'.Z l - Cc.ri.-r . j q . '(-. Vef 1 1. f5 - . m t- r- a ' a t a I'. i 1 tl Mir. Write! nulla i A t-" l-' ' r-v j -he i-ic J i" utjtakc r-? ' "" ii-v. 'I i" m Urrl ctr. ' 1 Vm k M IL , i Bet trtt, at 9 a c, . he etui ' n M r,J 1 rtfitUaa aiJ t - . Wy '! r IU.! 2, M-?. i J r w i U r r , 8 i I v c r lii itanu Ware, -Y-' ' VW ivv is n y ( n nns. r j v S 1 e C- , 1 , .J 1 . & !..,n gi .', r I s. w,k the l.irraion, ana .ku i - r ' ; px-rior onniti CI pemitneia rm r.t-r ol Wary art,rl-si wb irk, ail trjWrr, W& fcisthe twt ilaaaiitie arJWtaaa r -dtcr atlerad for hle M lt market rersont mih af aroram r anv anociVa- articU, are reancetfui- r-- l ad ia (xM genrmMv, tW Mkurt. ari.rd nx Kr Yuri, aad PhdaaVlabie aa e V miva aad aWtvlid anpp'v of Luanda la hie late, i tJt tha ui imtnnnl m t laical taaaioaa. leed- ..... daxa, la h lucmer ., b Ka at . -rad In iota r.v.-r bow - rf-nJ interest U m . il iK-erwry. ' ' - i :.F.y, c't. . .11 i.u- UtiU j pror 40 4 A-'.l f ' e( ; - Sor. 10, 1 tu.ee. :.. - v . rj I J tilC 8. i, n ' t nnjH that lUrir v.j te "iniB immnliaft-'hr. 1. WETMOKB. . 46 St be M ncry mU tfcat rkbJMm. m(iiM bm MinrtotMt mim am la I . - W Milted.; VoC!a M'.UKU from U Vl - ho .ti to till 11 tlo vrll I call en me at .'Milk Jeter'a Um, her 1 T 'fomd . V WM. ' lUlrigh, Not, tl . j' fltf ! ?, Jlutild Cundlcs. - ' Thu: fiWAf haion linti'1, and iotefi(tiLcrV. ir, ana,, ..f hcrt Mould Camllca, of lait ow .' i !! I old fcy hboor in qint j ti i ' i lU'iw bo WA7 ile to Uvur Itiia ' . fji . a, a- ClIttUITb. . j " " v ' f ' 'tfl . - HENRY HAUUIE. , , - Tlaklrn, Vo. 10, 1S2, 464 ' i , ' 't.4,;.,' : ct '.!t t tUe Urt UI ami leatamcnt of . " i.,,arn Sjn-ight, Knr, rfewiaawl, will bo epoa ' J to (iuLiIio ai lo.on Ibe Krt dny of Jamwry next, V i.teea tlu bourt of (! aail two oVlutk, at aJ f ; .a iii-i. ." an. . -l. i I " t.1 li-s SI tter at Coax W t - a c, V 1 I t tW Voi'Ja r.U.Arra, rf Rt' tr. Jar a.rt, tiaia4 W lr. SJr- ''ait. N i ky tta rtur, M aaaat of ta U l 2inr. ' . . '', a a111 T 1 1 r M aa Urantl LoJe of N. Carolina ' JT 1 ia4 -i i l- .. L -.el... "ty.a home in the aitr of Hakleti, V'i;'1' ,tU!'3, on.itiii( ol mm, wemtn (c m:vng to tba kvirt of Tabilhi F.d on credit of ait month, th r i .. r bund altb apiirotot aeenrilie. .. JA9. SpElGUT, E"r. t 10, is:9 - 9t Ctute o t', I urth-Curolinu'v- j T ?! l ol (Vtolier, 18i, M wnd to be ri. i i, I (.ti !' huiiy books, by lfitd HiHtGeld, .vii,).' in K,.: 'i, a imall livrau (Jolt, lbre r KI, bliixe in l e face, both hiti'l ti t hit( vain 1 1 i t-ty iKiiiHi fi, vitb tSitula or pole evil oo t....otiiu.iti.-' x: - , "r"v.v- , AJLEX. MvfirClI. fUnsfr.'!- Not! in lj tlietountf of Can n,- wal iiilcen'pn 1J . IliiueU Olncr, two rtiny tuitlinp, ot aUlwKco-Jjiiu-, mm lufd hs li.ilaws. one of tlim bat his oft . h-j.J loot wbiti", vhiIi ' i a iinull tlKT Da bia uicIichJ and whrns t on dia nose, n ith iK anrxn, nut abort. One ft tl.emin snppnafdto t,e twolve ) run old l.it armg, aiipraucd to ain . ty duliai"at HiO other, ten yei a old last li-iiig, urilimncd to Mnty-fiv dulUi-a. : Air, DlWur livf ttee John Wilton, Eaq. OA the aouth lork. oi CouU7 Line creek. ' - ' ' i - ..WILLI 1M tEA.Itaogwr " .v. 3. tnea' 46 i - - i ' -i i -i ' , 4 vj Wtfratfil and aotton J idy.insUie , -LiotlUng,; CJC. Sewi..itailk,apoblooontitd r: SuUanribw'reapertfiinv Infoiina'the eitt 1 '-rfeaat iption. v " ' ,1 luil -igli and Ha k inity, that be bat taken e on K ifeileville atr'-r, a iloort beluw 'c ot Newbein, I intemla keepinjt ! , ho assortment of k.VUlf-M A.01'. CL0 ,i eonsistiiia? of 7 , - ? . '. iu'a Over.Vrock k Di eat CO TS. ; , PAN TAIAJUN S 1st i;HT. Hi. FUmiel Dlt.WV Klii fee SHI UTS. ; i To -ntliiT with an atiortiiirnt ! Fancy Article, 1 afioliasfiiie LIVEN COtl AK SUt. Slid and ". Sd.qnulitvSUSriiXDr.as CllA VAT STIFF WFitS l'l:i nd Fancy Silk CltWATS V l.illibnlg'a Fhtcnt Composiiiou S l'OCKS, Sta. 'ate. - , . ,V w ' ' - ' lie exacts to receire fifim New Lent, tci kly, 'dditfamalo Ilia Stock; 'anil he assart s the jHiMir, v jSiiit the unities are weil-maihv and alter U.e hi- ISAAC C PATRI;i..B, , ml, era reaneeUul- It Witiiid to atHtaaaroiM tor niamrHrt, mm nil cbrapouaa. of I la nrtaraa Lie ahiarre rWba far the vrry Ox- nd enairarraaiat h ka biiberu rceekeii, ami k(pratbat,lty the pereeawl antt itaaetaaJ atei tioa i)eT0vtl tu hi buainraa, tm aaeritatdl itoa tutnaora af piiblia patrour-. N. B. - Cbicka and WaUhrtof all oVaeriritiowa eaoat eareTullj renaiaaoV All hmrte of oid a-vl ailrrr vork uaaafaetored to any pattern, at the Shottrat kolm.. . , . Kalrirt,, Not. It, 1139 4 I - r -r Fas h ion able XV i liter O ooils. CEOBfiE SIMPSON k CO. take leat to aanotiace la their trienuf ami eoatomers, tliat Uvry are now opeaiug, and will have ready lor in aiieclion in a f days, an enli M Slttk J &iq! and FukinabU Ory Ceatit, adapted M the reeiii anil an(roaebing aeaaon. .TtVe good bahs buea bouit on the post larorable tcrma, will bediapaeed of at such ariecf a will defy cainpetitbM.'i v '!' J" '-V I'lie followm j artieles will be loqna, amoDf taeirrooutr - . .. . Snperniie hhe, black, elira, wreya, ilrl and atctd mixed elotbav - ,' ' 1 '..". Valcaoia.toiUartt, aa-ansatiwit, florentioe, coar- arilte and other weatioea. T ' Blnfl abd 'plaid eauiUot, tartan am) earoliad ''JtllHlM.' ' Eiiglithetvd Freneb botnbuinea ami bombazctts. Jiertuo nreatawna. a new - erucie hit waioe ' dieaaea.' '. ' ; ,., 9Hk aad aotton eelref, aaaorted eoloora. KaUlnett, apoUed flannel, hang-op eord. Iriab linen, lawoa and diaper. : ' . Seotvb aad Rassia dlntxra and ahrettng, . ' ' Furniture, garment ami Mm brie dimity, ' .. ' Calieoee, ingtiamk and aolnred etunbrtei Plain awl figured wi aad moll mttatin, . ' ito .Jacoortt and book ; do ,. Caiobrka, checked and atriped moaluif. - . Elegant Maek awl ah'ite laeeeila. '.' Urilibmatt. oiran ami thread laeea." .i- ' - " Xinkin; Italian Canton and FreuoU erape', aa vn-iine. Msorted colours and nenrea. a near ml haiulanrae sty le of goods Cor ladies' dretlea. iet black Italian lustring.t v Blue f - do '' do . . -' ',,. Hniia Lerantine dnd ainehaws; ,V :V - -A Fongeet and aartnetta, ". ;, . . rimwa Ulteale and ea rubric. , 1 , Lautiea' lanejr, hanilkerehbifc 'v 'f'. ' . Printed and embroidered p Wj, ' . ; Zephyre and cashmere- , do. . Nfei inaand Thibet sliswls and haudkerchiefs. V Oandnno, flag aad lievmab. V ; do. f y Y Italian and liareetona eniwta. ,; VJt . . ., Near atfle .wniat ribbina.V:- . , i ' '.'v.f , Uaniiiiire, gaita cap, lustring and tatlrt ribbons, s-or every ileecripuony ' t'j; ; ...v;- ' -.-. Worsted and silk biaids and aafcty chains, r. Lumba wool, worsted, eottoii and silk bosery, of Gautlenwn'a eloret do. -. 5 Ladiea' silk, beaver, easlor and hosktn glorcl auu mute r i , ' ' ' -, i MUaea ditto. , . t i i Unihillas In great variety. , ' V" . V Sinclc and ilwilile roller etupenders. -" Worsted and aotton t dov , trimitimffs. ol ticrt X Tba A nanal Cets aaenkation as the Grand LaJga saWrtHCaTiAUlblaBM at taw Matches Hall tntbia ), Vaianbr aeceaag, the th af Deeenacr .. v ' ' ..- v tl -. yavderattka M. w. i.rano yttmrr. J.XX HTEDMAN, U. Sea)"rjr,' IWh,o H. M ' 43 pw thej Cross Kcvi, Qp : t JfoekruutrJ ganh smM tl Sta Jbme. , .MRS. ANN DIIXIARD till 'aowtindea at her old stand, where ahe ia well prevavreil ta ao eommodate both travellert and boaraera. With a grateful sense of lli past fiaUerine patronage of her friendt and fne puuiie generally, ane aoiiem 4 eontmnance- of their faroora. ' tier room are all well furnished, and la neat order; and ber labia will be alweye an read with tb. beat the market afforda. In addttina to ber old stables, aha hnepeoenred a large and excellent stable on Ihtf back street of the same eqnare. Thu aitaa ted, the flatters herself ahe will be enabled to vivo entire satisfaction. ' Charges moderate, Man - .1 v a., ei o ... '...' Kalelgvt, Ucr. u, irv vs w i.lSf tf"- ' ' 1 srfrvw. 1 W s.Wnv ajj w- niM m4 aWf. Van aad awa, paw a aWtar d i cm4 d-.ari acarv saw I .) a a arnarwM UU. M il a Mrrd ane aV4 I ia lahll lii T n- aa asi) af aX nvei,aTw aawiad r c-ra4a Wr t-a X( Homm. VWry are aWwwawd ttaat rfca atagw 4a aa maM Own- rwrotar atorvf ca a a .K aa. Aa inret aa ik aora da atafi at taal lljkrl.aaataaaw albert vaadd, tt llaey auld aa aaaa id tWy vavald at b aVa iWy Bra hJarm' am bb wiU LnmM M ta nn ira tM atagw beaar. aad aWr fcra am M goon. laaaa U Js la cwraa tbrjaaalra W a itwj or rwa. will aa ware ta tad at th?-- a aieaa br ibaa farpaaa. aaa w i goad, Tba aaaasiaci of tba baaaa ta ana af ana aaat nl.asaat a tba aaty, baiMdaMely aa tba MMk avia WtLa CaoitoL adnaeat U tke be part at tajaterai Kit annoal tea m"w- w m aViat aad liiicaTaiimasr anoMliag K- n aa aaw Utlc mare tbaa a year since tba anbcr took Msasaeiea af tba cabt.shaarat. wbea be band tba boaaa catirett oat af rwoaar aad almoct wnb- antcaatnaa. lie now ba an Via ka kaa aM ami reeri' bciantta jaatify the anpraiaaewrihat bare bee ia.b. but tbflce also that are anakmw.even "- at that aappnrt froca '.be Stage Praptleton, ea La aelUrea. the anaveniener. eoaafort aad at- tentaeiabtcharetobatnrt abb at tba Hotel de- an-rea. and has hirlv nrnvta that tbe aabla) diu giwa a prelerrnee to a wru sept iw nnmwct t ...-. i a i k. t aa tWe w ,e4m a pww a li f -it I'raa Laeeaaa kTVi T T .j t tpwai ta - -" atf ika awrMaii aa '. t a ar aw -at ti a tn nWrx ea anW a far aa aJ aaaa.' K.W-.h Star, tbat a!fl h wT aa.a twra wcroaMi at taxa Caart ta W bw I iW I'nwa, UaCaarllwaai as tia -area fc, a iwa au liaaiae aa OtaaiWr avi, auJ r j lr-ry iKc pro- Lea sp avt tbcaa. aad erajo raatat aaroe aa(W. ' - . . iraewa, Jeawra lve-, iara m ian. i power I i Columbia (n ,0.) UHf"e The-. locker Uub Haoea. on tho ColumV Turf, wdl comnienea en IVrdne4ip, IA frjr a Jattmrp nrrt, and continue &ar dxya. . Third ' ..FrforaolUaad Fu- Ikia onnVe ( vear old. rauri milebeata, free only barn run far ana of tha Parara. ' " ' ' - Firat day's Fane, t ., 5 , ' fGOO th. a Handicap Kaee, the beat dirtc m Eeey Is beata, tree only for noeh heraea aa base : Second, Third, sua Fourth, the F.ntraoea Money, for the Purse of (ha previous days, .naif ait. ol lections aLtna gate narmg we ween. , . " -; Agedllorae wdl ojutt , w I lb' Cyeartold ' '" ; T U. 5 ta ;c.'t' . ', fM-.t1'. 4 ' x ; .5 :V , .1 ' :-.o;.v. 5 " " a fcntber; Mare aad CeWinga allowed st lb. ' - , i .JAMES MARTINA I. . v BEN J. F. TAYLOR,-,' , JAMES H.',TAYL0U , iiuu a . r jii is, e w aeaa p w;w.aaj-,. Ity order or the tiuo, (. f ,St - JUtl.x Al. u 15, 6eTi Oct 83, 1 S'."J .'44 W The subscriber respectfully informs his fraanda ami me uuimic in general, that he is carrying an B1LT r.lt TLA tiaU m all Ita various branebea, in thecityof Kaleigh, two doors above 11, t . H. Kyle' Store, where he it prepared to do any trork .ht hi line of business,' in the neatest Tnan- ner; alto prasaeastini of every deacrivJtioo, mil link (ml gudgeons, old saddler &t coach tcnun- tmg repaired and made at s d at' new. O.M t . . r. ' . . iirmir sraiiti rcpairca. Di'tnu ot every iieaernv tion nude and reiiairud. Work forwarded w ill ba punctually attended Id. " - '. - v .- .', JNO. Mi' MASOS, Raleigh, Nov. 3,1829 ;: 4 iaklara Cash Htore, 4; .' The aubaciiber hat Intt returned K'om New- York, with a handsome supply! FALL- AND WINTER GOODS, which, together wkh hi aSrnter stock ou hahd, tuakesarirh and eoropleta assortment ot goods, well adapted to the present nd approaching aeaaon. They , were aeleeted wan great ear by himself, and were purchased on better Usrma than he baa ercr'prcthinsly had the good fortune to meet In the northern markets; and he will, therefore, tartunatcly tinder the pre- asm prcanurw wi mr tunea, ee .enauieu to accom modate hie bionda and eustonicr ilia' much Uetler bargains tliart heretofore, for ttuh.. Among ineartieies now open tor-msncctifm, may ba found the following: tunerfine 'blue, black, brown, Olive and mixed elothat tattinctta.' assorted; bung-up eord; blue aad black silk vel vet veatirgi; silk, white and awansdown .ditto; willisana rei naunel, superior quality: gentle- men' earablpf, .and laditt' and centlemeu'a nlaid eloaka: eentlf-mcn'a k orsted shlrtsi roce and point blankets; merino and eaasimere shawls: enssiraere and Valencia points; rich 'fancy wort- tmA k.n ..iull,...I.L.Ci. l-.l: I .1. .1 .1. LJWies- aim gent emen gum, ciaaiw OTcranucs, I hanrikarehirfc, l,ll,.m.l.mn mv.. k.l ih- ...i... i.i.-.t..t.. ,r ....., ., Yi,.-. ... i : . -""- ..niii. uvk, ,. , v, .- Miuia,aaaortetl; white and b A List ofjleyenut UiTurers; : Who have failed to aceoant for the public lax ea and other inoniea due the State of North, Ca rolina for the last year, ending the first of Octo ber, tin a not paid on the nrsto! November, tsw, Isaiah .Rogerson, Slier iff of Perquimah count v, a ' . Balance, of tax, , . ' -v - ; f Jl rlne lr liming to aetuewiin comp troller, ;J 400 .!' 1 1 j a , -a - tb l Xay "f ""liee, I "t JrAt.l. lU..i-A,C ti C. at 44 Btate of IVorth-CaroHna, . Ctaart o( r 2d Quarter Seu'wna SplfttbeT Trrifl, 1820.-. emroartanSl J-'W1 aitacl, The iett 1) ate of Poncaaa Moore, I bia.-d a raardasa- ata. . - land lITt V. Hargia aad I maa afUad. a Tba. 1 lamia and 1 Woaaaa liargnw J Larcaaa V. Mary. It imemaf ta tba aalafaaiin of tba Com. that Ota defendant at Ihia caao are Wat ktbaba last of tbia Slatea it it therefor ordered that pbla ioa ba aaad tar aixreeka aoeerMrt in lb Kaleigb Start that aalraa tba aaid dtfjaUnts make tHaar jaersonal appearanca at lt neat term af tbi Coart, ta be held for tha aoanty of IVreoti. at tha Court Iloaa la KoaborourH, ea tha 3rd Monday as Deaember aeat, aad renlcrv tha property, Pad to ferae, Jodgnacat fluid will he takca) agaaiai lata aad exceuuoti saaaa aaeoru- . KnMa, J rower uteaaos, viera ua eata txoarr. at omee- lb 3rd Mondar af brMemher, lKg. 1 - . JESSEE D1CKE.NS, C C. C. Price adv. 13 50 . . H 6J ' htite of North-1 uroliiray Court of PI en and Quarter Betslona ; . Septe.mu-t Terni. 1829.'-- .. t ; ' i - . ;'.--. ' ' i I Petition tor aartkioa af Isbrittopnctr tvagstan s f .,; v. .,v Ordered by tba Court that notice bo raa iK week a in tbo Raleigh Star, for tha defendant. Christopher Warstuff and hi wbV Prrv. Elha- ikU iveer and uiuua ivrer, to appear at the next term of this Court to be hrld mr the eonn- .ty of Jcroa on tho 3rd Meodaa ol Deearohar next, and aiiswrr or demnr- to Ilia aaid pcuttotv otherwise It -will . ba taken- pro aonfeato aad idindgedeaonlbigly.', , - , .Whueaa, Jester Oickenl, Clei k of aaid Court, at ofHce; the Jrd Moadmr of S.-pteojbcr, IHtV. i . jrssee Dickens, ucc, Prtcw ad v? 80 .'.' y 8 t. 1 t ar rnuna a. 4 : A t, tsit at 1 A r erf I sl t. I t Korr h y ,v..t, t'otri u. us aa a. I rrt,i ot a axli tj in, ar l '.:, C.l i , I'arrrl af "rr. i . hag af li'!e, r , ' CKaar artMlra a. iU , My crruUaie, ia N r "Itaitiat, haUn I K. EJwanlt' Fw, 1' , , ', aebnov Itnj, Jit. 1 1 lifMert m a-x t i , da ' war a tbe a,oiiieit ef h, , ttwetved be th flraia , prcaacdtaNartolii. , --JAM: ? A nora aprcifja B tWM hi IH varions artielet, , arrad aW tnnapertatien, w.U I, fm warka. Ia tbr ma un . for traaaportation U at hand, t!,', aa fair spi eiavta of pmlmhle , tba eoacnuttoaa of pWert, I j a aha taww nf Halifax, a t-y t, Motnasra, Salt. Iron, lo i i Kopa, Twine, Itr. to b sold prior, with the additica of fre!-. rrtblk. , . . aJat, ir)H ,:;.; ,; , . ?ttl( tf-i aiid for ' W'ai be anl.1, at the Con A flon vftto, a' the tad day ot Ihmnber land, -beloagWig xa .Marh Ntcaae,'. aareaof land, balongiiig t . bee! Jones, to tatbjfy the taxel 0o the aan ; V ' ..-!. . - ' a. .... Vrjt ad: I 75 , -'-Stale of K6rth-Cainliny v Granville County v r.. . ,.f IV,.:. if t?.ii "n uuikiiw vvmt vt jAjunj ran f i a. crtn, 73S 71 Archibald S. Brown, Sheriff ol liobeoti, . Fine ft failing to settle with Comp troller, v V ''J'v 4UV osMh1 Flower, Auctioneer, Washington, 5 09 ames L. stepliensou, do.' Uraven, iK M Tbia list i made, out in tiursuanee of the act of Assembly of 18'.'7 v '' Kaleigh, KoveniUt r 1st, 1189. - 5 ' N , . WM. UOUAROS, PuUTrcaaV. V7;-J. RANT, Comp. : ' ': . 4Jlm Snperfiiie and common aniline!!. Rose, point and daffle blankets. Nfirfn uliilliiiiiv in (ri-eat vai-Ktv., Men's and bovs Oral and patent leather cap. A rood assortment of beaver, fur, seal and wool tfbata. f i 'V' i A larga assnrtment of ladies and gentlemen shoes, or all kitidsv i v . . ,ii ware,, ctttleiy ana easting, good assort-1 w,dainp; fo. Udbv dresses, black kalian lus . ,ai. . : "n5 and figured twiaa,; iarkonet, took ... OcUSS, uo. 4j wi.i lie con la '''.Bum t: lit u-e te.'ir Oi ': '.h ll, VI. .,1 tilllHt ! ' to and a Imit dot yetL": !: u Lea-,..ii- .it iu ,, 'VJ 1 .m.', - t IllillCt 1 t i twtiity- I ; " Nov. 8, 1SJ0 diiU SOtn, ;ir not ., tWLLLAM LSA, I - r. t.:' : And '1l'i'? Ii,? fi i'-tiiia a ! and !: fjiOUV '"d'el infor- lie l,r,s :nt ;i-;! KGW, GOwD!:, I I ' d a x,;IH:p ljusii f.iket this mi 1 the public, t! oiu New I oi k, anil ianow receiving - his stotV uf good uit' lor tbe 1 nr'. r wcliinn season. I . - k con ami every article in i, f timi ji'-i diy Itne. . The :' nmlt Viied nriiH HinUy vUli i u I he Hard incut. .... rI.M. ..4 itnuau. m i !ut preaat-d, moulded and plain glassware' . fipoo cotton, ait numners. t . t; Wii-e and hair sifters. .: v,; ... f tioslienchccac!, monld.bnd aperm. candle. Window thia. white lead and ruttt. "v -:: Sxredo,' IvagliaU and t.er.uan iron and bliatereJ : atetil, cutand .wrougbt naila, all . aicea, gun- , powder,' alio, bar lead, tnutt.aot prune chaw injj tobacoo, best Spanish segara. mdigo, mal Ocr, eopnera, pepper, allspice, nutmeg, Mahi gii, Liabon and Madeii-a Vio Holland liin, ot a very 'taprtior'ttidhji :Frnch.'Brarolf,' Jamaica and . r. iium, uonoon and fhlla , ilt lnliia porter, hemp ami tow eotton bagging. tiunpowaer, impeiuu man youag ujson tea. iiiuw aim augar auu suuvuwic, y r Virt finnlilrnt arieii cofT..' .i. ' . '.J.V-. . ,...,. Vine liuii oommon ahovela and toner and andiron. Bioan and bleached donu iiic thtrliug and sheet ' lugs, a prime assnrtment, , ' t-, r ;X';if , i Plaid and atriped domettica. 'Sla. Ita. 'v xTi With alrtumt every other article UtaaJly kept ma , lii-r v.rwitta ami i rocerr siora. .. IUMghrtc, 83, J8-9 I black cable eord, and . .43m .0 : , trrtfkf lvtT.t':i, ,T';j.Tdi f,u ix ;Ti " vi From the feuhscrmcr on Sunday niglit Uio ISth lolil us low as auy ot the same quuhty I.e On . i '. niriiet his fi-ieniUta eid forth. -r.. 'vet, ' 1 . - J'..!. '-, Oct 2S, 1829 : ,A V: i ii.m ket.i dj'ud-e ' U' TV."' fit, 'i - ai x i ' ' 1 t . I A -....I' ,I1 I li lll . ' tf ;. i ion, n ' - - ' v " v. s ie ... ,1 ol ti e blade of an ve. A, v ' ' hv the BKine of Jolin (i. 11 !. 1 1 .'t f August lasl, himil Hv Im.i .-ilier on flie 8 ii'n i) ! a natiie of Jack, i i. u i, ! h7 hn.it ami a dn k complex- s a ar:ir on Hie oin..; ol r r! Ins lera ai.'te mau tlie neigb- ' :! f borbooq about the tame nine: oema- a.fospieiou " avuiraeter, I am iniiuecu to neneve, lie lias taken ,',f ' 'Hhaaegro .with buu i'ie tuati it about six feet wo or three it i ' ' Li blender built, a very - l tt:, long tliw itack, iy ahmp lace, a little stoo '7 ehouidcred and his t)ct very deep in hit head. , t-AXeJ dollar will be given tn nny iiersun alio will ""apprehend aaid negro and lo.,elin is a jail b ;" ; -1 state, or tweo'y iloll.us.il 1nI... d in a jail out k.vV; '''tJtot t'-e tin-, by git'g tne taanirdute Inhii mat ion ,- - '.wanr h.iy d..;.iu-a w alt be given it the ne;ro and white J -. iiin aie both, apprehended and bulged ill jad, , Vf.i-C'ajid u Cl ient proof giten t' ciiivict tlie white mil, a dark cliesnut aniTel HORSE, four year old last April. upwardt of flva 1oet hith. small white streak in his fare, hind .feet white, and i rendered more remarkable from a habit of suck. ing wind. He is tupiioted to have been stolen by a negro fel low by the name of Peter, bora and raiveu in t aa.c county, wno was aoid. Ul aioot goirteiy county about three year ago, and after wards, it is belieted, in Soulh-Carolina, and it tlonhtle 4 runaway, 0n his war to thitnriirh- Ijoi IioikI he pissed by the name ot" WetlVey Reed, ami hat a prVtendnl tree pass top that name; he can .write tolerably w41. lie stole a hnrse m Davidson county, which got from him On Satur day niglit, and has siuce been recovered, by it owner. ' He was known aa Petrrbv tlie nerroea in this in igliboi hood, ami told them he was going into 'Wake to .see hia fiieads eeaf Biwutfield's. A reasonable reward will be grveh for the recove ry nt the horae,m hi delivery t6 tne.'or for auch iiitonnation at witi enablo me to get him, ' '., V.y'-JOBL PARHISH J. i s. i V .7 f ' :l ?riier 'subscriber hrivinir l)?p,t appointed tf the County Coqrt of Wale, and liiv om il w Lommiaaionera bf the citv of Ua and checked piuslins;. whltp and black eambvict; a nneasonutiitot calicoes; bombaetts, aasotv tetlt Inih taient ouit lawns; silk and Hug ban, llaao handkeroh'fft.1 iUk and erllton umbrellaa gentlemen's tud liulies' silk, cotton and worsted iiosei list sock tor over shoea; ladies' and gont llemea's cloves,.tui,exaellent assortment, amone wuica are entiem;m wnite hokkin gloves ,,yKt springs; wiv and norstefl brajfl gentlemeB" silk stock anil cfsvat, ttifTeners; apool and ball aotton," and thread and' cotton flosai osnaburasi CMitno'lmltuiinn ilnnncl brown jear.s; Jintev; meacnea, Drown suit piaiu iiomestKs; good eot ton bagging;' aa elegant assortment of faahiona ble fur and wool hMai men's and bovs fur and leal skin eapt; an extensive assortment of ladies' and gentlemen's slioetj eolepie water and per fume aoapaj gig and carriage whlpt; cotton and wool cards! hardware, culler? and lookina fclasa- ea; earthern tr, au.ted; hit) wit, and loaf o- rari eofteeand teaf-perner. tnice and riiicttfi good alieesei candleai-nadt. Maertedt, easlines. assailed; anufi' segars,' nd tliewing tolmeco; an- pie and peach brandy; whtukcv; children's toys,- n- : v T ' R. TUCKERS Raleigh, f)ct 88, Hffl),-' 44 tteoW.sX a iivivi.ia iii, iiaiM s ' ..,t, v Those. indebted to Uid late firm or ifett if Lawiruct. i which was dissolved on the 1st of January, 1827,) lor tubscriiithtns to the St or ftitherrriae, are earnestly requested to forward the ! amount of their respective due without further delay; addressed to " Dell fx Lawi-ence;' as it Is llw desire of the subscribers to close tba bust, nets connected -with their late copartnership at early aa practicable.' Hem" Uncus can b made by the mail at tbe risk ot the undersigned, who win torwara -receipts tor tin turns received by i'1-. A. J K BN CE, J 1 Ae 6'iar, Rahaisli.Sei.tfl. UWo. , ?; ; , " , 5 f. State of North ( aroliua , ' Franklin county. - Court nr Pleas and Quarter Sessions September Sessions, 1829. Natlian Patterson Original attachment Joseph : tw J-Hir.is and Sot .William John Farmer. ' J summoned garnishee. , , It appearing to the satisfaction ol the Court that tlie defendant in this case ja not a resident of this Slate; it is therefore orilered that publication ne made tor six weeks in the KakMga oiarr that he personally be and appear before the Justice of our Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, at the next Court to he held for the emjnty of Frank lin, at the con it house in Looitburg on the le-. cond Monday in December next then and thefn to replevy, or final judgment will be entered gxinn into. . ? si eat, &. fAi ie.i&u, i. u. Price adv. 50 .v 1 . 45-6w vi; -,- marvjonea- It tppearlngto tbe sntisfactioA of the Court that Barnett Joues, the deteodant in this ease. a, not an Inhabitant of tills Statet H it therefore oivlei edthat nublicalioa be made m the Ralef'-h Star for tut successive weeks, that -the taid Harnett .lows, at the next term ot tbi Court, to b held on the. first Monday of March tiext, plead. ifc- awer uciuur u ine om, or toe same will be takett pre eonfesso and beard ex parte. : i J.t- ; ; ; THO. U. UTTLEJOliN, C. M. B. , . Price adv. ; i;-,4$'. gWu MRS. MART ANDREWS" rcpectfully liw iumi nit puunc, mat ner img ana ooouraig establialiment la now in complete Operation, on Halifax Street, 00 larda north of the State Houta, and thai the ia prepared to execute work m an ns jarmiis orancnes. c one , wiu ,y leg horn Hata and Bonnets, Silk,' Sattm and Crape I ire t sea. Stocking!, Gloves, articles' of clothinv for Centhjioon. Ice- fco- She ala.;dyea mid presses dome ttii cloth. K ii-r -fa.Vi-.'i- -...Mrs. Andrews- ttill continue to carry onftte Miilinerv bnsiuest at the wme place, and will do work in that line with ueittness and despatoh, . 1 . - - . t . flA a . 1 . a. -1 iwueign, viciouer, xvt, ibw - v 44 jyw, J. '. . . ':"''!.'. i;- ' r look ; at Tin Being resolved to move ta tbe ecu for ule that valuable lot at tbe come vilie and Hargat atreet: the comer 1 been oertipied tor the last tea yean s and Drag Store, and now occupied William It Hay wood, and Dun . It it thirty wo by forty feet, two r perfectly dry aelhtr of the tame r,; ments on main street, vrth. ufliiicnt r rear for a large family t one house ti get Street, now occupied as a Croc, two atnry Ware houaai kitf hen, s run outer proper lor f, lamliy. ' 1 i. s in the aentre of butiotus. The tno are e connected, flat by. a are all moat extensive business.' To thnae v acquainted, K msy basald there are b.. ter stand, jfanv,ht tha Slate - ' The lot on Hdlabormigh atreet, nev by the ubseriber, " This property U I siinnen, aooni one numirea yarns out its of the eorporationj. .. Havinr the a town and country, it is well worth ll, of the wishing 4 pleasant teat a li from the he tile sf bosiness.. Jt ;ism : story dwelling bouse, with four iw four above stairs, find sis fire plates, icnite garuen, ana a wetJot water . v iufrrior to aon ia the vicinity of h. . Also; a two acta Vacant lot, lyin- v hundred and fifty yards of tha eaatei of the eorppMtioa, directly on the Nc 143 acre pi good land, on uockhoi . mile aonth west of Raleigh, ori'whii ! gritt mill, with a bolting cloth; eotl'i by -"waler; and a hoiiae with the; rn; tor one to. pd by hone, alt new; a c oweuing with au other cut houses r family... At the mill, it a bonxe fitted c merly occupied at a itore and ft mat said there- is not a better -&Uad in ti The eraek is nearly a never failing nr when the mills were quite out of repair, pert t rented for R 1 SO per year, Tbe whole of the above; valnahle prn; be aojd On Very feeornpiohitiig tt i Mi'i, i price suitable to tbe present hard tiri' i. Raleih, January 1, 1 128 ,, . v . J .1 Jan StateJofjSort lieCaroliiiat Court of Plm awl, QuaV ter 'wiom- .: 8tate of.ortli-Carolinii, Superior; Coart of Equity Fall Term, -j, i A'.'A' Simpton Mangum St -other M' .1 ','v ... ut l Uird Bradford, Ik. rit Bradford, Eli- I J -3 ' aabcth lloukei. John Tinfle and hi la-.1 i -wiftf Sarah, (Elizaheth Smith, to. N soph,' Polly, Willis, anor liyrnett -; Brii!ies,) Thomus AIoar, John 5 Moote, ' IH-uit an't1' bis: aife Polly, Smith' and hi1 wife fBB tii.ul.L ii'iiM., i.L v.:.! aiw 1. a IXliliih,' IWilson ; Jenkuia and . his .-wife Anne, ft Masoa Moore, Jestee Fuller, I sham Fuller, Benjamin Fuller, Willi Roachtll' and hit w He N ane y Arthur Fuller and hit . wlfu Elizabeth. James Brinklev h ;- h wiW Matt), and Harris Fuller. J g ; I lUtpiHiarmg to the aatisfactlon' of the Court thattlie defendani in this ease are not It. habitant of thia State; it is tlierefore ordered that notice be nublmbed in the Raleigh Star far' six aucees- sive, wteks uf the filing of this petition, and that unless tliC shk! defendants appeur at the next term ui in w vou", to oe neia on me nm Jtoouny ot .rtuixn nei, ano piean, answer or oeraue to Uie petition, tin? tame will be taken." pro eonlesso and u:ard x pane. s - v- ; , 4, r l UO. Liri LEJOHN, C. M. E. Notice. - i ayne man hlRll, n t . : .t l 1 WKCll no wnu wmnuuru tu ( coitnty, the latter ;rt of July i named JUIIN, alwnt 9 M l tnicK act, rawer ,ot a vuiowimi complexion, look to be about 40 or 1$ year of age., but says he b) J7... H'i say he belrms to the estate oi i a Mr. Hudson. Ik-aul'ort Histriet. South Caro lina, noar buliketeher river; and that he has been runaway , upward of 4 year. . , The owner iji requested W ttiine iorwrV prove: property! r.Statc of : jXof th Carolina Ify ' pertle eomitX i" Court of Plea and QuarfrrSesslonB- :if; A:uzu8f Timl' 1829. S-: CuUea Capehart 1 Orhjinarattachment re- i. : X 'M.f ved on., negro ' i . -C' . I I Jroe. U Creeer. J It amirai ins- to thia Conrt that James R. Ciw. tv, the iletemlAnt. hat removed himself not nf tue jinins ot mi state, o wax, tne ordinary pro cess of the law cannot bo served, on tim; it i therefore dnlered that 'publication be made m the Raleigh Star for thtee months, that unless the said laiuesR. Creeey make hisnerannnt ap pearance at our next Court of Picas and Quarter Seaaion lobe held for the eoumy of Beitie at the Court-loose1n Winaor, On the second Mon day of Koenjboroext uni rtplny, final judg- i win u, iirj gaji3 ami, . me proper- ii.reiKU ww wiu 9K sunueinm.u u.Moe yaa ni ti.a It i renpeseuted to the Court, that a nearn man slate, :jPETBlt'-tr" WILLIAM, 1 0 in the ipuj)ie:JidtK't bath bean inerein TOnnnej ia montlui, at1 tliat the tqllow ing advertUcmeni Imtk beau made .iavjtue Suite WI)W W W, lUUIUIIt IJ.r ,', f y; !-.- j- Ci' ft'. 1 Z v 'NVia taken np and tonjmilted tb thia jail, on Uie 12lb initant, a runaway, who calls himself rerer, ano cay ne oetong to Cnpt. James WH- aun. oi i enneasee. anu tliat aa Jonuariv Jwlnh. ed to Eli W, Ward, - Ha I a ldw mulatto, w ah one arm, having lost the left below tbe elbow. I he owner l tequared to. eome lurward, prove pi-operty , pay eliarge nod take him away, or he mm utsui w uu aa toe taw uavct s. i i v . --.V ,1- ;C'WIATT, iHor, 5 . Rleieh;N..&JBael8. 1828. - J ' ' J 1 " P.. S. Cpoirfertlierenonlrv. I am ndiuvdA turns Mne- aoovv nnia-way oelongs to lcmuxl " .i.Tr.Tv1"'! v.v.iw waysne is ,Alni4iin, Aatlrt tllutm It li: . - v Z.I 'i , .. . e . t k- 1 w .,t.. Ana tuese iacis nemg shewn to the Conrt to be true, and beside, alo, if appearing toibe Court m vaacr n iu aiaw n .not annlled .1 : .1 . . . . .. i ri" wHiiraine-BHiu i a niuuiua to prove im proiwrtv; it ia how- ordered and ailiudsed tliat U'iil ft tliotoa, the high Sberuf of tbi county, do ex- puac ukj asm negro aiave reteror William to public tale lar ready money, .firt gimg .three months' notice of tnnl sale Iv adv..itm.-... i. .k- i n .i. ..i,:'T- " uin wsioiwa aiate tiazette, at the. Court-Mouse door in Kalelp-h ' ,wi I-, other public place in Wafcj ewinty, of the time and place tf tbi tale, and; the cu-cumata'ncea miner viuaa, me said netrro alave Peiae n iv;i. latin it olil. Ahlthe (aid SheruT do warrantee a uui pi saie to tne uignett bidder and purchaaeri and after deductiag 21 pweent. eomhiisaion on ins amount vrr wmcn the Saul slave shall sell and the lawlul. m-iaoe tharre Jind eosia r uh tertUing, and cost ot litis order, which be'is to '"'"i 'ii" oirci-ui anuii nay ever ln residue thereof unto the County Trutteo, to be oplieil at county taxes for the use of said annnt Pursuant to the above order and !indm.M.. r (IrttCoimty Court af Wake, I .half; Pu the ,,t day of December next, before the Court-Honse door1 In Rnlebh. tell ib apmt''.l.u. .i : flamed foiCOiA t the highest bitliler. - ,4 J ,; '; w iujam it., H IN TON, SLIT. Wake eounty.North Carolina. - . ' 'i. W '( Gaa.L...V,. a tl OiVl . - aJO lim -J-'. 'V-.- '-. ' '"-i:n--l& L, .... . il- ' . .... . r& 10 irom . v. m. Cy(5i -of Wayne oonty, a t .ats3!r :iiiimed MOSES, abr 'i ')yrart' pld,' ,wighiit' !? ';, lb, large Tbeard. Wi, 5y f ihis' chin.cauaed At a - tne tower arr ot one csi large tears on hl bell)' ed by a burnj another scar ea hu k k mnn a iifiiuu a. k iih.niiu viegiv "mi1, fi year ago, awl caiTied pff wiia kim i t'henbe, iMiioncinij to e.'-: 1 he ani n ribe i a snmll vellow woiran abotit - . ate; no particular murk Ttaollectecl 1 tbe said ncgTot s tire pasting about tl." ' fie ttegrueat' - The above reward ail! & fur the apprehension and delivery of 1 to me, or lodging them in any Jail in u that! get litem, or entvlive dollars , ; WiaMn.'-lRAIM JUV. ' V ''ir iJHk : K. fMvMiifnh eoutiiv. tleeemher 17. 1 M ' '.-.r-i. w , - M iTaken ria and. nmmliteil to tie Jail ford ecunty, K.-f 'oh the. Sfiili of a negro iiian who says lus name u ' ' state lie belonged totbeci:ate of Zi.c. ( dee'dof GraUsy preek.iranville r . and wat purehnted by a 'ninn byt'ne a", Brown, from HulitaX county, Va. ' to Georgia, where heran nwsy fi"0" ' ttegro ia t Of "dark 8mplr.tion,'aI"'1 i 1 1 aJs'-arlea) ipfibetjiigji, stout) built, ! 8 above one of hi eye, about Iweniy-"'1' of age, The ewnerHnt'lheabove tiegr0 18 '' '. ted to eoroe forward, prove pi-opertv,!"?1' , aad Hke hint away, Or ha will he ociut eordinf tq law;; v -. ' ' ; . '.v:;v-.-jotin' to; logan, j. CreenahoVoVSiipt. .2:19 '42 A freah tuptdy ;pf Cools 5o the C T10NARY LINE, K'""1 hall boxet.'Prunca, Znnte Ciith"". 1 Italian,' .Citron," .Preserved CinRer, Pippin; Pine Apiile Cheese, te - Crackerav Wax and Spermaceti nanaon. IMhvi-aJ Msiei'. Niilnn e". La""- e Notrtiareil, Compta, Siljjar 1,!,"'' ' dren" 1 oys,; &o, Ke ite, , . The 'above ciiriicleii ' hjvB'g I mnth cheaper '" thail '.hen-ioi nv, Vt , Will be ahletn iiianose of ,!teti at d" ' iiiltaIt ihtl tlniesV J?.--'.' . ' ' v' ' (V'v;v1t. I!ESR ' - Raleighf Nov. XCi, 1 Si'i . ,, V, i:r : fVlm' A way, Some tune in April last' Altn Pp ir,.-j apprentice boy to the tnrpehter' lusine about "V"" origin yellow, wail StmielU hair. ;"rywcllBri,woto hiaat, little the rise of feet higlv spare made.'. Thi is ro foi-ewwn all persona ,finni,nmplnviti - or harbouring siud apprentice.; No doubt- bui lie hat ehmwZl h;i name, I. will g,ve a itasonalile reward for the delivery of said apprentice to me. l'.vintr in Frank- l' " ' ? wtol Lot!, J.ui g;, North Ci rlllBiSTAn,' .li'i 'Wi..:- Puiilithed. weekly. 7 EttMS-v5ortvi, tittle .' num. So ier will he -ut ft iO it paid in advance, "'",", tinned, but at the option ol tl. :. t.l.-ttr"' " -mwipiiMr r HWBij auu nv, ouera I P rcuuw t" nr? pi-wvc pi-vnenti i niaintui. - , s ., ,Mftr'. ' ..'.., .,.;..' I W thejniMic v-' v.- pay. r.haivanf take him, away. ...... -7 , By trtprt ct Court. . 'it 'i "Hfi I ,u? Lou.J.u.g;, Konh Ca- aecli. fifteen lines, iiiserie.iii"'" ... 1J J15.L THOMAS. 1 ' h ",r it iruiv T rn. tart a ft- 1 r at vim ft ,.Mi.i'irtrtf bi..jt . I. . , F . ... . ... Tir,T. i t rouna. . ' ' - " . . I,,, e ,. i ..... . .. - . . . . '. - i . .-f ' - v w-. j . ,w-. it ia . . i , . v-.. . - ' m-M, w. ..&vr-tf uiieiw. w t rs: ; ... i a a. iiiii.i'.?! r-iv . , - t i aril uir. flu ti Tueiiiv ve eri-

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