U t UIO! in r.ii IT im :, ).! int" ill f , rn, lit;: leiltn ! f ,ftsn r l msc TWli il.; 11(1 1 1 ihe i, thk ' rera 1 r. r rc Iw mtn ii !3 TV). T f j !"( r. . in s:- ;ttt -f i-ifir mr' ' 0!!.-r: ,ce ir hfi 1 ' Inn rH ie,lli;i i iile ird. :V n't i v rev o ni'- ounii m.-r lirir: f! f !) " r I s- IBli I" n, r v TUB STAII, , .V. . ;UC"f ' "' t'-t ('.u! I AY. LAwkE-Nci;. Li " i trxl u be re nes .'.ft. ( .iw. ; "7: It 0 t'. ef-ieef C't .. e t tae w I " Srvl.v. We aJo iKe (tact i jf v ietSe RtWU toaei!wn. K nti tth , Aiwi, ttct I. c . rauoe to U t fW- t sbiv . I u kf oa f -a , I ttm fti'. tiUktfw V"iu k. s-e a eir.Mr n sk : v rt s- v-." C!i w!ik.! vU-rvt'J act, o the part i, 1 fi'f t.rrtne or i-r'v'-f c in ! i'a-i'. i . . . tvM fin". ivTl- llrr . I ' i -'-arTfv fcar rwok JI w- y in tk.a i .j Mr, Aiot, IU littMMM tat fMH Mr. i;-W ruin, I Di I.imU fsca-d m mnmtfiiii TtSV?' rj.-, . t th4 A. rain,.. rr-.ni ' rwc rrps.bl.cajt swatu.rt.oea of th . p"" ', , . , U1J m NrWnioNmtf hart. Wad F. ici cowotrv. Yrv, (.riiW I MWVi awJ t Ja art T"L .1 a", 4 rt-UtV.rwWU A ' a. , .4- , that Bpeo fc.fluli exaantnalisva tht . i . -....-n-J ik.rr .,...,- i. r r mru M,i ranlmaM Wis Adame snaiL-Cis:rsMitacee attrsulitii? true extraorxturf t lb alitor mast W Jxmt- lm. JtrXmn, teCapC BetJwk1! dirtnct, Wxll stinbk4 CM not fk'tl to tx Mill rtb ileriinictof t it U B W or for por, M tfcerefbf et iend tft li'n ewiolry must feel derp Inter i fniAl iwv. TU jfnra Bueti64 .hU b Preikleiit of th .United Staterf It m ) inhjeet of nreuMe well if public crv emt'ioiq nd permit w . H'ri " wy umblc jwlcnient, H not at H rewlereil Ur - ioiportsitt a cewiltt f the twddi nfuielmt perir bo are ew5idii fur ie-ppounnem.v . - f :i - - - - .1 know of mo arinc'mt ao vtlt etfcwMrd to biro itabiriry und itrenRth to the openrtioni Lf h etMrernment that eontained ia our kbrt ConaUtMtWo-ho' right of the opIe keaceeblv toartemble k oonault forth pub- uM fepreetnuiiaq of the purpoe for which er)Ptf eooei their Tiffhta iovtdfd, ihote in Doer.theT haethe leritimate f icbt IneioeabV to atserobK and io . the name of tbe eooetitotioti to forbid auch tWi. " Why, Veotlemen,' bll u be euV beoauae John Juincv .Adams h. Ptwldent -of ho - United iutevthkt hi acta, hoew, tinrighteoua hcv niar ba. are to be tree trout eenntrer ii nerai',tbat ve he not the Constitutional -lirht toexoreti ouf luaapnrobaiton to jd an' r t i Lit.. 'i.mtniicsi 'iiuitiuniruuiY uiHiiiinruiiviii Lr wel akvyotf e;t1emen, to fold' wtr nrmt ui icy eicc mu -v w 'hw"i""1 ileireit rtirhta jro for a mess of pottage? Noj tsntlemen, that moment we, at a freo Wio tle.-rield Otf 8ur risrhta f those ritfhti Which Were the MetikofablooilTitrtiffclefor liber. A into the hands of audi politiciane as John fiuincj Adams and -t Henry Cla)r--that mo Inent, as a nation, may .we cease to eatst -ue it be remembered, mv eeuntrymen, that If the friends tif Gefi. Jackson ir Greene eouhty Unnetboattof omuch Hte!!eotas.tho5 of fin Adams, they can bot of the same nt;bt ; ftffntt foMt b cardinal prineipljn otir orersmtenv that, from tb tiuiobiest eitueo a vith tbe astjorit sf thacoua'y ve awreaf eWitwn, tbere vill be found toeiwt v tj t mcasota )oim er pcaat bet as to lw - eormptioa and political iiitnne than there wirins; arm, o ewuatiflf nrs or opraief M a'w!.t t cither t'o trauaaciooa Af pursca, cmiWI kk To b ex?ur 4 t mifbt 3ced.t Amok! or Aaroit Uarr, .w Wt as vi! fall unJc the inaln!ictUm of. 4tli'y. He .tpoM the elrctioa of Mr. Ad the secaoJ ktIih " (Hear h(ai' Heat him!) ( ajnt bce-ioe rt ('.ret aaneiion to a prwcipU What this aeoood actta mecW W ho iw wooaiMxu in its nure, tbrmkUble m its ep- flrr hrarra (br tbit Adams saaa) caa wll) anance, aoJ lcrucue ia its operauona. ta i-crrUto irriau' if 'enfoaand prtM. leaa. It M pbee n la the poorer oion fraw aasurebe Rrntlemaft that aa one of the at--J" to oaUa anos) the pcovU a auccoa-or ss luaolrrrUiijn7lsroldbet;leac4obibaieaath pl.aea.. Luuk,oiy f.tmds al eaeusrVooisoaaMohof thedramaasrclaus'lh aucooaaion oT eereUriauifdMk at to pM - Vor to use the words of the eelt.j h it W taloulate.1 to lead to. , rWaru brat ad HuanoLe Orata t am ut fift of tidi ! iKtt lecud PiratOeiK, ed dim trcaof VoWIf mi ate retort esaftssx mnd tU James MadUosi aoreUry f sMala". At the eiklotbM tonay Mli was cnoaes Ifresv ideett and be appointed iaioes jnroe Sec retary of State. At . he i'ih! of Mr, Madiaoa'a term, Or. ' Monro a-ai elect 1, and mde ..-t oth mo& ewJte nobleman, suffrage ia the .attleime"n;-mifir Jsrfe and deeided msjority f us who ire now v.:.-.hiri thpi,jcftu mi iff ainerpitca fnomn. liJIV IHUIVI ' " 1 I ' i - J nit io rep ant to the fitness and quaimetiions tr fi Jackson.' ai there is of the UnfitiieBs & hie opponent .ahd his entire omiqrthineas to preside, over the American peopled Such tent otir aentiment we' are. proud to aow new mi uiiiwi " ( 11 : n.1,1 an attachment to tb " Military Clucr AHhouglt tne me-T-'liga WBicn nave een hid in Green tilt io, fVkanIly to Gen. nckson. hate been the Siibiecl of Wtch snort ml ridicule from the'Adariis partTt yet t hope t will be considered fair and liononible irinclnla of warfare ttr nusa 4h at or war ntothe heart! ot we enemy- ;Cotwrr; sua lien combat thetfl with Aett own 1 Weapons. I belief e" I am wamttted in aytn that the m nttemnt of this tonu' "' .wamteatetf y he friends of the adm'mlstrat'wttV Mee'tinffs riendly to the Admimsttaiioti ld been' got eyn ia several counties of the State preyl. us to any attempt on the part of the friends f Gen. Jackson. But that which is aome- imei sweet in the mouth fs better in the sto- Fch.r Thr months aeo, when thft catis of (Ir, Adam was tlinught to bo prosperous, neetins;. for his benefit were ealledj. but then it was found that those Administration Jneeting were hot o numerous! ,ttttcnb?d M was anticipteoV xstuso oecaron uu- penty unpopular, aeu. usciesnt ami now ,ne iieml ot Gen. Jackson are chat ired with trv-- Vet carry their potut by stornt by.opehlhff regard to thepreaent iAdmiiiistratiori, rom tjs. beginning f have 1ee oppise tp t on priivcipl but notwithstandinir a oni f it subjects, lliave fell willinjr to obey" its iiandatcs- aod . 'precepts a far' as I Xlioujjht irs.: 'cormateut with the ;loterext nf the ountryV b oWtiierefure, been ne f th6 whq have rendt-frd an; iindincrint nU'oppoait"mn5an'ii'e'4d to ft friends, ttwist confer Afteir rprineipW 1 abhor jn4 letest yet-'personally " respect "tbeinv lcaniiotj ftslhwifen,,iiep remarkhi'on ocedu that I regret it) those frier. f Ut, the AdminWitrtlott more. 4ipyed, Jo iew this -contest in tha foi'in ,pf ' f personal ' O'crence JSait a potttical truffle; and aUof disposition father jo misrepresent tbaif to resent tbe question in itirtme lijrht ' 'li'i ict recalUlo my min4 wti1' 0tead i an administratioit paper, printed in tbe eV y of Kaleigh, wiled ;tho: 7gJfV jn a on mmcation orcf tho S (f nature of ..Mii Ri The inmutmah commences h aodrcas eamntrr ckack qvanim UK laawra. falls air patat wAere twUUaf U trtf VUk eudr ai r.fgH But as tn measunaf ton-roes, let tli rentlevnan sunnaak bimself, and avow his pro per name and if f can chink that I am any wy M par with him, I wilt think about it. for I can assure tbe gentleman I am not to be lotted eat by that sort of be tara till iirr trtd iKi Jttef nd I can assure the gen tleman that I am not an muck of a political Qutsotto aa to ran tilt arainat windmill fuO operation. But aays b ml was pre sent at the meet'mr. Not the tread of ao Ad- ministvtuon foot, nor tho wbirer of aa Au- ministration to-rue disturbed the proceed- mrt of this truly Uecorous Jackson meetinr. What the honorable prntlemaa means by the. term " trulu dfconnt, . I am at a ioas to know, nnlen he ..means to .east .reDroacn Words are only intended to convey ideas; and it happens tn be the case sometimes that the Wea intemled to be conveyed te directly riDOsito to . what the word themselves ssy. If so, tbe gentleman, whoever he may be, (for I know nut. bit namr,) will permtt me to say to him. and that too in a Bvnsruare which I hope will not be mistaken, that hie .assertion is n baae ealumnv. I mar not know aa much about decorum as that 'gentleman does; but a far u I m able to judge,ur meeting traa conducted with tho utmost rood order. It was orrsnized by calunr Major-fope, to tne chair, an old and respectable citizen -of the county, and one who. In tinea past, we ''ail '1.1. Lk.l.. 1 1 . .. . 1 1 . ueu jrwea io nonor, anu uiie, i aaj . w unuuv, contradiction, who is as firmly attached to the interest of the country aa -any man in it, tho Adams man to the contrary notwttnstanding. My friend Doctor MVndon, wbottuidaiiearm, acted as nur Secretary. Why the notice which the Star. ook of the Adans meeting at Snow -Hilt should have elicited such an unprovo ked attack on us? I know the wtatemeht 4n thi Star was, ' confirmed in several letters which t received, and certain I am that no disrespeci. wu intended. J saw for the unit time tae result or tbe Adams meeting at Snow Hill at Kaleieh-. Whilst at theLezisbv' turw. and read it with much pleasure.. Be cause although I .differed wit) my ' county men, I was clad to see them meet in the true spirit of the Constitution, , and openly oi fearlessly assert their opituonsrand 1 must say on Uii occasion, tliat the smallnt-ssof their number when compared with their respects ble standing in society, docs not at aB render tiieirfnfetinortha leaa resectable.' MJt 5' " But to return to the Jdamt nut who has honored ns ,wlth bis notice in the Register, In the 6th section he says with. perfect knowledge of their weakness, I trust the friends of. he administration in' this county will ever be superrorto the pitiable fear of be-, ing in the minoriTy, or tho worse' thu silly smuiiion at guing na tne majority ngnt or John Q. "Adams iecretary of State.' At trie enl of bin term . John Adams. was electetl Preaideat. and chosv - Hxnry Clay Heeretary af btMa. ' Noar, ontiuu tho pria- eiple, and re-elect Mr. Adams, and who wd o our next frewoentf ; Way, Henry Clays and under the1 same ruts," who is to be he nett Preaiiensf -Why, Daniel Webster, or some ring leader of th Jlatifurd Convention lhts succession of SecretaryaUip haa aoran thing ' in its teodeacy . alarming to th minds of honest republicans . It strikes at the very root of our government, and saps Cm purpura for "which it Was created. Can you, Gen'Jemca; boast of a republican form of government, whrre nucb, a- statn of Mmk as tuiseiiaiw , Canfouaay tbat yourgoteru. ment, though free to) prinoiple, taso in. prae ticef wiuu was toe senttaco 'wnictt yn barn kso , recently passed on the abom inable praeticf of Cauooaingf Ilave you not ntjotintr wrWw thov notice wliich tlte Har gave pf that AdThuiistrafSoiuicttin"(f lit "ow UUlon the ot iJccewitier, aita w im very ingeniously to prove that ilia "It of Ih'w tweetinjr s not thc ell'ect of any !ng tor pre-cmteei ted plan Jf the fHeiids of a4am! uut wasttir woroi a moment; 'says lac, svtWhiWof nuinbeK, cort ;itatcd ho part of the motiye 4br iCullitigei Wttiuist ration meetinir Gnwnc-M It. was ectsaury -.Vi. feave ,a, " meeting ot. loae lUv tncei of betiirepresenteU in the Adniinia fstio Convention at Italcigh.", fji&v, ffeiv ?amen,I tlfret not to'disbcliev what this f 4doms -ssnn" auya, ' I in wiljing- attach jUtrwth to it that 'it can possibly merit.1!1 The entleman himself admit ?Jlhut a few written va-HnmetUf were atuck up, and some let', - written. If his ubject was not to call mil '(h Adams' strength ip tii-ee nr, whylwas this lonef fhaf' gUsnaan well knows the, iz st Our count vi few Written advei-tikmenla f'Uck ud tV-L l.ntira nre'uai. i.nir..i.i be .boa. thairman. who nreaided at their.1 k.-.? .... i imng,iHresturtiiertroin Snow Hill Hutu a- J maw-nisUie county; and U seema ht- gat "uVpoTthe ir.tenjed 'roeetyic v JJwt from Ttiore it something: my friends, in these words wbich seem to strike at the Tory root of our respect and standings if we have any; f ioo,' with the gentleman, do hope that h and h'ta part y4 not only hi this county, but in every county throucliout the State, will -yet beauperior to the pitiable fear of being Ui .tho niinorityi,,lnda with him, heartily wish that wo may never be actuated by that ? wlry,"anibiionof goinf; with' the majority right" or wrong; Audi do hope, itay, Ifirm. ly beficve that there ia not titixen of Greene county Who ia actuated by- n motive of this kind, .But a! this is in perfect accordance w itlV the stale argument heretofore assumed by IhcvdiMis -party in this- Statet ,,,Tbat we are an- unurinciplcd faction, combined for' pat ty purposes to oppose the gevemment right or wrong, v it ia we:t Known tnat sat taUtes shed o jght of tiieir ownt it is only such aa tlu y borrow from the planet in whose orhi hey revolve ff4jTf ':ty : ; -:Nor.tli tentlemanonilhisWty know, that this ishotrtli fact. '.As iaras my humble abil- Mies nave eaabicu me. to see wio toe mowes oi thot bpitosnd to the eovcrnruetlt, they are ik'UT oiioed to get rid of Uioie in powert but in ttm mean limw.-to take care that tbe public good shall oot thereby auflVr. ilence, iH Uttlns meaturek of die fiavtniiincnt which an: fuuiuled on the Uaa policy of the aountry have reeclved from this " nnprincii(l and abused faction" a very able ami eOittwnt auonort. I eballenire the ii-ivutbi f Ui Adaitftiitralum to point to a singl tubjern which has haee reeommeuded by tlie Presa'cnt fuunUud on the Osw jiolicy of the enhnt y, 1icU baa not lxsts) by the opposition in Ceiigtv-kS sup ported Without regard to party.- All Ibonemea surcs edftneried Willi the fiiuuiues of the eoMtitry, areeommktist.- in Consress. to the care of Mr. I M'lk;tni ami thoae measures oaneeted with. Ue tiuiiua, X3 tJok Ilainiltont who- are jowly ta) td the ring ivadura of ow fawtion." It U known to the trk-nda of the Admini&uatiou tltut watmncse the vieetion of Mr--Alama on two rroanuai to wK: prineitilo and .polity. HKirttt, 1 timii ji iHta,ile, because he at an aK.tate r clrr- aiist, rami ucicrtcu bis party ami betiwrui) tiiem, Judas libeaiust to obtain power. Ami here, fi-f law ctfWfiia. Mifii-r tut: to' remark, that I am tuat hi axttminhnient al tbe course of aomu of thi-" rwfr.. ustett! tnU:rulnt,r in reiHlemig Alr..AitatM mi idifMrinihialeauiport'v What, Vote fora trai jor,, Uo Iws ih-aciied ) uu in time of pevil,-aiiit not cotiU-iit with .learrtuig his party, nut v'"! for tin ! trry nct-my I msyaay oaurpaUon of powtf imiiri: d me ot y..Aj-p ib tci n vants, and turned them t tW - Y tl -invtt, not tnree years ago you evprvaeJ yo-a'- indignation - against this aboaiiuuble prnciice Ly arraiguinjj omn of your eervaute at tbe publio tribunal, end have ntarpped on theur toioheau , tue' iiwiciaule mark of con detonation, " But, Gentlemen, here is an e- vu wntctt tnreatens in a ten-taia oeirree, mmw alarminrr. at itiatrraaiiK' fi Mira lit .this cmbj one indiviaualtolds the' Gauous, and oie you have no power oven but in tlf .. e. I .t ...i . Vi:icr, i is your irprcraniauree,.wpo ynu can, uryou piease, arraign at any ume. , . But mainly and chictty do we -oppose Mr. Adams re-electior - because - ins admiuuttra lion is a proscribed one, and should he mark ed with indignation by every republican ax being, inimical, to the uberty of ibia. county This is philosppiucaUy true, and suscepti ble ot demuastratKMi a time would, permtt Look, Genrtotnrn, at 'his famous', rfenama mission, ' In this pardcuUT Instance, h has assumed ft prerogative, never .hefjre claim ed by any of his predecessors and one whol ry ttnknown to the contiof, f An4 what ts more surprumg, theimssiun has test u be tween 5Q and, IOQ,000 aud ouv miniser nave returned without- ever sentnir the Con grefs,or being able to tcll.wuat was their de- inuratiuns. .Xok, Gemjeixed, at the Geor pa conuoversy. Powe tec' Oie Prtaident, n the true spirit if bur epnAition. 'nro- Uotingthe citiien of Georgia against the aggresMons of atureigA ffle' No Gentlemen, uk Lavs uot.-. weUave seen hMnstmda mil ttary prefect uito a sovereign biute.jo inoiiirsr mm me vutuiiy di jne iaw; ot iui- una, ana because his refined taste hnd correoi notion could not swallow Uie roughness -of i Indian treaty.' it. was set aside and anothe fortnd, characterised by all those forms of State diplomacy for tfbicii -Mr Ailaiits is just i iuk...j I a-.i ,i... . a- I, WlbUIMVUf WlUil WO-f (ItC -TIICCl 111 tb'w treatyf 'Whyit one in which oiir citiiens were ctieaiiloutvf tlieir money, and it ta ken, tq Washington to be" sunanaerid umler the eyes of a corrupt Ad.mm-. a-atiou, for thn most hcentioua purposes. And when .the f resident saw the citizens of Gcovgia rcmou strata, sgainafr.; what do we heal - Why, they are threatened with tlie bavoiut'back edby la superadded pbligatipi) even higher than human authority.".. Kqually contempt ible and ridiculous is bis conduct in rr'ard IA thft' Rrifah W-al IntU t.n.U 7 tl.. i.'.- i. elect and hieh.itiinded notions of state eti quelle, we have not . only lost a trade worth 0 millions or dollars annnuall.-, but pur b(-l nursery for seamen.' 'Agaiu look at hi plah of Interna) IrHprovciiielus, a power wliichl am certain the framer never intended the . 'general government should exercise, it must be knos n; to you that our federal government .ia -one of dele gation of cower from tbe several states, and its powers arcm-irked out. llius far slialt tnou go and no taKther." lie General got; nmmciit can do nothing but what is eiprcaa tbe u-aoijy delegat-d, . whilst tU state ' governmenta uajl uu every uiiiiu nua. loruiuuent ... iOW, t cluilletige Jiiiy of the friends of jthe edmuiia tratiot to jouit out .lliat clause in the con-ni uut ion thai aut nor i ses , X he general ' gov e r n tnent to curry .on a piau 01 iiitcriutl in pro-.e mtnis ia a sovereign statt. Speaking on this subject recalls to my mmd the subject ol rail roads. "rVh'! Uouucu Jfuifan and his gang were phdiirig Sie destruction and dis grace of North ; tai-4ina, a fear yeat s agio, i do not believe they drea.-npt of a liail Uoal But of late, It aeen-s suddenly to have arous edha public mind, and f kiiowof no. ori who; has tnofe contitl'-rdj? bring the system of internal Improvements1 imp vague, ' than tlie celebraleU Carllanjt who, -.if ' have peen rightly informed, ia a well kiioWn clef IciiS arisiocrati and a firm believer in the iloclrtneaot John tt. Adams and bis faclioii. f a ti- eepiow f-.ry U e-t!,.a. Ax 1 '.-! t!- atare r t ,-v ' pruir-ple thl , : , , V a-l t j a f-ilo. t . ,i , CaatriMaatar of t-ca.'jw.i.-u-i (.. ; aihr1 cuuwuact ia (ts l..'- -r . woral wtaarw frnraar chau y has orr !, awwted to anew er fi-y porpoaca What' j twntiedMSV. aasks V-.c . t uf the ,:n j rv cipas wftereby u c( t:,e q-ai.6ca n. ot the busbaltd God tWit-d. Ano- &d hf? blaesly Conteritlons beiaiit t)ta W-ara ol York and fjawesstcr ia the kln-nUxw of tkrai RntaiM, tber is not a parallel lor this case of alrwe. 1 will oV Gewtletnen, de'aiu you with any rswrks on tlui part of the aibjt j I have in my pnsacsaion docunwnts free for you Hamiaa'ioa. Tbevc.om from asourre which aiiii of u Ueuat. I chaMe -c ihe v'-irvl acrn'wy. .The rhrgT" iuihr. bfai-t'it a,-aiufl Sin. Jack-m-, are f-dor. Uloii an rvTu-ulone. . The base an 1 vii perp raiors of firm stand convict rd be an iiHiignaat public. Ami If ttt do not repent ot their ! eit and that sper-d wocts a great day el n-tnbutioe, anaU cane, tne shall ee cast into . utter dark- her aliall be wcepinr and emashinr fteeth.".--'- - ' ' . Wot, fremWroen, Independent of thia eb- e6im, we hear it not unfrooueolly urged that (Sacral Jackson's moral ' charactew M not sutncieat to entitle bint to the oonfidenee of the people,' It a very tree, gentlemen. n nrorw i rr ia Torr esaeouai Dre, requisite tn'.tie qaauncatlon of aity man for t office But before this prtncsrile la estah- liahed. 1 tbould recommend to have imparV mi juugee called in to decide what morality tonsissa ini for 1 Cannot give into th idea that it constate m squanaennr tlia neoDlr'a mo ney to boy billiard tables and chesmen with. Ami furthermore, I do not conceive it a very great test of morality for a rresident to .an soctate hiiuself with suclr a man as Henry siay- wo person nan everprcteiiUed to ue Ka a a r .. . i it . i twrttt-a Imperfections of human suture. u Chstr- and otv nioliuo ol WathlOj , a. i i - e a i-j-r a--l i-t. it--a rf h.n -, p -u.-.4-ai o i rai It tlW Of - VW, tm SV -'. .uim af ah'- ' ek km cotina aa a--. . a-M In ttie Caru-jf-aa sbv " Ami i tt4 ixl v, via ta !.. !r rWi !---, an-t -rocs U-r-a m r---ltm -s l.owrtv-rnijiary Ui, t' ,V rtia da aueru-xn tt.l im t U- kata, ia a ff-eM attemi-t la t r-fel mh aa-l am -tUi..:M. c .,;ua niea of th n -,-M ti aalrwr bt twa-ra t-Mral J -. n,i I e bt, awltua-iaai a -4 v . i! tt Jir r, IO tlia I'mttlontMl ciiair llinxh lh n - . '. U. D-wntMi-te !--. bed la-t arovn of ii'. or Uo' hi a-ir-!s w-an to pUa Itua UVr Ujr aA rueaiiv It w aaaoot 4-t hit clectiua par-elv w mrHlr, w eiprs ta " five up tht W SVv atiraal to aaas all aowti-4i! n- to attpnort hh lek-a( Wat no eUtt-r. Wa b..Kl Uu nf a a i.-,i r.M M-M-a-or fc-r U sat at a pul-lth--l aooi.trv We a-alwva his eterautav, ts tlie Prpaialetwy will be lbs aieaws of n--inin oar fiMreninMrtit to ht prwaatiic nnrity. He and he aloae is the swan whom tlie honest vroiuann Uutamatry. dvlirt tn h mart and tbo aama af Aa-irsw -taokaoa UIBCunf by leuiawit )i t ua- a-nrts, .-a lainaw ut jjiiu I4umt AUami six: Heary Clay Will s a hve word, wnt out; t-r V r virtaoas, but eve the prutijite and alwinK I I will wo lowirnr ctrt.iia jou, jruatloruca; I in a . moaiabud that I have ali-wxlv wraried you. I aatiwot, hawever, ciote thrs dc Mil lory ailtr--st w wheat teodoring yoe my most bearty thanks fur yoar Uon aueotion. - . , , .. .. -a J. JACKSON 'MEKTJNG.w At a 'very nurueroui' taseuiUaga of tne) Ireemen r Mecklenburg count, eoutrtfueu at the cottrt-iiouie , m Lnar bUe,'wfnTSaa tht 26th of February, loabv or tuouoii or vol, John sioan, t t -. . c -uu' I,.,'.' lieve nt'r.!--Ue 1 1 i...t v. t : i - ; i t L v.- , ; t ri't-.i. t.; t ht. s youibtul days, like ail other yon t. r engaged in those scenes w ncteme Youth ' I hesitate not to . . -.( . . . . .r- in my opinion, ti tue same rigid scrutiny Had rtun iingfiien,1 Mtrriuu, Jtsq.', aac Alexander K sen. hii" xb. ' and Jam AL j'fclUM,', Eaq-t.. wef 'apMinteJcretatienv ' 'Ae' ubiect uf nVsvTTT- r:S!t"T "7, T J tlte meeiw-. w expl.toed J,y die chair. r-duaU ia the world (who appear ourO thut 1 Sn ble ami eloquent dJdreit, i .. . . lif. .! I it I.....L . r. . i,ii naa oeen agaimn tseuerat -iscicson,' toeir eon-! at ctrnai(jniDit icnortn.' After Wllicn duct would not, in all probability, stand quite j4 motion ttf Df, Stephen For,. tom- so Clear as it does, , B-iU gentlemen, I would ,.. lfW lit . Yuliiisn lL. ask. is there no pardon to be obuined in thlat TZrAWtZ wwiri f,.P th i-. r.-. : anUer.' llMwa a. S mailt, and Wash that some of our moat vuluabia eit5-a. 1-i :, wa-ton Morrisutt, Eiqt. - Gen. Michael youth, were ttjera best to soeiotyr- but when ' McLearjri'i Maj, ; Matthew Uaiu, Col. oomatomauirity.havervmned and wade (John Sloanpmnti Dn SamueHJIentfcr useru,inaf t.iic at chancellor wvthe, ,00, watppoiiHed to report ku kddreas &i!Z-J;?Sl& And resolution, exprewiv. of "tho aenii- tuirty years or his l:fc he was a mere rake, 1 u'-.uls "' y meeuus va 1110 uujcct prr-xim, id ui.-'rust at which it is evi ' t t country. Yur our i.'.'.a t i ; Jr.' At! tms, ci'-.. Ihu tan.f anJ iaien He recoutmcnus h-tai-iXof duti n- aoutuin aluioit to a proliruitK,-; t' , by attempting tn impose au a l-' burden n the sgrkurui'i.t, to r , t the tnanufarturer, , Ha rrcr."-- i system of internal tmpt carricj into riffct, upin a v'l . ' calculated to drain nur tr j. last, tent. In hii mission ' "tT M r- Ada 1 1 irrccated aVMi v - i ; - mt ki.k.ll,l.fl a friYttrt i.f f1 . - i Ii 1 ' his country, in rnueavtf ' to r; -34 ' ua in entati'in ellian !i the Co-" , mnmcntnof Bvutli-A a... .... -. . - ; . . ... 1 . , - -n VVI V-IHI.H:p WVUC C li.C J C gent Aummistration lias fi w.;!ii'-!y etn 1 ' ' ployed V.'i ulrumm of this govern- . ,v' raent i 1 s .ataininj iurlf in power. It ' UDcucvra tliat tne pe-ruinr tntcrrsf ct w. thU sectiou of iha.UntteU Stsfi. have ' bern ahauiffullj neiectrtl iu retrs! t v but suddenly rrforioed- and became an orna-! for which it wa ceuveol. The'cotu- ment to society, and OiWd stun of, the first ' roittee then Withdrew! add ahortlT after -Imm . SL" V01 'P e?"y7 ' W " ?!rl turieil and mbmitted lio iol "::rV,rr"Te"rV?r" lowinir wwimi'Ks::.' -; '" it" umjwvi ui nia reiiuw cisena-w-iio ia ai ( . - j , i .-.i - 4 . dwiliat. ;Ves,'geutlemen. that U thr fact- ! Ammaled by the tame r-atriotic. zeal pome btteen or twenty yeats back he was en- 'and. devotion to the principles 01 liberty, guged in two or three aflahVof- this, kind; thfrh ' ditrin.' ih dnrb a Ail araArfawfl. and, l aafcia h. tht only man whom yon hart j . tevoI ti tlUIU Tlti oy honored who was gudty1 of tbifi tin ! "T , rY tZi i! 1 1 VW7 Ut me ask sdme of these Aditms i men, wlu :o.lM their bafd and cluvalrous au are taSlins; ai;aiiwr iamerat Jackson for being. ;t$r, .'M'lt'Mkiottiitw preserve, pure aiiuelisvu tbey have never gone both tooth and Unimpaired- the republican inti' and and. for a man Who luu) been giiilty of, tnlini tif lhiir rolintrv; a Tt.trfi.ni .,f ,t.i -.rttl . V.- -u..ln.-n ,1... k..-. -m.I ' . . . . - I .. "-v. .-" a"--.E, thn 'ritizena uf Alir.klin 1111 w "lumntv I lor oae. .And to tlhia day, .if hia health I . - fl T ., , . B . wouU admit of hi I would gladly assist in . . th, eijibUd . together,- for m tue tirat oinee within the eilt r too uurpuns ui ucv-iaiuii; iu uu wuuu varouna. nnniugn 1 no notcounie- tne wtauu vvnicii iney ue North 4 fttv-ri to occoDt ;est. Utis a....lkau-MliAiJ Aal.l!t.,-J4I..A .-te t . . ;..!! ' : ' I necessity of ..our h,dd)iug with-1 the private- 1' ? v i 1 dianuiea of olhera. l Va,ltv fW,. 1 tf0 friCHU l)f GD. JaiikpOD Itt r...e. Ar.'u,.,!--,.- ii.:- 1. aM.l '.i-iiiintw ' vonfiilpnC ill "thpir- anrwi-uii'ita General jackaou's-, moral character for the have not heretofore exerted tlieinsclves but .twenty years, it aeeOnd to that .of no actively ii) bit caa.eiJ Jietlce it lias idly maaHvifig.;. You have, fallow ctUzeita, beard fcL renorted AB hviioiiia nerliaiM UiouaaiiUa ot reports in regard to this patriot ?tr 5 V. 5-'.' t T ' lP P Ufhirhllfi..w . r.f Ur A.tama haw. 1VI3 sWIlWed, '.Bfeffitsj f Mecklenbttrjt ' t . :"',e , : 'J, 'i , u 1 niode .of 'trial in regard to General Jackson, wii'Cu is saiu'-tv do purattea m tut court where the Pr pee of the power of the. air" .presides; one WltllCS,'. r man sits as' judge, jury and iiMife.- Yea. eeulk'Uieu. WHOe of tho leaoMia t'edt-rulist, who are now supporting Mr. A"um Ihreugh llilckand thin, were, 5!Q yeura ago, hHrl ing tlie curses of Emalick against kira for mieit iuir hi TMirtvi and not aouteut with aUnportrtiif him.bui labor' day and wiit iir supjioit bl a j' ecuae wiiicii is qeeaieurr oiipoara i" uiw iruw m iril,..L.emieiiieiip erect tnose rail roads in North, Carolina,i"frsuflieicut fnrtlie dajf W the tVil tilereof." i 1 have been led ,'to lhiuk.iii Inw a?rMruafuHiia Of inflection., tliui "it 'uimiid tfjfdr. Jeffersnn the kailiug l"edendit of "s'ev.ipre,., iic!aitchully siitctacle Id, aee er KiigUiinr were plaiting to duvli-oy' Umt ijovenW MOtt pu-.r, on, Uieie roads at every gate, clothed widt federal power, -to dontanddroui tho 'ckiaena of - sovereign State toll for w'haV To.' educate. the ;pno'r Children? no; To-improve the moral condition of the-Stator no; but t KO o the aupixirt of a ptlVttatV A(U miototraUuuA'A here attt otinv scht-n.es ot withoui the least shadow of .evidenced Jf l-:.wi he jstvento (lie AtlraifiRratlon c0 were itbpused to be merry ou tint, occasion, didateW We Caniiut J fur Uontent be- I could aayjnuclr in ridicule of ther course I 'ieye ihat'ari opiniQft to tntirdy at V purutlbL.tlie enemas of General Jackson I -:,. u,itK tha fact could havn-hopn lor liicy seciu indeed to pursue al.ogeiber an ! mntf v "l W J Cf,'."U '5J m .f !? r'jVjrle MMt;Vltt ractW'-tlscy. atsunie. tlitt vavwiniou lar.aa; wv.is-. wu.po.o i.io., mere pouuvui tuci.H'. ai, .ovtvi;r, vu. inaction of the friends of Gen Jacksun should have led any into' the error of believing that Mr. AiJama conld In any event,' obtain .a"" rnnjo.-ity of vote iu this county, tlie time hat now on tved when they should be awakened from the delusion io which they have ao food iy indulged. The' frecmea of Mtck lenbufg atill huld" in prutid retnem brunce the gallant deed of their path otic ; ancestors; v they -yet ; remember, with pride and exultation that it was hero the ball of the Retoluuoit received its : first impulse; that here, in ti e vii lage of Charlotte, their chivalrous fore fathers smarting under- the wroii"- ui Britsh oppression, met on tht 2,0th Ataij XJiSlMuA " unfurling the .Standard ol freedom, fitut -'raised' the bahnefVry "r t:i....J ri...:: t.:!.1 ...ri ...-..ti... 411 .iiuui ty, . viici ivuiiig vuvn lev-ouee lions, and stunuiater ty an example ao bright and glofioosi the hi-li minded citizens of Mei klrnourg can never think uf yielding their support to a ctali ioi;t whose policy tends to the destrue nun oi tue uesi interest oi our country, ' I he struggle. feliuvr-ciUlens, in which t.ve are .engaged, is one ol, the deepest importance and Concern to every indi vidual in this country; it is einphalical ly ; strtiffile of nrinciple.' ThoW pure institutions purchased py tne blood of our1 forefathers, have been rudely as sailed- and ; by the arts and stratagems of an nriafoitatic combination, ueui ly wreKted from our crasp. . It is to rein state; en its former bais, the good old cause of the , Deonle. founded , en the principles, of republicanism, that the presr lit atrugg'e lias been commenced Uiar cause, to gain which Washington nnxarueu nis tue tn xne item; ana to es tablisli , wttidh, JeflVrson toiled and la A poreq in j.ne caoiuet. Kt'.H&'iXi.-x - Uut, gentlemen,vyou in tohl that General Jacknon bat att at defiance your Coiutiluiionj lie baa trampled it under foot. 1 suppose this ghargo is founded on the' circumstance which grew out of tho battle Of New Orleans and tlie 'Seminole, war. These transactions transpired sonjt-U-B or tweUe years ago. At the time! when tbey occurred every bod., said amen to them, ,1'bey were looked upon as1 some of tlie brightest stars iu our poliucal hot'iionj hut .now, to subserve party purposes, tbey are raked Upi and lite coabtion pi cases hava uumpeUd ibera forth to the world with at little Uutli attached U them s there is jirnice id fbe caui Uiey support. Gentle- men, i ,oo not mean to weary your patience by going into an investigation of these trans, actions, tSoiigres sanctioned them, and Un people skuctiuned themt and no fiiaii living aupported the catiao ' of General Jackson' iu regard to tlie, benimole war. with morn acai lb-iii did Mr Auania. ' And, gentlemen a luoug the politicians of tho day who are now RiiUug out- against General 'Jackaon for .his conduct iu regaid to I lie- t w casea jusl nam cd. we some who,, to my knowledge, appro?. ved U.s coiuiooti put now, ;o. the. Conirajy, to answer tlieirnd in support of nia tiiyuai and uulioly cauae, lliCy -are sinning against (igli ana kiioa-ltdgc',' by ftiinpressiug truth and Candor.V,, 'V t'.W''- J-jit'v.i'&i. 4- But lastly ; you are toltj 'that General JaW soribas no pUieP claimstd the restoeiy tliau those of a miliiai V eiiaracter, awl that hi" tea military chiefuin,;, 1 need not UU yvu thai Vjeneral.-iackaou, Irom bis yotilli, haa been held as a firm and uudcviatiug ,Me;;ub Ucihi, a uiau ot'sploiwlid tnlc-LU. 1 need not tell you that be has ever, beet regarded as nalnreS great oian. ' la him are' !iniplantcd those ibeMimabte ouulUies which charaeterue the republican, atatesman uiid soldier, s Gen tlemen,'! have Hever, Leard it . assumed be. tore that military ' tatenl combined with cj vie w orth, tliau nldivd a niait lot tilling; .any ofi.ee. i Where, 1 ask, is the inilliopnety of vour Frrkklenl having a kuoy ledge- of mili tary Vacticbi 1 he not con.mnndti- m Chief of )Our armies? the vrst itiuia trs . Ihfl c the Administratioti isuchr eCt the State of I ...i Car. oss of its nrofitaL'a tra .!u ti tl a West India" la! ;-.!a.. ; 'I la r tone assumed by 11 r. A i the- Governor - of f -ja, v threatened, in a : 'nf i':- 'y ify, te tnarch a I. : f -r-e ; State, U highly haughty and urgo,err 3 lor the gratification t,i i!s ry desires, is. recllef '. blonJy w s ui sister Stattl. ; ific. . ted1, are but a few 6f t ' wniciiaftiat io nia preei tium but we object t V cause "we l ive no coin. I n litical,ptiiicii-!es: we f.it Bi o the Senate -of th United :ntes, eralist in principle es he prof. ?; opposed to the . and .tin her fece; si hi free Stat. - la ; ofthevr Aa D.llW, he preb,.i over it ing contebed fortLe purpbse'tf ; trating the Administration if .'r. JJ ferson; , and ,b the winter if 'a same yeat,' ive faid him al-a.id that party, denouncing its views rn I principles, and advocating , t!ie t :nJ gerous doctrine that tlio recommei- " uatlon or the president. cotnpclleJ l . senate' of the United btatea to c t anJ not deliberate! fo these o!j" : jns, we acid, that Mr. Adams was e.' rated and schooled in foreign Cuui ts, (..!,ic!i has been the boast bf his friends,) a t j r lage illy ca.culated to inspire aft m t respect fur the republican ins. ol ptlr country, but on thecontr Bdaplcd to Inculcate the nr-i '. i a:. . 't i i. .c- .t:l-. .1 lit ' r u uca oi Lou..,. am, . r 'o the Unien Uf terest of the ewuitrv. -llo. rentb-nlen, I ssk ; i-c6Utioti SO horrid in tlicir nature, that thov you, shall tb.-e etianwtart estapf die eondeuiua'. will not even bear Abe WW of censured, Ot tiou UiMtawaiutbemr " ', ' .this claas ia Uie celebmtc rail ttiud aytstem f In the aecoml plaee'.'We opposo the re-e. I These; Cenilemcn,' form the feadiitg ubjec lection of Ur.' Attma because he has, from tionk to lf Adams re-tleCtioui' -.I ft his infancy, bern hanger en got ornment ; I shall now, ii,'ciy brief - ami . kamlidf wd" Jackaon taitd been jVietidKni uriiie'',aiiitesi .win'Wa'''te) -lat before tin orwmce vue naa oeen voucaita iu 'w umuiiv., wow ... ,nv, - jaw war ure capital wow nor., imye, net a imisitiii a. few of the leadinv and tlrom pean tinp, where he ' hat imbibed all the Jrctiona winch ere iiscd, againsi Ci.-n. JacV dee,1td and burnt V , Vv- r v"w v M,r . ? ""n . V. abominable ornrtsiplea of artatorfacy which son.; Beery thirty which' rumour iHejiidktas Cat tieucral JaekiokkaBinitai'chiet!LaM:f ',len' cWe , timin WHICH tlietr opposi -.. . j. -.. . . . - n ,. . jr , s . . . i,.. ., ..... ... Ciuatmctenae tne European txjuns. ne tat ingenuity wmuoiu or anowicuge can .jevisr, an avowed arVCTat biniself. ri Is an en-1 b bfen potnetj. forth sgaiuat t!us paljlaf, ,-.,. .. . .: '. i " .-: 1 - ' -. .. ' - , " ' ; V wi 11 a (I al- that nrtjjt -'V vv-o - ' v.. tl.,. huE.nl a .l.ii,Ml,A.. IJ purM. ,.v-, - --",'"--" -'J . , , . IIUSU Kjift, ucm tew uwmcnvs wun uu.- . w ipaj or i c(boi lotuiucu: art tCnuHieraiion 9j V'C w.ioiei tjtt w wi'J use s'! bur bur government, io,his, owi l,-i weak antj penurious,",, and the representative f - i .fico y should not 'bo palbictl bj t! .3 t .'.1 ' . ma coiisutuenis." , s- , ; ' .Your commitlee believe that t. i ( tiott 61 Andrew Jacknoil to the j re- .. cy will promole the best lr.(er-h 1 ou."- cuuniryi wo nave tueioiiest cm t. 'eiicf. 11 his capacity and -polittcRl iD'fnty".-" n Ills' youth, we foul htuferf u 1 iii he glorious cohlroversy, which 1 esi Ire I - a our lndependcntei ve fipehim i.it"i- turer p'0 fcihii t'ia hidiest cL.re ci trust which -his cbuntry could confei o:t im: aul we feehita "relirinj f.c.n theia with tiiti entire cunfi,!-ate of Ins eon stiments, and without a tnurmur of tiia-. SDDrobatiori. Or a solitary i-ellection tin- . uu his integrify , We have seen him ; commanding tise r.nnies of bur country; , wUilat engaged in a war WUIi luthlch. ein-mtes. n .lhis UtJation,bc is I0dit.pl.1y ta!eht3 of the first order, and -a de'votiiiti to his couu'ry, which induce j hiiu to risk evety thing dear to li.u a , 4 soldier and a patriot, to save his c 'ft - try, . During the lustpresideuti.il 1 -i vaa, we behold hitn witliiu the reach cf Uie. highest oce in the gift of a great nation no law f tho republic was ta i... .i .... r,i:... .nt... 1. ...... , w viuiaicu, iiw lecituj tm vho ileal 1 lis tni -nulrikfvikil. iin vtrittdli-n v.f ihinLM?d r., , ' be shocked,, at the , reception, of it bux dueu me ie 01 nm reuotrr. and reject-. ; . I .. ,.ll..-u.,l ll...,l.;M ? I..' U....K m L : man. aa ri Pstilirll iif th ITnltril Staiea ' - t K a . - - ' - inf.. u -,.-n.t. ilm lii.iK . 'l.v ICIJF , WU.CIJ -.S.UUUIIV .WW , H'gl. iiHiini.j m mi. .jihiiim - v sour committer, tnereiow', peg teavn . to terdinmend the following resulutiouj,: ; feaVrvsr'.'That we consider that pour? of pel j . a ny tne wrestM anmiojMnauun, aa hi-. . .. mujrestB' 01 una aouuuv 1 xiui, . . . -. i - i"-- ' ... ' '--i--;,-'Kr -'. 1 '..?.- - -'r'..'V ' -.. . ', .t-' '-'' ' --'-' : -.-:. --. . ..-, .-, .-;. f-'i .:'; vvf,.' ;'s;T-v-..v '-I? :,-4 7, v. ' ? , -" "?V. , t .s "rt""

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