1 t v If. . 1 - w- , a r . - 1 " 1 1 V i rv 'sy 1 TUB STAU. W V " l,VrtWrfjli atr CaiftY, i rVJiar'ntUW, by' UIMAT. rlsf. .rr,"', U"T- 9nri praa- si waner 1 , era without at let i- - i 1 . 4 -u in . i ... - - - - - a r ... - - J.L.- V, l ..11 'iTw Waal J,)NrWl, M f ' , , . f j (tt-ate erase far ewk mi'im iin l-tilaww Uvh ealwuro MMtW Onr. g m "t - J1 I !' !' I Jl IKnR1' Acjuleinr. v; f . wart af rtut w V. wiN n wrnn. . V, (n "r ' Jaw- "wdrf cwtiwae4 iw-1 ' ayxnie a as a-iaa"",r,lfd enpsa?ir e-Trrrt a?rhl '.rtawrat. who two .- taawHy C ka ilu know leap ta hie pupilt, wnkw.h T " ' " k wmtw at MtliB vilt, wploi7 to 'fUjmtf Ik f .f I SpelW. WHUofc $10 00 1j mm . - "7 W.. . ' ... . ( rtm oJ Greek ln?wp, iiMtorit, Laxw. Ntul Moryl PliOtt ,r,$lK .. . - - V-'r1 L,ofarirr,ine)Jnf pWMSpkerieJTrif1 tartry. SurrejinR, UoHlinjf, (J. ( lo.Kn,i"3.l'y tingle, W JouUe entry, oa. l . , I nailoat of bl(irT cUu may pTMCtate any pf f an bitfxior Um, without aay adJitioral iuafee. VniJ mus Ka4 at S dollar fxr month ia ilMt ucit hi a Academr. A public niauua " Jmw, vt nbkHtimrly aoticexiil . 1 . .. . . . 'be Aeadrtay oceupiet a wsru ni oeaiudal retao frmn U mnei of dwtipatiaa. ha ttrictest attfntioa UJ pawl to imprrt anoM th atuJeata, lhe'neecMitr of a itm- LihIt 4morlmet, kotb- m and out of chool. Luar ft piu?Jt AindKi to the principal, bapi-ooipUir ootmeu.-- ; BOAlttt OP TRUSTERS. ' . JOHN RUAVCO. bTbo F.HUor of the Rtlerrtou 58Ctte 'will elniert tnt aaoTeamu.ioreiw. - P?npiw ' Lnndold, J6r Direct UniM Statea of A.nierica, , 4 i. - miv Ocar. Hir.init, sirs Not. 1S23. "hafaHowiw'ertmnwortioti ha jurt been rl d bvni tb? 1 i-eaiuv Otfuarlatent, and to &hc J f .f a keaeM uftlio! onevmeu. ; ; FiftkliiidHw-'t Office, Jum 30.1828. !i You have annexed. eonr of jui act Med M tha lat tenion of ConinW, extendin: ftiinealltwed fortKerneinitioa o laud told Dirwt Tf , ami puwhised on behalf of Hie ited Statttt, OimIlt Xlic tuvth-iU msU, nataad the day of Asrt I8U, tlie th )ar of Janurr, 5, and 9iM bi March, 181S, for laying tolieoung a uiroci m waibd ihc uuum tea,, for the term ol three yer, from the end tti hut aMriM ft Uw. ; ;- "'; . .r. ; , . a order that the1 pertohi- hoe Jnnd' Kare lit that aold, and nuit&KviVmny antil tuein. Vei ol tha nroviuoot of (lib act, Tou ' wlll l W1 iramedutelr; to-' give notice-, thereof, M'fch the uetiuni of One of the," newpner (ilisheil favour dutriet, for Iho tpaee of fcmr klu. and that the rsdemutton mat he effeeted h)UiU tou. nnil ttieeiniratioa of the veenow lured therfinr, at regaeilt the property of reti Liitiu the 34-B'xl 6tb ooliection tlistrictiof Irth Carolina, at sell ti tho property ol Nod B pleased to ackhowl' dje the receipt pf t'ut 1 amj er repectlully, wr, -i i y,' Vour obedient wrvaat, - .8. PtBASdNTOK;-- r amt aviing- Cummin- a the Hew mi. m to extend fhe titie alloc.l fbrthe rodewptkui of land, told for di ret taxet. m ei win cssrs. .See I. J)e it enacted by the Senate rul Haute I Htprttentuuvet ! t f owed loi' the Redemption of uout, jcii nao.t fl. or mt he told tor the noi-tymeni oi et nde theaevefaiaeu namied' nn the n:hd AuniiL An thouiumtl elcht hundred' and irteens th inth day of January; one thoniunil lit hundred and tjtteen, and, the Btth oaf ol ii,,om; twouuind eight Uhiwiitu ana rxteen; laviucr Snd 'eoUeetiaK a direct tax. within the Hed Stales. o,far' at the "ame, have been iT.uae(l lor, or;ou uenmr oi tnc vniiea aututa, I retltfeJ ami he vkfunded frjjr the further term i . . . - i ip . It.:, j o.... I thfeo yea';' frbln iV yftws 4the cxniratibn of prewirt ei9f of ongresa: prwirieil aft. htt eA lueh redeipiwi, interest shall he paid the raaot twenty per et-ntum per annum, oh I ttfoiWnL And on the addition of twenty a- eenliimt-Krpad)la (ihereoit, tad the right of idumption shall enure, at well aa. to the heir Ktattipt ot Uiu land .to pqrehatecV on behall i hi; vjuiUmI Mates; n. ti the oiigiuitla theivol. t.ilrined;April, '2J'"ii58. ' HK 4w4r .i - TaVon up on the lBlh int. and eommilted to a of Chatham county. Put iborougn, worm nliua. a nccro Kdlaw who tin liit name it !ISD, kad kliat he jielontaatn i John Trutwell, pout1Carolm, Kertbaa-dirtriet.' The. owner irequetted to come (bnrerd, proTeiroiuity, It ehtrtrei atut take him eway, or he will be rut vftt at Uia law tlireett. . ' : . , JV1LUA.U RIUUW(, Jailor. -,- it. 27, isa,t;'; 'f .-.; foV. V. . . I-.-J Hi .I.A 4a.:ftirl.'tathltlMa flit h etilaat molhi wegm COl.LIN, iirip.ed to Ihenronertj n"r)inat Salmon, of Catmleti, nth Carolina Jci'Ue wner ia rwpuaated to came 1 'H, proye, property, vf niiarptai- ami ia "nav'av. nr h will be .dealt vkhai the law (I !T.jlit.' .V'" hoaa'V t'1 ' ' i! Hi ' -M,".ilIH. 0. lot f. - f Jordan D. Mof, 'm aa UeuvercUo) week, 1 Ue touih of 0iird, wheaauf aorrel Jlorte, Tear ml . . A CmI t tnitbaa Lifrh h a Mar and -uip, whit, bet," iwif WMrjr i.r ;H-AVJLTAMCETi.Btneer .4JUUCV.t. ji T'lt Truttee of tie TarboMutS At tuVmy f deoirout af emDlovins .Teacher U tint temmar for the eniuin year, ta f omtneace on pe 'rst Monday n Jamurr, hext.'' A gentleman rtl! aatified ur Out purjrote, wotjld meet with flhit State would he iferred. By order af the Board . ' ' v , ' , ttOBt, JOTKER, orQrt.-St, f a- -w wNoticc. ' aawj ammfeki4 eVt J. VtVa My wf tape atih. aajdM la tmm xtiX, a 'V' " rjijor. N art he Mki mu. Am a. A ma. W iv. M i kh rwta, a. tM vrwj Crw. r. k wiU U 4c.lt vk M ik hw ' L il AXTUt, bunl f . tw . ; TwputT Dollars Ueward. . -t(aaBaw Vfjat tha. aahow-Bnav tkMiU U 9 OvriMr !. a fcrfrw aaaa BamtaJ Lr.ON'AatU, T rlr " aaaxtl fcMt Ue II whea bVi, -.-rr aarh otapkraioa. aad aanaa, teoa kqretf,- IMa. I kawa in utac' te any wet that k h uwretl Lat a iwa ia Paaaiua. wvak.tuMy. I adl !. Ike riwt rwvard of i'y nollar in any nwrwo,.wWe wdl iteliaer h(. Vo ne in Ktrikoa eoaitr. aa a aVJl- . ij ranrt t will tpmWeM tad aaaara him a ear Jail. So tint 1 ret Urn ank. and vDl all rrti-aaahla expenara. w ' " ' ' 4 SlftU aounty,- Kr. IT. Ma X , i 4rp ; SlierilTa of Laml forTaxe. W ill be aold at tha Caart Haaaa ihCnf im fW rntk aewaty, oa Ihe latt Uwirin fa Frhraarr. Urt.aa aa.h h of a Tract or lUm! ef land, Irnv ia Curntwck SaniuL kaown 8t th nu kin. ley I aland, h ioperty Of J. t) llay or Jaa per Pick, aa will pay thetaxet aw wapraaad a-lTenitttti alanaaninchef a tract erreeicar land, Iting ia Cowrnynrk r!itrict, belonjrtnf to the fleiranf John I'aitoo, dec', IS er 11 aaret atan at mneh of t praot nr parcel e bad It lag m i not rrcK entrajt, tiie pro petty of Rytand Heath, about V acre, or at much thereof at will atitty aatd aiTearl of taaea and eottt. Sold by '. ISAAC b.VITtK, SUH. Stute or oi tl Carolina, , Orangt County ; t T In Equitv Sepim!rf Ceria '1828. ' Cthuund II. M'Nair," admr. kt. of Ralph M'- Nair, deeeaaed t .. . Ta.- f TV. , ''' Thoiaat Rarland Jt othera. It appvarinrte tha aatiafaction of the Court that Brtllmy lliuct and Celia Keanoa, two of the defendant! in tliit eate, are not inhaoitanti of thit State) it it therefore erdered by the Court that ptlUwat ya be wade in " tha star," a aewtpaper printed ia Ralnieh, lor aix waekt aueeeiairely, fur ilia taid lKillmg Hiuea and Celia K canon to appear at the next Com t of Equity to be held for tb county of Oranj, at the Court Itoatw ,m Hilltbnrough, on-tha teeoud Monday of March oext, then and there to plead, anewer or demur to tlie plaintiff1! bUl, otherwiae the tame will be takea, pro eonfettd, heard ex parte and decreed aeeordinirly tothem. i. ' K i ' Teat. , JAMES WEBB, tm M E, 'A - By Ai O. BRUCE. October 83, mi ".: 4T 0w- ' ' Price ad, f SO " : 1 i'i" 1 ' '." ' ' r ' instate of Nortli-Carolina, s Court of Pleas nnrl Quarter Sessions vr':.OctoberlTerm;l828.''.-fi;i, Nancy Ron U other tf-fjf',-':. V' ' V ..di V It appeal -ina; to the aatiwattion ef the Conrt, mat we aeleodtntt Meafekuli and Uugb. Bettre tide without the limitt ol the State it it therefor) ordered by the taid Court, , that publioatioa be made for tix weekt ia the Raleigh Star, for the aid Heaekiah tad Hugh Bou to he and appear before the jonicet of our taid. Court, at the Court Houae in Wadetborough, on the tecond Momlay in Janoary next, then and there to plead, antwer or demur to the taid petition, ntherwite the at me will he taken .pro eonfcato at' to them; tnd de creed accordingly, ; , vvHaett, WiiUAJt UititCKit, Cleric or our aid Court, at office Ihe Sd Monday in October, in, tha'.53d year ef our Independence, A.' D. IS-J.- , , v f,? W. DI3MUXES, Clt ' W-!w mtnjar.V 'a P.T. '' i THE MEMOHIAL, " ! Of the Rel'ioat Society ot Friendt, (commonly xnlled Quaqera,) otf New-tiarden ' Yearly - Meeting, (iuilford county, -to the' General Awiibt of North-Carol Ha, j r- r.- kcttectMu Slurweth. That the are fiill tentlliie 4jf the regard with Which at Legitletora ot the 31 ate. TOO are m the habit ol tnnruaehiiiff every auhjeet connected with Bel Siout liberty i ami fully itupreaaed -with what they owe , lor lavoi't 1 1) it we pasoeu, out nt to ie torgottou, they woujn, m reapecuur lermt, artng ta Tour Ounce, the many effurtt which nave Met made to compel them by tt violation of their cooauienoe, to the Performance ol' militarr Jul v. In tUu.culighLened nge and country, and before diit Lieeislauirelt HWr Memorialittt conceive ft nneearx.,tojiU'gethe inalienahle rigbu f C.nscienee, or W aiiuuce any argumrntt tu anew, that the feUtwui aetweea man and hit Creator, neitlier can, or ougbt.to b preaeribed or eon trolled, by any human, fuitaorttrf it n) aonecea tai liecause Uie propotition ia aelf-eidf nt; and etuecially because it ia one of tlie fcindamental innoiples upon which the civil and political nttitutiont of thit country -are eatablinbod The ti'ee exerelte ot Religiout 'Worthip ! not ' merely toleratedfj.!, it tledared h the mort aolenin formi it it confirmed iu the' mott ex plicit . mimer.; But the liberty 6f womeienee, jour aiemorialitiiewleeWe, cannot be rettrieted to the uerei liberty ot tbinkmc, er to the tilent and unaeeu. :. ttiotliSeationi of Rt ligimn opinion: Ueliginn hut dutie to be yet'fbrmed, and it pointt out olTencet to be avoided kt treexercite mutt theiefore coniiat ii air actios -eompliuuee with it a dictalet, ruforccd by' no eompulaioB rettrain ed by nt) it!gl tnttwrtimewtai'-;.-?-'-; ;t Your , auemorinlistt-ln -eommow: with all iir tuoat otticena, weuhl riitclaim wny exemption, wnder the ,eotar of Heligkmi liberty,- from the universal oifligaU'Mit of nwral duty.t 4 T, - v Your Mumerialitn.'pwriettingtob Chi istnina, ami imureateH JWttlr Uie flrm eonvletiott,' thivt Wnr it lorbWdew ude the Gsspct, ihey cannt.t bear arms) to reanire itiinikw li'gtd pfcnaltiet, if to rcduee them to the alteniative, rifrcltisinga ; conrpUknee with tlie law a of tlieir wiiuiitrT, or of riolathia .bat Uiey mrtst aolemtily helicVe it a bW of fCod, ajothed with tho nit awful taiic- vJoW memorlnlwtwj'tkd 6 d ne loctrinei Ihey Kt up no nanel prefentiont! they ajk per., preevnta ot'ieWtChrtttj to adhei-e toaprmcn'e L1.S..1.1 -....si-.i ii f)u firtt aentoriet Of that Chrutsiu Uispenaationt which pkm men, throogh every sitbaeirttent age, have, tnamtumed, and w hivlk iheir jHwdeetwaoiw,. tlie luue they hast been luaww at a Ilelighnit IJojuety. onW various forma rf"Gcvemeot,Ml Ibrougli tnfleriog Impotcd hy figorotu rrtecuUog Jawt, Ji luforrflly iopp.irted. ' ' ', ...v . t ; U iarrae. out in the lnpae of time, the tpira of neraeetttion bat faded before the liglitt of truth, ntiinat amintrr'aa alread ataUd. h been prioulArly diatinraithed for maintaining th pnnaipiea Ol Mu anw neiipnaa awrj , -' .' .t,Au-.nr mmwhi- IdWaand Ueltiri- out Intorerwnee, . A Vegitlatara ,oio noted lot enltditened italetmeii and taget, who pdH tiated ia ettaMinhirig 10 chartered RhtM of A meriea. who hao teea the prini-rplet, w.hw ywuf Meworialittt maintain, 'teaied throticli the Ke- volutionary War, n eonvuiee:i oi tneir tmcrn hy,ad of )c justice cj their clntra, rieroptei ""T; r tVe af N V a4 la "ta-ww. laWr Ar, It . . TW a tU M (Jl tar - , t .-K , . 1 wit- iaa maiditfoa. tltmn.itwtii i.-jH IjtwW. i ii f tw-rr-rw flfci .al t4rT l tWayhereanlWwWat that ta f tMBfCKi tJ tf lh aa tFa akr at aaae ftmt- t-t. Uu( , f dtrad of aMaMtuaeajti aaajjAw rii rnanaaatata wr Wh w?d I . lur traaa tgtjanl laew t- una W waewhaiaavrr;aa d.M rrn KinaatHjaa, kr,? tw-.a, i ok in ike wwataph f nrWata. ae,v. ww ' waevw.lt aaraawnioa aw thovthm Sar tathla alii Vwr Maaawr!,, woere.r, rhaa U rotaevy perr.-t of a ta wapear.l fee .'.. . to rwinrwwkTury, er iSr iwMiiu of m,. plea ataaa .rltw, Ira the aaU, ef thear pnrw t. erd far tlva .aMa wt rheat cVaaaaita, wowld ka to acj.no. Ir,',-, a dcluxarava wh. k the eawaet waWai. mud i- i i . ... i . wAa nr teaiasautma nflhrir prna.b-v Heoaa, twwr Memarialiatt believw. that aa .ld. 0mf could fwtwit from aw law luxJioj k, m vim uiMn wi inrtr put, . VV hile it k ihrretare evidrnt (hat the oatentikkt ff a law lurtrainiiag them toarmi cannot ha ei jcted, k i( is prrattnacl, frttna the iaerwl no lonrty al tUrtr priacipla, that n not c-avn eaB ted to be ai tamed i hil vour M maaraala)ta-ke-lievc Uiai the prmciptet Ihry huid. can, la we rear, pr ve Hi;Wrionata the oonunaaKv, tkw are peraua.kil that thin Lrgislatwrw would ttiaalaiay. (tie ah a of rauin arevena by Uwa tmfirtirar tin Owthcfrt eexmiWOfMnBMeaee. And they trnat that a priviieee anfernd kv the Supemne Bean-, and tleclarwd by tkw hit best autharitw aa thit eowntry, to he taiarwd and iaviuUule, will wwt ke vielatrd by any Lrptlaiiveaet of thit body. - Yoar MemorialiaU, thrrefnr reapectlully pv tkien yoar enlwhtewrd holy, not to pant any law Impewief lnt k forfciiiiret en memberaol tlatir aotirty, far the mwi-perf irmaoec of military doty. ' binned on behalf of the Yearly Mceticf of the Society of Pi-irail a, b -'-" i NATHAV MENDEMUtX, Clerk. Prom the Balliraora Republican. Lati and interesting from FtWj The fast tailiog Ship Corinthian, Capt. HaU.(arriTet) below,1 jesterdajr mor ning, in aeventwix dajirfrom Lima, whence shotniled on the :18th Septem berThe Editor, of, the Gate tte are indebted to Mr .Itubert Sindeton, who tame paMenger,4 for a file of Lima -pf per to ihe "18th September; cotn which (hey have derived the informa tion which will tw found beiow. S'Tbe most ithpiu taot item of intelli gence which thejr furninh i ttr beotind in $ Proclamation of Mr. Salaiar-.Vice Prenident ot the- Republic of Pwu, of which the fullow.nei tfanla(i6n v4 Vhfaea,NPenerar: Bolivar, thia proclamation, dated in Uota- JulvJ. lias declared War against ljert, and whereii, it ia tltpuutr ot the govern ment to austain the independence and integrity of 4 the, nation, ard io adopt .1 - ,i..?i.'... iiiubo nieurea i wniuir.iiie laws jpj war admit, to trusrate ihe attempts and di ininish the revottrces of an enemj. ! hereby Decree.''- '.vf lit! That all the ports, and bays It ins between the latitudei of 3 degrees o . .L , a j-. y .i o nnnuiea poutn, aoo aorgrees iortn, that is to aaj, from Tumbea jncluaive to the port of, Panama, are hereby de-' clared to be in a state of rigorous block ade. ( ;zj ' 2d. AH nations thaTl be tODslderetl as hufficiently notified of this declare tion after the expiratijpn afi the" terms herein specified, and no nation ohalt be permuieu to rraqe wun tne aoove tneo tiootd oorta thereafter "without incur ring the penalties "which", are imposec! by the lawn ol nations. 3d, The term of eishC months is "af fixed for the nations of Europe," the United States of America and the ports of Africathat of four inonthi lor these of Brazil, the United Mexicnn States and Argentine Republic and that of two months for those ol Uhjli and (Jen tral America. i he term ol one year will be assigned tor the European set tlf ments of Asia and the eastern coast ,of Africa ?V ;.iiV:r ' ' V v 4th. Every . Tessel which shall o captured in the blockaded ports 'after I ne expiratioqk oi t"o term preacnueu in the loresoins article. Having on twaru any kind of munitions, provisions, Ace. intended for the aid of the eoeroy, and the prolongation of the war. shall be tamed into.Lailao, toDe ueaitwitu as the Jaws of nationi direcU - The Vest of the , Proclamation directs uT what, manothe blockade will be enforced, lozether with instructions' to the commandersVofthe 'blockadihg squadron," which we un not consider it necessary l translate. M . - f 1 f The. Perttvian.;iNav'y5bT.which; this blockade is to be sustained, consists of one frigate aaud several ;small , vessels', alt wiih r.lneftdenfcrew8..;,t;:. iThe report ad reached Lima, of the action' whith took place in the ',fif er,f Guayaquil. bejvveeu the , Peruvian Cor-, vette p.liibertad-' and two Colombian afpied vesels, in which thcV;atter had, boeu baief. tiff, after a hard fought bat- rfe.TheLiiJUtftnnt r th4 LiWr,tal. Williati.t,: an t AmeHciih, wSit ad u havfrbeen ki'led.-Cen Laniaf was py sail frtitn Cartao!in a day, twe to take command pfthe Peruvian Army to ihe ftorth' Geu. Uoliver hd not arri ed arthe,head quarters of the CoIunlbiV in Armvt bill was :"exier .ted'" ;'4 f'l i A N 4 The president of Boriviii, (Gen.Siii: ere.) and the (V,,lumu,an fre,)Ps u"ve hi Mimlaiid,tiad; cap'uoljdied'.to the Ptfifviniiejeneral 8utTre Lifiiq a - few da) before the, jailing ,ol th Ciirinthian. on Ws uavi lo Guava; anil where the Col uinbia ft troopi 'wr toc..-renv!f'f;.'V"r y " i - I' . Tub Congress of BoHirii eoramenced ia session at Chiqui?aca 90 th, 3rd f uvosr. Gen. Sucre, who Jiat arrived ftnsdaj hefurt from Mopotbrilfo,tj pre V - v i.T. 1ra.i.linl it thai Pa. publjff was prevented from doing in by the nonUce. who, as syoa as it wa tin- ;dertvoithat be was in ihecitclamo d t di'inanded his head. The immi- .at of AT..h.a6j lt kr te Itf ! J'trs. r Atp1 UUblA. t '! fl twti liirMf!llr t nwk by t ly rttrrst.'... . , !!w ;Hnrt,r Ceaw Catairra,' U hadwJTitml ia iha lL.I..... .1.- t.i J. e.t inw ..J T- T. T: Tv r,Wa Jka. down, a f b atlsa!t, a4 to.l.C'ed On thenMtiWWaawnvrd dcbvwa T-.;- l haonofct moat t WOO SI iwiart. WM rerievrd ' Wi in t rV de wwrafaMryw W-a larr kavw alaxxi sceismaiinns and eTprewaiMts -i . i W nut ardent attachtarnC' wti. fi6u Crm,h(urnr Prtwidrotof Peru, had t,-en 'anM.Hlw.. U : I . ttulwin AltWhaiiereSj.Kifc.t(lia-vLH- -,. .i - era, and Ida eevaorw as a bri&Anar t to Lima, he was trrated with kitrda!J j , , . " , loe proclamatinti f Gen. lmar. n answer te that of Uolirsr. it stronr and eaerf Uc, and thTots,uxiMt tifall r ateJli-eoc evtiweyw the 'tnelaothnllt fjcttliatlho gotwl-feelio; which' tu-hl to be ene.utJtd betweeiifb twn ite- puMws-hawcina placa ta the most tan corous easnirr. "s :, AV gavt yesterdnr.the meat .r- taat portion of the news fiom Sevih A awertfa. liich'w roceivrdbT thatV finthian. We, bave examined odr files of papers w ith a greater degree J car. ot, aave collected some additional Dar- ticatars with regard ta) the opetatioua of tne Jiew peiiigerent Kepublics of Co Inmbia and Peru. i -"f . v. '' 3 Tl.e canture wf General Sucre and tlie' partial success wf Ganarra in.Boli va, have 'elated the Pertviansj and the preparatkyia which oar papers announce as taking .. place Jin every'part tf the Republic, plainly indicate t determin ation on their part to diapute the palm of Victory manfully with their neich- k... i r . . "i , ucnnti viaitiarre-.u among tne most active of those, who tre striving to wuien the breach between Colombia aod iVru. ' II 9 has triumuhotl over the Bolivians and General .Sucre! and his ambition ' would lead hint toitry nd streruh in a contest with Bolivar. iThe Liberator; en his p trt, has declared to nis troops afcat , hii . presenceaiinmg inem. is to ne; signal ior Dattie,-i lhe two nations re thus placed iu an attt tude decidedly hostile: and. whilst we do not fe iha.t the coutest, will be a sarigunarjror a protrscteuife, we have had too m:tny proofs of the deterniin'ed tuarncit;r ana rxtensiye resources ol Bolivar, to doubt iliac he hasjhe ability to put,inxcut5ort' the threat .implied by his dcclaraiion; e findSajaenf our papersVn article dated Puna; which Kates tiist inihaj dA. (Kuuiirni auu iu tno- oi;; Areqqipa and QukeMhe inhabitant wenj iigaged, in raistng1)attaUions;jof ; a s thbusand men each for j.he purpose of funning- a bo'd j of reserve; . apd that the'ldivision "of Genera Gamarra, conwating of about 5000 itijA en ihe eve of embai king froai .Arica' fori the:noftii-wUli '.this fiirce, and that which: had been-ttirmed. in Junio and vAyacUcho they calculate upon navmg an army on tlmr trontier of 20.000 ,men exclusive ol militia. ; i The - deprtureruf General Thar from Lima for- ditv north, where he in tended t place himselCai the head f tne army ii Peru, ia announced - with moch fliiorish in the Lima ' nanert They brand J)livar with Uhe name of tyrant, traitor, e and call his intended invasion a pollution of their tdtt J toil, 4"f. ,They. seem to be. ainarularlv tor. getful of. the unwarranted invasion of Bolivia y by, General Gamarra,- a few months sioce." Ca?e bf Saturday. riTl '; .: ... .;. , . , '.' uf.v. ' r From tlie Richmond Ennoirrfr A Rerman oeighbor of mine,, who J taw V tew days afco, and who -had lutt rcuirnod from, the State of Ohio, gave me the following account of a speech delivered by another Germaa, M of uie eiectiona wnan manly took place m that suit tor toemherw of eongrett; whioh if you tliiiik pro per, tou can ria tilaee to. io the Enouirer. , 00 uhu am peni'ia uw oey nao lormeriy nad la iren ploj un old horte called" Confederaaliun; , . 'n. jr. .1. 11 a . 11 . I J A I . ... 1 . . tt . . . 1 ileiri dat .tier du old Jlorte hud been broken doWne ami wprne out in ue tai-viw, ney bad determined to turu him out to cinMs aud to arit a vounr one m hit place, which Do wtyued 4" ConatituUun., -waruijuanj norw wu men u wattimgtua to brake aod to ibentlet andbe aure AVauUnirlun wat a fine ndOTi ..Dat Washinetun tti-oaked him aiid gentled him and road him tor S ycara alUr dat umo wat out he returned him pin k ,'to the bevpKfat, and tliek and fine.; flat dw beeple had den to look out for anorfer etdur for tlit fine hone) K and one 3hon Adam from turn wheie about' Pptton wat appointed to ride him . Put de beeple.wat very routli fti.appitiled in Mr. a. Adams, lor he did not no hoa to manage de brute. Heroad liim wid a (we Bridle and oderia.wn Wiiroaed bint dat at ue rnd of four yean he wat all upon de liftv J beeple den told Mr' bliou ad tint he iknd not rided.it horse any lunger lut he must get cowne- . tte aocoitungiy ctt tlqwn. Put he was to much atbanie of de condition hi wliich he left de pore.bruit 'dttt lie tlioo'd vfl'lO LpoMou tbout nitdnie."' ,'i' : v, V ', 1 a.i motiw tw. a wi .wiciwiii, a u uc rtJujr. from Fb-giiiia fo take cliarc of deir florae u Con- aUtuehnn"wbo tbet up beirv ttrate upon him mi l road him well, and took jod care' of him h.r aifrlit er, during all which time he wat quite SIkK and ut .excepting t nnurmp the Embargo, when he ' a ! tie pinch lor Jood, ' r 1 ' , rtAfter irot tired of ruling," de beeple told Mr .i:iiM,.,,aA,ruee,tiir? Ihtel Itilow.al. to from Virgii, ia, mount. . Mndwioa rude nrettr .well, but bchar rtdiler toe ran!l tomaa- ge bimf-be . herry near being thrown out of Je aaiimeTOUie umeoi tie war. AliiDiaon did not .like all tlit thumping and capering about andgit-iln after riding lor eight jeart , 'f''i CJDe kejile deo told Mister Monro dat be would have to rklaf de' Horse, at dey like'd de Firginia ririen pretty well 'Ho up. Mr. Mwnrd gits w De weddcr proving good and de rcwdt 4oe, de horse did not (suiter much Uurmj de tight years d(it ue watHpowaiiapaea. m r . When Mfcter Monro git tired of ridin, do beeple told Cell. Jacktnn thafhw mnst git up on de hniaet W GeOeral jaekitu put One, faiit a the ttirun and wae about trewinie lie Oder leir ever da toddle, when Mitter Sboh Qahieey Att .iwtt hallowed not to hint and told biwiTJut liorle wat brot out lor bim to ride and datiio ntnat not r dal V vat W wkh Cal lVmm at ki 1 4 na aJWaaaaa aaf wan iM r eawtm ki-.a--af a Wa kUw ly 4m waa ..)a r t a.- v, ad di ary aat ta f t-w) iarkana Von at.. I k it pt a;a Cat hnrw ' Taw tna4l t iMai rtat Wat 1 Maar Itan ri. kvatw a tat ibut Wean oaa -ot ta a- tw4 wwa we ta-Shrr. Mira- Aoiua A a i" M .iw t wvt soots aaaaat rae it) tnlUr .i Wow wttl drw m arva J llarar aal II, dwy eUU rtt on Mha.) mm aVr wal la an "no. tar poor -nirnal la lww aaal VUl and hi;.,i -j .kiit... .1 .ii l- l . Htmdar. Pvadw. hi lt ii a ara n k t'"' n dawwt take tww he threw Wt th in Ja w 1 1"; kx-kipanJ rwW W tt.w t,v.-r k-irw.-..! .rf ia Ifihr ' ?" JkU,'- w u Jurn-f- mf him a wiia-, return Ima wwn li.rw kaiw tat Uotet-jurt, No. i; iss. , . , Oui .t. writer in the N. IIven Chnmicie aavs the words out r, re th wwwt in ihe bnrut'rw. whru tin ia wl aba'ifnee and out rftrtonev. J lie ways his wify tells him, he i out of m gar woe uj; oui oj ctv b next; out otwa the airxt;wf rflnur the next; and until otninw. i lie .words. we think, are, reryd wards, and de eidodiy the best ir tlialanrtii:, when one is tni' debt, out of (routde, and tut p Jail.! y IT a mon has a smoky hoese and a acoiding is lie. out of Jours is nwbad placw. ' Lc'i11 of N" Carolina. SKNATE. irr. '.; ' i-Ta? Thurtfav; Dec 1 1 .a On oSotion oTMr.' Mathews, a mes' saze was- tent' tw the Moum of t'om moos, proposing . to, ballot on Sateidsy next for a Treasurer and Cotnntroller' of the State; and a taessage was receiv d from that petition V L r The fallowing their Jirst rra A. I .1 .1 at I a. .1 ' . a Tl tit anient i:tn vin jwriiiiii nr in a ir? d.ri Iloue,agreciitothepro: -TOli,rr w' V S i Xr.- WivJ-vq ...TJi.J.'-WV aat.UM ff.i..l.;'r. .:i-. ?r,:i.iY -a. .1 epgrossed bills passed Burtln, ttuty, Davenporti; B)aMson, Dei :f ii C(i Ug:-i hd bill requiring Xieery, Frankliii Of Iredell, Hardin, t.ove, i t the xounty trustees uf Davidson and. wweu, M Eaohm, . M'lvUud, innnts, Rowan to pay the jurors ot saidttW Jj "r'ul! fjifhwr.V , . 1 V ' .. J,, .... luinwey,Kriiili.ir u, lUivah wmith 6f U tlaoo .. s ties, and forc-jh,. purposes; the bill 8tnilh r tltnaUt ShoblwS 1 ' i' concerning im. appointment of cooher an4 Weltborir.:. ;- . , , ' , .1" w for the "town tif Wilmington; '"tha Vtjf i Kays Meaarai Askewof llertle'Dell. ilod- 180Q. chapter 693. for the more ci.flv4r'' 'v. Iiirwll, Hi.,to,,, ii,,m, joiB, I eq- ' nieni ad-iiihisfratlun'of Jttatice-'wltjii'.r t? MthKS this State: th. bill tw alter thP ti.uo .,1? rtll Iti: Ciltl,u holding certain terrjKo1 iF )he" Cutity V Courts uf Iredell, and fou --tht' hetteri' regulation of the same; &'ud bill Vfi!''nument if the uriher. f ons'uleratiorj Ubltsh and tncorn"jrate,.WhitaOak A f the uibjerti but. Ufore the nttrstirim ':l " Catjeiny.'ia Robc n roonty I wis taken, ihe Senam Idjuurned.- ';' ", ;Mr llinton (;, the coinVittee''tet't H Friday, Dec conduct the ballot. for Ptjhlic Printer,. ik The Seriate" proceeded to conhidurl'C icnniru uini fi v u bsmar sis iv,aiiuunai;u, vusitit. ui je-ilei nay .? duly tler4rd 7i ? A?$"M'n$ " postponement f the t ttier. f , ir,vuray preseutt?u,a ptll to estaoconsiuerauon ol the resniuti MWi tnatvutaetoring company . its UawMfe v powcra of the, general Gvern;f " dolph county;. Mi: lieasley,''tt billvtw arfmeut in- regard, to 4 iuternal improve-'? I meqd the act of 1823, chapter t235, ehtji.n!i'v. hen it was. ordered that the r ' " titled " an act to "amend an act! r-aed port of the committceiof the whol t !I I in iBia. to create a laud lor internal imk provemeot; and trt establish a board fHTh following engrosscJ !! wVtf '-ni" tlj ; g)yernpvBtVt thmf; ihrea severijl readings; atid werf t M'Eacninabil) for tlie epepuragejenenf .4$fe4Ao le,coritled: The bilt !- re' of clearing out obstructions in the iw; viva the act f?18lt5 appintinVpm-?'il vigation of Lumber river; which, passed 'luisfcioners f ir the town of 'Jamei'i')wnH-s; tl;eirvfirt rcadif gj and;the.lst invnat the bill dppleinet.tal.fothe act v 'o27,'k tioned bill was referred to the, commit . compelling (lie County Courts !' G.irea,' tee op 'Internal Improvpment.Vir viytM lollowiiig petitions werapfelent d and referred: ,By Mr. Dsbrry,the restored to credit; by Mtv Davidsoi), ', Mtii;.n.'.nr l.,l.. IA7.II,-.. peUtsduVof William llatris and James Wwn 6f Warrenton incei taincuses,-.' t J j AMeit of. Montgeniery' prsing.to-tjti-ii Tde; bill.; taT estabiiali aVinanufactt. released from the payment of a certkiij' rw( coinpin V in Uau'didpli ioutyyi was ' finc,bvMr. JMilU-r, the" petit on of i l-Creud the )ec5nd and third ttthca. :'fiv.Tt$f sSac :Veton;bf DupHnpraviiiir he. nd' ordered Iu te enitrossed ' : Mecklenburg, praying to he restored to ed; and ordered to be em olledi" - t . 5 credby Mr. Milletv the peUtion,f;:HThe bill to alter the aime, of holilink 'V ."' Jauteh AJoore,- of Duplin, statingvthev ccrtaiii lerma of the County Courts or a'! i r t.:--.:r.i... i '.i ...... ?Ui u,ui.....ir..iu. 5 . .- ' -'fi : ivbb i,vi ia ihiiuui y lai n vvui rani,, tnu -r:ir. ... i s. r -i . Havwood.dectased.i-;f .f-? j vtr-'i TMr. Mebane'front the committee on Internal Improvements, reported with. out amendment the bill to authorise ilia Publir.Tiraiurer to porchase stock ill tlie Capo; Fear Navigation' Company; which was made the rder of thw ilsy for Jo-morrow trP-ViivfJ'sti ay .'Mr. Mepane also;' reported, wtho amendment thebill in aid of ihe Clubfoot and llailows Creek, Canal Cinnpany; wiiii h,on motiiin of Mr. Burns, was or dered toberoiiiinitted to ai committee uf the whole Houae, aod be made the order" of iha day or ft -morrow, V Mr. eat esifiom the Judiciary coni mitlet), ' regrti led ahilt to amend theiirt spciion laws of litis Stater which -was i ea H t h e & i j l i 1 1 1 e a n d passed . -v t Qn inotipo uf pif-. Keitihardt, Vmes sage was sent to tu 9 other House,' pro pirtiing to ballotlmwediately for Cwlonel and Lieutenant Oloni i of Cavalry at Cached to thtj 10th brigade, and nomina ting for those appointments John Zim merman and Hleiny Fullenwider.v ; S2r. Alexaridef resctitcd the memo rial of W;lliam T. jVyestwootl, praying compensation liw:rvic; rendefwdvin projecting.,'; ceHain" mapV which -waV referred to die committee of Claims, t,The resolution from the' elne. littuse , relati ve tu the putdkatlon ef a History 1 of the State, was agreed to. ,f On motion of Mf.llinton', 't.ii JlelveJ, That the cemmittee tn Inter wv Improvements he directed to . inform tin. Ilotiae, upon what terms tbe-ClvU Engineer is employed, and whether tlio intercat of the State requ'tret that he should be any longer ictoirJeU ui lis sertifce. , prayiug; relief; and y MGray, petition i-fif" William-. llogan,'of: Ran?Piinttneiit ot Vcooners for the town t?fr? dolph. praying to be iemunerated for i VVUmingtbniipd : thV'biH,' to eaUihJish S ; .the joss h austaiaediii the urchaw of jand tacorporate';. White Oals ''.'AtijoiHjpaJ-'l'r'ii aalave beloniriiir t thastata of John V: iThe- engrossed L bill ' reaulr'inir thd-f.: r - I).) ' ir (Vli.ia rw-ani, co n r Mr. Altttr.de. tl. to i" r htw t'ie tplie0fy . j- 2 . L.w, tLe S rttary ef -t'.t u iaava ' a ft" fwr j rcrw y land, eaterwd ' ani i.rTtttd, 4 rjt wrturi the o- TV tii 1 .-V hllhc.l k.!anr.J lit I. A -r, n Cabirrsw. The Sent? reV 4i'!fintaea- ' : sideei4 lUa who! lJiu,.Mr- tta,'. ia the Chair, w the tt.u'toa,abrtit- " red by Mr, Wellbsvrn, Tor 1 1 arin- . mtat ofa select Juinl roiomiuec 'o lake Into criiMderairi Ihe eipedirBct f in- Strutting our Senators and rwqoeetir ' one Ueprvseautivra in (Jir-rrwaa to 1 tua fur tUtt iii ale pri'jmr..na!!o pirt . f tha pubiio fanda for the puriniae cf intwrnaiiiiiprvve'uent:anJni t .9 rvsut lutioa, wuuruiUcd by MrAVU 1 4 ui a nrndruem thereof, det'ar.i.,; I'.iat t'ie rig'it. tT Congrpsa te carry u'n ioteriul"' Iiopreveitients iu jh clal Sutes, r'" to appropriate t'ie ras wf te r -i fal ' g.vernment : f..-r Hut purp ise, .1, not ' vuiiiiinvu in uiepraiueq pdrr u tna . CooatiluiiiMi uf the United SMiesv .t4 Is at variance with the rights eweiretl V t the S ates'fyid n.,t tanctioncd .bf . sound policy; and, . itfier soma) iitn. . spent therein, fhe committca rose tnxlv reported the said rfsulutions wiih ni.'' t: meaduient, . to win td) sirikn Mnu.tthe " tlie whale f the t.iue except tha word v r resolved." and subatitute'the tMl iwi,4' ingt ,;",That, iu'tlietipiiii.m uf .In; Le. X ' gitlatore, ConiTi s have a richt to cittl-'- "fate a fund fir internal improvement and 1 I .l.....!.. ...1 - . k. ruuvaiiun, us apponionea among law atatea ia proportion tu their lederjj re , vs presentation, anil to, be applied 1 sacbJ . C partieMtaC yi'ts as . each,. State( msy- ? aneciff.'. - The queatioo wo arreeinw far 1 ri the amendment of the (umraiufe of tho'" ,',U..I .... .I..i..i a . 1 .. y. ivtniiic wai uLin iiiiiiKta in ilia i r-.n .if m . "w ri'ii, uiuwh. Mavihk arraniiiiiin or Nnr.v aW 111... m TS . a t - Martiu, and Wilson. v ,. , t ; , , Mr,0 i';t v t moved the twRt-Ai ns i t laiive laiu on mo tab .' ,?.t; a -r , - .uppoifif a cofiimittee of I'u and '"T : im authorising the Couuty Courts tf ,T patfol fu' thi1 tTbe following engrossed bilU were,!l j.at l.l i,S ,t.!.i,l .!....'" ' ' l'Tt''. ii'i - ucni anu swr int. weiliT. rcUiailiitl 01 . u.... .t.- ."i..:ii .. ... l7 reauirinir tLd'Tc county trustees of Ddsitlson and UjwM ''Jfc-'S-w pay the Jurors of said bounties; aud, tor otner 'purposes, ' was amended oa motion of Mr. Scott,; ht excluding thttf n tou ti ty 'of Rowan from. its provisions.. . H -A lie following ' bills ' were: presenter! and read Ihe tirst timet ByMr. Da-,,;.' vehpirt"i bill concerning coloured ap-.'''-? prenUcesj.by Mr Miller, bill lo di". S vofce? Mary JJamet from her husband Gabriel James; aiidy';Mr. Sherard,- ai'j " ' bill to reduce the, lax ori billiard tiUes.' , hIW proposition of, the ofjier ILiuse.j v refer' the report tf th JPresidenland DirectoVa of the Literary Fund to tha .-' couimittee en fUdacationn wai agreed ''J ':; Mr WiHi; of Beau eoiiitnittee 4111 the Miliiia and Puhli -V' Arbis; reported the bill prescribing ihe 22 manlier in which field o(Tifers ha!rb S recommended lo ihe Leo-wLtnr uiik. . . - - - - a " - . " . xy . of William Jlugins. 'of 'Jones couiuy,"' 'nr.a... it,.1 k- T.,l,i:-- T . f . '. aarfi 111.1 inn .1 uuii arcuauicr ue. " aut&orised td refund to him the amount . hf A riuiuber )f" insolvent polls; whieh:? oci amendment; wnen tlie said bill aS v,v made the order of Ihe day for to mor- row. . m f , ,. j, 1 :i ;Mf.'M'Dmiiel presented the oeiitiori'-LirL ' Was referred te tbeconimittee of CUiins. V Oir motion 0 Mr; ; Hiiitithr com-.! V; mitlisA un Internal lnini.iiiM...nrV . .. .'" W . T. . ... . , , .... , .no Irom Sraithfield 10 Coi)!aV iuiiis. -,Tlio Senate entered upon tb orders' of the day, and took op the bill fixii uiretetl ttt inquire into the'expediency- ', oJ making an.appropriation for the put-' ' liuse wof . imnroviny th naviwitinn n'r''1' I s a 1 .. wm - SWa 'i v a aww Netls river r -t? t a 4 -: