ZIO. 32 RALEIGH, N. 0- THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1034 7'' VOL. I Ji .orth Carolina Stale Gazette, '' ''"LAWRENCE &. I.EMAY. '4 -iiv" 7 TERMS. , . -' !. .III..M rvp inRURI irt ..-SnhwniwrtM BlOrt? III , ' lit Sl0r0ll2ll. t-Good?! Goods! Goods! ' A Inrge and bandtnme assortment telling near VOL A WlttJAMS, at ihe old Corner Stand, oppetite the Market, , Raleigh, July 81, - 31 If . annof be allowe to remain aereara longer .. in' mil wersoirtresincm TliiusB lliil mwnm lit iullif CblhiP e retuecllullV of merchandize k now opening in (he anil b I . -h. m. desire to become wibteribert, respeeiiulty tfHornied ll.. . ..l.n e Mock . - . - .. .. Mount of therV tubteriplioa in adv...ee. jr """ rwnbere s ...ttfiBii ant rteeeuinr nneen tines. . ............ fcterted three timet lor one uuar, sou iw T-T.(lreenii for each eontmuftnee.- - LartA.Pthe Editor nu,i oe pott-paid. ' NORTH CAROLINA STATE 1.0TTE RY. TOE THE BENEFIT OF The Salisbury Academy. 2d Class--High and Low System. la btt drawn tit Lincolnlon, Lini-oln county, on fFednctday the SL7th daif of August. 1834. . he whteHbef btKie dc W-rnfined (b irll is near the New Vork - cost as is- praolicable, solicits tueli patronage' at will wMtm that establishment in aclling-low. Freak toiiiiliet Hxin l-r re ' The anaertigned i ditpotrd lo undertake si sn 0ercer lor the enMiinK year, nn moderate term, eemmrncing ilh the firti of the )ear, (January.) He ia toong and tingle man, raia ti) a frnier, mnatW lo the euliuie oi torn, In. baecoi and totinn; liV hat the manage .uenl of hit father brnt the pretent ear, the mt of hit totiiiK at oieiKt-n tul latlier liet in tiialititle, on the roail leailinj from Kalriph l tlxturu, x NEW BOOKS Junt received ly D. IJndctnan. Th Young Chrittian' Eeninjr 33 part, be ," inp the 18'ti volume of Harper't Bu' arid Girls' Library .'.' "" Peck's Gukie 'for Emigrant, containing ' sketchrt of lfl'moi. MiMouri and the adja ernt pan A. . v'-. . - Ijo-4 Uoer'a Lrt'era of Horace Walpole Er of Oxford) lo Sir Horace Manet 7 Mist Edifewrorth'e Tale t Novels, complete. Library of Standard Editions, first aeriea, vii. Burke's works, 3 volumea ' : IVrane's llur)uytrouVCTiiilcaTXecttires On Surgery Lite of Cromwell, by Her. Mich. Russell, in S Vofsv being th 6?l -in 6M lofthe Family Library. These can be obtained in complete sett up to the last published volume, or in separate part Culman'a (the younger) Broad Grins of Ho etieal Vagaries The Magdalen and other tale, by James Site ridan Knowles The Life of Archbishop Cranmtr, by Charles W Le B, i A laovoU I miles tooth of the latter. herr the tin-lertirned The Note HKk of a Cotlinry Clergyman I vat raited and now fetides, and a here an eoio- The Cliurcli of God. in a aeries of disserta hftUnkvKlina (in tll MlhiJ IMII fif.rf him. If miw ' liftni ki lw;l ttkkpl. W V.mnm Stevenson & PoilltS, .Managers, reterenee thoidd bents!, nert hit eh- The influence of the Bible, by John Mat or. fc.i-r..,, 4Ut u "'J'" I the, U I) with a preliminary essay by around, at he it well kncvnhy tlirt.i all. ( Albert 'B'arne .n r. iv.ii nr.i.u - July 81. m ------31 5tt CoyU Mm DoWars. , - SCHEME, , 1 IVlzc of 3,000 is ""5.000 10 frizes of, 1,000 is 10,000 1 f l'f zFt-300 ir T0 I'rizi-s of v 100 is 2.000 60 Prizes , of 50 is 2,000 100 I'riZM ol T 20 is 2,000 soo rnzfs r 10 is s,ooo Eubteriptinns Inr nine- bandied and fifty to! The Amulet for 18!4, London edition ' tharet ol the Hntk ol tliit ilahk (remtining un- j The Keepsake for. lrVJ.tmde edition, by ubttriltnl al tlnaiiin) 4I bre'4 wiK4e-i Frederic Mantel rteynolds 4(Hh ot Aneutin at tnsiuaivr, unlvst Kxrntr tub-' a itAVVJ'urw-cvTT iik Ooh-ff'l all it. improvements be IttkJaai' lill titid::"""" ' vfssxsxtvsssjl-ifi .-i..'!tiKtMi. a r. . : i ! SO.OUL' I TIZCB Prizrs amt'ff to, g 120,000 19,477 Blanks .:--':.X-.'.":t:X' ;; More Prizes thn Blanks; MODEor drawing;" liaiik of tiie vStutt' ol Murili The Grof;raphical Annual for 18j-WreUedJ corrected anu impnned American Almanack for 18 ?4 jLB.CSlUIft. 1 la tleiwiea Kfcr4W I'h- ilm.. .11 .l..r,. ,.t .i, k he Aristocrai, an American aie, in eoi iubter.bed for, and not already paid, wdl be due T Eaater tec fcc fcc by John Neat, on the Stub August next in tw.o volume SubtcriptioKi may be made in person, or by Scenes in our Parith, - by country parson's letter aitiliettefl to the lathier 01 the Hank, daiiRliter .... ' .' i"Mi'f' 1 by the a-ifhor of the King' Own, Peter, " - JtjotiOC ' - ' The Nvai3keror-Seenetnd Adventures The tub-riW bsvmg by god enecuragemem ' in ,h?J of ft"k1U7'. v.oU , esntiuded to Wt,m.,en7leahih the B T'.M ,Jomi"'c'- ? coammg F.r.io or I. .11 ....inni I.H....V... n im. . . . uni ' 111 ll nm iniiuu.ui.nviK.i llti i . Ill ll it 't. " euttomert that he hat reerntly rrerivrd a good Itnck of tnntrrtal. Iiom I'liilwlthiliia. Iwliiltd .... -t:rL L k: : . i -ll. I.:. " To lie drawn on the hie li. and Io tvsiem. Tk W.OWJ pi iaetrtf 4 dollars to be aw arded to , .L.:i.:b i i..ji.l: . i. - : l . uet by hitntrlf, vlikh he It art not tn exhibit lo his customer! An hnpet of melting- tiiem tTerr tli 'mg iney rosy want, m nia.Tine oi Muwncttv:; i.THt; . n tueceiMul m proem nig workmen ni tii xtiy M ii nrri hhii luw iii.ibiuii. iu un unri mniEi tT .... -As.lt ikS".U.rf.l V4'i-'1mft-rtyettjw.t.tiaitiin ltta.m.tlMMWb dnlltrt. so lhal llui holder of 3 tickets. 1 In eat , !? ".n.":'.h! .W" Lff. Srjt" ! endowment. M evincing de. diruion. iteeriaia to dr.. one wrixei and mar "V" " Alto the three former publ draw three - The awnberT front 1 idSO.OOU,: i 1 , .V-.:!. tTZ.'.lr :. V. I. r " r Willard's Journal & wlutive. sro low, end tlmte trota-40,001 to ' ,".J"""T' " - 1 " and Great Britain Lieutenanl and his Double, the Parting and Itettirn.. Helen Waters, Annie Ltslie. the " lirdo? U incholm, A Legend of aUcalis.. ier Moore and Annie Macjcodf tite ty .: Mr -tb ford . r . : z: : 'iZCZZ?' -;-,'.:":" Tlve Bridgeaater Treat'me, part 4th, being MCTtn tism- 'awt'HW' ications . Letters from France -4o,tiwra"iTiittirarifT bominttina of 4 dollars' arc put Into' one whi-el, ami all the number in anolhert 'be hob lo be drawn In a few hours All prizes psvsbl in ' cash, forty days alter the drawing, subject to Cits atutl drdtwlion at IS per cent, ; A iackage of id whole tickets in' tliit Lottery vilieoat . v - - - , ' 40 dollait And tautl draw aelt - ' " U dollars .to tve a ttau went ol.iuy. price K..ir Jiepatn. Paildma- Saddles front l SO to 3 SO Itettuftinc do Seating - do 1 00 tJV Work. '.. ngtith II eadt and Keint la bucklr ia the hhlt . Do do . donble Head) and Kelnt i 1 75 '- r , 4 AMimrr HlllMol!, Jlojiei.-1...! i,. . , t . " . -t , . Ilt-tt Aroeikimbi WIe filling to buc Ibote who prefer suturing for It.e Urge kle , ie ,lW , S 75 pr .n -ay, .or 'r Carriage Harnett nlatid, SO Maimgert' efMificate lor ten whole tke,efit (,. 3i " do "M "If V' ,k4"W.,1- wJ.?.: K do II kumr., mil itiii, iiliiniinim w lire , ii , . lananetl I 30 50 1 S5 8 00 S SO TJHrary'olVimncgrTtiliie'ffb0 - U'aidcmar.being 'lie 7 Hi rolime ottni va luable work. They my be had either separate ur in sets complete Bt'idr! many valuable woiki; to enumrrate whicb would exceed the limits r an adver liaement The tubieriber retpectrully ttatet, tlmt, ow- tt supper, lite stomtich i tlius ud- tlenlr excited, ami pcrliaps tlte appe tite iircreased,t)Ut ihe bealtli j functions of that orjtan are prtipartioiittbtr dimin ished, and tlebilily, wiih morbid symp toms, invariably succeeds. :.- It may be laid down as a universal rule, that no thing should ever be received into the witicn itj.nvv anowQiQ ue iiuiritious, r others which will bcpresentlj i In cotJ healthful regions thect 'tH 9rvd1ame;tvwe r cnmphMvw :i I-.. e.l!.! -l f- -r .1 i .i . -r - oi me system: anu tne stronger meim firessiioa made on the stomach by stium ants or excitants of any 'kind, the greater will be the derangeinent of it ope?ratioBwsaMwJw . Alcohol, or the intoxicating property of spirits, act oti the stomach, brain, liver, heart, &c. producing changes ol function and structure which sooner or later become fatal to their vitality. There is scarcely a disease aboard our ships which may uot be justly attribu table to this cause, when aided by sonic noticed. CEinns the conserva tive poers of njtture tlo wonderfully sustain the human frame against the continued action of tlii poistirii so Tar that life mar be Ions. preserved t but, in tropical and less salubrious climates, 1t is aknost ue'only.cause.oLjUe areat uevajuaiinn wnicn tne Human lamny particular kind of intoxicating "drinks wilfbrfninitlinnsterreclaiUiiltringtiig' njbJ",Uo;itig catattgUeditTOe.': dyspcpsiar"1iver complitint, tremors,; convulsions, gout, dropsy, apttplcxy,' palsy, insanity, universal impotcttcy, and idiotism; but it is firmly bt lieved that not one of them would scarcely rcr occur atjica, were it not lor tne int,i'oduction of alcohol and its associate;- '-i ' ---f..-s;v---r - Wine is usually drunk at dinner on ception into the stomach. If there be theinselvcs by, wine and. luxurious Ur- i .'healthy 'petite,"grog cannot be even J.jng, uudertonk to prescribe a more sa- desirable its we never have thirtt and , lutary code for the world, by. proYi huttjer at the same time: hente flaid. biting alcohol and narcotics, and Kv- , at meats are not only unnecessary, but in on the plainest fare. The father - when the digestion is delicate, fie of this system, which gave health i;id rjuentlj hurtful. V Thc evil effects of gladness to all who observed it fai h- 1 .... ardent snirits are particularly obwerved fullr, was soon hailed a one innirel Tn BoiilcfewWh wjdom. The fol on fatiguing duty and deprived of hour, lowers of Mahomet immediately mani- C , 1 iislwiuui; and nrrvous excitability, on returnin "They overcame all who opposd them aboarJ-havetleir stouvach giuldnlyin armsandby Jhturlcxalted intelli - tilled with grog and half chewed food", gence rapiJly alvanced the arts and. The consequence , that these men are sciences. Medicine is particularly sWftattatke.dlU ry, and fevers, wbicte-srrtiiinroperij''''jiysH!ipor t.l'o. day. '.for their pre attributed o tho localities of the s'vuu. ervation of Jhe tlassic records of But what greatly' aggravates the action Oreete and Uoirie, and I for otherwise 4 of alcoholls iis'state of concentration. . contributing largely toward the cause I have seen it served out , taw to the ', of medical science, .A These people--,-men d'iriog the dog-days, even before are now on the wane, mainly, because . breakfast j those thus ordering it being they have introduced the use of opjata governed either by some silly theory, and t'ubarcoj but still, from the healthy t ; or to Ingratiate thcmielvc tfith the: Wood their sober enct-otorsha.l go long Y crew, in opposition to all that could be preserved, those among them who re- - - -saiil to them by persons of experience jectthe use of vi tne never tell a false- ; ' " ; and sound sense, who have always felt hood, they ru'ver steal, nor will they, -Oinrcreeiiirtjr uodeftfiycircumstapcei either if 1 and efficiency of our seamen) I allude j. prosperity, or adveisi'r, fail; to ofTe . to the surwuns of the navy, When on every tntimeut V tiieir , -grateful ' . like liagtd tir oHlTe stomach, and making such an knowti at the time it was "written, but t .' .. ..- if -- ... ..... .Il i ..i. I: ir j - - j. .t nnpressioa ou i;ie nervous system, tnai we uau, ai two uuutcui perious, in. ItTimrsaitelTSVtVfwulilh 8to;'&3'coBee fcoaies -cToseilrthrouznout the - - decay in seamen, i warif of sleep.-: vernmenT ; Can. dink, who h.is received so niuc.li i as - ineUriatinir . and tendina- towards , 1 ' merited praise I r tne1 presorvatmo . tmmoraiitj) nut as. would no tne case of tie health ol his men', acted cri the! now with us, if whiskey' shops wcra proniate, who had become nabituatei morevidTOtymptomrfTliTtixtcx- tion, but it appears to deceive the at-lciw-eronre"'ther by greatly hairafS-j i-. i . ' . r-rr ".T. i l . it " i Vi.!....! ' X ' 100 40 85 0 15 CO i a. . s. ... . .a 1 , SJ. prnrt.nt W.. pj.c B.u.l w. rwwgea fc Htmett. I.laled 7 VT- 'IT -.-r -,i:r,. Wiioa do t Ihe ponml. Au,T . iT ' Tn liTn' I " .' THOMAS F. CHRISTMAS'. . 10 halt lo 11 50 ior 10 quarter tlo 5 75. - I 1 ;e ... . ... 0(1 Wbnle ticltet. 4dollar.i Live. 8, quarters 1. 1 "olBeS,,"l S' i-ft 4 ,.Jt3K-,n -- AauuTW rt,e drawing .Ul be forwarded 1 h P-.S- AbX ' i 'l . i.i. r. - -.i . ' Carriages ol anv detef-itilion, it uilninird that irY A II fmliw. i.nl li ilUl.MAa li mail f rmI J. I ijj .... w. - w... -y II" - - . h.ul n. I.v .. in I .. n.uLk.... ,.n.Wii,a 1 1.. Ctal tid) or by : juuce.uyaP lib, or priae ticket t in.lhe prevtuu. lottery, will "ef "t" rfrnn4rt. .-.....iii ir.,i:..,i . ytuuait an ' W. J RAMSAY fcJUO. HateigK A.C.r -Jttty lg, U 31 Sw , ' Fresh Drugs, Medicines; &c. mg to the prrttiire of the timet, he it anxiout in a meaHMMt to wind up hi ffii,: nd-e how h t'atiilt m the world at rrganlt money coneernt. He withi't to at II on such terms at cannot but giv u' i-lai:t ion to the purshairr. He liwrelare invitvi ail those who wish to out books for ihein tetvet or a stll again, 16 gtvetiim a ratl; Sndhe is well assured Uiat if Ihe article they with it in hit store, they will not go away dismiisfieil -A tniall advance on nnnhern cost it only required. In cnnclutinn, lie it anxious to pay ofl hit dtbts,-and invites thote who have drmanda a gainst him to bring them forward fur payiucnti ml in (wit.!. In m.wl ,nrh flwiamiil, tt v.rni..- !'. Urowil li ?, ariwngi mtiil lo ih potite v ',., ,,ole mho are in aireart will help: WTOr-wnr-wrnoitriiirni Mini- iiviiPXtiM R.leigh. Jan'y St mach,'nd4mogtherebydiiru8Ccr tltro' and extreniities, inducing hypertitiphv orenlaraement Of the heart, ononlexv. goti4i&Bs Porter,", leer, ami 4 V-lh classes of malU liquor, posses this property in an equal degree with wine, reauiring however.treble the qusniity to- fumi sn-the' tame-rrieairre wf a I colml ; but there is-combtned-wftlr these malt liquors lew acid, and more of the nar cotic principle, which it has been sup posed is the reason why -they,; shorten life in a greater dvgree than wine, when used freely. Acids and .saccha rine maUer tend-very much to counter act the poisonous action of alcohol, hence punch is slower in its .destruc tion- than common grog. When the tomach-4sin- a state jof innnttfnn,- it appears to revolt at once on the intro duction of alcolud, spending chriiii ncation, or the digestive action tm the food which immediately follows, cud then we sooner find a'sciiThus or can- .BrJniijaHj sleep -as the laboring class on phore, which iaStiictly ,ii-ucjs , our ships of war do not shorten sail at nizht, bC- 'c o c v all,lu w CB I"'11. trihe narcotl Cpec a l .y o cla inoroa , : that it deemed eKjjeuietit to yield V ' -to their iinpor('uoitiesfan(l -intrulgu 1 tlwB itf f he irnoxrosi "dvtnkTThere' '" " a cousidarable dt-irice if ativii-ty is aypt up'imonghjiigtgt atiinu nituuiii iiii;ii iuuui.ni a war a- ' gaitif wine, would have ; extended to a1 . roiulemnation tf tbaceor had -it teen -brought be fore.the saote , tribtinal, ; H xlt-w'outd bitadvialle, !n; tot vreaUwaiilihoMtigF;4iyi;ri atand very well if they did riot use 'id-1 the ration front trir w seamen, as it raholf as in that-cse a waclt greaferl would tend greatly to preserve sobrle- portioh of slvep becomes necessary.- j ty ami irantuiILJyjitteaj'kltlioigih t!i ed. by beinz called ;! freauemff, and keptpon Jeck, to increaseor-diwio isli tsvery rrinuifnt the tiuantity-of sail.i accordinz to the tvarving state of the Bestdes- m ure - sletT-atr-yatldiritrttsl i.., i 2 . 1 N iJl 'i til ' 7 '! ttavref totccir-vriU kepTrrrarOTistant quantity of water ir required for shtpsideshforTsntaiiTiatoxifaiing draught Inll YlllBivl'llill, mill ll iiiillii. wir Bil'i ,fc uiusiu. -.i in.iru r ,l II1U side red a matter of some importance! toent theT can et on (shore they will I '. f T , tl ' 3'in.TAMSr HAYWOOD & CO Are now reeeivinTrnBfewTToi Valid Phnadel-" ptiia rtieir winmcr and (all ttipply of - DrHps, Medicines and Chemicals, --f Paints', til and Dye Stuffs, - Hitters Vftlaterials, &c. c.J FfcU f 4)Mea-'6fttyiia whh great eaee", atid aiay be relied npon at being of the most pure - gvntflne iHalitiet,. and will be told,, whole tiie and relail. on fHVUable term. - Mrfe.tH'it.'Ji.?.! . I. sontequrnce of the litte drttruetite fire in re-itt-wrrari f FTirr tirliVrti: to get an article of thai kind brnughl Irom the Nonh. I he article it wai rant ed -1n eerry inttancer and Warneat hirnitbrd- by T. P. Christ man, of every description. Car riages to be told at first vutt, adding t per cent. Order will be received and atteuded lo, hv -.. - - T h C 0 UKH A U!) BOOKS. Just reeeired at Ihe North Carolina Book Store . the following new Rooks: Sketches by Mrt Sigouraey, beautifully hnnnd in stamped and flowered nm si in, I vol 12 mo. A Manual en the Sabbath, by Professor J II Agnew , vviietiier alcohol can ever rrovc sa lutary in casesof disease, is uot now ... , , a question, as ail that is advanced re specting this article applies to its ac tion on persons in a healthy state; and here, it is my decided opinion, -th.it it is always injurious without rcaard to Beauties nf Robert Hale Ranaway from the tuliseriber resiilrnce in Onslow eminit. on ; .Moattay night, the SiliJnalaulaJn Negro mau named Harry, agnW 'eri WttOyyaitw,1,.44JA.w I vsiamema oi a Man . eompli-XNin, ft leet W or 10 inclir e isi a. an tito lynnrrmw mrfprwra, nan .imiubb, high; he bat a large tear ou the The young onsn's Sunday book back of the rieht a ritt; - - The young ladies' t'o do common ami ex- I bought irarrv in the eity of ' KatriKh on the "" tra binding - ttlh ol December last, at public auction, Iroru Observation t on tiie Enropean Vim and the art John Inch.- l-jrcntor ol Charles Parish, dee, - I - of maluiig.Wwe. bv. S J lislier Me wall proualily matte lilt way to newborn, ' n nsciieiwr towhikj ur ccuuacy vaaijiiiNieii W ilmington, or tome other town, lor the pur- Fose of hrfiililiHing hi ecaie to lh Koiib. Iheretore caution all matter of vessel si.d eifier pcrtowti-lrom earrymg away or barboiuig teal tlve, under the pli4tiy l tiie Inty. Any person tailing ami cmitmnig saiU IMegr in jail to that I gt( turn again, will be entitled DANIEL L: Mae SO, 1S.H ltlShELU 7 fit rl.fM ihleH our bdkr--- laiKa-abafi i;re:d''Xtfloi) le ant arty u- ttivaUr, iiarl ol our books, tnd all our valuable ken op, the person having hnn in potteMUn M tbek at llty Good Were destroyed,) we Imi requested toaildress the tubtcrilier by hilerdi retnnved from No; 20B Pearl atreet to No. Si rented to Frmck't Aiillt. tmtlow rounlv. N.C. "Miaou, ,ar fine street, ahere wa ara open-1 tig lit entirely new stock of ' : . Ontln antpied 1 KTie" tootkera trade, which we offer or tale, by the piece or package, for eatb orap- j r lpwiM .mill. . . HtHteMPs, stjtuam yyrxosrr" KewVerk, July 10, lS4 - 31 6w N. It, Our warehouse. No.' 9 Pearl itreet, It aow bemg rebuilt, to which we it.tend remm H n the first ol January next. Tweii ty ; I )olI;irs ; It ewaid. , : Krr!i.Arrival V NZSWJSOODS. MEAD & AVfislV . Hav rvceivrit, and ate eoottanlly receiving d- rf.u. , .... I . - ... Spring and Sij rh me r G oodi, n;r!i, together wah ' their former stock, torn Dn'at . TVIL find rxleeaive artorthjeut of every WtsripiaMi at (,'OOUS. A ad front the kartieu tar rare Uken m lb seleatioa of eery article, i and tba ery adanteenul inannee they are laid . .tkey Mei.fcnin saving, thai better; W-n"rsele a.wnint, has oevrr oeea oner;, ed be (pre ia Katelgb. 1 They respwetfully mvhe, O tbtk- eastoniers and ihe public generally, a eontinuane. f that patronnge tbey have aires liberlly reeeltfal. Tbov alto state, thai eir term will uot only bs liberal, and their Givadt told low (or ctp, bul l hy wl sup ply tbelr regular tuomert ahh anV SrtUile -ir'.er. at 1 1 memtit ertdiu s let Cfith. hcT assortment coosi.t, of rancy;aml Staple Dry Goods v Groceries of every description. hwdwajw, tVkry,GItt Ware, Queent Ware, i'1"' all size, and tttteriptioB, My tdSbnea, ha.lt. ka, - J Ran awav from the subscriber, iving 81 mile from Katrigh, on iskaraorewBh- roan, ) on 29th June last, mT esra ni J-'lgan, SI r 30 year old, lar coronleeted. about S teel iHtlii he bat a bad let of teeth, a Bat head and a lone face, and a tcr on hi right thigh Jntt above bit knee santrd be a cult crooked teel, the felt one rather more titan the other. He is quhe aelive and arlhitt n I r-' fiecl hat gol in with f.iue lute while man lolake ilm oul of lha State. I ail! give a re wild of ten dollars to any pn mt tbwt-wdl lake-him hp and deliver bins to M tr siitlwtaVW-nitaii ; get hint again, or twenty dollars a" taken and te .cured out of the Stale. - ' ' r- r BEXNETT BCKNE. V Jnk S; lt3Xrr. ..: '., . 89 4w . . ; Strayed from the retidenee of the subscriber", I Mdllord, Warren, county,. N. C.) ea Ibe ISib hitautr two Horse, both kv enod work order: a let or eleven year old, about 4 feet to or 1 1 & hlth. una white loitU tool, " star in nis The lit vM. of Jarob Faithful Dunein'i trantlatiort nl Citero't Oration, 3 volt Wrangham and . Dry den's 4caiulaiM d -Vu'gd - And a great many more new, interesting and va luable Book. - -- --- TURNEK k HUGHES. . Raleigh, July 17, 1 834 - - - lfrch " Lemon" Syrupranc! Lime Juicts , Just received and for tale he ' . -'WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD k CO. - July, 1S34 .... .. , ... -. . From tb American Temperance Uecorder ab ' .United Mat e$ Aopyj to the llet. Dti intemperateTiabits which termina .Edtnutdt -Washi?igton4 April 15, 1834. Dear Sir: Although I have been long engaged in professional duties and have had a most extennivo fittt for obH servatioa, I regtet to, state that the subject" of inleinperaiice io the navy, orsewhfife tention until within a few years past. The result of my limited experience, however, in answer to your inquirjesf is given with the greatest pleasure. Alter perusing" all . the .publications which 1 have beeu able to collect on the subject of intemperanfTeVi find that the effects of ardent spirits have already been so ably and so .faithfully exhibited to. the public"tliat nothing fao..-; jiatntmkt ol uddie d gear, at he hat ! rematfis for me, in the few following ploagheil all Hie season, tnmi su-nniaii, nu i JpU-.. remnrta hut tii add rnw . la. raited near Mil.oa, itf CatWell eunty, in ! oewtKWj remarKS, DUt M adfl. my tes il,U Siaie. -; The oilier a ehenuta.rrel, likely i timony in tonfirmattofl of all that has hore, w yesr bid, about 4ieet ll fewhe high, been publiahed or this most interesting rJataTy StT. ' ft temperance tracts SisV that have come to ,oy hands. --- .Hrrouad. and raited in Ihe upper part of the , Aboard our ships of War, the law al- tZ I"ws.half a pint of spirit, daily to each mafion reiciit bartr.re?herol ihem. pcrgiut, which is generally given at two at i do not kaow but rbrt my separate, will be ijrauglits, diluted with an equal quan- kiodlv reived, nd geTJoUTHF."' '4itJ,f WUr b" firet the 0ent b- W l. itofV.) S , P " fw wSmw, th other ia tha aftarsoon durinir lunar vovairea. - , Alcohol tias beer declared" to be fa tal to health.' when aided by, 'other rnusesi tiie greatest : among these cau ses is Ihe ffse ?)f lobHc 6tfiT W f ol httr-t ing remarks, from the United Service uournal oiillasSulijectrappear tff mc to be very appropnatct 1 lie turgcrm General of the Forces has recently made public his belief, that neter un til the last twenty years,' did ' htr' see so maiiy yoohg men" with pale faces and emaciated f:iu"resYj5ridlhaallri- ceroujtondilion-jof ihttmrgair ceiTdTfiulssTTie existence of tlieevil to thtuse ing along the intestinal lube-, ,T rasicoiThia datltV.niUcUt aiid the quantity or mode in which it may be combined; that not one drop can be ad m i tted w i tlr-propi rH y r f rem- i nf n oey to the most extreme old ape: and tiut liavinrrimnaiieil tiie orcan or weakened itluajdwsCftJlia o n the . salirat rnen ouneworiu. naving intis condemned istruuni, 1 tney suouiu neeu a utiiuu- alcohol in the most unqualified terms, j lank-even in the Tery form of tfie one it may be inquired, what should ron- which injures them, is only f a piece atitat&QjtiLGcdia we.i with all ihat has been said t f drinking answer pure water: that appears to have land esneciallr oi uram liiinking to been designed as the only i ioner solvent j which latter debauch, the debauch of ti-ir smokmg w tne tloft ponvto te alliance,' hguustveot the low habit oi imitation, a dulness and feebleness of onderstanilin.'au absence nf intel- consequent paleness of complexion and ewacia,! loii. ot joiuacielrDtcli: are attrt? billed to th; us.; of cigars, belong, no doubt, to an injury inflicted, perhaps in more way thatf one, upon the aids and organs of digestion: nr that hy pothesis at all inconsistantwith wnat we hear trotu so many , cigar, smokers, namely, that their cigar ' is their de- tendence lor-oisestKMH t-nat, alter rr ourfoodiiand toIre4doiiMte"wai.t ing fluitls of the bodv;'-T here ria '"a" con stant study to deprive water f its sa lubrTty by some addition or1 otherj le- moVi"juiee flavo casionally added, but they all manifest aji unhealthy state of the nerves that there is Some unpleasant letlingivluch we wish to remove. "- Often, by an in dulgence in these morbid appettes, the health IS undmrmiedjiiuLtae4t it appears those terminate but with-TrfeyThe dlowingremarks, found in Paley's The(logy,liscover great sagacity m the Buttiorl Tn wa ter, which ought hot to be a little, ad mired, are those negative qualities, which constitute; its purity, Its very insipidity which is one of those ' nea live nuaftties. fenderi it tiie best of all mens1rua Having no taste bf its own, it becomes the sincere yehirle of every other. Had there heea a taste in wa ter, be it what it might, it would have affected every" thing v.e ate or drank, with an importunate repetition of ' the same flavor.'? ; '";:v ,';;-; There is nd question but that the le gal quantum of ardent spirit could be drunk aboard our national ships with less injury to the health, under differ ent circumstances than those attending its ; administration.-,? For instance," if instead of being taken just before meals it was delayett until after eating, the corrosive qualities woulr"beftuch di tiiiuished, and less intoxication v. oud enstieU. By this rejiQlation the food would be better masfiraled, and wsl lpwediwore leiturrlv," as there then would le no- lalse appetite, created by arc rrreat inducements to the use ol t h i it, as of all other ilrugli, whether from the cigar thon, or the siruffshop, or the gin snop, or the wine cellar, a as ntisvv pTunge into airnimincr ofex- tcss. his not, however, aimply to bacco that giVra a xest for alcohol. It will -i-W necessary --that the mini ' - f should be eltivifte"tl and actively B&r&rf caged.. It appearsIiTlilve been lhV (? j' di'signcf. ct-eatitia jhat man should tet:.'' :?-' employed, riot only in corporeal, but ia' T -.. mental tabor j and by the latter, to inv ; prove, not his present condition aloi.c cr " . -but to make pmisiim-far'- Ms'-fotafsl''i't'' s'ate. It is'' necessary th subject of , ' . heaUhhold be- ell uto-tfifd.- and pre- ' ; served by ; that, self denial and disci-''.r'-.' pUtn5wliich..lhe..Cfeator.has gweasiswii the intelligenre to pisescribe. The moV' s JJicnt iumand tobacco are. present cdtl -i men , wnose miniia are uneuilivated, . tney sei.c upon mem an tne great cesi-1 p: deraiaj things whicli they had always' . .i i.... . i i . . , .i . ' waureu yui cuuiu not uescrioei mat m, :: t": - i- n agent to five aetionaird lo relieve ; 1 tew from !i5 wefiiiiimcness of a ne-t v, ' v. truth byjQ(ijaitaBthetea7fiinr CXuse it appears that more of the high est power of mind are drawn into the vice, and made to reduce' themselves by their adoption and dependence np; pon it to the IWesUevcl of--' the v u I ga r j but, atthe; same "tune, t is not to be denied - lha t a5 great support",: kjlei fence of- cigar sitloking i lound in the medical opinions sometimes advanced as to. it salutary . infl u e n ce, 'li Fro m. thetmngoppijsttion nrartlr:t.Tihr-;4n; troducttori or thisarticle ivtf' Europe, its true character appears to .have been fully understood eve n a 1 1 hat (la te. To bacco invariably produces alow state of intoxicauon, ultimately accompaniea with dyspepsia, a degree of muscular debility, ennui, and nervoqs derange irjcnt, that nothing but alcohol will re lieve for a moment, and when they ui nite in- the same person, - and there is almost a certainty that they, will come togetherV we find roan reduced to the lowest botlily and ioentai degradation, They are the cause of the desolation that has spread over the whole Ptate h f Vif gt ma a desolation sea re el T pa r alleled in the history of the wortd. .( ' Oiicof the gfesteat revoluiions ever yvitnpK"e.d totik place. twelve hu'iirr.l years a-in Avhen an irsidan.1, fe-;Ug by aconteoint fur the te?? trcrnd Lim. the aa Kntatardsttwtlus,.ta hunj iUt Itsr an tl Z4tive existence. I o bring about a re- ... lortoaiion antoftg imreameiT must quire timer their minds' 'must be more V ... itn proved '.tin y must be better inform- ? ' ,eil;aT,tj'"irTietftr consider forbidden articles they mait-T --; listen to trtoriil and religious instruc' ', y.'-...: lion; and,' above, all, the roopt rigid example must be Set tlicrn by fhtir of-, r '? '' Peer. , ' -2!:,t i Many-persons liy strict cmphasis'rn 'Jlfl. what 'they call moderation in tne use of t, , k wine, which they ronceire to be ci'iu-i.-:, mendahle, a' f ordi evidence of capability of Kilf-g vernftwnt, feuch --' r - - -notions are nb' rd. If a bottle of wine will induce a tiegree of irfto-xiestion """ 4 amountiiig to teiuporart rnadneii3, will ' rojLilJiingiii-g-Utss ..dUorder- the senses- .--liv -some drzre?'- approaching ttt that " " " state of excite:nent? At what pret ise point does tcmneiancecnd and ebricty -commence? May pot the mind be so delicately adjust cdr.ths! a Firigle drop ' - " " ' of intoxicating ' fluid may destroy its equilibrium? Ve see, persons ' who yiavebeeatintrmpcrategtiingoaftotn , - - !- ... - , - 1 . . . . . '..j.-..' . , .. -r year 10 vcar leaning a most rxrtnpiary tife,' until, yiel ing to the persuasion" t of their fri'ndw, or iVom corioVity, they; tattejrglai's 01 vnn?, wiien immediately '. " all . their," fortitude,'-, vanishes:' their 1 ' promises, m.tde during lucid moments, - are- vh!4y- dittfegarded -they- relapse : ' into their bad h:i')it Sntl are lost, But . why is this?, because in an'.. instant the win pnxiuces a moral perversion the veracity is irretrievably gone, ' - ' :; . Alfohol blinds the iinuerstinilinir, -v ' sears the cotHcience. nollute th nf. factions, and .hardens the '..heart.- It lends man Into ..temptation, and f;" es toevil pectiliar pow-i- over th mind.1 The moment person, takes wine, he is prone to became defeitful, and may h 1.' 'Viewetl us a ...5 later wrnring a, ;' 'iaelf, . AlLihc tn;e. tioble feelings ha may prnicM-t.r.ouwi lie jutlT. fcuspit-"' ...I ..a I" . ...1'. f i' .'... -Tl ' ' .... ! V, - S -r- ei aa itH'ain'' 1 it til 1.1 new chj..e lir they nte tueatricrd. ii i lasnionanio to . cxcuim 8giinl"i os8 yi.io, having oace acquired ir- smtsraU hab-.t3, should assB-rtaf : H i

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