i H ---- - - i '" wa. w M (- rj. ii mm ik.- an v. , jm ai'.tCW , aaw : . "I a,, a , -. lac.aaa (tap. I wn. Ml IM ptfturi M !-. AN i, askf J, prelVf andrt, it'twaa trtacti, anprrjwdied an4.irHijt ra.Jti4d. ba4 already T.reja.'ged if Am kCrtniiM if tH it Van-saC ArW a yrf fr-o a, it ana, Mr. ul., a Itl-tarl tbt Jlaaat U Urr of irlt repot profwase.. by UsctXra.rn, H i) Waning, la tsn covrwt ot hot re Is, lo tb rtrvu of Ihe lr Iir. wm th ramife J IVaywervl t trleeAlo, ki &rat d4,)l dm Hirfe lb, k4 nrpoted,.tmbr.vCt,S, if other ,pnrW' s tbe.aubj-ct f the wot owsowriat for the redweyott of t'a f an bar na.4 tsjUed. Won; winch, el pra kftiJi Juif mvuuiiaf elaoat Umt- prohiMtuwr Mr -lUmeey, Mr. bat, I aU.MMnr. nook -mmom taa iecu u4.. Verplanek .replied: after tha n.armoevat ws referred la Cunv re of A .vliole on the state of tba Co, L 'Tlie 'INm then loot tip the coi ! 1.14 at the rRilutiwn'propaei bv Mt. Vi- . -fur tr.e pi-intine of the law mi erml . fc Soaibrii Su'e, in relation M t 1'V m 'uhH their trrrhi) fimiV. M an ap. ta U report tke Cwnmitir oa liaa' AH'a' jreaneI by .tr Bell, uf iudpmcc, ai previwnljr' onlered to toe intrb. aJreaaed tiie Uoote at ne njth- 1he tiueeitiMf wa, vpwn Um ifttiduei f Mr. ' foaer of erpa, at Mfced, to strike put fM tmjpnal reto). ?. e;id ilirect the Clerk of xle (toiae d 10 be primed the origtual iaar of the itrt evJemlin j iinadicfioit ever the lli ba U.-Htmgere. af e. tome obtctrt xitfrnin Mr. Trai. of I idiana, aitk reipect the ('xrejoinf question, moved that (he fC W referred to th-Cnitlee on In in (flrairter hamm dwcuiaiim, Mr Wilde vJ. ibt the lefriurion, ai amended by e mution of Mr Sierifer, be omirainrd Uu5 t;n:nmitiee on jnJiri AflVira, with oructtona to teteet and report auch. or ao icU of i he la wa of ir JeTera! SUtei. tlje txiict, ami Judiclnl doctrtnea, ait it may be ipce to pf'X tor to tnwnuiHMi ot tue bvuf. . nr. S'enere. aiwuia -iqe amena snt) upon whichvMr. Vintpn called for the k tnd naya.' They were about t,o he taken mhe rpreftion of ai-eeinr. to it, vhes, k hour faring pir4 the further con. Uaiion of the a.ibjrt- Was deferVed - The It tor the relief of Mf. Decatur a taken L and bd t ocated by Mr. Urayton, until the be of tl9 piuin,. The Hon Jamca W. ply a,on motion of colleague; Mr. clntytT allowed leave of absence oo ac f at' iidipiUoni " , ' : ., WniWeirfayi -Ware X r. Thompson,4'! sAi-gia, frofnthe Committee on. the Militia, eiented a communication received from the. dretw of. War, on the aubject of that m rtant anil of National defence.- : It waa com tittd to a Coiflmit,tee f the Whole, oh the t of the Onioa, and ordered to be printed, te reaoltitiort of U?. Vinton, aa amended by r.'jr out or,, and ,'uberjnnUy mcxjilied, on uljeq of the printing the . law relative the cotiditiotvof ine Indian waa then taken , and 'considerable' (Jebale eitwed " The jurtuf the fcoimnitiee on the wntestrd ctin ce between nw." Newton arid nir ijtJ, wi taken up Mr. Storra moved that p Committee rie,id reommit the report Vive Committee, oh the ground bf.Ua not Vinr ureciae informatioo, with respect to I Mnica, ana cpjiomona rn nit, of far nn LliJitd votera.s Mr CWjorttei atrenoocily based the.'motion.an! urged the ep.edfc- y of immediately prooeeunf io .tne, con; fcratioft otVtlie wibiett S. Mr. Auton, the Lijraiaii of J n Cpmmit'te, stated that, al; itgU the motion uf '4r. St'orra waa, utterly nvcrdeiited, yet, nevertbeteas, be: would aitt to statej' that the-Catnmitteeon F.lee- would be prepared, V it Wro oniiler. necKiuariy bv the Houite, to.stnte the rea ls ot't'hir reject (oti of some of the votes, tttcir riettsion in suftf.-ot t or others;. Mr, rtjUni Mr Johnson, of Tennessee, . ad e4 the" C'oonittee tho former , in aup tcflb pr-iponed recom-nitment, aftd he (Uid.for the ntoorustv M oursuine ,tte m nratwru a wU iritn; the eiccuinstaneea tneoted with the cf itself, aa from the ;t that. jf 'reasorrof the aesr? oi being 1 now ke than ha.lf oyer; it desirable tliat the aiioa respecmiK ' pciamuinicu,,w n the Mouse, eliould be speedily aelUed Tavtot advocated too motion for recom troeot,; artd teferred wrormee preceOentt wnpoH'uf , his opinion Mr, McCoy re ted, aad wai followed ,by..MF,t, 6lerirerei :xareased himself in favor of the, reeori ualof the tenorC Mr. Buchanan aid, ttiat ( deplored' the : fatality. which' ippearfd to jftadf thfc lioust.in retpect to prevejrtinjr t 'pnipett'tof ar'bilaeb 'fhooy' m. long ii truiuet deeaic occurring upon hs iniro fctir Mr. Tftckefror.Sl Citrolina, vindi VdvUe' course nHrtued by the Comm'utue I tWotioiis sut,njr, that lve , rule upon icli': tKey bad approved' or rcjr-cted the 'p qtiestioned, bad been made equally art tobleianjl' bad berlf iir fool, equally I'led to the voters f-.yr each of (be compel . . Mr ' Cr&iof t iftfinia,"; depreeatet) continuance of the discustuotr, and argued poVof the Wpiirf presented by thd Com iee on ereetiojtii,! w- storre, 'atier- mm Uer.d.isctta:Qn, withdrew his propos'UKMi) ur..LoyalL from the bar of tho. Houae, rested the Committee until it rase, and an Vurnment took place. . ; ?. " . i iMtnlaitZ MMik 4 Mr. llohnion of. Ken 7, ChairmaW-of the Committed on the l'gst veand Post Roads, presented a report ntiun Uiilyeet-of the transmission ot the puhtn ' upon Sundays) eoncluding with a resolo i tlut the committee be discharged from the W eoosideratlon of die various "memorials ented tothe House respecting It. " The re. I vlucli is of eonsiderable iunih, presents inous view of the areumentt heretofore ad H'd UH)n the question. ; debate arose upon ftioaofMr. Chiltoft to print ten thousand fsbf tlie reftort. tarl McCreery, member )e fcommitiee, stsu-d that', Inasmuch as he t uted cn a mniovitv of the- committee in ffeyort', h wa his intention to present te frm the tuiiiei-ity as anon as be should. have re,l it. The reporf of nir. ' johnson waa riMeljr, ordered to-bd tel'urred to a Commit ' b VrhOlo on the stale o the Union, - nir. i'ter moved Ut the naonl aumberi only be f ';''( but belfire a deelskm aa taken upon the "on, the hour allotted for.lli6 sonsidi rntmn riwtsaiid resolutions e)ti)ircd,;vT. he House ) is Committee of tlie; Whole, resumed the "1rmio of the' eonteated election ense be f nuv Lotall and mr.. Newton, of V'uiriiiin ti ia IM Sk 4 Mr, i Um la Wi MMi4a te i t i w.V) n m . at 0 rmm , v Mneisn, tessetteaaju ! .2, ra svrtn Vy a wl II t f r. , fW Hm wm of ta tlTWa a U mirr4 stm Mr. Kum Wt wwti a t at his rtrta so a aetata Himwl. Ahara mLt bs rtv1). mmnA nrWv bar sVUtti sM mlf raaa. woartrd weotrrras. a4 SuvrJUaveCa a4 ujk ' . ' . im 'is. 4, 4 x. i tKtv, )U4 a: iU stal-y Tsiw, ks iAea Xae as Ui - M I-- -ul m m i UvaMil it af tW I 4 aa tax Wi svinr. I stm savart SkjactC 4 waar sal tw auatea, . coiixianncATioiz3. ; fm Iht f 4e .r. OotUmen the 8ur tf ikn C3ib instant,; Otf Ur Usui ku beeo i ta ( giefr inrorraaiKin - U bi laoitf ' Boaa ro-.nfieiiUt of,' k cjIW isa ' lHat h itea trOttrrt thv tUck of wo rbt "lte fiHiibehirt'l ,Q.,, If is eilrrtarJy'tiinooa, lrKjeeJ,'r ariattesirv their weigh! arrJ inv fvoriance, Ut ttnx anonvaausia, sir rnl erf a'ltdlrr wf the E-ijliaJs n'pha-Uet.-ThtW of Q. rlij; rwi tfvn i'ler ViK'f tnnn?'iii nt IU "rtil netn, aa Dodoi Mant4 resuark vpon Mr. LetiadN letter wrt btUr the pub lie, and nuhjecf to the ani .a(Wrrvoo oTnoe neriro wViO mifht think prxiwr to eiaminc niem! ami luriner, tn nor lr eimsi lnrd a man bf to gr at T.al anrl . invincible . cuurajte, ; that 1a WHald altetn.ru the covifatatintt ef an a-timertt tnat could 1t brmjght for ward name or n name; ' It is morh n'aii tti ouibble arum i cPremunir f V"ir or no fonHiilrration,' than to an swer armrftenw. Horn nrrtext for miin?; off. Urtier Ihsn nonel Thf author of Q Jont miHi 'ike He Doctor eni " tyftninentafwr, for he never eitiMilfrrd hirniflf m writing a cm men arv npwn the n rtttr' puerile ef fort to rmifnle the doctrine contained nlr. Lelaud'a Tetter, . Q. rr j him , 04 srtf. . i - I . . . . CWi9H Lmr arrauva. Tb &4Ua; aoM Mr. M 7rM ana k raat on efts sat) saswniasasisi wa rrUtiia ta la4 aiUera fo nt sU4s f Viaatad as4 swssjlaSi d ay s an mi osmj laQrr vraars at Waabisct. tfasmae bovn, l assasal aaowtba awsa. smwal a snasy noaaa ntaaw in ataaaat every op- awakion prsat aa iba) UsMwj . .. t-'. ; TV W &aVw U f We AaV TcfwtJL t tVaaaiarraa. irh Marckv taa.- Biai As ska awiiovw.sa tm r wvssara araV WaaUaoVn, swamw in ranaatsit sho etarri rijt!A.Jl s)nsn sa ran CtrkrauaS' sA bar, rewwe ta aa Mrf t aAcrrirw Wtaraa Mr. Vt Bras as4 Star tell. ar ahs aawiaa yoaw deaasl af at, I ask tar ssso of esr papn taatate, nnaaaiviiaalls.ttwsi jke saury etwttcrty MiUav as aU ns Uaa, at 1 sawoaw e trash. rTetlun;, naviar law reaMrM vwsembtaaaw to awy nasi of the details of Una atdrv, vwr awesov radi nor nas I avee bad a aiaf la word sm dif trra.r wan Mr. Van- Barm,, on an 9mr Wat ever. si I looser sUeove'nn av MrtL asirX be son annual saso sat asapiUascwao l ta Uwtb el a staaatnaai, wkialt I Jkeow- Mr be a looadrd, 1 have Ml it ta be sha U soy DC, as wril as re Mr. Vaaj Bufen. ta make thM duiIm aoMradietioa afb. ' r ; ; i Yoa obedient Sarv ' . CKO, MaDLTFIrV. M lUal yf ai lW a.aia Wk aaa.i as. at mi aUa. arWa mm4 samjia, aa s fcv aas aa, aiaaW by saw MV 04 OMar aaavf. aaaa aaal Ur4 far aaw t-mm, waa aawaa Irxaa iVe mm t Asm ir wkaa saaa a nlaa bsaua awry wrv4a, aaa, baaaarr. svVal ka) st.b6aai aa tada d Lilaax a W)a. Ta Uiaa Ue Ukca anasruma mi mmt Minn. 1 kai r(ora M..tv Slain kaa bv arocrsal last, ' i nif f ) an, as war aa baae n-ansd BtslWavaaMUM Tl, tawraaraa 9 ii ry. isaaal a i(t as aaorv rW aawbaUa. . Kasae nW stasia was wratea, o base baco taM inat Tnaavaa sa aat the Hand CbV of tbw Kuaaj, na ataird aa twe Ahi.ni pva-a, and V bw aaly abjaal as Mof- the 5taax- aaa Sa sw naa paynseaaafaoa ara krt.-e as tbe socwaa vasasrrjAti'cartr fc Cavrt SfartiLlJym rrjcrrl ts MlatAornerfKriabtr pspureha ropirj (h tiiticr uf tW National In. t U'rrirer:. utvin thn anb'Krt af tit-' I'rrtti I Martial now l-i aeWon In tli ity.s; ni:rr-nt'a .ffflrrtiou tuunl natisfy nU uf the. (mirmprtrtr f aucb toTirra, M the prrMnt tiioe, tf Iruei ' , FOa THR 8TAa. '. StMalh Miiltil have heard itak eil, what ia the tlilfrrence between atopp'uij the msits and 'ttoprinj( any traveller in a upon the road? I an awer, trerv "rat;. besides the twnrasea lo not apply.'" Cmgrcs are not asked to ftonthe mail, but only not- ta cw.t- pel ihem to un. Ottpr the- mailt tht j havq jurisdiction, over the travi'lle r' not. ,mpuKi(iti i not Iwined, ; They ar nnlreqaented to aSsfffWrnot to eert power; but Joirwirlilmld it. tV ' Horning to Parnt.n infant ahi.d was recently burnt to deslh in Granville county. Ilie mother left it asleep rn the oradle, aod wcu out to attend to some of her domestic afiatrs, and when she retarued, the eradle and clothe( were tWDSumed, and psrt ot the child's body burnt to ashes! ' It Is supposed sinuk ot fire Was wrap- ped up with the child when, it was hod lorn. . -JFire. The JwellmV house of Mr, Robert Jones, in Oranville, we regi-et to learip, was lately detrcjf by fire, tt was wonsansed la the day timeand. the fire was eoramuliieated to the bail(Jinj by the burning of shavings lu tbe tu e-plsoa. '- This h the seaond time Mi J. hai met with the same misfortune within the space of a few years., i- . ., .. ., . ; ' Firevf WHmingUm.fli. it with regret we tearo ' from the Wilmington tteeorder', that that town has been visited by another fire. .'At nbout day ? .1 former gentleman eoneWed his ajteoeh jo jf 'tof Ui claim as reeognised by the Com igf v .firriloetihawv to assume his it in' f he V nSfs"l;ai V2i followed bf mr. Newton.' inrr. I td the euromitte i-ose, and the Mouse firued. J e-. ' ' r'Jr.' March S.-J-The resoIotiOa ofiWChlt t"T iue pruuinsfoi ma tuoosanu eopiea or tne 'ion tnn aohje of the Suodsy msils, was, i "'me oDservauoua trom mr.,- MkIISit. sa uT ,ftB PoiW)ii,- and a call b oin mel uua sar tae nrevMua nuestioa rr-i is m . . . . - - . Lr - . urinajrre, l)r a vete ot,3- to tTt 'iUv ,raie vim ST r a-w " RALKIliH, 'vlRCH tl, 1850. ' Dutrtuhtf '.UcUeni Tbe !friAk papers anoooaee tbe dratb of Mr. A' Harrtll ol Hertford eotuHy, nader the' follo'alor aftictiai; -trauraweaeasr -Me. Hamll waaMarnintlsoasa troavaonrt o Mnsiday, the 21 nhiaaav with Wis little ana, in a frt wbea the horse toak Irarbt, and, w.hiN eadeavarins; in pull him in, the reioe brake. - Havsnjr thus lost all eoutrol oVee Kis horse, Mr. II. desired his so to juiap on, aba did so, and Weaicd without injury. Tbe father thru alt mjHrd to escaps fi-nas the vehicle in tbe same manne'n' kut, ' unforroraUrlT, the wheel eame in toutaet with' bis head,' and n-aotred tbe temporal bona. ' He lingered uutH tbe followins; attains;, a hen be expired. On the' 4th instant, a nuhlia dianer was rivua to tlte Hon. LangJtn CAews at ('harlestoo, S I C. which was nunseMUslv attended. Amone the eegalar toasts were the following-. , The Pri)Unt of the United State Msy the wisdom and enukv of hi administration uhw him as exalted u tlie estiioatiiHi of posterity, as ho alrmdy is in the lavnr of his oountrymen. rite rtce frenUent ot tlie Utuled States 1 he virtues of the Man, and the talents of the Stulrs. man, unite to rander him the admiration of the Countrv, and the pride of his natise Stslr. CAitv -ibsenev ha ortl estiaiuaed bis a!Tao- tioos from his eaHv friends His return to his native home, is gi-eeted by die sfordial aelooi of a B'holu coniiiiuuily; . Here Mr. Cheves , made his aekuow ledgmcnts to tlie eorapany in an. apH-opriate ad dress, and offered the following sentiment: Tlie Citr f Charlertw, land Hitter Mo- wf. raueweii un ipttity etdJile her lo I cherish man)', not more grati'-il, but more iue- r:orious sous. Oiio.A meetina; of a number of deraocratie republicans of Ohio, assembled from various parts of the State, friendly to the present Ad miputration, was held at Columbus on the 40th ultimo. Mter tbe organisation of die mfceiiiig, a committee was appointed, who, after retiring a aOort time, reported a preamble and resolu tions, approving of the administration of Presi dent' Jaekaon, ami recommending the appoint- went ot delegates iu the several eountie to sW- tend a Slate Convention, to be hblden at Colnm bos on the sesond Monday of Jnly neL lor the purpose of nominating a ' suitable candidult) fot ' I frwo a Ae kinl'rd with akltl.rf twwl "fil'nit, a rut. ad wli'.a iiaaVi I rt.n!rri trre tilajinc. ,t i to U iM.rwsl t Matter fanAs tat'l aist aa warning! jarful, a4 cllrr! tHiLatf Ibe rartt uf . rial drrts, K a. ajtpainst IV tThmc if a in h" if fltclito mft idrnt--r7VirCarCa' n7aa. Weliatrvcitesl late itrllieiare froi MetM-ts. rvnBroitnrr l at. ruui.t of limttaruettti 'ii tiiwmpls utt-r Uurrrrro, aiwl all the itaru nuns sf the new retalutirMt in U. Mrtifatt Gotrt nmenl, aa tliry tae lifftt f latrt? in LU ajK-r. JUV,1 p. iusr t left Use city of Mr&jr) On tlir &d ill liraw. witlt an tctrU pnividevl i the Government, oftw-ente meni wlu onavru eii on me uo;e ruuir l uskirrU, t tlai Laa erer ' leaia bii y!f U, tl.l, . tu Uj, l iN.ctU I' ' IV'latSttj Ut tll ( tn V r. a ntd r.it , (i fiMturt jlR, an J Ue flia ta aLlr t .atriit-.H. u i.r rUiaR lilctalwrr, t laV'r;ft s i.t9 ' tr tjwr tssiketJiUn'r-l mi wLlcB rtwii Uwl t Jnts w . Capuia J'tsnker. mt f N. Tatk pntket aVii l'cl , aaa ao ranpieed i.l kimJrt i 'oral f,f y net pmiMZH era 'br Aitjstjc, cheat tiavwg f- tJ toe rli a fii"H aoWI'nt at MAKrtlM),' o ;r'' (n ll I tea ntueaa, at the boaao of tbe Rec ia kMat Tata, sa N Huaii ejaatr. taa Kev. J iHaaaa M larvrr, KaaxMMl erpMs, to Mas wjtjmvi r- i ata, - -tJaBnMian.awtbe4tls atL Mr. Wl- ' nana . Kstreto.MwaAnatbuw. ' la Iradvll e-amiv, aa la lattv ak. Mr. ratvwl - It Bciell, at t,irka. in Mass iUraiil il ssr, 7. uf tba IWtsurt aowai). " la ja aasaak swaatv.' on taw Balk uku.n. Mr. Itrnry "Sutt. Of XkAmni wy un iiiptujr ruiisbie, brmria. Tdvttiin Mail fa Sii?1uowt. ft Natl, of A KmiiHrtua, a Ma tk the Falmouth rs adj to m-rite liitn. I .u Parutwaas' acar.' M th- iTvb ih, air. y. ' 1 I lt . antcai anre al Vra f..rvx. will doubtless be n arreiitah!e pMre tMiHtorraation to a larre fKrtion of wir readera to bf InfortnH, that. fV.' iuranct-d liave been ktnvc. h the l'Ht AfAster Rftrfral, that thrsemU wevkly Stage Mailtlu-nnKli 8aJmbu jr. orth and srulh, will. onrtir timo 4H14h twelve month, 'be" extended. M ts run Hire titnee a week.' :'? re udiispd, bf the lion, pesford nrtnen, one 01 tmr fcenntors M . I on- jrfM.that the state of tTtc fitiatiti.is of tite Department ill tint warrant he Posl Master Genera! in trrantfi tip rxttMitiion ImmetliatHv; but that' our application -.ill be krjrt iti'vict, and our wi-heit be complied with ear- -."-.' V si r iy in tne- etisuinar year. . ne trjn further, n-oni the B;iine sourrc.' iJiat the subject of an altemlion ' 111 ihr main stap- route, &c. from Grernv borough to tht south, has been under ituVisrment hv the-Dopartnient; ami. a' tlecisioti tnade, adverse to an change at prtsent. '' tl esterH Carolinian llayti and Spain. Xiy the brijr wzei6T, arrived at Ual'iiwore frtim Port au Prince, the t tiitorn of the initfrJam bavr rrrivrtl a copy of a jutirlamailon of Preaidetit .Dover; rt late to a demand made ilpan the. 'la.t':n Gov ernment bv thfKJnfrnf opin, tor tne oeiivery or me loruter Spanish paut f tlje Island. 5 Thr President t xliorts the itihabitaiitrV he easteru part isf the Islaed aiitl ita deiendeiii iea fft rrnialn fSero fu thrir adherence tti, their conatitufion. fitrl Htiti promises hia protection in ram of danger. ' jPoicer$ -of flttorntn The Nrw Yorjk Aforcatflle Advertiser Btate, Governor. ' 1 he Legialstere of NeV Jersey has passed ao art abolishing irftnrtsoument 'for debt in that CsHt;v " : f-',' 'v.-'Ji V ' t'enfde rrionsi.rAtdi lata wnlnn n( CeKlmuro of fieorfeia,' an set ,w passed, dis- hreak,on the 1st" instant, the house oceupie by j pensing with the attendance of females m Court Mrs. fieorge Siukh bonlerme on 'Front and Cliesnut Streets, and owned by St iohn's Lodge, was consumed by 'fire Besides the pi'ineipsl osa, which falls on the IjO'HJt, whose policy of miurknee hair expired on the preceding la"v Mrs. SoihhsuMBjHed C.W- loss of part of her fur. nitjire'i aiid the fire companies were' under the necessity 6f 'polling down Mr." Lkwtnu'p cabinet work shop on Sf. eonugooua lot. -f The ause- of the f"-s is attributed to the carelessness uf a ser vant, )a leasing 'a tandle id the iiantry, whwh, after buralng most of die. aighu. communicated fire to the wIihIu 1 . , . -, Editorial ChangerThe Halifax .Minerva lias allertJ it tule to, (list of the Itoanalce Jl&- vaeate. , - , - t .. , ;. ..; Mr. Henry Maclien, editor., tt the Kref mai Erh6, pnhhshed at "Washington, iu Beau fortedonty.'hss eptered loio coirtuerthip nh Mr tMjliam 0.' Carnugtonj sail the paper if m a short t'n, to appear under the name of the Wtuhmgioii Time. ' - , 1 j. ,. ,t. ... ', y 1 ' , Mr.'J'rwff, of ticoi-gis, resumed .his Scat in the Senate of the ITuited Statei on the 3d insumti ' -' , " On 'Fiidsy iHftt Gen. John Floyd took tlie oath of titfiee, and entered upon, the duties of Governor tofVirgmia, . ' t tK' ' vIM WeosM-We copy the subjoined c traet bTa tetter, relative td an occurrence in the SenVin which Mr. V'ebster wap"eallcd oor dw by lite Vice President torn tlie Phitadel pliia Gsiette, which papet! state thai k islrom s saitracthat tnsy, be .depended upon. The' ac count H gites of tite transsction fully accord jib the one which v have received '.irom a gcatle. roao of tbe first respectafiihty, who was also an eyewitaess. ; .v Tjj. ; . S-Mrv AVelislt it the eeOrsv iifhls reply to Mr. ltaviie,took oeoasion to iindieate bis own 'S'in sisleiiey in rebnioo0 the stibjeol of iuternal un proveroent. Ho ti-ated l.is own aourse back to tlie year. rsi6,nd alleged llml-be had been in favor Of this power4 as' exeraised by the general government, Mid dial he toUowtd t South Caroli na lead..; 4 JJttce, ne eaia, m u pait-w u argument, bo wing" towards the Viee President. He, proeefciled tu Vemrk t1t 'f the ieadert whom he followed.aaw other lights wid twiied S short iingle, he Jttot aeeln thii same lights, would go on. Ji man eidf mistake this d'rect allusion,' When ' iaiinediately Naltcrwiiniltff Ms. Webster spoke ot -the - aseending state t tif South Ciuxdiua wha.b had gone elfin a uitghfcJs."A this place" MrJ- Cftlliouit intarruiitetl him" some w bat sternly, and ,eouired wheiUtr V thw gh tleinun fmu) MaswebseUt intruded t'elirg rthe pernm'who pi-cupiol w;ciiaS' wtr uatnig witnesses, except iu criminal cases, ' . TLeu- tes timony is to be'takeo hi prhiave by pOmmissum ers, beibru whom they are required to give' depo sitions Voder tbd same oenahies that beford Co fureed their lersonaj attendance' in Court, !" r Shamefui 0rfrjy.-.We learu fitim Uie"Ncw Hanipsltii'e'S'atriul, that, on die 24th ultima tba effigy oljul. cunr.'a bfother ot the late gb bint Commodore, aa hung betbre .hit own doiit. litis wasdoue.by .the, Adams party, n Coase qooncd of the piirt which Col. 11 in eoiiMmcttoa with the other friends of the , present National .dministraiipn iii'NewHampsJure, took In the pei.dmg elections lu that State for Governor fee. i . i ;2ur6erV.M(irfA S. MvttenoiU Cfrmrfa?ire.-Ve understand ' Irotn aarediUule souice. tlial uu isaturtwv week: am-gi o buy going to mr. Hearu's mill, iliseoer- e .I about I miles Irons this place, t raoes of some. thing having bei-n drawn across the rond mto the ooiii; curiosity prompteu uuu to follow tne tiaek, when he discovesed, a short distance fioni the rosdJihe body ot a white mao ahiuh had en only a sliir. and white flt:nul ilrswa the iwy winil to tlie mill ami told what be had seen, which induced several "luevsons toVisit the 'body. HtihiSitime bvcdtise ao--.disfigured by the busr i:u'ds, that M leaturesaouhl not lie iliseeruet hetore ui-o-jer stri rond be taken tq Invustiirute the rrtatter, the hmly . was-suddenly and secretly removed. Consideinhle' exettenieiil urevmls ,m the neighborhood, a)ld euquiriet are making wuusii we uu tl win .riuciuaie this smguiar and utiireeedeuud aOik. J'reii. ' N.-. J ' Wmhinelon Mat ch i. A Rogue Caught. -S few nlus agy one of tne eiera. 01 tite .roit-omee oi tins- city, gmng into the office at a ltf hour, discovered a tin trap suspended nwn -the outside 4 the nuiuth of the ictteioox, wliicn at tne time oi its iiisaovery, was full ol letters, which had bei-a, drooped iute It since the snsru li-ul been set, H being ao in genious contrivance, 'itt which some nieehankad deMeritjr liad been employed, our police officer were set to ork, unit, Imvmg lound out the woramoi wnere a, mniBiuar part oi tne wore was done, and thus itiiiued a clue toIeadUiem to the detection dfthe'ottender, sikjii traced him out-'tjn MirtMUy he wa apprehended, anil confessed the Inn, lid now committed tbf tri ll.- He is an entire stranger in the city. ' AfA.i; Milhdteville, V. 7. The two trooifs of Cavalry sent tinm lahnms into the Creek' Nai na to aid the Kheriff in airest- Hit; ttief frmuiiwl Chief, t'oakina, far the stlnnge and stletviwiouof trte iublio Mail, had'to !return wKuout ncomiisiiiiU then oly et.as rnskina kent hnristitt conteHled.- It was understood how- ter, thm-tha Ch-t' bad since gime -la faft Mitchell,.-' witll rtw liutenlion of auirendering (Mmscll; t3 Ue omcer eonvmaiiiliiig the United btaies troons 'there; 'The - Indians s may be Changed h "seoiiiwent ot lliat: subject.".. Mt j Supposed, were jgready alarmed at the appeer VVebstesi somewhst lo mfatirpt'tset, eomailiiring !? in their .Vatiooot tbo armed men trot Al- luilin, aii.i in lyiliria a. uuriiuj inviau " n w eountenaoce their hlinao.io I)is improper eOur I be MnorB (rv Journal of tlie 19ib- says M A more serious distarbaoee than the stopping the directness of the aitMck, -disctaiineiijlt such inteution..- lie was unwilling be r.ud .l'Ja'ltde-iiT anv ntaiiuer to a uerSi-B i aitoaUou to rt I ply and behaduoiilBowleilge 61 auyaut ji change in die s7iUmcuU ol th'Victl'ri'lent,iiiow ;;'-.. ". i - '.-.- -- '. ' hat! Hk Superior "..Court. BiHinsr lo thatylty, la made the follrtwihe important net isi! on the nuhiect of powers ot attornev. j A note, tudori. eu nnocr a power ii attorney, 1 was niKrounieu uy .uw oi iir uanks in New York, and tho DitK-ecdn drawn ot t bv t,he aeent.': - It appeal td; ho . rvertliat, on tltfr day ' irevioiin, vitiv principal, to vlutrrt tlie note telohi Red, jw'4 h,i i-esided, hi Massatltti fiett, had dicdr uilhout ' anv know led;e Vf tlipevciit, 6 Ije Bdif cJtht'P of the" bank' the aeent. The unrt held that the imlotnemfnt atroieUiue brJVrre.of thelhrrr Mn-t. Irao aLiw of war. the FalittoutU. I lie hrie, aud .the IVarork. crraeJ n sctisatiun even in Ue .Mexicnn t api-ta!.-- tin tU I t Jaiisihrv. tlir A. iru'tkan-, iu the citr of Mexico caf Mr, t'outseit a grand public (Imovi, oa.wuKU wr Mi ail mibiK a lull w ctnint to-mtimiui or tite-next riav. Cul. Udt lvr,-C'hai LM tL rvt. of out Govcrnntt'jit, artived a few tlaya br. ftfie, al t a prescnt at tlie diuner . . I lr revolution is tv.t ralrtdaictl ti rIv irauquiljily to the CQUhtri; and the apis-it oi the new rult in U lar frotb bein' kiaF to tbvan United platen..' ll:.j:aitT calM IU M-n now.--tlie uflicial vfKa -itf tie G vernmetitU , V Vr4otr frutn. it tlet two s'lhjoined paracapi.Mi aa apiTf riiets of it- !olie,.wkicU jt rrelv re. alitfa IheJione presM-d h' Ptrsi. dent Jarkiin ill Itia inewaeij.' h l an uavaotafft iias rhauco unuld tctvut i it our affairhv in-Rlficd,' . v V KrQto- the- Meaican axettevEt RoV S0 ioy to Ronh ,AmrncajBnt!io tleturtur of inn Minister '. s -v 4 r, ! "Wnauntiiiy.nie' fammit Mr, Pmnsctt left Me aictt, after hatans? fuldtjcd butdlplomao mission nrondrvrullY, '(sell. -ThU Vi-oowrt'-d founder of Yotkuan, on flying ftom amog-it us, was accompanied bv million of euraca, and by the Deputy Cereecro,' who wii re main without nil lord and heat trieod," ' . ' IFrom tbe Mine. 9th' Jsnuavv.l r '. A few days before the departure of Mr. Poinsett from thia capital, the Arnerieitn CA Bbt" aniced. V.omnlisMioRed.. it is said, -bv the Gpvernment of Wjiahinetoh, to nrzociiue wiui urn, wii i.iu vraaion III lire ITO'lHrt 01 1 exas, and pitrhof isedjLo ofTcf for; the Sam the sum of !rve .rodlione ...uoSara -ejUc ara not mtmindu that the Colouel has ei aone any tnu.K t tms nutter, we Brtsurat he- doe tbe new AdmmUirttnin the juitiec to. believe them iitCHpshtii of lending thfm selves to triiwjMthft'aa pret'idniaJ and die- graceful to lire KcpuhiiQ. a ijw'mijaiable to the Minister who should aubscribe It. '- - We- underHand. alaottbat (Vonel Butler came bv laml IrouPiuftilphia, hud that tl.fc latiguj , conft;iitty,. on so'. J0n: a jonr. s the. ostensible- reas-'P for not liaflng prew.it edinrnaeUto iuf fmveiomeut, and delivers J bi credeittialy wtiich it is kno p 1: recrit'i d samwrt. nrwoy to :isa MaHIut .wi IV-rr. daagloor at Jonah feri, F-su , .t lr-if.i ia' v the aiti emiatv, on the lata, Mr Fbswu F.I ott lo Ms Elou s.L . . - ' '-v , ta (iraastll aouotv. aa tbe UTib sili.m . Ur. '. HxMirl Fuller 14 M'i Kaney Urtaas M vVller -V U Mr. EUwavd Rrvaat. - - , . t ... - ' ' ' Atoaotiaao wa., llMlitaa aounrt, T41 l. gjlh . - srlt.UMi, lr .Vtthov R Barloa. of t-'irrr- mfc, to I ' Mua tt asttraa Atkws.Mi; daughter id .tr. JotT 1 Aikmaoa, o( tlie loi-sur eoonty.- . T- i - aoQaty.- nffen I T.- In this atty, oa i hm tuerainv last. St the re- ' shJciic, of (Uvia Il ea Km Um Ki liev Jaba V. htaik Kare'nacma, U U Badwii of tbe Pint. fcV' (wsofipaJ Cbarch in North Carolina, In the tb, ., ,-' tear ot kn ag. Uurkig a long ulorss.i huh, Irom the first, he weti'uaded was a t linesa '" . v' nuto lie. ifc," he naai.ih ttrit a peVlrct an ' I hr , . - ' ban rasignntMMs ta tb will of aod l(-kel '. '"f ; " . k-rasie to tu appn-acbnig .liMoluHorfiiih a ' '., . tdnstess and intrepidity liwt,iird on It l)si ua, - '.. wwrvrwig nnu, anu a teaitei nape lu l.i uirey. ,' - J . of ttl through ttir siunrnx al o ari.t. Kc-, ' 1 Uining ba aonudeue ia the priaaipl. l.k.t, h ; -'. -- , bad se ably aisuotahiml, uniNirel o tl" that,-".' x and exbdii:ing in bis anvraatMn am' ilrfir'nient- ' . ' - an Uapretaivv example ol the newrr I Ike Uos-, v pel m the full bosM-ssioa of bis reason, be re- . ' " iv-tled hi. aiiiU mln lit. ku-U -1 ki- II..L..,..'-'-. atid hit liiM.and thuaload liU Christ n. soui-sO ' - ' Ms manner becoming-; emawnt characrer which be hail swauineil M ' mienUi of J. sur Chru On. Maoirday evening his remain were nrprocii a wmanw coiiewMm or.pi- taizma , r '. . to the KpiaaiipeJ thurch, wul wtenrd wilhirt " i " the tlumoi lHtie burial antriee being pertormed .' . i' bj. ma rss?, SMiarge . fTvciuau, KetlOr oi the , CWcb.CemasuiiK'ativt- , ,. ' , , tsi'f U aiM) eUi.i on the 81st tinrnio, Mrt tit- ;.-'--sahera Hill.aniiaoTt ot Mr. John Hill, evedfi. 1 to suiMrrua enmity, on the 2V'h iillioifth Mt . v . Pat wmhiw) Ismlgert, in the l st year 4 bWage. , t .Washmgton, la lieauhnt aounty. mi the ttSd . -: - ; ......mw, .... mv r.iianri iiva, rvim .of vie lata , Cant. Matihew Prioa. ' . '- f ,' j-vt At Tilmimton, suddenly, on the 1st instant! Mr. Daud Jlnea,sged ST. , 4;. ' . i. tjm:ly.' ia New Hanover eeantv. Mr. 'William ' 'Shtrjiless, aged IS ; , ,.t 4 ... . .111 HrunswKk county, on tbe I4tb ultKno, Mrs. Mary bollrvan, agrd 73. ' " - In Peraulmmis county, on tb'83d lt,' Mriv Martha V kite, eonaort of MjuAndrew VkRev aXlftJUl.", ,. M U5JLj.JJB.-aait.JjJf atierbi arnvat at tin cp4, to enter 'upon ! tne auties M ensrge 4. Aft; ores rf ih Uuiredl "'"V;V' uereiatni'e,me uisftiitb to tite. ihk States of the North t - 1 reftent att vea vf " ' f 'Uitl 1 0i'ii wT t March filii.io an an as 11 ri n 1 . u ' n in, . a w n ni i.sfi.ih . nr - -- 1 . riilm-H tin tMU..!vfl . ha4intv-fa-ii.ki. t -. n..' -' O'UlPt.., TIlC tubsafiW wishes tA mi.1nvir.i. nr"o . -i, -" jo.irnjrracn hattera by the; piece, month or vear.' t ;, tlodd aasres wllfbe clven for those, well, omill.' -"' i - Iked lumbe busines -( ' - - ' C JOHKKOX.': - Pilt lu.linta WO P..K t tltil- , " a. ' " 'Trust ulisr- . Vb 'virtue ufa U-v(i of trust to me ireot.l I'Li!' ' m. . a. ...... . ... .. . '....., . sir. nnuu titrnTfir. n-.a-.i i,,a m.-.-. pusrs ih' tvOi meimiU wdl tie tvhi xm cd fi ' ", nrstlat the.'Slst in it it or mat the Pit (ffice.- a ahiabl tihrviW S tnedieal, Kient fic ami mi. -".f i, oullafiiKNiAotvksi, nlso aveil enmri sargieal- - : histru.em, oi--liciiiM. shun tnrtiuurt! I'leners.' 'A - ' ..,. ...... .......... "- -i ..-..I-- nv.de ki. wo on thdai ol !. . . ' - ha j, ' v -... - Tua. a. Bum' in,... M !' - ""U '" i I ' Hi they . i ).n.ta a rp-H tU cJ,:TJ;X SSZ aamilliBtf(t(tOU mvll -yUt.-GiliC," ( RuIkii, C. Hdiuuil, to Nathan - v ' -vvs ' ' ; J fltt-tap-didWa and s.xtyJww ee . mi .' . ' v . Octobvr, isiu. a f doniitttiieod i Sir Thomas hy etiro, iUe' iuot,t eminent portrait painter .f vilt,i ari, ? . I. was void Ib'ati by ' tin common Jaw, died Wddenly in IrfiiidoH tm tha 7th tlt-ath, whether k.nown.or. tiot, ' tper leii.as'aii'iiistaiitwneiiUo "revocation and Ihat, n :' a necessary conso- tiucncp, the liauk could not recover on tu notc, v,i'he; principle uT the decision Ju, will b fieen, ernwHv applicable I) Uiq raae t a ti annter ot slock, or Rnj other act, done under ft Hotter., , fttfinetfong tutrix. Soinetime dti rine (n i;tinaM ludidavs, a inal iicd lady in . un itut k county, bv the name ofAiimnly, "bcarine i tl? Miwtf, vt ! . ... t .. ' I " t . .... 1 iioukiik in tuii cnase.- lookea in ti '.'iretMion .and pen fivvd . ntk'CF ait tn'pariiitig'thQ houric- she , imr.nuli ately m ized a gun and aa Soon a the; ".eer cainev r.caro:io!2U..:l6ho .fired and broHelit down t. lai-sre - buck, to the, afltonisdvmeht toft all ,tl;a epoiU iiH'O, :.a sow fame jap.ci , s h Jfduncholy 1cculent.A melatu cho1y occi3ent occwrred ntiar 'Mtv John Moot ing'SkOu the Raleigh road on-iFriday evening last. 'Xlr.: Mil lianV Uall, of GuiiCir(tvcouii(v, was on lits road to Newbeni ' with a load4 t-d wajgou; and in attcaipling to-.tet into the fore part of the wagon,' bisi foot sliiptd and ie full, aitd the Wheel paased ve ut Uvvp ilHxUt ved but a few hours. Recorder iht r. i .t ,VB an : is I I , m a. . . West ol the Congressional resermiioo imr, t , ,V ASIllAU 1 UN ' (uaiililyor tausntland not eseeedmg lw I r r . , , . ' v. Klceu aareslnr each of tts children, so that i 4' - ft V ' t TJ , i,V sRtnedoesnol juieifcrcanliiheel.iims'olany I J JriT"U '"T1 - '-. March .1 ) Shocking : casualtn.-Vm , ieaMi fi-om. tlie Ituthcrford Specldtor, that the house of Mr. Win. Thompson, uf that county, was burnt on the night of.lnf'CwtU Nov,j,and Mrs.'r.lnnip'-. un;ix) two 'of jil'r children, perish ed hy Ihe.flaincft. ; JV It i stated in.Jlic same pirjier.that a Utile daticUtetiir Mf. St'tt;1aeed about IS, was burned to death on stst Jfanuary,. .fl-'.r,..vi:- " A law tvaS passed at the late aion o ilie, Teiinesc l.cisfalmrr tlie fnnt section of t-Wh fJontaina 41. a. r ....: '.'i-.-.i'.. !.'. ... i. ' .-. uie ioiriojj - extiaoruiiiary 'jiruvi- oim: - ' ' I, , -i. j See. iflle ft encudty the 6ehdnl Assom, blv Of the Suteot Tennessee. Ihat It . ah.ll l lawful lor any man in tla&!Ute whoiewiie'lhaa uau or may nave mret wr were cnUiiren mt tne tuth, to far down on any one , of the general pmns iu vmmr 01 uie ourseyor's pmevs south , aul any hun the oeu ,'0. Oriental JJauuscripis-W e liavc bcn, Svith vitt idcaHiite," a cpllec fittii of vuiious Oi-k'niatinanciri-iiiis, now. in Uie . Capitol and "somo of ....I .' .. .. ' "' "... V ' .1' m .... ...," wnign nave oceu it'll m iiio uararv of Cingess.;Tliey were Liunlit tiktlii,vcoatitry IVout Alricra, where tiicy were: procured 7 by '.Win. 1, Uodgstitiv, Lsi; lata acting. i ti.Tsu Oe irri ttl at that pjat e. ' 'aliose" XI SSj are in tile Arabic,. Turkish hiuKlVrf siaii languages, and amount to i-.fitr- ly three hundred in iiuinhcr' .mvi them, ure rcni-tstuU-d 10 be' two J as 10 Berber latlganse, tl only onto that arc know n to exisf, h '' " lltese.4iiattiscripuvaswc iint.ri -stand frtirn IVJi',' Hodgson, tompri , treatises on every subject known t the 'scierire of -Mtthortmiedaii',. Tcre arc, works on iilstwiyj; . gratiiv mar, fteogrnphy, lustronomy, poetry, and ; mctHcin;. ... -i '-iiituiji : the woi kJi on iiit d it in c, . i s beautif ul i in an u script : of llicj ; celebrated icenna.; A sjitein orget'igr'aiiby; was' rJiown to tw, liavin aYiitiirrdinHjV'of tlie Vorld,' n i.t dji to j ttiiv Ptoit inaic theory . SroniMif these manHsci iiitW t ' . .1.1 ' ia.i ir i . ' arv.'ttiavitnutiiuntinatt'tl,' l:l'Sii;&tf$ity&tit t ail learn,5 tht. first extensi ve collection nf Oi lenial f hereby loreaam all persons from trsdin,. ekomileii by tho-- aiiis-l Hunt, tor BMala. I Oik ' Octobwr, 1 8 1 it; as t do not ailvnd tt; pas t) until, the said Hunt come to a settlement with ., atr eeeHor rt Kaietf C Hilltard.. Thi jhh March .usr: t , . , ww,. s. iivjul-saui', r.ST. r atp ' Jr.- Jack si .and Jeniiieiv 'i.yTM SALE. '- On Tuesdnv. the ISih rise nf .,.h ai nl. ' , wa.aoid on a orolit of twelve minlhs,i at Hiltibo.1 roogn, Ubatnam; neuhty, Nortli .Curuliiia, on ' -'-'.:.-Jack, It yeary old; or Jack, 7 year, on -Jennyfc 1 1 . years old, on Jenny, rising S i-ars; 'V '-' all Ukolvi rmrfrnld svotnh ami ana i - ., .. ',"-,?. " w"aVriwm vi ...nil Lniiicrii.ii, lirvcilbCU. r f ! ' v , . . ........ . b u.' ,m a ,- -a.- ... a i a a - & . a , .j n. ?. ,- . . aa-. , a u uu i iLnuin. nfiin'r.,.. - it- Fiih-flarfSit, J830 , H it " '-' - Hassnivod at lii stand, hi Cue 1 lekllH. anil 111 render acvtite at ten dullnrs the single in stance, to be paid inailsriee-a-tweinv dollnrs the wwirtii, whwh may he dimhai'ged by the psviiient of fiUeen dollars, jf paid within the easoni thitv f ty dollar to msitre, to he wld wheo it Isascerw lamed the mare is in foal or the proarly than. ," gedt. fifty cents to Ihe doom iu etery instance. Mare left with the horse will bate good pasta. V rage gratis, or if renunvd led en train at 80 cents j-erOHj, , Every caiwwill be taken lo prevent,. but 1 will not be responsible for' escapes, or afc. cidents el an kmd." , f ,' . ,,. , WV.hmgton's pedigree and performance be- ' -gso well known, I deem h unnecessary to mention themj for hartieulai see hill v : ' ' , 1 . , JOHN V V UNHOOK. , I 'Lestbiirg, Caswell,' N. C- T'i b. 87 . , j. , :u .Dollars 1 KHuawhy from the sul.n i iltur on the 17th of ' Januarj last, a likely negro l. ilow Abeam, .lark ; V eonipiexion, iwi neaileu, auil a littlo cioss-etcd, he about five teut tliree or li.ur lnet..s l.:.-V. lie was iiurvhasrit by- me fn iu tianih.ll lilatk. 10 well, of. Kt utucky, about six year ago and ' wa formerly', rhe propeity ot John Ciom.i.ot ? Kentucky, and I expect he will ,ti-v to g. t tHt-lc - W tliHttoiinti:,." Jl any 'pet soii afimild mki up' s said negro felio'v,. they will amiler n .i.itini! r" favor uu tue b giting inwruintion where he I besittettheaboVv fewank '""'----' v ' .'.I'sH'f f 3'ctm Kl':i:f r-v- ' y.F.dgffieldC. H.8.C fel.. 8B, 5jj II ht ' 'SK'Vrr'UeNVai. .- Han.away-lraiu the sulsciili. on the i'lih VV- t'r.d.- (, apprentice by tiu nume of I'anvit ' I'm, hoi etti W and SO yer old, Al m rs .us aw, fiit-rwarned. lnru'.JS! u u ingor .en.ploMo ) amii l..i:otnv; and tilt- Hlmve'.. reward- wiliba) '' U u., i in u,um aim ne'ivery ! m. " - ; , w . S "V- ""V nkeeMir,tw,ai.whlll8U- . : v ' -;' " -' : '? v '.-V- '),-'- ",t JlsiAari". , . ;i ... .--.jih .,; -" ;'M v; --. . - ,'"? v,--' . -J. . i1i.-trJ'.v Vi---V..' " : ,- - ' - -1 'V " V '-.:. t jf :,.,v-rt rV ..- " .r r ' s v - - '-" "ra-. -... . ... -,,'": ' - , " . -rfv.-'.-i-' 'V: mi it ... 1-. fi"