1 - - ' 7" - C ; '.- ; j r - ....... , . , . . . . -n , : -:-r-: irs?3-: n ,: yz . -. i ' . IT - - t J. S . tr 3 - ' rr . 5 . - - -lZ ' ' ' - , , - ' r 5 f " - 2 S ? - tr ' T. ' t- rz c r S t- S -s - - c: - - " ' v ' :r.r;2.r:-'r"rr,r..-s-4 ?- t S 3? b V r. e 5 r. I -V - " 2 3 jr ? L t 2 . - - t S V - I 'I 1 a - r1 - . i s . " :i yr. o J i . t s s A. S.!, n ! - o -. I . , - . . ' . , ' . . - . . . - . . - ' ' 1 ' . r. j J I O ; J , , O. !j U - C. M p M 1. S - OC ! v 1 i.. jr.., , .. U...V , , I ; 4 . : ( t' - Ht CM-1 1 , A1 I. OKU O iJ U fcf 4. , o, '( yi U 'I J. Ci'j u 1 3 tl ' t. C (E Ij S O (I. i. e. , o - f U3 C CO K fr M . to M oo ky . A.. 3 - (ji tn Ki Lk . LB ' Ck -I. tA Lb j. Mt I ; i -' II I . t v. . ( - -wwuiviw ' n9Ki'; IC - N Cl w 4 W 171 "J H O N Ul W o o e oo 10 o (DWw ci amom p m m (i i '' '. i n i. j. fl 'o 60 i p- tO 10 p t ' K W A. " d t M C V 10 O O SUtO(,t&ftSA0 ''' ., I l.i . I I' I. I I I II I 1 1 ' ' ' J. ! O O oo 4- i , W io liO.QO M Wl OIM W U t ; r j 11)1 3 ,:.! n..t ;.: i: e i a ,,i.tr r- ' r' in t'.c ir.iH?:..i-i,t I UviiJ U rtlnd ;.t Sllll HII1!;fll bv ! an.l t u's rpi isitiff citizriiB. I'l.i i. all tlie .viiliiittSe tlawi thrv ran. v ! rloar, Hkitf and improve t!,i I and tratjr pace move onward t . . !5 & lf,lii the more UraUliy pArt c f V. difToiTnt kind may lf alnnta 'un'' roiistriirlinn of rna(U or jle i.; ; i is very riilMt that in thnso rt. valuable nnajprpriatcd hnt'.s I,. , . 4- to b co oo to . co i v O ' s 05 Cf1 9? r 09 - to J ' go i? ..m s. k . to o to . JS ' ' DO ' ' "' aW ' aW -' : f 4b f ft : ' V - .', J ah . ' aW ' , , aW . -' K am " i a '' OO, O ' ' Sr-P"" O OO,','1" 00-T',,, ' O - 'v ' O JO , 0Wv Q..'SoOO';,!.- .r1 ;iak- I , I . f v., t ' , ..- t I 4 SSSStotooStoOtoSo"ioooK M B-K)WNuNawci"igoN(SKi(,'ioio-S(OSa!9 to ooo 5 0o v jtk,H to p 5 oo to co to o P .t o p to' oo IfiOlttOlWlOW to WpOOCOJOWOOW Sv3.3 .a-.-a . C 0 w p P ti -Hf P,;.,00. 4 O- OV.00 U OXO p (0 to to (OKiMiaUQ V to OOp-ltOKtONi P ,(-, 03 0 aXgk "S (O to 40 to to p OXO- to to O to k to o to to ' )-: t r'i,'a-' ' '.rv V W'" aa'aaiia S. 0 00 D Ok 0 to ilk. 0 00 4) av O tOtoOliptototOta44 a 0 tfc 0 to - (O 00 6 0 09 03 n'a 09 nr 0k to O A lO to to to O to' Ol '?. O W 0k t 00 00 ai iu'ai 00 a 00 tO'" - Ok H to tO Q 10 to O O to 6 to tO aa . to '' i 4J p 'A i a aa Ja ' ' 'tO aa" .'.'a- M ' ' Ol9(9tOUai4ViR0iOlSOIO e oo to t 00 09 p 00 aa p k oa.- to i Ok- M i i to to to to to to to tot 2 I aftn ''3 5 s l.-.'iss.s.- f-'.'i 1111 i f Sri i i-Sfl t S-p f f IS IllKKi :; ItwIlJA r' 'to .. . .Tt t-'J.o -ua cr a r ,'as . . . f ' ... s a ;- a 4 vj h . - ; '-ha i .,11 . : . s ii ."-,! T-'. ...vjr: a s'r-4i sr;-.SE' " "i-a-f j r-t! i- a;,f t v . ia .jvst j a ' a -,..-: u - i .- a 3 " ' 1 i i ii i i i.i i I.. . i , H . r- ,f II .1 ua a -r ... I k!,T .1 I' f t -"t rnturr; i, f prr.,prjj. f i l. 'ro 1 . : c ..- " t sura . . ' ' r, ii ii but ! cr it n st ' u I i. ! Ii vc t ! ' I f; ' y j ,!(! ) ' ' w i ') a v. n o ' ! 4 f!l. ! r f a i i!,o . it i . t - ' .."o r a ' , i laii t bo i" ' r ' r in ain r, a i a. c ! f t : . r t la L ' re ! ,s2.3 .2 S 3 2 22 3 2. LialJa-aBaJaSlkaai i ,4 'tititkt- nonoratte Uta Central Assembly ofMrthpirfiqai; ! , y Assembled - Oftdertho prT3ion8 of the Constitution, ,topn. nil f.Vp the common goott vzd general welfare,', you .bring with yU i miifa general knuwlcdgeof t'o Want's of mir fellow dUzens iH the Ta. ions sections of the. State, anil are better acquainted- with their wishes ni -ti.o ihv 'StutivhtuaL lifiwp'ver ttxaltctl U16 station lie ncru- H h the reward of;yr favour iait to the power yod ')oi;ef , making law. Meeting the life, J.iUer-, tO 09 09 tO to 6 0 09 tO it i i. i.- ! - -. i o?.SS3.;i'-.l.&f;ri v S i "? 2 " 2 -H' irv -, e. 3. saw a. au n. n. s E 3 o or - 0 .a t, to : o to to rt'to lo to to o p o,to U f to to to ' to to to en tfl-to' w'e . .... .r. Ok p to to oo ak. ,CM only eficctivc (hire. " With t! drained and our rivers oj i-m ', i ' the abodes of noxious animals h . 1 t fai pology fr ; navigable htrean s. Itmh i. Wm a V inuwui t I" J innmn uv ifiivi iui itili taitt-i f n it it ttii.un Ik! Jkil ! . m ail ,sa i.- j nropejiy uisripiineu. io cmpioy vi,,,.! j , .;c! f Irl drain our swamps cannt aucrceu. 1 i ry ! t - IiiiTnivni auri.ij. iiiiriaiiuni ur ii; I.. L. .. v.f I.I C... !..-.. C , .... - in 1 HI .11?" It VUUIIITT ui inr omu uri n lim-, v il-j firm on an-extensho Ki iila l,;i . ! m tier; ' ItatoU by this spetirs of labour, fviul t!,o ! K wagen cannot cflrrt iU It U evident, tlu : 53 menls feflectionj that thp State is re!urr;l i ' Uity of either giung up all iHTtenpioiss t.i .: rc, . , Jupon a laVge acHle. or t9" make an 8J7! i ' I UI.M?V lltf'.MIHii I imiun it.nii inv ii i. ii t ii i.i A s Vf- lfitimiL nnil tn reasn tn think f tovii" f I . kar .... .. . . - . - - - , J ' ii 3 a spcrirg of fotxe, which Will pu'.-l.c and j iivr c r jS riencelemonstrato to be u: ,'t. A; I if an ir " ' tQ stripped of every advanta.' hist ) U hitii,"'' terlty, ran pure iihse oitiiesi lanu . ,t.i in .am 1 uJma na MittliaKlafo 'VLltK all ! rp mini - f -ii I 1 1. J inn r niiiiiiv wihi.i "iv i.v i , I. InMnAinklj katrw i.iln nr.lita , ( , I'r ' ' ,, I ,, fef them? And instead of crippling ei m ; ihc it- ! ,. frpm lierboHom the moat vul.iul.lt' iu ! itTipri : W Jcoadftand improved na! ;;i'.li - ll'.fi I r en f porw lotne piwiuce oi lu r iv , i.ci ; V'; jby a judicious system of Int. ni.l I. ; rov I exhibit us to owr sister Statrs full .of wi, ,'. r ? : I H ;;Tlni States nf Sontli Carolina m l Vi. ;- , : ;W awakened to thpirti-ueinteicbt on tl.ii; ' t: (Lw have ptfflnmed aij Impovin, Htt"' -r ' i thing eRVctual bo done, tor, i., ... ,j r pi our own Hou,iiruugii o - . na. In her intercourse with t..ew i. . ; ti i t: contribute, to their advanceperit, a laro ? profits ot her jnuustty. , ., . S -l.TI.i6 Board of Internal Improvecrr.t, i i tl.eir ir...st ;. C3 to tho LegMa'tnre in '1827, rcco??.r.:r '.Jt:.':-;!.onlJ i rr h tuLpti t . urHitainiiioceitai i a: iiiiiii i m 1 )." :) J SlV -r- :.cr !a f. . - it Jr. .1.3 ' 'O ally exported from the State. I'n fit .me r lit! T--3 yoni" attention to it, as a unbji-ct of v;n t i , - : i j ljcorrert legislation. Destitute- t'f!-e ails wl.ich it "J mark or compass, on the a'.lt , r ...it pi !; . ; P Ins the ability -of any' given .rti..n cf t'cl rv.'- ply. its quota of expciiHe, . f n, t k r.li 1 1 1 v unit wnrfw f ntii- W .wvfcH zens is to oe ascrioeu tne inie we in M.t i...Kia fpH ond 4ik!!ed throusrhnut the State, at each rfturoJ g anniversary of tlio Xierieral Assembly and perhaps no pai-iod or ir political existence lias lounu our M-KitMaiurs , rik.nt 4.r iSp.itfli nrriiiiipd in the disctissiori of auhiect's affording more jnM.nl t.Wttfr:it!iiirTiF irreater deliberation and talentstmd pro- isin? more extended benefits, oi tbereversei;' Ad what abundant use of gratitude and grateful acknOwledgmentave we, to me giver f every good aad perfect gift, that the representatives of the people e permitted to assembleVncI deliberate upon their roorerns, in the un turbed possession of civil and religious liberty, the boon of Heaven, .1 at a moment of profound peace, no less tho gift of liim who gu- Tho attention of tho Lc-ihlaturc has lt c:i so frequrntly invited by great causa of Internal Improvement, that, were U not fof Ita immea surable importance to the happiness and prosperity of Jfie State, it migiik oe ut-ciut7U 4wi4n.k ui nuii:. vriauii, nuiii iiH.i your aiienuon to itj' but the 'people of the iStateyJirfheir primary meeting9,;and,' their repreRcntatives in the General aSsciubly,;.have so often manifested a disposition ta improve their commercial facilitfes. both for fiireign and domestic, intercourse, that to pAss lt'ovep in silence,: might be deemed jrepn hens.!le in the Exerutl ve and not less so in tho. Legislative De partmcnt of tbftCiovernmeA'ndf having rommeiired this gre,at all classes of our citizens, ih tht most eleyatel Mlicy which wisdom has suggested for the fetelopenient of our moral and intellectual ener gies;" it is one iluty tii I pursue it. untif .weliave attained that tanlf and station in th graduateu uraie ot ine umrtn, t wtiich we shall bo enti tled bf a judicious .improvement of jtb means, kAith Which tho Odd of nature has pa .abundantly' messed ns. And n tiic System of Ititernal Improvement vejmve adopted lor fiis purpose le ' "recti ve which our many abrtive.entertiizes'prove but two els .; i ! , (and "it wouli1, be strann to expect it otherwise in the morning of . existence,) let lis, rising above t'.e inlaicnce. or flespair, and with 9, unanimity and zeal worthy i-f so eitoW acaMsei apply tb' remedy. - Hut if, aftef a can ,id examination ''of the tahole subject with no other object in view than "our cc try f .1 our tOuntry'a gooil.'Voiir means are believed incompetent ti r y w .i k of Internal Impron ments, (however gloomy tho pictrrs .t- j i-.n.t, it us. vitii fjualnoanimu abandon it. 11 f. I ply it3 quntaot expense . -'I", .1 -.lkY..4o r,M t' i 1 ltd their opinions on li.e $ UmOts, :which the ad. ; i ., IUUCC, CRIIII'M, ' ' ft, llnstriict them as to ttie. i. irtif jlose by-aaickenirg ftYff. 1 markets, while it Jstrdctlng and Kr ; ril ; of , surmise and i cm have rate ulati t--"' The inform as should Le i i Legislator; f r H ( and, in no r.'.sr..! when they m y 1 The enlightn f .'.ft Of L.;v , f t!.i r , 1 lI-.V l,?Cll. . Its ;-.eiiH0 f.moin.t , , r '4. ..,., l I. ' ' . V - I ' eta ( ;.3a '; . ' '.t-V', : r -.vc.--' ' i - v i . lo ;;r,:iy:'. .. s tbt ir resni. rci'3 i if roiu Lstitutioit, and hf!',"' much for the Cirs i.?' fjf much for the tioitfin'.'the ci branches'-of sc. i bdt.'a'iiiberal' jitm.'of similar Inst. Internal imprdretnent, as ment of le tbo,' foundation ; of, public Ho which the : education, and the basis of I may bo direct. In ., ... : ! i .. : . nil iiauunai pnisjeriry , isnu , - ipe frif nus r - Internal to our Vj mvei Improvement, -.look, to the towards ri present Leeislatiiro1 with tiittouj and its . mucli Bolicitmlt, atidf your for .legislative i u-q present vncatliiii U nt once former p-t it.vl o. u.-t c. nt imtr.e future t!av t I 4j4f - W W r, a,tlCaV JIFM , kl Wl HW a. ' -1 m familiai'.wi.tb the flcntiments yet locked up beyond ti e iff or.rs ft lior.c. t arc a t'.. .. j t. tl '.T"-1"lf!l I ' ,T 1 I; . i !- ty ill' I' .i ( I I ( '?r. ' .. -it of the people on this sub- clianship it has leeti t ject, and that they 5 repose this institution, pros i great confidence iu you. distingui. l.cd citiyms - t Thia.confidcnce la a Bure languish, for the r;f i.-.s v tniaranty that anv measure power of the ' tore t JUU l BIIt.JJt JlljlTgmUltHM i.o....... to-iL wiir tnrrt their apii which bas Lcen an rot . probation. Every '.patriotic! Literary Fund, I.- - t ji and en'icbtciied. citizen of Cai.ks of the F t , . t X- the State is earnest in ' the enquiry, why so mucirmo tiey Ras. been expended in j the; employment, of Civil Its management. ! bank stock. It ii' s ' , li (islature, bow far it. may 1 e advi is Hot within the leitinate object at a a i ' r. . ,, m AiiTiiAi'irk w si , end N'ill - r d ' v,V , n- v: -' ' er " .1-. -. - ':t,''. ' f i-. 'iy -y;. '.; . .ire; snc 1 of rur most ?ei ,iri emitted to-'; ' .4 deemtil within (be v !i,witl" t ii'jary. er ' rgbl" r -i t ir.ivi.tf::, -''' i.t cf $ - 1 i i : ry nf tho!' : - ' rgea witH - , ! , ? vi rnekoV f" " ! ,;rte: ' 1 ".',' v. : ul.'leMt.l; r U :.4i..:i.ture::: V ' , V ti nacc;3QW,'au4-oftcnj!irectcibytUU-,own-w 'V';, -'-f, 4l-fuHti;r .V,'l . "'"