V r rro.cs yriiB ST All, j .i.Corui'r.4 hlelt Cazrttf, rtffjKNCK K. LUMAT. '. I u iVn-i9, tVree oVriara per aw "'r will be scat vatMl m u J.,1 in adwac. i M araper ioo- 5 ' . rT atxaittM r-u. antes u BMl. ,JI Wl. t 'fIaa Uies, UrU-athrUwtoror '.L iwrwtT-lretrm't twr each etntaue. i"-. Mtara U t'M editor t be - row. rawttoEwT. " '- .V . ; ANDRE , W JACKSON.' JOHN.C CALHOUN. - bareea tJver, rxTon ticket or t akouv a. .sfsaffVS Stuhe.i Wtfkss, Hr Ptrney; of Lincoln. JUa CAe. f Haw.. , ,Are.ii Philip, ef KortVgnaia. . JJm AL MtrrktHad, of Ouilford. If ftr F. Leak, of Richmond. -WWe I. Jltmyl. ef Orange. r.- Mmah Crdmf, ef Wake. Jb.fai Halt, ef Warren. -. , , jMfbhl mi&un, af Martin ' - U Si ll I-. ft: 'Aerfar Ballard, of flats. lih JWcAavaf JX. Spaifkl, of Cravm. th EfaajrJf. Itudlegi ot New-Hanover. My fririMlthip for Cwnl J action, nd the onr nroota of eonfldenee od rrnt I Km rea Biin, while Prewilent, forbi.l ni taking r part in the eoaing nreaKlential election. w mtAlnv,. !' ,. v TWretollettton af the publio relation hi; tnt,mj tne BIWJIJJKCB TStiuin, oi me niRn ri nuitioa. lo hicl he wi Held ly me," it. I ... . ... v " Gntral Jsckion ii aclear-Iifcatled, Wronj ided m, and hat more uf the Koinan tu him, ui anj roan oow lirlatg-1 Thotutu Jeffernn. ' " General' Jaekaan Joal enjoy itw an eminent grea the publi fcvourt and of hi worth, tn. ill and erfioc. no oihS entertain a highrr ire rawoeetfui opinion tiban myvii.''John Q, ' An offieer wnoae aervieti entillu hin o the hett reward, and whoa whole career hbeen kializod by tbtf parast -mteiiHnni ind Uifl roott ivatml amoe."-iIotl Qtrisr AiUti, Wn Snrtim-g of Stale, .and, tAt Defender vf wmrav jacktm. Toward' that dUtinpilslied (SptainTf An w JacWwn.AtJoMwuM'wtfeAGLOHY an country, whole renoWn canab'tHtof 0 swol 4 tion of Utmutml property, I never h0, Int r con Ante, any otlwr feeling thaathoie of the itt trofountlu. IKSfKCT Md ol the uuidsJ fan tllf BUT t Iri.T. I " A. Te'ehh timl Penumm Govem- jenf.,'Thd immfen aunta (' money hith Mr. Adatp lai rectived eut of e puMurpWr&e; for?erf inadequate rtea (hay for even positive injury to s coootrj) arw notiully known to the !eat body of tlie people. We have deavourei), after 8omi rscarcTi, to Uect the hole detail together, and low present' them, at lencth, to the Mr. Adam, at 27 year of ami' wa firit an. Viintcd- Minuter lteudent to tha Netherlands, fed remained there trora 179 to 17973 yeai- Ontftt, .fc -MOO Fof this taut: eighteen thottsanJ dol- brt, he di uot . ao tne eounuy me light?ktwfrucei ,; Itwasaperlect atne ore, UPrtceJ ' He Wdelred.an aooointnwDt tu Poctumil, in p7, a Minirter plenipotentiary.. Outfit, $900 To Portuiral he never went, While In his way frotri the Uaue lo Lwbon, waa conntarniantieajto ueritn, oy wis ather then President, S f " ' 8alary on Berlin Kmbawy, oin-j? lo an.- Ii01,3 ytara, at S'J.OOU , , J.27.00H . Salary on the aatue amoaasy, irom v latJa. 101 to 88 April 1801, . 2.8CO . Infit. :,-:f v'vrt -S.250 Hera ia a aum over forty thoumnd 'ollarn foe four Tear. What did he do :f thia amount? , Ho wrote his letters onv Silesia, rtdicoled ha poor Uoinan athphcisol Bohemia, .admired i the Itructure of kingly governments, &.t C. .. . ..... MrAil Mvw bnmR' reoeiel any an bintraeat freni 'liioma Jclteraon, took hi (eat I the Senate of the V. 8. on the tt October, 803, and rctigiied it in 180 5 years at about 11,000 a rear $5000 I VVhat ilid lie.do for thia? ' lie voted lainst the ;;Ioui8iana .Territory a pinst' the aaiendmcnt to the ConstitU' lion anninsf .1 ro1atinn J respect'to memory of Sainuel Ailams--against 1 bill for clearing the Ohio river a- ainst repealing the day on salt, c ic.' "WV11 . what next? aalary paid hint on the Ituian F.m- " w .r .-;,, k'J ,t: r.i. 'ant H.'r ' i- Well'! ,What.dul our tlipiomausi no or tlua uu of 7arfj or Ihoytaml dot 'attf VNfot single (thing; any len afit to, tlie ountn It .waa iho first muney paid hin iler hia tacbry to ,'thc federaliats in the year lCOf 8. 1 1 i".weU kfiowo, tirtwever. 'that he oc- taoled mtltU of Ustimo in upecofatinz ih Russian atutka, atul studjiiti; llussian liploraacy.'t Ai Aeg5.(HiO of fofi iingcncies, d he any right tojt by law: W hat is the tx I fcoj? , : " ' SalartfbiaheaVWMtaaSonifrooi . th Ap ISUlo i!7t)i nab. MV" -.Outfit, '. t"v.v--A;:.. 4-'owingcnctc, - v: A so mover thbly fwt Viw.wid dol- hrt for'endeavorihl t tiesotiafe awaV the navigation of the: Mississippi the British. 'Irt these Item, too, are in cluded the faaaona illegal outfit, and the j quallf famous constructive jourtiey" from (ihent to Peten-burgh. which ne CTcr:j trarelled,' for boih f of which be Charged7 about -fi,000. Mr. Adams !so charges doubio aalarie', as will ap- i, t riXT"g pear fro th (rointion bf the Husi w mb aSoitir. H arib Frb. iuis. Freu. April 1S13IO rISIS, Mr. Ararat totnldrml lima;(a Mcnatrt livt amWaaWttr" at IUia, while h viCd irut a part f that pril. r dialing tLe Ttfal f Prate at UhraL IVia i iloioj prrM ? well it n work ii it)1 il jjtiu'nx'pjkl-JotiWa. Ikia U Dt-aJI lha nmle.ij an J tf aurioutorat af our prat itiplmlif. '.Yhtle It wi mcivina; thoe dwtla alariei and double ou'&M, ha.waa ac caajnw hi omntrj oT trrcknus, i. norowfe, fctUitt mad pmury, m In, privat corrtapomicBce Ju LeavtU liar rifj and at die ver,sam time, that toaaj, Naycmber & December. ,1814. he dinin; and drinkinj wilb Lord GamUitr and the Riilish in the city f Gheot, and toastint; IHa Mojctt.tht ting of . Gnat brilnw r, aixl i Jfi$ fiiyal lliglaittt.'tlie Princt of Ormgtl Agitint . . Salary ra Great Britain, from ld r reaviaiitw lOtkiwaw, IWT, , ; 3,Si Ia(t, tor aommf hoeae, T f; Cooliiijtmeie, lltre is a sain over thirty-four Hum- land dollart far which Mr. Adama did very little. Ilia most prominent act was to receive Lharlea Kjng'a Dartmoor Report, in which the murder of several innoctnt American piisoners by the Uritish was iuttified, bv that hater of " blood and carnage." But again;' Solaty paid Mr. A. a Secretary of State, from I Oth June, 1817, to 6U Uareul8, f 49,869 .. ror tlua umuense sum Mr. AiUms ct on foot that diplomacy which lost us tite British Colonial trade. He also gave up Texas to the Spaniards when tne Spanish Minister had instructions tioiuii court to cede it to thia coun- try. He also endeavoured to blow the Missouri question into a Qame, and ar ray one section of the. country against .the others He also wrote a book dpon the Fisheries and scolded a certain xir. peslifatice'and famlie gentleman pretty ingeniously, vvimcnesir l Aujoiint paid Mr. Adama, iu two yeait,for furnuhinjhi boew, r $20,000 , About S14.Q00 of this sum-Was ex pended the first ear, against which the billard itable wa(ticharj;ed---Mr.. ih.. asked for" 823.000 more, but Congress retused the request. He got, however, 86000to furnish the fast room, which rooQi to this day is without any lurnilute save a few' old chairs. What he has done with the money, nope can tell but himself. It is known, however, that a few' months ago he was, fitting up', his house at Quincy, Mass. as preparatory to the 4th of &larch, 1829. If he did no( furnish the " east room,' he haa been furnishing ' a room in the east.' Now for the climax: i:' ." Salary for filling , the Presidential chair, from March 4, 182j,, 'to March 4, 1829, at S25.000 perann. 8100,000 for this immense sum ot one hundreik thousand dollart what has Mr. Adams performed? Hnsho not amply requited the' country .with hia usual -benefits? The British colonial trade is completely lost; the, trench colonial trade is also lost; Brazils has insulted our flag and plundered our citizens; the national cha racter has been tarnished, both at home and abroad;, the, cabinet has been de graded to an electioneering committee'. or caucus; tne rresiaent pas insuueu a sovereign state with threats and brava does; he has instituted ruinous, useless and expensive embassies to reward his lavontes; he has wasted "several mil lions of the public money, in buying up the press and the people's representa tives; his measures have been weak, il liberal and dishonorable; he hag filled the whole nation with tumults, disorder and excitement &c. - . Now, putting all these items together, we have the enormous sum of 377,181 paid to John Quincy .Adaina since he eutered, ihev public service. - If there are any errors in the aoove statement, wfccall upon the coalition gentlemen to show them, and ive shall correct them With the utmost cheerfulness. If' the ' Pink'? has hot yet torcot his Coker'a arithmetiov his practical knowledge of j ? l. : ... . accounts, nis experience iu maaing m cntton, tobacco, tea,' and sugar bills, we shall stand corrected by him as readily as b v an v other. . He has shown a read iness to investigate the canal celebnP tion; let him begin with these. la t)ie me art time, we ask the honest mechanic, the hard woi kin farmer, the poor man who earns liis bread with the sweat, of his brow toay, if thia John" Quincy A.$bm, who., will., have. reteived.t by Marlii Jiext, nearly four hundrnl taou iimd dolUiif of the public nwruy, has not had quite enougn lot an tne jiudiic serviceahe hi evrperbimed Ior,his ennritl vr. i; .V . nqutreu, - f ' ' . i'rctn lha BichmbtMl finqtiirer. V' : ' AARON BJJRlU' r ' " l. . r .TIip. nolorinus Mr,-JuhiV'Binns has nnStiwhfl a n.twmunicatfcn from the r.Wiilia trr- Andrew Erwin of Ten oessee, enclosingiwo original notes of Uen. Jackson relative 10 int -m-wi-i- ;rv uf 'tMrr." The on of these nirta: funtfer date of Sent. 25th, 1800 esnrcssea a desire to his eorrepondent t ahow "some -mark of attention to PlnM I5urr. then at the Hermitage: thu other note without date, tatKS 01 R?,nno to be laid mis five boats to ba built, and pork to Lj popplied, (allu ding at tlie same time to the store," supposed to be (be one in which Gen. J wt eooctrorJ.) Ut l?U,t turf eoooecUnj thesVanirtr kics e aay ether prvMi. Vt know not wkefhee-TJiet i!e bg(rije, r fnrjr,! like Hirm-. Jriitr ,t their uree It ab.alan:!r eWe that ete the. Adn.ir ..uatM print a . yet, Trndeaily fix ban to nukeanr cornmeaU them. . V Bat the "lafKjwi:i Enquirer. na el tha biueryst and rntat abosiv ef the whale aqaad afjthe CoaJiiioo prints, has aUrted alT apu a simibr. scent. - It has published a fries af d cu meats from th records af Adams county. MisiUsipoiTerritorvaa far Uek aa at yrtrr ISIS id the case of an atuebeaeal takea out br II. Blen nerhasaett against Aaron Burr for a debt eTfire ihoaund dollar, alleged to be due to him by Colonel Burr and ill tba core af .the suit, he aunraon A. Jackson as garnishee: 'Jackson states oa -oialerial facia about Burt's schemeain hia depesitioo the folio jog from Gen. Code is by far the rmwI interesting document in t the recorJ. (The whole we mar tubli-.h hereafter ) Cam Jackm MuiimiMd Territmg, iStl Marck, ills. ' tUinr informad by Urn. Jacktm tlak ka wa MnmH a garnlahee, U aay what (aoury my anoa- lada rrapeetint; aoay aaatter between biutaalf and A. Muit. , Iaaoanpliaae whb a hith Ido y, that aotae UmeintlM year 100 (to the beat ofay reeal-, leetlonr Aaron Burr waa eneaevd in aanrdi. bon or eaterpnx down Uie Miaaiaihipi, and whiek b said be wa authorized todaby me. belonjed le Jartn rr, and at tit tin, blank ommi4airt br Mr. 'Jefl'erton beins; requeated by tkn Oaeral, ta make a with akoia pnvity bQCar(uj'ka ,,,' tatement of taeti that bad om M meatt and for tha parpeae of p roan ring pro'l-; Jaekaoa axpiwued bi atohMeni at tM tdaa kwiaailbowUfurhwaoiUernphHed plana, be the of Uarr'k undertaluag to (rluuooia Mas aid Burr, did forward a aum of betwera three iea, a thi Dlegitimate eon at , time laid wa bit said four thodaand dollar k Kaatueky bank intention, without any phyitei foroei tba latter notes, to Gnu Jaekaoa with a reaueit that lie 'replied that Wilkinaoa and thiir Suite army would proeatr for him, by pnrchaae, the antount ! under bint, were the phrtaoal t( and that tite in boat and proiiaoa. At tha time Gen, Jack- plan waa, to take poiarnun uflltt, Hank m New 00 reecired the aura tUuded to, t wa eon netted th leant, and with their ntonetj "y Ukiaton and wHb him bi mercantile buajne, at the Clorar Burr wera to maka an ettiMmet arithia the Bottom, TenaeMee, and on the receipt thereof, ; Spaaiih territory, and thod attrapta aereraao the Genernl ahowod na bis hittraotioas, sad 1 otthi Union. a well aa a Ilerduuonnf UkIm haoded the money or note over to tne, with 'a tequett that I would tranaaet tha buttne, tor Mr. Bare, and in behalf of th mercantile firm 1 .1 ... ii...iAj -i:.i i i- . ( foraereral boat for Mr. Burr, when report! reached Tenneue?, thut hi projects or plan,! wa not, nor woold not, be eoontenaneed br go-'' TernmenL On bearinr this ramour. br and with I wjuuw iu, . wm wvi wm vuiuiauu the adriee of Gen. Jaekaon I declined making : contract for Mr. Burr, any further than had been done before that timet and still held la my posaeitiori a eonuderable part of the snnT first remitted by Mr. Burr, to General Jackson: Some lime after that, when Mr. Burr came on to Tennessee, on bis wy: down tba' rirer, be in ny treasonable project Jacjcton wsi a ttrenu-l ttepped at the Clover Bottom, near which place , on and contpiououa adrocutc rf Joilbrson's elee lay some of die boats that I had contracted for hia ! tioo; and so tar, an enemy to Doit, at to b high use, and where be fitted himself out for his or- ly gratified st hit defeat. ' Is it reatonbl to be age down the river. The report ot his . acting in , ltero, that be would at ooee ttrn roiiod and dca opnAsition to the withe of government, preven- . troy the h-uitt of a tuooett, which h himself bad ted his proenring supplies of provitjonr and ts so ardently promoted J'.;- . ' j : ucb, he had not oae for all the boat, - tlvat had I ' General Jackson solemnly declares, he net been made for him wo 1 believe was tha aum-1 er beard Barr y any thing aqubting at treason ber he made ate of (br bimselt' and those with he IlirUier detiro me tossy, tbM u3g William him. . The balance of the hosts; the somber I emphatically lie in hia ata'tetaent, both-a to tint do not recollect, was left by Burr; and silerwards j commitaion, and a to hi evcri thinking , him by virtue of his order in favour of Patton Aader-1 a"mn of prontiset" which M declares Is the son, the boats, or .the proceeds thereof w han- rrettest slander ef all, "t ded or paid ever to him, Mr. Anderson. When, Mr. Burr was at the Clover Bottom, Gen,' Jack- ton tnu my ten marie a settlement with him the said Burr, and after charring him with the boats and other articles furnished him for his vOTsee dOwa the river,' I returned him all the balance 01 nit money, in tne very same note first tent oa iv n ink anil the auaoiints was iun mr,,r,rxmtv losed ami paid on both sidesi as I uuderstood. it after doling the accounts, there were tome few articles with which the firm of Jaekaon and Utitchings and which I before said I was. con- eerned in) furnished Mr. Burr thst he left un-'; paid when he ten the State, and which M vet un- naid. so lw aievereome to mv knowlWfre I recollect after Mr. Burr left Um state, that Gen. Jackson a emionet for Aim had ta nay five hun- orei aouars, or tnereaDouts, lor him the said Burr on tome transaction that the General nerV turn had before thnuetit was mrttbui n.l (m which I never knew of the General receh it tenwnertttiml. Nor do I believe he ha receinefl layment therefor I never knew . of Gen. Jaek-, son's having any other monied trantactions Vith' Mr. Burr, but those above stated, and on wnich I verily believe that Burr, is in hit debt af this time the lapse of time have been vert eoftside rsble. and the notice forthis statement veer short, ana which ic made without refeio tortreateo 01m uoeraiiy ousas toon a ne. au tty memorandums or dates, and as to M time pectcd thst ha was acting oa his own bottom, be ... ..... . .. .... ... 1 , k 1. . or 1 . 1 am not positive 1 am correct, but othtrwnw tne sutement is substantially correct, anc ftirly tt- ted to the best of my knowledge and Mief. Miaiiatinnl Territnrr. -.O . ' " f- AdamtCountr. ,CiW,-.' ..." r, ' ' Persomilly appeared John XXtfet before the undersigned a Justice of the Peace m and for theeouuty aforesaid and mad oath the within rabove is just snd true to thir of his know. Iedre and LelieCi ; " v "' Sworn to before me this- it : Joaa Coma. 8Sth day of March 1 8 13. . , V ; THKODSIC STiBK.J The facUs. af Gen. Offee states, Burr adroit ly held out the idea tla his expedition " was authorized by tlie emtmment."-lu Mr. Jeffer on'aAMege to tourresa, under date of 83d January, 1807-r-he states the same thing which aa s matter, indeed, oi perfect notoriety uitiiat "V" Hi tBttiX'J (euucea good sort well-meanine citizens, some T astursnees that he possessed the confidence ot the government, and was ac ting under it, secret patronage j pretence which procured om credit from the tuto of our dif ferences with Spain." f, "Mr. J.enerson luriner says: "la Krntucky a premature attempt to' hnnz Burr to justice, without sufficient evidence for eonrtetwn, nau proouceo a popular unpres nia his favor, and a general disbelief of hit guiltThii gave him an unfortunate Opportune tv of hastenine his equipments. " o. ' "These statements of Mr. Jefferson prove that tlie exiatine state of oar relations with Spain yere calculated ta create uie uenei mat uurr wa actios under- the secret patrons ere of the government; and that, at the time he was arret ted in Kentucky, he hd 'not so lully developed HTfplaiis as to justify hi arrest. "T Gen. Jaeksoa like many of tlie eiUtens of Ten- hrsse?, men ot mgn sense oi nonor nae cnee snd Gen. Overton, were impreaied in tlie name numwr. tLst Burr was actitts ro a scsret manner under the sanction ot Government, and preparing; r- will.:. l. tor a eo-oieraiiou wiui uvn. irii.mwn, . .i.t rent ,.f Imatilitie. then anticinniea to ihkc place with the Spaniards, on the nornt-rsM Alex Ito. Thi impression on Jackson' mind to art fully - encouraged M Hurr, has been already mentioned in several of the newspapora by tlie Lynchburg Jefienon'wn Republican for inatsnee, a far back a April at more recently by Itmin. In ibe Enonirer and fat both, ot which Etaaya was diacloseo the circumstance of Ruir's kuiniF exhibited to Jaeksoa a footed commission from Mr. Jefferson. The circumstance too, of the deception practiced by Burr J alluded to by theClmrlottewille Advoertein it late defence nrr:,? Jarluon. But we have it next 1 eibi- Uhel ojienlT on the records of Adama Court as Jrr I -H.,,mk&.Liu.. "T" .Mtr M-y bM. ;.T". "w, aavte.a . r- . Mr. jtfmM vutar.' 'bt'lT'i-l .tk.1"rr. tfc it.i ' . ' . m m . . . . . -- - I r: lMw. , 1)m . .CZz" V J wrv wf fcbw a, It will b aawwriad m riu.lt.t- i . . ., Staaatf Twaa. 2rin - -vcnwiTjnMtiHi atMM.." t i ta a, ir wi n mM a . . f - i i.iair iiiihui i..eta nnn i -..! r. ' ifc,kM wu. li- ' aiatri, cjata W attack. a4 enreasons! k.. h, to; s V ' .e 222 rr" J-k"' tS' wtth L8 4c tekwpKpiha suhjact - r. It was t,,u,t bCartatCatet rr:. bJ J "" f f-rhu,. that ha .rer r .i WrJlaiaitiMi8,-aawu.t thtir lt.,rs to U putiiSd abrwaJ.Ut the plea afywatLM Im,...", oa f?" fc-itaaaami aJwia.,fdioalr kept their eaaaca out a.aarMrt. for bwnlcs i.a' t- ! - -'fZftmmm;mJift)a, WOUIJ Rc a weight and dignify ta tha Aaata, the Doctor intlm thM ik. 7..:i.T7J. Anarew Jcan Itooa firm as "ourm . and ttLZZT.T??'!? 'r. Vira;ouotrrmen,.As. a dmner re aorf-a waawy. ihm , 4, iok U K "" pacaaiira ih oas qmetiy auiu-red ntmselt to be ae- uiu2ffiT7 frEr- 18 VrwFUaf .UrJ thf. -Wwfhavii,gli(idaway kit Vr. H-.-rrt rtaey viw id. a. JT.?: P,Bf " ttack; bod the Whir and ararrititw an,l hJaraardim af Doctor ' . LT TV'.: "jwcaaa , mxmmh 4bka kbU-roarlB,- Bad CWtoa' awuetT oa aeaoar tbawa. Uorr aofaeaalv (W niel tha trtilfe or t rhkl ui Imi. - lor UM naruoto of Bi.. .. v. .t.T: tunc appreh.i44 i a. 8uina with taw Sna. jard. On thia imwnil tk. 1.1 TJII y, -aatil juat aHar Banyent wowa tba river a twatlenvM from tbw Nara aaeae aa Keralaoooat of bint, well iatroihwed. ad mJ t k. ik. Uletitiumt ton of Burr Q.nai ,c..mA t aaoara thn ntiniae foreeW.w Jekoa Immediatalr wrote hi lettnt to Clai bomr, and oa th tamo day, Mr. Jeflerton. and to General r . 1. o 1 v . . . a imilir one to ..1. i.S itnu uuauoeci- aur mm uiwoiaia m tna u. Oi limAiM. I ought lo add, that when Jtktoa weal a a wltaea to Richmond, and heard the trongte timany there delivared agalnrt Burr, be taok Maior Scott, tha ManiiaL a visiting Burr m his priaoa, reproaioed him with hit treason to himself a well at kuIak which Uurr replied, by a dema deolsration. that ha was ruined by tha bdiury f the wit- Jaeue. Ybo will obterT th improbability of the rtorr of Jaoksoa' beinr esteemed with Bn. Extract tf a Letter frm Atuhvillt dated JUay ink "A Gentlcmaahaa handed -ana a Lvnchba paper, entitled the " Jstlersnnaia Keptiblteanyo' the u Apru-irom aa article in which, I ".r that another paper in Uiat place U rrfngg"st Hen. Jackson the charge hi treaaoaablr eooaeo- tinn with Ainui liiit. A irtirv' th flMTBOff oi uic "Jefiersonian Republien" i markvid kU talent, H it dertitute of that lubstanee. hit fact and fact only tffUrd. It admiu, tt Jacktoa entw tained Burr in 1807, at tha fFrtniUge.' I assure yao.thatBurr never wasytjh General'a after 1806, sod tht on Out r0""0" ' vm w"a coJdlv recehed. that-'" le there in a fc hoars and took'lotraB "Clover BoU toro, a place in' t)4 neighborhood, where Jack- son waited on IV" opuunr muVmmj with Gea. OveKOn, an Officer at the Eevolotion, and a' native fLouia eounty, the nua of hi etrangeint, ' I have obtai ned the particular of thi afinVtrom General Coffee. It will ba reluted indeid,ln Mj. Lee' Life of Jackson (not yet completed.") 1. y? Thus vanlnhet tha charge of Treaaoa against nekton. The very men who urga k, cannot thetnselve believe it, 80 long as he believed Burr to have the sanctum of the Government, he wrote 10 jeneraua aou uiaioorw uo uuci-eu w the first his own, and the service of the State . t... . r ,-r. ii:. vf. lM.-J ... h. v., u of hu action that " in the event of insult or g- gressionmsde tn mr fevernment, and aaauwa aiela KaW SVanOl SWttilW t. : MawatsfaMtm kaa 1ih.--he would eo with bis Government. etea HI. bi. Government, mpr P uv.ior..u-.iiauj oiiuut.. 111 1 mystery is spread overthis telatiotj to the Presidential anrast, .re- a charge i made in die amply justified us in making it, and we againtt it So little to; trantactiori. that before papers, nis worrapiierapreaosBie wnoio oeiaia .... . ' j .. i. ,...; trom the MS., waa offered for publication m May.tho' not to us and not many day will probably elapse, before it win te ne lam netore me t'ubiie. Doct. Boyd AP fairy. Thi gentle- man, under tne epeciout pica 01 r. ' a aj a a' defence, has thought fit to turnisli the Editor of the Whig and Banner, with a charge of treason against Gen. Jack ton, and si flood of blackguardism a amat his irietids. ' We propose to bes tow a slight notice on ' the plea, the charge, and the tcurrdity accompay- ing them. y The stream ol calumny and persecu tiAn uhieh for hx lat four veara. have been directed with a fiend-tike malig - nity against tne private cnaracier 01 treaaon, uu umiaui ,uuiK iw m Andrew Jackson, i absolutely unex- culate the charget Reader, canst thou ampled in alt the annals of political restrain thy risibles? ; Is not this one .a . a . wariara. i h aniin-fl . irnm wneuce it proceeded, was for a long time secret and unknown. A charge of adtditry or the Fresnlentioi eiecuonr .vebave was preferred in Ohio, and tuperficial been frequently taunted of late, be observers erroneously imagined itori- cause; af our. silence on : the aubject ginatedert. The accusation of negro of Oen. Jackson's alleged participation Irtniiitr tiraf annoarea M a KeniUCK V print; and was su pjtosed fto have 'been & ;'" Sweetheart !- have been incessantly hatched in that stated And thus it was barking at us, , We were under , pain with most of the ferrous attempts to ful apprehension, lest the latter-v-the destroy the i jputation of ourdistin- Lynchburg Virginian would suffer to i.khpJi1 fllnw citizen. They wer-riouslf from the fidgets! We ahall . .l- . .1: .nl l.i ftanvvit nitlB it. uwiauvv, auu isfiwi that conceived them, remaided, cont cealed from the public eye. We have1 Ions : known that the foul source' "of this polluted stream of .lander and defama- tion. wa in" TENNESSEE, and that A, - w i i t i . not ana f'"' hitrwd-Ai rt. the eMm.es wuri.jiUhia brf ff nttafed tiiM- m with farvUatag to their f.iaoda i w nrn.ir ik. ..il . . - l ' i. ' ' B-- ..IH .mi wsw'"utiKaiinB- intcnuea to iDiufe rh character of ft. I.,l.. . " . : r.mt " expectation that this tircamstanca, the Teapect and afTectioaa.wf hit "r" anai tuort it waa tleteranoed. to osi. poms bi anacg, aou we IVdi and lianaer aa tha orraa. Our' rradera hare oow the whole secret af thi late don ne rate and nnpriooipled effort mad in tmr piace ta wasithc reputation ar Geo. -Jaekaoa. ' Bat Dor t, RFNairr declares that be "haa anifurmir acted on tne uciensive. v vn yes, ne. was doubtless acting ae the defensive; when be wrote hia lata letter to Mr. Clay, dh - turaiiij , -certain ooservanona maue oy the lien. Thomas V. Moore on a sick. bed. He waa actinz on' the defensive, when ke. furnished, Doct. , Armstrong, aftethe had pronounced him an unprin- clpled scoundrel, with the lettera of the , """"j o woica maca rrouoia ana iocoavmenre ia te ""w ,nJdfWeatuuttsqal. A gentlemar.. aha is not a Lt. tnrT r-iii r,rHi m T .. H-m. Tho II. Bentoe. J W have a We find in the Nttion-tl lliu'.lic'- -right to conclude that these lettera were Ciiicltinati.'the' followir!" "7 lMet obtained frotn Doct. M'Nalry. because herAroofenevtVdistrey Cpl. Benton by tne puDitcatioa or lettera which lie had received from him. "And a man ',whe would nake such a threat, woul-n,t be too scrupulous to carrv exe cution.? We doubt that -the' same orl of self defence nas governed uoci. M'Nairyin his secret windingajand sinuosities during the presidential can- vms, and in the sage consaltations he may have held with the inveterate foes of Andrew Jackson- vf commptvcon sent. Doct. M'Niarr has been exalted totheenviable distiritionof chief wire-dear - . - i . I 1 worker, lor the coiiiion in mis piace whom Mr, Auams nimseii,, wnen noi but we ahould no be at all surprised to in hie way to office, has.ap ken in the tee him displaces . for.the dumsy and highest terms. I ran nolon-, r go with a , m... awkkward maJner Jn; which he . iavi party whose endeavors seem to be to t" " enacted h - part.-V But.' it seems, raise their favorite candidate te office ; ' that.- we )-ris " not demonstrated to Rut id much upon his merit, as upon the; . mathem-kical , 'aocttracy.the' DoctcVroiae of the renatation of hia illustrioue " - connivance irr the publication of the meisioj?mutn ui uen. jacKson a trans Boni- Doct."' M'Neirjr'. will - atarceljr nsueiiaaw tw ueuj, t"n. tim uwa iwu L-t!-! , J !! I.ll ! .11 L iho truth ia. we were iniormea oy a ' uieen cxiuuiieu tu an intuviuuau or uitu-j y. ... tt mh . ? . r .7. .-' -, .. -a. j.; aiuoyviue, J en. Jury 23. . , is not tin puma ion rviuence ai - :niiance of the effect of Dr. " connirance , and. altogether jt;B ,. a aartoiM tn Bedford I cat i ve of us m, charging him with it? QounN. ? - ' . i, a - a a - ata ta vivwtn'ii iui . va ariiavi's f a ax : gentleman, who taw the memorandum YVhinnery'i Kcgiment on yester long;beroreit appered in the public d t the hJnm ;f Jordan cf ,Iolt printe, of. ite enatence, and of the in- E lbere were egCnl lbolt 5Q0 men lenUon bf the eneroiea of General Jack- Bt. Wa, t.n ftn Jha. p-..:,!--.!.! ; : ... i- r, , . ton to use it to hit prejudice. Thia lav formation; wae correct. The, roemot . a f k - randum dtf appearand under circttm - ttancea which hare never been explain- ed. A copy waa either procumi wi h tne assent otjiomB oiucer oi m aana, va is waa uaiiviatu,,- " wavs then, or unjust; that Doct, M'Nairr, the President of the Bank, and a dead-4 Ir enemv of fSpn. Jaekaon. should bet suspecieu, nay, accuaeu oi eonniymgi at the appearance of the memorandum - in tUa nnhlin nrinvas4..-. Wal ahata nnt onaf J v ' OUC lormer language tmt tU0l Uect. ; ibe charm rge ;f "connivance" was ' founded ' on .. information, Which .8,1 Jn ;cotilutiction With i the whole . . .. .... . . a . a P " . . ' lr . . J ' rM"w'.'" r'j j - ntrmrt r j. -i.nr . ' 4 i We proceetl 'to the charge of Treason. t InA aifkA am It ttimt tkmrlii!ma AiU at&aiUi ,wr iitr aw aaaaaa, t uvitaiuia- atasaa ; drew Jackson a traitor? - On " such "oc casions the - name aud standing of the accuser become matters of much im portance. , We ' repeat -the question, therefore--who is it that prefers the charge of trtason a? .inst the Hero of C7A . - . n ..... .. .: n . a ... mt Wcw Orteansr , uuc; i . noya ansa ry ' A man 'that 'never shoaldered a firelock in defence ; of bis country. Where wat this man of warl this ac-, cvsrr of treason, When the tlootlthirsty Indiana . were' desolatirtsr ouf frontier. 1 . v . land the invincibleaof Wellington meha 'cine tiie emporium of the West? Boyd 5 M'Nairy to accuse Andrew ' Jackton ef ta.. .a.iia .it. 1 . 1 m.m a m.. ui me 11101 11 U' iu...i iuliuuiils mat has transpired .orinS "the whole xotiree in urr M.uiiBuii ty, stay, uiauuia rum. nnt fin 4hi auhier.t in Olir own . - 7 J . good time.When all the evidence on which this ridicnloua charge ia battom I, is bro't forth; we will condescend to notice it.i ' Until then, .we pray thi Coalition print to be patient. ;; D. - ct. INVV ii ft :r 'ar 3 ta ' -A- raarJm. f wa ', ;' bava t .eertaK j exTro-: ( . ., ., iBwcr, naa cnarrea ine liJcU r v, U hav nr ii'J airaw Ait Aanorra- I u:. ! :.r "3n?T!f- S.lt'.t' demanded.1 . Iostad ofctaman-7- 5.ia ' - iinaauio wiin II 19 tin ii an: . ates tl.atl.i i a ' . d La haj c '1:1' DfOea. Jackson " pupniea." .- Whvthe many vmer Menus 'rariaat ' coward la the ramtaonur caa rrw - nnnn. ith impunity, after be, ararrititw M'V.ir. Kvan if wa wera d:nHrl to dowa, hia long experience and prac- v tice ia those brancheaof a polite e lica- " tioo, wool J gircaum fearluladv . Sea over a. Wa are aatisBed with ia- " forming the .world, Ao Doct. Boyd ; Ri'Wairy is in the haDit ot answenn-f inch imputations against Li character, , 1 as that pf having "lied away hia hon- or," ana men tney will Know now to aDrtreciate the vuhrar abase that ar Doare . over hia name, m the Banner and , Whig- .Vojftpiia ?ept6ictv. - -v 1 . y r , V I Ejfktt tf thi Coalition Cahtmniesr-''' fron Col, Win. B.X1"., "7 1 Ma, Avr1''"! etn, etateBw. v""u "rHM","-?" ,"" t uienda ef Jacksod had arpomtedaa . AdministraUon nine marshal of the tiny, be ate-anniversary -rJebi iiion, I ,.. take the liberty of iuformi fa the cdaor who penned trie paragrapn, aou an ou-; era whom it may concern, that lam no "i Adama man. It is true that at one time! j I did Intend to rote for Mr. Adams; but 'when ( witness the daily slanders etui''. abuse heaped upuo the head clatencr able man,, whose name -will be forever", A war-J r Ua to kll true Americans, and of . , a m ' l a "at a a f opponent, I, shall if livinj next Dcto- y ber-give my vote to ueheral Andrew f' ''.Tackaoii. ' '.,'i, WM. B. CASSIDAY. ; l..-'R,tr ; he rote was taken on tne rresiaen question, when there appeared for la Jon aboul 300( aoJ for Adams not , a -aw wa. w - e - v.v , lack--' iiia - fvu aayaawsaa wvi eue 'a avv '7 unva ?,Thi, it the immediate neighborhood wllich john Wo0d re8-lde3 vUa t jolned theUrmT. lf then he Y,t in. )ullUDe,f M char- 1 by the ArfntnaitaS. whv ard ard all thee . lefor gencer. t. s ne cuciai v i o uu iui cw-y - r York, but will not be In.tinte for the V'v.. Anti-Masbuic '. Convention.: '"' Gentle "'.'.VV men, uw wan iur vou tnat uenerua. a-,- Jackton ii not at thi day President. If be watto catch we becretaryot War r ; f in NeW York, the Secretary of the j Nary in New-Jersey," and the Secretary Ht, or state in Kentuckv, he would nil their. empty chain in a trice, with men who will do; their duty,- and not leave the Departments of Government without V thetrbeadt.JV".I'. Enquirer., Anothet StumperZJudsQ Bracken ridge haft written to the auditors of thb ' National Intelligencer, in relation tdKv. the attack upon General Jackson, res- Eecting hit conduct while Governor of . loridaj in which he states that if there V: were any impropriety in the ordinances' for which Jackson has been condemned by the .friends of Adams, the llamf 5 should rest upon him and a Mr. Duncan,- . by whom they were drafted. . ,. " Mr. William Clarke, his wife, a toit about 6 yeart , of ae, and another chilit about two yeara old, died on Friday, in , Union Town,: Pennsylvania, fVen ha-j. ; ving taken poison ,in tome food,' " How' 1 administered, or ! by whom," is not- known. A cat and dog; which bad, ea-; ten of the tame ricfaut., uied also at tbcf , same time. In the eveninsafter the"-, funeral," tayt : the Unloii - Democrat " we taw a relation to whose care it bad " been. committed, conveying away the, -only survivor of the family, au ibfaut, . unweaned from its mother's breast." .:' : ft:::f. $lbanyWrgM !' lie thaV would do well in anycooYse ..a a at t. I ... ..- .tt 'M.- . uie. must -v-ttae vp nis cross. r a nn of fashion, y.ainan of .feeling, the . courtier, the rustiv, the proud iuloso pher.;and the niecli chribtiah,. ftlik-5 ; p. i wast, beat the erosta x ; at. f - s . . , ,-tv-. f0 li

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