V- V i . V f v r V .... v. V-V.. . -fc d: i ji . - L- r rf I ft Curtniia Uaztllt, pull, IT tKNCP. kLKMAY. , p tbrv it ( mi Yt a aefl in rre- arrvart horn k ! 'ri rrtnlnal ilhinat that r.r t ir Mbnnbm, lly riuirt to py 0t -wkela a I )er' -''cri(o l (!. , tTa, M erdmf fifteen lioca, c lime for dollar, and ln lor each eonunaaoc. I RJilcra Rind be post-paid. iUC MEETINGS." - .Yewiem, Dee. 10 I public notice previously giee, SncoirN of the citizen of ttita r with many others frooa the uinee, met at tbe Court Wuose as Saturday eenior last,' 3 ie Hon. . William tov.o Chair, and lame ''W. Vrran, secretary. Mr. Gaston. ti the object of the meet'infi made Lad heart -stirrinr anrwl 10 .the Fevtry person preset end st fbe loud and contirvl pWudit k assembly. Qn. motion . " . Bryan, u wa' , " , ' i That com be appointed I to urate rfMviuiivii . p . ... c of this nvttin;, whereupon the entlenv" ,were appointed i H. B7i Vote Jar is, Wright kmc C. Cole, Jamel C. Steven P. Dave. The oommittee retired for a hurt time, report their Chairman, the Hon. John lie following Resolution, which fiusly adopted, via: That we regard the Constitu nited States as tbe great Char dependence, and tbe safejruard fcs,aa tbe instrument modelled re in heart and wiae in council, resiateaoe, and happincu and faliott: have been secured and That we cherish and revere our naa the noblest effort yet made lie establishment of Kepublicau orer an extensive territory; and effort fail, the cause of free tout the world must suffer injury -, and her advocate be bumbled etied. That we sincerely deplore and te Ordinance lately promulgated nttonuf South Carolina as we it principle are inconsistent :w of the rights and obligations a a member ot the Uontederu Ive neither more nor Irs than a uf the Federal Constitution, and f tbe Union. irther, That however strongly : the course which has been South Carolina, and however fe devoted to our Federal Union, leased Constitution on which it is ifrsire not to be understood ai tlirectly approving of the Tariff 'position lo which, the senti Ih Carolina have been so often totally expressed a to leave ubt or misconstruction, dward Stanly, Ksq. it was I hat av thanks of this meeting ' iPyg-aVM for his elo Jriptic addresa on - occasion, of Am Jones, Eq. ii was - TbaMhe (ion. Mr. Gaston be furnish for publication, a copy II mg aaaren on iius occasion, of John Burgywn, Esq. it was That copies of these proceed .o the Members of the General m this town and.county. rous nd respectable meating of jf Jenoir, convened at the Court iston, on Tuesday the 18'h urn. se of expressing their views with ft course pursued by the South venuon on motion, the meet- nited'by.caHinir John Gatlin. hair, and appointing Doc. Wil Secretary . v The Chairman ixplained the obect of the meet- iclt a committee, 'vomposed of iff reutlemen, was appointed to .ions expressive of the sentiments tinr, vis. Col. Blount Coleman. faahintrton, Eso. Doct. Reuben ir ffathah G. Blount, Col. Isaac ktlea iVestbrook, John I'. Dunn, Vatson Wilcox, Esq. mittew retired, and,- after a short yring which the President's I' roc read,) returned, and, through Wan, Col. Blount Coleman, re follow'nqr resolutions: ied, ThaV we cherish and revere J Union as the sheet anchor of the great source of our political tnd prosperity, the foundation of : and consideration abroad, and the , under the blessing of Heaven, we can rest our hope of future j Md glory. f " "x , ved That we consider the right ir' 5te 0 nuitity, ana renaer it limit the taw of the United angerou political neresy,ana, it in by the States or the people. t the subversion of our admirable ivcrnmenC ' ved,.Tbat the ordinance recent- bv tha convention of South Caro- ver may be claimed for its- charao nions: evidently contemplates an Resistance to the laws of tho Union. lvdThat, although we consider nt "Tari ff law a v iolat ton of . that compromise and deference to: the "u)tereat.of the different member nion,: whicft forms the, basis of our Constitution, injuriou to Southern j and thereforexunjtist and opprea e Southern Statu yet,' faithful to Siple to tsubmit to fhe majotity, we nue our reliance on the magnanimi brbearancfr of our felfw citizen of ff State for redress of our grievan 1 will use all lawful means in eur p put down any attempt toresit the in of the laws, or to disturb Uie pub- Mad Croum then stated his dissent In jea to part of the last resolution, , led to strike out from the word ."ma Ire will continue, Uc &c ' to the end solution, and insert the following: W confide in the magnanimity and re sense of justice on the' part of the fates to repeal the obnoxiou laws, le the rwtumal rrrpnua tn an nninL jtndilure, and restore harmony td our o eouniry, aJ tbe rravWtiMo as r ported y rbe ' wasrsaurd, fc tbe pfoce4.r hntB. ca A Bmh . J.nBf oa'.rl feiag be a-gwi 1 br ifc CWnr al .' ' C't'W iSsrth part of I reiary, and tb.hd ia tax iuii,b aa4 iCoaotr. We Oow practevl to give it Nbct paper. , : I pirticulart a kt croe to our kn r M " tat Vol. Bl-wM t-oJemao, it was -I.- Ii,...,, tK-. B. ,v, ft:K, ftf A I. Uiniel .V Mm A!k-, f ,.,, ll.lt, HamM, It ltjrf, kn-r, XWlhoaril. Mian, Malik Caw, l aKtis tV,;r4 rrd"m ei a en the ecrh-l. H". tlo".,l ,K riilk - M-'rii' wKn LI u,nB . . revrd.rb.t te thank, of tto meeUng fee j.:: a,! preaed lo cbatnnaa tor tbe imnanial I , -'" marvner ia axxa be diMliarred th Utie of tba cb m.J 'JOHN UATU.V, Ctra. W otn, Stx'y. , . S 1 UtmtarUij Mi . Omm imlh a&rr Mrtmf. MryC. said c4 Um thrr krst raiuimMM. tavnf aa rinliaa awavat' of oar Wifc trwr4 lvV th cdeil Uiioa, aad a n Ira nrMjml axttmaatio at iti ataetrtM and ortfamea of Xalt.ficatirxi. Tbeaa a Mlmftona' to b the , A ml ehjeett at Ibe nertWi;, d far k heart. ' 1 2y wMuntil ia theia. tie felt bo?i4, bovevef. talk, lit nan r-iiri n aorc re oonimxice, ami still pnoartl tn It. tt dH mot, liuWnt. tli Isiiratr' aavd in itcnouneia apirov af the ftrat part of this rvsoiatioa, becaese lOiar u a iiiu mil.l to atih bit vlrwai but, for th sake Mo.1 - it. M th lU rtadiaj af the bill foi4 tn pnHTj K 1 1. M or, Maya a u. M r. ine f fill v. ' I'aHiam, faracr, KlxxVa. epa-tM, hUiItMM, 1 vsnn, K.konau IIOOSE OK COMMONS. ' Mr. UohertT preenteJ tha petition of Ic Alextntler, Clerk -dT Mrcklen -. iioinr t) rmr, 'in?:" i Mr. Msft-l reat'l t pciitiMi ofsJn-Irt tttiirn i( Orsnj t'.antT. praio; tHt a l taiy be prd pio I 1 " a a i . iooia thea'orcnf Measr. Uerrf tibar; Cainly Court, prijingW be re- bitntinj tiie atienuince q nve pt, an sa.l Daniel, at Brawanvillej on . (tj eel from a jaJoteut-oUlaiDel a- tleeHcn r mater; which wsVrfrctre.1. Bijht a Nrra mil (nnw i j'r1)fieltint l.im br the State at tht UU ferm .Th Speikt-r laiJ brfor th llojse a property-of Mr. Kichardi. ti lt a tf.!V vtfaka Snnrii.r f!ourt . Uefered: ciKnmiraicstinn df th P!ic.Treorfr tbe taritrias 1 LA of tnaininiiy, ha was alUine to rrat-iv it. . The bat ineaiber-nf tt,i. reoltkm, if it had aay meaning, seemed te to hold uut tbe idea that we wera prepared to form tbe vanguard 'ot any expedition which inifbt become Deeesaaty to suppress . Nallifioatio. Allheaai, aa good iliseas, ve should feet boaad lo do eur duty In preervint the Union,, when tailed apoa by Uie aonsthnud aatborilira, yet It did not IweoaM a as aouthera ma, having drank long of the same bitter cup which had produced this gangrene in or bedy politra, te oianifeil any naUMial alacrity iq beiag the Itrst In apply tbe remedies. It would hold out sa enaouracament lo ths Iricnds if the Tariff. . It would roster tbe erraoeous tra nression which had alily s;ot abroad, that North Carolina, If not iadilicreot, was moderate in her hostility to tbe Taritf. ; While wa wish to undeceive South Carolina, let ni not deceive otlirra. An immense majority ot our State are deoidedly and warmly appoaed to the tariff laws, and-" them aa unconstitu tional, uiuas-rfand oppreaaive on Southero jiglmrTlhn intereita. He movcil, therefore, tn strike out the two last elauaes of the 4th retolii lion, and io lieu thereof biaerl the following, viz: "we will still eoofide in the magnanimity and patriotism of the tar id Slates to repeal theae obnoxious laws, to restore our national revenue to the standard of an economical eipenditure, and thus restore harmony to our distracted coun try. If the amendment ihouU not be sdopted, he mult be understood as voting for I he i-etolutioos, subject to these exceptions. Dhtrtssing Mortality '.-Br refer ence to ouruitrine Head, it will be seen that the Br. Brig Tweeil, Capt. King, in 25 daj paMse from Ki ston, (Jam.) for Halifax, lias put into Hamp ton Road in distress, with the loss of all the crew, twelve daya since, (except the Captain and Cook) by fever. -ee- CONGRESS. : The following are the Standing. Committees of the House of Representative: On E lections. Claiborne, Randolph, Hol land, GrilRn, ' Bethune, Collier and Arnold. On Ways and Means. Ver plattyik. Ingersoll, Gihnore, ' Alexan der, Wilde, Gaither and Polk. On Claims. Whittlesey, Barber, Mcln- tite, Ihrie, Rencher, Dayan and GVcn nell. On Commerct. Cambrelcng, Howard, Satin-Hand, Newton, Davis, of Massachusetts, Jar'vis and Harper. On Public Zanrf.-.Wicklig6 Dun- cim, uuy, lrvin, uooo, 1'iuminer Mason. " On the Post Office'' and Post Roads. Conner, Russell,; Pearce, Hamtnons, Kavanaugh, Doubleday and Roane. On Ike district of Columbia. asiunton. betnmes, Arrnatrongr Chinn, Jenifer, Win. B. Shepard and McKennon. On the Judiclary.-Bel, Ellsworth, Daniel, Foster, Gordon, Beardsley and Coulter. Ok Revolu tionary Claims. Muhlenburg, Nuck olls Crane. Bates, of Massachusetts, Sfanifer, Marshall and Ne'wnan. ..'0n Public Expenditures Hart, of North C a rol in aVIUy en port, Lyon, Thomson, of Ohio, ' Plerson, HenrVt King and Briggs. On Prtimti , Labi Claims. 1 Jnlmson, of Tenj. Coke, Stdnbery, Mardis, Carr, Bulla'rd,'lind:AKhy. Oi Manufactures. Adaiflb, -Hoffman, Lewis, Condict. Findlar. Worn Wat thUiKton and Barbour, of Virginia'.-X-OnS JiZritulturtZ-lloot, M cCiyipf VtgjTii ia, mithof Penn. Cha'nillervJVVJeererj McCoy, of Pepn. and Tompkins. On Indian iar-Leisi Thompson, efi Georgia, Angei, oiorrw, ijcnmpc Kennon and Hawkins.- On MHlarg' Affairs. Johnson, of Ky. VanceBlair, ofS. C Speiffht, Adair. Wartt, and Thomas, of' Louisiana, - On Waoitl jajjairs.- -Anaerson, v uue, us - av. ; York, Milligan, Watmough, Paftou Dearborn, Lansing. . On Foreigii'Af- Xfairss-r-b. rcher, Everett, of Mass. Tailor, Crawford,Barnwe!U Wtyrf,' lhomas of Maryland. On Jerrtfo rie.Kerr, Creighton, WtUiams, Huntington, Allan, of Ky". Pott,-aM John King. On Revolutionary Pen', ioh.Hubbard, Isnacks,' Denny'.. Pendleton, Bucher, Soule, ami Clio- atei c un invalid fensiom. Ford, Evans, of Maine.' Reehvl of ,N; Y.: pewarf, Slade, and Southard! ii Roads, ami. Cana.Mercer'plaiij1 of Tenn. 1 Letcher.. Vinton, ti A i T.eavitr. end Jewett. On lievisal Unfinished fivsineti.- Reed,' r of fils'.' Bouck, and Silas Qondit. OfrtZb. coun. -Bergen,' ; Bordy and Hoe?.1 On tV Expenditures in the Depatkunl nr iV'fl. Lent. ' Kvana oi ra. any r 5 jer old, wrot to the btoreJidl Mr." Park presented" a reWuUot, lo purched .a Jb; tf p;iM.'arid fneiqtrtictthc Caotmilte oo Education (o chtH-ae; after whica rtey m.lnf e'tmpirl intmhaexpeiriency tfetblMh counting rotn . t warm.-V ani rir., s wArkinj Ichool in ihi State apot tlau.eUook aaett be the me fire.ht.n 't,rlnrir.te.r the Pel.fnberz School i'la' I a T I i "? - . Baa aatttteala aakf at at an Tal FV a. Si UD WTI.1 UFIIUIUT. WUII.il w mm wauvi'i- CO. . ' . . ' ' ' Ji, - i - ' V, .M,JDtniel, from the lelect commit tee tn whom were referred undrr re olotmn relatinjto the TariflTand Nttl Uricalloo, reported the "am withamtnd innl, aud prayed for the present that they lie on the table; which, Wat agreed tO. . , ,. . " I"-' Mr. Outlaw, from the1 committee on Proposition and Grie'vaneei, to whom. . . . . , .1. . .-.s.- -r - i .1 partmcnl vf the jfeary.--S(hen?, , Wanl.weU and t FitzgeraJdvAj 'E. penditures of the Department mi A. II. Shenperd, Mann, :-'id;Wer; On Expenditure in tht ,Eeptrm?n! bf the Navn. MaswelL "Hall,.' Ten-; nessee, and Itirptf; Otf Expcmm titres in the Pott Office Jjetanmrm, Hawes: Bates of Mairtei 'ind, Bidr Thui Tr Mr. Dmief recoIect circumstance. 'FlSe b iy hit aHicy. fetied tbe whole oitternfro a we 5ther, the f.!towi$ fsc(;f.he boy atatei that U llaoicl feU "i.4f ma vmir; wnent ie iBia, .a(i,j ton,' with an axe: ftvVVtuJ two't-a which cat thrown, tht.icult bfcVini the brains. Tha ax ws partly tjjikeml or it is probabfo hii TteaJ rou1'ba been tut entirely j.bnen The ltgi then prpceedeJ to roll the dravfra ot what money bxcould .fitd look all the inooeyioflQf po kt b'fc t a imall big qfaitver, amoimtin". bk tween 70 aud 100, wtiJUravJ'fAfterj hoi d ins the cladla l.tffVDsaaca to eeifhe wastjliire dead, the tjaia tie.' parted, thieatenhig-to cut tf , by'a throat if hejjjrutged what ,4' taken' place ; . .. . ;, mi . .tl A letter frain Mr.' llenrf D.niet, one of the owners f-the tv,-aay, "the doors attd window wet Jll aticure next morning when (i)(. to; the Store there i bat on My "to" ac cnuot fop'.l thi, thatirfy brother Charles wai knocked dows jhr dead, it above stated, iq the counti)' room, ana1 remained in that srirfitKin: oint time, when he revived, scl0Jtf Vuf in'ithe room unti he 6Dalljfc(it Jie-tlooe agd fastened every. thipau !lood.ia the Boor, &c.jroa lo pfove Vit,'Vsr V;;. We were io(ornrtd ort jjntlJ nioro ' ing - last,; by a, eentfVtsirt' iirwm the place, that . . Divt yky tliooght tp he dtiniy.--' .... t J . r ... be dTina;. - ' u t .!.;;fr ThisaWidineycH.jtreaM' a powerful insattitiU comruuoity, and dee pljr lo theyrAe wUh the relative Mif'lhe " fnljrif nate auAVfef; particularly iwl'l fc,if d. mother, whose ffifoiwtfn&& he can; Jtaarv! ' fctfiii V--r ; '.i&.u ; ThiAaiiru who committedatiit'dreadftitiieeUi to cold blood; tf npt-f. iecu.re iualgediiin our jail, ana, ,wju qtktbyt iww, the I.- .Jr, WiUwtutl from tbe aelect com. mittt: 'tiv referred the bill to faWish tlittaic pC, North' Caroli ne ijiof tjtl the nie with autidry a tneailuients, wh was read aod agiecd toj jnd, on mvftjoa'ol Mr. Cdlihs. the further coosi,Jr'tioii of the bill wit .pbsfpyoed un(j Friday oext.. . ' ' '.''Mr. WeHbtijf j.reepted HaHitutions b favor of CMi jty Webb aold Beijjatriiu Kejjy, of Yyi(ts xoojnty Mr-iHmtonn airesolution Hathoriainjj' tbe Governor tS loan toa ktlle Ccfrts' now focmied i- forming inl the town of Washington, tbe uses an Accoutrements belonging JotheStatetiheoomber wlucb ro r be feeeded to ai-,,' said company, on ibe Uiat.tha aroi of the Slate jor. teen joaoeu wkvoiuij- Mr. BoiJdtc, a Testilu t.w 'th Putdic Treasurer ami WVW.'.ytrk, Sher' was referred the petition of a number ol urtizeDaof the couaty of Beaufort, in 1 1 . r a ". 1 1 : - l ..1 ... m laror OL v iiiibid mnwn, minim favorably thereon; and Mr. Townsend, froin the same coiinitice, reported uu favorablr o the petition of the Phiian tbropic. Society of. the University. Balttof vhich reports were concurred in... '' vi V.r Mr. Arrington presented abm.foVthe better oreapization of the militia of this State; Mr. Kecks, a bill to incorporate the Donaldson Academy and Manual Labor School, in the town of Fayette ville; and Mr Shepard, a bill to estab lish the Merchants' Bank in the town pf Newbern.' These , bills were read the first time and pnw.ed. -; - t be bill to repeat in part the net oi 1T87, chapter 278, for making process tn Equity effectual against persons who abscond, &c. was read the second time, and, a Mr. Dockery's motion, indefi nitely pospnned. Yeas 90, Nay ; 57'. A tin following gentlemen weir ap pointed von the joint select committee, op the part of the House, Tor distribu tirie acts of Congress in the Executive office,1 viz Messrs. , Hart, Roberts and WiaeifaiK . Vi Mr, Btagg presented a resolutiof) to narcHate'a map of the State' for the Publfty 'Treasurer; ; Mr. Davidson, a bill to'aniendihe laws relative to the coun ty!coqrts'bi Iredell; and Mr: liarrin eer, a biU'to'lJrevent the unlawful car- rngkfryahd removal of Slaves from this State: (The resolution and bills were read the, first time -and passed, and:,tlie last; named biH referred. The bil)' to amend the militia laws respecting" cavalry was rfad the fcecoud ttlne ind rejected - " ' The engrossed bill to amend the se cond section of 'an act, passed at the 'last Session, for the better regulation Sof the conduct of Negroes, Ike. was read, and, en motion of Mr. Gee, in definitely postponed. tree eitent f ! c''; her anJ h'ia snsrHtf msiis tn- t' 4 Its'e; -iJ reaoUtia att'S-inie V I I - ) t C t : laroe terras iiave hereto! Ue-r compati tto ta autnd t r'efutnl; jt? of Nash f-cbufity, .';tUe' sum" of three dollar alnlltwenty cents for insolvehFS (or the yt!is,J8S0.iArt ot lutmns' tiJl" lM first' time arid which, reset Referred. ;l-t4:H1' mtr, Al4:prtSSfltet abilrto ivor'Cfc's PoUt Btlctner fnitn!. her i blliband "Ed ! ward.BuclfoerJ :Mff ' Mdhtgonjery of nerwora w bill to authorise tiHS couiy' ty Jtowi Ofilertfird! Mpf 'pti4eH tray tne enjetiaea Iflclvlent V ;caling oo tliatjtj'ln vfoe ntyi itrg)riiaanU tor ntnttnafrmsex; omn ot wnicn rere J Thursday, Dec. 20. SENATE. Mfi'Martin presented the memorial of Stfri'dry citizens ol the county of Sutyf,4priying. the location of a large bankiog capital at the town ofLeakcs yille.Jn. the county of Rockipghain; wHIch' was lead and laid on the table. 1 Mr';fVontgomery, of Hertford, from the cotpmittee nn Propositions and GrtevriceS, to whom was referred .the billti divorce Rebecca Ann, Smith, of Columbus county, ' frotn her' husband, made , art unfavorable report;; thereon; in- jvfiich the Seriate concurred. pThereupon the bill was read the Be fcopd time, and passed; ,V t.- Kir. iootgomery, or nertiori, iron; 'theiame' coutmitteeV'to whom was re". lerrea me petition. ot suntirvcinxeiiti ui Jitter b on totfiif Ars;eai b tnsrb A-rt... ' frst time and, ,Ssetlr1tid the; 'IS T'u ccwnu iiius was, ij ;of M r .:Cnp,er," amendedj 'ie lb,ird time apd' ordered le f it. .'vtJi. Ill ,fpn.V the pa H ;n6;Snat'4i to ?tf jeteei ' '&taHe! Jbv tbVj JU- ffoof" the acts of Ctisl:resstn the o the subirct c! firasecetinf tf aViU - aaask arxtmt lb saretie tl the rub:ic I re sorrrj acritrniel with the written opin'wtt of the Sta'e' eoantel a5),n, recnvervV winch doconvent. As motioti f Mr. Outlaw, Were aeat to the ee.ntte ith a p'fotiosUtoa to refef tht stmt a joint select catamittc.; . . llr,,Gsrr presented a bill to establish a town oa the land of John I). Amis'; in Lhe county of Niirtiiamptn), al' the terraioafiortkifaha Petersburg RiH Rnid on the'Rianoke river; and Mr5. Crairje, a bill, te alter -the titnl nf. noldingthe election in the', town aud borough of Salisbury; Mr. Mangum. b?l amen datory of ia act pissed to !to 'year 1784, to regelate the descent of teal estates, to do. awiy entail, ta make firnvisiiin for,, widows, and - to'prtVertt rauds in the execution of last wills and testaments; wUish wera" rend rha'ififst time and nied;Bnd the last mentrtiweJ bill, an McTowfwenira.nottorti' refer red to (be coram it tee on' thcJy'lid 'kMr. Sumner from .the. sweet 'com mittee, totvliom 'the subject had .been referred, ,repirtd..aiindry ; resdu tionrf retatiog to a proposed Convention of ,the States of the .Union for a revision of the Constitution; which were laid on the lMe-ZCX-r'' ''i'--; -'.The engrossed, bill to alter and a mend an act. pissed in the rear 1829, for, the improvement of ' the ruad. frotn .1. - i i I o. . Hi ' u i- a .l.:m- :.. life wiu curt, in uyi kv, hi itucTiii:, in, Ba icombe; ihe- ensrossed bill, to pro vide ; for, the recUtratiort ' of copies of grants fur lands; th6 . fcngroseU resolu tton concerning the; fund belonging to the sister of the late. James NForsydi; the . engrossed resolution In . favor of .Mast in D.'CrawfordVlhe engrossed re solution in fayor bf tlieJPubric' Treasu'; ,rr; and the isngrosteii'esolu lion ia conflicting claims , with the- Cane Fear Bank; were severity jrpa'I 'the thirtlj tunc, paxeu itRo uruereti to ue eurwiieu, Mr,' Nelson presented t 'bill fcn cerning the inipectioa 4)f Wood jn'the town of Newbern; whir,H was f-eutf jhe first lime, passed, a'ntl, on Mp JSii.eiiftrs m o tion, re fer red &$fp ($?,-J$A--The bill tn' amend an act ptsse.tl i' the year 1321. entitled an'sct pissed ii the yar -; 1 829? Id appoint' la D-iaM $ Branch Pilots to examine nil pcroul who now have, oriinay lio,eitft,f wUh to obtain a Bra nch : t Pilot . oil Ocracock Bar and. the Swashes,. .wan ;reatf ;h? 4 intra s. time-.v passed anil o? ilere ;.ttf be engrossed .Yea 179, Nays $$$--'?&: The engrosaed'bill to repeal impact, pasted in the year 1830, to repeal the second section of an acr. 'passed in the year 1805, chapter 70S,' to revise .the militia laws of the State, vas read the second time, amended on the motion of. prar a jfTicieet ta-r.'jfr if c f tle rai u this Sfste, n ttrct." 1 J ' JjS' Mtilr-a; and transmit ene c , f tin rne ta 1h District rf Cola . i. ta tb ! tr, State r.f thU ct-r'r U ri ff, and t f K f tKe "Territnrirs rr Distrirt4 niprfr t.e Cavetnmrnt ' f tho CVtigt.. fht 't'nited Sta!ti which wtsvcsJ the first time and r .s- Mr. Mstthewa prtsented a L !l f r thw' te1tr rtilainn -'eX ie c nitr cnortrof MhlaSf Mr." Hloye, Vf Put. a bill t Ax a onif 6rm timc'tif holding rtrdiani ' in the ' third Cenrcsionsl District; Hr Al'e'n"; a ti!l to exempt kanih ttwm'worling ori ceHain roi ii i the rriaoty W Baftcambe; Mr. T) ibon, K bill foje'rBiii thelowAfR is kr'rJ. tn BttfTv ctHaaty; and Mr: uisuou:'), a e dS read the first lime and bisscn. a't.il the other the fiHf.'seeohd and thin! l,u:ies, psed, afiifoi'dered ttf be'ef "' 4rd ! ' 1 The fbllowirig gentlemen tv.re ap fxitttdt)f tht4 jtlnt' selt'cf coMVutee, oti the par'bft!l''enat,, upiin tW sub ject of the jHI aJinit'thtffcu'reties f " ihe lat''1Vtttie'. Treasffreh' '.Messrs. Vd;tlVV'er:ttjrrf, SeawefT, Tobtner and-Spiigtt.- -.' ' - : : lteln-. r'rtrn 'lh! HoSse' if Com mons, a vie; Sunn'' their conrur-. !' II, lwt I T ' fc"m tHJ BIIU 1 1 . Jit I 3'. iviu i , a bill Jo reduce the yahjry'o! the Supreme Court Jintg'-s 'Tbe last, bf Vhfch 1 renc lb the- ammdments proposed by ' ; , th Sefiate!lthe rtgr6sed bill amend ing 'he1 several acts nf -Astentbly in- . " - . eorporating 'the Romoke am1' Cape . Fe r- bavigation sContjanies,' and pre- V , enbing the inntle of enforcing the col- lection f '-tolls. ' Ordered '.jhaj the said bill be enrolled. - " ! - The bill'' to- establish the Ilantc" of ' Nwrlh-' Oaroltrta' wa read' the third time," ameTided,' passed 'and ordered to , , be engroitsetl .Ayes 33, Noes 27. '; jMy Messrs, Atlenr "Bell, Brit- ' - tain. Carter, Dishongh, Dobson, Gavin, . ' lIivllvHarrisohlIinton, llogan, ILokeiX llussey, Kerr, Lamb.' Lpak, Lilly'..'' LiniUayj Martin, Afas9ey,' Mofiir.'Mor- ; ris Montgomery of Of Parllinl,- Par-'. ' ntin.Ui-. ruin, iTytjn, '' Vanhook, Wellborn 1; -,7ro'-Meier't.tA.ir1srtrv Askew, Bai ley, Boildifl, Baltock," Cai'son, Collnis, Faispn,' Hawkins,,' Houston, Howell, Latham, McDowell, Marshall, Mat. ilicwsMelvin," Monts;n;nery of H. thlcbuntT bf Nets) Maiiof e'r,;rirajrin tbej erection 'or a".nfewf eouiityotjit , 61 par1!' M thd counties rKw:Hanover. cr. L- Ti..nt;rt "k.4ili . n.'.i,'..! Mr. Courts, and pissed Yeas fj-l; Nays 60. . - '''I''' Yeas, Messrs. Biker, .Bafririjer, Blpwe, Borden, Bunrin, Burns, iCan s'ler, Carter, Clark'o, Clayton, Courls, Cuuninxham, C'Jthbjrtson, Daniel, Davidson, Dews,' Dockcry, Doherty, Eccles, Edmnnston, Enloe, Gary, Gee, uriiiespte, uiass,t tjrraoy, uaruisart, Hart, Hul, Irvine, Jordan, Lancaster, LaSpeye, Lee, Loude'Fmilk, Mak, Mullen:M'Laurin,M'Leod,M'Millan, i'Neil; Norman, ,DutlaWf .O'Brien, j Park Pierse, Rajt Mmjr . I sawyep. 1. A. bawyerr , oktnncrj Smith. SnruilU Thoinas. G. Ai .Thomn- aotV , tit THbtn psbnTownsend Tun stallWaddleWarTl,' Watson, -Whir turriet' he Iributi Execskyey0fnc .Coaiiil sncl MiibrWvi',:.';i; ' A ? l.cewas received - front ilhe IlQuiuf of eimil'iobsi.statvhg their 'on currtuli e in 'Uie araentluleof nrobosed .4 4 ' V .... . . . .o. inj mate tMhc engrossed but, a-1 ue.rMijig in j)astnt," iawjr so, tar aa re lates ff 0; the couiities of Camden and Paptaok. WKereopoo the said bill was ftrdereif be-eiitolled. of 'i1 .-1 lite'SeBate then 't)i"n.eeded t ialte motion of Mr. Allri, the bill to ind amend the judiciary system ol (ate .i iorta t-aroiiQa;- when, tni a tf Mr. Mums, tite .bill ' was ia-1 itily i postpned-Ayes Sliu'Noes UMsr. AJio, Askew, Baaey, Bate- lutilu,. DriU.m ItalUb i '--a- Sarhnson and Ddntirtrmade an unfav'orv abW, report ,thereonV,1uhicV libefe-. nate'coocurred.,M.-.v,i VAl'-'.K. nj r moyef oi ;svi Prc9CUl?u;,( v" incorporate 'the' PjtOo'psraCwIc wait read the first and second times andahiended JoiifworjoVVMr.'MeV'i Vin, so is to tuciuue tiie jjiaoj;a ctivairy, and passed, .yAtff ;; lriv;Hintoffresetxted. biH'9 con),-, pensate, furors of '"the ' 6rigibal? paqnit ift the" . count: bf; CBeaufort; 'which w rta'iith'e fintuaTa'ao'tifrpas ; ' ifTha Senatet proceeded ; to take bp the : enjgrolssed WU niakingan appropri-' ption and appointing commissioners lor tlie rebuilding;, of .the" Capitol in .the city" of Raleigh; and the. bill bein read the second' time, was passed Ayes S6, Noes ZTni; bipm1- 'S-i! . JeM-Messrs. Jtikewy; Ballet i j Itaiemsn, Ball, Uod.lie,Uullo.k,Ciu-soi, Coilinl, Cowiier, imimog, ration, mrrtaon, tiawauis, tlintoo, Hassey, Uthara, Liodsay AkOowelL Marshalh Matthews, Mcltio Montsmerj fof U., r Mool rniBery. (at O.,) Mure,, fof U.,)Moye(efPt) Morraan. Khodns. SeHwell. Simineaa. Skinoen Speight, Spencer, VaphonC WUder, WUUaws, VVaaotu-""-'-" ' V ".' ? -rTr ,1 JVii. Messrs: rt'tjtii&T BritUm, www.., ...... IIV(mi' IJWW, Monstoo. itswelll Kerr." Latah. Xeak. LitlW. .viarua, ftiaaser.-iomi, ii oore, ai orris, t'artiara,' ri xrr. i , ; va.-3essrs. ADernainy, Attains, AHt3orflTXriJrqgtoni1(-Boddie," Bonner.' flragg,3rbw?eemaniClp oratge,yfuromweu, Jmtuiit, iaduiSf FoscueG'rei, uamrnonu, aarper llarrispni; llaryr, Hott6ri,?lttrst; tripnv JarvisJ J jk JoheR$Jones Littte,fIcke,,Mangatrtar8telle Motfk,"ili)ntgome7yi Murj-ayMV ClecsM'Queny SJ?eeple' PeaViuri PoindexierViPVtiRand Rjbarlls. MOOt-e,. Move of .G, Moye of P. Ray, Seaxfll,' Simmons SpaisM, ToomeV, i i fisliiftB on Tar fir . ferretl. IltiUSBOK COMMONS. vV....M.rvJlow( preenpd the 'petition of jUtwdry inhabitants of Pitt toutvfv. pray- " rfg tnat'S law b pistsed rt-gtilalinjc the'' .i'aml.co river, lie- ill1. , ' ,'''. . ... " ii- V Mr, Poindeiftivr jpresented a'bill in retalion to the independent or volunteer companies, aaclfpil frf the second rtgt merit Stokes co"un.ty irjihOa, which was rea'' the fimt rime and passed." ' The'Jhijl to ere'efnat of; a portiohef the counties of Uurkcanil. Bunciiiiibe, ' a aeparatrr; and- distinct county by the ' name of Yancev,' was read the third . (irate, pisie( and orderetl to be ensros- ! 'l 1 sed.Yeas63-Nys 63. . ' - JV:- "Kn-..VIeir8, Abernathy, All jinn, Barriiiscr,' Bor.tcni itrower, Hurgin, Caasleiv Ctartea,' un,i,, , v'nic, ; vuniungnam. unilinrtson, 1viilaon. t)ew. . U.ii lcri-: llnNorl. T- Kilinonstnn: Bmmltt.' Kiilue.il'ailili. nili rim. CSlais, lmilytiuilirie, TGwvnn, Jlai-t. Hill. 1 IIorioB, Iitoii, Irvine ft.v Junes,' Laspeyra, $ fjedtnrtl, liOiidermilk, AlaiiKiim. Manleller: k .. . L. 1 1 1. I .... . , . i . ... . . iiuguiuery, oici.surifl, AIBMll lan, McNeil, McQiicn,,:Paj ke, Peeples, . Pear son, I'oinilmler, i'olk, Kitintclsw, Settle, Stoan, Smith, Stimncit, Tliomai, .Wadswoiih, Wntson, Weaver, Whitukei-, AViseman: iVitdier, Word Zielar. . a J i V t- ; t Aoy Menrr Adsms.i Arrlngton, n-Jtf ft' oiowe; iiunuie, lioijncr, urn", liecmsii, Curlers Clark, Cloman,CrAiwell, Daniel, Fee, Qtry Oee.i (Hammond,: H4nlMon, Jlni-er, Hm-j ;,tnl Hartley Hurst, Jarvls, JplitiJJi, Jopa; ,1,ir.!r,' .ludkint,' Lancaster, Lee, Little, Lonf, MmiUa yr5lullen, ;Murry, MoCleese, McMotr c., ao, Konnan, . Outlaw, P'Drien, Vivvi, ioSi Jtaiid, Relfo,ltoberts,,8. 'l Sawyer, 1 A.Ssw yei4, tshepiird, SnntnonS, "Skinner, 8pniiIlf'Kt'iU lihRS. : StepliehttlJIIIett Townsenil.'Ti.r.ttall.' Wddle,f Wtlsji Willey, A, )V oolen, C. Woolui. , ' - . . ) Mf. MtQueen presenfeJtka tiil.con cfrning Iht- Hoard of Infernal I fiientr Mr. McNeil,4 a' bill lo cn'rt w .1 SeftleVSitninoha? Sl'oaw; jStallin;sp St'e pbftha, Sumrier flTllett,'; V"y. VYad. wonhrvVelchWillcyltyiH'nan Witchery A: Wi Wooten!Zigl4r; 4iV i-i "!.t (?rr.r..v.:t.fJt!t- Mr. Askew presn'ed a fesoltf vh to adibtirn twi ihethHd JanosrT. ja33; tint' ;rfeyB wnich was Veaif -and laid bh' : Ud nrotinn Ot Mr. L,itham, .tt was tfr anl veil, thatthe ionimttee; roti f J,b.(r j'ug diciary Ifa Instructed, to enquire wheih er a remedy could not- be devised rio prevent the practice of resin n caVM'i'. in a, suttictency of vtaiow praperty -'V me. Hintonl:j pfesentid aj fesojouor Paiter. Ua. Stednwa.'.Toouier.Tvaoii. Wetul j t Me. Allen then tnbvetf that the bill ciarr to enaaire-ihte the expedienc nt be i read the third - time, which tvas -'qairirtg he libldets f larg smrrffk r'eed toCAyes S3, Noes SO? ' VbcVt-1in Swamna 'nnd Decosina'to 'accni'atelv. u P . . ", , ' .. was i eaa ; the, thtru ttme survey Ja;.il. sentries ';, and .markU he passed and ordered to be enn4lett.lMnd.iir)4tereif, so that the people aiMAnaT . iA...A ana a- . - . , tat , . a e-v . . - ue Tom on me as wen as- me sute mir sscertain tne ittrrhao olt:wa.tead,,,i lewnlry,' ' - -i 0liWiPittWtn.-yI!gf Uletvil ,ifct, Morrii, Nern.M,Ksr;l Simmons) psssed and ordered' to be eBrolleJ., boandn etW for th'is amendment was lost, and Tracy. : i'VHti-l Toet,- Welihora, wader, vvuiiam. Ayes $5, "ees S3." -The f otes' on the as well .... I , ... .... , r . ., ... . .,..- .) -.. :. . , . , ." . i:.- - .' I "' t - A .- Zi,"---- ', 'ij .' .... ., . ... - 'ij- ' . . .i,r- -: ,;.' i,- ry V.i .,..'. .. v; .-j,-. ..: " -,.. . ' - .-..I,-.- ... . - .. -- jiamJiAail I ,i" tiT '1-IT1 """ " 'Wnws4- WliWiiiB..jawlllij.iMiiasr '"'"' aiwn in v r ;w V'""" "i t ii;it aiu viiat itr fti'g, " Rions nf thWSt tts td authorise the trpr-," V rion nf Gates acro public roads wif'nu ' M Iheir repeclivt couiiief and Mr. Sjim. r her, a hi.ll ts aiidtnrize the trial of title" to;; real '.etate, -when ' the'kamp hhal"; Ciime;.trt. quesii.ri rt petUions for pni.. Uon., 'These bills wer re;'.- .,, lime and passed;' and the last nai.f"i b'dlv wai.'oa wditon !of ""Mr, 'omiimi ' ifrrmlt' 'Jfj- Vjt"ir ' , (J r; ;.Thu:.en2r5Seif biH toVeneat an f.f paesedtn the veae'lSi to rciift! i.srt ' o? the secdiid'seclion'bf'an let r,ax,.j t n!jbo vei't8o0;-chapte'r 70?. to rev'. '1 fh.e WMiitla laws ofthis 'Stat wait i f tlie thlfd1 tim and pissed Yeas "". . HSnri S3..VU l f - , '4 "iTeiM-fc-Messrsj O.TJalieiv ' ftarr inpsr, p.i Borden, BtirtuS.j BMms,tiler7 Cavt.i, Clark, Otsytoq, Courts, Cunningham, DaviCon, la. i'Co; ixmmnv , r. eol e eximonaton, r,rk, tin, i Olaaw:ttrs"dr,' ffart;Hin,' Joifl?d; L, M'LwtriiiilMtieOfr'i At'JHillso, WNjii?, nw,.Juti,,tTyrwi,'t arle, i'ltrw,, Samtaaair, 8. TiSsyeftV. X,- 8w ttr, S o ! a. . rr: ' . . HT-. . 1. .! Thoganwaa. Towmentf, Waddefij WwO, V . kaij,. Ward. ,if t vj'i " ' i ciJfajnrMeTNlAarnta , A(fingun, Baiin4'HejtS!;",l3rowrV 'tlbn '' : it-: Crai?e. Cremseii. Kmaait. .roana. r;... fiutrrie.Gwyna, HamnvMid, Harper, Harrivou Hortoa-, llarst, Jpn, J. A, Jones, It. Jonei, ; . j a ; i ;, v ri-i-5i':.sisci;

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