1 -a. ' rrr. : . r 4 . haiugii, XT. o. run) a2. Aphil cinca: tr mi m i if U W Ml - ? V T, , e am ' t t 4nrii ' - : v. - i v s. . -. k .heif U lTnr.' f ' writers m pee T IWW BSw mmmmyvmrn as ma ,' w I "wtW M Aasrraxwe ainawpewuericw. pioarwsa, f -x- of th Ua ait Wiare fi r. .; a erf tamf cod bert,j Irghlfu'itaajea. TW essenae ate iww; Msg te in cwtn lit a luajr stwauiersi aa- a' s of ar watf-ci' , Littert Shall lh. crM ihmewdere , pwt aa a nW4 nuHrf fib. M JM CCWfttTy " vea Tea.", v r-m-r - t--panrtlf UtMt srr . Bws.rv,. ' -7 -T7 tvfeo WilleuBrw I RMM M(H Oi MtrV rtf rt 4U M vkc tb4 nfterio f 101 frest kr(braoM of 1MAttcM pcop! Sht dirAei lb IKHM lyMM uf uiKtioa MniaJily Mctiaw) t(Ub( fabrie of our eobl inatitt((Mnv f Sba ' bu ; bhberto cqulnecd in tbia polUy LW OF 1 U tHKU ST ATM 'difniad oAdemioa, loukinr ibC tin ipaWl .rt oVmiM VIA 7f-fuMlimnt of Ut pubU dbt brUd . . . . . cawf Oam - -J jforbl thUeTiltin of her tuflhep, 1 w n ' T J rcctmcktwa f tU sytav . . 1 - , ..j r,i.. ! Wr now DMi.tht k f tint era-) nmW WW WIOMMwm vionvw v lira , , , - , ,. ... J Uimt i tka out af ftwitk Caralan at""" t'0'1 1b rooderrt annate lite publu ftM V (ha Uaitaa Bialaa, t I wftcateu, ana iua puouc wcmi an 3U macteii tn U SrmtU aad tint J Ur- lolblleU. in tni n ajt uNfa . : ... ; If4 foc' ia aJm tiffWC 0Watati7, aJ luAratd 1 ' i" 1 it in' J-'a. f' (k tV 4 prWiylq Tta C-li ''t M at4 raai.'lara V . Wt U far awJ aa iw X ay fntpmrntm M Jafa Ura'.' . Awmitt taa f (N daajiajiaiJ Va offal f fart aa t '.ao I a af ay ynlH4ay U tWat aW i ( al' mtummKtmm aw ua r,a,ai'w - wiwjww 'i fraaAJH.. .m-'JWilJ-lal .Mi . .mj. 1n0a af laMii ainlaa II , Jt-r all . wr Uwh araUwafm awaa, rlin"iraa) Ca-i !' Ik ui i m dm ail jar lar I ha ainiiafiaiial 1 raaiaiga af taainai unit ar tl aau.a aM I aaMa-al a ka4Wp( ta4r i tbmn Uala.W. )lrr aiiata ra VTVa ai I'a( diji arpiaHo, lira at 4t aCtita aUcat I awim anaimjaatalUi, inaarn,( aitawi I ma mmffmx at a- , v i ' ' dowtah fc I . t . J teaaai m.4 -riair', la af Aa. nfaaataa4 itja 4iiali'W :' rwt 1 T ' . T. TH. .ZT.rT IT I i-r. . 1 br ai Jarr m atnW l aMMafi a laa apaa Tfa- i aa- V V - i , Kadi SUI lb Miata poarcr amVha Kcluai.tT v?" . ' y . Ik.krMttdU.A.M.i J1 N.V'V1'! - fuvar U ocounr VMacif. H a M I ,Tk aaavwuatarUaa rah Sta aJ frkaJiaf aW iTa, k laaat aa Ota rwl laavV' V r . - IkH t Xra pnoxiiityta .JU iTar brsai-la a ra- i "a ml mtmy nw.n, if( paa tap aouw aa v . , UrtlanaiktUaaioaKW4n4 1 aa lb M VrayM-o If . L a V , -T ' . ialdtlH. rt4 V Ul trrtoa.v4 aa amai- ' V r 1 " , Maaawaa.'aadaaalbrblimriK),..-.. Tfe-' ' y j 1 lata awHaaWJ oiH aMffrnwaai'T rm- - -'. MamilWmtiiT'Bila ai.- f. .V Lib laamra far aW oul4 kt la anprv . iHfr,' Vv -, 'j v H - i- -. - I i t '. . 1 . '--v i v- " .nrr., r- ...i .... 17 ,,.r 1 t m 4f . - a J11 v-v. 'V' ' c ' M tin at. i of " 1 . A pfftnloHvet tflhm UwUt StaU$ .Imatca tn i baeom US to tuncf out. po4tHm nd M CWfiyiw mtttmikd, That a proper asaouadnf. comtnodata our pokci lo qur atfualeondido ffiaara tha Jriaaary ba, ?"t aarabi., Ba t)l. ej.naie.af iba PorerumciUf aMbortead and diraate4 LaoWata aad actUa , 1K.i t. hU ,i;R.,l .k f-.'i. tha liana of tba at 1 of Bnath. Varuliaa irkntat Tl , 7. . j... tba tauad Slatat fJrIWrl a pan nury acta-: "c f , lu..7 8 a'j exMadad b bar far mjhurr tterai for Ue . redact uf ihe rrmue-i teduttion o tbe ww Md baacBtef tba Vailed Statea, aud oa aa- ecluil neccmilii of tha .Government." "Wi aauai af bar militk wbilal ia tbe aanriaa o! the do n, -nudenco an! hirte require that tt U ait ad Stale,, daring Uie lata var Ub Ureal ihall be tffected vilh ai little injury ai owi reitralna importation. Artuiittaa bwhmt as eipeooeo aif ueeiK Dio to the mnutctttnng eitabliinnMnu, 7 ad arprvaarcd br the ni detaaee during the late 1 Sir. theie- appel hive been ms.le with adminble npicity wi'.h deep conviction lUat the f ystem can be maintained only by tr outing the auioni and ezcludio; tue i:i.t. 1.. .,.k. u.Ja n..t k.. draw by tbe 8tU from 1 (aad opou wbwh ibe , built up in a diflforeht itate of thn.fi. " MUtanraoenriatiawreit. v - . , ,Thi q.iesliou haa beer, argued by Ihe -JJfZ .emtd,Jhh ? eentlejitUfrom Kentucky (Mr. CUy) upo., aiaartaiamg the aaouit ot iotercM to bpiid, aa " ...TZTt: . i'. .' r toreMid,!: tba State et South Cardiua. !nr.t,,b0 "pt.tht large porrlouoflh. hall baacmtpMed upoa aumiVtoded by tUe'cou",rr r 'fru &' wem.re derhohlion Stile forth iuc and beaeBuf the United Sut ,of tho tll,hnienUr,nl "P1 ,le at iloreid,-and which bare been, or alia) I be Ye- been rofeTo to akcite every moliv oHiitereet paid to South Cafeliiii by Uie United 3ttcs. and arouse ererr telttsh -principle, to rally 8ea. .,-A'nA be it fwlher enacted. That thr araund tbit Tariff ryuem. aVl protect it from louowmr elitmfof tha mita 01 souia uiroiio the tuaulti of ita rutlileti assailants. taiott Uie iJiUtea Statei, vhwb nave beau here antbre diaallovad, ia eooieuenie.of their 'list eaotae arkhhi (be recalationt Ot the lioveroineuV ball ba ad jailed ni fettled, thit.it la nyr Ii.it ' rilu Af u..1h unnimjialli Wllt! the nid atale rornerD.ili"o.w"11" un, 1 late war. and rrjected by (it assumption tny Joundition in fact' l ha latixxstinr oKceri f tlia United Sutei, ia there any party in tliie country that seek to ,, eeasequenac of their oat being eouformubfo tn the j demolish the manutacturW eitablishnents? Uadard fixed by the Uepartuiant ol AVarr Pn-; It there any which ia not deeply impressed .ViaVJ, That tkeballt to rejected shall Wtlong te, wllu the difficalt ami delicti e responsibility the Uoited States. ' I of reorganizing out system of imposts, and mT- "L'Z" LhJi ""i8. i yuig tha dirties, with s due regard to all South Csraliofefortbt trantpoNatlon ol military .. 'r irikk.. Itarei, aad at her troops, iTu.e sertiU of (he! 'he W wteist. of the, ptmntrjf lfbr ' VmiZk .-BtrntmL aa afarLl. ar Waoimraed br be '"X ucu Py Unknown to me. 8f, 4es at baviac been eallad out for that tmrooaq,.fu IT object ofhoae whom I represent, oer and aboro the bomber of wagouseMowed to snd with whom . I assoeiate, U to adjust thj aasb rBiomrit ia the army ot the United State. ' system so ftt, to spprosknate, at near at tmy . Tliiru. M'he py ar eompeniaiioH allowed by j be, an equal participation in the burdens and - the siid 6Hat to the lymiiter and Coroiuiiry i bencfiis of the Government. ueoerat, sd ot nejr sun onwers, wtiiist they YXpiMi undetv the- present system of f,..,!, ,.,,, . .. . V i taxation is whollv tiliatta nsbie. The airri 1 will of necemtj I proportion 01 the eTred dollars, forblankeu imrchfied by the Sine ' re;',,u- ,' proportion is obvious and for. the use ot ptnlioaol her militia whilst ia , incontrovertible. The Suulliern State have . t the lerTise of the United $titea. t . . increr oomblamcd of that inequslity, while v Fifth, .Tbe vilutf of tt nreseoteontrsot uric Uie revenue fiower was faklv exercised, and . ef; jh matkett burehiiaed or twoauriitl by the with reference to the necessities of the in peace, burthens time of - .C: niJ'... .M tt.;.i,i,i.,.r proiouno. neace-me Tiuunc arDt oeinif ten liaaeaeiied in ir.m at the uresent eouti act P''d-1liey are unwilling to be taxed-not . iM-ite. . f ' ' . , - ,,.tgr the benefit of she Government but for f tjjkhe it fuHheV'tnacted. That thaHbe.benefit of larKe, wealthy, and Bouriahinir -aavbrft kamf hereby aUtfweA, anil the mdoiiiiI of capitalists. A system ho unequal and so laterettaa aforetaid, shall, when ascwtaiMml.lunj.ist cannot lie endured- As a permanent tWac beeaeoae'ewed ) tba btaaber reoaasi rioeinef W fwtfva!'WaJ af rvvtb. C W raaitaV wbrra tbwf 1V1K Vp smmw I kera.arery tUm the cow;lu af iha tptrtzd. yarrrwU. j4AirrwU. ' I kaJt aor rv"ae iale artirW aaj 1 if anabii Wf amce teanscil tba uiace rMsubly Tdaw n,f Ceaatitaittraakl SMwdk. I bad aeee tbe iittri-af wtth whteb'oc 0eeaaawa are atftaraeJ bj C frees, biaaf M th ralirtHaavl ijre aawaa, U bait rrwera - -than tbt CW--trtio. Aalaeteraw eIJ nb rxWukaiS ta dicaue gvarely m Caaau Ix KVfaJ poUr, s la tb preTatof ear high dtsuair. it may be Mad a oiiit of jUer 10 teach a topic eo atale fcvd backaeytvL 4 . ButM sereral tiaatera, aad aspedany tba Saaaterrroas Uaiaw, I Mr. liilme.). Hmmmd Urn Seftat with- bang, labared, and eehtle arCSMAts in fawdtreMaUKioealry'ir Ike ' protective lyatera, I trait I shelN paMiMd fin? static g-. a eoeonatlw M t saaj, tbe views whkb J rwtcriaia mm thi aubiect; ' lliitl prelewJroT by Ike adwoaiw cf tk'a naliey , tiiat ny direct maul aiptea! paSser H Id be tofiMi in tbe CowaUtatiorvM prarect saaMUBsoturra, But they iaaisl (fca. tbe pwwer is hiHy derived Ira thaw part e be fcb seiioajof the let article af the eotunUertlea, which coxifert ee ' Coflfreaathe, pewee " lo regulate Corajikere) watt turcirw nations. and aiaonrthe several SUtes. and witntbe lo'd'sn tribe. m . ' , 1 The, abola argument -rest upon tae fconitruot'ton te be blacrd aw the words, "to rerulite cum me roe with iu reign nations.1 anU it U conceded an atl banda tka if .the power to pnitect raanufaeture cannot be derived front these word, that it jcana be found t-hewfiere, and conaeqiiently dee tot curst. Whst ia a proi!ctiifjduty? It is a duly IaM to restraiif the lutpertatior. of a foreign article wmilar to , .domestic artielei and tbe duty it efficWl .or wot, preaiaely in Hi proportion a it eifeets tW rmpottallen of the foreicn article. . If the duty partially ( II UIIIJ IBf1WI W To give ihe proteo ti asertJidW' It Intsanvaiw ua tba mpwi-W nt ib 1 iiCia aw4i be tatMdiUM tK m Aire. Aaiaavi trw atirwiivi'wialiiad Ow-a 11 rtii. a' mm 10 M! 1 tit,. . n ia r1 baaarrae a'ra a. t. . t aWkrw aaak k t it. brl ataya laaa aa.. V A J M a. - V I . ;ntil I V H 1 Mtm'1, 4 . . ' . . . . (V ' 1 rt jw4 a , iHV.'WMbKlw Mia; aaluaj awaa butaawee. raward l tba yaar 17 J attiirr aat are ymr. reeh ' aee por nccejain . ixt, lae w sboate of krealaXiaw. I fUv-ewt bruave I eaa kevftasad eaeee freea pmarwaa uf she UU iapejrt f lanewagB) Use, d bicb aeek td eonejirt; ib p rer te iicgwUe etaereeT iaeo k bwweetaproteet doajiratia aeaufaertsre kf, vkkk 'prwtiiovbe aiapleta, "tbe Dowertwregnla'ecaaiamca''; bj taaulrcd tut aa aaanbiiattoa) OT cotemerp. tir, IreaeaL the ia bket ,ra' coat meroe ilbe, great, evil wtevke wwnt a pnactV e tlx pari ( ih State ia tea plying wub tUe TeeuoMiaM et Congreemke; wat uniformity a caawrtcJ regulatiaws! smonRlh 4nrent Stataav sad tba araot af power lodged ome vherr to ouk casmeroial treatic wrtk futeiga pwi ' - v - ' Hut, sir, taU anoual mraf ! fresi dent, in Deeeaibeiv -UiO,-tk-argument la favor af the caaatituttoaality of the protective principle pieced m b new and, In my ojiiuien. tbe trongetligHt in wuckaneaa k prOatat ad. It U atmted a (ollewer ' Tin' newer to iainas dutir oa impnrt arlcv Billy bclengcd ta h atraral States, lip right la atljust thoaa tlmtet with s view to the eaeour leroeirt of dnraesti branaliae of iiKlwairy, i m omplctely incidental to that pewrr tlwtt a it di!G- villi au wilimw in. vtwuiii i inn vmw w m nil.lt , . . t the ether. The State have delegated tlieir whole ."V: Vhof 'T'e",orV ead mt IbWaaisiesalti liaota ot ibr Ike pommr WT baavaat a ma aavbate ry, Croat time to uai, (or die wait aaaaaging awd miiag af the aaaaninai bvvtpartr, aad gwaaaal lH4arrMaadarHVreaf ibeL'aited StateSvM'sapk kaaaner a aluii n inrfrry whb tba fcaaeraa raewtt or iMvaiat Uta a (Barter Wtwah rJ w mim - - r, u.kl Ltbcir- IrMlivi.tual tMiNjiitief may. be enmp4 rat.'' ! ieiaitawiTtariv aiaft-- n ksnru, aaxl wktflly Iea4irauaie Wlrkiha UaaJ " a tititavte iMtrnlid and Mi9 aawl are.' ii waa.V'arwrai-ev wary nrwperU ai4 ailaJj oa. ' TV arat kraaa Had of tbwsaiijiat, W aa the list af Aacaau wbia k was aowdV'td rvfar ao." aarts ef ike. eaattii a'tie ea haa bewa aoaV 1 potKd,ea4 saab parti at rawarta at have an ee ailed ea, U a aatmaittee af a saembrr.at aak Stale." . Wbiab passed kt tl affirm alive, , a (be 1st af kVpieatber, Mr. Uraary, ' fraia Ibi gratia! eaianiiitre, reaerted partially, bin said ao tiiiutjaf im.vniftutftit. tlgaia: Oa the atb Sry IcaaW, tbe uat gauOviaaa rcpnrted partially ; Jill ailiat at U aMraurrMiawi Oa the tk, be ea( j further uxXJtii report, propoiiiig .eve eel arierwriea aaaWldit'mis. whaai were fitwl It I'loirtrtl with slight modiOaatioas. 'Aikrong 0ir l-.L. tf Ii : . .it MHWwmg: . -i yrKwmm in jirogreaa, nr khihiv nw nwwi m cn, hi ariwing ivt-iiiukvu ihe UHMakHioa waaaiw- '. luJ ti . 4, i':r r-rly peneds-ef the ''" rW-vM iwfc-- Wre,fo.iTeir-am i taxation is wholly uttattaina peitaeWding. disburaemeats tor the uilitil m the 1. ,. i. . . , !..., , nW of Se United- States, as afore-iid. f pining blates - , dearth. .-Tka luta of uvea thauaand-five l.nn- W moro B. th-r QU? P' otouttyarBnoa,.lorBer,iniiiti. urw' Government In wr, as wells ii' RV" 2-.T"fV? ?.,em.? V.vtT.' Uey vhavi borne the neceatary " 'ZSTZ?.??! ttZZ'rri wHhottt a murmur. But now. in a if1 wuww WW in uvwi-iii oi ubj iii-.re utfiwai ewu etharwJai anurom 5 . : . . a 'crlvivonv ... . tr vr n. oiljiwioufl, T Speaker of the Wouw of ltrfrV srcntatives. .. t ; J. C CALIfXC, "fv yiePreideit. af lb Uklted Sine. J - " . , awti freiiiiesHiui lie Scus.e. -1 . r - ApVreved, 3J vh n.-Y&i AKDUEW JACKSON'. -f'.t Jut Act fakraecil th tewrtil att ennl.li shlng 1 fi -I Twiloti.'iyoveriMiie'lU it.l"Vi-iitu - . . i'h- fr .JfeifAaciedt Hm-Senm mdjlme tf Re- Y preteannvf 0t tw (Jutted btii4 of .lieuct in '' Ctrf9 mtemUettit That there ih.tn lie electeil "V V . ''00 merubel1 o the Leg'wiative Couucil iii' llie i ' Z Te,trilory ot Florida., from the enmities 'of Matli- j r na aaa Hamdtnn: and one from lite touutv -ol- '"vl Walton tn said Tarritory. 1 -HJ2 . -? 1,1, jua.!.. 1.' v.;tariff:- - fleUVefed in4ha lensteof he TJiuteo? 8iatrs ottUreT-ib-kOtt Stif Teb,. " loMH, m.ir. " - Clay resaluiiou imclalibn to the 1 ar ..; 7?:)!r)f4,'nia' Uie es'ieting' duties; upon - , ',--cre imported from rureiQ Cpuntries, and . 'sot eomii' into.' ompetitiurl wUn atVnjlar 'articles, made or produced. wilhiri the United ' t btateat ' obgW 4f ba forthwith Abeluhed. except the duties . win aud t'Ulu, ajld that they ottghMf reduced . Kesulved, yhatthe committee on Finance . report bill avlding!, ' . It is with tmftij-nedeluetance that nave; v determined o parwcpte in, this dekal-a -.' eluctance which-deTives trenrth from the conviction (hat-ejceretW any useful practical ' result can'b) kuaiiicdfev the diseuim of a' , ; ni -.re abstract bruposiiioa.; For JcgisUtion . .- o be wise.tt Unof lufncien thsi k be right .."in the abstract ratrely, bat it It aleo aetiettarr ' i, tt it shall ,bd kdaptatt to tk condition of those updw'whora itM rt,"aie IWir iutcreatsv HahiU, ; feeling,' entimnU, and even prejudices, demand lh a-oatstalm iid , rr xitui conaiueraltao. ; 1 fe; ', ,'' resoluuoa 'upoe vouf rablk toftfajaf rtiitttr cf kiph aad grave unport.ril involve nncip incomplete protection. v' W u f any money im 1 rairaj, m nyatem It will r.O , as It OUjllit not to be oniattetu - . em!-ir?l At hut 19 tlie efiect of Hie resolution upon ! Instable? It is to aKcraiate Ihe evil. It is to tax tlitf necesaarit-s ot the poor man. while the rich may revel in luxurica as free from taxation aa the air he brrutl.es. It is to increase, tile extravairaut bo'iulic nlretdv "f()yed,by the rich capitajiat. by diminishing the, cost bl many of the whole winch enter into the conaumpiion of jtis citi'.blialiment. 1'he dtitics in the shajie of pro'ection remain Ik' trine nominally, while in (act they are enhanced to the whole umount of drtiuction from the price of article consumed by the frmnulaclurer and his labourers. ' ''he-only feature of mitigation i to be foiihd in tlie reduction' of. the amount ot revenue. T'hl however is more than coun terbalancefi by the increased inequality in the action of the sjmtem. Hut if a system of impost shall be adopted in pursuance ot the policy of Ihe resolution, what will he the extent of the reduction of (lie tavenuef TIk Senator from, Kentucky tsiimatei ft at seven 'millions of Uotlan: oilier t re af opinion that i-H weukl bd between live and slx-artppoie C. k. .i..t-.:n:- 1.1 .1...,. i.. - i. 1. to tvnu iiiiiiknii vi;t ai.iii(4 incu iiavw a1! annual revenue varying between eighteen snd, twenty three tmluonslhV.lars, whet) the ' actual necessities of the .Government Vould not andoughnot 10 require wore tliar) ten million te be raited- bv' revenue: Hue people are tkeh take Used fre eight lo. twelve aad even bneea mdiions or dollar annually-, murk than the actual wants of the K,.u.r. ... :r.. - L .. .1... itta VC .exL'ltitltv import, to 'tbe (.xt.I Gevera-I ,0-- eevpeelive krilmgsaiddr.,vems.' limitstiDB or Trainetioa. s.vi.tgt'i. imrt. thai after repeated reUr... isi.lerable reeervaiiiia relating to I U,, ,,1'J.,, -tfU" b".." Governnieui, if the'poUcy' indicated ky rrtulution 'ahall ultiuiaielTnwair. ( Sir- thie poticj soo'lio the. diaVpntenj of; iJte pubU'1riincVid'Vedre.h'-ilioi' tij'jt umracieu. on4itcus ui.jiit oitn)ir( . vaa, heal lliuaewnvtsiotis tTi bavtt . estemUcly and fearfully impaired ihe confidiave d sundered the aS'ections of disUrrt aiiJ'im portant parts' of thi confederacy? Sir, ft cannot. The vfhfdeSeo'h will regartiit willi fixed aversion. They will view kaaa proof: that our distant brethren have but little respect for our feeling; that they turn a deaf ear to, our friendly remonstrancea, aad heed not tile narrative olUur vialate'd rigtit am omltipnt-d wronga. Sif. It doe violence to eveiy Cttnocutioaj of a. tree, tov8neoi- ft Is, aubveraive of every maiura of aa etlignlened X. i n ' sj . 1 it t iff mingling .ia deep aad dangeraurkpbritkal economy, and it i attcr!)-regartlWo ,wau the teterest and the pa joflkat confidence end affectiod etmented by . gre..' masses 'erihie eonuderiary.' fl; mutainteet, hrshHcontilute,tlie jM4 a a ..uat duc'uiok' upok hi Tariff jbasis-irrf the rlyav 'uron which re , now presented iatntked, unmiiigaled the noble elruottii-r of our free inatiuit'ion. . r ;iwvaled form. cannot bat regard ,U it thk part of wladoaN 'k.ng kroad Aid . nis nH)nirrtotjqueliodwbichha'tsiaiai lilaa view, end looking alar off, ta 1 rn s omitted o any; dcliberativti.!peraever In epolicy,. whiek by slxofsevsm in tins country-eince fhe adoptioecTitigUou Sutee in the UtuM it beHeved . 1 ni Can,titfr--a iaaWd theJtobriue to them aothihr- but ourel viuniied y momenUuk teat IkMevetoe leviliand whiA bUigeatajoriiy of tb people 1:. . ., .1, , 1. mt -.r.t... s : k.k.. .j k.; -j.i-.i r 1 V ire nrinciole complete effect, irt necessary to increase the eSity so Ss to restrain entirely the importstion. Hence !roru the worus -10 regulate commerce with foreign natians,' you derive the power to destroy, to annihilate commerce with foreign nations.' A regula. tion Jruly An obvious perversiun oi Ute plain meaning of word! 1 lie argument necessarily eomes 10 tins conclusion. For if you. have the power to regulate .commerce' for Jhe purpose of proectin domestic msnufaclure, you have the oAor imrtttrttintd power for that purpose, and to eltecutaie that purpnas completely, you must push the power uf regulation to extinction. Could ili'n hive been the meaning of the franiera of. the Constitution? Tl looking tnto..the Instorv of tltot times, I think it will be apparent that it wa Jot. Under the Old cbnlederttion. Con?rels had. the power, with the consent of nine States, te exercise some of tbe highest attributes of sovereignty, the power of making peace and war, to coin money,, regulate it vara. .10 grant letters 01 marine aitlrpot m time of peace, to enter into treaties and alliances, besides many other important powers 4ul Cvngrf kad n Aswer t lav taxet. The sword Was. placed in the hand of Congress, but the arm was uervtless, so lung at the Slates retained the purse. At the close of the revolutionary war, the confederacy wat not unlike a young giant victorious, but exhausted and power less. The public debt accumulated, the publie credit annihilated, the precious metal vanished, the circulating medium- tle paper money depreciated and wdlthlesai public confidence and private faith mere term of mocker-; so that the universal distress, een-j fusion and calamity or peace 'were mure sorely felt, and more appalling, -than all the horror of the war. ' V livery intelligent man referred much of tbe general sulfurm? to the true Mi.?e the wan! of power in the old Congress to "regulate," toi.n.-jrure, to rive unity and stability to our foreign commerce, snd to raise a revenue to, redeeu) our pledged tu.it 11 and tulhl our public engagements. Itepeited .applicattotis wpre vade to the S'.sttes to confer, upon Congress the power ,to lay duties anil collect a revenue Kvei v eye. was turned on commerce at being the must convenient, and the only fit und ample source of railing tt revenue adequate to the necessities of the Government. ., 'llie respective States had the! entire control ove the whole subjec; of foreign commerce: and it was only by surreiuler.ng Ul$ 5outri. to Congress, that an etiicient system of revenue could be orgaiiUed Tins view Wsi, urged upon the Sutes with geaVand ability, 'live sute reginieu tnets overtures witii cottt, 9cniniU)M and jealous caution. 'I'iiebie men ofth;t day took the deepest fnlerest in, tiriasuhjrct liviry topic pressed which could convince the understanding, kindle the patriotism, or conciliate the confidence of the Saxte. VThey were to!d"of violated failii, unrfjdeemad pledges, natiqmd. -dishonor, "pa, raljscd commerce, npprOacliing aiiarchy the entireabserice of power To" combta and euntrol our resources, and tojcountervail the itjuriotis commercial rcgnhilidria of foreign ountriea, " But. iir no 1iiiumcn of that day j .notwitlistatfding the, humerou powerfuj inducements held out to the S'.ateslo- confer upon CoiHtre" "thfe bower Ho tecuhito dokv luerce.'do I find ingle word taurn favor of cmilemng that power as the mru.oif s an inVrumeiit to protect domeatitnahulactures. Revenue, and revenue alone, wssthe treat leading kgilmate object . yMI thee efforvi lailedi' the evil became' mure obvious, and ins ,,injiMBft iivoreatiic .mure, Mailiaou tortt bO IhlS Subiect Legislature it I i V and resaluth the House uT U;Jeiite.intnicli legate then repfovenfin that commonwealth is. Ctfhhrsa,to propose' to the other State. M aiiihorite thaf Assembly td regulate' the foJ retgv com mere; 1 his ikovemeid failed iiri tby Senate.' it w revived during the same setiioai a different farm, 'and finally, Iii January, I7tj5, s reaolut'tbti raa adopted, stji.. pointing cdtnmissiflorr to meet ucl -eor-miseioaeM afaaicrbi be t)nointed bv (hebtker 5 We,' to take" into eonsideratton the trade of the. TJatteer States, and lo devud aome uniform system ef emetciaL rertllatie-i.' Lla pursuawoe of tb rcsolurtonw aveetlag was ueto, at ABBapon in eepwrmr-er, 1 too - r"ej Stale only being represented,' tin commis sioners declined, doing more thatf making ii report to toe Leguiature of lketr State, and traqtoiUtliig eopie to 'the United State is Cae great took up this report la rekroary, uthnrity at, without tin very oeoaaiileralile nm iaioa relatine tlieir iaapeelroa lawtv Tbiaanlbnrity having tha entirelf peimd fi-t tbe State, tharix-hf la exer cise R air the purpose cat protection doe aolwx- iii m taeia, nu eentHueuuy, iinoeaui posse il ed by the. Ueaeral (wverauieat It mast be ax- Hart.", ' , With due retnect. I think tbit whole areament is vitiated by a sophism. The taUaey couaiJti iu stipposing a power iu the Slates' over a anhjeel which nught liave bren esereiwd wilbout liniiUv tion or restriction, wAen grsotod to tin tieaeral (auvernraent for jwrtieular porpose, raay, by that Government, be exereiicd witboet iiwHatiua or restriction, without regard tatliat parti solar purpOK, aim la llie exteat ot an entire Iterver- sion or ilestruotion of ll.t.t nuraose. , tt llie" particular purpose for granting tlvsy power to the General Government wss. to raise, rave- me, by pivinr iinitv. visor and stobilitxt tO ni foreign eoninierce. ' j ' ' It wis conservative, and eat oot be rtslitltillr exercised but a a ennservative power. f eraiit me to teat Ihe lugin of the meuaee, and exhibit the eooclusion to which it leaila. ' ' l'h State retpeaiivelv, before tbe adontlon of the Uonititutioa, nan tne power to .imertiitt ail foreign 1 commerce iJefinitrly,"to inuijiiiale it forever, at their sovcreiirn will aad nieainirei bat the State have granted all power over It to the Geaeral Govrtufll; therefor the General io- veramaatjias power ta iaterdiet k VrttihotUiv ! to lay a Jverpetual embargo te aatiillilate it rr ver, at it acvereigB will and plearara. Thi feonciusion, abwmia It may seeHi, inevitably ie- wttsfi-enMlie argumeat of the message. . let no intelligent man can be found who will advocate the ropoiiion that Congress, by a weeping enactment, eaa cut vW forever all fo reign entnmerte. The act laying the embargo. ih It 07, not in heating npon its face the period of its limitation, was gravely questioned, in a ccrtaiu quarter, inv-espcet to its eonstitdtionslity, by ma ny 01 Uie most eminent iaw)ers anil 'statesmen. And yetin embargo is s mere temporary sus pension of commerce, designed to eorrect soase evil tieruieious to its proaiwrnyt or as a preeau- j tioniry measure, prelindnary te some Ulterior i movement that might expose it tofsxard or: injurv. Iu botkj cases 11 has lor ka object the livuefit of ciMauieroe: in place it on a better akil more nermiutMit I" nog, or to slicker il from n iiupeiuling. evil. it is a temporary evil, r. trued to lor the atui'xiient of a durable good. It it a conservative' power, and in that aipuct only it it riglitfu I lytiero liable, and ia that aspect H is strongly cpnaatatmgHithed ti-oiu tha prMeclive irineijtlc, avhlch tinul tu the anaihiialiun - aad not the conservation ol 'foreign comiuerce. A?ain, the aifriniietit is inaacuratu, in u'poing tlus term. "to resulate foreign eooimeice," autl ta' "iiroteM Hiiprsua uiauulaeturut" strictly cor-1 rcls.li re. WlieuaV' 10 rfgniale eommcroe is naetiiing, ami to protect domsstle maitUf natures is another -, Tnevror ennsrats in sappesuig an iudissoluble cou.iesion, a fined dopemUnoe to exist between ttieni: whereas, conittxion and du- nenilansu are inci Jental la one mode of existence ,oiilv,-aiid in tact the government 'may exert a tueh uikI enieaetoiit actHin uitoh one, Whbout at teitiogtlte oihor. For eitamplef tt hi Alio regw- laiina of Ihe raw utrtHiidsi and evmu hi addition. Nation of e..H.mer you kanhen- il- wrth.dutie 1 i.-'T" "J ee 11 .ur upon iaiperty, a com,Ri i.ts.ant.y -ring. -up iirZZZTrl to timhlt u mat fff.tttu'rat here ta '" tji on tit tDiuiwii rum u jw inwt w lotilil itly end after full lUlibciwlion, .ihe omniillc rvfusctt to mike tuy report eotd'evviag a (ubcuaillve puway iu Cungret te foatar and protect particular aa- raiioiuK .aid that tbey, ia fact, whatlled down all these (weeniiir flroooiilinn to die lenibw aower f "secoriai; to luthorssnd ktvcntortferi 1 muted lime," the ex dual it enjoyment oCttve fruits' o! their geanis. lkUiis ttr, to be decisir ex tression of the sense uf the fMe,utinff, atptiiwt eobferring epon Congress the power 10 give to manufacture anviothcr eneoimeement than Out which tbey Incidentally derireiroin a rnvcnoeJ l-tiem 01 OUtie. ... . . w- ... ,r" It being uereeived that tubstaativni nowrr would b conferred oa Congrvt to protect do- esestie snauulactiire,- seal that the Males were about lo be deprived uf the powei wf .doing it by dm ics, straggle wi aomravaeed Oil the'-SSts) AiiL'iut, which wis continued at kitcrfala to, lb 15th September, wilhio two liars af thkadjoana meitt of the iwnvenlioo. " 1ii tirule galled forth soius of the ablest' 0en in that illusti iott timlr, among whota, LQtber Martin was hartiou- 1 . .J ; . .1 :. ! r.: . . ariT ummjuitiifii Hi opuvswiuil HI: TOeprlllCipiV pruliibiting the lnte to lay Imposts et export itu lie wilfanui tin: consent of Ceogress.s The iln buiil in turned mainly upon, tbe interest, ot M nnuctuitt, aid ihe udjeit, was to retain in lh State concurrent power with Congress. On tli 15th September the elmae waaadooted which irak foinuw aiwl of the 4Uth tactiott oC ye lf mi 11134 itj -Jiaeas vjwrmBmc maywaacan, the ion sent of Csngres (irevioasly obtained) lay ueh impost or duties a way be absolute! ue- eewiary for exeeuiing Jhe insueiliwi lawsj aiil, with lite cnueni of fsityress, rosy lay aucl) im noslt or duties unon imnorta arcilntrts isauv be neeetairy to prolectihi. tr ininufacliiret.rtipon the proviso of pat ina- the duties into llie' nuhtie Treasury, tf this latter power is not retained lo tlie Slate to orotect mmnfaoturct. for what ia. k retained It cannot be for rerenm, for lbats to go into die publie Treasury. II, then. Hie wot woolly curat orr. u eaa be tor notlnni else than 10 enable 111 States to encourage, lb iutarwaV of manufacture. ' ' lint. sir. we ire not loA to crone hi fhe dark fiar the true mrauing of tliit clause. Luther .VldrUu, in hit tpcecli lo the .Mary hiad Legiilatiu e. pre eiHullie whole grtmad. V He had borne a distiu muittU part iiiTtlie wiuvnntioa at rhilacleliihm. Willi iu ; lhr warqhed .evurt nuivemeni. ami a luinii Uut chii.orrlieivded every, principle, nb maik bctler audoratood r wa nrehle ta e. . poaad (lie view1 of that bodjr. In speaking of this clause., Iihst that , Every Stjite i t)i prnhiliitedfreia laying aojf impnsts nr ilulies on intiiortt or exports, without the permission lit liic titueral Goveyainenc'. It wi vjjred thai as ahnosr all snurct-t of Uuttioa were given to Congressit witiild be btj. reasona ble :a kav the ktatks -the.'powcr ot bringing rr vttiue inU ,,,vir ti-eusiHe. by laying ditjr. upoe txports, il lltey liQulil )liiiik proper, atkh nvigbl be ta litor.s net to iujnri or ililcouraj.e iuvUlt ryj Slid et might b,e liroduetiva bj, ConsidcRtide le vrount "isO tiUil thwe mixbt Ire eases id Uteb M would 1 ijrot.er for the iturtiae f ttuuwurmr . mtumfurinfe't t Isy duiirtS , proiuUi ifir cm-oiv -A naee to twasrataetuici UityaaaJae cxiewuvd M ?'V T ., ' ?, tb atlerau 4 nsWr iv .,. ' "S't -V - Aa lerei-d tk a.Kortmiwabag duties fixed by '-r . 1 V. , , tketeli;90, arcaoiai ike ocs trad , tbey .!'. v ' were ekofir meiesatry., h U beldam! eojoy.'A Jt V - ,'- ad by er abip mm, 04 by waiee be, T l ',t V: I ! by their igor acrprtta, aaal vwtaaomy. 'Tkev. 4. " r- , , eaoet aT them af fesaeat eseew4 af titevwye . , J ' . ' ags.aad having saaay (anilie( ia Meeting ri-i, , 4,jr 1K,..'';7' 1 V M;l twire awd farawurlag opp4tc,Veyoi the reeckr' V,' rt ; of ttttVi-TMirs, and as theaprf' raiv,.n'a-ht defy. l-w V a tbey wouhl eertaialy exclude all kreiga eeta, , . "t , -pethio, pkkestt-lka aid af Cewgreet. Bt M "1k -:' '4 1 C i raferraee o (be ahipplag wngaged k fertigtC U ' .' ' , Mmmatce; Ov arguacut buUomJ ahoa set ' J . SA ' erroneous ssu rapt 10a of Jaeti ta wk -tatlbe?' jjL ; l7t -.' . diserinihring dutie wviM laui iby Wroteivin), A 'l V ? , against foreign eowpetkiOa.', Moth log caa W Tj ? 4 x ". Dior enoneou. ' Tb Wbifi biatory oteurGe' :'-r-V V rV t 1 " a . . Vttrwtiki.t atraljvti tli - -' a tie uiKinniHuiir utivsi mm tnir weex.-wvrw ti couniervaii oisenmiaaiions tisewoere. 1 her were iTauted, A1 rmteet our. sMrisicts. bat to pat itoa aw rqmd footing wiifc jhe toreiga f wtw mcv-i7 iimigaeumpciifavii,jBiMiereit Aweiloai. "They Were resorted lo s Seal not exoediehis. and lor nUrnoset.ef ( Holier te 1 tit.l. 1 ' . , , . r f -V, ura ea wn cmccttgsnj viajxiEW sastifiav J 4 Dot. sir. suuoose Ik arsUmeot M rkht. Snd' tlist Uie UMrwfaenru give swotcenoN 14 (be t shinnhir interest. That svrotewti.'Hl it dcfeusibla j . t upon strict aoostitrtiftnat , grouwls, '. l(ltou;,h a - reeal Interest, and it It the MWVv local, iMlrrest,' 7 wiitvii vein vv iTtmBinuiauaiiiiw pnrtEajsis, ig " -y j4 t. k sV 1 , L a" T. t S . ml 1 1 Ibex ttbraseJi to ireirulatta'aeriivievDeJ leal if. misltt ba- abnaad In tavovit lli EaaBre Mtatea. lo' ihe.orinreisioa otthw stan'.e. or phuitatitt . xt -i w. Statow -.'..iVicffeet Uit,tb blWtz wasreport- -: 7i-j ' V C ft V?,. 01,10 wits t No navigation acts shall We pavrd , -.' i V - a ' I wtmowi ino, assent ih we-viimi ai mc tueni l' v '' befwrtresetd ta eaek'Hcat." Tlds tluse ptw ) " t ' i' doead a litwIveettMbihri kile )algatmg buiea, ' -A dilBauhy arose m refalion to Ihe lui.' r aoa..A. .U- "ti Jl Umjanec too-. Slave rade--i:(aj1?v1 btjter . iV jT." ' -' il . - .1 . J SI 1 IS. I X . ' . . .i 1 - . X.. i "V-J avorriig, sua. iuo xvasterw 3rHass-rjpyiii-mg u v 4'i ' -ftotti were subject of magti;w!i" a.vlul diliteuhy f r V etwswWsxrred;' te .large' commiUeew ton ljrV I -y-tiatuig uf.oae member Iromeaeh, Slated be iv v ilifflatdty. wasnnatlvarliiiited. riieHmnKrtatioa'. r i i .v a..mIi .MU...uri.t.riL. c,. ..iu 'td.'Jk,'.". : v. i .. tr 1 t v I i 1 mum am i pw trooiuueo naui o i sui, ajiiw cae wm . ' , rj j ' , . w ttrictive ebniie in regard, lo navigation, acts waf Jv-' ;'Jt J "'rvt" orakred.1-tifekieoa'. to be dearly ' thiTV f.'O sunaa id tlia CoavcntLflnt.lhat nari'rui.va' snlrlitf. -'-. ".n't .. .'.,'- ; 9 ' K be cuemirgd aita) pretevtettlr timigretawk 'U-V V" ' Aw, wke eVegrettkfc prelerene-thi ftf f ' J prewd lisflneXidn ooalerted fipow ou vige Vv'Vir, V -Va j ling intercstt IslJt t mere welnsli. peeuaiarr f. k V sal glOiaad itationai great' "-k-'i ij'. ; wurerrl that perteveraned -V SP- " 'i iia. have., whitened .every ea jf " ..' fr"i 7 tls e, gifeoyrgrtrne our right rm,,' J f b, and wpuforouriaflaat Jt- 5- V. ' T " it a,a hiiililvtner!toTtoulitrr-t' . t . I tacal btefest.? Is knot jutiotatelT eoaaeet-", -a . ww vm our national gierr . aait iiationa aTeax'. js- y 1. . ' L . . . j V. 9 cur iit no sow 'nurseryw mac perseverance ; r . ant eniapne.- won with ear bommeree,' in the day el battle. it navy imperishable renown; " t "v. . ,n Sr I regard it as.a Jiighly fcjrr?toriou Inteft,' , . t. XL it bat won. ssh deserved to win, tlia pub-1 , lie aoA&dewceand ithdiniblas reipejK. It haa .V 7 ',". uccii heavily Luithenml an J -greatly repressed jy djCougU llu: iocidental adVHiiU;;e uafifcfruil njfoM thanomeuie srtiulc in a oompcutimi a im lh lo retrii coinnljr into thi! sanje mai willi tltotu iluties. iiut it in' tit commerce it ii .S lijiiert lo iuhise iato U ih utx most vigor, (4(1 is attumableiNly by contemn g upon ft perfaet freedom , In tliii moh of eaist eoee lliuii , llse most natural anil most perfect,- all connexion. i dissolvuil and sl dpen dance Is aa teskilateil, . '' ' ' , ' " ' T' V ' Again. The argument 1 inacturate, in Sstora4 ing tliat fh power of protect-on ha entirely past ed froM tlMuStates, and ikal it atrU t tliu Glte r.d tiovci nmeiit, or must be exdncf. Tu elitcl date .lhi pait of,tho vase, it i neeemi-y" to loidc iiKOtbe eouuiltilion, akd ahO ime-ttlie- oroceedi. lugs Wf 'the eonventipui which forioed it. Jou will bear jil' mind,' ir, htit the gruel ohjeef of" that ennventioe .Was to give loyOngrcs the uotiti-ol uf thisegederal Intere" which were oecvs'sry 1111. aitd omoon ip. lll.yMere local iptercst weiwde.gnedlo belell to ihe earc of tle lotul t ins view NBeorn un ne egpn- itii hh uie iu- I - . j - ?- 7 , . . , ket kurtheoed fdfenM .Jtttajrf be i lati.ve)l !'' However.'tho.i ;i ... J e" was,' laatrtui power mitrl by flat unjust , exaction of bia iclnsknd -re-., inorseless Ameriuao systenL 'Add in my"p!at here, sir, wKh unreal die goodwill and aa spem bithu, I 'would earenO tu it a tiliersl and anaja pis BBH.-ourageiujnt. r N "s ' ., Then, sir, whether we Vnokto the lsnrtigw of the Coustkution itself, to the nilres to us adop (on: a disckiatd 10 the bitfetr of theiiose.or Ho lite avowed pt-ailiee uf the GoscrpBieaouorter it mm .tn.ll Ln nnllla lih.i.i,tf tin la istnniaka any ewiukotional .watvunt for-(be exercise A 'V t ' power ekpilu'd by "bo friejp-j j6( the pre- n leciive'srstenv... ,- ' - ,: I ; t:9. IJirt. srr, sujipf.se that f iwi wrong iotll?ksy ; view oa tliiaiibjee aad that thetw'exiit mf ! .,. cpiisUtuliouk4iirtlii1)ent-J-t.M yMcuatiev ' ' and Ut Qagratxt saewnalur of ! asiioa of. the . s.vstcm, are uuaowoced byafl the prnwiplef-e4 ait wtlightcoed poluiassl vbdowpliy,-tbnejpial ''iv , ty of its operation-upon- tkediJtereM hveeatiu bfjhe sanie aaminnjtity-i flagrwiilf-unjurt bat,, n uuitosv ina irreat arcuonaai uie eonieuetwevu, r... 4- V' ,.'. A j b M'e J Mberxx-rcil.irl",,wer"pu,w,,,'e awvae graau giogr-v , . j,-tf" l,i :.k r" .!.: :.i Vi . .. . ' it iiaal itntsioiiaTU tliataaainrrv. ihMtM tat-Auadks" 1 . . . : j. l : "' : 1 iu ii,., riiu nat utu vtui tut; cvincHt ta yon-1 ; : , ,"", " J , '. ,v x- A V ti4,iaH.i .. . . . . ,! i i. iwoacitv. anur CDDrmaat s mw -ivBieiuacsv a-1 .'. . . f From ilfot Wliiih.theMwJi!g eonetosloa. I 'uurt oniteCand twiMrvmiotr.; ' . r i y tV,', t 1 think, letwibly' results Firti That tlie pvwer- Jit I built kMy llik laterot,'aoivad to- U W J. .' io prytttct domestic mimilttetai-cs is hot "etMt(l grthrr to aeltiali parnoiei,oith no prmeipl. ,f JV'. & rt 1 seuBdly, tbiinolriredxaliis4Vi-l-eKlir of o(iesion, hot tarau, ; ia pfvssitw'tW moneys 'X1 by the Geuaral Uevenimeitt or b the Suies re- Oiaresleemed bv any treat puhlic, aud pstnotie), V '.Ta'-t.tA'',V,.?' tsrwaUfelrf but. Ihirdlv. dial the Oowsrr doe sallruitu and unuiilirauti br the lu4. test luilttat-. ,' r 5 'i-...'. fact exist, and may be put into mcied aetioa, bv: Buy State, a itli the aonscat Ol the -Ueaeral tsoveiroineiit., I ' ,'i(u4'nf'''' v Hut, iiir, Seaator turn ta the net ef Job. (7)111, attr with tu air of rxultatios aa(antiei.si teif triumph,. rolia (ho aHautikriou et tb priasipl of prvteetioa iklb aettowd det' ef ttt Gnvvrnmcflt.- f' hat the petmmble 'if tkat act ve, sir. that prtnaiblo-wbiuh has beew tttlerrd pud .lUcMdied by every atl vewue-of the svfiBs, aw ft.-.. , , i rt, j.. V V, I 7 M - . . I , j Sue in the wluuder of ail ether unrsuiti at invs J .1 ' . 1 C. mA... . . I -I . i'iwj, lun w vcimt v. wk ;trvwciu uimch Vet. aur. iltis slrusiuraV so huve and eiL'sntte. h reared by the aggi egstion of tbe mon u.ssimilar ; ' - tnstertsltt here (iu peiailiett I'arian marble, h.U "A tliens aLm routrk Waissl.anen. s-6ek.' lilted aitoa." ' - eek other -in perfuet cuutenipvof symnsetfr . '114 ocaiiiy, irv gcncnUv My- ,' CftS il . meney ; -, V' ' rZ'-r V -..'I amuuig out uioiwyeBU jaoney exactea artmit -,r jtf'ViV' V other withwtt. eourralent, (hat told tagetbert mf.J:t 1 V ' ' iS ! itrom xs atitrsrwtiamoian flown, lo the numtiluct-this tTstarufv I bet bandit n.lerestt tiav brew , V .f 1 . . 1 i 1... 1m t. I'u., id . ritf iiiiii.ni,. ..,..1.1 . .' . . ... r - , t . ... . . t, urgent, z w;'w ao" . p-- ainnrrriiisi i.neinte uoii-auitj s the fce, to lauicu to-itrtunuprt oy enin-st lur rspmeassna .'I't " ib sue s ireri ii ' "b" - - t- : , r--it-aiiwtuta uiasiiinircMt iiu vim rwu icissti uiev eaniew m ticienceF wiiu.B.viecr wruiiori. .. 1"'. ; t ,.:. atf'Hasted r"eV ?1 biHat rtl remam lp the Mute t. J Ameria srtm. JVe. Sir, h. IsMWd Hiohcd lolb ntagfOtedti ud euormKT ef iu el t J1 l'1 Z J U . . n. .A,. . ..-K mii Mil.- utt Ittttlt.nvn.A I La l.....i.f .i ,11 ... .. . - T ' , , -1 .1 . -. '.. . ..-i , . . t. a . . - . j I . a. . OT the Ot- :"!"".". ' ,?" .---. empHFtwatiy aaiu, y, me , .senater iroin r.n. ' nuus v "v-tw; ' ' " ri..- . -v : ,)' i J, 1 iui mw- 1.. uv war ' v - -7 -u . 1 , v . . l. 1 i.ia mj... iiui.tv .m. i i. i,,i...h,i r I" 7 ' m 1 . nw.v-.. 1 war.'n'aet "attrotiatiao.ai.d ffirwigir'nHitaivraet with which last, jhtsV"" of tMaU0 U. fur the most 1Tt: 1'8 mntted; "The power re- tervvdlo the States extend tw'all tlteyibiects Which, an tb brdioafy aodrkd of wd'ai' edinfek Were tlteu raised trntu the aWst,: .It is true; !jir aiulji is. also ime llntt tb snwhtit altitecU tjf lbl' iby akncfl at aistbing iii$rwthau Oviaaitiitilwity ahd Dun su-eiieih-HUtv wtri toheera IpUjityriciieal inen,uui,Uutikt Way be axVc- 1 ' . i . -a. ' . Ih lives, Iwurtaw aad firopertie M hajeofM,f 'Haestiud. wltcllter any oc lUew. wUtwbe afU lUtl HlirUm IMS amuiwvwwavn obbtw sb wss perity e the Stato.", .t '1V' i' will also bear in mind that Hid two great You' lout! interest of that day Were- die agrieiillural and pliuiliig btttf ast ol the suiddle and south, had thonavigaiing interest o lb north and east, For lite manuJaciaruig niieras Ban nar than risen, in to aearaury any attnserjweaoe, Vet h was foreseen Uiat k Would become a tjistjoot aad ianorUotJtv brre,uv," ...- "V . The StaU had Utea tb power of fostering nd protecting rnaaataetDTey -ft eould be done by tiviat rtremions. vtecuuirv kouutie. ar by lav ing prahtbitory dutuj.' But of SI I the mode ef tutpuragemint, thai by restraining or prohrto- irnr ZmA A i th. rl.s..i, kf vi.. Irl ry datieawaitaeatienieatnd ntostittcetwaj. the aame rear, la PhiladelDhia- that formed " te warn power over loreign comreeree was prtMKMtug live tier artisV ad Vaioreai sbomrtit or .Urearaed ttt V treat odlar." war geoes templet;, xaagniueei diAea, ur-any of that splendid phafitasmajovi avbitU- haunt ih imaginitions of tbe roaXct; workmen of .ear ii dare f resKlenv-oiafcurg Austracan Sy eteisv. Otr, what I tne iueatug V rlnv prearoltle'. Did sv aweaa protection, la the Scnae awvued' W hat manufacture ware to he nroteetnl ' 'd'he datie by that aat ranged frata ve tu fiiieerTptr ertir ad vajorem.,':. A4 eUa i called proteetioa to . infant swanutaeturwe, trugling , iote exisumeet ,Vba-', after tarty year ol star- ' . .W.. .jU.-fl r U wt.-"j.a. z.-l7T- v . th people ufttwemHVryr taxed (bur mdl ion .-T i' or'jI.dhvrtptmtheairtte'wrtW .t."'.' ' Od tblgnt-eesiaiTeiltK liniyaiswlly in use anvonsj .-';' V llrs.poWawtrlhlbrieM IteeBthlthitav,. , J it auT heeded for rivLiiuc-vllow tUch-cin tlnat . Ci L aioe kuadswd ' '3 !. . l."' . ot tb iit,ari s .'tV-i ;wc buedica.T,1 ,1'.V..i' V m their erisata:'"' W r' dy grswth, these asm asaauftstures lsapVore aad dewiaad a prateetlea ef from 40 ta SSA per aeet. djvdoveat to nve-tho froax 'deitrueliour' Itom uuer aciaibilauoa: , - i-.-t Sir. thai vvwwmi was tha ob ret. M ssalnaUai tbe history af lb time ,hw end 'swamlaa- Covet'nirteiM'jastity Jtell Jwrforc lev in euoe- thetB fhree million thousand dollar;' loir die proteetioa planters, of .Whivli rw million t aod fill tbnusstiMl dolliri, go into peekcMA'katOhir H the fact, is WunUitiblr pvtivedtiy the atalillios belnre "tn, aud wbicbl;i' rvlerougut to be, on tt.e u. torw I he ease IMS is, ii.ni;, i' Aowieaa people are con. pel', i ywtem, tp pay .10 stvi 1 or t- ,t haaurea rloov agar planter in Lorn .ma, to and a quartet. xiliiou of dolbrt mine tor th itigir that' they eealeinue. -thaa tiicv would hate to uwv ware thta . Tariff repealed., Vhere i t .0 niltc oftasmg- uuUion tu the poor, to tweil tbe already wve BuiHira aurar plantar Of it, in th eve of ifaavenV ' ar ik siuht ef man. ha these tifct badylreeV smnrietiM s. culiivaune Use most ILTult, lake est . !e ot cverv beus -n minion of ' by tbit 1 aiifT, '7-. 'i 1 , 1 . 'mi''i ' ft ' eavatei BrafUst In awaa avlaiabaB tak ' ! a at ssvatla th swaawa VaW !rT?,.V9?wr. v "1- i Isaising the accessary revcaue.; it wa (oraaeew I ,-f ."'-r tusi to bine were auous te e oeprrred el th I tares wsrewa euterwis tnoupru iMoa tucy 1 uin ceniineni, 10 ins row iruiuuiciiroaie, ua - -1 . Hwvt, . sw Awawtibau ws usaw sagiuw Kinn su.hw.mi iwiausw a 1 tujrxw atiwt idiw tue twtonpiauoa u ear. ' taJstteeaveaiaat aad emaunt latuaiaeat tor the IBUght be lawdeatally iUeV , The pao-dep, irem ijboae WU.to4 m more wrueuiit,- ajsj " ' v:r:!r-- --v f rriv '