I w rm -w- t t n ',' w 7 r' " i W oufriF. on rutr effects of -ardent svikits S. Diabetes. nrrvsuK.- We art caJled together for th. purpose If Xorittg t socieJ . r the niwKio of tempmnee.lapceWl wit) th met! iolee o-j ... necessity of tM wstttsuoa, I atr caeerfoll v en the tak aed (Of pr"F "W I""" " "J mBi ppfnia mc " . i. .-..I ainit -Mrh.llur Hrank ! tar small akrili.at 2 ftialr -Viiflaenci 3, tbetr evil pa ciil society; 4, tWir ioflueote epofl l!;.uMVeim 5. lb 'ign by which habiltal drehkruue U generally pf- . .- -J.. the eceitv f MHoeffciax f im ktfut. On remark I Kfegre I Ao ht . I Hfl BC resort to any personal elluVmas but ,)e jrciiiMitftef general nature, either uktn (rum book r fiora gent B ardent spirits,'! mean those liquor whlcH are obtained by distillation; eli brandy; rs gie. whiskey, &c. .With wine, cider and beer w have a'kin( to J at prtaooU-1 They are to bo left among yioae liquor mutch the ember oi mrwcifj orr pennwaw . -, What are the elTecl of a moderate dose of ardent spirits i v -n the ha- L bd' and iod? When taken ioto the tjatem thai unaccn&!oaed to (w-MfUawiaoalKioor.Ute fullowtoseBects mar t noticed: lt, een-i htU afterward prwdace aatiffnesa of th aaiM parUi 3d, for 'a few u Mtita tbo appetite i Wreaaed; dtk, Ike, mind ia wxnettmei eicited In in xtt oetioo: but ipvtr it enendnesa increased. Ou the contrary, the miol i not ttnfreq uc Mly closed by it. I have known eotne aoeaker wlta Jurt.t mten drink cufer,lfaat'thir mlndkahoaldbedisjiHotcdbit.llu the elite of excitHDcnt ,whkh U soon aucceeded bf a iUte of deprca tion. S.' 'Pi patient ia left more or lea languid, according to Ue atate of he avttem and the qoanlitr takco. 6. The appetite is injured, and the mind nasally alow n ita motion. . Thiai. in the generat, iBe effect of a ain 'le portion of this baneful prttcle; and from th'ut. it would be ; no diffi cult tntter to predict the conaequeac of habitual or daUy drinking . But iere'unfwiiinately, we' are not ksft to (onjectare. Eeery day'a eiperience in nnl h im with matter of fact. So habituated are nome individual to daily nnkin--",thjt it i with reluctanee they" iit down to dinner without thetr ,U .dTfipirit. Ardent apirtta, taken juat before fteala, certainly bae, in General. tendence to iocreaH th appetite; Irt "consequence of which'aa Snnnluraloantityii'fliraent i received into the atomach; which, with the lirit. produce a t-upjrary phlogoaJS or iniuwation w tnai oran, i im j manifeat fromth tncreaaed thirat; and pain, and fullnasfelt in the region .f ih. ntnmaeh. Now. althoneh thia may not preaently prove fatal, trt In klul if will not fail to ahow ita effecta. ; That shortness of brealh, pale ie of enontenanao, pain in the right aide, and general weakoeaa, which Lnple abont the age of fifty feel,- w wing, generally, to exceea of this !ind. IfJ.thi opinion nupp-'ncu vj ctutcih rreoen myim, )r,Bioussat.': Beside thw, it dispoae the ytem to be more readily affect d br all complaint, especially epidemic diease. VAnd when they m f a ndt.ru the comnlaints more dantrerou. t am now speaking of dai L nl what neoole eU temperate drinkeraj and yetv even in tui form, it 'thousands ot . iJthti human family evert yw. ::' But who CiU hflieve thh? And yet, in tlu opinion I ani aupported by the highest iirsfairthnritTrSeeRush'frWorlWir.'ol- V artieleji treatise on ardent piritsi tiki A" those sober facts? And hare we any more right to kill our elvc in twenty year by teinperata, than other havo.by intemperate drinfc. t ', trill hmilvia in five ear? Let tbia then be not forgotten, that leronefate drinking doe omlermine the fcobstittttioti; and Vttl, 'though much koro'alowi . .-' fcerteiaiy ieatroyliftt i Interoperate'drinkina;. 1 tBut beside thlMtUtho beginniog, the first s moving cause of one of the losf tafat, most qistressing auu Wciiiwi vfuipiiMi. w.m o ver vkited ounbeloyeU couniryj i mean urun.cnnei. is our next oo irt to tlpsrribe the complaint, and then iu consequences, f I shall describe !; An' of drtnk.eie W marttea oytome or i oi me louowmg nyuipuims; Jnc4inmen taljutiyenes or uncowmotl silence. Great politeness and ex eed;.! ; good humour Petjiilence, pevishness. And disposition to quar p.1. n nmcanine and contemptible simpering or laugh. . frofane curs ing and swearing. ; A disposition to unlock the store! house of.secrets, wlie Jher they be their own or other people's. Immodest actions, and especiaUy tmmodeaf cnterauons. vtippipgoi worua,ripp4ug aimn, a moujjo. me ongae were too, stiff taprpnounce (hemnr,' Fighting,,, quarreling, bruised Mf .iemnorarvltimadBe; Uoh as Hinging, hollxnwing, roaring, imitating K . eTiei-hMiir lifce tlie norse.or ; praying iiKeiue-iHCK .vumningi tear ngsn, each other's cioines, niancing omumw uaaeu, ureaauig glasses, ami Ihrowjng the chair abotit ip house.. These are soma of th symptom of ha Erst ataire of tlrttiikenness: anu uniortunawy, inose woo go no limner han'thia. are nometime said to be only 'gentlemanly drunk. Most com- nonlv: however, the fit proceeds, and now -the econd stage is unhered , in. The face ia flushed, the eye project, or. in common language, are ready tp Fid out ' SomeMme thn unfortunate victim weepa-Creely. T!ic under lip i pmtruuedttuneu out. V vvJPKing is iesiicipciu limn ..aiuim. aiienetm Jines to one shoulder. ,!lhe under jaw tails. Belching and hicrup takes . " .... -7 . . .t . I .l I...J.. ........ ' : r.tli ..j b ace t no limps tfemoiey anu in wuuic j :mvci . :: m lans upuu fii neat. -f lit look around him with a. vacant .countenance, picks hi teeth Kvilb his finger; and biters inarticulate sound to himself. , lie attempt to iise but fafls ttpoa hi side; turns upoh his back, and fall inbi deep leep Now certain symptom present tlvenwclvea which delicacy forbid ine torocn lion' In th't situation Ha, continue from .12 to 48 hours, ;i object of pity bnd disgust to hi funify and friends. Hi recovery. is k . ked by several cUar symptoms.: Me urst opens tus eyes anM.uuia iiichi isiui,uc gape Utietrhe his limbs. . He cuughs ant" pukeS. - Hi voice is hoarsei -He 9t'i wi'fi difficulty", 'and staggers to hi chair, ue'loauiesth Signtot food, 'VI fill IftT "las Ol jspiru v naim ,ia wviiiiiii.r ,it.biij, unii us kuiiv irh or Tnan from a slight twinge of conscience; .but more frequeut- fv he scnhU and curses every thing that comes ill his way. If. the fit be not repeajed, mtwo, or, three days he i able ti resume hi. business. But most rcqueatvy U jsi-epeatett over ami oyer again, tin in tony, ine, poor auimai esemble., calf, in atupidity aq ass, nl roaring- a road-bull in. quarreling nrt.ngtiting a, oog, in. crMelty a .tiger, in s letor , a, an onx , or, . polecat, pithiness a ibogv.iijuljaceoety a he goat - Ihesearejtlt utUne ol a. hi f drttnkennessi but,' who u;an describe! Uie conarqueWcb?; t it has em- luyed the pens ai) tongur o jorators, patriots anu statesmen, 01 pnysiciaus ml divino'.anil yet the subject has not bet'n exhausted; nor am t so- vain as sunniise Ahatl can. reach ht stupendoui summit., tor ten though I had e aoilityi' yet time would (ail me;o. point out allthc evil growing out f is fatl rrime. ...We shall endeavor, to point uut a few f the. intmi uromi-. fnt4audjeavethercmamde' to your sober consideration, Wehave abrief lit glowin description 01 tnesin oi inieropera.nce, (o tn$ au ciiupier ,o !t Who," say the wise ttianhatta wor who bath, sorrow? who, hath con. f.h hfll)hlinr? who hath wounds without cause? who hath red-, ess ftvv-; They that jarry long at the wine; they that go (o seek mixed mi. not thoa.'uoiin t'i..wirie when it is red, when it giv. Ih its colour in the cup, whenit inoyeth itself aright. , At last it biteth like wrpnt. it stlnzath IjWe an adder, Thine eye shall behold strange women, V ,thine. heart fehail utter perverse ui "' ,. nin the midst of thseaor as ,hc tliat lieth upon the top of.a mast. i?y he striken me ahalt, Ihou say, and I wa not sick; they have beaten ?, and t fett it not.-; When shall I awake? I will seek it yet aganu", In words are portnyed in iivetycoJors bom me nature oi uiunKenneas Jxl iteoD4equencee ButenJsrge on Una latter. , v . .- . I L.Itorluce many disease which prove the outlets to human, lilv A Jongthew maybe enuoierated; 'V-?'. ' - 9 iih...t;n. ..f .LliTfr. . Tlie fable." says Dr. Rush: "4)f Prntne- teas, on whose Aivet a vulture wa said to prey constantly, as a punishment v ht stealing firajfrom Heaven, was intended to illustrate the painful ef ri .f iian .Tun. nnnn mat orwan. 3. Dropsy o p very rwno,'' particularly swelliogof tlie feet am) legs.' (. ; A. Hoarseness and a husky coughf i T t .. ls V f t i -u, I nU Sn W cliMlhriW nni1inod.v vWhen f ska of h worfl tempernti drinVinr, I it la kl conmon wecntation the btbit of annUoga K't hile intu-ol bealtli. Uut,i Si but. M I AM hMvafter Jki- iliter it veiT imi.r Jpeity aj.l.lied. ,W thoulil otrtfully fttrk tlie differenee ketweeo iiUemi)Wie hk jrunkenocM. All anuMenary ue ardent tni i totDnenic Orunknns iiUoacMcrv rwi aapacteswrfuM at uicm 8. Jledftta sod eraptwts J diffireat parri f the bedy They arinx la tbefoce, tntt!y uo the no aid eiirn,! to the eatrrmui. Ui "fPcr,n ,Be tney are c;ioj nrni ouj. I color of tU skin, aoMt bocomt bloated 'uh beya they face. I tv K aarvit ih dfk f.lia KlanM. I. IV. 4 noa is HBta iir vtntcti imdutn a rI ciOnr .n ... i e too greater extent pmdace a whita keat. . . ' A - ' f 7. A rum or stiakiagbrciih. ;' 8. Frrcjaent aad dUtuatiitf belrkian. ? TWiartt it.fu. .i. easo of a, so, aaddeal v. detrred by ibo1 oaftoat ukiox tra from a eta- 9. Emlennr. , . - ,. ,i . .. 1 .... .. .... !0- S.1 ' ,U fm f ckolk.plty.'an4 appei,. V fc i , i II. Madoes r manij in all ita funaa. . TUt .u . . - f - p aim ...miMi rram tb work f Dr. UuJi, almost veibatira. But tberw a an, whick; I have observrtl, and some of hich Wof freqaenf: occorreace. Tbese are, '','" ' ; , ' '.' !. loBammiilon of tie eyr s arte oded -ith weeping. Of course all that - arc boi tnwmperace, out i seiuoia ace a lurd. drinker but What ha it. " 1 .. . - , . t. Wistered bps and a fared tongue. TiW 'lio are exceedingly cotwm. 9tnui a potai mr deUrian tresnena 4w jm aaaM r .l.I t.-i . 1 kw 4 knows hrs ixnUT t l,trrnd-tT3 fttriftvrri ....11 n...... 1.-. .1 - .. ihiuui ccimirihm inieoiprrRCf ' ! II f. rn tt . it r, i - e i. git I d'-jfctetl nt rr r- sf bej!;1! n 4U..1 M i.tt e t h.. it s!i.i a ' ' if r f . i"fertr- f ".re t;., An 1 i O. ITii ii oae of the aaoami.jrp.il,. pmmi, mi wnicn the luiman being I sabjeft. ,,Th pomr aniwal. aaiU to T. p oi;ht or day, is distracted by a taobsand airy forms and imaeioafr . 1. . .r.. , $ .... : I r.io someone or a cemo ication of thd bov diaeaaa. i (,..r4 victim ol intemperance seldom escape a premature grave,. But beside these disease, which hard drinking directly produce, (and sometime what the world calls temperate or prudent ase tu the' same effect,) there are other complaint which it ioVite Into the ytetti. Of thi etasa are almost all oor aurdmer and fall fevers. Aad these ease' of all others, ar th n.i- mfr cult nf core.' I speak advisedlv. IhaVe svitnessed thia in the course or my prfeMionl Calling. On Ruh observes, that drunkards seldom escaped ths yellow fevers end almost all who bad it, died. . Let it not be objected, that because some few individuals kava k. k.r..t effect of ardent spiritahat therefore Hi put dangerous to the generality ofi mankind. As well might you say. that because some meii have taken poi-1 -on, raisjauo iwr in-wice, aim rei overen; .uierehnw ihero is no danger ia thnt poison, vAnruing from psrticnlars to generals, ig bad logic.- Therefore ai inn cau e. biu. in 1 urnt-ss, m, uisls tew ina.vidoaU have escaped much bodily disease; therefore afew individ4ds tnt escape sain.'' jj.t wouj say.that (hegreat msjoi ity have ben rnireif by it.'both tout and body; there fore the greatmajonty will le ruined by it, if they pursue th aam course. an 111 uic acsreaaie, 11 nas Dten UntnM - that hn t !..' a ruv dividual die in the United State annually ofdrunkeni.es.'; 'But a 'large a this number may sound, I am fuMy persuaded, that it'ir quite'tuo small. Priim my own calculation! have come to the following results. 1. About on; half that die are infants or persons under- ttie sgr of ten years Of this num ber, I say nothings and yet, how many of fhesft may die of wanr, r inatten tion, which interopei inco may have-prod urejd. - 8. 'I'lii ievea 150.000 persons ..... .,.,.i ,u ;n win, iw viic nuuuaiiv in me vniteu states' te I'nui'ki . Tk her and ti hter. J in oilmen f tms numoer i necessary, si tne average ge be restricted tq SO years; and allowing 9 million of inTiaLnjanta to thia country., Of thi number, I allow one out often die either, directly or indirectly of Intemperance. And this number is certainly full mall. if weifonuder th ildren, who re txjpwed, take c6lU sad die, in cnnhtqucice of beine eithef neglected or' driven out.by their brutal husbands or futhera - One in Mi makes up the round number f 15.000 more than the British killed in all the last war. This number gm intemperance a daily meal W40 per son; and m the course of ten yeara, not less than 150.000; and which, pro bably, leave not less than thafniimber, to feel the miseries of ignorance vice and poverty, every day, 1 Tjirn pot yoor ycji.awa fxem the frightful result. Tbe-tMsl-eai. tiitfrnirtTiigprtng driflirin5'."Ahd can we indulge with innocence, in Ute .use of such an evil? " 0 , Its effects are as injurious to the mind as to the hmlo n .1: the commission of all crimes. And the fable of the nun, who had the choice of three crimes, choosing drunkenness, and committing the other two ia veri lied in a thousand instances. It particularly disnoso. to Ivi.,. . '.il.c fiinrKoly? I!a tH vio Livv4 jry to the palcrtcM tieaa those and w"" . ttd fa(mg, a Kn p ww?! oer tnamhf rt . lVs .', Indeed bear tbVmarka mfU brutal violence? (IS i io t tamsa natre. .Matrons r,fm bHoved cotryk i thjs the end of vour promised lappTacsh? aad fAw further enU still awai Tea, worse, if worse can 004 a yoa ara to be tamed out of your W.ara,. to have th heiven for Vour curtai'audiltacold eart for a bed.; nd when turd.wlml Uowfc and the snow of heavm tWend. vour be!nte bahe shiveriii;;. cry for lha want f bread, will yoa not hy with the Psalmist, Oh! that I 1 a 1 s , . . 1 v J wf k'i ()IS tog e was arfiiie from 1 1 -! JACTSOa' PTCT3,G3. . - ' Ruiarrouf moetiag of the citizens of Wilkes county- friendly to tlm elpc tion -of Cen. adrrw Jackson asFrrsi dotit; Of the United Stales, took place in tlm Court. If ouso lit Wjlkrshorougb. nnl Tuesday the 5th of February: , So. vefar delegate also attended from the ndl nihg counties nf the tamo Electoral Pifttrictr . Vi- : . t- f ., , r . Gmu Jfonfort Sloket nnan! mrdly railed to the chair, and Rlclitird Allrn,; Esq. antt Cot. William Hanip. ton, appointed Berretariev The nhjert fl meetiiijj was briefly and forcibly expUnierf. in - an eloquent addrena by Samuel King,' Er ono tf the ilelejra. tlnii fron ' the county of, Iredell, v A comniittce, waa . annolnted, to draft a preamble, nd resolutiona exprtivf of th "entimenf a of the present meetinsr. to it: Cnl. John Martin, Gen. George i4. Lavi.ist)n, eanuei auor. Ksq.Hnirh Al. aroRes, fcqq. and Mai. Meredith Thurmond, who retired for b short time ntid on returning reported the following, preamble ; and reaolutlons, which -were, read' find unanimously ndonfr-d:,, - ' . ,, " , ' . . , The fiisiH , litis , arrived, 'Vn' the. just powers of the general government, and pitrUfularW, :lbe extraordinary out in the Constitution n the United States, should be cleaHy and distinctly marlced. it I J far .uti tuc-r;-.si. uou IndiviJ .;.-.!, J., . ':sr.i rd -JaJrrio Jacli-tm. te Uiem. T' ettr"rr: 'f bint the rrT;rkt a!a'r- . 1.. ; thia country. I a w, tii, b'8 V discover t' e eiiJenrr-i rft'.i . superiority. We n.--;;t fj.st I . brrad a athufar, anj n arrd in ti.e r,,i;t. leal treed jf father, f who f'f(in. duct M rrrsident, e Lave ten tufore had a , most ' unfortunate exf hi.fKt. It ia, believed, that prior tut:.er ar I80i, the only notice he attractrd, v - tar luiburatjuh jf a work I,r:ature f TJJd, cootr.S mr-nt iiitrulr aritocratir. t the rrvedom of our inf., and what nmv L iil puen MPS J"' f rei 'm fraud, to uncleanliness! to laijiviousness, to prof'ane rllrcinr .1 ... I ...... r. to cruelty and to murder. Hij name, as Dr. Rush observes, Legion for he' is many. ' -'" (? 1 t. , i. v,..!j. We now hear-much enmplaintabout the scarcity of monpy- '8c IretS- ....... ... ,n caucihicu yvery yt-ar tor aril If a man onlv drink twice in tK'm...; : 1 u.e .... ... - -7 r a siiml' ami iiHiurn t a fraction tiver an ounce at each time., it will product of 12 months.. -This f ill probably average 1 ollar r ou cannot ent spirits. inner, and uce 6 per suppose he drinks but gallons in the course t 1 1 A al. . -! gauw iu mo annKer. aix dollars -a year. Tor 0 years, at lawful interest will produce 8219 98,thruwing away (he fractionsf .220 Hav in . man's pocket would, in these hard lime, beno contemptible sum;- ami vet M ia is worse than thrown awjy by what is commonly called temperate drinking. If th.s is the result ol 20 year temperate drmfcin' in n,, Ll;,?:Z r , . , ' . m ...if iimii! kiwi -nate of i'.e I i.ito 11 n; in; ti, :;: y tern mi ir t' I. .0 to la' ty t'.o " Lr ' " r i!.e f CongTess and am. -. members and talents utrauort of Mr. JefTrrson, at that time I resident and .head toftho llepublirati wr vii in, we h-i,. '..fure of Mas-iarLu avowed purpose of Leadi ranki in party, have the rotem. poraneons testimony of our drieaw-d countryman Fibhcr Ames. Fr five year t m not dis.;; -pd-.t t.'.e expec tatioiia itf his friend and aur' -M tVrs. He, tarried' on the , nppoj :um, until success became .hopeless; Mhm, by a peclce of political summerset, he and. denly abandoned hi friend 8lli f? r5r iniisc, uniieu witu ti turmera ries; and was 'afterward a- . .1 . 1 . m iiimu) uines amoassan vrrsa- '"Hi p nru In If' land, Fiance Russia, mid ti the -fcrenre at Ghent. I,i none of t'ieso ' emplnyments did he exhibit more than ofd"J-r 'talent! for diplomary. I -all or them, , he Mas under the dirrc- tion and controul or the rofrrnr n.t. , except at Ghent; ; There, Inda-J. if ; , we ace to believe Mr. IUs,r! Uk m- .': I lav : ha a.m..4.J a . h htLiiijuru 10 assume rrrntef and more extensive powers of i,,'-;;-,. " iiiaii. - s imii ', nan a. . t him, by 4 proposing to the "i-'ij 4 Commissioners an exchange r thc"v. free navigation' or ;he Mississippi, ruP. the' freedom of the Northern Ki.h. " 11 M lj..M. t : ' .. w.j ..vo. ....! n.MBiiM. tun) ouen iIiscoer. i. ed ft ft ant , of that energy and i:a!i it- 'l' Ism necessary n a ,tl.ief,Ma-ua; , " JnyLMTe country; patticulmiy in . niu luinniiu lArrAti : 7 . , "v ;i 'him .w liarns, m wturli no MiUfiuiur?i mo power ami resoturra of our enemies,' and denfliii mtnishe- our bwn-i-calling bui -a a fee. blp, and penurious government, dcatl-f uuci ui governor Strong and tie Ma. ktacbusetliJefrialatural Mere applauded for. tTfiismg, their Rid jn the late war: Wltlilit H lrhnL-ar y.T ; : , A r""ULC " ."": 'uner lhouKams of dollars no doub . and ,et you shall, hear them complaint the want ei money. ?ThI 2?,"! XI r,mony J fr this periiicloWVHeon' inMh.7United fauted, iS Immense; I have extracted from 4 pamphlet . published a ew IfcSJ nhe nuantity & probable cost hf alenr spirits in tliis u jryll ? , ,f .. -.MU"-'" - v urn ine c;Hnttiu wiasi rdban vrf-'MK.a. I i. . ...i i . . a . - ----"' mitvu'iii KnaL vrar. i i.n ..- i. . a. .a a . . i uiiii si m. usa MtnanMiSa. .... i iM uiarHiiais reiurnea unwflrrt nt mi a.L . i . - w w i "aunvnj . iir. i tMiiriirrnir srHTfWi n w moim icr ur lamo. tin. vj,. ed in the United Stesf .Thh. At I Wa7par hibit Rn(' . ? J f '''y letto to the' 5e. inmionsaoiiur.,aquaiititysumcienUrtpav,irthfination'rdibtiiitwoTeara. PomP',5:oVft,iimcnt, raleulatetl to a- "J", 7 ' upon Llioueitti ; Alai and yet we trangely.cplaitf of tfte acartity of taonrt mm z,e wtoniah the world, and to ,en- : nd laboured 1 enotl ' umin be said, that because the greatest Quantity of ant..i.-mi. 1 ta trie" the destinies of thi hnnnv land eights and MeaSuresi ahd dJ. PI...'.; !,. ! ". countrymen is made at home, there is no necuniarv 1.4 ti. i..u.. ' r ! of lihei-rv with tho unPttlpH and t,-lTj-eatt A Chief M-!f..a ,.r 1 ? 1.1 manuracturing ardent spirits; for home .consumption; if direcjed to other rlonn desfmiefl of other nations, . , AA COiiiit U lifts, b ttant of foresi-!,t tV ' SYr anriw thLTJfiti , the time spent in arink, t i-rfrrenrf to our foreign rehiion';, magemcnt, lost for, us the" va'fua" , ffii eiM might also be use-' w view witl, nurprise and iVdiffntlon . trade. , tie- has trampled ' wX'tft0 Pf,b the -Mjnpt.or the PresiUt, without W.M vf a sovereign B ate" w i..a I:. In,s,'t,n. w,1navb I ttle Weieht WHh the idle, r.onsii tafm nn'silr r kP tlm Cnf. by abrutTKl nc A snlemit ... - ;;;e,;undsT vv c cnd, k m wjr..-trn.ibin .;.a8on. : remalfis for this eenera tion to limit cir to extend tie far distunr and ' clisirimvv lin'tififfafclai.'" r ' m " 7 ... ... v.. ........ It .- b,,,, . I.,, . . , 1 .. - villi" lowl, power, vhirh, is now,, .ossumed tut .W?1' rce9 M1" n ahd ncted jupon tby tbqpreiient Chief 1 l.A"? y .tlnft M chairman Magistrate of .the . .Union That this V "Jwngm uosiod, wlierf, the con- eeeatnrf ,.o,f,,Jhe riinaljfufion afall have the';x'wcr to,, enlarge its authority and I preroSMltre, with, the erowth and great ne of the roiintrr. hy trampling- nfton the. local roverelsritln of the Sfatcs.l we firmlv and positively denn 1 Alrea-1 dy has the present Administration amwi truteA tn f Hani t tTi ..,l.( tk.J - j ilthe i-isauo f vert thiri t- t... 1. . nrin,vi uir irmrr mm iirninuinrT ni am ,. ... , politirnl tmwer am! nublicnpinjonj nriF?Ut& n ar,!i insteno or coniiueting the flflairspf the! . ir Auatus was appointed vi,v infill nuif .7iiiiiiii rri7"-" I . ; ' n L vuiiiiuueil m limn tlnn nf nrniut!nn Im. h... I that OlllCe Until 111 flevntirvH f.. ti... tf in war, und cherishi'ic the perpetual Hul('nr ,'n 825 without anv sfnsilla- w "u , me rni-fimt i n-n,.m . Hartford Convention Ho ..dilTerent from this was the cdn-' duct of Jackson ftt Orleans. stimulated the peopleti resisluiue at v i its wniisc in a state ot health. Front its inAnun.. ...-.. i. ... . r 1)1 health. V Kram itinfl,ran.ayk ............. .. . . " our attention to it. influenci w ZZ-" 7 -Ana who can measure, its ,bahefoJ Inlluenctf upon civil .orietv? Uhofa youngman d promisinglalentsithe hope of hi father; and th"joy of his ,,TU T 2"l,t,?:ir.JW,k V. tlviea.and protection, nor do they look in sain; fij he Sweth,ir I the morningand do,-!, aofwifldiold io,tt.e evening 1 he rich also receive Mm Into the bosom of d.eir families with nleai-rV recount Of hU am ahlKKr.,.' ui.mi.. . . .wIln l""ure. " - - uui a an. ouisZ&r his father, asr Usf fesort. seeks ctmsolatiori in ber son. , But ali! she too r P !, " uuneeae.1, Until at last, cruellt treated and ne. mm ut . er eon, na too uie heart-broken, with iust en'onk rii; ? nl,m.,,i.l I, :.,i...:m i f . .. r """ ""K' iimiiiiiiiicu.uc im uuneiL uei(tr im M .iL. ri.M.... : ir . hi..,. ; Behold him swollen bloated, enfeebled. Ml ; il l rZSS. ?ll'iC r9:' Ji'S fc,U,dren durtf ""I' lWh Mm. See howlhe little inn.: wuiO Mirners, get iiituer the sUirs, orelipnnder the beds. 'Z ihrom..B,ho?d them grow it other V tionntries. where we nave none officer, of,, thegover fn 1 nlr . k.... I cstuno it. wad innrltt iiIi ti...'. j . n lone. . That the first dwtguished in.litduar,' thep at the , head of the. -War t1nnfnn ti.:. ' liely avow, an atithor.ty to commission J attempted to destroy; the neutral cha. ;; and Mend Amhttsaailoea a tinn anil i1Dh1 ractcr of the Unitt'il 'Rtutoa . ... ' " he pleaHed.jM as unfortunate and hu- I)en4,v R,,(1 iruitless mission to Panama " nliating'o him, 0 it j alarming; to ft"" cuaya, uhicdi elided in disap le people;' ' ir theWe of this country Itment aniT disgrace. .liehag. en- 1 ftV'lift' QAfllpft liV 4711 nit iiCtltlrin.tfftnA mv ! ru fi'if sins) pi 4 "i - - nnu j Acl y ie 'executive, power is to,8tirperrede tivc, prerogative, that may at pleasure nil swallow, up all others; is high time MsFse with the advice and consent bt ' .at the' states, ami the people in their the senate, in relation t foreign t m.' vereign capacity. IwmiII struggle for lassies;. And lastly,' he has rewarded; e 'admijiistralion' that has .dared so of Congress who vbted for him f on. ' 'antonly to usurp their.dcnrest right; trarY ,rt known wishes of their coti " '"' ' j . r --t"". nu.v uuaiio.iiif Hiv i -ini n IIIU IweVOIlltlOll, WlllCll v we. deny the right claimed by the prej secured tlm Independence of the United unnf aitniinitnlmn )..l 11.1. I..i... tin.... .....I . ... .. V'M sent, administration bnd their abettors of enriching ono 'portion' of the Amer. icati eopio at the expetrto or the other by laying ! heavy duties on imported goods for the benefit of manufacturers. - ineso Sentiments are oOcred not oiaicu? hou received the rudiments of a . uiniuju euiicauon:in Aoit i tTainlii.u. where he also acquired the' profession or the law. ' At an early period, he re- IHAll 4t 'T1. n s ..... . 'I-. I .... ""t'vu w iuiiiwrr, wnei-e m talents as a legislator , and jurist wereexenl. oniy irora a. aeep . conviction of their sed with eal and ahii;t - i.v justness, but altti from the stand it be-1 tion of one of the most demnrr.tv a in-1 J r..i,,-V,iJi:a t ' "v,:",,"',,'eieeriaimy inheriting the r . xanc. ai me appear m ngstltutionajn the Unions and in the tUi' Ite l i.e'ad tbeVi Vxesidential Election. . The .citizens charge' of, the S'; cTlTk-rKA :iiZTLl .PV 1 : . -,v : ' lf ' Vn)M 'States In lookln for. Ile. MntheatoVm!;? ,Vn.7 H- -"" . wda ue lenaenv anT attec mnafe It nrhaffr.f tft itifk i '-s..: rt. ..J.i. ' : ,,t,w 1 - n ... A. . . . I 1 is 9" V 4

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