' HilLIIIQII, ! II. . O, .TUOXISD ATT, ArnH. 0, 1C3Q - IT"' if j utr or THResrrwi states. I . ' - """ '! ' I 'ij'u prorate fof" Ukm; tba fifth Oomi or UuHM f taUbuuU ( Ux UuLd I 1.' Be t Smart and Ifovm t&vmnltiV a United Suart .fAmty. Ctnwr emUiiL That th Marshal W several lArit of lb Uaitr' Starrs, aad lkstrieC of Uoimnkia, aad f 0 1 errit. ,a( MwbigavArhat, aad of J-'lorida, r. ,-et.ftly, Wl b, ad ar hereby, rrirtl, - . - . ? iL. a - - &s? t a - i krtu awawuosi a im wxirT v. mo ww Ujb( of SMS, aad aacordsog to each: b stree ts n Ml euau g". paranaa ia uu act, to the number of tb it.hbtata wubin -Their toealiv' District nl Teirkoriev (omitting in eoumeralioo, litdiaut wot ted.) to be lJ CTiMi(tb:Wtba4iitlMoflbHat ,Tb i j i . . " . m enuiavnUUHl tuau nminiran uia antra 01 frua lne tron. and ftgai of the frae liita ,iet aad fenwlft, r(Kc((cl5, Slide ftat rmxt im than el & and iar wn f aart M tea I iat of lea year aart unJor .ftfteept lboa of leaa and aaiter twenty) triDle of Iweaty an tWnW ta ika t af tkCkad Siatra, aaj ti oiltr Lf ( taa W.fi am Wit. vtrra rtx iny avtia aktll U rat tatM oaaaWf af 4a C. arH aa. th WU UU aaaraa ta tUf aaa. ai, fo ttw aui cMtaal n at eaa af- fnV tSa Jof-a al tha amrrkl LKtuSat Cavrtt, K Ika arM( UarV ad af tSa 8ai iai Caartt ia laa rrniim f Uba Uta4 Suiaa, a alarvaMil, at ttxar aatt nuc, a Va W4 aArr ta ifrMko of tL tiaa all tor aali Oka araaraa af llta tntiwrnm. k-rW drrrtad. ta tLa 8ai taiT of au. aaati gia (Km aat ta aharrt t taa prraa4 janra, ia thrir raaurra Cawi, and tUl (mm ila rrtaraa of llf mml taatm, had 0 kU MkrMtd an af tVr artrptt MkOtbat, ta W lud kclara Utaat fat their atapaa Iton. AaJ tSe raatiaa alarla f laa aaid CowrU Wall. atlMa lain j day after Um aald a. rial mural atiaU tia aaao laid tofort tka Crao4 Jortaa tfaraatlit, traa)t aad delirer all aiwa aririak ratimia aa ilej, la lb Drnarteeot efSuta? rr k Sao. A. .btd f r fitrfKer ntctd, Tnatevar naiataat iaall rtWt a laa rata of. ana dollar ad taatT-6 oeau far iwt kandrcd Mtaoaa ar hia rctaraed, jWera aadi aarauaa reaid ia toe coaatrrt aaJ, aer auafe anroDU aMa la A-r thlrtrt tiaoaa of hirtf and Irtider ilar aixtTi.tboa of 'tiitf aod wider WTeutrt bie of toawntjr aad under alejity f thoae ol elgb 14 mdar aiaatT 0oa cif oiooty aad 1 under V htiaJredi ikoae of one huadrad and oovardit riull furthar dtaUnfUtalk the aiber V thoaa Uite peraona iueladed in wuih enumeraliua m m deaf aad daial', udder the ape. offcMiteca i and lii oar ol the ae of fourteea yaart aod :a l5tj.Se. anil of the age of laewty-ve in, aod apardi anJkiU further diitioxuiah tuotoW if taaa lra white peraona included iion eaiuneration, h are bliixL " Tb aaid u acnaiou ha diitioKiai the aesea of. all, t- ulot-ed pertraa, and of alt otler oolored f mat bound to aervroe for file, or for a term of lii, aad the age of eueb free and other colored km rapoatit:lt, of eaek tex, ooder ten Li of age thoae of tea and umler twenty (bun ta or. teaty-lor aad unour tmny-iiti thoaa uny-i awfl, ibi ony-prai tnoee ot ony anJ aader on blind red; and tbnte. of ooe , i.ulred and upwrdi and thail further diatia ia t ho auasber ai tnoae ires aoio.'eo aao otner orail beranaa,, iocloding in the foregoing wIm iltul and uml, withoot regard . Vi age, and se who are tlkid." For equating which, the rtluta atoreaai.1 , ahall bare power, aad ar elir reaifed. to Ihpoint ana or woreania' Iti In each, aityand aouuty in theit' repeetie frrna ana im nucwi rwucnw m awa vr ati for wbioh they ahalt e appainled, .and fll aaeien lo eaca oi im aaiu aiiiauuii ocnaia ! - . I . L - L l ! . . : 1 -I II . fiiioa oi lerrnuryj wnKButviun un iiui fctiat, in any aate, of more than -one eouaty; Jl way include one or mora town,' tewnabipa. r. hundrcdu preeinou, er parianes,, and ill ae blaiulr and dntiitttl aoundedi the aaid siMWion ahull be made by mo aetuel biqoirr , nca, Manhal ot1 aaaittaott, at' every dwef f nogsa, or by peraooal inquiry, of tla head emry fautily. ; i'he marshal a and their wit lidotl, respellely, before;' enterioin the 'aramno oi their duty omler thia ,act. take I lubsertba ao oath or artlrmation, before I' y!tge or Just tea nt lhe feace, resident iin tlieir (vapeethre diatrieu or territdiiel.for i or afflrmation of thai Maralml -ahnil ae,a ,.,,, i, A. JJ.; Martoal of 0e Uistriet (of itoryjof (," -,f. ! , do aolamiHy aweai-, (or m)ihHt 1 will troJy and faithfully eauaetab a, a lull ana peneet enutoeration and ue ption of au peraona raatdeat wilkin my JJit t. (or Terrkorr) and retdrn the. aante to ihe retarr of State, agreeably to the direction of Iwiot VonrretSt enuuetr n act to ltiwuie UKmgtne nttn ueniui or coameraiinn oi tue 1 itataqia-or tue united swica. acconiing to i beat of rat ability.!' The 0m or afRrmatioo lo aasiaUat ahall be followr. '!,' A. B., ! xnied an aiaiV to the. Marihn) of the (rial f or Territorf V of ' do Kilemnljr fcar, (or affij ni) that I will make4'ut,Tttbfuf, )xn-tect enumeraltoQ ana aeterituon oi ail sonai raaident within the division atilgned to for that nurpoae, by the Mai ahaiot tlie in, t Inr Territonrl of ' i and make i return thereof to the Mid ' Marahat, agree- j ta the direction ot an act ot uongresa, e t n act to vrovido for takinr the fifib. lotnt or anumeratUM of the ibhabkanta of the iled States,' kacordingto th beat of ret abili- Ualtludi will teKo toe aaio enumerMton and Itsriotion. b actual ioquuT at every dwelling within aaul divUion, or peraona! inquiry of ( bead of arery fannly, and ot -tfUierwiae." ie ewimersuon snail eoramenea; on tne nrn w Jno. ta th Tear one iaoaaa.no: went uau- I and thirty, Hd ahall b ootnpleted and elo within !. ealender, month, thereafleri "eveml aaaiaunta ball.-within tbe aaid ix 1'iiht, and on or .before- die firat da of Decern prie ihouaand elirht hundred aud thirty, de- k tathe Manbal, by whotn they thall Leap fnted, rauMetifeiv: two cbuiea of tbe accurate jurat, ot all perioiM, eteept latliana not tnxefl, patttamerated. t k aforeuuil wkbin their re- Hie diTlaiona. whiuh return ahall be made onll . . I.. .1. r ...1.1..U m aet. and which ahall. diatiaeuisb. in each nt, e'rtv, towa. inwfiatiio. ward, nreciact. Jred distrieU or nariah. aeaordinr to -the ci- Jitiaionl af tbe State Terf itorte renpoa- 'Ti.me irTenii ftmihea, by the nam ot ineir ter, miatren steward, oreraeer, or other 'PI neraoo therein. : . i. And be it further enacted. That re iiant failing or neglecting to make a pro- i rnuro, or making a Ulte return, at tne enn 'lUon, to the Marshal, ailbin th time limi I by thi lot, thall forfeit th um ol two bun ?d I dollar reaorei'able in tha maimer pointed t, in aext lection ofthts ast. 31 aaitfer leva, aonUkiMr more Uasaj thrva du aaadpcrtoai, aucbaaatauat ahall raaeir at the same r for Urea tboaM4, and at th rata of oa dollar and tweatyT aenta for erery three aWaMaWisajBBj ffWVwAawBBjf VBrval g$kmlmWBl VaafQBt WW each aky artowai batwacra, Irara the dianarard Moation of tha Inhabicaata, la same dirauone, one dollar aad tweeTy-fl aeau will ant ba anfRaipat for oaa bnwired peraona, tha II arena! with the amirobalioaof tfe Jadras af thaar taaiaieth dia trUt ar lerrltoriea, anay . make each furthar al lowance to tb ewkUuta, in aueh ir'nioa, ahall deemad aa adca,aata'Cempeaatint PnmiJrd, Theaaaa doe not asaeed ao dollar and eeTentT4e aentafor every f fty paraoa by them returned T Vwu'oVdL further, That, before - - . . A . V 11 L ni whmiii, Bmwwu, snail, mm any vaar, mn e titled ta receive. Saul epanpenealioa. ha aaall VJT! t take and aabaaribe th follow ia oath or affirm "iJ i Ult;; befcire loma Judge ar Jaati W ra tr.mJ aarsa a ba roWrad baLaj ; paaaaga W tki, AiJI M ba narr U a aaaaiii tumm, ,- .. r .... i nnrl k L h. , . k,'. J ",wof two Ihtirm, mm4 whrr V ai.aaaat tad Um CaJIMa at Harrk. partaf a tmrnrnty a a aa aaa ataarwt. ab .. . b-a. f. .tm4 W af fw-Umv tmmtwJ, TM Kn a xa.ri i as balaa.MM ta tea : UU b 1 eT nf tU autfrr af it rw. laatnrtH wbkai Om aoart-boaaawf aa4 I awry .anMKilwt mm, aadar a araW. af oS IU mar o sksMm. I atvtary aa a Treasary, ta award art ew ta. ' a Uaaf ae WrU rtacted. TW,ka 1 aria, ta eJarw iWr maaaealK aad wabtaMM. alt aaawe wrr ta aopiitwj aaatawt awy i afawar a bwrd rarh H b-d aa Jtan ii-i waaty. e panaft. at41 ai4 Iwwaiy aaiia i , amr a rwrra free t toraara aort. aajoara, Ba4 um aaaabar af aahaWtaata ia aaat 4 6Va. . a. 4 WrarraocJr The wVtaU aariMi aw awaair aall mat mtmrmi tmmm Ma. .1 aw lUi i..ti . - - "d, h Manhalt r aaakweat shall b aHaw. ! ! far tW parrwaaal boarda rrtwls ar wbra ed, wttk the atsvwbaMi f tha Je're af lb tbe state af Um wrath sary be sack aa ta rra- r-MrrJcf the f'Ja r.lk theri ; iit;h bn-th boJr er ftuvw tiiaiioou raoTrwrBf, J1 '-frTiCfJ tie tJtcfc LJ fallea do wo bUrttaVM fhrir fret. TVTwfhn-,jtIit totthirrrrj brake tad !;( crtJ, crnrrai rct? la lie laU'ir' tabio.; tiered. Brick, dirt and rVOrfah warj tatck lay wori inrdt lh tern ofjfiUerrxi ibot. 'C!o bj-(kt boy th Vval. All rr-rrl I ordrr r Je ' rrit !r? ml Ihrwirlt aWV f u Douer. iitrr exriloCiBw. Ha. raapeevrw datrrtt or tan bias, aucfc fUnher aoapeaatMw aa. mhmO be aVraaad rsawmabla; aowwt ar parnn snail eiarvi tor ;. aeyort taamneow, a arpy af as rrtntfait af tb ia aaaare, aad taa aasabar af aababaswls aargwaai board each swwet , . - j . . abalt aat eserr4 thre taoaaaad. a J Aatirotad. March X It-id . . " ', aaa shanaeatode. aa eseeedaU P " !t, ' ' - ! ,'' : forerarr v artoni rwtu'itod. I Aa act, Va anattla la fbraa aa aet aatharialaa- . 3. And be It further una Med. Thai th '"! shall file one eopy of each of th er- mums aioreaaia; ana, also, an attested co the aggregate amount hereinafter directed,' .tonmitted by tbem retneotirelv, to- the iiy of Stat, w Mi the tlerki of their respec- t uuuict or superior Uoui-ts, the ease may I r hereby directed to reeeive, and rare 7 ta preset to. the : saroet aad the Msrihals, 'PHUselr, hJl," off or before, the first day of H V " ."WU ... ..-M aud tbirtY-one. transmit to the Secretary of at . .i . r. " ' r-i vna eoDT o tne acTerat retaro reeeiveu r eh asaitUnt. and. also.' the einrreKftt '"Qt of each descriutiun of Dersons willua their iuTe Districts or i I eri-noriesf and errt-y j-i w auug-to hie tbe relurotol bis assistants. 1 returns of any of them, with the Cterk '"rrespectrr Courts, asaforeraii, orfailiiis ! one copy of the ererl fetm o reoei f worn each sasisUnt, and, also, the aggregate of eaeV description of persons, in their rastire DistrieU or 1'erritor'ies, a reqaired b !' wet, aad a the tame smil! appear from M returns, to the Secretary of 8tte, within th P Cmited by this aet, shall, for etery sitch 01 i5 forfeit the- son of one thousand dollars; '"a iorfeitnre. shall he nrmmkln ia thai u or a erruorsra wnera uie ' oueneea ahall ha MiamliiMl mUUlm . tonrts held within tb same, by sation of rTaaa.LaI 1 . . . I'erroatkii tit Indictment tbe, o- bjdf lnd timper interrogntorie, to ice of tbe Peace. au Unwed, to an minister tbef same, tu at! I, A .11. da solemnly aarear, (or afBrm that ah aqmher of panoat act forth In the rur made by me agreeably to th prawitiona of the aet, ea tilted Aa et to provide for taking th fifth On an or etiaajeratiim of that inhabitant af lb Uni ted State ha been aseemioi) by aa actual inquiry at every dwelliur-houM, or a personal btqniry of the head of every family. In exact con formity with tb pro visions af sattl aet; and that I bar, ia etery respect, fulfilled th dutie re quired ot me by aaid act to the beU of my abili ties) and Utt tlie retitm aCoresaid i eorreet aud true, aoaonlitig to th best of my knowledge aad belief." The eompensatioa at the, soreral Maiv shaja shall b at follow: ;,, i ; ;1, " Th Marsha of the Uistriet ct Maine, three bondred dollar ;'' i The Marshal f th Distriet of Nwr Hamp thire, thre hundred dollars. , .s,.i. Vk , . Tb Marshal of th District of 3fatahttsetta, thrr baodrej and fifty dollar, w . - ' 1'be Marshal of th District of Rhode t!nd, two hundred dollar. ' i- . Th Marshal of th District ot Vermoattlii hundred dollars ..; , Tbe Marshal of the" District of Conneatieaf, twobandradadd fifty dollar.' Tb Marshal of, the Southern District of Xew York, thre bnndred doUr.- ' The Marshal of the) Northern District f Ijfew York, thrte hundred dollar. - Th Marshal of the District of - New Jersey, two hundred and fifty dollar. - Th Marshal of the Eastern District of Pen n sylvnnia. three bnndred dollars. '" ;'' f The Marshal of tha Western tHsuiet f Pena Bylvania, thre hundred dolhtri The Marshal of th District of Delaware, ooe (Kindred and fifty dollar. ; , . ... - -rV , .Th Marshal f the. District jof Maryland, three hundreil and fifty dollars. ; Th Marshal of the Rwtern District of Vir ghji4 thre bundled .dollars.- .: t'i . : : The Msrshnl ot the Western District of Vir gniia, three hundred dollar. 7 ". pv tli" . The Marshal of the District of Kentucky , three hundred and fiftv dollars. 7. , - .The Martini of the District of North Carolina, thre hundred andhflT dollars. "V . . ;.s The Marshal of tli District of South Carolina, three hundred and fifty dollar. ; - ' . ' V Z i The Marshabol the District ot Qeorgia, thre k.i.wln. on,ir.f. JnlUra -V .- , J- : The Mrshi! of me District of Cut fennessee, two uunnreii iioiiar. , -i ; . . f Th Marshal of tha Dtstrict of West Tennes see, two hundred dollars. . a ' ' The Manual of the Districtof Ohio, four bun. Tlie Marshal of .the District of Indiana, two bundwd and fifty dollars. t 's-,-v -i; Tha ' Marslial ot tbe District of Illinois, two Vimrfred dollar hV. f" .The Marshal of tho Distrust or Mistiisippt, twoimnnred dmiars.). , :K . , ! The Marshals of the Dislriots ot Louisiana, ntifr hunitnul anil torantv-fitfe dnllHTS eauh. ' , Too MsrshM ot the umiiet oi AiaDama, two hnndred and flftv dollars. ' . .. " .' ". i , Th Marshal of the District of Missoqt l, two hundred dollars. V' - - ' ' "' ,. I'he Marshal of th District of Columbia, one hundred dollar. ' '' : v ' ITieMarshnlorthe Michigan lorritory, on hundred ami fifty dollars. -7 , Th Marshal of the Arkansas Territory, one hundred and fifty dollars. . Tho'yiarstisjsontie terrnory oixionua, re spectively. One hundred dollars. Sec V Mil f( it further enacted, a list eve ry person whose usual place: of abode Shall be many family, On Uie aain nrsi uay in ime, tine thousand right hundred and thirty, thall be re turned of such lamur ; na m name oi every nerson whil ahull he an Inhabitant of ant DitAriet or. Territory;1 without settled place of resi Oenoe, ttutll OB wnnevin vio coiuiM" " schedule wliicb is allotted for the heads of fami lies, in the division ahere ho or she hall be, on the aaid first day In idnej and every person oo. eaaibnaUy absent at h time of etmmeratlcn, as belonging to tbe place in which he or she usu ally reside In th United State. ' ; See. . Jnd to it further enacted. That each and every tVe person, more than shrtea year nt age, newer neaia oi nmum vr uw, uc longing to any family with)) any division, dis trict or Territory, made or established withia the Unites! States, slull be, and hereby isoblig ed to render to the assistant of the division, if required, a true acoonnt, to tb best of his or her knowledge, ot every person belonging to such family, respectively, accordine; to tbe everai descriptions aforesaid, on nam of for feiting twenty dollars,, to be sued for and re eovered. In any action f debt, by ttch assist ant; the one half to his on nse, and the other half to th use of the United Slate. See. T" Jnd be it further enacted. That ech nd every assistant, previou to making hi re tain to the Marshal, shall eaose a correct copy, tinted by himself, of the schedule containing me numner ot muavnaTHa wiiiuu ui ui.wum, to he aet on at two of tbe most nnbli places rMiin the snrae, there to remain lor the inspe- tioq of all eonoerneds for each ot which c piea, tlie aaid assistant shall be entitled to receive five dollarst Prwridrrf, Proof of the achedute having been aet op, shall ba tranamitted to the Mar shal, with the return of the number or peron( ant), id ease any assistant shall fail to mak stiefi proof td the Marshal, with the return of the number of person, a WTurevajd, be shall forfeit tlie aompensatintr allowed bhn by this act. -i fiee i. And he it further enacted. That the Sreretary of State shall be, and hereby, it, -thnrizad artd renttired 'o transmit, to the Mar shal of the several Distrieta and Territories, rrgulationl And instructions, pursuant to tti;s act, tor Barrytng ins ani mm bhcvvj ", the forms toniained therein, of th schedule to ba returned, and' snoh other form s my! be aeoessary in carrying thia aet into execution, ae "auoumswTcu rrrdmL Tb aanta tteaa ant aaerrd fawr dot- ) an front a o bs. ika rMua k ki l. tars for every fifty pet-ana i by them n wradi aad " tbariawif as4 directed ta dipasit, with tha far- mnrnm any pics ry Bail ia lb like allow dollar Sea It. .tea W a) ruraW auffat- That. when tha aforesaid enameratiwa ahall be eota plated, and wtnrwrd la tha eJfiew of tha Serre tary af Sane, by the Marshals of tbe Ststraand TetTstasbj,' h ahar) oiraat tba nrintar to fa graa to print,- forth ate 4 Ceagi 1 1 aa, thre Usowaand aopir of tha rvrwrat rrtaraa re aeivwd areas tb MaraaaVti Jhti rrrWtwf, That if awy Marahat, many Dittriat with in the UaU4 Stat or Territories, thall, tCraaUy r btdireat. ty, ask, demand ar receire. or eowtrart .re autva, of aay asaietant to be appointed by hint a "dor this aet, aay fee, reasrd or onspcase tie, for the annnirttaaent af tawb assistant- ta dbaltarre the duties retjnired of soeli assiatant J w uus an, or snuu reiaia trom wen aattsu eat aay partioa fit th cowirMitisstkrm allnwad to th asaistantby this aet, the said Marshal ahall b deemed guilty of mianetaeaaor m office, aad ahalt Writ and par th moant of five hoodred dollars, for each offcaee, to be. ra covered by suit or intrictnsent In any Circuit ar Dtatriet Court la tha United State, or the Ter ritories thereof, one half to th a of tha Go veraroeat, trod tb ether half to tha rafomari aad all contract which may ba sped m wls lion of this law, ahall be -void, and all cam of money or property paid, may be reeovrrn' back by tba party paying tbf tame, ia any. coort haw me jurttdictiovr ot th same. Bee. It And be it fnnher enacted. That there hall be allowed and paid ta the Marshal of th several State, Territories, and th District of MHumbvi, the amount of postage by them re-, spectively paid on letter (elating to'thetr dntiet ander thi set. ' 5 v-- . . , ..v; See. 13. And b t father, enacted. That ttie President of tho Unhed States is hereby aolhor ize! to eaose to be ratde a careful revision of the tatemeMt. heretofore 'transmitted to Con gress., of, fell former enomeraiiona of the pontt latioa of tb United Stttn and their Ten iton ries, ami to eaiifco an atiMrart of the. aggregM J aoMHtnr ct population tn -raeh State anrt Ttrrt tory, t b printed oy the printer to Cangrt-aiji (designating the .number .of inhahttaats of rvhj dcterintion, br' counties or oarijies.l td lite; number of two Ihonsand eopie, which said co.' nie ahall be dittribnted at Conert h)l hi-rt- iter , direct, and for that Dtirpnte. tlM aunt of two thouaand dollars it herehT iinronriated. to be paid out of liny money in th Treasury, not otherwise appropriated - ' , ..'-' '-. ''' '. i i Urrsc ta MS met I n tx lot ia the t'r for Licit boutd B4).ru and farthest rrtni cil trom tK tjrcadetl boi lers T AtnzU havl ttrftdr crJ wa j! , rcanaiaeJ tintlir, ;by th dr d tmpvwMKaUa a amsd aa Wr a board J tka" (!, Which 1 bid beta prrvi.ntly y vssr tMsm4.trp James Nrvcr, bavfa. a ear- aittlOF, Ottlj Otlff MrttHI Of twfl tUtd U ibt ctbin with me. At jet owtmor ihtft fctlf foinoft ItaJ Upefl iftcc the expiation; bit, in ibit brief apace boar, bad tbe acme changed! . la Ibat "drop f lima'? what etfatiofl,ditrr. aod oiatnav!. ;A inttaot before, and ajl wera Ia be rjoiet rtpot ol aecont anotber, ami tkaj star oremhtltnrd ih . alarm and ceo.tematoo. It U but joatica to aay that jn thia aceoa of terror the ladlea cxbibjird a dff;re of Gratneaa ' worf of all " tmiae, fid acrearainz, . ho .utnlwr. their .feara. wh ottered, were for tf.tr hatbaod and children. CM fr Ihrmaeltea, ' -. " 1 ttdyanred from nr pov-ttioo to out of Jb tibia door for the prre of iq Jniring who avert injured, wlieu, Jut t reached it, man .entered at tlie c- Hi I s is VVhorrhliml7 if; 11; Who are deaf and1 dumb of the ge of twenty-five and upward. ' v ' . Who are deaf and dumb of the age ot ,- tmirteea and nrnler twenty-nve. Who arc deaf and dumb uruier tuatv : teen year vjf ge; AltKN. Foirigiiers not natnraliled Who nr eertaat antdajr at lb lata war M aatrradrr th bostary laadadrawo by chrva, aaa toloaate' others in Lie thereof, and for hre ' Be St rmmflmd y tin jntaS nxf wn mfB prtmftmtivtn eftk Umti Slur e.latrnnl at Cmnfrtma tvtvwssVrcf, That the cat af tb tweo-ty-aecoad of May, oaa tbeataad eight boadrad nd Mwawrty-aii -awtMlad a eat aanlsarvaing aertam toliiier im tb tat war ta awn tartar W beoaiy laaxl drewt) by the, and ta local other ia Imo thereof," ba, and th tame ia bereby eoe tinned at ore for Um term of five year Aad lb provision af tba above rrarted at ahall tm. and ar hereby, exvaooed to those baving like cluinss bt tbe States ot 111 ml. .a and Mirtouti' ; Apprwred, atareh 8S, 183a. " Aa .Ae, making tppropi iationt to carry tat ol - tact aartaia inniaa I mHMa. i , t Be Jr enacted h the .Senate and jfewxe ' tflM Ctrrasa mnrmbied. That the following tvtn be, and th eatne ar nereby anpronriidcd. to ba . - i . - m i - . - -i naai tm ot any nepproprtBiaa maaey at ui Treasnrr, via. ' ' ' "''V Far pay moot for th year on ihowsta eight bnndred aod tbirtr. if. tb vjerraanent atmui'v provided for br tha second artialt of th treatv aooalnded at, P'ra'tri da Cliim, tbe twimry-nlnlli joiy, on thousand etrnt Itundrao and tweatt abut, wtb tb Chippewa, Ottawa, ttnd Potlawi t- tamte inuiaos, tixteso tboasand nellar. , ' , ' .'For the- parehasof good, st)polMrd by the said article t he delivered t tho said ladians. welta thou sand dollar. - V i. - -v. .' . . r it.- .t an. i -l. r t. thAasand etstit-hswdml and thirty, atiimlated l.y tha said article,' on hundred and twenty-five poiiars. i. , . t , r j - For transnorttian of th (aid annuity and salt. nd -expanse of provisions at th drliyeryof the same, one tnoasand dollars. iw.v -! r1 1 , . Far th narment of claim nrovided for br the nnn article ni tne sski treaty, leven ttioumnd iit bnaitrv-il aad Ana -tn--a. . . - ,''iV :' For the expense of sorwvhig the bouadarie of uie eetsjoomauc tj inaaaid treaty, two thousand dollar. . '.y,-, .',.: '.. . ' , ' w' For Hie barramt. for the rear tin thouaand eight bnndred and thirty, of tta limited annoity provoet, oy ttie second article at the treaty mad at Prairie tlu Chien, tb second August; one thoo- aona ttgnx nunnred ant .twenty nme, wnntlie wumetmgo tnunins, atgnteea thnaaaatt dollar. ; r' For uorcUasinc goods to he delivwred t th treaty stqiulated by the said., soeond. article, inirty iiiousano dollar. . ror porcnasing inreo tnontann pounds ot 10 baeoo, per sauie article, for one- thousand eight httodi-cd aad thirty, three bnndred dollars. v, vw iiimniviinim vt ui-j aamv, viaiv uuiiart. t i. For mireliatlnr filly barrel of ssh.'Tteraaid eeond article, on hundred and twenty-fir dl- i blind. Who nr deal and dum of twenty-five and linwarHs.. . Who ore deaf anJ dumb of the ag pi fourteen and under twenty-five. . Who- arti ileal and dumb uuder four torn yrara of ge." r "" nv.i.o.i, 'i 8 4 Of one hundred and upward.' , tx htlv-five and unoVr one hundred, T7" I' ' .' ' '. ' e.: t Of thirty-six and uuder fifty-five. . Of twentv-fnur and under tliirty-six-. Of ten anil under twentv-four. Under ten years of age, . Of pne hundred .nd upwards, v: j , Of fifty-live and under one hundred. Ot thirty-six and under fifty-five. Of twetity-four antl under thirty-six. k)f tun and under twentv-timrv Under ten" yciat Ot age. u o K i t 1 iOl' ihiity-tlx and nndcr filly-five. Of one'litiitdered and upward. Of fifty-lite and under one hundred. (Of twenty-four and nnder thirty-sia. 0 ten and under twenty-four. Under ten years ot' ae. (Of bne hundred and uuwai-ds. Of fifty-five and nnder one lundred. (Ol tbirty-six and Under fifty-live. Of twenty-tour and under thirty-sit. tOf ten and under twenty-four. f Under ton years of age. of 11 Of on hundred and upwards1. ; Of ninety and under one hundred. oT eichu and umler ninety Of seventy and under eighty! ' ii"11. r. At" . 1 ui sixty anq under sevealy; . . '".J " "'"'VI , VJ Of forty and onder fittyj" Of thiriy and under forty. lOf twenty and under thirty. . lOf fikeeu and tMnler tw.mtvt KOf ten and undwfifleen.' Of five and under ten. five years of age. Ot one hundred and upwards. (Ot nim-vy and under one hundred. Of eighty ami ander oiuety, - UI seventy ami under rig Of sixty and under seventy. lara. For transportation of the same, on hundred dollars.;-;. v .".r .- mi" V'-'iV- 'i For wtiDDort of threw blacksmiths shor.tBclu-l J'. 1 :.l - i . . . - i - - i (I uHig pj w sraiiut,. anu attMiaiH, mw, uwia, iron, eteel, He. tor to yea ooe thouund eight hundred and thirty, a per third article? of (aid treaty; three thoumad tb4lartVH'.i$ .w,' , rprth- pureha of two yoke oC oxen and cart, andfor th srrvicrsof man at th-. portage of Wisconsin and Fox rivers, for one thousand eight bandied and thirty, at' per tamf -article, fire bnndred and thirty-ure dollsr.!: 4 , ! i ot th oavment of sundry claim- atralnst the VVlnnebagoet, a provided for br the lotirtb ar ticle of mid treaty, twenty-thre .thousand five nnnurea ana tn rtv-tw doiiart. ; . . . . For.xpenseir."f wrTryinif' tb boundaries f tna irrrnorr eeoeu ny me sam treaty, one inou- taun seven hundred snfl forty dollar. ,v a--Approved, March SI, 1880, 'fx? t Ot fifty and onder ixlv. of forty nd wider titty. jOf thirty nd nnder forty. Qf twenty and under thirty. lOf fifteen and antler twenty. Ot ten and under fittuen. !0f five and under tew. Under five year ot age. f Heads of Families. Sanies o Nun-jif County. Citv. Ward. Town. Town- I ship. Pariah, Precinct, Hundred, or District. k. , , A. STEVENSON Speaker of the House ot Representatives. . 3. C. CALHOUN, i - Tiee-Prrtident of the United State, and - .i , President of lb Snat. - ' Approved, Mrb S3-1830 ' . - ?" r-? ' t , .n drew. Jackson. An ct for the further regulation of vessel bpond np James River, tn m State of Vlrgiohv ' " Jfet'f enacted by the Senate and Jlevte oj fRf preteuiativee efthe United State pf America in Ciett atsembkd, Tht,' from and after UM tf ' VVe'are indebted to n Vhtrilleeot' eentte men, i passenger on bt-krd tbe Helen M'Gre. gnr, lur inc louowing uiirretiiiiH narratiye: 1 ,. --v, ;';;!; & TeUpiiph.Zx j.Oa the morning of (he S4tb of Febru arjr, the Helatv ' McGrtgor atoppt-tt at Memphis to deliver freight and land a number f pafcfnKrr, vvbo resided in that aection of Tennesiee. .The time1 eeclipied in feo doinjj could not have ex ceeded three' quartera 'f an 6our, When thi boat landed, I .vent ahor a, e a gehtlernan wiih vvhbm 1 had aoine babincti'ar. ;1 foutid hir on? tbe beach; and, after, a aOott.iftonferaatiOn, rtfturned tolheboat.I I recollect look t inj at niy watch at passed the gang way. It wa half paat; 'tight ';o'clockt A great ntfmber ofperoii were aland, in on what it called the bfiiter tleck.be ini that part of the upper dck situated tmftiediateiy aver the; boilera. It,' 'waa crowded to eteis, od presented (o'ne ttenae mata of human bodies." In few minutea we at don to breakfast in the cabin. Tbe table, aUhOngh -extending the whole lenetU of thecabinfcvaicom- pfeteiy filled, there being upward "of sixty atm paacengera amon .wriooi wet e several lldie and chiltlren.The naihbor of passengera on board jfdeck and Cabin united, waa between; four and tie hondrrd. I had alntoat finished ray breakfast When the pilot rang hi ' bol fur the engineer to pat the machinery in motion. The boat having' jut f 'ahovetf it, 1 waatn the act of rawing my curt to my lip, the tingling of the pilot bell-yet on my ear, when f heard an exploiiion, resembling the discharge of a small piece, of artillerythe report waa per haps louder than Qiual in audi cases for an ctclamation waa half ottered by me to the effect that the gun wai well loaded when the rushing aouod otateam and the rattling of glasa in aome of the cabin windowa checked my speech and told too well what had occurred -1 aU most involuntarily bent my head -and body down to the floora vagu idea seemed to shoot serosa tor mind, that more than one boiler; mignt burst, and that, by assuming this posture, the de atroyioj; matter might pass over with out touching me. The general cry of "a boiler baa to rt" resounded froaj posite one, both nis nood eovering hi fce and i eiclatnunz , Oh '. OwlF oh Uodl I am.loat? am .ruinetU, (i immediately began to tear oft bis clothe Who stripped, he presented a;not shocking fiod, afflicting apeciacltr riis face waa entirelyciaek ma body .iih out a particle of akina 'He had been Saved alive 'ite. gave, me his name. and place of abtxle iheu aunk, in a uiA ot cinausiioD.pnn agonj ,nn tne floor I assisted in, placing ,lmn hn a inattrast, taken .from one of "tlie, birthst aod coyeri Mm with blankets, Ie comclained of beat and cold a at once oppressing Vim. f lie, tm't.iiia tormetits with' a 1 manly, fortitude., yet convuU aivo, .shriek,, would Lctaiionallv burst r .. ! ir.j !r- . l'i ironic ''to, i,wte.a v iiisjcointreii, wore jtiia ccn-jststit thf me'v waa jiani to- i ..without, aeeing theni-r-''H wa. hard to gt .without bidding thetn ne faretvelirVOil and cotton were1 annlied to.liis wvuadf; but be 000a became 'in aehsibleV to. Earthly ; misery; ,' llf fore J had done attending - to him, i fhe whole Hoor.ot the cabin, was covered with un fortunate auiferera Some bore un on der the horrora of their .situation with degree of resolution amounting to he roism. titbera wcrfr wholly overcome by .he sense ot pain, the euddenhesa of tnr j ntui . uisaairr, npu ,ino near ep proach at fleajhr wliich eveh ; te'lbein was vtdent--who8e paoga they ialrea- dj feltf Some implored tifi.l as itj a of. humanity, to' complet th ork' of Destruction, ana ire,e tnem.frorq present sufterir.g,; '.Onfntfeited the presence ot a clergyman to- pray,;bjv him, de claring he. waa hot fit to dieJ Untiiiir ed; none could be had- l)n ver ttUIe were, to be eard rroans'aod nuneled fjxclamations cf griejf and despair.',,. i . ; jroadd,toJ ih' jcon fusion, persona 1 were , every moment, running about' to learn the fatti: pf .Jheir frienda antl. tela J tivsiVfatherauusr orotherBTor,7(io thia scene of onmised calamity, it waa. m poasib'fr to ' aay ; who' wef e ,a ved ,f or s whb had perishect vTheVcountcnancea of jinany1 vete ao fnucK d tsfigu red, as to be Dast recocniiion. M t attention.' af -:( ier some time: was oarucuian v urawn to wa rd a a rporv.fe.lI 0 w w ho In y u nnu t ir e i J on tne noor, wnnout uticrmg a single woni m complaint. 110, was at(a nttie distapce removed ' frovD tresis He waa ."pot much acalded, but trte of ils thighs was broken & a principal artery had been severed, from which the blood waa gushing rapidly, He betrayed po dihpleasure .. at the apparent- neglect wttn-wnicne .was treatetiit was perfectly talm.-1 Booke to -him: he aaid "hewas'-very weak: he felt him seltj going-it would aoont be ovr," a. gentleman rap tor one 01 me pnyst ciansj he came.ind tlrxlarcd that, if ex i . 1 1 . . ... . petimon were useu,' ne migni oe preser ted by amputating the Jimb; but that, to eBect this, it would be netreasarytb re- t? r iL.' Lin', y tT-r.". . ' oiovc nun iioto too unai. vnioi lunait; ly the boat was not, sufficlenUy .neat to run ar plank ashorf . ; We were obliged to wait until it could be ciose hauled. t stood by, Jiim falling (of'-, help; we placed Vim on a tnaltreKs, and bore him td' the guard; tliere' we, were detained sonie timrrfrom the cause f have mefir; tioned.- Never djd any thing appear to m so'alow as the tnovementa of those jEngagedlnTliauling tlie boat. T tt . Vj I?- knaw,1 and .,hevknetv, that delay waa death thaljife waa fast ebbing. I . could pot take tny gaze frpm '.liia face there:1 all was coolness and resigna-1: tion,J No 'word or gesture ' indicative' bf Impatience escapetl birn?5,!lc pet- ceived by my loud and'perhapa, angry tone of voice; how much I was ttcited by what I thought tbe barbarnps slowness of those aroorid i be begged me noT to take so much' trouble; that they .were doing hfir'besf'At' length we got him on shore tt waa too lafe; he was urh exhausted, aa i JMii oof, tarry irr teter.tw men in its vioath. .Several drd host. ic were lying erotiod; tbeir faU kad ' ' ba aa evttablfr n ccranared with that of other thev' coalJ .carrrlw '. have been eonacions f a pang ere liier ' had crisfd'tobe. On the tar-board' wheel house lay a kemao bodt. it . which life was not yet extinct, thourh. ' ppbrently, there waa ne stnstbtlity re- 4 , mainirg. ,.Th txnly must have been. " tkrown from tba boiler deck, a di of thirty feet.'. The. whole efthe fore bead had betn blown wayi the braitfa were . atill ' beatir g. ; i Terfs of. hair. ; shrede.of clothing, and splotches of .' blood, might be aeea in every direction : n pitvt. ui ttin wit pirxea Bp oy & gentleman on botrd. nkich appeared to 7 nave uecn ptaieo on ay the lorce of the ateam; itetteoded trom the middle of the arm down to the tip of the fingera, " tl nail adhering to it. So dreadful ' had been the force that not a particle of the fleslj adhered to it, the most skil ful operator fcoultl aearrely have efTcaf; ed such a result. ' Several died from ohaling the ateam orgaa. whose kin ' waa almost nulnjured. ;-. , '.' , . '- the number ot livea lost will, in all. probability, never be diatinctly koown. Many were seen fluntrinta tir' most of whont aook to riae no more. -' Could the, anrvtvors. have been kept td : gether until tlie list of passengers wrt called, (he ' nrecise loss would -. i been ascerfainedj ht however,- though - ', ' it, .bad been attempted, would, BOder -. , car tne circumstaacea, pare been eett ftb' impmaible.' K v-'. '" ;'VV judging iroro 'thi crowd which I saw-' on the boilerdefck Immediatriw.hfArar.;'.' 4 loo mur and died immedi- ibe elusion; and the atatement wbicli , Ittvtyel a$ to the .ntmberf thas .vh who Hucieeded in' 9 wimfning out nlV Y' -, tec. they were cast into the river, Lam , inclined to believe that between, forty f, -afd fifty must have periahed." Th cabin pa'ssehgera escaped owing ' .1 to (he peculiar construction of the boat 1 v L Just behind the boilers wer several . ' large Jron posts, sppporting 1 think, . ; the boiler dckj across each post waa :t V Urge circular plate of Von pr between V T I v one and two lochea in tliickeeai, Ooe .f of those poata wa placed exactly oppoV ' . ' siie th head of the boiler whicV burst, 4 5 ; ' being, the second one,on th starboartl ' T ' I side. Againat this blatfr thebead atrtick, .ff?:i and penetrated to tht depth of an incbv )V,? tnen pro: anq ne w t at an angle, en- "V - irriug cotton oaie to tue, tieptli ot foot. The boiler had was urnipoint Wank; range with the' breakfast table !n Ilia af.tn ' ''linift It A . ' I. . . -1. .. ' , ' ' structed by. tho iron postmvstt have, " AA ta ft a 'tit' awif aaa a a.a at f?il-..a - J V uintfv a vicar Trrrj ui iuqi WOO WPrf ieated :t ihe iablV p ; i w fyuutr any aauaiactory account, "ft of the'tausk which: broduceil the. , i ,-. ploslod can hardly be exnected from ono who po?essea no actenttfie or. practical, knovvledge; on tbef au'bjecl, and who pre? v Viously thereto waa pavihsr no attention1 1o the management 0. the b(mtt; ,;VThft y&Zy. Vapiain (appearea:jo oevery activ, ahd .(jitltgent tn tlending.tb hii dutyvV: H was on the boiler deck when ihe exr ; f 'f ptOHiooocc.Ufrtidtaa materially Jniurii W; ed by. thaveyei)tr and tnusr hava been v tgnm-ant f tne, mismanagement, tf anf .1 ' there, was.."'?- v' X'f; C'J&i.-f" : " 'iFrfim the engineer alonecoola 'titi'U. true.explabaH"tJ .be affbrdedj and. If inh' uccu il tvao rcauy suinouiapie tftv glla. ' ... gonce. it can ocarcely be ! suppbaed be ' '.'.'" wilMay th4 Maine on biroelf. it a might veptbre 1 aoggestion in' relation r thereto; I would asaign the following V causes Tiat the-water In the star! - 'Hi board boilera Ivad become low in con-, sequence of that aide of the b6af restin upon the' ground ' during' our stay at Memphis that. thotigh the -fire were RePtup some jtimei before we ahoved oil, fhat the head which bdrst had bfeeq . , cracKeo lor v considerabio ;time that v the poilerwas1 extremely hatedfthd int wBicr, . tiirown irj (wnen the boat wa agairi in motion, was at Rr rrirr-- verttd Ubto K team and th " flue not being sufficiently large . to carry it off a quickly ai it; waa generated, nor 1. ' the boiler bead, of a strength capable of resistisg its action, the explosion wava ' ' natural result. ' rT;';.-S;',v,'i-v: ' 1 assume thia proposition to be cor- y ' , rect that, in every case where a boiler ' biirita 5t is fair to infer 4hat0t procee- " dedironjOiegfect, ; untU'contrarv, V shall be proved V, .- . ' ' :00fe&tit McGregor, a, ,, y Wasliington dt, gfith'.MarcVJWO. -i- ', Xolivor, Ten. March C, xlraorttnary Escape fieenpture.' : Mr Allen, was convicted of murder at a Circuit Court in Shelby county, arid, ' has for some timos beep confined in the "' ' Jail jn this place on an appeal from (he Circuit to the 8upreme Court. On a '" . turday last his wife, who, faithful een in adversity has ever, hovered pear I lie ' gate of lii flungeon, was permitted to' . v i . a 'A. . . -' ateiy ai,(er ,tne araputauon. , ,, ia k . ? ' So soon' as r,was relieved froni atten ding An IhosfS in tne'eabin,' i'went to exao)inc,'ti)at paft of the; boat where)enter his Cell end, take a last farewell the boiler had burst- It was a complete wreck'-- iiicture of destrnctioOfi Jt borjj j ?am'jIe ; testimony of tba tremens done Cforcevof that; power, w'bich the ingenulijof irian 'haa brought ' to hi Jtid!Thitam had given everj thing previous.to bis expected, departure 03 the next day for Jackson. After log inas long a the Jailor thoult y prudent, the poor woman was tomeU t leading kef . two infant hi!!n n atij ye njng, bUtfrjy,. .Fm 8om,cire" rl-" XX Z1- ;yX'Xi : 1 Jv- X :- '.: 1 -"- i 'vX:-r ''.'"''.V-.4-lr''.''-'

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