S,J; V v , i v u I' eii' c Of. -TflG STAH,- 1 .Vxil-CarvlinA JKaf. Cixrff. LAWRENCE ii LEJUTe'V ft w!t - Jbtt rfK , Off 4ljt1 a. W will aw era vtiwl at ll $1 , ia at re Maori, walrae all er .r ar aaad. iJurtiTmrtt, ant ! leaartad tUrx Ujaa lur- aad tew y ii aa far m eo AU fetter te the editor et .ho . PROCLAMATION,- - tie 0 v tmo p.' Sor(S ' CsroSno. 260" Dollars : ReVard!! It, H he bm aaade Um toBae,ekat nt lately eaaamittad B the wownt of anathaiaewtaia THOMAS HULXHX3, M aoaaty end State aTjreaaid, charred W rwdwl of a orooer' )awea. e-fch hardrj .mated tee am oal the body f ma Aabo v; Jter, Ik of tha aerac net- 1 eed Slate) and a farther rcprcteated aad na 'e knew. U lUt tha all ThaBsa Hudfiae hubibf i ie iurudioUao mA llian, f the Stale - ,, therefore, to tha end that tbd eatd Tho a Huilgin awy be appraheadew and hroerht -ai, ta abo-a reward af iww honored dollar b girea t anjr proa ar. -paf-aOoa. who will rand Bad eeatne him to any Jail (a Uala a, that he MT ba Brought la M rarer tha af. aitbvhiaii ha ataixU harrad. r And I do ronr borehy raqaira all afficew what arte rsr, UoiT8 M mUitary, Uhn thi Saitn, to aae jt kc aadaaver to apprehcad and take, of to apprehftxled aMltahsa, theaaid Tho Htfiia, to that ha mar ba bravest irjiiMiM, , 'm and Thoaaat Hodgiaa it a hoot wanrr-va ,-i of f. abauU feat lioohea htgh aod haa $ iweiplexiaa, ; ., ' .; , , Una nder mr haad m Toraor. Wd oder the ireat aau ot tba Ut, at t .a sttr of r a .a .na a . a , . . ( (l Kaleirh, Uua SOth day of May, A. D t. M.'.BTOKES.:' Ufa, UWT.....w. f . , . t 1 R UlTM V Vm'i V - w aaaBB) a aM ' 4S Sat P08i;:OFFlC&ALGiOH, MAbrtKern'Mait anrrdnf atS o'clock. 4. and dopartt at Si P, M. '1 'it htStMiVrwffotf arrtrei dailjr at 3 f..M. fehiru at V M. .i.v-i' -t. V'''"' n Sam.Wo arrH arerj- Tuenlsy ibd -i1at at 7 V it: and departa ererjr Mon!aT ; rd f jws-' T& i SMitbitrjf MaUrAc.enrf Sunday and dsxatil Af .v ami depam ery Toe4y ft-Wat at I A,,M. 'r.-i- -' .", i; W JWnaAffntj H't ami.,eerjr Tueaday, iiidav ao4 Satardaf at T P.;L--of depart f Mouday, Wadneidar od FrUlar at A, I ' " ;';- - 1 ffaBfa. Mnil atrhrea ewf; Tedy, iiwfay aid Satartlny at ItK P. M. and depart i HaadaTi Tuaoar ma rttnt at 3 Oxfrd;Mail arrive aTerjAVWneMay Sof.lt) av 7 P. M. Mf dspartf cTery Tarn, tud Friday at t A M. .t Si, Koxbwrtugh Mail arrtre sery Monday itttnuayat J a.s.j.- Ul depart fef My Jd P"dy U f A.-.t.';,v;,.;'. ,i Raywrnd Mail arrtvei eVerjrSat'unlay at Jl. and oVnaru ert Pri'laT at A. M.V Pott.Oraaa will ha kept open ry dy Mf Vt J A. M. to 7 P. M. etemt when itutieiot tneomeo require . to berEdt b Sunday aaarainK until f A. M. and half fur after the rrirIo(the Southern ao4 Salit, TnosK g; Scqtt, p" 'Vsr''..!? aiittdi'i 1 .)5otrto Fatitjf Pjaj!cuk ' ' - .... s c-' -U.',.1,!. 'is-i Miefal iVMera of medical nrartwe. 1 niuat ber WulpDB9 of thoae vtio a;r ' too readily llj- fi (o utaKa a aeetatiw, ua Ua tnwnied at an a it theses Hiralueble diaeoteriea: . . Th anttior, le'life. ha Wcra ena eoiitinued aeana of par erery utterhpt having hen mfttlts to i Jim, in hi etHkavora toeitaUuh the charao 1 til rateqiKnMaatMaaea nn neremtning y to ptirnuo a vaurto of duty. " Out f the n bo ha eo) wHh honor and 'prefevroent. from the hand ot hiteutra. 4-'teuei Irtt ht atoit attention at the" uroteMitm, he lalled tortb the talent and for of legilthe ttela. and thaajttirobation-of raea of emmenea. trjulil landr raiae herarmt, rwitti the weir ot ridicule, to arreat ia k nrocreat the "a lot 'Medieal BoUny rigimted by Doctor mtna and. ita Btllkr.- ttitl h moi lhua V year axperienoaiia wraslant prsiee, tet wolle ttat bp atrengta 1 btieooie weafcj ! r effort put to flight. I he a quack? Ui works amniaa tha detMoe f the State ' of thote o6( of In ordrr, though acquaint ' A hi lyateroi pareaa their tnnraplej tliea ill be prepared tetudeeratiooally. I'akahot tunnle, or ahooae fur yoax eritarioa,tha iiwatthoaawhohaTbcaaoi memburaonly of, lxme Society, to prove it otility Tlwce xae who profeH to praetloe' hy hi Ttem, w many artielet M Uioflicine which V lytoybiUi, mid ha cluhid (rontlii yt.in rtioft ,Cnder tha name of Them n. ' ar mwy pemiciout preparationa uted, ! impotkioa t tiurt tha, publio- will guard liierihef hhvinf tery lately Wtted the of tlii ayateaH and. raeeived from him ; imtment of airent, her l-ar to ialorffl ""0 that liu lis CBrahUtbed himself in Hill h. one door above Mr. Kile' Store, where 1 be found at all time, utile profriuol tt3rwiie engag(l and from the ommi tuui "J paiua he ha Ukea M beeonte fully ao- le with tha' praetiee, not only with the all 'ut other who have aaed it extentWaly for - Tear, feel a confidence ia affording relief "xne who feel a dupoition to call on him, "V tinde f oy" of the following diaeaseti 'option or pulmonary diaeaafa, dyipep'h, fuina, general debility, or long .standing oi erery rler. All acute diaeaae are "wily treated hr tin mode of praetiee, od toaommonly adopted, to eatabllth 'Sterol the tuoKaifui. I feel o diapoai 1 eoold oreaeut inanr eertineate to Jl fcU IJlc mum's itruia. ' - eaT tr. Early nU rOrirtl. r tHf tIU -X in onja- aeapting t4Jrrd tht (art era eky, wii. W j. lft e.ir per cH bioj he cJittrriftj tJii. J! tbinn beicr ready. SrhranJt laaarkaJ hU Ctf ctoow mi th sraMlh nirrar w (ht liuilMO, rJ AUMteal kj tu dltkf Cbtroit, M Tjerck. piddUd gtray .p. wirti, towards tht atMircM a that tea- attwajij taw, ajant tu taw. luianant bordera, aoaaa Mattervd indieatioot fcf Uit) rootilrp V tha wbtta nan. tod heard amid lh kirh. tawarinir foreati at a Uittajoet in tba aplande (aa tie of the firtt aettler, tha cratH f tha f.U- to j tre. lb barking af tha deep aaaaih hBd, aad Ibe report ef a aolitar. dia taot jua, repeated over and over bj tb echoev neer perhapa awakeoed tha before. "A .rude hot. Ike, Ural aaaaj td wards-unprorement tps- the - Indian wigwam, appeared liervand thera at far interrata along tba aborts, tha image of diertin;.and ueaolattoo. -but teeming ant me aqa iiTiii Mtii. A.tQ.ej paiied a1ong;c tba; littla half -clothed, white -haird orchina pwjred fovrth b dnem,- gtxioj and - howf"tnrat the pawing j.- ttrangera. . .QradttalTr theae ideneea of tha progeaa of that roving, ad ventnrona race,, which ti lending forth iU travetlert- Its- merchants, iu tchulart, tta wrriore and ita miasiob arief annH with- the' sword anAlhe Bible, into every rrgioo of the peopled earth, ceaed aV-gcther. Natare di pUjed heraelf Baked before theek," and the innocent earth, exhibited her bean ties in all the.eareless, unstudied sim plicitf of iur . first; parenta, r the aentte of gtiitt taught theta .to b(utb and bf ahsmed. 'There wan silence on tbe earth,: on -the waters, and in tb air. save when- the voice of nature spoke in thee tvhtrt wiad,;- the . thundr and the raging of the river when the full chsrg ed cloold poured their delude into iu NiahC wbirb io the croa.iud hauats of mo is tne saatoo of silence and re pnsa, wsa here far more noisy than the day. It Was' then Jth. at - the prowling irefbootera nt the woods mufd from their recesses to seek their prey and hymn' .rheit shrill or growling Vespers to the tharigefal moon .or the evarfast- ng stars," those silent witnesses or wbst mortals wish to hide .'At- the? toiled unwrdl ttr the) moonlight evenings a- gainst, h current, which , eery day baine more rapid aa- they procr.edeu towards 1 tn- rails,' ther were hailed Irotn .th'e shore at ine'rvaU by the howl the wolves, 'ihe: growling' of the bears, and the cold,' cheerlfjss quiver ings' of the-' solitary .-, acre ech -owr. heOt..tird with the? labours ;ot -the 'Jjtyithey drew their canoe to the ahore and jay by -for the' . ni jh't' their 'only atety was in lightning a lire ara eep inr it burning all the time. wThia aim r p-sJaally becaManrrg aaora diiiroct johnatevn ta Ke t aad &a4. Pk s U caea amade its way as the. i-ijra aasurtf 8rbraadtb weM fiod ttrtxim, wkich novbegaa U viniH a-, tSraa ai Ut fro-a the vbcfc b bl Ln boiiicrHdiea, each erearead U Ug aottpte4 great part f the ti, Ka eeotre with cap el aer-h'Uti tbatadiaos ectaaiejalvalept ia ha the raaaa. lareng.a prw actio r ixwat. w-Uer wu bad. If asv ld?a nldia-l . 1 ... 'mm - . - -1 j - - .niw mm in a wall .1 . - - . - - - a.L. - i re L I . I. . i . - . . .. v'j. I ,w r -'" m ina w ajMt, u wit, in cnusney. , in a HITie while watch, aptuefall tkair aSbria, Jerked .coupled, with the conviction that ifPask J Qerckaed the lodiau returned bring tbe bowo( tha light canoe eemplately ingoe bad aay bwd deaignsbe could i igtHe-Brviona w.Kb war yorsgers ree4aai shot bar, like an arrow (tens j eeete rheajeet as lt where he wu aa had laid In. tv-ihtr wiib twe jpo "V iai" "Wir tea river, j at toe p ace waere lie wiabe J kiK to ge.( which baI bea left in the raaoe. FiaJijig it iaposaible'ia proceed any He therefore consented ta sscompanr ! Te 4 Paakiusne fla.hed fir. larthar la tai way, they landed and bias, cietwithsUadieg ait tba elce "Is the wnt man arraij r the ewauaeaced the Ubarieua Uk af uniad ol aid Ijerek, who, bv aiua and latiksJ bear aad wMvee tw aight?" ' , flgaod carrying tbriraimhiftdiae aad t attempted ' te (iisauadf hita. Accord- I urooghleea for Tear he get wet." aeote pretkoa rooi thacsca. Vti',a tary wrro gone the e ee ardetad hia prpla te kjadl a tre, whta thy dtd wl'h aaeae deceit r, aad the rate at length brameiIIaaaiAatel with lha red glare J the pioe knots that hissed to canoe araeae the Jails ta as eat the placid carraat above. While this c. copied; they encountered a party of Mohawks, who had coraft thither to lh, headed bra chief eatUd Patkta- gae. ar the aoe-eyed. lie was a tall. amietio savsge. six last aign. ai a lera- eious appearaace and, indiffertat thar. scter. lie aaoi loat an eye in aooie drunken brawl: and ' hatinr aaiied a gndd deal with the white me, exhibit dtha usqal eRwcta af such aa inter- eoerae.Nft a combination of the vices of beta races. Cuoutng, lvarkioes,' and reveogiul, tie ui aad aut&ctent mas tery over his feelings to disguise- them when obvasioa required, etcent under tba influence of Jntoikauoa, then h'u bad paasioos bersme ongov eroable, and his rage without .aiacnmiaatioa or con; tral. . It 'was, said , h had killed his ewa eon in aae of theae bloody pafut- 5 ma, under pretence that he was un ortainn his influence with the ' tribf. Ke was atttfag wuh his party of four Indian besides ' himself , under the shade of a clump of pines that nodded aver, the foaming ' torrent, when gy brandt aad Tjerck, suddenly, and un expectedly to thfrnselves, came full upon, them The .Indiana had aero them coming up the river afar oht with a keanKas of yisioo' they pnassss per haps 'beyond even the animal. bf the forest." : "' : .. n - WJcanje, brother, aaid thechijf to 9ytranat. t ; 1 v-.v --;: ' AhJiPask'mgne, how you donaid nerck; who aa known, him before, "1 00 link' to see you herej Ind I ho glad neuner," audeu he aside ' te him self.' . r. .- .'.'-5 . :';' -l . .There was little' ceremony practised io these interviews between the traders and tba Indians.-; ybrandt ' inquired for furs; and the chiff asked what be had to exchange tar ... them. Finding thatVSybrandt had brought; with' him two .of three, ksgs of that poison which has "swept away the race of the Ted men and teems almost .on the eve of doing the aame t6 the wlii: Paskin gtje hecanie very earnest with himv tt go to the junction of 'the Hudsofi with the Sacondaga, where he aid he htd plenty' of people wbowould exchange eommouittea with him. " ; . Tjck. shook his heai, and Sybrandt What, Hay brother .afrhid?1 said h ..I.?-. i ' . mtr a ' i - . -a. - i t .t : pie expedient fornishea tbe only kecuri j Paskibgoe " la not. the Mohawk the tv axatnat the feroeiftus hunger of theae! friend of Ihe white man? r M en that are a- midoight mvauders, who ioever ap-!fratd should stay home with their wives,'' mm.-'L. ..:.L m. ... Jk a 4 A w tt, . tmklXk A A. ' d A A mm A M. M rOnS lit H ftital . - V' " - . . . . a a. a " " t 1 ... I 1 . t a , 4a t ana glare-witn "i am not airawi but"- thy stand and howl the nperior emaury of thi medicine, but I aneeary, f UlB batani. those who with a know the botanM tMrliM.. .In th'f.p TamiliM.' rnjhed on good terma, by calling on tbe T"1! who .baa oa hand lamily right, and i ; KUJ All LfEWELUNO. ' a 8en,,einen in thi plaee bae deirec MfertiM train. ihi I imtpa .1 ih ,ad'lolh,' necettai f correooiitlence, for of filty t, for h-renewai. They 7 lilike t relate tkeir iriendf at a di. bUe they find the 'p-quit call on thm nTt " ". '"""nvedient laa oa their "icoiine. I win al,n ,rgnMB ,y 0l,ef for amall ehare. - ' - . , du i ' .V- WO.. PECEV , ptV,7unalO,t83t 1. t." lll.AMIf ;. . ! '. vx f vw.ior 5 ft tajs yl&oo their eycea mark, for ihe. woodinan, who takes "his Hfieverfailifig im. dtrect ly betweeo these two bulls of living fire. ; but he labiwcti of our hefo'ji voyage I were far greater than the dangers.? He and 'hia'truaty squire hail Jo breast the wiTt torrent frem the; morning' ootSl niht,' and .win iver foot tf fhvir?yky by skill and cxeriioh combing .So'mej Hme' the curreot swept. through'a long, uarrow reach; betweeo u-tlges oi rocks that-crowded; Itinto increasing' dfplh and yelocttyjit otherajt wound ita de-. liiaii. 3d n . abru nt t u rni ngs, bttellinf tt-wyery .'side' wilb sharp pnjwctuins either just apoyf-tur just oe low the Surface; and at. athf re thej were obl'gtrd -to unlade tbeir, light ca pa, iftd carry' Ui lading fairly. rdond some. impassibK"4stJUcuoa..v Iij" this matineritheyjjroreedecl.vwiBBiitg tneir way anch' by iricbwatchipf wiib an attep tiotia'aij aakiety- never to, be re-- raxed for a moment without the danger, tiay .Hhe 'cettaiftty, bf the kfiipwreck of tbtr ts(( canoe, the toss of thell' eargr, sod tha 'disgrace of : aauosuccesstui yoytge.'b.Thia.; Iat i waa -rhat ' every young man feared beyond all the dan gers and privations oisDis enterprise. It was a death blow to his reputation, as well as his future prospects; for not a rural damsel would I condescend to waste a smile upon a "youthful admirer who had failed in his first adventure. Tha two qualities most valued among these aood neoDle were courage and m-udence: and it arAed a wantof both of these' When he lost his tK.at and his cargo, or stopped Short of a good mark et among the men ol the wooes' t ; At lensth. after enduring what would demolish a regiment of well-dressed daodies in these degenerate firoes, on the fourth day towards evening,; thej were warned by a dittant, dull mono- tohousi heavy sound of their approach to the falls of Fort Edward", as'they were then called-at that time a fronr tier ao.U::':Sy-1 J'?- ,vV ; Harkl roassa feybrandt,' said Tjerck, as be paused from plying hi ceaseless naddleiJ" harkl I hear. mm." . v Hear whntr" repueti tne omer Haah!" said Peskinsorr when I go-1 Jibe fort,; 1 will tell' them I mer'a white man who dared not g to the ls Condygs, bVausa he heard an old.ow) screech; alluJing to the shrags. aatl motiona of old Tierce? r'f Mr brother will get, no' beavers unleaa he. goes. to Saeoiidago. nej ; wui , go homfi- as he came; and the young women will laugh ..Sybracdt, thought of. Catalina, and determined to go wiib tha chief. Th Indiana .assisted him in "carrying his ta noe ; and merchandise rsund the por tages at Fort, Edward and Glens FIm ana tnyugo toey cast many a longing look at the kega of ramrtiirowiag out many shrewd bintt. at ; tha same time, . : " as. a . a. . a . intff. early thi aext maroiar. thev ta barked aa the alatsh'Saoonda, the Indiana ia their canoe,' and 8ybrahdt with his tnrsty squira ia his, aod pad' died their way aUog the deviuui wind iagt af the laay : solitary atrekm, that teemed a vast aerpentaaTeep la the high grave that skirted ita hunks.,-After . pro ceedisg mom milea -thef- became, as it were, lost ia the pathlcsa,moootMty fj toe vast meadow; which presented to the ;h try obt; urtty of a cloudy day no rlitlinct autlide or boundary.-. The ai leaca all around them was as the silence of a wiq w' eight; when the wind ithush edtoafrezingeUtniasva that tbe dip puig.oi !h paddles, at measured later ysls," was heard, and scrcftly herd, like 'h,e clicking of the death-watch when all elae la still. .Sometimes at rare inter vrs a solitary heron, ' would raise his 'ong oer.k ab;ive the grass' along - the stream, and make a strange discordant noise, which was echoed by the ludiaoa in.H'c.kery; but otherwise it was 4 dead pause of nature) the world of sound wa still aid i.he.w(rl(J af sight, presented netting but a . landscape of drrar uieUn chully sameness, a sky of one dim on ytryia ai.tde of motionlm clouda; aybrsndt felt his solitary situation. which became grvjully more disagree -bte fnhn his seeing, or imagibing he saW, oertaio. looks uf equtvocsl meaning pass b?f a.u paskhige and bis. Indians. 'Jdrte'-'occasioa,;turoi'ig': suddenly rou id. he ahserred'the oa-eyed chief auaae nis neaa in annwer to aa tnriuir. : t.i. -r ...--.'- - lug ihi i uqn cti nis companions, anu point .jn the direction where,' peering soova the dead level olr tha,: maadtw, etood the'liUle iruttic &&hiuk-hoie. Towards icveritng they approached the bead of the rivigation 1 of, .he stream, clotd by which stood the buildhg,' For huc iiuioiiciure ine iui uiisnea ot me lightning, futiowed at lazy intervals by the distant chUchat thunders, rumbling and muttwiiig-- had indicated the an proachof a storm. Gradually the Indi an plied their paldles . at" uuiikt-r- and qutcker-intevaUt and so. did Sybtandt anu ma Mjuire, in oruer to aeep pace with7 them -At length, jiiat as ' they aTr riyedv at . 'little rude. landing place, where Sit WiWiara Juhoxon, tsunclWd his c'ao'iM when g')ng on a Rnhing- match. me uiataui waving, oi me pino ;oret, which her Ordered in ni'tjeatic" glnotn aid gnndeur oh.the edire of the wide" tBodtw, and) theteringlrops " of rsm, &An vnrfti thecrii wis approach, tng rapidly; :Thw'rarasyonlt:'-'time for 9ybrsndt to enjerbis ntuha'OitiW'carcH follf,j ere ltckma' in: forrenta on V wtngk-of a wind that laid fiat the rank Sigh graaeand1 irtade" tha; fH-?r groan. The pafty, both SyKandt, Tjerck,' and the Indians; made thbesr tCtheif ,wy (o thf ;, fishing ho'uselh.diorwbich Wjii'o&ened without ceremony; there be ; iu no orie in it , and ha furniture requit ' VA N10U T TsCKNE.' ' ' ' For som tte)here. was a dea.4 silence auiongthe arty.i;Pasktnffoe was 'kni dyi.and. Sybrandt, see'Mfg no Vc of the Indians he expected to meet at thu snot, from titUe to tima eved him will. looka of suspicion, ffjrleiuld out help bHieVing his designs were at least queu tiboaWe. bbf disguise from hirriselt that said flJ.Tjrrck .Aatbeooa eye p'aced bis bluid side town di.ihem. Tierck dstterioualy headed Sybraadt a anile which he had ,ctncealad - under his homeapan liaen frwtkv and which " the young man as dtxterwiuiy hid in his bosom. 'V The meat being aaw prepared, they sat, down i partake otit.V After fioiahing, the ana-aye asked Sybrandk-- Has the white man' any firt water in his caaoeK V ' " r ,"'. fr fi'r I have, replied Sybrandl. After a pause bf ' some minutes the r chief aaked-a. i-v . Another panted tnaoed, which was again interrupted by the chier, ''"' . v- Has it never; been .to the pring? Our people bare Nab poisoned by the white mart mixing 1oo much cold water with the fire wat;, Hr' '. .v '-"It .is v very good.? answered 8y brand t and another paused eniueaV v . VVneh tha white man cornea among os, said the chief, " wT tiflor the. best wis have.;. W a -dont hid away 'our corn, and give him the huk. :,That is what Van white men call nigars!,,;',:-:;. 'No'niord nigger, dan yourselfr'' muttered :old Tjerck?'! vV': '?:'ti '. 8ome -drink woud'bi very jfnod" said pae eye.r I am dfT- 'v- f , 'Tjerck poliiely handed hitn . a . horn , cup of water; which he dashed on tha floor, while, hia countenance began to exhibit keen anger and impntiepce,r ! ; '..If tha white, man won't give, will ha Sell?; The Oieat ManUohaf promised me aome Bre water to. bight. I den ed td last night-Vi M Yon dream almost equals to- tsir Viiltani Jhnson,'Xeplied, Sybraudt jiiniling.Paakingoe.shuok his head. o.v no.w said he-8ir.William uu(-dreamc me-v Ha' dreamed '-away my best huntin-groUii(Ujbut- IonU dreamed away bts red coat But wifi the white man trade for some 8i a wa " aV:aav-a . imi rtunu, yeinng at ln ttnir inna ith hiscompatdns. he sti'iia f rr'f v k gybrandt felt Jhe peculiar delicacy it on situation,' thPft buried alone in the tlepthiof thewiidfilitudjs bf the 8a-coudaga.-, Ue-ltnew Ibe danger of de clining, at well 1 at complying u jth'thf .UUr tJ L t ... !fi r...'. JI. i wiaic.w - aaanigoc. : - nt irtgie cr tirely would be to provoke his violewce.j te g.ve him A tOkMierate portion of $ pitlts wuuiji , prprjioiy tniy render hit more anger f ormore, ami to artord the means pf intoxication vrould be only; - h'. pre lutieo violence and murder Uafihg these pflectiuns.xihe anger and impati ence of the whole party became ho tvi dent, that he at lenght determined, at tltevb5t alternative, to. grafrty them with a Umatl portion; in the -remote hopti that they "would be ntiitfied...; H accordingly tent 'Tjerck foribbiiU which he bad laid aside to treat tha old man nowund ,hen; Tjerck ' ihook hia head, and tibeyed ,wU manifes;iinwUj lpgMsai.iJ:.ff i;..'.It "is gobtii'tiaid One eye1isvhe took a dtep;drauht and handed ir to the Radian nejtf iiun I i g.iod, but the water i very shallows tha Indian seat the bottom too' .eastt'y?! -vi'AaeViiw. deed, bylhe time i had gofni round the 'botUa;'-watfempty.? however.been twallowed io wken the alee ping douion; that every nlrop 'of ti- hia.t tnusepV. ta te r. I' the yrlliif tnawfS tf , haw he etciped frwoi t.; . i S brnoM home with kia t i u j . their acslj. '. Whai white man tou'd la t'Cn cried he. darting hit eyes tf ei! ;'r.t flreen Syb'at.d'i " ; What w! it mu would dare d thia, even if hi litis wrr at tike iho af a womn ? T $ white mat is a reward' and a lr; La cheats as of our land ami WtUL f r! B pon them, from behind' wl.u!. V shootetat dowa like do. He thit.la heia uur master, "aod that we are ,', black" itrgrwa. who have noiLin wa eaa call war Ha-a.M Then Crs .hir ua fouanawc,ano aancine. ana 'n.irr tn concert with hist wfM'ootW" The white en a cannot ataad before the Indian Unlet turre ia two to one. .' 1 koow itI P4kina I "know It. At Cauraijui I s.,.' ned this mmtHawk ia the sro! f two of thncrward wh were lunni., awy . like deer. -At lloahelrg I drank . tha blood of .three brtpging cowaj d.t it was pale and told like tit nf a S-di. At the great water of Onjiriol m- out their hearts, aad every where I g I die their tcatna smokinc fiora their ouivrr. tflgbratn, and spit upon thm; and grind them under the oies of my feet, They .- a 1. a . coma never look me in ihit lace, and so . the cowartU fried to escape ihe fire f . . my eye hy putting them but.'" Bat they r shalj know mi? better with'one eye t n ra they did wirh two. . Tea calp have pi 1 v for oneif my eye, and ten moirf t 'l ' be pid bvl.r l sleep with my fhc ' . ,r Qraduilly ' ext ited by ,' he' tq iug v".;. and the ' Stoma of. theatbMiodr'' et .y r pfe'a-' the'Indiins and thir ehit-l be- C', . ; came,raving mad ; They quarrtlled and -s'ruk at each other wt'h their knives. 7 -y ? amUhuetted for oloVd with Jhe itiatiact; '-vV m beasts of prey maddened by , iwt of ' hungcru!At le'njr:ft he n-eye shouted ! --' Are; we ftkoisf Bl.xd raustbe iiiej : s ' ; to n)ght,but not the blhod of (he In.liarj-vV" ? Tha Great Sprrit has sent vibe whita msn here (o atone, for the wror-g, of hit ' ' pe6ple..Iiet him itlielT , ."' -, v It as drink his b'oed.W Let u e -1 i scorch his brain -with; red-hot'- coals!'".- 'T'.' "? Let us tar out his heart!',', shoutvA 'i .' tha yelling blends, as they brandished'- their wespirts and;xaita Inwards Sy;-'t. . hrandt with foaming mnu'hs : and eyea- : darting fireV-v At this mo-nent the '-anl of the yi4.ag ntan bowed to the Mp-iru ; .r,1' eynl these aci omul:ing horroi i but it . ' sunk on;y fur a -moTteniy and regained it ' level agat't. jThere. was no chjaov e vf ra . :, trear, ahd "theyery -hortle.sne.s 1 et ! : -r cape nerved him to a teat Vtd wary exerW,! tim-of hi ta"-4eof defence v Ha afaani' '? ed his jeeret 'koife 'aii'l looked 'roood:'!H:4j fa,n1e:trsiyrTJef'iy:whdaky beaaw artha.innmentAa.-uiia'iKgft n(,M- eae of the" window hti the oppnM e sida'-'-: 4 . ,rk- ...t. : ,ti..-. t..r. i...-. ... ,r -xi himaiUf fiir whatmight follow.' J'T c la- -H1 ' dlantc wtiri, all their, hardiim i an I " . dritt-i'e Chkrynf their liveaiti h j 'i wnintr.ninso,ti)eptitnt no pi; ; 'a ; of earth die to feo6ltv; But, ibe .'.point oinrtrinuris toacnieve thnr bfjet-r wna , aa-Iftle UisVas p ta i b! e ,--Th V y therefura'-;:- ad Variilftd ' Wdt ii V . n nnti ' W vtr rrrf 'S Urhn ;Ai ' - ttootl hi jwarily Votf-the deft-rti aV.-Triey-V'iv;;' apprixtf lii'd- iheir knives ' n.t Ctnmt'. fV V hawks were raised tfli strike; and h.'waaX jurt aWiut lospnng ajpott the "bne. eyed 't'.,T5 V'," cniei. wnen a ioudf,6ng wsr whoop , ' wasurari, anpareuuY cioe ooucr ina window biiiiveiing amid the pau' t uf thejitorto.' IIiieh!?a.the.war.-ery of toe Atli- ronducksijttd PaskiriKoe w-fA .'Pk Llflidnaatiammilml Ifinlv i)l9tnawkft breithle oxieHy,:;,-;'f7: v.Bing win hewn buUbe falling .mn,'i.L:, the mriog of the forest, and the rnttlinj ' ; n. ; i' .. .'. ' v- . . ,y n. t ne i tironuocKs dare nut coma , fj: ,;. they neither stole jioV twk any of it by violence;- At, kngth' after a toilsome voyage, Jlhey reached the junction bf the ; two, riverafwher neither ' was a hundred, ytrdt 'yride. ;Tha mighty . .... . r . . -l. . w . tiuason wasr. oero a. nine - pastoral tttream; giving no promise of his ma iestic" after-Course,' or of the, .riches he was .destined to pearin.futnra mei upon hia broad bosom. '.Near the place of their, uniting there were -vast trscts oi tow ana wiia meaaowt wituout trees, coursed by the devious wiudingi of the various branches of, the ' Sacondaga, which at that time abounded with 1th finest treat. It wat a wild, solitary region, entirely out of the . usual route of traveller! .who either followed the courso of the Mohawk river, or, left tbe Hudson at Fort Edward, and struck across the high hills to the end of Lake George in the - way. to Caoada. The Dearest aettlement was at Johnstown, tewardatha south, where 8ir William Johnson - jresided,' and ' exercised that away over the tribes of Indians far and . . ... . near wnicn etui remains, ana win re main for ever j i- v There were neither Indiana nor bea ver skins at the station, at promised by Paskingoe, whf by closely examining the grass, ascertained, as he said, that the oartv had arnna awav a day or two before, towaidi the fiahinghouse.V.This Iwai a small lodge built on a little reeky "The falls, raatsa.' . May be we find .elevation, lust on the ; edge ottbe vast um Indiana lare to trade with."" meadow,and at the head of one of the ha ws entirety at the mercy of the In diant;-,;;t' 3 . i i v? f ,My" brothehiokf?(- nave -vf lorigtt'3 and two . faces." aaid tha one. eyed chief it last, iu a" sarcastic tone, ' i'te-u j jbrattdt made bo answer.' .srhe white man,? continued: Pas kingoe, raising his voice, 4f does ? not kpow what to say; he ii afraid -. to speak oq t. If tell hint the Indiana and tbe beavers' wilt .come to morrow, be pVill Oof believe 'me. Why ;theuld I Ii? to him? Is he hot Yinuakrat cauirhit ' in a quor tiocarga up. In th heart of an are Vatnen, aid jthe one dian,7 A it moonbd into their brmi mey oecame clamorous tor more,: ana i "'"v4 "wg7 ji-r4Bu as;un STbrandt maw that -his iif? would fall 'a t the shrill w'tr whoup ibnnd ?1 smid the lacrifice to. refusing anjr. Io'pg;'XcPwi"t'?1,rf checked. ihe'm for a coidibgly a small keg was brought fronr tni'meui 'y Sybrsndt thought, of refrea s.hranrlt liatened and could plainly branches of the 8acoodaga, by Sit WU diattouiaik tho leaden plujt of tbo ri--(liamJohniun,wboomeliijiei carnt there rair : .. - - c-i::.r- ... ..y- .X Sybrandt felt it was true; he wat com- pieietv in me power, or tne Indians.1 ttatdfy knowing what iavsayhe;th tinued silent. - The evening was Vnow aetting io, and thefstorrn ontinaed.A The wind roared through the. windows',' accompanied by loud, au-ry peals of thunder, and now and then the cnu'i of a fallen tree gave token of a triumph ol tha angry elements. The uproar with out wat strongly contrasted With the silence within. Paskingoe sat io a moo dy silence amoEing hia pine; Sybrandt ii remains, ana win re-j wa j-jctopied in no very pleaning reflec , tubject of admiration i tioni oa hisswkward sitiation; and old ljerck, from long experience of the In man character, saw that mischief; was at work tn the breast of the one-eyed chief.' S - 'V'. ' ' " Is not the white man abdjbe lack white man huttgryr' at lertghj Tie s aid ae he any thing good in ; hi, canoe? Lei him tend for it, and we wilt eat to gether, iy: : 'VV ? ";:'' v-!' ' Sybrandt bad no disinclination to this proposal, and Tjerck wai desoatch- ed with one of the IivlUai to brinj io the cauoe, and tha Indians set la for - a completer aavagedebnuChWi In ' a- little time their bowlings and shoutings al most Overpowered the upvosr bf the ele ments without, and their uncooli-olled and Uucontrolable animal spirits found vent in grimaces, boas,iiiig, and autic of mingled 5 ferocity and v buffoonery . Tbeir ye? ball a glared, jbey danced, and saiig, and flourished their toma hawks and, scalping knives ; over the head of Sybrandt, who stood to a corner his right baud in hit bosom grasping bis Knue, in - rnoroemry expectation tnai that deep ot nevt c -tlyin'g hatred the lodt . art ctieruiies for, the. white man wtuld rirtscipuaie tncaa. into aotne aci vro , frtre aVinet, hint, Ile' kept bis 'eye ateadiy an j fearlessly upon Paskingoe; wiiu was aow 1,. 1.; mad, recpuBting, with violeutgesticu'atn n h tone r crai;W brained., ferocious tri number of white men he hud LmL: ; . '.if their wives and children he bad 1, of their homes he had burned. io t ' I how be had gone alone by himsoii t a town of tbe II uron, - which he t ntcn .1 et midnight, and muidered eteiy soul id one ot the' wigwams, alter wlut h be retired without leaving any traces into the woods, and secreted himself," The next night he tame im, and murdered t,he people of another wigwam, iftiriog before into the wood wifootiC being af'ti.. Tbo third bight be was watched -. pursued before ho tould achisva . ' r - ( 1 :; - ',-:J y-i-?--'-J .t ting; bu the tingle d ior wa b in ed byi - the indiads. who stond for a. lew min , ; ten expectmj an attack from wihut; ?', LeC"J'de Vlikei -wtrriotf ."aoid -t- Pa.kingoe anitvV tookV aoo'her; drink. Hia example, was followed by the others, ; apd Uie trenewed draujht addcid fury ; v Ja their mad.rnilignirit paaslona.v' h--Jl itiu wniie mm 11 iraunr." r .v 11 cried V He has brotish't he Ai!.;:i- docks upon uv.'f and th One eye aimed. a blow with his iomhawk that Sybrandt could not party C He wrdt!.l it fwi bis head, but it fell on his left ;.t. , e , disabled jr entirely. Io ica!i : thtj j, Wow, however, Pnkingoe, bet. ua- whatonateady wi.li the liquor I. nl drunk, stumbled firwrd, and met iha .: weapon of ybrj'itlf, w ich entered hi ; booom.'.'lUfell u,--'n ; he floor, and tha ' rage of hi party .mui mie' intense. Tbfy yelled like turtui i-d Sicnd an niotw.ilijstand'pgtlie cool detenus tina of our hero, a few moment miS. luva""' decided hit fate; when, just at r- einiat.t"V 1 " --.n .ntiverew over iiii.i !!; ki..v were it ! , vii'lf,,' w hi r. 10 tile i. p.op.e. 4 moinnt 'r . aad their above their head's. linnet iwk ou; his . : rt.l l 11 ,1 iiy I f tv 5 t.: v. Ci e 1 . a't . ... i ;.ajH' ft. V