-BW baa torn tkb sta. I jr.) TiW' r-W fc.ru, Ma m wm"V b ,- !. Uaa roar rrMtf l.-. a4 wVaa fa t miw kbturm4s ewaUaanJi a-waj tare-A- aw- a laUeW Mrt a-aaa rf t . r-ie wwrva ' a )' f aa i wui iu are atA ' tKe MtfW Uawf 1 aaad J 4 Wart. ak. thmc4 very WW 1 a-. Ma. arma- that. M weriaf . yea ' tlaa ear , aaai J aag ye w 41 e4aif ' a rmit aad a t ti.. . . f . - 0- Tntrrw mWinyr- . Old t ipertaad tnCtn, jm mmj toft V yea a'aa, TV I tmUi fmr Joys (es yea bra theWJ faaaa '---... ' A Mmm Km tlal butter af hi aw wi aa rcf ' x . a 14 rwae TWrfjcw JO aeay WA, lor jea m4 sve the tick sreaeuraw that ftm trees - Y ease bigWaull, a lofty a ilk aaa, y , Tk m ar fKa mm. iWir IMH Ao Ml . ' : Joe ti p l the iMMtMaM U your Joy aaa t.'tVaie Tb may baast u rer!, feat freTtes, year . . .. ftm, '- -. '. " -' -v ", . - y Tha tabs that yoe have told, sad the deed yea . heveeoeet' V 'V ; j XmUlnr iaatlae. aadaMah LmbWt rlrtaaa " fiat deluded paer McUtit Ok, mit tkM - plctmn, . v .-'- :..- TThif h mum ytw I ilrtw b Uwwptbt af A - ' ' ' K " -,v -.-. ' ;.& M 10 dMB,. drink oV-epctdM Th mwothit TM(if. dim mrmrrrva mrtrntM : Vw hini'ti and tlx wr4 vfU rrjnk it rasr IkN, .. n4 vm. dvrwkon, hi acttar for MI , i - NVTwn ttamal antrvrlMa sWlh 70W poor todl : n yon, jolly friawlt, h Vaut of iobncly, . pit vniimiwjuni i piihiti --i, . i. mjm mui nwum jcagcim. tu nu inn - r , Simmbr tft 4muWdt tr tfiat mad Vr aV . va: o ho your weas tnrn any toojer oc f v .pmjoia oar aoalaty, and yea will die aeeer aaen. CtfcUiorm.nOUitTbL(iT heart d my hand, v-- ."'s' -ia-- . " 4' . , X7o are tha Vat ef fear friend and ti pride : ofevr bad r ; .. v-- ' : , j ' Cctolve ne'er te Bring b yoor )ureti(a tth ' . pief to Ihe'rr f - , (ct aaate year erothctf aad sKten to teeoroe - - porerty'e ataaeat--' r-vv - '' ' ' , A tt taVa for er nutto mlM nbitinmew," '-Ad ay ta , thl Bataa, jrt bableil thee, 9 1'' aejW I limi.li I III ' tfeit f me a eobr, trdate, ecoootnt '. J" brother; wfcohsdaet op a toe shopr . .--I T .1- O 1. - . i- J RHtleraia who deiolscJ hartlnvorlci fU'lhad rathrc nil ' blood hnra thu Li.Ji - ftt....ft.. J. t- ( ninaa (ii nan wiura a mouatnu ihiic. ' , KWhat ire yo talking aboat Xhtrtt Ita Jtgtilj oataral to bo Wf that yrtJ i "Aould b asking ieucouresement for Siakbg ahoea. If, ,U terns horaeyihoe wtr,i'ij tain ta jou."v N BB)ir; lie Aiountetl h'n horse, and chatlcnRetJ Cn- t1 Ham to rant a race for a thouaaqd r , Aftr thiiL, f or tkers traa no .d of ' ;, flietr poraeevtion of 1ImJ poor old tnao; . after ihi 'tvr another bfolher, a'great V: mcchaaicat ajetjiua, who had Inrraied a iacniaa ir peejinjippiea, aoa want i. ' atd eocouraeenwot of Uncle Sam for the a " a ain w a ii oe in eva 1 1? oiui inntiur 111 limv " Whoal ' whqol whoop!1' cried1 lha krnia, nBruoacarem oarvecuQ ooy, tmo - -cT Uutte Sam! ruunrest idim: who had K fjit atttlert a town away off west and s fud not jret thrown o4f bia tituc.ka; - ...... v hoop! MiaUr,- mmdfehich way yoo-. - ntni yuar nh inero i ; can torn .a 11 ,ti Sap iomerset, rreasa vyoor ' head 'v. with bear a . tnear. ana awaiiow you , vhole without t pan j. You'd abetter --.ka 'keer .how yvm atccr your ateatn- . -. nn3r. nr too ii ran loot or inar " , pi raraily, with loo j atory of the great ' advantage Uncle Sam would derive front ' , CJaariD 0nt tv ditch; at hia own ex mnteTor the benefit of other dcodU. - ' it-. .1,- k.- r 1 1 .JL V f -r( put in bia oar and tried out--. ": f Nooo of that; fun, Brother looa - man 'f oone an my aitcmng rayielr, Md I'll be tetotally rfjmawlled if 1 am ' Col t lt daddy pay yipi for whatt UiU all myae.fi t w$ your own Uitch ' tot boy. aa t nave uonef c; 'i ; i ; ' Micii vuuiv a uuu iciiun, one 01 (na ". ..v'toung fry; who aotr4 t peraaada i- fCncU Sam to pony . tin for a lane he .-, Va about making frhla barn to hia - oog oeauow, wnicn ne as!area the old -an...M aiMitil he. e 9aaalt tv K I a I j n iiu wi uiu ua am ibbl iiuiuic imnrnva. ' taient; for that whereaa hia carta aiuck t i1.. iUk ' .... ....... I . aw J ia. a ., m . v avis u mi'rj le Ce. tl Ut la nr; rr- c.iiii.e Uinrriv;!'! tCK d fttutsj wi.j LiiWf f. wi v.i v:t tul'irj m t bU fne vest mi xrtujc r v4 worte Cm tM iIirTaaa, fa cta &ta U mm. ferry 4iy at!treJ fjf anencf te far ler wm in pe-J ncct Of eU-e ia lie Wya Urn-. Ita kept as tccooac f Uee, a! tU a aaawat tbejveolJ cat, aU (ea4 tiat iliUl ik all a via werW to tU vrJ, isd aaere bewu'rt, te jfft tbrv-jb xi ik t!f i ibtea. day be pet in tndiM h tvrecHre f-K. aJ tvofe rMit!!( tWrwe a Wd ei - ratrfel fo-oe, hal waotrd e jet atj AT tba frk, aad a ae4bcr peT anU Ue puay cp lr aeaa or aret. . ; Iia ruxl a tcrnue kef IM err wmx Ibe bey. WU tHrralrtaeU te dU iaWntiae eUi tea..aad ll aW (beenaetvr.. 8st be area a ttf atif Id (lw wbet kueplutk tree ap. ne tiwwM aieaaeii ui mm nnu mtl as wrll try tv fcsee a etefai m (Jade San. wHea be pl w Iwt itnera an.t tii the eaark. He fwU the twin be had tkooett debta re pay. . . . 1 . . - - A aoI neent te NT err pc-aj mm new ie the w1d before be beo to talk a trot Uymc out eaooej in toproe e Thete tracelfaa f oone; rofceea Wrrt 1 little atamped at the'etaed Lrotte Sam had takea, aaa bceaa te pit loeiarr to tare, the eld man out t Mwn ar.cj h'me, and take poaaoaaioo of all uf Uiy eatatea aa too aa thy ceaidttnng mat trra te bear: .'Accordnxi thry , wrt.t about araons thrir aeLrhtrr aiulpeeplf , Uelnuatin that the old pafe wj in hie dotage and cmM not inanaeo ma at fatre any funrrr. It w bigb litut? they atd, that ne ahooid Kite ep hia ra Utra into (heir handnndaft about pre poring fur a better world. Tbcy raiaed all aorta of atoriea araioat hint, aa bow n( dttl fmt care any abut the law or the (ofpel lhaa a pajinj hew he locked up tepie,juit lor the . pleasure ol acrtn; thetn kick tkcur keela in tbe. air; aoU hew he threatened ie tot olfthe eara of a menber of eoogreaa, only because he loW atoriea about bim. . In (bia way thaaa foietering boya raised a treat clamour aeainat Uncii Sam. which emboldened them at lant to hatch diabolical plan for takih; away alltialantia arone blow. .. The y ware not content witb cetting them by de rrere, to pay for jthe achoo!i.it f .their ennorrn, ouiiutnjr acnooi noutea, uacn inr dumb people philoaophy. and thoutand other waya,bot now they do termined lv make one boaineaa If it, and ctrtt ia3ii! ccstitinsa aa care aa tnf baad ...'. '..' 1 " , Vlfot Jindfagany law for this they de teCmlned to get one paasetl for the pur pose; accordingly they went among the people, and told them a 'hondred cock and bull atoriea about this. that, and the other thinn ' They wore the land tf ritht beldnaed idr ihom wbea thett'ami of igo, according to an old lettferaent, whirh lr-lTt that IfMitt 4 am' rUil tfrSfe'Wi eol AerK. it fiarea ue Uvea aa a a.iy saa. rj,t ace irdrma upoa etiafa la iU a.r. aUea aufU Ureneaa aaaJe te trasafert it I trp Ha aJiutc wit-t aaeree. Ita tpf u&M to tbe aria U arw, bv uiu rrraaiJ; t atoUj hf. ee Ukca ml am ita aU reawkaUe fjrepetilie. ita t'aatieity. .Twelle cteeraleta ol Pan. IffMru. lUtr aod Oabai, 9j aa eoUrrly mw a4eet, aad a eery delicate procfaa. aave eaccrroea an tiHMUAg U int tUtsd errina tiia. TUa h aabarejeeatlf .weea tola aea- atadtn. nrtera. aerzkal baadare far raptarea, frac tared er dialocated , limb. Veaa CBtfenUev Eitract mt a letter recieved by a reatleeiie ia New York, aoder date aCeracea.Martb 1 lib. . "Oe the Maia tnerara Irhtioe;. ' i rece'reed a letter te-dy frr.a furrte Cebrtto. eeafinifiz. that at Caracaa tte forrijtier were ubliged ra take up raoe te euard aod prelect tbrir prep erty, astWitcd by geeerasent, aa said citf was UBakle down, the enemy be ta g vrry aear-es far aa Saranna, Oca earee aieaianog me cooau-y." The extracts froovaliacitoai papers te the . 18th: gieea ia the Joarnal af Oeoaoiercr, are a fotlewa; ' . " - - , KinritaA. Jamaica. March It. By the arrival of hia Majesty' sloop Fakron, wL-H aailrd froat Carlaegrna the 1 b mat. we regret to learn that Certhagenaie in a uot dUturbed atate ticoeraJ Legnea bad left that place to attack Santa Martha wih 130 Tend o rra. in Eoeet and give bia btttfe Pi i vate letters, we understand, state that the. disturbances have eriten from lw rotuneta of ejwitia. ilh: (be regiotenta ilfserted Irvta the service oi tbe gov erumeot. It will beobierred. that Ad miral Colpoya baa ia rufiaenueace of tliKe intelligence, deapatcbed a vessr of war to Carthageoa, for protection the Iviosb tntereita ia that quarter. " ' ' ' ' - ' " - Of Notice. Canunitted to tka Ja3 of Jabnatoa eouatv. the fib ioL a rcro mas about S3 vcara oiaee, five feet eia ieeawa bieh, yetlow eoapleiiioa, mm! ears brt mom ta AKltlUli. and twlooeato Mr. Qiiaocr. Tee oener ia reaeeated to eeme foreard, prove property, and nay ehergen, or br vi ae ocaii wan aa tne oireet. A. 8. UALLENGEU, Sheriff. Nov t. 130. h. - . 47 6m-- which declared that Uncle Sam's cliil dren should all share his eatatea equally a A t- a . . a k . an . a ' a . . aner nia aeatn. ; jtsut ttiey nept tne,iat part to themaf Ives, as yoti inay suppose, and pretended that they had a right to take the old tnan'i . property while he aa klWevi Besidea, .they would any, tho poor old geotle wan don't know what to do ritb lo iriuch land; half of it lies ! waste for want of proper attention aud if wa only had iVwe would make it ten trraea more valuably, and pay the taxes pwhicUvheiettn)pird frocn, by virtue of a at w. moaner. . "tr-- r ': ' '; The aotioa of getting mdoey by tax- alien ia a ': bait which; graerally takes. wtta peopte wnntc OQMnesa is law owt king, not tux paying, aa 1 always heard. So tho legislature which governed where Uncle Jaiu'a property Uy, rubbed theif handi arid were mightily tickled with the noiian pi ooiiijr auio co aoueexe a mire money from uocle:riam'a view (aiida. Per ctvidg: this arittnaot told, ihe boys batrhJ Xaoother ewtjiani 'atjoiit Untie Saiu'a. receiving all the aoney for tha I I. t ...IJ - t it .f ; .i . . itiiui lie win, .; inu inro turcinir inose who Jaooeht.them to work, their finders to the oone to make tneuiselvea whole ajaio, aa if this were not tht way alt o-- ver ina mw& . ijr-w- v ; : i-:-" B Uncle' Sam defended bia bacob to the ast, like a stout old hero a he was: bu t by degrees the influence of lhce uti t rate tm rognea nrtvai tfd. ami a law was paaaeujtaamgaway an bis property, ui- viutus it ctjaany among uie noya, so mat thoaewbo wera shrunk intha bnillng,w got tha eawe portion s the big rpiater ing oinuea, who, ratnpr man not; come in for a alice, consented at laat to ihar e and ahare equally jvThef were) all spe cially enjoiued to fake, care of Uncle Sain, and sea that. he. wanted for o thiugi but the poor old man fated pret ty mudr ae people geoerelly do who nuue ; aver ll their; property to their children in their life time. I; At first Ihey treated htm pretty weJf, for decenv cya aaKe, sat uy degree a they began to dent ive him of all hia uual ram.nU. get along like a streak of lightning as I Firtt they took. away bia pipe, became , Sheriff's :ale. . Will he aold, at A the eoart hooae ai the tca or Jefi. raon, oe the 3d Monday ot Hay next, tbe folloeloe; tract ol land, or ao mneh tlwrrof aa vili Ix c( tratoe aaOutrrt te eatiety tbe tax doe VierconlorUie year ..HS h Uteeoataot ad- 600 aarat, laby HmiTaiirJackaoQTijra isu . t WHliwn uaurri .v US - CbeoeterCaMle .'- tittt : ; iaeub Lweermak . 0 . Joel Morgan , s' BO ' ' i- Jamei Morgan ' ' .100 , Denjarok Webb heirs 50 John Eaten ,.. .00, ... ". Abrltiwyn ' M '. y . Richard Linvllle ' SO : ' - r Wiltmm l'anona 800 tappofed to helong to Lewi Dihmn. not ... X- V UMBO 100 . Hiram Stumper, potliated 00 ' . V . Samt,. Wilooaon, ootliitcit 150 ' Jasob Tolhrer; tint -tilted ' .Town lot, Re. 89, auppoaed te belong to Alex- aaiuT oniiiua nwra.- - ; Vr : WO. G.AMBUJL, ShHTol Atarana, teas - .j.- ia ew frieeadr. fa 50 .Lock Here. v U till a T tw.,O.IaralM nt iZmTiZm -e eBe anebee a, b Zitti-S-TZ taWwenreiablenUa-ie-ry r". rtmn mm H, mmrmm JiJ,,, waXrtt and M iniiiiM eieeene Xyuaei l nary mt ' mmf aya aiaaaa IS AAC XafCta. ZlZ'lJZlZPZJZ -a---7.V-xbBa,lW.t tle - - - - : - mammm, mmif a aaaeiatataPB. 'S i .A mt n . ... h.r aa, .1 .,. I aear rt etrwt, a4cr u t , OW tXB A V- mlmm. Ve aea kj tli 4,-1 ' t-aiUUiatea.,,,., Onaa a (tvar. aaied ay eM the twai; efiaa te earn, a a beeed anal eeanreaa. aVaaeef inaboara. ' Oat BBffu4aBt km bbbobI AwfaeSajBawW ' . CM AS. MAVLT, aWry. galiieb. Aara tt,iail 17.4 -'S Notice. Wm U aaU. en Ratarday the Tikaf Way eeet. eaeure tae eeart awaae aoer at Ue eaaaey at Uaaa,0W aaUevaaj aaeUal mmu er at nanaa ae ..B a Baa amamitef teaee dea taraVe year oa. 4mm, tat, Sfacr uk tae eoat at adaaetiaavg, i Noticrja ; Tae a act i mm of Wnaftteetoa h SWa aae danataed by ainaant ef Oeth sort" earfeatbeyaaaiiae eiOManldtMelrai ail I Jcrm. a 14 IM as editereiwaaaie aaaawtaae peameat. - . . : JOHN WASHl.XUTUN. DAVID THOMSON. Sadtaaeld. Jfdiaaoa eeaety, Maraa BXH, IUL. Waliam UoteBjeaae iBreenU kWr Daily Bare &tmmrf fid ' : lsni MaroaMtaAe BrrnijCTS . . . . aae am. a a Ml TO TUB PUBLIC. The aVbatribrr takrt thla rbod ef luforeiimi bia frionda and tbe Puboe at I baat be baa acaaa raaaoaxB te the Teaa of tad nov eeeue'tca that laree aod I rowaMKlMta Xaerra lately avaed by Mr. Area dell end be tierfcea himir le ao bia very beet tegtvaaattataauoatoatttheee tbat ib-J ar Wat n tat-r auatoas. WM. P. TAYUMt Pebroary 0, IMt. Sm aao ira as SJ in ao I00 eoe aoo laoa W. BaUard LarMHa kncAtay Jaa. ditto " ' Ditsa date for Caarta ditto Thee. VT. BaUard (er Jethre Bethrd Bcoi. BriaAJry Rata ditto WiUaCeaaer, aea. toe. 'da, fbrreataiaaelra tSSKedar llie .. j a. aa IM Klddiak Hobtat fS pea. I. Ware JSety Spring Goods. Jpril 18, 1831. B. B. SMITH U t I f V11. 114. in, iii.ii.ai v. .iwuvmi'K w . a . battha juareaeiaed from New Veaa and tiLiDii,rai apart ol m pra; Moca, m niru and fa9cv ear evees, and u iu daily eseeaaHtioa ' ai aaom iaai aajipiiea. into win irwiaw aajft.il i- veattary lull aad aaialeta ia aar arWe ta aia line. ii Pttrebaert are iavitvd te cell and en nine bar tbetnaclret, aa be la -aaaded Ibat the quality : ana price ol angooat tamot iau M pireec. 17 u The Farmer's Uotel. Mr. MARY A. PALMER baa taken the tnd rew-nUT oeaunied b WiUiam H. Adam. Eq. anil re.p. ati'ully aotiaita a ahare of publi patrunara. 'ihe Hotel ia aituated in tbe eenlral and buaiiMraa part ot the town, and at a very abort dintaiee fi oin tbp Court House. W b tbe adilition at ao wtjomint: beudinr. ehirb i now aitaehed to the eatabliahnuntt, abe ill have ample mnni to aenommodate tieeel tela,' well at boarder by Ihe week, atondt or year - - s . . She will ate erery exartVoa to aoppty her table with the beat proiion that the. eonnU7 nan tf. fordf aixi bri able a ill be aopplied Vitb good prevender for buraea. and en eaperienaed oailer. . Her let ii. will be modrrate, end (te etertioni hail be watitirif on her part to neiet pnblwe peetntioB, aod Ui Rva aatiifaetioaao tkoie he uiartaTOr her itl their eotnpeny. ' imiaboroafch, April 12 : If tm isa BO 187 as ou S3 ti es 50 at aoo A lit as so 70 l7 eo tlO to w 00 440 4 Uobe UonVv BitantrUre . Do. da. for Ihe heir of it. Flare BeaLKaazht - ' bbrUred Matlbeaa Do. do. for J. Beaton S heirs Melon Kebert I or iSale, "- ' , The well known eatabliahaient la (he town of Catndea, lately occupied by H. A. MeAdama, ml at preaenf by the aubaaribcr ai. a houea of pehlic eutertuinment, v , . The imuiy aiaotagee ettendine thla home nakr it ao objott -worthy the attrnboe ol per- ana eiiahiitgto ttubaik in the buiineti. It baa been tor aeTeral yeere and ia (till in auceeuluj operation. ; ItitWmntioa relative U k may be had by ap plication io i iiiimaa n Lee. . MAUY J. MoADAMS, Extra. ' Canvlen.C. 8. April to j ,. XT 2m s 50 ms. Dollars .11 e vv u rtl . ; - Riuirway tVora the lultasriber, on tbe 18tli of July lutt, my boy EDOM. who ia a brirht mulatto, about Ave feet tea luetic high. XOyeersof ae, eye littk yel low, hi hair ot a yellow uu- burat eolor, aiere eurly thaa kin . . ft.. j - -7, ivtsara wwnuic jtu auiu- pteskui. hf laee little bumptr atid tVeeUed-WaJk. -with a tlow and iDdittWcnt aU p. ud being at)Mr ittouigercn. nane u arraa aaca a little anoca- kneed, with common lixe hollow feet aid Iroin being bliatered at a pell ot alcknea, there re eaeiua mim 'Mnnderable tia on hit breart, wbith la Dtore notable than any mark about hiro, nailiuie or ne beard. Ue- wore away stoat! blue jane and bUak bombft,? clotbu. It f thought he will aim for woe turn or eity, Talter In name and try to pai a a tree man, ana oro. bably tor WinehrtTtt' in Teaaeee,aear which be once lived, witb a tailor by the name of liar' HI, or Kosaelrille in Atabaiua Any pereoa' pv lag me inteiligenee tliat will lead to my obtaining aatd servant ahall be eetnpeaaatedt and any one who will Jkjliver him m Morgan tounty, GeM-(5 I'll ni del froni Madiaon, aear, Kiugatoa, .hall reeerre the above jewartl. Vf - , , ' - GEOKGTB , BFRA ' WarehM k'r'v'--, V .- ; 1 5t.-'''- lo UuiUriictors. Healed, propoaat will ta received by thettn deraigned until the 83d day of May nest, tor cut ting a canal about five mile long, tea feet wtde, and luar eet deep. . Said eanal to eommenee in iMliau on the Waab'tngtoe road, and to row to tbe WaiiaBatoa road,'Br the rit farm of Varker H Lloyd. , The a ork to be eotnrtltHed by the latitat of January, 1.; TaeaiMtertaker a ill rveeive owe lourtb of the lum agreed oa w hen tlve aprk is eojomeneed, aae .foattir when it it half performed, tbe other halt whan the whole canal is fioithed and approved. Bond and good Kcority . will be reottired jf tha undmaker, Cprnmaniearloa oa tbl ubjeet wilt atate bew much per.uide, and. -ba marked . Propotal far cutting iiHtiaa Creek Canai,' etireeted to either of u, at Tarboi-ougb , Norh (Xn'olina, pottage lo be paid, ' ' . v '.r .: - ,w;-- , . MIUtlAfiLiJUiAUIV,-) , JOSEPH R. LLOYD, J-Core m'rtk :' - JOHN H. DANIEL, 3 AprHlt.mt -:. -. 17 Jr-'' Abram 1'a.trr Mile data Moat Speight Uemeey Vaua Wuiam tttvogutt Hot. Rmwdtrce Henry H. Beutoa M. Cnwe Uaml. R. Moreen, Heth P. htortaa Jamei Mwtthc va Jno. Proden, jua. Venn Harrison IE. P. Akermaa Mt ten Butler . UaisMa'kinrier belrV U. Haker, aea. Keoben Clark 417 Jacob Eaaon, ten, iau jaeo iatfiti, jun. 7T) Meaea Hurdle 10 Jno. Set!" 10 Benj. Uaaker IS laaaa ditto 81 Jelhro ditte 81 1L B. Lauiter fino Jno, Morrii for Prolan) 27 Tho. Powell S5l Wm. Perry 34 WedyPbelp . S? Do. do. for Martha HoU Bit Leah Roundtreo 100 Elitha Itobertaon . , , 37, Sarah Reed . 7j ti noma aprry- 100 X4U Starky Trotmaa Nanuie Culliu Tt, B. Eur 460 fl'ho. Wyan'thair AVarvea Threshing Machine, the iotia as the improvement was made. ThunJcr and blaroeyt" exclaimed j riad , tree or t g r ol the elder brothers ail at - ance, haver.'t we taade our own roada Jtt cur own cost&ti-.l without asking d4 t ejy a cernt; an l Io yoo jhiuk, you ; i !,.,Lt.n..t :.wi.....i'. f . veil-,, mv.unu, .u( mud nj tea ihe old , man cheated V A ItUszt to us?'!. . . r - - M . "Uouy gracious." at ie: .t - V --I3. f n, throwing r? . a eyes, v r-'r ' - :3ua! wbnttiale tLotaat- - T.;r. ti i.."-u . a peueva they - tr " tac t c:a t i a live! IwLh-l v : HI vr: 1 1 1 f"' r Jb trkey.w -' I . .vr t,J t -ia reouirea tar Ui t3 crki nc;j 'r i he wished, traa to let tU 19 coceji O they young madams tha sons had mar- could not .bear totacco-smoke. Then, the eldt boy took puasesaion of his arm-cp' T, er. J t,u teat to tbe chim ney cortcr. Hext they took the blank ets ! ;i taa bed. because, the aaid. It v .. . J injure bia health te lie too warm, aU next they all but atarved ihitu ta ' auH, for kar he should die of appoplexy l ically, losing all respect for the ttea ol Liooa, aod ail recollection of tha ear ly benefits they bad derived from the good eld man, they tairly turned him out ol Coot. The last. I beard uf Uo cla Sam be was in the poor house. ii 9 I ft II . a . 4 ia;.i iftiiicrrwi tis aiuauie are invention bcUnted fn 1 850. The nbcriher having -porehated ihe Patent Kigtit ol thi -invention, lor thi Bute (eXeeptmg ttieOftMinltee ot New tUoover anil Urunra kIl, J onom inera a me tarmeri a en or me beavcueap CM, mow timpie end moat ouranie uivenuou ev er offered te the public. " In every caae, be will Warrant lb Machine t oeiiorm with create pedition. end tlireeh the train ' perfectly clean. Ihi hone will threw horn. 150 to 200 buUielt of VV beat, .Kye, Oat i or Rice, per day. It the Ma chine dene eat come unto di aotioe. ttte aur- ehaaer ia at liberty ta return it, and reevure heck the porcnate tuooen 1 ba JUachloa sua shell Corn as mat aa one hand ena feed a. ; V ' i ItMeommoamaeew mverHiootOoQeralong lilt ef, eertificaiet of performanee, ace tie. ate. lo thi caae, aoae n deemed aeeeiaarr. a the Mrtbrmanee ot the Machine 1 the best poaiiMe gaaraatea ot it atdiiy, fereon Having cotton im, wui neea no expense, turtuer tnae tbe Ma chine, at it la only n. ivry to put the band off the Me, on the other, ' . ".'. Onlerel r HJachine, will be thaakRyyra njeigh, March 13,1X31 . 18 tf , Short Hand. Aarveiwnr claMeffeatinaea kaawasraung tor inatractuia ia abort Head, v ...v . v , ,. t- To teauernea of the tearaad brofetakina. er ysuth landed for any one ot tbe as a knowledge of thia art, it aot indiipeatable, ia eseeediagly awn v vmm si aw Bar aax, a aa B terewung aaa eiegaat aeaampuabment. - , Tbi tvatem baa aever been aabliahed. It eambinee advantage which eaaure rapidity of w ruing, ana nwuuy ot nanecribing, aot kaawa te ee aoiteaaea oy any outer. - . , 1 be cour ia not intended te embrace Inerery a aaowledga of the etareeters aad - mode ol ating tbcoM fot thia may be acquired ia tour leatoaa, bat by practical exoxiact, to qaality eaok punil to take dowa with aceuracv. tlia enecch of cnod ipcaker aa delivered. ." i for term, fee. apply to Cfaas, Verkeleyor at State qiVJNiirth -t Jarplinay Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions l February Sekstoos,18JI. ' : llorj Poos etid f "e v: tj , ,' Ptiuon for divitton ol ahwes. 15enia. Utll et - w. '- - -. i-. -ii; -) hereat k ia mad to anneaT to the eoart hare alttinc. that Beiii Belt. John Boil. Abraham tnoiy anq uenry siicana era noQ-retfdunu ot tnai 8lalei).A t tneretore oruereo by tue court, that notice be civen Crr abt week in the Rakiirh Star to said non-rciident." that tbev be and an- pear at oar aeat'Coait of Plea and Quarter See. io a to be acid to tba eounty at Warren, at the turt-aoute a warrentoa,OB tbe fourth Monday ef May next, then and there to make themtelvet uarf v detendanti la aajd netitiom athrrariaa a , . wui be aear a tx parte, and aaeeree aeeordinety ; I v ; e, . ; -ty aw . :.$tatq; North Carolina v.v1- Warren Counhu - Court ef Pleat and Quarter Seisions vebruare session 1831 .V, Edta'd White at. all r Jt.' ; t tta ' " - V V"-W44 UT UIVaaHOB Martha While et at "Te K WbereaiHbiuadetoaoDear telhe eourtbara tittintr thai William Hook, Amata D. Palmer. ft l . n i i , . . . ' awwaa tuiMcr ana ivaau voia are Wtra-rtai-denta of thi Staw k m wereiure ordered by vhe eourt, that notice be ghea for lis weeks b the Balcieh 6ter to Hiid uoareuilt'niv thai llim t and appear at oar next Court ol Pleaaaad tw ter Seaakm ta be held tpr the eoooly of Warren, a w. ri.-nuiias in warvwoHHi, a tse tOOrta Moaday ia May next, thee and there ta make Uwraaetvee pertw to sa4 aeutioat etherwb it will ba beard es part aa ta them, aad a decree mm email aaauiuingiy. v. -s . . V.VV V. i)RAKEV43.'W. ti. C. "i) ' -' tr 6a tXt.iC"' Notice i : i TO MARK AND HARRIS JfiPtitf ' The andertignea baring been the guardian ef roaraaaxi oarriB tapilB KatOT ttrT removed hem tab State, and Uieir residence bcine ae kaewa tahim, takea tbbmethod of aoUry ing them that he baa b bu hand $48 belonging to Mark Jivplm, aad .bout to Harria Jopl.n, which 1' i ' "P?lT,nX ia perton by so attorney priaeriy qualified. . ' ... . . 400 50 50 100 50 70 40 63 173 SO 6ft 83 141 50 16 50 S'i .03 70 150 139 44 30 -30 jSamL Weston k Oomj, nenj, uiantnara Wm. BUnehard't heirs Llotiab Brigg -Job rilanchard - Benj. Blanehard. rutfi Wm. Eaaon line Ureen ' s Andrew Uarrctt NnahilurdlH Jno. W. HerreU Jets June ' " ' Wm. Jonee ' Jno. laatiter ; Abtalora data -. s Jno,. Nixon V .:-"- , M. B.HarrcU Leroi. Elliott ' ": HcqderAm Brbkley iCbarle in ue t - . '- Edw'd Knitrht, Ceua -Ionian Parker Uno. Tuley , Kicn'd cross Milet Benton Kotic c. The BBaaa-iVrr aAs rLi anU' the afl- paasef tae aaabaat. aadWrtva.a.iVibe a. 4bia9eea;ai tWaviall. ef amOwbs a. tank., w aoald ale Wlona lUp., a''i''l are rrbaaed, ea4 el e . aatd ae aiipralaiadid trem t.. tba atewkhv earva, a , aad b aUvicaaitrwili. eaarruag tbet tbcy baaw aeawu. dbcaa keaare a aaraalas aad an . Vbg dana relief, aad rteaxint ibea. l J ; . . ft .a linaalB, oaax aaaaj mCftjTa J Baarr diaaaaea, baae beaa reLarard by tba a. babat becai la prwatftaat Pevan, t. ry ead bead Mbaa, eSteea, be... keoagtit, riaMnalaaplaamya.S MvatifauiMa, taetaebatta aevee taUirig Kavrdy (or rem a,. eceaneaad tbeee b aa atereorr, nor . eaaall dieaivvMahb. aar Irgurboi tt it wooas ae annrwatnij top, a be haa admlnbtered ta . . ea ta thia eUaetet and aaSSBI a.. lb, with all She eaador, that treta .. that he ba aerer wNnoaaedeav Ah, b ens eaaa aa yet Aad be weald i tkoee who are bborbg ander e named diaeaae living at a diataaea, foot dlipeaed to aall ea him far aL , have due ettrntloa paid te tbem wkil, . nao ae woaia bare wrorva the pabh -ea hand, and dedrna kerning gee,,, meat of gaaaine fieuob Medieiaei, mwtng are soma at tuem vis. Rhrametb drops . Cough drone A amnio Tioetare ClwHedrea : Itch nbttaeat . Eyewater Tool b-sohe drops Nervoot eerdbl Bettoraljv hkrrrs Antibilioei ( Alaetb piU Warm awadt?. Cancer Wu Canilic aoluii , Eaarne 1 0otb-tioa. . - Uold-pretaal t, 93 -Cliarle Jones r0 m Parker - SaralHarreB SO Ueese Parker for the heirs of Jas. lker ..?f. 14 V M. Witfiama JAMES R. RIDDICK. fih'ITof 3 line county, N, C . The publication of the Mobtb Caviatis a ' Jor b- -At, rnfairut tt hrgibuti it aboot to be continued by Thomas JU IItsist end Wtt Um i STBAse. . . .. ' It 1 elDtbCted the JOftltTl t, .will ha akala a aa. hiele of useful information ot aver? deterintioa tK.l.,.l:wL. 1?.: r . . , me (luiHicaoi mo oay, ana in poiitus. Advocating to br jaa tliey are iarabb, .iea- aurei noi men. : I he JoDbhai. b hitherto heen por-H-roftieliewUsclftion's Atfmhystftrtion, and m m twit the intention , ot the Kdi fn Wa t iaaa 4 Crainthateoarie; : ifnauuiuiha .oenSAt vll be imblishcil With good type on an innerml sheet at thnee daL Aire per annum payable k advui.ee, or four Hol lar at Ihe end ot the year- No tubsenuiiLtn will be received for a leu time than on .:i i,j no subseripUon will be diteoniinued aatil all r rearage art paid tm, uulejl at the obtioa at tho JMvKiKinntaiai4ajlAa for the Sra, and tventjrfvm eenf lor erm j tub eeonent hitertmn. i - ' " All letters, and oommiildeotions addressed te .iuirton uie ensincN et the emee must be poet paid, or ihey will hot be attended to. - the former auhieritivf-ft? in ,i. i .... be CWlUdervJ at contiulunir IK. wiihMrt a formal notice of their wlthdrswa.,-. Aad many ether srtiele tea tedim . tlon, all of wbbk be will aril low f , ew eerUBrate will be annex sd, t iB what be bu snht ia this adrertiamrnt. der from diatanee maU be poet Mid. win they w ill aot be attended lax l; - ' JOHN kV Prince Edward ey, fa. SU Xn Thia mar eertifV that In tba mAm . as evrely attacked with the pteerny. in three ot tb most eenineat phyaieam enemy aSavrfed, who used thra wiwott hut litde effect, tt h. tree, th km ( one relieved me of the pain, hat left t derperete eongh, 1 whbh erew vom t wmu t wa reoaeea very low; sad th t nlrtit wet aad aonwb diiftheartaaad a. being agam restored , to ' healih, i... prut et 188S, bearing that Dr. All v Bcignoorboou, i sent tor him. He vu sndafrer k had examined me, said bt v aitling to andertake my case. I intiited , and said I eoald not live long ia my pre tion. He eonePBted, end gave ex b a bkh as reJiered aie, thot by th fir vr able to perform Kane labori end j C of e winter my health was anita r I have ever tinea enjoyed good herhh. : i ;,W1LUAM IZ. Otv&tc(nt!r;JV,, C. Jan.t9, This may certify that myaelf andbmitt the pa year, were mtich afflicted with di mg diseaset vhv my wit ws rkt breart eotnplaint, whkh tedueei) her.r with nvrtetf, who had keen khoring a' milsr diieae.nd aba with the rhennati. and I my dawhter. Martha, by taking tverj eold, was laboring under crest nam tin aiitlest wbbk o iferted bar a ta render able te w jlk an) at ell. 1 tailed ta Dr: J W A iSIT1 Betsnb medkioe i eea by llr. 8 Thomana .ii.u fa. a lw t Ueved myeelf and family. 1 have ased 1 mi ,nj ,nnina wr.ne paaapae,aD1 of tttem htrveteen uvkt and by Uto uh hove named mejioine we all have bees to health. . .v, ' -A- v,-" . JACOB JACS - tarajv 'tumyt M- C. fee. Thit msy certify that in the bit and 1823 and '30, my health eeataa eery paired, and contmued lo grow rorte,e well at many of my Vwnds, oonelodcd 1 eoantmption. 1 acat tor Or. J,' Allen,'' mmirtercd (as I learoevl )the medMiine tot by Or. . Thornton, with nlaik mam have ever sino enjoyed trtcrahle health This mar eertify that in die vrarllU. tvipiure on my latig,, hicb iliebaiged i of Mood.,1 1 employed tba best phyiic; Wnty affonlrd, and they continually ie! ."my to imun. OV Bleailmg, bhstorr ton and mervoriiii course, wkith to i me that buv Vtta vni ta iA ff.i.liil i tliey called a seated tfonsutnptiee, In 1 89, Jh J.- A lien attended wte, and ad ed 'he medicine introduced hy Dt S.H ..' ..... J . , - ' . A ft.-. .km, nikiucu inu. luwu reiieit ana s io!t hi tbe utc of the madiutna. I cowent-ii foi table state -uf avattb. ..iiivea ander ; (he day and date above stntert.'.-' ' - '1. W. Yi l N.'H. Mane mora rertifuKtr '' nej:ed, hut (be auWribvr tliUikt a etitH " : jWaggoncrs Take Noucc.?- I hate t BIT ftlsra finaaxah tfV. . ' ' . . . a- .-a av aatlvSV Uj4HvlaW 1J'-V beat priee will be givea for Ff1!. and early appliaatKm 1 requested, r '. AluftUiNU iJUyS,. April 6, 1831 ' Can iagc Iloreii Wanted. I tae suaeertbrr widte to porchu a tab ef joasg Carrag, Horse. r T PT M 5 Wake cobaty, April S, 1831 U ,w" 4 TREASURY DEPARTMENT. La K lis r"'1 TUSKAJiORA bavina heaom. dne aa'theVth Zll of the JHWhaaers, therefore, ahote bond, Ml reataiomUii.oEce, era rep,,twJly deelAdlo for their hTmedUi, . uaunnaia BOBOa will be pet ia suit In tha esuctcef the month cM...:. ' . . r.. - - Valuable, iand&aiii) ' ' ;';F0R SALE.f r OnTaesdarahe 3d of M.v nL V-D at public aoBtion, on die pi-emise, hv ' oren oi irutc, lor-me TiurpOa of tutu' debts, die valuable GHm and Sen . ta the eimiity ot llnrifnx, and Luiii Orant, Eq. on grKt r'itliing creek, appui'lenanee and two acres ol land thereto, on tha north title of ftk! grist mill La three pair of excellent stone, and it (Jlaateo about twenty r the mouth of laid ereek, su wbkh th n,ii ai oeiow IS, ''l' i 'jf". : r One tract of pioey wood land, fortr" by the said Same Grant, eentaaiinr t. tiob ISQaerrs, lying on the tooth side Fishing ereek, m the eounty wf Ktsb, as the i ro(, ; - J:.- " One other tract ef pineyi woedt lana, avrnedby tha add James Giant, eonttini titration 350 sere, lying on the oW aaid stack, and In the eeunty ol H.ilifw- Also one other tract of had, thiefly and low grouniU, formerly awucd by . Grant, eoftttning by astiimuion 1300 1 " a great Pithing ereek aforecaid, and . 1 ... - . - . irrcu aaa stocky ewssnpsaod m we ' Halirax. . ' - . ,-.'.r All the land lie adjoining, (reTt earl, which b boot two mile dittani mills,) and tb whole would he s very ( proihtatlve acquisition ta a man ot no' perty. lheie are few, ifanr, mot aaille b die State of North Carol ins. ' The whole will be aotd togrdier, or i to lota, Wastatah pnrehaKrs. Tarin(.aaOrie,twa BAdtbrt J dit, the purehater giviog bonds, be''' train the date, with approved security bl alike State Bank A Xorth V.toIw ' ;, -CHAS. I)EWEY, I , CYHus winTArrn.S N. IL ' Doctor M. C. Wbiiakrr, the neighborhood. Will givetny U raooe. . .-.....-. - I Waka bnntv N Cavnlina "i I T.""'"""aviiTliHl,. i ..... , ... w(...h,ivii, vui iwwj ; i .w county, j. varoiina,