.1 k at it ?f . '.1 ei ('( lT .'i i-r.-rla! : o-a or- l - . 1 t t , r t t ' t ' - e - 1 lit f 1 m0 -,. '. ,.. v t vrl Uftafr a- t ftSili .4 fturf 'it -4. Itftif iftMft ! K X .14 M4 ' ... 4. t a , o o ' d : flH It 1 l.'.rn i l! ef f rv. I'iia;r4 a , , : ' . Houvf . ' ,t i $wt fjfH C-ru tV in ; i'lo.: ilaut t'i-UL!i'nnn! t y , 71 r t! jv'tl ttttn e i'..&t iDtfrifv in t; j ". . , vj . t . . , iwhen.'tfiose, rrratare,- wl'ic .utfy L lubttiiTted ta the otV.ee qur?lT . that JIu jsc of par wire br'l'orf their Jrdshrp, he I 10 prove that r far from te otal'.' -Topery, lufj. uM ; the cf th r vi '-ryinl pra- eit Ti,'on of the l'i"fvfsnt re lief:'.;'' ;J to n vf, he vou'it that t'.io-e'ii'f i'Jrr vn,!J titer k .javj of the Ca;!.:!ic."R-! nuld tend ta all t j f'.e- nuD.:ur IVotetir.ti. -s.ly.that the. measure tended, Yova estau.iahin" Popery, to 1 heck. ler l it growth j and to ' promote jf nc or the Protefctant reii'io., .unJ." ' v ' '.V m ; .,'" 1.1. J'" i '- :.-': .TEST.rr.OM BUENOS AVREft. acbooiic r Leo, Capta.lt' Itainetw li .1 at Baltimore, in 47 day. fro U' enoe j . Editors of. 'he American Uao ed letters anil papers from their tof uleiiU, from h.cli they uuke Uie fU ract. - Vr 'V " Inttral Brwn continue iovmof Art ...II feiii(T outside.'-: New ha iu.t 1 hm- af MoUoi aftd 400 of hi men -outcd y fitte'-We-'tf In He tonk HI pHwners, killed 300, iTook 1 30 J horet. 'K'urfl Pwinwl smt llueno Ayr, rU Cordo. W F MtivJnz'. Kntr XUtf,. .fcc'iij - h. notlMie iiMticuliM' iii.Ui ry irs,. fect-pHlh out 'rthf-pnnioipf f the lnurgen.-( inwx, I w ,; oh litre.iin fonffiuence-T(C Grnerl in not taniEng iere; fr liny video.- - -v-; ; 'k"?rV'V ,ive thfr. dy witnessed ''ihtr dctb' ef , who wa,iot in me ruiJiic, m ' , nf th' chiefs jonosed to'the pre ..v-mmenL und taken. 111 mi Kiist firi : -brought: into, t;on FriJy; iidc1)ndpmned on: 3trdy id fKi this daV f MomUrU A rble lokiilj m.t ittaih like wrnor, with b f rt,ir,nrwur tvitig- h"i ' hiUkereh;ef 1 his eve with lti Awo' hfld."Hir i saj inauiiisnrousi- the muiike'C beiiijf 1 , mUh d three leel 01 Bi -oreu a h,Zl . 1 bull'.4 a Wcaelted km.l a hulra. wa- fxplosion, perforated ; . by, pMa 01 ;en balls d .covered with blood:" t.jiiof of the Cftceiii ,Mercttt, who .Uer arreM for an.eflVnaive publitioii it Genewl Lavalle. ba beea liberated- - Ilumos-yiurrf. 'FtbnutO 1 s prisoners taken" to the- W action at i (asrrivea in nwn nuun ii"-vii i irassie W on Tiiesday last, mfludjnf; lief, Me,'and" o ditanl Mmwter of esped.'....riiift PtcaVi" 1 . political new of the week J impor nd the ,destrucvion of Mohni force i the Province ia a ry vmpoamg etma. it regards the hoatito t'rovinoei It 1 af umcured that Satita.Fe has madeprop 1 tor peace. Uponv political ljecta tre generally; two opinion,, we Uicre isert the cuneut oberationof . the urn tiie aliove tooict First then, one venes that moderation in the midat of s, and in llic preat-ui ihc v ht i.mil.1 Ati rnnre -CO ensure it lutilie ullit than a determination t,crfy all rce of arm, : v oppoautoij ta. which t : rrd. that fear afbne rtmke '.be enemy ablei lt hatred to' Bueiio-Aret re- .in-.lian(red: and ihat-hotlld the army, v - Part oi'-it be disbanded, a O'lrebned ' .... -..1. . r . t. ml. tl.- c woula uce picenieriore, wuii5 mm i are flxih-d with vict ory wer.Mi. ly d doir.etic foe. it ia better to tuarch 'net. and Cdmmee lMtei ed the uthvr --Siwt tlie Kajrs.tv .ot Buer.C Ayfes ub putnged- with wipuniiy,n(. mbia an fVrw o -iil"lli of Janua- Colomliiim army M the houth, aenl to re; e inewsioiis ot the PeruviBHa, ' ia aeteu nd-'ttrons;, Sw lt eq'ipud, and eaRt-r to )he eailiiijr'" foe. .Ihe IVanivmn army Unit five thousand strong? -. r. ' :. - . ot appear, liolwilhstandinjf theihli t eoateice -whioli ruria tui-oi't VK oiu" iMirr..M .a I ftl ,m liiMiih., fUut tlli -etill-. iciinieiJfrf the ( lomljmiis. t with which thev uiiert to r-i;!rd the 1nVa tliat they have inccceded, us yet, lnflrtvw era ti-em, their teintanes. K " enjragemeni'at tjunVnqed, thotigh purlir y unfortunate for the Perumn-s, 011. ae f the loss ot their brave' Admiral, I, an tininiionait affair having cost lh iins only (ive'i7ien,:(cineo hambrPs tiitBi ' T p4'u.ano'a) and" the shattering, o! i h w while'-. K is doubtful - whether with Uic -1 hote tnoiitioncd, tiic loss of the Peru " much creator. ' ' ' 'iti n tii t trouble treated by the Po-inv-jsioh, i omil-m has been disturbed by i ' ttion in t'oniiVan am! Pnsto,' tw -of '"Ii-Western Provmrrs nTthe Kepublie, !iome, iqipeaf s to he ftartinlly suppress, t heuiled by Coldnels tipin smiI Uban l was at one time tW fiwnuilaMe as to re 'lie pretence ot Ilolivar. who arrived at y of Popayun on the S.".d of .T.tuuary . ., A ot nilintr tiiu deli-htahd raptni-e t Coltiwl :s aiid Captain ilota, On the 19th of l)e r, tocethrp vnth Uieh- arms, ammunition. :-'-;-Ke, a ci-nsnlurnhlr portion of the lOiveS Hit-ir eomin inii csi mi eil t'l JiineiM-a. Cv ObamJo v.Hs 111 t':istr! ith to tirvhrec fle men; Colonel l.npez, alibon;h repre 1 to b! filled with terror, wus marching te n nil tlm ty or I01IV nietl; and two Irm v "h tti'my or tortv IneO eiich, were niov. 'It Timhio. Ilwae aie loralixl "ti- ; therefore Uic nmnln-rs iii" prolj:i!!v I, It appear- that the ln.nrifeiis 'ing ill concert with tloi l ertm i" ' At a consi !i r-.-.hle diMrnee fioin tiieir f opemt iiMit, and 'that thev h id In. a to 1i ii the Vein inre if i.-in iu- ra it'ir men !,ni jl;1rc- tlx n -1 ee ..tnuiiHai wn mkIi rem." Hut tu this to v tot sorceeded. All their despatehes )m) htfwy'-d iy tV wvernor, (Franciceo rV.4 ft. H ,f to tWa fc. I l'.,kr,L, ir,. !. ny " ! 1 VovM -1 "t U farm Wljt--rr urr . .'! U ui .-.'h, I -'".. nr, "' '. I'W w i-l I rTitujufcKW a tv Tr' ikM Itutvf t at Tnf.ftMa M Itta t'i vtitmmrf, 1V JtnpH Cm .1 i;-tki ot aboil ta rt'nra o it pu.l it c ' ln-rr-fjr W Jrljr iiirrr4. Tl HZ .STATIC V. Xo;i YJjoUry. Tl.e trulil' of Mfsr."B." BSmith anl RofSn Tock, fr, prxhntj of thi (?, lo left here rn" TTiutk! t bt f.the north, .wrr't cut from t!. febout h!f I milo rorih ( Louishin f ; to huh twit) 5 twa tfUrovijf cdt'the enllernn left ihfltaje arvl retneI t tve" tilte, ngp:l t o'many;. j.o wenr. imineoineiy. n seaichcr tut thiet anrtlrunss. ?; lijey foi tonatcU', torrehehdcil the thiefand rcainfii tnrtr. iranki aniv wwmi. Th." rop,ue is a free inu'atjfln(t3 lw eqit 4 ir.Ktm jaji.'" '7 L" . 1 ,i . m 1 1 . . . : I he Varn-ntO Reporter aimoonpe Chrle A.-lliil, Ff. of FrankUa ctin y,5 il'"1 jCandidite 1os f f proit'tif ; the VtreTjilrijtt In ttie nett Con g4s&i MrVToi HeV paving Jecfined a relM' HIIJ antl.lioie:t Pffttff. Esq. of (jran- -:.: -- it, . ."; --k,- 4 -.- Can tlKJafe (o Ve !m estft.C- rljei'SatiMhury lll UUU J,WU.V4l MIV -mw , Lt, DrfiiVint, to is XJ ijuler Engtand, i tbe te pl3mt;Trboar. ,-'ft Jit f V JDnJV Pr, 1104, Rtlkor' of the Baltimot' RcptiUikn, ,to b'Kl'.0(nMe tx'd 'Port of Baliiiudi In U plmve 'ipf Vi & Bwney - V- fc 11 iliin I 11 in '1 1 i' .V.- . V nt!ert.i4 tit Jame W, WrV, Ef., TtU.3iW;t;t3erKf de Senateof thi State. Ha 6ect 8pjpinte;fihij;'Cieik in Vie NTf--0e j, ixrtaatft. ,- ; -. , 'jy'7 ' : 'f .-t v ! . rep-rr, that tbe llort, Joha Pope, of Ken- Gwcrtor trUtiMVpeH 'Pio,Ttv'tIle: Adtewiacr of the 4th instant, alafeUintlr; pope, hai. jeeepted, 0U appoint ment, ad iwill repie,:t: the tttt uovernj? iwrnV of (fi territory at jooii j practicing nfter ie I'uorpti.xt of bfa eiedentinba. T. . , -"f m.xm . ni( ii nn 1 1 1 1 ; 1 ii " MlSlo?.-r-Ve learn- iroianhe. DantU! felegmplj, ttt tlier'J family ia the eouuty of lloeaiogliam Lrthia Stati on the road lrf(iK frra- Dairptle to Salem 1b6inig nndet(lir SmaH Po, bclicvtd to have been canght from eompanyof Indians that passsd the house. ' Th bwd of the fatnily puruliasuil ot tlio InrfWi apn b1nkrt, and mtilaUy other tiling wiuahthey had'fo a:lc from which k Wielieeoditfcedia fnse was- ("(xmreunir.ateiv-'jrhe necessary, pi. r Million Jias hecft ikpav j(o prrnt Jt tnrllicr ' . .1.1 l.l ...II -1 ,. ' The Philadelphia' Sentinel itntea that Bern min V, flichui d, Eq. . haaJiueu-uannMaOiir electM Mayqr f thutoity in- the room of Geo, 11. Dslti, Esq", resigneir. v,r ti.ftt KtrJh-'tAidittti'uetrre Jre broke ot t Kew York a few days atrovio the progress olhiththe Lafiiycttc Tlicatre Wat burnt jlown, together, with tevml oilier bonnes. A ftTew Ym- paper 'saySj'estuBRjinir tlio- lost of the Theatre at Sft.QDQ dollars, tlie entire loss of pre- j PeriT matt oeaotnownai r nou:y..v-i ') Heavy Damnee.K suit 4na lately tried be fore the Superior Court' n New Voi tu sunlit by Gapgita( Chandler; against Mr- Pistil,'! pr jna IiWrs p'oeeetioft and feiihet rendeted tor the pfoHiii(dami'e twebfc tfiontaiutjiveJuin 4reA lltVtiri! --,. ';-'. .- Jff 1, t Sir.' J,' aiettbewa, Jr, crfBaltiranre habee so fortuuata as 10 recover Uiq lurgc auilV of monvy losfby him on die 10th instaut, - alter )i0 had left t!ie timi Wat, In which he eame paaaengerfcom Plij:aclt!Vphta.V li ocke Udok received ou jhe 1 4th. through U Post OfW; and w 4. were eUjTen thousand five bondred dollars. Mr. M. lost twelve tbonaand dolkrt, and at at reward of fite hundred Jollars otferedfor hs, recovery, It V.upposeJ t(ie"Jndet reUineil that amount at his'"' . . 1. . . '." -' 1 ' -,fieoecurteillli Savannah, Ceo, on the (jln xptji. which destroyed about tO or St) (dwellings, and li'!hoi- buililnigT" arapag" which a a i-e housl'', which eentalued about JU.tiere r 'ice, . . I , . - r- i 11 . - 1 ' m . 1- 1 iil-ift ; - Andrew Mt,lluin sit killed nef HuiitsviffC Surry tounty, on h 6th jnslant, while tf'.rn hie to enter ncljihbor't house chtodcstinely., V ,l - r Air-' .' '"1. '-. 11 v..i-' 1.'iiA.-. in Vy-f Dill" celebrated ioiMitrvmim, aalnngton r. viitEj ia praiariiie uir.iuhlijrtKia an.Vbi-Hlpenient Of the 'littery ol t'te Me and. Voyaget ol Colum- .V Tho Prtiiinlvanm . Wi!ioi. say a,. ,the, 'o ('9sti"rttieraUias appointed Mirs. Mary Ihckf aotj id the po office in lhe nty ot ljnivasteivin tliei'm of Mrs Atwur, ti ciiicv ,"-Tl.c rutsburc psii'er, kUU'R tlat the Pi evident of lhe Uintrtl i'tn'.ca h.i fn iTcrt' Mr. of C il a set of ':ff!-'i0r for 1 1 n trihle frptn- t. I'a t tH'. . t' ;i I3alewcilij,' 1 CJ:',rit!tv if l.'fci'.i'. !j-i4 I" ankt e hir;S of WasMroa was trl-- ! el t. i'a.'i, L a f c c.rer, at 1 ' I-3.C C" sUrtef, K",.' Ui.trrl , uu iConol at Tari. prtti.led, aaM 1 tril by ?c,ycf J. Fu'icr",' j. of fu bdelphia,'ai iee Pr?iJtot. Aantrr the t!rU0;;uIif4 pe'fsata preept , we i?erire wr (Jfr.pril ta Ktrrttr. Mem. U. svr-f vyctte Ieyaaaruf an f JajeiIajifoyrie, 'ths Ocnrral'. i;iar.daoii)ani our Minister Mr, l.rowrs Many puioiic toa.U were ;itert, aii. f feral 'ad Jrfci titiile fro a'whu we aelect the followiegt - - . t CcurvT ljLraiFn: Th irf af eohitllnt frienj of Mir ontryj he has trrlfcl.T surpm fr A-oia lul-iict to fbaxlirxMi. wh tlie eye of f brivwMmt rixrts oar eJitldrcft s tall n "up twd tall bhw Moated.'' -...- ' ' Gcecrtl f4iiTrr.rc,and"aait-- - . CtfrtlpflMm: Teu 1n wMrr fcrel Attn n'1 exnree4 tka emoMoat whHitl re er-Kitij yt. my luina, nc 1, uu rmir auror r ,t Uu- 1. volatinaarr Ccurrali, t hnm at KeJ t.iajon 'Jus arnte VI nantn, wua TO'ir rrat u 8'nT.v trani, to sclehnrt M aumiElun'a amotarin btrth-nv,Bbirth that has boen likraa lrvnir token, out enJr of Anwricaa larteMutlence an rrweiiOTii, But mm i ;tiie vrosrvsnnre oestiniet .'. It t to m an ad'Htbnat pratiS .tina here Onre more tn tiHfve in oar pautotin teh'h: alinua with the fi i''''lr' the Uenrc to'ntM'i.. ' nt t PenpfaTlfirlii v in frreilom Opo f:irth,h;a Slled IbnJ, lni;i n I p,- -cnviiicnt slatiit' k i:ihlici' wjvwa niui i vc 111 our iiewn tjic.nrjKn aij You baire In-cn pleased to allinMa ' Aii umdilc felirity I lmtl,to be associated, at a jmmj sii' tH pi.rmu mm irtimui revoiuuvn, aou i be ta'ety.a wiioms lo ttte hlcssfil K.-ihi of thosb i.tineipUt OfliberlT, equality; a i Jiulilk nrdur, .Uliieh-hare aiarkctl dm Abii-i itsn trt (if prtliticn! eivilisattoni womtcrshi hirli, a,S aivAtnrriean Tclunm, as a taithtut iliacitile o' tho Anu rifad school, and amilst. the farot a of th? fcojile, an piolcst lr, so alTuilionitely loatoeil rue, eo"WI net liiil owi'TerT'areonnt tinlelietiU : .., - 0"owr fvi, aad beloved. Washington 'hat Could I say, that is not t'fijriiTeil hi awry Afneri c&h biesfl..' So ihall liin mtmory , his eaa:nii.'ca, hia -advices' be '-forever ehcri hed, .in common with tlmt onctltutiqnal liond oi union, v'liioh. in hia fare'elllh-es, hi hits declared to be th paunrUum j poatumfefg anri protfieritit. Permit tne rentletnen, HU aitonted son, to se cond tt:at arntiment, by lntrotliiamg the follow ait Ira,.- . - -t - - V v.i'M - . i . The mericsn CohleilwneT.anil marNVnnli- mjton-Tiiiiii oay inrever celeoratpit under tne. Ril r criiMteH-1 ion of their vited state. Gideon ToiuUiisoa hpa' been re-el cetcd .tjj- ernar of Cooneetiaut. ' .- s'J " 'r -. : S . ' . . " ' Unl 1 mi7 IK At a roeelin; of tbe Citizens oj this town, on MofWlMt imt. i( wast-olMl ) invite llreli'ti. Jolin ltmach, Scerxtai-T-of tlieNavyvto dine with tiietn previous to mi departure lor u rederal City CfvmmitU'ci of aiTartRiHutnts, kc were ipoioted,'. aad ;tle1 toll juiny '54onepoiidetictf tooa placet .-.j tf v &ir.- We.4he uoocrti'-ii.!!. iu tou'foi-mit to th wishes of the citizens of Halitux, an'jiiUii. soiiwitk our tteimga, stj ze tint at the inopc, rnoraentto congratulate yen on your pre Sunt 1 evation 111 the itepublic. -.WifchiDC too-all nti liappiness wuuiu you are so iuubU entitled to. w -at Hie same tnne lhpectUiliy mnte you to dine lih us, at.dio rVinion Hunse Hotel, on .r : i viu vvcu icn r. 1 1 i, - - v-. 1 k . l .. - : i-i.-1 u Tp Hon, Joair Baaicu, v, e Eubeld, N. C. , J M ' 'C1 i rX. .jwisMtfKa .GswTKWatr, -Your kind eontn'atntatioHs fdi" the recent honap conferred, on your old associate ami fi'so'l, together with lhe polite mrituuoflbf 1 lie unpens ol It.uiux to oine wills 4nemt on 1 Inirsdav next, muritt the warmest tribnU: ol mi heart. But, retillemen,. an imtieiioet sense 01 daty constrni-it me tu forego the high graliik cation hu b I slitoiliV mfieruite derive h'om mingling with friends su' dear tovine, aioutid the (est ue ho iril. 1 " n t lu eveiy station in whicb I. have been 'pltieed, mv hii,liKt ambiiioft has ever been to merit a contimiiiiir.eol the public confidence, by a fahtv- rui.oiscuai-geoMny nutyi .ror.a tew oaya, obedience to the dictates of i paivmotint obli illiyb.'! tioo: i'tocoiiiijumI b .eecr eenerout bosom. I 0 s hiite left tlio post assigned me by; the gt-uatest anu DCBt 01 jneo. : 111 oomg ao,-fi)y dcAvtivniai' skiii was ao return Without a moment's nnwees- wry Odayt Allow, me, (hi, with etootiom- wiiicli my pen cannot dencribe. to asttire voi.: 1 ummr;n)im mx. leiiow-cilizent Ol tliiiiiax. Uiat while I decline toe honor, I tsau -never eeaae to cherish thu liveliest reuolltelioD et theiv con tinued eoiibdeiice; and support . d . . - lUvcstceiD auii unieigneu ictiiect, 1 am youi t truly, . , 1 ' , . " y v ' To Messrs, Wm. J, J.entr . y .tl- . L ll. Ml.- ,- j I Thnueh they have -lieeidlsiippoluterl irt meet- tng their, distmguthcd fiiend and ieUo tf-cttitrn at the festive hoard, our. townsman must, and do, approve lhe courne he hat taken. Jlfinerva.' .' - r I 4 - , ' ' .,' , i J ' . l en-l-rJt, ft.7,utj0.' Vom .1rtffineat.Bjf, the brij lelecrnpfi. Cupt ll;im:hajxl-we received the tolhrtring lot tee from our con csiKmihait, dated ' Matanras. MhuIi . I "I he. (;npiain of en English brig: from Jeirtcy, re'poHs having In civ Iioarileil on the. I sill tii.t oft enpc Antonio, I y tbe J-.nplisli hrn of war ictor, the boi.nuiiz ti.lit-cr of vhic-i inforined that tliev hsd tiU mtm to biMtrif mji otjs, I'inites, captnred iiff Kev SnU T, fte X ictov us hoiiiifl to Jamah. T he t iviii-h brijt L'Amilie, fwiu Xiicrua,'to this port,' hi.s been lalh'n in- it Is deserted, hunks rn Bed and vcry, ttiliitt portable ilimiiered--lhe hricr it rs said hat been towed into fhe tfnlize (N, 1. . . j . . . . . rt.j oncot tliu IV nr-V 01K packet Slops A !itri ; now i lerd m-re oian engago ment having laKen 1 "e o(T l?llapa-. alxint S4 nuli-s henre, bet w een a pirate schooner, and tliree net bouts, k'lneh tel iiiniiiled in tlie destruction ot lhe boa t, 1 he nutbeiila-ilv t-l tl.is rupott, uiiiiki! hoaevrr, be pmu-iIv (i-noi d. 1 In re 11 One vri"L-t,of ai Wi lie-e, l nt l en ir einplnyed IB af!'i'uilit cotfVnv to Anii rinoi eomtneree, she is Ftoahh'd-to ferret out thi w sea monsters, and we t ar tlmt unless other ves'.ela m war xhmild ipTienr .oh fhe eoaiit the hlooov :imi leiitL'Uc:ive se sol the past will l! re-:.-tod." " t. - ; .1 he I eli'grapi lie toy of the V. ft dr. lit. ( ,t 1 noried. nail Li-nevro, ' ! Siti .March a Pri.u.li tacKedjn-'t baed hey I ,-" ".'! :Ar ' I on ti"' '. Sib, under con tiiT't..i.ua, l.ient. Tunv o"orii:a,.1hat ft was r. ,tar. , that abont 1. e ' ,ir.had been at- '' apirati :al stdioOQ- - 1 1 - - k 3 A r-.n hr'r ' ' H ftr j"tl l-rf,-w tli.ir4 41 T luWle irH( -.H, K eJa r 00, ha u',r4 in ikrm. -Welrara IWimu r K am n M "f n- -.' t m :. r 1 1 of ln ( a -' t VV.a, Ci lit ril, ia fvu- t a at r i',e ' . ajnt. Uf i1mjsum kith Kit J t'ns 1 - ' - Minn LjtWm l s;-', s 1 t e llntlmt-4 to Ik if a ilBtr-e-U'r' n-(", :-.. t'.r arrtierot' ibe Kirrt'l rejtn-ht-n'.on. in-1 f- htmwtf up to "t p; r s.iilor , to aa.t !.. ti-i..!. .Vk'm t.V.i .r, JVctf la; t. -Mill Voaccrnln the Baukt irt this State, harpus-t-d both hranchea of t!ie IcrisUturC of' New Tork, and become a law .. It prorltiart are ainn!ar, 6. fireritTirntti.-AH 'he bi V 1 a the Stair are. to ba brought tin Jer the same reu!atioB,' hetiWh, bi lcF tV arrthat all-the S.-rtt. Imnki irr mail- repnnihle'" or ihe "fWlveflry of tith, o tliatft' if any Ann.fuil, fha credit erof that partrcViar inafltaiinn arc to be ittrturrI Trrma jnintfund furnish- oy jn-Tisi, :y uoaru . 01 ir.ree com uMmnra it appointed, who are requir- etr-at atateq jtcriftla, atd, nt al( oiher Ue on the rerjoisitinn of arty three nf tlie Batiks, V diamine 'with the ttlnm.t tletaii into all (he afTitr. Af each instha- tion 'm the" ortltpf( the law tho rnosMy ia inapect - fhe tft'.iira ,tflhe milk, to examine all the bonk, traner. j'nie , bonds, .' and, bth'f r e vUlentea ,of iicuito asreuiin tne tjuantiiy 01 sp.i f iettHtl feif. Ability ftt. 'inert cttt ...... ,M?ij.f i-i.. .1. . - 'r 111CU19, mi- s.iiii. i)ans. 111 me my m New- York hav 'nJrrailf fcinnifii'tL their ttetrrmttiatitm nntAtt.Jke .renewal of IheUE. chaitetf utidtrrihe Ceitilttions of lu6,ncw Jar--A iitlonat JiWlicnrr-.-' sl T i. ' 1 ''- r. - 1 'oiHZa.rAdyioet tie received from ft Ope ls' nd iMaraeaybo, tq diu.4Ui ultimo, inehisive. General Harrison one MiuiMer. arrived at t gota .on the ith of Jt'ebnawy, and presented Ids eiedentiHls,.Qi (he 7ih', to the Minister of State and eVe-retary ot" Forvi(rnAP".iirt, its the thsenrr ot trie l.iocraior I'rekiclriit. - J lie guerilla btnils 01 uvanda tuve-t)ten panialty eot up m fopayan. 1 ne tuosraiice.oTau omciai uesputca ti-nm Secretary Ccarili to Bolivar, relathie to the fiiir fn.the river of Cuavannil. m which admiral Guise . lost hi life by t ?un bursting, has been anlicipareil by, private CorresporMhiice published tome dayt tince ' H ii ai(l tfiai ha wauifrtlHl tlie graateit repngnahee -to rsreuting the orders be had receweiMj-om'-ihc Pcruviitti GoverniiK-iit,' to burn the e'rtv otlCoavaouil, Bolivia is said lobe-tiMM-e hoatile ta Peru iliti to UoloniLisi arnl a body "ot- three thousand men is reported to have been prgmizetl to nituile the lorrner comnry... if? POSTCClFwlPT 1 f" From the Ne Vrt-k' Mornina Caurier. 'tv dam later. from Vraa.-The Williaro Byroet, packet ship, : rrived yesterday frpi verpool, aftioV ha putn in, possession of pnjiers of tiiat plate to the l)tbj fcondtm to theiiih, 'and Greenock and Glasgow to the! 7lh. March,' In clustva also- Lloyd's and" fShippin 1 jsis, aiid Cornmen iitl- Tetters of .the' latest datesJ Ex- I tracts wit) be ioHiid.aiwhiMhe usual heads. ' t wfWfit fKcu.m : f 5 ?: v t OiWie-jro)iciWj,ji.--irf the' Itoiise 'of Commetis,' mi the f lis,- JMarch, Mr.- Peel -ttrr iluced the Kill tor tbe nimncfpation of Ue Gn-iliolics.- -The follewme are kt outlines) - ..jk-,. 1 Its basis la thu i-onioval troiu lh Knmnn Catholics i'f cup disabUHiesy aud -the eqiia'tta- :i. i:.: . .' . v 1-Tlomaa Cathofies are to be -admitted htto both- House t ot. Parliapieflt." ' !'', 1 iMsre- are to ne nffrettwcutmt at to numuerti ."CSiliBlics bceonihig tneitiher of either Jfonsa ire to tnkanoath.to support and defend die sbc- Ki-nniun v urwn-Hiiiring inf tennmeti: mi Pimeeaexeommuiiicated -Irr the;'l1taiie:ni(iy t deposed and murdered if; their tubjeets -iteny. rnp 1 ne riguii met 1 ope 10 any civil jitruK'rrJon in the British Klnirilom-KlisclaiHiine. disavowing' ami solemnly abjuring any intentioil to nuhveit tlie presenrcnurco t.staiiiubioent at set' led by law, ,ii-.-XM;n., X,'t! w7r?-Ar, - S. Roman Catholics are to ha im-miaMn nriinU ding the office of lrl ChancfcUor, or ol Lord LiieirieuHnt in iaim-.' v r,x 4, Tbey aaay hoMl.pomgrals, Qilw-aHiaaY' ft. ft.-.H M ....'.I. 1.,ft... 1 v i. " behhe iff. aiiii'Jtt'ffei t.. ' . ;:.. a. Dili tliey are,not V bold pi sleet belonging tg the Estahlished i-hnrcJiitliqEvletuittaKil Couits. or T.iiit.-Mniii.ii K.ooiitnuiH, nor any cmce in tne -tTmVM.itKt, the Collegel of Kioaj,. Winchester, koa ivcsiimnsieri noranyAchoiit ot tclcsiastieal touiidaiioB, 1 ha laws relativo to Ubman Cath olic right td presentation! arfi to lie i-bminiul, In oft set ahere anv Ifnnun Catholic .shall- boh! art office with hich Church patrowiga it eowiectetl, ; the Crow to have the power of transferring the pBU-onftge. NoKoman-Calholit to jiold ar.y oflice to advisd the Crown ;n, di aiipoiiitmcnt to efTicct roiuieeted with the Established Churcli of England and Irtdand: i,;, 'y xj".-, . , 8. 1 he etiatmr wl t,twa afTecting Borneo Calholict ar M be vjspaciJ... .- ..,:,! : -7. Roman .Catholic nttto' he pui wltb riipeet , to property, on a footing with ijissentcrs.' s; . ' .' a. Catholic Memberiof PMi lkunent are not to be oldlgcd td qnrt tlio House upon any particular auettimi.' ..ti-.--J.:-ixi,x':i '.w ' There it te be no Declaration i required5 -gaunt I'f'ansiibstantiation. t '. ; . tr, -,- v 19.1 Upon the subject of Ecclesiastical Securi ties, the lloirtuu Catholics are to be placed On.the footing of H other disatera-, L iliXJixX i "11.-1 here jt not to be any veto: nor la there to he any. interference, with Hhe ikitereonrse in Spiritual! matter between the jRomau Catholic Clitirch and the See of Home. i, '', '. ' " ' ,; ' l.'r'lhe Epiteopal titlet and: nameti now in use in the Chiireh of England, aiysoot to be as sumed bylhelrsemberof thc Koisian Cstliolie f1 1. ....-.' t . -. - ,1 , ... . .1. UTiettT ltomari Ciitlidift are admitletl.To f corporate and 011141 tilfices, h insignia of tni; ofliceenre iniio raseto be iiikeiTio an other iihiess of worship -than the Estahtiuhed Church. Nq rolira of ofhceio e to be wore iu tnv other than Vlic r.MMDiiMit-ti i, nun 11. j ; . . ,-; - .1 ..l : . ' . 11. 1 ne vt"t nun monastic uommuniliet- I l:Jalnr anil iNunibitsof the mdividnatt be l. . . ... .1 -.. .:. -. . iii!v;ur in int.- r.ve.iiiii; v-"niinuiinmaiie to he re- gisifTeJl t.omiuutiitiet brnind bv religiout or inorastievowtaiNi not to lie extended, and provi ainti i tobe matte apamst the future entrance into thitenuntry ol Iheorderol Jesuit-, The Jesuits aaw are to ke regiateret!..' - 1 : , -15., .rtvrttw fvnmliitirurtn xS-lfj:,,-' r,i ul!trt. :- if t..eciir fmncl,ir is fwfmsrd to be ratiml from Ivrty Shilling re Ten Vitnuh. rcehohlera are to be reeisK-red,, mt il( re trr HA.t bo taken befott tha Adsisiaiit- Barrister of the "nh eonntiet, wiih nw?j. of n. atipesJ in certain cases bn L a. ... ..a -. ! .. Hons; ;jii'ueei.-!". jo higher. tl'i- , 1 4 a ; . . , 4 S il I 1.1 t" I , f I t t ?;i K I , : V-t - il i'h ft.l ll ri-l X--H, i ! ) - i ta sf-y tis botftte!.! . ii Mwkt't't h wn.m -Vi, t arv,a"l ini-tra, ' "''""t . ,:,-- -. .V. X..M -. - ! - it i ', ( ' . ' riii i. c. .f, -' i - . :..;. n'ft4 Um o) Wart i I; . at I - f. ',! an 11 n-r, the aae of tl i 5- nWkJ(l, M IIK-J. J.f ' iit f jr,rit w'h !t !!: ' i'n 1 r.iVer, bt ws killed upr-. ; i- - rjrfMV- rr ((. lit ti.'iKO .'- ." ein-y ttix'tttm) -tii e. I fe w tjui.tl ot unW t ut ieon -HiJr hv the lurr.to t-- actHive cli 1 i iiy, t arr ! id, tltt he baj-peli..l tur a m -w ir't--Gojet.'. , ,f ai Jucinit .Uus. The ifc of Mr. Jo uli PtT. ol Staubft-a routr. N. Y. hssmt itea bulk to (so Imit t on lh 4tti of Mrh, Mr. J'. named out JVir J. an'k the othrr Jo.l.tvn The Gisinif 'Jni-r of Kew Vork hat ilisniied the nx relatire te the sUiuc'Joti of Hotslar.d 8to- pheasou.-',p '- ' .' ' '' ' . - ' TVre is no'wlivine ft Ptwiikr-cr, (It. . a rnaa tfd about Ctty-eij:ht ) 4t Un never outnf the St .ie of Klimlf. l-auml, never 'nk, or took meiticinp; tirver-shivt d l.y any but hiuir--Ui petor auett ar ans sur.lt but brwi op befora till- risoetvry dav hi tho lal forty yesrs.a.iu has nut tasted. aiy kiud.of iiwliriatiiig hpiur tor tiihty year. i: "' ' ' " ' " '. ' ' .- . 45, - I0U.TH1C aTAH. .... ' JAvti-sv--A1-'A'i' llolarth, Jiiarj H'urhe. end II tu. ftl.'.'iteti, -.1 X . , (;Brn.a!ia.--.t'-T0uTftve "prrsentcd tour telvrs befut the citut a.1 of Ginnville', at enniH ihite) to reprrsi nt tlu-m at Ur easuing Lcglsl'i uire. pemin tis n r.iins t lew Ciiquiriet ct you totalise to t,..e 1 'Ua. moat huyuiuaut tuhjucu likely tn be 1.1 its next session. li. I v , 1 ,1, m 1 vi, u nut awn ttoik in "any of the V. .i,s -l i:.i .'-"ilc?' ,,'."-'- "M - Aim I'm oppOM-il 10 the prastif wUieh I :i ! i- 11, pursued by the kevernl Banks of thit Sti.-e ; U5 to lhe last Isr? ifthttUrCr .. , i'.l vnu usi your tntiucoe ta ha re tolmimi p:iskt d l tlio. nest Assembly, conipdl iugthe n-v.-ml Banks uf the State to pT sjieeie on tlemitml fur tbiir notes, 4r pay a fine of ' dnllui's for civprv ihlluit' ... -r '.-.-. f" (tth. t ill '90 eie your InSuFDce to prevent the Banks from ealliitc in more than 0110 tenth of their debit annually? ..7 ; ' ' , r' . am. a re to, or are too uo' hi savour ot ex- tontlinirthe chssrlt r of the Banks.' , fith. Areyne. lutlebted lo' anv .of the riaukto1. thit titate cither directly or Intiireetlv . Ymir.kKers to IlttSL' questions till verV much oblige , '.s-.V'-.-n ,' 4' . , uirvrrtu 1 " of t.ratuff tvet'k: ":'-::.-. A" I ..""i . ' . y - - 1 CtftfmleMw.rrr,t The t'kimic'jt of ihe T'it4 pf,VortA-Corotiiia" shall Appear us t al ly arpr -.-ticable. .' .mi(i, Jr." should have -e- eoivcd au impartial uonsitlvrHttnn, pi'Ovulud lie bad awn' es a legible nop.T ol m essay, - f 5 M AH U lkl), , ' v : 4n Warren eouuiy,Mstiie8ili'mstaiit. Mr. Au gtistinu AV Woviliuiii. ol' Tcnnence, to Mitt mai-uiitnun j rrrj. r, ' ".. . f- t In Kowan comity, on lhe SI si ultimo, Majnr Caswell, .tlariiin " Mit'a Elimbeth Smooti in Siu'r) eonnty on the tune day, Air. Nathan Mot' tilt loMiss Mary IJiihii end iu Kowan, on the Sd iiisiant, Mr, IVut Catihle. ten. la Mis. Marr. tetMiner.'U.'.i .'. . At Wilmington, en the 0th ii.stapt, Li ut".ntnit SauiUtl .M'Biis-, of tlifi 1st ili tiinent of United b'Wiieslidaniiy.lo Mcas.Marjt VVhttrton. '.,. - A v '," In JarnpSon tnnnfv 'uVi the Bit. .'nttitnt.- K. . Gin. l'liouins JSoykln, a most rcsiicruihle ami ututlii wan, for sereral year past- the liiill.fiil retH-etvntntivo of Satupion oeouty in the huao Lect$!atdrc,:-'V - Aiis-'r -' ' . '.,' ". . '' All'ny'tletaie, okf tW 14th inmtant, Mrs. J- livia ijatuiiereoiitort ot Uie (fry. James U. lliiio lici, Pastor C Ui Piwidij leriaji Church in tlmt placAy -;M:'.r'!;:;;i';, ,"': . x Af Nashillle, jn ffitsU eoutiiyr,6n the 14ih.iii ttant,'" Mr, Fratiert Riuonr, "Ciinsoi 1 ol General ilenrj Blount,ttif that place.. . -.v ; " -' , v ' la ttowttt aotinty. on the I Oth tnttant, '.Mi-t. Caroline Clumbers, jwlt'ty-ef OtJiO Chamber, Esq,-. -'.. - -, . ."' - ; t : '., . : , t la. Stoke eotinfy, on Ifhe 13th -inttantj -Mr, Crorge U aterstHi, aged' 77 j ears,. '- . . , In )ianfu couoty, on the 8th instant,' Mrs. Jane Murphi'v, eousurtof the Horn A.li. Mur phtwi in thts49th year;f lute age?.'? ! - : ' i 5;Adverfisen hi V;V, Atthe Istt u-rm ot LeitolrniiVy Conr'; the tUhscribera qualified tt tseeolors to the last will and testament of Benjamin' -Burns, deceased. AU pertnot HnlelK-:d to tLeetie of sni'l Uiimt are hereby ajtitied to make immetlustc pnymenf, and ail those having claims, to pu s--nt t'lem'le gallyOr thit notice will he plead a;;ain n llieni. - t NATHAN IS. tVlll I I 1 1.1),;, , . ; ,i WJMUNU Iim-ir.IJi, 1 x Lenoir eouiitr, April td. ISs'lh t 4 Sale of J3rtm.l Marcs niul VuUh. 1 ?;r.-$::. Wilt be 'fM, ' t Caswell Court ' ;i ' ' House, oh 'I ut-1 iv the. Jth ilitT ol y"" jt'Vli 'M')' Hrt'i it I'' '"Vr the secmul day IJJBajJI&.Ot ourbuperior t-oisi, to the h j,u- ' a it ess liimier, ih n ri.uve i"ii on;;ii i.-v.,i t..-..-"ft,.;ii. .....i, 1,1 . hv llipdiutiuguiftlicd Bate Iloito Mm, it i Thows who Wish to fin c I'n-it tr.le i r ! wuild go well to attmul the tale. o p-.,rtu- nity to porchase tuch property lot t ,i pre- tcuit htcIb..'Tliete wares and colts . . . toi.1 at part of the property ol the late l!;i i m i t-v, dce'd., TUey were aelecleil ty 'he d- , ',tl purchased lor Ins own purp e. I i. y '. loianerl the fatourite tironeriv if t. i llartoft. Bond ami approved. v , reaiired of the purchaser, Mild a eieui. '" ' i : 24ilt December neat will be piv. i baitietihii-t respecting the hlood ' i i .,v ..; be made kuoe on the ily of p:.l. ' ,-.y- AZXRIAH CltWT.S,? . , , " y 'X NANCEY .YANCY, S April in, , - State ''of 1. 1 tli-C ar. A i;..., fi arrtn com; u. ; i;In fcqnity-Spriti"; Tfriii, ' '.'.' ':?--!'.'"-'' George Ander-on v .'' '-- ':" ' . .- , ' ; . tie. ' Ann Braiherd, Lavinta Braii.enl, !..-ry perdf Susan -1 Braineril, Mary j . i -, I i I : Joseph iiraincrd. '' - '' It appearing to the aatisfiietion "f ti c Co that the dt ii-udaiits are. pot iiih.d.ilaii'-s of tl.o. State; it it- ordered that publieatioii he made tor tirweekt i.i the l.nleirH Slur, noiiftiiig them t- aiqiear al t! -e next term of '-.ml 1. otnt ID I n tnl-d.-ii f.,r. tii- enmity .f at . ' a, ' the Court -lion".! in V-'i.i i-enion, on th :i U .' omlay utter the 4ih Mmn!,.T of .pten i-iif vl, and t ' :-'), answer, or i-enair; r.'hrrai" comph.-'.tit's b.il will he t:.lio pro coidi-'-o. J '- - ' T -.. J.N'O. I'.'tAGGC. ?.f. E. ' J' Ap.d lV822w''-.-V;.' .- ' " ,17 - '- ' - " i . H I f-( t I -r lie tu fi-a . i.ftt- t-tt! r a 1 ftp. - - -.! I i,f I , t--( 11. r V 'tiftii K its -net 1 J ' '75 1300 I , 1 1 'Fi ll V Jlroii ' -IB 1o .". One t t'!( V.Terrtt rrecnirt lu-jo nil Safit 89 l9 Jim ' SO t hi r AiHtl!" I u --iiii Jthn in .r loer t It W.-aounir " "--auin-' 11.5 . . mr Ju..n i ittcman snr. 1 Arin rt'i's t1 1- ilrea .1 ".-h Citrii t ''' .. .r J.l.o , . ' ,-- rrlt ' .. it Ami . -a 1! 0""r : 1 r ff V.ii -4i SO .FrerTiii. ditio I 100 if ml h am it 3 49 . s;i' 103 ' ;eoa ' S02 30 100 liastel J. iUassrll J IIO.',"Tt lloll.s 1, iio'ii. n. Child a Town U't moiiih, -. Hardisott IIsitWoii Lc . .1 II il ium. rtsrilisofi Mn P.. ; U S. irn. heirs ' . hn-.l Evrrett X . , .:!' n U ('..isMiii.'; ! l.n t reeotriii, s.-n. If'M liltt ' 'it i'..-n.t.r ' ' n'r K. pi uil -V. ul Olitcr ,v 33 S-S flarrison AsrPn S'. 100 , tllaTion ihhi ,19 iL-ingJ t 38' ;!-out; I'oiiing I' JO jlii Josei.h . "i.Mea.ll Du'Ttt t 3tf . Stubht Anhkbald C.id Spruil Sdwnus - IUU . Strain Stephen f .1 - 7 j ton J0 Svtain Juhn for t-'i" St) iTaiklut m l i oiis i 150 Vvnn I". .! t 1 uU.Ty - "1 JJV.ker T i I town I f month iHl'ITOUHTIll I 1 i: I heirs -, ' i innihlt-toii .1.1 i 1 Town lot, i ' .l.n J--' .aiilll 1 i lliouth, 1,-i'hilir.i" to Thus. C. Arm stead t l'own lot iiitir, he- !..! t" ! :: l.iiili. i tin i 79 Chesson A1" " -I' Davenport's J..im IH'II 9 S442.3Cliessoii .1 90 illavenpoit I Uavc-.nport for sou Datft-;- ' i.k Daveiipoi t 25 '27S ' tr liS 1050 ' - '70 . 15 6 Si t f Hit! rltlflu .ll: l.y 1!. Ii. 1 .-Dan-n-" : Everiu I..110V '1 r- ,1. ,cvin 1 heiit ,1 ! :. ' 1.8 Ton 1ms in I'lJ'-jl moitth. - ! 11 I N 010 Ol lili.U it. I .siii'iuoft r1. iht:iin,,ii tenr. Noiinii Mary 'tormun Keliu... !i .. juur. , . .1 . Oiivcr l.j J.u noo . j .voiQiais. .r Seupiernong - fn I'.'i :2S 195 0 ' , Si ivi '. S'i 4oo ' 70 4U5 St 5J i i ' ; .14 " 1 Oil Id!) Ih.l XT POvlyJolin - 1.1. n.h. Jt ' 'liver I niel Ainrl-ii Cnlipii .r !: 1). C liver Oliver . 11m l . tv P.i I'lielpt S iioM a j IViiiu-r Lnuiiy C. I'!u hut t In. l.-s I 1'ln -tpet t.ali ;i I'lielpi s' Ldw. Iu:'u rieh c t j In n t ' 1 1 (.-1 , 1 s I ii ph, j 11 Ulioni Mary by 11 1 White ' Sexton Lov it'll 1 Spi-uil Lphiai. 1 i I .- ISliibln ! Vail . Adi.-a 'i 1 11 iiiiu hnur tlhaiiet IS o ver hi 1 ...feimort ' W ili j -v s -iyj. !'.. t. ite I 'V . iloiiio. I1H 1 y !' 1 I 1 it uhove ol sa "t it of ti, x , 11 their re i Ar- Of rvn. if 1 ' I v 4 taV -.T. ' .. ..:...-': . - ' r 1 4 - ... , . . . ,'1 J.: V ' ' - f T . it t' ' i " 1 - TV "V-

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