1 ? m V . v X,,. ..- " V . , V- V-a, - I t X -4 tt.- J Vjk' V- V . ' . - - - vol;zzz. , rs , -UL.ru:;T - . - . ' ' lUir.iuu, IMIj UrrrrcUrr, IS:1).' . Tithe Vr: rdtTruat'flU Uairernty c.VrfA Carmina. r SrTvi:u.:"l U howr to inform you that the receipts at ChoTriran-v iT'lUKv 'tutio. wilhintbeatr.sral year, cmaracing ri.l f,.ni tie cafi :, ,riubvr. I82S. to tie 0tU November,' J 82 amount H t''- Kr tliHand ruae hundred and timcty dollar forty -four i .i i i twtA itnMArl rrtAM i4 1 ffftft fit rail.. ' 1 UH i.NUinru :?us "immi i. v p.. iv- . ' " Leaii7 a balLire W tWTreasury at the cluoe of the said year, vii. 'on the fcotii Novrpbf . 18i!, and hers-Hftertobe aefnimted lor, or two thousand three h4ndi d and ninety dollars and loi tjr.fW cents. -, .- r -yv - , -; I .'.-.rv-;t- ',n r-V-; 8.390 44 v. . " 1-.. v r J ... :-- ' Ul. r .lt.... t- it til ireasury as aiorraiu.vutisisioi-iuwiuiiuning the dividends declared by the three several acre oevt exempt fro ro'littry doty, wHat tsch encreachroeot exceed the coasnus br.v 5t toutJ bt derive! from pmwnj Ihtm , iiu fro a wkenc ihrj 4entt tkeir at iovalhi miiiUA ifric at thit ti? .1 acajtHorit, and H trat ha oeopla CMucioua. that a well trained htia H the! &a obmit to it are !. Ti fa The'Mccints nt U ------ ' " w r Ueras. viz. v i.4C 50. don veil I rmi cfcep . defence of tnj. nation; H it the iioew arm 'ftf ihehnrrlj yeoroinrf tif oar coontr, foTBunK a Kviog bulwark for the defence of our litrtie. Bat, it miht -riotii! v bt ijuetiined, whether, the militia, t it it regulated in the Sathern and lid die 8utM, i prwlactive f jpod inanj mtnner., ' In tha etcelleBt ' Stafe ; Paper, which uur. Governor traotmUted to in th coramencenwnt pf ourpretent aetMa, we una tne t remark mat me Mtimt lawal at renerallv enforced and nbaerved in the.Middte and Southern State, icttead nf advancing rh iniittarv artr are nrodnc tiv ma contrary eucct, mj engendering vi-iaua habit, eocoursginz fotemperance. ?BaukHlrth Stat4t4MH X5 nharra of stork. Uelil therein, (the Wale ,n,j Conaequently.a apirit of ioaubiwdina U tiunii:cna lor tue 8ii monuisenuin5unu,(,n xhe State or . Rank lavinr dedahil June tabt.) '!, f St40 collected ana fa! atfonief of the. Boa u . . . . - - I -V Z4 ,9z2 5Q.borrorQ utcr a KesDlutTon ol the 2.605 261 paid iii IV 5; lands, i ' . JS' $50 50, bom thosk-er. Delaware, au con t . .. ;. :.-'9 - ...i seioos of the t?u effects of militarr parade nto" the Treasury by John D. Hawkins, an or mutters, hat abolished tliera entirHy :-' ' -. v : - - . . . and I need not remind thi House of the the United States Bank at FayetteviUc, Uwsracelul scene that have their verity on ,t t. out. r.im. I.f. . amutter neiu. i nee not ia i jetai renr iuil Hickins, on account of sales of Western V ' . w uw. ,H. lr ' , ... f . I.. , . j v. . ' . courts of law is swelled by prosecutions for I r. ' a a I u fin, IC1 Ul IUV 1CSSi.V ticiiciaicu etui ru mist; Jum recc ved on the exciiance oi a poruon u . :,f... . '.. v- . ,, A- . Mr.Dickitis' rcmittake.andi.nthcsaloof apart of the United Mates Ioeej not tt other gentlemen the revol- i Bank !an: the i-euiklllrf of aaid loan hating been iai(l outio uiara. t- ind vi(9S0tinz appesrsnces on . the j i.f r - . i ail i. t. n r.. ha .vi.An n niiifi r.ji piiatipii r .. ..r 'if. ..... . rii. .TUliy liiinc ii oil's v, Hai utiiH. ucmio "k""hu v.. muner ground oi ammiia reimeoi. tuese g90 froHccted of Jlob l'otta in full of hK first and second, and in parades draw men together many days in part Ot WIS lltiru UOIIU ir uie purtuaau ut iirvu ui- iihu ur vuap 1 1 nr jear,..uf ine manucai utnruuuuii .ui -Ilill.,1 J' " V''.4I- - ,. ? v'' '. j their time, money and, morala, without iin- V strtftj as np:nrvantK.iHreli: irt fjll of the mincjoal and interest of proving their military Knowledge or uis his bone doe for the it t of tho Steward s Halt. .v. ;, r Zt09 J 6J collected ihdjiaid in by; Robert II. Burton, an Attorney of the Board. . R3S0. the balance w a deht due the -Trestees by Edward Moore, 'and collected and bai3 info the 'JYeasflry by Thomas. Kuflin. 'And the :, !.'.. ... I . .t..i t.ii r -...I lioline. If the neonlo considered theae . .... . musters as agreeable or desirable, ; way t ur table- in this House crowded with pe tirions To reduce the number of musters? Their good tense points out the evil atten dant on such institution. The officer earn of 832, bHnc. an inexpemletl balance ot tuition and room-rrm i.i, .me hie-hlt honorable icenionsl feeV temainifi.? in thft janUs of the Superintendents at Chapel Hill, are igrtauraot ot the very rudiments of that iaod paid over hy Pn)fiTMi)r K. Mitrbelf..- - -., : f- 5,. profession with the trappings of which they TIih expenditures at Treasury as afbresaiti, have been incurred Ure lecmed, and how can they teach .-iii discliarsrirt!? the bala Ve duo tlicTreasurer of the Board upon the what thev, never themselves learned! To 'tnut ;....i:..tiLmAniil t.lj i.-riiiiifa'ti riartLir iiuvmpiitu i flip I munv of them the lescrintion of Otliello't Baiiks of the'debt due t em by the Board in the salaries to the Fa- Lieutenant would well apply. coltv and the otlier olSeth of-' the Institution- in the payment ot of- i. "That never set a Smmdron m the held, . . i . . ...... .'-I '. . . '.. u rint thi. ihviunn nf A hnttm know A tier and 'warrants urawi on tne reasnry oy me : L.ano coininuiec- WTXTx . .;:' and in the settlements .e other Ordinary and contingent charges on 4-,. w- ha4(l , . . ' , . fA 'the rrcnsuryj','. -- l " - I Huch service, under . such banners, .men vAilwhirhiiaid several Rems oJ receipts and disbursements, arO more 1 whose Profession ia oeace.and whose life Vfully i end distinrtly sct 4rth in the accompany ing Account Current, ts'bne of 'Unobtrusive retirement? Shall we here Vitb exhibited. ',:f -r. , V'-" . . add another sicrifice on the bloody altar of ' ; mi uw onianre'- remativ i in me treasury on inu ainu iuvciiinrr. mis sanguiuztry xfcuyr uvoe .uou 11 i 1829, ttfl heiein repotlei, and'hercafter-ito' be 'accounted, for, , viz. tot my province toeulogisn, oiulhis floor, ,S,S90 -44, the Sum of Sl)5 49 is deposited, 'and stands to the credit tnatpeacetui sect m our country, to aptl y In; Rmt ItanbJnnil tti.ift-i os and appropriately cafled Friends but 1 : iinKiuJ-ttti. .....!. ; ti. tto.,b f M.uh t Uoloi.rl. ' . hazard nothmz in the asserlion, that take p v..: . i ' i ..1 .-r . .l . , 01:' rr.. -the Quakers of our Mate as a mass of citi leil States Bankran aerjnti debt of S34,6l 6 4i ; vi2. ; To the State 4" !. ' ' " tcanL1 nr ar ii m u rrt 1 1 tin a a 1 a-c u . iiv iif ariia . . iwiaiie v ita uaauani 111m .... t. tjaun mt, ,. .ifs a.it v1 a.a n ia - a f r'J M'tiuf .humi iiiv u' v 163 81. . CurHratiori and si.ijfiHtin dof .the. President the sum of 81T16 duo the 1 Stb Mairbi 1.8501 ' ; ' 1 i-v f " , ,--i X V-. v . iTo U Bank of JS'ewbeil at Raleigh, S5.S49 16, due the 17th What jf to their ieact fuV and quiet Oi tha retmbers aa 1 aoal salary f 2S d!Ur initrti ol tt prttent per diem alhwtace.J , "r ., . n' The,. entoed bill to ivtVMMe the O rvernor to graot certain lasdt to tht Ihptitt. Ccngregaiion at I'ranklin, ; im Macon county, &auJ its third rf adit, and was ordered to be enroded.. v . A eapre was received front "the llnuss of Commons, a?atiog that the bill t tttablitb a Uinfc n behalf of. aadrrw the benefit of the State, had been transmitted to that House uitlmoi beiflg ptrftcitJl, arveral of ;he blank therein BK belns filled a p. and reuett inz, that it iliay be perfected and hnally aetel on before the concorreocaof that Houm is renoiredi which mettJire at Oacfarefa ther "left their tread and laid on the fable. : ' '(Mr. AM en aobmitted the following reatdation. ' which was adopted by a vote of 44 to IS: ' ' ttnthxd, aathe senie of tb i House, thati blaiika ma bill, not anecunir lit principles, do not reader it imperfect iridi'm tb tpint and iDcamrg of the firai Joint Itule for the (pvcrnineiit of the two Hoaits. , ; ' " On mntioti of Mr. Allen, i- mctsare was tent in the Houe of Common. stating that it is the opinion of the Srti ate, that blsnk in a bill do not Tender it imperfect, within , the spirit aul meaning oT the brtt Joint Kola lor the government of the two Houses; and that, for thin reason the Senate, beg leave respectfully to 'return to that House the bilT to establish n Bank on behalf" of, and ' for1 the' benefit of the tjtate. , Tj: ' Mr. Matthews , -submitted a tesolo po. June, otions tne arum : nas no spirit"8iinin etfect," and the " pomp and circumstance i, "lorious wai" spread to tnem no eiv Chantment; .they Tare as citizens quiet and 1 1350. ri , Tr . y .- m : '.'m ' n . . t ' b. n . : Irl . jj""-' -.. . -n - . ... I i . . 1 :-t.l. ..... .1 i.i:..:. .... J (it iimw uni)K.o(. '.riar at v aveiicvine, yjoua 14 uuo uie isi tooqiiieni, as uviiivuvra mihj, uuiimij; aim .Aniarv'. 1830. . L ' , v fchantable.. No pauper: from this. sect. 1 I EAnrt to b Bank of thP tVitod States at -Faycttevillc g4,500, "due crowds yoir pariah, . no ,veatious imt U'Sth' Drrf mber. 1829. K- J. -..-V prosecuted by this jjeople perplex your - Iitc also received duri ? the past Wac, sundry lettej-s, memorials, Courts' aniVh,e uC ,fs- li' vTJry iVT?!l u "7?t ,, K .;-'V-V ilt Toree them into a custom Which iir -a 3 have the honiur W be, i Ui the highest respect, your Vt serv'i, U r,.' th-ir ht.iu 1 thJ, rawim f,.U t , CM AS. MANIA; Trees, Uuiv;Js'C . m u. Yvf i kkle rrs S PCECn. Their early history ? shows, that they have ever' been , opposed to blood. and 'men',, lit(io(khed. -These orinciores have !ecen' .'I linn. V. fir I MMOIS. IIF.COISKU , ., . r.nnrab.p'liln and . 4huii naranru. The Bill to amend an ct plitd 1806, repeating to much ol said act asfYiAn in th earl nerioikof this countrv. exempts Qunkers, Aloroviari, and VMeuoobt" religiously- scrupiis oJ aa In other countries, ahow.tliat vou, may Uit ofMoion of one who has tiled so larjre a tpaco in the ejrt of naniwtd, tad who ia at thit vrry moment aai iowtly looked on at the PaJinarus to iroide the piilitlcal bark of hit fitiv State iote a safe awl q!t harbor. Our t kittory, In lh. examplet of our iorefathers, ahow what men will do and men will dare for the liberty of thatr conscience.,. It matter . not whether they are mistaken or whether they che rish the tree' faith. ? It nften happens that the most bigotted are the mot ttUbim. Bo it is t o.Ticient that the f so believe; hmoes snd their-- fireside. " and with their " live in their h1nd" tliey dared the perils of the stormy deep and the dangers of a savage foe. that they might sit thcirt down under "fheirown vine and figUee" and, worship Ood after their own consciences.'-' It U not de ' nied bat that this Legislature have the power t pas this billbut would it be honorable -would it be jost would it be politic? -The gentleman fionr New born (Mr. Gaston) - quoted,' ' the word of a favorite author here applicable: .... UWetctW i - r - , ; '' To have a eisnt's atreiiKtb'i but it it tyrannous ' To use it like a g iant-" ( v ' , . ' ' It cannot be 'considered that .the con scientious scruples of this sncf are be admired but il the peaceful i'nQu ence or their tenets pervaded the whole world, mankind would be happier and their condition better. 'Hie general diffusion of (heir quiet principles would realize that millennium promised to the cood and laithfulatid - would be-a tweet foretaste of that happy period de pictured by divine inspiration; .".when men should learn -- war no more; when nation shall no longer rire against na tion; when lhe sword shall be turned into the ploughshare, and the. spear into the pruning hook,; ' lo as, at guar dfans of the public weal, the page of History wui snow us-tnai tne principles which thi sect profess are not destruc tive to the true interests of man nor the happiness and amelioration, of his condition: the, true and leiitiina.ke ob ject of all government.' We have rea- son to. man it mat n uvioem e mat rates all human actions, .that the first setters of this nation were men of peaceful habits and uncompromising integrity, Look on the Counlrleathat have been an imated by the peaceful principles nf the Quaker. Compare Pennsylvaniathe land that received the Quaker William Peim & hi fiillowers all animated by the pame principles which his descendants f .. .11 r L '.I n . .' '. i , . sun innexii mat rnn to wnose name eulogy and paocxyfie would be an, un1 neeessarv tibia t ion compare this land to lhf.t .on which Pizatro landed, with sword of .blood in; one hand and the" twrrh of des'dation iii' the other.' . Penn , syl vani' ts the loveliest spot; that 'the eye ' t)f the patriot- and philanthropist can dwII on while-JSouth America is stilt enveloped in f ne'e" ont of despo ' " " I-' Ml . 'I ,. .J a?"'-' '. 'I .. ,1." tssin aim tne Borrors rii superstition. The peaceable principles that animated the mud viuakercaued "this wide oil ference- -Such principles we are called un'in this-b'iU to annihilate. 1 '. ' -y The folUieg engroMrd , bill ad' reM!aUoos- smJ ther ihwd reading, aid were ordered te be trnrolltdt The " ' bill te repeal the act of 1828. coccena- v ingth apron utmae. of coopers i a tha . ir : ... .i . mwn vi ii niiiinnn, nr rewiivioa IOC the Setreiirv of Stafe; the ret4atiwa in flluir bf t'Jailil Win! il llnilnan the bill to aient the act of 189. coo- " . ceraingiw pvor ot Mre eoontyi the'' bU t author iie the appointment of - . commiMionna to roil and mat k the di-i vidittg line . between- fke eoontiea of ,r 4 " " Haywood and Buncombe; '- and the re- . ... tolutiofi "rerjactiing- oar Repretenta-i ' ,.1 live and ietrlcting or Senafora kf . , - 1 Congrets ro call the attention of Con-. gret tw tne necetsit? and propriefj pi ainriicing tne laws oj the L'nited Slates in regaru to me crime ot counterfeiting A . " the notes of tbe: Bank of the United . . state.-. 4 ; v, . . .i ; i . . The engrossed bill' eooceraing the ' - V ' working oa. roads' in Lincoln county; .V - tror-p of Cavalry in Botke, Wilkes and ' Iredell, were postponed Indefinitely on j flieiraecond reading. i "t ; '. c' - 1 he other llouso havicg concurred in' theamendment; to the cnjfosaed 1 " bill concerning thtf f elections- in the Cifuntics . of Davidson and Meckten- , ' burg; aud to the engrossed bill te alter: T me umes ot noiniv elections tn the . ' 6th Congressionsl- distrkf.rthe said v.: bills were ordered to tw rnndled. i : ' i-- T .' Mr. Mitch. if. from the committee nf ' . "' flnternsl Imorovcinent' reported a hill . v' .' making an Jipirnpriation..for a rail road - . "ww m ii . t-.iiurii if: 3 . j I . f ' . , ' - - ' tion; instrucrinsr the 'coinmiltee "on .so'V'hh It passed i s first rea-Kns inOch of the Governor messte as re - jjvTho fdlowing engrossed ' bills 'were late '-to "the claim of -the'-Siaie Against Itwlrfitiitely ptrntponed .r on; their; first, A the United States to ioqaircAvhat om-,' re'ding: The bill la nothorisej thet peosattoiMhe coipmissionecs apolnfed, eoonty rourt off. Borke4 apptiint com- to'examine said claim 'are: entitled )i" bviskioners to viow-ffnd; ha off a '-tvrDv'V fits that service; which was read and . l"k k road from the lincoln lineV to-- laid on the" table.-r - " J, - - V Jtmes LoVtngNand the hilt tofejkat iThe engrossed bill l -'repeat the act Pt of he act of Sis, For improving ' of I828,'ani)ointiflecoinmivsioneis'on the" navigation of creeksand rivers ia the road from Wautaga, in Aslie conn-1 Sampson county, and of Black river, sO ty. to the head Of Johns rivei, in Burke fr 8 the dividingllfie between tho . county; and the engrossed bl( to alter .coon 'if of SampsnH and Utimbertand; -the times of Jiolilii.g electicriijii the 6th f ' , Bcceived from the other House a re-J. Congressional "tftstrict," were amended, t Prt .and resolutions., from iVcrmont, read the third time, pasted; and sent to. J relative to, amending the Constitution 1 the other: Huase for their concurrepce jPf. die United. States,"nd,in the sub- ;;jects of the.TafiBT, internal improve- VV j tear' their bodiesthe. bloody, rack" may anu arms." beintr under-riK':dra'tif!ii. ' ,Hr, Wheslcr id fief tron; rose and said. tnat. the original, character orldistnrt their svetem iho daeaer mav nour . uiii i..i ....... . . .1 a " - ir. i .1... .......... . .r.. i.-iL..f.i.' .t i , . . v-..'.. . '.-.' . fit, uiu iiu 8s?uint'o an auuiipiiai iiniwridnct irom me iaci, mat inouzn I mrt thiir lifn hluiul troni their hearlt m I ,ipoed by able eentlehien, o4 this floor, it had tassed two several feadinssn tU nwor will surrender their orinrrnlos i; if. nv..taiu,ne cotmi aya lutmtie wcigni hi me opposition, yei as some U-thc raith of their fathers, nor InereliKio.. noriioti ui. inusv citizens to v.ano Kinnnes ne was luuuuie-i roc nis seat in lot their ancestors. ;vo5a tlouhe, woultt be materiaM aderted by the una! . nassajie ot the bill, be w.rd the 'rnnsrfenlintu serboles aorfld waive all personal fconqle rations, and discharge conscientiously his j which this sect cherish aainst bearing arms. tjuiy. , Diie ne uineren wiitne genneinetr -wnotiai ativocaieu ine pas i tney ,oay he mistaken, .-It is not lor us to satre'Oltnw oiiu Mf: , vv;!; wishtl to dihv r- with, due resBect.i We are bo l ,or t u iM nnhi n.i mthndnv ;n .ht, . . .. . ' . ... .'.'. fl . ... '.' .'.;...(.. .... . 2 ''. t ... . . . ...... i. m"-... v-l ".". .- ;tnnstitntyd; as oltea to see the "'ive object m dilterent views, and ap bonest creed, nor is it orooer to oronounce that uiucrence ol oninmu should neviri. make enemies, bv the co Usion ol Oit- t iin w vn i;nir Um m Ar. -..iiir ii . . .f. fl r ' I 'ir V . vis. S v vai Sk ' St J ii-ieni- opinions, tne trutu i' unen eiiciteuv..ine exemption oi .yuaKers, ,0t our province to decide this matter. It awravians and other irom.initikrv duty was made in ISObi almost twenty- enmns , not within the Si-nrin of human ! n.ar year ago. ;it ,has pecomeh cgytom sanetioofd by the wisdom ot our J gialation. But they and we are to answer "reiathers.-.; it is the-.tanaruasre nt our IJeclaratioo ot Indeoendence. the fnr IimU Amninna twlnm hihf anthnrU 1 l . . . . .. l ii ,n ; . -I".." .- -'V -r"" i..ur iiormcn, lii. tiiauni.-' .ions ciuiuiisucu, snvuiu uui ui tnan any cariniy iriounai. it is a matter panged for light and. transrt fit hics. ' I would not be as severe as Peter between the creature and the Creator ire u;-ea o Kusia, and j-(quiref every one who'proposotl an amendment Ve should be cautious how we interfere between any man and his conscience an ! wn Juiulii rarplv. fop-iidatA on int multil .it.f i.:. , i... -i nu. -v i !.r.. i.. t. ... . J ::. i v ' '"J -i!r in iwouu ass. some itoou icasou iumu gcnuc-1 inar, lies exclusively oeiween man ani his !vre 1 aided them in destroying the ancient usages of the land, and 1 Maker. We ought not in justice to force these men' to violate their conscience. . Mr. 'ie -it Si t. a ay with a Daracidal hurJ. tho vpnomtod work of imr ancestors. 'Me ever admired the'winsreplyW Xhe sturdy Barons of England, "we Madison, in his celebrated memorial tb the tll pot change the old establishedo-stoni of the land.' . I have lifetened Virginia Legislature in 1784, lays it down feively to the.remarks of getitlAien in support of this innovation of the as a fundamental and andeniable truths , sir, and while. f admire ttieir patibtie intentions," I cannot see the force of that the duty we owe to oar Creator, and lihsir 'arganjenta. i .They found the! remarks on thai part of our Declaration the manttef of discharging it; caii be direc- ftUiglits, which states, jhat'.f noiiln or set of men are entitlt?d to exclusive ted only by reason and mriction'not by r sepaiaif euio'liiments utrivilei-i from the commnnitv.' but in considers- fnrei or vtolenre. Tha rilrf r'o'rihti?ii,nu. 21iV ?'ry'C hervice,'sec Vt0le' a greater admirer of this ft- science, says he, belongs' to eveTyimaoTidd p "can feature in.ourinstitations.ltlian I am.. All men should be equal it is unalienable. It is unalieriabl?.-be- . enioy the sam ririmtuoa. rK;,4n.,n;..n r.m .it u. I .i. r a. .i:-'- I'i".- so liberally extended by. former Leislatures, that it could nofbe deemed on the evidence contemplated in their own ,07 1 .em ap , exctuiivepnciee. Tie act of 1806. chap. 708, liberally ex- minds, caonot, follow the dictates of fh& 'tends this lim.lift i.l..- .ir ... t ::t t I n, ; '..ii. .1 . . .. L?' i- . -. , r - mi wauj iNuniniiuiiiiiui in uih jji iTnrc, iu ivu men. - 11 una rigui ui conscience oe ;si- SHieratron. of public service.- By thkartaeiks of the several Court of empt from society at large, still less can it Kvcord are exempt, the State Printd, Sheriffs; Ifysirians, Minislers of the be subject to that of the Legislative bod y. i.oatoel. Custom II nusn nftV. in. w.JLn., -ccJ - n..:.. c....i.. .. 'lj 1 j 1...4 l. .i..J?.. ij, .... rytneh, Millers and many Others, dn'ihis exemption be extended on ac la... Pr"c emce il theRuakers are lobe reduced to the ranks, fs both derivative and limited.. Limited . id , 'im c,as.se8' h0 re Vempl by thi law? - The Legislature With regard to lhe co-ordinate departments; Force p ' n, nceayin.this nation for . any large standing more necessarily is it limited with regard 'li-oirfriifl motrnaPPJ locality of Ltuation, as a nation, we are freed to the constituents. The preservation o ihn,,7 an!5,!ror uddeq ijivasioo. A. wide ocean separates us from all a free government, requires not. merely Ij(?2;islature of, North . Carolina. f. - ' ; ' r- WtdtwilSy', Dec.; 30.;,: The Senate resolved itself into a com mittee of ine whole Jkuir'Alr. Miller in 'the Chair. mi the bill to authorise ami direct the Supreme5 Curt tu be htddeti in the" several place therein "dnecteu; sou., atter wine ttmcspvnt ttierein, tne committee' rose and reported ?(he bill with an' amendment.' ! I he amendment was agreed to. f.MrVTJunnn moved to amend the bill by striking out the word SlatnvllU, and intermix lhe word Mot irt tlin amerulinpnts."! Tlih. -resolution in favour- of Isaiah I hicnt,1 and the American Colonization llogersort passed1 its third reading and Society ;vbicji were laid on the., table, was ordered to he engrossed;',, . A message '.was received front, the s -' The following'' bills' passed r their' House of 1 Commons, stating that the third reading, and were .'ordered to. tro bill for lhe better government of the v engrossed: ' The bill to divide ihefe- ' town ot Elizabeth City,' bad. been ie-,f. giment of militia in Macon couutyj and ceived from the Senate jn an imperfect the bill mure eft'ectually to prevent tha diafe, one of lhe blanks therein not be- depredations of runaway slaves; andtoipg .filled up; and that they have re'., encourage their ufipiclit-DHion iuthe ' tuyoed it tu the t-enafe,, in order thaf , counties therein liaeuiioned. - lit may be ptrfectcd and finally acted on f. ' a TheT .other tlnosu liav ing concurred . before tlitj concurrence of that House is ''- -in the amendment to' the ! engrossed required. S'.-The. message' was read and ' uih in prevent ine latmig oi timoer in," miu uu ure woie. .(,,.,'- w .. -.,,,'. , or Mib?fru ting " the run ol uocky river, J. ; Avrlaoy. Jan. 1,T830 "'Vr itt'a portion ot Clulham -'county1,; ;the The resolution directing" the joint se:"' said bill was ordered to be enrolled! lect committee 'on . the claims W this J l'he foflowitigliigrosded bills passed State against the United States to in-.-. - their two last readinesi andvereor quire what Coin Densat ion "the commi. dered to be enrolled! The bill tp'ex- sioners. who inSstigattd-those claims empt certain p'etsohn In Hyde county' arc entitled, to, was adopted and ordfer from' servw' as jurors .of the' original' ed to' be engrossed,' '- mT, paoncw, -too "Dii-to tatabiikir a paor.-- u motion ot, Mr. rranklin,, the bill to- house .id , JNash countj ihe bill - to ,re-: autnorillic ccuuty court of' Burke' to J , ' peal "prt ot (be act ot 1$1?,- amending; appoint coinnrjssiuneri to view snd lay ' - the1 laws respecting the town- of Eden- oil a roaif fropi tltLjoeida line to Jmes ' ion ne bid to extend lhe provisions of Lovig, jivas 'reconsidered, read; (he v, uie aciui logo, supplemental iu ine act ursc nine anu passed" .'J :- rt 4T,.. - . e'fectuig Macvn countyj'tiie bill r-jincor- The bill .to diVorcWolm Sloan -Jttvm poratu ;iie Salisbttry YigiUnil'iiCinn -Etizabeth Sloan', passed its third reading- 5l ' lanj; lhe bill to amutid the act of 1825, and was ordered to be engrossed.; 'v. " ' t pievebt they falling of tiniber in", ' or - A. inessiig. was,-received- from' ther-" ' obstructitiz the lun-ot. omwn eretk," MlouaeOtLotmnoos relative to tliv.t:f..'.; ' Aiirtouj Miic, (biU"Jtor .aui.-nd tne-, se;;Vv,'e,,cedripinion.exi8ting.j)etweeii.e'jV;ii coitdt-ecuo,of ...the act 64 182,rela-' two Houses in'the , cotistrortiiin if iKnC- - tiv.tottie cieunsmg m Jots, oio. in the urstoi uie jomJ itule.sand in its appti-" inwti f Edcnioii; iud the brll toWor- cation to the bill to estabksli a Bank on '' V poi aie -L'UieoitiTACiideuiy, in Beaufort behalf of and for the benefit of jLhe Slittp -I '" county i' '" - .,..' - The message was read, nd... tosretJicr ' Tfumduu, DetC3t. ' "with thestd bill, laid ob dm rah!, . The resolution iii' favouc. of Aiexan '.' i Oo motion of Mr. Davidson thp miif-, a'ij which waS not agreed to. lhe, der'Nicholon passed it thud reading, 'requiring that when a'quesat'h' has been". bill was thea firmer' amended on nio- jaud was ordered to oe'eogrossd.''.on;.dec'rJed- 4t shall be in pi der for " tion of Mr. "Allison, read the second time and passed 4 'The bill to autnonse and direct the any member of the majority tn mo fnr ,iiroina I Tiaiti-r in (m htiliAn af lis a jtf-.( ' tMisn utr I i wt lin.....a? 11 .i kjupiiiiuu !vviu( . wu i'uiii aa, iiv 0V v aa v vais vi ti .Btl - vltt;t iJi'l 1 X)fl IIlC Kainifi Mr. Meares, from tne judiciary com-terai places inei:!i inrecicu, was -a- or succeeumg uar, wns auen.ndid b ,.made a report . reiommendiug; mended, read' the ithii-d time, passed," vote of 40 to I9i when the'bilt'tn bi1i: rejection of the bill to incorporate J and ordered, to be engrossed ayes $T,' Hsh' a Bank on behalf of., and for ih '. Richmond Wool Growing Compa-lnoes 22. - ; : -'v . .benefit of the State, was rom.,tu. ; . Concurred in. ' .C'i'n-', - '-r The ' following bill r and resolution and amended by inserting in lieu of the ' m Ttmt.ii nnr a inrrn sib na rnnei sntiv i flht-flhA . maraa eaviii nnn tt tiai bii t.K u.iimia o the held, for our K;.np 4.,.. ,C..V : !....i:.lh: ki-.I L j . '-t--;v has rPin ',"". every war hi wimii: iuia icuuuuv i eacn ueparuneui oi power, oe nniversaiiy hetMon- . u 1 T eveni uoe not Itrst on us with the sudden luiy ol maintained; but more-especially that nei Ll.i;V ! 6ut l0,.h cautious-jtye, tne cloud: is long seen . gathering in ther of theui be suffered to overleap the - -t. wiiLiini n i miicn ,u.. ...i ..... t I . . ' , .lit .. . I . . DOHtlral atmtrcnt.u.. ...l 1 . . ... p . 7 . - . .. . a ri;tt,, "fivi c, auu no niatrayor to avert tne storm mat is bdoui great Darner M VJSCUargO Useif Otl our headnk.' .rv.J kn ..ImWMir 'ibaS.lk .nnalcraf ft,. iiMnt,'. r M V an tllVII. UWUI sVgm SIIVBV -wsWVO W I UlVI'IVf which defends the riehts of I ni i .i . . . a ue micrs wno are gouty oi mittee the the ny Mr. Meares, trom the same commit tee, repurtt'd the bill to divorce John Sloan Iroirt his wife, Elizabeth without amendment, and reioinmended its pus sage; when the said bill was read the sepond time and passed. . j James J. M'Kay, the Senator from the ciidhty of Bladen, appeared,. qual ifietl, atid took hi teat. ' ' f' . Mr: Haiuey preseutd a - bill to com pel (he register and clerk and masfer n:ejuiy a Caswell' county,. to keep theil-otjices at the court house;' which pass.ed, three several feadings.'and was ordered to be engrossed. V V ' it-5Wiri..Witliawifc of Martin,' from; the commit tee of Propositions and Giievan ccs, repot ted unfavorably to the petition in favor of John :Taylorj of Cumbert1 land.' Concurred in '. " - .Mr. Williams, from ' the same com mittee, reported the resolution in favor of John Black, sheriff of Cumberland, without amendment, and recommend' ed its passage; when the. said, resolu tion passed its second reading. ' J Mr. Mearei presented a bili to alter the mode of. compensation to members of the 'Senate and House of Commons; which passed its first reading yeas 44. oays 11. The bill proposes tot allow nn&ttiwl. f taiir "lUirit 1 n:idin'..r unit ujera lilraftltt hpri.l.l..ra InCi . ' ordered to be engrossed: The bill to a,-; authorising xhe next General Ajsemblv mend the act ot concerning the. to fix the coinpensaiioo to be allowed to j couuty of Macon; unil the resolution in the President, Cashier and Directors of . favour of John Black, shentf ot.Cum- the Bank. The bill then passed its bcrland. ' ' '- ' . third reading by a vote of '34 jo 22,-. j'T'lie bill more -effectually, to prevent. . 'Evening essios. ' J- ," ' injury to stock, wai postponed indeuu-., ' Mr. Itaiuey presented a bill fffqufiir ? ' itely.'ou' it, second readuigi ;'lt was "the register of Caswell county to kef "?,' subsequently -reconsidered .and laid on his ofiict, the court house, M-ittii-!. ' tho table.' ;;. oue miiB'thereofj'wjiich was amerfiied,rw' : The bill to "provide for the collect' passed; its throe, several readings, and'' tititi ol debit in certain casesafter un- was ordered to be en "tossed. " ?. " - .,1 ' ilpi trn'imr fciimA mnt-ndirtent'. wus' nufet. Mm W.l lin.no ',.f ....- r ', : poncd indehmttly on it second read- committee on the Public Buildings; re- -mg by the cas.iiig vote ofthe Seaker. ported a bill to provide for the repairs ; . :".The bill fixing the fees of the .clerks of the-Stale ilouie and Anpn.t- Ji.-.-u i of the 'county and superior conrts'and passed its brut reading.. - ... ' .- 0(- 1 -. 'j V. : r. i' ...,..'. .. 'i "1 :'.,'"".' i. ' 1 ..-J.'l' - ;''"; . '"';.-... .j: soenii ices, auer reueiviuz sunury ' .toe lotiow n tpha uir.ina n. ..4 .1.. . - -M,.,,w1,..hiA ...... .ie kii..i . .1.1... I ..i.i. . i r y . imi;Mti iiicuin, i t matii imiiu icuuiuii, and. was ordered' t.o be eif-rossed.- , . KvEttiifO Session. . ." The engroWd bill concerninx tlnul reading, jiml wen. nr.lnm-i f-n.' , . engrossru: tn f,vor of David Gtflybesl; t . -- 4 (Uilavor, ofMcnitt Untrhin-; in f.voc "1 M of, Eiekid Eflis; iu TiSit 0r Jjerinmia the H. Biountsfiiid im.iriii:..' .... Buucombe Turnpike lload; and the bill tors and icquesting our Kei'rstntative3 -''," to' authorise the coQtity court oi Ni-vy in ' Congress to use their t-ndcavors to llaoover to appoint a toinmutee of.fi- piociue fnaVepeal of (he tax on halt. ' I uu..vv., ..,1 1. ...-...mv., ...v v.. i vbuiuuuii in i.ivnr of nomas time, passed,- and. sent-to the other Wa.ker, of 'Meceiihui-r, vas meet- 1 House lor-Hheir concufrence -in the a- cd on its second le.dln.,' ' ' - -mendmeuta. , j TLe reiolminn ,',. , - '- ' ifMUiIV -1 3