a t . a sJ . . f. J of J.a W. n r4!,- reta ' ,j S''" ' '" r rrsd. - - . 'ot ".S rie J -re Wftrk :, v.,., ( f ii j.s frrtt uicrri, 4 ; -t4 l a at 1 cl twniwtff, coMivn if V!f('f. ; . 14 4 Crt, Lott, I , xTf'-'-n f Mr srier,11. reuljfkm ' l r re! ft of T i J kutN, 04 BunmatWj '' "ere. I. rra ! t'-.e wrennA srl hird a, -r.. arv; 'rrrj loW enframed. r h i. r, f! tj,c committee at frorx. i ni tVi-evsrt-ra, "rcpoe'ed t?Je bi'l tO .-! (vr of M- u ,. K to, isu.irn conn-T, . 1 Sr aa'd fril aasttiett a t it" ec 1 an! ! J t'wiwa, and t jeOjed . Mr. Dcrant r-fsmieJ bill eieinnt n.rm fror itniii' m uric ad Me 1 ; r, t bil! tacat-prl the riir-yJeeof Fraak 1 c".u-y to keep li'noWor at Lotiisixtrg-, ' tn -ard lUnv 6rt fradinr -.) ,r Kerry prrwn'ci the prtWfl of WOC ' " i, M M j i'IT"" err. prayi"C f 6 1 to the iTi irt of ciurn' Rvfer, r i to t'.e coniT,i-.e ol IVopoaiiioni nd ). rt of 184, riimr . of Nirth- n ci of Tnne rtUtinftw tBcS'Wjkjr i .tirti The mi.I bill hi rJ tM te- , The enpTH b'rl to eottppl the Cmt rfHi if l'v li intxii'it conmiltet of; '"'Mf. W "illu tii, f VHtv fronir'tli 'etm ' VOte "f Divoire and Alirmmy, renortcj ' V ;'' TW to '.Prlte'lT llroheA i Guil r - "fur It tuck pnorr M.tlte may hefler wo ' j,i',:i M f .ltirT. 'Ellii Dowlinr, of Kwir finrt reVmif. ' v ' ' - Mr. UMJiaio 1so reporttl nfu'vortUy to t!it pMiiioif of Jem)ett,liigra(n,'of Nfonifo- JUr. June prrencd a bill prfacribing - a. t'11' piwa monf Tor vacant ri' nnTpripria?eil wlncll pawed it . : . be b )J to amenil the act of !T7T, estaS. :Fv'nff Conrta of hiwf nn& rejfxiUtinp ihe iBedln(r thertriiv pjskjd .third rradr Wil pr4i-ffl to le..nirtQMe(l, )n motion of Itr Sftobor," the eommtttev ;'inaric were iftstruetrd (o 'mqu'irr, wHrttl ami, if any, wht aHtjrr'mn an nc vto inmi-e a bettf t" acconnaSility to at faras r(rf(ln alio need irradj; to iffi for wstlveoit. and vbtthj Jt lin make ny aheratWin: w S (td--iS-Vv,? r : tragliition, iiitnii fed S"cerdsr by 'ickett, directinif thmrn'rttee of F. eto UVc thafjfe of the 6ne? In th nun, and to burn ,c1j of th ?eift 4 at arelmfit r ciraulKtion, tu Adop'tcA. r M'.'iJ! 'irme.iteilabilloonoeminithe i of rm-Snpn (d Mr. Gray. Uil! forth .. f oVtlirrk'a pf -Mit asd'cierkti and in- in Equity; which 'pbiaed tWtif fi-t fal Mr.mhr. fom the committee of Prowo- sinons aim f'riavaiiisefir. reported ufifc to Uie memorial of JoaepU Catii. i Ct sition aird (tfsvaiii. reported urifewrabtv i Ctmcurred 4, 1 -, MrJ&iPtvfr0 trie cmfri?tte,b! or Crimi. rfT'i"'te'i niiorsb! 1 thepH'Uibn of Kan. , om TTne'iiiiich report wat connjjrefl iA. f. ti ffatafJVdeiT Library Society, tb laid j i, powt of i,Jite to snpoinf a eommitUfe off; t limce, pMwpd, ita Second Tind tMrd readings r and-wa OfHred to be pripfroased. j i ? ' ' r, rlnnArini Kills ,xA '..('... J '-- the eftons aiid third roxtinir an1 n. "' ! rd to 4enfMcHlt The bill to diorc , Liia Bwling ftvin her huaSatid) the bill to - . Wn!ii;ipi rjfi. er or f ranKlin.10-ee( hi c re at ijflU'stjitiifj (heb ll to aecdre to Prhv BraVier property Mshe. may bete , t. ,er acquire o(j ne reaolufmrf rednif mf SeerxJafy oCStalft to pwcliaie Stationary. Thewolwtlon in favor of 'John W. Hnmll. V, ton, wairr4 the third time, passed mnd or-4 ...... i i.r diihi provwi lorihe tmal aettlementt cf enecnr.ri and adminlatratora, waamended on motion of Metitra. Debf rry and ShoUer, ; read thtSira'time, passed, and ordered td ; be enRTwd. v-"' '";: .'. vr- - ' ' The bi" preicb'b'njj opon Va-Uatn'dened 5nuicr receive jne pnrciiMe mo C'.'i fbrtcan,"f". unappropriated ..lamia, passed b eo;.d ud third readings, and was forded o be engrossed V - i i f - " -' The b n to incorporate th Kortn-Carofina - CoM Win i,y Company, aa amended, read - I the third ime, 'passed, and flrdered to be en- -irSaiwcIerson presensA'd a bill to repeal .. the act xourrminir 'tli fnuxtv rvun ir '4 VT.-.I-. .t..!.l. If. . ! , Vf; '1L',1. 'he joint select committee . t:ioined to inquire 'mto tlie most aJviiwble mode of hiving the. interest ofyijje State to. - i r.emea at roeefi. of the' 'ockbolders the Bank of tape Fear, .reported the fol lowiiig rtaolutiofi, lech as concurred jn: p. Keaatvtil, That Jt.ree perot be tltei, ty joint ballot ct bu ll Mmi-nrs of the General As-embly, to v. pi ,enl the interest" bio !ie Ufe of Norm-Carolina tias j the atock f f the Bank of Cape Fenr, at the feeting of 5 tiiestockhdldera of eafdBaul, to be ht Id on V e fiist Moojay of January, 1828, . , Vr, Cray presented tlio petuk f John X Udl, of Randolph ounty, praying for i; Uority to erect two aiea on-a enain T !; akb the memorial ot s'mdry chirena of t-es -ne county, prayfhg the paWe of a 1 ta prevent the further' introduction of "vs into this Stutfi which wtre referred t cornaiittee ui Impositions and Grievan- Mr. Ilinton, f om thecomtiittee appointed i finjiirt the balloting for Brig-adier Gene, f the 5d brij-adc, reported that Louis I), l is elected, . ,;. , ( ... . Ue bill concerning the town of Carthage, i n U- ! qn motion of Mr.'M'Neill, read t , I lim rised, and-ordsred to be en- fll, ' i.' 1 i. , - ? ui'.l to amrnJ the act of 1824, 'vinjr ,i.t of Krth-'arpliun to, end f,fe i '1. s !- curtiiii acts of Teiim -Te ax- to ti, e Sim kv M'lunt'uin .t-..rnoiki .-- 1 the I Virdli 1 la be--rov.;,i. t I u- c-V J ..., t f '. p . ta TKr t.l la IT r,i tU afll I C ,k ad i J fxv.rv i a arioei i V Ca- (TaaSrX ... Vr tUUt (.tirMpI it.!: la rtskire taftj er-rtaiai until, r cj"v awekea a'ma "' i 'J l ft rt"- Mr. Junr, fr,n OT.miUre e (lii'iia, made a tr ;-t, recrtrrimfa-rinx thi ti-errti. rfe i fr M l.ucj Mjw be i : i!;.cI. Cificerrr-I in. Mr. iMia-Ti 4 Mar'ia.'fr.t i (He emtH tre n Ilnrc an4 . Mmu k . rrptej Uia e dtvnrcc DixaVfl C.bI pejer, t tot -irery,aod Marj en, f rfTTjsi'irri,' litv lieirt,li. bantU; wrnc paaaed their firt reln. 31r, Jrjj.iiitof Cn, jKren'fJ tbe rtti'ion f .Vl'er, frajHij 9 be !tvortel frnia tier ktts!MU Utter re1." . " , Mr. rclet,frw"C 3adjci.tr cnn.. tnittee, to bons m rrferred tlte rrH. htjen relative to tntkin -tfebte bt biioJV niKrfij ie,r4ble; "when ,jht the peraora owjng tW mom rr, a4oH td to bejond trietitf t J'sie, rrpirtr4 tJtaa if it ine tperlieTit to jHif i (be law rrUlirt te taat fuhjrcU Copt corrvHn. v -- f .- Thrf failewin; eprfoaaetl-. till iHi reanluttnn ruveJ llieir ,Grj. reiin)t: The bill to abject bail to Csl;.al thereilutiiin iq ftror yf Jatuee Pattun, ol iHinconibe, T1i . d4irint Wit were preeente'Ji I J J. Mr.' Love, of Haywood, pin to ', ro'ttinue in force tlx act o( last , i reivv and continue n force the-act of 1824. to alter and amend I he ..act f the rrltr ff each penon became pur rheni of the Lhemkee landaWd an ttor the antWif T of thi 8talet and bt l - O f I'll . ' Mr, oaqnueraun,- uii ii esiiiH cer tain p:rorta ia II vie cnontr fmni. toVf Innn juries; which, passed their , first reading -v I -a. .' ' Mr. iltnton preaentej a reaolutKvn in fjeor f Vi1lt4rrt Thoinprnt whith wa reau ine ari, vconti una intra tunes paated, and wJered to be en , lite bill to Whder jr'atifi; f erlaj.n c ol the actinc coroner or t"kr. wut. and the bill for the, limitation of wt p of error for to vHer of fart- and t)U f revievr, were rvia, ine. iiuuir ine jh condand third and the latter the' third time, patied, and ordered to be eugroH- lt biiUft theieFofj tlei kf W'CM '" Aitd clet ky anthmMteraliKeqtii XifH. tl, ittUirtl reiiline.'and was or dered to be engrossed. 'J. :;. 'J v , ,'Tlje' ftfltowing bifU were rejected on tbeir-gecoDd'reailinnr 'I'he btll piaking. it the dftly of Bhentfa 'to ttotify per witw d ilia tUe on which their land wi'd be wild loj taxe; the bi'l to divorce ifarv Mixeu from her husbund; :apd tlia bill to divorce Elizajjeth'C(Iieper from her 'IW -bill t ex(?!flpt certain Jieratina in Hyde county frt,tervin on jaries, paad its et;on(lgni tbird reading, and waa ordered to be engrossed. i The resolution foMhe ttppoinftnetit'of i cojnttaittee tof represent he;stftle t the meiitina of tne atockholderlof the HanR o ,Captf Fea.r,' wa 'ordered to?- be Mr., Sierard'rH-cjeQtett jJve petfiipn or Ualvin Jt. , Hlackinart,; shtriSr oJ Wayne, prajai!; to be exempted, frtjin t certain pennlij anaotdbljr inctirifd bj nitn.; tielerrett; ? ; ? ar, , Mr. DiiHarin nreH-iitil Villi to rArtent th 4th section of the act of 178 J to prevehWth several species of hunting therein.mantioneil; which pjtd .Us tint, second and tiiird read. togs, amrwoa orttety&o. to nngroaHed, , ;j . ' , The ainendment ol the ther Itoiue V the enpjroiwedlwH to allow the right f Cuatletigil to tbe Mate m certain asea, was awt agreed U w i'- Wsirj 1' -'r W Wr. Spaii;hCofjDrayerk presented a bin to authorise tlie. Treasurer of fStblic Buildinga. ot ,i -raen eoitnty U oonrey certain proterty to the , 't wi(itees of the 'Newbeta Academy, and to receive from said Trust tes, aiul holdjn trust tor Said county certain property hich passed its three readiiijfs, and was eAlefed to be eiiirroaiwd. JtS.-: " t Mr lianway prc'nted the petition of Han. nan It Carlos, of Chatham, praying fur autho. aitv to acll certuj proper i ' re - - - Aforulay Dee. 4 Mr. fihober.from the committee of 'Trope aitionb ind Gnevances, reported unfavorabhr tome pennon. oi Nancy Inwxd, of uuuiord. Concurred lnt v''V.'Ti-.:t:'4..v. r Mr. Wilson," f Edgecombe, presented bill to, appoint additional commissioners tor the town of Stantonslturg; and nr. uroatinax, a bill to authorise liobert fialtowa?, jritoeV reet a' gata'acfosj the txibHc road Icadine; fmm Rockineham Court llouse" to the t.g'.v Fallsj which passed their first, second and rtnira readings, ami wercordcre-jTOD en- M'Netll cresented Veau1tion ifi favbr" of Jesne ' Ru; rVoTAlfan; which wai read the first time and ed. v n, r.- w :-i-'vVivfr vrhc following fengroteed biil4 past their first reading llie'birjte ert Jot of ' ' part of the1 nuntiea.Df Hurke ana Buncoitiue, a Reparole tnu oiMinc county; the bill to incoiporate' h o Cut ton I'laht Steanif iiifat tJonrpunyj the bill to establisn 4 Medidhl Board an to regulate the practice of irhysic and tfr eery ia thia State; aird the bill appoint ui2 tommisYionrrs to run and tstaWi.h the boundary line between the jtounties ot ljlauen antl Cqlumuua, ;Mr. I :t pn-si-nted aundrr fesia lutioii, ii. .a'uctin the; Public Treasu rer relative to the debt due to the'State bj Ji .:i llajwootlIateTi-fasurer; and to the collection ana seenrtty w an delta due to th" State ' fr the sal ol Ian. !, ncaf'Jlaleihf which- were toad and laid p(tho wie'4,?Tfvr-:'J CTf ww. irom tne commiee.on .raington, praying to tre cxenrpea iromexcinsiott ottneRotjter cretittors, oot! 0el i'anoa, t.f Bark, aid Vikr;i'r. ; -. ' i ; 'V. Ii s r i t'.t 'i ? an ', i. anan, - d ! - r pi I ,4 it ! Ur as).,( 4 Mr, Ri' ',ta,ie Jadi cury t -fcjt.'! ser . '. te-4 U ia qaire Ue ei jriirs v an4 rclta y i wt. I a rr"rd i oc aaiMaa prtcc art ! ia aav.1 M.lio; tMiJ, ne aid axurr Bjrt'uUe psjxT, the coin, wvni aixiwa aader lU pw! i,LQi-f jtLfir, scar be tuetcoted r iuatU Mr. (latijaoai nreented a bill t id Oi Tiaetae wardeof tW poor ef Meek ten jar t parchaaa a trait l land aau e(xe aiUbt baiMin fw fS- acrnm- m xi.liwt 4 the D-ajr :i saw4 coonty; Mr. IVkeM, a Uli la regulate t'e aala- rj af the fat4c n inter. anr ta pre- cnue the tnaaarr ia wnk . pnnunr aaatl hereafr b done f r the IWpatt mrnia ol State, an I lur tiie.pceaerv,. ton 4. the jmblic bai'injaj lr. S- ber, a bli epp ewm rr tt t-e acta relative to the etwee of cui" of ri" ty ia caaea of partition; Mr. U uuer, a btU concerning the d ket of ti e courU M eaitttr tor (Jalomtma caantyf and Mr- Whit field, a bdl more eAectdallr pan tii the crimextf i jaoatnsn which fdl Mel their drat reading. 4d r aat wa'iited reterred ;o,tIe Ja dioiarr fconlaii'tr-e '' V-. . , T tt JuJloatiur JLnlUaad ,reaoiifloa psed rieir wt la read.Mga. arwl were wdered t be enoaaed:. The bilk to tMU4uu.M forre-tde act of laat esion' enisled an actio revive aud continue ifi force ana t paaoed in the year 1824, n alter a nj antena an art (or me reuei wi Mis persons as oecame Qrcnaaen u4jhe Cherokee land, anld under ihe luiliontv of ihia 8iaei the bill t'iao- tlioriae tne wardeiu id ilia poor of Meek teuburg to purchase atracl of land and erect baddui lr tUeKcoinotlation h the pusti; the bill ront erniuethadock rfa W Uie court ol euqity for Ol ambus County; aud.ttie raHoluiton, in. favor of Je! , Unlets. ' ; . V.. i y Mi iwen, Iroin the committee on in ternal ImprovvViynu. to whom waa re t -rred the renol jtum inn tHliii tbe in lutire wheitier'any money, not aa tuoriaed by law, had beeikdrawii from l it litul tt apat-r Mr tutirnal lumrove oietVdwriuz the vrars 1825, 1 S5 and ls'-iT, -n.ule a dttaileil report: which wai ft ad and taid. on tne uble. - V Mri' diierardi pr,e8ttted'tlie petition nl . r.. vi vea, ol ayije, :avng jusr i.iihM.iti hi erxt a gatte ncros a coriam ; a I he leaiMuton in favor vl James fat- toifrWa reiocietToti5t second reading I -he speaker preented a tetter"trdi Jjinet N .ursas Agent of the American CoioinKaUoii society,, lutferher with ir.euton!' of the. aaiue society. Mr. T Parker imrve' thai the , letter and nie' mondt be ridei red to a join r select coid- in ttee; which muttun wa .nfendTfil. ne aaiu ppciawere men tam on tne '.P' . ' ;.,CTueadayj, Ntn 3, : -. Mr. Pickett, from the judn ui i.m luittee, who were instructed to inquire lino ine expediency ol repealing' ,o much of the act of 1741 a-relates to tue'atfa nig or mivnarkingof any tas tie, Stc by iieRrdl'ndiaii or .wuUttto slave, repotted that it is tHe'xpedienr to lesislate on the u!)icct. ' Concurred in. . On matiua.idMi. Fuller, iho. rcsolu tion m tav'oa of James Patton was re considered, and, on motion ol Mr. Uw en, laid wit thetable. y ? : l ' The.npTosS d'bill annointinirrnrA misMOuers to run aud t stbuh. ,the boutiditry line tweeti the cintnticaof Rlndn and Columlius, wasitii..'iidetl on motiofl f ( ylci Uweo, ead the third liui c -and tMtased.'vr ' : " ' I ' ' The' enssrowed bill to' tncortwrate tne iJottoo Hant Steam Il-iat, Company passed us tnn ti feauinj, aud was order ed to "be eni;olled. ' f ";Jir" PicketUfroni the coinmittee arp pointed to iuvestiu-ate the accounts of the T'reaNury ; Uepaitment, reported a- bill to prowls more euectually lor j he representattoQ ot the stock ot the state, held lhe?JSta'te Dank; which passed m Irm-reatling,. ' ' Mr: Ward pieteoted a hill concern ing the appoitiitient ot rlerks of the 8u penor Courts and clcrka and Piasters in equityt which was read the . first time and passed...; 'V IV'.'."1'' i Mr, Pickett', frotn tlie Judiciary, com rhittee, reported 1 bill -to pr;ivMle Uvr the maintenance of bastards, when tlie reputed lattier sunn na xueu Ui-iore .1 i - . .. a i . i , . f iim- oaaiiri cnim awnrn to mm; wuici passed it first end ing, house of coil moss. : - .ar , - iN tt'edneadinr. fittt 'lf. " Mr. Lnye presented a bill to e.stab. lish a turolike, roadlrt. Hay wood jjouu ty; winch passed US first reading. , k a The in.iiinitlee of Internal Iniprove tntfirv weierltscnarge frow the furtfter v ' i t . A .f.l ! ! - ' coii'iuera'iou ot tne resolution, iiitruc titU lUim toinuutre into me nxpvujeuc ol rearairt-r, and -couMHMUitnjr, the d fereftt acts relative to public roads, "Fvamis Ward, the Member elected B the tswatr Washmgton, in place of Abnet-N;"VaiU"whoe aeat' waa a-. ca ted, appeared, qualiQetl and took his seat. . , --f t " The following engrossed bills passed their first reading; Tha trill concerning the fchenh ol I5runswick; the bdl lor the belter' rerulation ot -the Countv Coorta of Martin; and the bill to repeat the 2d section of the act of 1801 so far as regards salvage, . 1 he bill dtrectinjj the tnanaer in which roads shall hereafter be estublhsha ed, altend,.turned and discontinued in the cbuotf oi Richmond, was indefinite ty postponed on tts second trad in a- rrai H a '.? Ii. .e, a i h ii-e j-rc',-;a af tlrf Slalat af as'Jrrt'.; wkivb paad Vta LrU rvadtaa. . Mr. Gastoa. tVta Ua tvetrct OiaiV re ta tb was retawrwd Ca m t ao rf'atjve teQccaak lalet, tr ra.rtfd a U'd la iacnrpnrate tha Uscarotk Nvi rlHaa Comiianv; whitsj paed 'i Urf rtadmr, The)u!l arvd report were or crest t V pnatrd, , , . M r .J Jliea, f Warm. Iram t'je con. ittteJasa the J a dietary, to whan was referred thi bill lelaffn t'e tiu.e aii'i wt.iilt demand ah all lx m de of lle maker, a ail notice r'Te t tbe ea- d-rer of a bill, bad- or rromianr? n-', made a report; rernQtmemliof: the rejtinaof said bill.-- The tad atujfe- Mrt were id en W lie lad otdcred to be ptinietl... s- V ", - . . a. Mr. lUoanl presented a UU to. esia- Uivh a 'work Wouae in Reanfnrt ctDnty aai Mr. llartyr. a bill to incorporate Jernulern Ixlra,' in (lis ene" countyat the meeting of the stnckhwldert 'd ' , i . c. r. w; I r -i. - i. j i !. r. !.-. wmca paaaeu meir ury reainaf. -' Mr. Morehead f4reenied a bill to al ter the dividing-lino betweea the 1st & 2J regiment wf aOailfa-rd, .stead Jre first time and paed? ; , - V RocmeikfrnrnWIie.Ooern'W'. the aa oeaf report id Ihe Koamle Nivi?sliao rampany; . wfahrh as 'ordered" tajbe printed.' ','-, ' . . ' -t, ' v Ine Judiciary committee were .!i:t chirrsM from the further tpnsiderat'ttkB fjf die Jrrsolutinn ins tra Airiy; them tj In quire what alterations are necessary o be made in the se t of last session to pre - rent the fraudulent 1ralin!t wlfh slaves. The' engroased bill to'divorco-Wm. D. TaTler, of .Martin, frord hi if vie, was rejected. nn its 6rst readint;. "Mr, Hampton presened a bill toin- eorporata the -town of ' Lexington knd Mr. Styrftft, a bill to tutborrt Henry Gibbs, sheriff of Hyde, to- collect ar rears of taxes; winch passed their first reading. ' - ." "H Mr. Neal, from. the commtttea ,'to whom the aabject was referred, repor ted a bill to compel the county (rajiteeo to report the expenditures of their re spective ' esunties in the prosecution, and punwhment of insolvent offenders; which bill passed its first reading. v The engrossed bill ta ameud.4li Sct- aa a s " a a a- at H 177, estamisnina; nwrtsasi law, ana regulating the proceediegiilierein, Iraa read the - farst' time,' passetl. and rel'er.a red t the Judiciary committee. ." Mr. HU, froin, the committee on In lernkt Imprpvements', rejMtrted a bill to Ernvide' for the draining ef Mattamus eer Lake which was read the . first time, passed, and ordered to, be priu-, ted.. ..' riJ.- l';r ', VlTie resolution iq favor of James Pat ton 'passed its third reading by a vote qf.63t0-epand was ordered to been. vrvaia arf t . Mr. Bynum presented a bill empow ering1 the commissioners of the town of -Halifax, to sell lo Lemuef Long cer tun strip of land of the commons of said, ttnvn; and Md Harper, a' billf to tncorpurate the Hookertoa" Library Company;- which passed their first reu din. . -- :V' . Mr.; Alien, ffoni tKescJect comnittee to-whom wasyecotnmitled'tlie bill for tne more convenient adminiHtrarion'ol ju.t ice? .-within a nnrtion of the Countia of. tJKi'ij" au ojincomoeir remriett said hill 'with an "amendment: which w'as ia'id on the table, and made the order of l,he dy ftnr tOrmiM row. . . Mr. Jones, of Uowan,- presented a biH- to'autiorise the County Courts of ii - '. ..r tr: . tvowatl .,tt appoiiii a fointumi'iy ri nance; Mr. (ireen, a bill to aniiend the aalelaw in Rutlierfonl countyand Mr. Sharpe, a bHl to repeal in part' Jhe third section of the act of 4806, entitled "an act to 'revise the militia' laws of this 4 State relative to' the infantry, and to rejjeal the 9th and lUtSL sections olthe act of 1815, entitled Harf act to amend the inUitia laws of Ihia State; wutcb were read, tbe. first time and pussWl. . -r:Mr- Boxmaii. presented, a rosiilaftiifi in. favor ' of Josliaajavstleu OtA paisedi its first reading;. j , H P K - .The Ml to euhject . baif,, o casta n eertain. easel, f as Wttl he-third time, passed, end ordered to brfeh"olfed: j iTheensrosRcd bill ta allow th of challenge t the State-in certain ea ses, ras hmended, reatr the1 third time rfd parsed. ' j. ' ','. , i..'-- . . 4 . -; ' Oft motiim of Mr,. 'A Bozman, thoj5 Committee on 'Public Buijdtngs were instructed to inquire jwhat addi tions!'' faitaitare -may; pa necessary Joi thegnyerhmcnt horise, and the" probable cost thereof. ; if ,ti-X:i---y eMr. Whitaker presented a resolution itt fator '6f Henry Oorman, Which was referred! to thff;;c6mtnitee: onv PubKc Buildingswrs;i: xf'P h&?$ "iSfr, H'berfs prente4 the petition Of sundry .citiiep JJf AVilkes ctitjrwty", praying to have two terms of (their Courts alfere'iH' and Mrrphtrnett, the petition of Ant pcjrvcll.of Jlorkingham countyj praying for aufltority fai' erect a gate p public roadf ;hicn were referred. v f Mr, Baferaan, frotn. thpsrommitteo to avhoin was. referred the bdlto Slter the times of holding the Superior Courts ,in the first jadtciai circuit, made a reporf, reconinehding the rejection of sf ;4 bilk Concorred in. i-- .k t t,It- 1 v fbe engrossed ,btll to secure to Prts-j ciilav Brasljer such property, as she 'tnay nereatter acquire; and . the .engrossed bill to rttforrpt Elizi Dowling from her hu.slMiad.'were rejected on their -first rearlinn,and the bilfJtoitfprcetMat ry Bryant Trom Iter husband, on its st cbhtl readine.:; K Mr.- Hill twescnted the petition of It- ' .i1 ii f ii' i ' eir- iienryi siowara ana otners, oi v in jnyir ti;es ij t'.a't u '...'t. ltf- Sir. N. . .a'r'maa f-.taenvj t',e pefug I aanalfy citirres vf CKa: i-n ewanty, Ifajmj (f ll pti c l rxtvent fartlief tatrvution t;f altve inta tVia State; and Mr. Mare- KeaJ, the petition of sunJry rittr.eris l f'ruuord caHtaiv.'aa the aiusc tu'.jrct. flrrerred.' 'i 1 .s . Mr. Joers. f Warren, Iron ti e J- d'Ktary r"mitre, to whoia was relrr rtl the UU ejteodj the Urltdictwo tf j-ufwea nf five ece, made a report," n-rittameAdtti the trjrriiotl ol said bill.' (".ncarredin."' , " ' Tea lit!! ta eatiWii. a Medical Hoard ia this ttate, was omeodesl, read the tkird time, paaacd.'jutd ordered to be enTOeed CT to 49. s ' a -a a. iUUVTJiryt IJt. VS. . Tbe resolutioo frxxo tbe. Senate, for. the appxuntmeot of committre to re. preaennbe interest w'ljca the State nay ia tke Stock of tje pank of Car Fear latid Dank to be Isef-t on the first 'Mtn dsr of Jaoc ;ij oest.a's read and a-apled.- , Th r2roaJ' oill rtreacribinw apon vrha( evideneo theTreasurer shall re eeive prcha tnotiey for vacant rgwjtia ww-ftpn.ifed lands, was read the. thtrd,-tini, pasaed. am) ordered to be etirolleil V--'.;; c. yThelMll aprinfi'ig commissioners to ran and evab'lisl, she boundarj lines of R'.aden and. Cnlu-nbu counties, passed Its arrond and third rf ailing, and wak ordered to be enjn-ssert."- ' "Mr. T7'r Vr4"'" bfll to fn rnrporate the ftrat Presbyterian Church Mth fown of OxTord; and Mr. Sharpe, a bill oukifia- it the outf oTMajnc (yen- erals to reyiew the first-rejtnnfnt of Edgecoiube at . their 0ul regimental mustor gnrnbdi which passed theiafirat reaslinK.. - 'v'v:- v: ;- ':- Tie bill to incorporate the Cotlon Plant Stesm ' Coat Corujany passed its two last readings and Was ordered to be engrossed.' t ' ' .'" Mr. Gold presented the petition 'of John. Logan snd wife, praying to be allowed a stjra of money to support them in their Id :ae.v Referred, ' ' On motiorf nf Mr, Eliis. Rttfvtil, That this ITotise hold evening sessions from and after this day, for the pur pose of disposing of private business. Mr.', A. StcduMiB presented the petition,,f Benjamin KhbdeS, nf Chat ham; praying that a fine paid by 1im for not listing his store, be remitted. Referred, , - t ' , ' . . AlrJCoSPresented -a rdsolutioB, to instruct the Jgdiciary cmnmittee to in quire into jha expodicn y of so amend-, ing the law, as to extend the jurisdic tion of a justice of the peac in alt ca ses of debt ' to one hundred dollars: which "Ttfaa rejected. ' , -The bilj to establish a new county out of the counties of Hurke and Hun combe, passed. its 'third tea ling by the casting vote of ihe Speaker, the yeas and nays being equally dirided, (6i fo C?,) antl was ordered to be engrossed.'i - leas Messrs. Alexander, Allen of Bun tombe, Alleji of Montgomery, llaker, Barn hardt, Barnt tt, Oenners, Bliickwool, Br-bn, Bortlen, Hrevard, lirittaiti, Bums, CUyton, Clement, Coitrad, Denoho, DquRlana, F.ecles, aus, Uusirow, Gold, Gordon, .(ireen. Gas., ton, Hamipton, IMI. Hodges, Hough, W. Vf, Jones. H. Ct. Jniw-a. fjwi. I illv. I oiIa I n. KMarshaH, Milcheil, Morehead", M'Dearmid, M'Lean, M'MilIun, Jd'Nair, Newlaftd, ,Neill, Plu'mmer, Furcell, Rliodes, Roberts Salmons, Seawell, 8impson( Smith Stedman of Chat ham,. Stockrd, Sammew, Taylor, Thomas, Troy, Wadsworth, II. Walker, Whhe and A.'Williams. , . , , t Nays "-Messrs. Ball, iiarnard, Battle, Bate man, Blacklc'lge, Blount, Boykbi, .AV A. Bo-zma.li, Burke, Bttsbce, Byiium, Bynm, 4. OonrkCherry, Coorter.Cox, t)Mveport, Dickenson, Ddsier, Ellis,' E.' Foy,FFov, Garj-, Gillespie, GUsnon, Harper, ' Hardy, Has'inffs, .latkson, Janpet", , H. H. JoneV, KilpatricW Kins, Lawson, fui3r Mann, Nelson, Patterson, PnoU- BKldick, BuIBi 8haipe, Shine, Simmons. Spjiler, 8prnillf Stedman nf twtes, Stepbena, Stewart,-Stv. con, Tilhrt, tlntter wood, W ard, It. - -tVaike'r. Washington, -t ebb. Wheeler, . Whitfield, Whiuker, Wilder, E. Williams and Wilkin: Son. ' v-'H.'jiY " ' .:'! GvsKitro- SEsiipK.' , . Mf. Newlandfrotn tlie liommtl tee to tvlioin ws referred the b4l to 4ivorce Robert,4 Bigham' from- iis wifer made a report, recmntnending. the pa.ss:i!ejif b,Il re.wtwa-. not cuueur-. JlfondaiL Dee, 24. ; ',Mr Ilongh, from the. select committee- to whom was! rcferrrthe. prtifion of sundry citizens of SurryVounty," re ported a bdl in pursuance toho pray er ofthef petttiirn; Report; concurred in,' and the, bill read the Jrst- time and pama.-:?--;-V';jj-5'' , Mr. Bypnrl presented a bill pirescri- blng. the manner Air which starca, head ing and shingle shall Ik re a ft er.be in-, spectedj Mr.-AVljeelrr; a biU to locor porate tlie,lZion Uelirf Society of North Cartlinayir: JBooti, a bill glvis j the apt-Viur Courts exclusive jurisdiction in nil esses-vf divorce; Mr. i leonard,' a,bill to alter the .time oT.nolditisf tlm County Courts of Brunswick; and Mr. Taylof, bHl directing what construc tion shall be tiven fo-eontinseht ete- ctltorT limitations; , which passed their 'first reading, and, the latter iiiftfer'. i en io nit judiciary comnivrtee.A. ; Mr,UUl, front the select committee to ,wnnoi iiitr auurci was reierred, jro- ported unfavorably! tlie "petition of " flcnrr lu Howard and -others owhers of certain steam power mills." Concur- red ru-v w. r - - ; ; ,.,x v sn motion w, sir, Bummers, the Ju diciary corpmttew were instructed to inquire ' feto tW expedienct! of ioa- mehdiiig the law, as to prevent debtors from tonveyinc fbeir property bytnort p or tleed of trust tt-tthe orjmore of their creditors, tn. prelereme and to the t;. ' ',rA tirtweta ii "" J . i j ... - ... .1 . aa.wl .1 -nVe-ar. i i ra-w-wt.. to t.r several - Mr! C rrteBl'd 1 ti5,, uie r.r im !, 7 ' capital stecf . tauliai Uy tha parckaae sn-1 axttarartiBtl f.Ui are5 wVieh pard i'r rtadinr. t The ?utenirt K taVti weedma:s aaade to tW eSprusaaH I bsd t irrr a-e the praatty of the otcul bot.!s r the eln Is of tt several cearte af recaor. sJ U prov ' T1' site aod safe leei?; f "eh Taorda, the sail bill was entered U be enraUetl. . )a nxitioa 4 Mr. Newlaad. tbi is-Hr cur? yraaittoa,were inatiaclr I (m tn qaire, into the eipedieticj f if Trains tbe fr ea ofWris. saenaj, aaa i; cur auiivera in ine ?nm , .. . . Mr. lint lie brcsentH .a t .l - a.m forate t'te rotesof Jl rademv,' hi $mpn Joaesnf AVjrrra.a I the 4th sec't'onVf tSr set rf - U? 'inii fki tin rrmo... the firil -' , ' - " I . - Iil arid wntmfent chSfges gwrerrr. w?nr which paivd their firsfrradinj, and the fatter was referred to tha Judi ciary cerawUte. .. - '., The reenlatiop from the Senate-, rela tive to tb scrrptswetof theconvey-; liiiea lendered by a reptf'entati-es arid devisees tf theltje Treasurer, was read arid adopted.. s 't'C.-' - Mr. A!exiT!eriut)at;itd thefollo ir j re solatn, which was read "and tiMjt. ' on the table, ; iS, .'. ' ' , tt hsvin heen ye r -aent ed ta the General ' 1 Assemhty of North li.ivina that tha Secret- ry. ot War the 7airit Wates. apoa iDeir raqneat, et' U to be aade thetirey of route for n r ,1 road paasirg from Newbern IhivMirhTa ti and the ceptral partapf tbe. westentCou. tief ntthJsS''e: JV '- HeHtii, Ihereftfe, t' titt tha CoveraTT be ri-queated to hiidt . ,u j. n tu the 8enar ry of War their desire tharaueh surrey may be. made as early as may be eonsistenr w! the onyenlence af the department over wli'ch he presides. - Mr. Jones, of Warn a, from the Ju dietary Committee, reported against the expediency of ameiidiii-j the laws con cerning the maintenance of bastard chil (Ireri. ronctirred'in, . M r. Jones, from the same committee, o -whore was deferred the bill makin it the duty of sheriffs, coroners ana constable to sesve all notices required o; be given in proceeding! at law or in equity) made a report, recommending, the passage of said bill. Tbe bill was then read the-first time and passed. Mr; Oary, from' the committee of. Iopirsitions and Grievances,' n ported I u nfatnTa bly jo the pel it inn from W ii ke . prayuiy: lor i aneraimn in tne Sl'tinjS of the' County Courts of said count yi Concurred in.' y - r, ' Mr Borden presnhted a bill to al: low the sheriff of Carteret ; travelling feei when he may be compelled' ia, travel to, t)ccacork or, Piirtsnymth, to execote process tf nj sort;.whichl pjissw ed its firt reading . " . ' , r - Mr. Seawell offered a resotation, fo adjourn nntil Wednesday next; wh;ch was rejected. Mr. Sprnill, from the Judiciary cnir m'tlen;, 1 1 wiiom w.i referred sun !ry resolutions relative to revising' ditrest- i ing a'nd amending the Intvs relative t r eeruMws and administrators. reDortm! a bill', pursuant thereto; which , passed its first reading. . , t 5 Mr-Jones, ,-.f Warren, from the com mittee on .trM Jadiciary, to whtTm wai referred the. bill to' eive jurisdiction itv the Superior Courts in certain cases.. made a ; report, recommending the rel jeetion of thesnid bill. CqncuTed in.' Mr. uynnm, Irom the committee of Claims, reported unfavorably to the pe- (.iii.'ii ,.u tfmin iuk. siiuiui itu in. lr. Jones, from the Judiciary com mittee; reported unfavorably to the peti tion of Marjt Thompson, - Mrf J lso reported against the expediency' of pro vidiflg more elTejc.tually for the payment of iilecsCefs,:and against tV proprie ty of making further provision to secara to 'tlie rrustecs of the University surh sums of mnnev of other estate as may be recovered .by thrm in virtue of tha lawavesting.escfieated property in them. v ntcn reports were Cuicorred in. Tlie bill to appropriate 6232 -dollar.s for tbe-jmrpose f improving the Carie. fear' river Mow Wirmintoii. lH.n. fMl the ectnd j!mp..lr.' M'Nair trtovad for itsMhdcfihife 'ptiStporiemrnt; tvliirh mntifin"v-Bif riertltvedr6f to 57, and the bill ptisH-d its rr.und reading. .1.1 hi lull; to inrorpoilife? Mount M. riah Lnnffanj thu.,biU;to Becufe to J?ai;8h 'I'HIy; socli property as. sr,e. ,niay t tidreitfte'r aeniiir't ''ivr'b'reait thsecond uimi inn 11- iiiur.sjtiiii pu-scti. , siie:ior" . .l . T . '. ' .14; !lJ. im-y U, omii..iu. crigro8st;, nu. the latter to. be enrolll. .V i ' .V ' lThc billrt,' nuthrwlpt Absalom Mr- rri cneri;it Anyon, (o rnuect arrears . -. nre a . 1 . " ol , taxci Avas- rrfteted on us - second riadihgUSf'--v: ; iX)n .motion of tTf'Biacki'edge, Xt, ws feso'trftl tlisf 'when this 'House; adjourn, it adjiiurntinrWcdriesday Wotninc. i o'clock.-; ,,v &p?M ' tThe bill for the' better regulation of Oie. toWn of4K(arsvile; yra read tl a second anf third times, amended', pass edsnd ordered to be'eiigrossed ' V The bill to secuVe-to Mary K. Row- -. ItvndfcStfch property ah may liereaf. ter jitqurre, , pa-sed . its . second and. third teadmna and wa n!rred to h enrltrd.;;- ' i-kXfs: t -', ; ' .-LTfei. till ,t..,r. li . '.f - - .mj,n laiicvors iw cuailll uJU, ilnth JiirYi trrtrxMri' r,H at, A 'w..a.ilia.r " -t v. . . y.vy..j p, tiny limj ,lT,ai- ter aequirfspassed its; Sid aotJ Sd read, ings. and was ordered tolie eirarossedr " T' s ' ' "' .j, ' fif .lr'V'-'- -'V 3 CWW'oit. Tn the prfteeeditigs of Sstonlivj th S4lh' Nor. an error aa-emfext in TneKbonW. fhe-rietit'iria flom Iturkeeounty,presented.'by )Qr. ' XeilL ThprtithlH rnrvhiS tha rivilie tore- tr.ji srwirnaii iinr.ars iree iisin, cai, i i.'i - k v -; " :rvH-; v. v S'-..v.'V - ; a 'V'"' "? -' x :."i Sf i .-- .v. i PV :'V: -r' 4. ':y py:t'-Pp;s

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