r,,'t I re-?'- t if , ? '" ' 1 i. I S r' , ... . 1 I .iTl t ." U ' . fc 1.4, Ma r i er ' v f.' t ! t 1 1 1 I . l. .. . y r ur 1 U . v' I 1. -ri , . e t , . ' ; t : ' t f 1 c 'ti j I a I . t J. 4 S ft t -, f dji t. i n, jMWill to prfil fsi 11 tr,! of ,.tn.l !., 'rV l iMr1 ,J:uj, auJ .at'J'.rr,l-ab n'j'v V v.. ' )(r. H-o-a, frem rbe cBmenit're ef vyit an. t!'i-rr.cea. ccporlrtl ,t ihf prtr.Gil Joh.0 JIrlc'.f Clft.fBt Hdl. - l'efirrf. in. ' j U Irv L cf frriot lU taua of pi i;i trss rere4 to art! toiattaite-ti .wstin tt Jrr. B. 1YSimm.nt. it-Bint., I'jU-wo. Castca hd jlill, of Siittietto-wV --r - ? , Mr. Newland presented the petiiioo 1Y..Vtvm sad -Jolt, Sirddsrfh; ck re referred te tha; . select tom .tfre'eppoioted v lh Laurel Oaf -- - v : 3t- J w: Ike. I, n Bf the -picket Mp Bri$ioiit Capt kc, srrif wl yesterday. Londab iklM n ihe llliNoelr.'ere received. y- h-trog received JHre. we Vi eliei f the foltb ing abiiJemrnj i tU newa. from the American. ':' frk ai ratified th treaty f Adriarr wirff : i" prKr-ntj -among:" thefcf l clitak of ermine wiifc an njiUe ttidt imAPl f"f i IJippt,ff,.Ote.leii Turk t.K.,hifil.aJofne(l.withipari nH irillU4t fr Me KinrrB.'v.,v ; - Forf illations are rtumeroat'Tn both Frmr1i'atid 'Eogli paper, ai to piKpabie ia tit rtis nreseit cooili inn f, thing, between- iht porte and lussia, vThf . A" .Gazette; quntfd , bjr , lb ' Pari' JUftsnger fdu Chomhftt of 'Sept.'; 48, contain tate nent'oT Jhf diflkolliea of tle Porte (o if the atipiilatd indemnity, and then dIVw t,tr-sa audition: yilt the ffj.will the Ituasian roop occufiy Fie prnVitice all fhf expcpeaof (he iyf are, piJ? ! 'thelatterasei-it irould be ipo before the Sultan would coe Ti aurhoritv in thoe Ofovinct. itid he irpuld, beidea', be' depriml M u HPt-Tf soiircea, t in tue otner case, 5 European plnere h made' the )-, rancrftu niat ,difMD8e with ftll formal lecuritj, and f onsider them rather a tree gilt than an a loan,, rhe writer hrwimeft 'awch e. course would he dif- cult for flip, English and Flench' win- tert, n 'account - or their renponxibjt v, nd therefore infere thaCalthnush he Ret Effetidi Hia, Ws 1 allediced, IsintTn.itmateif to the atubasador of e Prte njv8 their -hatiooj for mean lilwnsTge the indemnities, these, win m ,ne joriuoOTing, um iiai couse lentlfV the, )d-'-result rvTitrkey fo treat v,1 which anrn seemed to nirinae, will be ff diued. . The London Courier" of SOih, in'c'ot ring mviriti ark front the Berlin Ov which Imik n lift! like paving thv av for permtinent occupalim by the Indian, at the Ttqittsfm '. .-hi inhabi'' of k Afliidiiople and Houmeliak aft ct trt fli'M-ourflee 1h idea tnat thee ipa k are from ihe-pen of any Mm ter or Ihat the tear tlie cil trom the. !jianpojirf; yet this ounritc!f wts trt-vv io.havevmi8givingon the 'ifct.- Courier ' . ( 0!lwnHtn. vf. fndigarK correspond ,cnt the Norfolk Herald'statetliat Ilargi quantifyof Iniliwll be ram I next "year tti tlietneiglibirhood.of JC pnton North ' CaroirnaM;' Last season Id tnterbrisiR2 farmer. Mr. William lehton,, fnanutacturen tronn eren av tf hior land, fine hundred and fif- poutid of a Hoe quatiij; and intend cultivate "thirty acres u prime land mitijjo the neKtwason. " ' While noticing this new article of ruiiure iiie,runiir.i iue: neraiu cro mend to the planters of -the AI marie distrii tsr ihe cuivation of the Ima chflstt. or pastor jXbeanrjot nicK their Htd jnd c()tnate are swell ;pted tin the border of t;he Vakethe bedn praised In eteatlaljtin pee, ann ttie ir u Decoijung a staple. ucie or exportttuon -vu,': iOah .15th ultimo,' AVnsliSngton i Joteri)op!in (JouhtvJwa insliiq i Aand the following officer installed V the eniuio fear,. Vw. Observer. -U Kea H gh Pnert, . . ' ' ' K.HitirtfiK.. .tv 'oxJi FjiiaaR, Scribe, V, f toUV. K. FnKBHicE.Cup'Min of the II oik, 's B. mgbt, Pi-iiif ipHl Snjoomer,"-,. iiel jof ib, JCoyxl Areft Waptai vooran, Mer an ,Tf ii, . . J U KtLtr. Matter 3d til" " j U. Hn.t,Mer tat eil, - )x v H. N itoa, iJeiitaryV', ' AVWS '" ; . Ui AVHiTMoatjrrttainrer." , ' ' j .elaa letter frtm IPWuwfoil le tin E4 " 11' 'iror..'erf 30fA'JW. 1829. . , e I j"faS8i: nice b -t'u 1. r line, amoiijj .4 ( wa tJeit. Cttdwiilladi-r, of PniU ' (c iiiTarrivifd ihia mornufg, with the '4 of the 'death W Mr. Waslum; a ?r Mount Vernon. ,; bhe left Plnla- ;!i '" lr her awn carriage to follow inain of her' dei eaed hul)and, maioi waconviyed by water, and. died 'road r;ar Deiby, a viliajie a few 'from the City. - hose familiar I S the state .of Wasliingt-on'ti WaJi formfii V tf'cd uot ; irwrn4ti'Hi, 4lia. ' w 1 8 ;-s2$s vi s - t it 5 C M't S , j 2- 5 5 vt a jsw- -s.- tscwi:':'-. I J ft 2 . 5 ". Stt : David r. CokbteX, EM. of Kovaa, at ?.' tefJj lectf4 Siicaier of lit Senat of Am Sute, vwe Bedford Ekj. taoioic4 8fiiWr of Ut l'i)eJ StteC Stalf lit tote &JJ-eU M,' CWttr L. iXmimi 17, SiiJ Miller's.-;'' , :?f;'''i "-,.' ' - - f 1,. " litlaturt.n Uta &6uite, en'YbimJiry.th bill lp aaublbii Bank an abalfi m4 fcr tU VnieAt of the State, tfikta if m eeinniktea of .tK Uo)oi ami afW air. MaKia hwL; W a tpeoh ofkom length, aTeeaUrtt lb paatafe Of but, the committee rY reporta4 progrria, od obtai'aed laav k ail araia.' - ': .' . ' . ;Oa Salwrdur, tfi Senate traottw) jtaelf lnto ooairaitte oThe ' wkolo 90 tha bill to et the rieodoa of Sheriff W'lka peopt Aftor" feoaat darsbl dti, tbe,.iiU Vat wportad to. tltt Houae, wkh a reeoiumandiiUa Mr 4t aaaagt( kick, report Vaa aaaeUrrod kv-yeea 33, natST. A aoggeatioa Seliij ibra Wad that tome amHiiU eU Would ba, Icsk, the- qneatio' on, (he paatngt of the bill at U fniood readinf a poat posed, '. The aaid till hat aubaetjueotljp butrii re fefred ti I aelot eoirqitlce, . t ' ; ,V "y: . Qn-Tudy, Mr.'M'Diarmld preaented pet tkioa, praj'mg' the eveeUoii of a Je countv b th tine T JucltKm, oat of part, of the wu tic of Cumberland, Wke, ChattiankBd Moore, aeeeupaaied a bill ,t- arrr intii ,e(feM pru'er of flio paUliooera.1; The bill siied1ti Brit rcaliag;ad wa iogcUieevith &e pXkioo, fi VMleniia to the eommillee of Propoakkjna -end Crieyaniefcif " On die awnojay, the tngrouei bill for the re lief of debtor lor .debt extracted butore the I at bt MaT, l82J,' wa Rejected, on lt -aeooadtvadt V. yesterday a writ aa ordered to be Itased ,for holding art election w t'inreU eity, n Friday the 18th tn'Mant (orlhe choica of, Senalor to aupply the vaeane eeWiotied; ht the . appoint inent ol Mr. Brown to the. Senate ot the tfai d Stale. t . x r J ' i la the Vavst f Commnt,-on, Monday the bdl .totorapel Quaker, Moivian, ; .lenoiiiata tad Uuakardi to perform, military duly of f a6n, va ttidefimtaly pottponed,' after an ant. mated an J preu aottuT dwautsion, by a vole of tts to 60.. . The pbace of the bill w advocated by MeMi-t, SmiOi Sl t hmhi and Webb, and nppoai'd by Mraara, Naah, Swain, Moudenhall, Hill of Wilmmgton, aid Caron.fv On Tueaday, on mwioo o Mr, Sviua, a met- allge aa acotto tha $enotet oropaMng; that th tgilate adjourn on ttie SCth mstam.A 9 nJotloa of liv Vf urpnry of.- new Hanoer, ttie committee ot Piuance were iuttrncted fo l& qmre tn to the expediency of inoreaaing. the, taa Ott pedlar. ' I " , ' . . The bill to prevent fraud in de&li of tnit and mortgage, iiaed it third rettdiog, and wat or- Uered to be engroaaejt. J-Congrei convened Oa Monday; Inst, postscript rom the effice of the Hutted fUatea Telegraph state tbartlie eld officer of the House : vere -lre.etted; lr,v ijjterenson re ceiveai52 vbtei, j , , iyf . Tenth Conerefionai UMncl;Ou Thnradiiy tatt, an election took place in ttila diatriet for tlu ohoice of a KcprcteuOiture to Cottgreae, to tobplv ttie place of JokA fotei, rpugnei,- yVont the jm formation wluob ha rekwhed ua. tlusreij- ei J deubt that .loraAow Jiencher, of tTitbny it elected by eoottderabl tna,orny over bit coiO' etitof,'tAAii Jntrf Jh. vf tande1ph lormerty (he KeprcienUttve from (lie Aitu'ltt -Oft e learn IVora- genllemab of Chattuim, -thatj Mpi Long majority iiilhecrxiolif) of C'ltlmtlj and nn(loljh it ahol( 300 and the return Irom RoWan (lor which we are hidebted Uithe potilc- net of Member of, tha LansWurw -Si-tm- M eonntf; who refcived (Wm by kttur) furnish the. tollownig result: KencberTfi Lohgl69; 'Pvbm lie ramaming county, DatMton, we have onTy heard of the retult of the eltetloo at the town-of lexintoo, Wbiuh It follow Reneher 930, ljfrttf 50. : The entii return from thia coinUywiII doubllet mcreaae Mr Keiiuher majoi'Hjr.-;:' r ' ii hi i ii' " 1' 1" t t.. a. I The Prvaident of the tjnited State lia npi pointed Sthen Chartet pollcetorot the port of Eliixbeth ghy, n thia Stale, Ja tlie place ol Aa Roecrson, 'removedj 4-.,V.r. i A new Post pfflod hiu.bcen eMablistieil hi Greene county, bj theeaiee ft Speighi't flvi'fy& ll-mou Speight, Esq. it the Pottmtter.V; . : " , -t-! !! ' ! Ill 0 II I I Ml! I I l'' llW.". V. .A tteain boat, ealled the A'orth CdiUntM launched ( Norfolk on the ltt lusUnt.' SU wat biiilt fee the VirgihSa and. -North. Carolina Transportation Coihpauy, Tand i kilended at psage and tow boat pn Hie. water ot ue TWam r Yhe Penitentiary of peorgi, according to the report of the Intpeetor to the Lrgltlatdre', jiet M a "pyfi't to tlie Siate, Yor luoolh ending 30ih Sept. bat,' , of $1,403, in tpiM. ef many 'i'aj idtBiitv iiiincr wfiirb the InkttiltioB wa eoo- fit-? f f V V11 ..IW, " UW-Mik, US' I ii1'".4.!' ' !), , T ".'J.V I?" C " ....I'.Vlr k - . s.6 r , M i.ti a. as S a c 2. , - I? P. 3 ' - 5' t4 : to o w S uj oo 5 . v . x ' O -AC 1 ' t s 3 k "I 1 - ua a 3 o o (a M 00 'f '. D W .---2 F2 o - 2 JJ 2 5 -3?. . L ,. i;..r: sr . i .v, , 3. a., -a. as , - D'i ' .r- -r-.at M , : 1 . . 2 , '.1 3 1. !D H ta . .. ' , - 3 S-5 5r! -v 1 ' a 3 s 5 - 1 m i . 3'ir 2. - c k- a. - i c a o ,1 4'.:. Cl oo G Wl Ol c "b "o OtONOlUC rc O 01 ii O C 73 30 Z, 3 3 C r : ; 3 c at, cr 3 'St - , - ,cr 5T", 5 ? 1 tr 8 S a 3 a? S- - . n r. - 3 1" m o c S" 2. " S- S.g arif 1 r. S 3 3 3-i Ci tn V o 1 (3 tr o .0 en ta M ..it-.' 06 ttOUl-IBSlJ DM u o - or - p 'twpOOKiiOl iOti1 ., 'State 7Ju. Al av general meeting of the StoekheTdertof theStaje Bank of North Criroli- u,h(ili)M t)l(Vc))y Cn Monday luit, the follow ing -gontlemen.wtre elected" Dii'eetort for tlie piindal.llj,iik for tlie entuing year, viz. Utimian Cataeron - William VlcPlieiers Jo.. bUvt .- . . Allen Itogert . Williafn Hdylaa f.f --Alfred Jone Willmiu IVace y' I heopliilua Hunter WUImin Polk S, , William Mill 1 honiai Dy Benelwn v H. M. Miller tJaviff l!ot , fwten Browne J Somemlle , G.Bpai,;ht G. E. Badgee'V ,ti -.V ilium Uurlingham, J; Comaa... f iX '":' ' , The director having eonvened bnmediately after their cJctlioM, the board a organized by the' nppmntmeRt t Jttnicim, Cunirrvn, PreaidenV-'n fhioe of the lloni Tho. HuLGn, elceted to the Bupieme Court bench. XTIiey tliCB tirocit:(k;il to'tiic lxUoo of Uiiw tort ot die teuirul brjluehr.a, a folldwii i ' 5ulliji)trMaXw.H 'Chninfieil, I). F. Oiadell !T.'.t.tort TSAh Polk.Michaul BrOWnt Jphn .TWuriihey,-Jfr, ilxliia, Jis John Gdes, S.,tjr'erraad,.M. W. Akvawlcr;' 1'heni phi.lu 8I111IIS, B. jiatlJiibn' wmI JoUn.HoLe Mxrlt CliiiiWr-n elected Pretiitetit hi the plaoe ift. F . Cnldw;ll, renigoeit,. ,? ' 4 " V v'fewoni A ;Jpnei J. Ki ' .-. -Donwell, -8. Vimpwn, ;' f'.l)Bii, Jtrown,vJ..OIivei', E. v.Patuor, M tf", Smith, V. BroV irom,' F. ,4oneBPitrrtf4 .. . Simib? V Ai JeneiVa reelected VrealdeiifcjrJwV M7iwwi. It. W? Browne; (Vlexiwxler An derton, John Walker,' ThwinstT. .lmic MeKee, Aleauile' t'adem.-atlif -llill, r ton, ti, llmhllr, Tho. Tr'tfler' and It AoiUn. Kr. BfMoNairrtwJeeted ProMiient . '-;-, " lEdrntw (i. W. toves C;.'V .!" rtnwlark, Jo. B 'Skinner, Jiime llotinan, J. Well. Jo.' Mumiitig, Jf Colliov W. (X IU' herta, JoaiaMInlyt, C lW- ixno, -j., Arera and W, iitn.il hwkk, 'Ai. W- Pl:miy ru-elerted i'rer aklU'-;f;4Z!i..r;.3-;?', lsiU&.l ' G5wl the Senate of ihia State, on 4I1 SlkU oUbW,' the ittCSeiary 0niu(lUe" weiie Jjv j;snn,ti)ortU!,.jrrM. mhii, i". uiice,- ii tiwuppcar uciorfl iiio ambition 01 Joha,W-oOterand K.' Bi.Duilley; It W. rotiiliilalia'" K.r- inw tfitrt nliellier Brown was eleete Prdlei. in 4het,late of K v"''' - ' e ? B. Dmlk-yftvtiKned: . v--1 r r-ui ideRijJn or teitdfnc.r of. ihl new i. Tuy'Ki: mbinatioii s WuneHy. ajipreciated PEmiVja cKtaitk ,,woWetVn.' Ai Atkin toU tiiY ptJi aeems a plain one: jo.t It iKnu jit. , aV"'.'- ' -' t l. h H n. 1 wnt SrttAi ..r. t .r, t, tt- Wrn IJ kUit rar f , ikhUm.! Lr bwrjtarr, aa ef (..!, tl. . lt,l i tt rd of C M. . II fttlif U M,v M tir t, Pnao, kia e..iWrr ii aauiH.T te ike j.tisw. Unry fcw U woaiUa, axi ,., W!,r. ota Mlcm Bard tiem the nine U eJy ly to. Sag aU4wd t bVeomir elatr'a To Wii)-ft, te b rrrd in &vn Gee. ta ih nwu iry rtr.rwow and PuUtkl, i tli Rrotfiyn, ttane in mrU ttate ff fan. u at tn rr.'rt h tr. m-tjw tl at h than, ly 'heennirVtTil ort of tKc k-era ef whirh hWtebe'entapaae.1, aod ehlrlt are Mnt V pmting tip, kee crrTj'fr! Xtw Vrk, d witt na dottW Jw tnWirdUely reet4. wilt be a greet erMment te the eily. ii4; We bnp artjf atratairr will be Jirix If ekig the ajnarw. The full owing re 4h deneaiiioa rf tb aaovntnewl,- at (rr br"fe atiat I ll New Terk Cmiriert tta Ix-it.t i a ', r liagon a bie lwniy Fret by rlerrn, i Ylif pe n at Sit, 9k. by 4ft. tin." rimj 1.1 IWi, and ennnoented by eornloe of our hmt. Prom t!ie penVatal a nrcdle rix-t AG fct hich it 3.rt. i'.a by an. at hate, and tit by .11 Sin at apt . I he ntrrial it murlde, and I lie needle it eompnwd of oily evea pitwn, each ol lath weight more than rJ-'il thoutan.1 ptun'U.' 1 1 1 f General Ciiffre, of A lutwma, Iw rrceiTed in atrnctinnt from the Secretary of Var,diri-rtitig hiin m collect mrh ti''iinou aa he may he aide to nlitain relalite to the bmuioVry line hetacun the Oitk anil t'lirrokei' naikmt ot lixlinna, enn ceruing which ttivrr ia a t'ifVmicc of opinion U-. t ween the Slate nl (.citrgia anil 'lie Cuernket . In areordaae " ith thenbjrrt ot.hU 4',oii:tmriit, he baa arttten a letter in die (ir.Tirnr of fiiw gia, aaking all the. iiilormmion in his MiitMiii which iniiy throw mi llltt on the tulijeet, :i l (luting that he thnntd Icavt home oil the llilh No. and eijiccled to arrive at the Clirrokee A gency about the 22d. 1 - .' -1' . r The Geographical vaieljr' ofari liave ottered a gold inetful, Hiie iajne ol 2,400 frtincs (tthout aOO upFUi fur he .best ilissertatioii Upou, pIuietUaii :y Mr. , B(il!u'i.X c pcrrrtvt? by tu riushurg pairrn that ' tlilt --fin tleman declines llai Holiritafionn hI lislViendu tn brt'mn n randidii.te. feiv wat in cuiigt-fNs, nnd that liitre-' ignatiun is biised upon the" auj'ipo'swt letMinp; or exrileinent existing fit liia tieiirhbrliond nGrainsr the Jltiamts, Hie following 1 part of Mr. uuld svlns letter to-"the Comniittec: - But 'Admitting the pi efert'tici- which the nicotinar nnd tonmlvi's have been so kind as to uxinrss in my lavoiirii tnentcil, J cannot with- hold the expression of niv opinion, that under existing cimunstatwen, it would be improper that my name fchuuld be prcHentcd to the jeojile. A rerent nrrurreiicohceinn to'tne. lo indicnto tjic extensive prrvaleiide of a treltngtis little consistent with the honour, the justice, the peace or flic welfare tirthe country, an with thf jpretiiuH f our mild, beuisrti, nod free liistitutjoiiN: Men whoc character Ac wealth give them an iipposing sta U:... f..'. !'.. 1.'..- 1. J ..:.t. i:i. tiuii in, hiH ii tj, iiavo ucrii jiuuiit ly denounce asunvroitliy of public coo fide nro aiitt 4angeroii;to thi; com- tnuttity tlie irfeliibevn of -ait iiKsorta. t ion, w hhii for agt8 .has survived the comity ol inquisitions and 61 lyraniH; and wliose, pi iwciplcH have becfl piTtrd aniiilst thts wilileMt ext'Cssfs f civil discord, or triumphant pari tv.vi'ntri'aiite and of ictral ooiiits sitrtf, and a soleuiii appeal i about to be ipade to ihe peojilq of this district (o samtioiv the proKCrlption. ' .litT.."-.tht;'-.iiupHlHe,' pruceedii from public tluty tlw npiritof jiersiv t ution. or the ajtiiiraifong tif aiubi Hon is not for trie to Hay; but il'llm treenoin vtliii ltir 1 acrorilcn to their subjects hv thO' tfespota of thcjild ivorld, iH to be denied to tho ( ilizciin of -the fre rcpubficV d' the new: , if V". are to become the vit tiniH of pro i ription, not Jess ruthless and 1111 el than ultinst and noileservcd., it Hccins to me the duty of yrery liian 10. pause, . aim scnou.Hiy ciiquiiT whether ."Ihtf natrifiie of Fit Eli -Ma B9r'Vijl 'appease the angry fnpivit of the stoi in. which rages around in 4aIat ;ijcw ticliin!' it may rcijuirc, a.nd how juaiiv of the civil and reli ,'iUMrt(uti(ih ; f the country, m,), at li distant lay, ho destined f ot wiih my owiiro'iisfnt to i ik the a1.:-- - ' -v 1 . " f "' a li-artul ronseqireiif fit ;c wfnoii may posHibly riistie hy niy he'tjig a " can didate. If l fie iifople pf thin jnjwcr." ful aittl . mptTtahle Jiti-irt liall tji Ink proper to" -stamp mating nnd jhaHonrtj with thcrteat of infamy, hoi, it 'ti:8y never In Rttnbtitabh 1 5', ' t . 1 , t - t . ' - , I ' 1 1 ' f. .1-1 kr 11 ti lit.1 t 1 , - r t , 2 ' ', ' .Ni,o-, f t rf ! fi e -IS' ' t t t ' I 4 . ' - 1 - 1 tt t-ir !acl li Ji 5 i ; iir, t, ! Jill w !.r .1 i l ' , t,: i . .ttl.ii h it ..' ntcuilr, w ,. CI Of. : r- i, l'"r7 r-'i'. ttt.4 It t'.e t i .'. 1 i;ei tit ilr ie h. t'cf 'r! -i-e. A 1 In- !;iJ nu'wrkcj, a I wr ;V . t. tjin t Iv t; tt'j L,ia t,r. . l i t h u i l-i iliO upof, t) e Viter, a U ' M uir.l itmrt eirrr.f ii ).,.( 1 ofll-.e tnhabittiit t I'liia; 1 ti ciiiiiiiTn a.aniui uki ie In ro tcred 1,'wn tv'.ih tlie !irn -t ti.w r, ai he pii ri!. S:.m !'ii ; & i!e tne t.f tSe boat, 1m- hfjl ViiC'Oi rtd, li r (evr anhwfrru Ly si;ne 1 1 Krii;'.e, to the novel t,M.iinionies of errm - Iron' the rrii.le.Vjtrrc of ' ihii'ienchtn vrene," ti" an and' I, atwnl rer Hits, pertakin in tern the trn'UaiairTn wt the people., e ml, &r La";tp a of him w.10 waa the 'hjtt of itj wlivnall at once, "'Ir.eitectiun wa attrftrted by the criet T, a nan, who foJUwed the Imhi, tun 1 in; on the khure, and makintt 'tT's to a ire-it it. Ilia r opper-o-locrd kkm.hi lioily half nuked, lit baibarou orna tiient told us he wa an Indian. I'lioujli his intention was mioifektly tn board us, our captain, mnjor Swart won I, ditl not judge it proper to stop on Serb tccoant. ..- ' ':. The Indian, then jcn1!rctlnr, ell hi a'reiiflh, Accelerated hi immorv with tuh sttiftneaa.that he fjniciily passed fnr ahead of n, and. waited on the last b:-iit; beyond the i'laJer;' A 'hb mo". tVent 0 )4ited under the Iridehe irappil jiu(i:i' the teet, ana loll on In fvt, m-.V,e muUt f u. yjjh edmirnbU tt;uipoie 'Vu- 1st AatitwttirJ jf vru'x f'tr. iviyrwa. z Hire 1 lic wioie V 1 1101 f . I wKli M t-ee the white v ttr- ror," he vscUimed' tviilt isiiation Uo'C KMOweJ hnn the UrneraU ilia iihysioCTippf and t-oaritehance e inre- ed tho hizhest Jiatiifsction, '," uit fiUde. Ourtdirkatta ". " ant he son f thiekchekaeta," t rted he in oltorintt hoi I I . I L I . 1!. ' '1 nanu'joi, war wnn toveu you so mncn, that h lYitirmcil vim to vnnr Mnim r when ydtt-returneu after the "cedt War: My; f.tt.aier hv'f(e't polien,. i tiie of yortiland I trnvrfioictU to 1 isee VU., 7 ,yThe Cenerhl bad. .alrciitly 'learned' tliat tjuelichf kact ImU been - Heart lot otnr'vaars..&' was vcrv alad to uVeet tii son, whn apDeared tii'be about weii ty, fiinr.yeajrl ol egeA.lle made him sit dnwtt; entei kitjed, him ewije timQ.' aiid ..1.'- fi,. ....... i... iijvicmiiiii fXJ ""J'l'J' '"V nun oiiie iloUar at.lhe motueiit of his tiuit' png ,. , his young inuian was under (in greater einhari'-s,inen!l in 'jettinj: our from the boat, than, he. had been ta? lerinjtit.-Ti'n, feet aeparajU-'d frotrt. the mile ot the Vsnal; nc cleared tins .finite wn,h the lishtnes ol a siitiirrel, -and ilisapppareu in n instant.' This h antar visit, excited inoch the 'cutIoshv of the jniny 'i,tteses tit,K and: the General readuv Satisfied' it. bv recoun ilig the distort of t)ui'kc,iekneta,'wlriiii he had carried i , wit,h tiitii'ti) Europe, In 1773. and who Qu5rkrv'disast;d with rivitiiatioij ' returneC wfth - joy tVihff wild iorrstrhis pajjv)ty'4'A'; "-M '" ' ; 'LVV-' M ARUllil 'V V; '' In Itoheton cnuiity, on the "Jloth ultimo,' Mr.' David Wai'd to Sim ManUui Uiuwi.' y ' In Warren couiity, mi the Si-Uh ultimo. Tlioin'at Powell, ,ui Pfiiiiklin,' lo.Mi.M-LooUa: pirois ol thi; former county .'; -. - ; la iialilas county, -on Uin fltth iiliimo; '-JHf. Whhraet J. IliUtl Alist Jjivenia 11. llmiieNj am), on Jho 26th., Dr. 1 honiai VVt' Un-gory, 41I' Northampton, to Mr. Mary liu're, of ihe former eounty. il f5"'v':i'.i'1 .'.i.ii't-'i-.-'--"' In Oinnge nouiity 0V1 Ihc Efiih vllimn, Mr. Si lo M. Link id MiwjBedo llaii.4 dauglitor of tohtfrt liarrii, tiaij. -fr . 1 , In Maoon county, On the 3rd ultimo, Dr. John Fergtu to Mr. Milly Vttch. ' ' r' In Iredell, on the 3d nit. ilr. Ilouert II ill to Mi Sriih , liall tlaiiahteTOr.MiJphit llalj,' Sen. t. yv'A, '',;:;". y :'. A ' --'At Tarliorough, on the fit imtfiit,,AVilliam Sutton, Esq. of VV il tiiiiiuton, to Mis MHrtli f earn, daughter of M hvhact I ieurn, Kto,. ' ' t -In Itandolpli county , 011 llio 3rd luiUnt,FMr. Jetae Walker to Mia Auii Dickt. 1 - - - :QTbA GHMir LODGE wHt meet (hit (.-w iling, at halt paat ta QVIovk. ' , - v. , I'huiiulay, Dee. It). - , . ? M ures i c w uU StMtsoaublo - Have jt! reuejTld, llireafrUu New Toik, an ail.litionnl atipjily of - , . ' , .-.. " Ijupeffiue blue, black and tlett-mixed elotfn -batlinou, cam lot ud urtiio plmd ' " 4 " ;;- lllavk woitled gauze baivgov - ; V, -., HUvk giiuie haudkeixhiela" ' vj lufian crape SiiXui(.tli mgl -r ' , j .')pi. taiicoet, , Wel('kitOrteil."t"" : t jtmlfHien teal-.nd paleul Ji-atut,' np ? ; ' Youth' uiurneco .end' Kallicr y. . tiu - 1 Fancy iiniitud eiuvai . f " , " Green laizv Mud green and red l!aiiiiel ' li bklet t)own ainl bleached alurOngt . . I A geneinl aituttmeut of hardware, oiC ,", ti. it Co have for tale .nn enimnlttion, Payvlletlile mould. candle,, all Ji!ci, Irom l'nnk'i Manufactory, - "" ltaleigh, Not. 80, IS29 " - 50 1 V A pair of BAY HUltStlS, for cairitge, not to exeeeu eight year om. v ;- ' '' : ' - December, i, IKft " WILL. POLK. 1 ''60 tf Notice... r 'p. ".'Entered on Ihe Rnj;ei- took of johniton eonnlv. on the Will Notonilr but. lit John ti. Hood, one BL ACK: MAUK, lour fuel S lm.hu high, thirteen yeait old. : 7 ewy,. ; .i , Alto, hv N'eedhnm AVh!tel:te-nr. nnllie2RUi Novouihtf laat. ette helirht. Jt.VY HORtSK. ve feet 1 ini liei hith. with a imtill while pot in hi ilxi im ant im ui.v, n wffmw, .iin, ijim, ., u- l.iw, while ro nil hia left 'ore his'plj 'tauten, or Dec I 1 l4 l.n ,i I - . f " t I. . ' lb 1 RV-strrs. . : al. e w.3. ee" ' " ' , ' konfMMt(e s k " 1 I I -O-i f pew, .. . ., nr J h.r. -t 'aMWlM!irt aknl.te 1 e rV.y j Urn- i 1 .c hid fnr. . A. B. W. tiOrKlNS, tv.'iJ, It. 3 .1. SO s . , J ustTt nuk. T ive 0itlai i;rwsr!. Tkr fe r. J.rr1, lf,J. Vrt tk. .m.l!e ol June Uat.e kw-r :r.i TUL'NK. It teeta.n a euanlnv ot el..,,,, ll 0 ahkhai . '.'w," wott.J mi I Sen, a Kr kUk Mat lAkl Diet hi lirWi .M. .l aijniC.ljV b..lt Ai.r H,,h will. k ri ver mm t.wk al Mr. Oj.oo'a llatL mM tihandlT reeanlcd. A ery valebleTarliiver Plantation. n ' tn ciieniy ol Crtnuille, a Tar,nerT, it thf tnwe 1 Otfi.rtJ, ei:rl cihw P,v. terit Ft)R H.LR - 'ur lite MriKMC llf rlini.n.1.. ,..., "P . la aae, I t0 oVe.li. eM be t.k..l., v rey. Bnddnly PeiMere.l in the'lletriMer'i otHe. lortlte eoeaiy ef (iranville, il,,t ..ft., r hi the tow. ,,( Ovf..,iK oa M,rtr, the let H.v ti ; Jehroary next thai' being C,Hirt d.,, and too. !"? 'U . te U.y utU oa,4,ted. the follow inf vkliMUe tniimti. . ' , ' , J"f( 01' t.V&. I, Si k. .ideot I r Iti.cr, nine fcde uniUt ,4 Otl.ict, . jmmedwit y .A iIm, T.ylor'tMridrMt, l.il ing from t),6trd to Rle.trh,nnti,uD-. fcT ,;. inalioa leOOacrf. J or S50 ot alilch a.- llu. bltow ,r6uml--ll,ebaUi,e,r,, ,lp hmhly uuprnted hy fencing tobaere hotiwi, .ore hovtra, winHi a, tieKTO buoand ter. - ,,. . ,' fortabl dwnllmghoutetir aiotall lani". -Pt;." " iwrruaaenr Kitwo re view Ilia ' Vreraiwa prctiout to th day of nle. Mr Yai- ' t T I er,- wiiv rcviuea on (lie luntl. will take t.L,aim . ' I 1 hi alien Ing it, s . ' AI.0, TAXVEIIY.'W Oxford toreiher whhlhe atock nl lunlLee. e J.:.l. r A .. .. and oinee IhinCf bclunKiiig t0 the eaiabli.l.ment, " ; .uiwr wH.( imiiwoi g-wotnaiUomnir. The" improTentenuwe torjr tuati.lpri.ljle nj almotf ' ' nea;..-!., .7 -; t . . -',.1-4 . Ann, 1 wo omul tbie IJW F.LI.IXG IIOUSP) n i Aorouth strert. In txf nl, in good reiialri ' nth euu-y houte. necetsui y fin the oonieniiM . ' laauliea, -. i .-,lKf - t Alto, S3 acre of land, en New lJght erei-kl J 11 Iheilituruat ol 4ayn.aaMAwaalMh ... i.:! " . late fa lter' etuir, nil hia houuknia r,. three negro aNTe,'e ntaa and two wemvn. ' ' J tlaall liki.niu. ms.il u il.. -p L . . w' r. 1 . . ' ", "r rrver piantaTinn, ;i -.. btFtMlRy,theSlhdajtf.Vhi-iiuryt t,e Mrokr 1 ? to, toqiiee, wow.1, oat ti- hnutehold and kitchen fuirniturei plantation tool. '..'. ate. ,.v -. ,'ii,,"' -, - ;Tha ante' 111 be potitireW made, and the terns ' , oeonnnodatingte percliaaer.-., v '- r 1 t, 'I"' yU-lXR, Trnttee. . 1 Raleigh, Dee, , 1829 .- .-. JO 8w - Where there an Vet pasted at the lattt" nnnerul.A!!!!;, .Iiietirpnmting n Iron ManuiaolurHig Company iu the oohntf of Chat-- ' " ham, .pa th land of tVter PSifiilh; F.imiirc, with enintal ttnek AftifkM- 4l.enu..i .1..I1 appniniing Peter P, Smith, Waard Hire n3; Amlii'Mia la Immm C tl. e .J ; Ambrose K. Itamiey, of Uieeoiml of Chttliaim " . ,,. v 'e'jniiia, r, ima ano Huge r MotretL of Ihd totiHty H f flandolphf Jamet , ' Uaimi, Paniel M'Neill and Ghbo Seawell, el '. tlie eounty .'cf Mooret and Jaiu-i Mehank JnK - 1 : j Stockard and Thoma ,( iucj , pi (he county ef,.-;..'. Ornge; LotTiniitmnee, kc. '' . i,,'.i'r.f f; lw.'1 known t,H. on ih flrte day . of JatioihT' ' . neat hook of hriptjiiii w ill he opened: Bnc'er " ' the4tirecrton of Ambrote K. Barony nd Witw , ., liain A Ihrlght, of ttie county f Chmimm Tho- - ma ClancjjjihdJame JL. ti-aig, f the eountr. "i . of Qranget Col. Benjamin Kltiott end Hogh Maf..i -K't teU,6tthe . .eouiejr of Uaiiikilpht fiidenn Setw . ' ?1 well kna.l.ihu II, Kelly, of IhecinintycfMooret1 " l,,l.n, M'llo- Willi:... tf..l.il. im .ll. ::' W .Of riiyet'tieillefoe iilnaming mbterliition for Ihe enpitttt ttock SforetaW in Hfiaret 'ol One hun drwt dntlnr lu,li, NT0 iuerilir,il! be talleA' lorinny pSitof hit tubtcription until u- limn- H Mind dnllnr 1 ubaci-iheil, and until It, ahull be "v . ' tHireted by a general meeting of the SiockhplaV i -er,-. - . '","'.:--v ... 1- v,' ' i . ' -, A ,ir milneement to jSertnnt to heenme hite -v rested tiw that Manefatiinrma; Con piuiyv Vnter P, V't Hiiiithbo hit tmrt make ihe tnllowimr nwm..i..vf! : A.1 - Thai hit' will kell and SOnrliy iiid vlanuliictqf ' V '""i hngmpwjjf, in fee timple, traot ol Kind 0 ' the vatoii-oi Tk-kereek.ivotilaitiitig lStH)aretJl,il'''r tnehidlng tij mill, Oil whit) naefi av iftcx)wiW ' 4- i ilde (nil of iron ore, for the nun of four ttuintmid : '; dollar, and aetvei to .take iu paif pteyrni nt ontr ' 4 n I thontktid doltar tn'Mockt the bnlnin e to be iail i. i-' 'i tn twelfe month lter the'.oiganization oi uJB". . Li Compny. '.-W.:... . , v h. - ' v , - .'ieV' ' r . ' '.' ;V the Hnderl(rncd "CBmm.ttsmiw-r, earned V; : f in lha bove.. recited A, Imtfne. examined Ihe ' Jntet ot Iwrf, lire bill im hjlltt jntfliioned in (he v '. - A almve dtnriieniets. ere ,f tln"-dninn'; t!.af;i there is MttJat pwrnW Sit, i.ii xb will ihte supply' 'M ' of neb iron er wiihin hull' mile of. the. mill ' , . . f here there it iiitnt.le pluce lor Fnf nscej A.' earlv all tlie land WwWI eoveit whh vM 'ilniile, foe enaHW n ii tiillv our oidiiion, ilie--'i ' ' milli, we hill ed Iked kr .at tart of the h1u - ' i t; Shioll Mr. Smith hat planed r thi'iii. - . '''. 3 i ALf'X'lt t.utv; -..4 -A.;"' , i- . .t ' . . ....ma ........ -I". . :-. i V A.tir.S Mt.il A INK, KUW AUDS KIVK3,'-, V J.STOCKAUI) Dec, V, tS'J.; " AdtiiiMLstratoys,; 'Notice; l,-,'f-'; . Tr "'Uibsci-ilier .havjqjtwlificd ,nt ilio K ViT-.' ;; wniW.lerinot Waine CininlyCourt, A.D VVV: l--?'. iitadmkitkli'atoroiilhe rsiute nf Jamet It Satser,';' Sji'' i le.ee st-d, mils on nil ttmse indebted totlierilal VV'-i ! of the deceased to .iniike hTiniliutepuynifciiit nii ,v::-,'"4 retieili llimv hitting clanni agiiiim hit estate i , -f i to present.' tnem, iiniy autliviitiented, Uhm the ,j .. " ..- j . .. .1 nine in eiciiueu i.t in r-v i v, JUilW StiSA.-iSCK. Adnt'r, . Jic 3, 1R29 Vrw.' 11. 1. ,ti.i.) Ji: .50 3n ? State ;xt Nw'tli-Curolina v -ie CoMA'y " "J 5ui)cuof' Court ol. Law -S;'pteniber 1 'Term , , JotcpISliMgermad'. S'. ( - v. , v PotTtion Ttt"; rxlivorte, 1 RPfabeth llatterta J. 'f'.w V'.i"r.- 1 1 f? It apieai'Uig to ihe eiilixfaetioi) tf the Court 1, thill the Uelejidant is not ii uilinbitinil ot ihit Sliite; 'i it it llierefoi-uj onlcmd and ailjuilgi i) t,Ht notice .'"W."i; bemiblished for ti vvei fc in jlie Hnleli ftHe ' . '?,. ' and WeU;rn Caroliniaii, fur the u. li-ndHul to - ' pear ai ihe' next upeiir .Court .for ojiv aid ':'. .i'.' '4 couiitT, 00 the tlni'ii .Mftniliiv oPMmh next, and 'I lhid to and answer the wkI tiliotithetwie' i ; ' . etilioti othetwiwt' It Willi be heard ett partfl. : -.' -'-.'!.... ;. ..e:.i. ' Teat, f WAVID EAR3CEST.U 8: Ci fl ' V a . - 1'itt.e Kd $3 so ,, Mcstr, l lii..' .lobrisoM. Jenir ate. ,! John i. " '.- t MaoiT, John Nev'-ton and Dr.: Smith, inke.-titWR' i ' llee, lhii On the Bltllntiitnt; t the ji.il ol Wkke, V ?.'. I ahall apply tt two JiMtirCi of jhh. coomy la , f allowed. lako iheihiMdvetH tuflhf' tjrben 'i r y y; : I . vi iieue ; Ow mny alteait il j'rm pteuaiv- " ' 'i v...v't ' '., - j.lV.'ir 1)111 lir.,X ,. 5P ' . "- . i'?-RV'lWal.f .Del.li29,'lAVa f ' . r ..'.'.' , if '" 1 ?;: 0(-: V ' i i; so rJ..4ie:., . i-iii;