:jrd I tmrt'. rr lUmtt.'t Adter . ;r i .e ip irnul frw Grew- J f!rr'if. M tit KALKIUM. AUGUST 6, . vJL . t'et previous iOnMnnJ of, tl:t; General Assembly inch the lias-1 htr- frHrclie rooalics. . ; . ' -,r, roe 'Ji' ' ' Lo"t t'.t i.rrf . TV GtAt- eni.r tf f'e I fib, Jse says, 1 iJiUt fce at lent!, bea l r t't (iwo8i frota the .-hi. AM ..ocii. oJ lit Cast! ata, to t'i Greek." ,. 1 1' C'ajow CaurVr; June .0 .na Ij. The account t ttfj vi tb 2 id ait. da not ckj- i ft w wf w ttiriant miewi-e nee, 3t tti.the a r t - ... ....... r .1 - iDitcu in iui imjjc ui iiicj at Uirtuvs. Three rr;;imcuu rtcrird it wer surprised by l, and mot acvereiy htndlrd. jin.aliDn I jrnitt.ed it by wir ,-j.lent at VaItachia.' t Hte i ef the it.iga at Bucharest, ab but ti true, v Y, ' wit from German Pfrpm.Th't aanta front Constantinople,' of i cOlly, aay. that the Ettraor VmbastaJor from Persia, itntoe alter the first visit t the fMs , despatched courier to Tehe lie despatches , of which Uiey !?arer are Said to give the moat lory account of th'u first confer Ail the Rrcal men of ibe Em e visited the Am!ias.dor, ., . . , 2-2, Tvyo. chatsctires KSied tliroujilt thia ci j, no lltctr Warsaw. They briu the newa Ntria 'aa entirely invented," and : bcsiegiiia-troops hsva'succecd- unkiri themselves, trusters of utwork?afer.Bn obstinate re ft oirt the ewemj.y The tlisad J experienced by the Russians :rnowody, on the rfht bank af nubc, have boenvatrinM exair- i - Ofr the paMac of -the river 0v, by General, Diebii.h. three it Which , nist eros!wdtt; and ;aitinf(r tlw rest p( ttte anny, been! snrnmcd by the. lurka, ft j' 1 -U V . '. - SUlwr iniiHit: i:i ! t - i progress" ol the Oninta jlagwe charost J unhappily, conlirlncd,; 0 to ilOrrtcraoos die dnily of the nC'WhJtn, on ne stay pro. I even to tlie pht sicianif sent b nard of- Health., Tlte; fraoticr f TockshaBny has lost twq third inhabitants. Rome lisve perish 4 geme have fled. ' The town is nded; and;no person ts allowed alarm rount?, rront BucUarefVdited ' ' J I.- , (t k. ' t ' ' t Wf. ! (, tkfr n, .ijr4j,g U MtU . ; na fro u.c u."wr, m UMHIUl r .u. . t Tim STAU. : , rT. Tit artrtal IVftatastcrs i Utta Slate will confrr a favor the Editors t th Sraa, by rarniihin; thets, at aa ratty a pcrio.l ut pi ac tit able. iih lha returns of tlie e!rctkn for' Jit flat bers of rHfcti JOciinn. ThurUj Mat U ib iyj ti 4 by U for lb tlecxio of MnW ef CoactTMwidartU CcootvI AmmUy U tkia 8lM, bt a fcw wwlic, kcr k takes pkca week r tort night Mrlirr. dial k mf Ml iMcrTrra 'lt Ilia CmAi kt Um cenatin. Twi AiViii an tb c1y retort hik Im mcacd w ' Camui ' Fir DmrkL . . . WaUia D. UmmmI . . ' Shcpbard. Savver. Currituck, aW," i tlS JHWXJurrt Edeoiab , r' S3T (Na appaakiaa.) Vobt Putter. Saial tUl CrnntUle " I30S - ! ()iraorreinoQdntutei thatCoL Haimaa dccJuml liiiawlf a eambdata about tea dayt a . '. - UtitBiL AaauiatT.' Currituck. CM EtUerailzo, - S. Benunia T. Shiiiaona and V. It. HvuanL C. Siata at llic j41. Smuie KiWedgrlsr, Jon. J. Liiirt- iv tel. Mtmraons bmmotis SM, f,n-aard J. ATddott 5, John Forbci 3S ; ErfsreniHb. Umiis 11. Wiiasa. S. ' finrr T.rt- 0 and Mom Baker, C. ' Rtte of the polk Se-Mte-WilMailOanjarohiltnTkiiiMJ. Cont mmu ltlt-6 0, tinker fttS, Bri.j. Wiltinsoo 416, Jnmea Fhdini (not a eanrtiifarte) , ' Granville. Willmm M. Snecd, S. J:imc Wtrelie and Speneer O'Brien, i?. Suae of the pnn. Sunate Snocd noopifMitiun. Co?n- aiananaa iff,. . , af (La Mart i. rut tTT casrs tWrV ai CWw u I. Rraa . J ma Kak. !h4 ia IW Cwt it 1L f lmk K. 1 aa. Hat., t-.lr at L4 a4 '- ar. eV-r4V tar r Ut - 1 i til Alafena lar rrU aa4 ataf .t. . tVf m4 atbrr r. IWnL Faraaa aad freaafat. Unn 1 tlM imm mi it rtTMaakMiMk fat, acaataailaW aata eaa fmtt at m; at ava aaata at tk Mary i. Itar aaid athcra Ja-m flaatar "f1. vr IratB UainU, la, tar (Wmma ' Bntaaaa Jokaa aad nWrt . Kntaaa tiBkri aa aaaon,trra naiaartwa. Urara aa foH J eaaAraaad, aad oraW af rtkium a IHat U Sa-aat U Uk.a lite V kitted. aU afHraat Joeepk J.' Alahm, rittor, , Jota nackabf aad atkera, areaa fraak)n, rka arraam bmmw ckaaea) or tiaakabf at Ika efaKsa tale afaavt bVaJ. M'lla a r ta k aaaiidra4 tka mmiii of awd tldl a tkengfc o atla kad kraa atade. Harkaar to 4 allovad hit kata. ' . Jaosaa teajdrrsaa aad others x Rokert VJ aaaend ethera, eireotort, from Mackleabart. IM keirt at lav are ewMiea) aa Ika ataaar Ltr bKfey the U4 area anid, aa lha arprajaraiUa et at a, ky rka tattator.aanaol take eff.t. lVid Saaitk lartartt Hoattoa, kr ker tvarditn, Iraca MekleaWr;. Rrport aouhnad aad deerc ate at ilaarly. Ikmd Wkaa and K.J. Cotria . F.ieeatorear Jlppeiitnietitt y the Pi3tiJent,3aun Jack son', t)f Nnrtli parol inn, Consul for. the UImh) of Mm-liii'siue. j' Otnu C. Csoxall, of Kew Jer teT.Consiil for Ike portal Marseilles, in FjHoce. IVitLux p. PATTtkO!t, of New Yark, Coomil StAutorp. j ; " The Indum.TUv Editor 'of the Mann Gea.J Tetcgraph liot received' a letter from Col. John Crowetf,' Agent for the Creek Nation; from wliieh it sppesrs that Hie ttaletnent, from the WumliH Enquirer, puUlitlieJ m oar lost, is, In mahy of ks important facta kieorreett and been' vnnecettarily and im- h on i!k frontiers of Genr- A. 4. Wbka. froaa Ne7 Uaaoaar. . Vpoa inr the pel iuoa. tka interioetitorr dreraa is rr- ed, aad ika ertpal ktU oUsealaecd at Ilia cou of tka CeaaplaiaaaU. . ' Benjaenin Kimball . ' Tkamsa Ru ilea, trot ttalilaa. Iteetva tor uomniaiaant. James kfCabe and srKb aad others . Charles SpraiH, ar, from Tyrrell. Final lacraa for Coaaulainaatt. Lewis Ellis r.AVi'litm Fills, ComEtlceeorob. Petition to rrl.Lir allowed, and former dearea reversed. " Siu-ab Ruencer t, James Greenlee, from Burke. Petilinii ttTt-liesr allosred, and former decree ravened andniit fluwMea Klt costs. llcnrr Cook n. Mildred Stricter and mbera. Iron Wake. IliU ditmiMed aitlt eostt. JrtTO Kirby and ThoOus Onks v. William ird and otken,froa Roasa. rinal doerca for Uomntaiaants. . - Andrew Allisno, v. Kolicrt M'urke ami otliert. fi-nre Ircdcu. turcrrrd to Clerk to take lu-ount. William Redmond . Alt! Shsriie, Iroin Imldl Ordered that issues be SubrurtWri to a Jury in redelt. IH-tniiser Eure v Benismin Slisnx am) oilier. from E(tHmbe. Bill rtnmiteil ar ith tot. tmottt. atanly . uewu etouKt, uluu lcwu Pelt ami othurt, from Craven. Ilvcreu below revarstul. Dcatve (or Cnmplainniiit lor same amount, only tuning tlie proport ions to bo paid bt McreiHlitnt, or rattier cimienuie on tin- landu 9th, lay; it may be expected; kf I :ina:"'oncl" ct)tc,et?tratcd nit 'the J auk of thtjPanube,tlH! Rtt!siait ar il operate rapldlf Hnd powerlul- tl make 6b for the ;lost lime,' in to profit by the Sumcner: nottths e attainment of more important j i. Ambncst those, the laU of hi- occupies., lh first place, and no doubt ba t tfrtt lortresft tnust iccttiub. thouirh It may cp co: tie iacrifices oh the part of "the ns ! Maladies . lta. again been , increase;1 howevefrthd proper UOO na. 'Ueet tacu agauiai It JtkewiBe appear fiat the op- slims' of the Iplau were grestly rateti; as the preyaiiing.4uaiaws The Agent mjitbat thai part of the statement rrljuive to tlva Ckerokces is entirely ineorrectt that instead of saving vhat the suteracnt makes tiim say, he stated his information arst, that no chiefs of tke Cherckeet met the delegation from the Creek nation; tl'e two ltidgea and Vann wure all that attended, and tliey are not id autho- Hy in the Cherokee notion. ' f The Tclegrapliisalro informed ly a gentle man ti-oru ton Mitclill, tlint h was true the Creeks had. held a secret touncil for th par- pose it was believed of remonstrating with tlie General Government and entering a protest against being forcibly removed tlmt owing to various unfounded rumours respecting the hotti- litjjiif tie Indians, n good denl of ezekement had been felt on llie fi oiuk-r, anil particularly at Co lumbus; 'lint that al appmienakms on the sub- IW pud) 88, tn , CdUntrywhere J jeet werfl fast subsiding. The prospects of an assea of troop are Cjncentra j Indian WVdcpendtupona remote contingency, e tin SKI'S fit troon A wht-rle tlie influence td "the tin ie season vvgs erhap. tire felt i anironir place; anclt occurren inot by any mearis be?surfir.istn'g cases of tlie ptague but fw have AIL'lA'N'RtjK'NiATi ;.f a fetter to tlio Kditora tt tbe ,Ral. u timore 'Amoncaiteii m , v w'i iKi(t-aeJannr. June t , itwy,v? r accouats from the Riter jPlate are 9lresiiig: Civil 'kf taraging- Jwilh in. and the' .Stontenernii. combined e Indiana, have aucceeded in hemming Usurrjer. tAValle.eompletelyj 'and be in. the town without the jnieans of hoi' it Terr toncThe Indiana have done 3 tf'el ito trrear. il-rf f inntry. Alt Is have JjetO -drivea ff,ad ,-roanj? butchered by tliem. In eonsequanco i excessea, bttsmew i entirely stispen ie Custotn House closed and ait the lt Us under arms, the only tertiedy left eul the the Indians 'Jroni plunderintj n. nTha party of Cay aid: v tar trom ponular. hut thev are eneaired irt one cause agint savages, who, elevated fit former aucoees, Ivfaitatekt tioth'ing. 'ear of shipping produce are cut 1)6', goyemment nave taxen an me, vein bnrdeit to blockade theatWetSito pre W entrance of the enemy.-Their situ indeed dreadful, if some of the in- provinces have not rendered them i place, Rio, thliijyS." are' gettinp; on Ihait any one' could ihave eapetted. lional Hepresentatives are determined up to theJ spirit 'of tbb "Constitution, e anti-constitutiohal prty "are every nga eafeer.,,We look for reljef to v maullic loan about to ha contracted i the determination of the Bank to call horde of nauep monT now hi tires i By this iio doubt much good wilt b 'Qth'to the eovjntt-v, aad to mercantile 'on,' The minisirf are .well kept to 'Mions, and they do hot hctate to say 'is coutitn will arain. flourish, at aoon ialamitic brought tn by the latd Ira v war are overcome.": -. FROMlMEXICCX; ording to Vera Xtai papers of tbo J 6th aPpear that the Mexican Government " made the feast preparatfoa in that tor defence. agaiiUt the Spanish expe i hich,; according to, private Jetters, tive there about the 10th or 15th July. Pniards will, it ia said, take possession c'y. which they Can easily do, and theai Ide with IhAir h eacilA. of San e Uloa. Tbat fortress . is but poorty oned, and Will not lof:g be able to stti..: ...r.. -Macig on mat whtch he thinks can never happen, It was not "probtiUlc- .that any alliance or concert would be formed t the Creeks, with otlicr' Indian tribes, owing to their mutual animosity and hostility to. wards each other. . " The Cohnnbiui Enquire ot the 35th ultimo, received since tlie, above was prepared for the press, also states tlmt the, excitement created by the report of hostile intentions among the Indians, had pretty .tnpcli subsided; that many of the head mcri of llie nation had visited Columbus for the purpose of inquiring into, tlie eaase of the alarm all of whom concurred in denouncing the report u Talse, and totally unfounded.- But tlie Enqui rer censures Col. Crowel!, and insinuates tlmt thr "matter was.oiily n, ,hoax retgrled to" by hiro, Irom sinister rnqtires. And fmther states. that, in coim-fjnjnee of tlie representations winch he had made to the V ar yepartment, Uie i'rew dent bad-ordeied a thoutand staod ol arras to be forwarded to Fort Mitchell for the use of the frontiers; Uiot a company of 30 or 40 regulars hai passed through Columbus on their way to the Agency: and that the commander said an addi. tional foreo Would be ordered to that place from Pendleton, S' C, and from Cratleslrii, i Join igpeed Smith hti acccptMdj.the appoint meht of Attorney t the United States for tha disti kst of KehtuekyV Srt If appearii that the at sertion, of .the Coalition' papers, that 'Mr.; Smith had deelintd the,ppointment in consequence of fiTstiavlagatewuetl kiiatelf to Mr. Clay's party Islike many 'other Inbrtcatlons u-ont the same source, entirely without foundation. i Gm fopet of Arkansas, ha married to Kentuckt, Tor the purpose or removing his ftiui- ly to luc t errnorv, 'peorge iluteit, forro'w ly " editor of the l)o aldsoaville (Louisiana) G'iette, lately fell over. board from -a- ttenm boa',, Bear that townn and vat drowned. "... ' . -...-.. ISghlMng. Th Edentun Gazette states that three bnmtamf tlia Mahlea atuehed thweto, on the plaotn'tion ' of Mr. flenrgjj. Skinner, Perquimans, county, were struck by lightning on tha 21lh ltim::and the bnildmg Wilh'vncii contents, consisting .of between Sand SoabesIA eis oi wiiKiif, ou or, jvu Darren ox mini, no the farming niensils jof tsteiy description, were entirely' ionsuroed, Two Horses belonging to " Ef, St'mnert Esq; j were kdletl at ?the same time, and a negro boy, the property oi wetter. Jno. ,Jkuet-g, Mrf severely burtj but hopes are entertained of his recovery, jA boy, riding one Of thebnrsat the time he was- lilted, cped t acconnt;- However, I unhurt. V ?'-- i- ''Ji'" ';' , :. i if-: i u I .. Ltra. aa A J i . , 1.Xm J .- trtai (raatv W. M Hnltiitu.is Sm Maara, Jatcrat Tl i aat aU w m aui gsr4. . .. aw aat tUaa. aC KkaAra . JJ. n M tikiai Jatbraxat af L.L.,. . L. t-k4l D,ku. , Jaaaaa VIW - tram Joalgsacat rrtara4 aa4 wt traJ it a ti f a e rm " - aVasa , Viilmm kt. PwoW. Iraa tTaka. J-as af lU law kUw rrmad mm4 jarff kMt aa aVrf ! ! r 1 1. kaata . Mu Jaaiir. wwai lrrtWO' Ja-g- rkata ax fa,p luaWd, IVma Way. JwAf a vMn aciow aairaara. Ktaia - f akfaiaa IWaii avaa.- Jttpa?at af ika btata . AnW. kUm ftwta Owst-w. Jaiiraseat lortKattiaa. Jf i4:i renneetively nurchased by them. Peyton R. Tunttall and others, v. Daviil Glarke and other!, from Halifax. Decree of llie Conrt below revesed caue remanded. James H. Smith, Adra'r tf. lloh H. Helme ami others, from Johnston. Bill dismissed wkh costs. James Reeves t. Adams tc Blackwood. fi-om Orange. Decree for Complainant. WUIiam ltutoritt) the Aum'rot Willit I'H- kerton and Richard Rnbertt, trom Stokes. Re manded to the Conrt below. x'.r John A. Averett, AdmV, v. Hezekiali Wilder. trom Onilow. Occi .ie of the Court below ra versed and eaose remanded. James Kirbv and Stephen Grioe r. Joel New- torn and Jetse Ayeock's heirs, from Johnston. Final decree lor Complainants. ' , John Peace, tun. v. John Smith and. Nalson Nailing, Irom Granville. Bill dismissed esch party paying itt own costs. . . Itainson 1 eirell anu others v. jotenn Horn and wife, from' Wake. Bill ditniitsed .with costs. ' ' Jncaues Ij fiarde and others t.' University of North Carolina, from Beaufort. JJacree for Complainants. Jesse Ives and wile v. James aumner't rjcr's, from Perquimons. Hill dismissed with costs.. Charles ti. Field and wife v. William & Thomas 11. Eaton, exr'a etc. trom Warren. De cree, that the legacy be equally divided between complainant and defendant. ' " 1 liomas U. Llnnn v. John nonoway ann o- thers, from Montgomery. Bill dismissed with costs, and judgment for ihc recovery at law. Ihnmas r. Worneet v. nenry jonnston s adm'r und others, from P.ertie. Partial decree lor eomnlaiiiant bill retained as to other pnrties. t'eter Arnnglon v. Slate naiiK. mil aismisa- ed with costs. John Barnes v. Turner Dickinson,, irom Wavne. Bill dismissed with costs. Buncombe Turnpike Company v. Robert Williamson and others, Comm's, from Bun f.nii.h Hill fllsmlR&fl with coals. Henry Word and Thomas Bouchelle t. Heii s of John Del! inger, from Burke. Jixlgment ac cording to oot. ra. , LAW CASES. Mnttliias Idol, appellant, v. Benjamin: .tones, from Stokes. Judgment of the Court below at-tirmed. Mary Watts v. Julin M. Greenlee, from Burke. Judgment reversed and judgment lor defendant Den. on dem. of Francis Graham and J.J. Daneey t. Catharine Bifemon and Jesse H. ' Mooring, from Pitt Judgment reversed and new trial granted. state llaolt v. Ambrose tvnox ana wuiiara Martin, from Pasquotank. Judgment affirmed and judgment for defendants. V William K. 2iu it h and oliiurs v. John Al. Greenlee, (rom kuilielord. Judgment reversed and new trial granted. Beniamin Sutton. esV v. Henry Howell, apnt. from Perquimons. Judgment ol the Court below reversed and judgment for the defendant. Abel shepherd v. Isaac Lane, nppt trom Randolph. Judgment of the Court below re versed and new trial granted. Naih. Bond, appt v. John B. Matthias, from Chowan, Judgment of tha .Court below affirm ed. .7 Mary Sanders, adm'jt John Sanders, v. Da vid Sanders, etV Isaac Sanders, from On slow. Judgment of tlie Court below affirmed. Uharles roups, appt. v.. ,ia'ni i piount, irom Washington, judgment reveited tnd new trial granted. ';vias - ' James Terrell, et'r, v. J. et C Underwood, from Wake. Judgment "of the Court below af firmed. - ' ' Elizabeth Dolby .' Toting J one and James Walton, from Wake. .'.Jadgnkent of the Court below aflirmed.1 ' : 1 i'f'Vi ; '- - Charles Byrd v. Wiltiani Benton, appt. from lnoir. Judgment reverted antl new trial grant ed. i'.' " v-V Ionian Denton v. Joel Slclge, from War ren, .ludsiiicnt reverseil tod' new trial granted. Wales and Br in, adm'. . v. Joho Cook, from Iredell. Judgment of the court lielow affirmed. Justice L. Edwards w. Stephen Powell, from Martin. Judgment of eourt below afHrmed.' ' " Dan. Gliason, jun. adm't w.. Daaiel and Wil liam Herring, appta.fi-om, Duplin,',.; Judgment of the court below reversed and judgment arrested. F. T. Leake, appt . Angus Gilchrist, fro HichmoiK. Jwlgment i-es-ersed---non-uit set a hblaand new trial imnted. IX ' ':: 'i ' , 5 Duncan Mcllae v. Jam'it MOneill, from An son. Judgment of eoort below atUrroM. - Cstharino WatU.bv Jaroet W ttts, John M, Greenlee trom Burke." Judgment reverses sod a trntVedenwo awarded. : 1 - '",' ' The Governor, to the sc f the State Bank, . Allen Twirty and othsrs, from s Kutliarford. Iuitmumt of remissal revised and eauae remandde. , Anne Ktaliings and .others the adm.'s of Za- dok Stalhngs and olhort, trom Jobnstoa. ' judg ment of the Uourt Below amrmou. Jnaink "T. FjirribtnU v. HoTace El V ami a- thers, IrtBi Iredell. 3, JedgwetUof the Court be low affirmed.. .wi-:t.v' Ambrose T, Collier aa4 wile. Hasten Pte, Ktata t. f abrtiai lUnll aad mW Ik Ways.. Jaitcwaa af Ika Cowrt krtaw adtnajH Otata tj. AnW. sU at C! ik Mtaml. araraard aod jaHganewl Stat k N.3I Skaw. beat CaaaWtaaJ. Jadtwarat af ika Coart ksaw afurasmt.- - v Tkaaaaa Skaraaaa. froaa Gadtor. JaUgiwestt ravaraed, Ordaret lkt Ik Coart traced f jagsactst ef deaib against ika, Wrn. tW. . , titela ts Harwrr Sawver. froaa Ca rriluck - jaugvaasw arJrsaes. r- 1 - - - AVanaf Cunmmllum. A txrr-Tni!wl !a lk Itirkntaad Coa pilar, stafet that tltera it a very large enrieg ia the awewty af Wythe. Ya. w kirk root aajaf aM la tka moauht of Vagus and B tcaahar easlyi ituriag tkeae w asontbt, k rant (bar days mmM Hops for days. It lowsaoaataat ly tke haliata of tke year. - Tl water is lirae stoats aad the quaathy tvmaicnt for a taw and grist milt It wift begin to blubber and task back, aad not rua ooa drop; and at the tad ol lour days, k t ill roar like chips ol thunder, and ia a fw minutes aftrr tka aoiar with a Mowing, the water retnnit. Tin- writer thmkt ihif spring a much greater ruriotitv than the Nat oral ft: ul and offers' M die ivamn why k bat not hitherto bora noticed, tlie cireomslauce. ot its being an ahsrore aeiKhbnrkood. It is called iHollloaing Spring. . . The Cat skill Tieenrilcr, says a fountaia ofhy. dragen gas hat been discovered in tlie bnltnm of Cat'ttdl ereek, ncartlic hipt of Main street, in t'i Hare. The itmU of an srtoli cation nf fire to the surface of tha water,, wat an fmmediatti combustion, rcenibli:ij burning alenhol. V, . ' f noiittr womiiy. Qa .But 1 lUi, ultimo, W. Joteph Jussn, of Madisna county, Va.' arcHlently hot himaulf. . He wat standing aa a log nf wood. miiversiag witk t gentleman," ith the butt of his gun on the same hit right hand over the muzsle of the piece, and retting hit head upon his hand. While In this attitude, the log rolled, tad m tlidmgott, tka lock of tlie gun came m contact with tbo side 'of tha log, which caused kt dis charge, and ks contents entering a little below the eye, mangled his forehead in the most shock ing manner, and caused aa almost instantaneous death.' 5 . I trtaC U .at i vrr htet" ca touii )'t tt'.'.t, J ttcommeaced t'i oak at that p ace, waicii ii rrpr.cb f trttter lha last eeatvii iatenvtvea). ft t .aai ts e.tiape aoon ( M entUira to pre a tau.g accc-aat t ti.cir, vperaiiwHt at at Nice, bow by far the wort'. a the rivet. ' ' ' - The advantage which est? be anti cipated tr.Ktt the imprwtensenis on thta river, can be ia eota meator ettirm led by lb fotlowmr statemeBt: .Mr onaihan llaraitxvn, wf lliytreMl.lalelv atat to Favettevill twenty oevea bate irtoiton, in a ijm( oelifjug tn bun. on" i f the lhre with which Mr. M utrne slcacended tome I wo r three months since ) Mr. Ilaralsott sent his nat ia the char J four hand, three f whoa lit hired for the parnnse: he estimated his own at the piue be gave f.T the others, and lb boat at tha price ot one htnJatid the wiiul eipne f Ihc uip.lrw-. toa rcturniug, uttla lin" ti the movitmna, was out twelve dol lars. The cU of carry in this same cotton io Fayettevilt in wagons, at lorty cents per liandreu, the usual nice from Haywood ta ravetteville. would nave been lorty dollars; ittlt ex nibilioz A tlotr aavm of twenty, eight tltillat a tTtdcriemlent , of the freight wiiun iii:tii have oeen Drought pacK. - y. . Hdliborouzh jltcordtt . V ; " V- . ! I'OMMUNlCATIOat. ' i-. (.Met: JKaWa a, Is it not a I rale tiirnritmg 1 Temperance. The New York Commercial Advertiser states that several boa riling houses In that city, within a short time, have altogcdier dispensed with the use of ardent spirits at their tables, at the particular request at the assembled boarders. ' One af the largest and most respect able boarding hoOiei in Pearl street, where, for 20 years piaat, branny hhd boen regularly put upon die tahlo, by tuck request, had just com menced. Pure- spring water was all the sub stitute diey use." ; i , .- At a public dinner in Lexington, Georgia, on the fourth of July, where tha Hon. Wm. H Crawford, presided, lemonade only wvt used, . It Is estimated that there are in the United States, 480,000 Mechanics, 900 Lawyers, 12.U00 Doctors,1: 10,01)0, Ministers, and S6.000 School master. Maine. George Evwu, Etq. has been cho sen a Representative to Congress, from Kenne- oeo umrici, in siame, vice air. Spragne, ap pointed Senator. , , ' ! The My nic A "loniffr, Professor Eaton, in a late number of, Sillimaa's Atnericbu Jour n U of Science, hat shown that five ta tho most favorite number of nature. He save at least half of all known plantt have the- parts 'of fructification in fives, or in a number which it tbe product of five. The radiated division of nnlmalt, tiich at the tea ' star, Medasa'i bead, and eVery tpeciet of coral rock, have their, raya in fives or in a number produced by t tome product of five. ' Throughout , the whole reriebal division of Cuvier, five it the leading number. . We have fire" fingen to the hand, and five toet to the foot, in com mon with nipst animals which are provided with" organs for tacking their young: We have five teases teeing, hearing, smelling, lasting,, and feeling: and Professor Eaton further aaya there era five principles conatl tuting tha highlett t ertebral animal, to witi manv l. Inert matter. "2. Tho 'ftlractiv pnnoiplei j Tlio living principle.' 1 4. The sentient principle ciple. , s 5. 1 be intellectual pnn . - - i v Vermont. A convention of delegatea friend ty to the prear nt administration, met at Mont pelter, lately and nominated Jot? Dotlittlt tor u vernor, ana L;'?ran J; itcu, tor Lieut GovrtKii; ' t.-.v-. ,' HJv-..r:fi : ' Six trials for the election of a membci of Congress in .the 5th District in Vermont, Cave retulted in no choice, , The1 laat Rnie,' the Anti-Masiinio eandidate was alietd. .. ' At tlie appointed "tneelinz v of the Board of Internal Improvements list week, only two members were present tne uiiriiiiij; uuai, rims, kxc. Hereto fore used upon the river, tinder the con frotil of the Board were delivered to Captain Blancy, of tbe United States; Corps of Engineers. Tliis measure is subject to Ihe revision of ft full meeting of the Board,' of whose kpprovaj jtere, is no reason to doubt. The entire, diretv tion of the Voi ks on the river below' the town, is now devolved on". Cjipt.!' Blu- V Jmpt6vtifltnls on1 the .Cape-Fear Jtio tr-rW e fere grstibed. to b able to in form our readers, that the im Drove trients bn the Cape-Fear conlioue to be proaecnted with jiersevenng industry and anraryins success. The lucks at 'i t It I it! .ft. tvw t : 1 t it the WilV.tU t rt- 1 Ci ti.S , ' ' ', - i t .'.S . i ' - i ... 2 i r : rrt. ..;, Wi it i.ttr, uvl a t . ai litcffi ; ... s. iir.it trr 1 !Mt. l.:;' I rc fan 1 uiiia Tr;sct 1) Ti i fnw i A -1 t . . if ( " ai 1 r .rij v , ! l Elrk. v I. ' A' Ui.iscriiv til .tlvuuu. MF.DICAI." nili'AiU -viENT.- ' Tka I IratUoa-iit aa Nnni. . i ! U C araaw lalliTKrul tftrln!wkH U lallaw Aaataaay, Mataris Medst, tVaniaa tfMe- 5J X r iir.c Ik. .-r Malaarry, CIm jiiatry , M X . It D. JW . irtaa Cf, M. It. AV'a, fXiaau, Jf O. - Ti. C. J-, u. n ' . JirmKwa. .If. JX ' a Cmw..U D. laatirauaatMt-? a. , , , dajiae. Samvt Jfko, M. D. CliaaMt LMtwrea ca tka irawoVf of MeLit awd il Srrrr, will kw dclnrrrd ail W- .'we, dai s aad !)au.na. a by Ura. Ck taaa aa4 1. ibtoa, at tka Alms llimstv - ir ' .Nav Vii rhe-m, ttratt. ' llta aew ModieaJ. IUU ttin. u,. ik. -i,i ea ta Nmik at rort. will kr in rcaUUM-ss for Ika rvaeptna of lUs sctwral altiaat. " !1 Hw Univcisiij or Virpnin. , Tka next aetsiesi wul krria n h iivt. i Sepleaker., and aaaMiaaa till tha Sotk of July fuU leaaif. . . , Tka Cipro tea for lha arts of onwards of ten months are aa follows) Biajd, incladmf hod aad exW roora braitare, washm aad atteaiUoce. C 1(JO , Fori and Candles la be furnh,.,l si tfw Protlnr at coat, tad five per cent i est imeted at ' , . j 1 nrw ol aa entire Oarmitorc 1 0J f Pr 5 h oacnpiea uy two sta.lente. . Vat of Library end publie rooms. .-I.., . i. i iii . . : - . iwttwu,, icTT-, ana prniesmr br attetxrrd, MH If two, each 30; ii C mrre dian two, each f.S. , - j yj Ciat gvutlemra in thia toad h terry and rttme cannol ba atluwad to aatebrata two r ava ra or Jn.tr ajeaeeakl)' and in their own way, with out an!jevting theuiaaivet to ttnkattl aiuittddver sioatr 1 . ' : uh Use lata Cold Water ecM-raima of Amer turn laileiMtaSvBea iu ina etty of itadsHzlt, lha EJ- Jttf vf Ilia tiaiadeo Journal tueuil to have been efcwoanily vaed snd tnHated..' Ho noea Mot like, at alt, such ' aqueous" doing; and is qnita miligwaiit lUal " tu's v y vttas MartlJ-iMprr menruge of ouri, as tta tullsvit, thoulu make suik a jackanapes of itself.'. ' .. ' .i- Aoi, Metu s. tditora, have long Been a- waee that auld ' wat or, Wlin oililunly ap plied, would give a considerable sliock.' llul uare tn our lives uetoro did we biraw, or neai' ol miVJi a thins, at ita.sVbtrerrM.t any body, t ' - fUiit to tlio uvmt hut MiKiity etietioe hat tlieeuld aaler party Committed against Uie peaoo and dignity ol the Heulilio r i hay met at Uia uour appointed, ueuleaneu tliemsuives at oniony oil Hen a, litaitf a liatrwiti Mldress, and nartouk ui a dianer, at whiuti taoUiing was drunk but ethl water, ouca was tneir oiikitee; anu tor mil, cuey bsve reoeived fierce Edkorial easticatKtn. 1 " ' . jnad ma party evMulwateu Ui nay iiiteintiy had they, at sonwiiflics tnppcna on sunk' ocua- siena, canien muir pairaiiitut so inr as to gtn "gloriously onuik in tneu country somsc'. we :Ti .....t. . . .i.... i ... I.. ill vvmviv u hmcii umi -wur w. ' j . -ii.-ipi.. with all kit abhorrence of kitemirennce, would hai'dly have got. augi wiihlhent about It, much less would he have Ukuti the trouble of suiciding tliem to thu iliaciiiliiie i hia liiiwaidnaa ntlilf. ',. iteipetling llio toahts, ha wrnes atlailot si We have not aveu llie Toasts, hut we will Jict balf dozen of Madeira, airaintl auy rcasonabln quantity of cold wau-r, that they were st fist ts stale aeer, und at chilly as niewi.iunuiatMi fug." "ttave not seen the t oa.ts"! 1 Indeed ;!lw Editors in the nation, we nresnme, aotdd have made such a declaration with a eood consoiunce. Bulbs it to: It it then u roper to inform him that these selt'Saine Toasts, about which Ue his eon- jecttired ,o uncharitably, anu Upon Whicli ho hat main- to adventurous a bet, nave been toeu ty ma ny: and tu our certain knowledge they have gone the round of the Newspapert,' most.inaivel loutly. Now, although an Editor rr.uy once in a wbile.'pnblisli what it and ch.l y, yet it is very unusual lor a majoritv of the brothcrltood, far and near,- to unite in giving currency 1$ produdlnAt uinnieresiing ana ttupni. e are men, ouiigva to conclude, unlets w would Insult tlie Elttorial corps of lite nation, thai the toasts in question were neither, flat nor clidly at has becu iraairmed. Wo trust, theretbre,' that the Editor ol the Journal', on examining into the ease, will candidly admit that he has lost his bet: kud, after1 detain ing as mueli.i t the, Madei it as will put him in good, humor, and keep turn to, that he m UjT vara, tne remainder as soon at convenient; rotj we assure him that -we have no nlycvtions iiiangre thOkt cold water ctlebmtwu, to lake t liillc wine "upon all proper ocetsiont,"' or" tHe ttomtwh't , t t,.i .'.m ' .-.ii ,i-,-. ,ti.,-,l,,,....,v f ' Vi, ahui mm? In tbls county, on the 33d ultimo, William Itolet, Esq. 10 Ails Lucy 'Fort, daughter of Ja'met Fort, Esq ttyte. '' '.r;y.: f.jf& ; On, the .14th ultimo, Mi. Rbhert Tarror, of Greenshorough,. in thia State, to Mist Eliaj betb Gtiry, of JKtag William county, Va. , In Rowan county,1 on- the 8th ultimo, Mr Samuel SecMer to Miss Rachel Dickson. W "'?A the residence of Thomas l. Dillon, Etqi in, Anson coutHk cn the V-d. ullimej Major Rusacll P.ogcrs.to Miss Uebecca C, Simons. . In Ldgecoinl. county, on tlie IJtli ultimo, Mr; Uurwell Shellon to Mus Sally Uooh.s V- :X t:'r. i r .. ; , ' ;-idied, " ; - In this city, on Monday last, Robert Smith, ton of ..Richard Smitli, Esq. aged about 1$ yeart. ( - i , t f 1 ' On Little river, Wayne-oomity, on the 52d ultimo, Hr, Jatnet lV-Saencr, nted 23 yeait. ; In Orange; comity, on the ultimo, irt the Will year, of her age, Mrs. Ehzaheth M'Culloch, consoit of Mr. Robert M'Ctilloch. At Williarntton, Martin county, on, the 15th ultimo, Col. Ebettezer SmiUiwicki and, oh the 18th, Col. Duvham Davit, . In Iredell county', on the 7tb ultimo,' in the I1M1 year of hit age, Mr. William S. Bievd, on ofBenj. Urevard,Esq, v ',.. v;' n Pasquotank county, on tlio' 24th ultimo, Mr. : Samuel Nixon; tnd, on Aha 27U, 111 8.. Mary Harrell, in the 62d year of her age, ., I Professor of Aoticnt Ltngtwgev J7r. ,ir rttoat. ' " ' ' 1 . 1 Professor 0! Modern I JJIatlermon. 4 - .. 3 Professor of MatliemaUca. tfr Tl.. 4 Profeaenraf Cl-mlfrr. Dr. i. . n.i , " t Profvlsor of Natural PLilnam.i.v n. ' Patter. , ' ' 4 Protestor of Medicine. Dr. t i , 1. T Professor of Analom ami v ,. Juhnnii. ; . , I ProtetsorolMoralH.i oinf! , a ' . Tuck-' tft T " ' , ' ' Professor of Law. -JHr. Jimx Tha hitlrorlioti it ennvered. ! !,.. lures and , Imitly by the stn'dy of approv. .1 text bonks, and in all eases, the assiduity of the stu dent m teste ay a rtgiitret of examination. ' Every stddout under ' the ago: of tw -nty one, Vtart, it required to attend at least tlnve Pro. fossort Or two Profetnort and tho Demonsli ator of Anatomy awl Surgory, unless, when he n.a tnctilatea, hit pniwnl or guardinn shall hai-c pre. , wi.iiiij, ,nr aonoois amen ns 11 re quired to attend, or unless, tha Fscnltv far. ,h eaust shewn, shall aHowldTiio attend lrs tlisn . Monthly eirsulars are written td (lie narenta and guardians, ttatiiia tho attends nee of each student at lecture, and exhibiting tha student'l primorcncy ami nenorimetll. " -f .. 'P. 1. ..i..:..j . . . " . , w w ..iiuiiic.,. ina aiiiumi mnat na iiyimim years of ago. He is required to wear a unilorm ilrfs,he iartiiMi(ra of which are detailed in tint', J cnactmentK. T1ii rule will ho rigidly enforced! ths prescribed nnitnrm will have to be word oit..- ... iiucatHHia, uum wiinm ana witiiont the pre. i siucts, when tho student annears out nf hi. room, except, uiat in warm weather, he-myV".. wear such Ikht gown or eoat withla the ' emcts; as the Chairman may approve, i j . ; v :. Tha attention of iiaronU and oifardians isnsr-' tlunlai'lv draarn tn I l.i . .n.t ..... , 1. . . . their on ot Vard muy not be piwidctl cimirri uincn cnnrt his nnrnsitiofi 4M hA AM ; ,ttttts.A..tk A.l..l.... al-T! n . iMMviii.a ci ici iiiir inn iiDivtiFi iv it Aana aiiaa. ertmhwniniftitni nt i la tit tmm..m i.ii s . ,T . . """"vm mrmi ihiif uintrstjak ouiy ior tin iirtie nncxpt.c(!f nt the vearJr rwtT hut ihflll py tlie full tvet nd tents! whrfterev ' time they may emer.r', ':; . . , ;; v In the M(lie! ntl.ool. aba full r.nu .t !. ,J fTtklviH'llltV im t-inw!ilaaw.l k.. Ik. a A" ... wi,. airs tiatiiui iiif m (ho University of Pvnnsylvnnht at equal to oue ' courts tliero. - ... ' ; ;;,.;;' . A iz HPAPrrvn ,..r.?i n ' p - " uauvoii,-jrrQc:ar, ., , n' ""'Theexr't of Josejih Hawkins, 'vdec'd. lake no tiee. I shall attend our next County Court, (o be held for tho county ot VVake.st the courthouse 10 tbt city ot Raleigh, onthethh'd Monday In August next, to take tho insolvent dubtort' ontht tt which time and place you may attend and shew cause to tha Ooutraiy, 11' any you hive. ' - 11 M -, i-. -n . ' ; WI1LHAM JdM-.S, V'lalySl,'I829 ,W lis- , IllHH i 1 nil' M I f ', i J. I .... I,,', , ....-j State of North Carolina; 'Messrs. Micaiah T. Hawkins. William WiU hams and Dennis O'Bn an, exeeuiors ot the last will and testament of Joseph Hawkins: Take notice that I have been arrested on a Cnpl at ud Satiifaeiendum, Issued at the instance ol Zaclia riah Wimberly, and have given bond for my ap pearance at Wake County Court", to. be held on tbo third Monday of August, when und where 1 intend to request tbo Conrt to permit me to take the oath of insolvency according to the provisions of aa act of Assembly in audi eases made and provided, whea and where, you may attend and eroas examine a joO lhjulk proper ... aw .... jStute jof' Nortli-Cnrolfna -j Court -of Plefts nd Quarrpr SesRions-- ' The Governor, to the w oh Juilii a.l attscfi.' ? Thomtts Pool and' wifu. . I k' f '..f.iti tt i. ..Veleven- nritrocaj'''' Lareheo .V .; Ilarsis & l'ho 1 the 'f,ro...t ,L . . ii6.- , inoa. V. llai ir a. J i .ai anneas'inc to inn aatiaiaiMinni nr n r i , that the defeni Inula in tint cas. nni int., .1.1. ..... w...., .. ...... vtllliani llllll ntlllll- ration bemade for six weokt sncceasivrlv m tho ? Uah'igh Star, that onlest the laid defendants ' make their personal appearanne at the next term i of this Court, to he held for the oonnty nf er, , Inn .t ikn riiti4f In.,., in 11.1.... t. 3d Moidy In September, next tnd replevy the ? miiH'iii himi flit.., ,,, I.., i, iiwirrmont . ,1 a ... J T I . ... Will . tie taken tgaiutt them, anu, exucution issue tc- ' cordingly. ,, .j ,;.; Witness, Jettee Olrhent, Clerk nf otir u.tit$ Coaii, at ofilrc," tho . ;)d Monday of.Jum, iiiiQi.v s- ""J.'i'ii mviiwia, l,, i.. (j. . ' -State nt' IVuitli-Carolina, ,v Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions-- ; . ., , vil. Hi M CI III,' lO.3. .'. V.v The frnnr, to the oo of Judiciat sttaoli Jessee Cotbrnn and wife, I ment levied on '4 1 ' J elevei) negroes, "k ljirehcA V. Iii.ria Tim. I iK. hMAh.,, . . - mat V, fl'iris. J Tliom Ti Harg)a,' 5: ' If Al.HMjir.tnft' tn lltrt e'tfil'....;.,.. Ml' .1... ' wis, me ueieniiants m tins cae are not inhabi . lanii oi inn aiaiet u is taereiore nrdererf that publication be made for six wcili ihi.:ij.i , ....t... ,.!: . I. . .. .. . . , . . ' . J 4 . ....... i,,c vhiii ueien." danto make their persona! apparnm-o tt the next term of this Court, to be held for tbe cwmty of ' Person, at. the Court ! louse in Koxbormigh, tm ,..v, ,., o. li;.:nii)cr m'i, wtt!T replevy tlie property and plead ti isme, jodrment flmil will ho taken against tlieio, and exeeuiiott istno , accordingly. ''.,v-,. . , Witnets, Jetse'e tieker.a, Clerk ot our tsid Court, at,)flice, theSd Monday of June, iHfJ," , . J -1. I .v..N3,.C C. C." ' Fraeadv. f-3 50 ."..'3a 6'J'.- t . l'.imnr' ' Stsitc oi' North.i?at'i In Enuitv at'. March Tf rm, 18U9.T A; ,,vi..u. iouuiv, vuilipi.il.Kllli, l J i i" 7 ' . I n..! .... .. rol'y Hewellen, Admihialmh-ii V"."'"' ."'1' , id ldrick Flewellen, and T 'r:,Ktiiii)a,, .. thers. I)i-ii'iid:iiit. i-' . '!' if'l :4 ... ' -l"'. that hiiwc ll Flcwellen.and Nancy Flewellen' are nnt iidmhilants of this State; It ItordereJ hy.'4 t'net n t tbat pnhlii-atUm b made In the Ra--lei; ii it.,r fur six weeks, for them to appear at tlie next term of this Court, to ,b held lor tha oiiuiiiy of Nash, at tbe Court-llouss in Nashville, '; on the third Monday In September next ihea .... . ... I...,..,, n.c. n iiruiuruiine twa. , plainant't bill; otherwise it will bo bikea nri: ii, Ii. .an an1 l.u.iwt ... hurfn . . ,n ,1 ' w........ ........ r..,. ill inui, ' "v't" ' ' a :: i ; . j. r pbakb, jr.- c. m. e. . ( .:-.,?. "''- : :- ?..'.-'( ;."(".". ' ' v ' , )-. ' v ; . .''.'., i'.'.1;. "' '..- "U.A - ''' --'v-:' -.ff ? -Vu v..A'. "-'A", 'l.fv. 'r. -t 1 L mfT 'fff