1 . ",,,ratr!r Ui Tia4Asa ,ol,P7fn U be wrttcWJ I rTp -YV tha Utrt Jatt f ) MiV l-Ju?erta.ia HTum fc'' U,:r ,:,4t 'TMit wt.etvcr.credit 1 - Kj-"- SpainapjKarata be a 1 7i , n aiata ( aTKa in the CowtHBtiaailHta M ' furies e-naff rJ.', ' rYiVao4 PIv,9f7 1 1 'indrd f rtott , . . CaaJa lAamc. aent br Doa . j. a 1 -cHlt nJertaai that n coo- Aiwa 'l be-held either -wiib I f f tit nUMWi t . we (hhui jhh 1 J-ja(TVra of India, ni( iU taattifa--iiatTtta and enneerut, are be? n- 1 t to aetata the BritnH Pariiaraaot i-. .! f ii are meerniaent of that e-reat f rtorrj'. inhb:eJ bj perhapa 80.000.i- ) ( eopie, wnen uie preaeni impoi ,e. aod bArbaroot lectern la1l have JiK(l it natural en.J, it a iiiject of V (awt erii Jwnuleration. The Uali traJinR eommsnity uf Calcutta, )tr Moxck. haa precented a petition n f jrl'umeot fnun Mosei Lrvi, prar- , that lurtner renjioaa ireeuom migni i'eteoe4 W the Jew and the 'orniA? Herald etprewes in aattsfac jiua that th1 ppreert pepte are be iinninst tir in lhi matier.' Mr. tiUM appear M.oe iDIer;tta a in' hi eii(leaor i induce Parlia ment ti abolish iinpriannment for debt i Enyaud. Lord Stewart, ofRothsar, whw resi id ia Ion; at Ambatsador at Pari, ader the title f Sir' Charles Stewart, s, it it Maid, to resume his diplomatic inctimt tliere,- in-the place ol Lioru ranviue. ' The appointment of Lord Francis bower (wHii had left o(3ce lately' with me frier-da of Mr, Canning) to the poat if Chief Secretary tor Ireland, h con- iilered'an aoapicinus indication of the eiixns of the Duke or Wellington to, iri that cnontrT, Itll taid that the Dukejaf Welling in haa it 1u tooteinplariun to make brae elfWt, for the relief bf the dense nulat'on of the tower Classes in Ire tnvL&nu uiat nis present miemion is 10 trpduc wmemeaure into that coun ws Our. Cotton market "continue in a ull and, declining static; there being a ' intpmvenient . in the ; Manchester flicket fur cither goods or yarns. )eslers and Spinners appear to por hase rcltlctantanity, and otity eup ily theif present awl imrneiliate pur iosf . Exporters, ha vepufchasp'd I he ast week about .500 bass of American !ottonrbu the 'demand hMuot been afdetent tu take off the Coltonjsvhuh at been pieksed upon t'rti market, and irices are tower, makinj; a decUoe lii Btmlh nf nearlyJ 4 per ,1b, in Aiiieri an descriptinns, and fuly s niuchin kaz.it and jntiani:; ;;v; I ihe Fffn"VhaiMOf nt ucpuues nas ueen earnestlVhintoTod iu disenssins a motion-1? impeach the late Ministers? a part, ol the proeeeutngs are translated n the New York Commercial Adverti- M. V. Abbey da Pompieres uddress i the Chamber a pn tie subject of im- leichmfloti th? 'chief g;round;of whicli raj' tbe recal of the, ?cuiH He; b-i erved that the symptoms of Rrettl pnliC-i ca changes intended by the ItiVt miI- y, (ter the impeachment lias feterence n a tjuuistry not in power.k were tne Vitrbductton into all offices of the ene hies of the State! the haired felt against Ixistihg institutions; the suspetiiioO or on. execution of thelaw.i relirious in slerancei restriction tf the liberties of ij.ii : .i:.t 1 L Wmst bodies that proved ufminiiageable; n fine cunfetnpt of the chambers. .This Vat . n imajrinar picture, . Jlad : not Certain religious v persons, whom the aws designated as enemies of the3tate, eetv secretly j-ecalletl?: ;Uatl they tiot een tadixlucecLinto "all the1 offices rais- d tn the liiirhest DtMt' notib? Jthcix neru, outoii account 01 neir proiession, Hiey sitt and.4irecletl inll (he coon ils; tere placed at theltead of public :nooi8KWere reouuamg meir moiiyste w,overiog the country Willi semiua-r i and convents, organitcin their con Tffaios.VrB establishiti'!; all that had eetl destroyed replacing FraneiS under flie yoke of Ubme subjecting "it to het arees mlating- the' constitution: iir changing , lie election from; annual to septennjal rsjid neglecting. the rTutiou nf the aws against the jfsufa, vas urged, abd he follovfing ot much moment. " Religious intolerance had followed the hon, lecution of thaUaws. tine sole form of wor iip hure swayvonvokiii tike inhabitants Ot 'wns and tli eo tntry, Uiviciing amt ctassity f tLem arbitrarily, guhleotin? them to e fet rules, no account for which is tvacted, ev?init ' upon - them retruliir; contributions. liiplyijig local societies, and thus establish "l in the bosom'of the State one vast affilia- 'on animated by tb same jspirit,- receiving "'"fj lesaonsf ami oDeymg ine sm in' uence,' Pietists Were hot tolerated: protest' 'US WCfa disturbed in their 'vnrshiri. -and Wven frota their churches under the penal which -prohibited vtwentf-one citizens '"J assembunjf williout previous license. A ""tfwus inquest was. etabiu W analogous to the EnHisli poor la f EJttnut of Letter. $ Liverpool, June 34 mcj, ts mvn to ber tbigiuAi us liber iesto her priests; f.f Ira addition to these charees.' thatwf A t l5. wan y clHr. 'l f Wll' t vt twooa I rat-nerate, w m- t'nce. sa Ihst cwten.t tr toertaiatl, Uv t!s Narth AxkixtiM were ate mn.J".f,j the f trmcl ef debt, whicb. it see tel, m nrrtf u be WKrjL, He advert eJ t svera! Uatancea of tyrTMr exmisnl tow-mi, in1va'at. U 192!, Col. DJmju rviteead ht brj by il iron riflga, Cu! Pail Krrj citdtciJ U pritwi with' a thai mi IU -An aacieet Site, ierj XL IXfpU as.bat.ished fr having written a history f th UqaWi tiun. A yng writer fM. Mtgaloa) for infringing Ibe law of tht press, wa conducted to the depot at Pout, chain ed with a fralley slave.' - A sftiimtrral writer. fMr. Martin viPel was were for- lanate, 19 wrJy eipiatingin the gardens 01 uvuii, an outrage against the cham ber l reert. . These, with diven ether 'charges of raaj cruelty and wroeg, wrra urged wun ma, vehemence, end disc assort with the anal interruption French parliamentary proceedings.-. The result is not ret known. "Whether a ministry can be calU.I back to give an account, remains ta be proved.--! s. Gazette. TIIK STAIl KAUKIO 11,' AUGUST .14. 1828. ELECTIt)X RKTUrtNS. Grrnt JeM Sneif St, S. without onpo' tio- Jamea Harper and Jottntl Cilia. C. State oTttta potL Smut ftneirtit 163. Com monaIIarpcr Elta3l0, William Pope Irs. , ff'-rferti fJariJ O. Aikew, S. without op poi". ,. Bndfer I. Montpomrry and John H. Wheeler, v. KtxteoTtne noil Mootrom- err 35'j, w Heeler John Vann TJO. Cumftek Samuel Slveiu-. Jf. r.nOca Ball and Beniamm Simmon. C. Craom Kichaed U. SMjht S. without op P' 'ition. Cnaries J. NcIjoo and John U. Bry Tran of JVewierm William Gut on, with out oppwituin. . JtU John Joiner, S. Marshall Dickinson and Wfred Move, C. JVWAoiiVihi John ft. Patterson, S. Josroh 31. a. Uotrri-m anl KOfleneK H. rr. f '. A-W. W. Hwl.lie, $. Gideon Bxu nd F-eericlc Battle, C State of the (rail. Senate BottdMt 90t. N. J. Drake 1(1. Common Ram 86, Battle 36, Wilie W. Priusm 313, Jesaa Battle 307 " Fdr complete retntation ofihe charges propa gated arain General Jaoksoa relative 10 the Burr eontnira7 and a certain Indian ( reatr, tlte reader it referred to two articles in another part of this paper. Mr. Adams Uaa left (Fushiiigtou for his seat Dear JfOftOM; Mr. Clay, Seeretary of State, Is id Kentucky; Mr. Poier, Seoretarr of War, has gone to New York and it is said that Mr. South ard, Seoretarr of the Navy, is to start fur New Jersey m a few days. ' The election in Kentucky for Governor ami Member of die State Legislature, took place on die 4th, Stb and 6th instant. Wit may, therefore, expect the returns in few dais. The only a- pn-bensioa oa the part of the JacksooiaiM appears to be, Oiut they will not be able to rally their whale pwty irt upport of their eatulidate for Gorcnicr, Judge Barry, whoj during the violent strife be tween the Old and New Court 'parties, took -an active parkin faror of the totter, and is, eoiise quently, opposed by a targe number of the sup porters of Cea. Jackson. , ' , '- ' The editor! of the Albany Advertiser and PhihdelpW Xiliojnl Gazette, two respecta- ble' Admin!slratiotl Journals, have) incurred the displeasure of several of the violent par- tizan print of that party, because they do not credit the base slanders which have been fabricated against Gen. Jackson. The edi tor of the Albany Advertiser are accused of being K half and' half" politician and the Richmond Whig has gone to far aa to say, that Mr, Adams would find-it to hi interest to give the editor of the National Gazette an embassy to Mexico, provided he will join the Jenhle?--v"'''' iSft? At a dinner recently-given 4o Mr. Vl'PufHe at -Himhurj, that- gentleman addressed the company at some length on the subject of the Tariff, atu, In tlte.coursa of his remarks, de precated the idea of disunion. . ShrMng aA. The Hev.Pore Jeane de la lm Kimeno, Curate and pTSestc Genera of the Roman Cnthplic ChtireU of Jjoraiulea, one of die British West la Jia Islanil,cume to his death some time in Msy last,. in the following shocking man ner; ' WhUe Uking his usual evening ride; he anfortunutcly went along an unfrequented tjiro of the road, winch had been ten hi a very bad state, After proceeding for tome distance, ue. came.' to a place nearVupp"auh!!-nfliH ppoed attenrptiito tura lu horse, both horse and raje fell down a precipice of early three hundred feci perpeUiiieuLir height, aoj were found the next morning dead at the bottom of the cliff, lit dtalh was deeply regretted and all possible bouof paid im at bis funeral; tv,- .... -. - C'"cfiiu."-.t a ir.uster of Cspt. Nance's company, fn this (Wake) iounty, on the 5lh kistant, die vote of those present on the I -cjiiileit;at Qnestion was, for Jaukt.ja 101,-' lor Adams S( Several declined voting. ('g Ala muster of.Capt tovat Burgcs's company and taxgaltieruig.iield St tnwell' Cross Roads, m UaliUtx county, oh the instant, die vote -was as-fbU'owsi; tap Jackson '63, for Adams 5. "1 think (says our correspondent X.tbn diere are in this comity at least Tour Jackson ttuAt in one A V i Af a muster of Capt , Powell's onipany, in Xliuhnvorid county, on die lSth-uldrntf, Jncksoa 49,Ailams4fi. " v ; Ata mnster ctSmt. Plummet oompanjr.'in Lotrer Lock Creek District,, in Cumherland coun ty," JackaOrt 35, Adams l9,f Al , a us fnhermt; and most or. of Copt lonrdc's iompimy,' an the 1 inSt,.hi dieWirtV.iacksoW'S?, -Adnms 43,'. At a muSer at Bine's, ia said county, on the same day, Jaekapn 39, Adams 19. Ai toaster -of Capt Barret's eominny, 4a Moore county, dp 'cjie trt InstanV Jackson 58, Adams 8. , -'t?..:" j-y' S 7Iy 1UU MlIaawC. sV I ia H-a ssj vapw avs au Vw. av avwpw- m iiblUhdiatheieabu4ay;ontba iDus ult'noo.Jswiaft, A(Jao?rlal In Rowan eomty Capt David Linn's aoapa- a,4si, . . k . TV IT mm Caa staa sjul Mt'V -HswurhaM.wSKls,,, aW BM jUswa.eaa swVs-er tf i. m aaae, tjaa Cyb.sc as Ammm am. aauwaM osa m?r wevw atrw Oil l" alti,HaiUwji.U dm U noJkrr SJ Wwf 11 f 1 l w iW-s I dusa wmw Am ftict edM fa. - il a assarC Caaa. tZasMrCk warnJ. a ttwata Crrek, aa tlst fors . d l9sSN. sarsUktsa fprr,tsTvtwaka. (. r SWsawMfriJewfslBe by atas.aTa.a- aatew iVm a WawtrW ppWi CUrtea Aaderaoa, ty. a Soldier ef Use aWsswaajftr). p4 am f r Ms MptiHos. a iUa "tiMwcVst stew's awl ,'awwaW twsdessasa'walt: I cast far the AJiniu-atio4 ta whole lams' "V. we apw ww did m vote, radsered remmi dw veteraa as tta nsj Wr, Icav'sactbe aaM aaaa " all alosw by knMclC" Al a'ccas'iaay SMtst iMaawS Xewk. Ilrrt. bra eoowty, n tU 84 jostanl, Jaeksoa SI, M- aaasS. "e India Trade'. NecofiaiJoiia hare been agpiin conMneoerxl between his M .ieMy's Minsters and the Go- vereinent or lhe,Umleil S'.atea, for re wpeniiie the trmmerce b tween Ihe British Went Imlia Klaruk .. and tk ports of the Union. Montreal Courant. satsBBataS -Qa," A filled gtvile, JJugtnt 7. "rDttritg Outrage. A ecnileman of Virginia, of the name of W, Noutlon, eti hi wnf from lallahaasee, stopped ib tins place on Wednesday morning tie started again northward after ta king breakfast. At about 12 o'clock tie same day, and a few miles only from 1 illedgrvilU. h was attacked by twov nesrot. stabbed and robbed of about "fifty dollar. He was bewdea much bruised bytheblowa he received while on the ground insensible. , Tho wound is not mortal; a rib prevented the thrk penetrating to a vital part, I he negroqai nave nnU as yet been ap prehended, notwithstanding the eier- tions of the Police officers and other centlemen who went in search of them The money stolen from Mr. -Boultim is thus described by him; a 20 bill of the Ktale oiueorsis; two glO of the Urn ted States Bank; a glO bill of the state of Alabama; and 5 ol 86 in change- not recollected, t his 1 the first time that a crime of this nature has been committed in this neighborhood, an especially in theday time. s It ia to be hoped that tho perpetrators will Ue caught and brought to justice. ,:j y . " aoumron.- f The Louisiana Ailverltserstatcs that General W. . Overton the Jackscn Candidate) baS been elected to-Con Erefs Irom the 3d Confreskional D'h tnct by a mnjottty or . 133 Over hisD ponent Mr. Brent and that it is more than -probable that Mr, Saunders 1s al so elected in opposition to Mr.'Gurley Further accounts from Louisiana, and narticultti lyris regards the elections to the State Legislature, will no doubt go tar to prove that that State bas not -de serted the cause of her deliverri; "; " Chatkilon Mercury. , Exttaitt of a letter f rain a gentlcmnn' in iMUUMm lo hiiruml m Nahville : Tennessee, ',...J:W'VJ " ''We have just ended Ihe most se- j vere election that I fenerfiber--AdamSi and Jackson, the watch-words, , We have out down the Adams bora 'com pletely: Turner and Hamilton vs. ! Barnard and Pope.''. -'This is decidedly ft Jackson 'atdte, and' yet thcYankfees have the talent to appear the strongest By Shine incomprehen sible magic they never let the question., roiue fai.-ly before the n!le. Saun- tiers ana uurjev arerafcing a " tup ana, tlugli race" Gurley' getting at' l(.ast oou .votes irojn the JacKsnn party, ,I)er bigny will be Governor. Livingstori will be left out. and I fear Brent will be re elected. Our party Will notVatick .10 the ' question. Still - -it i a Jackson stateVas ar November election', will demonstrate.; Wenhaif Itowever have Jackson tnen enbugb elected tosend Livingston to the Setiatr."' 1 lt has hot been long since we announ ced tho departure of one of our enter prising citf-tens to the north, to make the necessary arrangement fori coin, meucing manufactu res tn - Jefferson county; Georgia. We have been just iofonbetl, that Col. BiiErrttAurT . of our sister State, hat gone north for- the same purpose, in order to establish vxv.iion a-pciurj.. sty svugeneiti umiri Stiuth Carolina. t-Succesa attend the, laudabje Enterpriser " 'Vj JJiirte writing the above we have teen a subscription paper: fur stock'to estab- inn a factory tor uorton and, Wool tr Uichmond county. on which in less than an hour' upwards of .8000 dollars were subscribed in this city, "' !-"V; ' t Jlugusta Couriers ( The New Haven Journal of. Tlies. day says, " Genu Ilnsdley, es.. late president of the Eagle Bank,, Vas -com-' mitted to jail in this pitf on Wednesday last, at the instance of the acting agents of Said. bank, ttpun (Its claim, we un derstand, of 81,500,000." V( ','Vv Pirates Cuptured.--CtptMt Hart,' .of the schr. Eclipse; arrived at New Vort. lit 30 day fr6n, Ma.namilla,'?Giiba, il fiwros that, iuforniation ' had J reached tfiat place from Kingston, Jam. that the Rritrah hriw f war. Fatrr bad aur.ceed' 1 J . . 'a , td,m capturing ptraticAl.ich - , i" . " "is-' -i ' ae lcnooiiee.ou tW Weet ri J Jka. after a re. taaasj ami nuas, wrrsj J jaaspej rrrOaaoJ J were !fwee J. Abvial tfty vara tAm ay . - t -?tnS ar. I intent U 17 .1 ia Ae rveaier f lf lAttdit. a srrr a nd llaattn ), ffttrxi i KuKajJ IWl'.et Kq. sir.t into rhe kitihea f ' Uwa. mi taa le n a 1 a a'tre. aad JUn. axloc ii? la Idr. Khm wfTun- saJ. auJ rave bins a Ktaa wttb a ii,..'e. Ilie.wud ia very tiaa gereet and t1 ; tte M cenetdertd. retwely dul . ;, br ( artand'usi fh skiaa. , llnm.uaj bas ecaped; and ihe eXeers, we Underaund, are inj,ur sL . . , Ura. Wrieht and family are at their resideaceat W pxhusiMe; and the hoe a text ta narge ol a rfgra won. in act- AleJancmJu 'Evnllon , Sunday morning, the Ulb instant. Mr.'lltetnaa Barclay, el Scuttsville, AlbesBarie, was aisting From the circunaUnce f bis c'.eihes being found ia bis reom, appse- nenaioot were enlertaioed that pt was drowned. A state of Mpenc ventia eed until Wednesday ram mop. whro b'u btkly was found floalins a fev miles below. The weather bains very warm. a is suppwsej he hid fiiiif, m the aiirbt t oathe, when, the river brmgiitgh, be net ins tneiaucuoty tale. Mr. liarclar was a young man ut tal nt. ereat res pectability, and aflectionately belnved by his friends, as evidenced by the deep and prolmind sympathy left by all tn the loss sustained by. a devotedly fond roo mer and lamity ikA. Z,nj. 1 .lift. e are authorised by a Subscriber, to state, that be will make the folio wing, bet, and deposite the cash: i wii Hundred and riliy Unllars, that General Jackaon. will be electeil President of the United States for the nest term, and Two Hundred1 and Fif ty Dollars that he will receive 150 K- lectoral rotes.- A ewbern Sentinel, It gives 0 pleasure to bear several friends of the Aduiiniatraiion in this town speak with regret and disappro bation ot the lain and Impotent .at tempt making to implicate Ueiu Jack Mn in the Burr consniiacv' Such con uuct is niguiy f spressive 01 canutu ana honorable feeliuis. and evinces the lib eraliiy and goml humor with which to a degreu rurely enuallod. we . suspect. political (iis(.ussi!i9 are coitducteil in our good towrt. .The Presidential elec tion it talked or,as trough t to be, with out the bittern? and - liea. which at pear elsewhere without exciting ant.. mosities,. or -interrupting the. ordinary courtesies 01 guoti neigtiuinoon. 4'- Portrait ofJacison A y ery 'fin par trait nf Gen. Andrety Jackson,' was told in this' city on Thursday-, evening. 1 A sale of purfraiis, . pictures. &c, had been advertised, and in the notice vit was stated (hat the portrait of Jackson would be sold exactly t litjne o'clockn stoout 8 o ctocK. the auctioneer was in duced by ' tlie, solicitatiuiV of a few, to put' it np at that hour. Aa few were at flour, as lew were to. Jackson it was aold about 9, a targe number ent to the anctiotirooth, present inzniiiy io- jaeKon, u waa soia liir AI SU of purchasers wen and called for the pot trait of Gen. Jack? son. The lirsL-puHihaser, for a -long tiiueretuseu to give up ins bargain. ;-At length he coiisentod to do so. aud the portrait was' exposed to a new,, set pf i , i - . . -i i . uiuuers, ana u was at tengtn pnugni oy Mr. Archibald Weaver, for g33 50. Such is the value of even the likeness of the Hero ot .New Orleans, the rar mar of Tennessee. It is proper to add, that he first purchaser generously pre setited five dollars to the original owner of the portrait.--(7oiy Budget. - X gentleman-bf. New-York has re ceiveil, ai,copy;'of the(i Duke of Saxe Weimer'a V.toiip .thiouu .the- United Stafes and Canada, ; in 4826, printed at - Weimar, the present year. U ia in an imperial octavo volume, of about TOO )i)2ei einbellibhetl jwiih a portrait of tUe autnor, wtta.coi-rect views ot Uie vnuiivi i. ti ayijiiioii, ottiuyi- till watcr-woi ks near Philadelphia, the. safety barges, on the North River, &. and several niapsr-inctuding: tlione of he cities iof, New-York; Philatlclphii, & Pit Ubur. w In the ItSt ol Vtubscribert, WlkwWV .'V A pitched lattletoc, Robert Owed. Lwell known fiwoitiis eccentric' opinions '...! ' -' ' -I: I. ' .1 - "tnue pians, mrew uown uie gaunt e Clergy of New Orleans and ive" that all llic religions ot ..Aye beiitt fpabded ill the iz - n,..,,,; of joaBkintl; that 4bey are'di - tlar character. No notice was btakeo of this arrogant challenge, tidtil the iter. Mr.; Alexander Campbell, of Bethany; liiook countyyirgtnuiiMook is up, tn the last number uf bis Christ iatt Bap tist. lie has offered to meet K. O.. at anytime withio ayear, and at any place equi-aisunt from '"Mew imruiuny and Bethany,-such as Cincinnati br Lexitig- ton, its Kn '. Hot pledge himself to prove in public debate, that Mr. O. is ut' teriy incompetent to pruv the positions he has assuined, Stc, &cT. We have not seen any reply from the New- Harmo- nisi-oui jt la prouaoiu inai ju uieiurj of bisdisputationV he may accept-the terras and rusb to the rencoaue. awv i iiJ rectly Opposed to the jever chaogiiig aa aiiew naveu ooi,iiia auiijecu-'; laws of our tiatuj-aiithat tn'ha.vaj' been .0,' tfS'"8' 4?' J and jire the feat oue of vice, disunion '':-'fv.fTZi' fmmJ ??y.yi,?-2 and loiseiy of, efVy description,' &ct :'l QwufKtnetvi ".at -..ifVilpole; with other strange propositions of a sinV- Mass. writea-'f fttnaiS n this towu, af t ra were er! r J e- ike 1 b i -v'tat, llnl!.u;,', the Ca!'uj. !o P r ! rr f tntr, a yti..- ea, 'tt ; t'i.-w;N f Crevk "We v . , .. 4 .,Ht..v4 a aar deieO, t i s.aaM bst-let. o ta.a Wak. le I- ! in, f li sat iKtard. iwt. iie I t ii fsi't; bat a ttts' .'r, a',. Kt, ar.U P"'y - Hwt at fcCteri! ' re!r wii y iiui .3 the ettetrpi. H as i Hturdtf ; ntl ay rorpa- wy 4 Imtiaas drjuied fat tnat purHie, J retaken -f aU,a ewcs.x the oetc aiuinbcrinj tijilJea.f I" armpit ofblmni, when eor e iKe J Vavt aceuted tl foot atrpsef their vittiii.? j triuunai m L"!ieU aad been coa- veeed by the Arent. to- ait is iadr. meet oa l!i twi wrrtckes, fiver wi.k Iuk.err,"Knr Lm'e Prince, presi ded. Ti t tnl and esetatioa accunied about aa bocr. The rumiuatiina b- ng clawed, and ibe awder liven, " Take tktmawtry mtd kill lArtJ1 a Chief of the vutaeut. aa tr aaiMMia to vindicate the character f bi Tribe frees the staiav at blood, roe . tb say aoanethin; t 1 . . . . , 1 - . a cavsnpauon. . aue preaiumx vutei drew t bis long knifes tad motioning it significantly te the stieaker, while be e: .-nided bia arm, mad a dark frown luwered Wl bin brow, gravel f Said.- ' Thaft m lui tulkt wn'J 'irrr not makt tli" ,1 ne wrvtuies cte loan ta ken te execution -a poo a togabaut ah hundred yards dmtanf, the Indian ait ting across the log, about eight fet in advance of the negro. The eiecuiion- erof the Indian, waa ready with, hit ktule, and that ot the pegro, with his elb..J Both struck', simultaneously. He he MieldoJ' the koite erinc-d tome skill in toochiig te heart tlirougli ihe left libs. The blade being hurried lw tti h-ft, one or two sii M1.11. turns were given tn it. In make the stab cfi fective. Quick asTrght, die knife was Witbdrawti, and plunged in the oppo site side, in doing tbis tH blade was bent nearly lialf doubt, by the resist- ance 01 a no. a no executioner men ( ilaced ft bpon the 1ig,aud deliberate y straitened ,. it with his. font.. 'The next thrust . was, jkioie cau'nus and ro w successful. At this "moiueiit the nesro sunk under (he blows of the club. and both Indian . od negro fell en the same side of tho log togetlur without a groan, ami to all appearance, with out the yielding of a musclu. At this crisis, eaoh execationeer passed from his own tti live , other'- victim, so that i the club finished what" the knife had left Undone, and' the Wide drank the i blood .which the clnb had left. ., 5' JUiBtJgevult S. ultnnan.r s-i' ;-'.-.ift i hi : y,., a v-xt it1 Oor. Ciss; and CoU Menaidnf tti- nnis, have been uppoitited Commikion er to treat with the Sac,, Fiix, Winn baeo-Ottowar. Pattawatainie. and Chin pewa tribes of ndianstor the ext tut lion of their title to the tninipg country u port I-ever rttvrr, ami aiso to a trjigtoi iani Beft'.h -of the 6t- Joseph of LnkO Michi- rran.and to another, to connect the ut tlemente of Indicflsf. v?', lTio se ason. is so far ' advanced, that- we 1eVn U Vilh b impractible to hold 4htnmrll this year f for. the lead r. r.ouutry-i-it will J) held fnrxt ' season, i Stime- of the' pther oh- jerts committed tlhtj coirimiatonert jerrs commuted fe ifiij commisstonert will be effected thi AtaJJcV tiaf. i- "pr-i-1 -i ? '.f -' j- -' ':.VAcetr(tDs to a'atftfeanHn'4h''AI bama puper, the. vwloe' of steam boats ant! barges lost; oit the 'Alabama -yiVcr, lor the last seven years, ( amount - to S3, 8;000; "and other losses ara- aujipos ed to hfve been sustttined sulTicietit tij irtcrease the amount to g400,t)00. For many tnonllrt in tho year (his river 'js not navigaxnc. ... .7 7 Tale Collest.'Vfe are sorry to learn tliat a serious misunderstanding has u risen between the principals of this res pectable institution and a portion of the pupils vhicli has resulted in an,, open rupture and the withdravVal of nearly one third iif the scholars, r.:-Th ctrcuut standet of his unfortanate occurrence, we hear, were thesejfri.e scholars had become dissatisfied, with ."'their fare t commons, atl'd several time, petitioned lor .an itnproyctnent. ;At Jetigtb,aotfte of them refused any longer to partake, and, in violation of the rules,11 withdrew from 4he public tablet 7 Four of these tlelinqtienls were- expelled. ; litis be. inn tiajinm1 an ir( uf niiiatlrji.a raii-nittt. 8trtnce WB, g,)t. up igned by 'one 1 l,,lrfcd -.wH,.rt.fnur f Tha arhalara: demanding tl reinstatement f their fellows, ami thresteninz in case of rtfu sal tu withdraw ili a body J'i oni thu col lege. ? The Faculty could hot. williout a relaxation of their laws, comply with this demand, and ihe resolution 'uf the scholars was carried into effect oft Sat urday. About 40 of them arrived here 1 festfcrday morning on tli wy to their 1 nomea.-, a goa ueai ii excitement pie ler having been sit k with a fever had so far recovered that the physician had discontinued his regular visits, and the man, was able tu go about "bis " work; tie had, however, stiil remaining upon bint a tught cough and the debilily which, always follow a fever, Wiieu recovering as fast as possible, he, en countered one of thepractitioners of the smith and thotupson school, who. persuaded htm to be doctored . with some meditine which would be almost instantaneous in it cure, Hi8 poor man "w,-lkctl some 'distance from hi owii hoiue, '' to t') residence ot , this fr-taiMiflia ll Ac f a, . araa a 'CU.lr iWa ftAarttKnil ILIIVIT UV'' J f V-rn M .rvi IUI doBe (pMbabl y Lobelia, we ladm T i m9, aa t'.t t t jft .t ! J.4 a it srai a. Ltt.C-i.tr. stuj.-.i taj , . j wta l," t a I 1 1 . s. a t'..e afn'.t m ..' J'.4r t . i,t-e. JacUow 'it is 11,1 J , f U9 a-K-K Wa ! ue bad a tt.nei!U.ai with Ji' -v Oict, a. sJ frtlt.r- tvra (j!1y josj.f.ed ia rru'K'JStif '1 A te put.lr vUti a rt'i" t, a f atrrffnl la L.s Urta euai.c.v ,-rti -darttig tha I'reajJt'ntiaJ tanvi. Jui'e k Or(ia never six V cne word tj Airt Usjrrta b-s whole l.fi be nvrr was i- bwdaced ta bim. J j.ls V . t. fr aaany yeatt baa beea the Uur, i:ks; ef the ilar. and a netfect itKu'ia v the jedii-ial 1! i strict in wli.kli nest yreld- cd.' Ilia war.t 4 mentor; ir c'.ji i.u.-4n want mtvtforUtf at er-rtwrbe joestI ied .'asAr'e E-,u' :.;cu, , ; NOIlTU-CArDhlNA. , t Vt sweeting of a a.iW ot 1 . -tot S uunptoit cuuty, tsut.l ''( It. ( i iw t K Iowa of Jckai, am I , '.r r nt u, HVm klrrk 1) -, 1 v JU -d w lis vtsair, m4 J"w II f. n-....$- , aoiatu 9iwaUey. 1W t.!j,j , I ;'ss r-'eim; Line m4 tJMwak Wo b'- u ot Jjl, V Lc, ri'iii, ... sVfwWont, That a penil nw iinf of ' i. ea nl tb aoonty a. Iicl,l x tho Cmvt II , oa Uir Srsl MusMlsy in OviolHT iwit, to i.,k iusn asn si irratwn il prutx-H-ty and r.oliny al awiianraxliaiiif ISM (.cm-nd AnemHtv o 0ht bcw. sant uVpivml suta al "'w eiemUttus; asMtmas. awl sha faJla.aaaaoi n- tru.l ii r in i Italian' la Stwte, by wlihib it lis, huwl. - t . . On wmiWmi MJu-i.li . H. Uopera, En. ftrvartwtl, fUt W lUaul H. LotUmrt, iaha ' WhKa, HnjalB H. Illume, KicUnl 1 f. Warn . eran alurlcy 1'iadale, cvsiirs. aa arnonitrd a ' ommittAe lo prepare a sariBorkt tu lie aaxt s Lcnefwl Asarmlily. to b auaiumcd to Ilia gvttas v " nil meeting of the eititeas af this Mity. ' in nvxioa en sanies 11. wood, r.iq. h'ttufved. That lha Searetarv of (his niuetSar aetily lha wtiten at' li eounly f Ihe Imie aod plsea. e4' Uta genrnj auretins, axil Hilicil Hieir at- ' lenilamegnnerally, by 't e, us i-. il,e saim tUa Uilferaut rts of tharounir.. . , ' t ' on motiow 01 Joseph t. ; , ,, jTiii. -- AesttHL Thai the proei.e.iii,i.'s ot'ihii meet- -' lug lM.igned by Ihe Chan-man and bieoreturv. SHltbat thaaamabo publalnrf ia- tho ildajk ' , V-V'- ii..B. GAltV. fHuurmmL - , Jjia. II. PTTSu.osi, Atty -..-' : s.'-.aiaruied."-: la Cabarrus county, on ilia )94h due. "Mr, Anmik f!.ii,l Ia 11. lint. Mhi,i ..... In Iredell county, on the I jib ultimo, air. George RoseimwHli of Itowanv to Mitt Nancy . ' :i ..e.i. .. . . - . Bkiie. wr uia lornicr coumv. - , In Richmond county, on the 10th urh Mr. Charirs M. Robtuson to Miss Ann-LeUbetter, ' Uaugnierot ttus Iter, Harvey wuu-ttr. ' In 3tokea county, on tha 241 h ultimo, Ml J.hn l.mviIlM Ii. U I no II ,1 1... .1 .1,,.. . v ... . . "-.- mhvj M..1U.I, IMU JUlVf ot r. uubert Jlcsiher., - r , - . '.tn thiaeTunty, on the 25th ultimo, Mrs. Sa rah Nichols, eurisori ef .Mr. Wiu. Nieiwlii,' ' fedabout3S.'' 4 '" - .i .- k . -tu muiimouu eoumy, tew uays arn, air, Clutlea Uaruci-t, supo -.til. jtu be lOu years, old. ;.. : . ,"'. , ,'T v 't'4 -"'. ' i; .' Mr. 8amuel UuniL. t' , 4' .- ..j . 1 s - In Rowan county, on the 23th ultiitio. Mr. : . Tbonu Gheeu, Sen. aged about 70. i ' ''. In Warren eounty, on the 3d insfanf, Trtia ' . " Emily ' Dye.rluuglitcr of the Her. George VT, f Uvc iw iua iAtli var of hii - ' . , In Chattiavjl county, on the S-,U instant, of V violent and distressing bilious fever, Alt. Muu riee ?, Manly . 'Hie deceased had been ttu tlyhig Medicine -in this place during the pie -sent year, and went to Chadiam np.m a visit ' , to his friends, where' he was attacked u iih the ' favee, tliat terminated hj. Jif'e.' flu nuxlest U and unasruinin nianiieind kind and gen- eroui apirit had majS ft highly favoi-4vla in- ;' ' prcsaiuH upon all bis ac(U4iiiUinces. v rti if. ; ' v-; '- ' "ICswniirti'fii:"."' - At Newbemfbri tlie 1st Instant. Mis. Aj-nei rMurphey Meiftlt, wii of Mr, Juliu Mei ritf, -aged about 5S.;?- .';,' .. .r. r.!--;'' K In Carteret county, on U 1 lib, ultimo, the : liar. Jubea Weeks; of tho BaptU Chut ub, lie . the fSth year of his age. " The eireumaUa-'.' set attemliii thw" deatlt of iLh good man are stated to be, tliutin returning homo from vli- .r. vine service, in company wills his wife, tho u horse which they drove, be same umnanuge able, broke the chuhyund kicked the old geuilemaii ao, severely aa ta eecaaion hla death. Jits. W waa Considerably iiijm-ed, but is recovering,., '':'jf.:-i'.:.' ' ; v a ; . in Uunoombe jjounty, on tha I2th Ultimo. Col-Lambei-t Clayton, a putiiot of the revti- -lufton, hi tha 7-d year of 1h agei ' . v 1 At his residence in ttichmand count v. near Laurel Hill, a ,fe4 jfgo, Mr. liuncan UoU ntihnarn: lis iliiw jaat.a Ulas. ... ..f. patiiiful illnCirj of raauy u.outht. - lie e niimiUflllki (tl'llllllf lit ilAlx1ltaw tliam lUUi . ' b ' ' bioss,W)W , .. , , :M, , w- ww a.rviis ajtfl.14 in,uiTl , In this CitnosKTCAtln hji. small ftoiAtnt . . . .... . " bouk -ooirtituiin'if rtsi-ul llauk Notcsj , amon- Inch us a tcaUdlim- Acui Ua lb .rla ' ilin:-.-.! tin-Jnr(jii" WTitU-iion Ui,.-biu.k. Thi,- fiiuluf will be liberally rcwanjud, kh Iraviiiglbf iiwwi dwi. aim vviiii;iu w. uv ovui villca. ' ; 1 I I. A - . j .. - - . . ' fuuvign, .vugust law. i-:, ,y -,; j, , ;. i , ' University - SIEHICAL DEPAUTiMENT. Tho Lectures ill cbinineni-A a in.iit.1 a .Ui." first Mourlwy in November, and be souiiuinsl till March. .I he ari-augumtui of the btsiwUca ia a ' liillowai '"?,':',....'' ;,',-", . . . , Aiutoinrv?;' p i by .. rhnikk, M D. - " ---' - - V .-. if. Ji. Uoruer.Jl. JJ. Materia Medica, Jno, fodman tuft, M, D. Piaetkeot Medicine, A'uth. Chuf)imw,-JtL D. ' Midwifory, ; j, ,:,;t : Tl.t. C. Juum, M J.' l-''-lV?.n-,r-' M, li.' J aiwiiatry.W,,' ,7o, Uore.AL - Burgery, .v t' If ifta Gk.v,n, .1 D, lustilutesof Mede'li, juUaun, M. Ji ,Tt Clinical Lectures on tf io practice ol k-i!icui and oh Surgery will be (llivai-eil on U'i :,,tn and Saturdays, by l)rs. Cliaiimau .mUoson.at tb Alms tlusa lntinii y. . , ' ; ' ' . W. E. UOUNEIt, jDun i SCSCbusnut Stroot,Philadclubia, ? , y. Aug..t.iH.v.. : , ? y. ,8hcriap8'-Nutc.,t ... . . ... . ... .. . . . -'r . T. ? . Caibiina, soma time U last April, two negro itJcU v as eoDMniuen lame tail ot 'jv.i .rin. w . as nitM.BV,. am. miiiiti, im.t.,.ir iir.vi I ivi, BRAN,Ti.Y, who saiil he was fi-ae, but since says " he b.ojs to Mr. WillUia Rice, new Cnma ' Court House, South Carolii.a.' Jli is uuar forty - ; year of ago, ftvc feet five or six indies hiuli-i-ow ' states h wa known when at borne hJ ilia isimo J of Jupiter. The odier call hiiuhclf jJiVVUl i' AUJN, about 38 or,30 years of Ze, fie teet 7 ' v or 8 inche Idgh, and say h is traer 'TImJ i.wii- V eraol said wgi oea. If any arfwH&iw d toti ma ?: forward, pay ttiiH-gus, be Uke llltiu awiy, or Uier ' . will be dealt whh as the lawdirrvu. ' ',.,, ! , ; W"SWI,, DUir.JI IVICfcOlg- -, S ' "'. . "1 httoicoUiilT-X. CaroliKa. 2 "v I : July w9ff183$ " 7 . - v-TT" Si . ' -"it 3". 4 'jrS '' V I' 1 -i -K X 4. , ; " : ' ' ' ' " ,,:-''-v:-iwiJL . ,.- - . .

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