. " . ' . ;- . . . . t Jk .,- . "' ' A . v4 e dtU a,lWe.e.y ?V- --.r- l,tM VfH Wr W..t. anl pJc r,V .Vjrfi-f"1'- Paxstftr ",V . rf.: s. U ' . r ' V 'v " . ch X. r 13 k UH Out 4 it n t-i- wfr frr ' m w r i c-,. I. I, . " A r -..I I , I L . I i 1 . . -J ktilnxr. er1. arv "-- br iwfi-m tf ikw IMilnrs . ? - I at - . . . . , . . , - f - ,wtrive arm kw r- avmin ff IcOc U lined U Hf C-i -. ".. ''- ;" f n i i i i n 'i i j ', t , ' ' ' - - ' row rtwMDKTrr. ' ! ' r ros vu k rnr.Mor.vr-, , John c. tnuiQus. Jim lA'A.V..SCt.J cxottAL tiCKCT-orx. cnoLm. Mat wntal county. I rnvlrrr.l iha .t:-;i.. n. . ,i,rf"lN,"K tilr.'r t- mm. ul e; 4oU it woi. k- ----- . 1 1 1 n ( ilwrkil T" Mir rf"n i i HrK trltV Mfi, wi tSM rnr-K4u.i, lf t Mr their mrmr ii!k1wL i-HniW rt tS R, .ITicm the attachment ainate,!, aM last at tla furrrcr rrnmtnc h rUiK of i. Mat of nawcr, k-wt tMwintlP " nattn f i-an.1 VitH-r, tH4 A, "'TTi rwMt Siil'tm. k- Km .rJ I ' -w bOTTTOrltrnt Item ..1 T """""" "t " ' -. ii'Hwrr' rv a1"! rf w prnnwu aNKnaicifit?.in lueh an man frn.1!, r.rrpw A(r.t,WiM V .!..-of kl reWoeMuM fcilevl. a nnt moi -jJ '! h tSfm. i Ivo am.hrH anhrartfr priw. brt alill i tb tlmr f fe f ih anrla-rt iwtM flh emplf.- Thf Ji awcr-i.od Km fcrathre Uuha. ia ttta rr f-aV. .f tJneoin. IT" rf ,ht1r . . W'l- tWJ JH 'G7ra. of Rovam. .f W.oit ''i.t. of UvVmwm, , 'tiw f- 7wiisf R 'rVmotxV, IJ-iftV M witl, of OrMirr,- . Jtia..Ji VrmUifo of Waku.; Mm Mil of Warren. , forhkj. inOittm, n( Mwrt'm.. Vciw nVrd. of frtea.' ' vi: I. fTimn, of KikreMnUw.,' . Wit ira lirfil tnpwt ilwi hit i,'trtitjr T-r'a W'ttie ontv"airiftA I i-lli,a aiiSJocta S f ; T1- ShieV raj bHer, of ttrirtachiMni.rt .j nnen giria mr, ht T.rfhrr left; an I it 'win: wev! mTuuri, nj jr Mt Bt to reiirn; anj H k tn thi ctreim.r.., tbrrcty.be iaiiHlrbtcit fir k'i wivioUtiilitf. H.vl there been anotber rf th aaetrd roe oU( cnou!i io Vilanitu'c iq hit j.l, ,Im Jaiiitaariea woiit.l hare lonir ainen JfwMl hii. - He haJ two aons, ooe alwit tha ace of inn, iu wiKitv MKiirrjtea vrre ttinie, ai hi Kwwpwiim n t'Hxil.1 arre t eompe. t.nl fm. and Ua kneta hy exrtcnpnce it to at raT lor inn la tin tin n to v it: lor m an preiMrritnri . Ven stranj-W,!. Oaeef thent araafciaaarn brnthp 1Va vm rwr- aistui-elT Um1( aa it WM tc.Krte-t h ha awl been ma'lo away with hit nan. Uttier, fc B, huW he et up in place.' It i ki,np. hw ever, that t)ie itor illetl of the mill not, nm tt,M bit Ihthrr bail ivei aa extmanliiun (M abWtshf hain- hh imrvirhyt chiUlrcn - m "i"ninii waiiopt r.ornpean ininrore nn in thiMt .n merely miliUi-j. Ila it, morcOTer, a man well rerteii In nriontal litf-rI t'iret wiitet ami nnilentamla Anhin n-ll- anj hit iberiK which he alarnjrHilitttci. ami owu-Dci wrwet ww. dm awn tand, ro ailmiml tHir arat ce'npliJieil. ' Th Act rK ha-, by iVt time enlTect. tf a f rn- f fil.000 men. on vhom he rtifcl 4oireW denend; ami he eeceWed immnte olet( pit the j!iaaaa,rtea'(nrn .ty force, wh'ieS- he lott , tiine in pxeci'lmf. lie KiTonn led th RfpeiUn, trSere tkey were an iTiViiomly nemHI-fl m denv crevd,, ami having no nftrehenticiri of wirS meaa. Jti&wil Tt. .,,.. f Cnwi- I 'r7- " tntitna'iw mt or thm tUhv4 Viltnt:e3, ei XewHanewr. W of their ajhiaiim, raa a murlrriMM v'. . -- i' i';-. . ' 1 eharreV crane Ant fmm thh canm oftha Mr Weadhiri for fJieral JneXamt, ml the Tnpsfreg. , Vast BurnSf? qrre JtiileI' on nroor nf riiofiilciioe aiwt resanr 1 hare i the aont. and the aiinrlror retired tiv the h him, wh- t iMtiifem. lai-rngT rihj,, or lnrnclcv .which wr-e t!vttf bv, l - 1-- hmuuLmIi J UUi ( J .... . . wi m I" ' " - i ucre Tn-y tnnt tnemaelvea 'im 'xtiiL. in or- k?fcrft- 'tr-:r ' " ".'" ' J Vr tn ditlndt- them, it m n-ewv t art The eemnwtion f tiie twiMie relirtion in!. the tifi'it on Rrn, aa thrTTrdiw-d all termaof hi amsil to tienrrat jarKon( vnaa i rrti-; mirreirtfj The (1mM trrtv mmn a.n fvom .nail the prnofmhen n him, oi the hitch ea-j Hera, bun-tin? nrtt in lifferent ptwea and, lion W trli'ieh be waa lill hv lue," ke.---. that non mil tho h.mV. .nmw, witrnundffd. like tlie Rtmeidin. Willi tannAn CrncRtl Jarkaan la .acl-n"lH, ttron-)and )he tl'nehnrtjrt cootinneil tritlvtuit Inler lod man. and hat mere nf the Uoman i liiin.. minion. It K mit niKaible. nerhina! !n enii any wn no IWlng.l'AainnaX-iprm. I eeire aav tifmtion mnr horrible t'u.u thnt in 'Gtnerd lktmn'enjrtT.in 'm ' emmentl l'1 tfcejiariea no found themeltrn. kc the rm)Iii fuvwirt and of hi wnrth, tn-p ,e o'c W flifne t Iheir, head, and I aail cf.it, im one Witertiiint a hiRliir ni will bered -dowTaSo ittbem, torn to ff tvspcolful opinion tMin niTtulf. Jt.'tn Q. j pfeee with- f mne-ahnt. nttd overwhelmed .. -i'-! ".a' j , with- niintand burninjrt 'fi-apmenta. Aa it Al bnVeerwhW aa'rviJbi antiile htn, nW them ttftmly, t rcwant, am! whn a-I.M. oneer h..t beoi. ni 1rter TM an longer oiTared :uien .liMdhTlha pnratt int.:lltilntnlttho.tBOt:n,, tpOTflaert(m and dicharpp nf artil te4.fiVtM.',ji fiinm '-A"f ' 'T' nntiHniNt fof the femaindsr if thij tlnyl Secretary iVofc, owl I1 Hfeudi. of Tlis? jaHtaat'r''nn!wtbttafKt.nit We tiirprite f-ot JaetsMa. ' v- ' " "' V'- i f'l.cnm-paratiret unprepared aatem which nwtmtjliat Cir.M Captninj' fXn-i 'en.lefimded tbanelve, witb Jar1n,yWAdflA. m.fcA t.l.ORYwi : a detptrate fiercne.t and intrepi.btT. Tbe fcwi; wW mwn tnstti'le-r rmrt ; ' a3 wotitHled, a!Td had foornrae j( peevif property .ifcyeeJmiffi,iie-J K'-'ert nnd?r him; and his troop auBered ie- con flotcA anV other eonnj? man uioeonn vrreiy. ni vtenfftiv nowever, opposition frnffirvt Rf-HFfXy I anUoTthe ? Mit! reaaed, Wttea'there irw' no Tomypr .my tninu lil a'ive to make t. The Crntir atacCrened v-amt ailenced; the flmp wvre ext'mfriuslied n iiifinKeiirrst an a in? ,oexi mormnB; nreaent sttxittion Of tht JMiMtricS .vi 1.822. je,T a fiighir.it acene burmn? nitna a'aketl in I v jtt CmidnnlvtofUts. tiW-n Imee mas - of amokjni g flesh; Ad KnU't.V.i .V f-:tlavV the ffte cont,ni,ed rioted. wtt;1be Vllliil "I UlS .".iuv., V" 1 AAAnliin ..rnr.i. r.TlhF..! nttnople.! The. jjtneiJan iBenlion-fnien from the country to par tlteir deotinn iff the tcconnt, S H.-.urj: public i ' e sanrrd st-indardi and tiey camo in ar Iff 1he Clfy W Mn'mljple,v""v. niBimnn. orpriiprw, njieauteoreomtilitintaml niit;itian tk inl,hAr!io.l Af whietl wpri-iil-'S ,.heir Btrt the principal remnant of justice iff the nreaent Sttltsn to; . 1 pw we orracK.or,nn; wuwMnisi of rho wtmian- .h. .k., .. .oa -.- Th firit tVwe. tbt afruck rae, mi ffiy ar 1 mlftinirtr hnnted nd ilMlfiHwI. mr tha il. atoctd atld aSn'tRlla .in Ait of street, ti well a4 the hnwirW nM ln6noni an ltfaoMinsry irsy ' tihere corered with dead hwliea.- nnti&g kinr fell9,dreed)n a letVr Jup ket, , ; t!.L, n Chrittian waa allowed, tmder anv frover wn ornamemtoi, Hn,teant))3r pretence, toqia ovef to .Constanliiionle. hand t lanh. of several leather thotijrsj lis 1 uut though tli two placet are Depurated; on 1 foWod hf two men, tlao fnntfisica!! Jy ,v i narrow -hun.iel. iho, most .perfctt ssed, innportiry a pole on iheir hditl Jers, tranqnilfjty Signed in' Vera. The people n wbirh hnnjr a large' copper kettle, t hoiijjlit and soki, and puraued their ordtnarv y walked tbrmip-h toe main afreet wit i odcnpationoi and would hAve known ttotb rf ,rreat authority, ;ndr5'- b pfeople1 ine1, perliaps, of the lrcnirndnn.1 oonyulsions y KPi mxm tiieir way ni 1 iwina; tm tlie atDor-aKle. it it were not tor Iho blaze 'ikhmVv, WM'thee'Ufe''ojf oVpMif.JtfiM4of Sr 'mn tbe 'renin of tR'a. catinnnl - ' eandlwavheldintheh!cl)estrer)ect:.K i!"Ths; enosnrevof.. tic ?mJink" Bheitf !eed so dittiniisliin-r a 'eharostcrWe 'f. brought 'tmniense crowds t ontfantinopte 1 body9!. 4nir-tonp( that fhei cnloncf 'tt'Wiit-.'ftirIir'ti'iiae itij wM tiolyto the tety Jehor llstlfre, orthe- ainbiit6rtof faitbiuli .and.mntT' rOnsutetcd .tt equal to a n. .Tbeir kettle. therefor. 'is in wet. visit to the tomb nf the Proohft. The Sul ir nandard) and whenever .Uiat it brought jtart, 111 .tUet mean Jiittc, a'nncared in, the uni. ward, it ft the eipiT of 9ome,deserate form pf the new corps,'': and" went to the erprise.''; "Tbee kettle were how solemn. motqne attended bvthe SttWu, Tdpjrhee hroiijrilt Into; the -filmeidanJ'lhveHed Jn end Cromboriidtfef(,rinste(l of hi nwinl pnard middle of the area, ind 'in 4 short time ;of iinissaiics: wlmge 'nizamt or badtrea were nty thouvand tpen rallied reimd-them. ' v )yerr where .torn down nod trampled upon; TJiejCnti jtad now; arfiyeil, winch ,thi they had baco ainved to nnmron gate and both., feared and .Wythe, fornd, be ' g'ird-hoii3'!j n the ,ity. and indicated the jiedmtely availed in tpseif of flioe resonr.extenwr poet htid laflnence cf tha eorp t whfcH,lie Jjad preViotijily "prepared: for I to Whielf tttejr .belohped;' ' "t4 - ' Y tn event. . He (irft, tmuianvtted tecret f On tlvj nest -day, .niie Suitan publicly rs to tbe Apa Paslia ot; Tenii' and to ! auathentRtired the wlwlo body nf the jams .Tojijiee Bahi. or comnwiulrf qf th Ar- , to bold 1hemaeir4a i.it. readiness, with f force, if heir presence, l'ioti!4 be re fedt an4:;'tieAte.'Mwnne'i'foi felt wa nnmefottaljr' trended. tie er wed to them, the etato of the janiswirie ?r spirit of mntiny and the-ir tncapability ftbortlinationj he declared.ln. Intention of ftr Tljng without, their contrnl or of ing ove,r to Asia, nni icvinf tAwamh lie and Ewtopean Turkey to thfeif lefcy? the- ubmKted Jo-them a meamue , of cdiate expediency, to raise ho Snndjak. irif, J6 . SaerecH Standard- of WahomeV it all good Hlusse,1man miffht ral'y-round Tlii laat proposal met witltfinan5moi ilanat and otdcVt were. immediately iv This ateretl reKo.-,it(t to bare been' the U clatheof Maiiimet. m on er produced n the most solemn wsciwimt, tmt it wal seen fn. Cinstantinopl far dt'f ytr be 4 It wa taken front the tmtJeria't q"rc. ' W 4he Imperial toina nt Sultan MV .'Th lilenttii spd.setta wafted before, lle Soltti tnd all his' teoitrt followed Itj Nhcarsinff tne' Korant1 fellas, Or pidjlk? I"",. Were teotio lianoimce'eterjr Whew M fcad been dontfj and, In "short time. menm newawasv-oommnnicateSau over eityl ,Tiita eemo hae-bem- inattee fko of noTieyi enlisttnat once on bistfidef F prejudice and natrium' of .(be whole I or--. No tootH aa -it nniniccd, than Xiauida rledfroHn:ibeiflnai '1naa li :t'ion, and JofnetTt he proceaaion Wit It tSe fcest eortnuiatanuiw, Hlieli rtheC'mew'd e oMffninoent ntotqMeytttfl Witfti plafed (tie "xWd on the nuliif.Wtblta" pro. i'tMednnamithehvijralnatifl Whb Kfurd nj?e ttietnaelret tiniley tt .t.'Iln' AKa a 't iroopt now amred frtiai tfn Boipfiomk, f tno rnpjree Uashi Jamlrd Un artillery tt le YaK Kioak,-jtist onder th walla oi' the nr Galiondeee,'Ot- Martne. nild the M'andgeea, or Corp of 4Tar!bner, Imdat- prcTiwM'y preptred, and in reaui saries inhibited the -mention of t.lteir name, or anv 'allMainn to them and in their otace flOlcmnly eanferreil tlto ' appellation of Astay Ktn Mouamouicn, cr torcea ot jiaiiomef, on the oewtrmy nowforpiinjftoreplacethemt ti in h evehiiigri fellatv.or publip enrn, were everyayhere aont ftbout thwei'jand $v burh to prqehiita; th.t trsnqoiHiiy was- rt fored.' ,, , l.'t 4j;.r ''T1le!nnmb('r of tanlssai-i icttroved "in. tbi ocCasioa it tartmisly-reported. Bealdtfs Ihoae, -Who periUiexl at 'h "Ifcnctdasj :-batJ hS: tlffathetl eight 4ayn ottricatiite ctt,-W)d li-.tho pubhe streets, multitude. jcro anjht anil prirti;1y' tran(;Ied jn M JiOiwea'Where Cj-jy Wert foiinil; ;-tlta noil of fhe .tirSe.fiwljwseinhled wrro ttiopqaed to atf'eicatiek ,jAirth!omeeMi' with the exception ofa;f. jiad joined thu -Suhli-aV party, Were., Unnwn .tc have pentueili. ant! tins t;cn;ral. "npmiun t,' fti't O.QO(Tww saenficed .on tliat pccvsioit Ai-ahat, M other, machine were employed for several day in- dvafifjti!r.drvn tin? own- ilfil limV.. old Cnsiinc t!nm iillo llilf .fuitt. hor ntlRospWirtia. -'.JHkW !iey Vv, tilt, b-'.'1 i'liwk-' l' theMt wa elt,fj"nt no ciominrrK bildvant hy cortiip'ioiv tb amiiij ;'J'"3T finsuined., ' fv ros? to the 4,op,anijr.uerakJlo.VettJiit4 tho! . tfom -San, Mateo toltat.eM) lltw tgmb Ma of Warmer, where the echoes treqnent. wumoiw iua oecu,; g.tatery and it in had for tht-ir style and eoropoMiioe. lis ia nut a man of mornsB er'enicl i(isnoition Ui hit own family. OnHfce contrary, be hat mrerslWiEhtrit by HiH'ereot molliura, to all of whom ta i. afU-rtio. atcly attached; anil in hit ordinary jmtereouite in pro-rite life, be is Oibaiw and .iffible. His piildivi eoniluct, however, ha been marked tiy etrtnr-i dinwy Gercenetaanil unrelaotin yigor, not only te Ri-jaa, but tnTw it thKnuelvett and in thji he bat thown an' Iiapnrtial ilitrejard of human life, and not a strict reinnl to human obtiipition, Rut wbateter hi eomlnnt hat K-ch Io hit k. recta, to thoat of other tationty.he Urn ffonlaii ine moBj mvininiiic jfoeetion'. Iljj Int .Won tiuneil the karH;ro pivtice ei hit 'nre(li.eetsan' in ai-ndin mlnai!ur to th&'Sewo 1'oircrai intteail of. wlikh. wbenenr ther, are dispoted to ilcpnrt, hq affoplt tliem erory fccUitr4 tml thoso of tlicit;i nation who pti!ae to remain, are m eturitr. ' '. ;; ' a - ci ' Uurinr the ti-entio J laac. whiok ok place at tb hreakiua oiit of (he fiwk insurrection, tlio oilium ami ,-..;,.. f ine inraa atieniicu to all Chi ittianat yet,- the . iiciwuuy me, suit ttie ureeas wein tlt witliout mercy. trlwrcVer they wane mot by tb m iliinii.f. notwhlmiknilin r..w eidenti which oeenrrml to HidiviilnaU m ilieeon ftition, we never hesitated 5 walkabroatl, eittieC in town tir it viciiiity, for buainest or auMisemebt, Uipnsli, crery Turk Vat armud with .in.... andeatc of liw lert pi-tola, which bo was teaiy to -un none ri'ei-i.t nf Kiuont, wluiro mieli real existed, it it but or. thnt bit mm rthc.bottCbriatian uatinni in Eomiie miHit bcproiW to fellow, ' ; ; i. ( t f.,y ; iri.niii.L-.i 4i)r xna iNatinnt IiitelitPcncer from tlie " PrecM," ami' Mx-rcuno" . published' at ' Lima, V" -:' 4f-v ' Jlminvte and authentic nteoun? f iht id event ntdeteiUnt to ami fotlor :ntt tht Earth quake of. Worth 30 ikxtemUnl frtm i.Lumbayeqe nntl Pitr,t Liaa mWirariam fxultof the Depamnrnt. , . " ? ' ; On tho I6th of Jijirch tire rivef Jayme '(Jf Fcrrenafe shot from its bed thwt!!rth np per part of l.ambayetjue. jtta tofrcnlj were s'i atronjf, aiul d peat tho niMlM. btlen, that If entirely cered,the j!ac3 iamed the Other bank, levelling -In its proifrcs alt the hiMitea and hamlcta situated thece.v 'JVthis phenomenon; was added ait eVimordinary torrent of rain, nccompaifted bv violortt.thim. def end Hithtiiinf;," all of wliioh continued tbtir- day W stciisioni.;4Tbis.talaint;y ha destroyed, niwtt.of the i wets; beriding or iiicHijinj; all the bniHings from the centre. ThO MBliappy k inhabitant- have found an asylum in the lull and sand bank in the vicinity of the citn but, their toil temaint 'nfhtUraVJ'th.liaMation'a-,'twiC''dowiL ana tneir Ijarytstend sugar - lost: 'Such ha. been tno abumlancc Of waters and the height which they hart attained, that the oo.iductnt oftho pos Was iurccd to' etfibarhr on raft . miKf nurf mm inua crota the city to thifoffic. Th? same individual rtfcite the appearance ot a large, rtvCf formed by- the f;i'ma ii the dctcrt of. Secbnra,' aplact in which no drop of water has ever been teen before. Tbe directtoKT of thiaaawr, riverb acrost from Hhe desert towaiU the' point Called Cab? Vcrderfaud Which for three day pfeciUcdiio;funr utf other etnedient lor eiintiindng vhia'jottritey. Otlier traveler 1Kcr Kh m the) ''J 0 I'nrtKlcnor ""Mh armd tUe "I eoncooiiaitt Vealful rniUiiatM Uaaal hI-.i L . a blonTil ;!" :.';. ir1" I" h .Nt r,t,ce. n1 aanvcum. and kr 04.0,1 the aawrt . " -Tiayra fiit.irH fit U.iv. VHrf U' "it r' k?H tnloriom; bot tbe rrc.ter Prt of the wealtby puontatimi left Uir'if fcoeset wicbiealy in tht airtt. and there ha Hijrhteat diaoyder has occurred. i tbtir ab- rt.kl.'..,! . t . I.-' .. I "... . MicMicir3 runi iua aunua wiiicli the wttcrs Have amassed atftl m par? eoricpulcil. . '.ahecjoontfy and cifie of ferraiiate. olmos, MotiitrdiJayatica, .tUrficefu; Kten", r.d Chic laye. have suffered the moist aevfreh'. " i4n f iura,it ruined foy fimrtteit day eon tlmially, ami at iis tdrmjoaiinK on the l.fth March, all the propiidora fonnd,thanselves coihpflled to abndii tlifjr farm, becaut of the ruinous conditioii to which their hub, iialiun were reduced. ! ' t' , By the other road frotn Huatloc Uievvhi leartied thelit in to atill wtcjs coyerinjj fhe iiW hwise" were rclttctl to mbbith t'irfjico'i with larVe ptittid niass. which " "" while thc'moWnv, around h host and shin Voanitftimft etitaiiirled tt discadodkfrom thoir summit iMtincnso fraj. delayedi esinbitincfin heaily Uie aae place, Imus -roc dvatroyiojr Mm jroadjtV''fnI ffaiuy or mat wuicti ne poei niny ie tn- i.'"" ,s .". i;iipnui.- ed ii'f theeel of Xerites impeded by the. ooiiic oi, ma qiva aonuers j i t . , . FJtiCtil.iit, it tjirda pep deftsi eadavera 'pror. A8l?.,ei"li,n-',h 'itKatiee,' A leu.-Jl:e tritiunlity haa rc-ipned in Con taulin"ple, J whic prnmi of ercitement. can ' ibsuirlT. Vm tins public mind been in "Ih'at iewritlve tinte, wlietf the first newt of tlie battle ot'Naiarimi rri.-U, which (liaol.iv ed it-elf t tlie brafeiitg onj of iho Ciroek, rebellion, it it" bijjhly r-mhai hf v tha.he whole'of the VraiiK pnul itlort,' would have, fallen victim to a popular frenay, which no authority could control. 1! it their spirits it it a. toiled, U.at'.i in Surco, a c'dy finecnVaifue tbsiaat' from Piurt and' toven from Sail XUteo, tbry have h:id an eruption of water siitiilar tn a vilcio. i.V ' " ; ; ,f;"v On Sundayj lifarct 50ih,l half past seven in" the. morning, Lima experienced an extra or linary and awful trembling a "-well for its dura:iim, as fnitl movements. It route was ft.m. Krmi, W W NWV ml forty fivf t-eonda of eonvidaioivettrojied as many buitduis. Jh remainder being left in a tvery" p rilo t at, The: towertof the templet) aad panicularJy'.i Qnpolati, are till detacht J, and theAirick and atono Ornatncnts fallen to tlict cartb. It'mayvtrith certainty be sajif, . A rThirVaT,tQ fnaiaoct nrpru'i4: tul.pvervatitm fmnt two tnawt immi ncnt da.erv with Th tfadfjl t,". pec( of jKrislwa artenvtnU b-fUrt;. Uoti. ,lm L leljr occ urreil:-,Tht bria Vtcurr, CtP. T00I..M MrniS.J.11. b. Moore, left tirerpool on th 2Ttlj JIa f.M- tint laland. kni SA tv ftrf. vnUr.ui.fort-intBj took fir. The follmrtn. U th nccouht of the clrcmn.' ita-iceia tletuilcl in Iho (jlidw of yea tenia. CpU T00U al bh nenpie h pricnteil 1 wontlerfiir' tacapo noni tlctfii in nt-itIrea(Uul ah ..-. In. m niall a boat, not (aalUatttf, t,hey ha. tetrce.T a hop of reachinlho latvl lr afctr, having, we otnlerf taml, en fountercil terjr tctnpestuou' weather, auHVrinyt of th men, from' being siNtgctt M lie tlowii .so Jwx a.iima in ibe bottom of Iho boat, in urtltT to ktjcp heratcailahil enaWo her to carry' sail, mtft ha vc been severe; nnif their agony of mirtil. af the apprcheu'aian of their provisiiin being exhausted, not t 1m ilwicriljotl The two material article for their support, (brea.l ml watei) we are told, had hlmo.it fJet ihent; when a iuercifurfrovidet.ee brought ihetn to lb 1ilewJ; af-jht' of land. -'We are shocked' to hear of the khnmamtv of the tnittcrof thti biftr, who. CtDt Toidi. .iV w et i1ir,.isetl aituatUi;atnl yet" passed bjr on iho other side.'? r . ;;;tvuw Gioit i'; ' Jf edixmtay; June .-,At SO tninurt tt l. Ur.,18, 7, ilon..48,'50i themtn athwh(.'e1 iliscovered tinoke iuinj; EtrtS tlH-nus'i the sterit 'and rudT tier' case and immediately "gave the alarm, whrri (hs after acultlo' Wat tiwt. ed; buf 'it AyaOn '.jeiriV aa to reiider it tnipostpiB to enter, jpommeneed ihmi watef. j,n,,h vitlentljr wilhont SftT'eTectTfrtKiho ftiid the half deck Aatche,-whert) if was iiicResi, were tiitn taken tiff; and al narjd, emoloyed An Suppljin wafer,, but it continued ti fncrease In order ascertain ifli whnt'piirt of the vaeli ,UB--M.nVvFM prtj. the cargo waa thfoira overboard, when iho Observed to bo ven-rst fnrn and ff -and - r , w-: - v. w t.,1. had become so bad na tn render it utter,. tr lntpi88ibfe to go bftpw the hatchway .mo, carpenter, waa 05dere,'lji.tantljrito scuttle the. tlecka, ;in, eeeral placet, ao aa to- open a.oastawa tn the wafer,. whicU va continued lio- bw. fKitureth tiJdiwm.; Fintliri- that all ihat could be done -with the ttso vif , wafer; would not allay the ?'noke4thd; haiche-t werp closed 'jtifijht, etitleavoripjj, thus (to? mothrr fire; W, at noon U wat.tibaervetl WraliHg J''wft,m latcjma, tipottwhiclt three liandswer ordeeed to preparB.f the bttati VjlJ,lhc .tha i(iMtaiiiei : cett itlirpwipn; ''ac'ii'ir'throun.'tlif'viculr: tlci in, tlto deck. ani lBetvherei for, and aftu-4 '''vivTr-w' .t r.-i.' . A- TfritftJaifrJumtiMi T.iU i the t'?"1 a inicnae, ami every: endea vor J'nSui-!! th flame , ha viij proved inctuiilrthat it wait ho longef, possible tn remain on deck and , Cap.' nndretS . Vot intn ihe boat and i hnnix uiHitr. o( Jlic.yc-I, benr.'ihit'1 Kafi sails andigepp and inatlg ''seVeraK kttem'nttf togo. et board jheCMol, but could. - not Jiema in Vane tnnmen r. At tlire o'clock;. P.-M,:: left tlie. veasel itj loni btmt. havinf the lolly -hoa tin turn' shortly ,aftr,.the jfthtu wa aa high' t tno: Hinin-asr tieat( ana in a lew, mnr a tea nothing cotihlb een f lhtj wreck! Steered on for I3ai bating night coding on' antl-breeM tprtnguiit; op, anfnrtun ately tore the atern eu tf the jolly-boat; when her'crcw. wat under the neceisiiy pCgetting into the foftjjboaf. Afif tf.T1e thinj tday . fttr'Jevjnjr,t wreck, in ahoot lnjl 16, lonw.i3; aw brig about 2.10 toh.iilf a painted wfiife, atandinp; to the North. , .ihe, came wiih in .hail of tlto boat, and moat baovb nerved ' the signal diatreM but, after little hesitation. he Icrowtt'd JU 'JI and left the junfortuoMe boat'f crew, to Uheirjate.: v; -w Jv5i..?. :r1,V-'?V.M . , iThit u,nfeeling conlqi;t to ihe part of tltc bri must have beefr keenltf felt hy CapT.; "Jj'oo'S htj since, .he baa been employed In thii tad, havfeecUentlf afforded rielief to vessel in 'iHstre,' . - j.1 V; . -it, ij ', ,',. 4 '" ,;,Other landi have bnaste(l.of tlie paif- nmsip ,ii tneir .nieii nu women, tnrt Americans have beef oinparalj rrly ai, lent.fjtr'i'here are many individual in itancea of the Jheroi'e ...ardour U( our people ilutinsc , the- r evolution j.wVicIk tvouitl tell welt In hwtoryjbtit afeleft tji'lihger,h the ; tecollection of ,f uc ewlig, gci)cratipn, The ..following from the netv work. entitled V, The Spy Unmasked eicmnlifie one amontr the mart striking examplr s of that love of mirj t .,!. at ; 7 - c 0 as t m uii army men wa. 1 irf iat pre Jonnnaied tn it.- , n'a'Je acciiirnt. rw-j . . ' -Ft J't.j led .Bd 'ior rrj I i twa and totintrt.i - ' , '; .' 's- . Huh; and aV,t ihore; that tue rrr'!' Ihrriturt.' '( I'm "-''' " Petef Dwliner 1 nsi (;, . ci... Aer the batti af far-tnt ted action of the 1 ' i'r t1 a jniht tt well dautef. wt tried iii f i.l confoaioa-nfn Court durin? iha ret.t Aii i,,,;-r 1 r.e and fall f li-hf J whkn ka Jt clote.1 il t atSaum. 1 r trtsaare. and OtliertV ViTte Jury, after rctirin- t a Uv , In till Wild IKnmflil nihuiti t.i I .... . . 1- t . . - ., ..iiiv, v 1 it r . , 1 1,1 . I"T ' onie way or oihef, .lour Ooutind JuMtr' dama- (S wera rntetied from their propertv, tr;ait rtrdlct aver rfenrt. reJ n tl0 our hcrumo, who had w ton.on a-.Cuunty in aaimllar cn V bout lurteleen tan of th, other a-, Amnion fir nev trial waifih-oit-' twiutajveen. waa Men by..M,r infurmant, tM to the nnrt, by tha def .. farthr were !i ansae I flying fur J i wiv i, a I a'f. , M i 1 TSP'Tn ) ,wJ'r,,,riTlnf tr dni;Juu5cf, the ground tf Ttp.ivt 4t- v-w w a.o locqaij in maes, nut wai promptly rejected ' No family in the cmqty havt taiiwd a-mnft .ansutlitii tepul fatiott , rme ;st)le sj.jtook her hiwhaiul't fowlmz.riete-, ,"a,ade for" duck r plover. (Wte g-w nm fwinj aSuenf n horet.r.ir, fun the plaiati.-Ta. Kven 4 c.st.ng,v..va-e t(i . Vir-iiitJ and tho witawsea U the 4efen.l . t. ZT'l . , I . ,,ru '"i bag. n4 with cheerfulness tn I an e, aiott but the, Jad ?thwktng U .lack and i!onata warp:'), to tho inte-'ritv n- -goose shot not. Htte the, i.e to kilt poctaW.ty. and worth,. tMt'hl.'M ei regulats. hit, mother took a ctiFftclTut ti.nabSe and much injured family. . - up. Iter pewter spoons, and li.immcred. 5 ' v v ' . - J .V- them into hsv and put thcin. into 1,U'- Consit!crab!o eji itrn,-n( prevail in big and Jie sat IT in great earnest bur tIc . ff New Yot k in r onsetjuenctv thought he would call on moment and o !l dipute- betweert tha Copora'ion see the parsnuJ who said " WVtl dnnM and toe Firemen.: It tmara ihi i in that city membee ofona 4- i my brave. Jt parston who said ? Well done, 'i vt jkiytimf preserve too' l l tire i mw! e 1 " ,u" waJf ""'.v., 1 "r" 0npantes was rudely inv Tho'joungest was,' imporinnate for hi' olted bt an Itsittanf Al letaaiinj ttis-,.' equipancnta, but his mother could find f '.otinn having been; demanded and re ? " nothing o trm him witlt bot n-. 1it ' ! Fireman, .trader highly irrU ratty Awonl; the "boy seemrtl athrr un. tate.1 feelin'rs. wrott-an indecnnint lot- -. . Wlllmir IO risk lumolf tl.. .1 . ter til Ihn M,l,.rin., ,..t,:k hut lingered in the strtet. in a state of oefore the Common Council as an- ? hesitatiort, when his mother thus up.""'' to him in hi oftic'tat capacity. braided birj -J Vou Jvhn; Usr,TherCouncil, thereupun, without "giv f what, wlf(oaather say, if h hears "'it '"-i olTendin party an opportunity Va that t chiliTorAxi, VI to meet the f bina heard in his own efenre, es. " ' Rritiah? gt alongi beg nr borrow a gai,.PolIeJ Him frpm tlio Fir Department. - or-you.will find, one. child some coviAgainst "this procteding the great, bon ard. I dare say, will be running away , th Firemen rem on st rated as an " ihell take his nn and march forwHrd.-inlrinjcincnl! unnu their richts. and l. ' . land if you eoraehark, and 1 tear Jon manded. the' rq-1nstatement of the' txv ' nave not behaved like man; I shall tP,,l,e tnember,! he Common Coun- V carrjr the bluah ttf aham on my face lo,ri1-however ttealcd their temonstranre ''v the grave." She then Idiut .the door, w' Me; .Indillcrcnreaiid many u- . wiped 'the; k-ar ,fmm f her ye,'." nil'! thei'-.b'retud to perform duty. ' . waited; the, issues th boy joinotl the -The ..iciti.vms have become much, a- ; M march. . Such Woman Could not have .a""'eJ fnr the tal'oty of their propcrty';. eowards for. hf;iion.' tpstanceauf rt-',,,,!.MUrt- nt"oring to induce tht V Rnlitiitl;tIlicAt pride end affection 'Firemen -tn remain in the rrlWmaiic '" . crured. at that period, every iay;tn theif luty, until the Cornuratimi ,'f " V . , fv,-' oh,.iiiis4 oi!po """iveciRion upon nits wtioit ana feelins was .then ao tn'mmmu iinfortunattf controversy: . ,fc that if now operates as one sreat cniiso f . .1 Pdcraburs Iitfdiifrene'i: ftwrnot.havingttiarflacaorihUkimUW reeqrded.Whatfew.tJieiflarerrmtu-. .jwicrytnir Ator tanprr. ne.if v bared - shbuldtiot b Joat 'Nothing Utica, fdvenises for (he favor 'of imUirfy?. greatror i glorious',wasiever achieifetl 4, icwrrvwiy jhe -, farmers hides r: which Woman dM.Aoi' lJulaUCtk .laid.he will be ifttyl,'J most of consent W!Utn..:ii;aj'W-M -j y-ti.? '"-..; .'iUj itl'Zei .Bni.-A mail was put on the' Ija. vrSagttctyyf fe,; jrAa4;n FJfnit. last, week, aivllnston Mr. phant wasentrnst'eil t 4le4i(f A-ivft ?-?f hi MfiV' t V ? or three years, to Vvdu nj ihnn" who'loutr JHiluhtl Jlahhmm-r Fil y of ahi ' ' J kOn-iaoa . lul.ik k L rl lt.itnn nzmnr-l. in. I it.,.. . .1 . ' -', thfr amusement Hnfsihei rtubi.fAynr- faifd iMYe fhu African P rinrnt .Ati(liil.l.' J. dAed'w'h1iilie,4tfci;p'ftiw,4 and felt aUvIy aflectwBftw,Iiim; JSTot ,'ncsday , wtstik.raMhe Afiicatl Masonio 7 f '- Ik' waa even only thd tt aubink.tVitttoti the smallest ILV Panbtitlgd.stix'iit ill: his absence, k'"V V""-''.,V,7 amaote iwetit. u tho . have; rttn 4," .'pniletj voun hlah was un'iwrw-V'rro'?,'" '-oo, mai u renuire unnaDDv . . . . a V . t F -h repelletl ths, advancea'Dr -r ert lVt!a?'',M" .' " ; -Known tn persortj- and seemed to eat with a tint! 'V or,,nC5'f ?,f 'the. nroprielnrs oLregret'.when it HmhI wai hfesctifed '"''V." .cL!.c,,."?m" - the seed l fcMrbyia'stranniABnd; i't'. aft- ' I . !- ' i ?""- ', if' . W , ""Il 'tfT tltu doln till. P..1. 'I (' a a I . a ' ooiong as, this Mte fyj of i9. frtther,ibe proprietor of b ,wn early in;Aprit, at the. uis,f ,V, ihCL elephant,' whetheritlie JuHuepce 'iftance- V ;,,lMit "eoot apart., ;V fe?r .-4' lhff,mily-tofrfcilie1J,ntmrnr m&4 had ! lXi1'. plant, wtien green, phing- -: not jet dtfVtrjhed lu baijr;irhpenitlijji:i Jt;v;?,u? ir ? vumbler ofwater h: conducted hiihaMf. will.' lvmwi.t. 1 makes it like'a Vliiu Jelly, without tastd ? V'5'mI.IxIk . '4di.ls Pi;..(...i ...:.r: 'f Mtw,vuiivi vn ai.iii it'll w 1. .- the .Summer; com plainf, will -Mrink. ::i'r freely, jfidt Uaid to.'!) tlio "btsl' I remedy- ever covered. It I as Li ei supposed, Ifiat: (under f mvideoce) . lives ,nt tltree huntlrcd children ver If saved' V-by', It; fast sumincr, in Hal umoi ef i" andllkhow'jilie cfScacyof it by eype-f" ton -wneu it ja auou( nail grown. - 7 u.' areirt, witl,fnt a pm-ai'.. 1 hi the annuli efiMfife. - toward the1 animal entrtlsfed tohitearrit Elephant caitm jnt& the poHsestiinn of the r.yap juenagei ie, and the young man vvWwgs taken into its erviceVas left, jt'o hlriiseiaVings' bt eaiBO'chansedCliiatVhiinAdf'dnio. dissipation, sod JTtfglefe'odJIiid'jta htr eveil Went so far il i fatrtfimliii't jit . drunkenness; aVto atrikb tua Klephanhl ri.?"?e i" .m7 ow.n Jan.ily.' l?ene seed ;: The ' latter,? from v being; 'Iwbflualltf 2 J - C(u:1, t" . P'O.cticp., ": 1 clierful, became' :, melanchoW and hcf.fW "PV. .grow But in a greater .i. turn, ft? an in ich as to ho-thoiih i.n.M prolusion oi leaves, ny breaking t.a tlie. weiUv, ItXUll however obeved, but' bo lonfer i(h that brisknes which' slihw- ed'that all itr exercise's werV rejrtled byt as amu8entents; sign .f impatience were cven aoineuuics manuesteii, out Jhey were iniinetjiattdy re'prelssetf;?;.; t itlwas' bbviiiuajKa very r diflerent feelinft Were nmhiilmo- wiiliin h U 7 P " " n, " w-.. iv situation Yrtupfav()rable o; obedience to which this, viont state rfducfd it, did Jiot the' ties), contribute U excite Ihe discontent pFits' keeperft was in vainthat.lhe ;'o'st p'tititiye. orders were given to this yonng man ttcver to strike bis elephant, and, lha hi? 'vrasmade to sec that, good JrentmeiitUlooe couhl restore?, tli .docility, of J -thea, nimal. MoVtified' at baying lost l S authority pver the Jilephant apd especially at not going din ough b eKerc'mes wiih the sam success as lormrrly, Ins irritation ttiisicn-tuni-, ociiuried on bwu-d h br ltuisvll, dipt. Stf.ii1, rf Cmkon her .a!i!te, H.-C houw tiom Hai-lwiiiHjt, wbklt arrived' in Com on 'I liurttliiv. Tbia-e wern -oa hiit l.i,.i!rii the .'matter 9ad uUV ehht nets ami futr boytjp v. .i.cn.-, tow, ami a nuvai (tttu!amaiifc s pftttetiger-m h r, were lonnd di-n. In tli cahin, - -ao Momliiy ni'inii'ii; Lut, hy C':iit:iin CalU-niltr, ' ui iliw Mury Sluub. of l!( l'l'u.it. wl.L-l on her pnmmKij hotii from Harbaijooa, anil i(.k. . ' the AI:ii-y Knam.-ll on ihn above mniuing, Jiavmir ' been killi-d the ly before by tha Captain,- a-' " , u'lnlin to the statement ol the four liovt. ? Thai rinisu ataigued by the mauler to Captain CHen- , uci; was, an attempt, on the niut oftliu crew, f i mutiny; ami bit apprehension tbuttlu-y wool I , ' t.,ka avviiy. hi lift but, ta save himself, b it- f ' cccilcJ in inducing them to be tied in the cabin, ' ei -lt tinyly, itfoie anothei- wa tailed oownJ and aben all weiw tliu rendered powerlet. ' that he,put Uioae aeren to death with at-rowbar! .The mate,, named timlih, and a aailnr, inamed -liowea, by aoma ciana elriao-il H.t.,,,.,4... . 'l.tMlll'lll . - . . . . .. .. -- -t'--'tn T increased. . aul onet la V bein-, morlt' . anweHnroundd in several mcrraaiu, awi opet nay pcing more ; flaCS, . u lft vu rt ef , , -w. , BOp'-llonable than USUal, he ttruck hl , boyalo, when tho Mary Stubbs bovei. siehW atiiraal.:ith iw mulch brutalitV; llbat t)Mi :.ctt4u ciiuruitiw held ky the Miy ;iuai latter, fcoaded to , the Utmost Ullered !je Captain, Stewart front being- drowned such-- cry ttf.,r age; lhatrita terribed, po8.Vetl.ieHiay tain. iw the third titoe. b j - I - t I . f I a. ''.iM It... s a . . . r mBsierr wn na never oeior nearu tt nl( averaoam en uaietow, and i emit:WC1r-Wible;m Ctpltateiy: ni It Was Wei) loriUlu; Tor and an inmaett hM the bwliet of UYJ tevt-o henceforth the elephant WOUld not 80 ,uen- Wo conclude that tit mnct kia been' much 4 ; .ufter him v to. com near it; 233 2E&Z2. TTT at tlie mere aietit bf bttnit beeameYfori: . r . " r7-Jir.air i -v, . . .... r H .r. "i ; t?'-'. -"' -.' v.

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