NO. 34-1 ,JkX .ortk Carolina State Gazette, - - vDiuima. wxtT, at ' LAWRKXCB & I.EM AY. , , TKBM3. -u v.t""-'' ' SeaacatrTtni.. three -'dollar per ""rar7 , half hi arlMttM. Sobwrioerj m ..r. .....-. " wmiM be allowed to remain ' rrearttpnyer t... .. nil neraon reaident without tint LKjUrict v rcuMUMtd -to. -hk ur.. n.uint of the var "a lubeeriniion ih advance. 7 AivaaTtiwT, not exceeding fifteen tine, "mtrted three time for one dollar, iur twee ty.fiveeentt for e,ch eontintfance. ; " "j ' j LTT o the Editor mutt be post-paid, vs., ' x,- ..- --L 1 r e Univci'sity.ot .Virginia. The next tettlon will commence en Ike 10th ef Spu-mbcr,aiid end on tltc 4th of July billow ing. .-:'.-.-'--' ,. - ,- The expense of the whole letsioa art a. ful low.t . . . - .. ., . Hoard, washing, loillne; nd attendance, ' f 100 Jf UCI eU vniuisi w.tu s r -wwb ,. eomraitiioii, estimated at ' Jtent M Dormitory ft for half, af aecav -; pied by two Mailmti, 1 .' Uie of the Library and I'ubli Hoom, ' t Fee, 'f ono Pro'enr be. attended, $J0j ' : , it two, eauhS'J, if mora than two, each T? .... . .. ... ... . . .. . ' ... 90 I 11 JTalal, exclusive of clothes, book and? ; ....., pocket mooev, . '.-" v : - f $311 ' ., The altovmiw for clothe it aot permMted by . the ciweltncntt to exceed tOU ttalWv Mr thet for pockft tnonry 40 dillrt.' 1 . In additioe t the boe fere, thrre U In the Behool of Law, aa eitra fee or SO dutlira, , hie by thoea Hodenti who attend the eenior claa. ' The t'tculty itouoiuoaedof the follow inj Pro s- J. Mder LaniriiajTt Ur. Ghmi Bt- 'visa. ' " " -v. " - j, .VoAriMdVt-oCatatite BmitTtirrii. r I. Chrmittri and Materim Medic Dr. J. P. . 6. MftBcinf-fW, K. T, Mt..4 i . Moral PhiUnphy Gasaei Tdcebb. ; -:,.. x-J. a. u. b4Ti. . .-rr, . ; . ' PrafeMor Bonnyeaatle , da been apnoioted Chmirmaii, for the entomf tetltOhT and ihi joiot : offieea ot f roetor eaq ratroa art held by V. U. Peailleton. , '? T In eaeh uhool there are three retttar Leetoree veekt cawe otweti-, there ai m mnit or Ihent f itra. I -cot a ret, tuhed to the eeeeral elaeae into -wliieh tlie chol ltdmded. The aubjecti UUght I.1b each achoul, are atfoilowet ., r I. Antte nt Unrum. . Iq rlhil ; achoof arc taught the Latia and tireek lauguageaaad liter, turc.aud the Hebrew lanruare i -i : , jjliliii.aer!aa 8. Mortrrn Unguirea, I lie French, Spaaiah, gnagea tangnl in tni acnool ' ? .'! v 3. Matnematici ne aunieeti tauent to tbw departnient are. Pure and Allied Matbematiee, ana uwil engineering . v ' ,-, ; . 4. Natural fkiloeophy. Ja thi tchool all the' aioal branehe of the (ubjeetar tauelit. and 11- luatrated with the aiiietaitea ol aa eitcoaive ap- arataa niP.t , -. um' ' ' i- 4. Chemittry... In the leeturet to the Chemi- atl data, the applieatkma of the acienea are ne need. An cslenttve Labratory ia ttiached to the : Stpartment ., For the Medical department ee below. Y ' I.' Moral I'hiloanphr la thiaachool are alt included aoorae of Bella CetUrt aad Political luaonnroy :.,.---t-n-i r:--;: , 9. I.' Betide Municipal law, In all h Blanches, there r hem alao taught Ih Law of Katinoa, the Science ef Goveranieat, an4 Coo. etilutional Law. ; 'i,y-i-- Private arrangementi are road, from aroioa to the o Si cert and atodenUnf Oie Uoi vertity, lor the due part ormaoee of publle wcr hip and the attendance ot e Miaiter..The Hcv. K. H. Cobba, of the Epiaaopal Charch,haabeea eataged, and will officarta duriug lb acit aae ion I---; --'':'r-i-; s '..f -i.:-:. i '.:a - -rr- Th attendee of parent and guardian ia par ticular!; requeued to Uie.lollowiuf proxitioa ia Ihe enactment!'' '; :' ? -' '..'' ' Ka atudeat ahall be admitted under inter year of age, eaeept when he baa a brother ia toe L nivertity over lixleea -'. . - :--j..?; Every atudent mutt, Before mitriealatioe, de Mxhe with the Patroa all the money, draftt, It, a hi pnttetniont and the amount moat be at leaat auffieient to pay bi fee, rent. It, aad tare month board. . AB fundi abteuuetiily received by him mutt alao be deposited with the Patron, who haa. charge of hi ditburae ajieata i!!..-r-ri v , .-d; v.. .1 n l -r .1 vt!..j - . ) TlZZ. H h. T'.. wi:! i r hank draftt anon either of the bank, li the ! titv ef kiuhinond, ean alone he received nn d pntite by the Patron ol the atudent ; ' - Every atudent thall be permitted to teleet hi achoolt: provided, aevertheleta, that evevj; ttu devMiwMer the ag ot twe'ntyone, ahall aiund Heart threcProlestort, Jinlett, when We nwtri aot.tet, hi parent or -guardian shall prescribe, la writing, the tchoolt which he I required ta ilrmlv. or unlesa the - Faculty,- for good cauae thown, thall allow him lo attend lest than three. The dret of the ttudeula ahall be uniform and ,;n ' , .. - , 1 .j. . Such uniform a, made aeeording to a model eacrineii m in rnactmenva, may be mcr, . J v,r ' Medical Leeturet in thi hutimtmn will ommenee 00 the 10th day nf September, and l terminate on the ti nf Jnlv . . . .. - Jon V Emmet, M. IX" Protclor of Chemia r and Materia Medica , . A,'"-dT Mp,l, M. U. Pfetaxirol Theory d Practice nf Medicine. Midwifery, and Me. ','nlTw 1 4 -tj' r v v :- . Anetistut 1, arnrr.M 1). 4'rofetaor 4,1 Phr. wogr, Anatoniv mil Surgery . , r ', .. vv. . eaaa rroletsnr Kor bnanl, io- 1 ,uel ""diet, ate. S0V;.Fer Ibe uee of nroornail . ...y. ,." hool ajoatetae the great advantage of de half tha nanal kn..l. ..r. l ! t . mi vci,, woitn , ...wwawwa n nermrrn theeutle or the .le. fT"1 hicb the aggrerala of prolViaara' "at It very much ri'mimialiing. A Mill greater - t result Irora die leticih of die auion. and . to Whithxan Mill U iiMniu who have been obliged elsewhere to attend avturea . .i.l i. ,1... .i.. .. . , . 11 Z.n,Hatty tlut atutknt, instead ef being " t4 ever ihe growid he la ta travel, with I JV". ""mtistent wita profound aludt, it cn T in Inveatigat Ihorwighly eaah eubject, a rllyl!,,0,1 A,", Surgery is lihe- thr. t " wiiyevna inr uisaeotiun, aad JWltl a large Anatomical Mu- arte ut Lecture, ia thi. mtiimtioa It r Iwleli 1 10 ' "" either ih I1i aat a-'. T' or '''eaoty leania vehoolt, n lilrai."; ruu u" emled a lull onrse nt iCiu. . r' h Bl'd la aland for graduaiiow Kaaaeaion;aaHetidanae, ia either id the luatauiHMia . t-eVnteaor in lb. "A.JiiU''";ra w--- U 1 , . ..... .-,. 11. ,r: aa. "M",,, " l'arU each tn leetura three Week, makm aa . t , -M'ti.w wi tmiv nme I which a euwjcal of ma ti... l... aaa aaail master ' , . , C. BOSSJrCASTLt ' . 1 i NORTH CAROLINA - STA'TR LOTTERY. FOJl THE BENEFIT Of , . .. - The Halis bur Academy,;::; 2d Class High and Low Sjstem. jo vt drawn nt Untolntotu JUnroln tevensoti & Points, Managers, ; '. SCHEME. : '.'-'r. 1 Prize :jf S5,000 is 85,000 r 1 Prize or 3,000 W; 3,000 , j I'rize' of';" 2,000 U , 2,000 ' 10 rrizfs of 000 k 10,000 , 10;Pi izt f ;i; 506' iv 5,000 7 10 Prizes of S00 is 3,000 10 Prizes of: 0 Prizes of 00' is' 100 U 150 is . 0 is iio U ,000 2,000 3,000 GO , ioo ' soo 20,000 Prizes of Prizes ot 2,000 3,000 Prize stif; PrizbS'iof 4 is 80,000 26523f Prizea arat'g to 1 19,477 Blanks 2120,000 40,000 Tickets ,l "....-."' wa i" ' Tl xMwq.&wi tatn UlanKrt - MODE OF DRAWING.- ' To he ihnwn 4B4h tiieh and low rteni. The l,000 pmf 4dollrt lu b Hei t th high and low iliTmnft,- to be Uetermmeil ty that which Bay draw the capital priae of 5,000 dollara, ao that the holder of 8 ticket, I in ah diminn, i certain to draw One prixe, and may draw three. The number from 1 to 80,000, tacwesat'w, 40.000 era hitrn. '- All die" price abOT tbe il nominatiim of 4 dollar ' are put into one wheel, and all the number la anotlieri the whole to be drawn in a few hour- . All price payable hi eaall, forty tla'yi kWf the drawing, aubjeel to the oiutf deduction ot 15 percent. A package of 10 whole ticket in Uiia Lottery " will OK' "T-'T ";'- " ,; - -:7f-:;- 40 dollara Aad tauit draw nett ': ; "17 dollar 83 Tioilar :;TWo wha prefer adrenlurin; for the large priie,!, can in ltin. way. foc.S3 dfllliu-. ge.ili hianaera emtificale for ten whole ticket, enti tling the holder to all the ticket may draw over 17 ooUan, that being the amount ot tne Hollar of alave in nronortioa. MYw ' A ceriiRout lor 10 whole ticket 83 dollar; lor 10 hall dot SOr for 10 quarter do f 7S.- -Whole ticketa 4 dollarai halvea i Quarter 1. An account of the drawing will be forwarded immediately after ita event. ... ., ,'fiV-.',:,J- ; dj All order from a diatanoa by mail (pott Uaid) or. by private eoaveyanae, encloainr the eaah, or prize licketa ia the previous lotterv, wdl receive l be moat prompt attention, if addretaed to r W. i, KAM3AI CU. Jialeirlt. JS . C. -July 1V1S34 --"-' ',' ". - ' '. 31 i T" ; ' ' Medical College - Of South Carolina--Queen Street. Under the superintendence of. the M. ' dical -Society of south Carolina- The Leetura ia thi institution will ommeaee a ntual on the tecond Monday ia November next, I he tluterent Ulisin will be occupied by the toliowioc gentlemen:,;.. , ., ':r. . r. B B Slrobel, M I) Pressor of Anatomy " . Vm Hume, M D Profetsor of Surgery i . B B Simooa, M l) Professor of Operative Sar ( 'gery :: -''. f ."i'-- , ' '.-. re! "' ; ;.; ,i Thomas V Simnnt, M D Profetsor ot Tbeonr -and-praetlea-of tedleine;" - . Henry Auaauder, M D Professor ef Institute 1' of Medicine . . , . . ,- ... . Andrew llastclf, M D Professor of Materia Media v ..V; A - ' '' Charle Davit, M D Prnlessor of Chemistry Francis Y Psvcher. M D Profaawr of Obateu-iet 1 - aad Diseatea of Women and Children - . R Horry Da, M 1) Demonstrator ot Anatomy. The Marine Hospital and Ihe Hospital ca nceled with the Alma Houae ia tliit city, are u. der the direetiea of tb Fatuity ol thia College. Clinical Lreturea will be delivered twice a week, mimical uwi f " Prof.W which the student, wdl bc per"'lU"! LT. "V? t'. ' ' Dean of the faculty B n Sranait, M I) Secretary . ;v . Charleston, Jul; 45, 1S34 : 8S w - xLj..:.'": .L.:l:z2''iiiZ1'' ' '": RALEIGH, AUGUST 14, 1834. liemosfiL Being engaged ,ia mo vific our Office to a mure eentrat "attrf 9 ! this week to issue the S TAR on a half sheet. I As this U the first time which the Star has' appealed in jess than if usual dimensions aitice it has been jn the bands of its present proprietors, we-flatter t ourselves that . its oafrona ili,:eceiv4l'e lve as a sufficient V . - . f - (pologj lr its present SlZf. s K i. " i ; t v' 'k ELECTION KIH UKNiC ; V ; I irarre). Weliton N Kdaaids S. -Thnmae Jj JiMlkmtand John Bragg. C. ' Wi, G Jouea. on. run; oenaiw ruwaras as, no opiKtst- Hon., CortjmpnsT-J udkin. tJiajfg 4.7. Ueo,. ) H lTakma 393. Sheriff-Joi., Cartlncr o nea nn, not a caoninate, ao : , ; Wavne. Cabriel Kberard, 8. Calvin Coor aiul tVaaPorl Wn. .1 T Pin,-Alfred Mov; ao opwitwn, r ruk f,be e;-He ftd. memedtributeto Albtitton and John L f'oreraau, C, How-ll Al-t,n character of Mr. Dfunmond, but ptotrat britlon, Shff. poll: Seisate-Mya S6I. '.:"ctmv.' d aramst" meelin making itaell'a party mmn Albriiton 97. r'uremaa Itl, Maena M? any eoritroversv which . might arw, , Moyesa., auiiU.otca YVhiUey 8W,. Godlrry SUneil log Henujmt. John McWilliama, 8. Henry 8 Clark aad Samuel hmallwowl.C. Alice t.ri.l, Shff Poll: Scnsie Vl'VVillwiu.3tf6, John VV William. 279. Cmnruon Cl.ik 70S, .Small. wwid'OS, Wa Kennedy S4. Shariff-iiiat S95, Hilen Cndley 40i . ' awAmj-m. Cha'a Phelp. 8. Uriah Swee ney and Absalom Davenport, ii, ? ( sVunHaj Poll: 8eiie Juba D llawkius 82. Henry tl Willuima i'lT. t:iMnH.naJ.. J Maeklhi 738. AVm 11 Hattle 401. J. lv..i. 414- ' Kheriir-CkloB I'errr 7i . , c '.J&lgmmk Poll. jfaialalrdy-Fmwer XIJ, Mc9 Baker 17... Conumafit .Mm H Potl 8,'ii, Turner Bynum Sl, John t Dunirl 19S tirnfl-Wm IJ Peiwa. 6S8, holowon T UiwddvSlu, Kewjamio tv Ju..a .9 -' Mtuitn. Hillerv W ilder. i. J ml Jotiaafc liocMer, Ca A ililliitrvf. hir. .Vrrw jUathiM ft TTTca .mrcjr awMMwr wan .aiwrv"-- AJaatf, ! XIALEIGII, XT. 0. TnunDDAr", AUGUET I4r Supreme Cour. The Court ad journed oa Satordaj Hst, after a scs sum of- two mouths. Tu following decision have been made since our last:'; . V : ' - . ' - ' ' i;To!, Jedje. delterretj the Onimoa of the! fe1''1' Lir"'". .jlticoncl.ioi,.!. object in Ward V, Stun and llmri, ilitiit the bill ot i-i.j..,;. .l' o i . f ,. the Comnlainant withuot !.. Al.o, l the eJ 'C " ,bt ? PP"J by (of F.,,Miy ot Uoode .lla kja, Joy,r j.nd Uth - H.fc J Plaintiff. AWiu' llie et of Mara Scarborough and nthora, Iroia Chatham, ' ntiMinf tne ruinlin a nai. Alan, at Hie caaa of ( ta io aa, out at oDjcctmna had been made to L'laney and other l Crane, froia Ora.ige,; it, tie hl no wiall to pres it.' lie accnruV affirmine the intetloeutory decree appealed torn jnf;r ithdrew tt and lubmiUcd the lullu Alao, on the rehearing of the fleer U Carriii-i jp. ; ; ' ,' . - ' .; v ton . Simmt, retormiiii the laid deeree in p.trt. I . "T , , 7 l:r:.--'J.y;ra"rf-r -rrr-ssrr Kerir,CWJuMie,MitVw"Op contiit of f ibeCouri, In the eaw il the Preu.lent . and peraona, be appiM.ited by the Chir, tu Director of the Statr Hank Lmke and eh p-epare and. report Uctolmio n exprew'n e tif cr, froia Itowan, affirniiiig the judgment be-'the eenae of thia metiiir,.iii relation to the low. Alto, In the Me ol !mnr S. Downey . renuval of William 8. D.-ummund, Super Ana Smith and Maariee Smith anrt nihera, p"-, intemlent of Public Work, " : , i in upoa the noentiona oftha Defendant a and - .. , , .. ' ' '." aaakinj a linal necreo. Alan, In llieeaieat Kro - mond and (tihe.a t. Collinsfront K.liomh, af. firrumg the judgment brlow ami ilumi s-ing the nenkn. ' Altn,i throat of Perry r. Wiweil, m F.qnity, fniin Frunklin, detslniiiR tli opinion ot the enurt npa the eeral pninta aiailr in the pieauing. aim. ia ine oi jnnt t .v igm, rtKAt rrnm Bertie, irnnfc, lh. rprtonl hy ll.e. fendanta tloll and wife, and directing the parti to &i i.ihi. tha, will nf'Milea liavuer anrf tlrw rweediaoder whirh dower w.i ai. lolled to hit aidnw, nr ue a lurtherlpaulry" to be mole a tn certain fact. , -- ":-- . lathacate nf the Bnnaombe Tarnpika Com pany -v. Allen, tram llnncnmnr, a certiorari ia- ordered to hrinr hp a prr'nil traiiMript. The uintion by Ihe tVfendantt tm.a rrrtiGrate n ft J la rftef enevercwWo WiuiSitokei U ''H.Lri lioroVTrem TredcH;teeane of notranarript Vat " . i ... .. -.. . -r.-'-j. alr.Ma tor We filed b the aimeiranti.ltirrutedi the CouH heme of apinina that there U atranertpt, thw i.nMfLiM.:r .falri. a.. ha .U....IJ M trie motion ef either - piu-tr. : :r " . , Thae.o"Carau. Oi, from Rutherford, wa. ennaHicree y Ihe Uonrt but hot oecHiru. at Li-w T.7n:..T:J: 'ZZJ:: - ' ' " - - .. . m,- ... . r , ( fcreat perpeiiT, "'""s ".i-"s'7": - ... Dtun. Judie. delivered ihe Onmion of the Court, in the ane at Robert Collier Bank ni tow aarl -nTemiting "th excrpiiont to ihe" An twee of nefruiliht. ' Alan, in ll.e can fif IVtlv. ' mn'T'i revcranij u.e jmimem nt" ioho. AdmV of Beatleyellarri. anj ntlra, -ai.., : t- EieetttAra af IWnuvv' Pavl . i?fM.k. frflna ,r . .. .I -.. . - . !y daring ajtidgBt Lli. . vvaats ravertine iti tuiitrrurnt i.einw aua rcn- w. .aa.n- aa. .saraa. .v.. r. .a-, aav. rWrf.d,.why.ndmdcf..rb.eSuper We rerret to tat that Mr Wm. S. Jirvm th work ha bcea eennded. Their reasons tor- n .. ha.. Mi W. . tamed.' ; We may, howrreri veaiur to affirm fm,&,mKp l-rea In jhi city, wa latt week dismiss! by-iwy ,r Tr-y-'jr whole nuiiibcr ia each countv ghall nt the Comraittionen to whom die managrment at-'., tttttivti . thtrefrt,' That, ibis . tneetinsf be iese lhas ten nor exceed" twenty- that it would aot have been adopted eaaceouat of UtUL , , ;r f .(voter thereff the former for sa and either lack ot eapaeity or want ol attcotioa tnbu-, v Hettlved, That thi meeting firmly be the latter for ' two Tears That the busineaa. Tei Mmmenity, which "lias' been " 'hat thia diamiwal it approved by noin ' eci-see, .k'.n f, l.i,l . thraw. it..a.otidLbl.e..i,ementbr ih. ..! r m. tWwH.d .,t- hemelve etcepted. .V. - Sje" oy the qualified Voters, the 'of the removal ef Mr. Drummed, promptly jtjJ a. opinion of Ifil. meet- Wer for two Tears and the tatfer for tt.ppedforw.rd, a will be ae.a by the auhjo... 5ng ,ho public Work. under ...peri,,, f00r , tears-both re-eIiKible.--Sate ed proaeed.nj, t.d borne ample tetilmoay to tendenee of Mr." D i been earned o . with Treasurers to be ftnruinted hv the Le, hi. . k il 1 at. a trt ',.,. ad bit energy, aytt.m and a. much eapedt-itin a eou.patiUle with ZlA t r . V W"1"10 V 1tl efficieae, a. a m.ger, we pUurwIatit m.gnh 4d'mgUmt..h.v. never aeea a. Individual m ,rol 'lh e ?" " : flf La" , 9ftcC8 10 ele,Cd. 0T "'l, '.i--. . ' V ' lP bl ht" respective dl,tr.ClS T V mora ateiuuiiy anu anttring mauiiry. f It 1 also matter ot regret that Mr. n n. JV w:.l ' 1 - . . . - j . . . denartaaenti-'wlie aantfc Hie' lame :ih teutl umline. h.a bee. i.dueed. by the di.miM.l ot Mr. u" to re.arkS- .r:L:''V r.v.V x TUttt-wit;We mediately el th services af Mr. Druisranad I . ear, anlesa the eammiationera,iu the mean time,? kail reeoaaider the mat'er, and reinstate Mr D. howmnee wham Waot.altoit.tlw m able, aa tha measure wat adapted by .ptedb,. jorily Meaare. Camema and Bojlaa both being absent. . . '... 'T' -w .-' ' ' .- . PUBIJC MEETING. 1 .. . Rategh .lug. 8, 1834. 1 Purttmnt to a requett made to the I mens danf Of Police-iif WTitincoy a h ghly re pctblevumHerf citireftt, Triendi of Hr, linimmond, rejtie'inr htm to ' call i' nuhlie meeting to fford them an opportunity of f s pretaine; "their feetine w. ttb rerard to hi ditmiaaal a. Superintendent of the Canitol. (notice a iaaiied by him for the purpose, and in cnnaeqiie'nce thereof.'ane mtnal.iJil aaltaa.ta4 waa..! I'll houe. . . - . On motion, 7 Aomat Chhi, Zta. w.t called lo the Chair, and Major Thoma L Ji'iH act appointed Secretary. r , The Intendant hating explained the object of the meeting, Mr, GV tuibiuiued the fol lowing Ile.olu ion: - 1 , f Ptnvi4. Thai a ' Cnmmi'tee of three be appointed to wait on the Commissioners lor rtbuililing the Capitol, and ; reapectfully so licit t.f them a full disclosure of the charge which induced them to tli.miaa from the er tice cf the Sie Mr. William 8, brummoinl, I Mr.. Jfan't appoed the Kceoluiwm wiili much animauiin. tie denied that the Com. mitaionera were at all amenable lothe neo. ple:4 !UlcigUtlliiser diacharged the-dutV confided to them by the I State, and that jbi ineetintr bad no riifht to uuinau iicni .neir rraaon lor any tet paaatng a vote of censure on the eonduet of the Coii.innMO.ier The people of Italeigh, aa a community, he Said, bad no hing to du with itthey were delicately aiiuaied, and thoutd remain ailent. -, 1 ' Mr. itr replied with much warmth. He admitted thai the Coninii-ioner were not anwerabl to the people f llaleigh fo theireourae, end that thia meeting had no right to demand their rraaont, but there could certainly he ao impropriety in retprct fully asking for them, and I hi wa all tliat the Resolution contemplated. - lie diaclaim fit any Intention of aTtnigniua; ihe mrive of the Commiaaiuiwr. or cling centu'e upon them by a public vote, but eoi'.cuird thai heir d.aiiiiwu.1 of vtr. Llrummoud, in h0i scry individual ie the lisd cm,. Sdewc.e, vpkocompaiued a it htd been i. eharr? or eolafitioo.' a fattil b,.1 .iicte4.1tpat'i lMaci-bU H tee.uiF - - Tha work, w learn, will anntiau te progress " ni iinrgriTv ia. not ia the anghieat de. tatmence 01 a. vnu, nr a lumre aiaie 01 ander hi uperroiendenea ntil the eharga 1 - 'ee impaired by ihW set of lua Con.mi- rewards and ponthhmcnts . ineligible delivered U.,h. html, of Mr T4 Bragg , . peSv'" -TuT Warraa.oa, who h. bee, hi. Mrea,n, be.ppoiuied io ma.ualcate tt, mI'Vu. V Utr-?enW,W wh. a)i"Mt ' ,!. . . . : ' . . v.... iiicciiou, iuk community, but ca Ineoxla ot Mr. Iirummond, ta entlramr tu parry. fl protr.trJ the cruelty of permiltinir a worthy man to be ruined froto mere consideration of expediency, ami - preteed hi Ueicrmin.ilon to do -whut he be. I.everl riirlit- !;Jf .i0PPully '' i"" hf tnwtuiif a to Correctne of jheir cotirae, if they cho l - P"d Mr. Jftn!y. ami advocated y Uie ' ""w fretty niuon the jtu arjjnmenia were advancaj uo botli iiilea, i!h th'a ad .ditional one by lr., thai a the lire gent meetinw had not before them the rexaoni wh,ch 5tllu.-td , ! , mmi.iNet to Ui - ir..m,o,,d. it would be Very "':'T'T" "Zr ''OI to trie matter. , , . - 1 " qwion w Mien put ert the BaatlM ftte Itciohfion. and decided.ia.tlie ain4cta 'Hef by ail overwhelming' majority, two or three vote anawenng in the nrgaiitu. .': " , The Chair named aa the Committee the following . jfenilemrn, ' vii.U eaton It. RalM.:rl.arlM Re lir MDhe.t.r r?Manrf, nrr. King ancr ur. ir-iieuera,i or truant oflere.l Ay them, tKe4 W M eicuacd frum.aervitiL Whieh a era.Hed. eranted am and' I itulicirl ana a. j. iiwrence, Altrea W tiua William l(. Urimr were tibatitutcd ed. . - ,J ; "m"Vf v Wtto & u diwo.eretl, the; n ,t. rn..,; i. i.-.j , ...... , . j.. . - , . . t rrArreor. tins meetinp; have OKdert'ood with no leas urprie than reet," tlur Mr. llliani 3.JArMOim,O.I)J.. JllptriUtelMlt-.. Public Vork in thi City, lua been aurierae Z " T. j" ! dediit hia apbnintnr.ent by the Commission Of ateirt, Qf4ilfM wHianra bt Hunn arc tieepiK4lueceaie). rntnmi.i.!... . :.. u.tu ' .M..bLI. I. ... ...ij iinvii , .U.MIKI. .(ifcr .auwu. .. I II i .... ihe dutufa ul V T '"r' V ' t fc - IC a I wu"" ney " arraign me tnottve or tne tvommiaaioncr., regaru me uitmitaai 01 Mr. rs I.I 1 . . S a. . , : rww, s inii uui mceiing neve eonfiilehce ia the prtifeational Drummond. and believe hun ili..t frnm l.ia p.i..liae l.ah PWM'lt Hiryr-ei-nmng indui' ? M " V"1 . .? "P''f"n,' od V??lWy CommiMioncrs, regard the vliamiiaal ofMr.;.. r7L: , . Irummnnd, a an tinforiunate step, and at t,ce' f ,he Pcct ntI 0ne Constable e ihev believe, uucalle.l for hv tha ti.iKiio. . letted for each district bv the nuatified iawlhn e.W.h.rlr-r le, I ,h - ,.. - qualified retpeet, and that their confidence qualified retpeet, and nMUlila.1 ... ...... ... .. -. , a ol thee Iteaolurion, . and to convry 1" "'m "le "'. " WHI carry 'm rl?C iuta ,,rt , ' , 1 The que-tiott being taken'on each fteso hdiuii wparately, they -were passed aim oat ncn. on. patsuS Smpttn movediMjinieud sta 4e 4aa4m?,nPhn folhiwu V ;;; v,x : ? i i i ni?'lt between the, hours of 12 and l, -Bo4xieviAerr they -4)0 notariaig thenmtiveiof the Com--;thonT street, having rlosetl- his store, tniaaiinaia aaitaa.l a U. .1' - I A f - . J . a IIS I t . t miaaioneis, regard the diamietalol Sir Drum mcinj u an uutununate atrp, thoii(li ibey fc would induce flieoi to discharge ao efficient a 5uperiu! endeut : -. f - - Tlie sBhditTent waa rejected without a count. ; ,'.;. ';;--V-v ' . Before the tpiettion a taken on the . doption of ihe Keaolutiona, Mr. Mm uffei ed die following a a aulatitute: , v . RnlW, That thi meeting,. nqtlbavmg befoij.ditni the fact and evidence which: m.'.y htve induced die CUmmi.ionrr to di charge Mr. l)rHi;jmoi.d.lrom lie.SuMrjrdeJ .khcy of the Capiul,do neither arhrru or j deny thejutiice of that atrp, M r r ' Thi Resolution opprwed by Mr, Can. nnu, Mr. Crime and )r. U'iltiania, and ad ynetedby Sir. Clarke. The que.tiun on St doption wa decided in the ncgjlive, av j moat unanimously, "f "'.; y - 1 ;; ' ;. I atptjwob tion, wbtch w onanimoualy diipu d" r7J"1 liV, That thi meeting entertain e hiKh opinipii of tj.e pyoteinonal akill and pmaie'wuriW of Mr. M ilium VV. Birih.late Aavrant bunenntendent' of publie Work and while Ibey regret the eaueet which have induced him to rrtigu hir ailuatiuu, they ' highly appreciate the motive wintb iUu et.ced hi. determination..: " , . Retvtvm. Tlir i, Committee t,t three ippuiuied to watt An Mr. Drummoud, be vlso rerjuenrd to conmunkae this Kt-aulu tiwn to Mr. B.rth. and to lender to him (he corfli' good wiahet of thi meeiii.;. '. O. motion, the meeting adjuurncd. '. TUOMAs CUB ltd, C Vn " " Tet. '- ,.. , .,. ,---.;'. Tna. L. Ifnt, Sec. il - ' ' fri . iltranli fvm EwyJ: f, .,.,?. .nore time jvttjj Ihvittund torv'igiicr. arrived kt tlx ing! port f New York, aad witt.m ib' Lit .. muulk of tba present )ear m-ai I) (An j. Svt ihtMtinnl bate airivr.l ' l''r la ui- it.'r Ij r the largest purlin, ..( w' are iil lo I c HWv pi w,tb s.(i'-t Hei tw i " J,ai bai'y pasaadwula ldehitai'sur uf d. ' 103 j;:v.i.'.:,l!J. m. j - A few ara of cholera hare appaaretl m New Torkt but nnt enoih tp exrile ti aim in hr tlx ftncrll health of ihe cny, or taforuitii any rea aon to hclicve that it i likely agin to ra$e at an ejilvleniia, 'Tlie ce of ll.ia tliatMte in Quebec aud MontrexJ, at ihcUteat tlatei, were gt aJutt ly diiuwi.tlilij. , - r r 7 j n r New Vk. Aurnat 5 'TTim:"K3 tini, brifil Bi 1Vf," ai B-6uiryii, "at onVj O'clviclt yterdy,' He Hd arnred here tnne week aifu, f" the purpoae of placme; kiinaclf under the charge of an emineitt med ical praciiooer of thi city, hiving Tr at'ime time itr.-re .with at aflVcio-i of the jaw. to crudicsre wfiiuti rVtrqii:rrd"he'liSould u- ilTjro tne nital rial ilut aiKwrical onera'ion lrrM.t, vt thi. efy. . .alrcird Turther;-"'TI . ,T',1" we' titirrlf- p jrn.-we, wlut elrfed hi Oiiinimi ufthe irubiliiy of Hi Jude lo turvive tliu mierc tioiu. ,i'h a kuowietiK ot tu ririion of the aurgeon, he ati'l ilettr.ninrd upon pUcin. Uin;lf under hi lu kU. and wiihaxt the aitlnf friend or being bound, lia aub- nittieJ, ai h il.a btinoM f iri'uJe ami clir' nta. to the muit excrucui ni? .iortrca,bat in Ihe cottrse of half i hour after the com. N,Wtiou of theioctur'a labor, he died of ca j lmuio.t prodacod by the andd-.i reactiiin , the nerves which had been ,c.!l, to lltcir utmoit power in Ouovmir u.n hit mind thru'iWH the vfii jle of ihe unertt'ion The Jitde a in hi 6 avit year, and ttei'-mtUOniiTnuiti'eme Counof tue C" atted atait Ee. Star. - ; ! - Cnirleton, Jtu. 7, ; Steam boat bumt.-i-Yh steam boat (j, fr yVtt port. Was Uicoerd to be ; iu" yi b Tueada ni-rht ?n- r?.."iaM. niHU OtJi U4 atiay nt Mlc.',, umwvir.. u uin abo,,t 8 o'clocki Georgetown light bearing W.v dwtance 12 mtie. !n atiJlUt, five rB.nilte rum the. Um " - "T" . """t:"rA "r;"Ti,T, crew, in in numocr, were compelled . . ' , . '. , . . 7, uan'on er, wunoui saung any mrm -Trd jiruvmcil .' tialljr picked' up by cap. Curan, of i the schr. Jlice Plant; arrived here tcs lnVCUr' rtnI' ,lCrC Merttmf, .,. , ., ,. ,,j . .r .. v ::-sh v v-i Carttfetfion ndopten; sitioos, Vt7.:Tliat the difforent eoon- Wt " ' V 4 CI C H IffrUUl va T .nit Thnt hPrn ahall K un . i " ; .; .' '--.' ' ' tha people ol their respective uiitncis eeting hava- entire , fur a term of four years and be re-eti-ZS f-Afl Witraterate be dect habit of buauiet. e'1 w.v persons subject to nnhtary "OetjrWtthrn thrr bounai" 01 IhCIf tteie ral companies, battalions, regiment, Wgades and diviftioos-Minlstera of - '.T. f&tsfjl nic. 11 i b. w.i .m..vri th? I'SS'ature Person denjinp the not'. or peal tf accept a Challenge, or wr.ur in ngming a unci, ro lie lie. the Sutc-Iiicli.nonJ u. Dreadful antf filial JccUent.i-rrii 'New York Courier and Enquirer of tonka small tamp wincn was ourntng, ousknd'iTiflanimable liquor coniposetl of alcohol and r- Spirits ul - turpen(ine Hdv;ng unscrewed the top of the' lamp, he laid the wick siill buininz on the Counter and broujrht the cab containing nearly a gallon ol ihe compound, Hom which he attempted to pour a quantity into the lamp- - In an instant the flame from the wick Cummtinuated with the liquor, wnicn. caud . tne can. to ex plode, and covered ? the : uiiionunHtc ' a . a , . .. la. f man with its burning contenis. me wife ori riranng his cries tiaitened to bis assistance,- and; in a moment wan also WMntiit flames from head to foot A. you.ijr . womuti liviujr . wittx tnrm.j nanied i iv.iza MOW wa .in ujc store at the moment u he explosion, and ; endeavored to . fitinpu;-.h the flamPrr-ut-:lTer own,- drrsrr lis fitty Caught re,she wits 2 so : tailiy bnrnt that she Will probahly lose the o?e ; of one of her eye. Except two iufant childfen. thetrv were no other pet-sot! in the house, and the nhole l&mily would have hpeil bumed to,t death had nt a young man named Vne,a pKot. who was pasMitz st the time and heard the shrieks of the sufferers, burnt open the 'door, and rushing in, smothered the blaze on the drew of the " Servant ajirl.'"". Mrs Signer ran into the street with her clothe burnins;, sod fi ll down screaHrtngfon the side walk. "-OACcr two perons ram to ber asn"tstanr e, and w ranged a bbnkrt and other Ird ruV- pTiri-vs aStuit her oereon. all " of whiuh were, utterly burned through before n.e fla.titiw - ie compel tv-ly ej.t'irei .h-tl--1.? r, a gncr, maddeacd whb nga- iueuau run to a water butt at tlif I lilt .1.. I i..... .. I L I . . . ' l'I i. is ui j, w nun ur piun o. in- all ll.e line hc vu sm never uttpreJ a Eiruan, unti fits Cli.trr were turn nT his Wv. am! i(.it. end the nuiuiHfieii. lictlieil sunK 0;Wr? i ti . . r . . Klaimiog; "0 O'-di lata a done n ,i T!X- I lie Door sufferer rr takpn a tieJ,- iv!exK.Jbey,;:tecf!tvd-" ' aae-BtiiVn that Wedicnl 'skill cotil ise.J Tliry jinsered a the . r. i K"",""- ag"" ir some noura letitn put a period t thir tm,aliockiiiS for dercription. 'j'ht ir V ! w. : ...... t.. . i . r ' , omi ine wnoie Euriacc of ,.hp;r f oJ; V8 c''.mW' tti-ter. Alter death, iJecompositum ,nrocee!td 1 so rapttily that it was, deemed -idU,., bie to bury them as soon .siblei ami bv- b,lf pat eleven oMotk thev Mere laid butjt m tna jjrave. . " Hni tv Un.'Mlt, .Lighter Cal tti r,,-f .. th- MrmrMMnniy. Al.n. In'tlan ein! DIED, i, . - ,. 'i innam, H.b.r l mi.ii rt ,e- Uolmio,' In eminlv. on ih. OA , Infant, Ma slliyM4V-rv-tTvrwnitr-.:vt!.T; i". tVmtr. and writ at iim, ' a..K i tn ewtvenience of per.,n. whn t,nntt .' . feud M resiilar hou. a rTh v In nf w, j, ,, .,, if. It Hi ' V "-ew.vni to tne nan.l 1 11 ai',rr whlrXenaibined m-vemenl Jhr t'tt 1 ia ao-u etrnblrd tn write a free ,0( i, L . ' tin.,, n,, As Ih. star it limiird t lea'h in bit,t II. w It n I- i...:..-j . n.n. r..n.m nr imi-re.te.iat IHtacailemv. f Ilill.l " ttreet. wn.t nClh. S.a.e Hm..) .here ,I on. tnecimetia ..f pnpil,' improtemenia will h, e.h.hMed. Seh,io'vnd.t.liB rlook-Krvp,,., 1,, nnhla ean vraltr-r the n.r approved mokin Jil-.nt. t.i.ffhl' in the tim ol 1 or a wtk.t a general explanation given of ooitt. ..." " J,TIred'dl1rrifhr n,rV -oT 20 IrX- Hnnk-keepi.g and rltinet. and J dWr for.' ?.nIIktW I5,Pr' at dm termiiialion . T-, ft. J. Mr, 1 , It d-tirr,u nf tnr. V- . Um, fmn, half p.i r f!i io'tjuek. ; eight jjignAngu,( 14, 11,14 ';v'-" , "- - r.i A HI'..- - ; -. JLVSsrqjin $ ha tok , . ; ..;';;ipETEnsBree,:'. Vaf . J'"::'1' Hnvr reef ivrd imh-thltM Tall. i tr..t and Caledonia flrander. f,flm Liven,-,.! which hey will aell ia a,.b.. .n .... .muhem impwrier, a' w aa ran he. boni-ht In an, of ,h. noithern .Hire. Merchant, and Z hr r a h rr Jn .Ui banif of wolf r KftHh ara Invited tn rail hrlnre ll.e, lmyu,w rW , re determined ta dntilirate nn. tt.ern hill". IVerthnre, Angijtt g. . .,4 4w ' . : . NOTU K. ?CTTl' Uth a reniwiw: aa, Prl.lay.thr h mutant, tMUn, wm In.Tnerlv br. ' way, or ie will b draw wl.haa Hi. I.. Hi,.... , ; j.nor. - nh'rh, Angnsl II, ISti "71" ,r ". "-ywrort. of thit ph. 1 v.' rt,"rt 'Io,,k' o i1 of Mr.h,U, Alhm -1 h he. , rrnulrrd In nm f.irwr. prnve pmperiv, and hke J - ' r TVRLIC tSALK IF i . ? Copper mirh'i Tools. Tin tfrM.. rrr "elnae he anWirrj'W;;fvlidni'1r'K''J . ' " ' IT . n . !' """i uld In the .. et hMdee en 1, i,e Sth. Angus,, t.31" , enmmentih.g at It r .lore nn Seamw. tlrrei at , S oVI.Hk ti e ai.d, ek in tr-lwo, 'tZ t'n?. arrn. prrliapi di9 mst eatensive rt e.,r. .rtsair in llnw of bodor. tver tfW.I f.,; .ahvrn Vutuii.Tbe .hul.nfth tool, d . implement. die ran.hli.hnirnt. helieve.l In l.a hi a grlre varieiy th.n ran b found in tn. n. 'hf ciahliahment nf the, kind whatever l l.e alwda hWo.ld .nit kitchen furnfiiir,. wnttaiinr of lh n.M 'Varkty, via.J.1,, tM' , liraa.d. b'artl, k.. . - - -. A 1.0, .la.ea, Mima. Fanny and LerrhiM. ' 1 he prt snl tavnrable ntmrtB. . ' for prramit a nhiut tn enirare io prvTmhle bit. tuiata, nr In ,-. the hr tm k of !. Hmtt 0e " rnkftniacinre-lartiik,. :,'! !.., tale U withant ar " 'e"ere .),eer , . , .1 " . lrrm under 1 00 dollar ea.hi fvi ,tH fime miwha.4wr. (, mouth, tor iinnrovi d en 'Imtvd negotiable onie. ' ' T , j n TOWNES. Auct. r'etrshnre. Jnlv SI. j ' ' S4 g- L . V via,, H mnn Counfy. : f. . , ' . Court of Pirns und " Ouai ter 'S racier... c j, Xerm, 1834. - firay l.edbrllcr " -, a- : vv'.-.rt PeO'Inn againvt in lolin T. Kcntl Itnlhrrt.) . Adtfiiti.ttrator 4 , L'pnothl twiiiion b inr eihil.ii.J 1. . eoiirt, upon adi tavii. ,d (, ,,)pe,rinp lhm. Jo,)(, ' . I hfwilt, tha. arlm.lrlnr of N..,.u.i if. dey'd, i an hihnbitau of a.,,t,rr Slate, and h.I -i.iu hie .,in. wiiscnwi: it 1 'djerefow or-li-reij hy il.e e.Mirt tha. Miliirwii,;i.. .,i. ihe lialtitib Star !,, tlx Wrokv a la ll.e ,iA lilm I, Ljiertt fur l.lm to fcW-ee end an.m .raft - .elitmn,ai the nett . term of ihia cmirvt nr the tame Will be hrd . pHrie a In lm, and i.rn rre.l.ny hal thereon, amvriling In A et nf Aw seiubly.. .. Witneta, W m Di.mukea, Cle. k nf our ' mitemrt, at nlBr,., th, 2d Monday In July A. ' 5 1). fSSjC, and 5 Sdi v ear of nr 1 i.' ndesi. -.. - '...;., . : -- . a tv. 7f.Ti:s!! SAUATOtiA WA'I KIl. rWWUnm; I fa $ ami f VoTZ- " Have I .vt U c. i ed (ho lultnwln a. In , 1.1. ticlca, whieh 'e wull adauied t.fc tha tit'et. n, warm aeiiaun, and will hit liiiind f great bri, .fit I i invaliila and 01I1, ra eaonot avail Ihent ;rlvei nf d.c advaoiag nf a visi. t ..'run -ing plnrc: " - 1 :-..' tiuOrr't F.iflrvesfrnt Mirtie.ian Aperient, Ir.r indigesiion, ti"ru drlnliiv, giiMinrtt, head iclie.aoi'liiv of Hie alntruuih,' ke. aud highly r . aumtnevidr'ta. a eooliaii puigiv - - ;,' , ; NKoehmc and Suda I'owder. v . ', . Karat-.', ) . . dine . - ; ? " i': Chaf.vl.e4te tiirger ; ditto - ', V,'" . ' ' rrb mMtled KaraifKp. U ater'iJ y ' ; '':.'." "' ..HaleiRh Ausuh. IS'... '-, . ' . ," 7' ' -.'..' :- f. .?': ' ; . NOTUK. A r -ldi.g via. yak ew - op fcy' ielfa Mt'' ' ' Vfunnv, -m the exoniv ol t;wvlt, aw Mv wai. J South II; ao tu-aiC il. VI ilel. ' aeta - aa . Iili'-g is has ttt'trd wiih while hair t -, ; iin-l li.rf wiiit'i atn.ul Mi Lew ear old, S.e aari ih, and hav ht auotraew of a woik, Lun, ' aiu'd at 3 aui:.. ;ti ,:.l-..;;.,l'.j'..'.,.-U. v.-:,-'i .. i VM. Ul1Rwrt. 1 -'Afwat -,-:4tH-"-''".''I,7;-rf ri p-.--;?- I ft A CI. ere If Ml I. H n V I. ; I 4,1 -i jrffr-ift-s-ri -ii yit j.- lagaatxanBgonE J 'J I I 1 I s .1 ' f 1 1 'l " "I-