Tin: ct.vu; Tv ; .!, wraiW, Vy - . a , , ft ft 1 f f. V A . iry,r.e t'me tad tlac f bis etn.s- I 1.. i . . piua, it 4 associates, aoa taeir VtrWtand cpetatioo at lb ubi t.m. tskca ! corisscttoa With til txless rai-Tutude el - the sacrifice, aathorixes ; l J J'iri ., lP collar pT M- U ki4 u idfttN, aad na I-.LJ-W ti Mt M U vpuoa af the LUm, Ur a4 "ra are pJ. .l(hriTMn4, o4 ea , t-r wtcru-d three tMr (wane ...i muhin Cor aaih ofkttam .til loft nrm t ta tUM nut M tint hostility ta th growing West and in aiare-woiding Sooth, m a aubudia ry and powerful mod to fur curtailing and abridging the territorial extent U Loaisisnxi and, ia that abridgement, forestalling end preventing the xj tence of five or oil eUv-be4diQg state ia tha goeth tod Weft qssrter of th Uaion. These.' Messrs. Editors, msy appear to bo bold assertion; bat they aro oot more, bold , (baa trie, dot more into' than can bt proved. .Tbe eerre. pondenc itself, cotnoiontcatcd by Pre ideat Monro to Coirrrs, and prin ted by its rd,' will prove ia direct tern,' and ia mnltiplied ' passages, the hole charge f hootil.rj to, Mexican independence, aad'bumeroa facts of general notoriety, will furnish tht pec suasive evidence and violent presiimp tiopa, which anthero the belief of all that is asserted of the Sooth aid West. Wita respect t the individual who was " the author of thia sacrifice, do an imadversion upon hint ia' intended or i ovus-moleted. He is no longer aa ob- v""lj!ct of political attack - He is dune. 4iKi uonej ivirever,, wiui puouc auair. tie belong to the clasa of actors who wt done acting. who have left the bt.ge,aud "whose feelings should be inspected.; Of coitrse, ibis essay if pot gainst Aim, but against bis ivorkt tt a -ek to undo, not hit tharacfer, but a . a. Is Mtika, tirta cTu fcii c-a r.zacci ia lE0S,aa4 inoa etpc 5'Uoc frora L&eUur.t. atkler TdcUo, Fjtt, Len t, he ti catertf tSa Juttf- M Vpiurj and rtptatedlj kUteJ the belicC.4&4 forces the onKto.l the ttaadard of IftdepeoJenc. It vai fVwo I Sc. JUnm " Smm-l r wtMrnai Mjr m h-rJ Vf rW - the tommn nattwi f AiMrwmi ntn jtnl, rutpMl ad forukl form, km te i to uu 3apyl t, o ft Mftllf : ia vtdek lb ! nwhmimi tuxl mm- M-t)t Uwa ia tK dvtoetwd orof wei.l w(prP. .-. m omtni titml kre not of ctMrwtftr ret d fnrjMle, to W Jaeft oe k4 , .). rUcrrcUw0ubjtorUtin( rrbUn iolcrctt to lb We, nd treat ,r la iinrart informtioo to wy rmler. rctwr to tUr diMMfuWrMiK af (Im alley UliuKivpi hi Ult, betwf ia koblcM were tarrviMtored, Mid tva bMdrrd lhx ir aulr of lemtory vera ceded a umrrHga, aa4 ijtf hv tka Mibataaat aa4 i,t lb ntticial document aad Si(oniic KHMleata wluua led taclat amptwiaaa aa4 ju MMrifloa. I'heta doewmaut arc oa- td inaceeawUla ia tK aHt of Uta pnv-k-t n packed avar M uttotal tthranr, te have the tnritaerc a4 Moctv taaar olnattoav to Jiaoovcr and tlmim , union sti er aonteat ara.maM- kjMa -h MWkpaper publicauoa, auali a twr j th pubiia,, kha beat Oilorwad aiUMUt remain igittttsai of tba aearat kwtcjrj and n iiiriat ot aaajotauxm, mut renuia o inted with lb aaatiaaal and pulitioal vtewt e oegniaioc, uaa led to lUa moat roa i aaoriliea i Sauooai territory to iwa Uw .. Mi m Hiiwwimi MuiitfKj ku aver e d. TKe bubit jniad, tor 4h firat rtnM,lutce of. hii'iDork, and no reference to ao he MigMeaea vpoa um w, putiua. pmU iU aee, aad wilt ana urttU iatlipw ,nd aatotuihtucttt, Utat thlf great tardia af ere Mrriturjr indiatolubljr ertnncoU ktelf he amnsementa of Ferdinand tua aereath, wrva domiukHi over Meik and wttb j icnei and opcratiotia at im mm wi iv jui.u, W prevent Uie expanaioa of lafe Z ruues, to the writ t the Miawattppt wUicn it no abed, or mtuar tn tmig "c...i. hiri mi now bruuKttt ta litfht. e- , the frit x this double eooaeitoot and if . lurrelv mitLiken In our eetimntt' of a-ra euiiracloc, tl know'ade ot thia act AoaOM tfrrt ikaro. air. Cnmtr oil, -, t a Jeaar) of anoaty miles aride,aa)f on one s a of the Cmth, and half on ih oU . ; he propoerd it to be too hui f 1 oni tea u.iica in lenrth, tUat M to tar, (r- a Uia mouth the Culwrado, ia UtitaJe 2 , to ktitodo S3, on tit aaino nver, giving to the doaeit au area of two thousand aquare mk-a. Toe Colorado ti more thao half way between the R-d i: vrr and the Bo del Norte, tod k! t4- acU or motif ei, aUa.II: be Turther made than shall be neceaaanr to shew. that this piect of kit tcorkougltf lobe undone that the pmetrt booudary line or i ween the United .States and Mexico, was conceived and established br Mr. Adams, in. a spirit of htiattlitv to Meti un totlep ndence,. and to the south qqarter .of the Union; that the prrma'teotvcootinatnce of this line ia fftano-hf .' .t ilK' 'ttaiauitiaaaf ("a .vwaa'ta tatia ,ieand ,nrfBh. fulnr. r. r.d h. t the Owe of the aaerutee, ana w iuw i . " . r- - ' j nivenal deaira wlueh tolt, 10 renoaaeaehif bMb, feaOire tllM boundary AO be (eaatrful rejio a-hadi thee. o arantonly I bantlOiieil, lltl JftOthef to be eStabliah- .euiyaaja . .-a " ri-ted bv anticabi eereement. wh ch shall Hcuott of the eutira valley of confortn to the localities of the country. tiaaiaaiopi ' t hia uagainaant vaiie wa, , j.ed to. the convenience of each, and givey to neither a position; and a foothold wiitya the natural boandartea, and Tipon jthe. bauks of the great rivers ot the oifcer "is... V To. prove ' and enionstrates. these tmporuot: positions, I anait . havoTf v.noa. to the head wtn f eery atream nioi it, to the aumniit ridge ot etery moan Imteitclose 4 Uvkm, and oustot ! w, t hi all a boi deri awl duavaewoa. h all wl ad r.t, wok alt a fcantawa, i ud fl.MKla. '- No loin fr ioouW aaff ,ay otut ot k.. Not aft lush ot neeou woum t, not a drop of iu .be. dah, Uurfe io copioas" and multiplied ? foreign power.; I ho A'aerwaa pwuo I ... A,a fr-nrr ika a4tlmaAf ia nrracnnti a. iAaak'twk ira ( should ha. and a exeerauona, loua cep, purtua the negotiator woo aia.namber who detoiitd arial aittcyt two nobletwert,ad w,Aq're milee t at territory, ao benadieuonv hrrreat aiting.thwkea "W the head, and ereJ the .t of Ue Aiuerlean fiHtt, who abalt rat a to in aawral powaaora aaii to araaun tracts, front the diplomatto cottespon lence of ouc mioiater in Spain, which, ai tt)iagh ' comtnunicated ; to f Congress without the instructions which warrant? ed thi nirWiU utill be aoiTicicnt Id shew. that the- idea of tbis;cesaun of territory originated wtin the. Auirtcan uegotia ea wh cb has been suggcaiea i' "' Western wawry-io o 15: S.ti,ir -nd-Utrfnir to j3paniKioitry.A the meana of form ic 4eK.rt between. thUv Statesami n.'anq session Une of Spain', by the florid! treaty tand toby;ootri)utine ellctu- $lie beginnlnorf ogag ; W tW'" w pu-e.u . T v w. . w..x:" . I .unlit rin i runurvf fhn Hnnrilth iln. liiiniojj over-the Mexicaa tefiitory. Air; Ge'V Efving, a geutleniao. of theftortb tst,. wasat tnat tinie. u wates roiniMer W opain, ana these o- Mexico by rrlendl nego' 'g. uewri oeiween: uie.u. owes ana for amnl iuiyateot,r the Mico, .kcp.ng helrhab.tant8,at l ofthat partof ihe vAlUTpl' P." preventing the. cotnuiutticaUon of ,iopi. which waa rtded to rPWcn tJesirOia one to th other, it to do, the most er'mu attention leVVestefn people.J'rhe - volunta- ;e9ion of. thi p extensive,, beautiful i f.ril ririnu. bv which the Valley he Mississippi was -tlismethbered, I of its iioblest rivers4 surrendered, icrrhorial xtet diminished above ( huftdreti thousand square 4' a ign power brought yithiQ the nattt boundariea of the -United States, I placed uponthe banks of the Jit- Vigatioo' to and from , the sea, was tainly the most - wonderful sacrifice national interest? which thefannals mconquered countries have ever V ted. it was made irt favor of . Fer nd the: Seventh, King of Spain, a ch, wl6 neither for personal qoa , good, intentions, or just or gene s action, waa entitled to any bene- nee from the United States.' .The ion oraa made to thia Kill?, and for benefit of himself and his heirs. :h habnilr. in the progress; Of, Jtu i affaire it gneedilv devolved iipoO ew-born Republic of Mexico., Such triace oi termonea uu,i !eply and vitally injurious to , the lates. and sn little desirable' to ttad ent possessor,- who seems to emit ?Dortunitv toffraht ittwar, :vvould comprehensible and unaccountable, uut a ktiowletlge ot tne uipiomauc espondence whicb .leu to' tne ces and a recollection of the views I policy- of the American; Sji!tary ;ateunder whose auspc. tne sa' ce waa consummated. v. Therea ;ol thia eorresnoudence." and are- ction of the plicy and,. views ofj aaams, unveils the mystery ot mta ?ndou sacrifice, and ' establishes truth "of the otherwise incredible that this cession of the US. ter- rJ f as made to the King of Spain, 11 bostile felinga to thejndepen " of .Mexico, throuj.'s subserviency i Spanish King, and to aid him in -fving his dominion over the Mcxi- by.euttin; them oH", and keeping a t a vast distance from the repub 1 population of the United States. ' Correspondence itself prove t'is; -rcDmstantuI and persuasive evi A drawn' from the known charac 1!a policy of the Americao Secrctji- feituWa .were 'comium?ate by" ki that hs to: the Bnauish aecretarvi but had insU uctions ttf wet mot all def vf - few thaf liV made, is sufficiently proV etl by the fenotyo futt, that Mr, Erying was neither recailfd nor censured,; for OhlBUrJ;tS,n8tr10nJ.e"pr0TOaaiaTlrt ' aJ ' J ' , i J a .1. . th)ii,;upon iffi wnureoi me.negoua tiob 'at JWntlf mi, U frag transterreu to Adams with ''boa lui de Oilis in perstm, & that the offer of the desart was not on ly renewed by Mr Adams, but to much ereater txient than by Mr rving, and , . ' n : ' . .1. I f I i . actuany estaonaneu eu agrcu to up' oiv Mr. Adams' proposition..Vv(;;? i M he cnrrpnnnilftnce between the ne gotiattit at Madrid, as communicated to Congress, opens abruptly, wttri a letter from Mr. Er vma: to Don rizarro. da ted Madrid, 4uly,Sd, 1818. The, se cond paragraph is "in these words;; T1ie only aecurity wh'wh occurs to me as thca front the Lower M aalrpi, that danger ta ' lexico vu epprebended.j aad tks noat atrtnaoas eSort af Spaniah policy ' was directed to avoid tU J guarmtttof poutttion, the aecarity moat .coiBiaon and best Know amoe Uie crowned heads of Europe, was the oh taeoght ef by the Spaaiah aniniatcrs, aan) for this they were wittier U ftit Florida ta the U. S hot as this was a atep which ae American sninister could veatare epon as aniversal execration woold have overwhelmed aay 8ecrttary of Sjatt, r ntinisterof the U. States, who snoold have gaaraateed Mexico to Ferdinand the Seveitk.and his succes sors, when she ' was atreggUog for her mdetirbdeBce, and a - the potat of a- cbievinglt, adiJ'errtst saade of action. another form of rearaatee, a security ol a new kind, had to be adopted, by those who were willior t assore the hpaniah domiaton ever Mexico, but dared, not do it by 'an open and palpable act Hence the Idea ef the dttari, u sub stiiate to the gumranlet i ; On the 19th Jaly, the Spanish Seer tary jof State, makea the ftlowing an rarer to3!r. Ervin' proposah ;.i ' . 5 Too are pleased to point out in your note. aa a mode of aut Uinr the quest ionof boundaries more certain this that of any guarattee. the e. ubliahnscnt of a deeart of thirt learurt he tween the frontier of Louisiana and that of the 8najK-possession,' Ahhourti bis Wa jesty ha a due respect for the eood faith and itrict pnnetuaUty of the American- govern ment, yet he does oof pereeire any aecurity preferable to the staramei nr tost were would He any dtfr-SMity iir eonneetinf the one with the others aud with h view to avoid disarreemsnU on the frontiers in stipulating the erjiblishmeat of swob a deaart, provided both gorernments could agree on the requi site measures for preventing this intermedia. ry des-trt from being eoaTrrted into a rallying pouH for atventtirrrs and oaiiui u, wnerr they might tereJae their pernic.Ous activity in disturbing the peace of his MHjesty's ao mmions, as weU aa tnoae ot toe united states . But the principle difficulty still sub stats," namelyt that elihoui the establish mentOfthM deaart murutbe eoMatdarea ci pedient, yet we may not agree on the. exact line of division, keeping in view the nehta of each party to the territory weat of the M aitsippi,k to tliat. Which ought to afford to his Majesty In that .quarter, an equivalent, lor the two Florida, which are proposed to be ceded to the United State, m consideration of such equivalent- If I rightly comprehend yoar verbal eommunicntiun, rebuive to the establishment of this intermediary dc-ssrt, 1 persuade myself, that the vndersUnding is, that the 30 leajrues intended m be coin prehended w it. Will be fined to the eastward. of the Bay of San Bernard." To thia Mr. Krviitg replies, ..under date jot tite 24 h jo y: ; y -k- Referring to a suggestion, made br m) last note, as well as in our two previous eon- rerencea, respecting a deasrt ot &J leagues between - the confines of Louisiana and Uie Spanish nossessio'ts, as a bet er aecunty th a ptisrantee, your Excellency in pleased to inform me. that tlio hia Mtcsy thinK tha no aecu it m better than a guarantee; ye, he Baa no ooieowon uiw un una niwiu ue aa- ded to the then and though the princip dimculty remains, that Is to ssy, where the desait shall be establishedr your Ecellenc invites me to put my sairrestioe In the slurx- qf a formal proposal. 1 org leave to remind youf excellency, that hi my note of the 9th 1 have said that this plan of a desart, is the on IV kind of security which occurs 'Oms ' it was not tuen my imcmiun, nur van h ue us, to add thTs to any other kind ot securityi nor was it my intention to offer this, but upon the supposition, that his Majesty's gmemment would consent to tne vtirnvm aa tne western limit of Louisiana.". "Mygovera meat will Jiever consent to rtve any ruaran tee to his Majesty of any part of hn jioaaes- sionsj hut 1 will undertake, on its part, to stipulate, that a dessrt shall be placed between bia possessions and those or tne un.e.i 9tatta.7.i..' rasx hn the - t,rafc appeared to, be objcetiensble' to his Majwtty'i ttorernmeot without a guarantee, such as ii r -it. r . i wt . . - . . ... impossioie iuw uie y . a. to give, t pruppsru to substitute for it, what 1 consider as brt'er fa psie a barrier between its possessions sncl those Of the U. a. , l now propose, then. that the dessrt which is to form this barrier, be of thirty learufts breadthsthat is, leagues on the right bank, and 15 leagues on the left bank of the Ctbrath, and eitending in length from the mou'h of that river as higi ud towards its source as the 33d decree o latitude, " If Spain should oot consider it ne eessary.that the dessrt sliouM be as broad as 30 esgues, she may diroin'th it on her own side of that river, as much as she may judge fit. ' Wilbia the dessrt, no persons -slisll be admitted to settle or establish themselves, and each party may establish military posts, on hs Crd K.rn t-c, fv-tkieg C ttr tJ dn rwi e the etoct vtjl itt aal'maj ftui rrtr SO the a.-; UrTtui y&ix af the SacnoS aukh ttk liory o aM.oas rceevxi brad hcrwea WriaJe twl al U.'i by th Vol r sjch aa ?, tototJ i la (ire iWr ahoneai Lo to thesawthtwisnsl aoiat of r- caatieft, not to k& SMjuaJ'tmon, Ccir bead eaT the rr Art I ma a, between the d to shaw ta amaur U aifiocag wsat aamo oVfasa of tougitude 101 aad has hewsi dofte,-gecir,f harX wtat hs aea hence loJowvtg tho owtras af the riaer Ae. throw a away-at eosst wiiUia tLe If,, tiaate tmais to its suvrco la latrtude 41 sionhi soape af the srruaieat h i wt tl.t the act thence fbaewiag Uo saate nrar.cl of tati. sooM to he endo, arts licvne t rouj-h has rode 41 ts the sen. And st ia furhef sgreod. U ty ts) the paroea wbsa H concerns, that os tpaidsh eenlemoat shail ho ssade cm aad that k was intaaded to be w tsA it ac'.uil aey part of and jud or Aj-kansee svvom, ear ly s, a measure eesrauA!y uJtrwiit to both Oft say of tho waarrs Aowwg lax the saw a, of them, lhus Ut 1 1 aud no further. The or 00 any east ef the c&aia ef t4rv Woa eU m now al.ewaitheev.lt wry uf tains hevween tho tatitiades St awd it iachs-' ee wiTI be aejtt attendrd tot hut as tKia S sirely, and that tho ftavigstio of said rivers aay has roe ftut M a suOicieat tcnh fur ens beWigexOuavely ts lh U. I. tore, -, 1 paper, IshsH reserve, f r the aest auu.Scr, The, h rat thi'ig whwsk strikes the iaairnna- tho facts oavd teasont Uich will shrw that lioa s reaxliar Uj proooaxtten of Mr. Adams, the preaawt hovn lrr tne kwr 1 the V. is the weasderful 04 alsssxl vmrneasurabia ttatea and Mexico, is injuria to both of difference between the stato of the aagoti. thomt thai its con';m re be frenght taaa as st an ta, e at Siadnd, and fmed st with uisssiroos r- ; , ui.ee to litem aothi Wsshingtow, bstwoen the Butt which Don that it cmht u- - ' .. .:,)ned at once, and a there, and theamra wttch V.f. new c ti'.'. - .tj, to be rrei po in ,at snett s are r;t ners! ' or r t '5t t t' 5 f ' J I t J I C ; ' ! S'. the : r t of Iriendahip and gid neighbor hood, tvUptcd to the localities of the ootintry, and to the oonvooieoce ef the two reputlica aVNKtUCAXUS. St Louis, July 80, IK9. . - - .J mmm .- Sm 5icinei The metlical 'Jour nal intimates that forty fivo drops of laurlanant ia a aovereirn- sptJtine. a i.-utcl from the water of the Red I gainst Sea Sicknestt and we have only t, and tu valley of tho Misainippi by to say; that if it be true, the tliacoverer .h.''! ZXZkZI . w f h remedy ahould. and will be im JJ'LXZ1 -oriaU llerey.,wh. first found-oat hieeted ta the localit oa thai the circulation of the vital fluid, fit Jen . . 7 ' . a . . a a . is Sjioiv Saisnvje vjuvw arc as v.' ' ui cm i' t it 9 r!5 TT a:r! .h UA?ht um"k,n4 P""" moral effects produced by .:. -'1 .VSSrvIm T1 "P event, which nave filled the frre. stilt River. the tented, but objected to the locality oa the the circulation of the vital fluid, & Jen lanraaa, ana rt eassof the Ssn west of the is about two hundi bine,, so that if Mr. Erving had agreed to plaoe the dessrt where Don Pixarre wuhed H to he, it still would have been far beyond all the waters of the Ked Riser, entirely be yond the valley of the Mississippi,, and on ground to which. 8pin bad some color of claim aa wel. a ourselves.) Mr. Adams of feme dessrt of elereo derrees of latitude in width, irons 31 to 41 degrees, shout seven hundred and eighty miles on a straight lino, snd upwards of 3000 miles in length on its essiern border, following the Sabine from its mouth to hs head, thence to the Red Ri rer, thence up tho Red River to the l'JO'h degree of longitude, thence north to the Arkansas, thence' up thw Arkansas to its source in the Rocky ilouniainn in its great es breadth from the mouth of the Ro del Vorteto thebme, nine hu.idrrd milest its nniiu n .vrsdth about 500 miles, and pre smtinj ares of about two hundred thous nds.'iwe miles, 'he rrestest psrtofit taken out of the valley of the Mississippi, upon this waters the aoknowlcdared limits but witliia ih natural bouudaries of the United States?:,: '; " .- . ; . huch an offer ass too tempting to be fur ther discussed or even subjected to the cas ualties of delay. The daisy ot a raw days c t r eior,:!i t . A : . L. I ' frrrtU..l a...C.g UT.:. with womea t u r ' - ' . . la mure tomwo 1 Hast e cs! '; 1 risj is benr'...! tj t tneuivt:,rr. -row? t more cu.au.oa amorz r.. tJZ5 to 45 amorig wc xea. from tha atof5toS3. It It a r - trka'Ja fsct. 1 hat the two aexea aprr r to reerva the difference of their tea ita.ia the choice of mo tion, 'to which they h Thaa, oton choae cutt.r and lire armsi women cli suffocstion. N The most 1 - sesof saicidr atnn wn... uasy and aofortunare attat' muflg men, ilissppotnted sn.l reverse of fortune. Misery a prrtty nearly equal number of suiciJes in both sexes. About lull the eudJea deaths are predated by apoplexy. It' has been observed, that from 18iK to 1113, there was a math gre&ter. num!ec of Apoplexies, than from ISIS to 1113. la.thrauiRerence to th- atti uted to tho 1 ; 5 i .a 1 re tat, iJe t '.nied. ' t t if t, ...le ta mo Jue becomes frora the a a a nrrt ana r..a t t f destruc e resource, : i-stroraenta f 'isott aol - ,te can- -e. jeal- -ts, 4' ' -1 and t rou witKin ih. Mknohvt,t t.m... hut I ' r" '7Z " I7J maae ouriD? ws mtntBtrauon oenkin miL'ht luaard itt so Don Onis, who wss then 4ICK I" OCU Ud UlaUUlC 0 tUCna 9 mnj OH 1 fp:- AMla kirn utU Moesshimself. empjoyod the ansn Jf rf yeMpw.ria onl hinvwho JVtuvi:lt. (ho French Ambassador at Wash- mon, to close the negotiatioiw for him. He did sf but not witliout obtaining from the resdy compliance of Mr. Adams, two altera tioits to the turther prejudice of the United ta esi first, that the Suanurds should be tl red the priviletre of navijrstiiv the Red liver and the Arkansas to their mouths In tho Mississippi, end tha . Mississippt nd Ba. bine o their mouth in the aeai secondlv, tiut the di-ssrt should extend to tho bead of the Arkanaas in bti ude 41 inatead of 41, making it one degree, or nearly seventy, miles lonirrr than Mr Adsmahsd at first pro. posrd Iliua modified, the article was a. greed to, all the terms ot the treaty were imtneauueiy aojuntra, ana inn treaty etgncn by Mr, Adams on the part of the United States, and hy uon oms oa the part of Spain Upon this narrative ot tacts, supported by precise quotations from authentic documents. rest the arrtinjeot, ths. U e present boun dary line between the Voited States and Mexico, wsa projected and established from hostile motives to Mexican indmendenee. through subserviency to Spain, and ta aid ber in preserving her dominion over that superb : OS I AMM tudi'mH WtlM Hmu-I. tinm tha. lutniiia. AT possible to be stipulated under present cir- Keeniug off intruders or settlers of any kind." cumstancet; that of . 50 leagues- desart, which t mentioned itt my two last conversa tions! and, in fact, this kind of msterial secu rity, io ttansaclKnis between two great na. t'wns. oturht.aocordinir to my apprehension. si way to have the preference over the other kind' of stipulations! for tho such stipulations should .be most religiously ; ooserreo, even io the extreme oases wherein, by the uni-et sal practice of nations. they are deviated from. or. altocrether dispensed withr yet,io Uie still greater extremity of war, they cease to be binding, of course, and cannot be re- ncwed but alter the war, and then the induce ment to renew them may have rested, whe-e-ss,the material security of which ispeslr, ! wsys remains. Wsr does not cultivatedc-M. ., but it makes themt however, these snd other important considerations' belonging ' ) subiect, will be duly deli', luted on t y Majesty's government. I csn only say, my suggestion should be adopted, 1 tL ready to put it i 'o form, kc.H n-- To understand what ts mi-ant I v word " atrunVi" to be found ... a . of. thirty 'league between the settle, raenta nf Louisiana and New Mexico, it is necessary to remember, that at the pci iud of this proposition, all South. A rnerira and Mexico were io a state of revolution, and making eCorts- to burst tl.3 Laa.s toun j' them, td cld ' -if rt' . ., '- . r -, ' litis letter from Mr. brvme was the last of the negotiation at Madrid. Mr. Adams, Secretary of 8tate, became seized at this .time with the desire Conclude' thi. Florida, treaty, himself, and.in, consequence, the negotiations . r 2 t a-.i:jT- a--i. were ira,nsiern:ii jrora aixuriu to yi ssn itiitton, and carried on directly beiwee the Secretary vf State and the resident Spanish Minister, Uon Luis da Onisr Aftervtwo or three perliminary notes, t' e poaitioh and breadth of the 'desart .'.1 Leintlie main point, Mr. Adams, l t' C da? of Feb. TJ19, delivered uon in a i . t aruuea, s .Lii . be uri l rt. l'n ad S an i. le .' liOttuaary, coihmunit. tut, by the Secretary ' is ed t'.iat the 1. ' , . . ' '-d Sta ri-.-i of Sp.v , n' i t the i.' rt Guil'of !)':"! river, to tl"i the eastern i river to bel, i :" western bsi JVetttrn fdo- were both mere 8clolista and nostrum mungrra, compared with tlie illustrlou Qrenville, to whom is ascribed the hea en-ib ru tliacovery we have jost men tinned .The man who can cure i pre tent sea sickness, has already squared the' circle! ,Ve had rather be that man i ha a to have found out the longitude. Indeed it strikes a that oain and disease ol all sorts (except perchance the Jpn.;' Evil and the malady ef disappointed of fice seeking) are a good as banished from tha world, if Dr. Qrenville has re- allx intentti m care for Sea Sickness j for we ahould like to know what a man cutdi not care, who had wrestled suit crssfully with that villainous " monster of the deep.". Didst 'ever take a sea voyage, gentle readery If thou hat, thou art ready to agree witn as ia im a a'a& a a S among men and women, ts l.C.O far. men, and 627 Jor women ". --' ''.' Londo'X Curler. . -A rooAhU-r-Xh an interrtar to-. j. not a hundred miles distant, a rtr ' society, having become infcttl "v, 'uh the anti-masonic mania whic'i r-- : in nittay places with intemperate . ..I re solved that it was their solemn ar.J re ligiuUl duty to cxcommtimrste their Pastor, for the'itscrufi-:.' s.a v f I sworn , fidelity to. the vi.'.': Tha-fAitlifaLmcsBrnrr of Christ ti-; cended th pulpit wLidi he hs.l sislU Bed br a pious and isc- I C.acharrs of Earochial duties for t!.' .y jers ct' un rokeo teal,' to take an atecticrsfa farewell of his people. After hsv'u i a, a . ,-- i s a a a m aimuca io uie c-tri win en Tsaa.cc .1 not, set thyself down aad be contented, ss a. hishlv favored mortall albeit thou hast had small pox, plague, leprosy and fever of every ; type mentioned in the books, " and of every colour of the rainbow, -black, scarlet, die and' dllfuse the holy spirit tf n? Ii gion io her native simplicity- fus. I and!endearing associations which h nirea turn to. nis uocx 'ana t:.at a t ..j sea Sick, tltat has th proper insight of human calamity. ' tie who nas neiu oi head over the ship' aide, to square cer tain unsettled account ' ..with hi stomach. -While. the ereea and. yel loW" wave Kuded bv hi niddr and be wildered vision, till it seems to the sof ferer one vast ocean of nausea, ot bile snd of death! lie who has' lain io bis uirtb sweattnc: ia all the agonies-of teo thousand aggregated Qualms, tilt h would. feet sratefat to any- kind- hearted aailor that would thrnw him o board, ha seen mat sail or ontr nitajoe consolation of raw put k 'and molasses lie who Us seen and leu ail tnisr has the right to ay he knwsdmetbtngl But let no other "man, presume for one moment to auppoe tliat he has any ac quaintance with snbidiiary troubiea. 'lit way have. been the galnee, or under the tortures vl tlte iunnisuion luy, he may have been baog d and brought baik to ."5 had conscientiously acquitted l itrnelf. ITHtit t the sight or Heaven, of every r n l i!?4s7 r an( religious obligation towan1 t. counin, by interposing a vast wilderness tol life by a gdlvamc battery, hut he has .i.... ... i:K. i.:-kl. t .a.:........ :i known nowing oi gcuuviz aiuivuuu, u he never was sea sick ' V e once doubt ed the supremacy of this ocwu maiady over th blue dev.ls, but there is oo sort -tn. . ta I the nortlier'uno it j . i ot tne .wa cr-;ree ti o j lace in an cawy inienara io enngnten latitude, and voiJ it s..ile tb -' W, er ,Up r? "plaupon the secret biatoty and hid ! ' Sua t.,t t..vucc due north to a of the .13d drtree oi shut out the lights of republicsnisin, which might otherwise bresk. into that bemgmed region, from the approximation of American svniements totno west ot the Missiasippi. All this wsa bsd enough, bat another and a darkw vie w be tn.icactloa remains io be tskn. f. It was not enough to injur Mexico, but the same opportunty must b embrsced to injure the West and th Sooth.' Of thia the proof is not like tho otlier, under the hands and signature of the parties, buHho ftm. the plact, the nej ttiator, his asssetoft, their tccuputitn at the time, and the useless mar- wimu of the artari. so tar beyond wh-1 Sua rixarru ion huu iur mi aiaanu, auu iu oav tVon within the Valley of the Mississippi, iesd irresistibly to the conclusion that a desire o diminish the extent of the, west, and in that diminution i to prevent, the' birth of four or five slave-holding states, wss a subsidiary .and . t .. ' .!...! . . a . . powcnui nitiiivr io coihiuchiik nvaaiiiu to make such an extrsordinsry cession. This is sn inference, but it is an ralVrence renuliing naturally and irresistibly trom the premises. The, tfwc of this cession wss the winter of 1810 y, when the Missoun question was. in foil best, and alt the restnetionist were clamorous for preventing ihn spread of slave ry oeyouo we ansniainpii . me wace was VVutiHigron City, where these restriction-!! were then assembled trom ail quarter of the Unwnt the nnvttutvr wss Mr, John Q. Adsms, their political and personal frieodi bis ass. rooter were the enemies of the acquisition of Loulsisns, one of whom ( Mr. Otis) then decla red, that he wished it wss separated from the rest of , the Union by a lake ss impassabhs ss the burning one which divides Hesven from Hell; snd another of them ( Mr. R. King) ex pressed bis wish. thstH might remsia forever the haunt and harbor of wolves and tiger the tccupautn oi uieso associates at mat umo wss to establish the latitude of 3d SO, aa tlie line, north of which alsvery should not be admitted b tbe treaty having ceded nearly the whole of Lotiisisna fmth of that line to the King of S pain, to remain a desert, the whole object of the restrict ionitts wss then ;accomplihed. .slavery was excluded from IMilslana, nsriA of a cert ..in I ne by ttmprunlte, south of it by a fiin-ciii'fr of the territory o a foreign pow , the B... -I area comprehended in Miasouri, ' ' an' i and the Western ball' of Louisiana ilyt "ted. :. ;"" ; ::-.'; . liu it i no part cf the Intention of thi nn; i ve'l i ';on the swamse of Mr. Adams it c in . He Is now tlirown ej-"- I sta,;e, nevermore q mount ti I i it. ' VI l.t is personal to bim rsn have !ace in an eswy tmonaed to enhgnten of com paiisouior t he former. 1 a ktldi- Uon : to its iwn suDsunu ve anu peculiar ' i .a. m horror, inciuuts too laitep aua wore too, for sea sickness produces devil ef all colour,, blue, black, sod purple. It is in short tv combination of alt the ill that M fleh U heir ! to," Let bim who disputes as, double Cape tlatteras ia a gale oi wina. t Jct mm lie puaei ting io his birih, for tiays, and nights aodv weeks, till v the exhaustion nl nature throw over him a btluland di tempered bleep, tit which he, dream ai one moment that he is the' identical San cho Panxa of Cervantes, & actually loss log in blanket by blackguards, ami at tbe next, that he has become a. top which schoolboy is in th act ot spin i.iii!! Let him hnillv escace the nerili of a saltwater purgatory and go ashore alive, and find lor a week attertie is op on dry land, such ati inveterate vertigo in his head.' that after tinditssinz. he wait for the bed to come rouhd again before he eet in! ; But faozh! our head swims so now,' that we can't hold pen strait, twndei journal. ? . Fh Madneit and Suicide:Tht late M Monihyon left a considerable sum of money to be expended by tbe lioyai in titutf of France, io premiums. Some of these premiums have for their objects the encouragement nl virtue, and out ers, the promotion of knowledge. ..The subject lately given out for competition. was a treatise oo the s tat i sties oi mau ness, udden deaths and suicide. ; A great many psners ,were presented, but the examintrr thought only- one worthy t. narticular notice. - ibttwutnor oi, tnis essay was a M: FaWet.--The investig t ions ef this seatlemaafurniehed the (ol lowing results Tlie Dumber of persons afflicted with madness. i xne third greater among women than among mea Men Ufa stncl with oiMnsss, most Irt so far as was In his power iu ccst Iu- ' sion, le most devoutly prayed t! r.t O.i J would continue to bless the mr ..era t i (he parish, and, through hia inCniie mer cy, mole their keatli ai $njl cs fAcaV ktads.J3oiton Jiuliet in, ;; v i Vv; From the Baltimore Minerva and tmersldV Tht Virginia Game Cock L was ia . theyear 18 , that I was bound f -r the Havana, in the Brig Evening Star, wlien we h'J lost sight ot the capes, tliat large eagle litbuon our yard arm. Ti,.? I" . . . B . . aatlnrS afptDa- Mm. Im Inm rim'i on' I ' after dark, wheo otie of the men, t;.:.;i : j i a large bag with him, went eut tp n the ifr yard, ana succeeded in- Cins;ii :j u over r- - a M.H.tea s . . a.:.: . ... i a aaaaa aau sia itt in cvrui. un uitiii". hhii ivw " in 2 the bag at one end Secured hia un- ' ' til the following 'morning, when lie we taken from the Dug; Sc hi wiru,'r: e !, t & trimmed in such a manner, a ta ' -vent Lis escape. -lie was always I. " well by (he men in the fure castle, aul ' a laat hlfa,, tnita. a-tn'nAaii.a.tArt ant y naasa Kiruv lavuiue vi sue cEiiiai:;. He played a great many tricks ta t! : grcBtrannQyartf .ti h?- pigs act hv&idff (at a'nv thin? in the nnrs' mess ha w,i-iii!.l ' ' have, if he took a likin r ta itt ha tvsa tha ' tenor tf hia bnstly cucpatjians ta sttt , a degree, that if a pig shored Lis sf oal on the Quarter deh, ho was sur'ti) . wn tha tthnla liOD-" i n r.im.l.f' vprtl much pleased the captsin.fur when t' r sr let irose on board s;.;, tiiey era ver - J ry troublesome. i ' t kht Hat alter re arrivei ti liavata ' af a tha stntAin Witik evrra! more Amt?ri LDIIB i t VVVJK IJIft, 1LF 11 II V C llkaisB sptirt.'; Tbe captain bet Severn! times." a a. - ..i.iti. i at - . a. i . s a - - r- m . uui invariaui y luati ai ieir:ui no .-.erets, to bet five huedred dollars, tliat he had r '- -w ' - e a .a a virtnnia game coca oa ouaru. ta c , avfinlit kill anv i"nrk nn tha laland f tf - v ----- Ma.aa Ii M aa, n a Mrtnn a t .n ... ; -c ff, : I , a . v, va . s. ..v .aawwvv.. .wnvaa t hwu . af . pucneu ior uie ligatj wiucu waa io col. Iliro dlalVsi ail rot , AfrTifflir-lty. sttn iiiitw, waif mivi ssvvviuiii.ms y sm ' tail HIV wiSf OM oaw v,iii,iii ya -i - J I a ' -t lutv viiu.arjvi -sit auu tv'UDta tu taictu) , to go snack,jina throw inf to make tho bet . I be cajuaioftua weot uuut i , . . .1... A ...Ja.il MBv...aa Im . !. . . . . ' . IV tno met ii-an vojjia.oo in 1119 imi i. and, told them cf the hclx. advi sing theta to bet. on the . yiri..;!',' L U'KV vw..f .. ...v. a.aa.avvM ,v a. au aaa ' slake or two.'.. The captain tr.ct rj. turned oil board, and had th .' . t t, . ..ll ... f r ... iMiiiuicu na buva. vuviaii lie iui ' ad his feather about his neck, - whiclj are called the cow-leathers on a chicK , en, in consoquence ff their letting them fall when they are beaten, bras is t rs ' ed, cowed, lie then had a litt'.j x.zry trur.ned oil'lii wings, end io Cnj, C.s nred liitn in such a manner that t' lew c i J have told it wasai t ', lie wc 'sen cooped and put up ; 1 atiowa.a. e.soastowhctbiai- -. i th comit.g battle.; .-- " . - The new epread all over V -i and many flocked tQ teethe f 'A ! .ween the Virginia 'end Epaakh ot' ' and bet were mad to consiJcrtlla c r.ount. yibn the ef tstils c: . .J