i X 1 -- . - ' . 1 1 t . , . 1 . V (. tk " ',' ni'pi, us ii Jail, U limn! aHinti iflhi J I'OXt ti Atiiii-ir; 1 ' Our Iw'T f " .Uni'iel's. f ' 1 fe ' ' r J n - - f a !ilf geS L t; r (rur V.K., 1 Jtt .T ' ' witlUM.J j V,I. ' a. &.C. tuted M ,'.rn- iotk i mater;; ly . . n e ice a ofFW .mi l ie j'ir.t'r. In i. , f.ii ( r full T snpportrt however, it i- 4 , r m,rlk,'t )' ' ' ,n a very wn:;' i Tiicre i no V tQt lew n!ri. j Tl Zwn ff Cnfj ar P'ii iutn fS Rink a Jar or t rt Urred lf Reol,inn r U.e ' !, rrctins the Cccm lo pij t jf iwn nie lor Uiroun?, in! i r, r. no more tho J pr Tot for cUcki iipoa Ihe NurDu In s ' '.t.. , i ) thii, e are ure.l. nil io no insuuce tcetn? memura - i. of Sfockholden in .'inairy .utt; tiM t rtc-i-- ! r ,r pjjm, of iu nolet beta-rtfaed. j re l&erriore fmphlu ;. , A :,ll!nt pjmj L'anJl-5. ... . (Mil tbt ffowth of t-ntnbrrton. were '-n lit fli.a nlwal..! uW r 8 lb r.d a Turnin weMnr 6 ftn I re, ntea to he Editor, lut eft. the KobeaiMi County ;jrmf by Dr, Fopf irnl the Utter by Col. Neil Buie, both of Kol I ' ySI IT iten It w aot to ftttenVy knovn m h wifftt to be, ;bt powiWred attiair puawwea tha frapeny of purifiq waters A Urje uble Spoonful of pulverised alamn, aprinklcd into a biLd of water, (the wMer tire4 brUklr round at the tima.) will after tbe Utm of a few hoar. h nro. Viplutinif to the bottom th irapura paHiclea.1 pnrify It, tlit It wiU bt found to i ocmny an me tretuneNi Boa eieamoia or hnt prm witer, A pmilful, h(r tou (allona, my br puriiUd by a'ainple tea apoonfuC TbU kfor. ulion ia. obviouttv. But without lU alu in London. .... .. i . , m . I I 4. t.'. . is! '.i : A r- ; REPORT: Of the pfjreirnfativt on behalf of th$ Slatf, at tht mating of lAr i St '.."", . i aw J . w The ReDreschtatives of the Slate, at the tenerai meelinz of i the yockheltler of the Bank pf Cape Fear, at W ilmington,; on the 7th of anuafy, 1828, te vlinnj, dj a reanlu ion 01 the Uenrral Aaaemblj, to ar as the State wai iriterestetl; was aubroitted the question, whether it oulj be expedient r inexpedient to surrender t.hc chaftiT?" respects Mr aubmit the following Report: '-Youi4 Kepresentalives, after an ex- nlnation of the state & condition ot the Dank; canie to the eoticlttaiott, atitwasinexpecieot to aurrenderthe Charter, on the irround tliatthe in itution was sound, that the other Banks, and the citixens ot the State nertllji would be ieriouslf and Injurious) affected bj such a course a the part or the, Dank ol (Jape rear, and that the Stock at present oulu not be art vantagenusiy transterred, 1 he able expose ot ita stttta ion, submitted bjr the President, led, however, to a conviction th-t its utiire operatioaa must be attended with.some'difFtcuIty, owing, in art, to a large debt due to the United States', Bank,.and the peculiar ircumstancea under which the payment has been pressed. The cooi- iandin attitude nf this institution, in relation to the Cape Fear Bank, iid not fail to arrest h attention of your Representative?, and had its ue influence in inducing an acquieseace on their part to t lie annexed leport, in which het have given to the tockholderft :an assurance that Jiey Will recommend to the Legislature tho repeal of the law -which mpoaes li tax of tint! per tent, an their capital stock. This concession, n the part of your Bepresenjative,"ai rather the effect of cbmprov Tiise than of choice, beTrevjng, as thev did, that it would bo better for .lie interest of tho State, and eswciaflt of the oeonle. onder their ore- lent difficulties and embarrassments whose s interest and' welfare it is .he duty of the State to protect and. promote,' to-- aurrender this tax, than to risk ithe consequences of a surrender of th Charter; ons the nher Banks of the State; to which the State and the citizens generally ire largely interested.; s ine uanit oj uaoe rear, from jts commence nrnt an to' thi merlins'" have had at all times so much' naner in circu iation as to render specitf paymentsi for thejV most" partr Inconvenienti indis sachVihey too often nave beeii iyivbided.Tu'ritiiaiedthi State Purchased Stock to a larje amou'nt,nd thereby participated- in dividends which .otherwise couid not liavei been .made. The, Charter was a pledge to the comraunitt that the' Bank of Cape Fear would pay peci4 fot ita notes. The people complained, and looked to the Legis ature for a remedy: but,; instead of correcting the mischief, the State jecame,a partner ia speculation oh, jti i titbiens pot sanctioned by W, nor dictated bf sound policy ; Our first hotiona of right and wrong joint to the necessity of pnncttlvulinntv,nf 'a promise. Social jrder, morals and religion depend on itM IWhen itno" State is,1 deeply Ioncerncu in a corporation, wuici uas ntu unsuircticu ii vuntciua, ioiated tfie force and 'tibli&afibn bf promirfes. by throwing ihto circuli jtoii a currency subject to a considerable discount the inquiry .becomes jnportant, can mat state, Tiowever repuoncan, reiernng to iu, vonsu SiUoh, stand high ith Us citizeni dr Us i'ier States? VAfter we had )ecome familiar with the argument esed in arid out of 'the Legislature, n some distinsoished men, that "nr local IJUnks ctfuld not. pay Bpecie", tidhad Smarto I for years nnder the consequetice wa were prepared ore te.aiUl j t . sanction a report;"which gave on tbe1 part of the tYesi cnt aml Directors the 'first positive pledgeithat the Bank, bf Cape ' uu'u oecome lorinwua a specie paying m vc?ponivn ,i orded byheipresideniiarted copfidenco to. tl6' assurance; and .fierdae. aeliberatidri.'Vbur Renresentotives came itottheTcohcluaion latt jVQuM nbjibe incohsistant with their duty or instroctions to re ' wraend the rcneal itf the lawreviouslv alluded toYrfy'l 1 Thepaner of the 'Bank of the tTniVed... Sta'teaT will,wjit all' times, as Vspecta remote circulation: command " preference over tfiat of the wai Bank hencf a more frequent.rfeturn bf the bills' of 'the fatten : is be anticipated andprovided for'? This, inconvenience Is incident to 'r organization,' and cannotV.be remedied4 las. which, Superadd a Xef bnertef -pntLindit IM nrodiirftultimatelv too areata difference HweeY j'ocal ta"nd United'. 'States' 8tbck.V Stockholders, liket, othei rv"ii)uiui, tiieir interest, any wij uuu icn,ui u(jivmvi isifi JWU. .We are not insensihle of tlirVimDolicy of remote speculitioi 1 Subieets whichare beat understood "br practical ' results; butJcon 'mpiating tac issue suDtinuni oy tnc jjiaitv we coum uwuncn vur 'ves of those- feelings peculiar to us a' cUizens of North Carolina, 'e have ever been sensibl .of the magnitude of the, grant of the arse and (he iwbrd tothelGeherar Coyernment, and have looked lo "'"State 8Bvereignties"not' withbutTapprehensioo, as th main pillars wntch it cart saiir rest. A wnttea states iapit, wieiumgiue r- ... . .' . .. : . j ..... . f ? " vtl .... .L. w: a f ln , . ; ' iHe wetektar. "it f Kf m, be y T ,. e invite I rr c. , '. r a i tt? rr. Ui, .rtawyift? .4 ".. 1, 13 ;, c ' :i i- i v i nittj K-i ' t ptjir j IUi.V;at.J t. t - i.pl, ti e ttx ,!l te tkea t.3. ! rrtii of llie State rt.oie eCrCMrly f' in its rnntinui- re, snJrr preaei.t income so larj- I-'errtted in t'.ii. i t .ulr i'in t J rrioartr, t f ; r I io ihe L'oion. Thr f ' t a tr:noi!:.. a ii,rrrfv't K Ctiden!i, Di,l I a.u...i.ut they commence io u Sacb a covrae will f - .rt tr i than my feentf.ts ta n trr. circu ntaares;and il, r m well as ihe other IUi.k. ; hole Baakiej capital of the iTvouia pay strict attrf ,,n ta IhoseinstituiionindBni.! State V.n r .v7 r"c '""M si.aii r r J, or unt inetmer.t t will be h, r in.!,.rnuble duiy. a, a. her interest, to attend to thejudioo : .1 f,,i,rl raanajemeotot (He intitunoiia. Yr t!. preseninn are l.lr convinrrd thsf iK a . t - i , - i, in muiiniL in f ii V on VI Cliraitt; 01 ruiV: ( arufiua. in her rif nlrur.1 ....a;l.l i..: ... that prevent ; raymmta.. Iformatiim, 0,ien, is urc ssarv. Jt 4.uoRrauuai; 4UJ, to attain Its td.on:t. the i, ,ut aucted by an at,!o and Wilful hand. We have been too i,r amud witn the political quackery, that in our northern relations tbe balance hit tl - . i ,t r r J tb- Cheto- Tarate te. ll.tt it it to y nrceoary t!t i'l prt.mot the inierr it f .'.I be eatal!ihed, or the : i - tJ"gt us, which so perplexes our Banks, they cannot pay specie. rhe foundation of the mi5thief as the iasuir.c too much ta- r.uumaaing too. large d.v.dends. Forbearance and self denial. vvuucvun, win mn awe auiniiH,tratioo, is the only remedy; Lay the hlalMlaa! S M1 a Maai n A .- I . 1 I a . . J a, vhi v"M WU1IV. iPfP II UPinnsTt.' imk rtnl 1 1. . ..I ad aa thern neiglrurs, ; When we are unable to pay; they ill be unwilling to sell, Aa soon as the intercourse proves unprofitable, we shall be quick aighted and stout hearted enough to break, up the contern. there la nothimr more delaaiva than tha Kalni .J ir.t. . i. .itw. Huctations, it seldom entrenches bn tha Credit (if 4nt-tHirat. filial np !n. dividaala who act prudently.; , . v - t . a general peace establishment, after such long and continued wars, has found our. Banks and our citizen with t. mnrh mnrr H..i The calamity is general; the forbearance and wisdom of all is required t ", "? re,,.er 1 &e" ni'y. to witness the successful efforts of the Bank of Cape Feat- to become a specie pay ing Bank, and te con tribute, thus far, io the introduction of a aouod currency, has induced your Representatives, with much deference, to recommend the repeal of the law before referred to. and a severe oe'naltr for a nonrouir.li ante with that provision in their Charter, requiring specie payments Voor Representatives are not, nor ever have been interested, directly, or indirectly,-in flie Banking institutioris'of the State; and in giving weir vote, on oehalf or the State aramat a di&suilmiun ..f tl I'hi rr Bank, at the time they did, they were not influenced by any motives of partiality for Banks, on principler'nor' did they intend o express any desire for their continaati in in the 8tates hot acted under an Innrv. tension of the effects which a contrary course would have unou the nmer institutions in the State, in which the State is so deeply iuter estedand of the embarrassing consequences 'to the1 citixens, ol .the ttei generally, at this time. . On the other hand, had the .movement been a simultaneous one, on the part of all the Banks of the State, ' to surrender their Charters, thereby affordinitothe Lesislalure an onnor tunny of establishing a State Bank upon different principles, and taking -.Miic airps w meet me emergency on Dehalt o the people ot the state, your Representatives might have entertained a wry different opinion in relation to the question submitted to them. ' The report of the se veral committees, herewith annexed,' with respect to the condition of 00 C, U 00 i c; u Vi q j . c s 3. u 5 f " -I C 1 o 171 V wcsa-yirantj . e. ' m r tm 0 J 1 Jl. W. - r li , o. k t. g : j ''I ' ' a. a as' ! .St cJ e . CO S. tr the Bank of Cape Fear, we pray .may be considered as a part of this report,. , , " ' k; y ' v- -1 ?X .v ' ' ' l" rf , All bf wh'icb urespectfuUy iubmitted. - .U " v ! " ' LOUIS D. WILSON. ISAAC VVIilGlir, JNO. A. HIM.. . The committee to whom was referred a 'consideration of the call of tha Stockholders, tbe expediency or inexpediency bf surrendering the Charter, and other purposes, as pointed out by the resolution, report, that they fully approve the call of the Stockholders, and although a tern pnrary depreciation of Cape ; Fear note may have been ' occasioned inereoy, vetine oDject ot the call was of' paramount Consideration, and the complete and Satisfactory investigation, irtsulting 'therefrom," Can not fail to establish the credit and reputation,, of. tbe Bank of Cape Feari . 4," , . . rhy ;f '"' " . Y.our committee state that the valuable funds correspond with the official, expose, and they unequivocally declare that the institution it sound and equal to specie payments- - !.:, .. j, , ?l v : -j 1 1 our committee need not distinguish between the soundness of a Bank and ita profitable operations; but after full "Weight to "the strong expression of the State, and. the confidence 'they feij thaty from the report ol the Kepresentatires ot tbe State to ' the Lexulafure", the in. stitution will be relieved from the tax; and from a regard (0 the embar rassments of the community.as well as to the interests of the Stock holder your; committee wodld recommend that it. is inexpedient to surrender tho Charter , . . ; ,,,. x r . - 'Tour t-.nmmiltae alsA. rrnort that. tlii dn . nnt dmibt hlirfhat -tho flank of the United States will accede to- the wishes of 'the Bank .of vape Fear, it not to their full extent; at least with aume trifling tnodt- hcation; and that therefore the existing difficulty should, not becQnsi dered a a clog to the main question.' vvi WA f J As to the future operations of the Rank, arferredtoT theReso lution, your committee report, that they, are aware ot the, risks, to vvnicn me insutuiioti must ue suoiectea in the present state' ol tlumrs. but are of opinion that such, matters, as well as yie tate of Dividend, -i l.t-k..!...-. c. .1 - .1 1. 1 .1: .. . r .1. t r' . . . . . b-. . . iiiouiuue uesi conuueu ij me uiacrenun i ue uiieciwry ; -j i t: -. . ROBKRT: DONILDSOXI v' J I v ' F- u- 8HUMAN. , t v H LOtJlS BvJWILSON, JOHN A. HILL. ft, "ikt;i-.v7..H- 'ft- V CI b i J I !?4,,.,.i,.: . Art -I I I I II . . 1 'CI -V . ' 10 w w IP m.1 LJ a 3".'eib(oi3 IS O ! e -S $ s r t 1 a. l '..cot!!r.tt.4. crJrrt l tkattha mirte t a 4- 3 Vm wr. 1 licit, i:!i !. :-i' C9 u -s V to -. t, M -- ,l i, Ol w V. - r - - t'i ?. if c 4 J4 t- .j 2 i . ;os , v o 00 J W op 5"? 3 z V17 JS ' 4.y to o y 09 M I -' In It "tji b E I. t3 1J Cri I o o . -I , l S; A M 58 1 ' 00 S.1 - as 4 I" i t! t I . Curs. . t"T fx'. Cj..r:-y ; te act unJ t!.. if..; j tw-i.-;.', C. innit :r : ( t t 1 t i aU'i' C3x '.. v Tbe it of e of wkk, 1 -!!ow T t ihe I t imrtui t. W.-eeVi; LV r',o-'"it'.?f.ertaiii .'-a:: i st t' s 't of tha MW,''H" I county. :,;'ltf:r- y.th. . ... a- ...fWT uito the cfvdi.cDcy tf r U a roadthn.p.ji, ,I,at ,Mrl..-, . uj owned 17 t, a .state, that ! Iiv.an V t K Tt 1 Lohou. - Ihe prr.K)i!im rf 1 1 (l 'Is.- 1 1. otbotli Htm ae a" . a uovernor'a 0iei"3oQ as re! . . : ri 1 . - - 41 lTII!H,JCrt.,J Bt H t utoctccviii.i'.ttr-.was "rted f.i . r . .1 I to irt.e "l be--t of l!ia other :e s . -ct committee i n i;a much of the tj as re!ars to Mr.l i, r ;m;r for At JO t en . si rf4 o o U Ol" C'-' - "O CO (O (3 4. O to v . -,j . '..1 j ,4' .4 ." O t 'o : V, 6 "4 ' 1-4 . W HI y 0 3 S- 3 2. o 3 T 2 r. 3 3 a 09 1 uq r ST 3. 1 1 M W 4 a a a 1. i a S - .. I. 4 ' 1( A' --v y "4 r ,k 1 8 1 1 f . VT3 : vv I. .kvj'.V'.: 1 . 01 0 1" '( 00 fti 2,S r" 1 f U 10 c a 1 " O (4 tp Oi ' 44 0 CI 1 o t), - 33 'll I- J I iVvfw i4.""!'t5 m mi jsl r yw vi w'j r tr. tr. C O i- ta it .I C I l-l I T . Ji 'Al oi 1 tfl O Jk 10 p ot Oi s r Q Ct K) to C 10 ' a 3? - The subscribers. It Coriimittee of the Stockholders of 'tl? Bank of 1 I'ciraA ISaifta n nit n f oH tn nunt IhaV r:ith nnrc lit t niti(nA nrtil M.Vtv.ascb luie details, and otherwise to satisfy ourselves of the accuracy and par I ticulars as set forth, and to take intA con'nleratiou 'the "debts due to flrces and backedy thf tnflBehc nd credit- of Mi Nation, with rnchea coexttliire with the" Union Ter wliicb,J;he . Legislature of ' State's haveo eontroul. wUhoaU lho"t comoetition.! irous to liberty: ' It would "create1 '. a current, unless counteracted, j ij to jeoperdisi State rights.":, sjommerce nas too long aenvea 1 ( 'ilies from banking institutions to meet the irifficalty. by saying there j be no such 'JBankTna change ot sentiment produced.-m that I tinguishecrxivilian James Madison, was forced upon him byhecea j i;ty a necessity that wiU perhnps ver. exist, and settles the question, ?e apprehend, as regards its nermaneriey. North Carolina, in' this Tiew,;iiouiduooK to her local uanns wuu some degree 01 pcttMeyK'CoinsetkronB 'ITie ' life and soul o imlusiry.,; we view uanK, in reianon m . Biouieu conecrna, iihiwi.jt-V'w..iij. ' wonld, Ii ro!iricS4 one nress. Her 'innnied Institutions must -have ri1 7ifluM- in iIib rrti-tnYi,f4 vhsr..f or: in r-ivino- inmulse. to iitt W , and industry ,'and in bringing into action her various and ex 'uis'ti iciottrces.' Ta realise inert speediljr racli important objects, the Bank f as reported good,'. doubtful,' and bad, at. all ihefficesre; orf,'thatwe found, the cash already counted, 8e4fi.rsignedbyjhf irectors of the Bank; tat we took an account of ffie'sealed packages, having satisfied ourselves of their accuracy, by ppeniug and' counting several of them? and that we found the. aggregate, to agt.ee with tho sum stated to be on hand at Bank,' and as exists in the expose herewith rendered. i:' A'-& ''&-T?i'. '.f 'Vf ;ft' We ,ls,d compared the diflerebt items in the state, of the Bank 5 wfth the Books, BilU and Notes discounted and other jouchers, and found them to correspomL v''; $X&(t$j?f-p,s i - ZWV As regards those items iu the expose', taken; from the accounts bf th" AgencieSrWe were'goycrned by the statements certified by their re spective Directories.-nThat in discharging the duty bf considering the debt to, the ank tinder the severalVtharactcri'of.opay, davbtful, and bad? we1 were guided by the classification and ; repertw' of ; the officer and JJirectorsr ot the Uank ana its Agencies, an aggregate ami sjiecin ay cation bf wbieh i .hereunto ubjwnf(l.':;&V'"-.i5 t-tl " Slate of tlie.Bar(k'A.::j-;klWf;' i,'i'- 1 ; Statement of MS.T.p , in vtIil'Ii.iiu , . MrANDUttsON't- JOHN WOOSTER. n't"-. 05 '.'! I ftfc ? 'MftOOlS 4 j. r . . r w. w m "i 10 n ct o to o a o 1 'Vo-. t t d 4 4 -if .t a; ; , t o .7 I - I... ..If. C3 , . I . V. ; ''JV- u -t I --4 if : its pro . r and pcombe , 1 1' ' T t'v ,v Fs'..if. "'. . -a '' J"' " v 1 ..... ? . ft t 4 r . jr n 'I ' ?5 . 3. 6 4 1 C3). , y, . t 4V V t 'J I. " .f '. n 1 V Si Luislatnro of N, Carolina. v. C SENATE. ,, Thunduy Nov!&' i, The engrossed bilf to alter the time'snd places of 'holdin? the e'. lection in Greene countypassed ils eeveral readings and was ordered to be enrolled. ' . 14 s ' fr ,vlV . . A messago from the other House, transmitting a memorial of the jtascarora nation of Indians, with .a proposition Uiat it b r.yl to a aelect joint Committee, consisting,- on, their part, of' MessrsyVry, Bynum, Spruill, Wlvooii tind Pierce; which proportion was 'agreed to. ana Messrs. niuumi 01 Martin, Mathews, Joiner, Bell and Bod diewere appointed the committee on the nart of the Senate. ':. A'Mr. Meares presented a bill to regulate the emancipation of slaves; which was read the firstJLime. passed and referred to ti'w jfp5iittee onitheJudicisry; ; . : " t tTlF I prrnotioii of Mr.' .M'Dearmid, the committee on Vacant and Un appropriated Lands,' Were instructed to inquire into the expediency of so emending and altering tho existing law concerning, the eritrt ofJra-1 cant swamp ami marsii units in this State, as to authorise en try -takers! ui.ieu-ive eniues wnere mere is no 1 a greater quantity Uafl t40 acres vacant in any one swanib. ' t - . -. . -V .. i;'c"' ,' y. r' Mr- !"i'ler, fimn the committee appointed to' conduct the balloting cancy occasioned by the death of Partlett yacy, .ppeara, ;wa quali fied, and took bis teaf.r iVi . . f " , I u On motidn of Mr. Wellborn, the nam of Mom" forjUStbkc. Ivaa witk drawn from the nomination for Senator in Cepjres. ' ; f 1 im committee - t (lie balloting Miirat hiui,i..i thitl'.or.ml,,; M. SaunderawiIulT " elected. . Concurred i . -r. 'Sir. Ward presented th f. lowin resi.Sution. whirh n-.' ....1 and laid on tha table: ' . Vhcifis the mntiinl.citt f KuV Jiness ia the Tretsurer-'a ihti Comptroller' depart lu-nta ecnd.r v- I 'convenie-1 t niuke their ' et'!, - ent.1. ei nrrwnl.,i by toeactott (; . .eral Assem bly of 1? ir, .iurii... the sittini or the l.e;i,'. turc: I hereft,re hi, it ' Thit ha Biontlilvf ..nL1: niuiiu t 1 "iheTr.-rtsur"? and rnmM. ' required by tbe irt of 18-7. k UipenJcd durii - t!-,o sittlnrr at : Legislature. ' . . . " ihe bul to altir ii r,m. Andrew J.rerrv, of J'ertie, and t6 legitimate him. vaa amended, on the motions of Messrs. Wilson' aiiti .-iicraiu. uy exUntln vi-" .ms to BePMml'i K, ' C, rend.-r, !' " ' 111 . ..Ml... II.. ! ... I ... Thii said bill tla.i r id hi third time, passe .', r ! (iJoredto f Be engrossed. v , On motion of I'.r. .TFarland,' thpvcorrJmittee.tiu . Infernal Im- y provemenfs wfrtnuthnrised to . examine into the practicability f . causing a survey lor a canal rom the nearest and most convenient point of. Lumber river to the V nearest and rtiost'cohvn ntpoint r! of Capo Fear River; whidi surrey hall bo made tho ensuing year1 " by, tho Civil l:;.0ineer of the ' State; and tint he repoft the .ro, . bable cost-of - said .canal ( the next Legislature. , f : , i. vi. ,. . Saturday, S'ov, . '. ' ' .; -' Mr;4 Shober, from the comujif. tee of Tfopositions and Grcivan- . ceS,, .reported ut. favorably to tV petition cf John Millwee.ofMeckW lenburg. - Tlie report was read ? , and, on motion of Mr Darldtotf, I nd oa the table. ' ' :; - , Mr. Sliobcr also reported" unffo '''"C vorabljf to the petition of Joseph Banks, of Pasquotank; whicli re " ' port waseo'nctirrea in.- - ;, i , w. ' 'Mr. Shober, fiora tlioiatnl cbmv-'-initteev reported tf bill t. restore ';'-.. William Ferrelf,. of Montgomery, 4 to credit; which was read the firaf . time-ahd passed.'V; fVi$iAJ: "Mr.-- Deberry presented a bill lo: ' amend the lawstregulatingh aTix : of land and slaves, so far :as re- 1 spects the county or Montgomery;','; whicli was read the first time and pas8ed.-''-j.'i;;iji,!i:i, VhV' ' ,Mr. Ward presented .a bill to" alter and amend the act of 1 &2T, " concerning the' Public 'Treasury; which was amend" -t on motion of v Mr, Scott, read first, second i and third times, 'passed, and or dered ,' to be engrossed. r y ; ; ;';. . On motion' of Mr. Parker, tfio, ' ; Judiciary committee were instruct- ed to inquire into the expediency of '. ' amending or, explaining - the laws , regarding dowers as fan as rea ' pects the amount' of, costi tb bo ' taxed, and by whom ' to be paid. ? ' tMr.,Mcbane, from the ebmmit ' tea on Internal Improvement., v reported the bill to provide for tlie draining bf Mattamuskeet AAf Mf.ffl..... amft..U.4l. 4.L.. ! - TT IlllUUft .'..UUUIIICHftft WHCII t bill was made the ord for Moii. lay nes; it. r;3i-ZSrj-'' Uizana-of Xnsoa " j uFy. Dravina for the puasaseof f law vesting in the, people of said. ; t - t county tne rigui vi oiecnog srerij, -and field officers; which Wei refer-i : red to the select Joinr committee . tr whom was fkrred the renolu---' r tion relative to tha ap;ioinfment of 8herU&. ' ' ..." A: 3' -