3 4 HI iori. tU socl Jll. led i fcil 'I iua, tti, fat sfs, nt en- fa .. .( rrt ilxe, ; and ran Jiea 4 J it Me Tiilr ltf n ititf thin rith fra- COF idioj ITEIV 0.', rpre- nid- nfia- aday, nor , and o, ia I to iMr, .JJr. 1 lilt sofa- 5ttf olios the erjf ur v'8 I : 1 Jw inJer Mar-. t - . r 4 1 up." itlea riof kf jejr ibifl jut's OB J I'M Jlltl" unit c 1 ad- Vayf' thi bW treat 'lha ro' td; .a Uonv ion'' pri- . i ' - V Tliutsdmjx March 13 W'lff IJarg- movcdr tvecrmnut r the Report of the committee of Wnyi and Means to that committee, with in, , -atraetiona to report that the' reason of the' Secretary fw removing the Dep- ' ,ite'were tmnllieient;' "".'.' S,, - Mr. -Barges addressed the House at ler'b in anpport, of the motion- he ,' the expiration of ' th morning JNoiirj, -Le) the residue of hiremrkr-wis ' cat 08 by the House passing to the or tdcr of,the .day. ; ' f a The Hduse, then, ia eomirUtoe of the Avhn!e resumed the consideration of . the Military Appropriation bill; which eiJue of thenar Friday, March 14... Theofuiitmlu Mardisnn relation to the public depo sites, was taken Op and con tidered ,Mr. Burges spoke lor some time on the question,, The . bills upon the Spea ker's table were then disposed o(; and the Houe then took up the army ap propriation .bill, which, on the prece ding dy, had been passed through the committee of the Whole on the state of Ihe .Urtiony x The various clauses were gone through, and the amendments );p.neral)y discussed. The bill was ut limatcly ordered to be engrossed for a third reading On the mtUn of Mr. Adams, of Mass., the use of the Hall was ordered be granted, on Thursday evening fo tlje bar, for the purpose of ... ..the pro(iortrin of an eulogium,,bj one Of us , incomer, upon tne late iir. Wirt. The motion was . unanimously Agreed to. , RALEIGH, MARCH 20, 18J4. cisiona'havtLbeen made b the Court during the p.st week: Marchi t.DXkit JSdgirvcf Jed the Opinjon' of the Court in the "else in Equity from Onslow. Sarah Ward v. Edward Williams and others, f 'Tevwsing tne f decrttj' below' and sus ftaininr the demurrer. rUAniBL, vuug;er eMverey me vpin- wa of the Court, 111 the ca.se of hxe cutorg : of VVm. Croom v. Richard -oootvfroflv lnoir-Treyereiftgjthe juflgmeoiot ftotremtana remanoing int .1 Gaston, Judge, delivered the Opin -ioDjif theXIouriialhe case in Equity removed from rmsn, Arcneiaus l is- v. Uowell' viuellan UowlltTTtieTran anit'ouiers. - declaring the assignmentet up to be fraudulent, setting aside the report of me master ana utrecting an account ' tobe.taken.l-:..: ' .. ., , ! - -. L 1 March 12.-tGajto s,Judge... de livered the Opinion of ihe Courts-in trie cane ot vic:rAamr. o snort, v. rthe f Adtar. of D, llii.8from Nash j re versing s much of the decree below as declared there was no fraud in ob taining 4he judgments complained of, and dismissing the complainant's bill ' in part and decreeing that there was ' fraud io obtaining these judgments, ' and that an account shall be taken. . Daxiel, -Judge, delivered the Opin- ion of the Court in the case of Bennett .Heater ...and others . iZath.. Hester and others, from Granville, reversing the judgment below, and ' qrdcring a new trial, ; : - ' UcrFiv, lj. iief-Justice, delivered the Opinion of tlie Court, in the case of Charles Dennis v. Philemon Morris, in Equity, from Mecklenburg, mak ing a decree in favor of the Plaintiff, and directing an account, I Ruffiji, ChieWusticeA delivered the Opinion of the Corutin the case of Joshua Burnett y, John- Roberts, from l4ncoln"r be , " Rurmi Chief-Jasticc, delivered die Opinion of tlie Court in the case of den on demise of Paul v. Ward, from Washington;' teversing the" judgiricht bduw J aud ordering a new trial. jieired the -Opintoirof the Cottrt, on motion" tOT" prntfrnrt, in the case Doe on demise of Ballard v. Kerr" front Gates refusing the Certiorari, but continuing the cause, in order that the amendment jlwirediht bemadg below. Alao, in the case of State v. Jasper, from Franklin; reversing the decision of the'Court below, and di recting it to ' proceeil tof judgment aiiifst the defendant . Also, in the taseof ArthuT Gregory vTAlfred Fer kins, from Currituck;- reversing the judgment below and ordering a new trial. Also, in the cale of Timothy Valton. y.Whrtmell Stallinss, from Gates; reversing the judgment below vi a Lane ui imp 1111 iifiii. 111 nsinnrr nun Haujhton "v. Cor. from Chowan: af- finnins tlie iudfrment hflow. March lS-.UtTWirrv-- rhlpf.Intlc. ieverei Opinion of the Court, in Jhe ease of Smith and others r; Bar nam, from Wake, declaring that upon ,uieaccounts taken there ,1a balance ?hMiefl)Q Defendant, but retaining the turuier Directions. . . " GA$To,"Jud?e. delivered the Onin- ion of the Court, in the case in Equityr Mary Craven v. Pete Craven and others; ' from Randolph, declaring the plaintiff not entitleU to Dower ana dis- fmissing the bill, j Ont ihouiand dollart per rfavZThe Charleston Mercury of the 1 1th in- Unt, i.ji 0,at " the receipU of the rail Saturday, from freight and paa rsrwere but' -as fraction under one aouutid do!lari. On Thursday last, the body of Fa - lcMfyCJl6Us oT tins county.was found in a field about a mile urrlh of this city, From the appearand of the corpse, it was cvitfent that he had dit-d , some days previous. ' TITe cause of his "death 19 not certainty I k nown but it H supposed that it was produced either bj exposure to the weather whilstndWlhffluencTri ous liquor, or by , laudanum. - ' - ' fuUic Z)epote.-Oo the 6th in stant, a numerous and respectable meeting i-te!d Crowirdjrosi' Roads in Halifax eoantTt when John "J Crowcll. Esa. was tailed to llm- rha!, . mr-- L and Mcssxa. Gliyfndl JWga were appointed Secretaries. iteiofiP tions were unanimously adopted, de claring that the removal of the public deposites from the U. States Bank, the depository' assigned them by law, was a gross infraction of the chartered rights of the Bank and a palpable vio lation of the public faith, and the na- tional honor; that the conduct of the President, in seizing upon the public Treasure, through tlie aid of a pliant and Bubservient Secretary, wa9 an alarm trig assumption of power which should not be ijerat Mr. Duan'e from office, for not dotna an illegal an-tinconstitutional act, was a palpable abuse of the right nf re moval, which should I not be exmiset except upon jast and suflicteirt ground .A jne.etjng-wasalsd' held at the Court HoU'tie "in L'enoir county, ba the 25th tiltimo, fJoseph Loftin, ..Esq, offi ci atinff as NGaitttianw,s,0:d;Jesse. Lassitcr, Esq. as Secretary; at which resolutions, similar in purport the foregoing were adopted. to " Sinc5 'the ' foregoing was Tn type, "we have received a copy of the proceed- inss of a meeting, held at Hertford, Perquimons county, on the 15th ulti mo, Drr Robert A. Gordan Chair TOanj ; andJohn EFWooar- Sttretary;) at wliichT resbfttfionS were also"passt condemning iti ' atrong ft nii8, the course of the AdmTnlstranou in Vela tionio (he puulic deposues. We have been requested to publish the proceedings of these meetings; but we regret that oar limits will not allow us to do so. Such meetings ar coming so numerous that - their pro ceedings in exteruo would exclude al most every thing else from our co lumnsf and we are therefore compelled to give them only a summary notice. The pepoite8 again. This com mittees appointed by the several meet- ings, favorable to the restoration of the deposites, held in 'New York, Phila delphia, Pittfeburs anj Baltimore, to bear their memorial to Congress; to lay before the President the gloomy state of affairs in the several communi ties they, were appointed to represent; and to ask a redress of their griev ances, have given detailed rrp'-rts of their interviews with the Chief Magis trate; which, as it in presumed they represent the views and purpo&cvof the President on this all-absorbing subject, are eagerly-songht - and read by the public But as theyarft all ' iubstari- tially the same, we do not deem it ne cessary to publish alt of them; and, in- deed, as we have but tittle room to spare,- We -anubjoinuch-tx ohTyfi-om "bneYthe JkUnnore as. contain an aceunt4lreir,tmvei4 sation with the T'tesident,"which wilf, for the present, suffice for the informa- . : . 1 lion 01 our reauers. Whetr thecport tf the Pliilidclphia committee first appeared, we were in clined to think, with the Richmond uircr, that it was a cancatvre; bjifinctliepuUlicationf-lhether reportsroming as they do from highly tespectabje citixen Sj" m any " or whom were the friends of Gcn Jackson, and all corroboratingthe first, we are reluc tantly compelled ' to" believe that they 1 w . - - ot tne. sentiments ana expressions ot the President, as delivered at the sev eral interviewr-he had with "the com mittees. Aa milch as we regret the ebullitions of passion to which the Pre sident Buffered himself io give vent on those occasions, our regard for the man of our first choice, and gratitude for the services he has rendered to our country, would induce us to pass that matter over at least in silence had he not been led to use a language which ia at vari ance with principles that are far dear er to Rome than Ctesar, and which we therefore feel it, our tmperioua duty to condemn! and it i" thecluty of his friends everywherLwhether for or against, the Bank, however warm and , gicceretbeirTattachniepitalumifthey ! ! love their "conntf r: to till kim ami world franklr and'cmnhatrrallv. thai they cannot sanction such language it is wrong) it is foreign to our institu tiousj ind it can never be recognized as becoming the Chir Magistrate of a free people. "We have particular re ference to his declarations to the Phila- il1Pll!aJ5nm mittee, liTJiat peitlier the opinions of tlie people, nor the voice of the Legislature, could ever ehake hit fixed determination." , And that 'all who do business on unborrowed capital ought to oreatmucjixanrt6trthe dclibraTe8ent1nicnt of Andhew Jackbo they were spoken In an un tortunate moment of excitement -TljisQfeth his error; and npon calm reflection, he will feel it due to himself and to the people to correct it But to the report of the Baltimore committee. At the time tppnintn! for Die Jntertieir, the Committee repair) Co the Hreaiieni'i reiidenee, hen thfjr were MvrrtllT prernteW to him. Af ter a few moment , the Cliairnuin remarked to him, 'General, you are, no doubt, aware that tbia CiimnJiitee has the horn to bedelega ted by the citTzena of Haiti more, wilhout re gard to party, to come to you, air the foun lain head, to mike known the diatreaainjf siiuaiion of the currency of this countr)', and respectfully to ask, from you, relief. :r-Hlkt Siitefnrptifd the President, in a tfthe of eaeitement ...'Come not to me, tirl ....po to the Monater! Did not Nicholas nidJIe come here, air, and, on his oth, swear before a Committee, that with six millions io his faults, he could meet the wrt tf ihe- whole- people? " -And" tiw, when lie IwH-runp more thsn ten miltiont from 1 the people,..he sends you to me for Jackson. The Government will not bow 10 the Mrrister!'.. ' 'Sir.say.tle - Chairman, the etirreney of '4bwnft3P ha dri Stale bank have not confidence in each ether; they cannot give trade the facilities requir ed I have recently travelled to and from the Falls of Ohio to rialtimore, and can aa sure you, air, 1 have heard but one opinion 011 this subject. Wis are your friends.... nol politicians. I have always been, up to the presentmoment, ; a rectaedi'iiiendrof your administration.' Here the President, in a very angry lone of voice,, interrupted the Chair man, by saying ,.,- . - "Sir, 'yoirkee p one-sl3ed"3o?1PlSXt-A.nl 'W"4iXuS4SlifWi tttniii radris;" of 1 partita daily on . alii subject... Sir, . he, has more and better information than you, air ..or any of you. Andrew Jackson pub liihed hia opinions in September laaL Ian aurDriaedthat. vQuthould...tUua..lalk to.. me. illiJaliLte, nt, airl -U ia fullvs t oo would have tta, like the people of Ireland, paying tribute to London, that already gets a large amount annually from this country, extorted from the laboring part of the community. The failures that are now taking place are amongst the stock-fob bers, brokers, and gamblers, and. would to God, they were all swept from the landl....It would be a happy thing for ihe country. ' 'Sir,' id the Chairman, 'all my experience foe to show Ibal Inure ia no money more cheer lully paid Jky the merchants and people of this oouniry, man iniere dhii interest not iucn interest aa they npw pay ssy two and a half per cnu to collect a sight draft drawn la Ual timoie or Pittsliurg. ' Sir,' replied the President, 4 had, lat night, any aramint of money offered me on good secu rity, by a gentleman from New York, at sis per cent. They are, sir, men who have evar- tr1el that are now pressed. I he real espi talisti of the country felt the pressure last Sep- emner anu uctoo-T, wnen tne monster nrst nut the screw down. Did not the monster draw from the South and AVest, last Fall, thirty-five millions Kor hut, Sir.' To oppress the Stat Uanks in your city, ttiilatieiphui, Rt lork, and- Boston. Uut Andrew Jackson foresaw hst tltry were about, and roellbetn. Sir, 1 could have destroyed '.he monster in thirty dy but tlie fiesiilent would not 00 It. Poi wish ing to bring distress upon the people, Andrew Jackson invited a compromise with Uia mam moth, (hey would have nothing to do with roe, and now, Sir, I will have nothing to do with Ultra. The reil oration ot the deposites is vir tually a renewal of the charter; one and the same The Chairman answered "The people. Sir, have not understood the character ot the Presi dent," if he is uiiwilliug to hear their calls and demands.' f 4(ere,m a vehement msttner,' the Tteiident exch-umeu, "Die feopla! talk to Andrew Jackson, sir, about the 1'ooplel U 1'eople, sir, are w tin me. 1 have undergone much peril for Ihe liberties of this I'euulei and .Andre Jackson yet lives, to put hit loot upon the head ol tlie muustcr, aud crush him to the uutu 'Siey1 interrupted 4hw -jhainnan-agfthiiJthe imnntn k-trk'rf Totlr-TOMnnrel? thv "ilt not do they will ruin tv-tUr4s 4 the good trad- teg 4a)eft-rw.OHt.''afltMHeyt"itowvosve'.tHw.wsi we are- sick.aintioic, nd driiie. ooe alter another.' ' 'The Mammoth, sir,' replied the President, in a violent rago, ' has 'bli-dvou!' When i put him down, sir, tlie other moneyed lustnutions will meet all the wants ol he people... Jt la.lul? Iv m the estreme to talk to me lliut. sir. 1 wculd rslber undergo the tortures ol ten Mpankb !iHui- siuons than the deposites should be restored, Or the Monster be. re-chartered.' ., ,lf,.i... , Sir,' said the Chairman, ' as there !no gene ral relief to be had, direct tbe public money now in the-.iatate. .Uaik...in our.. Cityy back to-4ag Uranch of tbe Hank of the lulled States, and IBeywilt, at onee ghre Baltimore relief.' -Talk ifotto me, sir, about your Branch! ex claimed the President' Uid Uiey. not send in uiiie thousand dollars of then- illegal bills or checks to -the Bank, the first day Let litem, make anotlier move on the board, and Andrew Jackson wilt check-mate them.' Let them turn 4l--sewJat,odiH-tokwhemteetthe power ot the executive, by returning on them ten millions of dollars of their UhrgaUtheck now iu circulation. ' " 7' ". -f 1 hojie, sir,' said the Chairman, ' you will be able to demonstrate how the eouutry is to pay upwards ot fifty millions ol discounted pumr, now due to the bank of the United States, with a metallic currency but IHtlc over tweuty aail liona.' . .. L -. . . The answer was 'Go, go to the Mooster! end on I) the other day. sir, what did Die Mon ster dof Disputed with the Kaecutivc the right to Ibe pension fund." At this time the Presi dent hail i-ovo into such rage, that no object was to ba gained bav attempting to prolong the discussion, and as several ol ibe dclegatiun bad already manifested their wish and their impa tience ts eluse (he coiilercoce, tbjr tueibbcrs at the deU-RMion withdrew Tbe delegation have, endeavored t report all that patted at this interview as aecai-aiely as possible. They bare employed, aa far aa their memory Gas allowed them, the exact words thai were utethm both sides, and bare set nothinc down which was not distinctly within the recol lection ot some of their party whilst, at the same time, they believed they have omitted nothing of importance to the illustration ot the opinions which the President endeavored to express, ex cept one assurance from- the r resident which, , Boon reviewing what they have detailed above, they sov aupply.- In tbe tonrst of nil remarks on the Ule ftf die (jUf-st'nh before tlie efrtrntnr, the fir-tklent declitrtt, ihM he meant to try the nreot experiment with the State Lsnat, unlit the period rl the rj juration of Ihe ahurter of the Hank of ihe United Stalest and that it k, then, should b found aot to auiwer, seme etber dan, would ba resorted to. .. ' , internal Improvement, meeting of tbe citizens of Orange county waa held at Hillsborough, on the Uth in stant r for the purpose of teceiving, the report of the delf gates from that county to the Internal Improvement Conven tion held in tbis city in November last when Col.'CadwaladefJnne was call etMfrheChaTivand 5! p. rDenni'i "fflhaahern r and nr. Edmonq Strutlwii k vert ap pointed Secretaries. The meetrrtg waa opened by an address from the Hon. Duncan Cameron, in which he paid a XuitfrtetMnpaWiame lalfnt and the enlighteTetrindlTpafidrd views of ihe members of the conven tion, explained the plan' for improving the condition of the Slate proposed by them, and in a very eloquent &. impres sive manner enforced upon his hearer the importance and indispensable ne cessity of an energetic prosecuiin of a sjatem of internal iniprovement com mensurate to the wants and necessities of the State The memorial of ihe Con vention to the Legislature of North Carolina was read. Frederick Nah, William A Graham. Priestly Mangum. jnd. Walker Andera pointed a committee to prepare an ad dress to the citizens, of Orange count j nn the subject of Internal Improve ments, and to report to an at'jnurnrd meet mt- to- he- hdd on: May courts CottoH i 8J a 10 r"-8; Corn 92. a 100; Flour 4j a Sh Wheat Qa,lS9iChi key 30a 3j; lobacco flealj a 4J; Cotton Bagging 16 a 20. Petersburg. March 13. Cotton 10 t ill; Tobacco & a 74 ; Corn & SIS. - At the late term of the. Superior Cou't of Granville county, sentence of deatn was again passed on the notorious rfathtnerton Taburn; ' He is to be es ecuted n-WedneadafTlhe 9th of Jllbermarle Bank of Edtnlon. Ihe hdenton tiaiette state, that rath er mora than half the renutreH amount ,f atwaf ww IwaihBnwi tm tiff r ken, and that strong hopes are indulged that the remainder will be obtained, and (he mnk pot into operation. - On the 11th instant, the President re-nominated twth-;Senate-the-three persons lately rejected, as Government Directors of the Bank of the United States. "The reasons," say th;Na- tional InUHigenVrU whkh-Jia assign.,, ed to the Senate Jotlhi unuuaLtrp. if any, were communicated in run ft dence, and are of course unknown to ua." Spain. By an arrival at New Yik. advicea from Madrid Io the 28th Janua ry, and Cadiz Io the 4th February, have bcenfeceivcd Friam lean the following items of intelli gence: There will be no convocation of the Cortex, as known in 1 8-21 and 182-2, which was composed of nne umlv; but that a Representative Oom,i!iei"it will be formed,,, consisting of two chain bers. The upper or liigherf branrtt, will be composed of two thitdt hum the higher nobility, and one third from the higher clergy .The lower It otise wiTt consist of two hundred and fifty mem bers,,, elected from the municipalities, viz: cities, towna, .and vilajipa. . The Queen had met the council of new ministers repeatedly, and had been treated with the utmost cordiality. The National Intelligencer of the Ithv4ttnt newssenator Ironr,YFgtaia. made,hia Immfte1tirfiirt speech of some thirty or forty minutes, on presenting a memuriat froui llio town of Petersburg against ; the measure of the removal of the depoiti-. Vo think we shall express the unanimous senti ment of tbe very cru wiled auditory who heard hiin.when . wa'aav that. in ihis brief rlfort, Mr. Leigh fully sus lUined the fcjghjepgtatjpii aiajpeaker wnicn ne nas aiwsys oorne at nome, ami which' had long . preceded, hiin here.'! ' While the frigate United Stales was at Constantinople, in November last. her commander, Commodore Patterson, accompanied by ;hia Flag c a jit am and the American Charge d'AITiiri, were ad mttted to an interview with tbe Suran; on which occasion his highness wis my gracious, but neither pirty had any thing particular to say. l ne next day a large party, or Americans, ladies incluiK-d. were permitted to go over the-splcudid oew Palace Stavro on the Mosphorus; where an infinity f musical . cluck were set to puy for their amuaemeoi. Republicans, it is ' added, bavg their privileges, even with despots, and the very sailors who sunned th various boats of the frigate . entered with the crowd into the palace; to, examine and admire as freely as thtbeat oflheni.; v Military Movements. Tbe Colum bus (Geo.) Enquirer italea that on die 7tn nlfim6,e6mpibiea of artillery lately trom,' Old Point Comfort, who have beet) stationed for some time at Fttrt:Mithe10 steam boat Sanjimon; and on the 25th, icveral comnsnira of infantrf passed hrntj,h Colambua, from the tame sta- tion, on their way ti Tennessee. . -Grrt I'irttin Aw York. On the 8th instant.. New ' York waa visiied- wilh three fire. to of which amounteti to heavy cenllajrationtj ' and on the ltlh,.aiuthrr dtMcUjr-f4c occurred in that-itr which -tlestrojred about 40 buitdinci. and dm lodged: not less iban 50 familiei, rhirflv natives of Ireland One or two hves were loll. I A"bSIlt) r?f af punKhmml sembly of New V'ork by a vote of 49 to ;6, -v- ; The bKik.s.u the Culumtiia (Tenn.) Rail Ruad Company were closed on the gjttlttme-ittrOI- -f 5tf dwtlara tub- scribed.1 . - L'emarkubU ' longevity. The Mar; frersuoroogh ( Te. Monitor publishes the fol'owing extraordinary case of lon- gevtlv. - '.' , W .-'"" . y Mr. JWiy jranifianu uieu. Maury eouhty, in (his State, on the 1 0b of January 1834, at the uncominmnnly advaticril age of one hundred and fifi r four years. Slie was burn in Germany, and emigrated to the B'iliali.Culoi'iea in America at the lime the Rrt settle meniajfei'tmade in North Carolina, in th ytMjritfiMattrrtiltqr, that the proprietors ot Carolina totiut ed a number of Palatines from GWiiia ny Io emigra'e to their lands in that an atijournvtl lCl,,in?? jn or,pr ( give jalMjojlwlr TnursdayrtrfTpjf,; were prcparejti t cimyej me eiin gTritthe1a Synfe was directed to give to each 100 acres of land. Among the number of width was one nu ndred-.aod. t e oiy years ago, .was Mrs, Tranihatn; At the age of ISO her eye a'ght became al most extinct, but rluiir.g the last twenty -j years of her lifyane Tmsscssed the pow er of vision as perfectly aa at the age of 20. For many years previou to bei death she waa unable to walk, audit is said to have required a gi eat attention in bet friends W many yeimHtt pervent tktempfritvrr,nfhyj iituw"aii niiii iii susiain animal life. Fr thii-purfios: tanr isur: firm wnx placed between two feather btda f many veara befoie hefdath and by 4-ahia ,maawsv4avawjiiaaiava4i sJaaati iMiiirt4 warmth of her bwly. "At the time of her death, the had entirely lost th eiiie of tale, and be irii g. For ten ty yrsrs before her death ht was una ble to distinguish the di Terence be t ween ihe taste uf aujar and vinrgar- At the age if sixty live he txirte her only', child, . who ia ' now ..living, aiitT promises tu reach an uncommonly ad SDcedsge Wjs doubt whether the annals f moTero nMl7yiiiHi4it' an eomllT rcmai kablc inataucc' ol loi- , . iialoa, ,i7.k.A 11. We are ioforthed that on Monday morning last. Mr. Thoiiian MU"iue,i ofLeitnaton. UkIi ouin J alar- had proceeded abuut twelve h.i r ho his wtyvwht!n it wi divxveted that the boot of the Siage had In-en i-poned ihd his trunk, conlainiin v -b 300 wunh of Gold, taken ou I r. M. II. iiomeiliatcly look a horse and irturotd to Lexington, wh. re he w j..n.eil by the riti7.fn-;&, in lrt tlmrt io hour, the trunk wa found, cl liy' thd mumI, within seven or eight hutnlirU yaitl ol the village. Jthad bwii tut vH-n,"aid Outsold eatd out Ihe; lru.k also Cuntaintd several articli-a of tlotliiug: these, we uidefaitV ff nKtriy tt packed, aa they had I'.uod. . r wp 'titr. TIeI.alUturetd New Jrrsrv,1 af its Isle ami wrwn:puHfdlwtd tix Itlfl r.f divorce and dixMvtulwnofite Mucilage confracVU . , . iiwi.i!Wlewt-M'JWji."'j(j5alit"- 3 ji''at..Aaaiii'SW.'ifcsp A man named Norman Gdliawst enn; v.ic(d t Mnr Sopriior Ctmrl, latt weck.fl the niufilur and arson; in that county, l wiiirli an a count waa pub- tWiedm tttis paprr, a fjfw-Tacekigtv4 lie look an appeal i to ,tuu oupieuie uarU-rri!jetUvilte Ober . ... a urn an ...ai . .a m '; . Nollinrra lMreat, o;b .Meruit. IS3J. 1;istlkmsk, Voutt of tl.e 4ih instant, en clo.uij the conununieatiutit from Mr. lUntoot, wet resetted ) tHeiiU) r auit bastew lo rtiy by return niil. " " ' j I w ill pottpone ihe tune to tlie t'ith June, and HI nsv Mr. it's iininmz exiiuntes while at Qnulter .Mtitilovitj will run, as iropndd to my challciiee,twe ludetaud reiieal th Jii i t!nv,Uaih. JunejJ-imir1etrsctl fliswiibiiiry with the par. ties to close, one ect( premt the 14m Ju a race, oiie tuile and rriiet, for.uuu t!vutid dollars attde, to be run ikili buys alter lira two mil day. Very respectfully, t i fiAM. P. CARSOX. niakely, Mreb 1, IU4. Meitri. fairrtnet H tim:f. Osarxsuaa'. I eeit Mr. Caraou'a eliil- lenje, wuh JMiihle rtiuct Ihntit Jaunt Uolt, no the Mlowing terms: I will meet him at the iialistiurt Cnurac, an-l run him raw csc'j, lor a thousand dollar each, h!l lorleitj the hi st race on ui)e aud repeat, en the 341 day tf May, and the snood race smarmyt after, with same cult, two miles sod reieat. Or I wi(J meet him at the Arch) Turf, pay bis training etpcntes wbU there, or I will meet him at th It'iaker Uotioin, d ha iU pay my tpnses. ( My Colt 1 by Old Archie out of an A rchie. Sh by Janus out of a Janus.) The Archie Turf Is eithi ou sail of Ibis piaae, on ih Koan,ke river.. . -. ,' 2 - Very rcspeetfully, ' ' ' .' .....;...'. . . T jioa. RANSOM. " niaitely N. C Mareo , 834. Mmw. JMrence tl Lanaif, , -, : r . CSKTLsasa-Th otijeot of this Is merely a poeript lo my coBiniQiiies)nf yttlerdivy, by requesting youl utformm b retwn cait wbe Uw at sot yo aecept viy rrciiosalti aud also to ' ..V.f ? -IX ' " .:'iv v. :t ;.-.. v.., - rfinsf yon M a'r the time of rnnnin tirora lie f fast of May m the l!'h of Jnne, or sooner, cay '" ' the 2i.t of Mr. Mf nuns for wishing ta know inimMltit-ly whfiher r not you aeeepf, is . that our colt is entered in Senikes, and re ' 4 paring for thenn and n.y reawn for wishinf the' lime altered lae to tne svnd or May, or later, .. " to Ihe ISlh June, ia that our court in this aooaty eoires en, Ihe first Monday in June, and J cm bound lo be there. Should you accept any pro -W nosals, wilt dn so wader these eontideratiows. ' , You . will please let roe hear (root yoe immedi- ' . ate'y.op the,reseipt ?f ih'- ' ... . .- '' 1 . V Ub great nsspect, I am yonrc, - - . - ST?r i RUB. RANSOM. "r ;:jt A rri tDr7 ; In r.dgeeotnb. eounty, en the 9th instant, Mr. Jeste Harrn to Mis Sally Tbigpea, daoghter of Howell Thicnen, deceased. , . . .,. . tT Oraitpe eonnty, on the 5th instant, th ltr. neary speea, of . tne pietnoflit uiiurCh, .: to Miss ftefsy Rsinr. Also, on th 6th, Ma John Wt W Mirt Elizabeth Bsrbr. v .'" In Meekfeeborf .eountyi-a. 83d ,Uimi, Mr, Sinflten ftlGaHant, of York Uistriet, 8. Ct Mica Harriet C. Suditill, Also . at Stsd.-'fj-: sasae ikne,' Mr. Matthew Kele, of Lioeela, ennnte. lo.Mias Ann R.'Kttdisill. r ' ' ' - I t l.lm-nliifori. on Ihe SOth ult. thelJew. Alle , Mai&liVv fit t Meinwntt unnren, to Miss t&--.i. bary.danghtrrof Michael ScheBck,'f.n. of Ur--r :-t--;-colnlpn , "i '.u' . :" -Orthe. M nlfuito, Mr F.nhrsim Wilton, f ' ," Ruiherfmd ennntv, t Mis Bshecca. daughter of M iv Peniarai) ('acts.: ..M ' .n at naoanarv, on tne etn msiam, iur. Aiexaua drr llnlin t Miss Sophi tlranre. ,r , -sr In Hnwan enonty, on the STtJi ultimo,. Mr. : i, Anderson S. L'osn to Miss Ksncy linkstoau - ' ; - ' . ' " ' - DIED,.' - . la IfaJifs rncnty, on tlie Sth Instant Mr. a Tempitriiie Jojur,eoiisort oi Col. Andrew Joy ; - , er. ; -. . '. .. . Latlv, in Granville eonnty, Mrs. Ann P, IWtrh.' relief of th late Waa. Ci Dort h. ated " SO years and day a. -;,;,.:.;..;.... ' V.-.' n Craven eoanty, at) Iti sth instant, Mrs. . , Franeis Hrw, eefitort of Mr. Soulhey Rew, . sflsa4;ffaravfefflsr.v savS2, Silvester's Hulletin ! ! ! Svlvester's friends, nartleulartr thoca Riideot in me oumn, are reqoesieu to ittGrXlAiSTlAT For the enent of Dismal Sa-smp Canal. Tbe sink Class will be draw Ihe Stb April . . nws-.no imiersiurawn Daiio's-- jjtav S'atf.'i'ei iuiIrs"-LDweV ptiaTweie-i---i4 Dollara, ': r n-?; ;.v,;'; " CAPITAL PRIZIS. . 5,ooo. it.om. iino. a.ooo. lis doltam ft) prises nf S,00 dollar. SO prizes of 500 dollar). A certificate nf tuukaee of 89 Whole Tkkelw , will sost entr 110 dollars. Paakaee of Halewa and Quarters bt propartion. ... '. . -y j ne ail lucky nonet to tell the rrtttt in ihit Zottery.', , ' - A no rets b. J. hylvkstek: - . I.WOrosdwaT.N.Y. " -NrTTMaren !6, 1134 r, S y. . . i"Tust Hercivetl ti V ill suLtarlkars.' at ihii iba Kurlb rarolina Rooktlore. '-, Tb1nnnuitl of Gcnlaa, Vr R. It. Madden. ' , ai iiwi.wr Tait' trwf -w'grr lujsiffosf r: dilinit . ,. . .... f..- . Key to th Revelation,' by BtW Smith , x"'" ,,! Imitrovement of Society by the diafusloa f ' , knewhxig, lliustratetl with ngrviors, by . The. Ihek. LUU. " - ",-..v' . Memoir el Ameriran Mittioaaries ' ' -.' Research of Smith and Height la Armenia, a mturt nt tax sonmry - j - , Th Manneraand Customs of the Jews and ooSer Nativ, metri lotted in the Bible, illustrated The Chitrsb of God, by the Ref Robert tOsoai Rvins ' ' . ... , . - . t ....I T.al. Ti r.,.l a , r.dbki . ' r u . i c i i ' . . . - . f nous lur-viie wa yi uuuaj vcnovia, Ha) a :-' - '- msn . ' - ' - Testimnnf of Katart and Rcrelstlon, by Ret. . ' Henry r'urgus ' ' .t fc . "t'-K' '''. ; Aa ay on the Splrli and Influence of th Raw ' mrinsthm, b C. Viller J V ' v Villag Tt-Slmriitery walusbt ' s ; V-. ' A beautiful Killtion of th Kw Teslareent, If r as it. taiga type, Bn puper. with very WW ,, mar;in, t"oii "t aupertur stj W- . ; - , -T-Miaiiai m-UmMti'i""''Kt- Memoirs of l'a)Soit -''': ; ' j j SnKtit-'s (Miure tm Raelvats, Slid F.u-tiotl, ' with aihtriHinitl li-tlvr ' L'oiitemilatii id Ih Saviour Vnnng l.liristiaa, by leenb Ahhof' - . The Ttsehrr, . - tV.s--..,'.. ' w. Annuls of the Jewish Katm Tr Mtmi.ii-t of Oherlia ? ' "5;! t llifaloi'V rJ Vnh lu.ajl ! ; '. . Jay's Thoiifilili nn Marriage . J " i HiesltyOtim t.'.'iil'fttion 4 Faith ; 1 ? aietltouiot llyaxns, jtna nlsepiu; tKvtrr Si tartKHi ufflrmni WotMCaTmaliM on UmiI Itoads . V 4 History of . . . da " "s Jv1 Uchm-ii on tMmniivr and Fixed Rnxinre ti;.., History '(ttf !, Kttsm Frfighte, from ibajarlieat S luxeuliou o tta present tim r . .TURNEU fc Ht2CIIESTT? r Raleigh, March 19, I 34 - -;.. I. i .. . : r-i V Tiiiu:uiio iwiiiu ior pa.ie, The iiihwi ihr bring desirous ta mo (li AVttl. niters lor sale hit planlstio whereon be , nw U.rsj-auuM'wd i thounty of Frankliit,""; twelve hiiL amilh f looisbarg, Iving eo iW-rs. vsw ol tJiwk-ijdereekv oond by ita lands fr'" William IJariKin, dve'd. and William t)ma, r-r -' doe'd.- Tblstrsel of land contains between aix -. aiid suien hundred asret, with food imorovcw ' , nieils,.und th shu-Aion tor health has every ap- , pearhnc nf being good; tb water k equal to ? " t any, bulb sprhig and well the plantation? q good rrair, but lite greater piMtion is yet to , T lear and k is not iofcrior I auy m Ibecoun'y. C . .' I'ersons vhliifg in pHix-hhse good land, are io- vS.l, vilcd ,to come and view it, lor ft can bewe.its''"'"''''- iKotion, and M can be had on good terms. -'.,'-' ' , i'rUJ. ;mUHUMi)UL WUXI AM8, - Te-Ma-sar. JiVhceler as Smith, Hendricks U : Ilrmhers, Smith k Hannah, R, 3s II. I). Uwks, ?lHur ciW rigta, It. at ti. Ilnrker, Egliston it - !lllrl, F. It t, Hi-ette, Uorcniss hedam tc r- Kisoii, Ifompantr St ;T'dalc, Thomas 1.' ; lleiittis, Sautm-I I). Rawlins, ilucha be For- : -4w tr AV,. J.- llardr et Hroihenr, GtOr"re 8t " v illiness Jeil, John It. Triplet, J. S. Worm Ivy. E. P. Tabb, Frteroaa k FolUrd, John - U l.trdait, John Allinoiiil, Timothy lUatain; . Josittb-.llliuikwell-.lt Co, J. Couanl, Jobsl - Fkrld, I tutus . y Armstrong, John A. Uoberta, ' Ccpt, Job lH-on:---; ;;;;,- , llaring lire arrested by the sheriff of North- ' ampton aouniy, North Carolina, and confined to . :, , the public jail oi bis county, by virtue of a capias . ad aatitlack-ndum to him directed, at Ihe in- '' stiOwe of M.ttrs. saih It Oliver Fearing, this -is to notify sou and each of you, that at th ex-' ptralkiu nf twenty days from th said arrest, to v.tt en th I ills day nt Mai-th, I shall make ap- ptiektidn to he permitlel-at thejsil a'oorof said ' ' county iv lak th ben.fit of tb eath provbtcd V by Act ot" Attcrobly In aucb catet for honest ' debtor when and where you can attend it you . tbiok tsmaw,,. -t- : ' ; JAMES M. CRICE. - - , v j Strsiyed or Stolen from tb subscriber, living bt Wske ounry,' an mil south of Rogers's bridge, en Nease rtver, on SatHrdsy the 1st instant, light sorrel Illy, U about three years nM, aud loterahly well grown. -, Sh h a small white spot m her lore head; no other mark recollected. - Anv inforniBtioti cl th said filly wil be very thankfully received by the' 'i subscriber- . - . . . - , ftvRntttrEnitY: "WaXa toonrjr, March 1 4, 183 13 tf ' ., ... - - - . a, ;" it