rT O V TUB STAE, ' XrfWanJina JSJSi' Gaxctlt, LAWRENCE & LEMAT.' it I m Jn , e4 a-a p?'1 un LMkl, ef tha t.4ur, VklrM ail ar. . r said. lixnunwn , tta ti4 . nd tvT-6 teat far evefe ovins. Gcncrnl Ordera. r : Onarat M,T, I '-ki l tveirv It -d 56h pejrlmentaot Kenk Ctn'lir aiita, cr-J ot Kalot, Tacadt,;, tha td dej a Mdf awt K ffck rrrlKicot.al the U ...WX.oa piurlyt ik ilk day af Aa- Ut eVfieneral.'. : "r , ! 1 J0HV1V tiCCWTO,Aidif C'." JJEMCCAX Ut'XT. - 5 Camp. trreotMS Joae 4, 1U1 . .T. '; -;ttOCi;AMAT!0N.!; rt Saoemdr of forth CafrUna. wntat It faa Wa ntada kaoaa U dm, that a.,nthatarrratTHUIAJ HUlXa.VS, i t mtnj ami Slate afareaald, itnU eharjpd , Mftlietof a orootr'a HKj'ie villi dirmj rlr4 lha Bnttoi itia bo-ly of wi ntli. dltr, aln of tfetf aama eovOitj ami Statn and i farther rrnrcaentad nil made Vaor to M the aaH Tom Un lykit Imt ttd he DwJnrixliathMi and liraHf of lti Smbf ' - . m, iWcfara, ta tha trnl tiMt, thaoid Tho ;( lnl may ha apirh'iMled -and brought tbora ravtfrd aftaro hondrrd tlnllail fiatann(Nireroni, wlia vill ibrod ind aonfin him to nf jail in thi , that ha row bi-ooKht ta amwtf th of- viik traieh o "Wanrt akitl. v And I do Kxrrhrrefcy 'jvqatrt al( ofQccrt whataoefer, .llatl at miJiuiywiUiih thltStut?, to ik hrit adearan Mfpprehand .and take, ar igtMtpprehtaiiKrd andtakan, the laid Tkn- ; r'ff to that ke mar fca brukttijiialica, J Tliomat Hqilsina i about twentyna itaft 'about 4 fcn t iouliea highland hw a .mileis"0? a GarertH, and under I ta fTat f thSte. ai the rfty T 1 KaJeiih, tb,hr da. f lar, A.D j Goremer, -.j.'..-1 'A t;- ,ss S.19I1I (lay 01 Anrfl,l3I.anfteomr!(e-j It if Slot- riintr a at'Ci-n lvA. fho name it nKXMMIN- aid tlt lrfl t Slate. " fceiijumin aarf Ainbrt'Sbree if )te. Ile W alHtut atx.fwt liigfi; trttj ml hai'a 6r an lri aight theek and fce etl cya. , Tha owfler.U rquofted tq rd, firbvt tut prt!Hr(v, pj "i;barga, I h'rat iarttv; ii" of hb .nerbre iaJ illalrutfs h jlunei Ahdiiorif hand ia'biff v Wn iucHnftd WTdir; te8f!'ottoMan'r hi itui ciu:ijienifvuiiiic -un v., they, Xr"1Prtcf, hrl wei'ftei (jh$- sist uf 3antiry;1a8f,f wi in hat n) in 19d; Jiejilthtbttt if esiedoigh wh liou t'tKt ?. itv rApecs due to the a ii9enV,fcMft tle views of the mf &i l Bnok f the. UnlK'U tn! "'(I iubstitate for jto yvic& J buf'.adhereiXhe objections tltfr; ti)f aotege'i the Cjrrher 1 ftjiU'"nfjjH-it,B 3 jo eivmcf qit 6eAtLt r charge tJuiocohs!ency, octwern 'ctittii )ov the constitutionarujr o,i ank in 1791, nd' mi ent to irng on the question,1 bow far v precedents, expounding the ''"n. oufrht to guide succeeding es, and to overrule ludivulual obscurity has been thrown question, by ' confounding ; it 1 respect ue from, one ;iegila pained by prMdSiig tcgii Out the two cases nre essen) yrentA constitution, derifed aperinr. anthorUy, is ;to be ex- 'nu obeyed.' not contruiled or f the subordinate authority iif t.. T - t - Al - ' .1 ure. a taw - on ine omer sting' on no" higheft authority possessed i by 'every succes slature,' ita espedieqey Well cantng it wuhin the sc6pe ol ?ae in question, has Us tru t; a the. obligation arising from ju positions of the law on sue Judges; the constitution being the legislator, as the la i a ecifcoa to the 3urt.' : . I hy are judicial precedents, foied oo due' discussioa and ttion, and deliberately ianc l eviewa lad petUioririr- w binding Influence, r rath "-""K.. -"-.' -' .- . . ..... :V V- tf eatthftfitativf forte, In it::!ij the ms-ig t( tt?it n,t an.rr td; In, br caste it is a trstoaae aod tttV.i.tied aliens, that the gt4 of v titty require tiattse r!r 4" con Joel uf its e.brs hottd U certa.it nj kno, buk truUt not be the se J any Judg. disrrgrd the (JecltMes of bis prcdetManrs,' sSwI4 tsry the rte tf law accordiog to ft iDditidsal interprtfatiea f it.- Mier eat imi tos ubijesett aal yigm aut iotftgni. lo tKaa aa expetitioa of de aar pebiicly aiade; and re prstaiiy con firmed the tonsritated . au:Horlty, earriea with it, by fair inference; the sanctioq of thoe wko, tiatiog made the Uw thrmgk their legislative organ, ap pear vader aoxh circumstances U Jtate lelerarint;d its meaning (hMah their jodiciary OrgiPj.' -f p i 'tjaiji U Be -of Jets cpnrfuece that the meaning f a consUutitKt tUuid be lied and known,- that tbatthr mean-ing-jpf a law should be s.?v Can la- deed a law be .fixed io. its' neauii aad opVraiions, unleM the (cooBtutiort bf o? On the contrary, if. pafticslar leg'ila.are, liaWnjc in ihecnnMrvc two t the nstitatmn, from a aeries "I preceding cnm.rractfrnS, proceed to act ,rr .(hat di(rrence," they pot only tnU-iMluct QOcertatnty knd instability iiithe 'tontttutin, but tV ,tha law tbemelrjfsr4nasnioch as Alllaws tw rhdn th nev construction and incuh asteat-wiih ft; are' not only annulled for the future, but virtually nrooounc- d numt,ie from the bgioninj.". Vj.-,' Uat it is said that the legislator hav. inr.sworn 10 sunnort tne? uonstrtuilon s t - - ' must snnbort it in ri nwn eonsirucUoh tfit,' Wevlrf-U iflTercn , fi omthaf r ut m ii py u prf ej;eoii. qr,. wiiate.ver be the ,CQi)tquencee fof the rironsiruo1 ttis same ; oathto sopporfthe law? yrt has. tt.ever bpen 'fcu"ppjsejj ,tha.t ho was reqmretl, oe at liberty fo !itrrgirtU oreeeden ts hi We ver steinrl i te ties ted and ' re'zo!r1y?oberveil4''d by giving couriefpractTct! jifi ltie .busjtof the inm man it'yfi ;H.i 8 tb p wiest a imI- mns t coiert;hhii J attge ever 1 srru pted;' t acfjuice jn i,dc cisiqq InylHck, K sa bet'iijpveruieduy tha i'.mi iurd tpioions m jne nrywiiy jbi jit" Fnueagnpt; s;ra jiuL'tequeotfy 'jto confcrrh tiimsQtftliere,. tfli as 40 authoritative exuiiitnof the 1a? fl;And is it not; reasfwable hat thi lainviejjjr .( the bfptial oatly khoiild b? taa,by"va1egi!a fkaiVvittintHhicl. t bis cuidek'-as' is whiclJtWJr-''v-4? .Tbere is m faCinHitn onmo. derttaodinr. i.nfecesiXfy ot Tf-garuitig a oHarse of practiiei ta ibataefcrfr itedrJ.hel.if'wfi'-? terpreimg a , flawf kodherey a ; u se Uotiat fule .ot tntei prexing a cotiiutu " TMVV t f irdlna rrd; ; pecfltijtr ctrcum,unc ;oiittoirnig,4h rul(i'in ith 'as,rnay;be-trhttertr bit ijritrt iu cb .e'xceptldpv, ;hej jrle: wj! I. firjee itVelf onba f rajcticarjudginentiof, tbesmOit iienitieoist;4ii wt'i find f0m psib) p, jt attlV-e r And Ac0f5 k.. ... i.. ftt pppVifiu4;tO .torisl jIfci'Aiv n ?j?ff .( (oJra?.tie wMitiiet tnoVal'especiaJlyv; Where'!o' prospeH " existed - of t?h,nepx tfo-l A nd-ir reasonable periau-al i ti are. mat ked" with Vher asua! nt'tfnhll'Would !p3r ilfoojywiiaipreriigai jwita u atoatttujatioit- ttsxereisek a M hough tthe' dahgerof errp nitwfi irf crease. wiShthe incf? Itop.ot expinnaiorj;: urcumsiaoctB ..-iantwi.m, rne :oti(nuBt cnange io jimiir.pwn.wi rords m &jmm&;.&U t Jet it Uien ie left io the decision: pf i eVeryjittelligent-'-aa(ICfeaAdM'VjHdge';! v iiiv hi ori this 'Jta, ' thost' to V' Vcf tt oa fur ther irtie arwl safe 'oostroc tlie' uotfonn. saqoliow of toccesive'. Ie giiilUjiivA Jbodiea tliro'' peritid of y eari, ; n , fmtfy.9 yariegy atreenaancy of , paruesl prj that bicbdepeods , Vpon, thr6pt,&iobi'.6t every, netfjfegisfator'; lit-atedvasft,'maybe"by ,M firit"d.r party,; eajt in the pursuit : tf tfiib' Tf- vorfte object,, of led astray by the elo quence aatt'a'doress of popular states-; men, themselvos. petnap,' unaer tne influence of the1 same misleading caus es, ly'' UitM Js f-pi , it was in contfurnHlyf witK thfr view herei taken, f the egpeet due to delib erate and reiterated, precedent that the Bnk-of .the .United , States, though on fie original question iheld to, be 'an..-, constitutional.' received 'tW Executive signature In vlhe ' year! 131 7!,10ct. originally establishing a nanic nau un der?ie aniole discussions in" its jpas- sase thirtiugh the several branches of the eoverknient. It had been carried into execution throughout a period of twentyyeara with; annual ligislative recogiiiuona; in one' instance,, indeed, with a positive raraiScaiiott-of it into a pew State; and with the entire acqui escence of all the local: authorities, at well as of the nation at large; to all of which ; may bn added, a decreasing prospect of any change Jn the public opinion adverse to the constitutionality of iuch an iostitution.: 'A veto from the Executive ander these rcutnstan cai, witb an admission of the, expedien- ; ey and lt iett .ty tlSt meitW co!.) Ka bet a drttftcs J at the .ir,tuje,a H'fuet.frrnt a toarse f prrrtwtts amotinuag fa ike reqslaite evWenra cf the ratiaal jadgwent aaJ atratifa. " Jt h beta ennteadtd thai tht as Witj af precedents .was in iKat case ovltdied by the ctxiiidertOn, tint they pmaed only a renet fr the srip elated daration af fit t5k, wiik a Meratioa of If yntil the law ahnold at pJrk aad by the eastinr, voir gicn io Ike Scaata by tht 'C Prewdent in the yetr.181 1. apinst ik bl!J for entabiisb lr a National Bank, the vete beiig ex prosly girea on the griaod of a aeon a;i:utlnality. Bat W.tha Jaw itself was aacwjiimtinoal, "the itipation was vid. and twold. oo( btro&srittf tionstly fulRlleiror tofrtfed,"-. And a to jthe'negitjv onttlknte Ky tbe cattingjvpie ,f the'preM.fing'Jjulcer, ; is a fact well otwltrt4id at that time, thtt it resvNed not front an e-ealhv of pinions inhat aseitiW on the pow er iif t'ongre'M to eatablith a Bnk, ,bot from a joeclioa of thote wbotdnitted Uie power, but dunpprotred, ihe'iiUn.wiik. thiHHi lipdcrk-d the pWf r .-On 8 Smi-, p-e qaet Uon of eonaiiiu'H-nality.-ihe.- wa derided mpjorty it a tor f it Mrs." M-nIison" vins ima. in' Jvunffls tlat you . wilj n fail .to jr.ake (! iiv tended vUiuo Virginia, whkk moitits.- rt 0,s the pleaort at Welcomirg you tn our di-niicil,1 nd In a Mnerre return nnf if the gtrf ;S wUhes yoM f kindly exjjrea for us, ) Ala, ixaitaioi.L .-. V""'-".. Ttial bfMvrTny fit thi IioWehf bf 'tlii . 'VVilltim J.-Marr tr. an P.nollaKmaf' tlrttu and afterwardt at ?miiJS ia Dt vitwttrrtt. Oa Mayday ir.o4-i.ie.!!. asofniog after lit rtbery vf tht JUak. ah h-Hftg kfl midtr the prieeta of Sciilb ar.d Marray, Warriy satied t Itf tUt ah had belter n ue ta PiiiUdtlpila. - Ska wat dulocliotd to g, but La nrged It aoL g k-r five sovereigns t rBtiU key to psy her ax E-naea. A carriage wsiprovufed to tals er to the steam boat, and Mra. Smith and Mr. Murray accompanied er l tbe Iwat SI.e id tmtboar of the Back robbery, antil oha'gt tdown to the beau She went alone t Philadelphia,, and puUI with Her alhetarul knew, nothing of M array being there, entil .she was samreond by the Mayor, to attend Via ex. kntioV' Morrajr then passed ly the oameofjuha Kilis;. As ttton, as, ahe entf red . xhe, .Nhyot's-alice, he-te tinized Marpy.who , iwmctitel rytnarlwd in,aa -cJrVatrd tone, 1 am art the lad j dont fio wt." This Was attered brfora she had been atked a wUHkrra the day Ura ke Mr. J!. s-.f tK : r rir t arnvrd. - . !tr tt tk'..'.''!e.' It.Coiey btg reca'.Itd. s".d tkat J ua ll,f, ! " , iht oatt(ree at 0,e prxwurt isffio.j p-reit at a " ' bird tSt tKa Cf a i trot. r r-' crrt rr t-f mj som ot .-n4ia t leo ihih ; b,uv i Snat tt . i : Ir'. . ' k t s t ttktkii trtitikt. If (be pmeuer ff ( ;. t. aotthe person.lt wat epa that U...ked '.oe f. tt like him. The cat for tbe eojile uf fa p : ,., here retted ' ' - - ' . . v fand a u ? : . . . . Joha Lym. raited en behalf of tVt(we thnk, iU.l . -t prisoner, tsii5d that bad Uownta ra swili a 'A bias inre ho arrivea) in this f qumry in ' rarrv3r.p-.urU, : v.c.t Noveasbes last ", tie had property wi'b havtaftairv J jht-i . r hiaWand otd the wnneaaha .wav worth 'lakrn Jp , r ,,.., r.wW KahI f jrun If. ... ...!..-. i. i. . . I i i r . .uw. v ji ii auaiuat pcn i" e-iai;ea it a nu tt ai J lot ( 1 ' t. . qasiion,itrsid award,, Ot t,h m with ber about four weeksl lie acct. by btrih; SQ yetjra of agp, was imtieted by . the Grand Jury forrand Larceny., in,.fefohmu"sly ' taking from "ne;CJy Bank two hundred aod forty elgTit tkou sand tdlars, . T(ie itriso'nwj waaTes , terday patMo 1 4heibar of the Court if Sessuins, ami i, Jury sworn ,t"liPrice cntKlucied the prosecufoni and ressrs. f alttft'Miiri and 1) ' Graham appeared' fr thei4 PilsnncrtThe. case., was briefly .1 ..I 1 1. T ' K . .l' tfpcneti uT Mir. rnce, wno noseryeaine ning that ha-Kve" hr the iovererzne. be bad Urge fuU eye brows and. wkitkers. knd lad the same when be tawkim is Philadelphia. It .may be pioper ta state that whea -Murray was brocdit to. this tity , he bad no whiker,; and ery thin r ye-brow.! Tbtj feoia'.e rst her tes i titminy id very clear and diotin'ct htan- aer, anitiim can be on doubt that the ofdy inoutartin wttkhcaH by any DOS" aibiltfy he eaf 0pon fjfc, ir that K ; the wile of a ewmcled frton. - She. 1$ rspi?cttlycnBected.in Plufadelphia, wherUi riji in.aried about S reontlis a without the least suspicion bt hiKbaiid'a' oharacterand liabHa - , S.'Xt aj'pt'ar frqtn ihe; exiimipation'of the priiioticr iken before j'Atlce- 11 od.- S(h, in the , IVUFej. OiRce, that, be de tied that she had been ; tn'tlasa wahinz dr the two. families of Smith ind Murray, prmr t-theirkrfest.-'M ur'.'' ray-, lived. in -IrofeVUfrbeYSjhjth r ;!:;.:.:,.. .i.I.. .rtjAiL. t t -r in uiiniuii i ii cvi..,m;iion Hoy. ,r tVice,itpil jroo "see ''clotqcil taken oat H thaj trunk .which wan found tn a public bou-, and n;ida r Curie. to b zm ane,!' Ilia conduct appeared-al wya to be stricUy trret. In the crnss ettinui..ipr) of this a ilnti. ba ad mitted that wr.n,,bt la-t saw" Marrpj, brlors the bbery, lit wtr whikker. . Nltv Ur-iaaol stated that thpiaener name as a bewnler. to itt ftuuaetrr the latter part of JsVmber. aud rtmaiuad pied rsumi afterwartias a tenantv- lle-j had a great deal or muney wuh htm, gold and bill, Ikalwaya kept good hotira Marray conversed wltk witat about the iiatik , Robbery alUf. it look place.'l anu .apok aoottt u aa Ireely as in her lid.' He had neither whiskers nor eye browtj and a very fine imn he appealed to be.,r. i M. naii iieruiuan are n me prisnt. i freqaentlye .'4I U now i,hinnerthan sua. probably fromcon6aeroeatjn pi ts nri,Hf understood thatthe prUonfrhad kept a respectable publid buuse, In lon - doni . -. , j,) ,-. -i .i. J v-;.' ,..tVv?'v tTpon; this. , vidcnce tli respective coonnetutnmed up the. caer(aQd the Recprder. rlifgeditijury.f lliev war sben about; thrtt tminuU$ ancjcame cunco inere; f-rs wer ,oy, m arrogat it?,coarewith.. verdict r Crty,,, ,;, tri propped him respectingvthe N U,Ni. Ifcjowmt of Commeru. rdbWrybf IhrBinfc.' .wlc; , XL,Cr Vlili vv JAtirj $lia; a.. washei-' Dear. Sir:' 1 have read WriytnVes i'cfpresrtifimetit nf death, as itl allrd'. ina I in which the,melancioly, jintfcipatmni ofjthe Viilijec'.haye been, w jlitedr but j reeplleyibnej yhio eici(ed;wjf.' y m- SjnithVf Pi'nAf ojnucn as Oflff p.ejea rtuiea - h -Ha'nkMrbiehvartielea be-p,,SrVv.v fs,...,fl .' 4)ractre lonfett to Mr. and MrsiSm th? v Ans.-Vn9- awi in tne .state or Hew.ii,K, aii 'p'herewerecltiChes toUe''tront wal washed, but I cannot' sayvta whpt4hey a'ppointfd.a njHJn of infinfjfl'Vhcn belonged. 'lliere Avereaome- article w ..tnmmWioaarrivcdrt,: his jidint, that Mr Murray sent ta h5f '! ' Wl'la. 'j ;Mf? Blariey,' one of hhi high'Cpnttai- ,Jftu,1S "'.f" cailed upor '1un"mtiuf?ij , bleji3feity,P rfr(pinari a gowich hirn,.. TueJ !aymftiiB.i Huus? i-ttn t'tauOT t noaBirtUtwng,-.taB -money imuf ci,rctjmiaoce reniifreq u -one I lon1riTlo t Syr occuirpdj tn the 'city .ctiun Tht oflicerir of the IlanU nroved ! the grand tarcerry. Bnr id'entilifd several mf vie parreia 01 Din fnuini jnjnj. posses-, siart, iif Edward.Shijihvas th prop?i:ty jth'.l 9 Jt test i in iy i; ett.B' nect the prisoner with th hranactlon w?s.nrtf uy su-ri.atty on.f m oniwy moaning tlieStRi oT March ahck dif yer'htfrtu'd lUhrAljirttWHo had beeri fa ithe ihitSirfp1.id .StVmbWtTwasViC vy bjm man an v.iiniuam snuare. ana ut, Cfcted iia'ftljskVt h ' doiB n'wosaimi t stfeet towards l)ak'stre.l le'did oV& jvjriretl Oak' ?tre?f, Svh'ere' he tdpppf; Tho cmivitd;by:il ward,- didhii.. y. as . tue.. inuivinuai ,.wnu Nailed iiimSmttn awentj acks into: jerfciijMit Ma halid inhis"pocket and" 'ne b1" Chtpp tt'4ntto Roosevelt afreet,' atsd rettitticd irfU fe ainrtnH VW avirbbavaiMwai'ahr'ewJ htriraHanfrV was hrifinoted I6"rltr7ihk - . , . i - vv ,T vlw v-fc't wvuua VTJ . ..aa ....a V 1.. l . ' import withihWhmonj; ac1i hrop; (idmelWngi?;Wheh parched foyr' K engn'On' tlie.nlghf of . the : W1r Ml',4is"itrM Jsrn?wll!-C ?1 tii.avuenc'tb.ataa'arre.te.,M rirra y in ..L. -ji-.- o.i...:j... y . : v . i i Hat ci'y oa oaoroay evenm2,.nn ' tn r . . .- ' t . ' . .. "i . lormatKinHreceiveu.inat tnere warrea snnto believe : tfrihad 'been cbternn(j ifj' ihVliberv .Mfaf)' Jewelry; s,t oj a ft Jpf ItVtAo'o) d', f o foici ; ata arreted in cptnpaDyi yiint b'm.N vTheyi were TeJeen to ther.ai ayofs : Jl5r,v -and (tckptkinVatp cegrctllutjitji .itvs, iiitnH ,ucu. ivrjgw uetore iris rls't ofnicrB'Xa-''ciro '4lgi!iflisv.'jirured hjm aTmlsUoq -as 'jtlwks.'V cldqhlj)a1iV;)ima a wergra ri 1 i u n t'er ' nade fiviC his, o w' Vtiliarincnt.'aml lm" and hia paptain in a sfev? days filled a company ms recruits tr . . . . . i rfi. ' . .wttwaa cautioned tne tilce'ri'.wlipT.M ?",m inB.ncioorniroa-. ney yere or tn'ein'TrV cuifodytiot4 i ' le; t ;rtii errri "p t j Meel foth"4; fines; and were in 'tarlpji He.haWs inheir-; AHtft:vrttSngagWl inlmtcl perapn'4 A fenuoatct 'after,lift 'jjwwQna'Arit;ugaw,toto meet 2a. .ewHieman. j vOimrtiv t f uieci lie reto rned, a trd the driver rj stold. t take off tti triHIk; knil fitit We nVftfftKcl Jiilel watkliicM yys 'ojjjst 'nifother per-' goo no inev 4 woman tie, i j tnc," carrige and ifiTe driver 4rtv'6oit.'Qeiq.'asK4 by 'ithe prisonir'sbanseV ifi k "Cduld idemifir Murray t the' person who was fttf Cfhi riknf' wi th Smith, tb ' b aqkv; d rt - i vv .1, - . i. -fi;i4, - . ina navnr aiateu inai now, ..14 uii, rr.v.n 4f4 m,nrA rk4i J nitfliah i r . .. . . . . . tPey; ar tm an,; yiat ne as. ai eu. by Smith' it he foot of Courtlaod atrtef,' to "rake w trunks, afld tliat be tarried lht?uiVd , ; Iti appeareifrom v.tlir tesUmoiiy ,nfi w . t m.'i.k ,, , M raMarytBatiRj, that (ha wiaoner luV;"" S2f-nf tilace. liwti invesiigatian it -was iour.tr EntuniH ijt!as!;ia'fid the'sfifiywai fiertnitt?d to re' 4 lire i ycir iciurvy -wivii lilts VAtPl"n U( s Ja r.fr . H. je 1 , - a. , - a t a i a i - , a. n. a. i.sf- avs. a: & . jj . . A.a- - wreei;- pntr:caore wjrR'"wun: a iiian rtimt warcrtlie toonu on Uie Spot Where 'rw -orato cotopanr.' -wnp were cryg4.rected tarybem4tkft- toidje'a pMbrta.T;inatectiod of ,tha;en h didi'sumninrat tbe leot til CdsrtlAtKl f iCntnai k;n'.kr''-Waa itan.': wi.k.icamDniir.rraSfine-rlown tfie lo."h i streeftSiviith'got!uttHpcl Weikiifg'ptn'" lew'ahy thcranalked MoYj': Yurk, 't which be rplie'd hi hftd U WM rtnVhey, walked'1 togetheR ! street? marking ihatjieVited,, b.etoik'iA bnfeulJft M hiaaa-nrwasJiihripUiiJiOinJ ay;yaswsaam-di iiy fuiiVvcbrow and'kiV.krirtvhicfvhoi feelih gcT tertaUdy thaVin a ye. fcafottatfow'-daW lANeYork" '''i1 -w 'V Korif n'gateanient,r and thnt.ha'shotild bw?C awWbaratWh he was told m he ter'the Mayor's ofufee.rhc shook bis head; ti iV; ..i. l C'vlh -t . : . .! (bat woman never sawJ w . r .. . , , oeiacnnieni 01 sick scrota tnu river mm toiler ind sat iria ia Ne w- York in iet life,.''' 5Vrhen i jlhe Mayor stated that haw, with tbe,burijar of Jeivel VSTC 'StS "'countryrnpt tould induce "" Y'r' : 7 "7"' r 1 bie to leivfmy lost whep dartger , is to dfpp1themba,de etfhese bdi mottated.ta Ifliotlara,, i:Js L.t r .ii,L.s;.i ;i u m Il... ntl which wen, in note, on the M ' 1': 9Ci ravcai lit. aiKivivs ih at si j ikai u a ' f " . a a "ir't'oHhb.ieacl f tlenemy.inin 7 na,J joKfepltfed nW l;;came hereasybu .VT'llnoty-W 'defend the Character of by the omvr. jti, .n. j , j i. .,. .. ptoner iris abou t ro'clpck h iboof l mine tes ,nou pljairraiy w UooseveU street .waa f6se of thear;Vhvn I faH,l wish' called afher-liftuactiiR: Mdfidaf vnwipj? 'tWtat.a y jacop uaya .tnat'thaJmarrldgrnotiet''dhkmm'atd -at the after Smith' arrived, and', asked..ilr : Mr: Joiics. as Smith gave his. name, hid ta keti loilgings there. Being answered in the anirmative, ' he was shewn into SmttU'a room, where he remained a short time. The prisoner.called, daily to see Smuh, aud sometmiea twice, fiom Mon:i day to Saturday mornioe.i On Friday' he took dinner vith:8mUn-i--K-''.:,'-. ' In the crossexaminatioa of Mr. Bangs, she stated that the prisoner, whe n brought frcm Philadelphia, was consid- eraoiy anereu in ina oppearanctt vt'1' eye brows wer charigedi and- hi wlii kers ctit olT.f -He alwaf called to ' Smith Tnlhe day tiine Iler sasjjlc'inn ! w Jirt' excited that Smith: waa,'ihej bntrwbb?rpBvednaway,An'' ' : 4 An important witnese for the' prose' cotioh was aAMrs.'&nnth't'Sinipsotr,' the ,wif of lifmea Simpson, a compsn-; pion of Smith and MurkyJ now in the State Prison for grand !arcancy4 : Mrs. Simpson stated that she. accompanied her basband from : Philadelphia' to this city sometime in January; and took, lod- fiM Rrat at klnrraa'a hnnaa in tlnnaeeait r vim' A .Li'. "Tjyti "know4 that I have becn.entrsed in iibtmt J he Wocks'rorri the 'corner 6f, 00' ti fakeTny Wa'fcbVand'prdcu'ra ltny Oak street where the carrgeHtoppe 'tn Qnhftiw MttiAiia f.s Vl'ca Cnvm.itti Vll , ;i i .'u.''f 1 '- 4. f. .jl a 4V ' vssa. tszwiyajv wjtB 1 p'" husband ; enius to '.Sipe-SitizAh fMr IIay went,tp.8o3ll' bouse toi si e liver a letter to ty ra. Simpsoni and as he en tered, he saw Smith iSfid j: Murray jump up Irom thd a(ljini ioukj and retire hastily, He obsvrved peoo ray particularly, and could not be mista ken about him.' He met him a few days afterwards in Canal street and pinted him out to Mr. Sparks, who was in com pany with, him, , :.vV', r ,": .-j,, On the day the robbery became known, he and several of the police officers re paired to Smith's house and enquired wjieie Mr SimPR,'n Mrs. Smith rf 'plied f he had just stepped out.. Mrs. bitiipton, it appeared, in evidence, Imd then tiktn,her departure for Philadel phia. f-K'M'; VMr. Hay fitrther stated that he was shown,: while in Philadelphia, by the Mayor, a tetter that bad been received by him from one of the prisoners, suting that Marray cut m nil eyebrow nu her and iy friends at htitne that I have done my dufy.The battle of Bridge) water took plabe on the 25 lb of July. Hunter was whterved by 'his commanr der, foremost in all danger; "lit fought d retire bravely tt lithe battle was decided id fa-o(Mn.r-r "tor Of our brave couhtrynieD,' when'a straggling fire, from one of the ebeibiet' sentiment of Eositn'llunter, Debortnh still wears her wfstn sorrow the altcra ard it L4?y Inert.!)' be uJJ !. fairer arx; f.r tho it.t a da, cr (j-.rr roloor, while her compnion Is r.o- y black. , Neither of. them appear ta t ? , above three feet b'sS, tilea at thr'r f.U . ;,; . liMt exteutiooj but they con-ract tHcIr ' hind legn. and ato"p t'.ietr ahoatdera s .'... mock in ainins, they seldom recr,t a height Of mnre than half that dimension, Tbt female is but acantly covered iih haireicept tboot the hatd and arms.. ; Slishas a bWtnus face, an enormous low- ' " er jav, an,iremdy small nose, hollow eyas, aod receding forehead; the expres- "j t sioo-' of. kef .viaige is neinc!i.i!j; her arms loirj and thin, her belly protuber- ' ao'f her nether limb look weak. Sha , ' ceBJ tu3er from the chknge of cli mate and removal frara her natural haW. , (jles and ahe xries lo keep as ar aa : " she can to the fire which is in the'room. She seems diScile and gentle, and to seuk " protection; and when annoyed by itran-. ' 1 ger ahe utters a shrill plaintive err, not 1. very loud. Tlia ronla wear a'liula, ' frock, which parity conceal bis f.gure, . : but hi head and, neck arm and hands, T bear-v mora Resemblance to; the hamrr . v than ilmse vf the femal. i His head is v ; , covered, tkvlong-ta'ack hair, and?; -vitwed froid behind it might be mists..'- ' ken, for Hhat .af, a black child. Th r fco,vhoweveft is innitely rawe trMy - , .c..,. 4..: 0 r. Mian nj.(ua w nae. ever seen antij mted with -ah tntellit'ence'of the hu- tnanA aoulr and tt atrongly, anrves,- tot t hvw' ihat,;.whatever ,inulaiity there may be in some portions of their frama -. (0 tb; simst;'tructure -of children, thera li'a wide and impassible sec ira- - thin, between 5 the l.uma race and the i. ' bruie creation,;, and that the gradations iff thst.vastchain pf beings are net con- - i ' tinunu; bui that each Is discrete' and f diitinjdt inMta own nature, and lncapa-r'. ble;6f essential, approximation to any ' 1 other vcjas of,exi(!,tcncea.v The ;ma!e ' . -lutiks, mwe hcaUhyand contented thsi t . hijf companion.f :They butth sit, without ,, v Nipg confined by clmin.; or otherwise, -j b,a. sortf (counter.in thQ'ro'ra, w'hp-9t t " M!yr P'lae.w move aoot,Ana r t eiyo thecals and maoipulationa which, tuchjpCtiieir visiter. as. have a 'iatjt1 that way twnk proper o: bestoupot. ; " them, They.ara attached to those who n, fitod-themiraodcan heli thenwlv0: . - ' ends when they retire to rest can sha'' ' , up'jjietr,. neds and puti a coverlet tver.,; them?p.v;i4t;ffj :'.,vp1-J,i1.'X . ' .8nme animals of this kind hsvg ; been trained t "great displsys of instinct ad l r ' imttaliva power.I)r, Tyaon left soriit; " Darticnlar ,of, one( which was brou,N from' Angola to.tnieountr.j.V Inlia r s-, " age to Ki.glaiid, it mads tnooy fi 'u; 's , Onboard shipi towards hom itiwoulj; v -manifest Jhe aljrbngest mark of tender, i J neteomeHatM.iKtnhraain;..the . " Tperepera aoraeroonkia of a :l!-rr . ,,.' r pecieB(4lie ysseJ,VwhrnjCseeni'i4,- to baU.tn'great, aversion; $it can;-; x fuilytavoided that part of the,f)(ck, where, they cpnfindviJt soon be- ' : , eamis'aecutome,d 0 the use pf clothe f knd waa able partly to dress'itaelfi but . ,- thoy ,rjcli5 ;-wjcnajJgftj.!d'iiet'iiuliDnv ; -t ntiih).a.rry tp lomefrk-ndand make.- 1 " ign to theitti ttcomptete its ti!eV; It f' . 6sed,t.iipiab,4,Vic ifsfild apon . ' 4 piiluw-, and pull-up; the cloths to . its : " peck , liuffim mentions one which ho f sayait at, a vtahle.'p.sa a fork and apouti T '1 - ' fo cany tho;. victuals to its mputhj potir ( 4,"-. . w'ma iit aglassapd drink it; put mt";r tr,to itscapi p(ir, out tee and ! ' i('ti Cpol; and, tA.Biil pother, iutanct s, imi- , , tate;t'hab'Mo.,inpn.! ' basvin is UVto p.)yf ,knt onc wV,) -t , s W.t' CiMisy eruble growlh, and o .."", iradordjnary: Uromi' It as so attat h- 3 ' ' " . ed jo U inrtsivr itfit-was; difli."d' to, ' sepairate'itr,,14M:'lSday,'jvwi.''i. V"sx Pere was to prchi '19 fjitjaneJ it in U a , jipiirtmeot; but it contrived to ;iesca, , . , ' aod'toficealed itsiilf ont tl.e soundir - ' - board of the pulpit, ivyhen hi niast' s','' grew animated. in the detivery ot his discourse, the creature looked uown and. began to imitate his pstutcs, at which jthe congregation could not forbear to rela into a smiled The zealous pica- . ' cber, indignant at their levity, of which he knew, not tlie cause, ' reumnstratc t with them, and proceede.l with a re- .. doubled energy to enforce tnedoct k" ri" retreating maskeis, pasied 'through 1iij of ids sermon; but t!.a i r kt t heart, and Jul filled the melantholy br'e-J pats with him wiili incrr t :Cu'.a- twn, so thatthe cr r "!?,.. - s .,u!.l res train their lau'-'it i- un to, ..r-ilv;.cn a for her gallant lover.' 1 THE OURA'J OUTA It appear by-late Londo., that two Ourane Outan" have !y been imported into that excited considerable i.itett th lovers of natural history. joined description ' of ll.ei 1 u Irotri the Ubservcr ot tae E. . . .iy. Two onimala of this specie iL. ra cently been tcported intlliirbur.iry: en ald to have been found in Lorueo, 1 i yfT "J t. " ; ',. '. ft ';''"'-' ' friend of the fut!ir' went up t!,e rul pit tairs and informed t ,',-n ,fthe r st ot the merriment; at -v ... 1 hearted past"r was as r '. a ny ony else; but 1. 1 v, .1 1 CI ' i.uinewUhMs I.: :i:.,r, ia crtl FliU CD;. V. ' ". .'A!:.'.f i' I .'v. . J ' f ' er 1 1, it v suuj:.' r p.:-1 ' ' "' it. cutsr ' r: j , t easily tamed t tt..a -c. .. , yeiaC.lTereLt l.. .t hi i,:a ,';va th- rt)' : I.. -j t..-i 4..d Cu, 3 .un". 1 t - ! J!' it -