0, J I f v v. l i (I ; v. j - ... V y , i - I i V. A - 110. 53 nALTian, it. o. ur azr.r:z. r-7 Tr7 . - if I f UKIMIUT ON Tilt: BVNKS. .; , . id ( A(M U 7.tt ef l,3ifc0aj. la 5fi ? l M trt if the lgiMrr( fmt d at this rwliuiji Ifpointia the.tiprakrr ef Ike Srnatr U rr promt tlx Stat fa Iho luewin of lUo NKhWdrr uf flic Slate Bauk of Sorta-Carulina, ail aa lirrftiro that iitstitufitia during tkr " ' Not Uijns twn directed ty tlie Lr-riatur to ifrJ 1 tl. v foifrfitj of the Bank, of Caj-Fi ar d NrwUrti, and l.tln no ' . " 'unity ff iims;f-4tin tf.rir aSir." I raw otily t!..t tUo atitriurnJ. now auLruttt-d arc tutl ( 1 ie brrn furni.!irj with , by t!e oKrrr. thcae ; histila1ins d tWe i?er Ira-' L'a ta k!:rr, rf rgrro U - A rairrin of tbewe rutt mrrit nmctiLnion. 1 lute ike honor o to rriwt. that I altvadrd w tli tLaw furnished ta the LrrUUture at if laat hesin. ill ... the low-tins f 1 be Stckli'!rra oh the first Monday nf IL'is antli, br that loth of thea Raaka at thia' lime bate, wort mraita to ,.( aiil s'iLl rritntnil!r. examined tninatrly tie affair' Overt tbrlf ttagrnot, and a'amallcr dcLt to pay than t'jrj ' . ff " r rvfrl dirt. nJ rtitfd tbereon t the Ht'X at tNot tfriie." - . - hoi t!iet the UKisItar,koe rrpiT"ittle Im Tfce Dank' of Cape-Fear taa itUli tliat time drn fixn cir- . - bui -,n lti f te ulS'-eri bu bare manacd t'f ins'J-' ruUtion'tN-aHy nixty tlioin.d V'!lar, Las iut'inlslicd it ULt. tntit iat rier labori.Mi Utrgtigation if it ctrtwrnis, aVmt forty thousand tfuHara and lia .tmv tunre antl"' incaut . th.i. .1 uiucrfrrct and n-iiwriu tiian I had rrn tumert iS enrannritiK than at tneiast rviwrt. ' Jn a cominu. ta-tn:. m I'he ilrnaad ability ofnowe uftbe Stock.holdrriratio'y Vecrived fnun the IVexident f' that Dank, be s; ia tlM-iiHtNtliaUoji ia the i past,iae hid a tendeiwy rv eff.-rt oil tlie Intm-al T f li'f. I brlieve, toa jr be prwiounred a Hah and aa sound . tJ any 11: aid Ncwucru f r . i --m t r 1 i I . . , 1 m 5fT. aoiw .i..H,Ti-t u i. uiir'W,;t.ri.. v f,r.f U. I...r !.( TUT T Jlf!.l. krr..wi llrr Br K.U bet ilk CrB,r ', ' aad ability ofnowe uftbe Stockholdrra? niratio-y Wfrired fnun the IVexident f that Dank, be aajaM'- , , " a!T.uia Ctb Bank, for ne orto jl ;r We lnHt iuqtilry as the bf st otina.uf insurix; confideHrc uwil - , J' ' ' to rre( t abusea and produce aalui.i tlioHplrthe priw-rU ef ..the ibntUutiim, Linn tbe pp'sfcum of tho , - T the iMtitmi.iu ;Th Jlaiikuttlua i'nlted Statr BjHk,nrr.'n8p'kut amall lrtf.t, j rt irtiraluHblo , , ... , inn Are very mpldrraul', and our iMtra afioat lois than at any 1 fknrr 4 li nWi, U4 lU til h y tH). I Ut f004 I If It WMMt Of kW, M (XhI rwrfikt r.a.'n, M.-vll ta iy ra k miOctl mf (nut t' rvtttlrr ) n,r coae Mate .ol N- i In Euan- tip' 1 . r Tcnn, 1 lU . It mjwri..n t. lllr t-' in i (""WjiKiW ithc ht, a 'ViAiy four hundifd tUJusand dol- 5Wfi UriiQ: th cotidm .to: the. ui.; ou;u acetn auans' ; ' 7 -. 4 , . hwthiiia IJ'.T'h S ,ull,, n'1' ,'-! ) . i te4 .tl.-V.wi. fmr.rMJattorf.K V v ' ro--tcrai.! f " f SkMdcri ilmold' bo dA . STi!i.!rJ 2 "TZTv i -'i -- i v tiHM'tititetVtCt'i- Hawks .T this Stale, riTHnT l as a .t.irmi of'fciirrvn.VriMsj its clii-ten The vimrso whjcb; l;a tern 7. v" - i' ' x - f ts?n w Ui-, tt 'M . Hi.t . i. i, i .;t u 1' Aitu.a .'''A 1 t itn t:jeky appuiiitment,.ripre'fit the Slate' ahoi t iiraebavr a tewdi.ry.to Impair th public ronHdenrc in thd . ' . . 'A piiiUiiwiuUewWMmiUl tt JoM iukvlsov. r. ',i therrm,, I a"c1M W f'rtate;.- tUutii,f It h rvrd it, cot, ern are .uSii, ntfy ' 'V: TZtZT "'' 1 1 to..ir rhlch. fh.u a delayed 6r Mriai itas in witsequwirf wt oua a fMmid t authorise, the esperutMnnf a semi-Aimiai ci- , . , . 14 a.i, hr iiufel , . 1 iLeMiKtanre rK.t1" T om tins liare.f irwi ummpyy . wenn :prfnm -no iiiai , r i'i wvmu ; w , ' ' -1 , I " i itT'i.. iTL .lil . uTii. ! Tdteatn.Mil.win. 1 i-.i !'....,. ..iKur.i Lud hrf.ii-e tU IeC)Mtuiri; , aa a ltirkhrtlder to rnwnt to a attrrendef r. its charter. , , , ..;f,'!. ... i i .u ji w...fi .u. mii. UMK.ir iif. n "r'"",l ... ,k r kj ii. i.li... ..U. V fl (.......trfl..' irt rriivrirulv.' . . , ' , . . . 1 -J . . . . . . .. " OT'th Wfcix1 of K H" t..te linilTIIL'iH IU 1 . ' '-Tit LP DdUfe IN klulll l.M"UJia n m . w V"V ft. J 1 J w - . I'a I I --. V VT 1 1 1 F . . . '- . , V. . :i . . c t ' . VTBITT I1TIIIIK1I PM.rMnv' I in' .lltturpil, ' .141 . a.. ' "..IT-- T'. ,Ctk. . t rr. r'lUlil I'u - ' iht and I ini' rwuem ii'iikun inv.xismi uon. c. asiiw i . tC:"f U V Ike: isr. awv.vbAva, v iili-H to (ii :it ' ir iiU'O'it. m ,- h iwtii h I I"' p ' li'nrtl enuiitf I Ir in ii! iJM , twocu 3t nd 4- im f ;'-. i'l lm n ' ime-. tiuu elnUi- 1 ti wrw ! i i " l v '"'t llT tllivll '"' t"" ' (L ull Willi T"i' ii: 'iW. jr.KK.MIAH II.VU K!S, .1. :-; 1 ' .v, ..I 0,a K5! La. ir.V;;.t ' Sj..t' i'l-.- 1 .600.0001 .? H I ntuder. Mmirit Bm ft bo i pwpriei.w f i4 I V v,.f.n ' i 51 V.' fVk. Sim olIh-CMiilioifw Stock ,'. : ,, ,83,!XC IrPr..5l Ml kf "kid. th nf tVtmW;.tt$r,'tt ' ; . - ..V" W ?. - i ' N..il.T. .lllMik. .!. il.' J", "i'Vitf .'ttTi - - - f '.7. ;.J 344O50M4, ' ; t J 440.S08 15 r 7:7'7 V " STrtd V mU. M.4 ihinyh. aeomodkUn . -t- ' ?i; , ' V . :XU':- -V ,;t; V- Ua-V, MASSgg; - t1 Itdeigh, Not. l. - -r':' 'T , T.. : '--."?7 .V,; .w . .. -i ; "!" . (t " ' J y'--t : Vm to' WakeAproufi).- tor th. fMertemtMM 1 ' a 1IUI W , of thU Bank in circulauon, ;MMitei,' N v -" " . : " vtdemi inpa'd, Vf .' DUiit due to,Banka, 1 aadltfri M aarjJuv vf; . .';' TQ3 itftfl Snec I.- 4S8 194' Fui.d at North. -f 59,470 'Due by B"k i. North -Carolina, t 018 vN-t' of other banks' op hand; V ' 1' f-: T j 0.83$ V- ; T9,iro - ; 36,437 'I 1,006.588 ... - ------ -- -- - i - v 2n) ' 6oodi. s IforJuiare. Cutlery. Tlatt, Boiita Short China, Ulai unx-Otaf tUiL t wart;,Iipor(e& md Jmtji; OlMltllt'tMlv ; "Ti.the Uv .AnUiormijrh, o.Ue. f OutKir, I H!X l-pro,nimi,' ho v I JOHN KIKlJHM.. H' l itmlli. i he a bom U'l miM rt in Onmirr t" ll appt-art to be xlimil '.7. yom-t i omiikcted, mil biiit S IWt 10 im l ' -.? vtt.i.UM n:'. Aalibomugb, Oct. 10, I ' The tubwrtlMri bi-a leave lo ftbuoutice W the ' . . . i 1 . . . ; . .1 ... .1 ii HiDiic, inai uict nerc -w itoiuk u b u ; - flolletv Due ho ta ealruiutel t" preiai re toi'i Alii mi-et itit e.i. lu ll in ., ' . 54,350 ' mn oi r.x-naoKe, .vj ; ' -. : igrvX :;u :: I: iBUV, ouu.i.uu vi mtiwmcn auuigiuuiniu, j i i,uuw - " 4 euf Uie purenaaeii, cirapivnrniiuiB Biniowry vy.iL pj. t, . tiw itili'i--il o I J- - " ' ' 1 . . . '.' ", ' '-' t ,' 'iAT1 ,l. 7 : ' I rwy ( tV die.B-'? Tte ( ... -lh7ari,,f,; iii bt. .l.,i1.,l N . ' .. ; ' ?qq' - 1 ' " 7;':'- v' tV " ' ''""'" I M38.49SV TV -i- l'S litteiprt waleor- eiaUe a-Hrn-a -ell r-.....Wn. , , 1.W8 B9p:.j v...,' r- w y-.; j,-: ,.;''-J -i.? 8uperaW, btaek' .. Uc km) adaMM f" . tl., M. A'lTt'KWl 7'7 ,C7 .4 -T :. . " ' :i', ;7J0HN,lItlX. "C!AV'!i7;;V;v'l-.ti7-;f--: Dn Caimiraooea, fcAlwaMi' eolnew, iWafrTh 1 A statements thiofMh of the Va.tf . t lwrtintv: 7 - in" : . '-V' I ' I f ' ' :'.'7 7-C;7li,f. s I nn - r 'VV1, :1 unrr&it eonn.ji SUiiH)U, ' ' '. " f 4 door. at of llm Via-UvUv.bo Church, rffi:r by ihdit-iduftW, ; I 107,933 toa. ' - ..si'. :7d ;V- f.7;WV:W t-;yt . jLio-ey' Wooltcy, Kaweyand lkarddo for w& hh 'eMii-ei W the eidv-Me f Ktrh andlttti . ..kaia - 1 . . lieoosnes ami urui uuc irum uiu Jiinh. . . I -uj.ih .-. .. . . l vants' .ear. . - . i, ,: i a nMv in Ou-liiia at lus nroh Imion .. - Kit. the Bank brbond, ndtir, &c nk projierty other than real batata say, ire Ka&aiib'? ofioU and ouildin purchaW ibr thr nUrpose eFtranhacimg tue oasiiiesBfo u.e ou, '.laof feiefcain. Iin-ff WoWa 6f 0' 7 ; ; S.toJ .40,050 in. 14 63 705 a i- Note in rirrahiticm,: Balance, being aurplos,, , .;.4ri'.50' fsi jiite, rud, bJi" und nreta flannel nl liajoe, , HoaibaaiiM1, IWmiiuptts, ttuln ami f trmeJ, .tarolme am) I )t:m plain nin.imjuiet. lieiifk'men't t amiil.-t and J'l-uci ti'wK. '.,.,; . ,. i- ? ' .v, - fit:, p. " V . ,- V -Si i- '. 'r t,. . i .... ! j . ,.', ' . 1 1 jBiina ami I mn maul unuuimuiei. v j , . ' a , ii,- . ... t, . ..,.. .v ':. - 1 T' - 1 TravcUing BakeU, " --c7-' f . - i,.io . ':lJt , ' ,. , ' . . - "i r. ' - ' f- . v - . ViVs ' . .liiia of evefr deneriptMin, . w - "'7;' ' " "-. -j -7, ' 1 ''?'',.-. .,:..... . , , .;. i,y -i )"'.'i7';7.'' 7gM7.fc ,77J -s::;v7-t'';.n- tHA tinw, tawnaiid Silting, , " v ' :ic - siitement nfBc flffair of Ac Bi. 0fJVeicberntJu.nc i87iJ)..fc ; v,. ;U(:M7;-' ,wb:t wJe-Wa Caiubri. Uuokas "4.. 77..., .,,,.- .' , v-t..;i..JTv,;7y ..l:i,4rti.'8toat..T,v.fi...' .s ,7-, y-. "..7. - i t,Wwd;:Vii.. ,? due by botd, note. Jr:y;XC . i'r " 3 18S ' Denositet and debt. . r ' , 7 ,;, 'V-. - ' j 7 ,587.910,, 4i t vUU.KMre TTS? property Mher- than rew - niiprhafc,(! for,- . . , , Not an ia ttrcvlatioi....-, , 7 . 7.7 ,Ak 7.i v SaUo. anrf RenelueoW ; -MvJf 7 Ronaunroi ,r , - til ,:. 1 40-050 Balance, beiDS aorptea.Hkl. 7 7 77 7 .a7 ! Iv FlH .B.!f. RUrn09e 01 iraosai ,. ,.- : , ' - ': k .101.617. . . wVirtli;. Srf'' ):;.,! .,,'. i- : ,t "'7 f , Jii Vi-?i;,W : . I nra.il.hillma.nd Italian Luatrbirdd. Couch, G'r, Sirn enj VinpmatUat Fainfinif, of evury duwi H.tion, llmir iu tug nevf innniin ami Ilia moiit Binliinmilile itjlc, .'.i-ijiU nr - n ii, tnw nrlwiuiltrv wMiingtodptliKirotwi i :i'":iiip: teim have any enlourt-d paint (;iT.uiiil."fiiiil 8cntcb CanKtiiiir, Wilton H llrum-lltartbhir, for Hnnicnlme wse. and at a ulioit nim i Siife and Gin'lmm I Jnibivllaa, ' ? -' 1 be aupplieil rtli tliebvit i f Cnpul Vaniil Debts i Bank Ileal estate, : ',; the i 7 SDociei BiIUdI Exchange, . ,.3,419 71,608.535 ill; a.',...T i -; .; r .,-?i7, , i;:'?' 7 i ''iVT1'' -:r."';i i;y'' ,' Af'V- , 7J?j: I'.; 7fe;u7vv.7;.,'7!r .vi8 f'U -. .,",;-.-.'' 7 f f'P" mi- -.w Wi-siK. V'' .F'Si 'lvW.kt3. STRPtiBNS,: Cair." ii . . t . out. )r dpe Inr tiiffti (done )nrt Cuovai) Kilti-ilV tniulted m lunilaohie t le, aad for'Hnlert ear to anv paitof Stti. ' i ; 1 .;' y j N. B, fauer anV W toilaor Ctin otrrory di. acriptum inaile ami repaiiU'd. al. puintfil aiiu rfKilt, lookiiij eluiii and jt'irtraH franu-a, nn lioc- inv, nnd all eilicrkbidi of furniture ri'iiuiml ar,4 cli'ned. '', '(" ' I. I,'-" ' Waute i lirialt wippiy "f Walmit, nopt:n ' 1 NAPlF.tt"VlT.? jiiue limber, RaVigh; Oct. S4, 48i27. 7. i4i- To tlie i'uf.lif ; Tbe inVtll Vtajris' Jtofcd leaililig fJ-on. Kltr to Spaila, fey UieCrabOrelianl.iiiinal Mt-r st" of rvpairtlnm r li hoon airin' . . ji. travtHlrd. 1'be ro.ld i ebanid, aoi - liw eor'i Hill, lib Stvat bUnkr1 n l. t i.t w1ilii'"fj t Mantua.Malniig , The beriber. respeetfully h i lie, thut they hare latcl.T reived from J ill arc : - bote rf businctas nU w ai innn 4?re- . . I. i' !.,fiirM Ore It oargaa i oue . . in, .iinnunDtrr rcifi.."."j if,u. 11 ekieena Nfti'tli-" j y-T, . ... .i.... ... ..,lpr in win.! 01 Uv" w ai i,. r.l.l snnfuirn. he iu lS!:w:a .'7 " "T W iCfi 1 in herebt giv'eo, that on Tttesdayfhe (0. day of Janiitary tMi,;irt tiie pLintatiaii ai. A, A.. Wyvhe, oil tiiWtUim't. B. ll'ihtax eoniUy,, U. frill be etpoaed topiihlic v ' lor ready mnuy, uie tmel ireaaui, men, firiuitT.i equaj 3L v'"r..!e Twronder entire i.ltioo ,3 'CparttiersUipj ..7v IttaraliaTe foHoeo 9 ! . -? a. U .varooo. - 1 tw he reecbed at the -Store WatMid o KTHteiIIetreet,ier if - tnMii.H. ateunwu Bl Randolph Webb, anlrtely g-V j :.. . n.nRral aaaotment ef Mediemea,f wiMi U bb they ioteod inj Sr21. Order,' Uecipea, ke. fre ."T"' Oilier, dealmg .n the .tor. lit'm.TuIbeattieiioewv---., r-; toanr iu the nmwr ii.uTif theteonnly. ,On the m h n ii cnnei'm. bc - ... . . -. , , t "r , u" v. ,1l Suitioni e WW BWao,mi aiaone aom ute ernpanu i,ia stocK. of. ook 0f .d Vche Amune tli, Hock are w .y e. axui ra. VrfoHWAMobcleihorK. bf -oO bwk. tnulefc oruueiit ,"- ,....1... . . .1 ti.,.t... til I U BCAI W.T, .IIO TOMWi ir Mu .,i r!!7.. y.;..;u...l o-rnerad aatortiueul Ol U1LH HIH . VV bqn- weutioned, it hiv.iet, V;'?'y r A'elwiU be wldVt!ii UN-ma, the ti-m-i of brnd (.i' ,), f -hith! Anaeinbly t. examine 1 JTr.t . u....i,t .....1 .ii;,.t,. HCI 'U. . - , ' . . k:. -;v . tl. aaaortiiMliit W too .wmerou. to , .i.. .'....awjw.'.; H. ia Conn: Sent dial Itatojcb new eootai.ied .!'"' .nM,.nt of Hootit a t areaei l no oau ' : ... T ...I. iffiilnniuv I P ft H mk mime none diirfthililv in ill iia branchei. - itb neatnlrsa n4 i W. , dn wlih h he livea, winch in a bwaltfij and deliabt. ful eounirr neat, with a eonjrnirot hn doeillnr hiaise nd fwccawr Mt hoWsi nd at tUe uim lime atfiltibee. dl bo aold tlurt' or fc'rty Tulua- Ma alareai aioonz nom are aererai nrar rate hoae aerrantn and etleit . Ateg, all llie liooe hold and kitchen' BaiBture. lueludine an cloean aonriee of iilxte. tocetbCr vkb all the reat and rear jdue ofnaiil N yche'i property 01 wery Utaonp. tlon-.The aain tales are maileii nrtue ei aundry deeda nt tract, and an undoubted title 'ill be Tho euWribcr . having tJiitrucUid iith' te ' Trustee! p UU iBMitution, to aaiieriiitcttd th lame fut-jKe oasuin Jear, will ttvc hit paiicahir aad pertonal attention to (he luntruutioit of auoli trouth aa may be entrusted U. hi tluuvc, liia .... . t . j .... i !. '.s 1 1 1 . . . inn .jcpenrnv'? m tcacuin, Hur.u(miitia nun Vf any : that there ball be 00 pviuudii for complaint of laa. attention, both to tha rogret of hi. pupil, ini rite to tnt 01 uuuoa are, - v : , v ' '. ' 7; i . For readine.' writiti: ami aritlimetksi tier ae' iirn 5,B,r- : ...... 1 ;. ., . Vor il other.braix.Ut usually taught at AeaA ... erohia or Collt'gearlO. ' ' , : , i, 1 be lubMnbeK would taketo board witabim- a ten( or a doJscn atodenU at 5t40 per aeaaioo. - ' , . V. Ik. tULJ. a. i. ; . x' tf-7w s Luatrbir Do. Klucf a.ij handkTMiK'th, .; .. , Flag, Ji andanit, and Oernwn SilSi doff. v TVf aa tm ainrl f acimi4.a ailiiauvlat niul laAinf. tKtV tt ff f Orri tt . . ... . ... . T . T . ... ..... . i . , 1 Wbrf f...li.i:d., Anil Vlll UllV IliM I lului SUIt, Cotton, Wott a4 IjrmbWool ladlei' et one tnife, and tuitke. tin rejd an w srn 1 .i-ond r.ntlonvi,.HHiier and lilovrt. . r- that il ia uiuietessaiir tyI'K a hri P anv 1 Sewki Silkaj Cottoa Dad and Spool Cotlon.ol aw or waggim. to pa with raw nd every deaenptkm, . , I l.e atenmmomiU.mmi Mii rnnn ,, ns . Do. Morocco, Heal, Ix-ailifr ami rruncJiaoiioci awe m jn, u - !'" . .nd.Rooteei,Mic,do, ' V v i ' eo' Kinpoo,; wdl keepcit l.-n.l a ! !v i mil ? I.. . , , - produee li-rthf kis)omTnoiiMtii'n of triml! going to til. jwi-H, tnT ui Juki' Hie - - : t 1. 1 . - . . t I UEnii hub.. ' The oriKuira CerUficto fr thro 6rc oi iroea ted lo tho pwrvhaiier.' . I . . . Li L. J V: I .mlllM. HI1KI1 Wtt.ll. .' 1-. ( mntrd to the Virmof Cockbor4 bH)iun,bJv.j , , .f wg boen -atoriaitMil,-Wid Ui wini 1 , Vgy Horn, bariag imeyl aatd abare Honrr A, f Dttddaon.nd Vekt Pailtrr, and the aaal D00.I 4 , klCflA 1 M. CUNIvr.llAM, WILLIAM B. lOCKHAK V. ttddespatek. n w,t.ilAMS ' ' '.I FABIU3i.JLAVVOOU Baleigb, July 18, 2. 3l-tf aluaoo kod Parker baring auihotWd V rilfcup 1M WiH be aold at Apbe Co.irt Uoh ea the at Hayvood, Ej. ttliier ot awmaw, v h"w Mon4j j Kebntary oet, the followbig the aaioe it wot notice ! hereby giei lliat at trwU gBlf; w moc, thereof aa wUl be aol rhe fifat rnectinr of the .Board f Oirvi-tori laiter fi(jU!nt foUowillg yr,, tlx; let day ol Keiinwry, H8, lb e "fP1- , g-x, ,cre, 00t -ivttn fc belTnring to . Job eathm lb. a tkitifieau tor ud Share, t. issue Croir.t heil, f-w n Twt 1819, 2l. iwAyaaaam. f . niiiftn' 1884, I8M, t8 182S, ..d I8M. - , 4 v k 4 i',t'','R Mf u' , ' ore. Kant'a heir. 182J and l2(L V t ' . 80-4W ' . , 3 44)1 da. William Kdwardn. nr. lUgri and 1130. ', UoctoWF.' J.Wajtvooti T Offenbi. rrriew i. the pr.otic. ol Medieine, Surry and Obatetrfck, H V J?T IC'S T W e-joyed tt moch doad opporm .aTw mWeaoo-aai eto - )' -r.?ATi-.u1. u. Unuu. an fiotrtution hieh ha wtmeeted hkelf -Hh r. A fi! "r'lTwK- hdtoWlorwyA wrt. rlJ- laiwy -w " rinn- teW 11. A. I ana uae mm mv V: 158 do. Robert White, t8iS km! 182V SOO.da. Vincent William. 18205 ' ' , W 4. Heiraqfgaiiil, Ui'AeUiiu.lKC.notjiT- ca m. . . .... , lOOacrea. boira of Hob t riiraT.15Z5 U IH'JD. riOaerea, Join Lownarir, on tb. water of Men 'a Shiw-a. Pumht and Hooteer. liOY't UO. 6Qoea ana jirogana Hr aervani. wrur, . k""'f v ' ' " ' 1 ,T Geutieuv' whit, brown awl black ovt.l and dcp j. roil onu. the PoU Oak .bpt.n; ..i.'.rl S.l..nj Ll ll..MHl. llullL ' tl 4' . I li.UlS9lUn. A i a. . . . 7 I'T Vail,i. An. hWk .nil white tlsta war aerranta.V !'..."!. . 7, ' ' . JOllV 1? i Tortutae Shell, Hraxili&a ud Horn a)l.K neck ami tuck Comba ot every doaenptioa, . - .i, ; ' Cloth. Crumb, Shoe and Jiemibliny )truahe -!-ir- good asaiirininnor luirutca ana Diaue v are. Do. fiJaoeandTin i'ar t-fs :' n Do, 'IlavdwaMand dtli'rTkV.- J)i ' Drown and lyiaf 8Miar Tea, Coffee, Choeolnta. IS i lit hi . 7 luilva vct vf. OWN. v '' v .i7-Sm Koveniber 11, t2T. l;iilor!4 Notice" , TakrWOV odtli. 3th of Juoev I W7, and aortl- ',tt.l tn the Jail of New. Hawow emiotT.. X --rth Carol ma, a negro man, named JAME3A&(!jlKY, r.it a ihM hum. xi eara .iu. in n no v nrr front trflk cut, ..a a aear aver o)nH.eye. i uiue mivct, , Tbit (L-llow any. that be n tree, and that bo a h'.a ia PhHaiHilplna, ana hi pareata live toi ra. ti . i. i..i. t;,il ttinlit tlint in a .Ikvi'. '- j , - , , ..... 'i.: j." ..i :..-r.i, -it part f the 'ort!. .;rb. oder WjOoM-1 givenln-. f .r.tMiU aIMV.'s .i lirt pcrr., will i oc me v. wiki nmmi Ivinzoatha Kirh Mnantaio.1 ' 40U,aeora. William Arnrt. oa bead of Korib Pork,f-n- ttlfc,- T:-r-r,'r7: 4X) acre. W to Wthe land '.of Jamo Will- The anbtertber ero authqriaeii lwv th Hot; H Robert; T. Daniel to tell a four ar.itr lot ot ground ;" ihtheaouth eortlwrtofltilfiRh. The iluatinO ' of the lot and the quality of tb. toil reader a al ' .? aable for AgiWitaral paiioaea. . JTbeJot ia eo v eliiaed by adiub, Nrgotiable Hi'per atth JCew' r lerh Uauk at HaieiijU am ae reeuvoo m pay tnent. ' ' "-r '..'.. y '. , ' In th abaenee of, die nl)criber, apply M ' 8liertfodUiiood,t5 forteoma. .,. ' j 7, vhi.u.M DAXietJ -i ?! gjpt. U, t27..'.:'.-.w.-' aa-tf ,n t , it- n . -. ' 1 1. 1 1 1 . I,. . '. . I " : ' 7 r4nd aommilte'd lo Iho Jail br Adiboroilgh, Ni C7on Iho Jth biit, a black own, who a hi .name kJOSrtUA, and that he belong to Owen 7 v;w:,.i.am .f uU field luitikt.. IJ. about v ; jtara.of ge aluml t feet 10 inehet Itih, aod tf i aoppar-aolour, Uord face wm I thick lij.. ' HJ .IfirtC 1.182'. 7 .,-f fi.-:74.en. ; 4 I 'past. Ai.'r.'w.iitl-rti 'AI 'f -rtnd.niie likelvTounaNEGBO MKN tot v l MiiiVvr.. I.ibm. foind Malaira ine. Old Rve Whltkevj; Nortlioin and Jamaica Hum, jJIoKflnd tim.Cotihea Chci-air, Ijrerpid biilt, . Sweiliah and Amcrinui Iron, Catling, &tc.tc. Iteat Dontleo Cotton BaggiNgT . "7; " . . v . T he PJioTO ift"n brinif I'.npht oscinsivcly l"r rah in tJtoXfrUiern Market, we wiU nlwo'se ot ili em at icli pricofaa a t t) be undonxilil by any reulas1 Houkc in the Unioo. ' '- . j it AZbKTT ( noOEUt KYLE. r ' loaeiH Kovgrober IS, 1827 ,. '4r-6 ; s Warrtii ton ; 1 al , A i-nd e my llarbiuf en?'i-eil Mr. John ttmtb-itk in ink charge of tin lurtihition tb. enmiing year, We fuel a pli a.m ia reaomnieuding him -tn piiblie patroiwKO, ailing fiorn an acpiaintanee witb him for the last, year, the. tullvat -confiileno. in hi. quaimrHtHMAK aim cnarat-ier, ano Deiieviri- mat umler hi uporiiiti.ndenee tlie Aeadftny w ill he eoodttvtcM1 ta geaoral-aatUfacdon.' The kcliool will oocn na the ft rat Montlav ui January next Tuition aa hRret'il'we. . .Board may be had oa iiiimiiitble terms in highly i3ttnble nimilH'K, All hreparttorr brunclira renuinite for ailroinaion luto a t uivtrjky will b. tan'rlii in tiki 7ii'l,,'t4 N'tlfC,.:" 7 -' - 'Taken tip andi com mhled tStl.e jn'.l of Rock (uham iBfunly( H; C, a' negro.'iin v.ho cull hiniM-lf JOU7 t liebtukeishewiil lli-ii ! t be-. ) lonjred tp tyr. Trriiilwollj' araeoply m ' , that Twnlwell tnn. ,l' him of Bluijt Lmi Martkreontity. and that ho ran a fnun. Tm,u well in April hist from Alabama. ltt;t hi' vj Ue it fiHia niHii, and forioethr lnl ii.n.ut . - n.polh,,aiid that be i Innwa t'ibo.a ti . nien I y Thunia Turner, XV I! an Tomer, Cant. Jit.it Peack, Mr. Ireariwrll and oilier gtmu-n n iu and about Plytnniiib. 'Ilu n tliut lie w. ntiji eomimny Ub Mr.Th'in.m tint to e K . of Alabama, anil wai returning ltavk.au.. e t I''- -moiilW trni'Oliikt'ii. . Said aepro isah,)t A of agOftvc lu4iiui. incbf. bi;h, v - y m . ! k.o.ftda"''Miiiiiittedi Jil da" tin h Aiiyurt taw fco 4abt that he n a .lav. I , ,, owner ta agiim rrqaetled tt nme l'.r ,i . , ;i uo property, pny ulinirea and tnkc imlr. o aiihi the lime prcaeribed hy law, or he i . L Y: y with aa the lw dii et. . , ;". y . ' . ' J,S. :,. .'. ii,. ! -''DwemW t, t27. - . 's, . ;iucrtJty 'f.I7y:-wi Ilia Seminary, John J!' JSttphen 1 :v CasytlL Dnd r,,r 7 yi 'pi. ..., 4 -tui-,,,, ; a- untcl $iwmil, f Nor. 24. 1827, 7 1 7 '. 49-S. Scions tabids Warrants; . !;:-;'J..Msri;.':rivt- "t'iiken op ami t'Oiumiltvil lo f mmgton, IVoi tli-CinMl.ika, a a r fclloMT who ,' liiD-i.i (,, U.VMH be al io a i t 1 v biKMi';!it un in 1 ii- or' and lie ia free; tn l uit-re ia r. . ,. is a slave, anil Ih I'-m'a to m.i , h ii, - The an'id filioar inpy.i t ; u t, U0 yvar. old, haa a I n- an ! Very blai k, I l.t come fi rwnnl, prove and uke auiJ !'w a t " C.-VU1 Wiliuir-lua, Af. . . I''.' ar hio.a ffla,aadbeW , A. and take U tf M0HB13,aot. . U ' WS : JOHS JtAT.RhlC ! Tba ryamdr, pei-bap. kc better, , , 1 , n oioaijr jwiH j ,V-?(s i. ..-7v -1 7 - i5TT;'7;'-7.. -7 ''.V : Trieo tlv MW. .,.-',','. :' Nwv.Vlaf'..r . -4. , ;,v.. - Av wt'TO 7K?iyf;''y7 ; ' 7 : ' '7 7'!s;7'-y ' '