v . . d-t ttl ftit fti M tClU - f 0 . --.a t '" ihei i if tail ' . lat!' PI'" ipr r SUB lit 1 f Ba if. th (i'l jarty-oeyra, wM llMnrf'PHn, -j tbcirfart that i !Ufraa tnaj fee toWupuwi "' ' Al faria all vat celt. The Preach - ,Wf of DffxJti aa the d, esme Vti Ml'"! aWisiew vTae Ceaa vfp satisfied Ua the ripUmtiwii iti kt) Miaistera, to J eooSJmj j their solicitude for all (hat iatcrcstt d atef aaa dijnity of Fraacr, pal W l rd'f 1J " Upun a iiiiawsB, laera ,apieare4 I law or mat'iaz t lHa order of tie dsr, S3!; .Kitt it. 1 35; iBsloritT is favor of 1 Minuter. S5 M. Pernor, the Preach prima Mioiater; alladrd'iii coarse of K speech to . an tateodea unarming ' ftrMzkeot Reread. Th Constiiatinri- ' 4 ewerta, a pen tha- aetbority of pri inu letter fram Berlin, that the Ioii 'of the ttasaiaae ia the late captare of !Virtt. ant-anted te 50,000 men. iflelsS eB Oeeerala. I lilonfereocei respecting the bouti' 'Jtrica of Greece, end the choice of i 'prince for that country, are resamed Vk Government of Ceaot Capo d'la 'trUa r.i- feneral diatatitfactioo, and lead, u it nil aireatir none in 'navicular instantr. t mock bloodshed and coofoaioR. A' bloody civil war it 'said te b rasios in Turkey,' but the 'narUcvlara ea coolased' ,.. . J .L- t .1 H t rrporieu, mat, oj me tcwicua- rioB air ranee and England,- the Kqb fits Cabinet hat pledged itself that the miinnalitr of r oland shall be reanected b constitution ia to be given to that vu-nlrv, eeneral amnesty ia to be Wanted, and all except the leaden of F ... a " the revelation, are to oe panioned. u apneara tnat. twin Austria and Prusaia have refused to receive the En Ivoti who have been aent by King Leo 'jwlil to annonnee hi accession to the throne, upon the ground of the Belgian VjMStion not being definitive! v settled. lecounti from St. Petersburgli aaj, ihat we Cholera had again appeared 'wilhs-eh violence at Nishno Novogor fa UTf iK ritv Ka UVle til fair Mivtl waes a r w 'ara the Fair waa ended. At Berlin, on Sthi 14th, at noon, there remained 81 pa teats; to the 45th, at noon, there were iw mae fi3. recoveries 3. deaths 86 'ea that 105 remained. From the Lero kjirgGaaeite of the J, it appear that a tne w were temainea owj per ih afflicted with the Choi'ra in that it. Frets the commencement of the disorder, en tfee 22d of May, to Sep ember 1 there had been at Lenibu'rg B,WWV . n', w,w jdeatha. v: According tat accounts that had been reeewed, there ia not a single pa ient witliymp(ora ofChaleraat Brack, nlwLXeltluuj-ehe--l Oth-Tnatwr S'rtificatea of health were' agnin issued t YiennavThfi change aid t be ia -U in conaequenr e of a difference in iiorrtetween the physician respect ;k kU treatiaeBtof the Cholera. -A.: I. American, iTrofri 'the iUnwkar of French, news t. the ' Liverpool . Albion f Monday, ih Sep. we extract the following: T1i mloratiort of tranquillity in Pa ii l MCribed principally to the exer .134 of tlie troops of tho line; for the '."alipoal Guardt are said totiave shown -v' etinous backwardness' in repress . 1 the tnob: and, by the signs of mourn r whi'ch: the greater i part" of them ?;re.i vowed their' svnmathy with the iiple in their regret at'th disaster of fToleK,; This infidelity ot the XNa )iiaf Ouarda,lhough political, appears aae been regarded as the moat sen 'incident in the late comraotion. iThe contents of the Paris journals of wnuaj- ana me je:ier( irom private 4e$pnndents,"are variou and impor li.' Paris was in a state of excite ' shi', but up to that moment no acts of uicne uiu ucen cuininmeu uy ;ur uu i populace; who had assembled m sev . quarters,' but particularly in the ijghborlipod bf the Chamber of Depu tj.' fcThe NationBt Guards mustered .trier, more nuniernuly on' Sunday n"fth Saturda.tbut we're still far nwdispVains thetr fornier clam. Die report' of the Com mittee on the 'eerage was presented to the Chamber f Deputies oh Monday, but, of course, m not discussed. . The leading re ummendations of the report, were the ereanarr oeeraffe. lann wnicra nau ma, carried in the committee by a ma prity of one, the numbers bavins been 1e to four,) and tbt the . selectiod of jio iftuiviauais bii me crraiion oi .ie ew peers should be vested exclusively na uncontrolled in the King. , The Paris papers of Taesdar and Yednesdaj have been leceived. ' Upon je chief topic f domestic politics, 1 at resent, the report which the contain I opoo the whole,; satisfactory. - The ppital had become tolerably tranquil; fiu, it me uisquiei nau not entirety sua ded, it had become rather an excite Sent of curiosity amongst the mob in eatreets, than a tumult which had 7 longer for it object a serious b'reach I the peace.'1. Ibis last popular fcr penr, in its origin, progress, and oe fine, assimilates very much to thote rbera which have preceded it upon ft ifms or the ex-ministers in Kebru lait, and, more lately, in July. In ft ibest caaea, the elements appear to five been prepared in some revolution fj club-houses; the explosions were junceried to take place in the streets; fd Jhe effects were intended to be pro jucca in toe Mali or the Legislature. yfi re now arrived at the last stage jjihia late emeutt, when the flames of jjfil discord had reached the Chamber of HtPuties. Towards the close of the J'MHIjron MnitrllV. M t.iinnin rnc In " 'ni o,apstiins of the Minister re '"''mii I'l.f : pd icy of frnnce was the. W (adt. Se G. sran far. at lat . j , 1 ar woald U oselesa, siaca Fraeca kai not as all j left oo sthote behalf la ratgn the Minntryforttieir coaJoct la teosciDg rraaceiaoe degraJed cute io wbkait was, aad Poland u its pra seBtraio. M. Maogaia proceeded ta iocriwioate all the tacasarcs af the pre' mi vtmiiiry aonttq. lie Coatendrd. that they miht have assisted the P.Js, as least, by sea. at, ia the infancy of the lasarrectNin, the latter possessed sea ports. M. Sebistiani met this atnrmy attack upon hia measures with a firm nest which shwJ that be waa aot dj poaed to shrink from aaj part of the res possibility attached to them. ' lleatser ted. ia the outset that the pacific track which he had followed, was not only (he sugsesttio or hit own indrment. but th moat approved pilicy for France, after the moat mature deliberation. Very soon after the Revolution, the general question of war or peace had been dia cussed, but decided in ftvor of the lat ter. .The Minister then proceeded to demonstrate, that France could not have given any substantial asiistaoce to fo'.and, either by sea or land. The Minister concluded by repeating, that France had done all that waa possible for the Poles, consis'ently with the re solution of not involving the cnuctry in a war wun rrustia, which nau been a greed Upon as the fittest and safest course to be pursued. Portugal. A mail from Lisbon has this morning brought letters to (he 10th inst. Military executions, in connez iou with the late insurrection, were go ing on to a frightful extent. The fol lowing is an extract Irom a private letter, ' " Nothing but the interference of our government can place things in order here. There is a great gloom through out the city; even the British naz was lowered this morning oo board the Briton frtgale, Despatch corvette, and the two packets in the lagus, in conse nuence of the acts committed by this government. A cadet, an ensign, and 10 sergeants and soldiers that were concerned in the rising of the 21st ult have been shot to day at Camp d'Ou rique, and 20 more" are to share the same fate on Tuesday next, besides 6 civilians, who. are to be hung at the Caes de Sodfe on the same day. There were 101 persons sentenced to death, and whose sentenco is to be carried iu to execution." Government is making great eQorts to t quip and fit oVt the few remaining vessei'MT ijinjnumbcriefuiheaby the Freu'cTTpTrates, with the intention, it is thought, for sending them to pro tect and reinforce the Island of Madei ra; the Governor, Dn Alvaro Da Cos ta.brotber to the Count of Mesquiela, having applied for more troops. All the fort9 of both'banks of the f iver been respectably repaired, and" all the old guns replaced by new. COMSOUmCATIONS , i FOR THE STAB. Matrt. Editor.-Permit me lo call your at tention to an flrtieteia a lute Newbern pajer, no- mimtiDgUie lianorattM l'HlUl" V. BAKUUUK a fit (Hsraon lo be mn on llio Jackson ticket for Vice President of tlie United Skates for th next four years. It appears to te eoiiceded on all ms, that Ute gentleman vuo now tills that ol fire will not consent to serve another terror; and if uch is the fact, who is there more worthy to SQceeed liitn than the distinguished Individual just mentioned? He possesses talents of the nrst order, and ot that kind, too, which eminent ly qualify him to preside orer the deliberations of the Senate. ' His polities are peculiarly accep table to the Southern people, and such as Ji'or(h Carouno always bare supported, l will conti nue o support as lone as the name of Thomas Jefferson ia remembered. His devotion to the republican cause and uniform opposition to the usurpations ot tne ueneval uoverament, ooui in and out of Congress, emphatically point him out as the man wnora tney sriuuhi support en ui'.a oc casion. ' Perhaps' there is no other man oi (he eotintry of equal taleuls, that eonld a well unile the Jackson party, anu f rtamly none more ac ceptable to tlie President himself. II. J. ; rOR THE STAR. Not many days apo, while sTalk'ins leisurely in a neighbourhood road, by ehance fell in Willi one. of the neighbouring men, who, be ing a very soyat and friendly individual, aa met by me with considerable aatislaction ana delight, ,, Entertaining afrienrlty. regard for eacu other, we telt a willingness to communi. cate with each other without the least reserve or heaiution, and consequently, after inqair ine about my own health and that of my tami- iy, anu maKmg aome inquiriea wuu rcgiu 10 inUiH'erent matiera respecting cenain neigh bor howl affairs, he remarked that the drought, I. , - ' . L . J . which at that time prevailed in our vicinity to somv extent; he waa moat teanui wouio onng uneauivocaj ruin upon his family and umiiy concerns: in consequence' oi which ne ieu the must unappy forebodings, and waa under ins greaieai apprenensions 4niBnauic what might follow, - to oe orougnt to rum so uneiDcctedlv. and at a time, too, when he waa calculating upon undouoiea success in the execution of bit plana, was an idea, be aid, too intolerable to be borne, lie con tinued, with his eyea fixed upon the ground, inda deeu solicitude atronely marked upon hia countenance, that "in the early part ot the vear the DrosDects of the husbandman were moat Hattermrr. intereaunrr ana cneer intr. but now how sadlv is the acene changed! how wofullv ia the elowinc prospect bliglnedi Our tender corn, which but a lew weea since flourished in audi abundant luxuriance and fertility, is now withering upon its enfeebled stalk, and hanging down ita mournful bead aa if ready to expire." 1 listened to tins melancholy reciiai 101 some time, without uttering a single wora, till at length, feeling considerable compaasiou for the apparently melancholy eituaiion of my friend and neighbor's mind. I enaeayorea 10 rnmnle him and to nuiet hia fears With all such erfruments as bad afforded to nyse consolation and comfort, upon several occa sions, while under similar circumstancesj ai l.irJi. however, seemed to nroduce but lit tie effect opoo hia feelings, M he aeemed in a conaiderable degree to have lost aight of the grea' dutiea of acquiescence In, and sub mission to the dispensations of Alinijhy Providence. This interview introunccd to my mind a long train f .sflectioiis i pw. the fcreat mul J "J -- - . ' . oaaa oesasasia. lt-t w " U"4 jawiMal) wwUt rsst Ue t he j eoMral, m4. aovrr smis Uy sy H tUrn-i d iadtg i kWmv ajd aswWhelr releciioM. iK. V i make tJui-ft oOt Lm they mrij ara. . mf Wtf J m4 tMt(4 wawvi tav a. amMlai iW KMk.i afc! . . . Araiw -t datreta wof tw tl ,V"r wbWh irw mat te be cvntroltcd l acracy.- anust eviJvwdy totMl to i rm Usat had f mlaarv u .kUa, .R k ud are aubieef, wtil U . ,uta efaaorul ty. T aitoum look around . sul couaUev well taany adrMTUces and k'.jtainra w ka eooliiNuUty SMMved. aad boa nrofau InSut (ioodnesa bat hitherto beea towards ua, ia bcatowiag apo at oo raany adtmntaires aad favoora, with S4 ffw assJtKag ktMCoav. neocra. i be tbings, il rrtrtly OMwdcred, Would product anas Our Bunds aucb a mmn of gratitude, aa would be paramount to all those dark aurmiae and melancholy marif- "g -wca too toany or our unhappy feL low creatures arc afbrtafta'ry addictrd. One more There ara bobm who wlH be. come, angry, and fret and complain moat grievously, if every thing with which they are In any way eonoectcj does not go forward in a train suitable to their own contracted notions of thinra. Such individuals ouirht to reflect thai this world waa out made for their exclusive acoommodationi that they eame into it in its present dircrtined state, and have no reason ti expect that any alteration will be made therein merely f:e the sake of ac commodating their capricious whims. It etiucnny appears tbat these persons are inconsiderate, and are actuated only by tho impulse oi ilia moment, and not governed by any fixed principle of conduct. Whether we regard Our present hsppineaa or onr future prospect, reason equally dic tates to us that to be always repiniaar arainst lilt wise dispensations of Infinite Wisdom, n to open to ourselves fruitful sources of misery. Tty surrendering tip ourselvea to the guid ance of passion, instead of reason, we must expect to live in a atate of perpetual warfare, and lo be at all times vulnerable to every attack with which we may be assailed from without. Moreover, it ia the duty of all men to cul tivate true and correct principlea of action and when those principlea have been once formed and established, to act upon them on all occasions, and not to suffer themselves to be too much elated by the uncertain advan tagea of proapertty, nor too much depressed by the gloomy terrors of adversity. I wish it not to be thought that t conceive that men ought to view all the occurrences of life with a perfectly stoical indilTcrente, and look with an eye of carelessness and contempt upon some of the most interesting incidents that the world can possibly present. No! upon many interesting occasions, it would be tin manly not to feel. 1 only contend against that unreasonable and dreary melancholy, which many individuala fall into, on any ex ternal change in their circumstances. Ifupbineit should be the motto of every individual on the earth; and that happiness should be sought, not in the uncertain good of fortune, butjiia well regulated mind, and a disposition to acquiesce in the government of the universe. How unlike the conduct of my neighbour, mentioned above, and that of a pious individ ual, who, on being anked if he did not ib'xik that there would be bad weather soon, replied in the negative; "for" aaid be,'be the weather as it may, it is just auch as the Ruler of the Universe thinks proper lo tend, and thero fore with me it ia cooaV' . In a world like this, every individual must prepare himself for the exercise of patience and long suttering. Apart Irom the conai ration ot Jhe irregularities of the seasons it is made up of a great variety of characters, whose interest often times conflict with each other, and whose passions frequently come n contact, and produce jars and divisions. I woeld advise my disconsolate friend that ua teara and alarms were entirely out ot place; tbat, although soma time since we aeemed to be menaced with a drought, yet how the aeaaons have taken a most delightful urn, and the prospects brighten before us. Possibly, many other sources of trouble and disquietude to him may eventually prove aa short lived as the one Wi have Just been con templating; therefore let ua learo to make every thing tqrn to our advantage, by con sidering that possibly whatever happens in the course of Providence mf be . for the best. "And. apite of pride, in erring reason, spite, One truth is clear, whatever is, is right." CHKISl iCOLA. THE STAR. RALEIGH, NOVEMBEll ir. 1831. Sixth Cangrcitfonol Dutvict. It willbeaeen by the Governor's Proclumation, inserted in a subsequent column, that Mr. PoUeTf the Ilep resentative elect to the next Congress from the District composed of the counties of I'rankllfl, Qranviile, .Warrert and Rash, has resigned his sent; and. that an election is ordered to be held on Thursday, the 15ihol next month, to fill th3 va cancy. ' ., , .- Ftdttrat Catft. The U. 8 Circuit Court for the district of North Carolina held hi Fall Term In this city on Saturday and Monday lastPre. aent Judge Patter. Ko ease of importance we Bnderstand, was disposed of. .. - At a speaial Court, held in i'raoklin eeorrty on Monday !ast,.JadgeSwohr preiidmg, two slaves were tried for an attempt to excite ' .insurrec tion. The evidence in tbt east was so contradic tory and inconclusive, that tne Attorney General, after the examination of the witnesses, relinquish ed the prosecution, end tho pritonera were dis charged. Georgia unit th Jltiitiouariet.frnrn what we have aeen in tlie various papers which reach os, we are dearly of opinion that considerable misrepresentation it afloat relative to th unfor tunate controversy which baa recently occurred between Georgia aid certam Missionaries resld ing in the Cherokee Nation j and that Sit conse quence thereof, much prejudice has been excited against tlte formei. To those who desire a pro per understanding of the subject, and ara willing to view the affair with an impartial eye, we re commend a perusal of the communication of messrs. Shorter and Jones, which wilt be (bund on the first page of I his paper. . On the 4th instant, the cotton gin of Josiah Collield, Esq. of Chowan county, was, together with the cotton and other articles which were within, eoaramed by lire. The Era originated Irom a spark ffyttg from a caudle which a oegro girl waa tarrying in her hand. Seven Negroes were tried in Saasnaoa aowaty last week for partii ipation in the late ptoq of whom two only were convicted. Thej were ten'i d to be huu;;, on Saturday net. m at (KWA-Tii fa larnr ofytaaaiA.r.wMaiaa dtajed slauaaata wt w- wJ aW V rwfatwMai. by N lata l ia iartttrvdaa. erwaa U aaaka tka UWn aVatiwrf, nVawta tbc jjrw srwsa . Stasau Kard, Carol Maaanatwartla 14JII IS. Maaaa ISS a.kUJ.IJd t,W 4, Kw t!aw.pw, 81 a) Conaacuaiat I 40. Ktw tark 1 J.WI Si, rWaylvais ItM 00, Xw Jarary SOS 19, Uaryka4 a, I) T, UntrUc of ColAU ITO 00, Yn!a , as. sia CmUm Tsicn sr. 0ta .10rS,Ttwa 41 I.UI Ox, MiMUaVpit.lt) (ALmIm a.0$0 Oa Vi S. Araay 19 SO. C. S. Kay K Od-Tafet yn,v3T as. . . CtTi.T UtMwtweftkai Staraaowl yaaklMJUdgvyUUoarUribaaalaaL TVoaa aa Stoatia waa elweswl PmtW ( ,u Senate, aao jttktary Hall Speaker of lb Horn of Rra. aeatativea. Qa the tth, tk hWwr'i m Aaeo as traasaairtcdtolMHHwaaea. TVtaffJraai IM CtMrrekeee rwaidhtt; wkala fa link, f Georgia being a anhjeot of deep Interest to Ae public gwaerally. we copy lata lo-davH papee sack r-ru of lh Mewf. a rUta uthataaaa. tar. On the saiaa day, tSe votes far Govrrnor' era counted, aad exhibited tba foUowiag re sult: - ; For Wilson Lnmpkin . 2T."J - , George ICbdmcr US.SSi ' Lanapkin w cnijnritr ' 1,444 J Mr Lumpkin n as acaord'mjiy dealareil duly eleatnl, and an tlie following day took the oath of office, and was proeWned Govwraor of the State of Georgia for the ensuing two' year. ' ' , 1 Internal JmJrfiemtnt. mealing was held at Salisbury 00 the 3d instant, when Thomas U Cowan, Esq. waa tailed to the Chair, and Burt aa Craige, Esq. appointed Secretary.. The nhjectt of the nwtinj having been explained by Charles Fisher, Esq. in a briet and perUoeut address, it was Rcnhtd. That a nuMie meelina- of tt, P.-. mors aad other cilnens of ttvwan, lie callad, to be held hi Salisbury on Thursday the Uiih in- siani; and lr. Isaac Hums, Thus. U Polk and IttirtDn Craijm be annniuteil a enmaitti In ail. di-essa circular letter to difl'orent trls of the county, explaining the objects of the tuettmr aod inviting the people to attend. lietolyed, I hat in the opinion 01 this meeting, it will greatly promote the cause of Internal Im provements, lo organize Societies in the several counties of this Slate, whose olijevt shall bo enlighten the public mind, mul stir np puM leeung upon every branch of this imnoriant an - jeet. Hnovcd, That John Giles. Charles ir.ihi.r and Wm. Chambers be appointed a commit tee w draft a constitution for such a society i and laid before the meeting to be held pn the 1 24th instant, and that aaid committee, also, ' open a correspondence with persona in other countiea, recommending that similar aocietiea' be established there. Rno!v-tl, That s:Ud committee, alto, prepare a memorial to the next Legislator, praying that body to cause asm vey to be made, for a ltail Itoad, and estimating the cost ol' the same, from Beaufort through th centre of the Stale, up to the vyejteruaauntius, and ihm the jimne te TaTiTbe" fore the meeting to be held on ihf S4th instant. Negro Sam, who was convicted, tit tlie Octo ber Term, 1830, of Rowan Superior Court, of an attempt to commit a Uape upon Mrs. Livinia Swink, was bung at Salisbury on tho 4lh lusunt. ITEMS. Mil Turner. Mr. Gray, of Southampton, who has taken down the full confession of Nat Turner, haa Carried the manuscript to iiammore to nave it printed. - It ia thought it will make a pamphlet of 36 octavo pagea and 50,000 copirs will probably he printed. Nat has been tried, and condenmed to ho hung on Friday last. Three other aUiea were aemenceu to DO executed at the same time and place; one of them taken previous ly to the apprehension of Nat the otfccr two subsequently, and upon W informs tion. ,. Faett The Banner of the Constitution, mentions that in August last, a gentleman purchased a auit of clothea, superfine coat, vest and pantaloons, in Montreal, lor 40 dol lart. The coat of the eame in New York, it 62 dollars. The difference in price actually paid the expencea cf the purchaser from New York to Montred, and back. So that the rich, who can truve), escape tho duty, while the poor must stay at borne and pay it. Another gentleman saved g200 in dutiea up on the atock of cluthea be brought, with him from Europe ' ' ' Remain of MitnttoH The French Chain ber of Deputies has decided to demand Hc remains of Napoleon from the English Go vernment, Perhaps hia living remain, hia son, will soon be asked for by the nation. Deitruciiv Gutl. About 4 o'clock, on tho morning of the last Sunday in Oetohr, saya the Newbern Spectator, the dwelling house of Doctor Robert Dickson, of Jonea county( was mifety deatrpyed by a sudden gust of wind, tt waa a larire, substantial two story building, but to violent waa the wind that in a few seconds there was nothing to be seen but a mass of ehrushed timber, nroa. trate chimneys, and broken furniture. The kitchen waa unrooted, aa were also the amoke ltouse, a barn and two cribs,; Anions? the eight persona who were in the house at .1. ,r. ., , , uic nine, anu wuusc pcrscrvBiion ia almost miraeuloua, - was a man charged with the murder of the late Spencer Conwav. : IIu adroitly took advantage of tle confusion te elude the vigilance of hia euard. and made hia escape into the woods. Loaded, howev. cr, aa ne it wuu iropa, oe can scarcely nope togetonY'.'' t..----,i r-V;r, I nomas M. Brotherton. a lirtvnle m the U-S. troops stationed at Newbern, eonioiilted salcids S FlTfc D.IyS LA I til FOOVt KUROPB."' Jfev r fc,M'otk 10; By the tucket thin New York. Cantain Uox- ie, Irons Uveraool, we have received London pa prs to the 30th of September, aad Lirertraol to the I st of October inclusive. They contain tome intelligence from Poland, by which it appears tha( ber case is not so eomplvtcly tlesperat( nor the triumph withe Itutswnaao eompleta at a re presented. ..' ; - '-- 4 ' t, '' -j, ' 1 he frussian Stale Watetle was not correct In saying tint the artuy which retired to Modlin af ter tlie tail of Warsaw, were prisoners of v They bare carried with them tlieir artillery, their aifj ounitioa and materials of defence, ami,' o eni.iaanied by tha tinblio iunetionaries and Ihe Chawibera, have taken their position in that strong fr-rtress, which a London Journal calls nearly i pregnable. Zaraose, a well defeaded tawti, la also in nossessiou of tlio Poles, who have an army in its environs, . besides tha strong tot-treat of Csettoewa, whither the Die waa to retire if Warsaw bad lullea when rrtge waa attacked by Diebitseh."- 'V - The Bottlaat are said to have lost 13,000 men in the capture of Warsaw. Tha army of the Poles Is estimated at 50,00a The wiuler is ap nreaohiog,' and a hostile pcpnUtioa intervoiet bet wean Warsaw and the Russian provinces. These advantages may enable the Poles to pro Innr 1 rite war to another eamtiaien, or to pro- urK TjVorable and wonoraMe, aonditiou h"Q0t ihe ttntiian Bmnerotv . ." - . ... , Iwwri B. t'u .Mt w JL. K.-; I imt at Um aa Maa.Ui . IV.. t, u t.14 isaas a my. AUo,tlM4 Lm Jaka U Uanwy, aa tl. . Arawy, a U,m AAOm rkl Ua CMwata MsarkfV U Pirt UMS4U. aOr.Saa.dS. H kMlry Sa XI aa LL Alia seawkK tt Mr. Vary Tjo , W TYar. MarwrCaarw loat Eaaaas at tirmilW. la Miaa UiWa Hisigwierwf tbo isM WdUaaa Emm,. UIaa, . -, . ... ' - la lw-:rW! j ary. oav tVe SlV sWst.t, tbt Oaw.Jaa U. Vvr Mra. r.laSri At Nawbam. an ia SUtb - - him. U. W. Jary: ta Miaa Saaaa A. CrtasM. aWi.kirr mi maymufi A laa, m tx Same . ri. vnps. aaawt Wrtaia ta Mrs. Eliaabatb ana, , -.'.Mi-.i., t . . '. At SaakkaKt, cat tbt lnh Saataac. Ir. JaWb Sa laaaaa Jdiaa Naarv UillcArvr. dmmwUmt A r . 11 ' .. . " .. . . mm Munw, S la C.raaville aoawtv. aa ia l.i mi mm advaaaaw in, Ma. U.fid PmU. Ha w. luawy yaaraa worthy iwmbee aftuo Uni (XaAh, aa.araaiy livwd aa the aaoat aaasnl.ls aad bitfiaV ry tanas wita hm anjrldxira. sad died saaM aa. awaatodbv those aha beat hnaw Law. ' AtTsrWaw-h, ea tba Slsl atliian, Mr. Mar. tna vwrewae, waa at Mr, faicr P. wiwawa. At ravciiwyiUe. an the S.1 laauai. Mitm Urn. gtrvt Mania, a native M SeetlasNi, and 79 ycara aad, on the M, Mrs. Catkariw Uay, reliat af tba late Itaneaa Kay, aged 70 vaar. At F.'htnloa. on the 4ih iuatt. aa ik SraV 7fwfih,P' Mrk n,h Uond, ailaof leaart(d (hit life, in Frank I ia tmntt 'mm Iha ateoml at ihia maath, Mrt. .Leah Norwood, ia the nty-lo.th twefiw aga. ' rhe auhjeH at Ihw aotiea had inderd been a Miht wx ample of ln.loatry, aaaevolcnae aad twlqrinn. f jt way ifford soma annsoUtioa to ber nomrrwia ratatKet tn learn, that site vnaiauiineal In iha Im.m -mJ m ner mmimc nairertal eiHrem aad that ilwraa ter which it appeared bar biahevt aaihitioa ta at tain, 01 oemg a mother lo tha Moiherinu and an auvocate lor Uie ae of Ui ponr and newly,. 11 immvmirmril. Nov Fall nn'd Winter Ootids For 13.51 and '52.' The suttsaribfr hat the idrasure of annonneln to the pablie. thai be kaa iust raavlvMl tnl ed a mrw mnl 7i;A.iW awtimrM mf f AJ.I. ttnti irf.YTf.lt GOODS, aMJtraamir nlmoat very article usuallr kenf in IV tlmtul inn. ... , twills, UASSIMEKKS and 8T. I IXETS, of every shaile and quality. rlvrimtiJ liHtiH- VESTLWS, changbla and other ucauumi auK, crapes and pongees, l'almrriiws, rmhionalile winter aalieoetaad elegant glnghama, merino clolha and rolorad .IrrSluwni A Amimm fine checked and figured Swiss mutlina, carob'ke J ....1 MMk..k ....1!..- f. - k. . 1 ..... "iiunin., niuaiun, unra nl lawns, Ix'nUlUul oeiiana oonnet nuantls, Hwea.l H bobbinet laoes, veils and taee eancs. ml J Kni;.i. -..,;.. haa Is and searfs, U'arsnw. barfRa and other t t i 1.1 1. ,. . . HMUT iiiiiui irr iijniiwmwiik.i. u . ... ...... l.t.r. l.ii:. I cloaka. Rose aod point Mtohert, Nuii and Shotmnt .very iiearmtion,srfi Duiuluble kmtrt (very cheap)) soperlor nlk and eoltnn nmhrellas. i..w tit,miii gxut Trme, cirgant tJMlJN.X tn long and short seta, shell eomhs. JleJauri vh.it tmta yarn, ntttn ingfing, sugar and coffee, common anu praas annirous, SiMiltth frH, coatfrtjt and 1 These coods havine been nurchaseri hv a f,4n,, ... ,i,w mUW mivaniairanus termsat tne pack. i.So m new hhk, me nniieraignrtl is conse fluently tnablrtl, and wi sell them invariub'y at thjJLcQLpi'ie.: Hit ulotha, nf which he haa an excellent aisortinaut. both for dmi an.1 over ooais, ne would pariH-iilarly lecnmmenU la mic attention 01 iiuyers. funhnr supplies of at most every article in his lino daily mrrtA .m.i additional arrivals every month will aWaVs keen kla aaaArtMinat UJ lliaatfviiw.lll ; n, ,u . . . ,1. ti. gtf ITU. Raleljrh, Nov. 16.1 M.I I " . 1 ? 47 fl. NKWGUOCKRY v 'and ,. : CONFECTION A RY. STORR JOHN G MARSHALL k CO, adopt 1I1U method nf Informiiig the pulilio that Ihev have taken that tpaetout estalilMimrnt nti FHju'lcville street, nearly opposite to the Citv Hotut, tr Uiey have just received from the North a flock bf nne wines, pure spirit. anil select groceries, toge. Iker with a completu asmrlnient ot fretlt Con. lectioiiaij, west Milia Iruita and preturvrt; tor dials, &. ate,,.; AH which limy ofler (or wle ar tha most reduced pii(s. '1 hey flatter thorn selves that, by their punctuality and attention to business, they will secure 1 nth portion of Ihe patronage ot the public, to merit which, no exer tiont shall be Omitteil. Their assortment ii too extensive to be nolieed minutely in ail advertise ment, but consists in part of tlie following artialct, Coniae, peach and apple brandy ' Jamaica and Antlfpia rtlfti t Irish and old rye whitkry. Holland gin.., v-i-'-'v Champninc,. . ; ' : AM Madeira,; . IJ Teneriiru," ..." y.v f j& '4 .,- Mmflj, Malaga and Setippernongy m . ixm-lon brown atom and Philadrlnhia nnrlrt"" Perfect love, peppermint, noyeau Sc luroon cordials ninny ate aim ciuer ; , w Caf mat or ait atirna -..'.iV. ? . Oranges, lumn'iis and other fmita Itaiiii.s and dried currants ; Almonds, Fni;lih walnuts and palm nuts New York pippin .?' , - , ; - Preaarvad airtf green grngtip ri. , Itrst Spanish tegart , , 1 Smoking ami shewing tobacco trl snalf Loaf, lurni and brown sugar k Young Hyson and imperial tea ' Coffee best quality , .-'4'- ' ' V Water and butter crackers ; , ! - Rest tendon mostard , I'l.'-'apple and cask cheese Pickled and smoked salmon ' l Jried beef ami west' tongues ' . Itotogna aausaget " MolatseV. :'.....i,t' - .'. Nfr Sperm anil tallow eandlrt '. ! Starch, copperas and aaltftetra t Peaqierand aUspiea ) t... -ii Faacy and turpentine totp.. ' ' ; , Florida, cologne and lavender water .Vt : I . .I--- M . at 4 f y TontlfKclte drops, seeillitt powdcrvaiiil lip salvo India rvbber over-ibors. r, .. s'"' i K.iVi ALSO.-i! fsv: ii fc Gust, rroxs asa caorksat. uaa at4Jtl Litaaroot, imtji, ettooan at uw a a it. ; Un consignment, wrapping paper n lists ' ' . (O OYSTER SUPPERS .and RELISHES of dim : different kinda prepared at any moment, and the shortest aotiea, ' f " - r i, j. RWigh, Nov. 14, im V' '''f 4J- tP f kStftto of North Carolina?: To tho sheriff or other ri-turnlnff officer for the! counties of F rankling GranvUlo, Nsdj and warren, ;v,reeimgt -4 V ; S:'.vr'V " u -: 1 Wlwreaaa vacancy In the'reoresentttfnn from thil (ftate in the tl'eof fteprwaenbttivrt 'of tha Vnneit States hat been occasioned in the 6th Con rreasional District, by the resignation of ltosi.T PoTTxa, Eaquirer 'Now,1 UiKrcluro, know ye. that 10 put-seance nf The power ana authority m States, you are hereby commanded and required to cause noils la be opened and held in vo'lr re- speative counties on ThurWVy, tlio Uihilaref I tear ra ber next, at the placef, ealaliluJted by law for Ihe election of Represet :ve, to 611 .Hieva caney aforesaid and that yen meet on ibe Thurs day lollowiog at th. Court IJunse of franklin county, for the nurpou of contiiarina' said noils. anil ascertaining lor wbant tnt greatest numbe w votes shall have beea given ra the aaiil district, aa by an act of Assembly in that case ia tnadeaud provided 1 aad that yoa cause one retura thereof to be made to this ofiVe,. , ., , u ., . ju a. m. ' oie" ""'5, m7 ha"'' and the QVAty Great Seal of the Htatw, at the Oi- H, SE1L. ty of UalcighOiie 14th tr of fiT-?t?t?5. Nveoioer,A. Ik IWL ' By tha Cyerw5A ' '' 1 ' " : A V- , V .': : ' " . da. U Most, r. Sar - ;:. ..." w X'.:'. ."J'wrv J H iTtit as T,riXUM ra. - -' y tfUona Mw f,--u -jh.uii. X. a4 k iM fcnf i" 1 1 j jLL 1 that rn IW Jl Mil a4 a amttv ahnr 1 1 naat KMt, amMbw 1 aawtmm Saas a4 supU ry wowta, WaHwara, rakry wyrvw taa.ar aU rnwis 4y aU aV akai -' i"' pr, m wt rim, , Vt'kslrat htim km S k -k ikik " kwarrat ul aaaiaiM lhm, aa Wy saay aaak lfM lll ..ll.L-l.l - kt f. . BVMtlcn, OV. 14, U31 . tf i ' JttOORS! BOOKS.'! DU0K.S!aT - AIrt tm 55.000 VolxMntm,, , - K.NEK la HL-r.UF i ik. M.k f ra .Qi.t.cii Uook , taarf abo iV . PasttllaetJlSa atel tUWaw, ara wow vw- ' oarrtaf araaa llaatnav. New- trnfc aad lilaeV. -d t-C, MarW aaasa snare af wock. " anxM4w4 ta iim.ke fa aaas .1.1 Urra atrwk,' will uadta CiwW avtsbUakawtat aaiot aoaat ska ' ma exIrasKw, gwarral aad ow.f lT aaa. of tbo ; Uadsawtb afiaa INxaaaaa. itrar Wwf.i, ayaawrtats Uw, McUaal, 1 lwical. Clacawal, ' IlitUinoal and lwUaM( hooka, aowrta wlua PJ -rt-y of aew and fiisluoaalla rradtag. . .' ' The law danartaaewt it Very extraaive, aoa-".:'- UhglsaralluwslCanyoli.rEaglltb aad A- 1 anaricaa Daalkaliona. (;rra aarw k. Ly. i.kM to wake UieaoUeetiaaartlMolnckid tud actled- ... -' ! umvmi otatiirta m1 miubla. . ; . IM stock ofCBl.aol and alaasiaal baakt ia fry ' rra, eoaaisUng of Eaglisb, Latin. Urrck,'. ' " 1 lYeiwAaMl 6panih. vT:... - ' ? v " ? I Vir mltaellaiteaas refif tmbranrt aimoaT - . aver) ailmired puhlteatiea of antirnt and taadenr ' uimsuhi not ceuree very oimm. . , 1 Also, aatinon.ial, taatliratatWal and Khoot " avparataa, with very general aswHaaeat nf wa 5 ary,amdiM.goXBanh.k,aUiUt,aniaH . an, wiia a great vartaiy at laocy artialaa. ' -iH.lant, aolwiat or etpenw) hat bea sparad ' -to rewkr tbev eatabliahment uelrtatandaum-' - jJata arsostiUet aad. they dt with marbaanAw lienee htviut the goad anlientof IVonU Carol am ' to enll aad eraaiiac for tbetatelvet, assuring Ibena that tlit quality and prices moat pleaae, as their arranircments ara sack that they tan afford to adt . aa low a books ara- anld lu any markat. being agenit lor some ol the mnvt exHtislra aK enter. -pri.lny pahlWiers In the United Stw-a. ' . , . v ; ,.N. U, Thry will, have ia Merl an enaOria. - went, a Itrre stoek of borka, conklstiiie of law. ' meuiiai, lustorwal,. Uieolofical, pcvila, and a ; , great var!ty of old rare wm kt.all of Uh.h will . , aa aomnt puniia auetioa earwig the approaching rs 1 At this will bo the tune to buy books at one1 ' . i Own Drives, h Wi-nld be Will it' all wnul.1 i.r. ' - ' I ttswa a rtST wlsvaiirta aaAlaHM 11 1 - J their cash and iall ap"n ': ' . , , ' , , i.i.-siiiini ,s, oja, t, s , , : , 1 j Mtrayed or Sfolcn vrv.v F'rom die Whseribev an Suad.y. a;1.i" turn ' SOtb nlUmn, a larro HAT HOUSE, with a black mate and Uih lie hat a laraw white aoot ea bin "Of".and a vmall saeonliisfni'vlirad.ai very much nqu or sway aacKeiK rather Mrh hinmtl mA um um wiiuc inaaca on ins aaa t Hunk where-. uia aaouie woraea. The ret-tocks of bit el fore and hind tret are white. He ia a tolerable grmd saddle horaa and well broke to harness. " I win pay a very liberal reward to any paraOa, and ell reasonable expenses, for his delivery torne, mi suiiyvt Hiiormaiion noncerninr mm. - . "' f ' t ' ..r.UUUti Of IKH3. ' Monreeshorongli, Wov. f 7-"' "47 tf Notice;- Tho suhsarlhera havlni. nu.tin.J V. to ihelast will and laataiuent nf iv.ij k'.,u. dea'd, will; agrackhly to the will, expose to palw " ua smm at tn lataraaldeaoa of tlie deceased, on Tuesday tba 39th instant, the whale eitata of said deoeatiid, to wit: one traet of Und. containing two hundred acres, more of Icat, two ftvgroet, amp of tom, wheat, oats, Mder-and aoton. nmiaeiioiu ana kriohen furnitore, stock of aver kind. til.iiliA. ,itA...U. aA t . .C ol twelve months will be iriven. the nurchaata giving bond and approved eteariiy bnl'orv the oro perty i esv4iaagcd.!- .-fg-x. -L . fj , All those I11.lrbt1.1t to taiit detrnaril, wU plniso make Immediate pay men ti thota havlna elaima - tro requcttd to present them property authuntU eated withm (lie lime prescribed hr law, or this no(i wilt be plead in bar nf recovery,-1 " " Oanvilhj aounty, Nov.' S, 18.M r- 4? J ' H 4C Parade af die Capitol Sniwre. no Sattn-da at ternuoo, the 6th iiisthnt, at 1 0 "clock, ewinleta." ly nrmeU and equipped.''' t' btivt- , t v vwf wi ia vajwiin,' , v vi'".,' v. '' -V; ' -t O. JONES, O. 8.'' "naIiSVNov.iif,JB ix .t; ' i'V:;l; m- JI'ji :!. '. ..1. :"! -i r - '".ciTvMooas twig; ceo. w. nixo.TrMF.ucnANt.TAnjon' Itespeellully inlormt lie clUxanaif Ralaiak and its virinliy, tliat bo hat just received 6W New Ytrk, and it now opening,, at tha t'ore waj,J r rayeiievHiastreei lately oeaiipiail by Mv.Lie.; J ur.tvr, a fo doors trnmlbe Uank tf Nwkr.i. a haiidanuie and general assortment of . . ' r,lLU JL U wVUfTiilt iHlf, GQQVSt vV '-l?-( uona whiek ana .' ' . . t Superior AiltWita aloth v;i' fe : il?. aiipernne utite ,;.oo in A;v.-.:-x-i:. Hlu aaperlstita; da ?m4 ; !'&iM''-44 Invisible green, brown, and Ifteel mixed da-i v Superior lMiihin eissimerea, rarioui colours . ' Kieti nguivo and plain aiik Vetthigo, at the most ' ' itashkinaUe aolours '' h'-V'k ,?.jr?.:mA ftlask ailk velvet, Valencia and toritncl do , fittlemena hnrseakia gtewt :i i-.'Jxt&i V Black silk stocks, shirt collars, 'ko.i;ij. ':v V&.vAUU,i: yr4i,;$l v A frneral 'assartment of JtRADT MADR CIXJTIUNa; All o(whib wW be told low for cash. i v;j'WI(.frVa Ui" ,i . t tie wit! onwlonelly U In Raleigh himself, aod will at all times atrprrlntend tba buaineu at that plate. Gentlemen avho pre for It, eaii, by leaving then measurea at hit thop, have their clothes made np in Newbern, and forwarded ta lUlaigh Irro ol etpeviat to them.-,r ? ;, November 16, 1S31.; tl ' f:-tt tf For pohllshlng bv rbbscriptlon, I concise hJitorr y-'r-.v 'J. .v of tho "'. (,; . KF.HUKEB OAPTIST ASSOaATIOX. ' From M s original rise to the present time, by EU , der Joseph HicfS.Onderthesuperviilon of a eons, mittee appointed by the Kehukeo Assoaiation. ,- This work will be divided into two part ' Part 1st, will contain the History of Ihe Kehukeo Association Irom ks first orvanlsalioa nntil tho year IS03, as compiled by Elders urWl and Read, ninitting tm-ti pant of it aa are eooaider rdauparfluous.) - Part td, will erobracoa aoa tlnoaiion of the History nf tho Aisoclsiloa, ant4 the present period, bv F.lder Jattt JJirn, fee. - ; . ; OX01T10X9, ,r H '- The wotk will be printail id good paper, with f ...-. 4,1... . t ft v:i.ia v .!., Hi . s lair, y po. ana wui make aboot J00 pares, due ' . ileciino. It will ba. furnished to auKur.hiH'S. . r Bcatry bound and lettered, at 1 yor tingle aony,:1, " ' erf lOperiktxet. ..U,:iM VA..f v.- - A JJovembarf, ls.1t v ; . 4T,.-.vC'4 fTT Personj holding snhtcriptfnn pspera wilt - pirate tend Ihent, on or tlorn the 1st ed April , . 1 next, to Elder JoaepU. fiipt, VVilliamatOw-Ws- 1 " Ciaa, Uetrard,Tarbore'. C. v,"'t4 ;tCTVyantrd in purtha? or hire ira mediately, A COO D COCk, Apply So Ui Editors,- Si- M-fc.'':, v '.',;'.. -.' " ',!..v .Not. 1,.; V'- a :,..; '. Jij,:,ii X-V ii"' ' i V - BLA.N KS. .' '' " OT jtmyeVttrir (arseJtoMtklsCa 1 . r-w 1 V w ' V