- A w-- I I "J T , ! I 1 f )! -1 r i - ; t ( i L'f a IjT ft t II a I ,r. r r; . uJ, a 3 ! J"3-I t t tv&r'tin. Dat l.c a- t fcf pre. pilaUl k ' , ;., ;t i Sr t!miX cct"isnes ot lle, a f f,f r !mI B kamliej prf c'"u 1 m'h the itowfl .,et 61 .-!.! i eamkine I fw c t-j k.rrrrt. thereby oppressing l ', r.j-y. for the benefit. f the few;' nj :. incti,S'et-cCtof tick If. if fcr';f d i. dei'rey corn iorte rJ tbe revtna tftb country, anj 1 tHrw iHe 'lgiicaltsral State, cotcflflelf ia the pooer of, eod alike orrrvof the Mt 'acting Sect'iooa. Xutifitttton. Having attempted U f the nnissl tnd wppce tffiturf of the Tn(T. I feel it Joe - la tSe cc'wn ta iie thl I eq. ' . It opposed to the meena attempted n ' ril"Moo'jjS!i.lofM',liUfriin. I ',-'' SsCroiiBa,.fer.ng heraelf greatly ' ; " Sxeved by the Tana", contend . for . v ' the nht ol prpeeencing the l censtiTotioBaU and thereby oullifriog i ;';f, to far. a i concerned.'-. 8hs -.-. cUim the privilege of remaining ia the LVton end erring ell it benefit. ''. and at the ttoie lime, Ibtrijhl t t """ -''.'"aultifr every law which imposes on ber Vtiuweicoms bsrtben. To me.auch. '. pretention appears most unreasonable, . V Oar Federsi Constitution was tht r v ! ,dlt of atpirit of comprotnUe nd H- ' x filiation.., Some right wt Utw gif ,' - tn vp for h. more. efTtcloil frotectio .. :? ,)f ether, t ut then ;ltav'.,ben '-., 1 lurfieca bf theframcr "of 'that cred f. 4 iiutroment. lht from the eiteot of our j t rcoun(ry f nd her diveriificd inleret, i 'Wraost eerj law rftwed jiy cnugrew, v '. Wold be eneqoil if V operittoti wrjoii -y the intemtt of varWoi' fccliont Out f If roie eingle State ;1a ihe" pmer of .nufliftinr at lie 'end nlraur. the ' ecu of twenty-four. thi'.lcgWaMroi f . 'U; & Congrew would be tain tod qlei a; S for there U trarce a einale lew, which x eroetd ooV b nullified la wtee one of tbe State. Dul atteh a tloctrine, if . t f ! vi'r-rrtdoptetlt' would leal directly rlo rfiaar ' K ; niofi of the 6tte; which to' my mind. : i "V io vol eee the eery , wwt- pf pniittcal eill.- ifli pure ana exaucj pairu v.tim f Sooth CarnTine, .and . her noble ' -T acrificeat arid eulRsrins in favwfHf the v Unioii. ftirbid lheUie that audi an be , . ,:f the wish' of intcotjoit of that BtKaoi " v 4 nf0 State..' jliutaoch would inerifablj Z' li ;be hi effect; , ,Te me,' the Hlvhn of the ' S "Bute i aacred; end I m prood, tn be- ;:i'-" iiee;th eame deotim, it deeply fnid :Vv , "iathe heara of. thoe l .6aive bid the : iif teillo uodcrmiBeor dpatrof tha'V beiati' -, . V . lui tanrtc, anouia receiTe trom. u. ; any ' VT, thiols M ,? 4iplwsur, 'jErpry pat ''f'2.lrti. heart must rf rjviwl. tlia'eelf-''-.V'jime8tof-(ttr cnenriiile CJiiff Aiaiv x,i -Antti 'V 7 ITniWrnM! be preserved." ! ViTbat the Tariff wiir be , mdippJ, and made mtre acceptable, e os. jn fli.lew yearf,'vid -pebap4atleVerjt.''iieit dat'a eiDerience. aodeeerf . momentf r flfttioD. convincea rat oiihd -of that trfM'Lettit' theo appeal temperately? ' ftutwUh firmans, to the pjtnotwn em). i--v justice oi, me nation, nuter una rasn V4y it to nip we oow nui pi.- , 1 . .? i v itfuctioa f Road od CnaU, by ep-prDpriatinj-iho money J of the General :; ; j Uoverament.RM.iewce tnc mo oi tne Presideut. V gtu to tbe tomb f the : CPu'et Where I bope it m eteep . ; f-ii ,- i I ' .k..t r..t rSe c f -r fjcf ej9t.a iwcj tau.t er.ai "cJ. a.-.Jrr any ad .st-ria. I in'; lle lt yrr. a rrritf at cetmui'f J H. j ani, t,t bUh tie Wtti sja Tr., ler j a ac-ject 4 aoiiia iitUo. Lit beta earJ ! u. A t'eaty k Swa lorrasJ Umif k, by wticHa Ur; s bit bca wrtd ! e. a tniemnt'f fW. tpt. !(. citid mfi y vf aiuce, epaa l!e preperty f or " ciiiieri. . A treity ha ba farmed Uk It SaUliew Frt, be de Bi;iwn the lilack a ha been rp-fird our aterpririnj aier cKint. Tae Nrth Erit bitary. Utnx seder the arbitral to of lb fC'cjU th NethnlaAdt, Hal beea artKed; ati a recent Mjiiacrml troa'J ef per fret re eipnxiiy, -hat beta formed witb the Eperw of Aaatria.. We bate rtD be'ieve. that ear important aeptia lioni with f retor apiation com muted epoa ear tommefee previoaa i tbelatt war.wweld have bees aatiafr torily edjeated, bat (of the rcoItn which haa, lr vr ' time pait,' net tied the . pjllical , conditio of that teuutre. , Theae are all abject ef con jratula'tiooi aod' exhibit ; the practi cal result of the moite adopted by the inceritofI the 1difr, apon hi in anarilwi into offire.'of -demandiD2 whit i rihf, and tubmitttngla oothinj - iii contemoUtifljr the political comli tion i4" Korope, there ia much to gratify the bert of an American. ,Tie pnt ullrrrdom i there nkin and prt)ir. tiiir the throne of trrante and despota la England,-! torf winltry Hare been driven front power, bj the trice f. the people. , In France.' popular liberty ha dethroned her oppreawira, -'and the, ji partial T,rezsneriieu.uwgiwoi ,na a gain Uki Um. cm:.s oft? irai I", a orf 5." - V 3 '!'.. en Tier ttand amons the nation of the earibi ana iVand untortunate, Jinmembf red, but .brave and gallant Poland.' U now atro22'in j: for ber liberty andin.lejicndeuce. vAVhilo the events are 'pitting Mn'th.e' old World,. it ha pleaded Providence f ,cat our lot . In nleaaant nlacea.- Abroad, we enlor the friendihlo end renpect 'of alt aatinna, tlh toe bright prospect oeiore ur, ot. long and an uniuterupted peace t and at home: we noiaes all ihwe jieronal anil political itfcliDg?, ftir which the people or otner coonine iten ih vain, , uou grant that these bleipg may be eter Mil -vuKAj: & k ;.; 1. 1 have thua.FtUow Citixen.ubroit td, eery frankly. mr ,tiew; oo many interesting subjectt. A sioccre desire iq be fully understood, has made 'me more tediou than t cnald hve wished. That I should have dillered in opinion from anme of )U, in : whoe patriotism t bete the mot entire coo fidenceF was. from the very eonatit u tion . of .our pa lure, to have been expected; and i am ti diffident of mt own iudsrement, to believe -that I, have not committed er rora. . It ia .itumao nature, td its most perfect etate t. err, and 1 amfi from claiming fr m vkelf an y peculiar eivinptwin But, I tse coosciuu that those error; whatever they,, mat have been, were -the errors of the head, , and not of the heart? anil tll rtsk for-ihem n a' patiicipatioir io that gulden rule which extend to, the .tmpcrfection -ol othen, ; that Charity ; and forbearance which-ek fur oareej ve. ; I iU ' ' .;5 Itt, conctusion allow me to aay,' thaC ihould too asrairv deem me. worthy of tour confidence, If vilf; endeavor, by f.-.i . j. a l .1 ix . i luuuiirv aim uueui T. i.o orif c iu wef i A-n, f 'rf SO e m lopm mf b Utt acwWvtal J tcv)rarU7. r pn. I U Mt ! aw B boja mmJ I ft CMMtnuaad to W bite, it yt L-rr WMk m. I k oot ! Urn O mm wf jcmiIi furttae ttoa Wf tr hap. MiMMbli I avwd tWU, va I U OMB pi wiili yT kiwi rqw- MeHMtot, I nia prtr yoa, to ttoom mm yocMeivea, and so oak Mf scMt McoptoUo U thr.M be ai t mt Mca tfepeted, tot fle- tliMic tat Hn)li .' ' tdi of m who tw wcU, win per-. toctlv omWauiwl tk aiMfto wotivo that 4 ts'oJ Ui wiwomw Html of root irfotTet Od faoUaOM. .To OUtors, U Mf quiM&e I mo out kooreV I or yvo to Mjr, Ut I a war aeookio or lacw aind owl ftoerova refarJ, vfcich kM Utkict ibca IO flee M tt4 oroof of tbcie tovorakto oo kloratioa M p'niobaito at toia parvcwUe jooetwra U I nenled awy WhbmImI to orga rve mm ia too vtwrni foevara pata of aVv. 1 abootd !nd it to U'n But a rr- preoeounvc of irfmia, I can oer rorget okat U lo ken and wifl 'orat otrioo to moiotajii her righta ami lolertatai ia Unrittg to uttitMii tbe rcUerti Coaatimuoo. sock aa e klirvad M to oo when ah adoptad . Sha asks eotbinr atorei and wifl oot ba to- toor with my thine lett thaa Vii. 1 am, tery raapceuullr, ceoHeOMn. yotr mott ob&fietit aervant, - ' L.-ii UTTLtTOX w. TAZEWELL. , i .: .V CfWaler; Jfrit tJL . i Cmaxi Yaof letter bennr tbete and poat mark of tbe 26th atarcb, coaveyinp to me oa behalf of a number of die member of the preaent General Ataeoibly ard citi aM of Kchmoad, a in'Hatton to paruka of a public dinner, lo be given is Richmond at auch time -as woil J auit my convenience, did not reach ma until iat evening, . a eircum stance which 1 the m ra rejeret, aa you ea preaa aolicltude for an early antwtr. Pro eeedinjr. ka doei tliia manifeatation of respect and eonhdence, as wen from tlioee who bow cwnpoae tbe eohetituent body, to which 1 am responsible, as rroni many or my former eon tituenta of the City of Richmond, it patna me to forego the' honor of your. invitation. 4 no uinete oi a memoeror my iamiy, Ke mo no alternative, but to decline it. Meed t eipreaito you. Gentlemen, tbe deepimpre- eion wlitcii your eooimuoicaiion ha made upon meI eaiioot be iittentiblc of tbe fact that it b originated in the approval or the homWe pari which I have borne in certain re. cent pout tcf tranatclwna and po higher or more acceptable reward can be . otTered me on this aide the rrave.w From it t aball derive an addiUonal inducement to continue hr the open and manifest path of duty with an on- faolteringstep.') Poorly would any man de serve to represent the Slate of Virginia, who would permit himself by any motive kowov- er urgent, to abandon tbe political doctrines woicu aue uu AiiHiormi ana unceasingly maintained; and on tbe preservation of khich in my aettled-convictionVdependaall tbsfls movt.desr and sacred aroobirut men. K3 He pleased to make my ackaooMgroeats acceptable to those whom vow represent, and receive for yourselves jointly snd individually. the assurance of my profound respect. ' , . M have the Uooor to be, gentlemeiv Jour most obedient servant, r-,f ' V., , JOHN TYLER. i v rrdidcnlial V are exceedingly gratified to observe, in almost every de velopment of public sentiment, that the Ad qutiistratKKi. party, not withstanding tkaa lata at! jaavkrv ia asaaas liuiow,! tea tt- ttr cirrexstxBft. CoL1 Euasbaxk fTee bafk. laertly i mo eaj loyed t tale tbe laJiina bAse, Ua LolJMCouitMoa, or aatbority wUtever, t wperiotfaJ India ccneera. or to svet aa aa A grt.t, at llrren Bay. . . : Derttir tlieo hole w inter tbaoonj. laatioa of OJ. fcUmbauh was be fore the Beaata. . No man etood bet tcr recoaameoded L gwd fjtraTiUr and attention, to basioeaa. In dians were reraarikllj food ofkimj and on every aeceMTO a cxprrtwd tbemaelvea. But the Senate srever acted apow tbe appointment until he day before tbey adjourned. .Dow was tbe fVnidetit to antkipale socti result ajalart man so well pro eattd? or bow could be at the in stant bo able to find another qoali. fied peraon ready and prepared ,to enter on a distant aervice. Tnert waa no alternatiro ta aaliafy , tbe feeling' oT these aavagrta. fa a aieeclt made by the Head CLirf to UoL Johiuson bo declared, that ttn lesa Cot. Stambaojb was permitted tv return kwith throt they would al low ' vo one to accompany them. CoL-Stambaugb waa therefore al lowed to return, tint aa an Agent, but a tsero conductor.' II Um do. layrd, only until the lakea are free of iro and open to navigation, wben they will , depart. , Until then with a view tooconomy. they wave oeeti Carried from J.I110 city into the Into. Vior of I'enusylvania. ... r (Tathington Globe. !a dctaoJi-j pecti!ati't!, aa-i L' m hoo of all l.'s air.luITt cast! . JI rsdJ 5io-t)e of Ike best aiots I ever kesrJ c-f. was tnaJawiika perca. s'oa gsn. Aboottra or twetve years sge.ao Fj t e a sior vessel wss roxea a ia this river, and bef provVaioes etkaasttd. the Captain wrot oa ahor f to tee 1 kew lb land laid ia otke words, 13 make a receobomance of hta roosta. Old lira. . who was celebrate! far te comber of ber domestic fowls. ceald aot barraia with bc Csptain for a- ay f hia aasorted csrfl," at length bearreed to rive a a'dver dollar (ora (Hot among the poltry, sad atreed to tboot ! gao without a fiiat -thi was accepted by the old lady, provided she loaded the raa, which ake atipalatod .to do fairly.. .Cap- Bobtj, who wa no ta a thing or two. 'went k no board, took dowa OUI IWoe Trtezer. (last altered tathe pentsaiaa principle) a largo V tee airhted trumpet me tried ns impor ted before the revolatioa, toahoot awao 00 the Potomac, put io six fingers clear of the wad, then cat ou the ramrod lcvi with the maxxlo, and returned of shore, reinforced by hi mte and coak. . Tbe old lady, after tryioi the, ramrod, teyy deliberately took' of a amatt ' thimble. which the used as a charger, and having loaded with a thimble lull of powder and aa eoual quantity of shot, delivered the gun to capt. Uoouay. who then placed six fence-rail ia two row, at a foot distance, and baiting With torn be tween them; 'to toon aa'.the poultry mounted me taut ana organ, to leetif with their heads between the row. Dob stay, took a position to aa to enfilade the whole defile elap, bn, went Old Blue Trigger, with a moat horrid explo-' stoo. , Huzza, for.Uld Blue. Trigger, shouted tbe Uaptam huzza, ahouted the mate huzza,- shouted (the cook ' God hate mercy on' me," said fhe old lady hi, went the geee eob ble, gobble, cobble, went 1 the tor key auack.auack.- haick, went the duck. , Stiventeeu turkeys, nine geese,' five duck,' thirteen chicken, and the house pig, . were the fruila of Captain Bobsttj's exploit opori juaazint. FOIIKIGIV, I .t , LAT ' IU uenca. c-- mere was. nowovcr, ounui forty thousand dollar, appropriated u 'complete tha works on the Cape Fear .!.' . ...1, -..u.:. i Kiver, wcracncac, auo- unicr miut vw. the coast of North Carolina to improve ': ehornmmorcial fseilitleaof the atate. c ' Revolutionary Mi!itla.K bill nhssed 1 ten to lay before ift fcaderts.,. au" . j t 01 -; a ' am a.- - the late attempt to sow; division in its ranlta by the Opposition and by pretended friends, 'present an Undivided and e tendril front in favor of tbe fe election .of;Preflent;iack'ko'n'a'ndt1i!t'c't1i!' lolu of exultation, subnded o loudly in the Manilesto of "trie Uppositiou mued at the dose of thi late seesion.'bf Con-. grt?8, must inevitably be the prelude to With'hurH reciftu.l aniTflUf fviend 1 another discomfiture of their party.'.) knd Fellow -CitracV r&fAV 4t.l?l;VlA;'-UENCIIB koweteri there does pyt appear such kn Unanimity of . sentiment aitwiugh we doubt norMhat in due season an Sndf-' tidual will be selected who will recWye a rosjor'ity of the sutTriges. - The folfaw v Ttc7ieffr, ( Va.) March 4. One day last week a southerner alighted at one of our tavema, sig nifying bis Intention of remaining a day for two.- Jor Citizen" arc; trnt apt to be, inquisitive; but there: was aoniething in the appearance and manner of the stranger that excited their curiosity and th . question of Who U ; he where did be come from?" -was asked tn whispers, but without receiving any answer. .Va rious were the Conjectures that, were formed; though to the right one not the slightest clue was' afford by the mysteriowH curat. " Curiosity bad thus reached (the bightest point of endurance, when the stranger, w ith out having previously asked - to be directf df'was observetl to walk over to the house of a lady .who bad been left a widow about two yeal-8'pretl- otis. tie tniroducea . birasetr as an acquaintance of some of her connex.' ions tn Carolina, who had tlrsired him in bis passage to tbe North, to call on her, nod leave their rcspect.4. lie talked ol the South, of rice and cotton--of the different plantations in Carolina and Incidentally asked if the lady bad not a small interest in a plantation; there' vt tucir rormfiiy belonged to .her' husband.' i She re plied that she Imtl; but that she bad alulost forgotten-' it, having never exjiected to receive ony thing tbere rornv'v1 .t'critainl youwoult be elad tn." w II. iiy. cai-elessly observed the atrarjajfer'f' Or ves." Ter Ssillinirjlv -t-enlied Hhe lady jf I could ' meet wwiW marry the Princess Maryauglr wltirany person who would bur it. erf :Hl-?tiiwil.,,iPneei'!l H'fbat might x be 'very difiicult, i P', ! tion- the? Militia of the ilctolutionary II ' wan bat;tiiostlii:fiSena vlhoujrht the bill, bottomed or) justice . well s gratitude, and therefore sup .V- ported it. ( iThere should be no" diatine , " tion between tht regular nd the militia: ' they fought ia tb lame - glorious cause: ; y thet endured equal toil, and brited 4 ' al ' datiscf, Mosf'-of the southern , ,.' Ut were defended by their, anititia, and 1 'could aeu nojuit reason why the wnortheri resislar should receive the bounty of the Covernment,apd the south - V era uiiliti bo; SuSered to - g -down to Hr.: thegrae,pennjlessandaopitied'fThe ' ' addiuonai expense upon - the revenue ' could not have been required : tong most of that mt! e band heroes are Cfhspondence-Vtn favored With a copy of the correspondence between a Committee of Member of the Legis- ture. na me two senators or v ireiniff. which, as it attracted ,k good, deal of curiosity !t home and 4s calculated to excite some interest elsewhere, we has- in eentiemen.' all Orofessed friends ft! the . Administration, have been spoken of as candidates for the Vice-Preaideo-; :-: iSVmlu'CrawrW-of Georcia; Voufimith,bf StiatbdCatoIiria; Jamea Uuf hanan, , of : Pjnnsjrlvania,Mah!oo uickersoo, 01 JNew Jeeev van yood- bury, of NAHampshire. .Edward Lit inetoo. oitiouisiana, uicn&ru yi, jonn a nobUe dihner. to be BSvon at this place, at son, Ot Kentucky. John; M'lhe.Vot An 1 vuiw v v'u biiwiHu j jec rc w. " . , -u,SiaWe,'.bavolieen:-oiEBiiied as a-aoaW mlttee on behalf of a nonaber of the members of the r re sent General Assembly, and citi zens or Btcnmonu, to invite you to peruse ol auch time aa -ill suit your convenience early anawer js deaired. - . . v Yours, aery reapeciiuny, . V. VT, Gilmer." -''I " 0"'"v Coode, I i ,V ' ,.,Th. Miller, V. (5 i ' ' " ' J P. Williams. Jr. Vp it. . venaoie, l J.Lyons, .vff J To.LiU'on W.Tarewolt, tt'on W. Tare well, J - ; , " and ' - ,Esir, t M nTjlcr, t ... ' john MV. Month 2BUL 1831. GiwTa I have this moment received now beyond the reach ,ot our justice, erHonr leoeroftbe 2&b Imtant. inviting mo -r .... . . . 1 tl.a r.i v.n.r.M. t ..u r .,ki. j: : . to partake efa public dinner to. be riveo in KichmonUj by a nomaer or tn members ot The editor of the Richmond En quirer, in a late paper, says: r The-. appointment ot Mr. Stambaneh'aa ouo Aceut oi too inaiana. alter no was ro I jected as A rent by tho Senate, ie a tribute oi respect tor bis servsoes and qualification. great as taey may be, wbtcn, wo think, the President's better judgment ougkt .to tavo wunuoia.- , , , . ti s Col, Stambanet) has-not been anv pointed to perform the duties of A. I gent - at Green BayJ Uacould not be. bo appointed.;, lie. bad. brought on ; i iienotnen inuians, - rutte of cur -ratitL' ' ; t r 1 the few tenetable . rr!.cs that 'v,L vr amoosUS. must. 'in a few tear- i' wat all flesh: h P"4 unr Assembly; and clfeena i'"?---" : neath the cLJs of tha valley. ,- '-V i'c ruf tloru The Cencut of 1 550, is ' ot fully completed. ;t The population - is between twelve and thirteen millions, f" cxluliticz sn increase sine tha Census ; of of . ibourdO per cent . The W, pepukl.cn Cf rortbCarolina U 758,470, 1 fieodty greetings m.i sulutstions, and f Of wwett 47it,43a are tree .wune er. sots. 13.575 are free colored persons', 'f aad 13.452 are .slate. 'Pit ratio cf -rereEentatioawill be fixed at ther..xt .iicrr. in txir tr.e ratio, n ;a cot desir:' i tohite aa iacrc: T i.uniber lathe House of llepresen' ..s. It is a!rtdy toogrvatl" " ' .aordetpatch; a; J ta tacrease c. decrease of the tt:. ' r, c:-.fwt t I ta, or diminish, t' e t!;!te r,!':'" 1 weight cf any one L..i..-'- ' Arc -n r :.'jnj Our Porc? - a Uf l ''.-s V . U the most pscic tnd t.. ' wLxrsctsrj asd I tLcJf 1-can Convenience, and la compliance with your request. 1 immediately answer it I hope I seed not say to any of you. Gentlemen, that it, will eve me much pleasure, at kU times. to meet you and swy others of the members ol the General Aasraibiy. or oi my tnenJ ot the city of Richoieml, upon any ordinary oc- e our frank- ,ry cotTinni! .te to each other our thoughts and r '.mons. upon any and every subject but 1 hope you will excuse m for declining to accept an invitation to a pubf-e dinner, aH though U is proposed to be, given ky even such persons. -? '?. ?.'' 1 will not s fleet Ignorance of the kind and generous feelinga that have prompted some of my countrymen to offer me, and throtieh you too, (in whom I recognise much valued friends) ttas teotimomal of their regard and esteem, and uniiministied confidence. Be lieva cne, these feelinRS sre properly sppre-' ciated cyme, llfyrpeak. uirectiyto the aearti and intpira s..-; ti grititude ai I mvy not sitempt to etpresa. You rr;u1; -rlon r-e, fcwever, for v: sti r, ttiat tLc?e. feel. i. , and tr.o cav;i t attarbed to him, and earncHtly ex pressed a wish to the ProNident, that he uu.lit return with them. It would not do to trust these people on so distant a. journey without some confidential; man who could control mem., LMssatisiaction and ansrv ; i m - . war feelings, towards), Uic ? government mighty nave , been 4he, consequence for it was impossible to explain 4o them why, or how it was,; that their Great Father could not keep their toiiiiuiiur wiui litem ii, no pieaseo. Besides, at an interview bad with these Indians when "the treaty con eluded with thcra 'was signed, and which was before the Senate acted tipoa th'J nomination, the. President has said to them, that this tnditidu ai sliouIJ go wit!) them again to tbeir aonics. AKO tMPOaTAMT tBOH tntOPX ATew York, Jipril : We ttop the press to -announce lhe arrival of the packet ship Fraiw.. from Havre, whence she sailed the lGtb of February, t . . rK W hate our ', files to the, lltb.A Havre papery of that dat jays, ;that a telegraph communication has been nwde at Lyons, that a serious rewutton had broken our sn Jianj, Jhat Keggi Ua IngnaJi and Modena, had been over thrown, ami that the Puke ot , Modena bad been, killed. , .-The Captain of, the packet, , who sr tired at Havre two days after the -fiate ot our papers, says the news wis con firmed previous to hia departure. 'The- Deputies of the Belgian Coo ress had had a -solemn audience' with Louis Philip, and read to him the pro ceedtngs of the National CooeffSs 0 fering.the CroWn of Belgium to "the s s. rsni - . '- "!" uuae oe ptemoum. ine answer war, l.isr 6tA rdsarr. r the ce-c.i.a cf r5. . Some of tie Is: ...It a j teen, coettia uttis-st; ptsefwsr artctvr'vt lAit a Jeserrr el u klits!erstreaUat to a! sties; ttat U. to scire : West lad a cottots, aad t : whole weight of theerwtixt, tpow American and fert ri ( laeixmooo t4U.oo ts Aa attentive tbserveref. ual cen asset t that the e ' that a war will toon take t' continent, and that tkia ton led by circs msuoces to ti'.: on the side of th despotic , l ? ll.l .1 . .. t I possHMuty woica tney look t , t oral borrvr and alarm. VM coaraged to hope .that the t foUywhick tsy ground Lr implies does tot exist, ia 1 who Lse influence oa t of oar affairs, v . Italy The u Cress of tie r. at Bologna it confirmed; C gale seems to Vave beea verr bowed out to the bordo; sni departure all the PootrficaJ t overeinty were detrjtd, 1 visional government regularU . jouoj napoleon made his , society et: the 'English- ami ball at Vienna on the 5th, i: of the Russian ambassaadoe ILt wg day.rvi-v'' j?uia and rohml-Tht 1 Courier jeays-! Accoanta hi received ot express from Uerh the 10th .Feb.' containing .th i ant information of tbe entry of iaosinto Poland, on the. lid sr.' ant, in three places, namely, 5 Aiexotin, . and i'renn, On t! iost. a di vision of Russians wis t kie, but 00 attempt -.at re.ist2 been made, r The Warsaw pap 5th announce , . that the Cos4 ' passed, iota, the. frontier, at 1 much aeartr Waraaw, in. tbe ne;, hood of Beyee Site Wski, 00 tha i LAthuani. .--;':.,- -o v ; FtaneerOn SC Valentine's d knniversary of the aasassinatioo - Udc de Derrr. the nartiran nf 1! family got up si mast .fur4 rhetf that prince's soul, in the cburcu Germain Auxerroi, (that chutclit sounded the knell of .the mass St. Bartholomew.) After lhe j luhographlc portraits of the I Bordeaux were distributed Snd 1 of the child crowned in: the with a wreath x' fltwjtdtlu the assistants wore, the cross ol St itj others the dress of the nation! Several wore the uniform of the r sviiooi oi 01, vyr.-aou tna greater : or were isuies, ana. tnegrattiui t. uiu , uvvi - me -ex-rojai laoiuj. wards nightfall an attack was n ; tne CnUrch 1 0T! tho . nnniilai'. pulled down the erok 'with the j aem Irons the tothic tmrdco. khd dashed JU thevgrouBd,saad brol the hammers of- men engaged b f commissary of police. v-Thet de 00 the lorniture of the church, trs on the decorations' of the rot d 1 canopy, -broke and 1 kkkefl the Wax taper, spilled the holy wa sparru nc- pictures, 1 pain tea wi it is said, a refosal, accompanied, how ever, wuh very flattering excuses 'nlTf ! -. i.---k- d gotfcic fret work: the curate Charles of Naples should recette thi1?d; f T!iS crown is soukeii of. In which case he respected bul the n is -a ( nephew of the Kin? of ihe trench 'Wf I i;;ofnrf.Tne,'Pofisb Diet bkve; i: sued a long answer to the proclamation r rw . . s w-v -' j 01 uenerai couni AJieoitscn, Which, is a spirited docu meet, and whkh concludes aa follows: TheJPolish nation, united in lt Diet, declares; that for the future, it'eonstitutes an independent people. which has thefight to confer the Polish wittvn 'nnnn Win. h4am il 'uli.ll. said the: southerner) 5 yet,'!!: the plantation Join my - own,' I suppose u wouiu huh tne as wen in ooy. it as any? "other pcrson.sWhat will you takeTfor ttJ? i indeed, I hate iiei vef.tlK.ught about, it," replied'"?' tatiyj ' and diirrt Know wbatT u's worthri-l.,' ujp'usf:avi,tr,vT''; hundred' dollai s." Tbe strsneer nodded a setit said he bad thought something of tuaking bef aitYoBer,! and vas willi ((jf to gJvellier BStK. IThV ia d y jrepl ft d th at .ike, :li..aaiwrj' doubt liberals but that she was not i.r- ..1 : 1 .s.u ''fa .,.". i n""ers 01 tue uier. - p.Tpnrr, vvi, :iOTJ tSThe Pol sh Die by i vote of B3 to iriends, antj perhaps w.me legal ad Commtssiorit of Fiv Meinbernra- yser.a iii,swp,,ioo Bti-unger sawt retl.-.or.fdiMl .CiiMfovotttkPrsi might iprtiva -fatal to . his .achemCs. I dent Fihtenl HenjowM, Thdmat Ma guard mustered so stronz aa to ! streetsaurrounding the cburcb.ai leveo oclock'the mobonlT rente anger in shout of reprobation agai suitsk. Carlists,- congregatiopslix! thet such impossibfe parnes A mob crossed the . Seine tnd brct window of the "'Archbislin'o's 1 The national guard prevented ' I mischief, and forpst of bayorief tied irj defence 'of the ehurch Sepulchre, which was " alsora worthy of ittupon1 him whom tt sDaH Yrlf!!?3im iudse' eanaWu 'of oaervinr ftUM gwnera. .bawteu Ma-i 'thej principles whichx he shal r have sworn to; and of reservbi'uBtfioched .1.. xi..: .1 s"Si , M-.ri. -j? ' .. . up if ouiiuai jiuerii;s: .j,i.ine tieciaj. ration was signed 'unanimously by the Wtmbers 6f tbe: iitV&pr&$J$V: Ueacconling began fto , manifest somo anxlet yi - and intantly rose in bisBeri tof g50jO.Tbe lady s(iil desiring delay, ue ad vanced tb.&80ft. on conuition that the bargain shoujd be lmmeliatcfy closed. Has over' same her scruplcs,rand she signified uer,wuitugne8s to acceuc, remaking that she would instantly send for an attorney to draw up tho convey. knee. - 1 be attorney ramc, and be. rau$ki;SUm. Iiazxvkownki. and Joack Aini Zelewtl, TUtJVetiiand iewa par complains that one only these nau s pari in tne late kcto utinn-. - IVTrbo-iOtefligenco- from Vienna 1 that every thing in that capital is on the footing of war, especially against Po land, which is threatened with invasion at once from Russia, Austria, and Pro sit. Prince Metternich is in close "con ¬ nexion with the Duke of Mouthed who, Ct I however, ia watched elnaol hv Minh,l ing;appi awfd of what had passerj.l Maison.V..K-; tr: 'Jiy contrived to signify to the lady tbs j On the other band, the news' from Constantinople by the way of Naples is, that the Grand Turk means to take advantage f j the embarrassment fof lhe Russians Jo withdraw from com plying with the late treaty. The Wrea; ter part of the Pachas of Asia are or policy' of defcrri g the ratification of the bargain'untii some further in formation could be bad. Much to the mortification of tbe Southerner, the lady announced this to be her Ltff l-minatti.r. -anti St :n.na t rail again the .lay following :fctI,l nrormaHonrWas,obt.i,d Dit.L"Ag hmbeenUS V? f e; to Albania Sertia, kud rtTZSj Var?lu,,a X member of the Sultan, it is said, is eudeatoring tl Judge' , Tticker law class,) bo induce the Persians to act so as to site uoiiuTU'.' too estate to oe wortn $30,000, of which the widow's dower- (the part Bow sought to be pu cbased)SvaSyWortli . between and S4000. The cunning stranger find ing himself thwarted, art out on bis journey homeward, instead of .pro- ceeaing w.xne jyurtA, , not a little that employment W the Russians on ' Cardinal Capellar? had been elected rope. v.r '- TlfTRTEtN DAT9 f.ATrO ' Amo roik.j3iril6. Bv ship York. Capt. Bursley, the editors of the Gazette hate received their files of :K and Psrisienne tiU midnighiam suryejlt9lice.vv.i;jhel f iaWiialAi Wins persons wer arrested but seriously bijuredCalthoughJ the c gao blowervfiUe'hurch escjBpe miracle froh) ' ifo , f ate Wended ft when .h$"w.aau pended by the ei mob over. lhe'iveri-tif1iSA ffimfU0. the Called the patlonaJ Guards lo ju The" iv'ennes to ' all the tfcarch" strongly guarded; shd vthit pr iSlone eaved them from The mobin vat .numbers, pre. the tri-coloured flag;'made an s ottfach building in succession, t cepting at tbe Petit Pert, whf converted a rich diadrin of 'Jtmt into a Skull with cross bones, s faced the ex Voyal and (we fear? add) religions ornaments,' there injury done. In tbe course of I the people were pursuing, in , good.; humour the amuseroentr day of the caryinal. It appei there was a simultaneous risin; Carlists on that day at Bordeauit u niadefnf the disturbance ini the total demolition (byHeauth of the crosses and Jleur de Hi churches and public buildings. The French papers of tbe t 18th are principally ioccopie speculation upon the probable tcrs of the late ilisturbances in I which their precedit.g nul-: tained such copious details- seems to be thought that there other party, much more darge" the- Carlists, Connected with movement; , a psrty ; from w'1 present order ill tiling in Fi,tt every thing totear il at of th 1 cans. . The discj!"iltin to whic tial development ot hi eppos' on ''':-'..!-..;e'-: