1 - i - . ' l r '.rv4 r,tt I , at"1 U SteW" ' I tU i'.. lrti - . tVtr4 ?et rr-. ; i . C" ! '.., - kcO r rui.t r t - - r i i e i .t -i ' ! f ' ( -fM ; - . ' 'j r, Ik I t ' . i I (4 i t I f t T- I .. ft t-' . ' e:s i.rr. I; t- Cs.iJj e- ' t 's. .y-ae ar.-tw'tc'i. 1 t ' i " - umS '. war. f v . I " '-" t;V w 1'" ' ' V. , la ! rel tne, J - e Mf. : j ' 1 t r-'fU-t I I1 fjtar . : J . 1 ( '. .i:i'i !. A 1 ; : 1 " j n-rl at J rtfvrri.l i : vn ( I t. Ml. T .- r'J fi a t'i" 1f .a, tl 1 a iM V . Mr. ,ui f ,r a ft -. 3 lit I t 1 '" f,it tune, ujiaiuitlf e ; Uoo ii"ti f.if Wc'i.i- f picti'J'! Virr lr4-jJci,, w fii. 'ioa."if llf. . ' XJruWD, V bill t)B 'k? ' ' - r . - . ; XsnJ-y. Ae. I. ;4 Mr! Kiniaf prrpiiI a til t.)e- f;1(":!nif Po'.'.J MtMt (irOB,6f CM ijm c "J Mr- Cr"-, a bill t ratil'ii -p-ile flfdi.' i Ji Leoo'r "fowMTjaUon t-il t r anlhiw Jlh "lcrif V p'H' fit ;JrnBfltj to r irtriMp tract i'f land," rii t erect ti!' were rrpil the first time rl aed. Tlie folio w ens;nsMl bilU jtnw id tfi i r 11 iKt rrt 'linct . ' n Utl f r bellcrrpnlatwn ? "tU '.Cn'y.C)r 'f tioilforJ, ft' bill t restore Nwlnnicl Meechanv,' Lincoln, tft rmltl; h' m?fivMiYy bjll j)rfrrihin! the roa'ner in Lkb field c.licrrj f-Ualt be rccenimeridcU v-t.irU!iiure. - .'v. The last mentioned Dili a rfirrcn ! i f.r e'L-t r.ce 'i ,4 . fh coinmiaet on Hie Milii'm tol " f' "PnWi.- Xrmft and that amendatory ef , curt cmmiiret w ' ? da motion '.if Mr. Wer.WliV' , J ' ' R&, Ttiat joint "elec immitt appointed, to'ks iit coniidmtioii lte " i'., xp"lienr7 cf crea'inft mm tribunal for be . ', !rUl af all minor : of! cncf njoint U SUte.. '.i On TnnM'ttt tif 'Vr U iniiartM. the j jju.jiciavv rom:nitrce were nstructed ,tvnc!"ire nto tUe ftpediencr f alieririg iZ .mny amttulins'itlie law cniiftttti2 l'i i'ju')r8,'( fur a rcgsrds'LIfJwfif coaii4 v . h v MrvBnddie preentcil the pefitinnf j fjiridrj jierwonn reidtn in ihe eyrr?ms s coracr pf, the-toutitirT of yajne, x ' iMecomh, Nan)) nd Jolmatoo, rra?tpjc i for the furtnauph of n nev tou.itv mt , if ih extreme coi tier if the id : . 'oantiri; . whicli ;w referred to-Mbe -ommiUc6 of Propoaitions and Orief- - ?. Th ' Senate rcaolred itelf.ntr a Htfj . , Pe 0f xW r.1i(ile 1 loose Mr' . "',.;, . jU. it... KitftA mrn. i Jliat srrtion of ctwVrT.vommonlj' ttl t d the Cherokee Purchaafi into irrmn fate rounty; am!, aier ?om? time ppenf i ' thereiflf the coramittte row arrd'repirt j k th"e bill without nmemTnent..lr, f! ."' Wilier moved.lhat itVa laidbrt r Jr Question tn iti pagf the second utw rin. BnrnfV. Burnt. Bvtn,' navdann, Davia, Dcbtrry, Franklin of IrrdfW, franklinAof JiiirrvA UarJin. Joiner,' lAtt: M'Deannid, WnwK M'F.arhin, M'Farlapd, :'Jnhi, M'V-ili. MRKbIU Mrarev Hebane, rarker. : . Pni'ii. ItaB!aevKeiiilaU. Scott, Smith of IaiJt, Smith of feraan, Shober, SiwCord and WellhortC -i sii ".v. i.-?!,.-- jt ." Nyi Meaara. Akew of 0rtie;AiVew rf .Iltirtford, Uaitey,-;' aeaaiey, iir4 ' uoaaie, (inard, M'Dantet.'' M abe, lilltr Pattetaoa, .2 95 ttiddick. liovai, Benin,''-' Baiyear,v8fterML Spairht, Walton, M ard, Williatna :'ef Beta futt, WiUumvoi aiartia, ana l ion. . The tutd bill was then I'cad the third )itn, faed, and ordered to be en S 2, - ,Mn ;Miller1 from t the committee to - , eondea the Mllotit! tor; Senator in Cohgreaa,: reported ;that Jamea Iwdell k i' Mr. Davia twoveo. to reconsider-"tltt A' ; ; tpotion tikett yeatii"aj-'on the bill to , ,!t..,r e-.v'V- if v f 5::. erect the Cherokee rurcitnse into e Vwk vparato Coontj; which i was ,tiot arelfd ''Aft ' iiOv-.V V'ti,ji'-4i'' 'S'-J , ' H. .H'V-tm- Mf. liiarsiiRii presenifii a uui imi rr 4he naef, and to legitimate ,Uorge p. Chpnidse; of Anacni; which- passed v ra.ils Brat rcailincr ' , f ' t Mr, Love pveacnlcd the following pes ti .. i: "u i - i- r J A- j te the committee eu 'llieJuditiarjfi- '. i WTUe petiiion of Isaac AMill'eri'bf ,8e, . . rar . .!..- . v. i k a rcl t ' c k'u-iS i ! rf4 t e cumi T r!.'v?d I-! t a:ierf l! t act uf.l rT7. enr,r;e t',e Ui'-!.i, f jl.!ic rUls"'J lifcti"5 the clu'r mi'.'er, a rvaJ Vt E-'t lime , ai d jMtkteil. , .- . . . . v Oil tnnliou.f Mr. B'l, J! c -ry c;mi(U-e wrre irUctel l inquire m'o tW enjH'.iieiirT f aoumlir Ike inspection rf thi Slate, a te creai a itijlit c thoe ha HI fh i lihuBt i'.e p i per dnon , hi Mf r (.'.. a if nntr nrrrribed by law, ,' . Tne eiirwied lull fir lire better ft- ?tjUtiii f tlie Coouttr Coarti v llert- ml, raaread the aeeood rul thril tii, paa(I. and ordered to be enroll ed.' ' S, -. - Oe motion f Mr, Mearen. the bill te Crot5e for the tlraia'mc; i Mattame' eet Iake; wa commit ted to a commit ter ufthtt whole I Inn e, and. anatle the ord-r of the day for Thoraday next, .J- 1 UeliiUimirif rcaolition, presented by Mr. r)ivi(!j:iv, wh adopted: fcm-nt it -i'pcr from tfi book I of tVe Commrollnr'f ntrire. that thorf n a Urre tmlaaM taelrt)it failed Suiettstbif Siatei Tbor' far-.- , ' . !' ' .;t ' ., - fc Btahr-t. TV fli elaliM pf (Id State an'mat (Im Cn'ited 8tatr M refurved t joint acta! aunitur, of tlir niembcrt fro; cah Itsuae," to inquire into lh? drmaad, and report aitrh me- lam aa engirt to oe txK lu oixam pnr. : iMr. Ii'xldio aubmiUori the tollowrnaj resolution, nhicb.waa urced o: 'V. Wbi thm arc varaioa opinion, among; tit people of tliit Suite, and maujr - ilaulita ciM, rtictba the ommiiiMoo at a juMiee ( Utt peaae, kUe actiiiKM bherilf, ta aoirniJei2, or alirel varxed or animllrd thereby; ' Ue k iKrrrfore ' . Mftoiv(L 11iattlieeonmiueo tke Jodieia r) t iantrueted to inijuire into the expediency of aaiing a in npHuiuiia; ute mat. . . - x, ,'V House 'cf ,Comnen lvinj:r : greed :4- the 'resolution propong to rafe a aelect joint ronunittee to cooal uer tneeipeoiencvoi (-eatins somcia buna for the t rial of all minor' oflHcev leutnst tle Estate, Mesr,- vv elf born Nleares, Alexander, Marshall and Bab ley we're appointed the naid committee on the pitt f of t!)e N'tiate, Ihe ensrossfd bill tain l&r.Ai purchased at the; salea of the cominHHiiuicrs Hi llarnvbod OOUOt) passed its second end. third readings. sn was ordered to be enrolled; 4 ' Wtd,u$tlav, Ike, 1 . Mr.Tkteai-es preaented a hill to appropriate thousand -a-w liim! ,1 oh tor improT- In the navigation of Cane Fear ttiver below tirmngtont wiiicn was reaa nte r umo and ordeved to be' retcrred to a select com' mittf e of fourmembers of each Hmtse. Iteaar. Ueares. ttrounaX. Jlcbaoe and Barney were named tit -committee o the part . of tlie Seaate - - u t Jilr. Deberry presented a bill to provide for the final aetilement of cscrutora It adiAiiv ittratora; which, vtat read .the first time and ordered to be minted. '! r The Ibllowme enCTOisrd brlls Oaaaed tueir ftr&t reeling: The bill to repeal the etf .-' t..& J.i . i...L. l-i - iJ acmoii. wjim,i3i-r rciiiauau h me County Courts of Hobcson, and the bill to restore lu ,crcait Jotm a, isuner, or Ansoa county.''.'-"1 c"-vr, r- i -un,rootoo cj ,i.rt Jiiown,v 'i' . ViVnlwi -That tlw Senate do adjoBnTat 12 o'duckr and that the line of their Cham be ho tendered to tha Electors of, Preaiderd and Ytfte I'reaident aftrt 'hut hour.V--frf The bill te rental e to eredit William Faml, of Blont-rnnierr. read tlic.tecontt ahd third timet, pavied, and oNlntd to be engraaaed. ' . iner cngro'ieci wu w repeat iiieaei Of wt reauon, far tlie better regulation f the Coanty Court of Kobeaon,"waf amended on motioa of Mr. M'liKcliin.'rcwJ the aecoad and third liinta, . .iur. mnn, oi rersotij prrseiurn a ink to a, tare tir Kashet UhHkll. ,nf .I'M toa eeanty wuh property fta -she may acquirti ' which aa rtiadthe firat time, and t itet-itd to the eommiV tec ei lropi-iwona mi Grio'anora.;ik-.'1' i ' i Mr, Wellborn preaentod the petition W roiw irt aitizena ef V like, nravine that Jmhua Pin ma bereatoredto i reilit! -vlnch aamfontd to tbo committee of Fmpoiiona nd' (Jrkit amwift I n engroticrt bin to reatore to emlit Joha A. NuflV.r, of Anson, p.is '' fit two last reading, ' Mr", riintnn preaentej tlielKtilioav OTStqilien rceron wttieh was rcfoiTed to Un tommiteij of Chiima. i ,. '.--. .' -- - Mr. Hinton ulsn" mvacrttcd a retotntion Inda- ror of Bcnj. S. Kingj which raa read and adop-c ten. . .,.' "i j -. - n f ; y , ' ' Mr. JSpai;lit. presented eirtiCealet ofalloW aneo, by thu County Court bf Cratenj; in favor of 'I homat F.a'cll, Chriatophe) Henley and Capt." John Hhcnnwlnclrwere ordeixtd ito be eonittcr IIOUS6 v OF COMMON'S. j 1 ... (I'M. - ' ' u t . .... r ' 1 : c i "i t- - ' ' r rrlij ' 1 loKiia lfTiwt ii nd t e, mwJ, eu t i it( -. : Y f '' ' ' i r (i I r . , Wre rr rrdl be r. On r' f Vr liw a ; -,..' f IIo"e onaomweft b- lern. r"a m; rruiMio " - (T, b n4drd M S J.l J-rt CO.T.!!- Xtr. C-nkin. fewn tU M htr cueamitiee. wharn vma rf-r. the bits twrscnhmr tk nunnrf lnr ,.,-ti lifM omcen s-uu o rerMaded A lU Lrf Uiur, trod rraet reoon i.lmf napr. ' . Th a.lb.H araa lAea) rcao ib nra i ana pd. - - .-r - Mr rT, rront ,n iimmn rrwp ailiooe d fife raiieta, enade a report re cowmeaHlinir the paefe of ta kfflta atare te Katiey Borrls, of Burke, audi property aa he ea acqu.ix. The report aras concurred a, and ife bill ps'1' nrm ru,"t u, ttin k in. from the M titary tomminer, Biade airport recommending the rejeetlon of the bill to esplio the act ef bet aeaston. rcducMif the nmabcr of petty nuaters to re an a year, whioS report was concurrca in. - Mr. Mwitrorncrv. from tne comoimee ap- pointc 4 to omduet the kaWotinjr ttif Aitamey General, reported that BonmiKis M.aundera county, leoneaserv praytne Uie 4,r;iir nf ?irae.tiin4 m an mftnrner' ,,.... ..pv. -f-"" -e5 - - ---."-w w. ii ,iiHtfrnrit i;nurta in nunenmne inn .A HaTWOod? and the pelitiOB of William li. i 11, Steelman, t Habershanf county. tt Oeorgtj, prayn; to be admitted to.lhe 'n 4 privilege of counsellor ajfd attorpcy !, in this Stat.' f.;?-':sf V..-H'. r:'f.P,, nyVhe bill to U-gitiinate 4Vly Matilda ?siStfoi.' 'rf-IJIatli1'ii reatl the ae-. vt4 .cnd and tH'jje timet, passed, and orders $-'4 ed tube eoiyosti fvr,- .;W-r!tv! The enr-ossea um to, reaiore iNa inicl Meecnum, m mucoid, jo crer, aaaen d ed on motion of M r. concermn r er Vi . I i. . f - .Mr Ire S H.r.in. r ! . S tW fr'- Sik t Mrt' i 4 Uwnt tjfl I- " ' ' arrl nif. 4 tn'luWlollwr, IV, M a.iWi"k a it -t&wra aka W reowvr, H ! the l-yT! i . nat ntl the W i -. J ta4 WT lU rinallna . 1 iV 1 unitr Mr t 1 n r' i, rrrt" I M 3. rul W'- trie m.t tn Tu! r- ' i ira in f.-n-. iiTnilioitK ,' rer l iky I: . ' wu- i.VW t . h. - -i-4ia aW Jtiira, TltUlMmyn i Nanrr Swla anca (MHf ataW nv mf"', lrjrr ae JU Mr. riH. llvMod. iilmt rrmaBjeratvoa) n eenaia aerirea ten.Te.1 'M 'Stai an (nnNme aai 1 Sunennr t,rt,' ajtnCS) WSS refrrrM to tha totamit'ee of taiana. ' Mr NeVxi rrreented a tnll eaaaeewmf thn re-i,trujn tif ern' which. WW rfl tve firal i itie, puie.l, and referred to tne J i Jiriarf eommiuce. r .. " ' Mr. flare, from the committee or t'roiwm tinaa and Grievance, rrpAred wnfontlr to the ptiiWMinfo of William Cl nei which wivut wu eaacunvd ia. . ; On nralioe) at Mr. Lorel. the Ju l eiarr ommittew were .Inatnteted lo inq nre inie tne expediency of paiitin- le the Csmnty Court enrlualnelf ooetiisancn a aii appnea liana for the erection Ol rates.' " , w ttavkin. frum the Militarr commmee. niade a report, recommending the paatare pf rhe bill makine it tne duty ot tne Maior ben rsJ f iheSd diison to review the mihtiaat their aiatial rreimentat muater troundsi t also tha bin to repeal jo part lite aa . acoion 'he Set of 1808, rcviaintr Ute militia lawns of ibis State relatia" ta Infantry, ana t repeal htMi and 10U sections ef the act oi ioij. amrndin iha militia taw of this Stste The rennet avas concurred In. and aaid Will' read, me tornerme tat, ana ma wo imm time, nnn Dauett. .p.. Mitchell nreaented a bill to determine hnw nmevaof land ahall be made, to enable surreyors to obtain ((rants from the Statei and to confirm erant heretoiora maae ro anrrey. era and deputy snrteyors. in 'Certain caaesi whidi bill baiaert its first rraam?.., MT. NaStl, trom llie; JUOiciary crrnimince, tn hnm wu referred tlte resolution inatruct mr them to inquire into the expediency of proridinp lor the taKinff tne r.eposiuona jh the tiovBrnar ana tne jucurn oi tie auprcan; and Circuit Courts, to be read in evidence in all civil causi '. whenever thete officers are enfrared in their official duttea: and also, into he etpediency of proridlng for tha taking of . depositions in alt immal suits, 'where the aianishnvnt to be. inflicted does not s nd to life or member, made a report, dia- approving" the second member; yf the resolu tion, ahd'TecommendmXhe paeaace of a bill, reported, entitled A bill for fhe taking ordenotitioni The report was -concurred la, and the said bill read tlie first time nnd passed. .yv '."f.V -i " f - Oa motion of Ttlr,' Naah,: Mr, t Alexander was added to the committee on the Judtciav i fin. million f M rl li teri',3 etrwiThat the Tweawiret be,' Jind he it hereby directed w demand Immediatelv an inanection ot 'he hooka of the Sta'.e Dank of North Carolinai So fir aa is iieeeaaary to b duly ewHt. " . - Osi mnio of H'- rotter, . : Rtmbotd. T-at tha printers for the te be reotired furtbwith to Inform this Hoot why the exposes or elaiemenT oi tm w aurer la the nrearat Lec'talattire. as" part of his animal report, hare tint been printed with that report aa heretofore. T ' On motioa of Mr. CdmoWon. the commit lee on tha Judkiarv were instructed to in quire iate the expediency of so amending the act of last sesaian on tha subject oi aivoree, s to jriv to the Superior Courts urisdictwn of applications for alimony. - ' , , On motion of Mr. Eccles. the committee On Internal Improvementa were instructed te inquire into the espediency ot conttnictinjr a rail road from Fayetteville to the Canfbletoii landing on Cape. Fear river. v '. n motioa of Mr. rierce.tne Military om mi'tee were Inatructed to inquiri into the exnedienev of allowinr to the t elnntrer com pany ot hjrht mrantry ut tne town oi nina 75 stand of arms, or more,npon the (Up tain giving a receipt for the same, to be retarned when exiled for . " - '' . ."" V '' i ' The enrrosscd bill t Wstore to eredit Geerg e Jernigan, of Wat ne, pawed its third aamg, ana was oroerea 10 oe enroiicu.:. -On motioa of air-. Kendall, the Judiciary committee were instructed to inquire into the eDedencf tnakinr proviaioii by Ww for the relief at tlie aecurities of adrn'mistn- tori after rb lapse of a certain time after the hein at, law become of lawful Uge, In tlie same manner as is now protided by law for the securiiiea of guardians 4'f fc-"" "4. Mr Wheeler submitted the following reso lution. Which wss reiected-. .. . ,:.- Jt Heulvtd, That the Judkaary cammittee he, and ira hereby inatrnctedto inquire into the prupricty m aouiiuiiiia: iiii'vw ......i.. , . r . , . v . code the punishment of cropping the ears, aweruin the amount of ie Cspitat stock of which the lawloBicts Oft' persons convicted 1 tnasaia iians; oi.inr acoiwoiw 'n wanirj 1 W IUC itnMUltfS UCflOaHtx-U l-jre?"tt W ws5 lltf'r I. . . a 1 . .t. . . 1 m circulation! ana Ot me Kaan on warn ana thkt "he to this Hnie iijncd by the gpeaVcr; lebaiSi the ttmrti,"toas 1 House ,fnt concur uecond" and third cntto (ue other gy ;v iiuunc .ii iuiiiuiiroK' . , . : ,8f, nrv uoMtJie presetiie .; neiiiou t auiHii r - cttixeiis oi " i v. iv : i . rrtjzecuuiue, ayue auu jwinsrotl- I relation to the ehtabh.hnicut if a new tonnly ; whicji was tee,rred to the tom- ountct v !i. TheUomDfi biUs pasaed tliair. tl'riK-H 1 K K ' Jti urtitay, pfiv. Srs Ontnotlonof Mr, Sanderson,.! r . .' v Retthxd, That a select committee be ap pointed, -tw inquire .into the CPedieney' of nrorjdi:ig by -Uw .lliat the lands br h ;por (ion of the land of debtor ahall be exempt from eaerntion for de:bts contracted afr Ihe 4th d.iy of July next. &fryr?-'itx f, ; -Messrs, SnndmeatWail. I'herClsirient sndlllackledge form Said cmmttteeT J fatmes llainey, the rnem'oer elected bt Uia ebnnty of Csswell to supply the Vacancy oc cationed by the dea'h of Charles 1) Donoho, appeared and. took Ui seat.' -.- kr;"S' ,1 Mr.' Foy presented a bill tb amend the act pf 1777, te enccmrapc tlie building of public mills,1 e4 direetinjr the chjty of , millCre; hich was read the first time, pawwd, and re ferred to e committer, consisting of . lersi' Foy, Latham "of Martin, Cox, Mooiffomerj', Cooper and Gregory. 'V f il , J , Mr "Graham presented a bill to, prevent the rmancipation.of ulaves, whicb was' read the firat time, passed, and referred' to the Ju diciary enmmittee. . , ;'T Mr. Gary, from ihe committee' appointed to superintend the ballotting for a Sertatty, reported tint neither of he candidates had a tnaiority of tha voles. . A7i4..i 'f?'' I ' Mr. Mash, from the Judicial- eomiriittr, iqcinoa a.om amniuwiwy ih tne act respect. "?cer, wliicn W read tne ttrav time and PeaSEO. fc-nt.iW j i.lyA. .'i&mr,, ,f-'ty t ( encased bill to, Aore to credit rst of nerhirv. .. S?' S. ;'. .V",i: f air. '. BkCnuau preaeoiea m m", i, 5s tnally to enforce tlie payment of taxoa n atud horses and jack aasf si which passed its first teadiiia;. x"- ; i.t ArfV-'ir'vi ' A message was received fmm the Govern or, trsnshrttting the returns the election for Electors of rrenident and Vice President w hich Was ordered to be sent tO the Senate Mr Ganr. from the committee of tropes. (ions snd ttrirviMCea, reported a bi!J JO secure to CeKa Garland, of Greene count v, auch pro perty as. she may aequircj which was read, the first time and psett "f, " , '"I J", " F Mr, Nash firescnted ' a bill for the better organization of 'Ab; Stipreme Cour which was read the fimtime, paased, and rrm.de the order of the' day for Thursday.neat. . .' . .v Mr Monttromerv nrenented a bill for t Ue better retrulatioit of the Gonoty. Courta of Hertford) which passed its several reading!!, and was ordered te he engrpaSed,' - V; motion ,bf Met Gregjiry, the . Military coinmittee were insirdcted .( tncjtiine itiW the cxpediencyf allowing to the cooapany of. lieht Infahtr volunteers of Elitabeth City 70 stand of anna, or more, upon the Captain giving a recaipV for, tdienv te. bereturoed wnen caiiea iota. r .At-t.-St " Mr Fow from the committee on the sub ject Tojiortcd the bill to; amend.the act of Jtfrto encwirage'th' building of pM4 imtlsvana. directm , ue atny -or , aimiers. withotit aroeh1lmem..Tbe said bitt -was hrt amended, on mothm of Mrrtlejlert, byai?e tinr from its peraiiori, tJie couiity; of .Carte; re, aiioVon motion xif Mr? Montgomery, the district of Edeiuon read the sei :oud. time. pised,:antt made the order pf thediy far Mdnday next,, XVfcf; J,', J Mr rxcies presented a oih ui ina:orjjraie the FavettevHie Msnufocturinr: JComnanti which waa Tead the first time, naaaed. and made the ortler of the day tor Moudny. Mr Alexander presented a hilt . W pnovide for Obtainmr StaliaUcal iiiinrmauen a to ne reaourr araofthfl Statin Which rtad tfit firsftitnC paoacd, atid referred to tlie committee, cn laterm nal Imin ovemettft 'iW. C " . ' ' . lr. Blncaaru prcaenwu n uui mniuoic h iik w trtofihe Mvr General of die 3d diviaion, o which thounty cf Orangw is attached, tn refiew the? mllilia ' at their uwal regnaenud aautter ground; which wat read the f rat time and feler:' red to the Military jsommiltea.' rv,;. v- I Ou tuotioa of Mr. Montgomery the . 3n&lary committee were tlireflted to inuiee ffeether( by tlie law newinexistcrtte, tlie rans of 1ievin grnea and mulattne ai exeuipt rrwrarBitir,n r.The bill ainemlatovy of tlie law respecting dow er Vaarrad the third tiuae, fiassed, and ordered to be engrossed. ( - ' ; " Ky "." rOnnv''"'jf Mofotter; 'ItetoheiL That tha,Treatnrar he reouested 'to lay before this limine a titatemcat 01 tlie coadi tionof the several Bank ofcthis 8tate up t the lac period at whifh be wa authoi in! to require wli Ktaiemvnt; sknr". to iuform Shis House whv meh statement hat not beta heretofoi e ti-ansmiul ted to the Ipidalure.' . '-"N V -s Mr. Nash, from tha Judlciarr eommittee, repor ted a till to amend the aet of 1 826, to prohibit the trailing with slaves, except in the nianuer llierein nreaeribedt uhk-h nested iu first readjnr.W,' f . On niolion of Mr. Edmontton, the comnsitten on the Joiiianry wej- 'instructed to meuire into the exped'' -7 of so providing by law i to girtj to the tereral Superior Court lha power of rea--tnrinjrto eredit uh prrtout at may bo convicted t k. I (1 I, Si tl"rwo et mna ! kI AWw I frrrtmmi taV-r. w. r 1 Vr kl W II S "" -1 flw VuW Ti limit rliw li ' ris i ,mn a rrwiimrm cl i li j of . tl rllvM, . rrwwr. ww- tit. vk wa etw4 ae iwm a tk u ' ''.' L ' - 71f frtV. I Z. . iteied (eota i Cwmne tn annual re snrt of the U"H rf I 'emal trwpeotf rwen'as which araa aeat tot-'.e Seaa'e, with a pet, o ! that It be pooled. ' . . i-k. v.n i. the act of 187. ener. K'h rresea'r t ' e pmorial mt WI1- J t, fbl c Trraxirr, Pd rt Ina lt rradintrvand was mxlereci to tve enmiieu. Mr. Nith. fmrn tlie Jwt cir ro-wmi!t. rvpaete I a b.II fegalang in! " ne pr- no, and .appetla to.ine vr-t which vu read the Cret tinw, and made the order nfh day fir to morrow - i. - Mr. Smith, nf Anon,PrewrvitoI a"i " a mend lha 9th section of tfce aet of 1 chapter 61. foe tha more onveient s 1 nin ittratiow ot utiew within rSia S'atei V,rh was read the I rat time, and sWi the or,! r the day for Thar day aext. Mr Kaah; firms) the committee aw u .u- dieiarr. reimred a bill to' amend Ihe law with respect to the collection of debet f mm the eaatea nf ,deeesed peraontj. which w read the firat t me, and ordered to be printed and snade tlve order of the day fur Friday Mr ATford nreaented a hiU to repeal she actoflaat aenion, for the better regnlataa of the County CowrlS of Riibeaoik) which pass ed its several readings, and wu ordered to be ernTrosaed. ' . r - ' ,' .'' The bill torestore to credit Jonn A Nutter, of Anson was read -the second snd third times, passed, and ordered ta be enjrroed. Mr. Gary, Irom tne enmrnnte ot rrtpont tlo'na and Orievmneea,, repwrted unfavorably to the petition of Charles Lewis ol Ruther ford Concurred im t ' ' ' '. ':..'' "," Mr,.Nah.'from the Judiciary emmrttee, reported a hill for reisi"ir end digesting the piibhc t a' ute laws of this State which re read the firM ime, and ordered to be printed and made the order of the -day far Monday Mr, Kelson wreseniej t'ie memorial of the grand Jurv of the Conntv Court wf Craven. ciiuuuiiiir nr nwnicicncT nr in wam pecting people of colour bunting with dogs and guns, sad' prayi. g the revising and a. mending sa-d laws; winch memoriat was .read and referred to a select committee, conaist- inrof Meawra, Nelson, flat cman, MonteM-ne- r-, Hellea, Sanndi-rtoi. Doiier and Brvsn. - -The Honae- resolved itself into a committee of the whole, Mr.'Spruillin the Chair, on the Mil so erect out w part ot the ooontlea 01 Jtiuice ,ni Btmcomhfc a aensrate and distinct coiiiTyP..iKl after some time spent therein, ihe -committee rose, -.reported pro gress, ana outaineajeave to i again. ! ,v - ff t.anemav. itec. 3. On motion of Mf Cox.' the ifadUnarv com mittee ware inttrnetcd to inenire Into the exneoV ency f prnvidinfe orac mode by which final aet. ttement may hemadeof the accounts of executor. auminmr.wra ana guarouma, - .. ... jj.; Mr. .Mi1 pretenteu the memorial of John D Hawkmt, Edward T. llrndnax and John U. FjitOn, en behalf of the St(x Vhnlilcr oftlie Utanv oka Navigation Company) which w a aeat to the Senate, with a propotKion that k be referred to a teleet joint ccmmiUue of three metihor of enth Houte. , 1 "e.. ;' ' $ i''i' .w.-t y'' A metsrrtre from die Senate, ttn tins that Meaan report the result of his examios'ion j W11born,At'Oeairmid; JVt'Neill,. Urherry anil 'mike '"S-V , r ' '-. , . f Royal form the eemmHtee their part to take rntf "1 . ' 1 1 i : - b( '. .' e .' milt n tn.ts i.fthe nradar arc r f 1 1 C ' ' t r v r, :j tf '.a I: f t u-f Fit rf r -mnt'ron ef Mr., Waddell, f Orwure, the Judiciary cowmitiee were ins' rooted to i, quire into the expediencv of so amending-ilio eive tb the eseeu'iun Jfretfetiierfon pertao tal property a prioeity of lienj .and,!alao. into tlw exped'ieocy of ao amending the . law re lating to the bonds tkoi hy eontbl-s for the fat booming of property levied on def jiistice' executions, ss to require said bonds to be subicttuea. ay. one crcairaoie witneaa. '5;S''-.W;''.'. '.S , .On motion Of t;.Taili.'a sommittue. - ointed to iiiookit into. tin;, expediency of rt'iea- iing so much of the set at prevents IV 'tiling of nets or tne nruunj or action luimmit river. Merer, Vad,Bimduion,3pruill, rieree, Mhoon, Watford, Cscper and 1 Latuam tqrm tho ore- inittee, - '! r,1 7 ' v A' ttunsage freltl the 8slte( proposing to bal lot en Fridar aext fb Governor of the State, and 'rating that ' the onmea of ' Mootlmri Blokes and Richard 1 Spatgl are in nomination) wbioji nroDotilkin waseoneurtedin. . . i. t Um(ton ttt Mr. wuston, tne junicwry cora mittuii wervj nfltrinded iif ioiiuire into the expe dlenev of.kuthoi-isiniE the Eonrt. mwn the-peti tiou of any saah pfUT Hig that an ilh-githnate child my,breeornisea a ha rawtal tma, xo eg- matsuch abiMaeeovaingivVSii.sM-'.. On nwtlon of .Vh''t?nte'mierV;tne. ewnui it- fee ot Finance stcrr iwftructed to raquiro hue the axuedNtno of ao.amertttias tho Uw, as. torarniM;! owneVS f la to all thij tauible free negroes una tnuiMiae yii ro.iv. Jivr on iiiwi- imiu,, uu lieli'iand fortlii-irtat St for otlu-r iiropci-tr i'sThe eotrrowm! bill to alter anil ninend the act Uaf bat seHin icernmgthe PnljIwsTreasnry', ipasseo. na m?n ira-.inf. - j- v HI On mnl.nn nl til 1 Awls, tlie Jiiil!r.tnr.v IrnnL. nittee were mstroeted h mquite Into-llic xp dieaey 6t eirinc iiwtkesnj the peace jurisdiction of lent prnperty to, atiyauwunt, not exceeding twenty (loltflr iqihjecttfi '.the aameor timilar into eonaideratkm the eltpedieney nfmreering the State Enrineortoexumine andtw off a road from Fayetteville to Wilketboreuthi and Msr. AV'eJ. hornj Meara, Alexander, Marshall and Bailey in take mtaeonsideriition the expediency of ei-eAting aomc moanai turtiie trial ot minor nnenee against tne State. On tlio part or this rlooae, Messrs. X laner, oftip, cede, tiortlon s Allison .were annotated on the firat of said rewHations.' and Meisrs. SprniH, flam AlitchdV- BafBn,- and i . . . . - . The resolution from 'Senate, .appointinC a joint select': committee te inquire into the demand ot the srate against the general jgov, eminent, Wa" concurred in, and Meas-i. Gas ton. Spttiill and Swain were appointed said committee oh tha part of this House, V. it ... .; -. Mr. Aaslt, troni. the Judiciary committee. reported ar mil more eitectually t prevent frauds in 4eed orv eonveyanoVs ;i r'trusti Which was read and ordered to be printed. r VWr.Fotrer presented ahill far the improve ment of mifilsty diseiplinei ' which .was read the first time and. referred t to the f ilitaiy committee,',. ,i 'j'...-' , ,. '-. ; ;.' 'i J meaaare front the Senate, st.ittne that tne names of John Owen and Willi j Alston are added to the nomination for Governor, On moiion Of Mr,, Smith, of Chatham, the name of James Mebsoe was" also added to Said tlominationrU j.-.-f i. s; 'r. presented a hill tn amend tne act, antnonsmg te County Courts of Craven ami Cumberland to appmnt special justices ot. tne- peace, && waici,waa read the first ttmr and passed'. :''JD1V.vswt..v: Mr, wm. presented a resolution, pre eerihing the manner in which the- Comn- tvoijer simij.nave nis annual statement, print, ed; which was adopted, . ' '' . On nratiOn of Mr, Clement, the .tudiciarr cqmmmeewere. insmtetea to inquire into " tl J -pert f UIIM.! Tk' h ii''. Thf intt'A jjrrw-e v an; j.ly frfnn t!e aost fd cast. ." th.tti', nri:!cr ,-T iiTrtal 8'ithnritt nnp hlrt jH-i r!i( ditri : ai.d rirrc r 'ir1rr t! rri'rTfe! utafrr,, tim.y rrrrivrd i f the tr ; Utminh Artny b fun J- hn 'ha diRaAtrr of ill rrtn f: th4 Danulr. - Lulrrd the aL rail o(H. ial. qotirm'fmin ! M.tn roTitniuidn". eu.lirii r, t!i rrrtajntr tiftho fj'.lurr, rtrrt of,tiirjp l i".-.!. - - rttrtx. Oct 15, Wehavp r from IJ rrh;nvf ftie fil!otir ' dated t1'- ' '!i i f S-pt-rti!or. . T new fthifh vi ,a,f rrcriic l fmm ihe ,thoatre i" ronfirra cvery.tliing vihirh i itniitififfti-tor' tbrewrrlr'j,, rtin tiro movrntcnta t,f t; sian nrtny befdrf ShnmJa, a ; rrf rrat:,' .Tbe UtiBfiianu, hlr' fovtPtlir corjts whirlvwcre re! rontinuod tn ofrnpy aomc int mentnv but, after haring bra i feudrd them, the f tferuatfd . prohablj on leaminff that the ( Vizier wa jnarrhing by t!,o i rem Aunanojile to the relief ol Huwein Bry.liatl followcu M , maimif thr arm'frnij Slmn ! tlto road t' Bnzarcfiiki ?nd i inother rorps ort tho road tn tria and tinrHots, it nrder t i t advantajr' of thr latoi evmts t "first of Uttw-plars. i ami t' etied thrrommunit ationsof I',. ftian on tlrr DanuV riie I: hratl-quarterft vere still at Y ji.hn 'the ? J9h Snsf ant, hut th tiiUif irt at;iri,5 the nuilericl i army In the tmdst f - the r tlisti"r8 werft Imnie nsV,l Wr liavr Jeamed by way nf tty that tlie (rr k inhabitant? vesa avrovolM nijalnst the - hose garrison had taken rrli.. the citadel," tiv here itis Ifialrgrdl: Othor ' .afcounta "frnrn;" Auir Frankfort; A; Berlin, are, Mr! disnsteitMJt; , they present t' " ti-eafViftho IjtHnsians.a rapid a 1 ,i Afjtnvoy of bar had : ?ed but liad bcertvitntiii'iliittrlv ?ml Ami of lohsr; aait la v1 horns ofllie cavalry and ;.. Mf te fetl ttritli Umiiv hut even ! 0urfr: M said to-havrfallrt!; raortamy .among tne ; inn i ffreat; that bnlr four tltoussm i; trifjeavaJrjr remained out oft!,!' ' army-1 priifccti its -retreat. 1 arrunf8,indretr. go so far r ' " pert that tjio Wlmle f Witf attn hs(4 disbaiidrd .ttsdt, p. A b. ve no .InteffijTMtf e f. na later than the 21st, hutev n infers that it hat) not fallrn later pt'Hodj hrk ;aiwef f f it fca Kit ffilatis rdoId ' have bw.iv c "hare niibHalied it us a kind of s .: against liie-rrti eat oiiie mn u i.-r. I' fjA nrdveeilmEs that Courts are bow rcnuincd by-law t the expediency olaltrrnig the law rejrtilatinir te notice and observe,1, wj . f,ri y I the sale of property under a writ cf vendi . irl. i.,:.. it. C.i. . 1 iLj.: ..... ... ' ... : . . ':'."..;;:. ': joint select conimittW ti tutu inttf conniileration j ' ' Mr. F.llis pi the ixpHiaocy iof etei ting ;sne tribunal b tlie I Moravians.' W trial of all minor ofTeneet ajpuntt tlie tUitc, was convoired m.;: -.',;J --' . " v'i.'f -J. ;.On motion ojf Mr;' Calloway , tlie. Judical jr committee were nstroctad to inquire into tlie nauseofthe delay of justice in enroinal pmsecn tionsi into the expedieney of- so amending the criminal law, ss to compel the State and the ao cused to more speedy ti mU. so aa to hrett-nt the a-ruat exnenseai hich occurs in the delav ol silch justice) and. into tliexpeilinnoy of aft iaraending tlie law, as more effectually .nnd ntpre riRiiily t. compel witnesses ill orimiiml lausealo attend at such places as they may have been sabposncd. Mp. Neland submitted tlie , following resolu tion, wbich was.rejectcdj. tr ' . fijittobed, f hi.l tins eoreinitree on fnttrit Im. provments be inntiwwd to inquiry nitn thM-x )icdiency ntesuitiltshmpa turnpike rottt from the, ovn.of MoiTantm Ki FnWttevilla, and ineo-.'po- nuinj; a e'limpany fii thaf uuposei one hall' of. tuc stoak ot Whiub aiau tielove to tne,tate '' Air.-Fot.' from The sMert WiAiittee oa tha tuhii-ct,. reported tlie bill to amends the aet of IJlT, to encoiitjise the l.nililmg ol publie mills una. directing tlie unty ot millers, wniiout amend snent. and recommelidi'd its nassneu. " The said bill was amended, read the .third timev' pitssL-d, ana orueicqio ne rngrtiswd. ... y . -;;v ' Mrs Kashj tram, the Juiliciarv eomTnitlfeire hporfeil the b:ll, to atnend tlie actw IK), extcn- nresented a bill to place Quakcrsi Moravians,'' Menomisis 'and OunkirJs on an eclual footing abb he otle free men of thia ftstej which was readand referred ;toi-,be Military cnrnmitcee :. . .. . , I he entrrossed bill 10 h-mtimuln Pnllw W SttnsdhV of CbAharnVsnd tlie engrosned Vdl io amnupse ine wament m tne poor ot Le noir to purchase a tract; pf land, and. 4te erect tliereoiV a house for the Poor. Oassed their three several readings, and were ordered to be enrolled, f ' ; C.,. v r' ';' - v'-' . ' . ., VtT. Saintelair lreented a Kilt tn nrmnnl the falling' of timbee in, or obstructing the ntn or hv yaomn river in Wilfees, county wnicn passed us aeversl readings; nnd was ordered Id be engrested," ' " Ti . ne apeuKer taut Before ue House, -an. ealiihit of the jsituation -of the State- Bank, tranarpilted by ihe Public Treasurer in pur suance of tho. resolution of the 1st JOStant) which was ordered to be "printed. ;An ii; W'. Received from the Governor a communica tion relative to a Penitentiary and Lunatic Ayhtmi which was sent to the Senate, with a pro)tMiiion. to refer it to the joint select cpmmittea onv.tfia l'enitenUar and Lupatio yium,.it , of mtit InrceuV. '-aV ... it. .V.r. 'x " j; tding thejuiliionta jnslii of the. 'twane, -S'i.'J1''ilt'i 1 D ,. Mr. Gaiy offered the Wlowmg 'moluUoaj't.wiihout BinetiibiuhO Tbt ni.f bill waa made lHrvtif-Jl'-;'i2. ",J'T?,i! which Was adopteds " r ? r TT... Wherta nuuierout applications are annually I ; Mr. Salaaebir jtrearnteiir " hi'I lor die relief befure .th'iimtai .The success of liia arms mrv rally tP sunpost-d to . have t the pretensions of the", gutt- 1 Constantinople;' hi'ticlea my will not; listen fr" any 6vr: nrtiGiajlion wi ute iittsstn1. paaitrd I'Uie.'Oanubp.land t ' ',' tliePrirrcipalftiesVX r - ? ' . ?T1e TrirkttJ hajfL )mn tit Rpveral stirtiflrmfl .GiMrg" Tlhpamitirr yheycviTirp a t tapy skill whioli the tin istt . erfj Jiavje hithertrr -been far ,fi pntiti tlscrolv x tttf cetr jt is 1 said )hat lber.c must be Chi 'i ! licors aroongjtheni,-Kf V Great hopea are entertaint''! " land, that -the. Oatboltc will f( frtattcinafioh'-.lt.ji wid; hi!' " j pffect tiaj beerf lawl before lhf ; Wellingtorr, which;' he . n' prpyeii,' and thinks it will he s . ' hie storivcry fair vdealing and 'r , 'Me Catholic and Prutestant i" - .w and ifreUn'd, and itt hisJ ' " ;'.-; t tj'f. iLiverpooi, ; islTie MniporUVpf, . Cotton ' ; were 600f).ba!rt; v.'Th 'sales . 'iayiK'seperally: 'of.i I. ' 1 ,41 previoiie price. 6000 Vl';"1",'"', binary !' rmd 5 f-8 to J ( bamn at 9 7-8 to T, New Qrl dtnary to fine f) t-i t6l bagj. were taken, on: apocula!" '' tnarkela, havtj aincft bco !( . .' quiet ith limited dcttiandi3"11 (Ocis Q) the. atfeai'irere; ' bag at thu prerius!r,es frV tine, 1000 i.hl 9t It5'1' bids, of Phiiad; &ur hve c arrive at" $C. per.bbl. t IM"1'1' made to the General Assembly for . reitorinr t of wives in ernes hemhusbniis neglect to pro I vine ior tne support ot thotr uurtniPiij trnrn past - --':'w 'i-vV "ia'irv-:-. . Market kdu And, .h.fMtf,v hi 1?y tin? jjrr pf,le:onHS Xv, '&r- I ' " ; : -';f credit muii'idttaJsdrprired of a Pdrtqg pf thejr Ij -'.' ';vt