i i. X -t 1, aVtlcd with t- IndUa Drnarttae t!arir fj prrnit jTr, 1 fccg If U rTfr 1 t ttr aX Iro n tha r-r v,f !.!:! ACVira. wMcU accu.-.j-v ?s tbts fKtnuirn!i". ".' .! ; TcfT trcif, ; JOHN II. EATON. ' .. .. . . .. ' . - - , - fro l tUUaX Marera, . . FrimTliine wmcriy hiiey UifMI U lUVS ItrU AM Md- . cr cr the war! J. 'and uat aiifr . tirUy to led it vUrir from ttM eitreme. Te another, till they .t.ave found iterfiscltM JnvoOedin . ;ror, extravagance aJidniiw.' ;Tbat it may be wrriuM ta confurra tj .the time iu w hkb wc live, aa far ni it comport with dignity or adds to -war r njoyta tit, I will not undertake ,! deny; bat till we should indulge jit that from which too jma.ible gtuA i Uw irault is perfectly irreconcitra. tola wild that duty which wewe to , -O'lrncltre,' V Tia trwe.v a ; regards mtn, ..wuose jiecrwsary mirrtycrse teitk tha um Id often snbierft him to In follies, xn)F little excuse nlay be f.nnd; tut uw shall we cirusr, nlt'ut Mu'iative hliall weo2Vr, fur our air - . it tend, the udies? - .... Tli eastern te which I would !n- iiltn a1ittti..a in tliat uf ruhhin tiu . . -1 it .O" - . . . I ! I.- , ve,'ui Willi snf Ui iiunviu uacirn, in us . nature; prrnirioos in to'cowsequcn- jja. unaAiMiilv In tia rinlls-nf inn. anil - 0 , ' ' ' u war wlt rfOBfroent. : , I remember. Ibe day, and tit at rot t-prv- ilinlaHt. when t It in inliil'vnrc .svaa exereiscd witli all tlie caution Mml Msrrv that I'liararriMn frnnfp ' .toodi'st whrnllie bnx & tlie brusli ' !fnd ih ilaco in tlie ladj's Rrli v . ....i. it .m ,v.. ..... as tlie serrets ot Iter bosom, ics, I -' - ieraofubcr. wle tlie roMHriou? b!uli w - would iiara n imsoiu-d the cberk. of -. Iw-r. who should dare itkew tlieMs tri- fi'iHif anoendaeeik But. alas! huw .- C. 4; banged tlie times," Tliat silent uni i irr which prompt to noble action, ; ' 4 nilalbo bosom with disgust at tlie bare ufjitipn of error tliat faith- till centincl, ever watchful, ever trne la now rirctrd frAtnv her em v "rir'i tbe vaU in turn asunder, nnd .ii iiian iwli iwm r k m n i imi in iVAiiidn ' likVAiV aVnmanl ulauild rAtfla : , Ibe willing nd avowed, victim of a V i Uttle custom : You can, scarcely vinit a circle of ' ' jadics, whether at. tho palace r the ' , ' cottage, that snuff is not the first and . a . i a a .i j bums' Trtinai vivii aajif nnn aiiftit sea ka vtw, tft oca anu omii i nv ' JaaAv'kli nil Ituliianm -1 tin ft otila fliih tiitnalitiai mIkimim ' jaF 4lk!u uiiiiilii!,.iii r'V ' lltailO llaaf yiMTaWll. t Vitk Iftua nf aaiul h ';:t intercoursm tro nejflfct4d mil tram A pd under foot and nhould you V ta JnJulge in the 'feast of reanoti hr V.-' Vkcnf hP I by . the iiiterchaneo of ouhi- -lu.it laavi.sftyou, prepare Tor. mop. - -'4 - iiiicati irvn fanii uiMiiiniiniinFiiT? iirt sti 4be midst of tour brightest prosecH," ' .fv farewell, a long farewell, to all nr 1 ' ' 1 .1 .JTI....I I . it f i -iiopca:- i a no uruuirery u iiio ? ' r. cornmenceu au in silence and v Vhothine disturbs the stillness of the muiuui Lif aniu Liia nurriu ini nun. ill ; ff.tbe brush, &9 it pansea in quick Suc- V Aioinn IPPaqii tfiM tawl la na fiei. "swa aava ny vfcia U JMlO be one, occasioned bv a nrofuaa Uin, k . . . - 7'" ------ "- T T -' . charre of saliva.'.' ' . .. H Wheal see a rroun of ladies in- clrcle themselves around a snaifbdx , 4tie their- time. Uclr healtlu then vrins nu ineir; imp, t am lost, in :ti pltyJ I will ftaxilt,ftfoswherev In " tbe bring ao; wanting Jo aensibility ',". a a " i . a '- . a . : or.uio oeari ao epi avcu, that would ;it sy tn pathlseavciv; fallen .beauty i If Hhct be subject calculated, "to f Inlut oui sori'ows, oi touse ii ac r ation jthe better feelings of our nahrre. 4' inst bo, tiws sugi'TiHM 6f lovely ,w63l;w ; I es, when I sea thatritye, whos - liistro once id, wth the dia- mopd, now languid arid dullrsl'hkt S - v clice'i jonre glowing with animation V . and beauty, now pallid anwan ; -That rorm,.once symetry and grace, noW emaciated and weak, I can but 'V feel and pityj and, while I properly ; i appreciate woman's worthy will drop f uti iiujwiuciiv Km . uiit iter mis i rtone.;.rr''H!Lk. .r dreadiul accident occurred ut Arm '-, atadt on the I Oth November.,. On that day Linsky, the celebrated fe ' p iemaUi; performer, gave; In the .-eicnce; of .the family Tof , rnnre wartzbureii aontfrcbhauser, a gr.md exhibition,, in which 4 ho Wished "to flistinguish himself by an extraord v niry display : of Ins; art, . Six sol t . diers from tho garrison were intro- - duced, to tiro with ball cartridires at sftladame Linsky, tbejroting wife ii. the conjuror. They were however ; Instructed in . biting the cartridge to bits tu the; ball and. kerp jtln tin? mon'tli, as they had been shown how to do on a rchcrsal. vMadamc Lius v kyv who had, recently lost a chil and .besides, was pregnant, was To a ling time unwilling to perform the .part ftllottfia tn her tn this trick j but, T a ' ' t.i 1 . B r - i " ' at t . I B at --.mm m . - t..l ilyity. iM- pcrsvasion oi apt, nusoana, eu at turec o'ciorM, It was an, abloThe Delegates hero C nfilV.m ifcdotaJ U wuct Ttcprntl. aJipiHk . lie rrr t'a r i.jai.y, tout aim kt Ald niai relate to IU f fJnkt and Rrr J.. V'or a ihbc1 a!U-r " iVe firir.-alie trtuaird td iitp i rif Ut, bwt the next tmet We auak doo aayiJt ar taband, I ilmL" .Wuo 4 tLe.BUMAet du bicl had n-.t brco Iktraiwir. .s-.rd ijai:r lUrougb r abdomm. p.c KCfattmatu unt J a aeffr apoke iMLcr orJ, an J dird tLe se cond day aHrr be received tbe wvOHtl. ilAiijr of J1e ,Kftator Mutrd. a."d tb horror of ibe accur ha ritM a. aback trt tbe rrasna of Li inky. It . iudrcd. a ajwct k brb fnlgbt r!l have Bamannrd tbe m.iet Crm. : It i ti Iwr bojx-d tbat tbw rvrtil will arrvr a a wurnin; to all conjurors, a wril aa tbe prcta tora if.tWr trik', bo uaually vbowt'M iuconsidrrate.a ronfldenrc in tlo art of tbe iicrfunoer. not om- ly witUic-ipert lo ccj uf ribk ,uf life, bat to other practice r a dan gerous nature. .tu atrial Vbterver. . &ncleir$ IiUerat Tablet N work, porbajH, icquiiing so many ralcnlatioiis, fc so much cartfulorss in the an-aiiffrmrnt .f its fibres, bai fewer rrrore or'iitb?r kind, ihan the very popular Volume, under the above title. , The high f haracter for acrurary which tlirhe TablcVliav justly obtained in many of tbe SUtcs, wlierc the rate of in(riTt isthpnaiiiC. baa been very flalteriiily, manifested by Boli-mn rnrtmeiit of their Lei latiirrs durreeiu, that the Votupu tatlon of intcrfMt ahull ' bo . acpor. ding to tho standard hid down ' in floutdl'i ' Tablet." Similar rules have been ordained,' nnd ire : indeed of very geiit'fal operation In the dlf. j ferriit lianks: msoiancn: that it H I daily "nnderiroinff, 1 bs it , has done illy wnurgiing, ns i, imn r years pasta most univeiHal ; for years pa t most uniyeiHarscru- tiny Sn, confident, indeed,. Ts the sutboi himself," of their perfect kecu raey, that Jie oflfrrs one hundred and jfty dollarttor th ;dii(iiyery of n enorj. " Knowing therefoi-e' that we shall deserve the'thanks of the, au thor, aud do at Ihe sami'tiinc, what ,we would that he should do unto .us, under! likel , circunjstances, t'we . beg leave to'suggesl that, there, are hi o trrort inf. the . ! last example ; on ' the eleventh page-n'nder Prob." 21 n tlw illustration,! ttiia 4.t;blein, t iaija occifr Jn htft-'; tittancei,', where ie calculation rcnnir a l. ' Tf.Vro is certainly vrv' little im- portartcc fcttacheil4t. Ih .eorrcclion f M?se t,Ao.tt,8'8 yet. M " ,ove f accuracy, will doubtless incite hiin to noiitie them in liis next impfcnsioii -i Jlvvrovotf , u e Jiavcoutselv es mt manufactured a little Table of n t crest w h Ich ur con fire 'M t, towlett, ia respetifuHy invited td tx amine, and If he ran, reciprocate the ourtcsy we have tcudred to him. MlllegevUle Statesman.' ? The Debate in the j8cnateJ-The Debate is still going n and from thb'extrkct of a letter we lay before bur readers, " Its anbrara that y Mr. io waii o f Kentucky has done himself great credit, by the ability and elo lieiil-e witli" wiiicli lie havjidicatcd ii..-. - ...! j i . .i ii ..' me cause oi iruin, airainsi uio liiin- geitHta doctrines of a ; iicvv; panicl come i6isnentJi:fyv''-i-'-- the onitinuation of the iiebate ws hot yet come 05 in the iiewspa- Hr--ljutT; we 2 umlerstand ' j from vYaskingttin, that in layinz his first Speech before the public, Mr Web- stef has withheld most of the olfehsire esjirchsions, ' wiiicli drew forth Mr. lay lie's scveYestcommrhtni'le and that this gentleman is"noy reduced singf replies, ot oT.puttihg ; theni ortu without any apparent provoca. lion The omission on the part tof Mj-.'-AV ; aei?fns si ill more -1 ngeniousi wtien it is recollected, that it is wo w to ispuaiUFngtlipfrrchds of both the parties, y,iicli of tiMrse'gentlemen btl gan thf wai, and which of thejQ act ed on the defensive 'x- laere is noth ingiu tho first sM t clbf Mr, Hanc, i.i-'t - "a a i a '" . wnicii is caicuiaieu 10 jusuty ir V ebster;s recti mipation-but the irnui is, lie lltouclit it best to jiass over: Mr. Benton, (who had thrown i.own inc. gaum let.) ami tn:ke his blow at vir, Hayue. for the purpose no doubt, of wneinjr war upon the preseitt politics ;f South Cai-oliiia. Several letters concur in the opinion t!ik we shall not bco) his ;Speecli as ! I II-. .1 a . . . . i ii ithiiji 4iut as no may pieasc io make it Any ruStng, indeed, bnt w bat it was! Tlits Is the more to b lamented, because,' different vei' Mohs have already -appeared , of: i thij Speech .and because rharces ha ve beeu raised against Mr. Grcett, of a design to misiTprescnt him and be- cause the charge has come from fim4 who really docs not seem to have un derstotid Mr.W.S liitnself.and has,' therefore, given an iucnns'istCHt ver . sion of his Speech! But, to the let tv from Washington! U "VV"'-' !: Mr. Uoica u resumed e 1 1 it lort to-day, the speech winch he had com- roenced on Thursday last, and finish : llaex-JiJfa, itrMca; lad.,r4rUiftg the cjiu nnnu hr GcMeral Uayne, wbaa be tiB)'iUirKUd aVl&InUsa veil as aa orator, Tfe fttala part, if lBara-eiprrsaa,tUbod vfilr. tLnnaV was dirrttr J ariiitst Ibe doctrines promulgated by Mn Wit tttf , is rrlatioa to the tlalra and the United States Sopreaa Court. w Oa this subject b as full, pointed raod nowerM. lie-idea d-tbe r a uw ofl the Stalea..wjlb eiirrt;y,-; ability, and indignant Independence of apir it. Ho treaty Attest dortriae aiTTiin to redocer the State fu the coadition of provinrrs, a ad broke forth into an animated rom paHwn between th difficulty rf per forming that operation epon . de peudciit.'Siatrs and Rindons in the tlmtfof the ltoutaa Krpublic, and Ike rase with bich it would be done here.- TlUre H required armies, bat j ties, and campaigns to red nee au in dependent State to the condition f a proiiwr; bere )t would require no thin butd tfentenre of a dozen words issued from a majority of., the Su pft'itie Court. 1'he roinparifloo, as anqdified and dfliveretl by. him, was f. ible ard strik!njr. The (ieer!i. of course, will be published, and will, be a valuable present fo the proplf. fV&Arr Was not in the Senatr 8j had not b-eu therfe except to vote for the pretent U Galtt Setim, since liis conlrsl with General Huyne. nor has lie been but a small part of that time lit tlie Supreme pmrt. Qurre, is he polibliint:. preparing and fi'lis his speech foi th pre8? or consider! liow W remove GiviMi? or not able to fire the storm which he hasconjur a in7 Kicfunonit Enq. From the Richmond Inquirer, Fine at il'uthiiigton'-Extract- a late letter tor the nox.' I'residen tial election, tbe adversaries of the present Administration moan to r Iv on 'avarice and fanaticism Avarice. To he gratiheu in a lain, in appro lmations for Interiitil IiuproeiuiM!t9, iiir'a partition of the " rstei n Lamls Fanaticism, in all the shapes 1 of Colonization Siietv, anti-Stm day initils, anti.iMasonrv. GnnsriH Indian oxc, Upon these material ambittiHi is to work, and I nm thoi ooghly satisfied, from what we heai from tbe AYcs', that the plan is to nunc all JNnrtu of the rotnmar & 0 hio. 1 think that W ebstcr expwt.s to he pot forward. Clay having got too heavy to be carriel; and if he loses the Keiitncky elt'fftuns next sum mer, be will have to fall bark ami give place to those wh'f have some gronnd of their own to stand upon Extract m loiter fhm ffatKinrtott Cut, The fltMise is ' as nice as a new laid egg" about the Tariff. Ycstei day, when Mr, M'Duffif reported a owl irom me tominutee ot ways and Means, to reduce the duty on tea aim roflVft and several other import ed articles,' some trcntlemen seemt'd to think it would be a burning sin even to let it be' read . twice. Tbev Islirntik from it ns though the pro ...... .1 ..n.-... visions contained mriil pollution as if tlie bars of hammered and roll ed Iron were red hot. Now, this is preposterous; Cnn tint tho Tariff bear the lighti Can it nnt stand a gnnie of battle uqi-i in this "glorious arena" of the "couecteu wisitbia .'.',.' - .a Jkai"- - m r cite natioitf" i Aiarmer never sns beets the fidelity of a servant, t i thcTellow grows shy and evades the request to look into his chest, lion j or bright, Monsieur Tariff open your memorandum bonk and let us see w hat ynu have been about. I he stories you have about the retirement of Mis Branch and tli appointment '. ot Mr. . vVondberry to the- Navy Department, arev mere leather and pninella.' They are circulated, it is supposed, by Borne tool of the 'Navy Board; -who "arc anxious to get rid of Mr. Ii. in the hojc of having his place filled by " a gooueasy soul" like, Mr. Sec retary bouthanl. Besides, from what I can learn, Jf Mr, Branc shmdd relinquish J his " station, (of winch t repeat there is no pmuabili ty,l llio vresident would be most likely to place the trident in th hands of Lorn. Porter. Don't be lievc a tithe of the tales you he from -this den of mischief-makers They are all light-houses of the Have yon not reason to be thankful,' 4liat HenvenI.innieiTV re moved Thomas Jefferson from this wicked world ere this daj? Alas how Would lus heart bleed over re riTaht.entucky, his dearly beloved h.ciituckj' , ion hae seen the dis g'nireful "resolutions adopted in the Housed of "Representatives "of that State .1 ipti the 16th of January, Tlieyv keep - pare; pari pussn, ", with the consolidation doctrine of M V ebster."; Don t a tale hang there by? JJJut I will mt believe ; that these resol utions apeak t he ' iTa sense of Keiitujlcy.' It cannot be! isclaim the uJ I lata xtissa U eu.cva tl.at tte (atU rt CrKMf U Vkat Jrtem; Indeed, w owl J u tU-iaoi t tferxn! So yoa t bow aerruary it ia Ur m to keep the ld cbaia bnhtj fr lt UU the Ta rirmani ia the taat tba iotrraal iaprovrmcnt bBRbearlil tbe West and the- Cter..ke Indians la' tia S.itlw w e bave Hard tjira anj ar lose jr." . ;. ". . ' . V, ; " ; - ' mm Mitt,4rtJ TMlniftM. V. , 1 1. "m libera is to te,. I apprehend, aeTere atm.e here, ta reile tba TariX ;It will be made, and rrsiaU ed with equal ardor.-it baa alrea dy row meartd.... A til! for that par pose, , was jeaterday t reported by Mr. .'cDoflie.froei he-Committee of Yi and Means.' Scarcely bad it made, its appearance on tic Legia Utite boards before an attempt was made to drop the rartin open iL A i.Vi'.iitu was made to postpone it in definitely. Dutliefure the question r uild be taken (a call of the- Hoose beinff previously - agreed on) the houi for considering another class if business artiveil so it stands o ver fur further bearing. .I am not one or the knowing-imh-s. who ran t II yiiu hat will be the fjte ol this bill, but as a Virgin iaii may giuss us well as a Yankee, i guest it will nut bn smotht-red in its birth. A reduction of the duty on aftlt, is very much denircd by mofttoftlic western representation. nil I think it not ut all impntbaWp. that this interest wmtii'g with the nti-tariff principle, will retain the subject for general investigJHion.- he same scheme, you have seen, as been going on in the Senate." COZOMUNICATIOir. von tub afAa. flfetsrs. Eiuort. la your paper of 4 tli inst. 1 nuliceii cerUto remuiku which, from a letter inserted above them. 1 mirio"e lo nave Deen in.me nv he Re Doctor Hum, of ynur city, do the letter of the Rev. Mr Lei ami published Dome time since in tbp Star. s I cuncur in the ttentimenin ex hibited tu t!i greater pari of that leiiei. feel somewhat ilispoeu to otter a lew ibtervitinii8 upon the doctor's remarks. n the very commencement ot hi ant- nudversmniH upon Mr-. Letatiu .letter, h. hit committed the ery crime, with which he charge Mr. Leland, that uf being; " a bnW aMieriion maker." He tells u thai Mr Johnson7 repurt is ' as fi inner and as weak as any elided sophism ovtt addre.ssd to the passions and ejutliiea of "man." He liirlher iiliirms u tnai n nas i eo luiparttaiiy etamined. aud ennrelv confuted by Ductor. Beecher. N.w. let any irue spirited Aaieriran, ui.biatd by party views in religion, matters, impariially and attentively read ibe aigun.em brought into view in that report, and thon examine ynttor Heecher's .vuuno sed confutauon of them, and he Wilive y readily see Who has nude Unfounded averNuna. - . ; . -, The" Doctor eems to take it for granted, that the States aie ai liberty to .late in r e'altun to the al)oattt wheie ver ihey may think propr. 1 would be exceedingly glad if he or any other gentleman would inlorm us whence the States derived iheir.atfilio rity to legislate upn rehgiuiiutjectK, and to settle cnlrovtn.k'Si rcJative fo niode aud forms of woi s'up, amoni; dif ferent religious denominations. For; it the Mates posnessthe prerejrative to determine which da blmllbe observed as the Christian Sabbath,' they, in dike manner, pussesa power fo determine all if lijlious cntrov?rsies, vhaever. No tiuin. 1 think, in this country, possess ing those principles which should al wys charactescize,"pcorie ot tree and independent;; governments, and who knows any thing uf the nature of re liciou. or of, 'religious obiijrations. can have, the 'effrontery, to say, that a civil body is capacitated to decide On re!i gious contniverMeji In so Far, then, as any Slate ha taken upon itsell to de termine the Ions contest between' the Jews and Christians, and Sabbatarians and Sttndarians, it has made encroach tnehts opon the prerogative of the "Al mighty,' j "AH: that .any man ought to ask at the. hands of a civil Legislature should be,' that all his rights, both civil and religious, might be , permanently secured to him; among which,' are the rights d private judgment, and of worshiping (Jnd according fa the dic tate uf hi own conscience' & the con- virtinnv nl" Km hiinl ll thrt nKcvi vfifn-. ' of the Sabbath be a relig'ous duty, it must be, frtrni the nature of all religious duties, a matter between an individual and his maker alone; and not within the cognizance of any civil Lesljiature up on cirth. If religion be whal we believe it K it stands in no need of this world's asitancc. For truth is pnvvorful, and will eventually succeed, independent tm this world, and the legiaiative bodies thereof; therefore let Congress 'touch not.. Whenever tbe legislative hand intermeddles with our holy religion, her sanctuary becomes defiled, and her pure ordinances are polluted. Her rational doctrines, and her divine energies, un der the protection of Heaven and the ngent-y of the divine spirit, are amply suSicknt to secure tti her abunda nt sae cess. Slate interferences, all, church history informs ns, are unfriendly to the prosperity of pure and undefined rcli-t gion. Ve should watch, with a jeal ous eye, all attempts, however remo'e, and indirect, to blend church ghd State. Vita UaU W bst. at Ue uiH ttmt, tUi t-ajVt rt la i'f ttew teal ff rtl sa taeaJaexer ttelr cid l.beni't. - lrt aueX. by eaa rii'a aad prtiUaa ta Cst. tgsi, tian fee.o aUtkatbdy. ad ! rritm, if rail!e, whether Corpeta can b iodaced la vi5ate tU Cntilatio eft'- I'eitrd 8ate.by legii!atug pwa the an'-gecf af retiW, Ehocld CofT r ax-o m tha b jet I l rliga. Ud aaty kaawa where ii way atopi bat we da sincerely bpe tad lrit Ual that b knl it dsty toavellU b indited t frat a saw era ialhc annalt af ear bitry, by vkdatias th Conatif atioa af oar cea try. There may N a few aater spir its al the battw'f all Uiia religioua teat far the haly fvabbalh. waaae deaigws are nalaa asach t aaiiafy th claawora of conscience, aa le gratify priestly am bition and worldly policy. -'The Rev. .Doctor has ihootht pro per la brin forward bat ent test ef srrSptare to aabafantiau his doctrine; and.aafortonalely fof hioi, that test of acripiora ptovea nnthing in hiahandt; fr tbe Sabbath therein commaoded la b kept holy, ia andoobtedly the seventh day of the "week, and not ibe first. Be fore the Doctor can make any test of scripture, taken from the Old Testa meat, in relfTion to the Sabbath, bear upon thia controversy.' he moat prove eplieitely from the New Testament that the Sabbath was chanted, ei'herbv Chr'mt or hia AoostUs. from the seventh day of thi week to the first. The gen tleman, if I mistake not. has made ano ther unfounded eerion. Wnpe king of the spovlcV j urney. wien tioned in the 20th chap'er of the Acts of the Apostle he aays M it was impor tant for him fthe Apostle) to spend a Lrdda? at Tro3. M any person exumine the 0'j) rhaptei of he acta, and he vrill very min disanver whether any thirz ia therein staged, directly or indirertly. relative to the Apoatte'scnn si'Uiing it important for him to spend a Sabbath atTroa. Because Mr; Le land has staled in his letter that "there is no greater relation between education aid religion than bet ween travelling and religion, Ihe Dortor seems to consider hint a wonderful man! but so long as I mut believe what no Apostle has wril ten that "the wisdom of this world is fnnlihnes with G-d so long 1 ahsH consider that Mr.-Lelnnd has not com milted such a wonderful blunder as the Doctor seems to intimate. Querv What ia the diflerenre be tween carrying the mail on Sunday for money. Bnd preaehing' rhe Gospel on the same day for the same consideration? CONGKKSS SENATE Monday. Feb. 8 Several petitions were presented, among which were some from New-Ji rsey and. New York, prav i'ig that Congress mierht not interfere with the existing laws in relation tu the United Slates Mail; and 01 hers praying that the law Tor the transportation of the Mail on Simdavs might be repealed.- The sp.- ciai order of the day having been taken up, Mr. flow an continued his argument in reply to Messrs. Web ster aud- Sprague; and the Senate ail jouined withrinl taking the question on Mr, Wfhster's motion for an in definite tiostpii.ifnient. Tuesitutf. Feb. 9. Mr, Barton cemincnred his argument in relation to the pvblio lauds, and continued until 'he Senate adjourWd; prrviou ta'tthit h, several memorials and pe titions; were presented, among which Were some for and against th 'Sab bath Muils. The bill authorising thf IV'sident to divide Jnilian Agfti cies. iu ret taitk cases, was passed. . H'cdnrvitiy, Feb. 10 Mr. Barn arl presi ttted four memo) ials from the inbabUanta of the city ahd COun ty of F!iii;"!t Iphia, remonstrating a gainst the- ;(Rsage of any laW wbich might be calculated to interfere with ihe tegular transmission of.the Uiii led State Mail nn Siumlay; The bill making' provision . for the -'pay ment of interest dne the several States therein 'mentioned, Tof advances made by them t the United States dtiriog the. late War; was called nil. and after having been, on motion'.nf M r. atlshee, so amended as to em brace tlie claim .of,. Massachusetts Kc Wasnrdered to bo engrossed and read a third ttrtie. ; f .v Thursday, Feb. I -A resolution, submitted by Mr. Foot, was adopted, instructing the Committee on Indian Affairs 'to inquire and report' wheth ea any and what further provision may tie necessary to prevent en- croarhments upon lands belonging to, tr in pussehsmn oi, any inuiaus or Indian liilieR,'Whctlier guarantied to them by treaty, or in whicluthe Indian title may not have been ex- tingnixneil l ho toenata resumed the consideration of Mr. Foot's res olution in relation to futtiits sales of the I'wbltc Lands, when Mr. Barbii concluded his remarks, and the Sen ate adjourned.': i r - ' J'x--' Friday, Feb. 1 2. The bilfrirovi ding for the firial settlement tf the claims of certain States for interest n tljeir ..ntlvances during the late war, was rend the passed, home time Executive)"- bnsiness 'adjourned U!l Mnndny, J?altf, Ftb. ft. ll.a I I r rrdMCliua ad tacHliScaUoa i daticaes certain lasprkfttj lr lntrvdMCrd ua Friday by Mf, Duf!le fr the cooiiniUr tf and Means, v.a,;wn aditi. yeas and aa a, )aid open tLe by a majority of 1C? to 79. '. diipnaUiua of this bill, (olaerv Telcjrapb,) wa axw inductd t? lieve. procerded fium aa nna l aeas tu discos tbe propriety if , duclion ef the duties at this tin the part of many w ho are in fa sucb a measure under a belief the pullif mind ia nat wow prr; to give U approbating and unt' hope that tbe approarbing cxUnr ntentaftlre national debt, will dure a new era in the Irgtal atioa this. country. --Mr. Cambrt!. rna tbe 'commlltee on ' Com roc; presented a repurt on the futtjert tbe commercial intereonree bet' tbe United States and Foreign . Hons, and on . the past and prr-, state of or navigation, six Ihous. copies of w hich were ordered to u-inuHi. exr. urayion, from t Committee on Military A Hairs, f p-irted a bill U prevent sattlers tn selling ardent spirits, which pass thrwtigh the first states.: ;Commtn cations were presented by the Sm ner, on uicsaojcct tit the Salt Work lite U. S. MinC and tho Binkii Fund, whlcb werescveroUydUpoK of. and directed t be printed. T Censos Bill was, after some disc1 sion, postponed ontil Wcdnesdj ftext.". -. -I v- w v- ? I I'licio'af , Fet, 9 Numcroi ! bills passed through the cnstomari stages. y Among them was one fro the Committee on Naval A flairs, f the relief of the widows, children, ( other rehtives of the officers, r men, ami marines,' of tho , Unit States' Sloop of War Hornet, 10 there is too much reason to be fea ed, off Tampico in the Golf .of 5le ico, during the tremendous, gales tnai coasi in oepiember lst. v It w. madrthe order of the day fof .Tf nesday the minnstaot, and diretti to he printed. - Mr; Jtierstl, -frr,:. 4k. i ..,2!:..-. n .-.' ' t me v-win.uiiiuT oi-v ay? anu -.aieiia. ivpnrted a hill for the. .regulation v san s at auction, and tor the Turtle protection of ihe revenue of theTA ted States; which was referred .to Committee of the Whole oh the sa of the Union. v Mr, Archer, frm, II. Committee on Foreign, A flairs; Jin sented a report m the subject of ! Message" from the Fi-esidenC 'of. tl t idled . States, c ncernin, the g li medal meseted tolMnvby .Boha the Liberator; IVcpidenijof the Tf public t Colorii bisand - roncluili with a resolntion that, it and the V I rompany ing letter r be' deptwited i vo ;vi j ni.-,:. urpxri trteJtl l State, The resolution submitted ( Monday by M r. Sntrrs tt Nc Ytirk, . Calling for information re pecti ng the out fit, salary , -r. allott : and paid to Mr. William B, Lni rence, late Charge des Aflaircs : London,' and Tor copies- nf Aarfut pa rts of the comspondence ''relatit to the san e, :was, afteravmodifir! ttnn proposedty M r. Pplk-'iiatid a sented to byiMr.vStorrsadnptfi The Speaker presented a repofm the Secretary of the Tieasury fu: cerning the public contracts mi during the past rarj which was tin posed of in the usual- manner. ' 11 Bouse then went into a."CommiJti of the r.y hole on the' istato er i!i Union, Mr Sutherland in the Cliai; on the general appropriation hi!) f tne; support or liovernment diiiK! the '.5 year iSS-The first jirovisi of the.bill approprlatliie :he-;6uiu 526,700 dollars for lhe romnnv tion of members Vof Congress, i the salaries afheojt-ihid.i:!! of The two Iloiiseswns assented t Upoti theTollowing'nne w l:Ti fi ior,: a votQ oi 133.600 dollars to fi r, y th? cpn'M'ficwt expenses of f o gress. an animated ,discusshn arns Mr, lr kltttp urged the nr cessity I restricting th.e disbursenients sjiettfic objects in order tw ct!stir strict, acconnfability ton- the; part Uiose entrusted with the distribtii of the fund; and called p the n liltinn to that effect, presented I him on the first instant: from t: Committee on Urtrenrhmrnt, i 1 mendment of the h.' Mr. f- proposed "?l a furllr nmendnie' whu li was engrartetl 4 up? n tliat Mr: iWirkliflV: aniL finally. "ftfter Lw,irm debate. In the course of Mt. , McUulIie, Mr. .iEv'ci elf, Massachusetts. Mr. Inirersidl. J' v IllECrsidl, Karri n giiv:-i!r Pt!uu.i.i4l. iV. IIuulingto'Mf. Daniel. Atr.AVic lifle, and Mr.1 Coulter. Took T adopfeiV by ,the Committee, ly vote of 4 to St. Mr. Senm i.!. 5' ed a fiirlhrr'omrttdinent prov idt fhnt nothing previous? : autliin'i by "a vote or;cilherTIousc- of T' gress should be roirsitletrtl as - rn ing withjn the scopoof th" ptupi'!' meastu'fi.j .-...This 4 propsi(in ; third time antP however, I'egatived ijpotif adiv? w a spent: in by to 40,. Upon mu',Mn!-.r J . The Senate Everett, of M:HnrJ,iwl, si ' granting five lfiQtisad.dd!ai, 1

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