yjrli.VunX klateCtttlte,' ta-VcV, iw iri pT aa- vil M aaat m l , ' t iM t. . . ., Tr " ' ' m j i attK lfc t ,U. ... I .k... I ! l.w i, i at jt "r ' frWjr t-ar'r.g JkIm mi. etM retain. .- -J ..l "" ft , ., tM FUnc. aiiim tit , - lev. thrw strata fort lir-lwww e ewati f!iv b iJr f 4 v 0 KM0t!T, '.-'., jouX C. CXUlpC.V. UftHtTlCKRT OF X.jCAROUxi" of IIvwroJ aoHnt.T, PIUUfr, t( UorkintfiMn. JiA.f- Ahreheutl, f tiulUji",, ! fla!Ut F- Jsclc, uf Riehmnnd. i ,'jfi( P .' ol" Omiige. Jfcr'iift Ci ttili'p, of H ake. W. "f V.'um-B. - i f , AX irin: of Martin. ,jrfar J?nr7ic'. r . . . 5 Jmi 1) l 'rt, r Kihreeomh.' r heard B.(f.', o Ncwsliantuer, (" - - " . ' - i. efxU.iH for ;cnert J:icXvw, rnid-'tlie ' niul HtC nmofn tlei to him, ol the 4iij;U et- U in hicb U-- ht-ld bjr m.;,":ce.- ,1.... Mil hai more of itic Romfin in tiim. tny row now Siring. ' Tkamaf Jejfernn. mini .lackon iusttT eniny in mi eminent :e tk pilHIio fitvcuri nd -of lii worth, t mi Kr'reeii too m ntertiini hinhci- or An'ofiieer hose serticei, entitle! liitn to Hip ied by the fst Intentions tuil rt.e most A .nrriaivt.f'r JOB - tlWISft AHAffR, .Sflcrrtdfo tf-EMf, and the Urf tender of nnnli that ilititieuisT!!l Captain, "(An. m iiiTmaral brolierlv I never liwl. nH n Aut'e. nv oltifit- loeuiiCJ oianuvose oi me pnfiiintl RKS PKCT anil of hnost iH- i" UJSXHT CLiT. ,-:. . '1 pM to jntr't., lr. C!t fiJV to .,Jft. rfi w fclal I'.iat 'n-;!ii(; n! t i, u'Ua-lr im rTi. y tt t !f A,r br M i it m.J and FOJ THE STAR.'.' , ' . , i'C) MKSSR. JO. CALKS $ SON, ntleniett, Public sentiment hwlone since bounds to political coniroversv. t violate i' evince a fearful expectation of defeat. L Mewr. tialrs ,cc Son, have , frequently, Irdinjf to mv' humble.judpmenlv oyerieap. fticse umintls, and passed into the arena Jcspoitini and tliereforerm&ny of my f bm nnd I Uaye been led to the conclu 1 tp j ou are not so well assured or tiie (lection of Mr. Adams a you pretend lo Imlctd, we believe, from the menns yoti to sijstain hjs sinking caowejthat you ar h lrrfleila.t 'i;.pro5pect, and begin to Vir of hi ucoes. For evidence of this Jiion, I will jro pft farther back than to psrrf the 9 . mat'.iiU,. ! is found u pressing appeal to those- who are yet "at; ot,- you'expreaa it," "en the fsnce," K jou Ke very pretty lunuag'e in-urging m to ; gtt..,f?l.tM&. help you, and to e yho are Jiuttised to wttuesa the. tricks fie cunnirtft and designing, all that vou sav Id be thought very : pUvisible. Out those ' art at all acqu:iintedl.vit.h the world, eun ' readily wo -through the nlirtter. " -, must be encourarintr to theViends of I tt to be compelled to cull in such a man 'and oH.such character (.'specially-or)e named by, the Register,) for ielpf .;I Vn. those who have the littleness oi soul t to be " desirodH of r-olinr taith tht tnniar f and have beeii'w waiting to Nee which of :anaiiutca would be most likely to sun d before they dechtred themselves for ei f!" Is it come to this? .Are you driven heeccssity of invokine to votir aid such V "': Yes, m4 'yoil. attempt t0 fjain llielr bort ty flyeeptlon," .Viin boldly ajsfert "i is now e'vident that Mr. Adams will Vmly roceUrp majortiy f ,i suffices be peopltv. to eontiaue .to- pVesid tr the ii ui sovernnientioT' another term ofscN V JutsoMpSsr' C..des,k Son? Vbefe on nnrt ti " mdicadom" which furniab atwrmjf tuictiim''. In t!to westi A." Af..., , p4 tO t9M fdct J tKwirtrvble sdc4 .r aiojr t obt.ll ibe UforiBaUM m tbe ppev, m relatM lo tht merits of llwUt (v.t d&tes. befr tluy made vp Ui minM vm im MBjccv rM aului tcefUQiw rkii I yoo cjnno, for yowr brea, tnaW. , i ' - reiam la- Mr. A Um Yi air1 t i k lu hjthma ctecutd the doW of lit bift atiu U tu most tinctMptkxubW ""neri lb at His taWtKa ad eharacter ar of jm intonlen that a on can, -UU truth, say a woivl 9 lv diprpmcnt ;.. tlonytUat MbMeiecntcdlwa dntiet ia uuru eceeptioiitibl . imjinrrMDo you ink fur Jroof? It ia abandant. r At prevnt, I iU on y feft-r ttw to ariMocratic pMicipkt, e. prraMd nvmeaaajre to Co-.jrua-i jcb at the drtlamipn thai . the Rejwtatire atioubl not be nali?l by th will of hi contntuantv" t- ha si option of power m relation to the FMtama MMonr.to his tiasofthc Wra( India Trad, and to hi umtatrt.nan fcy con duct toward UttorjfU. These .tiii i War been duly 'considered; a.l the reading part of the eomattf)'ajr are auCoiiiatly acqnaiiited with them, '.o coniJrr them very exception able I further deay the truth of the aaaertion. " that no man can, with trntli, say a word to hi disiiannremeot. Siring ausp'tcion of his barjfaii with Mr, Clay rested or him whan he first went iytooffioe.' 'Subsequently, ctrcum tance after circumstance hu been develoned. I and ploof piled urton crvof. until no Candid and impartial man can doubt tha existence of that bargain, td wtiich alone, and nit (o the sorrii:rt people, he Is indebted for hu ele nation to tfio Presldenex.2 Tho Webster plrd)re ia also so clearly proved, thst qp rea oiiabls man, free from party p.'ejudioe, can uhktciictc it, inese, i tninv, logetner who other petty elpcttoneerinjrtricnj, which Might oe rnedUoneil, turntdi justihable-, ground .to disparage ihconi-ii character of eve o Jir. Auurrm. in retereiice to this matter, the people "have weighed- him in tho balance, and he ia found wanting. , -, O. 1'.... i. , .- . - iw ii;ac ui3uc aeruow .concerning ,iaeK m wtucli are not tm. iou -aay- in no civil oftiv.e of' importance ha he fjtind himself equal to the'duvt's required of him.'? Tliat ihig js untrue may be deduced from the fiiCt that the people from whose authority he nut held civil offices, hare so fur approved the" manner iu' which he executed their im portant duties as to repent the strongest assu rances pf heir liigh regard for hi talents, and their confidence m Ilia virtue and patriotism, by continuing -to call hipv from one office to anmher of Inglier irtiportance, ontil be had M.-rved them in all the most bmiortant offices within 'heir gift; and as an additional -proof of Uieir approbation ot hu. civil administration, ami of their confidence id his skill to execute the duties of the highest c-flice in the nation, tliey now aeek Ito'tnake, tym President. ' 1 could say much more " this part of my subject; -but It Is deemetl unnecessary, and my communication has already grown to a greater length than. I anticipated. 1 will therefore Conclude br advisintr the Editors of the Register to try again, heir last essay. wt)nt movt tue neutrals . v E , Off the fence. . Frnnhlln T.n. ftrht: Hi , j "at fa in .k.' .Y.x li : . . ' . ' '' 1 ' " -'.. inr rinics;j uKif ai urn uua' t - ; u, iiin sun mnim iiii ! iiinnra ,.. ... , .. . - .r. .t . . oo"t (JfitWrnvri kouafiM- l iu UrlUr'eii.!. Thero , v - . i'lPeiU .... - : ' '., r :? ' " wim t wi u l imiort sj analler tneth. l.iMi'ins UiC Vtrogt tHerv nmrninj arirul- I'l.i inii l.a rr. hr alrrd l,v - -.. p.. ........ .-....,.. ... ...e,. it-' i . . rrln- I , , . . .v ...., v.i j - - . v.. .......... , w , lc loinirs air, Atlanta i.ia . , ' , w . Tn"TTevf,h,3' tvtherin !ow rtl, a.hNs arc anil tot Gaalile. of the inarioc corps by ir.sn ' tiiri.-o ,vf.ti-icl aaenalclraV a. . m. i: . . i ... .. I i .-! t . i.. - I ...'.. i " . . . i tne4 troPr;'y contisn'c j swlii.it ' viJitjr fo il.j. nil lM-.,,:f r 18::-4ie llttn Ivapol i; '-i fMf.t vulval, fir arirj of ihrtiuic, ail rl of diplnm . tj: If it li4ll be initl, that itri'trt- ' net is llii .kn nf ro,ariin inr6- rente, will it te allow ulihat Mr. tlffi furjr ia-tho indication ofeunCioo tultr" Dofft ihr cm.Uiutirn do the firinnpltJ of honor, lrw a bi'tvtrro the ot" ytHn ir I president, r& Uine f . ovcrt-tary rl atatc, to be Mleut or t uftrt rrtioauunr . '- '. ' ' Mri.Cli n'otie f ivtrrt IS arens irt " atlitar l.im what tloca'hu ijr llaea he. tcli v. jjmttie 4-lrrnd lr. Aiw.ut for iits virtues? , Doe he I ell a .!'. , r-r'cvt'iJ fiin'M a fnend lo the went? ' Dot ho tail , that l e i-teil him be- , aase he was of tho last cabinet? D.iea ' he trll us, that all he hid iub!i -Led t- iMttt, litin wak uitef i)oe he apolo - ue lor ukfratms Ihe tcinda of Ihd - western peopl jaiiitf him? .Doc ?',- aaj anj tliins about ilie au-prnJed ilia- rirtwm iimji r,ne iiiiti!tipptr Mine Hland, are Terv man, ron.-; fh Um'n-an.l it r..nr.ri. ;,h iU irinr. Kj.fn iK l.twftMM ir. Unoat. nr thickiT inhabited: tha rd Arhip'f iI.m. .f...;-l- 1. 1 iv,.. . w- W, , Csni9atru.'Q.' theihalva nrc multiplied bj tmoder-workett till thrj rJewand. that iheAnV V"'11 fauu O'lenletl, mcll witltilr na tiracticabte treworthilT dwrncil rhMi riti.tl for this nntra-rl. i.tka firt -ilul flnvd UttUnce vl tl thore. auJ th iicuruat "rirtainf j before a' the ancient pl-1 mre than tcveii Team ago, wal jh h. CHaraetefof the paanu. beyond- aU.titatea for mart cT coflifortt, at tied from hit t"Uice br aentenca ta otwer wMtacie. Concealed even frwn the 1 enmmixlated to ihc aitta tif he hermit.t tonft martial, 0 charjea preferred bt netgmwurnuoov uat tinowJede i.f which; From 'the openiot tif the arrhvar.a Cil,U. lathe 1 toe f his dar. '.The we then Mood mnetd. We pited : vat and glori". view of the MeiUter-- ealimabU character and tlipoaitlon down the, rou?S aide of the rocky emi- j Vanea VprwBtr itf. and no part eoald CoU O. fqroldt the idea that ha could uvo very uirvsiiNi,wainijMeKur me ocen tef ,er rhosen el he Irene of have ttrongea Una man. ' ? , wo anence, voicn, at we were told, at rn.nantie and aurjethumatt advenluret. ' - Inoklm Slur. dd!e height bctwVen our tn UtU A m loitered on thi interet'ma .' V' - "a - ground, k thouiand v'uiunt nilurallr The jait accnuata fraift New Oilcan ocenrred to ua,' at the proljjbla loci re resent the citj a five Trom ilie prev den't in the life of tine who could ao at alence f any malignant jevrr.. An tertv cast off the world, and betake eprdemic-T.aired the Jfraptt, sir Span liinnetf to a nook in the desoUle rork, isn fever, ia tajinj there: it it supposed companioned only by the seagull, lite that from . 10 to 15,000 persons hire vrry access to his anode xvai likely to beea'afftted wiiti It ht one lime." It have remained for ever unknown. The never terminates" fatally, is cured by old Driest himself had resided in thefatrople remedies and continues from neirhltiurhood from the "time of hist three hours to three dayB..; WfiioSSftt a nut: :j , 'From the Monthly Magazine.-i. ,XHK CAVE OF II AR HASSAN On'the south-eastern Coast tif the is land of Malta, there is a. remarkable cave, rendered lllustrtnus by the many fraduiona respecting its ancient inhabi tantV.x It has alwayn gone by tho name tf Hassan's Cave, from the person with , whom ' it has generally been associated in Jotlal story. But the ingenuity and Credulity of'ihc people have assigned to him a greater share of reuown than falls to the hit of ordinary heroes, and ne has adorned the tale of beldame mothers with a fertility of interest which would inrljntj one almost to Uoubj: his identity. He is rt presented as a lievmit, a pirate, a. petty k intj, a chi valrpus ktiighC a gi fjantic g'ib'nuv ' H1 seems to have been mighty on land And water, over ok and fire. But' tlw?s. accomplishments are tint to bin understood as, beinz'.attribu ted lo him en maaan by any one of. his glonuers; thy are so'CiMiected only upr on comparison uf Ihe different versions; ana tl, wiien.set toetneivtiney appear not overabundant fur ouftman' sharet and that of tlir.aea, led to the berajifage f lUssan. . The sea was fir below ua. and stretching our view to the erg of' iu instant non in, we aigiiet as though we-coald evoke the spirit of ihe recluse from the land of his forefathers ' But the sun was fast sinking to his bed. and lthe shadows from the insulated rock of Kiln already estendetl to the distant point of shore, abivrf which we were standing.. '.In despair, the dunkevs' heads .were tiirnexl .homewards, the vexation nf our party broke out in low English curses, which our Maltese ton ducttur vainly endeavoured to interpret; and, retracing .nut tepswe clambered diligently over the whole series of broken walls, which wese no longer'a neii hour's landmark." ' " You might have cone by a nearer' M . :,t . 1 I m ru'-iic, wiuiuui uwnj jm mis miscnter," cried some snc chsn tn usi and looMns on tlie itlier side of a cjumpof tooes that stood in the any;le ol the held, we; sa,w a'stOHt old marr, leaning on a spade, and orusinng away the heavy moisture which hi then interrupted labour had collected on his brow, lie bad a benign expression of fuce, and in the tone of his reproof Jbere was nothing of that ' mordseness which . mtgiit. have been expected from, an owner of the demo lished fences. Satisfied with this- mild correction, he was resuming his work, when tine of us ventured to ask, whelher he had guessed our purpose in crossinp' bis tie(lj,4hat,ie could thus conv, tis of having taken a circuitous route? ? " I conceive vu were lookini fm i.' c Cave of liar Hassans" Yes we went in search of it, but," "."vYou failed? Of course you did; what do these simple fellows know of its situation? and if they did,. would they venture to be your pilot, think you, when not one of them wopld trust him self there -for his life? Do' you still wish to see it?" , ,s - ; I'o this wc replied, that we had hunt cd for it in every 4irectipn, and despairs ed of finding it; that it must bev at some distance, and it was now loo late to linger so far from the city&c. ;;,.H answered as with an assurance, that we were , then not a hundred yards from the entrance, and that he had observed us, shortly before,' standing directly over its mouth. If we had any wish, he 'would ' bo happy to conduct us I iiiixiici .v." &ina uiofruDai was t.uvciiuiij assented to; and the courteous old man, laying aside his spade, and resuming childiiood, anj tht secret which he had that it is also prevalent in some oi the from his father, was.now shared b few,' eastern cities. f J extern Balance, ' if any. nut the marvellous tale which threw a lustre on the fabulous r.harac- ')frtn(t!ihfiJPci.Stpt.'2,'" ter of him whose heroism and roonu Jieckintoul bu irko!tsale. la Kidz ment were now before lis, seem to have berry .township., Bradfm-tr.xounty;, tlie nonisioricai loumiation. - i ne true ac whole Correspoiidins'SJommittee, ap count is probably that which I have al- pointed br the Adami men, have come ready quoted. Har Hassau is recur. 0ut, and declared that they M are in fa ded as being the tenant of this cave;' by VIW- f (he election of Andrew Jackson .the laborious historian Abcla; and it in f0r prekideat.-fmrr. Xtpvj'J V V justly inferred, that he wit rather' aj . ' V '. - l, '? l ,.v..it i man of sorrow than of blood, from a vc l ",- ptfrrs AKD' ARCDMENT? ry siogular tablet that was discovered The 3ackon Committee f Corwmonueoee not many years ag, nd translated from for Philadelphia bate4 recently In a srlcs )t the Coptic By a rrenchtnan, ai.tne numbers, aildiessed the eitiaeas of Pi-ansylvanla command of Buonapartev I should 0q ttio all-alisorbin); sulijwt of ilia presldewey. not have deemed thif ' little history of These rssavs aralabW written, anil arereplute lUC pllgtmage Worth relating, had Vl I hh fatl. and. sound arnwnt, which, at this not appeared a proper preiace to tins i (jria, Wionld rfaira the most acriouseonuiletv remarkable tlocuinent. for us auinen- ation ot the whole ,AmerAatf people; Wo w ticity have other warrant than that of gret diat oar liioki will not allow the publiwtlon the priest whe tirst indulged me with of all dieseMuinbert:' 'Wa aliall, however, from an inspection of it. For,, upon compit time so time,' lay such of them before our read risen with a different, version, done in era as we may deem cf the most general Impor- Bnslish bv an oQiccr qt." rank m, tht I tanee. At present we would call their atteafon island, I find as near a concordance a j to the following; ' -v; ' ; , i-,,-the two; lanffiiaircs will admit. Having - .. v LETTER III'.- '""' thus vouched for its genuineness, I caiy ' Vou i-liave aeen. gentlemen, that in not think any i com ment necessary lo ih lettcrf signetl '.iVayne' written :.,,'. ; . !;. . l . r.. . r it. r.ir .f (n"'....i ''.LiJiL.!!.! auvii.ee., !t cnaracici wr, aiuguiaitij iin.uie.itu oi toxx,. umier nivniictuon j i i ii ... o r..iinu.a. .", i I r as. ri. .i nr;...l r.a.t..'., w, auu,ucauij tv i an m mnwni. ';-viyi.ii(viiT aim jji itu w uiih in tue name hi iu uunijjoooiuuui i viuvnc, mi,. ,iiiuui uniuuutcu, l't quarter; . &mtuckv h:is forsaken D'ted, and. once. d.'iMin'sUtv the apostate ire. fik.. e. l ..j.. .....i: l J A'iiU W VlilllMCU VTUII KICK WWIHIUCII1.V Jfte illtflllfyAlit one natt-inli iir,nnrtfrs .ftf I . .... ..... rv...... . temiessee Farn.erJ 1ft thai btalei: Iritis till probably go .for Jackson; and the F'tciecttons in Indiana. Illinois. Mississinni I "lissouti( speak to the Administration in fice of thunder, while thcV triumphantly ""ii success to Jiirition. . in ie amiTiir Georgia, South EaVolinn No. 'Carolina Virginia will tertainlv.'bi; ovcrwhelndnir viUeKrttinDort Jackson.j'lo tlie North t W no -The thunder aw brrakioK aroond fl,rr, Mr. Adarm's native place" Byen his pi uat. Ne,w KngUnd is thrown into camt FOfl against him,.0: We ar assured by e j' tJigiiiy respcctaUJafipppsition prints n e States that the cuiise pf tha Wise, ton. anu patriotic Jackson nas many t,?elligeii! ' CRergetia advocates in that aeciion, nd' proportion .a truil'wdisaeminated, thev 'tmae tb inereaae 'every day Swells their 'er. -Ia Nwiovfejtvisunpossiblo that Uiscart tefmore than 1? vote-, and Fenm. 1 lia will frV eeruit uly vote fur J ac ksbn a ititMnee." .Wheie then, Missr, Galea ft ae vwir" favorablat indications? f U Esat? All iould vou get all tlie votes e, they cotdd avail vou noihintrv :But t! 'ids of Jacksun have almost positive. hsh- 'Ct that fu Will Vnt H VtVtf in iliii-ilalirt;'' i finfc.lal.. .1. C' . r I :.. .. - ..... n, i . " fie. rntmen. in Mm m .T.i,ro " help of (hose who are "deiVrous of voting "til tlie majority,lott how s our cloven foot 'tluchv .len who have such little princ'v v to Da " Ueairons' .of going .with the uglrtAOf wrftne;," are too cunning fnt, an ancient coat, whose colour and shape indicated .that it belonged to one of the clerical , order, instantly set forward, and in a few minutes jtad. advanced to tlie brink of the eminence s'wJicre we ourselves had been so recently; ). Here he raised a thin slab of stope, about two 'feet square," and discovered-the commencement of a rude staircase; tut in,- the;8itle: of '?ihisr rockrso nar,row: as scarcely-WSuffice for safe footing, and almost enclosed, from '-above by the projection- of -ude"masset . of stoned i This descent w As almost indistinguish able' from uy point on the tcrra-firma where we. had been standing, and fatally hazardous to any whose loot, ".or hand. could-be shaken by the difticulues of its ijt '.-'in. .' " i.-' i. . I..... ' passage. - lie. iwviva uuiow us, pwiuur tttnes- tell '.m a carpour.tiirccijine to thCi surface bf the water,', sometimes jutted out in fantastic forms, bnt never KWISIIIUi BW JJl i jiailjf vuitju;ij to. allow iiy tievtaiiou irom .iiie- pain prescribed by the imits: the rune bHiircase. Uccawionally ihe old priesl aye liihand, for bettecsccurUy, to his 'tmmcili.ilp frilluwr. when the uroiectinsr i.i .-..I ,...,r fOCIili " aoovc ' anu nivunjf m nnu. nui snfTicieVtly raged, to be xiasped as we advanced.. And -many : were, the, dis- irust fed dnubts.'asf the ground becsme I'p'nerv' from' dew-tit sea spray and the hlight sfepWind fibout aturp in Ihe rock, where a single tinsteagy- iook or movement might have been, al '.ended by fatal Bonspquenccs'.At" last we'vrere at ,he moutlrof the Cave -lts-pout i inn had boen .Well described, as'beiiig mid way ' between the base and the summit of'Ahe rock' 'The sea roared beneath us.i perhaps imprisoned in aoine tiaturaj tucavationa like this one,' whose floor might be the -eling--of another, slill tiaontf.nf mn fa ihia wditarr ' olace. vtnoru awful' and , inaccessable.- Vrom tudiCm h tinirnrpd for. anm( VrarA in the the entrance, a vast, number ofgallarics, lonclintsk't)? a wave. ' . r'' i stretched away, by -different rannfica- . 1 "'in r- mm i at.; t i ! ,i i ..i il. ii. a -u. il hene and ullier. less nioliabie tram-1 tions into ineooom oi me eariu. iurv . ..l . ... . ji. lions excuen iny curioany to vrbii im habitation ; of -so inrmorablc n man why lot us not smile at the feats ef King Arthur or J.iclc the .Giitnt Killer. One of the most favourite records is tbntvh,ii;lit;fiudteratt:s his worthy deeds dtiririsr a sine f the island by the M sletnites. ""He ivaa himself' a r.ative'of n i ;...r".ji: ..fl, no Tt, '.i, .i m..u .i i....:. i naroarv, auu a.voiai v ui m vitoi , ction loAhtfJmpcsof th-j AdtituAstratiefnl century, he .had found sanctuary irt thiv.uoJIow" rock and neiWouiu not desert the kind mother who .had foster ed, him.'-' ;Accoidingly,Vhe' jKarrisoned his cavern;' amU lrn his commanding post, sorely distressed the enemy's fleet which was -necessarily enposrd to his balterT.' " .The Water JSimphs atone ;ao say tn what numbers the Jmbanncd siniiei't Jell into tueir cniuraei's, uy sSirnt man trntagem &uA: danng .juf 'jtliett great (IDA' , l- V. . i 1 - - ' . 1 lJtit' a more credible, becli'ae a more modest gloryi simply describes hinY as a refnsu, who, .uisappouneu tin ms.owif country, lied with ,1111 only .daughter, to this island... -There h resided in honour innn"fit"mcn; and devoteii to tne nui , .. -. , ..... ., f, ... . . f ture" jt hm belovi cnuo, me soie prop T.f his tnfirm Knirit. '.She' wis wooed by a prince of the country, anti the smiles .. - V .' ' ' I1 . .. i .1. - ...11 ......nr. i ine lair, tiruajiu ihb, rrnuv. iwin-iw ci. tier latiier- nromiseu .uoi'ro r"r sumtnalrotKj' But whilst afliancedshe wa '"seird" Vih illness-of V deadly chara'rtf 1 her sboft race "was run before men 1 had..- time' to lake note of iUftnd 'the-theai t-brokew. H.tssn fled from .the Nol Not one wor"4ike this does' Mr'-" Clay utteri' what then, does he ss y? he', alleges"-" ami merciful God! May God be' prof as a faithless agent, a liungling.negnriav pitiousto (he prophet Mahomet!. . , - ' tor, an artful sophist, a vindictive man, "Peaceand' blessing sttend hilamily! ; j fc 0f . narrpW .views,- sectiohal' feelings!, 'iMGod isruprem. m eMratal. " j t gacrigc1 th ulood of hc; West -All ceatetibeings : pn away and , ( J fih.(if H disappear, but, you 1 have he consolation Vi'o prevent the election p.suchaitian'j oftheprophetd.GtwI. ;.",, - d,0 nfeonle's hopes, fears inrf nnminlea ' ' T TT, TT f a r were all appealed- to it wa8 iVpresentr son of Ah El Hud,, toe, son of Meant fd T,i ,uf i'J.i..;nR-Ar rf wL, be followed. uy the most cofise-riuehces,' whilst, the teeuetn candiaate ,!woHld ...t.n.M : f2-J.fl ntilltvklol, llllfl. Kltiaj 1 lie. in this sepulchre, the hrey of death. " hleToul UliA . Anonil ; f ItttA 1' iY . 1 llll tCli II V , I M r .. ISth'of the great- month. Se aban. 'in ,.t 7'cP"l the year of the Heg.ra , 69, , . fehe pro- . Mr. craycocfie, himself to fessed that there was no God, but Ud aiuni'upoA'Mt.'Xdami. and uppcajs alone without equal'.'; - u; . t th ' , fW t rt iattem and dost this tomb! or a western- pres.iderit-.in 1822," he 0 it as a wide! ook the solid ground of-principle, as to with ashes! my, thepractice'- of 'cabinot, succesBioris iwayl, :'.'-.' he and his fiie'ndsvsolate ai" july,'t8?.4 f ' Oh! thou, who regar behrtld,,! am betrothed t Myeyelids ;are sealed attractions have passed ,, Nevertheless, my mournful state pronounced the elevated of presidents, nf nrnbation is transitorn lathe hour 1 from the cabinet; Tike pope from the of resurrection, when the1 Creator ihall cardinals, as umotini in poltcv'.t)hschiel restore me tu nit, Biiaw. uce more joyt 1 yuug r. lenue.ncy imu.vmcnnjf unm fully behold my relatiyes, and exulting-!hVr7Micfl be- iiHlhii raurnprt nl mv anrrnwa." 9J .i.t-ufr ,yisu ... , u. ,1. That he had long intendrd (0 vole; i . f'ir Mr. Adams. --.,,,,'.,.-. ' v& That,, after censuring '.Gr-neril V" t "... Jackson, ip the debate on he ficm-'" ," ' -ihole war, it would be incoii!-istntJ,' . . J, to Vote lor lnin,,'i ' , 4 j S.'Fhathe would nt, by'voting fnr a "v '' inilitary- man,- givjr an -assararicc ". lhat this, rt''ualio-would' iphis h ta , ,! tho road th.il hud, led all othe re- j, " t publics to".ruin.. .,;tv. V. , '; r Fliese are -the only anolpifSj tbat? !' ' Mr. Clay has ever offered, W.the j,co blek for voiugor caiululata wliom het ' -1 had danounced an eaxtem candidatc.i which he had i deprecated--a 'pabinet f . t candidstp't nbnoxioua to amind iriiuhli-'i " ' ,..i t . ....... ' - 1 can 'viiii.ipi-n aim ior -voting nqain.sr, , a west rrn tnndilatet hihesi. in the- " people's wisKus1 ind reriuumended bv,VV ' the a! must unanimous' instruction .of ' Kentu,k,i3 ;.,,..:.-, . UNow,.let us bneuy enquire, jfvhether-.' tliu'exruses, for this double outt-age.are:; v true and sound. : .-",'. u -. j -t .' ' ' .vl. As to the y?ri-Ve need not ' quote the able address of the Jackson Central Commi tee of VVaaliington Ci-'"5; S ....I .'.."......! r' .V': iv. ui 11 t: wj'uiiiu ui iramnnnv annovxn ' . to it; a Ttw tacts will sufficer-Early n ) ' January, 1825. Mr Clay told General Ll. ...I ..'I' ' . .l.t I. -.. .. . .".Vi rug", "i vuiigi csa, mni ne never- was - vas so much puzzled how'to vote', as , wberi. he .comprtred the, pretensions of, , , vivur wav n.nwt.1 vt imiv xuimu.. Ol ,liir AdamsMtn the- 8th of the same month; ' be,. wrote to Mr;.' Blair, lq Kenfurky, -that he jq'ust 'l noiv.hcgin f. tomidcr U, for iehotn he would fotei" on i he C8th V ..r.u.' 1 .1.. i. r. 't 1 ... , , T', 411 IIIK HailllT llllllllll. 1 HI. I1V-.SI llkfTrtl- i . Z . V - ' J ' I""' UKjuoge jrooke,. announced Ins deck- ..II .' . -. ..' t: hion; oe iniimates tieaitation until tneftv' s but states that, W tonVuljing Idscon-- science be lied concluded to Vote for ' " Mr..-Adams!,. :Vhat, efte -Urn, shall ". shall we t,ay it Mr, Clay's det la MmttW ' kT..1.likt.. InH tllln.ilfl. IO1Vt,. . that before he had left Kcntui ky in (ttui : ., : fall of 1824. he' had. made known'his '.' . 1 .ir.rf......... v. .a.: .' -...v. C , T imwvi irf 111,1, vw , viv inr urn. V 2, "As't'Miie necOnd 'Mr. Clay." pre- ' - j. 1: ji. '1 . sought the people, oy every puuiig.Hiuj fv.vrt. "' k i- T... 'tic private consideration, not to sanction . " ine neautuui nature.u. voui .v..c - ' infl f!HnVPrn. .Wilrnt. and nntformW serene minUmtr Mai l, : , . ,-r 1 . '.lii .v":- or eiwingair. Auanw; an uiuiina, -aiiuue iut wiiMivnng jr-r how in skilfully striving and now in seeking to , Irom it Ohiof f I r0iiiill v il ura 1 nriirlinniAfl. in fjft to repel death; r. ' !.; , . , - , draw vantage . , , ; s . . . i.,,f - (; . 1 'l , If ia ,lth tllf thai nffrra a transit P"' " ' v.. ' . '.l . v T T , .7 -'i " " to each other, until Mrv Ulay reactieo to thd state, o 'if Wasligton, 'arter the election In No-: the abodes of the blessed are enjoyed in t,L; , Bo i ' 4 . k .s;t. .i,.,d.sU rV-maif Veinbar, -mi. . r, , . ? 1 x p9 " ' ; . ' ..r Andj now. we recur to. the question ueiiinuiui garnens anu. 1110 uiui iiiura ui 1 . TFJiv, n' the;,9tli February, 1825, did Mr. Clay give the presidency"' ". ', , To John Qrfdam, whom he had det ' nounced, as- a 1 faithless , minister, atid,' vindicttva" man-wan enemy pf .', tlie west -a uui)gi)ii auiuassauor p-an artrul iwplnat, &.C,,- v To John Q. "Adams, the taxlcrn can " ( , didateagainst tvhom In'had r to '. -Inmllv nrnfpstpd 'f rv" -j the softest rivulets. For this reason we venerate' tlie creed of our Fathers ,:. But the faithless offenders,' sprinkled : with the waters of oblivion-tney who have left nogdotl works, behind ,ihemshall fine in condemnation, to sufl'erthe most agonizing torments & eyedastiug pun ishments." ' Art' ,0VAH. . i,Vilhi. IfurnnA vtirV: " Malta flluatrata. 1' -., i"..; ., ; ; ? ' lo John O. Adams. .whose eticces . Sign of theTimn J-ln the city of , V ',on frwm " V . calinct 80. h,,ii: WaahinftoV. on the S9th ult. the like-1, iM to republican principles, and hess of Slrfc Clay, l by BO, in kn' ele- w pernicious a a precedent.' ...,..; r.. 'v.aAiiVrl f. aa1 t I Wt ask, you,' gentlemen, whv Mt public outcry three cents were offered; Clay elected him, whom he Jmd for so but as no bigher bidder appeared, tne iubhj ri "v umtwaa tiotiold.-- Mark tht contrast! good of hi country,, aa he always pi t 1A likeness of fackson, 8 by, 10, id a fed, to preserve republican pt in nlain black, frame, was nut un. and.im. ciples ai he always asserted?..- ; . . . a ' m ' - , ' stvl , I J'aa va a naa . aan nun In nr. gt u a a-M a n linAti ; i)(t at, ol k7. -ainei ...y.' jvfc.,f.'j .riMpv, oiii mediately atruck r.,m. . anli.inpst Hiliprnian ha'kI at honorable anil lair principles, .tell H'Im ihlft waa vhhd Jeicknonbeenat lila- he did -rThat they, were politically JakeiHcrt.him in every Vhy A111. ' itnrto'il the foes.'and- personally' estranged," up luiJcs-udf! him liQro ihe imbltf 'racu,"y. V, Xnqj ', v- thfc. winter. of 182.4 being admiifeilnnifa Mr.rtAtlams, (or whom. ; ' ' ' '."-r" . Y'S K .S ' then,'we,afck tvhatit wtii,- ijiat convcii- had respect'Or-ktndeMj and a . ..' 1," 1 - ' ' rd annrv rentdsion into svmriathctiad.i JackS-Ml' for w!iont-he had' 1 svMm ,i AVkti aiifijnraiusi lunvmn ann aan v . v 1. f ' S.'fcftr fo vovr eandUlatefr- Jackson and an Adams' man met the other dajrs-V tllw. tor Jacktm," said the first, Hurra Ibr the JHevli," 1 said' the ; Spunky coalitioDisti-- very . wen," ireturned the Jackaon'iaa, "you stick. W ftwr ... . ' ' ,r. i.i.'i.4''MMinwi u inremniiw,. --run kk m were apon without a ray ot light aBd,,-,,, .n4 i-n,,- to mine.".' -1, s fc. fov this reason, the central end prtnc)na,f f,Mt - .TT-mypn. hesinn? The i:han?e prodir.et) by - tometJiingUt eD'cct .sft marvellous and ludden a Involution, some! king 'tnusfjiav becn.AatU and something mast have been (ononow, tends, -that he was apprahensiv of cell- sore, if he had voted fhr Geni-Jackson, " j'r. i:..i.j .:.. -.1. I. i ...1 t. :. .,, ' : bslei)u flie-.SeittinqlB warlthat is, Mr...-' - CJLyaysf h wiahcd'Jtiv h'e.eonsistenfs- let tiff 8i'f . Ewivwhi'fhor Ih-'Hi A& in ' mitcV'auae; for ,this"a"!pi churls in ii; Jfl .' niasppccii on -tne cemintue war, jftoru-A ary. 1819, Mr. Clay mid-; ; , ., 1 , -'.TcaW ll" ditmj;uiiilicd Captain, (ftea t'. vijackion). u.ho hs shed to miu-h glory ba'i.t"' - 'np, onntrr.,iid ulinse renown conuitutaa -. v so' laige a ptn'titm ,of in moral property, I ,j ' t v w,nevor -Ji", a ibht ru n ivn, Bny .oilier . 1 i'fvebngs tliao those of lh; moat inotound, - fvspcuv aim 01 tne uitnoH hiniinrss: with him ,' , 1 my aoauaiijiunea l pity .lianhvii, Hut as ftr-' f : M it hat .extended, it lma ho.cu of the mint '5 T, " amiablo MhiU' r, : , s.l ,. ' 4. sf ' V Instead 'f Mr -Clay hi'intf inconsU- (jeot-in votiti i'or a man tltus' .fpoken bfr one would suppose that the mcotiaiMen C would be i voting a-.iinht him.,;'Bot, , . Uie fallacy of this. apology, Js shown in still Btrotiger .light .Miy. tilny pie--J tends, thus he -could nirt consistently .." . vole for GeiHTal'. 'Jackson, after cifcnsur- -ingdiis'cunduct iti the yeminole war , vet he voted lor Mr.'- Adams, ' wh had in his closCt rioly''consider':dand trj-'l umplantly,dcfeiidnd every act of ,Geri , tral Jackiort, which Mr, Clay hod cen sured. "The crossness of'puch an'ifci- ctise apjiearsj besides, fioin.4hS facts vUiUi we h;,''4l;tilt!d - to Mr A- dams: Mr. jU,fay,.says,j it v,'6uld . have, been iHconsisfc-nt, if he v had .voted .. Geifi JiU-ksun, alter censuring himj yet J htf"sVtrd for Mr. Adams, 'after having calculated to ' ! he voted . he had not ginstJn. ntertsined. must h&ve bccnUhd evcfould ctitei tain both, .,' , ', ,"3." As to the $r.-CXUe Mr, Clay says, b'a tfcared, ' tin election of Geo. Jackson vwtild be giving an assurance, that 'this republic 'votHd toarch itj $9