- a t waM " M; r-t S y.ryaa, V . A M!UH1 f,:!T. ' S wta. b". t da ,kfca ! . rtlM. V v. ' !. .. a fcf "H" j K. .. X ' I"" v -" r , 'IP ,Vr, Cor lr bcbw a?. .( Wk Va-p tb' ift-t-. w i.ir wai" TVy r .U '",T"l"''i la ' ' -n-' h"- ffbe a.'! . fc."h a tha wadd b avert - ? airiwvj. Aad " ' ' iMi a !.. ", j LV " '" ' ' Aa ! I " H ""'s : W W. Iron J mat I'"' r" . tiK, 1 ,.., i ' U br.or s . , U Mol " a . . - TV 1 publ'uK the ToUawinj lest e c r ort. ahith 111 laid on Uttuuif "" in the Houm of Ccmmn"cr A Stste $ December !ait, nl, oa tU last ! f ". tke,, BP 1 . ," '" .-,. i y rji?ct !:. ,..- . ,. - -'. ' The arlrct eowmlile t who 'ar fcmi resolution dirrclmjr te ""J , ire Into the Hut. of h Uumy TurKfc iJ ! t inq-iir rJxihw any bo-xl bad been takf fromlb pmofl etiinwted wh .1.. c i,..n;ii.nf iht moif brtoorirr 1 tha Presidrnt and Dirfctorf lb iAtnry rind. P the du ivt tiinim prnmraiM ;f hi. allty. re.pecfiUly fcKl'OliT. i ." h That ihy iitrtd upoit he pwTofmae .,f their dut'rt iVmwHj a perwdaath "iinff Inquii lb Biaiwlal aHww oT . JT afc,a, Ol.ia ikaal nti1l nir. would iMrttBll.4 1 U T 11 f entirely wnuui ' -j---. . p th Chiirmin directed by the commit. tee" to a.Urea a irtte It Kacellency IL V, . n D...:.inn nftlui HiarJ annoiDt " ,d foe Hie management of the literary fuit 1 desirinr Itim to oramo"ica awn imww embraced ia the reaolu- M7 " J -i ,n.i.t MahU tfMir eommtttee to , . wilt mm wvMt - t4 - . . , ; yrTfirnt the dutiea awpied them by the Ilmiw. The Chairman accordingly did. ad. . i.iif.f in lua Excellency, aitmff v, him to know, l irat, hat WM the amount cf -. fmmiel then conatiiuting tlo literary 7m f -. '' 2dlr. What Inveaimenta had been made in atock of the farioaa banatf 3dly. At what VliiiH. thoae invettmenia nai oec nw: cm ; - fcally and mainly; whether the President and v ttirecton had ukn a bond from the peron i - . 1 r 1 J.Aflkknninai entruiteo vim inq we acrjinn i mo jf the inttitutioni Tb' ker waa .L-Uercd Mo hU Kaottlency , by the Chairman efthe " umuiiuirci 11 -iruK iiur Wtterof hich the foUewtna ia a cony, a Teccived by the Chairman, and ' by bun siil.mitted to the eowideration of tb committee. . ' ' ' t . '4 ::" r (Copt.) ( " ,'i-,v6ia, In anawerto your letter of Saturday hut, as Chuirman pf a Commkte of the Uuiise "of Commons, enclosmtr a reaolutioo of the . Ilnnia directing " an inquiry into the Slate : of the Literary Fund, and whether any bond Lad been Uten from the prrenlruitad .STiUI me sue Keeping 01 nic munm uiuiiK in? to the Hreaident and Director of the Literary Fund for the due and faithful pe . formonce ef hie dutv.f 1 hite the honor 10 4 atate t!iat no aueh -bond baa been taken by the Prewdent and Director of the Literary Fund. The act of the Leidslture cf 1825. creating a una for common acnoou,'uiicu " that the Hoard aball cauasto be kept by the " Trentwret -of the State , a regular account -of 1 fundMie manner in a h th the ame haa teen teitt 1 and applied, and that they ahall make an annual report thereof to the Leina. tture. A referenwf,' therefore, to the act "aliew tliat the Hoard had bo authority b lav V to take from the person entrusted with 4he . We-keeping of tha monies of the Board, a, bond for the performance of hi duties aud that it would toure been perfectly unnecessa. rr it should hare contained any such prcMi aion. as the law make it the duty of the . ' Treasurer cf the Bute to receive the monies appropriated for common achoolii: andhat The condition of the Public 1 f eatrca bond IID H1RH .ecu K I V 1LUIM wwuii. vt fcjIV , V required by law ia, " that he assail faithfully account for the public mui.c cf the State, . end for hi performing Cm- tteerti iXu&e ab. - fxrtaining t lh Jic of Pmblit Trtawrtr.' jga that any duty required by law for the , Treasurer ot the State to perform, cornea , ejrathin the condition ol nw bond.'.. .vv t The annual report I presume will be made by the prntni lioard in a short timet but aa it may be dcsirabla on the part of the f egia - lature to know the true condition of the fund, " . . before that report ahalt be received, I take this opportunity of giving an abstract of tne receipts ot tn two test yean, and an account of v: monies which have been invested in lui.k Stock,, under the authority of the act. IS-iImum of the fund reported by die Treasurer, November, lM, . ' . , .$1904 Si . Agrkuliurid lund transferred bv law, In Feb. 1827, " 'r 1 t.Mt W Di idends on New brrn Bank Stock, . . 8,CM SO Do. ' ; Cape-Fear ' k . ' 4,!Rn 00 Uo. Cape-Fear Navijotiw Cumpanv, 4) 00 Tavera tax, Hi7, . ;,, J,i67 U . AmeUeoTaa, I H7, -' ' .-. 553 65 Entries fat land received, 1827, 3 ; 4,900 95J . Total retiits fur 1856 and t8i7, 4. $1,089 $2 Credit tUis amouut bjf liic lullo- ' -wing expend iturea, viz: " '..'J.."-'' i ' ' For T kbaresof atmskoftheSuto , , luV,atj, - C $?,0O For blank book te keep Uio ateount And lvmg a balance due thelJt- ' . erary Fuid froaw the Trca ' aurur of the State of the sum of '' f '21,1 U 32 V From thia ttatement it will bo aeen that . -.... . ... . . . . . .. .j ,; 78 abarea of Bank Stock have been purchaaed i fat me lumi, wntcn nave, been regularly trantCerred to the President and Direct, and tun J ao transferred on the book of the rJX State Bank of North-Carohiu. - Ilic abote atun of 828,184 33 1-3 haa been recced by tbe late Joha Haywood aa Trtaaurer of ttua State, and la addition to ..rj-iich tun, the Ljlcrary "ur.a u ia tbe 1 f . . ( V. , w, I i 11 . ' . rV a 34 J Ih bWW. - " - i ban U UorvW to be. I I '., r fr . - -- H . - 1 krWW I"1". J tr "4 a-e Uarvrpaf W oummm 1 t'--a a l U WtrJ seaaJ'awaeffca irf rrwt adi tram fc-fV tr a-.i.-.. tU af Ue fmmui lr,.i alrir if Ta ka C-t-Sat Atlanv CmJ wt the Jfal, .iremr.1 M saaiailtre to be ..w .v.- ,,. .rfita inn ninC or ,ioa r. UWr tat eaad.taw a fa 1 awrr . sai- 1-wWe Trrr wva covrr a- U Ac i ta. UUwry Fatf J,7; , brtUr K wa.tWtwryefthrre-WaJad lrfr wf vat Lavnry fW to uk. a ibead aj tcwy Met tat peratM tnatd wilt) the a arTf af ibr maie casatkaHwaj aaidlaad Ttha letter ihe Attare Ceaerai rndWd wKb prt pr"n ""det eut ymtr eMMi.Utaa aa a e.fv of his kttav U their 1 report ae a fait ilref. .. !) tia-Vn bare aae eae tb laaor la ak ay ttpinMjn wbsHlie1 the eoncUivaaj la Trawasrrr' bond eaera any deficiency ka tb Literary Fuiuii and wbelbet a wae the duty of the rreadwataiid Trretoraof that had i take bawl Aeea the pwiao) entraated with U aate-kaeninref their aMfttr,' and I wow auKtrxt to yoe the reark. after the little reflrctiaa I bare beea) enaOfcrw m acatew oa tha tubitc aiae the receipt of your eaxav qrintssMri tha morning. ' : tfoaTthe irst quartern, I ef opinion that the ccadttiot) of the Treasurer's band dor not cover any deficiency ia tbe Litera ry Fund, .That sfaay ansa of money hae been act apart and tranaerred by the Public Treasurer to tha President and Jl.reclore of the Literary Fund wuh their aascnt. aucb sum thereby ecaaed to furm a past ot me public funda covered by the eooditioa of the bondi birt becaaaa aubject to tha cscluaire omtrol oC the "resident and Directora and if any part of it was left with the Fublic Treasurer, (an act on tbe part of tbe Board not contemplated I think by the Leflature.) tiie 1 reaatrcr vereoy oeeame ineir Agent, but ceaaed to hokl I he money as Public Trea surer. Uut the mert) report of the Public Treasurer that be held so much money be. lunging to that fund, does not make such a transfer of it to tbe President and Directors as to prevent the liability of the Trcettirer'e aecunncst, 11a1 ociura tueir uaoiiiiy oeaars, there must not only be a declaration on the part of the Treasurer that ao much lias been set apart, but aorae acknowledgment 1 that fact on tlm part of the; f rtaulent and three tor.'. : . ..' i.v Upon the second question, I hmk it waa net contemplated by the Legislature . that a bond waa te be .taken from any our.. They seem to bare Considered that the money ap propriated te the Literary Fuad should re main In tbe Treasury until appropriation ahould be made by the President and Direc tor to effectuate the purpose fo which they were incorporated) and that the money thus called for by them, and tbe proceeds thereof, ahould be aubject, exclusively to the coutrol of the Board. ' . f Very respectfully, youf obedient servant. . , ' .r- V I:,,- 4- F. IAIXUK. ': T, W. ft lack use a, Eq. . , ' On a comparison of the two letters, it wiH be apparent to the House, that there ia a difference of opinion between hi Excellency and the Attonley, General, as to the respon sibility of the Treasurer's bond for any de ficit in the Literary Fund. Your committed decline giving- any opinion when two auch high autuontica disagree., They lament that they have to atate a deficit of twenty-etght thousand one hundred and eighty-four dol lun and thirty, two and a half cents, g?A,184 j-s -,j as appears oy nis exceuency-a letter, making a part of 1 Unreport. ; ,111 conclusion: your committee nave lata aA the tVts connected with the aubject be fore the HouMS.,- Thry do not feel them- aelvet called upon to pass any rsiiAura upon taoae hign pubuo tunctionanjs, to whose custody and' direction thia lacred deposit ha been entrusted. A to any expression of an opinion either unfavorable or otherwise upon mat part me aubject, tuey leave it to the L-gii'mre. , But, for tbe purpose of prevent, ing so unfortunate and disrepiHable a re currenca of circumstanccjthey reeommeftd uw passage mio a law 01 we loiwwinj ; ;u n"frouilt fh mrft-ketping ef tiM money appropriatmltwihe IMenarg Am " B H rnurled That it shall hereafter be the duty of the Preshlent and Directors of tne Literary Fund to take bond and security from the person, entrusted with the sale, keeping of the monies of the said institution ia a penalty double tko amount of the turn or suits so entrusted for safekeeping.' '' See. II. .fad sw it furthtf tnaclnt. That rJita act shall be in force from and after the ratification thereof. - . ' All of which it retpectfully mbmi'ted. ' '"' -i T"0" WHAhTOW BMCXklDOX,' ".S- ' ;l ' ,." " :'.'. Chairman, V "r'. '"Vt ;' r ;'. --,3,; . ' s. 0h.M :-;;')ei.w;:. y ,-!...?! y- From the Manaserlpt. ' "".v.-"; - "tiEN. WASHINGTON'S KSCAPB." Washington's a watuh.word, tueh s ne'er J : Shall siuk, where there1 an echo left to ahf. "? ' ."- "- . '"jx I . v;.. Brno , 'Tlie name ef Wadiinpton is dear to 'every American. Diatinuitlied, not only fur bravery and totelligenee, wit fur -the purest Hiilws which am adorn tlie be man heart,, be has been venerated in the memory of tlutunt nuiioiit, ami immortalized by the bleating he Uiet -uiwjvi his country. , lie Teaemlilvs the orb of day, impart, hie his twilight lone utter he is set: sod hniaiMv dipeninghis light: an ' cheering warmth to the world. . l.autious, and pniilent. be waa nincr surprised by the most disheartening failures; our alarmed into compliance by the most undMinU-d Uirests. His ey eould pnvtrato tue Wkru dutignst and hisKiwers of invention ctabluil him to escape the most formidable stratagems.' The veiy meant employed oy ue enemy to incom mode him, were frcunently in his own hands. die Jnstnimentt of Uieir ruin. A so il'.ustiw uon of his eaglixned eaution, I U1 briefly imi rate his eseaia tmnx a ' singular'jilol, whieh I learned from the lips of a vcucraUe ouui several Veaw dpaeaacd. . . . . :.';-. .' .. hcn tne Amencan armr at stationed at Wett Pumt, during the revulntkinaiT war, the Ilntlih bwl nnaitin weim not manv hiU dii taut, on tlie llutan and each ui re m aitin like the Sgures on a heas board, hr tome bitoralile moveiuetit, to diaconeeri. and tlm ait the opura. uons ot Uie other, hcout uis Parties vould en. gage ia frequent skh-mitliea, and wacqnt of pro- aramunnioaailil clollilllg, would Will lutO the power of titose tnuerior in uamber aiul ail- tlress. On one of tiete oceaaions, a quaiitky of ouKiian nnuuna was teneu ay aa AnMnteaa tle tachment; aad teveral notable advantagvi obuio. ed by the hitter, hiMiired tins enemy w hh a do- tire to retaliate. About thit tune, a bile at Wett Poiut, iea.Wabirmgton lad an iitthnate aoquaintauee, not Eir reaident from the whnet bunily heenioyed the kiudiiat hoaiiitalitv.aa well St relief from many of thoae sterner aigapj mentt which nanassud hit weary mind. At every eirrumtUiK was food to eaher army, a visit like thia not aaay miles from tlielr would not haut eaeane the oosniaanee oi the Kn- l i i. . j . ... i ..... j(uui w f poaete a pnsoaev use uenerai I . T . '- e J w i u. " J l"J an w 1 as M 1 erf t a -fe la r 4 d nil a 9m t tou, h a batv aa aw tlw 1 i waa .rW M aa Arr krmy. sawra s ard-D; waa kao L araaaa sa ai-A W aot, MNM a.i Mwefa atCravl wavnsaajaa ka M avwaaly wiaaraaUusia kra lat fcllaasaf sWiiasai. sapiaawiiy aamlataiers"vsweasiiaeatas'cpTV ,, iswaard baa et the wiiriaasa Wiv wkaa km aatiaaTy saafin mi aanw ta aaawe'tiv aslni liaraaalirr.sad rrranl " a a . a -1 .Lat laUwiri aaewotssaiiawst aa sat InrMtas ww rwad thai sswey am misi III baa axraed a 11I isle tn aa waa a vasaf a arawa, fl I I " -.' - ' '-T watntti "Ikjrra aaeaaa 1 eateraa aaere thaw jawiwlf anil st ' ' icysas a vwa, I wiU vait yea afow Sa-r.iorrww, aad 1 paatee av aaavwd word ef Van air, that e soldier stall aaaaapawy am" raji aa. Owrrat. arad Um amti " Bat wky a snriiMa at se trie a( a swbja I eaewiy "I am ewavw as iL". ei the w aaUawi atl waatetoatriaivelaaf soawJcra the riavtBtf of UWae eat casts anasiraary. baaaaaatb a they aay eicaa (h aaapaaa ef Iba eatavt sod at. UfM k be a trotc, that ardle aUll wnt snort wab the tVieadabip yea aaaSikre toe aa.' Bat yea saw. " n a sh ily ? - TOarwca tne ethay. . . - At. eat swak ea the Mlewaag slay, the Geoeral saonaled bis tavatrae bone, aad nrw- tedal alaaef apoa a bv-rrad whab aoadurtcd aB e U baaaaUe mtioa. U was. abawt hall aa hoar fcelore the tane, aaO taw eastlne boat aarived kia wab anew afwa. la addhim ta UMCraetiawa ml H uelictited fanulv. "Itol Manstaat, kind air !neaelaiiaed rbewana hearted irwad. M PaiMtoafay, replied WashMartoa, ia aa anrrt virtue, embraoMis; minor aa wa-tl at miitaal aonaems. He that a eanaartwat wah frarad, aaay tarted:batrr donbt bia aMewrsty. Tbe boat roar's it a proof that we enjoy yoaf fullrvteoa adeoee." . W aaiiitKrtoa proposal a ororanade apeetb piaau, previowt to tb dinner. 'It over, looked a ronb eountry several mile Wi extent; beldt uf graia berw and therw4 sweepirg bt-aeatb tla kle of bleak kill prod new aothing but rooks ami gtwaa shallow runnels of water flow ia along Uw hollows of tbe onevea 'atate hee liuldea by wood taw Is iatereepting a aniett t the eooutry beyond--ntted now and then with stiver glimptrs af the iladtoa, Mealinj tliroogh Uto alonuine; rraanils below, and abenuered oa both iiua by die dim pnrule Highlands, frownmg sometimes mto hoary bnttlemenis and tapemga gain inti genUe valleys, hardly illuminated by the tun. " 'l'uiti fine, bold scenery !" exclaimed (he tianeral, apparvnilT ahsorbed in the beauty of the prospect V Ves sirj" replied his frleao,' look, wg wislfuHv aroend, as if expecting sonwone's siipnaclii but eatcbinr the pierring rlanee ;of Washington, his eyet were attened eonfusedly oa tha floor." I mutt rally you, my friend, observed the (itmendi " do you perceh yonder point, that bnldly rnes from the water, and snddenly is Inst brbintl die hill which obstinately checks 'the viewf" I do," raplieil the absent listener eo gaged apparently fn something elae than the tub jeot of inuiiy. "Thfre," continued the hero, " my enemy lies encamped; and' were k ant for a sliirht mist, I could almost fancy that I perceive his calvary niovinv: but hm-k, that cannon ! Do ywiaotUiink it proceeds from the hewl-quarters oi tne enemy f" . " - . While poiotiiif to his friend the profile ef the country, tbe bee of the latter was often turned the opposite way, seemingly engrossed m ano ther object immediately behind the house: He wa not mistaken: it was a troop seemingly, of tti'itiali horse; that were descending a diatant hill,, winding through - Uliyruith of nnraeroas projections and trees, until they were seen gal loping through the valley below end then again thry were hidden by a field of forest that swelled along die bosom of the landscape. "Would it not be strange, - observed the fienend,- appa rently aneonscioua of the movements behind him, " that after all my toils, America should forfeit her liberty Heaven forbid!" aaid his friendf beooming less reserved,' - and entering more warmly into tko feelings 'of the other. ' Hut," resumed Washington, t I hare heard of treachery in tlie heart ofone's own camp; and, doubtless you know that it is possible ' to be wounded oven in the bouse of one's friend.'' " Sir," demanded the downeatt host, unable to meet the searching glsnee of his companion, ". who can possibly intend so daring a crime?'! "1 only meant," replied the other that treach ery Was the matt hideous of crimes: for Judas like, it will even sell Hi Lord for money !" yery trne, dear air, ''aponiled tbe anxiooa 'host, as lie. gaied upon a troop of British iioiwe, wknling round thn hill, and riding with 'post haste towards the hospitable mansion." f Is it. two o'clock yet?" demanded Washington; for I havf an engagement thia afternoon at the ar my, and I regret that my visit must therefore, oe tnoner- ian intended. " It lack, stull. quarter yet ! sakl his friend, seeming doubtful of is watch, -from' the ' arrival 6f the hortcmeh. But, blest me sir! what cavalry are thoae that r to rapidly approaching the house!" ."Oh, tuey may possilty be a party ot Hrttish Imht horse,? returnee1 his eompanioil, coolly, which mnm no nai-m( anil, 11 1 mistake not, Uiey have been sent for the purpose of protecting uie.'N As he 'said this, tlie Captain of the' troop- was seeh diamountiag from hit horsed and his ex ample was followed by tlie rent of tlie party; " General . returned the other, wjlkinp- tii him very familiarly, and tapping him On tlm shout Wr, "General, yon are my prisnher!' - be lieve tiot," said WashinKton. looking calmly at the men who ere apiroaehing tlie steiui "hat Inend," exclaimed he slapping hira in return on uie aim. -1 anow that vou are nune! Hern.1 olnier, carry tins treacherous . brtmei-uo to tho camp, and I will make hira aa, example to the enemies of America." . ' s ., 1 iThe British veneral bad ' teeretly' effiired an imnMinae mm to this man, to make an ipoiit ment with the hero, at two o'cVoek, at which time he was to send a troop of horse,' to secui-d lum in their possession.!; Suviecting . his intentions. il'-J.: . 1 j. . i , " . . . .iiiiiim.uii uauturecieu.iin own troop to Iihok theiuaelvenas English eavaliyiand arrive half an nmirpreaaeiy belure the Ume he wat expected, .They pursued Uieir way to the camn triumuh- mf ai uis sagaeny oi their uommander, who had soMnnu,biugly defeated the machmathmt of the ltrUish Cenend. But the humanity of ashingun prtvmlej r his sense -of "justice." Orereoine by the tears and prayers of flte family, h pardon ed hi treacherous h'ientl, oa eonditioo of hit leaw. ing theeountry or ever, whiuh he accordingly uij auu ius tame was ever aiirr tuna in oblivion. JJ-yiUGlNIA AKNUAl. .COXFEUESCE. The Ministers aoniint to tb Conference to la. neiu si. ttatenni en Uw 7lu. ot .reUnaiy tK'xt, arc reajievuuiiv reqnesiea to oonvene Uio. Mj&Wl , Msst tor luHber intarmailm. A,":.l vV:.-MOSES BKOCK, k . January $4, 1SM , ; ;.,,. ; : . : fir t lie J'etertbtirf batiert and the Birh. mviul EiiquiiiT are rviaiecUtdlf requested to give uw aim wno insertion.' t v J( n v To Save ii toGaiu. 0J.U COMBS JUDE SRIV. the 'tubsnilicr will repair Tortnim. ibMl Combs, wKh steam! put nuw teeth in a he, alii ones have been broken out, aad put in ao sa net to be teeu, and as strong at when . new. -Tin. uiuiersignca will remain kut a short time in thia place. Apply at Mr. tireun itobbiu's Taveet JJAROEN BURROW., i January 19, .182S. 4a ' N. U. It is not iieeeetary te furnish the old etbi .J' .'. : hM sad aw aftee raaraaf Sm.Jiaa Vaat- -adw aavw-aw ,t W ti uar ii 1 1 ' - md. aai. vaawaav, t rva, k.- rr.-W t. ..IMl tmn mi mm rm- J a aa A bml. . Mrr 4-r-W I Ulrv K. c i r atiia, s. JaMary II. -Land and IS'rrocs' i I On WsaiaaWv, tW 4TXh ey of FVraary V sMMrraaaaaatllttaiwa a Batary a sacs aw aate aa, has taw r-f7 tlavwaaa, Eararr, awwe sariao m cars rwaa laHy WW "d frls Aaaafal CWaa are arvvrJ very valavaW a motarw. awebs, aat ether aarifcawra. Bad aaardawla- swat arrwrta. Ala aaa "7 at aa h ta ajwaaaad af aJl,a,- h. I 1 iaaiiiai a hii ilati. " waata aa4 satWawa fewaa (at tower ataaoy be nay drart be-drr aaaaaw raV. 1 m taWaai I treats of atad wW be ha of at tots,- tws a aaaw be swreed ee wy awe sawaaj s fysatad hrsalf of the thasr. The JlL aada sar CW bewcfil of the State of Kortb Caralaa, ee a awd ef eat, two and Ihraw itb avareat sraaa the rwa-awve eay at ran aoana waa apwrevee The sale wU acrtaaaly take W, tad til k awrd sraaa day ta day aaU the wbom proper. ry idtpeae4eC JOSEPH PICKETT', . J A. F. TAYLOtt, WM. ROBAHU8, Cmaanoer for the State of N. C Udeisti.Jaa. S.tti Notice. Oa tbetkird Moadav ia Frhrvary srtt, will be add for eeah, at the Coort Nonas a Wsxortho. rongh, several likely aegroe, the property of Jes se Uardia. to satisfy executions in my bands vs. bias. Fersons dapoaed to pswcbaae, are invited te atteao. , C. R. BLACKMOK, SbC W'aynetberougb, N. C ? Jan. 90, lla. 5 State uf North-Carolina, Smth. County. In Enuity Srptmber Term, 1827. Edwin York, adm'r. ttc. ") vs. I Willis Hammonds, James ( Hanuaonda, " Thntnat Kbarn, John M. Browa, Kdaard PoteeL J Whereas, it appears te the eatisfaetio of die Court, that these drCrndanta are not inhabitants of this State) k is therefore ordered, that pobli eation be made in the Ualeigh Star for six weeks, for the aaid .defendants to appear, answer, it, or Judgment will be taken pro eontesso, and the matter heard ex parte. J. H. DRAKE, jr. C M- K Prirf adv. t , 4-8w Jailor's Notice. Committed to jail ia this place, on the 1st in stant, two negro men, one by the name of CE SAR, yellowish eomplection, i feet 8 or 10 inch es high, from 8.1 to ii years old; the other by the name of ANTHON Y, nearly black, nearly same height, between V and 30 years r.ld. who say they belong '.to Wm. Morris, of Albemarle, State of Virginia. Tlie owner is requested to come forward, prove property, nay charge, ami take them away, or Uiey will be doalt with as the law directs. JOSHUA IIANXE'l.Jaiior. Germanton, Stokes ety; N. C. ? i January 8, IH.T j4-6"1 State of Nortli-Carolina, Iredell County. Superior Court of Law Fall Term, 1827. Sally Deaton "j vs. Petition lor Divorce. James Deaton. J In this ease it ia ordered by the Court, that no- iee be given three months, in the Western Caro linian, printed in Salisbury, and in the Star, print, ed in Raleigh, that the defendant, James Deaton, appear at the next Superior Court of Law tn be held for the county of Iredell, at the Court Homo in Statesville, on the fifth Monday after the 4th Monday in March next, then ami thereto plead to, or answer the petition of Sally Deaton, or that the same will be taccn pro eontesso aad ae beard ex parte. Copied from the minutes. Teste.- ". JA3. UAMfUtLU, cm. Price adr.$7 - . .. : , 3-Sn ' Stage iinc ri'IoMiHateigh'lo'.&ilisburymt- '"' Tlie subveriber having purchased tliis route of Mr. John Moorini, iunr. resnectftdlv informs the public that no exertions in his power shall be wanting to render it as expeditious, safe and com fortable a it has hitherto been under the su perintendence of its former indefatigable and worthy owner. " ' '';' ' ,':t!'-:"' .'.- 4 l here will he no changes in- toe route. ' - i ne stage, at usuid, will continue to run jrom Ua eigh to saluiiurv, Dl PUtsborough auu Ash- borough, once a week, i-' It leaves Kaleigh every Friday at 4 o'clock, P. M. and arrive J at Sa lisbury on Monday at 10 o'clock, A. M. Price ot passage , irom Knieigh to aansuury, ami at the same rate lor any uiatanee on mo route. AH trunks ond other baggage taken mto tlie stage, shall be delivered at the place to which they are directed, on the responsibility of the subscriber. ' l lie stopping places on tne. route ani-all good and comfortable. The subscriber hazards nothing In saying this is the nearest,. cheapen and most agreeable route ti-om Kaleigh to Salisbury' and he, therefore, with the greater aonuuenceaoiiciu pnuiicimironnge. .. ! . : ; si, . -V v-liEOUUri WI14JAMS, Jr. January 4 12. 8-tf fireat Wetern Stairc I Jnc, Tut, &ih"m, HilheibDitrufh, Imetbprwgh imd The subscriber respectfully mforrasthc nuUie. that this line is now . in successful operation,' and pledges himself, so far as he is proprietor of said line, nothing on bi part shall be wanting to aiUl to tne comioru convenience ana aetpntch iu tnrward- mg thoae who may -choose the shortest, cheapest U best route til the West All travellers rm.isinir through Raleigh or any part on this side of the I! '..Ire, cant, north cant or south cntt of Raleieh to Nashville, Tennessee, will find tlie mute thro' Sidem or Salisbury to tVilkcahornngh, Ke. not only Uie cnenpen ana best,, but, by actual mea surement,, is proved (q be near seventy miles nearer than any other.; Stage fare for 300 miles on. said mute, it 5 cents er mile, ami thirty pounds of baggage allowed, at the rtsk pf the own ers.,": . ; " . -; i '"' -i ' v , , CEO. V. MASSEY. WllkesborooKh, N. C. Nov.? . . -' : ,'. 1827. " t N. B. Hie iubacriber is Tirnnriwnr nf a nnhli house in Wilkesborougb - for the entertainment oi travellers, t i.r. , i i T . Jailor's Notice. V . Takea up and committed to the J& V? Wife mhigtoit, North-Carolina, as a rnnawav. kVm follow who says his name it GEORGE WIL. LI A MS s he also tav that ho was born anil brought im m Harbadoct! hi parents live there and he ia freei but tliere is ao doubt bnt that he is a slave, ami belong to tome person at the Soath. 1 he saal fellow is about S feet hichc lugn, w ytnrteio, na large nose, full eyes, and very black. , The nmr heoueted to come forward, prove- property,1 imy' ebarget and take aaid Mlow away; ' , j ...' CHARLES B: MORniS: JWZarV .ATilmington, April 10,1827. lf-tf mmi'nSmCmtmai.Zimm'm ll'Ti, FceeL a-ri - tt Sna. aat c a tXMM IN. RWr , 3w 1 4, It? Copartnership. - a Tba aabarribrrt have fcawe4 1 " rssarvaa alk A aaaiaarv S ba- aarta, a-'i tb. hrat a ta- I 1 bry kao wnd atthe ttort or M-.J aa FeiU irart. aar the MarVn-lltaar. lorany afa hv Mr KaMpt Webb, aai lariy by M rbb a W aV , aaaaral asm larntaf Miwiax, IWa, h. whuh tbrv aai a aiune ea fmml h 1 a. Order. Hauara. a- ka Phyavaaa aad atarrt dralef aa Ua above artWWv or awy at ra. ai be atbtacoa ta e aa aara, aa-tMapuiaac aad avavataa, AUTtr.n wiujmv ' FARICS J. JIAIVOUU. Italrw, Jwty n.trg. y M-ef 1 octor V. J. 11 ajw ou OtTara ba arrvaaa a the dtm(mw el Medkiat. banarv and OkitsUiika. le Uaa aJUaawe td K. ari a r a 1 rW, tMliu viaiaay. levnoted tbe saacb ww atd lJr. II. baanrtatrd epparta. aav af a vear't rwaalaiae aad t at tne Midaialpha Alma Itatae. aa laaUatioa whab ranks wan aaaiW labia Uoapaaisaf Uitw. He baa aama biovself wads Mr. A. WB liama sa the AaoUseearv'a basineaa, at the ataad avely eesanard by a raa at it auasne, at v sat nbvM. oral bitowa oflte. eaedoar betow B. A ilarbama,F. bw nay alwaya be (oaad, aalasa pmttsantallv cnyrrq. - i Kntnga. J hit in. mti. State or North-Carolina, Jlnion County. In Equity Fall Term, 1827. . Adam Lockbart " , - y. ta a Georc Bryant at others. J It anm i at ta the astiafoetioa of the Conrt, that the detendaat torre Bryant, reside w It- out the Irnsas ot this Blatet it a Ukerrlora enter ed that publication be made for w weekaaae- ntMvelv a the Kahrrn star. Umt tne taM uea. Bryant be and armear before the Jwleeof enraett Superior Coort of Law and Eqo Tv, to ke held for the eeunty of Anson, at tbe Uourt House in M adeshorough, ea tbe second Mow lay In March ncxti tlien and there to plead, answer or demur to mid bill; otherwise judgment will be taken pro eoafesvo, and dcerre male et parte aa to hira. Test. WM. W. HAli, C M. E. Price adv. &) 50 S'.'Wiw Slieriff'8 Notice. Takea up and committed to the jail of Rock ingham eountv, N. C. a negro man ho call hinaeirjOHN.' When taken, he sakl that he be longed to Mr. rreadwelt, near Hymoutli, and that Treadwell bought him of Blunt Hunter, of Martin eountv : anil that he ranawav from Tivad well in Anril laM fmm Abihama. But since sava he is a fi-ee man, and formerly lived about Plv- mouth, snd that be is known to be a free man hy i nomas i nrner, wiuiain inrner, ispt. jonn Peark, Mr. Treadwell and other genliemeo in ml about I'lvmonth. He says that he went m company whh a Mr. Thomas Brit to the State of Alabama, and was returning back alone to I'ly- moutn wnea taken. Saul negro a atiout 40 year of age, five feet nine incites high, very slow spo ken. He was committed to Jail on the 6th of August last. No doubt that he is a slave. 'The Owner is agaia requested to cotne forward, prove property, pay charges and take said necra within tlie time jireeoriheil by law, or he will be, dealt with at the taw directs. . ' ' JN. ODINEAL, Sheriff.. IVoember 1, 1S27. -' l-6ra Notice. Will be sold, on the first Monday in February nexi, in ine town oi Asnooro , toe lotiowHig tracts of land, or so much thereof at will taiisl the taxes due theruoa for the year 1 8C, (ogethcT wilu iue ook uicrenn, hi. t. . .s - VV icre. Ami Tax. eteph Hudson 420 Little River St 64 John Sugg su , io si James Cruthes 9 Deep River S 1.1 Arthur Bead 22 do . 3 69 Exekiel A horn , 7S Glade fork , ' 1 St Nathan Philip l43.lackson's Creek . ft nhti Hurrow . 43 Hack Creek; , If 15 Klihu Browu 50 Gabriel1 Creek 1 20 JncobRnth SSO Deep river,. ""S 13 (avid Walker Sta) Caraway . 3, 74 Elizabeth Hoover 133 da- i ' - Joel M'Danfcl 100 Brush Creek ' lit - Lands not ttiven in or listed for 1828, vizi Henry Branson, 100 acres, water Little river, vutiM.fl mi tfi rlollin-a. Sliubal Gardner' heirs, 100 acres, adjoining Presnatl and Cole, valued at SO dollars. Sh v.sl Gartlnera ben", 150 acres, 'adjoining Jacob Williams. . , n i Stenhen Hussrv. 100 acres on TtotroR Branch IlennirrT or William Doling. 100 setts, foinhm Leonartl tiravc and others, valued at ou uniiars, rj . . o ' " '""' THOMAS HANCOCK, late ShK Randolph county, N. C 7 ' " December 19, 827. ; $ -"1"0 Price adv. f 5 25 Trut Hale. Will be sold,, by virtue of a deed in trust for Certain purposes therein contained, on Wednes day the oth day of Febroaiy next, without any re- eait to weather, at tbe house ot James Grant, on Fishing Creek, in Haliiax county, N. C. 6 mile south west ot Knneld. tho renl estate of feud Grant, containing 1800 acres, Or ihereabouta, of tine lami. King on the waters ot said creek and Rocky Swamp. Also valuable mill, nearly new, across raid creek, which, for local situation and durability of material, is believed to be Infertor ui nunc inuw auue. , ivnn ine nun, will ee aoiu six or eight hundred acres of piney woods land. well timiiered,' lying within one and two mrfv of tbe null r or this property one thinl of the put chiise money will be rexiuirad: the balance wt two auiitml payments. Will also be sold lorcaA or ciyilit, i may be deemed most expedient on the drty of snle between twenty bad tiiuty likely iie grues, anil simdiy oilier article, too tedious to mention. I lie sate to eontmue irom aay to t lay until all it told. UonUi wait approveu security Win ue required. - ' . . i ' i. 'i.- -r wmrr 1 trv t rj--... Jantmrv 12. 1828 . w S-3t " . Tlie Eilitor of the Free Press at Tarboratish irill uiMrn iiKTWuio until mic hit in kiiv. ;. , T 'Notice " X " fiv virtue nf a deed tn (mat to me e rented b William Daniel, for certain uroote therein-con-' uineil, I shall expose to puMio ade to tlie high? csi oiiuier, ior cam, oeiore tne t,ouiv-ttonse door in the city of Raleigh, on the third Monduy oi reoruary next, three KEUKUKS,- vm: BaiWi a nvulxtto fellow; Anderson, a likely 4ny and Hannah, an old woman. : , . J' , ' : r J03. DYiVUir, Trustre January a, 18g8 .f .. ,v ? ,.:'. S-.w . State of J orth-CtiVolinti, Halifax County. . Court of Plea mod Quarter Sessions- k. .. ' 1 1 " - n. ' . eim. , . ' 1 v iMiveinoer , lertn,, io. . " David. Williamt 'O' Original attnehment ' t. . '; , ' 1 f amea sunmons suin ' Johnll Callund. moned as garnishee, and v i , ; - , - I garniHhment hleil. v v -It apDcariur to the vui auction of tbe Court, that tho defendaut in this case is not an inhabitant of die State; H it therefore ordered Umt publica tion be made in the Ualeigh star tor tlx weeks, that unless the defendant make hit personal ap pearance at thu next term of litis Court, to be held for the County of Halifax, at the Conrt House, in Halifax town, on the third Mon.lav in February next, then and there to plead or demur, that jnilgmenf will be entered fot' tho amount m die hands oi tlie garnishee, and execution i'jyc aecordlngly." (Tr" 7 .. VHiiess; MARK H. PETTWAY, ClTt Ca , s. m. JoiixsTox, a c l"rfU C". Jen rnee ii)v. ffi 50 52-6w - M , SUto uf rorlh.CaroIir.: J1J fS tTiwn". Coort bt Plra aed Catrtrr -VH , Nef"Wr Tena, 1 8 TbaafkHinv m. ' . r',. .vm rr.- t ... . II kan; a(naa af uV f v JaZIr . . a.! mw, a aa an imtm A a l, mri.-rm-4 last a be a a i- i ' - ,w fa few aa w-, OntrM I St Oeicwiaal auaka ha prvwaal at i- aril tavm at taua I aV.ia k k iW i. i i Hani, at tb CnaV I: . It,; .:, 4 ...a, oa da ikad MoaAy w ) an. rr- ibr ani Hy aa ataxias, , Vir. iii jui'.raat al Jl ke tWkrh t&ralfcj stw Mtflfrlf, Wrtarta.. - MAUS II. tT.TTWAr.Clt o 8. ML JOI INSTIL, a C. Piwjo adv. fj Mt '. . , .'- r ii-tw State of Noi tli-viirvlina, . ' Cranrtlte rWf., I Coerttirnrn inrl Qn4itrr5rTinn. ISoeetnbr-r Trrm. A. II. IRiT Motion la admit ta record the Bwajcepative w? Moart IL Itaarrr dreU . .. Oa amia, a ia onternl that iwUitaw ao for alt werkt ia the lUleirk titer. im. TWoaat Boaurr, F.arkirl Bnaarr, Jetav Ba W Mlusa Itoaacr, Tboraaa Monre aad Lawn wife, and Abaer Bokaraa. in rttkl of kit , ka and apnear a tha Coat af and ta mi the fin Mow lay ia Fcbmary aett, a Caart House ka Otlord, and atov. awat (if k they have) why the aanl will shall ant kt an tad aduutled to iseerd. . ' ' j Waaeea. 8Trtv K. Hatxa, flerk ef aid Court, at Offire in Oxford, klic Aral X , ofKovembrr, A. IX ttf " - - vv kaeta. 81 r.P. tk. SST-tn, Cl IViecadv. f SO - - ' a-C. tato of North-Carolina, ' . Jltuon County, u Is Equity Kail Term. 1827, HohkaW. I jle and otbert , ;k - vs.-' ' - : X Salomon Williams awtwifc and other. " - it aniKwinff so the antisisetinn of the tmr that Uliam K. Pk-krlt, one of the dt foaw, , in the above rase, resides ilhout yhe limiu j this State; it h flierrfore ordered that public, ! be made for aiy weeks soecenively In ihtlbl iJeigh Star, that die said Wm. It. Pickett bs a ' aiiiear He lore tne amtge of nnr next anjie Court Of low and Enuity to bn hnldca l'u county of Anson, at the Court Moose in Wat-, boreugh, oa the secnil MonoVj hi March an then ami Uier tn plean, answer or domur to a , bill I othvrwhie judgment will be taken pro I lesse, ana ueeree main ex rane as to him. lest. - W."U. A. IIAUC- M. C Price adv, f3 S3 . 5-(iw State 'of Nortli-Uarolhia, T KdlTa Countv.' Court of KnuifV. Fall TernvtfcS? William Rawles, adm'r of Xathaa Mayo. d Rawles, adm'r of Xathae. Mayo, 4vt Vi. v. . .1 Cntlen Mnyo.dain Mayo, and Lone'mda,n una, and jNathan Mayo, Inlm.ts, by Job L. Mayo, their guardian. ' t I It appearing to the aatnfactlnn ollhe Coe that F.dwin Mayo, one of the defendants in ease, is a resident of the State of Georgia; it i ordered thil publication be made in the Star a North Carolina State fiaiette, piiblisliod in Ib leieh, lor three, months, Umt unless ho appc and put in his answer on or before tbe first day next term, it will be taken Are ctnfrtt and let tt hesring ex parte at to him. , ; vvnness, lowyy iv raxawiw, Clet'k an Manter of the Court of Equity for the county r I lalifax.nt Office, the fourth Monday after the 4ti Moaday in September, A. I). 1827. " ' , ' ? SUM. a. r lttCMAN, C StM, 49-3m . .. :-r ,v ' .' ; . ::f Notice, i Tlie subscriber offers for sale, on Siocomtnoils I ting terms, the following property in tlie town o rmsDoro, tvnatnara county, vnN une two stort dwelling housr, with convenient out houses, suit able for a bouse of Entertainment! one large stor. houseman excellent garden spot attached thereto, also about 100 acres of wood land, convenient t tba Borongb Those wishing to worehase snV, property, would do well to call on the tubserHiA soon, as a bargain may oe had., . I4th Pea. ltSi,'-,,- wSa.; SB-f wp , 4 - Taken nn and committMl ia the mil at KmifniL t - ...... .1. .. .1. t . . .. . I ..iiu., vvi.iitj, mi uic ui innuiiit, a Rugro niaa Iry theoamenfKlT.'wheMyahelM-loiigstoKoli-crtOilchriat,of Guilford comity. He is ofvellow complexion, about 5 feet' 9 or'tO inches high, be tween 3Si and 40 year of age, and has oa home tiun tlothes. Tiie owner will prove prpertr, pay charges, and take him away, or he will k dealt with acenrding to ln. " ' - - JEREMIAH HAWKINS, Jailor rimvmber 10, 182T. ' 47-fim T ' . ,Piiintii)j;. , The subscriber, hnvinir taken the Shon a fev doors Vest, Of the Preabyterian Church, eflen. his servh-et to the citizens of ItaleigH ami its vi einity in the lino of hit profession. , ,:.- . ; 1 luaoca, wg', iSifn atitf iJriwmenfat t'aintinf, of every ilesei iirt'uin, done in the neatest manner and the' most fasjiiomtble style. Gentlemen it town or country wishing to do their own painting, can havq any coloured front- ground, uul rnixvii for uamedinte nw, and at n short notice; nlte ess be supplied with the, best of Copal Varnish. .-. Qp Ur for. Sign (dono on Canvaat gilted, an' amiuvm in a nanosome style, anu lor arqen iu care toanv part of Ihe State. v ' .ii- . -' f N. It. Fancy and Windsor Chairs of etory leriiition mnile nriil -t-rpaincd, .also .paiaU'd regut, InoVnig glaj and portrait frames, 111:1)109 anv, id all oiherkuuit of lurniture repaired cleaned, n . .- z '"; ' v. '. ' . , Wanted a (mull tuntdv of walntiL ooular sni piiiu timber. ( - ' , k ?t.piei: wii,so. Raleigh, Oct g4, I8j7. - -' j- 44-tf j. i GKOKGK Li:VY, Jtespeetlully informs the citizens tf TTnl.-iiii and its vicinity, that he has takm. ii, sr,lw floori (ibove tlie I'retliyterian ChiiK-b, where k ia prepared to execute any order in hit lir.es ' N, B. Old forniture repaired tnd cleaned I the shortest notiee; . ' ' G. 1. an. 8, 1823. ' " 1 - 2-if ' Universitv .:otVN,: Carollnn, r n-t . . . b it. !. . .1 d. : in inmcc ot ine uuiversny 01 jy; v! nav eonUnttcd with , Mr. Cntv llutkabv to tat dwrge ot (he htownnl' Hail at Chapel Hill tl; present yu and W foroish diet for sot U tnrh-nt as may vimiK proper ta bow U with b, at teve Joiisit ana a nail per mouthr --.. r '; . - .T he jiroximity of the ratablishment to the Cul U'ge Hiiihliiiga, its remntrncst frtim- the Ufi;ii lm;i of Ihe viUnce, and the"jdiniiiusbra urito boi.rji.'iaduee tii" rrnis l rrammmd to tl Stvue'tft gen?rul!!j to Ikm rd nt the llidl.' y CllAS , MANLY," - - v 1 , t , 2-3t 7ib Jan. t.M - ;J;ilor's iNoUctw , Taken i on-the S'.ih f June, twr, and cor mittedto tWJtul of uw Hanover emmtv, Nn Caiidiiw,aneKronKin,named JAMES A HCIIE1 5 foot 8 inches iighj 7 -.year old, two of liis-n per front teeth Outend a war over hit right ev This fellow sm timt he is nfand tliot be ' horn ia Philadelphia, and hi paretit .! tlier Thero is but very littkj diwU that bet's a as ke can tell dwt very liultt about Pliilwh ) or any part of ilia Neilli. - The ener rrqnr( cI toeo.nrttjujiril, itiOvutro&citr.V.-iirtLaiKi and take hlni awar. .CHVitl.ES IT. W ilmiiiTton, N. C. N.i. 'J 2.'.. ' - S Morir:.n;l7'' i-Mf -'rj i ' , - .' . r " '" : '