r-.-ssnaessFimiayi rowterfj -1 MX or ar r. in- itU if rim it. ,lM I'll. mpt rf ttk ItlM heM ,U,i titit "t p(l "I liftws ol IN. CaxoVna, passed in 7 BY-AUTHORITY.) Am art l rerar OA TCulToITo Tetr. VL. ." k H.a nn.vikiniii nf in nrl. tiih.fii in th vcr nl , , itci "w " - - ' r j . '. ,nr Jord one thoussnd eight hundred sad lour, entitled ao att I for establishing Hank in the towo of Wilmington,'' the aub fcribert to the stock r.M.JB4.tik.were iru:irf orated under the Tname a nT style of the "President, Director and Company of tba Bank of Cape Fear; and whereas, by subsequent act, paw' rslti jnihtf ye ar of our I.rd one thousand efjht hundred and lour i loco, entitled ."aa act concerning the Banks of jCape Frar and ? "Newbero " the capital of said Bankwat increased, and its n ' iatpttr :"as a cornoralaon extended to tlieTirst tlanuary, ta the year of our Lord one thousand eight' hundred and tharty five; Du wnereas U is expeuieni now in cuuuuue mc ""' lee of the. said Bank for a aVr -'"aer term! 7 : "lie it therefore enacted lu (he Ceneral Jstembtti of the State 0, North Carolina, and it ir hereby enacted t. 3 the authority of the tame.' That the stockholders in the said Bank, their successors , and assigns, shall be, and continue a body corporate, in law and in fact, under the name and style ot the "Pre - ind Company of the Bank of Cape Fr!. Hh.ajrjipital slot k of ' .Mont thousand shares, of one hundred dollar each, until the -fcrstday of Jeftuary,me thousand eighthundred and fifty-five; and by the name and slyle aforesaid, shall be, and are hereby made able and capable in law to hae; purchase, receive, possess, eo joy an Aretainf t1emleMeif i uccc ssors and a siTigri s, lands, .reuts, tenements, hereditaments, gocds, chattels and etli-cti, to an amount not exceeding: in the whole, including the amount tf capi ta! stock aforesaid, two millions' four hundred thousand dollars, and the tame to sell, grant, demise, ulien or dispose ft, to sue and ' be sued.l implead and be impleaded, anwer ana be answered, tie fend and be defended, in courts of record, or any other place whatsoever; -the tame" to XL Be itfiulhit-watThaax-T!f-We'n"-Eve cents r; end adsjUfttoako, ive-ta4'Sje a wiuiTOtnTOTnwrTon-each share of stock owned by individuals in , the jsaidJUanka 0 Tweak, alter and renew at their p easura of the State, bv the ---Hrdain eataMiah lnd pultln -:narguiauonj aa anata-seem- necessary aor tne Krumcut-ui-f taiir-r empt the sajd corporations, or the lands, tenements," goods or chattels of the same, i'lioro being, also liable and chargeable with the sail rxces; but such of the said directors as may have been 4hent-whefHh-sattrpxte5S"as cit?Trfdettt)r aitavTiive Ti sen ted from the resolution or act wbere.bv the same was so con' traded or created, mar respectively exonerate themselves fiom being so liable by forthwith giving notice of the fact, and of their ousence w uissenr,-- oeiore w wnn soibb noiarj puoiig, sou m the stockholders at a general meeting which they thai! have power to call fur that purpose. ' . .k ' " ..l. . . '. . IX. lie it further enacltd, ITiat the president and directors nf. Ilta nuift n.ntr utintt mt sk 1 1 lim.i frtnn nil aflMi K ttsttcinir uf this act, and durtoi the cnntitiujJuof-4heamtOouTrd inilDbligtfd to nukta, loan or loan to the State of North Caro i ." ' a . . ' . a a. . ' ma, if required ami authorised by law, of any .sum or sums of money, not exceeding in the whole, at any one time, one tenth part of the'actual capital aiock of said Bank, and at a rate of in terest nut exceeding aix per cent, per year, to be paid half yearly: Provided, that it shall be the duty of the Public Trea surer to make application in writing for. such loan or loans at least three months previous. to the time nherthejr nny be re quired. .& . X. Jie il further enaclei, That it shall be. the duty of the Treasnt er- of the State to require ,fioia.tinifi Jo tiiive, - ot-K-ceeding' once in sjx months which s.hall be furnished by the president of the said corporation, ft statement of the amount of the capital stock of the said corporation, ,tle debt9 due ta tions for the shares heretofore merged; and thej shall iopvn i books lor that purpose at the cur ot UaleigU and in the towns Salem, Salisbury, Charlotte," Elizabeth City, 'Halifax; Tarbo- rough. Warrenton.Jlilton, Llncohitoo, Morganton, Wasljing- i to be sold by this act '-the president and directors of the of custom to .the contrary qoiwim ipal Bank shall reduce the subiscription to the jnetjDJun- Jiiidjiefatlhut.mtete4r'l' LhawMTkittgn50l the l" in from " tlr st subscriptions but if the whole nirtnbcr of shares pro- thcreofr"iVWerf,"'tifrAew, th the same, the moneys deposited," the notesln circulation, and the. cash on hand and sliall have a right to inspect sucft gen cral accounts on the books "of the said corporation as shal l re late to the said statements: Provided, that this shall not be construed to be a right to inspect the accounts of private indi viduals, except the uircctors, with the said Hank. tba: Y adesbofb , Munrcesboro'and V indwr. under tlie three ticq,aoC: ttt oar ci)mn9t and the same keep open for. subscriptions for thirty days and if a greater numbMf shares shall be subscribed for than isjpro vided to be sold by this act -'-tne president and directors of the princi jjtcxftf sharH argest suDscriptions: uut u tne wnoie ntfmocr 01 . snares p v'uled by this act be not subscribed within the said thirty days, then it shall be lawful ior the said president anil directors, by and with the consent of the stockholders, at any subsequent time, to re-open book of subscription, at the same ptaces, for the residue. --...- - . ';;.! ' XVIW Vc -it further criacteJ, Ti the fourth section of the act of one thousand eight hundred and fuurtceu be, and the same is hereby repealed and that the shares subscrib ed as aforesaid sfiall be paid in as follows, that is: : One fifth at the time of aubscrbi'njstoijeJJillJl - JStllic end otilure the first payment; one fifth at the end cT nine mouths after tlie first payment and Ilia remaining ftfth' at the, end oLtwclve. months after the first payment: Provided : that no part of the subscription shall be paid in the notes ol the a I ore said J Jan It, but shall bo paid in specio; or in funds equivalent to specie: Provided, that no dividend on the proQta fchall ba declared on the additional stuck hereby authorised to he taken until the Whole amount of said stock shall be realised to the Bank ia ! qIA orsjlc r4t-qttwateB4i WiWSo''WMliTaoVutiiig contrary to the constitution of thit State et.of4lwlJiite4r.btater r7)i the aaid xorpnrarion; far the niakine whereof ceneral meetings .( the stockholders ' msy be called by the directors, as hereinaWer specified; and ge to them shall and may appear, necessary, subject, nevertheless, to the ruIesujatipnajesmcJJOM Df reinaiter aecurea -wirsa aTsliaTThfreifter be establislietl by tlie president an.).cJis rector for that puiTose; " Bitl" bonds and notes subscribed nresenbed. -.,-jje ft furthtf trldeteJ, Tliat aHall eefingtrtt the Vipck: . . . i f r-7 : it ( .1: - holders Ol tne saiti njinict f nq ai aiLciecmiii. uihimmh tin ir-CTdryeirrrTnTd'Tlie saidBauk sliall tvot be liable to any further tax. lL : v - XII. lie it further enacted, That the . following rules, re strictions, limitations and provisions shall form and be the fun damental articles! of tbJfMdtuJiqn. Tlie'stocTi"'oT "Bro Tafd coFptTrat'ion sTiall be t ransferable anil a- Henable as hcrctolore, or accmintoucli yules and re'iuLu !i4 jeeed a!lWliat H H'mvFpflpr? lUs' an (dla podndt-.$i i)mtii'uurga!icrum! WHUttm-trr - tanaTr1nrnrr'ium trr imnpr. !,)- tUfe mirror, field tip l aetata re?' f tlie Governor Tos tfie4lmbt ig or sutko he or the Tegislature may from time to time appoint, snail act on behalf of the State, and slmll have the samViiumber of votes t - which, the greatest number :6tatoxldioWfcmaji b eamledrp aessing an equal number of hres w r.5Stat t thfrtiiia o"Totea to which each stockholder shall be entitled, except the State, shall portions followiPSi that ia-Hasafrfor one itiare, aou not more than two "shares, ooe vote; for every two shares oboyc two, and not exceeding ten, one vote; for every four shares above ten, acd - - not abore thirtyione yoteforeyerf sixshsrcrahove thrrty;"iid COt iiceeJing jlxiy, one olej for every eight shares above sixty, and Dot exceedingone buodred, odc volej and for every ten - shares above one hundred, one vote; out do person, copsrtner president anu XVIII. lie it farther enacted, That the said Bank shall Snot issua more tha twice the airmunl of llie'capital slock at the time. ctsll v.pawl Jaapecieoratsvwuivalc tiffltMfrt the seventh section of the before mentioned act of one t!iousan(LefghtJjundred -and'four lecrr, imposiitig a lax of one per cent, upon all 4h.e stockholders in said Bank, and crT 'section .otthectiatieil itt,the:ye'ar-,if vtnt, form -and '-iireswrft-ttf .tlie limes' tlio'." our Jord one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine, eiitatled !breatliin jmax JM JJ4 !T.a4&M-e8aieKOTreraH u waou rcstleHs wutld a man and pktui cof human up gradually, and fix a uniform rateTjr collection," and eery .ijfi . ouW4lwirt-w-c-t:ominS -wnmu tua inc.. iuS ami purt 0r ,man jllOllCllU aud fed !TS.IK t.feverV y,exv.fcf this act. ot jhe be hundred and fturteeand one thousand eight tuaidred and foair.l ..... J,..,:, r-.-31" . r, . . -iiviii. ia i ii if mi, uv iitiifivn. iiiaij..tJi- cornoration, sliall be bindinjr and oblira'tory upon tlie same atiif if ahr iwrCTrijbicm said Uank, ahaii prescnLUiefiame tor- paymcrittllOiiaiicipat. i .u ..i...ti i. ,.r...,.i auu uic uajr..iii. snail uc iciusuu, draw interest l.rom the tun ncr cent. the said note'or notes, six per cent, per annum . ... . per annum, an csV .tnd the said Bank shall , pay the same: any la contrary- notwltlislandins; but ta shall not be lawful for the saliLEank-la issue any note for a inalkr8um. thafl.tlirce JoU lars. Halt yearly dividends shall be made of such part of the profits of the Bank as shall appear advisable to the stockhol ders or to the president and directors for r the Tlifne being. The land, tenements anu ncreciuamenw wnicn 11 snaii oe iswaui lian. or tdy pollllC, snail oa eoillieu 10 a greater oumocr ui.,. ,u.,;.t ,rnmimA-tAlh'iitrTi1b'itTrVkc the cor. lit srotes. nor shall any share or share Confer a right ol aul- .. .K. . ... . . M,.fa;f r...- i l....X of-4UU4f--e x4rt Oi -ew uig i ti one ttettrtBt amouoTdiieTi rim ; j w . . . . . . i aiumiiiiii aiim uiiiiin. ui nut.ii aa a i uii ui..i.iiwtr' rtn rcr avvvin a .. 3 - . . t - - -- r 1 trage, which siU not have been hojden three calendar rr pavTousTo" shall be bona fide worthed to inno case ttinS names of person; real estate; ami all other par-if.ivoiit-s. aiil ff'arlsly l oaimn:; throtigla tlio" to vote' in elerlious, r any general meeting, by proxy, no u b wa of ecority or conveyej to it in satisfacfumV debts '5"',r nc"rJ tu '.', condition of the credit tide',.1ckleHs, firestf or ciaaiibei in! the lillicst' ' less he be actuHlly a resident wnh.ra the State , previously contracted ta the course of its dealings, or purchased of "H"0,0; ' ", r . ,' ' ' - "r fmg'of thtj Trecfpict-the n.iscratld felon not cil thaa thirty. togeth " bJr'e'0; debts; nor shall this corporation directly or indirectly k pother otficer of the Bank r any of a.s ,br,tl. or geo- ,() hl, hmra th.o tn . . hundred U.res of P, at any tune, to j thin- except bills of exchange, bonds anS c.es, shall knowingly and wall.nglj inake cause .0 U -ak"0 llp the .ca"ure .f 1,1. paiUV lifc-tlio demand a generaLmeeting of the stockholders, for purposes re- - J h..lrin- imnt rertifientei ni.ldir ,11, of conaiiva at making any false return, statement or exhibit of thJ J 'ii " fr ' l.e - " - lating to life ..id corporation; and upon such demaod. xnntomtn-litrmm mhttm Tt-lh Wur; -Otnur ib, four r Zftlel E Public Treasurer, to the General AisemblyT to il.e board c Ui- ,IciT'IunS";S M. poniard in the tlnotl of weeka notice in a public gazette published in the city of Ua-i ZA Ss'VSe "ctur of P' ,nciPal Bluk-or of itf br,,d" ur BPtnnownfw the atudent leigh, and specifying i, sue), totice ,Jie object or ob;ect, of cH1 Vt d SU tes capital .1 ck atokliodra, or te any person ?r Krsons authorised ;; .HHtc,cdi,l the depth, Solitude, rcycli,,, TlV'-V.er'i' , , ,; . e'oft e nk hereby created, or" in the sale of goods F,eaily and by the Legislature, or by the stockboder to rece.vo he s.e, upon lie cobweb .f.tnetc km tdral . ,IY. 7?: U further enacted,, Thut for the a ell orde..r.e the af- fyr Jmoey lent and not redeemed In due time, uc5 ?"SU f W- ?od,:, '7 '"f. ' t!,f. flr on the high fttid giddy , faiil of the said corporation, there shall be eleven directors, be- tru'J P'",7. ,A1iPir:t. nPWhee -.hhll th! enr,. ralse.retoro w deception, shall be dmed guilty of a mis- jast. bonndnie chi-eiily; over the inomil.ii.i . : . - . m a . s .i.ii 1.. : fir in irisutia .MS Citizens ol this State, 01 wtiom ai least seven anaatue ri-rv . -h atlne " . 1 FT.. 1 M. t I T-a...l lilIVK IIIHIC m.mw- - tlCUtl Ul TT I1IIIIMK.IVUC VI n(.iiasa miivih av t7.. thirty Nearly bf 1h s1ockholders,"at a genera ' nually at WilmiBgtdn; on the first Monday . . 11 . " : 1 -inai to case 11 snout -' rectors should not rate ot half per centum for I lueeiinir ia he held an- days, lor or on account v " " .11 t. r.:.. r a JtransactMMi-oi-ousiness ai-mo niincmai-auR, v unvm iuc u-.,- K ,,nr..na an it,;, prcsidcntshall always be one ualess in caw of sickness or ne- r . J r . . -.i. -i:;:y--i"it,-U.- - .KnH 1 oli , I m nt-Lti it t Kf a ti'at f t rs martin -act,'il ouKhttehaTrbeenade.'the said eorporation shall not r,J..r.:iy'ul "J v r l u f that eausf be dissolved but it shall be lawful, on any other day, menf, a director to fUO ' u'ni.m i.ii'iixiii iKrokrior- i nU an eiectaoB for directors, m .cwve any emoiumenu -, :- . -r. T ,r should any of said com praties fail in any man ner whatever to hold said elections, then at shall be p'operfarthe CouTtwhifh shatt next happen" s aforvsaid, seven Justices of ihc l'eace being t , preseait. to supply , any vacatnrv ocrasioned by such fdUutvaiid m cajethir fcWild, be a lie art -atiy election as aforesaid, then the Court shall in like anatiflpr determine; and also determine in ; all Caes of contested electious; any law, uttg '" or custom' to .the contrary oolwitiistandm hat-ims act' ratiBcation - that noihinjc contained ' in this act shaH be so construed as to E resent justices of the peace from deputnin" of cer to execute process as already provided by UW. Pf ''t.-:v'-..''Cy- - V; ''';-.;' ' '. -';. ' VI. 1nJ be it furrier enacted, Thai Sny per- - son toting at any such election, who' shall not by law be quulitted to vote-, he shall be liable to -tije same purialiy as persons voting at tlections ' fur auembcrs of the Ueneul Asseiiib'y of thia Si Si! tko, ttfav Dot-uaiiStdaccotdiog -to law.---7' 7Jft:Ctiicl7efl!u nek'spapers, h a common cant word villi some, politicians who tlta not v. , aJriila;frtrif Ray tpwl iu--:- tlaO tieaspajK-rs, sa)(i n M. C, unless I myself rrpoft it.- Take w hat you ee in the papers, s?y : nnoUicf 8impcrin,!j mcmhrr ut ' ' Ctwnmon C)nnril, avIiIi aiany gralni of rI- , iiatid paper, its; jjwajjijiHAliccisVPP'M.HeM. - -aYad'""ciTa1c)ii'i, that it ahoutJ Uius bq jihed wfiiraTTPi;aTiiTTtvlJaiik oTX!al)eFeir, Ue, and the same are .,.' J It.. , ... -i. '.'. I' I .1:. 7-.".4 h navment nf monev trt nnv norson or nnranna. lit, her r herebv renea eats 'r0ft!fiLlhalaathlaaa4-ea-4i 1 j a - t " v t. .z.z .s..- . -.ai . ri i. 1 1 i 1. . , . 1 -t thetrotciTrttirbeaTcrTtW 'Wlffi said I construed as to allect w "ahY man tier the Tfightnhe !Jr .... 't : ..1 l4tiMt .f t f n A 1 l iti,l AtSa.s-'V.iuit. .1 reRSfl the, UKtwrtwr'Ue'-- M'v ' u-&r-- iiimlttviwWivefil Hals StaTeof the acceptance! nifal JifuJ the Ktit( and, t'it-cumiliincri of war llio iiiitrcd' :'."bisliat ttio ' III.H fctWT 1 C IVf ,IJC UVCIUVI 'l Ui9 vtC W Illy llilMBUllljl f Hti -exlension -of charter by the stockholdcri thercotr thin '.srliariiatiJi shall uinonii aiu-r uie passage oa mis aci; omcrwise mis act suaia rpimncil licimrl--tlic.i n.iie.iafea victim ol,.,,,,, . jjyilBijdJMUMa f."''M''''".w uainncrcd I glnt- for dama- AX1. -lit U further enacted, l bat H snail ,oe me ouiy ol tue joiijfioao rtho 'athastly cioune of livlr-ff w to the president of. the Bitak. inthe first week in Uecemlier of each !-,.-,,.,,. i,,linu,.ed ' duntrcong to the Lus. s a . . a .a a 11 . 1 . v . a w 1. .is . .a 1 s - - and evt-ry year, to transmit to tl itatenientot bi!. coaiJition of .tlieBank..sheang 4WaatMnt-rti-svr.,;""l.i'u'7lh''':VBt it capital; notes in circulation, and from what places issued; debiran'UiVi m7 , a ' a hJUni llWlVCtV ; unihcrf'. due to other Banks, and to what Banks; and alt mher partUa-r VT" " V""T'a "5aru yomy Urs necessary to shew the true conditiort of the debit Vide of ihei',a tuat innrders Mecp over In midnight account! also specie ora baaid; debts due Trtm otherJJnksfcind 'inPi." M',5 "t plaustojlcludttthonof Vvhat llanks the amtiuot ad" notes "or bonds tiiiiounieil and titudf, and to dutch orataltati amhaiion that c leaps itscl" each toanner as hill be regulated by the tar and ordlaiaocea of thtsaid coi jaorataoai; and that n case ot JHecatiiiesigoalioa ir absence froan7the State of aoy dh-ectorj haa place adialt be filkd by a new appointment a majoniyTat- thcrarrectorsvT : . .-t., - V, ll it further enacted, Tlaat the president of the Batk.be ihsf a director,' shall be "riioseis by' a. anajot U y "of the directors, XI II. lie it further enacted, Thai it shall not be lawful for the ,said nresident-Bjl ilirectnra missory- note,- unless the.aainebo made payable iaad "neso(ia-f . I .. : x .1 J;..l.-.l..,.:l.--u--Ji:--.rt?l;ii1-'''''!; ' I uie at me saiu uaiiRjjBUHi." XlV;rIieti further ehacYeV7,-Thaf if any director or officer of said Bank shall steal, nualom. embezzle, or in anr war act fraudulently with the funds of the said Bank, it shall be deem- with a salary to be fixed by the stockholders in general ante ttDgi led felony,, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by : and the nresideut and directors of the principal Batik for the "ttmtljeanlrshaH have power to-estblis branches or agencies of the said BauVatauch place W places, within this State, as they may think proper, aod commit the ananaement of such branches eraKencies, and the making discount thereat, to such persons as they may aelect: Provided, that at each branch or agency eo established there shall be appointed not less thao three directors, atidtbaHsQ birantlirgraai'wcTTiiiw enistjnK'Of which may hefa Tafter be : established, sli all be removed, uuless dircctet by ihe stockholders in central meeting: JJnd provided aho, that the ' president and directors shall establish a branch or agency of said Bank in the city of Rajeih when thereto required by. the GeiHe- t al- Assemldy : ;' - V- . .'' yi. lie U furlhef enacted. That thepiesident and directors for the time being shall have power to appoint such officers, clerks and servants at the principal Bank and at their severs! branthes and agencies, as they shall deeaai propfr, and shslljregutale lheif "respective duties jmdcoroj) L - ther powers aud authorities is iKairtMdescrUi(T fiietl ind Hi? Jerouned by the byejawsrejulalitnis and ordinances of the cor poranon. ar '"Bank fice five giva .. require. ., ;'""?."'' yIH ? it furDuf 'tnaici, That the totl 'amount of dsbtt which the said corporation shall at any time ewe, whether by bond, bilLnote or other contract, shall not. exceed 4he sum of ooe million six hundred thousand dollars over and above the sum then actually deposited in the said Bank fpr safe keeping, tan less the .contracting of any greater debt shall have been previ ously authorised by a la w of this State; and in case of excess, ihe directors under whose administration it shall hppenf ahaH be liable for the same to tbeir''Batraland"'pTvste cspasalaes, sod an action of debt may in auch case be brought ssdnsi;them w any of them, their or any of thfeir heirs, executorsr tdmin? Jtrators, in any court of record in this State, by any creditor I miu corporation, ana way ue prosecutcu n juu- 1. njent and execution;. any condition, covenant or agreement to the contrary notwithstanding; nor shall this be cotntrued to ex- i.JSe it further enacted. That every cashier lit the said I . branch'or a2ency. before entering on the duties of In. of-1 V "J e' .i,.ii i- - r . l... llioii. - w nut tne iiiiiiuuv u. , linn uodii anu security an a lum i itniinnintui; , , . . . , thnn.r.i in it. 1 .t.-..i hfi 1 said Bank is at this time only i-..u.aiiii iivimiki ui ctcit i" , 1 p ISmf . . -Itrt r..- a, tt aaV.rt atir-rlnre aii! lcmT uiiw wiohm vi waw IIIIU ICtUlliT iWsV IULU 0U1U ai-vwiw 'TJ I I fine anditaprisoninentptYtting jri the pillory, and whipping on the bareback not exceedinzthirtrlashesf ult vreitfier of them at the tliscretion of the court. . : . ; : XV. lie it jurther cnacfeif,"That the cashier stiairkeep abook to contain tne proceedings 01 tne uoara oj directors, tne names of those present, the day and date of each meetiii";, and shall record tlie , yeas and nays-ort nny-tie'stioh, when asked forty aHjf ttrtxivr. Timir irouR wan uc ciiucuc iu vuutis u, justice and 611 entering on the discharge of his duties, tlie cashier shall take the following 6ath or afiirmation before some justice of the peace, ny wuom it siiau do reiurneujo theouice. oLtne erVofheX'ity-'t'tf affirm as the case may be) to keep a just and true record,' w'atlw out alteration or. erasures, of the transactpBS of the board of darectors of tire Bank of Cape ear, in a book to be kept by me FAhd -wlaereas :a part of the capital stock hath heretofore been pvrehasetHn by the said iiant, and mergcti, pursuant to an act, passea aia tlie year one thousaud eight hundred and twenty-nine entitlwl an act to ehabletlae- oatiKs -or rsewucna and Cape rear j to its. a uuuuim rate 01 couec thc active capital stock of the four thousand nine hundred and hundred dollars eachr and where as commercial necessity ,rend stock of the said Bank, of Cape Fear should consist of eight thousand shares, 01 one Hundred dollars each, the same being ats former capital: " - ' . 1' .- i XVt. fie it farther " eitocedV-That the president afid! da'reci tors shall convene, by public notice, the stockholders of the Bank, at some time between the passage "pf this act and the ficst day of July next, for the purpose of ascertaininz whether they wish to renew the jftares qf .stock heretofore, merged-or pur chased up by the Bank, or whether they prefer the capital to remain at what it now is; and in case the stockholders deter mine to renew, theshares heretoforejnereedr that is to increase their capital tolls original amount of eight.thousahd share sv of one hundred dollars eachi then it Shalt be the flutter thepfe sident and directors forthwith to appoint a day or days, within four months thereafter, for opening of Cooks to receive subscrip- a .'.. . '. f ii i' '1. " aeroeanor, sn 00 jronvicuon: m any. ot me auperaiM,, vooaisr waVe; thnnhtless of dantcf or care' All of Iw n this itate. sliaJI b punished by a line at the ilic;e?irHu aflt numberleWnaumtudcs of minor lion 01 tne curt, inn ar in nrituiiwrut ni ivi-.gcr winuuiic vjar, ;rt lM flt (, 11 ,,..(;, -e. it,-, ,... YYtli: It it fmlhlr mnrUd That alY lon. or liiUi,i . U C U,. ' that BOCCPS vilch hau hereafter W made upon tlie stock'of 4 Stockholder1 in as 1 mm, mm JtVM ' M f f S J ft S alKllK vS III C II LS UUUD ftULil J"J . w -. - . . .... -. . autred laVltae Bte-aiion wvi .wu.i ." J .' ' - . .. . - -. .' ' r.. .?r"-iT : - 7- TacwM arctiao aramniia ncrsflJia' that nuccrs. n the plcd-e of if,e serrp of .KW.Jf ,aid Back, the 'renewal ;ay; i 4 titbh vlnr& lite cohamns If a I fee ihe same as shall be i 'ri C?;i',ea'.tiia 2S-JUH tnnrtmk bit the General tfuarilM fa4briktvPt-i anaVHTTilfrW uuiUonfy 'rf the fame, Taat bereaftV- there, aliall not be a greater bumber of. Constat bles an the several Counties in3 this State than one in eaeh Cap? taut district, except the distracts including the .several county towns to Hits State; which districts ihall be ehtiiled to two coti stables to beLclectcd as other constables are lierettiafTaTr duected to be elected. - ' f "' '"',- - -"' i -","-r-'-, '" ; i 1 1. -'JUit fWaf r e flcd, That t an' time wiihi a che mniitla prrcaMting the r first County Court held in the several counties in thas 8tate, after the first day of January next," ai.d annually thereafter, the inhabitants of. each Ci lit ai it's district within the Aeverat cnuntia iu 4bis State, t the bual ; place-nf .-taoldtp -tlie Capany oaustera-w,aalita saatl ilistrit t, shall elect, Hithin tle boopds of, said company, some; ft t.ari suitable person tta tt in of discordant matet inl.i nrhkc nptliciiisri-fda- tntu of 5t.t. composilTonof rontrastinc: strd la Wtfreaaiilie tasnaaee Is lifcaaatW U1I frf.SMmfoled.attlhi Sls. I WwdfwJS InCidcntsltnarycllotW talrs-rnysic- ' a iiiu u Hvat hh 'V v r ows-o v at in h s j ot; t metaphysical ,diH(itiisitiorispHpriivo.'cssaj g 0terii a!ariagV aiid dita.i3'u- ttj.cldcnt!!--. bomtgtapAWgyJ'ic9't,.JcsU;'ftuccdll(c.s, , deatlisy marriages, coiiunilriinisriciiitq;iiaH, ptnnctry,.acfostrcg,and ftdvertiacpicnts,' of tyery v shade : color," nnd fc an, ' from gra ve to gay, ft m lively. t se v er ' th D rainbow,. camcleon, ; nor Jvau-iilcsropn, aro hiftre diversified,' hnr Tandofa's b; more pavlifac in 1(4 c(M;tciif, (nr,lhR;unil)ti-- ror.trt of the most f a uditc hi am tUhc turro kin.iluins ;imim! tluttrred ait! wi'Ji the. ills jetla Membra, t!ao 4lircd and 'pakLts of all thing ir,Mithi,nhove, 'rsv' r'wn tho railhir-fxuin;: .tlaa-w4al7-a?t;eftin--inf--J2rr" Durntit to -lliaj last ''down Ward vUhi'i of tlie capacity uf, CoosUule lor the aiuccceding yesr, who shall be returned aod recotB mended io the Cmjrts of Jleas and ,Quai Jer e(.s4oisTd V'ouoties as Wwnaltcf diretrdr and Tip'rH f'UT.h return bcin mads, underJlie kertifirsle W ihe judges appoiiite'd to hold said election, the saidj Coui ts khalf proceed to.fjualiiy such person Sit' returned to' Set as Con$taiie for Lone Jjttr -there' after, he or they first rvnbotid with gwed ai'adi.ialfirri)t. sccar j' ty aibfs w requVeu no person shait lie entitled it vote f4Maoy-aW within the corporate boumU of said lowh; and idi person lit g within the corporate .bounds of any suck town shall be eittitied to vote foe contuabl for the distaievjn ahkb!'incbf,:tuwft is siiii ; lit JjeU further- enacted, That the .captains f, companies within the several coonues in this tate, and, iaa ahejr abcnce; aov justice of the nea.ce',withia' tie district, shall, within the time prescribed by tb" provisiuns ' ijjf Jliee)nd iset.ii.iiB lif tiis Sctilahd ftii'raajaTTy 'tTaVreauer, appttao't t wo tlis'creet and amiti.ble persons In hold said elections, wht' arc! refiuirett to, 'rival at least ten tin v' notice f uch election in two or more public places in such district;- and every 'free 'white person, having resultd for six fnonths iiext precetinj; the elertii.n w itliiia the bounds of said company vr district, who is qualified and 'entailed to vnte for members of the House of Commons in the Slate Legislature, shall be entitled to oie within the district in which he shall re, side in ajf such elections; and the persons receiving the greatest number af votes shall be considered duly elected, and shall be returned, ender the certificate of said judges, to the first Court of rieas and jyuartcr sessiions .wutcn suall bappeo an said county after said election. ','"i l,'l' r't-r-'-ftt Jlf" person, elected as tvOBstabte under the provisions 0,1 tins act, die, or from any oth ctihtrleapiii1fsate)i:-Troht the chase taftbo seasertient najd grkly bear t the f Hplnre of rAik Hawk ftttd tlilllbhird frJg-U'a'atm thtv . -Kiaiwess twins to tlie?twli; TniTn ili'p gHiTd inines of (ieairgiti tta the gold vaults rif the 'Diiik'rHiin1 CoUnal Croaktlt Shipping Lis :raglit ill Vald-i,atsa to 11a jor Downing baUhdingthe iithhtt Mailit.'. watslt !i-tVninyM f.Taiiey f tlt Treasury Iq Mr. -Y.ivfj nfllio JViir,eVrrniri 'Alabani: Hrj i(a ttefs" tn psat I nt-s ti ng iu ill an3-f ron Hrn. f-KtVif la vofjiijcji ..tittinc vc n-. ders-leoiai'advci tlsiirg bachelors to- trim. Con.: c 16 fc tmr )i t s frtnii Slahalcr-poi'-iorirtl paragraphs to pistol-shooting duelists front .Cfoctn'iaatl pot k la IJI-nsScl.s lacefrom the tarikce uoouic 01 the menagciio to llio DulLi ; Gttya. f the opera -fro 111 logic to T pltyfiic-ifa'om,tlie' Tire Taints to the JMag-t!alcn-8ocicty5 friiw' A. T. Baargi'andy'to'" the -cWnistrket raccsfrorli Don Miguel ta Qajeen Isabfl!efrm the Jim Crow of Mr. IticQtti: the gyin-iifltics-if Mr. FtiSlcr from the colar prjeas t'i Jtbc pi ess on the, mon- ' ey market -from' Kcnd&lt coal to -''Amos Kendall front the Great Madrian to ilia cr cause fait to ajualily and t-gave the necessary security, . on Cabinet iaf the Kitchen tniUificntiota nnj

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