3 rrrs a s '.V ;' A iro.oi - . eTWpf" rrrc rtt ' - - " - -1 ft .i ' - ill Ajti Cu'i Shfrs.tt!et '. ; rwntu, unr. ar .' ; tAWRENCfc &. I.EM AT. . '. TUMS. r,-air vtaa. three aMtars prt anworn o. iI M UTS M .W .M- ' aaeeriiii-t ia f.lereWiitii-!P.rrctrfll &,wkiay dair n fcn,r.!.Tilw,Jin.t cruettf ai.krmwa ta 'iiitM ,. ! i" " v; Raluck. Dec 8,1331. '; j CwxWmwi. I Wormed, front an ii 4atio toorte, tfit t Vonii Ume. in ih -owrty oT Frmklii, t few Uajn pMt. m of j veighed twl poiodv Thu aiin promiti U Um richest, tad rntn citeuire f anr 1 diMvvcred la Um United States. I km mm tbM eref coriied lht God.' ia hi. protideaee, has nada erery portion of tuiUiraiu m Hnr upon an qualitf ' Ta oat partfcm H kaa commerce, to ann .her rich Mil. and Mr Mni laid; dul North CaroliM diacoTcr fcte -bert' interest' The VMtera eoontry atw was able properly to ppracUt the richnetaf her toil until the jiaeoverf of iteamboata, and ; North Carolina, behind than aR, had , narer dcoTeitd . hat beat intetecUoMH lately. -jf! uty mind it U rtearly 4dot, that the tblihroent of a. branclt or toe attirt Of th United States, or; at ean, an wyn-i qkioq in tint Stale, ia a mporantM Manb Carolina at the MeamtNiatl tf tm th weitern Sutita. ' Indeed, a refuaa) t the part ' of the Genera! Gorernment 10 Tfni the memor'ml of thia Slate,' now before hem, wtmld ia (ta operation be more rrietoaa haa the Tariff ; I think I can ay in truth, ibat upon. thU oaeetio depends the political fietperitytjradvenityof our State.' . .r- BeapactfyUy,' ,- - i''-vv :essra;LiVw & Lraar. I . -it tat THK T1I. ) A aaiMBtnteatioa. itich anneared tn (ka R. ji( Hefiatev of Um 10th in Kant, orer tbe tirna-N jura oi 4aepa w. r laatoo, abairmaa, it ealcu Uted to niialead the ttubliemind relatire to tka TaogU. of bolitiaal partisa ia the eoonty of itnkea, 'A atranrer.oa n-Biint; tlie oomiouru dtioa, would natural It auppoae that the raeetjnr miNated of the major part of the freemen of Jtoaes, aao partwulartr the eiUzens of Salem and itmoioitr, and eonteaueDtly that they are-ami. Mkaoniana, It Is not kaoa to tbe writer of Uiii irticle that thus to impose on the publia was tn. iaaded by the pufaliaatloa of the eommaaieatioa 4ttded tot therefore this is not intended to ten fwiajr toeatin or any person for loipropcr tont)ut,,ot merely to eet forth the face eoa netted with the meeting at Sulcra, thereby to orreetany erroneoas iinpresiiont made by the 'RepuUia Meeting or ita publications. :i 1 If is presumed that ry fine of the republican 1 this republican conoty, would be wiUbe to nbseribe to tlie doetrme contained hr that -umr tfcceroiff and ilandervHt proiluetioo bf Dr. Bhoaaon.: Vol a tew pf them would feel an InrtiR-: artioa borlerinjf no anger, if they were told that j ikoseare their ientimanui yet, from thft.insinua-1 ions appended lo that tpnriou oftaprhiij ot the j lewmeit Uoetotv A Woold seem diet many of them (ttended tle meotins, and agreed to the fumou. Jreamble and maotutJons. , In short", 1h wA-r Sroth is not declared the eommunication in the Segiatep. t Is-trae lhal cneriil oOlke had been ;ien ay advertiaementaod othetwise to the peo1 fit ot Stokes of dip intended meeliag. Itisal(t foe that a nwmAer raett but k is aally true that H Bome onairteti tf bo( .cty permit!: It alto true rtat of (beae thirtr -there are aii tho- wugh-toing Jacksenwn ao the number of eiifc Jens coaposinthe legitimate meeting was about jeBtyfort It is not neeRssary to mention how kany of thii rranther left tfiw meeting in diagost n hearin .'Hie nrcAmbie and reolutin the ,.flienlr whieh &e Deetorliad to lurraouut. In jettioa; bit; preaiabtov and solutions through so iisfeed a' number peskataing-pr- how many ot w. reraaiQwc omoer -were J iwiropeans, hose hostility to the aepablieaa adtninistration f Gen ami Jaettsasi eaa 4eaiilr accounted for. a one n ha! a Joore firaorable oiiinion of per. ot edreated ia Burope than 1 hare. . Such io4 ividuals stand deserwedly high ia our country; r da honor lo (be Professor's Chair, the Juli J Reneb, the Sacred Desk and the healing art; it are we therefore t ooWe that they are ha mly JlepnMitva m this country t -jbUy not Vmerieiuw be equal It repabiiean andaatriotief , l The wonhr aentfemaN ybo ; pr ; ided at the Jetting is eatted on to refute any rneorreot state. sent made in the abere iwmarks, and ertrf aemWrof the meeting; is asked if tbe facts are H aorreetly stated fc-,,,' f x-.? f V;. ' ;i t ,, ? th is not pretended tliat the atiorementioned fenty-fonr r all the anti-Jack toii men irt the Wmtytrbut Jtik belteied tbst the Jackson pom 'wwM more' esmeronii than t preacnt. It is !o belieredbal a like effort oa the part of the Heads of Geo,. Jaskson woold produce a raeeting I seveat isay sis or seren) hundred,. instead of I I will not aeenonttrBor prctenti fo account for ie smallness of tlie number which attended the "publican Meeting., ' The county contains a po .iation of 16,00a General notice had been nren.br adrerthwnent o the part of teadintf i id troW respectable eharaater, (Ur. BhwMftJ id that for weeks presinus to tbe mealing, and ! tbirtyereon faeetr Are there but thirty PmlleaoslnStokel?or ie thereanTthr.t' bdi. is to the people, o. StoWin the word tmft'-j emu. i lor me people bad learned that instead Republican meeting, k- was (o be an anti- kson meeting.) n. -r , ( The A'lUioiial lipnbtSeaa,' as llier eatl them, (ves, may hold their eonrentinn the anti-Main may bold Uieirs these and everr Other con- I'ntion mny normnntf persons to the" I'reaklency tlie United States. On the second Thursday VoVember nest tliere wm o. w nreoUon hi th, Carolina. -, Then will the People eonrene. uuiik uoi, iuey win sore, ana, il I he t mistaken, elect the present worthy and well. M inenmbent to the Presidency for tlie next Ns. t is boned that every American Voter (II sUend the People's convention., Then will jc real arenpth or parties be known. - fct'rioU y warn s of our dimgerWell us the salvation I the Cu ion is at stake that efforts are neses Fyto defeat the re-election of Gi... Jackson, Mr may tell us alt lhi and whatever they fseiTo which we anawer, we will vote as r nm' "" we cannot see- anv danger t h likely to follow the re-election of the nii f m tue people delight to lionor." legiHtaturtof Virginia.- Thia botly et on Monday the 5th iuatant. Linn isnka wat elected Speaker of the Home Uelegatea, and William C. Holt Hlcer of the Senate. Tb following extract from the Go "or'a message will b- read with in- rt by ear resders;, "Whilat we were enimnw tKn tmn. ,ClCC the last aeasea -reposing in! tSe pttre Mfr.aiet aft!amticot. lot I arul S!rtV Wt WrrH and.! Internist.,, lUt a r-rtiot, kfoor (eliew. leaifjrr .f a..,.'... ... i ..... . ' . , .r.,crcT, J" "" wm"' i Mattel, .l... .1 1 I . i - . . 'fHrit rf Wintorinrtt "'i"v yw ni'wi rt0'tii lOTiq eoo.i.(...: e bot f.w .1 fusfaad Bn t n Hint t i.tt4t a grtater namter aZ.rlV.iIV .nVJ Tn ,,0'nft. r anlf tt Southi rnpt-fl, an. ttnder Yrr. cunSi tanett of the tnn.t hockin5, .n,l hornj barbiraj.poUadeuh amy n pr,oM, or wbon xK greater notnber toakaaf a;naaa a aa..l L.I.I ... .L!l I. . j - ncipivaa cniiurco. promptly assembled, and all real daorer - 'ITie'c.rnpiracTaa at first belief ed to be f-enerah whereforr 1 was induced lo call itjto sei-Ttte force sufficient to crosb at a aiugle blow all oppixunj pow ex. whatever aiijft btf ita atrengrtu.- To thia ertit,letachmenis 6f Light Infantry frant A-.fth and 5f fklreginrcnts, and front fhsvath reriment. oC Caralrr and 4th tight Artillerynndef Cpts. liar-, (ison aud Bichardsoh, were Ordered a repait1 to the scene, of action with kll possible speed, and report tn Brigadier General JSppea, iwho hail been desired tn asumo tUcommSnd, . and . call eat hit': bi tgade.- Arma - tod laniinenitioo wer amply furni&het!, and thrown into kit the counties which were suspected of ; tJisafTection.'; ; Twbj regiments in Brunswick end Greenaville were called into sertice by their commanding offi cers, under, lha ; law jesting them with power to-do so, for such purpbses. Xliesn troopa being within the - brifadY commanded by Brigadier General Wm. II,.Broadnkt, that officer assumed the! command and remained in the. fiild un til the danger had .passed ...t' i it gives roe grat pleasure to commu. hicatft to the General Assembly the higtt satisfaction I fee) in bearing testi. mony to the zeal, promptitude, and, das pe-tcq, with which every officer discharg ed his Jutyi, and: th cheerful alacrity with "which everr citizen obered the call of: the. jttw.'jiwj'iSrjjj; J- .Though the call upon the light troops was so promptly obeyed, vet before their arrival the revolt was subdued, and ma ny ot these deluded fanatics-vera either captaredatKeff pljalMjrosd'Uhtt possibility of ;escapej eome tad already been immolated by an excited people. '; ;a ,reet luaniguestgratiucation m aad tog, that , tlitt readiest -aid was afforded by CommOdpre EiUplt vji tliftl United Stktea Navn and a detachment itt. iailS' ora vfreitt dhehip NttActej'undcr-his command, whonotwitlisUnding they had jusf returned from af fotigt and; tlistant cruise, repaired .tp the aceue of action with a highly, creditable alacrity Much is also due ta Colonel House, then' com manding officer at Fortress Monroe, for the promptitude with which he detached a part of his force to our aid, antler the command of Lieu t.CoI. Worth, to whom similar praise j due, as likewise to. Ihe officers and foldiers mnder his "-cOra-roand, fol( thfr'ipromptitade wUhi which they also repaired to oor assistaBce.'lo soon as it came to their knowledge? all necessity for their co-operation bad ceas etl: before they- reached? their.-. point ipf j a'. a 'a.. ...a m oestinauon, - pnt toey are not'ine ess entitled to commendation on. that ac- count.VsA44.-.iiiK' ktbi? All of 4hose who particlpafetl- in the bloody;, tragedy? haver spiated7 their crimes by undergoing" public execot idni 1.-1. ' i. . . - wunsi oiu'wro nan uoen-- coutiemneu have beenrreprieved fot rrtaoos vhich were- tdeetnd i aatisfaclofyvOlfere. la much reason to belief a the SDtrtt Of tn S urreclion was hot confined -to Sooth. amntont mabi, convictions have taken place elsewhere, and some lew in distant counties, f.r.o.nt tthe uocohients which I herawitli lay before you$ Xthere' Hion much reason to beliera Ihose plani of treason,' Insurrection" and murder- have Becn)aesTgnet! planned '-and matured by arirestraincdf fanatic in some of the neighboring States, -who find facilities in distributing their views and plans a mopgst our' population, either through the nnst office or? by: agents sent, lor Upon inspectinrcTiIucnmen V ,r.. ':T.:.'-...'.'.r.s . ...t,:,i. ihatatate of rliincs wliith ! ih.w.r. insvmUtLtn nroducei I felt if ""v;','-' 1 - . ... nit ttuiv to open a corresuunuuubu ..kius " A " J X . i .. the Governors of some of the neighbor ing powera of this confelercy, to pre serve as lar as possible the good under- stsndinff which exists, and which ought to be cherished,' net ween me uiuertjui members of this Union. The result of , this correspondence will be madekoown ! to too, so aoon as it is ascertained. . ' The most active amon'r ourselves, in stirins up the spirit of the revolt, have r i l I. .J been the negro rreacners. n-y au acquired great ascendancy over the mitiili uftictr fellows, and infused all their ooillions. which had prepsred .i r .w. -i..i .,. .f h ft nul them for the development or the BO-, i c 'ft. : I ., .. .... m. ...tiin In : lieM"i M u-rc ia anw v--- . .1 I . tel untie th have been tin channels through which yii. woo.. wora; wis Hone im (hot liendi who, Uit t Interest ia Mood.jmocnmg and on the Hay feU'ear ceraatunttj, Benhele,a aeek to lowing aboot tentlock, thelut Kiuf-It'a a aervila wara war whkx. VnH1 eo,'nVtteJ;i :Th.;'iten;haMft ittelf In Ibe'tnaaucre of tinof o that " and ;4ha . acliaeent toqatiea fendinir mi.s and rK'.!dr.n M k. ieve. tnose preacucrs ptijvi tr .Fmnmrwip'ni.iv - "7"" 1 1 .1 a i ... I ll. u. Kua. Miiilai I .a.Mke.iS aarr ' Tla rstandios in relation to these plans - Jm ZZZZL rT- Hiw loUL'howt the Eastern Count.es ami 1't.ai'skt lal lh imI. .nvir.r alie had been CICOOTUIU- ir. c. rr..iDAr, 2:: the l03imwi!orT rVi and wm.STets , t,rtBt.Utl imof "t, .V ,T. " " IT .' ""v.. pinning treason fl C1"Srit U r!wt ,l TKroosfi id. in.!.,. lrst-v .n.f ik. I.... I u...t ( the - k. , ooa f4" JxrwUtr-l to-ulnwi'inwttwiNilFliiwI, h eonty . .r'C: attncM, tb rat tnrTo i,V j iu-j rr. wtt of a a.r.rfei.r character; of thea ioOirumatory pamphlet which U merk tn4 rkaritablVf Uhef Stitrs hi ,eea eaow t. distribute fir, bnndi in (he botom ol r-or aociety. hare a . - . . . . Men ma. ' Wbit ahall h. ti.Ui.k r sil e; and oil the thfrj irt the lacrifire of all who have borne part Tn the savage aodertakiog? Notnly ahouldtlhe seferest punishment ? inSicted opon: those disturbers of oaf peace, whenever they or their Eiaissaries ire found with-; ta eoir .reach bnt 'decrjive "measures should- be! adopted to make 'all their measures borirve, i The public ' good requires the negro preachera ,16 be i-1 lencetl, who,' fall of ignorane'e, are in- j capable of, inculcating -any 'thing but notions of the wildest superstition, thus preparing. fitsiaatruments In tbe hands of the. crafty agitators to destroy the public trtoqoilUtr.'v-;;v-..-.TH i ' ;Ab the; means ofguerding against tbe possible repetition of these sanguinary scenes, I cannot fail to recommend to your rarly attention, the ?ev isioo of all the laws, intended to preserve in due subordination, the slave population' of our state. in urrrrw'je considers ttona npeiTWrgtit) Jet be under stood as t xprewiog?.lj4'alightest doubt or apprehension of general results; all communities are1 liable to aufiV from th "dagger bf the murderer and mid night assaswo, and U behoves themlo guard ..against tlm.t-.- vvt'i- ;With us the first returning light dis pels-the: danger, ant soon witnesses the .murderer ift'chains. BV; ThougV means have .been T taken 6y Utoselof-othecStates-toaEitato-our community, and discontent our slaves, and incite them to attempt an unattain able object; some proof is also furnish ed,; that fprj ther jClass of free people bf j colors tnev have onened mora en ared view, and arging tho'achiievertietit of . - - ar. ' . B ' . n I r nigiier tiestiny by means', tor the present 4csa 'violent,- bat hot dilfering in tne ena. irom tnose presented to the f---... kiL..'ut , v. r ..t - j i sia.veo.--j. nar , ciasp jut .inejcotiimunity our 4a ws have heretofore treated itb indulgent kindness, and many instances off Solicitude.'" for their ''elfhrerhava marked the toroirress of Leiristafinni If the' slave is confined by law to the ea- .... .:. kii L.I laic ui iiLa luaaiu, il is nuviattute lie should be--the free people f color aay nevertheless convey all the.incenilfut'y pamphlets and papers ;Vjthwhkh!'-wis; are sought "to be tnundatejT. jfTW cUM too; haa been lha first ,to pUco itsel In; hostili;' itfy atgaiqaf an yand every measuro'desighed to remev 'them from ' ambhsat'jB..;,'.ThoVg pensably' necessary for,' ihem' to with-: draw .'Jrom this cominonity, "yet To "the ' spirjtnf kindness which: has erer char1-! acterised the lieglslatury of Vrgtoia7 It is lubinitted.whethf as theast; bcnO-' fit which w e cart confer- upOq Jthem it may tot be, wise to appropnste annual Ira sum bt moner to aid in their rerao- fival front thia Commonwealth. i."' t .i ;i nVbilst'J recent evcott ':had4,treated apprehensiuna inT the ''jmn'da'io'f. afew, sotneagitation. ,wss ,alsV more: exten sively folt; wherefore' t tvaa deemed . jwdent, iiritt.-th' milkla in the faiaS-" ner" calculated" o' tquiet all apprchen-j sions, and arina were accordingly" fur. j nisheil io near! ; all the regiments pn the vrEastern- frontitr.;- The . .want kf them. onon 1his- sodden e emereency. wa'i'aVoewt'Wy; t hy 'those in the vi-i ciriitv of Norfolk,?i8 to.inJuce Coromo- dore .Warrington,' In command of .tht Navy; Yard? inGosporC' to distribute a portion of 1hepubJic nrrna Btidef. his care.1' That gallant and patriotic 'ofli- cer'.d$;'io$1tta iponsibility of this atepr atid if.ta gralj fying to perceive that this conduct., has met the approbation of the public June-: tipnarica. The policy of disnrmib the, .,.. . conoir"a the men and meature bt tsf9rlS,f. M oOlcershad been culpably negligeiil.iniw la W V .. .. . juiciF shwimvh v v. .i .; i ... l.,..i .' k.. ...L.ik.J that, niaiif were lort, or by neglect be come unlit for servica.--Nocsr, however, the necessity for preserving them is distinctly felt, and a doubt cannot be emertaiucu, iusiniwsvsiv,wui ken of thein io uture. I could not weigh the expense Jncdrred by this measure, against the possible sacriBce Of life, much less the possible repetition ;of the acenes.of Southaroptan." t " - - ... t1-r....'-..'t am .Ahhrttit A noluylnna aret . milrMiii u in thewoontr of Surry, (Fag.) one of wboae tenels is to saM leaOi other at a snecljog Uh a holy kiss. Uue ct tnc wmaie .Vytning 1 . J . . nenlmr , eneounm-a young ceniKniaw, wik.i , 'j ti... a unli.1 uicau-d tot " kiwwg wah an appcjtHc. ... crrrr. Ar.: rr.tr lt. IRrperted far tl ft.) " :ta,i.cHnm.itpainCl;ii. .- l IN 1 Speaker UkJ befursj tk SeMta a accupMet wiitt rre read jm1 Uul Bpn tna lafi On motion nf fr. Martin fltocViivrbam, ! icsmlvi, TW -h, Tiwaaerar be, and he i. kerrhy directed to t'-k out eUSemeat af ,11 th-;fi.id brlunjpHa ta lh BUtfyairfy their deanioa, Uw gruea MajMat "I Mmk, aaawat reiwt So tka towat aa ua a. practkaJ.K. .: , , Mr, Cuinn prraenUxl the fullawlna; rewobi J iton, wtirrfi M read the tw ime, paawed, and refcrredv .. - Uttrel, Tkat the PukUe TmMarar pay to lUkeaiwr VTaa. IWIt, RherirT of Mama iwm, the SMaa of clrvrw dollara aad airty.fi t ceota, tVat aaonnt kavinft beea paiil ialc the pwhlia lrw ny as iMtsew k-mls, held by Join. Urowa. a pat af tUatbaart aad othera, -whiok UmIs wev listsd aad the taxee paid ia Uarweod conatvt also lha suia of tUirtj-6 dulWa mmI fnrty-five eeots, the aiaount paid into the pablia treaaory as the Uyesoa IMiltfaua e tlawliami'e aMeniatioii lands, whirh arera afterwards ant it kv amid Bell, k warehased for the States also the sW nt twelve dollar, th exprnaea iuearrad a takting, aelline and ramwying said lands to the tioverwan aad that ha be allowed a wrmlit for the anma ia the settlement at his aoaouols. . ' On motion (f Mr. PamnKen. i'l - ..tmucw, i u um .n nuy imniim w M stravted to inquire Into the .eapedw-oay of aUnw iagaoamensatioii to the militia ordered into sew viae by tlie enoitanading omeer bf New Vtsaorer county ,ror tlie parpose of suppressing an ioaar reeUoat and that the pors atnl documents herw with transmitted be laid be (We the said commit taej and that they be instructed V, retiort by bill or otherwise,' - ' .-ti'.i ; On motion of MrWdliama, i ? ti InXeStthwdL That tli Jmliciar Committee be jn,tr"0led to inquire -into die propriety of alter r or amending the Tatrol Uwsot thi State t knd that they report by bill or etberwise. - - A mesmipe was sent to the House of Com mone, propoainp to ballot on to morrow lot a Brigadier General of tl. 3rd brigade and 6th division of North Carolina militia, and stating that Montetque W, Campbell it ia nomination for tbe appointment." f-?";r?-;.t " Billa presented. 'read the first time and paed.--By Mr.' Halt,' a bill tor exempt tbe wardens of, the Poor from the performance of certain duties, t By mr. Wilson, a bill to Incorporate three Light Infantry companies ana one company or .(Jaralry in .tlie county of Edgecomb, and one company 'of lXgU Infantry in the eountrvbf Mtt.J,i?U ,ta -.On motion of Mr. Sea well, the House pro- ceeaea to consiuer tne bill making an appro priation and appointinj; commissioners for the buildincr of the Capitol:" The bill was resd section by section, and amended on motion by Mr. Sea well.' bf ' filling ud the blank in the 2nd section wtttt the; words nhirty thousand dQllars.'. ,. Messrs. Seawell, Martin f Kock ingham, Snd Toomer apoke on the subject at great length.' ' We sfiall .-'eootfntie o lay the speeches on. this subjcctbefore ur readers as Fysi m uimwHi permiw i .. ma - ' m ara I-! a - , , Mr. Martin of Hocki neham. moved that tbe further consideration of the bill be nostooned Until the Ihird Monday io November next, wntcn was agreed to-ayee 3a, noes 31. rrhe ves and noes being demanded by M.;Martin of Rockingham; wer as follown- i Vis st-J . V YEAS. Mesira. AUen. llrittaia, Caldwell, Campbell, Dick, Dobaon,Elliott,Ciiltiiore,iiiltin, Hall, Hill, Huke, Hoovery Howell,- Ketr, Ken datl, M'Entire, M'Farland,' Marshall of Anson, Martin of Wockin-lism, Martin of Wilkes, Mas. sey, Mc-lchor, Montgomery of Orange; Purliftmj Bar," Rencher, heraid, Simmons, Toomer, Ty son; UnderWooIi tv "v:i:i-t, NAYS.M.etsrs. Askew; Bntemen,Bell,Bo(l dia, Browni-igg, Cooiwr ot Martin. Cowper of, Gates. Davennortl Diihoneh. Hawkuia. Hulrr. Lindsay, M'Dsniel,' Marshall of Carteret, MaU thews, Millor, Montgomery of Hertford, Mosely, More of Rreene. Move ot Pitt. Pool. Rowland. Spsipht, Seawell. Belby, Skinner, Snecd, Thorn. S08:Yaa! hook,WiIIuuns,AVilson;,ii "'J.''''??' HOUSE OB'ttMMteAf';. , . , -r," iw jiu.'i Mf, Leake,' from the Committee oT&imi. re port ea untavorabty to ttie peWion of Job n o. rmancTirm,. .uoncurree isv. -.' , ; tnills presented,' read -tira first ; time and passed. .Ily Mr. Daniel, a bill tn- amend the act of 1830, entitled an act to amend an set, 9kmam A in1lM; . . .... ., . I'-"- i, .Tniiunn .an avv o vest in right Of electinu Sberiffs in the several cotin'. ties within this State in the .free white men thereof. By Mr. Cansler. a bill to reoeal the act of 185.0, aitiiled mn act to atnemt an act, entitled an act to alter tbwf time of holding two of tbe Courts td" fleas and Quarter Ses sions of Lincoln couoly, , by Mr.' Mebane, a out to amend tjte act of 18'y, enttUed an act to enable the State, flank to wind up gradu ally, and to fix a nnifornt r jte of Collection Referred and ordered to be' printed. I By Mr; Rpnner.Va bill fixinif a uniform "mode of eeksnteut of the reul cnte,with site. improve, ments thereon, in Ileuulort county, lteierretb -;. Miv, Sawyer, from dUo Committee on Edu cation, made a , report recommending the rejection of the bill : extending la the teach, ers and scholars of all the achwoT "within this State tbe same privileges which ire enjoyed by .the officers, and students of the University, and an oilier Seminaries of learning particularly- established by Uw.T1m) bill wax rend, and,,on, Mr. Sswver's - motionr' laid on tlie tabid,-; -v. A . nvWifs-: ! -, Tbe bill to appoint lay yhyt tut nbhjnjf with seines, rteus &e-at New.. Inlet, in "the eoun. tie of Currituck and llj de, pawed it third reading and was ordered to be engrossed.'-,' '. The engrossed bill to repeal the lrt and 5t1i cclians of the act Of bst Sesiioit, authorising the County . Courls:. of lGtn, to ' appoint wardens of tbe pour, and to build a poor and iirji tttitike, passed il unrareiuiing ana was y.a..a . ka....ii.i --r- ,,,' " ; ,: : Mr. Simr cton Diesc-ntcd the annual lli-cort bf the Adjutanl t-enurali which was aei'lwt Whereiis, by. jlli uwa' tsf th's State," tbe the Senate with a proposition that it bee.tpuin of miiitia omiinuieg are only rcimir- printed. ;. ,;.. :. .-.$ .jki-r i On motion of Mr. Burgin, a messsge was sent to the Senate proposing to hnllot to mor row for Brigadier General of the i: h brigade, and informing that Jesse M'Uui:.: an is iu nomination for the appointment. .The name of Joseph H. Winston was, on motion of Mr. Settle, addea to the nomination, t-,. i 1 . On motion of Mr. Iturgin, the committee of Finance were instructed to inquire Into tks. stspetfieney of ektending the time -lor perfecting grants on entries made ii4he year lo2u until the 1st January, 1(132. ! - On motion of Mr, Sumner, the committee On the Judiciary were instructed to inquire whether the criminal laws of this Slate oiipht : not to be emended so to abolish the pun-jof Ubmcnt ofevtting vfl'the ears,. . , t"- it On motion of Mr. Haywood, the same com- mittee wore toctrucK-d to inquire into the Itoprtety of smenjtiig and cspUining the ' i - , i ere the aa.J an,r i k i that ewrti and lula Ia rw-ir .j cawuiuiiinir t-f Uwewrta.it ru . tr tf.e avrmmewl of Ibe Supreme T.iMt as l Ur ' . ... I firocs a4 m.nnrr af Krym. ,! !.. I'.... tne cvie ttiat ar or mv La d bef.irc them. -. - ; ' . !. , l be kill in pvvnt perwae o lb coast I rem UwlUin nif out -tUo lii 1,1. arv.1 II,. . w;it .i. .l. . . . . , aurr ne iuie OS ru-hUnf two lit tlie' '7 i.wma f nunoon,-,e, psael llinr llMrdrraJing and were orvlcred to ba tn gnnsod. 1 . , The enfrronced Lifl to repeal part of the act of I82f , prescribing the manner w which lands should thereafter bf advertised for sale hit tstes in the comities J" Anson and Surry, aM the resolutions direetinj the diapoaitio of tb naia, drafts in the Ute Kngmrcr's ojca, and th.arraninj; aiul fttingor the papers baloogiiig to a;liies of tUe tiene ral Aaaembty, wtic rrd the tlurd time and ordered to ba ciirollelj . ' " -c ; --'t .-''-'iv.' " - -V -"t i SRN ATK. - ,, ; Oa mntinrt if : Mr. Mofly, ' .'' ' ' - fsA.T1!.1 rli rtmntlttec oft the" Aid! clary be 'bartiett to inquire whettovby the exivliiij; law th a a!ve Can be imlieted. i.irtUe crVW w .aHvijMrj-j and tlut thev rrpm b billot Mtii;wise. . . i -v . . :;"ftilU read the third time and. ordered to be"eMgro'Med .V'bill.t provide fur the compensation of rvrtain Jurors ot' the county, of: Pen'intiiion -A bitlto amend h 10th aei ol the act of As semjcli.p.' D$i '. 'prescribing the mode oFsMrvrymj and selling the lands lately acquired . by treat? front the Cherokee fwlians-.V bil fo 'alter the time of holding two of the terms t( the Courts of, I'leas and ; Quarter Sessions for", the countf of Macon, and for the better regulation of the same. ; . Mr, Kenilalt preseiifed a bill pin exclusive jurisdiction, "to the Superior Court of Montgomery' .'county of all pleas, and prosecutions l the Slate; which passed its three several readings and was ordered to be; engrossed. 'I:-' '-,r i.Mr.'Bateman presented a bill te'pre vepttrcu.)a'ion of seditious pamphfeu; On nTotloa of Mr; Wilsiiii, ordered that message be sent to the .House nf Com. mons proptising to refer the bill to tlie committee on . thai part, of the Govern wX5?ICTVre'i.'nai. ioilhe subject tf free perionsybf coloPahdlTQceiidiafy publicatitin?;;' U t",ff- tt "Mr ''Allen presented a Vill to . audio. nze thr erection; of 1 ills on Big Ivey creek ini; tlie ciiunty of Buncombe. Thn b'di-was amended; and ordered to be laid pon, the" table. ;'.! ',ff S Recei ved ; frfnithe House ''.'of .-Com'-, mons a jnesaage;, statiiVg.tiittt they have passed the f'llow.iii'r ennromied bill. in which jtheyrask thft'concuri enct; of thiaJtouspt-.'Ltll ;-to'.au;lhni-i.e, the Justices of the Peace 'of Jlytle and Wastiitigto.ncodntltfs vpureliase lands anerect .such."buildinisa will be suitable for Ihe cbm!irtableaccominoda tion bf the poop of said ciih'tiesA bil to repear;ait acU pssfed in the year J823, emitletr an-act, to iiieteaHfe con stables;; Jees, tn the i coubiy' of New HanoyerV l'he fjrst'vjiiieiitipncd i bill was read tlio first -time and passed, and the JaHtjtipntioned bill being read thft Unit tinefc-tvssindcfiiiite.ly posfpotitid. .The Senate then proceeded It. con $ider the bill, to erect-tu( of a portiun of the cinlnites of liui ke aul Uuncinnhe, a separate amli distinct county by the name of Yancey, M r. Allen - tnoved tl at ; th e bill be I aid , ,u po A t h "l able, which, was not agreed ,a.-ATC4 Noes 35; i;rThe bill was thertupon renT injnini time, anu, revived that the same khuulu not pcss-mAvea )Noes Stf.-' P,- it? , 1 '"(.'. m ,:r f,, r ' ,5 YRAS.MiWAltew Crittxin. Caldwell. CampiH:ll,l)ick,liil,on, l.lliult, f.dmore.tiiiinn, Hall, Hill, Hoke, Hoover. Kemlnil, Kerr, M'Kiv lirt, M'f'arliind, Murthufl of An mm, Martin of tioekiiiRhatn, Martin ot Wilkes, MasM-y, M"i ehor, Montgomery' of .'Orange,-Hsrluuii, llay, Item-.tx-r, Tooraer;T) VMn Vauhook.- -i- "NAVS. .Minrt: A.kcw.llatc-innn. Ttt-II. Dod dle. nrowiiricTf. Cnnnur of Martin. Cowiwt ot fistes, Dinremiort, l)iilioii:1i, Hawkins, llai ley, fiowcll. luidar. M'D.miel. Maithull of tJiirt. ret, MllhewsMillet,t Montgomoi'y of Hertford, Moteiy, Mnyo 01 tircune, .'Nlnyeol 1'ilt,-' lod, Itowlsnj, Siiaiit, Soawrll.Sidliv. Shniiird. Sim mons, Skinner, 'lncetl,' -Thorns jii, Underwood. svuiwm,--ay tisqnT7'f."w' - , '. J V " HOUSR OV 'COMMONS 1 ; ' i Messrs. Munis. Pearson. Uarrinicr. Joseph'.; II: Skinner and Pittman, tvere iippiiinteu a ouicci coininutee unticr me resolution submitted by .Mr. Morris on the Till h'tstanf. ' .. '. -r- - -' -. Mi Clayton ttilriHluced a rcolution atlowiog-ctimpensatinn to certain jurors in tlt county jif .Buncombe, whicli was read, the fn;kt .tijr.'and parsed." '.T "l - Mr Weaver kubmitted tlio following f cmtldtiou' viK,"'" -'..'- "r; ' : -' :7' ! ed to' parade- their ,niet-once in cath noil every si a months:, and whereas the colonels commandant are in like niantier rcqitired to call together their respective regimetus wly once in each atxl every year for fuvicw aiid I inspections and whereas' rt is fruml by tlie joflicers commanding 10 bo impossible to keep lup a well oanicd militia with eou.w advanta?es of traijiinn and k hr reas It in thought tkat cvoluiioiiit of 'tin iiitc tin be taur.ht to recruits more e!' ual!y wlitn ooiicctcd in eonsiJerable in- ' -r. . v lieQheil,tlum9r, That . cuinmittee ln Military AiJir"bo instmctci to inqnite intn the propriety ! ;.toWding hv lt , t)i-t each regiment 01 tnUaia of thia St' fchH consist (!.' ',.-, j , . ... , ta a 1 1 1 f.,.,;., it, -,t . frf ;trt frm IU .,. t4" J U a 1 torrt trvia he fci u .',! inta t)v ((...rivry of pwi !.. jf Kr t. I tUf fStf tntra ixftu.i ir-v ' t lul., twol,itt!;or,s,ncl tliateacli hntiHi'.on .lm!l jbe parailcd Onvo, a,t least, in each and every year, un-t-,r tho (.'.-laioJ cntpmsn .', f at lent two $f the held olhr.ersof (aid rcm.eat, and thaUhcy report by billor olhetatsci - -':'. . " ".', : ':-':;.- I ti- . , pajir tl J l.'ia Ut trr 1 I , " the ilc.j- ' ' if. r inks' a ffOin 'VI ( t f r f j r . if.. ij,-t i... a I a i ' - ' . i Uv --i... .it a I. -i I it,. t. m,.1-j . ' Ar. 1 - ' ' ' I l reMe.-. i m , 'it t,i- tKUf, ul ' . i' "in.r K. jp.,,, i. ' t ; it - t' -" H, Cnlwa, in th t .M . 'i n!fc if at 1, 1 t i.Uio f. Imr. I iln.nl "j t i rrmaiiiin4 fcnr trtir. lar .m w pr,,, r to I I'jrwfd en i., but I S-ir tcve u a l l, la St.. liu-s, tin 1 b.e , t;r Iron, , ml th mfiat ltit',in'li.tiet tn, "tu til Ua Ln J H-s., ,. r,tmA pri-r I- -.ore npna kins fv li.e f, . mpt k any u: t -is he Srwv t,mk fprf la make mt for the w.f thnar .,!, k, 1 i-Uao some c4 Itic !-iters aloe ailu.U , tu. I Uv, il.r Ih.tt to be. m ilk reset Mnet. vanr SkrUK'tit arrairt, -. , ' ' 'v' ' ' "'!. STOKr.3. "-' Kvccoliia CTee, . '. . : ttbtx-a.tut.vj ,-;',V- Via rii Tna strove communication wjs, on Mr.-Tolk's mntiou, prdereJ t be t;nt t n Senate, jir.wiiH5r that it bare- ferred ttt a Joint Select comtrUlfc, and informin that Jlfii l'olk, (isttnn, -Henry, Cotrts an 1. Ur; compose tlie '. ctimniile-i ft the part of the Commons. Mr. Wrilit. from the committee ap- pointed to r.'intlurt the balloting for a -' liiigsilior flrtieral of the Sd brigaJe, re-; ported that MW. Campbell had re- ' ceived a mnjmity of the vote. - ' v ,;; -On the second balloting for a llrTga'-. ' .' ; lier General of tlia eiht brifrv'a. Jo-- Sepli II. Winston wis clacted, ba.loting stood thusi - . .v S w -.. ; nt End 10 , - .'.'Winston. Mr..; y- - ; '.rCuiSton,'- 91 "'", -'v- Blanks - 9,.' On motion of Mr. Mebane, -, Ktalvet, Tli at the committee on Internal . ' Improements inquire into the propriety of '.'.' anthnrixing the aula or other disposition of the Dredirintr :t.ictiine belontrina- to thia k State and formerly used In clr-mmg oit the? v .." flatf below Wilmintrtort and that luev rw -," ' port by bill or other ua; ' ; '',- ,v ' ;;;sjit motion 01 iMr.-dfrft-T.i, tv ' jle$ohiL That ti r?omitl- m Internal ' Improvement! be Inati tided to lntpiireinto ' tbo expedieney of etndryitii-"the lireinj -N aiaciiineio remove :mt shiui Dsr Oelow th 4 v town of.Waahington at soon as prscticahle, ? 'Bills ptesctitftl, read the f.rst f"tjj and passed. By ?!r. Jarvls, a ir.t tt r J repeal in part an act of the Grr.erjl As sembly, passed during the Session if 1 83, chap, 55, entitled an act to j ro- ' t ide for the compensation of Jurors f ir the Counties of Beaufort, Oii'ow,' -Hyde, "Annn, Columbus, nnd Dujl'.n,' " 15 v Mr. Cain, .a bill aulhorixir-r the ' tidmioiatrator rftlia Uklate of I atnuel ') Pcmbcrtnn, tlpreased, late r!.ci"..Vof the County of Moiitgmucry, to collect tlie " arrearages of (aifi tlue the sal 1 ; " berton lor-tha years lR2ranJ' 12;'j, ' -"Bills read tlie sccund and third tin." and ordered to bo engrossed. ; He till '. -for. the more convenient administration J,: of justice in ilia Cr-'iiti tf rii a .J ' Quarter Sessions for the county ot Cara'-"---beiiand; aud the bill toprovide for t!i ' prompt payment cf Juror for the coiia-' ty of Currituck. - , , . . - 'Mr. Henry, Irom the' enramittee ca :. - the Judiciary, to which was rcf.'rn J t'ta . uilt to render t-i 4 who:e r a - cs r.ro forged competent vi"!ie9ses In proiccu , lions for such fur lies, rcpt?rt,vl the" said- bill'wlth nti anendment an I ra '"'. commendc I f ass-e. . Thu s ... ; 1. mrntiwaacoiuuiicd iii.anj tho L,!I v 1 ' laid upon the table. . ' . - H On m4an, J.Jr. Polk had k 1 t ' withdraVlroni the record cf li e j." tlift petition of John S. Itushwurm. Mr.Cherrv rrcsei.Se.1 a ti ! f a t;;:r the rntuJa cf co;; ; ....''t to r oft!.ei. itst.J l: -irf (' which, .after :!io c, ja tf tl.a ha l been taken s veril tl.nps t er many dmcrent motiouS, was b':ii. withdrawn..'.5 x . . - The House ailjttrTtrdttntU Hon,! for the purpose cf af.'ardinz' t'1 0 t make aomeaitcraliun in the k 'i tf (' hall-' '-; r' ,. ' i) ''..V!' '';'.-! 8EX.VTK.' . , .3.-. " i The Spcakrr lai 1 before the Senate av c.tateiiiiMit 11 ' i er, prepared in t' lution of tint' i .'.i t I H I i a 1 1 - li 'ice to t'..a t r-" :.. i it'int, er' ' I f rn-s t ' .t ' f the ; desrr ''"i t " tho several 1 1 Is State) which w. s c ed.' ' . Mr. MTar!" ! t ingjeaolution, , t.' Vbcrets miu 'i t giHlulloti have h n v otilawa rt-lntive to e ' l .lot'" " tj t j lered u be I t- ..iej i:.a r " v as edited: r -l vi j ' i t in l i3 t: le. nt s its the diCicrent couu ters f I t',iti!i llirn !' 1 c it " " i.VW, ,', Ti.ut diciary be iii..tri i iii .His.; t into "i . t 'nnV'tee on t' 1 Ja I to ii"iii,m Into t (.. 1 ; t' i laws .f I . i it ' f '1 f , 1 peuiftiry or 80 k ,11 State, it' ntCf . , savd authority to lmi t i' ' of tlia. atttit-jr l X l t ,1 . ,fi4 ' ,:t?i tU L!!ow t they report I y I. !Jr, B; .',.iii ; j" r u- refsttlst - ' , 'i i r- -s the - 1 have l.)ii' lamsnted ! Willi lift aintoi E,.iH- lioni hey bfs b vei-; H t'i atcend l-rr olmiru-. t -!, a-id th' i Tho' vU'e est end a t'.,iers f 0'ir E.a. r in i"- -y tu fia, 1 r ' r- I tti te tDj k'mliow for I uleo ' nie'is her rivers are rm-ren's impetuous. C rest tiifitanr.e to the . tVestj Mir toad, in some seasons of the ycrr " ate iinpaisAhle Air" loaled eamaeea. -In '- J-ihort, our cxpcnt in r,irg proo U Tka - r3