-ollectioo efMJ-Puehahaa as. to datesJ That there vts eonyersatiort between tit. Istckr -tyt ' trvyseli, otv tnevsibject of the r reaidenviai election, tnov irwrnime wa Uucbanin, hd ceired.it ae. mtyj perfectly well remember, and I Jiavfcf1; doubt inat, ir. the''course' of Uiat conversaUon, we agi-f:ed that Gen; .lackson' fospctt of en.eluciion were fair in fact, we bothixpTCSsed ourselvt; tnstaus fit hissnccesti VI distwct.yireconeCT Mrv -Itacks'C remarking thati muclc:ould depenoh tho courae Mit play's friends would take, and ' expressing tii,. belief that -they tt ouM act with ! r replied that I sincerely hoped th'eyVpuld go wjth PennsjIvaAra, and thaV-in th'eent-ol; Genv Jackson's election, 1 felt eonflijent, that notUmg wouw oe rpore gtatifmg taennsj'Utni. than to ee. Mr. Cjay apoiided'Sec!aT: of.. State. ; Mr, sacks replied jliat he was his second choice for President tiint' he wonld lh Ids first choice if Gen; Jteksn a 1ected, 10 be 'appoinltd ewttryf of State, and that bhad frequently expressed hiinseU" o tht ssffect, I have , ho reculleeiion of navW said to tr. larti itiit I tvina 10 see sir. rjumi, w did , with,;more than binary interest and earnestntjssVi insist v that: uen. ajacnson,' atecttkL oiiphf tor ftoooint Mn Clay. ' '.; t'tlmMR wttJV. peHeot'-naolmi.Vt watfon the 'atatetnenrof the Jgtntlemen, whobC mv own voluntary net..-1 ha4 no consultation lovefveal JvetrKWcea inem w DresK.jntq witti a ' one. nortnei.siigniesc reference iu i mc niruwwj "i',? i"- l;. ....... u.m , i)Aui.mL.i xiartinn: 1 1 iiueax nurDOsea.i , ! r i'.u ik ,-v.r HIS CUUTJC UII . r...n-..v.n. rTV-r. - r " - ' ,.'... ,,--- , offered the (retention because J tUOugnr Be ; ,, r rrs. i j...j ; ir k. Sneaker. I. ' PMlalbMa.Dct 30. &2T :i Old. not sscmy earn - .uu, w r ..i.,,...' , toltay..,' - nresurne to think he has pretenstoiis to sucn : i ..j . ..k : nf .tin tfraaie. over fi Which he presided, for a f.irtful,rniand nv Ftholife time of fjus distinguished atatei- partial aiinargis.oi iueour w - "j man, add while on a teamey to Aioany; wa, hardly earned "'F'dvl he danced u, put up for 1he -iilght; at PreJdentlshewed bim much for hi ind. the HudwU mer, where I MountebAnk hint ttv thiJo;-nf Nip,, in Cubs, the prt, ffc , bi . the island first readied by him, had that - ; cnnrae.e-jmmenced at ft.-Salvador, Add to '. thia that hiadesmMion of the Island hes not'Vi luit that place, nor, far as can be mide out with fcctintcy, do the beiig and distance of the pther jstands from the one first visited, agree with tiie neighborhood of the supposed ' Vi spot of the,diseoticry ' t i "Jit seems prgbable that the island in - tion' i the one o tkllod Grand Tin , . Tork Island, t Tins dpinhi'stist!iiiicu ' thar description of Golismwis, sttutig tt to be BtrWithojit ai y lofty eminence, stirrounded ; by axeefpf rocks,ndwith lke in the cen. . 'i ,i .v n. ...... ..',.'1 . , . - r..:ui. AnTnn. (M C.n itt hair nnlier and 1 l..d a.l wsrtiaeii dlanlsw nt hl inrrefin I best interests. . Kof only did these consider- jt-i tjjj), "'rf 'lia nf I Attst fi'Ue, ' Cf J last, point out this place. The ', courss M'ter. ; atiomvbut otbert, ptwnpt me toflfr th rt eveningf) ' induced by ' tttotiyet frard pursued .by the ships on leaving it: ' jolution (0f tlmnks., I p tnrimtn detlrt li 4i(e' v !lh 1??. U H fot tit honest difference, ofpmion, nd itlth tedloua htrarl at vViBter . evening, , ..!ftt-i,'.-ii.,-,-..:j fc nafnfui to seen mhwho had raisedf the Genertf tM)kA front tea itf the aI I?", L?.iTIaa!. J.a... t ;.. I.! .air ki, nwn tiAnnta and he 'ner the most distinguished ttateimen hj.n 'piercrtijr'eyeHiid not etciipe'lh beeti 'fioliteTy farotcd'byi; anilbrvfth.on. ott-mtiovr-of tbV. arete tvl.otep? Oett; CtnrlcrSuTierinWftdani tf I-diArt ajtyt ?odr-ljMM Lir-,d;t-l;:e,;.iedt,im hold tyrittetl bf Jiidrdiab'tS. Smith. "Ua Jias,. nue'nceVhcr right,, and boldly proclaiming F ft W ahopld tilt fotW, Adding tVa bee foferal tear eriged in hunti. her true polleyithat such a man should, he Ju wi4-i.,rni. tus-finger VlttrtMit Wf I IWR And gripping Vthe, Vppef M issouri, : ppeucriMiairm w "Tf, ... . i. Fanmav harmlma trick wsf Intended.' And . r - - . .a. t-.....:.,. ,U.. 3..L, ver TatiiiT -ticrentco; tni?' uotiar, ttnti clenchini.lt fattfn hi bahdwiited "liji L a . ..k.a1 l.xt tn-At rv my feelings sentepf aright end; wronpi.il bwtrg ewrnO'i 'W-Wffinfiiljr the juke SUoitT;t indeed, have ,onsiaeTjvtucn ocgj tecf t'gross dereliction, of duty. . f , , '1 feel komewhat at los foe term, sum. elxntto neaaiirauli 4A ?whiehtO Speak of the AMimMuoui nnd'sihwarrented eonchisjot if at which MtjorEtm- Jiat artived,.a8i 4he , e bold and unceremonious epune. w - lafiil who hatiftsited tlvat extensive bir 'retteountry hn thcWw.Tiot heretolore . sfSJoVett; From this letter', written i,i " A pinlrf Atytei we Struct The followir.yri ; ! which, w riif,t Wiir be found interest w m.. h .r.na,nt. that, hefort 1 of MV i been his pleasure to apply to me,: ,ine fon- t .:.....jra. r . ..!.. .Um luAnaa 1 iinni.'enOrted aa thtT ''are, bv Mf imai UHUIU . otv. w.-p. - o o . i; . j . ... . - imputed o me, it, was uKitapensaoio via u siiodld' btt "distinctly of.derstood that rMr, iaartni was anthorized bv General Jackson " sVwyeproposkioAs to promote hi e!etlpi. Of this had no evKietfce, nor enienmv"7 opinion, nor did J, tn jtimror tony one. use the Irtrpog, lunpsge '(impute4tg, Ji mmwt i una rra n wnii rm-silt is nr- r uiatu a. time 4 boihbtnrved, anxT tpresed bur' belief, that 'if General' Jackson we wleVted, ml h CoiiW not be plectert wimotntae ma I llsk '.uA.c..1..i 4 - 51- i:il V'lV.i s.,,. rtimvieBtart expectation' oi me atternpi ingwvv.;'r' . i- ' ?''. beirig thill loextrf it frotrt nis grasp; Jfiwun Repubtuan.-.- wMmt MrrpfWirf.tTh JttKijJisr;- wR'ti Vj,f-1fttVio. ever hiattetriptedvto''prfi)rin Hef feet pfvlhiatit) rtapejtting Vjcoiintr, trkkywiirdl-firitc8tan tetrquirlng Tvhifch -ba bWn"eati'rablj,VJ;il(fd u f inc wwr atd. in ih conv-rsation with MrJUticlu", abijut I be t Viedf lr Clsy tnorirtlf In cotV cert, at ttve ,tlcohn Uv$vr.ditiiictry e colldcw tU:ibvwbotti preed tn anxlotls . ..P. . i.i rni nope lli Hie wtnrr-njiuu. im h"..a ...... viiir5Ytvi.br ;'CP Kkwtf no rr'collteiiorf what ai.nfrnf'bavlrttrVild'STI'. B'.'.tO See OcniT.H ractertefsOtTie citizena, tind be Vnfounile ed cirizenii; sind by sccusal.ion wbitu 1 op!oe W d, & in. f IMCIS t am pcruw - no part, to sink lhen in puunc esiimaufj w cast.them "'Jownoip the UoWiis wjrtdt.hey hat Jvtmerablv tuie rid ie Vs ' pMiiitese whom 1 regard hvi, ed imneinleaktMl avowtnz defrrwiinstKHi to pursntt ,Miirbt 'he Whole Union,.-.;:. ; t,-i.'mlM';.l- f .Hint r Wts originally friendly to the Ie? lion of Geuersl Jackson W tbe I'resMvcy, l-t.. a .l.i. il.nanl -ihni-k II "tli t kitril. 'fthrt linlfrtnun lit lilP fill;, n - I ' n i. . . . ... ' ..ri iin mi imi. i s .... ... . . . .. . i . ..v . .' . . , . . , pHicnsna w r. 'i""";gj. j uovv loolti ut'" for the, ; tloii3CTf l AF ih United Biatcs. t auqu to uie , audwtluUy directed gn- ", "T .i.A-..nJr-'W..M ,i'mdi.t.!r' L. ftUW-.W-it i',r.iK -llrr.it R.lf evirtencorcvenoi '.simrw.vvYi.''ri - - - . -- ... k , i r at - m.-l.t ai..:-5 tial .characlfelV to" Wr ' J.Hnf, ana vveti, oi me rwowivj xviwuu-, ( that hothirdr' out flie dented eal of Maiojl . f,k.ihW rrtrmnnrn iiadrt'ilde.l. Ahot tfthVfi2d of August.' !62fj. I trie by; L' Bstorr to; that the' toUse'of'-Censral "Jackson; eonld havii. tempted him. tho fact of en i...n: .i DAj.'.VAutiha laheuaa: he i, ,!Lj a u . twhanan Vndiirnantlv set v faereed that lie cotitd difrbVer no Iside'tho imputation; MtemptdvwbeifJaitk i lioowbntiW reduestell U doll, rn-hral ' H: ho. tf'' t-ettirhihK it. -b- trick it Mr; Cv andJbis friendvthtihe would b apod him by General Jack-, of havmg , 40Bntebank. "Vo. had not been three r-r-..,.,-im ejmarM -m me roomwnrB s dctccivcm Mn Cray. w.my-.rr!-3, fe-nthint- te' divert yfy VA-t WrL ilitibueh I conenm-dtn the propriety " i . . . .." -:" '.i i i --..ii n-.A f "vi !'( stum. kKJi. ue aiiuuiu .-"'. liim'i -Vor hie ( iiue M!,'ts AcolljectiQn f eyti.i"ir being Midb!tt Jigliling r. vio- ' . , . I . . ' ..1. . It.. ,tni' 1. " lll.rttlC'.rtw WtrafHMi.. . - y such ex'ircitont were tiscu.i am vt-ry str tt wss not bv mek,. i rom the rcco.lecliou I imwt rif ibe csmveisfium'trj whir'- 'IMjiicti-, L i . . r. ...j.. -...-a.' in,,.. 1 nnh sn Veourse of poncyrwhich 1 ,,y ,,,,0 t .huld grratly Uect the tfPrtSfc0 ,thtl evening irte- of the 8tafrhf the t,rD.iety ,of mytecing Mr. !.., '2ikA ?r triw. Un If.V.vlcV aft t WC .IW potUco of his.ntiKing.-Aiaiself W'th PMinsvlvartia in support of keaeral Jactaon r'T-rr "vr..r i..ii. ks v :.,i. . nndintfd secretary of ihk?.s, iimiiir, ... lialkt decUired hi. belief, -in which 1 con, the n eiirrnL fhatTaiiarM 'ftortion ot me; r esterii -tou j, i.U--W, fwjm tha.-unreserved 'conversn. ways ..cid, a ..... . . . . c. .. ..:.i i a.i.?. : ,.r. i.;. ,1..' ii tioos we "'"r.-. - r . ullt , J !. JJ h. a -lou and anxious SeuJdbyaWp " 0?; lfeintw7i5Kher 'State 'y 10 Jackson, bf assisting to elevat binv't the SfflSl i ' U U, i.... ielk, Predenti4 h-iev After KSrvihU iwal much tpcwilsdVon i far as itm hy, to ? Generd 4ck sne canaius ii-v t. M.itt. - -' tern-fed Maior Eaton to fat in express terms, mat ue ttiu y ","" Vr !T . - 2 ndWcetedtinnelf at act. fvbuf attentiftW, -o -would-detect me personat responsibility and in evcfy 4rlck 1 attempted) 1 therefore fiav yoa th Collar" io huld. and - nistr aged tobayelt itHmtb ' rhocb 6f;jou St .Achnia.Klaooclbun.or, on f Cabinet tPPOirmeiit: stl J 'iff, . mi'! - , ' ' v attedrtoB.'-'that 1 gt throogh the; per iormance mncli -better 4nan l mictpa ted when you drat fixed your'eyea ttpon. mc' uen. n. it i aaiu, va tugmy . .. r i i . a nnni.atii:. i nil n.ii.in cni Sialic vri 7JrtZ .-' i .Mi, Wised 4n fevtir AU, tbsa-ftDCHr, Vetn the Jhewiny f Mr. TnAtho aweral atwayMi.p.ni .heoaod Mr.Ueck. f-W. frtiibKc!in,4renry ClaTa aWh r rwcw , nt"i -i j , , w" -'7-.i ftKei, mintland TnQw UcereJy Nh ? ' th election of General Jttton, and. thtfe whichever of the candidates bad been pe-onat fe-ponsiudit;, iwtcd he would have-ad the offer of the did, ift t could to promote tt. , tw. S prSSition in the Cabinet , ,1 was .absent from .wWojiHiiowhltanderMr.A "it has renektcdlv been- am ,uim -. .mi v" v .. i. I li.ai!o? asMa lJt0ryU'1esed M meeting offMr. Clay and-hi. fronds .took h0r?."j'-V Tw.,tt,orii:ed 'r,1a, n(L at thevtimeof the conversion Juler.an4ronootced'tit , tnti beat trick.1 oefiiTttedt tnat evening. -3 FIRST J'0VAGJ1 m COLUMCUSi t lli'ia work, translation of which, by a a? B a I. t a. a. ; A erttieroan oi utisioii, ii;ib ueennrccn.- ly pubiinhed, wilt be fnuud enCeedingly . , . . . . t .. n" . ?, i. ,.t. ..r intereCing,f ;ai inrnismes- a numuer v fact, not. teherallf ttated in the hi tories of thar dmCovtiry of .itincrita, And fBrrects Aome'.otliersilliat liavelbeea pr auru ci c tne .yreat asti JL,a?l" c"'njiiiici with A party oi iu teen men, or tne pur pose of expiorin the cotintrrito.th'tt. Soutli Weht,"vvhicM Waslien eiitirely unknown -tn. tne, and ol hicn I couliF obtain fio Wt'isfactoty inpitmAtion, from the Indiant who iiiliaUit xue couutry on t4 ffdrtn East "bothers, ;'?dy general coiirte on MAvrtik tlii ik,Vn S.'W; and WfasiiigplKesi;irIe Uta Lake, lA..-;i;-tPAJ.Ia.v.IUPw'iiailtiek tun - svriii5-'""'j "t ..-, ..... eniptie. into it,' where we fotfnd a nation of Indin9rcniii Jlicthsel ve Sum pofcJi, 'Ho' wpr e fnetidly disposed , to- warqatia7 Alter iv ins "P w''ww bake, I tounitito tunncr tin oi uuiuio ar-there were,"however, a few of jhe An- tejope nd MoUnlam Sheep, and aa a bundance of Black failed llaigi. Ieav Injr'Aahely UiVer, 1 paaaed over ' fange f nitmntairis, .'i. and N. V, ind alt tick a r. '; running . wind I nairtfd Atlam Itiyr-Trf ill ..eomplimenl th ou r -sul t4 'Vliw'Ate r t thin ri vcr. i of a muddy tt? and some wha brackinlw Tlte country 1 ountnu to the; liatl, ivnd on the West are da do not deny.- My , feeling gr-'',U4, ? tp. h' jrntcrtaineno'doobt that Mr, ptChai .4 rds hini for hia ttuhury. s?rvicea 't ' : Ai-" 'JaV''.-;.!-.';'-;!; ', ;'?; f;..:-;'Vrx-'a'1v;.'v.V --'- :-;;- :,;"- ' : . -

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