j - 0- Jul -eeJ liui l .VU ... .;.c-t 'isa .a!f Gstri.'f jv u! w.iHr.Vy - . k2LNClJ & IXMAY. , r-n-rT wwl be " WCNaaata tea wlrwe, adpe at 'Jl Wti'ipn f iilW F-J !! ,-e put. rl.trHfrUt, "t W tn, burtxl ikew tw f " i nn"i4i ew (or k au : letter U tbe eUar tweet V -'ian Mir.rrtl C;mnftv 1 Ki-Ibee Vnt VtU4 kimaclf M flii .tdull informs PUi (tat ke I . men (. part tH wreweat teaton. ...Hmeat h eadergowe e lhafvaigw ; vMunoal Ueent kavw he rovi-a llraUh, P 'r x'! of the wa'er, tha ple will ysrM l s Slate- F."ry rff.Tt wdl b wi ta ,kM to tfe woe snay '. lb imI tb tKt-fri will b itMxlrrrte. , I s THOMAS SCO IT. : j ow,3Jy '; Ira,' Jolin llajJTOod. futly 'atrte tw rh r"t rd tt 'iMMUMdiM Traveller. Gentle. I their fa"il BawreW ,hJ tl' UT. onth ar j-r-W ehddrea for toy f tin. llerhoe h rttd at the int. f ieiniry ef lb. t.fit-1. k-T nark learnia There b a beaulaul k lUvated garden aUaohed to Iti ker Worst ..A r.' 81m aatur til thee Wke r her wkh the -halt aw treating her. part l- NWer M,)tr4 rritU ptortmder fur. bene M ,olr l ed to - . I u airderM M Uwm of nfhonwxf i the eky '""' V1 - : 12 U I Llr FO It SALE. l trt nun! Of ttust llix, ua- : Mediately M Um 8tEe Ratd, tso mile tonlk ef Lmittburr, ! ' r rmouia gqiuj, iererij 1 ' flBH. and kow ceTil by " ' Mr, Lark Pox, onUuainr a- ii Annarea aeret 01 tuui, n oucrou 4 U ba told at great ararifioa far irraliabtc apoft aalUlwctoril andoned. UM of IM 1hoc ii to well kaowa, that tlar dcoriitiun it thought to be tuweee Ir. fox Will at an tiiua thow tlie land, ittthef tract on the 8(f0 road, north oi j about 10 or 11. mile, tying on hoth I Haody orttJc. ailjotoimr land of Mr. onea aad Other, aootaimng betwaca (bar hundred aetv: 00 wtueb Vher u boe low grouodt id a high atatt oi hnproTe- ,1 hi tract ot ImmI vill atao M told enr cMhoroegntiahlejii.net. .- " y . . vWlLLIAM HARBISON. -I v v ;WILUAM GH0J0N.; aeoualraiatj.r,-;...-: J.. . n ewe T' t iWl.iOiaaBfaaMJhteV.MfcaTaaB, il'ty Dollars Reward;; I 'i ..-' Kan wat fim Wiol Barnet, X koC Wayne county; oetTO man J."-. named MOSES, hotit 3i or 0 ! year ld, weighing about 160 1 Iba. large bearil, with. ea on C bl cHin.-eaumtd by whip taw -b tbe .loww lisrt of one ear tit off. " ; large, teart oo hit belly eccaiiou- aurnv anothpr tear on ni teg or rut lived axe. Tbe mud n-gro went off about go, and carried (T with him hit wife, . belonrine to me, -The taid neei-e Phe imall yellow womao about 3$ ycart -of ,tarticnlar raarKa roeollaetra. r j exieet negroet are- imating aKtut the State at roc. ' The above reward will be given tmrelienuon and delivery of tsud nrrrecs lodging them in any Jail in die State ao tbcMi or twenty-five dollar for either - . mil At 31 UAMCL( - 'j .JLiving near Slaotonaburg, ' ' .. D!nmh aounty. - WrewJv; Chambers,' I Store, A'a. , toutk 5th ttreet, I'Ula- intUody On hand a general aunrtment led Leather. uitnbl for Coach Maker. k, mi Shoe Maker, which he will riit- ' o reatonnbla tern.". Alio, Mproceo, i ana buck m -M - ,-, v". f- i gentlemen worn the Boutn wittting any nove articJet, will nna ir to, their ad in tending their order M th above) 'ub i, a h it deterrmnea (9 tell low tor cash. umy?-y-;ift:iif 7teow.,: mtLcw forWU O-a -Ua, tk- ' twtfi. ... I hmmmm ma n0rt m t. tr.' 1 m t-SO. I It J.i y I t.lt K ttl t: trxitu.R t iwrscJi i ca tjk w ' hkm . fnr4t a4 tlw rU tkt eWy it nwi'il awn auf.tj fnlMM ury af at! . 1 Unnmli t e-iln4 La c twwrrWtmUr 4 a4 tiw ru tk ewv t ' ; . , iM, h er-a- I aaaaal bn-tl ' W 1 aJ Vatrttr Set0B I " 4 Inrfrs trMT4 Ua Oala, tdf4 w Ue i. ma. ' May Ttna, 1520. t!.t"." irn .-o, ,4 - , XagwaVaw ... CeiaataUeH . rw' k-ru 'ikUma . - w -1 iJ!!Tw irtthBa.cf 1- 4 Imk af tnrrWtmUr A-'.r. Mad keirt AWa. Mm JaTL I ' U ." -"" W aww' PwatUaA U awwaarav to eW -j r!.- " rWlUWi aaait ala. KI ttt kt tt-rj ia r x A . tCQrnBUrBct. ae r B-rtt ai FarfM ike nl i oi- Ut U rt4rirf 3 L ', pmimiMW! a TTi up - r,if z. u.i. r-r cot l t'.t t wl':i U.e Mtt l J t i Cirt (4 wi wwaraMrd i i . n . . 1 .l-UUikT ' . tCwW tJaataiu-oJTl ' Very Fiaw tin MatUtI , , ? , o-ka to tla. tWtTtCTlkVt-d 4 Iaifc have tU .vwr atJkULItSipw foft Script 1 , , ' N t k e 5:. J t t , 1 F.igtak Sk H aadClswea " r-Jakartnak. aeaawd kfw . i-J LZTirT "T "TP naapou.! aw DO) toittrge4 know ocr fi-Mi tr, J ' . rroMKaUriUittM..-. , rhiUiW7 T. tTTT iaui the - nothing ft) mj; 1 da Hot L. t j rl!? ,v . . " i ' J1 ' ' " , 1 " ' ' J ' . akwe, tU Uodv rf Mm. A 1L lra , !h wMiaa - M . ... . , , Il Cnrritc. t ftlUMl Of Cr-!f ct ;:tuic or North-Caroliiis r v To . ,tus. Cwort of ple and Qoirter 8ea96i--j . SUtte of ISorth-Curoliua, a Jotcnh Dwehaaaa. Adwwv of Akworl .... . r. .rn . ' OKp. owMaM.,Aaaar. of iM -.r far ivf PI... .-.I n... - rTaT". VfcrtaUof : ,.m. 11. Tr. 1890 . , Akter Sloaawfc w awd other. J v k lUwtrd Harwcr S , that klattbia'Wkkwr ad wiw. dwfcadatf ta Wmlaat I1arwn3 J thit eaaa, art laat inhabkajtU of Uua Statatkk - It liwi fotht tktiafaetlo ot aM Court ordcrH that poUicaiioa b naado in tha lUlrirk Chat Vtlliaat Harper, rho deitedaat k tkuaaar KtarkiraU week, that noloaaaaid defendant ta oot Innakamt of Ut Statri ordtrwd tkwre. be and appear beforo ewr aaid Court, to be add fo-oVy raid Court A pabiaaatioa ka aaadatb fnr the eewotf alortiaid it bo Coiart-Uawaa ka work ka tbe Uaieigh Star, that th tnaVeitaat ka Phtiearowgh, ike aaaowd Maw day ka Aagoat aad appear before aor aaid Govt te be brld tor ect, and pltaid, awtwwr or dar, jatdgaanat wOl twkt aowMy, at tbe Cewrt-Hoaae ta PhuWwagk, he ukaa pro WMaiee tad heard at pant a to the eseoad Monday k A age at tut, aad - v Tio". owawer, reptery er dewor, otherwitc VVknttt, ThoraM Etglawd, Ckark of oar taid jadgntewt pre eeadeaao wiU ho entered agmintt Coart, at offiet, tbo arooad Maoday af hlty, tno laed levied ta, kad ftademaad ta tauaf the - Tetu, v'TBOS, XAGLAiro.a CO S .' Twt-' TU0S. fciVGLAND, t CL C. - State of :.North-CaroIih: A4 Court t)f Pitts " Mtf Trrm. 1829 UtoiTeM;iPitio. for 'VUo. ' tftute of North-Carolina, Chatham covntv. ri I nq viuaru-r Session J " . r.r.- 1 1 Kathaw M'Manat'nL. , ' . ' ' , t. Orisinli atteeh.etH retara- Itaiah HichardaotkJ w " " It L. ' at f !' a i a. It Plrinr to th. tatiaUctioa af the Cert Ar,"LV.l. !!rIirT " .ymn that Jamet Eakert. -Marr Robert. Elk Bo. r.T.rTT J.r.T'L i T Z o. .t .. T j r ' ,rl . I : aaiu 10011, ta ueaeta jar taid county at the Kal.-ih .Star, nhat tho aefeadanu b and aw- Court-WouM m Pitttbotiweh. oa tlJ ZLcmd pear oooro our ..aara ijoun w 00 nen wr ta .t.iwd f Aumiatnril ..J ..L ioyrforeeakl. 1 tho ConrKoo- bPalab Kcimot ,''rmd U"Ti u7k.S hwuJawd "h.wdreH oil - ,"""",.! -., eonilemoed t fk .1 . . 1 . in em, ana ut aat art lor bearing ox wart to nem w -4 . .; ; v -, Witnea,' ThOtntt Kagland, Cletk f "taid Court, at oiBco. the aeeoad Moodiiy of MT. i .TM. - JIIO?. HAGLAXD c. C O A : rl- .Jt.fv ' --..,,.83 pw State or IS ortli-Carolina, awleniurg1 County ,, lS I to aatiafV the Dlaintifi" demand. Teat. TII03. K AGLAND, C C. Cv ' .. m w" ilia " V - Wayne County. 1 Superior "Court of Law Spring Term, vv " :' '' '1829. -, i Jatte Bardea " 7 v. fPetitteofor Divoroe. , Ann Mariah Bard en J ' " J In tin caw a tubpeena and alia having hem nauca, ana me auerm 01 tvayno county making return thereow that the defendant wa not ta ka Robert Blcham'j t 'y"; loond, proclamation wa duly made at the court .- .w f ' W'euuen lor UtvoreA, ;houte tfoor foreaaid by Lhe iheriffof aud eoonty, Mary Bigtum J 1 v i - -v. vJ '-"f " : reauiriiig the aaid Ann Mariah Bartfen to appear .. Oi'derad by oourt that publication be made Sir and antwer at the wa required to do in aaid threw month in ttie W eUnra - Carol in ian wad u lipoma, and aha failing to appear, k wa or Raleightar aucoettivKlyv that the defewdaot be. drel by tbe court that publicatioo for three and tmxearat tbonesjt AJituerlr Cowrtof, taw mnnthtbemade jn the Raleigh Star, od the to bebcM lor the anumy of Meckbnburg at the., fittetgh Kegtcter, giving aotice to tlio taid de tourt houwia Charlotte, ort the 6th Monday af- fondant, that uolear ahe appear at the next Su ler tho 4th Mosdav in ecpteaiber -Mxt -and porior Court ot law to be held for (he county trf plead or wntwer to tho pUmtift' petition, or tho Vyke, at the court houae in WarneaborouHi, tamo Willbehward ox parte.-, v " . - ! - tho But Monday after the fourth Monday of .: WhWeta 8am. HeaderMnt, Clerk of- our' aaid September mat, and then and thereto answer or eoort, at oraco, ttie Ttw uotuiay ttr tit tb m demur to taxr petition, judgment will be-take mmciu . .-; ;. pro eonietto ana neard ex parte. -. .. ;;-- 8AM. HENDERSON, C, M. 8. C I T Tt . N- WASHINGTON, die. '',... - 1 M am. .-! v Prico adv. gr. 11 $ " 7 " wp ea.ni pi w v . i..-. Let aeewurt , b- a -... 4 w ia u- Soperipr' Court of Law- Mar Term, j . ' ir&a THE STAR. "tt-y t 1 V The following Oration wat dwlbwred by Mr. Jon Whztakxb, beforo the jAekaon Volun- HAMS 1c ilAYWOOD have Weft rw. i t Itnr and extonaivt eortmtnt off and Medicine, eoutist'mg, ; i part -af . Qiiioine, Gum Opium, LK-nareoticed do. I Camphor, GantbarWc. CattorOil,: 'ther, tUterkm, Extracta- of vtrioot 'olidified Copajva, Oil of Jlhwlc Pepper, ! London Illuo PilJ. Black Oxyd Mer "rated Kali for making neutral mixture, l'otavonp. ' Gom Arabic. iilomel, Jalap, X .Tartar, Sugar Lrad, JSpU Nitre, pwva, 6pt ; Amrnon, 1 ait; Antimony, Copper, Liquorice Hatr, ko. ' f lend anortment of Patent-Modicinet, -miture, Surgeont Initrnment, Dye Hatter' Trimming and material, uch Kortiij Qaiuktilvcr, logwood. How Skmt, Binding, and Band, Booklet whet,.cr- ,low A lurge oMftply . ot ml Uruahet of errry deicription; apt. tine, Lmaetd, Lamp and1 Tanner'a Oil; 4 Silver leal, Copal and Leather Varnish, "wlity. Window Gla, 8 M -10, 0 X i I aad 18 H t8 and Putty, i r-? raaortmenteotnpriti every article in the aryt linet tho principal f tart of which lately., heea aeletel by iltcmselvc in Iphiaand New-York., with easlt,.tliry are J l tell to eash dealer or punctual cua- a touch better ierm than ever before 1 ki this market. ' Phvaiciant tndf Mer- ill find it to their mterert to e-.dl aod alorepurchautig elsewhere. ' , ' . X 3am 3. 1129 - 83 Sweow H. btve alto received a great variety of rl'u l-,uch . a French; ; Cologne nnd r Water, fVarOil, Macaisur do, Co sh ball. F.rnidicut Cake. 0 tonorior far altaviiig, Sonp of vaiiout kimls, of -t evuitite flavour, a large ouantit" of "mliea, fcto. all of wuicU will be told I oheapfocaMh.''.-'. , .; :'':' .. - State' of iNorlli-Caroliiia, V..' H'vk? aunty'' Curt f Plea and Qnrtrfc SekMt-tuj- lT STiZhM 't " ;'' May Term ,'1829. at Mr. HarrU', on the itli matant, for tho pur Atchihald Uopkui-) Original attnehroent lev pod of celebrating the " natal day of liberty 1" t , , -w. -- . x V rt in tbe baniU oT Dr, . GenfeaafA,Ve Imv ataembled thi. day, Jo. J. tlawktaa. J v Bobert K. 8nh. tv V.wlien all tbe Aiueriean people proclaim, the It having been made appear to the Court thad keHelioent uitelligenee whicli renovate the unl- J oaof.lt 4. tlawklaa, the tietemiant an uua aate, Verrf to render ad ittinguhhed homage to those hat removMk'hinitelf -hrywnd the lima ot tl.ia talehu and virWe whieh to wonderfully thone State w e ooneetlt himtelf that Oie ordinary .fa thetUy that -tried mea't tout. I mean not protet ot law caiKtot ho errei OH amti K t t Waahiugton alone, whose memory (halt last therefore ordered hy th Court, that adrertiaeo onli time it no more, but all those rho aided meut k mte ia (ha State Xitietle for a weeks m tbrowing off ih htavy ytoke of Bi hith oppret- iw ihiwim netcuunm cmiica nn-irwru u u. tuMt, alia in aKDieving ou-Muiepeuocuee. What before the next County Court of Pleat and Quay . day can better buita all heart What ekicen. wr prssiontf o er neiu an inr mwi nouaw llntrigh, owtho third Monday of August next, then and there to repk-vy and plead to ittne, the property levied On hi the hand of ttid gar. nithee will be enridetnned tubjeet to plaint lift W'itnew, Bi S. Kmg.Cleik of our taid Court, ntufflce the third, Monday of Maw, A. l. t43. 4iiV.-m'.Jri1 0.8, WIIO. e Notices Robt, BaUrr h -Jvv;is.w ti vjj W . ?T4 Court y - ttartDcjtrinc to thit Court that Ellaha Mundea and it:Nancy Mundrn, Georg Wood, John Wood nri rreacrie uiiey, are not innaoitantt f thlt Statef ft U .therelorw Ordered, adjudged and decreed that publication; he made, for ail Week a titeaettirely hi the Shite Gaaette, for the ald EliKh M linden and wife Nancy, Geo. Wood, John Wood and f rederic Bailey to .appear at the next Court Of Equity to be liOXleii tof the county of Paquvrnkj on tliefourtlii.Mouilay -after tlie Swrrh Monday f fk-ptembwr iftext, and plead, ntiiweror demur to tuld petition, or judgment wat bo taken fir eonttno, aim stv fo$ ocarin 'artaai tathMn.'' : x T . - . . r . MMitTnr n aj Wfvfvr X iVi r-;M w -;- 1 a . c Chatlinni tnilnl'li. Cjiurf iof Plea hhtl Qiiartt-n gessions-, .V;uMaVJVnn18 tiamt'i nuii-UTineiiooi men- i ; Couatakie. Uavid lleert, Wirn lk.d ..- ', "'W A4L Adinr. and heir of Ale. MuimJ J' . . ', It appearing to the t isfaction rol ttie- Court il.-jt Duaiet. Uirnelin. Flora. MarV and Catha rine Munn, defendant In this ease, art not in habitant of thit 6ttej 1 therefore, orderea by (lie aaid Court that publication be mde for .! werka in tha Ualeiirk Star, that the aaid du- f. ndants be and wppear before our aid Court to be held for said eountt at the uoun-nouse m what man aan he a atrtnger to the influence of gratitude f W exist only through au uuinter. ruptcd coarse ot benelicenee, tod our life ) but $ eontinutl giant e of atrvice. At toon a oorn, our ere, fixed en the heaven, tnneir already to acknowledge a prtniary benefaclif-n: weak. without support, the love of our parent watche ovrr our inlanev and pfnviile for want contin ually renewed t they direct our firtt ateptt their patient solicitude assist in developing our organ. Wa reeeive from them our fin idea of what we are ourselves, and of turrounding object. Ad ditional eare -models our heart to tfteetion, oar nriiud to knowledge, tad our bodie to useful labor. It Jr for , happine Kthat th wise have reflected op the dutiet of roant that the learned have dived into "the -teeret ot nutui that th magistrate wntebe; and that the ' Legislature 'prepare in d. liboretkm protecting laws, Sooti we aiw enabled, to he useful. Good ehildrca. wettreWflowertoyeMlieage'of our parent, and tlieir trembling rube blett ut lo their last O0 ment. Beconiing parent hi our turn, we pre pare, In the edueation of our children, the feli city nf our deeliolng y caff. , And wethuicon tin'ue in t new generiitkju the chain of our bene volence and grwUtone.' Seiiibility it not re ttrietrd wkiiin tha family eirtle r' Hie indigent are searehtd (rtmk under the thatch, saceor and eonaolation hre larisbediTl'ld tbe dor. or, at first paid forth good aetiun by th pleasure of ha ving performed it, ,i doubly rewarded by - the gtwtiuide of the object-v Benevolence; how bapny thr vowrk-t, wild how much to be pitied the toul thatknowa ditenot." He who it a good too a:;d good father i alt a good citizen. He love hit-'eitnntry, and rendert with alacrity (h tribute of aei-t ice he owe herj h delight in 1 etUfninft to hi brother the protect ioo he hndreeelvtd from them, either magistrate or warrior, manuhtcturer or farmer.' , In the temple of tbe artt, In the General Aaaumblv, m the field of glory, or bt the work whop- of kiduttry, he how hiruarlf ambkiou of contributing towards the-prospcr'ity of kit eoontry, aod to deserve due- day ha gratitude. For, Gentlemea, there national gratkude te md i vid utlt, to tboie who have faithfully served their wouotoj,. and etperi ally those wh . wero metrutnental m -delivering ua from Under the hand of opprCMion. - At this moment, gentlemen, . on thi evor memorable day, the people of the United State, hate at Mmlilcd tn roreaa their rraliiud te Heaven', I'ittahort -vgh, on the teeond Momuy la Augurt . Kmg, tid bear m feilnd the virtu ant eitixeatwbo next, andf t,li ad, nwer or demur,' otkerwie'1iave deeived k. How asreeahle it the tatkt lud-racnt pro conte0 fill be enterea rwx I low we ueiijr'it m pay mat nnma te kom the'Lind luiiedon; and, eondemed to aatiity the. tha eoontry holds it i. ty, it glory and the lit!iF' demand. ' -- ';''.. . ' f"wdsrthHiol ktpro:perilyf . . ,-., N;-. , 'WKnefs 1 'homaRnRland,ChTkof said Cf-r, A s!i-,htvicw of the cond-treitt Af mankind la at office, the second Monday of Mnv, A. 1). I ' .?. t riuartcr cf the fMe, will at fence convince "I lllj. AkiVL.l-AiaA. V. V. V. ' " II r. uiiviHir liimii - Mico TT. - -r " - c .' ' .. 'lea. - ' 'I lilii. lk.L.i-A.li. V. V.. V. I um ;C u .'WW Ul n"i .uu mmur:. ci ui. " t' k that kappy ountry. a'y, filial bom tod last tea, at """a, aaaik tk eottdw ef all ear eehtrw. Lt It kw ear vahtnt tare to dilfu kaowtntre aad raodwest tkroorh all rankaof society. The aeetiktar thiMntrv will aewe hm bum mu dr ita taretent fona.nf rovrraiurot, iirwvided oaey Mva taffieaent Mortnatioa ta (edge af exelHie. No smtma uwder keave e)oyt te -Mark kwppwea t the Anaerieaata. Caaviaet ken at thi. aad will they wat tJieer at the tboorM ef abvtrtkag their poliliaal wwatfewtion, r uffrria it to d-ttera lntaraoerra aarakyf Let a tease f owr karifty itntKW awa kea ia a the wanaeat teatatktw orratawdetoth Saint. Ma Beinr. Let aa uukU Li rm aalkaan. Ovar of all oar bleninr. ekawkedgn kiaa atj w wameeei parrM, protectoe ayd tlttaa. TWhredowaaaant tcMleaey ef hi provideaea ta wwwiataaaatineevineetklt bewevolewt design every part ef ki conduct tprakiia alawguag Hiai ana mteiugioie. Let n opea OUT ear. k4 a attend, let ! wis ' r - .: . While we celebrate thannlirai-y of oar ktnV nendenee.let not pat over hi ae the de frayer ol owr eoontry. , Where are thnat brave American wkoae live were cloven down ka the tewineet of battle? Are they not ftendiag trore the bi-iglu abolel A yolee from the altar cries. these are they who loved their oantryi these Iher who died for liberty. w W now rem lb fruit ef their agony and toil. lt thelrtar. rnorie be ctemalN embalm4 in oer botom. Letth fcifknu of all bneterhv prattle their tarn and drop tear of yrupathy for their fat. .The aeateonraee or AmencM UdWpeaotaee will soon reach ta the extiwmkie el tha weeld. The ihiningetr of Ireedom will tooa roll over the neck ot kmg, aoO lanw off die oppressed to eene of liberty and peace. The clamour of wnr will teen under the wbol heaven the trw of liberty will thoot h top up to the ton) kt bough wilt hang over th enJ of the wbol world, and the wearied ottkma wOl li down un- lerntthade. A V; - -- -.. ; , t Her. In America, stand the A avium thr ttut dittreiaed and perteeuted of all nation-' Thit vttt temple of freedom ritet mayeatieally tain founded on a reek, k wOl remain nnakakea hv th force ef tyrant, anriimlurtbed by th tight of ume. tyonc tream oi in ot emanate throurk Ms nortal. asd chate the darkneat fron dlifmnl tionti kt turret wilt twell into the heavens, ri ling above every tempest, tad the pillar of ditto sriory nescewaing nwm ueo. Will rest torever n it tuotmn. - - . - k.' 'ir " " I'.-'r. . .' t CIRCULAR. v ,v. ;v 'to the Freemen df Orange' ffukt end FtUotp CV18 Aft it Will be otit of my power to Vitit evert part of the tlia i.Li'.-.w!-'. 'i.'iL.- -I- Xt L uHit pi cviuua iu uie ensuing eiecnou, owinj o Jho shorttiesk of tle time. pet mil me m titiu war ro, iniorm you that lam i candidate for your auffrairea lor i teat in ine next congreta of tha anion. . Tbe period for which ' your late rcpresenlaiire wak elected Uving e jpired . ony the 4th of . March last, I have, at lhe colicitatiooa of many of the ootl people of the district, made ypn a tender r ;tny eervicefv Preaentiog yelf before you id thia aituation, you a . - a . a . - win naturaiiy expect anrt, will ue my pteaaiire , to gtre you rer opSuiona on tbe mobt proiuinent aubjetrti which nay tntage Uie aciiDeraUona or coo greaa. ;To anticipate very f aubject tnat wi. ueorouni oeiore tnat pody, ia beyocd the reach of human. Dower The aubject of the Nviaion of the tariff wouuei on iinpona; ta one wmcn wii no doubt be brought tip again at the en auinz tekiion, aii tlte rr venue collected under the late ,lutie .JV fegioninr to diminish, and that too with a rapidity wmcn threalena ueooner or later with tne oeceasity vi reaordne to direct tal es to eupport government; and diacharge ine unuonai ueDt n niay pe rtgarota at a aubject of moroentoua importance to the eople.' sTo tcil you, aa aotnc have vainly dohe. that we ahould have ne tarift", would be to threaten you with direct taxea, which would be infinitely more bnrthenaome to the grekt body of me peopie wan any una law. am tnerelore in favor, or a jud cibua revi ipa. of the tariff, Operating ka equally as it cad on every portion vf the union and not oppresKing one part for . the excluaive benefit ol ibe other -I fear the farming ioferetla. pf our country have beeu too much nejilected by con -sresa, we are an igricuUural people and that branch of our industry should re ceive e liberal encwrajernt-ot; J should feet proud to aid in auy meaimre Jiav ing for ita object the iiriproveinent of the condition of our farms. Congress nave oi late assumed to themselves toe exercise of a iiew power, not expresa- cu in ma cunaiuuuun, uui ciaimeo py implication J mean the power to ap tnupriuvw HiutiK-a un,r weir nirection r purposes of mieinal improvement The representatives" fome of,,' the states doubtiug the power of congress on this subject, have seen them appro-' priate thousauds and niillioua of -dollars to other slates witiiout claiming that portion which at equal members of the confederacythey are juatly" entitled to." ; However much' 1 . migltt be djs puied to tjouLt the power of , congress tovoteaway r. iey lur that purpose, yet as a Considerable majority have fKtt only Claimed tlie rit, but have exercised it, jo apprcpriatins considerable sums of stumer Trou time to tiintf fur ; the Riva sulTered jact yoer good rot will doubtless bias credit for tu it be baa sufl neuurra to be adopted to your injury without opposing thCTn. or iotroduced them not for yours cor hta coo o try's beaefit you will censure Jam. I waa one of the rijinal eupportera of eur present rhief magistrate, yet I r)i res pect te the opinions of others who dif fered with me) and shall if elected sup port the measures of lis administra tion" ao far as they are contittent with the public good. A sysiem of extra trance is ttttin into connrts which 1 feat portends' dangeroQs consequences 4M luture prosperity ot our country. Elcotlmny and republicanism -are loti mattly cmncctel; separate them and you vdiksolve tbe . mighty.: fabric en which our liberties are based.-1 warn you therefore aa you regard your pwn weiure ana tnat ot our awn common eountry, to look well to those yon trust, and see that they be republicans indeed, in whom there is no ruile: for remem ber that on the due exercise of (ho trust yea report in them, depends your free dom snd Happiness. - -' 5 '' " , I ahull take pride In being anions you as much as I tan, to eive toii the hand of friendship, to converse with you Is cne of your fellow citizens on public matters vitally interesting- to us II . m -I II . .v,, . , , m .m m aii,wnu s anau do sun more nappy u I snail oa mane the bumble organ ol ex pressing them in the councils of the na then, ia te discrimiaate between raikfor tane and crime. We ar therrjre. aad ever have bee;, torst at the root ef our present barbarout laws re!a tlnr te debtors snd creditors for abol- Ishmf the. whole system, sntf the very phrase ot "impnaoomeot for debt," and substituting as much severity as the most rigid msy demand, at means of coercing or chastising the l r.avih. at wtraugw tuiaturw oi civil a i cnmt nal law ia our codaconccmi credi tors and debtors is ait enormi'j . ,t re flects dishoflor upon the ae, anl cuts upon the boasted freedom if r insUtUtiow.-ZJWWn vrnwi g r .'. Uoo ".1- ;.vrt ' o it.-, t t '3 13 With"' slnccrei regard. oura 8cc. -r NATHANIEL J. PALMER. Orange County, July 3tb, 1BC9. ,.-. v London. Mont . 8 The fotlowins strange story appears in a . French pa-per-Le Navigateu AThe Danish orig Anna,i;apt noil, was at uania, in ucu ist. ana was aoout to tcave it lor Pernambuco, to finish loading, and re torn tn Europe.f About 12 o'clock, the Captain received a visit on board from a man wrappea ia an om cioan, wuo re quested the favor of a private couver- satior.?'' The, Captain aenjt awaVCtho cabin b.oy, and the .stranger explained thr object of his visit.'." lama native of Florence, my -name Zernettij for the last two months I Uuve exhibited wax figures bare; but as J took very . little mofier. and have been obliged jo run into debt, I wish to co to Pernambuco, where i am sure oi doing well, winch wil tenable : me.;, tosatisfy . my cre ditors here; llie: "Brazilians have no pity. ' it was of nouso for me. to ' give them my wora to semi Irom .p, what was due them, and I am informed that they intend to seize vnoon' -my - dure to-morrow . In ordef to relieve myself . nave uetermincu to to away se ere uv: yobr vessel wilt sail to morrow, before sunrise, and 1 promise to make you - a good- acknowledgment' of tlie service, imipetlintely, upon tiny'arrivali if you will receive, at nlsht tall, the five cases which l yiU hao ready; and vhich win ba eiy to embark without, receiv iue any; obstruction, from , the custom house, as one of the, oluceri is a coun tryman oOmne,- and, will, aubru v ery facility to my Jiight;? Alter some difficuUy. oyer: which the, skilful Flor? eotine was easily enabled to uiuniph, the captain consented to ; receive ' the new1 Cortiuiund his, cabinet, and io'tlie evening they .were received ou board. Tlio . vessel ? got -'Under way about ; y o'clock, with a fair wirid. The Floren tine chatted familiarly with the men, asked about Ihevalueof the cargo1, aud very1 frequently wont down to the hold, in order as he said, to see that, none ol his l eases bad sustained ; injury. To wards evening his frequent visits began to excile suspicion, though : to impor tance was attached to them. What had ten coU? men to fear from a sin r gle mWtiotied?A'At midnight, when part of iJie men' were asleep, tho man on th watch heard anowe proceed from the hold as if sofnething were a bodt beiha: removed.: ? He was about to trlre information to the captain, who bad cone down to the cabin, but there was not sufficient ytime, and in the midst of the tumult h,e beard liis voice Calling for help.' (Before the crew couJ rally thenwewes-a aozen arnica men were seen on deck, ' and they struck down every ssilor they met In a short time they took possession, of . the vessel -thc csptsin, mate and three seamen lost: theif liver ;One mat and the caby boy; who were ' not 'asleep, : possession or the poat ounng tne vcar nage, and made their escape,, witiiwt provisions or eorrtpii8s, an4 succe tied ua teaching land.i FromXicircumsJan ces which have since transpired, it- ap- , a representative of tha poo-lpears (hat the Florentine was a pirate,' llard 'Loieln't and no her " w "a"hS nT'eSW arel vM l IS Ut CS i boat of Columbus, started Lis t the Chattahoochee River, an ', i ; s$me business tu lland , t Georgia, gave up the helm to 1 . and concluded to take a Ian J , by way of a tramp, and join in vi ', boat at some particular phice, u! had ueefi in the habit ol t iki! m v '. However, by somii ttesns, he I ' t wsr, and came to a wolf-pen, r . fall.. Ile.supnosini it to be a thnoght that he would craI ia ui hole underneath the pen, ta r 1 1' the remainder part or t . . I save himself from the atu , . thsrs aud other dcvourin I 1 ; wood.4 Cut: unfortunate C. . ! what was Ms sttrprise, v.! ; the very act ol gettir in, the S - -dead fall fe!! upon I.; ! an 1 , him as fast as if he h.i 1 L d the ground'. And in that sad ment he was compelled, not froiii ch but. actual necessity, to remain, nr.: twelve o'clock the next ,dayj When t:.2 builder Or owner (nf the trap raise ta : what luck he had in the traj j i t; cf a wolf. Lb! to the titter astm.' - , l 1 : "a a - . A w . no nnu caugut ine vtpuio oi a : ... t 3- 1 a , tfy -e. Thx bont::: , lhe Captain was imnitd.ut V relieved, and hia situation deplored tr the humane1 and benevolent rescuer, , r Trvm ilt Vniled Sla'tet Tetegrnpfi. , Uwrohholtuu v. e are indebu J tti a? highly .valuable nn. !ical Liend, fu tile Idllowin interisiirj -commit-vi-a-' tion.'xTlie importance of the si' ' ct on which It treats- will, no t! ',('' fa lor it an extensive circu'ati.n. ! writer Is a man of science and viitfv-, of every fonfidcncer.D.. Tel. r., -,V,J,,?r ( United Sliltct 7'c' rr . s uen. UMKEv,-At tne prt-st t ment. our fellow citizens are m- ' bly excited by tho fuar of tnaj th- , whom-' two children In thw city I . I . t a witinn a tew aays, Ltcn L-.ttPa horrible nature of the t! soase ci quent to tho bite, a tl.' o utterlj beyond' the reach cf i : aij rea ders it the imperious tlaty tif evny or, tocommutiicato to the public any tl.fa; he may knew tetidm tn miiiite cr Rr.event the avful issue, - . v By the late foreign rncdical Journals, we learrl that M. Cosier, a Ti .n. I Ur gconof great eminence, hu devntt-d Uia attention to the tubject of nuit!' poi sous. He has discovered that cliloiine has the wonderful faver cf decor -d-sing and destroying; the poLn cf :- .r al of the most oeaiTly. t .'The saliva of tlie mad" tlrj has t' t property when inserted un .' t the ski i, 'of communicating hydrophihia to c'.her animals, and to man. Wl. Custer has betiii able by tha use of chb' i.ie, to t'e compose this deadly poison itrJ rrn.!.r it harmless, preventing the rpproath cf hydrophobia, in" nnimals bitten by d- ; decidedly rabid. There can Is i. !out of the accuracy of thetYperiiiirSttr-on which tm' statement is pieiiicted.'- -From this the most important practi Cai renuus loiiow. . Jlake a stro! ' wash 'by tllssolvin; two table spoonful of the Chlorurei -t Lime,'.', in half a pint cf v .trr, and in stantty.and repeatedly L..;!. the prt bitten. The poison tvill la . , vuy bt decomposed, it has prove 1 t -cri'.,l when applied within t ' ,n- tfit-riliii animal lias been bit!; I wish these facts p-enerL'.lylnown, as ihey may ba of service to ouf-Tellovy J ".'ftfiJIOftl ' . E. The O.lnrnrct of T tine. c-a ht m-ncm-ril at the Drc. . t ' .-, -t in (..1 th'i L'T-o citiot la tha iw na n. .- - t-"1 i f. r.m x ! ci; lc t.f i';uify ;r jive that ia (. .., . wl. rred'.tors.-.' Uwa ' Justice has evtr, L pie, the Mitt cl :...- .... 1- r : U .i ; 111!' f 'ill 1- j ZJtfl- trt" ' - v - r . :v ' r t, i ,t. ' it ,.' it 1 ; 'V.?'-..,'f-.v:ti 4, jv tt .