r. 4 . . . . . -y .a :ro. is -.Tin; stab; ; vVtr &4 ejl VTM'VW vim we- '"i ' e LAvTEENCE A LEMAY. aX5aMKtea,iWM4olbr yew aw.- tie fear wai mm. wnewn- m. iet . B0d B Bdtwewa. MfiHf ft aned, gayu J eWo Mwv til sr- taeoa laves, a-a-td ttarra (iiwt far ewe , and twety-4j v r-UX WCMTtt titditre BHUt be 4. ;,.-. v ml... - ' ' I I JUL - 'BY Ainiiuiini. 1.1 WW OK TUB UNITED STATE. mdHtMt Sec StftKTwM?rirtl I' Sal forth raiisl ot tnk - solvent del-tor ' e tie Uu ouree. Mk-f y ie AewMc dfhJ Kt- mmUm Vj mm or .i-n-rrt-a M Lrm remiUJ. That T tiw who was iBMiiMMdtMgrear befurtttw first day ef banlML sad who mdrbted M OsO V tHetX ... f mrm turn M hmtt (Km (Inc. ieh ha mabU to av, anWM XHk proa be lidbt4 iftr prioorpu official bawd, or Car pablia an MMtwadkykim. m4 Mt mM vr or ac tnto (araoorUrto Ua'tiirfcraw Ina, far Wra.tTvaaah, iuaorrad Vr 4h tioUlianr t U of 0 Unia4 Stotea, tMf mU aptliea. iavriti)j(,MtaTath er iinUour to the reUry ot T7, pwrpo of oh in rcleate w diaekarj of Uia taJ4 4U sit applwatioa ahall atata. M new a may be, Una vtica the atmliuaiit beeauia inaolreiit, taooa thareafier he made koowa hit vaUu hi reditort, the eaoaa or eaiiMW, and ha juntet moolaaolvadeji and, at, til theaa. 1 real and peraooal, akh (be aud appUaanl (ad at the lim-.f iHaulfea aad the Sutt l kiek aeeU eaute bai keen diieoaed ef iraatittatt, tf utijvitv wu aioea flwaea, ana W. 4. fuf U 0 yVrtW nr Thtt tbe tstary of YruMtTr 4 fcertbf direoted nit W DUirtol;Atftnw . tk Uniie1 xforflte Oinriotor. Torrjtorjr iihia ykibh (J mlKMi aliaU PmkW, eertaatt eopy avd aenAeMloiS mkH kucb MMtraoiieat a tnioR prepert ena it oau e tne cuij k aaiilOKtiiGt A ilartwy m lJ tw aatd sa jfauah appliaation belort tlw Commiaaooer pamauaaioBert of ieaolveeejr, to be appoint- j uaw th tut, iul t tprar tatknu Mcotmtel ia behalf ef the. United cJ. TW tie d CWakt l.'Wi, L & kv eaJ tfce aa j ir ti raav. a act ix;. pad mm el exy I Ifcoeewd r4 ae4i4 aa4 t k.' Aa 4taetteaJ Cm , eatt4 la art far tW a7-4ortfc Mrr, a a ae imn mmti aaf MaWaaw ai.i rtoaa l lb fe ' ajee akMnd e ka44 a4 UaaeeV4 . - t rer eiarwaa eatatelt eeetitaa to twMAr trce yeere a4!taeTua,(V lr, etaa kmdrrda4 e laicn. - - v" - . . ntakauktJmlixitrMMiaii.. ATOKCW TBVtNJOX, ' I rorraaMi rW mim W-.wLrr la ia T1e-M(arta knber aaW- cVa Mrra af tba "f tMuik Uf. Wae a tU Baperter taaat ef 4 TotDvt teaty-a-, aaa kaaJtW aaal tUrty. f A Hum at, a4 tke aat ai tke Iwatyeu aaMMntatkHiMttnii, ito MMn.M lUtiLwIit tat , tetymr IM tar M Tito it ii . 8aakrrWdUevak rnaalatina, - vi JOtOI U. CAUIOCK, ' ' reaaWM ef tba BeaJM, , . AOKEW JACKSOIT. . A Aetfcr Ve aeMbaaHa of the CamWtaod taad aaebe Statae Ufcaa, Iwlaw, ead lBial. ft tWW iieJre fjhmrh U FerMtrcLaMaf trk aad Ctwkee m, par aaa an aad ktarek, erMHa tratrad cm ivcwjr-tkrae, teinry a fceajrrd Aollaa. awlCba v c - a rrue jrntt a4 kcipitt.t m Titk. Il rt14 tr liit't t tirt tat k Itrvcf tireat n karm bj iu But ke jtt rt4.li K Ml im Mif.l U ilhijr gta'ttl; pr 4 tiit bl Urtfs'er that tot lKt ce r. ittMrtl tttj Lodf t Vie tata n crpt to Kew e2r Kt ew atrr, nJ ae Tcrrar) Arkaaaia, aaan tke art ef Ike !; -ma aa ldae eVIrtsen I erpVare ' t.aty faer. ad Untopjt . rt tW Mmmm), r aa M moai W Jjrae m, a iora'aait b t ana) .Vr .ferrate a lrroa aiatui ie I M It ax, tMiM Aa rr esprnee of traMMtf ehk. the CWtl. beret, id Cbieaaawa. for &tMikaM ef tbatr lula i akaairti U kuMia "V tbe Itmtu f Vaanatnnl. act eat eWJ tad lam eftireeiictk Mt,i4jmi bmdrad aad leeejrr.. M. t. tU tt )mrCf nmctrJ, Taat taak etarr jaMBee, aryr al Mm, ee llmiiaiet extaedait aad nateiaa l a brae eabl irhtfcaVj ef Mar,oe tbeenaad eet Uf tad tke-M I , rd M ear eirttk da bcaJrad ad tkrf . be, aad the left vff til bia Udc( tJ WbiU bl liltlr Hi Catt k, andl doah rtri U knowi it, b tock la taMinf Di tQ'i U tl;Vj t!. ! f kl ba M iSr-r k ia t si . ' aanti la tU. aJ ivsrt it tt t" ; i ;. Ecttj Mifia. Tl'r ocb tt Uit v.tn tf t'i. i thebitatai;;r,t tftifs. i4 f drlrrtaiord la hitt tbrtr tL.ira t 1 i potot al lh Ujnnrt. .TLtrt vi c j IttUa (tHaw fruc!rl, aha 1 kJci a iataml aboit it 2 7 t5 MU bo UikeJ like a .ar.(, 1- J thtftUcrd la tf io!r 0 fi!t . aad Mt p ferbimulf ifU.fjt i t.i Irtatblca liktaf!! trawn itia. 11 t T TT . . . aVre" a Ifty-au duUare, . , efWil,ra el fee bepenarCeert ef the lcril lha aanbrardrnd atJ 4kUtkat bad rre(X fniftf Lir4 bcKll It tWwa. prCTflC tt rftrZ 1 A'r,Mt!!,V-.-.1,v-ii i itlt ',V,iI?,!trdi. iTwlLrdef. Ken be .nd aaM ar tha at;shl0Br. fmed tl de, eed meitey tbe dejCrHnd read teard Aa Aet ieakt p w iaiee fcr a .keeHeUs. a at lJiCdr-J deOrT eelavia D Brt. .. Ma1 JrJe dottb'H 1 WObld Caw totthrr bj tH af. C-t 4 teeeatrflle, hi Jtatr el Otuoj and (bat tbe aempati of Coar.aiaioaal dacai.U. . 1 edditwe to eWir eatar aa Jxler of tke6oarw i bWf b Wtl tBT thip(t iKaVt'ar ff tbt1 lbt qutl"rlled like a tr.l' f ereaaMiurrrt cm eiae titeturUMrt el re Jtneae ef Urprnrataufee be, a be bereky la, - Approved- bbraa t, 1231. , t " i aa mpeeta WtaeU, I 64 rathf f 4 anaiiaf kortainj aiOdtJtai lof co aoiiU.er at vtirkken.Kjturcdone ea te CamWUad rettf, j 1Um4 aad Sba4 WJt TWlka S. IIIMUKT vf IfiNCliK SASl 4bxt bratbarl? Ufa aad WUUa aU Sttt for ttt tbia tbfT Vei fartTef f.t 'i.I'-r ifcawbj. . AD Ills rOVfi. n - lmro.- IfUacW Sara It ar-tt at tbta, Ut or abobt aothr, w. aoma tri." .mmrm.m I """-in" f A TALI t tOUncUSa; - 4 U kl, retrK l.i. r,arb k a.ta r... I. ...Ki. and m,. ., , ereeeteea ot aue m aa aaa ae. weae eatai : me Tlauae ol IIfdmiiIMihii gnd tml l tare tor mat pwpoeei alio tor tbe Myiaeet if r drad and auty-Cre dotlara aad ctrbtf-fira arati: arrearegt.. (or tbe i r r ate m kanretdlatetke eapbai ef MiraoerL tea bu 4 a aaeiaae wa laaruaa awl laI7aiB3I adKrlaTI aTrinoBlL 4 ate, Tnat tbe imce aid Mflita ariatiae af tbe raw iraaa aaaae k ereb approprlatrd, ' epeabr, rradjnr aad bretjp. d road, ja Ute bprte ef laHi- J aad that tbe Ma) ef arrcntv-iTc tbeoewd duU lera be,'ad tbe far theprp(e ef iot ke Ceraberiead aaa, busliidmP a kodrr arer Kbit rier, nrar imuaaopout, ana progreating van tbe wore, la the eaiteni and veatara boneileriee . of aaid 8iatf and that the tea) of aim-iix thouiaad Oullart be, ana uieaame fur the tmreotool ooonii los the Canberiaad road, aoui abkb anata aball be paid ey, aot otbervite appropriated, oat af tbe Faad reamred lor I raakbir roedi under tlia dime boa vf Coarrrn by tha eeeenii ten pxueil (at tbe ailiuiuioa ef, toe atatet ei uhio, litoa, mil iiimoa) into the tJajoo oe aa equal footiuf erth tbe flrigiaal 8. t And b it further tnacted. That, tbr the ' ioraalMre aeaomplialtmeai of tbeae ok Jeett, the operinteadauU Heretofore- apnoint ed, or hereafter to be appointed, m t!o State ofOfaia, Jiidiatia. -ad Ultoeia, ahall, under tbe direatioa of tbe Pneiittetil of the Vt.i(ed Stale, aaparatel ku par inland, . ia faithful toauaet, ua patUof said road aa atay be diuignated. to each,, and , dialiurw the aiotu-y, cIi' rivitir boad aad 8Murh aa be altalt dinrtkndbU reeeive aoch aotnpiniaMioa li, in hi npiaioa, thai! be eeaitabto and juat. oot ri-wliog to raah,lbat boreiul'ui'e allowed by law to the u nerietendent of be Cu&berlaud road, ia tha State of Ohio. . ,r s ;. Approred. Hareh g, ISSt, v.; ' ; ,Z' . An Aef rnaklhf appropriatian fix1 tbe Hdn : Departtaeot for the year on atid eepiea atull be at -a rata aet eiecediag that ef tbe pre paid la tbe printer of Cengreel lor jirintiuxthe doeaiaeauof tbe tee Hoaaa. ' AWed, Mareb t, 1151, .L.--- -v ". '' Aa Aet to proride for the pooubnieat of offceera eonuoitted ia eatting, d- etroyiuf, or reatoo " ii lire oak. and axlter timber er treea reaar etffor aural tternoera. t v . Mt d matted ? (A Stnutt and Htit He Ik Iterator appropriated v , v ""n . awa aad bride. Cenj r,riaAA 1 lu arwypcrattner par- la the State of 1UU ( - oreeaae of proeore to be ctr, or . . ... ain, , er ee coiiueree in earner, er euaii ited, and replaeed fr aauw ; oe lor layW out and! ,golJr 7,r itt5ea ? Conere. i -Jleatray tag a fca. I. JiuL Im it Junker enacted, Thit the retary ot the 'freawry 1 hereby authorraed I diraoled to anttoiat aot number of Com kioaereef IaaolvMor ha our think proper, V needing three in each judiaial district or Tilery - of h United Butea, arbo, befoi nter Qnoa tli dutiea ef their apjxiintmcot, lereoiHy take an oatb or atflrmatiott. Ktioie jftha Juttiaet of the Supreme Court, or e any Judge of a Dietr let Conit of the Uni. I tat, thai they will dkiibfully eieaate the oomagnti-t to inemt and a iimi oe me of the tatd Comdkliaionur .or Cnmrnitiloum kneed piikliely to eiamiae lha book, paper, roooltertaf a of Uie Mtd appticanUf and, or eHber af then, altall alas be aatborised Aipiue-eaeb the aakt applicant, or any 'peraoaa paraoaa, apemeath or affirmation, ling the aid apptieetionu .and It ahall be the uf tha aaid CduiraiMioner or CoranStiii I mak a wport, in wr'ulnp, to tbe , aaW. 6a r, efthe remit ot their erumatioo ia raeb lerm particularly staUnc, a near a may t. ttmm mWtm ihft annltcani Mnmf inanWetkt. loon tbereaier he mwle kooeiaiufaianlen liit ereditorv the eao r eenae, end tlte U-ot ach inaolretieyt end, alao, all the , r4 and pertoaaV which, the aaid appti. iwnadHrt tli time of hi tnaoWeney, and iV er in which tuvb estate hat been dt;iocd oft hat ettate, jf any, ha aa aiaoa. avned, and A Jin A h itfinhrr mulcted. That the Karr ifi the Treaor, after he ahall be Ied the report of the aaid ComtqiMkmrr or uiuonen, (hull pmeeed tic tmroine, tbe kutaneeofaah eaaer and, dull liktei !proed to kU Wtirfaolkm that he aaiit r i unable to. pnr th aaid -debt or drbt be owe to the United Suteif that he bath no aei ifaaduleiitjy; 10 detime ilia Unitrd o( their UmA DrioritTi thut li ha not keen 4 al t fraud, nor iade auy eonreyaoee ef real or pertonaJ, in tmrt lor hioitM im ioient to tkiiaud the. United Smtei, Jeremy to eapaotvany.-Uenefit.or' adrBMaeu rtU or tiiiuilf then and in that eai,llie jearetaryl may .eonproMie- with the eaid jrapon such term aud eonditiont a be may I naaonable awo proper anoer ail uie atn untetof. tha c?rt. and. amy eaeeuto a re. to him vf her Or the aoiouniof the aaid Wdebu ahieh he or ahe ratif owe to ! d utet which tatd rel v wall aon'aia a jl that the toreontr partionlar hurt" been ktoray prpred to the aaid Soareojrrt Pw 1 htrmever. That th td releae eWw.ll be Sd Bull aad roid, if it ahatl at any Vote be "ted .that tha atid insolvent' debtor bath d the aaine qnon nlaa 0''rc9tio it '.. f '2a?o ft.tirierorteo,,Tbat If 'the otfent debtor, or ? other perton, thall f take an oath or affirmation under thia aef, "be thall be deemed go illy of perjury, end 'ffor the paia and peaaliiea in that case !ed. .. . . ' v: j i . ; " tk 3nd S it further nacfea That each aid CommikMoner of laaolreney hall ;i fire dollar per day" for each day they be aetnaJly employed la the perforaiance r duty under thia aet wbkib aum toye ithrii actual xwne ineurred for otfiue J all other eontiitgooeieat provided the 'nil aot, in the whole,' exceed tew dot r dnw, aball b apportioned amonr; the ee rAeanta by the aaid fJommitaioaer or '"oner, nnder the Jireetioe, of the So. f ot tkn TrHary. aeeordinf to tha time d b the mreatigation ot each eae and j'tlie aaid aiplieanta, immediately after the gatioa f hi Or her eate hall be eomplo 7 the CuntmiOTioner or Coroiuirionei-t, fore the rrport thall ha tranimitted to the lecretarr, ahall pay bia or her renpeotivo jrtioin of the nune: and It ahall be the doty id Contminioner or ComroUtionera, to umit wah bit or their report, ia each eeea, 'meat, under oath or affirroation, to the 'retary, ol the time actually occupied in veiption thereof, and the amount which ."II be received from the aaid awilicant 1 I 7. Andb it further enacted. That the .nation to be paid to the tliriiiet Attorney , diatriciand letThory tl.all be 8v dollar a day be ahall be actually employed ander . MdoefZnrlocrennirttTTuatithal! wy ottbo fieereiarv of the Treami year cue thtmtand tigbtl nnaorcu aau inirtj-jH. , -j- . . h it enacted th Senate and llouteff Rf premmtativtt f U United State of Jbenea ia Ctngven otMmbled, TbM the following turn be aparopriaMd, to be paid not of toy a nuppro prin ted money hi tbe Treasury; for the Imiian Dr pertinent, for. the year one .thousand eight bun For aa of the Superloteadent of Indian A6 nura at t. intia a ho me sovrrai inoiaa urvnu, Seerelartr tt Kb Traanirv In l NMoally to Coagres the name of the ap. tsuwier thU act, and tha nature and a- . . oebt or debt dw trom each to m B, a. alao, the aa authorized by Uw, twmiy-uiite tbouaaaa, fit hundred dollar. . : ' .'r . V ' For fay of sub-agent, at authorised) by lav, uiaeteea tboouud t hundred dtdlars. ' ' . For prearnta to Indiana, aa antherbed by the aet of one thousand eight hundred and. twalre, fifteen tbouaand dotlara P , '; " 1 For pay of tntRao ioierpreter and translator employed et tb several aaperintendenciei and ageiteioa, twemr-ooe Uieuiand Eve hundred end ttnty-fie Uollsr. ',, : J:' 4 For pay of tw and Uadiunitht, and their aiaittaias, entplojed wilhiu Uie tuperiuteadeB. eie aod asentiei, .noWr- tti itroaty, prorUion and the order of the , Secretary of war, eifh teen thousand three htinuVrd and fort? dollais.' . : r For iron, ateeiV, ooal, end other espettaeaa tending the guo aod bhtckimhh' shop, fire tbeu tend four bttndred and twenijr-ilU dollar. ' For eapenaa of tonnsportHtioQ and distrlbutioa or Indian annuities, nine tbonaaud .nine UuudieO andfiftT-ninedolUr. . 'i---,lj'v.',,.V',v."L:' or exlHJiia at nrovuion for Indians at the distribotion ot annuitie while 00 tisita of nasi' nets with the different upeirintendenU and a rents, and, when .asembled oa buine,'eleea Uiouaaoq eight hundred aud ninety dalUra, .; i u : - .r.l 1..J; I . . . c or 'cvniHHjeiiciea ut vua luvuin uepariuicDi, . For eanenses ineurred m surrevuie die norm veitern boundary line ot tits M otml and Pota. walamie oeition by treaties oTsiateenth Ottober, one ttiousaoa eight bondred and fwrnt)ix, and: iwcnty.tUird October, one thousand light hon dred and twtnty-iav two hundred ana twenty eTeadolfsrit ' .Tj-'i , for sorreyiug .and. dWdiog the reaerratioa graated .- to- tli half-breed Sm ; and . Foxes by the treaty of fourth AtrV ""o, thousuod fiRht huudred and toeaty-four, ' two ' thousand dollaiti '-.. t f, ' fl&,i-:&Kt; t'iv-V.-vt ' Foi ihe vaymeot, of aundry claimi for Indian Ut-tx edatiena. beretotore allowct ua 'tbe Llepart- meat of War, one thousand tlirea kaadiod ,.tlol. tail. ' 'V '. ; --vV For payment made for projis'ioo and necea ssry assiwanco lo.iaaianaijemigratitig to tw st, anrt to those ruiea. now- sealed na ,ar near tha Kantat river. West of the. Missouri, in additioa to. tlie apnronriMtion beretotbi-o : made -iforttiaf object by act of nirtih ifuvi one thousand eiUtt aniKiiao ana , twewr-eiunt. ini-e inoo- and' Bra hundred and itj-to jollar aigbiyrj Is eaataV; -.:' -A ---. For previsions and other amtrtaace to Ioiima rrmovirg to the West from Ohio, Indiana, J tli noia and Missouri, repaired in one luonsano eittht huodttd and thirty-one. tiva thousand (Inllar. .f v For boildioa house for Indian agents, sub-a rents, blacksmith shops ia all tbe secml ageo. dies, aarea thoosand dolUrs, vf;;j - ' . - See. iJnd o? it further enacted. That tha following sum, carried to Hie suqdu fund, at the eommeneement Ol ue pre tent year, oey ana the same are berebr aooronnatrd. iz: .. - - ' For additional eapena at the Red river a reney per aot of aintb May, one thoneand eight hundred and twaoty-eiebt, , tbirteea huadred dollars-r". f :'.'.. - -,ft. ?' . , For estinruishroeutof the title of the Creek to land ia ueorgut, per . aet twenty-sixm may, one thoosand eieht hundred aod twentr-four, balance resnnmtH iattd twenlT-first March, eieb- tceo huodred and twenty-eitbt, four thotimnd ame hundred and eighty-nine -dollare ana otty- amen cent. !.:v , " - ... For claim gainat the Oaagea, bf eititena of the United Sisles, per not third Marvh, eigh teen huudred and nineteen, balance reatpropria tea twonrynrsi iviarca, ciguteen tiumireu iuhi twenty-eijrlit, eight hundred and thirty -tour cor lara and fiftr eeut. tr .-iv-s . . v. -.if ( For rxticguishmeut of thO claim of tha Cbe- rokees to their lands In Ueorgta, per aet statu May. one thousand eicht hundred aud tweoty- e it-lit, for ly -is thousaod ooe hundred aud four dollar and fiftv cent. .. . -t-'.i; -. ill e 1 For carrt inr into efTeet the treat concluded wKb the.CreeU, fifteenth Noemler, eighteen hantfreil- tweetr-aeven, per - act Iwtnly-lourtb Mar. eh'iteen hundred ano tentr-e'?iit, tour eaoar or procure to be .van aasMt,-or if employed ta any iiva oak or red eedar tree or trees, or other limber Handing, growing;, or being on any land of the.UiHtrd Skate, whkb, ia purtumoe of any law paaso.1, or hereafter to be passed; shall beve bneu rvaerved or p.nvSad fortha nae ot the t'uked Suurs, for- auppljhtg or furnishing therefrora,'titnbrr foe the- taty ofibv United Stalest or if an)' tvrm or person shall remove; or cause or procure to be removed, or aid, oraaawL or be nmiloyed in removing Uwm any auoh land which ahall have bee reaervetl or purchasud a aforesaid,' any live oak or red cedar tree, or trees, Or other timlier, outuat duty autho rised to do, by order, in writing, of a compe tent offioer.sed tor the use of the navy of the U aked 9urfei or ii any person or person sliall cut, or cause or procure m be uf, or aid, or asr list, or be employed m suiting any live oak or red eedar tree or tit et, or other timber on, or (halt remove, or cause er piwvure to be renoved, or aid, or aitist, or be employed in removing arty tivkoek or red evdar trees, or other timber fiism any other land ol the United States quired, or herefterto be etrjuired, wkb jnteut to export, Dispose oi, use, or employ inetuiue to any ipan aer whatsoever, other than for the use of the .na vy of the United State, every such bersoo or nerseaee oftmding, on aoovictioa thereof be fore any court haviun eompf lent juvisduuon, shall, tor. every stub -offence, 'pjf a 'fine-, not less thaa triple die value of the tree or trees, or Un eer so cat, uestroyeu.er remeved, and sliall be imprisoned not eseeediog twelve tuontha., ' aX t. And it kjkrihei enacted, Thatif tha aaaster, owner, or comitmee of anv eliia at vea e abaliy knowiugly, take on board any limber cusou uuiti yiitcH- anau navr neen reaervecj or purchated aa aforesaid, witbout proper anthurt- i anu tor inc use oj uu asvy til tne United Suites; or shall take on board any live oak or rod eeoar niuoer ear oo aoy , ether landi ot tne Uwited States, with-ioleut 1 trausport tbe taiite to any port or place within- the United States, or to elport the turae u aT toreira sountry die ship or Vessel Dh bnaitl of which tne aaiue iubii oe lanen, iieiutiteu. or scteaa, shall, with 'her tackle, parvl, and turnltore, be wholly forfeked to the Dwled Statel; and the captaui or msater of suck ship or vessel wherein tho.same slutll have been, eaported ta any foreign AgunU v against the provisions of this act; slwU foriCH aod pay to tbe United State a aum. not axseedinj oo thousand dob- hu's,, jJ:-.', v't'J:,, ' Seel' ttuit btt fiiHlw tuctti.Hiii penalties and furfeitures incurred under the provisions of tbUnet shall be toed tor, recover ed anil distributed, apd. accounted lor,, onder the direction of ' the Sei'ur iof the Navy, and shall be paid over; one half o the inlormer or inmrnsera, K any,or eaptOra, -vwhereV seised, and (he ether ball to the lotuniissioneia of the Navy rVosiiNi Fund,'' lov Ihe nv of the aaid fuudTand. the Commitsiouera Of the said hnd arc hereby authorhted to mitikate', ia whole or iu jiwrt, wt wb auvu iriria sum coriumouB as the shall-deem' proper, antl order, in w-iiiinr. any poo, , ueoai'v, or joiitnur tneurrau under turn act. r - ..- s r.i. . , Onct upon' i tima tkrra lived, and lira at ill ia a teunlrr Ijinr ftt ta tha rat; a fa mou iqmrr, rich in lantlt aad ptpej biowy. Ht prri mida (tin out to ta ibe ao tf Joba Ball, vho cvrrj ana know bat rhildran in all rr of. tha trll.' , But, ifthp trau vrera knowa-, 1 bHiova bafiad a frat man j farthm. lhoug Otoibcr waa a vrrr hooest oainfl. for he IntActl like a tnaiiV prhple at tberc arer'a heirs ed twain v ' - ;.;' ... - ? '. I other pttatl word ttceptwhenlhtf til Aa Unci a Sam tot rich, and withal pt iheir beaut tnenber, at the oftea ' atiwt and hearty ai a JoQpg tiinl, lh tlid, t Ou'dla Umlr Sara cot of a' lev j srthDMrtna wentrt a ta called bitnl uioauodi jor ina luiiirotemtnt ci mc.r . an nnatarl anil InnVaJ Btk anr bt hla farma. Pitl f QSatrl. hnwrvrr fnr f1 ' praVprritJ, would abika-tbrir h,earlhjald min't pocket, it was aeldom tbr aery wlaelw tnd" ttj bat. Ah! por tnlB. Ia w lara ha looked well and heartj; .but tny buda can ea with hoU an wya he I riot lore for thia worliU! And then ihey wouU vgh and take a on hit Chin. Hut Old bOUlre Hull had ; nioch ..f arnfT ta lha anrrraa rJ" iV.'.r the citttif t)f jbtinjf hit father, aad Jra imWntlratitn.r But Lt hannrhHl It there wa a reat4ileoee between !aamel:aw or other that eerj attack kej mem. mar uuur ac was autjiewnai f,i and etryrttb h? IMI. wiIU, onlj given in btiasting, tippling, fisluipxtnd) irTre to ahow tha wrnRth of Hs itU' aailin boali and waa tp; ta hold 'hia;ttiini1ait;''ant make H ttiU At ranger, aaa laltt froiiriaia bet aa miolte.' Hie rfsue will fotevr?."WVP- iM-rtanil tn saw thia tonwk) far,;'as every cat hMa'rif-ht to do.'fy, bren lha ease, terinz ihereia tn ll-va. I. .f. ' AT- s .1 J. '-. ' l . . .. ..-.. - . . a. lie lima aucr ma miner in anouiere-? end o all ; tiling tUt 1 erilj UeUeta apecf, nt ia tv ajr,.nbodj ctuW ltlr he would lue tifed 'tn-. happy ard which: -.he, was most fnitl;tif,nakiiaji green clrl am had It not been lor, the money like a horae, W Hpendini; It likf !jndutifuV behaainar of. hit'. tMltlren, an tV, But for elf thia, ha did. not aI whkk made hi; latter tlaTa ono teeiie much favour Juhn BuUv bi)' that yoo :pf iroobla and tarrnitiU . i : 1" T " ; f j could n w W then catch air Mprea I j yo muat koaw that as man t4 To i wn in hla lact lhVput otf Uittiod oflcW Kam thbnght liimnrirbWo t fnaith . .. A. M k..t .-..a ' lui t.u, r n r .11. t . i- iirignuvurwni -contrmpi, imuwng tuetountll tt last tli a park, of snivelling, 'ptiilul , raacata. ; to aay (a the that utd not dare to calhthetr souls iCerrainty t their on,'.r! ok thr luiv io thai KiIr!r.r.t every body yua. had eyar aeen in ho WOf.hl.'-?'''' Appraved, Marsh S, 1831, Ah Act granting a quantity of land to the Terr!- vory t Anuutsas, tor the erection ol a pubtie build nig at tha seat of Cloverument in said sTerritory: ?)tft&$ . Beii enacted by tht Senate and Ihtite f .Be pretentulivtt J the United State f America in liBttffreu a$ttmotra, mat n begitibUire .! the Territory f Arkanaa be, and they are hereby authorized to select or eaute to be ae lesteit a quantity of thebapprcoruited Undt lit" the ,Territory of , Arkanaas, uot rxeeedang len.eetioas,' and in portion not less, Ihji' Or.e auarter aectloa. Whwhi hrrebt trauted to aatu errnorr lori uio ratrnote i .rRUBiir a lund.. for the erection of a rwiblie knildine at Lhtl Uock, the aeat of Goverument of Territory. ' : .is. z'4-frZ.y. 1 Seor L And to U jiirthet twcteJ, Th the Legislature ot said. 1 erritorv oei and she. hereby, aiitliorrzed to adopt' sh roeaiuree for ne ue oi aum iraci oi iann, op any pan tnoreot. at turn time and manner, ana convey Hie same by such deeds, at they shall deem eiedieiit( and UtKnt the presentation ot suun deeds oi convey ance aaiitsll be adopted bv-ssid Leffis'ature, and given to the purchasers, to the Commissioner of tha utinerai Lnd unice, m suaii be Uie duty et tha President to issue) patent to the purchaser, i a ojwer eases... v : y ' f: ':, j- Approved,' March' J ll8lVvv-v'Ki' 'iY, ' Aa Act oonfirming the select loo heretofore tnada ot land lor tlte eonitraetioa of tne Militgsa road, jb the State of Indiana, t , , ; 5 - .;'. . . . Jit it enacted bu the Semite and Jffoutt f Re- pretentativtt f the' United Stat ef Ameritain CPgretaumblea 1 nat (he seleetioas and lo rn turns heretofore made bv the Stale of Indiana, ol the Michigan roadr Iands,so. far aa they may remain uniold. be. aad tbe asm are hirebr. sanctioned and confirmed i as hat other publie lands in Indiana in liea of those already sold, shall be selected under the aama authority that the original seltetkm aud location were msdot fVovfJeif, That no selection I or locutions shall hereafter be made lor the purpose aforesaid, no- til the authority of the State of Indiana, thall cause to ae made to tne ueoerai IM Ulue aa aoeu ""MM Hull had ihriafened this aeVT hi by 1 he name of Jonathan but by nt) by when ha becaoie a tnan grown, brinr a pnod hearty trllow,' about half hiirso balf Vtfigalor, hia ' friends and tieighboiira' ' f ave biro the nickname of Undo ami ure aiRti thatk fhey liked liirn.' for I neet:knew atrpectable nickname ptve'fi Xa A "rorvy: felltiw in aiy life.;1- Bot Ihia ta it inay, his family ami7 all ;nia neighbowra at 'V't-caw'f. "-'is calt him tiothtpp; die but ; Uncle Saqni and 'all bia brer, pork, aod floor, in factj i .a .--l ' a a a . i ft t. ;. ,T ever? mmir tnat oeiouceo to nira,' waa marCed with I bhM m: '-S..' .kix iuchaa IHfigf-At'J 'taw '-rrat'lefi nifeie'al.xaU thia name in lliolequet ol my history, which I hereby commend to tne apectal attention of al V wise mtafootM pe ciaHy thejwiae men bf the eaatAa to tbe fotl, every hotly kiiowa ihrv are arf scai ce rinw-a'tUys, .htV 1 herelty toap mtfinetraiAnd tlervhent;fc:. ;J flaUer nij ;elfiu fnart livitig i lir't (er qualified for lhi piece of biography. Uncif Sam.'aritf I av been, hawl awl glove Ih'eae fifi y yariTi 'Many are lhe butta we. have hatl, tojfether when fays many the fiolitcV we U.iv kicked op 4 tnonglhc busotn'yonrt hu8ie,'w)ft ire pow all lioneatV'iuer riiiitVera ojf aniiii; and niatiV tbe buttlea we Vivt cickrd lge;thef ul : undry iioiea and on tlivera occasions,' ijuritg the ood oltf tils i wi.en titair uia not t.iiooe iu tain a amily comTortaUjr, ht Rot.-isim too Id are about the ttivition of tha ...: . i. l J .L . .; aptnis, sir it wnuiu not cava oeco tor. t before ha wt a poor tt a rat. , ' ' 'lie thia aa it mty, the good man hai I ao peace of hitif. tT waa taveral -timea an' tho point oKmaking ovef til" his properly to bold meeting h.ncef4 and ttlacata tht children of ether peoV pie. Certain' it li, he had rood reasna , l tl n, for Uei tindotilul boya IcfJ: . him hn mt day or night on account ct a - k 4 n." . . i -y wt oney. . iot Deinj tola to a?rea ta flit total of dividing tJncle Sam ot.f nlba income IcconliPff , to weicht. l'tJ- waa ipropnaed to tla it by rueittret bat tci v,si;tu tne nine iruiiw a VfCrvj - v 'shrunk In 'tht ooifiifiT made ftnost " nferltal rque,. ftt . apposed' it taotH t and nail. 4 They iwora the Vera at vk good at lha big teiiowa any day in th wrck and ta rtitieh the Ion a of TJotld v Sain;t ilia; oihen tnd they ioaiatrd that' the "anrmrtirttirnent thotlu be mad , according to tneliti twit weight nor aiz. ' a. . ii ' .t ' -a 1 . a . ,i nfy aupgrea.io iaii, iid tne mattef AifeJho prdveiineicwli!4!siwa just s th ijsir.t sf fepiag aitiirabiy "J k'efper,-.nit to Ihf eootie-of twice as'tettlett; nad It not been for i (riSic"; diiTiculfr; which occurred in trfinitin' .1 . . t' ."i 'nrL . - . W. ..- tnencaie oi tneut. , ane roistering Dane-a . ... .... . t ; many -years tiki cbildren' tomutifctl lt four and twentri all loHvttranntine. roistering blade," wih the earepliop of . baeoe fellow twol-b ht wti etjual to any " of two or three that were uther alinted iban iyrm 'ton 14 throxr a tuck ttj ' in jruwini or aa.vincie earn tiru tv rp"'er.in iiung;iow maintained inc. en at iin joke,s,,ihrtnk in Iho boitirg.M' perioriiy of hit trt tht yooog inuira v These lsnt tvera rtihef tftneeitod andi who waa fone of ndipg t fine horta anU ' at. ', . . ' t , a j . sf - , .1 . i . .1 a . 4.. a a jeal rnt, at most itl!a people 1 be Ije e ; Atv faslvta thete lads treW op. Un cle gatn porlionerl them ;ff orrnra' farrot; 'which fthff '".wet";' t4 pj-Jor when the? were able, tt very low on- cea-They ttt lorried buf pre'iy tlcf '-j er inoustnoua leiiwwa, yviinj tne eacep tltms-'of, here ami uner o"0; who was rathrrlazv.andsot all hia wik done bv ntgrnea. : hoy an fliticred; tn tome f m int, nre, wnien. tney netted till it reDc tl but there was famil ii like nes aiht4 Ihem 411 took : afier the mther, jaho i was prettv; considerable fiartiulnr? tnl keA. One was5 famooi ell(rw, for?eodvfidiTftg( tjibther'a wralt hanil at splhUng thinglotji a ;t'hJrd ; as aft.nmateor of road making and ditch . ingja'iliiurrb waa' mighty tond of barf bacoea tnkinjr a.fteir bis father, in that psrtkt!er; a fvhh dealt largely in iood en ', borvja ,'tnd onioosj A tt xi V J as ! i great V alator fft rice", a n&; f f tton a seventh woa a nreti V biih har.ded -fs: , low, 'And,-'; fn) of a gmid horaevind of an tndepentient. open-handed --spirit, tiding wotiiui. tjegittiett ne foneiocrec t' htnuuir th M. .. t if -Mhti.to...' . i . e .... ....... - - B)- ""'- IUU rainera of rra and Tcpljon claimed pre -frdence on the tcora of tdmiiiiirrwt Wh lo the tck" and ttomtch and fril little fellow; wh lived on Ma island pat V In hit claim nn tha ar.ore of moralir5' ante wnuiti not tto, anu so tno Old rscj eicapetl being plundered thia time, i I' , But these fine boyi had another Ircj J. . .1. ' ' 1 ' I'L l . . ... . wsi ret hot.vuo l one of the crf ning yarlels,,! believe it. tval tha bar-t beetle chap; Let Is tct tbout im-' ' provlng' our farms,' snd roaka the r!J A oy psy'lhe pipei;" uppn which thrw' v All, agreed, and set tip horiah abotj- . iolernah improvemtntt which ttrd ia old times to be pontidcred imprbiremar.t of mind and nioralitbut now maar't ' diggwgi'diicbet," pulling tip tAagffj j-J , fiiakiiig roads throtigh tha desert.'. ; - ITmiit thta rina nf llutn ti.ai r - I . . . pj ItMim iaV ttia back botlding, as i j aaiti.rfoi' the enfoursgfrreiit of Jci; tie intlustry, tnd hired other vwtlt i' ami : in nn. -'-The- all livrit Tnnrlhpr tclitir aiitl lendlt, Whtrt ha hsrl Ina . YlikrlonitriVTtfea lnatft " mVrry S4mettmes himaelf.ha did not cry j lher who Conld du what be pleased with j hft thtmld give him a .handful " at wo of, , outagainat those who did. X Vnit hinione.T--'thatia lo tiy, hew-u,era tai money ":o tr rnirigt him in tuch patri waa a aau leiiuw at raccoon- nnoting, leauiofot eacft.otner as two tockt run t oticawi lirdise-worihYOhtiortaliitea. - and; barbacua was hStt ileliht jfntii ilihinjf rf th t9tn. jlmi, dfrr; my little fallow," criel gotto ne tn cuaiom to taiit; poiiticsj-.; jf (Jncie garn maTe .it thrittmas pre4 ,nl! 'wggptt brother .of all, who had f9efnmm7i to one. or r-onlerred a particular Uncle 'Sai;-i4QrIy.rir gave tomtikindnesaVb.il;: inothertheN vraa tha rate tnrvev' and plat of tha aaid road Ihroapbatit Ks entire line, '.i,.- 'j-v?t-' See, C And it it further enacted. That the t4snd Office at Crawfordiville and Fort Wayne ahall be duly notified, by tbe State authority, wf offence to hit father about going to the j Hireling nouso. inaieag. oi tue- ciiarrn Ona word', brought ; on jinoihrr -until . -''"itrf" .. - ... ....... . joiid nun at lengin. iook to Dealing tne poor . fellow-into ;ionfrnily with . his nutiohs. would' put : 6p wiib this from an man, not eve r !)" falher; f and tccbtdinglw, withotit" saying t word o any 'body, .fie packed' up bia, all, artel liule nbugn it, was, and .'Iniarcbadoif'jRtonitdw' world to feck hittofoe.j;i: ' You may suppose Uncle Sam hpdfbut little to begin with; but be. was a tttr- nng blade, who did not tuind trouble at first, ll lit could only see nia way clear ta something belter ta the end. , lie et himself to the business of clearing and selling new' lands. . At fast at he b came pretty comfortable in one . farm, he sold out at a profit and et oflTfor tn other, so that he was seldom or ever mora than two or three years 10 the same place; But for all this he never lost sight of the main1 chsncrj for there waa ootlung on the face of the earth he loved so dearly as t bargain or a profit able speculation. By good manage ment and good luck lie at last got to have t vast property in lamia which he was every day adding to by buying out vt 'Indiana, or taking farms tor debts that were owing him. . (a short, be prospered in til hit tindertakirjs, end became in process of time, t great man deuce to pay among fhe rear.'. They accbsed, tht ; old kUian ; of being; , niore partial to one titan tht other; tmj tier ver gave bim Any rest tut no put mem all on ft level) which lit had on abohtf done" than (hey, ooe and All,Vbgsi to grBmbleLatl Cnd fault,. Baying . the poor, man waa in ni uoiage tjiuy jw cause be bad oot given each or.a a pre ferunct Over, hit brother.; ; Uncle ";Sam sbmetmet tald to litmseif, liappy is tne oian who has nothing to, give away, for Jhi children won't qutrrel About bit estate.. xSii'- f ? But" tbti ' fiiot ;'thA" trortt-' bf. It. ar e .a a ' : I he oid tiarry got into tnem euour im j provii j their farms,' Which cJhey all swore wast Uncle Sam's bosDess; .b9 was devoriri2; tli t' e money they coorit rake and scrape tOKci.icr la fry for tbe lands be had eold them, 'i i t y satd tt was l sin and a thame for hi 04 to u u'.e them psyr every ithtng, tetitig tlicv were his natural born children, entitled to bed, board, education, and to out fit Beside the old man was Dow be coming so rich he did not know, what to do with bit money, end. it was tctu. ally fhskindness to rid hwi of its man agement in bis old 8ge., ?, , V : s Thus these tunning vtrlttl arted in the propriety of sharing Uocla 5bams money, tut t .ey fell out about the wanner of dividir it, like a farcel of unuutiful ..rourt ss thev were, li Cat .'like i fledge hammer; "atonj if you please,, J have et op my ioorrt at j mf own expensei and I'llbetwich'd If the -old man ia going. to pay you for , V ing What I have done for myself." , Then mother 'chap of the family t ! 1" - n.t t.. :.L . t ,r. ' .. . . IT """""'"",.". ", tUl.H lltjj, . pails; rid niad the samo claim ta ' A .L aw a, a L .... I ' aT t . a a t LUULfl 1C war UlUUlHnill all liil Mfl tVsun. ltimil ATel irnhr frtF the. anenilraaiaro.afc w " w y v- aa vuvuHierc yri i of, domestic- industry, which about thit time began to be very low spirited, trj wanted at little), pattinf. , 7,Attt there, you land lubber." er. claimed ;oi.ef' the brothers,' a bcM, hearty Jack tar,who bdd'aailed m: ' tnd round the woild, and was t b;','t ntaigator. ;A8t there, none of y , iresn., water gabble- - I should I'ie to know the reason whv yen r1 rij t - paiu lurtnKiiig non nana j-j ntra thant-Aroror, bailding ahira. Avor tuerc, a saj you tuooeT, or 1 il 13 lo".I of yotir dfttf lights." , ci;t-;ctrrre, tnother brother, wl '; iv-i a frrtt hand atrtiMtig sheep, v Iku he cal I beinga'.woisl r-ower,- to de mand t;.t"r't -people could pot e- ' Without cli.i! S.'-Utirltt Hurt".. s r- 1 shell out a f. . "!hr tu rtv . !!' j- for being a print t ";-bent f-f d mr m . luce:" exri growing trother, 'vii clothed in wool t trrus- Why not encourage jse, v of this woolly fallow? bleating, or I'll be itirA youi 1:.' 1 r re 1: ir rt r.l I.L I ..:..!. 1 .....1 1 ....( ((!...-.. ....U..ri. 1 (K .iMlinn. M.il. M .IPTlU nf .! .i ."Ml . . ' . . . . . I ZJ . '. w. .uu... ............ 1 - -- - - .-, iimnns nil niihnnrt. ltai ta s mind k . I., ........ I .!.. 'i.nl,,.- .m i. , ,l i' wive ootsined mUu... iilu .1.1.1 ' mm .DM tl.n ln-.tr r uilb Itahtch no auUi thtveot snail oe mat! - 4 - . . ... I . r" J .. tt.ix.ns iivvw, sum .- t uucm wJ "J " -w v.. vwteirtA . ii Mr. 'airuat headrstJ sad awaniy-eirtt. al-v AnrMt- li4 ft itl -.-VflVVW Pt I3T WIU letei fcjlow ishart accoxiirt U'weWt. aad iatibtsi b c i? ((x i'Jbt-'l)