SJB f? V 7 ' k I f TflK STAlL.: " . . , ".'.. a I . . a IjbV"'"" I rr f.f ; a e- . ". f" perm 4t. - , - - LAWRENCE It LEMAT,"- V ' A ' J(iMHMiM,tiM4oIUr para. ILIT; 7s .TTTT M, areed U cW S Bar daw a koai MkporicJ m kiamani, b.n de MKfaroNUHaB wtvaaa aajtatf wtapli. -p.m a rw , anaii sars.j ar ktuUml 4afiM SW-W M trm 1 1 , 4 a mihi, ai .earner aaMnfeOMeal.t , iHpw Uddcra, Wnlrae all r.4 " , ko"' arrrrka -Haras. .aVrrvwfa. sad aaeeed. l'-r,, ' . Wiardal lia, aavarrlaJ. threw Haaea ft aaThaada. aJoremid, Wm.11 fete rsa4 twrwty-B aaata (or arh itiw "T" "-Tr"! Jw Urlee, aWl 'Wfchia i-AH Inters la iha editor ant . W Am. "P"1 MxttAcr Um mM, m. . ; . T -Jr i(d1. ... rf ,J ,.. I nc tiif ftiv I'vrrrn lt a-i-i'- ill'" v Hiittiiu dAALfl- .5. lo Morruia nil' ntvk thf Viw bt-a i j,... . r k i.i i 'i' . i u. I, km ere ionurrn vnunay in lite Stale KMaWi A AraoM and ffat of ftt k aioef Ma Ifittied Sum tf dnmtea in vet tuicmljleil, Tiul the freileiit ol' ih L tiuief Ire, ond Bs it hereby, .ulWizrJ to b Tm n4 Barked (he- koimrt-WT Uue In iko JiuUe uf Uabait and (ha l'emtorj iiida, by tU aurreywi Uweral of Alabama BoriJt, on (ha itiiry-fint drgrta of north J oi and U tltallbe tU duty of the Survror win! KlnrUa In tiMiuoct th. khIiU teip..... in vue vim mourn aorua ana inai tca. T , . A . j-n- ' wVW UiWI VII .IIU . k'jlil and umJ Cor t lh laurt otBetv ThW p, M too i tiTi.ory m rioridu, aaaie I juu.I nu) within ttit limiit af the ttittrwt nf lubjoet to aale af Hparu, hi AJabauta, . (ly to lh tTvn f lh aet orRantnij timt i and lbs aani eutriel and aairl ahali b an nefery reW,n if they hat been laade Untriet of Alabama.. ,., I 1. ,iiu( be H further tiutcted, Tliat llta vat of the Uiilied Suiet it hereby autliori aw the Sarrror Oemiral of the United toriheStutoa of lllinnU and Mistoanlad : . t a -1 . . . . . . act . woionila- UJT"1'?rf.,,'tM". 'f-d, aiaOmW. j w ununKir at N tJrltn a4 aiwll luua watf ar.irm.Uca W oe ad ur- je7v mat tarre at aot, hea ka departed fi N. Orleaat, antr aMra e ath- too.ta, toaH aart aa.t ar aeaatl, Imptad aa IforCMil, Hub b thevcai anentMmnli vhertim tM Hoc Veyar JUU auaa tha ai. Mtka, btV aoxea. alaa, or rW-V ta U -.inaeted. and aaa, ld a Nit um ma.utat, and ttc aaraa beiaa ideiv. tilitd, ba aliall (rant a trrroit far anlnaiiiaf tbt tame, or auca pait thereM aa fa miuer (hail re aort, and vhra a ar nalr of tach famhandiae Mrmdnlliikthi4l L.b- ... an VM-toreewciUoii the li.rV.of the aoanietv de ignaln.a; urh part, a,cUrij the article. We Ja-(1, aal ahall retnrn the Rianrfeala to the r 7 r". aWl aUaaa br ULWat V aMtaaaktrra, br a aarmaf aaiaa. .H - - - -e tva 44ar aa aUraaaiJ, aa abatl taa m Bklil h-n ka tbun ba t .r niuuun in anon boat er raael to proeeeit In the place of it dra- ..i ino m.tier ot aaea (trambnat or Vetti-I ili. 1 1 iM-MMt m rr..u l .I.J: .1 , . . ' ' " -v w in-nirr IHS ma- awe ViUfM Ilia fim. hnnn Ti.m. k. -u-ii - -" " .wv4t hi mi. ia lurfrit eita hnitrli'' dollar. . dilator of the pnrt of New (hhina ahall per. "w ""7 w ne man ot jtikhIi. varea. or miTcliainJie. vhet' ! ... .1. . - . -' j miv will aiinil mamJiK. t . . I . I . . . - w au.iwa.aa hi iiia nnii aennjnaHi w.ih kt or araael to nroeeeit the of ir, ri, i ,ZL . '!"r 'on 7wd '. Jr"di a atatd: ' - . : aad all We. a reaoaatla aaMa-raaMU tertua rfra b, rrao rrala. aatim aa uL. J a . . ar aar af the dlraaMr. iL. . . " aar aatra tbry vera r- ''"I.jt f1" raarte Thai W rr W,U-r UII b. .li.lrd M ant. br h.m. -. r'"" pnMmr aaucr an haad aad aeal, atleatad br taa arwea, at all brauoaa rnaiia bjr irtue at ihi aad 4.l r""7," T "" aa hold, aharra, aa faraa !? ''?', ow T ra aharra ahiah he iNar bold over tea Wea a iar aa Shy niW tttarrai and ona totn t a . i l.i-i.i. i..a . ""V """J aMarea -vn m mT ncna aerr atatr aharra. - i " u P'rlhr acii. That, tha r a an tail Id r RUI BTWl aaTnkll Ikaai - - - ' a. aaa anaaiki trata tLm kuan it r , . i tad ' tka rmrli mrm I I .1 " r. Artrarad. htarta. .aV. t ! ... . -a .a u.a tm, ptHhr I acta. Ol iVj a V r raw aaaaaraaaa a. I j. . . v . i mr twiinei rh iJ s ! l aW aaM al AaV. .Jwt 1 T 1 . . r-. - .,-iaj r,r rwWPr KiJ f , aarau aad arfaa aaawaaarr aaaaiAaatala fnr aaUr that lllfr ara . .v. i.t..:. .v.. ".,r41 tr4 Iiu! 8 . anaaia ar - .1.11 a. r. i . r -.uia.jmi n ijca. nn in, n. 11, . . taWi.a-.ZJT"r"" TTr Wl. ! iau.trJ that ir.i.LU.II- .v.. r - . m,"wl".' r fiaiiaa ar ... .t - . . p. .:ii. c' a. , . - ' w -' - ' w 1(1. Ul" V 111 aTa.5 rIt?.''2 !ftuoc . uVd.wct., v.r.a. . ;rr:iai:r,y.u li". . '"V.V-dtnt aball preaMe at all rrxxtmri Ot toe dlreclor. .cut ... . ..r l. 1 , - ; aiiamw, Ilia - y o wpuneu arena ot ttia irrelur. appointed hr ll.r hoard, ihat the petaideat aad ...rrcnr, an.,, p ,B(j j,,,,,., a ? " JV1 ef "1"r"r aralnat Iom er Uma(?e br fire, and inuiranrra on hdwd Iran. tWrtalMln nf mnmlm . . . ' . r mvrraaaaizr, anil roiinlrr nnvli.e.. mnt u..i;.. . .a . ... ' . ' 1 - - IVH IIKKUUHMI enhlladtn a tred-t at the 1".,?? ,n iremrat etnal ofdotr aarerrd JZl riZ-. Z ll. ' .-t - reta,-, and W..d, . other alerk. I.. : r.'-, - - -n.i aernniia unoer them aa ah.ll nmrtT,.,., n anaii j th Hutr rnrt.on-t;.. .1.. 1...: . :. . . ' k the Suitor of the port where the Iwnd ia la. 1 1 i ...H . 7 " 1 . ,ne . ,q ,nM."" ken,to,Jite tkeaam. fur M)leet(ri in aah I .h. I , 1 .!,. ' T " 57 R be disced by the terr ofthd ich .7 3r.. . I SnMlI aitnnaa f r a b. . . 8. S. ii WW mncH.rf. and X.a : K- he tlutfcaptcoHbed by .Hi, act. 'la ..I.UtiM l trie. a?t& S th-aaatntiuir. Unties iXMfo.-mad ..'that offl.-rf h, th. o.k XTK ' Srvevor eaeh of ..i ! ther llaiifc, "L JTJ 1 -.aa .Tr an acaiu'l LM r..n. L.r ..a.' .a .a pararca iui, otiuiy u,hi if re natn m or(r. erive al. IT. 'a J i". . . a . ' a. . i lAtntiatKUl a! aall a.'a 1 ..a . ' ' J . ' . r--' 7:-: r wwwir lorniMN i Mf m !ute, in the mi rt : trn joaUw Prt ofth U,Me! Sutei, ij.eter.ihmiwd tloUp. ,) aMfwcinf .Jklo m lftluJy IniormeW t im Ihe. irHimdrtl tar. hi. i- i . ill be duly Wormed tli the fcorehuaent .State ot lllitmi. .hull k... ' an;n. l 1 .-- - w- - I i.Kuucr. m m party me "B 10 lorm a lnarar4 naiu. Hirvrv uim marl inA nfulhi.n Imu ..i kielllbaoia. a lll fini-ll in tha W I.I' fnn. eatnlatl An vaet to atiaUle- the txannlff of uui, i ciTiwint iowB i y;miatttation aan to hii cattotnary iWt. an annoal .:;' "f three hundred and flflr . . ; j v ' ii. iivi salary anwna; ander tliia act ahall tommence un til hi prorlaioiia ahall lake effect, and merehtn Uie may be imported under itt authority. Seo. 6s, Sitd be it'urthrr, nuiclrrl, That nil n.overnoiBnt," . ke. -tisati. ttw Hitoeotli act ahatl be tued for, rrecavered.diitribuled. aad a one inoua(i eight Imnclred and t-agh-l amounted for, in the manner prertnbed hr the ikL- in eaae nf iM-ana. in uii 'IU..r,..i .;.i..j a . . ' .. t - 1 . T t, . , 1 "- ..wv, i.i.u.t.i m 10 rtrruinie ine collection 01 Vtaaatr, hunting anakki to Ml from duties 00 imporia andlonnec,', paaied on the se e,ibeViewliiaa atitbrized tofi!Uiuih i coud day vf Marvh, one lliounand ieven hundid and nciety -mine, and may ba mitigated or remit ted ui tha manner prcaoribed by the aet, entitled An act to pioriiic . for inrtiiraimj? or remidinjj the IbrlVitarei, pmaltiea, and ajimbllitiei, ing in certain eae therein mentioned, " paased onlliethud day of .March, One, tliuu.iwid keven htiudred and niaety-evn. ..-, ' Approved, Alaioh 2, 1831. ' ' ' r - -f a..aaruv iui.u an M t ttaA.eV bf (htt ttntUlfHlmPAt af airbma AltSaaa. M.anlU. I. vWift 1 further tnacttd Tt,t Uie iird ni r,rtnMrua.;naM. .i.ii . . lliaLuaibikii.l. l!..'.. . . t ' . - 1 .y-e-wa) aaii, awaii -H mm U lWCt M JTINVDe litlia J..a.da AaT a V. . 1 1 1 1 T" a,ictv fi UIU UIIHSU idtd the Govcmmaiit-of the S'tvtrt nTliiirin.. aVhaavaaa liaa. ad7U ba.a. if ln:. . ..a.i . a a a uhpb fy S.J UI MllimHWg Will rC EtariM ae junner $nactefr Xht the if mtaafa aJlnW. ifl tkli Jaiil J anmMiaainn.. aitutj Siute... iutb eompenMiion tor his atlfttt 't.2n kaaiaflni.lJAl f doaa attt.-c4 :Ui8 , alljwanoe ".rnaOe tae pt lllittoia to .tbc Commissioner on ejil IH aid allovaaee, together with otltie manpBaapv .rni'iiu'i nl aaiti kA.iwt weror air lahoir.ra. And the hIIow f ii'mude o tli Suiveyoi'a tieoainl of the I il.l i .'.I .L . -1..:. r.i . - . Aa.u.141. -aiiii.ijua. a avriioi-y w xiprtuu, leaesMiy eipeuaet iironrije!; by ihem' in and wwklHjf aald line- bei-4D aaxl h of Uie.Uniteil btate,Tjit)t'iioy umoney. i-wik . tni-uiiriii.Ku: -viati. xo uaamt rim at fa Ifiyf xUh tf ttite) r rQt, lbw aproprmieu n ..turn 01 tvt .luoustnd .4 AiSH ( KVM-VkallV i i.Waker bf riie 'Uoaae of liciarebeatativrs. :- JQWX Ca UAI.HOUM '? , . .... t4 i taed, MareJ lSJi, t 1:;. ; a-.;-; ,. . t. AN UKE W-J ACK30V . - iVIoanp hn dutiea on f iwiim marahiiL.' ;anot4ed inw Pittalmrg,, hueling.Cini it, uoaiiHitej ot., i..ou.ia, Aaslivilie, aan ', .cw ee aecuixtt anu - paiq at- -those matted by tke Senate and Mouse af . . a . Aa. Aet to-repeal the art to eMablidi the district -a- mL ,. ..i-1 . m xnaaeiy, - . ? it enacted lip the Senate and Vo'nse of Re premaixc if the United $tnt'i Jmtrica in Cmgre mtttmbtnU That tlct ohtitled An Mtto enublish the olittrict of lilakejly," appro, etj tha aevantecnth 1ay of A pril, eiBhteco hun. di-ei) aiid tweiitj-two, lie, and th? lame it hereby, rypeahnl.; ' " .--J" ; AuntAvbil, March 1S31. U , : ; An Act to Iroorporata a afire Inanrance Cora tany hi Georgetown, in the District of Co lumbia. , ,. ' IN tl aanrlf Am f I . J'lr.. .a 1-1 pretintmie if the United State oVJmnVtS Vrigreu ugiembled. That the auhioribera to thia eniniiany, tnen" suceetsora and asuigna, ahalf bo, and Ihey ire hft'tbT, eruaioit, ji bbily uolilis and eoi piiraie, By the hatue and ity lo of the " Poto-mael-Ve lusitramf- Company oftrcorgrtowu,''' antl Vit4! by that iwuxi bare suceesston,. ynd (halt be able to sue bud be- (tied, inintcsid' and be int plrniled, in Hii courU of law in the United StatVa, ml to make sn.1 lite Dns eommna aeul, and the aanie to alter mid amend at their plu,iure, .; . V 8 '. b it Jihiker eiitirkd, That siib orii,tinus be oioiied iu t.'ut.i'KelDWn, in tbe i)i trtcf , afomaitl, timler' tlie"nlii-elin. of Frairoi l)rtlg, KapliBel Scmmes; Waites' Smitb,Mohh Viftjnm S. A'Whu'K la.' 0. 4)vhioii, idin Mstrhury, Joel Cnu-ndo, 0. il tirithi- P.Ufl.'M.a.r.a lli.lnw ' Willi... ! UIA.A L'..-. Hiuel (luiu(lireva,shrl H UJiwii Hnymau, iwCom- miltamhii.a nn.'n' artnnfrllt. aaK (Inn. r.'-nl-'n . fcsiiital ttocli of two 'hundred tliuiiid dollHir, ii.i..i mi., ;.-iiv ii.ii;a a ui5Wra,aHv,i.lle in the Stale, ot Ten pr into Ntitchbj, iithii Stita pf Misslsjip-" Spotter theretil almlt deuosite fa (tieciH- a - . ... . . . ... , or, t(i iw puce t aneym pi tue I'stUndcdto b? iisporieda xuli aiwjHiiriiatt cot t tlio plee iifiiiiiortatiulfi iwrcuii- sid Surveyor shall piakd an ('ma(e of fit ot duties aoarning an thrf sxme', and the' or conaignee aliall bond,' with , aafi retiea, to be pprofed by the Surveyor, fiha amoantof the dutiea (o ertima'ted, ed for. the pay merit' of, tha dutiea on rahandiu. aa.lMa.lrud .. . tiaft.iri-jVM ld tlie. jJurveyor shall forthwith no-I fOlleatnrf .r Wnw'A-lMan'a.r h.. Ktmait Iidinj ta hint a eo)iy of tald boud and be. it , furliiir enacted, TMt the ni iigeht, is htrehy bnthbrized to' merohanillw,. hti ported,' .ay: i'orsmd, To! Hew OOcena. at lli.t 1 L- hi '"t prescribed, by law and , '"m grant a permit lor tue wnT6tr.hErei serhef duues) (o,b aoerl!tine aa m ( vine aam goods remammj m the eu 'he Collector,.uiilil lesltipped for- tint desiiniuion, nd the" Ooliector shall the Surveyor at such pfaoe ihe amount "ev: Which ; the .nld Surveyor (ball 'he margin of the bond, aforesaid 'eenre the aamp; which gooda shnll be bf he Collector to tha agCnl of tha Or eoniigneea duly authorized to re I sme, for shipment to tlic plitca of im f "a the 'master or aommnnder f e voi oaat, or bihtr &sset, in' wtiiek jiucK lie ah.ll h. rj -i.-ii ; i ... viihu, .lircvi- receive the eumet ihtup sahsorihed , exceed the number of .vb-luch rii- alnntfitl Jittuue t iinnaia. !.. 1 m? In ;..!. iiiuguar i anu uiit;oicu so m apportion me srisrr.s a,,.. I .1.. :i i prinrtionHi reitj juum, a may reduce tue wnuie to die aiuresalkl ntuuber of eight ' thousand rvv,''ii.v';1w : i-1 ia 'i 1 aV. -.Utttl fiM it : fiWAt nnifrl TH.o ft..' sum of one ilollur oil each 'share shall be paid 9uu Ul line I101IHT .ilf raaH aiini . ..ll Ills paitl tn iliA ,w. n i.iut ..a inA ai Ml liV .(I.u.IhI.1.. VI Mil. W,lllUID..UIIUI - ' . I11IIV V. "WMI.VI lU.IIlt, . (' K... .m IV.... . ... i. -I. .nr. ... i v. i.. . iiui.v. ,.ui uuuiai.a v-awi v.l.l of stock by inst Jmaiits, after givui);- Uiirty da t tireuinna notMMi til the rfonbliiilHura. in riii. na more ndwsiiaiiers nrhrtcd in the District of Co- litmiiia, not exeoeiling two dollars on each aharet ami tliat ttie retnaiudur 01 Kie Said twentynave .lf.llii-a nl.-atl It. a....-..!'a.Mlai . r.nvul.1. .u .1,.. .-..."i ii.a wv. TO.m. wj hum ,rjn.,vf '.. I If . mand. stirnpd knd'endorscd to Uie aHtislaoIioh of lt..J,.ll.;.l-.a l.a.. '-"m. ...ta . ' 'a- a .11. .B,w a. - i.v ai(N .LC 1imU be. renewed .whenever., the ilireetors mat ednsider it uronert but tlio dii'ttotora are Lercbv iyijnired to oadse Vhe, same 'teiiewed t eaw iinea tiiWry. twelve motn and evieiy !selholdijr. neglecting be reiuung to .reneai his U1 It, mtmt r departure fro New jjOrluons,- de "Collector dupliaate'. a.nil"cj ot iiandise, (pceifjine; ,ihe ,mrk and frery ease, bag, boa, ehest, or psckf ""wg the same with tjie name and "" Jof importer or CoBsisnee "V "dtae.and the: quantity, shipped hi T,. ubiled, and to the U-uth buTT ,wr or and that the a eeived on board his vea. J ne of the agent, who shipped in- aicjjiuv.iiiic ur -.aaviiijr 11.7 .uf iiutLiat? j when rcu'iired bV the i'rrsulent and Uirec- . l ...ii 1 .,..,: .n 1.1. i-..-.. i .1 ... . n. ... .i.i. pji n-.n ni. .iv m mil Mritvinilnr' ..n(t lua ti.lll II. hi. fiafi?a naM.ia'mji tf such Ov-trleet or reiusal. '4 V V ."" ' ;i See.- vlitf .. be if -further "tnacrt,". That, .tittHuta iui i. ii.iv . M 117 -.117 anisiit- beVof ihiainstitution, the same m&y bc annollel, .'-.i J.J ' 1. :a I . ' r .1 rcmilicu, .1' iiuik .nnq uj , .flinjuruy f ma whole board 'tn directors' present at the murtiug nt which the turn tun for audi remutsmu . shall ha made: Jtndea, That ne remitunca of auy toiv i..ii -. 1 . it. .... 1. .. 1 1 -1. . , 1 1 . .Cll.irv .iliai una pwa nu.ia hi.v .nba w iv.iu.ll llliciiayroont 'of.the hrineipal of said instalment l. J ..a at... . at. .J.,J fl.i'. . .11. 1 nilviva. uk.w.1, aaas ikik.m ui N.nvic, . I ... A . . '...1.. U, . ITII,tl. tJ Mm WllUIUiia, MaiW IIIQ IHJIICIll lolhis proportion jof such Ios aa mnj have, occur red previous lb rucli ftirttitore. , . .v yh: 'V Sea. 9. And be it further emttt(i That, as soon as two thonaanif shares ahall be tubneribed for, the Commlssionera hereby authorized -to m-Biw. ai.hill.t.An. -lioll . .tntit- ail ll..' laubaeriberv after ivin ten. daysaottca) ia on r , r- rmariH- purcnaaa a f-stiirable butldinfor budding i0 fJrorertoan, for the numnae nl imdm.!!... . ..." .n. : -r ... . . ' ' - ""-"..ji i.iar niiHir; ni iv jn atrtation, that the president,1 or smth otlier peiu ton as may becpfiobtad hi hk pbee, and four aiim-tors, ahull form a nuorum for i-.mroeims bufiies and all queelions which'mar wmie be. lore them shall be decided by a plurality of 'ia. ....... - ' See.; 9. And be. it farther rimcted. Thee alt .1.11 i7 1 "! t nit. cu-porauon shall bejlned by the president, attcstrd hr the hforatan.. -..1...I :.i. .1. . , . ,,m aeai thereof; and all lonsea on an such policy or polieitj shall be a.rth,iie( hy the president and board of direetors,'and paid, ajrreraMy to the terma of the policy, out Of the funds ef the com pany. . ,:.,....;,, 1 - .-. . i5'"0-.-; 'nd beM further rvcicfeif. That, di. VKlm.tls of tlio nett profiia arih)? 01 tbe capital ttock, or so much ihevif as to them mar p- -""ow, mier rneivti one tnirtl orilie nett. ironta a surplus jfuntl, until it ahall , mount- p the anm of twemv thoiMiaiid dollars shall be ituhIa .1 a.i.K . .1. r . .. "..iu.i. iii-rsinrni and du-eclors may juHgc proiier,, not ,oltinnr ...... ni .u Hioinns, anu tna sanio shall ba paid to (he stooWholdera or their Jeral rehre setitalivea, but it a dividend shall at any time be - ; aminira .nan mo neii prnsta of Hie ani.leon.pshy at the tiiie of maki,'r the' same, each and everv ilii-.-a ti.-a ..u-j I thereto ahall, ami is lierebr declared to be Hable tor, in his hidiviiinal eapac'trfi and bound to r.ou tl tlm'e to mnVe roail il. .r,;.... ; tol 1 stock ocensioned by inch improprC dividend. i il f ptruter-. ermcieti, H hat, ho stockholder shajl ba aiiawirahlo, in his person or individual property, for ajiv 6outii,c,t Or a greemeat ol said company, or for any losses, de ficiencies, or fiiilures, of the eapitnl . stock- nr aid Institution, exuept in the cuseof a .-iinjefur uuemrinir an imnronar d vided hf..... ..'... ..v-.i km- iu niK lentn section nt t()is ao(j hut the whole of the avid capital atocli, tnecthtr with a'l ptopertr, riyhtl, and credits, befiiijfioj.itia;r. -y, .v.nniK (u.mir, wi.u.m-any lime ua an s-vernbfe for ih' deiiumds a'nninst the caid com. stock ot !hi institution , hereby, declared putw .... rcai esiaie, tun tuny be assigned aHdtratiMerrml hn tka. ..f .!. T perron or by jiower of uortiey oely. but nt .,w..w..,r .u"ti.u.i iu, ui- company stiall ae umni'ted in tronafM. V.. . .1:... . t .......v.., v. wnc . uiaiai Ueart, timil jucH debt is naid or aerured Mlh. .n.!..r...l.. .a .1 rj . . .... ......u vi iiu.- pi-asiacni and ,uoaiM .01 uuro- Sec 13 Jnd be it further enacted, Tmt this act aholl lai. .i.i;..i. !...r:.... , .,,u; 1.1 .ui ti- nmii ne unit tiay. of December, m the. -rear .'am ilMnaoml eiglit huu.Ired and fifty, and until Uie.ond f tii new sranon ot tkinp-eaa Whiuh shall hit ri pen thereafter! and on ih al...l..i Lnn tioo. of thia chsrterve president and .tm-a fori tl.n lima !,.;. ..1. . . elfeotunt mraMirn. turn 1.. , , . - '-'r -,-"6 ".a ... uiicrua, bill no snch dissolution or expiration ahall' one- Ml. .n A. . . , ... . . r " Hi-paeiw any anna m oe brought or bcmfimied by or against the said eoi-poiatioa, for anv rlchl or due by or to, the mijie, and which 'arnKi; in 'i.i n;;. . , ............. v. m laaui.iiiwn t or fxiiiratlbni bnc-for, th purios. ill, tdoslna in i'""-"snaf pi 1 Hiiaa A tha aaid " " ' vwiti- a irriSDC sw m CraMJD.e a etaf mu.t al... ... a.. . . . . r -e Zl: " . taaar. afiasal ' t,m.mrm J. A. - T '.V. . !I"'B BIr tkf rr t aaoirlLIn laaaaaa. lamdi m 1 m " - - . a n rivii 71 1 m 1 m . - at iniiifei.i aw . . . amviav . '"aa. far an II linviliaaa m .aL. .1 1 of iltet dinmctio aa ,t U tnmtsg. mL-f' al -- SLSa. trdrty. jmwr .foreign, Iht wUU at b faraUri. tir-t.. , 5 W .tHlM IkllMl. - rnel rmtht) pUIntiffa; eontenJ ViM aVUUlAII Ir !!( v am. ' saaiaaans. e7 1 7.VZel,. "T " oKrVT' ""r crwrt ' """. "HJ mef.l fflrpiMa r,r ranin nr thot doubt, it."- -ara-VrLrCto, ' every heraaa,, poraot., ao ouVadaia-, sl.11 be .'rfla1 natloa is, Wttb' Strict DroDrielf 10 rif Itm avhoU .11. ' t W .. 1 , r. " k..u., w uuenaair, SIiMI be as sol nncciia Inl,ai a .11L -a. - - ' . uui.ll, pf o ins H?.U.Tt """K '"- moaibs, or Wh, . . ' j - fc. a Resolution, rr reUlloa to the tranamiuJo. fpfhyJ Aft -a. f .a- a. CT'""r WwJ aSnrtt ,f America , " " several arts aata- "' "711 .Mini ine -raat Ctnaa IVnkrt inaTIMa. ainiMWntfWI -J as. . . . -v'"-"'rTTS ue eoustrttetl to retmal.or limk. 1 !.......:. .1 . .. Izinr the trantiwltaina. ,.r .1 , . r.,. " . j-.r.'r". iree thtittaand r.I.i Im..ii...i . ' n""'i January iar ljl ( A DeanlotiOTdirtaaiing the Seeretart of State' to wranaopiei ol felars' oa Cmm TP.QrU ''' of tha Supreme Jieihed la lti . rr..... '!a- r. . , a . " 1 ravav . 1 IT- rraeatV.rwa ,f the Vnited Utate, J America m ..w..,r 1 nax tne seenrtkry or the Uenartmcnt nf Sim. 1, ....1 .. i. l..i. . . - -" .km 11. . nereuv, an tnnrtzedaml rflrwtr m .Kn. ... .ri . - - - ,nu r.. . . mc anntrejimi reports of o.m In il-4,.r....... . r .. .. .l. edded by Uichrd I'eteM, aml.chae to bw dii tsaihasaaad .V . i . . . iV j uiereoi 10 tne " resident of (lie , ... lua auiwi a D. ni,. preine Cottrt, each of Iho ndgea ot the VitU-int Zlt. V .1 ,r j "Hner' m VntleiJ Shilea, rath of the Tf.i.da f ii......... '.i .. ' h.j . a . 1 """ciiih eaoo ni tlie Judge, of ,he voral Ttn itorii of the Uiled j.... .. cupva mereoT lor the use or rmh Honan nr Pju.mmi.'..j it.. 1 .1 "... ' . .. I T (. ' ' ""."'aiiiueoiine. ooi.les ahall be rfrtiosrted in the Librtry of Cohfcrraa, vc ; "K "f 0! escii vol ume ahall not exceed five dollars. . - - ; Approved, Marcli . -- ( i- .. . . ", vr cif ins WnOld UOtar fir man.. br I thai ta tha aaik.. Iri. i-..... XT 01 eompo part tht Uni.rd Sute.. .kiu- tS ?0..trocr wh h h! ; yV Mtone. and ,wt U , ctinaJdrrril. Hntor. N.iU. s- ... J J 1 rb.el In H owr htercflurae stH r.reign, 118, e.nColin" th'. exclani. do of rr" : v" cioot, in riurcotnmrrcial i-rtralaiLrtna iiv tilaiW i nr auemttitlntarrJ,.,rv.h.i--.: k. "-"7 " "",,c,Bn"f 1 UJhhi our rjwniuieo Thtr C'5 itrreiza kDOWteilffd, liiemwUriiiVlhai. M.tU. Irllml an.f.mi- .ta .. ' i be Martha brmrrUnn ; 1. 1 ; tkI.?!:"::::""..?- :rtr ttte-ri;. State have the to miirl..i.a .im,. I,i.r,.n .,k;.. ..-' , tq ,nT .-, .. thinH 4propf,f. f?a;:th. Clrrwikt, It hi W'UrsiiiifiUuite f smucb uj! tne owtxi ;oi rt;; n ccmraon unuii . Li; Z r "1'' ; enteoce i. foV 1;, cU1,i,t,.j' grlot ihejnatlet; Ihaj- npt'bed'llf trot, with ent winch thej atloHt tUeie..a!pMdentf W proper nam,: krein Bationl l. . f ' ' .'"' TliutlSth . the- illdiani .r krtnu4 rr. C.S.".8. a"." 9. C ' .t..i i... , .. . .. . ' ... . r. ' . "i'i'iivation ot wnich to : tx' w ; 7, rrr ; -a;.w b nnqutiunnaDie anr intMan ff i&n when used Is. th. a m.ri '"' v -c. , . " y Mr. Chief JusUca Mar.: 7 ;": i.! ! ' T?,."1r7.. P g'n . oe tXercihcd o regsrd - - a V 1 'ahall. one mot on of ih r.h,l..., w..,: 1 tOBur ftQVtrAineflt..Tet it maw Ufll I., frt fnrin"n,-rt.i. ; Minat lh'Si.iVr .T. V '- . 7 I'itJ. j,k:.,.t ' b 'IT . , tu.a uui tit uiarif, tuf y , am.. .' nei triCr LDIletl Siai. . ..ih contra iliiiia..... .t i ' - t. j , 1 7 aVlaw I r S-aa A.k a' aiavoipuraie poo'snuii reman, orw Impaired. ,- --' , -f ...' :. . . ,T .f Jt . V ' -w. - .,,.- ,'7ri , . iji- - fj An aptto iprovMjLu ;for the, lurther emtensa i l".n ' Wrhkt ol the Diatrfct of Ufc.atle ,t Isliind.-'?. fc.-tjr.-JV' S'"--' -rv"J, - lie it riirwIMS t, tlm n. ' . . . . . . - w.HH.a hihi ttutfac yj preventative if the, United Stale ef America in Congrtt aembled .That tlie. Marnhal ot the district of Khode Island ahall be emitted to re- aacrra in aquiuoa xo me aompensatioh now al lowed bit .law. an miniiut ulan tn im I....J i dollar, parable e.uarlerly'w out of uiy miir.ey in thd TreasurrJ nni niha.iia'i-a. .ni,w.n.;..Li . Approved, March 3.USV , -4 j ',V 4,. Art Apt ftrt; tje reliefer a?rlain, JcWt f ecn. i wucnies iBsueti m fieu oiWiiilaiaiiureatiyeai'th eakesia Miasourl. -' j' ' f-h Hti i'B? it emitted A tlu Stmjtii , J rr.a. r. ' prttentative J IA hrtef aSfl?e f America in 1 Vttntrrmum nynMt lk..a. I I anj ertificati!S of ne location hw.ued nnderlhd act - of Bet-lllaM-lllll ' f.'l.. n.ra 4 ' -inaaV ""- J-lamiOluiiai Iaight hiuidreal nd filteen, for ie inliel of pr aon 'whose lauds Vore Injured j eartlmnakcs ,.aaiuri. wnirii mny uuve oeen located oimli lauds, SH) pxrt, of which has beetr adjudgeil to any person or person as a rigid ol pre-emption", . (hall hfi flnthfll.'d tl ,lrta.ul. .ink u,.. .... ... on' such lands as are liable to rntry at iirivate m.-, a- o.-.icro, xnai preaious to waiting tucll new location; 'the leat owner 'aforeaaMl iiiall relinqurah talhe United Statea alt claim to the previous locution, And pmided That suoli-loeation srttdl brlsade end pments imued tliet-efor,; Hade tha tame rrgulatldmri and re atrfctaotnaj iia H the Jpaation Wl bin made un der tha ll,. .. f a.-' . - - - . - i"- .y1 D lun VI Jki aet' ot thf werftr-aixtb; April, one thousand eight hundred and twenty -twa, entitled. Au act to pt ieet aerUio location and aks of the puhlia lands in Maaaouri.'' , .. v-. " "mr'h yr, .we vnert.Kee flai . - - - . ' - , I . - - " - -r ; w. -w r I.HIU 'r llll u,ntl!iUrl lllltr 111 h. c)H;a eg o dc.lwto ni Ue depended Natidhi'.;Th M tocW thin can ,ercej. be W 11 foofc& 1 uran ee,or tne-enitl lie,; until thee' re. I ot iCtetiirit tif. V.-iit,T; ..V....;J:y::.aBA, t Jrls-.n. an i -,.-, f '.. i . . - I'T w.t "rr,,t,,,"ti"'H .: nt tne! iniiiHfi t :e-iise 01 if tiat. .',o,.,. i : r.a.- - - i. 'W -;u.b!Mrt;jurdi:.nnlei:iB l Ihe rxiii.r vu.:'-.a .-.j -Jn .... .... - v rr?' "r en bjatey ol fbiv 4Ittrbt thereof,- '.ought ,iiot tb' be ch( ire, rrfiirer'ded;. sen.ts tioti The tlescribea enumerati eiteiit tweeh tttdf.orele8tatoa.-r.hliiriwi..w "'"fc." A spbsetiuebf .ctatiie Vif ili iVm-' id it. i j. j.i- '''V- -ahdlftii'rrw'N'in.a.U:5r: - 7-" T,.v.-.-f I v. neie uiaHt; -tpi never tnteretl ; the' m ntf tif an In- 0i?Jitueab1 tfl'6fh.-tHbi.ei SSiJi a. " .. . . 'J V"1- tf lajMChetoftsnailt.n .. tFbGM that tftrm .iUUned m the Cormttt-uttim? fi'-.'i.-vy,:.VjsV' maintallhl'd tha .rhriTi.iia.. Lfii'l bsitiOB wnh grent earneitneas ahd nbiJ Hjrs Sa toOcii f .'the argument as wai t. n. I.'. I n . at . Cnerokeea a. a State.- 4 ii.. lihtnl (Kictjf tVamttl from' others; pablfttifnariagiiig its oiintTar ,nti gt'vwoiBg .jtseM, baa, ta the'-opinion f 4 wajority tif thejadnea.bten complete? fwtnly treated oa.t ijtaJe.rom the get Uemeot f ou country; :.The Viiimer ou- tNatiN ;madt-;:wi tli tihimr t the UnitedTaStais' rtjcoRtiize them aV 'peo pie eapable of maintaining lhr relajidn Of peace and. war, f being respona.Ue in their political character for any iov lation of their en;grmeritn;"tir hr any aggresriqii eomthitted on the citi.fDa of the. Uniteit Stately any Indifirlual of their community. Law have been en acted ia t:e pirit of these treaties. I bo acta of our Government plainly re- VS Vratra.nhe'esertion of it. phy' ' ": :' Hin;;byUhe; Court may be; 6np..ijiinat. - fi ii.a.. 4 i i in1 "eflVibi aa;el VhdwtQod tr bo. vjlateamettvwhig: fim'etr'-ino Oon .aqtuiaiif the United S(f e oml might HmV1 Hnetrf""n for' omitting to ffi,- liB thia aa it .nn.w .1- . ..I. .. n : betwten the: United Sutra and tbe ta dUfts occupying our temto-r are 'oc1i that we should lecl " m ueh ' r'(ttBcu i'f V f .fconsider'ng them a designated. by term rofeigf ,g4fe, were there no other paruf.tbecoflntutiin , which nii-ht shedv'l.ght on the meafling ol' ihe word I J Jlu t trie th ink that, in construin -them, considerable ai4 furnished by that clause b. theighll, section of . the third artich which- empowers Cono-reis li ". Tgol' commerce with . foreign Nations antg the several fitates. and With the Indian tribes.' .1'':'", ' ' H . la this clause they are as clesrly con tra distinguished h a a. I- L I J Ullf Mf ate to themselves, from rorejVnKaiioce.l fii freirf the several States cTmosm the Union. ..'M,. ... .1. .: . . 1 . ; j "raiEimtea ov . l . distinct tppelUtloD. and J tl.i. -r..l ll"'" h V "'h kng C nhbtinrtg'people asning their inde- M ; r nden5ef t-ight to which 'tfie StaU ' V . malcingWirimrnaUo Mefc1ah!-t-i usual powers or $elf government n ttt)r '.','. fPlrybythaerokeepai !;r ' , it t i P . pi; the bill which ';ASV.. resPec(aht Tand. occunie.l by the InCf r mf be more ' o.imi, -,. the mero'qoegiioTi' of ri-ht " inigM perhaps k decided by this court ' -if.PWf e:wilh proper parties.-.' 1 ' JJut tlie court is asked to do more than K ,l leVT bill require! ' ..r' control ih tn(a r n. . .iwihiiijii ii a i iriirrri t. 4 'v'':",. qowwned. - .Jt. savors too' much of e erase.orpon;,. J power W tc wi.; ; tht-H primer proil,,, ,. ( f(hB judlciatepart- 1 mc tit. But ,ii,a opinion- (.-. th respecting 'parties makeautt necesgarT to uetiue this nuestioii,T; i If jt be tru thst tl3A ror ! ma!.. have right,, u, rot, t!j8 tribunal ii Wllicll t ' hfa mi. t , If it te t . it. vvrou-, : ,ive Dieted, a i i .;.t tilj' greater ar apprehended, tl.U is cot the t which can redrthg ras,t or v the future. ' ! .Tbeniotion for a n ! nj Ajtrival of the Peacock. T F4f at I'eacoi It fi.;,i r nay 1 ". 1 be P. hrmra U '"i ij i ') ti .-Ll i vert, '. ,f-' ncd. ' if !' . s ..V W . " " .(., '. IT" . iv,a, , 5? . a.-a.-.4 vV4